#Best quality flip phone news
greatlobbyis123 · 5 months
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mayghosts · 1 month
Little Gold Top: (3) Kate Martin x Reader
Summary: A game of hide and seek and a tense practice
(First Part) (Previous)
Warnings: kinda drama tbh, langauge, bad grammar
AN: This chapter has been re-written so many times in loosing my minddddd.... Also loving the new Billie album 🩵🩵 expect flashback chapter next bc i need to actually provide context
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Kate felt like she was loosing her mind (and her best friend.) She flipped her phone over for the third time in the last five minutes, checking to see if you responded. She was met with the text message she had sent you yesterday. No reply. Groaning she let her head slump back against the couch pillows. The dim light from the tv flickered across the dorm room, the sun had set a while ago and Kate hadn't found it in her to turn a light on yet. The noise and colors from the TV seemed to just float by her as she stared at the wall behind the TV.
She couldn't help but let her mind wander back to the parking lot. The dim orange-yellow street lamp that highlighted the tip of your nose, reflecting off the gold sequins. Your wide eyed expression as she stood just a but too close. You guys hadn't done something like that in a while. Kate always knew you were pretty, she always knew that she needed to be careful. Self control is not a quality that drunk Kate posseses.
Teams don't work without communication and right now Iowa Womens Basketball would flop on the court without you. She already missed the opportunity to pretend the parking lot incident didn't happen. She rolled off the dorm couch, searching for a hoodie and a pair of shoes. If you weren't going to reply, then she would simply just hunt you down. She was just being cautious. Careful. It was for the best interest of the team.
As she stalked through the halls of the science building she tried to formulate a good excuse for just running into you in the science building at 6:53 PM. She had already went to your dorm, but she didn't hear you inside and it was still too early for you to be alseep. As she passed more empty rooms she could feel her breath picking up, she quickened her steps. She couldn't help but feel like she had royaly fucked everything up again. Just like sophmore year. What if she can't find you? What if you guys can't move past this? Shes graduating this spring its not like you guys will ever get the chance to play for the same team again. She reached the last classroom, swinging the door open, she was met with another empty lab. She slumped against the hallway wall, sinking to the ground. She could feel the tears prick in her eyes as dropped her head into her hands.
You felt your phone buzz against the matress. You had a long day of successfully dodging both Caitlin and Kate. You even skipped practice. You told coach it was the frat flu, she deffinately knew you were lying. Your strategy was to let it all blow over. No need to be dramatic, or turn it into something its not and never will be.
You loved Kate, she was your very best friend. But she could fuck you up to no end. Freshman and sophmore year were stained with confusing feelings and multiple parkinglot-esque interactions that were all just swept under the rug. So why she was trying to talk about it now was beyond you.
You wouldn't even call it a situationship, you two never kissed. If you had you couldn't remeber it. You would deffinately remeber kissing her. Flipping your phone over you were once again met with the same text from Kate, and something new from Gabbie that caught your eye.
"I just ran into Kate in the science wing?? She seemed pretty upset so I am going to bring her back to her dorm. I will be back in like 20!"
Deffinately an odd text for a monday after 7. Why would Kate even be in the science wing? Unless she was looking for you? It really wasn't that big of a deal you guys were fine. Right? You slumped back against your pillow clicking off your lights. You didn't sleep much that night.
CAITLIN POV (bet you didn't see this coming)
"What the actual fuck" was the only though floating around Caitlins head. She knew she wasn't alone in this thought as she made eye contact with Gabbie from the bench. Cait knew she was in for a long practice when Kate came in with headphones on and nothing to say. Gabbie had told her about her run in with Kate in the science hallway last night. Cait couldn't ignore the sinking feeling in her gut as she watched you walk through the gym doors, make eyecontact with Kate, and promptly look away.
The gym was on the quiet side as Caitlin ran through streaches and warmups. The tension was heavy, and it wasn't the fun type. After a quiet streach and warmup, Caitlin watched Kate airball four easy shots in a row and throw a handful of easliy intercepted passes. However, Its not like you were doing much better as you seemed to be intentionally avoiding Kates passes and not going for any of her rebounds. Shortly after you nearly ate shit during conditioning.
Coach Lisa was not happy, and neither was Caitlin. The whole situation just reminded her of how the two of you were during the last few weeks of Sophmore year. Not speaking, avoiding eachother at all costs and consequentially dragging your team through the mud. Cait was sick of you two behaving like children, but more than anything she wanted to know what happened in the parking-lot.
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byhees · 10 months
phone reminders.
엔하이픈 ・ female reader + word count 700 genre fluff established relationship warnings not proof-read — more
a/n. scheduled!
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would, most definitely, have a picture of you as his lockscreen. he’s so incredibly whipped for you, to the point where he’d switch the photograph for a new one every two days or so, finding all your pictures equally as pretty.
would deliberately leave his phone on tables, such that the screen’s facing the viewer; whenever his device dings with a notification, he’d be reminded of you the moment the screen lights up, heart swelling at the recollection of the photograph’s origin.
would have multiple music playlists dedicated to you. there’d be one for nearly every passing occasion; when you’re feeling a little down and under the weather, the feeling of butterflies soaring in his stomach whenever he hears your laughs, the warmth and comfort of being in your embrace.
would regularly text you the link of said playlists, a cute message attached at the bottom; “hope this makes your day, love!” written, a keyboard heart typed beside it.
would have a note centred around all the little details about you— things you fancy, things you don’t quite fancy. he jots them down for future gifts and presents, especially for special dates such as your anniversary— which he’s noted in his calendars app, the date nicely filled up with keyboard smashes and little kaomojis.
would probably note down future date spots, such as cafes, museums, vice versa; watches a ton of ‘place review’ videos, and writes down ones that catch his eye; will store this note nicely in his notepad app, not wanting to ruin the surprise element for you.
would have a widget slideshow with your couple pictures; keeps it nicely in his homescreen. would briefly scroll through the images at least twice a day, relishing the moments. would use a very inconspicuous picture as the front cover, not wanting you to tease him for the lovesick gesture.
would tuck his phone in his pocket, ready to whip it out for endless photo bursts; would brush off the very serious photo-taking stance as scenery admiring— definitely smiles a tad too hard at his phone when looking back at the photos, finding the blurred depiction of your little curious expression, cute.
would have a huge photo album dedicated to you. he’d be so neat about it too, arranging your pictures nicely according to the date; would have a few favourites amongst the many, often revisiting those few whenever he misses you a ton.
would have a bunch of low quality pictures as well; when he’s out-and-about, spending time with you, photographs may not be of the best quality, given his pure excitement. would have a random picture with a smidgin of your face peeking into frame— would still keep it nice and snug in his little album.
would have matching phone accessories; pop-sockets of cartoon characters, phone charms of your favourite colours, small animal stickers pasted messily over your phone cases. would make it a point to purchase two stickers every date-day, sticking them onto your respective cases by the end of the day.
would probably fiddle with the small accessories, hands absentmindedly extending and closing the pop-socket on the back of his phone, fingers subconsciously twirling the dangling bead chain; would flip his phone to the back, eyes softly scanning the random assortment of stickers, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
would have a bunch of audio recordings saved in his phone; has recordings that are ten seconds or less— they’re mostly just of you reenacting short clips of cartoons and animations, as per his very insistent requests; he likes replaying them whenever he misses you, your voice soothing his heart instantly— a bonus when there’s a little giggle hidden amidst the voice-acting.
would suggest using voice chats to message; whenever he hears you speak, his heart flutters a little— it might even skip a beat. hearing your raw voice, and your pure laughter, heals him so much; he’d shamelessly retrace every conversation during his pastime, pressing on every one of your voice messages.
