#Tech News Websites in Qatar
greatlobbyis123 · 6 months
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Xiaomi 13 Cutting-edge Smartphone Powerful Specs | Great Lobbyist Discover the Xiaomi 13, a cutting-edge smartphone packed with powerful specs. From its lightning-fast processor to its stunning display, this device is designed to impress. Experience the future of mobile technology with Xiaomi 13. For more details visit us: https://greatlobbyist.com/category/smartphones/
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kp777 · 1 year
By Thom Hartmann
Common Dreams
March 31, 2023
The Republican Party's most dangerous grift today has been their embrace of the lie that America is not a democracy but instead is a theocratic republic that should be ruled exclusively by armed Christian white men. It's leading us straight into the jaws of fascism.
Nobody ever accused Republicans of not knowing how to make a buck or BS-ing somebody into voting for them. Lying to people for economic or political gain is the very definition of a grift.
Whenever there’s another mass- or school-shooting, Republican politicians hustle out fundraising emails about how “Democrats are coming to take your guns!” The result is a measurable and profitable spike in gun sales after every new slaughter of our families and children, followed by a fresh burst of campaign cash to GOP lawmakers.
But the GOP’s ability to exploit any opportunity that comes along — regardless of its impact on America or American citizens — goes way beyond just fundraising hustles.
When Jared Kushner was underwater and nearly bankrupt because he overpaid for 666 Fifth Avenue and needed a billion-dollar bailout to cover his mortgage, his buddies in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and the UAE) blockaded American ally (and host to the Fifth Fleet) Qatar until that country relented and laundered the money to Jared through a Canadian investment company.
Just this week, after Trump deregulated toxic trains leading to a horrible crash and the contamination of East Palestine, Ohio, Steve Bannon — already charged with multiple fraud-related crimes and then pardoned by Trump — showed up this week to hustle $300+ water filters to the people of that town.
The grift is at the core of the GOP’s existence, and has been since Nixon blew up LBJ’s peace talks with the Vietnamese in 1968 and then took cash bribes from the Milk Lobby and Jimmy Hoffa in the White House while having his mafia-connected “plumbers” wiretap the DNC’s offices at the Watergate.
— Republicans successfully fought the ability of Medicare to negotiate drug prices for decades; in turn, Big Pharma pours millions into their campaign coffers and personal pockets (legalized by 5 Republicans on the Supreme Court).
— Republicans beat back Democratic efforts to stop insurance giants from ripping off seniors and our government with George W. Bush’s Medicare Advantage privatization scam; in turn, the insurance companies rain cash on them like an Indian monsoon.
— Republicans oppose any effort to replace fossil fuels with green energy sources that don’t destroy our environment; in turn, the fossil fuel industry jacked up the price of gasoline into the stratosphere just in time for the 2022 election (and you can expect them to try it again in 2024).
— Republicans stopped enforcement of a century’s worth of anti-trust laws in 1983, wiping out America’s small businesses and turning rural city centers into ghost towns while pushing profits and prices through the ceiling; in turn massive corporate PACs fund ads supporting Republican candidates every election cycle.
— Republicans authored legislation letting billionaires own thousands of newspapers, radio stations, and TV outlets; in turn the vast majority of those papers (now half of all local papers are owned by a handful of rightwing New York hedge funds) and stations all run daily news and editorials attacking Democrats and supporting the GOP.
— Republicans Trump and Pai killed net neutrality so giant tech companies can legally spy on you and me, recording every website we visit and selling that information for billions; in turn, major social media sites amplify rightwing voices while giant search engines stopped spidering progressive news sites.
Newspeak — George Orwell’s term for the grift where politicians use fancy phrases that mean the opposite of what people think they mean — has been the GOP’s go-to strategy for a half-century.
Richard Nixon, for example, promised to crack down on drugs, but instead used that as an excuse to crack down on anti-war liberals and Black people. Instead of an economic grift, it was a political grift.
As Nixon‘s right hand man, John Ehrlichman, told reporter Dan Baum:
“You want to know what this was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and Black people. Do you understand what I’m saying? “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. “We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. “Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.“
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The grift is a recurrent theme through Republican presidencies in the modern era.
Ronald Reagan told us if we just destroyed America’s unions and moved our manufacturing to China and Mexico, great job opportunities would fill the nation.
He followed that up by promising if we just cut taxes on the morbidly rich, prosperity would trickle-down to the rest of us.
Reagan even assured us that raising the Social Security retirement age to 67 and taxing Social Security benefits would mean seniors could retire with greater ease.
All, of course, were grifter’s lies. Republican presidents since Reagan have continued the tradition.
George W. Bush called his program to make it easier to clear-cut America’s forests and rip roads through wilderness areas the “Healthy Forests Initiative.”
His program to legalize more pollution from coal-fired power plants and immunize them from community lawsuits (leading to tens of thousands of additional lung- and heart-disease deaths in the years since) was named the “Clean Air Act.”
Bush’s scam to “strengthen” Medicare — “Medicare Advantage” — was a thinly disguised plan to privatize that program that is today draining Medicare’s coffers while making insurance executives richer than Midas.
Donald Trump told Americans he had the coronavirus pandemic under control while he was actually making the situation far worse: America had more deaths per capita from the disease than any other developed country in the world, with The Lancet estimating a half-million Americans died needlessly because of Trump’s grift.
Jared and Ivanka cashed in on their time in the White House to the tune of billions, while Trump squeezed hundreds of millions out of foreign governments, encouraging them to illegally pay him through rentals in his properties around the world.
Other Trump grifts — most leading to grateful industries or billionaires helping him and the GOP out — included:
— Making workplaces less safe — Boosting religious schools at the expense of public schools — Cutting relief for students defrauded by student loan sharks — Shrinking the safety net by cutting $60 billion out of food stamps — Forcing workers to put in overtime without getting paid extra for it — Pouring more pollution from fossil fuels into our fragile atmosphere — Gutting the EPA’s science operation — Rescinding rules that protected workers at federal contract sites — Dialing back car air pollution emissions standards — Reducing legal immigration of skilled workers into the US from “shithole countries” — Blocking regulation of toxic chemicals — Rolling back rules on banks, setting up the crisis of 2023 — Defenestrating rules against racially segregated housing
While Nixon was simply corrupt — a crook, to use his own term — in 1978 when five Republicans on the Supreme Court signed off on the Bellotti decision authored by Lewis Powell himself, giving corporations the legal right to bribe American politicians, the GOP went all in.
Ever since then, the GOP has purely been the party of billionaires and giant corporations, although their most successful political grift has been to throw an occasional bone to racists, gun-nuts, fascists, homophobes, and woman-haters to get votes.
Democrats at that time were largely funded by the unions, so it wasn’t until the 1990s, after Reagan had destroyed about half of America’s union jobs and gutted the unions’ ability to fund campaigns, that the Democratic Party under Bill Clinton was forced to make a big turn toward taking corporate cash.
Since Barack Obama showed how online fundraising could replace corporate cash, however, about half of the nation’s Democratic politicians have aligned with the Progressive Caucus and eschewed corporate money, returning much of the Party to its FDR and Great Society base.
The GOP, in contrast, has never wavered from lapping up corporate money in exchange for tax cuts, deregulation, and corporate socialism.
Their most dangerous grift today, though, has been their embrace of the lie that America is not a democracy but instead is a theocratic republic that should be ruled exclusively by armed Christian white men. It’s leading us straight into the jaws of fascism.
Bannon’s grift in East Palestine is the smallest of the small, after his being busted for a multi-million-dollar fraud in the “Build the Wall” scheme and others, but is still emblematic of the Republican strategy at governance.
When all you have to offer the people is a hustle, then at the very least, Republicans figure, you should be able to make a buck or gain/keep political power while doing it.
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zolvo-tech123 · 4 months
A Guide to Google Ads in Qatar from Zolvo Tech to Help You Reach More People
Zolvo Tech stands out as a leader in creativity and technology skill in Qatar's busy digital world. And Google Ads is the best tool for reaching more people with your brand and getting them to visit your site. To take your business to new heights, we at Zolvo Tech know how important it is to use the power of Google Ads in Qatar.
Google Ads in Qatar gives companies like Zolvo Tech a flexible way to show off their goods and services to people who are constantly looking for answers. With our knowledge and planned approach, we make sure that your ads show up in front of possible customers in Qatar at the exact time when they are looking for what you have to offer.
Zolvo Tech makes the most of Google Ads to create effective ad programmes that are made to fit the specific needs of the Qatar market. Whether you want to raise recognition of your brand, get more people to visit your website, or make more sales, our team makes sure that your ads reach the right people in Qatar, giving your business real results.
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Zolvo Tech can reach people in Qatar who are interested in certain groups, behaviours, and hobbies by using Google Ads' advanced targeting tools. We get the best results from your advertising spending and maximise your return on investment (ROI) by showing highly relevant ads to the right people at the right time.
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technicalfaiq143 · 11 months
ثوب اسود
The digital era has revolutionized the way we shop, making online retail websites a staple for modern consumers. The Middle East, known for its vibrant culture and bustling markets, has embraced e-commerce with open arms.
In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of online shopping in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait, exploring some of the most popular websites that offer a diverse range of products to cater to the needs and preferences of shoppers in the region.
Saudi Arabia: A Shopping Paradise
Saudi Arabia, the largest country in the Middle East, is home to an ever-expanding e-commerce market.
The tech-savvy population has welcomed various online shopping platforms that provide a seamless shopping experience. From electronics and fashion to household essentials and beauty products, Saudi shopping websites cater to all tastes and budgets.
One of the prominent players in the Saudi e-commerce landscape is “Souq.com,” which was acquired by Amazon in 2017. This platform offers an extensive range of products and provides a safe and convenient shopping environment. Additionally, “Namshi,” a popular fashion-centric website, stands out for its trendy clothing, shoes, and accessories.
Qatar: Where Elegance Meets Convenience
Qatar, a small yet affluent nation, boasts a thriving e-commerce market that complements the country’s luxurious shopping culture.
With a focus on quality and sophistication, Qatari online shopping websites cater to the discerning tastes of consumers.
“Qatar Best Deals” is a prominent website that provides exclusive offers on fashion, electronics, and other products. For those seeking high-end fashion and designer brands, “Fashion District” offers a carefully curated selection of apparel and accessories.
ثوب اسود
Moreover, “Ubuy Qatar” is known for its global reach, allowing customers to shop from international stores and have products shipped directly to Qatar.
Kuwait: Embracing Modernity in Shopping
Kuwait, a country rich in tradition and innovation, has embraced e-commerce with enthusiasm.
The Kuwaiti online retail landscape caters to a diverse audience, offering a fusion of traditional products and modern trends.
“Xcite Alghanim” is a leading e-commerce website in Kuwait, offering a comprehensive range of electronics, gadgets, and appliances.
For fashion enthusiasts, “Centrepoint Kuwait” provides an array of clothing, beauty products, and accessories from popular brands.
Additionally, “Lazurde” caters specifically to jewelry enthusiasts, offering exquisite designs that reflect the cultural heritage of the region.
Embracing Convenience and Trust
The rise of online shopping in these three Middle Eastern countries has been fueled by convenience and trust.
E-commerce websites in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait have focused on providing secure payment gateways, fast delivery services, and reliable customer support.
Shoppers appreciate the ease of browsing through a vast selection of products from the comfort of their homes and having them delivered to their doorstep.
Moreover, online shopping platforms often host sales events and promotional campaigns, enticing consumers with discounts and special offers. This practice has further strengthened the bond between customers and online retailers.
The shopping experience in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait has evolved significantly with the advent of e-commerce. These countries have witnessed a surge in online shopping websites that cater to diverse interests, offering a vast array of products to choose from. Whether you’re seeking trendy fashion, cutting-edge electronics, or traditional handicrafts, the e-commerce platforms in these countries have something to offer everyone.
As technology continues to advance and consumer demands evolve, we can expect the e-commerce market in the Middle East to expand even further, bringing new innovations and delightful experiences to shoppers in the region. So, next time you feel the urge to indulge in retail therapy, remember that the virtual shopping malls of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait await you with a plethora of exciting choices!
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misdrnet · 1 year
DaWang Manufacturing | As a leader in the aluminum processing industry, what does DaWang, a "big shot", say?
Da Wang Manufacturing | As a leader in the aluminum processing industry, what does Da Wang, a "big shot", say?
Zhaoqing High tech Release 2023-06-09 20:41 Published in Guangdong
Open column language
The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to adhere to the focus of economic development on the real economy and accelerate the construction of a strong manufacturing country; Promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry. At the second plenary session of the 13th Provincial Party Committee, it was also proposed to highlight the leadership of the manufacturing industry and erect the industrial "backbone" of Guangdong's modernization construction at a new height.
As the "locomotive" of Zhaoqing's strong industrial city and a leading area for high-quality development, in recent years, Zhaoqing High tech Zone has firmly established the development concept of "strong industrial city, projects as the king, parks as the mother, and enterprises as the first", nurtured a large number of high-quality manufacturing enterprises, confidently and confidently treating the manufacturing industry as a solid family, making "Dawang Manufacturing" renowned both domestically and internationally. Zhaoqing High tech has released a special column called "Dawang Manufacturing" to showcase the company's style and further consolidate the strength of high-quality development and progress.
Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd.:
Leader in the development of the aluminum processing industry
Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. (AAG Asia Aluminum)
Located in the Yalu Industrial City of Zhaoqing High tech Zone,
It is a large-scale and well-equipped facility in the Asian region
One of the manufacturers of aluminum profiles.
Since its establishment in 1990, the company has been committed to
Design and manufacturing of high, precision, and pointed aluminum extruded profiles,
Product expansion to building doors and windows, industrial profiles
Multiple fields such as aerospace, rail transit, and automotive manufacturing.