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taglist open! @halcyoni-ki @wondipity @yjjungwon @shysakuno @niktwazny303 @crxzs @alyszaen @minhosify @haechansbbg @yeomha @stepout-09-15 @chansburgah @sona-verse01 networks! @kflixnet @enhanet @k-labels
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Bat Boys on Valentines Day
Dick Grayson
* Made reservations a month ago
* Cross-checked the regular menu and seasonal menu to make sure there were things you’d like and conformed to your dietary preferences
* Surprises you with flowers and a big ticket high-fashion item like a Luis Vuitton bag or a pair of shoes
* When he hands it over the shocked look on your face makes him smile.
* You shower him with kisses in a second.
* “I” *kiss* “love” *kiss* “you” *kiss* “so” *kiss* “much!”
* He laughs at the ticklish feeling and kisses you back when it’s over.
* “No, I love you so much.”
Jason Todd
* He hates crowds and decides to make you a nice pleasant meal at home.
* He decided the menu over a month ago, a full four course meal with curated cocktails, wine and ambiance.
* He ‘borrows’ some fine dining dishes from the manor and sets the table up with candles and a bouquet of flowers.
* “Do you like it?” He asks, nervous and afraid—he cooks for himself all the time but cooking for you makes him afraid beyond belief
* What if you don’t like it? What if you have a secret allergy? What if you never want to talk to him again because he didn’t take you out like a traditional date?
* “I love it! The risotto is so good and, are these truffles?”
* Afterwards he gives you some books he knows you want or that you would like and pressed flower bookmarks that he made himself.
* “Jason Todd, you are my entire heart.”
Tim Drake
* He forgets.
* “I thought Valentine’s Day was always on Thursday!” He shrieks, flipping through the phone book for any restaurant that’ll take you.
* “That’s Thanksgiving Tim.”
* But it’s okay—
* “Shit, you think dominos will still deliver today?” You shout from the other side of the room.
* —because you forgot too.
* You have pizza in bed while watching movies and cuddling.
* “This isn’t the worst right?” He asks.
* “Any day with quality time with you is a good day.” You mumble after a yawn, cuddling into his chest as he flushed bright pink.
Duke Thomas
* Classic Dinner and a Movie
* You guys haven’t been dating for long so he doesn’t want to scare you off with anything intense.
* You end up goofing around too long at the arcade connected to the movie theatre and missing your reservation slot.
* You end up getting soft pretzels and sitting by the lake.
* “Honestly, I think this is way better than eating at a French restaurant.”
* He laughs, “any time with you is a good one.”
Damian Waybe
* It’s a three person date — You, Damian, and Titus.
* You go for a walk around the lake, playing with Titus and jokingly splashing each other, and then a picnic on the grassy bluff above.
* “It’s pretty quiet today, huh?”
* “Everyone’s probably at the new french restaurant downtown.” He holds out a dipped strawberry for you which you bite into.
* “The one you can pronounce?”
* You laugh at his frown, pressing a kiss to his cheek, only to laugh again when Titus nudges you with his nose and places his head in your lap with a wagging tag.
* “Of course I didn’t forget you, kisses for Titus too!”
Bruce Wayne
* Wines and dines and sixty-nines you
* He’s probably got a standing reservation at the best restaurant in the city on account of the fact that he’s richer than god
* Gets a private room or balcony that overlooks the city so you have privacy but also the glitz and glam of a night out
* Already called ahead of time and got the chef to make your favorite dinner—just for you
* As a gift he gives you six orgasms in a row a cute little diamond accessory with his initial in gold.
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junosmindpalace · 1 year
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it’s practically routine for you and tsukishima to go on errand dates, each one a little adventure for the two of you. 
it’s something you’ve been doing since high school, really, when you couldn’t stand the thought of doing some boring chores your parents sent you out on, and so you begged and pleaded over the phone for tsukishima to join you. he begrudgingly caved in, and from there it became habit to constantly invite one another out on errands. he needed to run some errands for his mom, too, he used to tell you. he may as well just tag along. though it wasn’t often untrue, it was a common excuse he used to disguise just how often he accompanied you.
even as adults with an apartment you share rent for and two years of officially dating he still tended to make excuses. but you knew each other well, and tsukishima wasn’t as shy to admitting that he simply wanted to come along just because. sometimes he didn’t mind being your chauffeur, driving you and your shopping bags to each of your destinations-- with the exception that he got to choose the music in the car. 
he was pretty helpful to have around, too. always helping you get the best price for the things you needed, always giving you his logical based opinion on whether or not you should get something, face scrunching up in annoyance when you’d disregard it and opt for the latter of whatever he suggested. 
you took turns pushing the cart or holding the shopping crate, and he stayed close to your side unless something caught his eye. it was quite a cliché sight when tsukishima would be flipping through one of the pocket books near the stationary aisle, only to turn up at the sound of struggling and clattering and find his partner carrying whatever sort of junk (in his words) caught your eye, debating whether or not you should get it (and to your great dismay, he always said no). 
he’d read off the joint shopping list the two of you wrote as you went through each aisle, leaning over your shoulder to check the quality and price of each item. he was a smart shopper, which is why it was nice to have him around while you did your errands. 
he’d pass you items to bag at the checkout, and then would reach for the lighter ones, telling you that you’d have to heave the heavier ones. yet the moment you reached for them, he wordlessly handed over his own and stepped in front of you to carry the heavier ones. you’d grumble at him, saying you could’ve done so yourself, filled with a sudden determination to prove yourself even though hauling the heavier bags to the car wasn’t all that pleasant a thought, while he’d scoff with a smile. “sure you can.” 
often times this also led to a ton of recreational shopping, picking through rows of vinyls in crates in an old music store, or browsing the different video games and merchandise at the nearest game store. he’d smile at your deflated expression when he’d tell you that it would be best to wait until an item you wanted went on sale, ruffling your hair and even promising that he’d be the one to pay when the time came. but really it was just an excuse for him to buy it himself and surprise you with it later. 
and after your fruitful shopping trip, you treated yourselves to a fulfilling meal from a restaurant tsukishima found in the area, talking face to face either about an aspect of your trip or day under yellow-tinted table lights. 
and though you used to dread running errands because of how boring they could be, having tsukishima with you made you actually look forward to the quality time and all the new stores the two of you could visit together.
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gougarfem · 6 months
how was the process of getting a dumbphone!
oh my god this is something i'm so excited to talk about, sorry it took me so many months to respond!
getting a dumbphone improved my quality of life so so much. i knew my screentime was high, but didn't realise it was a genuine psychological addiction until i quit. the first few days were extremely rough. time seemed to pass about ten times slower, and i was forced to fill the hours with various hobbies and activities. i know we all love to tell people to touch grass, but i really did have to connect with nature and it did wonders for my mental health.
i think for the first three days i was constantly restless and horribly irritable, looked around for my phone every few minutes, felt intense boredom and even cried a few times lol. your addiction may not be as extreme as mine was and this varies from person to person. however, after about a week i realised i remembered everything i'd done each day, because it was filled with intentional activities and little moments of peace rather than a blur of scrolling. i also wasn't on adhd meds yet, which is something i'll talk about in another post.
not having everything at your fingertips is uncomfortable, but (and it's a cliche) you really start to appreciate the world around you more. i looked forward to spending time with my family, because it filled time and i wasn't half-involved in my phone the entire time. i use an mp3 player to listen to music, and uploading music to it is a meaningful and interesting activity, rather than just shuffling a playlist. i listen to whole albums instead of being flooded with dopamine from spotify firing recommended songs at me. i appreciate music more, i make CDs for friends, i have to be intentional in discovering new artists and music. if i'm having an interesting conversation online, i look forward to going home and logging onto my laptop to continue it. i don't spend my commute, time in class, or time with friends texting somebody else. everything feels more intentional, spaced out, and interesting, even the things i do online.