Since 2005, the company has passed TS16949 automotive profile system certification, DNV classification society certification, etc., becoming one of the earliest companies in the aluminum profile industry to adopt international advanced standards. The "South Asia" brand trademark it owns has been recognized as a "well-known trademark in China", and the "AAG Asia Aluminum" brand has also won honorary titles such as "Top 10 Aluminum Profile Products in China" and "Top 10 Preferred Brands in the Industry" multiple times.
For many years, AAG Asia Aluminum has insisted on
Driven by technological innovation,
Stable product quality
And comprehensive after-sales service,
Won countless praises for it.
The company's products are popular around the world. The 2022 Qatar World Cup main stadium and its surrounding supporting buildings, the Burj Khalifa Tower, the sailing hotel, the domestic Bird's Nest, the Water Cube, the National Grand Theater, etc., all of the aluminum materials used are "Made in China" - aluminum materials from AAG Aluminum.
Engineering Case of Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. Tuyuan Company's official website
Developing 'black technology' to triple production capacity
Technological Innovation, AAG Aluminum
The key to maintaining industry leadership,
In particular, its "the first mock examination porous" technology,
It was applied in production more than ten years ago,
We still hold a leading position in the industry to this day.
Production workshop of Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd.
In the aluminum processing industry, "the first mock examination with multiple holes"
It is a way to improve product yield, production efficiency
Advanced production technology for profile quality,
The effect of improving quality and efficiency, saving energy and reducing consumption is significant.
AAG Aluminum relies on its own mold research and development technology,
The "the first mock examination with six holes" has been developed and fully used,
Some products even realize "the first mock examination with ten holes".
Chen Yunhu, Executive Vice Director of AAG Aluminum Corporation, introduced:
Compared with the "the first mock examination with two holes", the "the first mock examination with six holes" has directly increased the production capacity by three times, achieving remarkable efficiency and low energy consumption. The aluminum used in photovoltaic products has fully used this technology, and its quality has also been recognized by customers.
Production workshop of Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd.
In order to make the "the first mock examination with multiple holes" technology
Fully reflecting efficiency while ensuring quality,
AAG Aluminum has also synchronized research and development
Low temperature and high speed extrusion process,
Using relatively low aluminum rod temperatures
Squeeze the aluminum rod into shape with the fastest extrusion speed,
For the technological development of the aluminum profile industry
Bringing revolutionary improvements.
The extrusion production line of Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. Tuyuan Company's official website
It is reported that AAG Aluminum currently has 56 extrusion production lines,
The annual production capacity of the entire extrusion line has reached over 600000 tons.
At the end of 2022,
AAG Asia Aluminum achieved a consolidated revenue of nearly 10 billion yuan throughout the year,
Becoming one of the top 100 manufacturing enterprises in Guangdong.
Improving "Software and Hardware" and Promoting Green Production
AAG aluminum oxide has been used for many years
Continuously strengthening technological equipment and process transformation,
Strive to improve the efficiency of comprehensive resource utilization,
Respond to the call for energy conservation and emission reduction with practical actions,
Accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading,
Promote sustainable development.
Introduction by Wu Cijian, Director and General Factory Manager of AAG Asia Aluminum:
In recent years, the company has increased its investment in intelligence, and the technology and equipment in all aspects have been upgraded and renovated. For example, in order to meet the requirements of clean energy, the "oil to gas" process is implemented in the melting and casting process, and low toxicity and non-toxic agents are selected in the aluminum surface treatment process.
The spraying production line of Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. Tuyuan Company's official website
Recycling and reuse
It is a major lever for AAG Aluminum to promote green production,
Mainly reflected in the adjustment of coloring process.
This process involves changing the nickel salt deposition in the pores of the oxide film,
Products created
Short coloring time, stable color, and high production efficiency,
Also implemented a coloring slot
Diversified production of coloring materials with different color schemes,
Significantly reduce production costs.
The oxidation production line of Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. Tuyuan Company's official website
Recovery and Utilization of Aluminum Dissolved in Oxidized Alkali Tank
It is also a highlight of AAG's green production of sub aluminum.
This technology introduces relevant alkali recovery and environmental protection equipment,
With professional process improvement and strict on-site control,
Achieving maximum alkali recovery.
Moreover, in multiple super spacious factories of AAG Aluminum, the melting, extrusion, surface treatment, warehousing, and shipment of aluminum materials are closely linked and do not go backwards. The modern management mode and scientific production process control provide important guarantees for improving production efficiency and saving manpower and resources.
Asia Aluminum Industrial City. Tuyuan Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd
Assisting the high-quality development of park industries
Within the Asia Aluminum Industrial City,
Existing aluminum buildings made of all aluminum materials,
There are also aluminum overpasses spanning both sides of the road,
These are AAG aluminum oxide
An embodiment of extending the industrial chain.
Aluminum overpass. Tuyuan Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. official website
In recent years,
AAG Aluminum continues to extend its industrial chain downstream,
Downstream of aluminum templates, aluminum home furnishings, aluminum overpasses, etc
The aluminum product market has achieved good market response.
According to Wu Cijian's introduction, based on the current orders,
The production and sales performance of industrial aluminum materials is good.
Wu Cijian said: "This is also due to the improvement of the industrial chain of aluminum processing in the park, including supporting enterprises, deep processing enterprises, etc. The company continues to increase the research and development and production of industrial aluminum, so that the company's business can match the development of modern industry. Now, XPeng and CATL are our end customers."
All aluminum body frame. Tuyuan Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. official website
AAG Asia Aluminum will cooperate with end customers,
Intensify efforts to develop new products,
Maintain technological advantages,
Especially increasing the demand for industrial aluminum materials
R&D and promotion,
Assist in the development of the aluminum processing industry in the park.
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officemaster-ae · 1 year
Computer Office Furniture Comes of Age
Most early computer office furniture was designed to meet certain basic requirements: Make it functional, with keyboard drawers, a cubbyhole for the CPU, and punch-outs for cords. Add a hutch to hold extra printer paper, disks, and manuals, and make it all as inexpensive as possible. Little thought was given to appearance except in the very high-end pieces. But that has all changed. Today, it is possible to find utile, attractive items at reasonable prices and in a style to suit any décor.
Modular arrangements continue to be one of the most popular choices in computer office furniture. You can choose from the basic cubicle arrangements that attach to fabric panels for sound reduction and privacy to more exotic pieces, such as kidney-shaped work tables. Most pieces allow you to select both metal and wood finishes, so you can mix and match to suit your personal preferences and the overall color scheme of the office. With a wide range of colors and components available, as well as ease of installation and re-arrangement, it is not surprising that modular offices remain a perennial best-selling line.