i also found i stopped performing in every activity i did. i stopped thinking about whether i could post it to instagram or instantly send a picture in a discord server. i started picking up new hobbies for myself, not for an online audience, and living in the moment more. this is really important in the modern age, although again uncomfortable.
the best part was how my connections with others increased through having a dumbphone. i started calling friends rather than messaging on five platforms at once, and they started reciprocating. my message threads are continuous, coherent conversations, rather than sending memes. people realised they have to intentionally reach out to me, and i lost relationships with people who weren't interested in that, but strengthened connections with people who did put in the effort (many of whom i barely talked to in the past). i give people my phone number, not my social media handle, and they actually start conversations with me rather than hitting follow. i get to hear my friends' voices when they have drama to share and realise it takes me forever to type on my flip phone keyboard. again, everything is intentional, takes time, and richer than when i had a smartphone.
i genuinely would recommend it to absolutely everyone (i've kind of become like a crossfit guy in telling people to get a dumbphone lol). i won't pretend it's easy, and most people make excuses - for the first few months of having a dumbphone, i was bedbound or in hospital, and truly relied on online connections to pass time and communicate. it still hugely improved my life. however, no matter your situation there are always, always better options than scrolling an app, and you deserve to pass your time in a memorable way. i think most people don't realise they're addicted/reliant on smartphones, and the idea of quitting is horribly uncomfortable, but at least for me, the benefits were worth it.
i'm happy to answer any questions, i literally could talk about this topic for hours (even if it's stuff like "how would i use x app" "how would i replace x smartphone function").
ditch your smartphone babe, u deserve better <33
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cnnmairoll · 7 months
Imagine Suna Rintaro with a partner who photographs.
Both would (secretly) take photos of each other and from others to make fun of them (especially the Miya twins) and at the end of the year they make a photo album with the best paparazzi shots. This would be so funny 😭.
And both would make little trips outside to just take some pics to fill out random albums for fun. He even got himself a high quality camera to flex infront of you (he’s so nice and lets you use it).
"Hey, Rin," you call out, catching Suna's attention as he lounges on a bench after practice. His eyes flicker towards you, the typical deadpan expression slightly softening.
"What's up?" he replies, not bothering to lift his head.
You grin, holding up your phone. "Check out this gem I got of the Miya twins arguing again. Classic."
Suna snorts, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Send it my way."
The exchange becomes a routine. You both, seemingly engrossed in your phones, secretly capturing candid moments of your friends, especially the Miya twins and their antics.
One day, he hands you a sleek camera, "I got tired of your low-quality shots," he teased, handing it over. A smug smirk playing on his lips. "Try it. It's not as easy as it looks."
You gasped, inspecting the high-quality device. "Seriously? You didn't have to."
"It's a flex, and you get to use it," he teased.
The following week, you both set out on another impromptu photo expedition. Suna's new camera captured the world with stunning clarity, and you couldn't help but marvel at the difference.
"This thing's a beast," you remarked.
Suna nodded, looking at you with a soft expression. "Gotta keep up with the times, right?"
Soon enough, your sneaky photo escapades turn into little trips around town, exploring new places solely for the purpose of filling random albums with your captures. Suna, analytical as ever, provides insights into the art of photography, surprising you with his depth of knowledge.
As the year winds down, you both compile your best shots into a photo album, a collection of stolen moments that tell a silent story. The Miya twins feature prominently, their ridiculous expressions and mishaps immortalized in glossy prints. Suna's snarky remarks accompany each photo, creating a narrative that makes you laugh until your sides ache.
"You've got a talent for this, Rin," you comment, flipping through the album one last time.
Suna smirks, a rare genuine smile tugging at his lips. "Maybe. Or maybe I just have a good subject."
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en-hale · 2 years
Homemade Amateur ♡‧₊˚
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RoughDom!Jay x fem!reader ♡‧₊˚⋆。˚ ⋆
En-Hale Comeback ~~ Manifesto Day 7
SYNOPSIS ≕ Another night that Jay films the lustful heat between the both of you -- no matter how extremely shy you are.
WARNING ≕ 18+/smut (sex taping, masturbation, oral sex - f receiving, spanking, multiple orgasms, unprotective sex). Read at your own discretion !
AUTHOR'S NOTE ≕ I REALLY enjoyed this one! I wanted that "we post videos on phub" vibes, and that's exactly what I got! Enjoy! Tune in tomorrow for day 8 at 10pm CST!
© to en-hale. no translations/reposts etc. (w/out permission!)
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The small red light of the camcorder blinked steadily every few seconds to signal it was recording. You knew it would capture everything -- it was brand new, fresh out of the box, very expensive, and high quality. This was far from the first time that you both agreed to film yourselves having sex, but you were still very nervous. Jay turned towards you once the camera was on; there was a glint in his eyes that made your skin crawl. You knew each time he looked like that, sex wasn't just sex, you reached limits you never knew you even had, that you didn't know your body was capable of doing.
"Keep going," He whispered, quiet enough for only you to hear. He sat outside the frame of the camera in an armchair and stroked his cock as he watched you ride your toy. Just the visual of him being so aroused while watching you made your hips move faster. He moved with your motions, his mouth slightly open, never taking his dark eyes off your ass.
After a while, he got up and changed the angle of the camera to the side of you where your face could be seen. He walked behind you and grabbed the dildo from you.
"Spread your cheeks," He demanded. And you do. He moaned at the sight of you, wet and red. He took it into his own hand to speed the movement of the silicone in you. In seconds, you couldn't resist the feeling pulling in your core. Your whimpers and moans echoed in the room, you closed your eyes in an attempt to hold on longer, but his perfect rhythm in and out hit each needy spot perfectly. A jolt of pleasure crept up your spine and you came down the toy and onto his hands.
You hear him mischievously chuckle. "Good girl," he commented. He slipped the pink toy out and you whine in protest. He set it to the side and looked at the camera as he slapped your already red bottom. "Your ass looks so good baby," And you hum in response. He gestured for you to look at yourself, but you were too embarrassed. You loved your body, but you weren't sure how much of it you would love seeing it so exposed on camera. You get a glimpse and turn back around. He chuckled at your shyness.
His hands find your waist and flip you over with ease. He grabbed into his pocket and reached for his phone. He handed it to you and you knew immediately what to do. You switched it to the video as he manually spread your legs and took no time in slurping up every single drop from your prior orgasm. He swirled his tongue over your clit and you found it hard not to shake or go out of focus.
"Yes, just like that," You spoke, with shivered breaths in between.
One of your hands was trying as best as it could to be steady as it held the phone, pointing directly at Jay's beautiful brown eyes staring right at you -- hungrily. His face was slightly glistening from the juices of you splattered on him. The sight of his dick rubbing against the sheet could be seen if you looked hard enough.
Your other hand was pushing on the back of his head, urging for rougher tongue-play. You ground your hips against his mouth as calmly as they allowed you to.
You watched and listened to the sounds his mouth made. His hands gripped your thighs with every force in him. He hummed and it vibrated your clit to an extreme climax. You dropped the phone and gripped his head with both hands, the only warning you gave before pulling into him as much as humanly possible.
He continued tonguing your pussy, even when it was all over, and begged him to stop. He grabbed the phone and turned it towards you. The light made you wince both because you were exposed and it was brighter than you imagined it would be.