But some people demand more in their computer office furniture. Perhaps the goal is to coordinate a functional workstation with an antique executive desk. This can certainly be done, whether you are trying to match a cherry, walnut, or mahogany finish. Designed to add an old-world touch but with new-age technology in mind, these pieces can incorporate glass front hutches and ornate hardware into a utile workstation. Components allow you to set up a basic corner area or arrange it in an L or U shape to match your needs. Bookcases, hutches, and file cabinets can be added as desired.
More contemporary office furniture is also available. Some feature crisp, sharp lines that are clean without being stark, and offer functionality without sacrificing beauty. Available in a wide range of finishes, these designs tend to eschew heavy drawer pulls and showy insets and focus instead on creating a relaxed, attractive work environment. A wide selection of component pieces allows you to customize the layout, and, like modular furniture, everything is easy to re-arrange or expand, making it convenient to add bookcases or file cabinets if your needs change.
Also in this category are more futuristic designs, such as glass-topped computer office furniture. With metal supports and legs, the clear surfaces add light to the room and announce that the occupant is high-tech and stylish. Many designs offer glass shelving in the hutches along with glass doors that allow you to see precisely what is inside without having to hunt for what you are seeking. Available designs include non-traditional shapes, such as curved work tables, and there is no shortage of how the numerous components can be arranged.
Whatever style you desire for your computer office furniture, you can find what you like online. The choices are plentiful, and the number of component pieces available is astounding. It is no longer necessary to choose between functionality and attractive décor-the new office furniture for your computer lets you have both.
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stepphase · 1 year
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Gabriel Jesus has a more serious injury than expected
The Brazilian will undergo knee surgery. His World Cup is over and he could be out for three months.
Bad news for Mikel Arteta. After being injured in his third group stage match against Cameroon, Gabriel Jesus (25 years old) will undergo surgery on his right knee, as announced by the English newspaper The Telegraph.
Thus, the Brazilian striker will not be able to play the remainder of the World Cup in Qatar and could be out for more than three months, as reported by the journalist specialized in transfers, Fabrizio Romano. A problem not only for Tite's selection, which has Richarlison as a starter but also for Arsenal...
Because the Gunner team will return to the Premier League at the end of December and will do so without a reference in attack. While Jesus recovers, Eddie Nketiah will have more minutes as 9, although a move by Arteta's team in the winter transfer window should not be ruled out.
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jazpmarketing · 2 years
Why On The internet Personal computer Purchasing is Beneficial than Offline
Technological know-how qatar has arrive a long way and enhancements to significant-tech advancement are in entire swing whenever you stop by a Tech Store in Qatar. There are tons of computer systems, gizmos, peripherals, together with other equipment. These merchants are helpful in a person’s quest to uncover his technological needs. An economical tech store needs to have its Site to accommodate All those who prefer to shop inside the comforts of their dwelling. These shops use encryption and security steps that even hackers would've a tough time cracking. An internet site that starts which has a Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure as well as a lock image is probably being a protected site. The increase of the Internet has manufactured points extra comfortable. Internet shopping qatar not only allows you to browse numerous shops but also helps you to use cost comparison engines to get the ideal rate. Folks get well promotions on the web as compared with offline computer merchants. You should use cost comparison engines for the most beneficial costs or the top and most reliable online shops out there to purchase your hardware. Individuals You should not just go surfing to buy. They choose internet shopping for making comparisons among the various spots that they can possibly acquire from. It is a tiring system to go from 1 Bodily shop to the next but jumping from one model to other by means of the online market place is not hard. An important aspect of such websites is their ease. It is simpler for persons to shop on the web because they don't have to go away the comfort and ease of their houses. On-line Personal computer Shopping will save you a lot of time given that likely from 1 store to another can be extremely time-consuming. You might not be privileged sufficient to receive the desired Pc from the 1st retail store so It's important to drop by a number of extra before you find the correct unit for yourself. Internet shopping saves your cherished time as you can certainly see accessible solutions with no leaving the comforts of your house. This fashion, both equally your time and cash is saved and there's no want to acquire avoidable items. The provision can be a plus stage simply because on line tech merchants are always offered 20-4 several hours a day, seven times a week. Laptop or computer gizmos and peripherals come in all styles and sizes and you frequently get drawn to all of these. But shopping online allows you to do your investigation and it is a wonderful way of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a specific product or service. You may seek out any merchandise by using a internet search engine, and discover all the small print. Pc internet shopping also provides you comparisons on characteristics, specs, and prices. Tech Merchants Enable you buy electronics from desktops to smartphones. These merchants are specialized in marketing numerous different types of tech objects and Using the improvement in technologies; they are popping up with the latest gadgets to supply their customers.
What do Tech Stores Offer you?
Tech Retailers are wonderful to buy your subsequent smartphone laptop computer or Computer system. The retailers have a sizable assortment of objects as well as professionals who aid clients pick something.
New and Utilised Electronics
Some tech shops carry new products that you should purchase. But, there are occasions when the store delivers a section for pre-owned goods too. This is excellent for somebody who is aiming to help save some money but wishes higher-excellent things.
Internet shopping
Lots of Tech Retailers in Qatar offer goods by their Web page so that you could buy your new Pc in the comfort and ease of your private home. These websites can be found 24 hours per day so it is very practical to receive what you will need.
Extended Guarantee
An prolonged warranty is the right selection For anyone who is concerned about your gadget breaking down. This handles any faults or damages that materialize to occur after buy. It is excellent in case of any unanticipated going on.
Laptop or computer Components
Tech Outlets offer Laptop or computer extras at sensible rates.
Qualified Tips
Many tech merchants employ the service of professionals who are well-knowledgeable concerning the products available. They help you make an educated purchase and be sure that you get what exactly is best for your preferences. This is great In case you are buying a pc for The very first time or else you do not know about tech products on the whole.
Return & Refund Policy
On the internet tech outlets in Qatar have a return coverage if you are not content with your acquire. These merchants also give a refund for objects that you just obtain defective or destroyed.
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0 notes
xceltecseo · 2 years
5 Years Enchanting Success Journey
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I'm over the moon to share some amazing news! Yes, it's hard to imagine that we are already five years old, but we are still young and full of life.
The success of XcelTec over the past five years fills me with delight and pride.
Xceltec has been building a strong foundation from the start. On December 30, 2021, Xceltec will commemorate its fifth anniversary. This makes us really happy and excited.
A team of professionals and creatives called Xceltec - Web and App Development is committed to offering services that help companies locate their next client. As we have helped our clients overcome the challenges of increasing their businesses through new ideas, we have successfully built a global company that is proud of benefiting lives through inspired software.
We are professionals in web, mobile, IoT, Unity 3D, AR, and VR, as well as digital marketing, and we have assisted many businesses in achieving their goals.
Xceltec has been constructing a strong foundation from the outset. On December 30, 2021, Xceltec will mark its fifth anniversary, which we are quite happy and excited about.
Xceltec - Web and App Development is a team of professionals and creatives committed to offering services that help companies locate their next client. We have successfully built a global company that takes pride in enhancing lives through revolutionary software, and we have helped our clients overcome obstacles to growing their businesses through creative thinking.
We are professionals in digital marketing, online, mobile, IoT, Unity 3D, AR, and VR, and we have assisted many businesses in achieving their goals.
On December 31st, 2018, we underwent growth and created Panoramic Infotech, a new IT product development firm.
Now that we were carrying heavier burdens, we moved on to our next objective.
Software Development at Panoramic Infotech offers services like
Product Prototyping 
Digital Transformation & Product Development
Cloud and DevOps
Property Management Solution
Voice & Video Assistance for Mobile App & more
We developed a variety of programmes that sped up and simplified networking and communication while taking into account emerging technologies and trends. Ample's well-known market solutions include video bots, voice assistants, travel portals, grocery apps, property management software, e-commerce websites, and web apps.
In 2019, we start a fresh change in the healthcare sector with the usage of the most recent technology and future consideration thanks to our ongoing effort and fantastic activity in our IT sector.
MyCare - The Leading Telemedicine Platform For All Healthcare Solutions is an E-healthcare programme that links patients and doctors digitally over a secure platform. It was introduced with significant expansion.
From any location, patients can easily connect to pharmacies, hospitals, and laboratories. All medical records can be safely kept in the medical passport.
With MyCare's great devotion, performance, and sincerity over the course of one year in 2018–2019, it expanded and established itself across Africa.
Starting with Kenya, we gradually introduced MyCare to other parts of Africa, including Ghana, Mena, and more.
www.mycare-mena.com (Medica)
Our Region
COVID was The New Normal to People" in December 2020 The Pandemic made people realise how unpredictable life is at a time like this. In this sorrow, the Xceltec family at the time displayed a strong bond and loyalty.
Xceltec made progress by expanding employment and tech-related opportunity opportunities. We then launched Mas Global Services, a new IT consulting business.
Services Providing from Mas Global are as follows;
1) IT Consulting
2) Email Services
3) Zimbra Email Hosting & Migration
4) Cyber Security
5) HIPAA & GDPR Compliance
entered 2021 with a fresh concept!
Due to Covid, the situation was so poor in terms of employment and education that the idea of training and internships as the industry's growth driver for 2021 was born.
A successful launch of SkillIQ - Professional IT Training Institute took place on September 27, 2021, with the goal of educating people to improve their future prospects in the IT industry.
By the time December rolled around, SkillIQ had also established a new flagship in the USA.
We were confident that we would reach a significant milestone in the upcoming year because Xceltec and its venture were performing dramatically.
Consequently, Xceltec has thus far seen a typical path filled with highs and lows. We also genuinely feel fortunate to have this list of accomplishments and milestones developed.
Establishment in 2022: There will be a tonne of fresh, interesting prospects!
Visit to explore more on 5 Years Enchanting Success Journey
Get in touch with us for more! 
Contact us on:- +91 987 979 9459 | +1 919 400 9200
Email us at:- [email protected]
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foneqatar · 3 years
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greatlobbyis123 · 6 months
Tech News Websites in Saudi Arabia | Great Lobbyist
Stay up-to-date with the latest Tech News in Saudi Arabia on Great Lobbyist. Our website delivers comprehensive coverage of cutting-edge technology, gadgets, trends, and industry insights. Join our community of tech enthusiasts and be the first to know about groundbreaking innovations shaping the future. Explore now! For more details visit us: https://greatlobbyist.com/type/news/
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zolvo-tech123 · 4 months
Zolvo Tech is the best website developer company in Qatar. They can help you improve your online presence.
Zolvo Tech is the best website creator business in Qatar. They can help you improve your online visibility. We are committed to quality and new ideas, and we make websites that are exactly what you need. Our teamwork style makes sure that our clients are happy, and we give you cutting-edge solutions that make you stand out in the online world. Zolvo Tech can make your ideas come to life and help your business reach new heights.
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Click for more details
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gauribhalekar · 4 years
American Business Association,Inc builds innovative phenomena to encash exorbitant money online
The group is promoted by a seasoned ex techno banker Anim Akhtar Ali Khan with work experience of around 20 years in Banking , Professional Consulting, Core Management & International Strategy in more than 5 countries. Indian business magnate, technology specialist, banker, and philanthropist Anim is best known as the founder of PerPayment.com, Fundacle.com,  HireKhan.com & ABACert.com.
During his career at major banks in India & Middle East he was heading technology department, Anim has vision for socio economic tech products, which would create jobs & enable access to funding for businesses worldwide.
Anim owns 100 % Ownership of PerPayment, HireKhan, Fundacle & ABACert.
With past working experience at management level in major banking technology players like BVQI, IndusInd Bank, Emirates NBD Bank Dubai, Masraf Al Rayan Bank Qatar, Neogrowth Credit NBFC India.
Anim with his team started this socio economic technology product journey around 10 years ago in feb’2010 the team identified for next two years from 2010 – 2012 gaps in the fintech ,outsourcing and business trust ecosystem.
We undertake to innovate and introduce new research based products and services. The goal is typically to take new products and services to market with global impact to fill the untapped market.
Based on 2 years research from 2013 to 2020, three products were complete with international level acceptance Fundacle -Fintech , HireKhan – HR Tech & ABAcert – Business Trust. The launch pad for all three products would be PerPayment.com
Our Business Model is through Country Level License Sale of Joint Venture Partnerships, Financial Consortium & Global Stake Sale in major countries across the world. We provide Framework and Operational Support to our JV partners and they Execute and Market it.
On sale of the Stake, we would accept directors from the investors and provide international audit of the company.
American Business Association, Inc.  registered in United States undertakes to Innovate and Introduce new Research Based Tech Products and Services with Global Impact to fill the untapped market.
American Business Association is a conglomerate with businesses in HRTech, Fintech, Credit Rating and Business Consulting with separate companies.
With a new-age digital business model, ABA plans to expand in 180+ countries. The digital native has already developed platform cater to:
PerPayment is a launch pad for satellite products Fundacle, HireKhan, ABACert.
PerPayment is an advertisement program run by American Business Association Inc through which website publishers display text, images, video advertisements on their Website or Social Media Channels and generate revenue on a per conversion basis.
It enables small websites and businesses that do not have sufficient resources or other major sources of revenue to generate advertising revenue.
The Simplest Way to Make Money Online through Website / App Monetization, Social Media Influencer Marketing & Ads Trading Platform.
Now Grow Your Money Online & Get Paid up to $ 299Per Conversion
So, How does it work?
§  PerPayment provides Ads for three major platforms
§  HireKhan.com , the AI based HR & Technology Outsourcing Platform
§  Fundacle.com, the Financial Networking Platform for FundSeekers & Investors
§  ABACERT.com , the Business Trust & Verification Platform
It’s Free. PerPayment AdSell Network as an alternate to Google AdSense provides avenue to advertisers to earn an extra income
You can give Text Ads, Image Ads & Video Ads on your website / apps. For every monetary deal on any of the three AdSell Network products by clicking on the Ads displayed on your website, App or social media channels, you will earn up to $ 299.