Jay pushed for you to roll yourself on your side, and he maneuvered himself between your legs. You grinded against his thigh to re-arouse yourself and it worked. Your breathing picked up and he pushed himself inside you. The pleasant ache and stretch made you whimper.
"Your so tight baby," He muttered. You felt his hands rub against your sore ass and up your smooth skin.
He rocked his body into yours for a few minutes until your heard his own whines and groans. He stilled as he came in you, it's so warm that you gasped. He continued to thrust until every single ounce of his energy was drained.
You rubbed helplessly at your clit, it was so sensitive but you ached for it to reach the final drive of ecstasy for the night.
Jay swatted your hand away and took over. It was that final push you needed. You knew when he came he was usually so out of it that he went straight to sleep. You knew he was exerting everything in him to finesse his fingers until you felt yourself tip over the edge for the third time that night, tremoring over and over again in full-body shivers. Your muscles strained and he wrung out every last drop from your orgasm. You gasped when it was all over, hot tears spilled out your eyes, you were biting down on your lips and now they were red and swollen.
Your eyes were closed, but you saw as Jay put down the phone and laid beside you. It was a comfortable silence. You felt him get soft inside you, but neither of you made any effort to separate.
The moment was so relaxing, just the two of you lying into one another, in your pool of prior times. He gave fluttery sweet kisses all over your face and neck, and you couldn't help but giggle.
"I love you," he whispered softly near your ear.
Under the warmth of his arms and the trickling pleasure of the night, you felt happy enough to say it back. "I love you too."
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slytherinshua · 10 months
genre. fluff. warnings. kissing. soohyun is sleep deprived (what else is new). one suggestive joke if you squint like your life depends on it. pairing. soohyun x fem!reader. wc. 756. a/n. tagging @wheeboo cause i actually need her to see the cuteness that i have just created im literally crying.
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“Soohyun, it’s naptime.” You stated, grabbing the notebook that he was scribbling in from his hands.
“What?” He stared at you, trying his best to keep his stare as just that without it morphing into a glare. He didn’t like glaring at you. He could glare at anybody else, but not you. 
“You worked the night shift last night. You didn’t get home until 3 am.”
“How do you know that?” 
“Door sensor. I set it up so it goes to my phone too.” You said simply, swiftly dodging Soohyun’s attempts at getting his notebook back.
“Y/n, that’s practically spying on me!” He complained.
“Well… you give me no choice when you work the entire night! I’m just worried about you.” You sighed, “I’m allowed to be worried about my boyfriend and his lack of sleep.”
“I don’t want you worrying about me, though.” 
“Don’t you worry about me?” You asked him. You were scanning through the pages of his notebook, most of which were filled with his organised notes in his small handwriting. As you flipped to the next page, you didn’t find it filled with lecture notes, but instead was a checklist.
Things I want to do with Y/n.
1 - spend our 6 month anniversary together
2 - go on regular dates
3 - tell her I love her
Soohyun snatched the notebook back before you could read any further, slamming it shut and forcing it into his backpack, “Of course I worry about you.” He stammered.
You smiled, “You’re so hypocritical. You always nag me about sleeping and eating and going outside. You don’t expect me to also nag?” He stayed silent, pursing his lips. “I told you, it’s naptime, and if you don’t want to be labelled a hypocrite again, you’ll do what I say.” 
“What do you want me to do?” His eyes followed you as you stood up from your chair and walked to your bed.
“Come here.” You sat down, patting the space on the bed next to you. Soohyun seemed hesitant, but he followed your direction regardless, sitting next to you on the bed.
“No. Lie down. And take off your jacket, you’ll be uncomfortable with it on.”
Soohyun turned to you, “Are you sure this isn’t just a trick to get me to take my clothes off?”
“No! Just do what I say. Gosh, you’re so stubborn.” You huffed, staring Soohyun down until he was laying down like you wanted him to. Once he was, you let yourself lay down as well, on your side and facing him.
He rested his head on the pillow, cheek cutely squishing against the surface of it. Staring at you with his dark eyes, he let his lips curve up into a smile. You smiled back at him until you could see his dimples pop out.
“What do we do now?” He whispered.
“Nap. I just want you to get some sleep.”
“What about you?” 
“I can sleep too. Sleeping is spending quality time with each other, you know.” You reasoned.
“Are you really that worried about me? Naptime? I’m not a toddler.” He muttered.
You giggled, “Sometimes you act like it, though. You’re unreasonably stubborn. You don’t do what other people say either.”
“I do what you say.” 
“Only because I’m just as stubborn as you.” You smiled and extended your hand to his forehead, brushing away a few stray strands of hair. He closed his eyes on instinct. “That’s right. You need sleep. Keep them closed. I’ll talk to you until I invade your dreams.”
Soohyun tried to suppress his smile, but his dimples gave him away. You continued to speak softly, telling small anecdotes about the past weeks— anything that could act as soft background noise to help lull your boyfriend to sleep. It seemed to work well, and once you thought he was asleep, you shifted closer to him. 
“I know I worry about you a lot…” You whispered, “But it’s only because I love you so much.” 
“Me too.”
Your eyes widened, “Soohyun, I thought you-”
“I love you too.” He opened his eyes only slightly, just enough to be able to locate your lips before he was kissing you slowly. You didn’t protest at all— you were quick to kiss him back. It was only when the kiss naturally came to its end that you got back your stubbornness.
“Are you going to sleep now?”
He hummed quietly, pulling you even closer to him until you were nestled near his chest. “Now we can sleep.”
↳ k-drama taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @edensgardenn
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rosypenguins · 4 months
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Synopsis: Liam and Henry decide to ditch school together, and as a result, Drew and Jake decide to have their own little day together. But things don’t quite go as planned.
A/N: I currently do not have access to my drawing tablet, so I might be posting more fic-related content. For anyone invested in these, I’ve been uploading them in a certain order to try and keep a certain timeline going, but this may be subject to change as I write more. For now though, all of these fics take place during Sophomore year, prior to Zoey and Drew going out. I’m trying to remain as canon-compliant as possible, but some ideas may become outdated once S2 comes out. (Also yes this Drake fic is called Hamburger my best friend named it.)
Contains minor swearing.
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Drew closed his locker, letting out a slow breath as he rested his hand on the metal door.
Him and Jake would be going out today, just the two of them. Henry and Liam both claimed to be ‘sick’, but considering what they were posting on Instagram, it was obvious they ditched school together. Leaving just Jake available to hang out.
God, even the idea of being alone with Jake made Drew’s heart flutter. He didn’t know why, nor did he care to find out. The feeling was nice, and that’s all that mattered.
Drew turned to lean against the locker, pulling out his phone to see what new shenanigans Liam and Henry were up to.
“Whatcha lookin at?” Drew startled at the sudden voice, glancing up to see Jake with his arm against his locker, leaning over to see what Drew was looking at.
“Liam’s Instagram.” Jake leaned a bit closer.
“Ooh, what’re they up to now?” Drew tilted his phone towards Jake, showing him a photo of Liam standing behind a gate that clearly said ‘DO NOT ENTER’. Jake let out a small laugh, and Drew did his best to hide a smile.
“You gonna bail them out if they get arrested?” The blonde asked, turning to unlock his locker.
“Hell no. If they can get themselves in jail, they can get themselves out.”
“Heh, that’s fair.” Jake said, tossing his books into his locker before closing it. “Well, I’m ready when you are.” Drew gave a small nod of acknowledgement, and the two left for the school’s exit.
“So… what’s the plan?” Jake asked.