For Website Publishers:
     Choose the Ad type that best suit you (Flash the names of the Ad Types on screen – Text ads, Image ads, Video Ads)
o   Select the platform you wish to show Ads on your website / app & Click download code
o   Copy the code on your server
o   Deal Done
o   Earn per Conversion
Earn up to $ 299on Per Payment Basis
It’s Free. PerPayment AdSell Network as a Social Media Influencer provides avenue to share on Social Media to earn extra income
For Social Media Influencers:
•          Select the platform you wish to become influencer on social media
·             Copy Paste the Code on all your social networking accounts like facebook, twitter…
•          That All
•          Earn per Conversion
Earn up to $ 299on Per Payment Basis
Investment in PerPayment AdNetwork Trading Platform to earn extra income
§  Display HireKhan, Fundacle or ABACert Ads on global AdNetworks
§  Select the platform you wish give paid Ads on Global AdNetworks like Google, Facebook, Twitter Ad
§  Hire Dedicated PerPayment Account Manager who will configure your ads & be your point of contact
§  Once Ads are configured, Recharge the Global AdNetworks yourself based on your budget
§  Earn per Conversion
You can track every impression & payment in View Income Analytics in PerPayment Dashboard
Earn up to $ 299on Per Payment Basis
Make Money & Create Social Avenues on Job, Funding & Business Trust.
PerPayment is an opportunity for Website / Apps rejected by Google AdSense and Not happy with the income so made, Philanthropists, Government, Semi Government, Corporates, Mutual Funds, SME, MSME to monetize
For further information please view PerPayment Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtZFPftFKac
For PerPayment Revenue Model please view PerPayment Revenue Model Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFw6mpRw_fo
PerPayment Advantages
-       An Alternate to Google Adsense
-       An Ads Trading Platform which can be collaborated with Top 10 Ad Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads etc.
-       Avenue for Advertisers to generate more revenue
-       Opportunity for Investors for diversification of Funds
-       Tool for Jobs & Funding avenue creation in Covid-19
-       Tool for Covid-19 Bulk Supplier Verification and Legitimate Businesses and Websites
Per Payment Ads Products
In fact as a CIO of a bank in Anim’s past experience, he faced certain issues with service delivery by major IT Vendors which at that point he wanted someone to fix. And Like they say that Solutions come from Problems – Innovations are born out of Gaps in the existing scenario and hence the Birth of HireKhan took place giving a vent into 850 Job Industries worldwide WITH A BIGGER AIM TO MAKE A PRODUCT THAT HAVE A SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACT ON THE SOCIETY.
HireKhan is a complete package for all Outsourcing and HR Requirements, available in 12 International Languages.
Today everything is available online from a needle to an apartment and the reason online platforms are booming is because of their accessibility 24/7, convenience of logistics and flexible hassle-free buying. So same customer satisfaction and convenience in collaboration with the latest AI Powered technology, we are trying to incorporate with respect to outsourcing of Manpower, BPO and IT Projects.
Then we have created the Online Platform for Candidate background verification called the HK CV wherein, a unique customized weblink is created per candidate and on just a click of a button, a complete authentic background report will be out for a person. And the kind of disruptive pricing plans we are coming up with, it will be a breakthrough in the employee verification segment.
Thirdly, we have the Job Portal for Employers where Employers can do a very refined Candidate Search and Job Postings which is integrated with the HireKhan Job seeker mobile App – Live on Android and iOS.
Now here again, we are bringing the world a lot closer. This is going to be a global platform for employers and job seekers. So anybody looking for a job anywhere in the world  - right from a Security Guard to a CEO and vice versa,  - HireKhan Job Portal and Job Seeker App will be a one stop shop. The App is going to be in 12 major international languages and Plus Hindi with special categories for women to work from home, ex Defence and Retired personnel and differently abled people.
HireKhan is the only DOT COM gateway to India for its highly efficient and cost effective availability of talent which is also an untapped market for many countries where quality IT Services have not yet reached.
The HireKhan.com Package is designed to create jobs locally in the country of JV launch and provides gateway to world's best technology data bank -­‐ India, Ukraine, Malaysia etc. Besides, this will also bring foreign investments.
HireKhan Manpower Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dClYjursp48
HireKhan BPO Product Video          - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I_ZuTWGLeY
HireKhan Projects Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bhk1Ee4DaIY
Welcome to Fundacle, World’s No.1 Investment & Funding Marketplace
A Financial Networking Platform With Unlimited Opportunities, Creating the best environment ever for new business ventures to kick off
and existing business to expand and grow which would enhance the global financial ecosystem by helping innovators and businessmen to arrange money for new ventures or for business expansion and investors to find the right business proposals for funding
Now fundseekers can put the first proposal for free and Realize their dreams at no cost while Investors access up to Four logins per day at zero registration fee
With the introduction of Global Business Plan Account Number (BPAN) System, standardized business proposals are available for the investors or banks to view at just a click of a button.
With such a platform like facebook for financial networking, entrepreneurs and investors across the globe could connect to each other and create endless opportunities
This was the idea behind Fundacle.com
World’s No.1 Investment & Funding Marketplace which will bring Innovators, Businessmen, Business sellers,  Fundacle agents and Investors on a single financial Networking Platform
So, How does it works?
People who want to start a new venture, grow their businesses or even sell their business can post well planned business proposals and showcase to investors from One hundred and Ninety Five Countries and Eight hundred and fifty verticals across the world and will stand a better chance to get funded
Investors can find better business proposals options from eight hundred and fifty plus Business verticals
Our Fundacle agents would help people in creating business proposals or arranging funds
Companies can make money by distributing Fundacle.com coupon codes to their existing Ad campaigns, Products or social media
Fundacle is available world-wide through website and global app
Now everyone across the globe get to be a part of mainstream Global Financial Ecosystem. Realize your dream venture with access to local and international investors and get the right business proposals to make better decision on funding
Fundacle – our tribute to this great spirit of humanity
Fundaclce Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEI6Gz6-yug
Welcome to ABACERT.COM The Business Trust & Verification Platform
A Global Business & Website Verification Agency that validates the Legitimacy of an Individual, a Business or a Website.
ABACERT - Your Partner in Building Brand & Trust
Business ABA Number, is a recognized Standard for Business Identification. Widely used by Business Customers, Vendors and Suppliers to review a Company’s Business Credit Profile.
ABA Number provide unique 9 Digit Number assigned to a business post verification of all company documents.
With ABA Number for Business Verification, get your Company’s Unique International Identity Validate Company Credentials @ABACERT and Instill Confidence in your Business Partners/Investors with Business ABA Number
Validate your Individual Credibility with Individual ABA number, A Unique Identifier for Proprietors
Also, if you want to find out the current operational status of your suppliers or business partners, get in touch with us for a Bulk Supplier Verification.