“That shitty burger place, then…” Drew thought for a moment. “I don’t know, whatever you wanna do after.” Jake glanced up a bit, holding his arms behind his head.
“I know there's a park a couple blocks down. We can go chill there.”
“Why not?”
“We going back to your place after?” Jake asked, turning to look at him. Drew thought for a moment before shrugging.
“Whatever you want to do,” He answered.
The first stop was that shitty burger place. The food there was dirt cheap, and… well, really shitty. Hence the nickname. Drew didn’t know why he and his friends went there after school so often. He could easily afford much nicer places for them. But all three of them seemed to like the food, so…
Jake chose a booth close to the window, sliding himself into the seat. Drew sat across from him, directing his attention towards the window as the two waited for their food to arrive. The two talked for a bit, and Jake took a quick photo of the two of them flipping off the camera to send to Henry and Liam. The two got their food not long after, and the quality was just as horrible as Drew remembered it being. But, Jake seemed to be perfectly content, and as long as he was happy, Drew was as well.
The two talked while they ate, and the topic seemed to shift about every minute or so, when Jake would get distracted, or go on a tangent about something, only to lead into another.
Their conversations were about simple things. About meaningless things. About things both Drew and Jake would probably forget about by tomorrow. Even when the two left the restaurant, their conversations continued, and even if Drew failed to remember what they discussed, he knew he wouldn’t be forgetting the feeling of that day anytime soon. The warmth in his chest. The way his cheeks seemed to hurt from constant smiles and laughs. The way Jake looked, drenched in the dappled sunlight filtering through the clouds. The glimmer in his eyes, the brightness of his smile…
And even as the clouds began to cover more of the sun, Jake’s light never faded. Drew felt himself drawn to it, following him blindly to wherever he desired, listening to his voice ramble endlessly.
If the sun was somehow a person, Drew was certain it would be Jake. Someone so bright Drew wasn’t even sure he deserved to stand beside.
And a part of him was almost glad Henry and Liam had decided to leave Drew and Jake out of their plan to ditch school. Drew wouldn’t want to trade this day for anything. Everything was perfect…
Until Drew felt a few drops of water land on his head, snapping him out of whatever spell Jake had him under.
He glanced up, realizing how dark the sky had gotten, and watched as a few more drops fell from the sky. It had started raining.
And Drew didn’t know where the hell they were.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Drew mumbled to himself.
“Crap…” Drew heard Jake whisper. The blonde turned towards him. “You uh… didn’t happen to bring a-”
“No? You think I check the weather forecast?” Drew interrupted, pulling the hood of his sweater over his head. Jake sighed, shrugging off his jacket as the rain began to pick up a bit. He held it over his head, extending one arm towards Drew and motioning with his head for him to come closer. With a slight blush, Drew took a step towards him, taking shelter under the blue leather jacket. It didn’t cover either of them by much, but it was better than nothing.
“The park’s not much farther. We can probably take shelter there,” Drew gave a small nod, following Jake down the sidewalk and praying he knew where they were going. Jake had gotten them lost on numerous occasions, and Drew didn’t want this to be another. Especially with the temperature dropping and the rain picking up.
Not to mention how dumb they must’ve looked. But thankfully, Drew didn’t notice anyone outside at the moment.
Eventually, Drew caught sight of the park Jake was talking about, and Jake’s eyes seemed to light up at the sight.
“We’re here, let’s go!” Before Drew could respond, Jake took off towards the playground, and Drew nearly slipped trying to keep up with him. The two ran through the wet sand, and Jake eventually stopped when they reached a small blue tunnel underneath a platform for children to play on. Jake pulled the both of them inside, and considering this playground was intended for children, it was… a tight fit. The two were pressed close together, with their knees brought to their chests just to fit inside.
“This is the dumbest thing I think we’ve ever done,” Drew commented.
“Nothing compared to what Henry and I did last week,” Drew opened his mouth to argue, but decided against it, and watched as Jake pulled his jacket back on. Lucky him. His jacket was still mostly dry on the inside thanks to the leather it was made with, unlike Drew’s hoodie, which had gotten soaked from the rain. The fabric clung to his body, heavy and uncomfortable, but the idea of taking it off in weather like this wasn’t pleasant either. Ultimately, Drew chose to deal with it.
“I’m gonna call my mom. I’ll see if she can pick us up from here.” Jake said, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. He dialed her number, pressed the phone against his ear, and after a few rings, she picked up.
“Hey, mom,” Jake started. “You uh… you busy right now?” Jake fell silent for a moment, and Drew assumed his mom was talking. Jake let out a small laugh before he spoke again.
“…Yeah, actually. Could you-” Jake paused.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I know-” He paused again, then sighed.
“You were right.” He said, his voice flat.
“We’re at the park right now,”
“Yeah, that one,”
“Okay, thanks mom.”
“Yeah, we’re fine,”
“Okay, love you… Bye.”
Drew tried to remember the last time he’d told his own parents that…
“She’ll be here in 15 minutes,” Jake stated, placing his phone back into his pocket. Drew gave a small nod, bringing his hands up to his mouth and blowing into them to try and warm them.
15 minutes… stuck in a tunnel… with Jake. How delightful.
“You cold?” Jake suddenly asked, and it finally occurred to Drew that he was shivering. He shrugged, wrapping his arms around himself to try and hide it a little. Jake removed one sleeve of his jacket, extending it towards him. Drew looked at it, then Jake.
“H-huh-?!” Drew’s face flushed when he realized what Jake was offering.
“What? We’re both freezing, and my mom’s not gonna be here for a while.” Drew paused.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked, his voice growing quiet.
“Why not?” Jake answered. He sounded so casual about it, and Drew wished he could feel the same.
Why was his heart racing so fast? They were best friends, this shouldn’t be that big of a deal.
Drew swallowed, scooting himself closer and laying against Jake’s chest. Jake’s arm, meanwhile, wrapped around Drew’s shoulders, draping the jacket over his back.
…It was suddenly a lot warmer now.
But… It felt really nice.
Letting out a quiet breath, Drew allowed himself to relax, resting his head against Jake’s shoulder and wrapping his arms around the blonde’s torso, holding onto his shirt.
And despite the both of them being soaked from the rain, Drew couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so comfortable.
Being with Jake like this… it felt… safe.
And Drew found himself closing his eyes.
He could feel Jake let out a small hum.
“Feeling any better?” He asked. Drew opened his eyes, giving a small, tired nod. Jake laughed.
“Hey, you know what this reminds me of?” He asked, and the way he dragged out his words sounded way too familiar. Slowly, Drew lifted his head.
“I swear, if you bring up the-”
“That time you got sick, and you kept clinging onto me like-” Drew shoved his side with his elbow.
“Shut up! I didn’t know what I was doing!” Drew exclaimed, only to be met with Jake’s laughter once more.
“Come on- just admit it! You love me!” Drew flushed.
“I fucking hate you,” He snapped, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Love you too, Drewy-bear!” Jake said with a wink. And for a moment, Drew almost forgot what planet he was on. Why did Jake do this to him? How did Jake do this to him?
…And why did he never want him to stop?
Drew was brought back to reality when he heard Jake’s phone ding, and the blonde pulled it out of his pocket, checking the notification.
“Oh, she’s here,” He said, before shoving it back in his pocket and crawling over Drew to escape the tunnel. He stood up, holding out his hand to Drew. Drew accepted it, glancing up towards the road to see a familiar car parked by the sidewalk. Drew followed Jake towards it, and he could faintly see Jake’s little brother, Milo, sitting in the front seat. His eyes were glued to his GachaSwitch.