Now Abolish Fraud or Blacklisted Suppliers Safeguard your Payments with Bulk Supplier Verification @ABACERT
Not only this, now you can also increase your Website Conversions with the ABACERT Site Trust Seal Validate your Website & Convert Visitors into Buyers.
Establish Website Credibility & Grow Your Business Online
Get your company’s unique international identity with ABACERT – Your Partner in Building Brand & Trust
ABACert Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BldUaS4ahZg
Group Business Model
Our Business model is to operate world-wide through country level Joint Venture Partnership. The joint venture license sale could be a 5years, 10 years on(or) lifetime validity, wherein we provide a complete hand holding, operational support and framework to our JV Partners while our JV partners execute and market it.
The ABA Joint Venture Partner will take the complete ownership of the ABA’s various Tech Product verticals viz a viz the fundacle.com - A Fintech Platform for Fund Raising, HireKhan.com - HR Tech Platform for Outsourcing, abacert.com – a Business Credit Rating and Certification Platform.
PerPayment Revenue Model Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFw6mpRw_fo&t=6s
Stake Sale
PerPayment / Fundacle / HireKhan / ABACert company stake can be purchased by any Corporate / Government / Philanthropist.
We are looking to sell maximum 25 % Stake in below products with stake sale price mentioned in US Dollars
Legal Entity Name - Product
Stake Sale Price
American Business Association Inc – AdSell Network
25 % Global Stake for $ 140 Million
Fundacle Inc – Fintech Platform
25 % Global Stake for $ 100 Million
HireKhan Inc – HR Tech Platform
25 % Global Stake for $ 80 Million
ABACert Inc – Business Trust Platform
25 % Global Stake for $ 65 Million
3 notes · View notes
29 January 2021
Tragedy and statistics
The UK marked a grim milestone this week, recording more than 100,000 Covid deaths by every measure.
Various versions of the famous quote have it that one death is a tragedy, many merely a statistic. Newspapers tried to avoid that and humanise the sombre statistic in different ways. The front pages of The Times and the i focused on the individual tragedies, photographs highlighting the human beings behind the numbers.
Beyond their front pages, both tried to visualise the impact. The i used its paper form to give a double page spread to 100,000 dots, each representing a death. Online, The Times combined the human stories with a different use of dots and a 'narrative scroll', the act of having to move down the page helping illustrate the extent of the tragedy. It put me in mind of Ampp3d's story from 2014 (no longer online, analysis here and here) visualising migrant worker deaths in Qatar. The New York Times took a different approach to scrolling , using the density of dots to show how the pandemic unfolded in the US.
The FT, meanwhile, kept things simple, using a line chart to show the different measures of deaths all exceeding 100,000, and a simple bar chart to compare the UK's mortality rate to others.
Different approaches, but all important attempts to communicate the human cost of Covid and examples of how data visualisation can help make sense of tragedy on such a large scale, when words might fail us.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In other news:
It's Data Bites this Wednesday at 6pm. Come!
Congratulations to my erstwhile IfG colleagues on the latest (terrific) edition of Whitehall Monitor. Read it here (some more links below), sign up for next week's launch event here.
I had a great time at this year's (virtual) UKGovCamp last week - thanks to the campmakers for making it work so well online. I made it to sessions on public trust; the state of (open) data; every move you make, every word you type...; data in regulation; silos beyond government; data service design; and digital exclusion. I ran a session on whether some sort of annual report on the state of government data could work and if so, what it should include - the notes are here, Jamboard here, and rest assured it's a subject I'll be returning to... Full grid of events and notes here.
The Atlantic had a rather good piece on narratives about the pandemic this week, and how a successful vaccination programme could dispel memories of 'a catastrophic failure of governance': 'The pandemic disaster that might not happen'. I wonder if focusing on how politicians can drive their own narrative overshadows the role of society's storytellers - the media - in shaping and questioning narratives, and absolves them of agency to hold the government to account. Not dissimilar to some narratives around data and technology that seem to forget the decisions around them are made by humans.  
Have views on vaccine passports? Tony does. A reminder that the project I'm working with the Ada Lovelace Institute on is taking evidence until 19 February.
And I forgot to post this last week... President Biden's inaugural address grappled with some of the same tensions between unity and dissent in a democracy that some of the founding fathers did in The Federalist. I'm a particular fan of Alexander Hamilton's fourth and fifth paragraphs here, the fourth eloquent on the need to respect our opponents, and the fifth eloquent on the exact opposite ('no, not these opponents').
Have a good weekend
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Today's links:
Graphic content
Macabre milestones
Boris Johnson ‘deeply sorry’ as UK’s Covid death toll passes 100,000* (FT)
How the UK reached 100,000 Covid deaths* (The Times)
100,162 lives (The i, via Matt Butler)
UK official Covid death toll has always undercounted fatalities, analysis shows (The Guardian)
How the world reached 100 million coronavirus cases* (New Statesman)
Covid-19 cases pass 100m* (The Economist)
How 425,000 Coronavirus Deaths Added Up* (New York Times)
Vax populi
Covid-19 vaccine tracker: the global race to vaccinate* (FT)
Vaccine nationalism means that poor countries will be left behind* (The Economist)
Vaccination rates in England are lower for older non-white people, study shows* (FT)
Viral content
UK Covid lockdown starting to work, say scientists* (FT)
Home page for an experimental website displaying COVID-19 statistics
New UK and South Africa Covid variants may spread more easily, so what does this mean for the fight against coronavirus? (The Guardian)
The Amazonian city that hatched the Brazil variant has been crushed by it* (Washington Post)
The march of the coronavirus across America* (The Economist)
See Covid-19 Risk in Your County and a Guide for Daily Life Near You* (New York Times)
We are now sharing previously hidden weekly COVID-19 state profile reports with the public (Cyrus Shahpar, White House COVID-19 Data Director)
Covid-19 Pandemic Could Be Source of Global Crises for Years: WEF* (Bloomberg)
Putting Kamala Harris as VP into perspective (Melissa Shusterman)
How popular is Joe Biden? (FiveThirtyEight)
Joe Biden is taking executive action at a record pace* (The Economist)
Full List: Where Every Senator Stands on Convicting Trump* (New York Times)
How The Frost Belt And Sun Belt Illustrate The Complexity Of America’s Urban-Rural Divide (FiveThirtyEight)
Our Radicalized Republic (FiveThirtyEight)
This is one of the most harrowing pictures I have seen about how we lost an entire generation (@marcusjdl)
Whitehall Monitor 2021 (IfG)
Launch event next week (IfG)
Three ways that the coronavirus crisis has changed government (Alice for IfG)
Ministers overrode official advice more than ever in last year’s crisis* (Tim for Times Red Box)
We’ve calculated ward level EU Referendum estimates in England/Wales (James Kanagasooriam)
In data: the benefits squeeze* (Prospect)
Who's furloughed? (Resolution Foundation)
Cities Outlook 2021 (Centre for Cities)
The uncounted: How many women die at the hands of their partners? We simply don’t know – and that needs to change* (Tortoise)