Jake opened the door for the both of them, and Drew entered the car. He tried to take up as little of the seat as possible, knowing his clothes were soaked.
“Heya!” Jake said as he followed Drew into the car, sitting down beside him.
“Bet you regret not listening to me this morning, huh?” Jake’s mom asked him, and Jake sighed as he shut the car door.
“I know, I know,” Jake said. “But it really didn’t look that cloudy this morning!” Jake’s mom shifted the car into drive, pulling away from the curb.
“Better to be prepared than not,” She lectured. “You boys aren’t feeling sick, are you?” She asked, her voice growing concerned.
“We’re fine, just cold.” Jake said. His mom nodded, turning up the heater a bit.
“You want me to drop you off at your place, Drew?” She asked. Drew glanced up at Jake.
“You could stay the night too, if you want.” Jake offered. Drew thought for a moment.
“Shouldn’t you be asking me, first?” Jake’s mom asked.
“Ah, yeah, right. Uh… could he? If he wanted to?” Jake asked. His mom rolled her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face.
“Yes, he can.” Jake smiled before turning back to Drew, awaiting his answer.
“Great! So? Do you want to?” The blonde asked. Drew gave a small nod, and Jake’s enthusiasm towards his answer gave Drew that same warm feeling he always managed to find with Jake. But as Drew glanced back towards Jake’s mom, he began to wonder something.
On the few occasions that Drew would stay at Jake’s house, Jake’s mom would always requested his parents approval. And considering how little contact he had with them, he’d often lie to her, saying they agreed when he hadn’t even asked. But… this time, she didn’t asked him anything. Had Jake told her about his parents or something?
…He didn’t let himself dwell on it. All that mattered was the fact he got to spend the night with Jake.
He turned his attention to his phone, checking Henry and Liam’s instagram to see if anything new was posted. And after realizing Jake was glancing over at him, he leaned a bit closer, sharing his screen.
Between the slight rumble of the car, the warmth of the heater, the quiet buzz of the radio, and the comfort of being by Jake’s side, Drew found himself growing rather drowsy, until he could barely keep his eyes open anymore. At some point, Drew had stopped scrolling, and his phone fell into his lap. A moment later, he blinked, and the world slipped into darkness.
“Drew, wake up.”
Drew blinked, recognizing the sound of Jake’s voice. Glancing around, he realized he was still in the car. Did he fall asleep?
“We’re here.” Jake whispered, and as Drew glanced up to look at him, it suddenly occurred to him that he was leaning against the blonde’s shoulder. Quickly, he sat up.
“J-Jake! Shit, when did I-“
“About five minutes ago? Maybe?” Drew swallowed.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Jake rolled his eyes.
“You stay up ‘til two in the morning on the regular. You probably needed that nap.” Drew frowned, but said nothing else as Jake opened the door for him and led him inside the house. Jake’s mom was standing in the doorway, whereas Milo was nowhere to be seen. Once the two had entered, Jake closed and locked the door, then kneeled down to take off his shoes.
“I’m gonna finish making dinner,” Jake’s mom said. “Both of you better take a shower. I don’t need either of you getting sick.” Jake gave a nod, and his mom left for the kitchen.
“You wanna shower first?” He asked, setting his shoes aside.
“Sure,” Drew replied, doing the same. Jake gave a nod in response.
“I’ll go get you some spare clothes,” With another quick nod, Drew made his way to the guest bathroom. He’d grown far too familiar with Jake’s house, knowing it about as well as he knew his own. He opened the door to the bathroom and flicked on the light before shutting the door behind him. Finally, he could take off his hoodie. It had dried a bit thanks to the heater, but it was still uncomfortable to wear, and Drew was glad to be rid of it. As he turned on the shower to get the water warm, Jake entered the bathroom, bringing with him some spare clothes and an extra towel. He left as quickly as he came, and Drew locked the door before taking off the rest of his clothes. He tried to keep his shower quick, knowing Jake had to use it as well, but with how cold his body was, and how warm the water was by comparison, it was a bit of a challenge to find the will to leave. But eventually, he finished bathing himself, and threw on the spare clothes Jake had brought him. He left shortly after that, the towel still in his arms as he called for Jake to let him know it was his turn to wash up. Jake had whisked past him faster than he expected, closing the door rather quickly. Rolling his eyes, Drew made his way to Jake’s bedroom, sitting himself down on the bed as he dried off his hair. Pulling the towel away from himself, Drew glanced down at what he was wearing.
The clothes Jake had given him were nothing special. An old, long-sleeved shirt and cropped sweatpants. They weren’t too fancy, nor all that soft. They were simple, and obviously cheap.
But somehow… they still felt special. And Drew felt especially comfortable wearing them. Even compared to his own clothes.
He’d borrowed Jake’s clothes countless times before, yet the feeling never seemed to fade, and Drew hoped it never would. It was a wonderful feeling.
Drew was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door open, and he glanced up to see Jake standing in the doorway, dressed in a tank top and deep blue sweatpants. He had the towel draped across his shoulders, and his hair was still dripping wet.
God, why did he still look so beautiful?
“Dinner’s ready!” Jake announced, and Drew stood up from the bed, following him to the kitchen.
Dinner was nothing special. Just some pasta and store-bought bread rolls, but it still tasted amazing. Jake and Milo bickered most of the evening, and it was honestly amusing how often Jake would argue with someone about 4 years younger than him. It was even more amusing how often he’d lose.
Jake’s house was nowhere near as quiet as his. It was lively, yet comforting at the same time. Drew would never admit it, but he much preferred being at Jake’s house than his own, even if there wasn’t much to do.
Because Jake’s house felt like a home, and Drew’s just felt… lonely.
Once everyone had finished eating, Jake was put in charge of dishes. Drew helped load them into the dishwasher while Jake washed them, and between the two of them, they were able to get them accomplished rather quickly. Afterwards, the two made their way upstairs, laying down on Jake’s bed beside one another. Jake rested his arms underneath his head, letting out a sigh.
“Today was fun,” He said, glancing over at Drew. Drew turned to face him.
“We should do this more often, just the two of us,” Jake suggested, and Drew felt his face warm at the idea. “Make Henry and Liam jealous.” He added with a wink.
“They’ll probably think we’re gay.” Drew joked, rolling his eyes as he recalled how often Henry and Liam referred to them as ‘boyfriends’. Jake let out a small laugh.
“If anyone’s gay in this friend group, it’s those two. I mean, they’ve literally kissed before.” The magenta-haired man chuckled.
“I guess so,”
“I really do want to do this more though, don’t you?” Jake asked, rolling over to face him. Their eyes met, and it took a moment for Drew to respond.
“Yeah, I do.” He said. Jake smiled at him.
“Awesome,” He said. “Any ideas for our next adventures? Preferably on a less rainy day?” Drew shrugged, shifting himself underneath the blankets.
Jake stared up at the fan, seemingly deep in thought for a moment, only to let out a yawn.
“I’ll leave that up to future us, then.” Jake decided, getting under the covers as well. Drew watched as he did so, and found himself staring while the blonde’s gaze was away.
“...Jake..?” Jake glanced over at him.
“What’s up?” Drew thought for a moment. He didn’t know why he was about to say this, but…
“I’m… still cold.”
Drew’s heart was pounding. Would Jake even understand what he meant by that?
Jake sat up.
“Oh! Sorry about that. Lemme grab you a spare blanket!” Before Drew could say anything else, Jake had gotten up and left the room. Drew let out a small groan, rolling onto his back.
Dumbass. That wasn’t at all what he meant.
He didn’t want a blanket… he wanted Jake…
And even though Jake hadn’t understood what Drew was implying, the magenta-haired man couldn’t help but feel embarrassed at himself. Why did he even say that in the first place? Why did he want to-
No, no he wasn’t going to question it. It was normal for friends to want… to…
Drew sat up when he heard the door open again, and Jake returned with a soft, peach-colored blanket folded in his arms. He made his way to Drew’s side, carefully draping the blanket over him before climbing back into bed.
“That better?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Drew responded half-heartedly, however, Jake was as oblivious as ever.
“No problem.” The blonde let out another yawn as he settled himself back into bed, covering himself with the blankets.
“I think I’m gonna head to bed.” He said. Drew gave a small nod in response. “‘Night, Drew. See you in the morning.”
“‘Night,” Drew said, before rolling over, facing his back to Jake. Drew wished he could fall asleep as well, but he couldn’t prevent the questions from arising.
Why had he wanted Jake to hug him again? Why did he want to be in Jake’s arms so badly? Why did it feel like more than just a want? Why did it feel like a need? A desperation?
Why did the idea of being alone with Jake make his heart race? Why did he like being at his house? In his clothes? In his bed? Why did-
Drew paused.
…And he considered a possibility he hadn’t yet thought of…
…But he hated it.
He didn’t want to admit it. It was disgusting to even consider.
So instead, Drew kept telling himself that…
Jake was just a really good friend.
A friend Drew didn’t deserve…
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greatlobbyis123 · 5 months
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bluevelvetgvf · 2 years
home is wherever you are
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(I do not claim to, nor do I know Greta Van Fleet; they are all real people with real lives, this is an entirely fictional work.)
3.5k words
warnings: slight sub!jake, oral sex (m!receiving), slight dirty talk, sensual filth, unprotected sex
Twelve thirty. His flight got in a half hour after midnight. That was what you reminded yourself from the moment your eyes opened that day.
Only a few hours until he came home. Not long until he was yours, wholly and fully, for over a month.
It had been a long year. Jake gone, touring with the band since March. The tour was difficult, hiccup after hiccup making it seem neverending.
You weren't ever alone for long. Jake whisked you away with him on long-weekends and holidays, when work allowed. You traveled the world together, as much as you could; touring wineries in France, immersing yourselves in local culture in Mexico. Jake even indulged you in assisting him writing a few songs for the new album.
None of the quality time was taken for granted. But nothing beat being at home with him.
Today was endless. From the moment you opened your eyes, the minutes felt like hours. You suspected it would be that way. They had a few loose ends to wrap up in LA before they headed home, so their flights weren't departing until the late afternoon. Coupled with a lengthy layover, and an already late landing time, by the time the sun had set you felt like you were going certifiable.
The house was cleaned top to bottom, not that you ever let it become any less than magazine-ready, but you always felt best when coming home to a clean house, so you figured Jake would feel the same.
The pantry and fridge were full with new groceries. All the laundry was done. The house was aglow with various lights from the particularly-placed Christmas decor you and Jake had put up a few weeks prior. The smell of the tree, and your favorite scented candle added extra comfort to the air.
It was just barely ten. You'd showered, changed into the coziest pajamas you could find, brewed some tea, and stuck a vinyl on the turntable. You flipped between aimlessly scrolling on your phone, and browsing through your latest library find.
You didn't even realize you'd drifted off to sleep. But the sound of the lock turning on the front door woke you with a jolt.
You tried to play it cool, throwing the blanket off of your lap and turning your body, watching the door slowly open, revealing him.
You could feel your face flush, pure joy washing over your body. He didn't see you yet, a small pout on his lips as he struggled to bring his luggage inside quietly. He thought you were asleep.
A puff of air escaped him as he finally got all of his things inside. He turned back, locking the door, turning off the outside light, and then you stood.
He jumped, taken aback by your presence. "Jake." You sighed, too excited to act normal, and you climbed over the back of the couch, throwing yourself into his arms.
He let out a laugh, wrapping you tightly in his arms. "Hi pretty girl." He sighed, holding you tight. "Didn't know you were up."
You shook your head, rubbing your nose against his chest. "I wasn't- Fell asleep. But I heard your key."
A hand released itself from around your waist, gripping your chin gently. "I woke you up." He said, more like a question. He felt bad.
You shook your head again. "I wanted see you. Wanted to welcome you home. I just-" You shrugged. "It's too cozy."
His lips upturned slightly, turning to look around the room. "Guess so." He let out a puff of laughter before turning his attention back to you.
He leaned down pressing his forehead to your's, just relishing in the feeling of being close to you; The comfort in knowing you two were free to be together for an extended period of time washing over him. It was almost overwhelming.
A wave of desire overtook you, the feeling sudden and unable to be ignored. You leaned up, pressing your lips to his.
Jake let out a hum of content, pressing further into you. "God I missed you." He mumbled, lips still brushing your's. "Quit your job and tour with me full-time. That way we never have to be apart."
You grinned, pulling away for a second. "Saying goodbye is so hard, but it makes this so much better."
Jake rolled his eyes playfully, lifting you up slightly. "You wanna go to bed?" He asked, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
"Go to bed? Or "go to bed"?" You teased him, closing your eyes and relishing in the feeling of him.
"Don't care- Just want to be with you." He replied, fully lifting you and carrying you to your room.
The bedroom was just as cozy; A smaller artificial tree on your dresser, warm light illuminating the room just enough to see each other. Such a comforting feeling in such a place where sinful things occurred.
Jake dropped you on the bed, a laugh ripped from your chest. "So aggressive!" You laughed, shrugging your robe off.
Jake shrugged, partially ignoring you as he undressed as well. Jacket, shoes, shirt, pants. He moved quickly, before turning his attention back to you.
You raised your eyebrows, waiting to see what his next move was. He stepped closed, leaning over you and tucking his fingers beneath the waistband of your pants, pulling them down agonizingly slow.
With a huff, you threw your head back, trying to stay patient. "Jake-"
He took the hint, pulling your pants off the rest of the way, before tossing them over his shoulder and leaning fully over you again. One hand came to rest beside your shoulder, the other cupping your jaw, thumb rubbing gently on the space just beneath your ear.
His touch was intimate, grounding and dizzying at the same time. He could've lulled you right back to sleep, if not for the distracting fire slowly burning inside of you.
"Jake." You whined again, silently pleading him to get on with it.
He sighed, ignoring your pleads. "Relax baby-"
You shook your head, growing frustrated. You just wanted him, as close as possible. As soon as possible. You understood his want to take it slow, but this was too slow- It'd been too long.
You leaned up, catching his lips in your's, more aggressive than before, hoping he would catch the hint.
He pulled back, gasping for breath, but before he could fully separate from you, you caught his bottom lip between your teeth, biting for just a second before pulling back, trying not to smile.
He let out a sigh, jaw clenching. Maybe now he got the hint.
"Here, c'mon." You huffed, growing impatient. You pushed him off of you, leaning up on your knees. "Lay down." You commanded him with a gentle push to his chest.
He narrowed his eyes at you, hesitantly laying back, his hair fanning out onto the pillows beneath his head. "Just relax baby." You hummed, mocking his previous words. "Let me take care of you."
You reached down, pulling your top over your head, the fabric now becoming a burden in your desire to be close to him. Beneath you, Jake's eyes looked like they were going to blow out of his head, this change in dynamics doing things to him.
"I've missed you so much." You sighed, climbing up the bed to straddle one of his thighs. "Seeing pictures and videos, all the shows, the places you see-" His hands attached themselves to your hips as you leaned down pressing a kiss to his cheek. "It hurts to be apart for so long."