La Niña Roars, Unleashing Fire, Drought and Floods Worldwide* (Bloomberg)
How the Arab spring engulfed the Middle East – and changed the world (The Guardian)
Pessimism and Distrust Could Sway Elections Around the World* (Bloomberg)
Poland’s coal-fired home heating creates widespread pollution* (The Economist)
How to work with Facebook population density data (Alasdair Rae)
Check out this interesting cartography decision! (Gretchen Peterson)
How green are Premier League clubs? Tottenham top sustainability table (not entirely convinced by this graphic, BBC Sport - and not just because Spurs are top)
When GOATs meet: Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers, by the numbers* (Washington Post)
Everything else
The frenzied rise of GameStop* (The Economist)
Data Archeogram: mapping the datafication of work (Autonomy)
VIEW THE ARMADA MAPS (National Museum of the Royal Navy)
Spanish Armada maps 'saved for the nation' (BBC News)
Meta data
ICO baby
Our session with Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham (Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee)
Tory party illegally collected data on ethnicity of 10m voters, MPs told (The Guardian)
Covid contracts: Extend FoI act to cover private companies making millions says Information Commissioner (Evening Standard)
Adtech investigation resumes (ICO)
Information commissioner’s term extended to allow successor recruitment (Public Technology)
Shaking that pass
Exclusive: Tony Blair calls on Boris Johnson to lead drive for global vaccine passport* (Telegraph)
Vaccine passports and ID Cards (Phil Booth)
Tech companies are racing to build smart vaccine passports. But technology isn't the only problem (ZDNet)
Viral content
What Covid revealed about government’s legacy IT, and what to do next (Civil Service World)
What can wastewater tell us about COVID-19? (COG-UK)
Digital government
Our Syllabus: Here to help you teach Digital Era Government (Teaching Public Service in the Digital Age)
Respecting users’ privacy on GOV.UK accounts (Inside GOV.UK)
Two GDS projects to watch : GOV.UK Accounts and “Forms discovery” (David Durant)
Government Gateway at 20 – looking back at the UK’s most successful digital identity system (Computer Weekly)
No digital postal vote application service before May elections (Public Technology)
"Find your NHS number" (Tom Read and others)
Open government
The Path to the Future (Audrey Tang for CommonWealth)
We are thrilled to announce that #OpenGovWeek will take place May 17-21, 2021! (Open Government Partnership)
FOI* (Peter Geoghegan for the LRB)
AI got 'rithm
Government by Algorithm: The Myths, Challenges and Opportunities (Tony Blair Institute for Global Change)
What's your go-to document or paper that defines different types of algorithmic bias? (Rumman Chowdhury)
AI review: Transforming our world with AI (UKRI)
New – Amazon SageMaker Clarify Detects Bias and Increases the Transparency of Machine Learning Models (AWS)
Who Is Winning the AI Race: China, the EU, or the United States? — 2021 Update (Center for Data Innovation)
The City of New York has released an inventory of algorithms in use (Rumman Chowdhury)
A New AI Lexicon: Responses and Challenges to the Critical AI discourse- Call for Contributors (AI Now Institute)
Independent auditors are struggling to hold AI companies accountable (Fast Company)
Fix information failures or risk lives: the Full Fact Report 2021 (Full Fact)
Facebook News feature launches in UK (BBC News)
How Participatory Media Promote Coverage of Social Movements (Nieman Reports)
‘It’s a reality’: Google threatens to stop search in Australia due to media code (Sydney Morning Herald)
Exploring Design and Governance Challenges in the Development of Privacy-Preserving Computation (Nitin Agrawal, Reuben Binns, Max Van Kleek, Kim Laine, Nigel Shadbolt)
How Europe’s privacy laws are failing victims of sexual abuse (Politico)
Inside India’s booming dark data economy (Rest of World)
We're exploring the role of privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) in enabling secure and trustworthy use of data (CDEI)
Everything else
Microsoft is one of the largest contributors to the members of Congress who tried to subvert the Democratic process (Judd Legum)
Why does Big Tech want us to feel nostalgic?* (New Statesman)
Census 2021 will be taking place March 21 (ONS)
EVENT: Data Bites #16 (IfG)
JOB: Chair of Geospatial Commission (Cabinet Office)
JOB: Head of Open and Innovative Government Division (OECD)
JOB: Head of the Evaluation Task Force (Cabinet Office)
JOB: Product Manager (360Giving)
And finally...
Lady Gaga as diagrams about AI systems (thread). (Miles Brundage)
Infosec sea shanties (Rachel Tobac)
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kevinzhang1688 · 4 years
Jining Zhineng Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 and have developed to be a professional manufacturer and providing customized of machinery cabin assembly and electrical assembly. We are a High-Tech. Enterprise in China, Our company is certified according to ISO 9001:2015. Our fixed assets are more than 8 million dollars, the factory covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters.
We providing electronic instrument assembly, cabin assembly, steering assembly, seat assembly, wiring harness assembly, air conditioner, control box, sensors etc. for variety of construction machinery, agricultural machinery, special vehicle machinery. You can choose in combination or individually according to your needs.
In our company 60% of employees are R&D personnel. Hence, we have good ability to research and develop new technologies and products which help us to be one of the leaders in China markets. We can design and develop the products with advanced technical performance as per the clients’ requirements, and suitable for various construction machines .
We have steering rack workshop, seat workshop, wire harness workshop, assembly workshop, sheet metal processing workshop, spray paint and powder coating workshop ,instruments workshop.
Zhineng products have achieved high reputation in construction machinery industry at home and aboard, which are regarded as “the leader in China ”by universal customers. Our partners have Shantui, XCMG, Liugong, Zoomlion, Yishan, Junlian, CRCC etc and have been distributed into more than 30 countries and regions such as Korean, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Turkey etc.
Our orientation: Strive to provide high-quality products and contribute to increase satisfaction for our clients through our advanced technique, perfect process, reasonable prices and considerate service.
 24 Years Professional Manufacturer Customized Special & OEM One-Station Solutions
 Contact Person : Kevin Zhang
Tel: +86 13655479866
+86 15866092558
Website: zhinengcab.com
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stepphase · 2 years
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Gabriel Jesus has a more serious injury than expected
The Brazilian will undergo knee surgery. His World Cup is over and he could be out for three months.
Bad news for Mikel Arteta. After being injured in his third group stage match against Cameroon, Gabriel Jesus (25 years old) will undergo surgery on his right knee, as announced by the English newspaper The Telegraph.
Thus, the Brazilian striker will not be able to play the remainder of the World Cup in Qatar and could be out for more than three months, as reported by the journalist specialized in transfers, Fabrizio Romano. A problem not only for Tite's selection, which has Richarlison as a starter but also for Arsenal...
Because the Gunner team will return to the Premier League at the end of December and will do so without a reference in attack. While Jesus recovers, Eddie Nketiah will have more minutes as 9, although a move by Arteta's team in the winter transfer window should not be ruled out.
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