He hummed, fidgeting a bit, clearly struggling with the new position. "It makes me so happy, watching you live your dream. Everyone loves you, loves to watch you play." Another kiss to his nose. "My rockstar."
A groan escaped his lips as you brushed his hair behind his ear. "You work so hard. Just let me take care of you."
His fingers dug deeper into your hips, his skin burning hot.
His hand traveled up your body, one staying on your hip, the other coming to grip the soft plush of your breast. A gasp of surprise came from your lips. "Jake-" You warned, but he wasn't listening, he was too engrossed in his own desires. "I thought I was taking care of you?" You teased.
He hummed, shaking his head. "This is taking care of me."
You scoffed, hand coming down to grip his wrist. "Hands to yourself."
"Babe- really-" He gaped, still holding your hip with his other hand.
You nodded, standing your ground. "You can have your turn in the morning." You all but ripped his hands off of you, dropping them to the bed. "Sit back, chill out, and let me do the work. You've had a long year."
With a huff, Jake succumbed to your wishes, clenching his jaw in frustration.
You leaned back down, pressing kiss to his ear, right above his little hoop. Your teeth grazing the soft skin. "Did I ever tell you how much I love your earrings?" You asked, not waiting for a response. "Should get another one."
You kissed your way across his face, teasingly avoiding his lips. He was practically squirming beneath you as you traveled further down his body, agonizingly slow.
His neck, his chest, his stomach, running your hands up his thighs. Another moan ripped through him as you approached where he wanted you most.
Fighting a smile you looked up at him, raising your eyebrows in amusement at the sight of him. Cheeks flushed, mouth parted slightly, eyes dark and fixed on you.
You leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his member, still covered by his briefs. Above you, Jake inhaled shakily, hands gripping the sheets.
Reaching up, you dipped your fingers beneath the waistband of the briefs, running your nails gently along his skin. "You're being a fucking tease." He gritted his teeth, fighting for composure.
You chuckled, biting your lip. If he was gonna call you a tease, you may as well act like one. "What's the rush Jakey?"
He huffed, lifting his hips in search of any kind of relief. "You're one to talk-" You took advantage of his semi-distracted state and tugged the cotton down. "Finally." He sighed in relief, lifting his hips all the way for you to fully rid him of the fabric.
"So impatient." You rolled your eyes playfully, tossing them behind you just as he did before.
Now it was your turn to play it cool, feeling the desire grow even hotter inside of you. No matter how many times you two had been in this position, each time was just as exciting as the first.
Glancing up at him, you lifted your hand, reaching forward to swipe your thumb gently over the tip. Jake inhaled sharply as you removed your thumb just as quickly as you'd placed it there. "Wanna taste?" You raised your eyebrows, climbing back up his body.
As if they weren't already red enough, Jake's cheeks blushed more, his nose heating up too. He hesitantly opened his mouth, welcoming your finger onto his tongue. You pressed down, letting him taste himself before removing the digit from his lips, looking down at him expectantly.
"Thoughts?" You ask, leaning back a bit to fully see him.
"Not bad- Doesn't taste as sweet as you though."
You hummed, ever the pleaser, he was. Nodding to yourself you returned to your previous position, mouth inches away from your holy grail. "Can I touch you, please?" Jake whined, exasperated. "Just wanna touch you."
You nodded again, his hand releasing the sheet beneath him and threading itself into your hair. You knew he wouldn't push it, not with the mood you'd put yourself in.
Without wasting another tantalizing minute you lowered your mouth onto him, taking as much as you could before it became uncomfortable. Jake never pushed your limits, always letting you take as much as you saw fit. He never complained.
You sighed in content, it had been so long. So long since you two could do this in the comfort of your own home. Sure sex on the road was great; Bus sex was a complete no, and hotel sex did the job, but nothing beat being filthy in your own home.
You continued your actions, tongue teasing his tip as you hollowed your cheeks around him. One hand teasingly tracing patterns on his arm that was holding your hair, the other gripping into his thigh.
Jake was panting above you, small groans and puffs of air leaving him as he fought to stay calm. But he grew impatient with your teasing. "Okay, that's enough!" He practically squealed, moving his hand from your hair to the back of your neck and pulling you off of him forcefully. "Wanna finish inside-" He huffed, dragging you by your neck back up to him.
"Okay, okay!" You nodded frantically as his other hand grabbed your hip again, crashing his lips to your's.

You melted into the kiss, humming contently. Every moment spent touching him was heaven, and as much as you wanted him inside of you, you were on a mission: Please Jake. And you would be damned if you failed it.
You continued on, kisses growing hungrier by the second, and while he was completely distracted by your lips on his you reached back down, wrapping your hand around him again.
"Ah-" He gasped, breaking away from your lips. "Baby- Fuck." He gasped again, as you pumped him a few times experimentally. "I told you-"
"I know, but-" You hummed, pecking him again. "It feels so good, doesn't it?" You grinned against his lips, waiting for him to stop you. "Tell me to stop, and I will."
Jake groaned, shaking his head frantically. "Just go." He moaned, fully succumbing to your touch.
Triumphantly, you pressed your lips back to his, licking into his mouth as your hand worked him to his end.
Beneath you, Jake's body tensed, the hand on your hip gripping you so tightly you had no doubt there'd be bruises when you woke in the morning. He pressed you closer to him by your neck, mouth opening as he came onto your hand.
Your lips stayed on his giving him a few more pumps as he rode out his high.
As he relaxed beneath you, you finally parted your lips, his hand falling from your neck as you separated. "How was that?" You grinned slyly, knowing he would never admit he made the right decision by not stopping you.
"God I missed you so fucking much." He panted, stray hairs stuck to his cheek. Of course he wouldn't admit you were right.
You smiled, leaning forward and brushing the hair from his face with your free hand.
As sinful as it was, your brought your other hand to your lips, tongue making quick work of cleaning your skin. "You're filthy." Jake groaned, chest heaving.
His eyes never left your's as you wiped the remains of his release onto the sheets.
A slight shift in the air could be felt as Jake took advantage of your distraction, both hands coming down to your panties, using his fingers to rip them in two. "Jake!" You gasped, as he shook his head.
"I'll buy you another pair- I need to be inside of you before I fucking combust." He all but growled at you, using his grip on your hips to reposition you atop his cock.
An arm wrapped around your waist, the other on your hip, he lowered you onto him, the two of you groaning at the feeling.
"Never gets old." He moaned, giving you a moment to adjust. You shook your head, silent in agreement. He was right, so fucking right. "You good?" He asked, fighting the urge to go crazy.
You nodded, placing your hand against his jaw, just as he did with you not long ago. "M'fine."
Jake nodded too. "Now let me take care of you."
This position wasn't ideal, nor your favorite. Usually you were the one underneath, but the change in dynamic wasn't unpleasant.
Your other hand gripped his shoulder as he used what little leverage he had to thrust upwards, making you gasp. Yes, you definitely missed this.
It took a few moments but eventually he built up a steady rhythm, your face buried into the crook of his neck, eyes shut tight. The feeling of him everywhere almost overwhelming you to the point of tears.
When he said he wanted to be close to you, he meant it.
The fire in your belly grew with each thrust, the feeling of his hands on you, the scent of him, the noises he was making. You never wanted him to leave again.
"I fucking missed you so much Jake." You sighed, digging your nails into his shoulder.
"I missed you too baby." He panted, working so terribly hard towards his release.
You whined, now desperate for an end, for that indescribable feeling you loved so much. "Jake-" You groaned, lifting your head slightly.
"What is it baby? What do you need?" He asked, focused on keeping his rhythm.
"More." You replied. "Harder, just- Harder." You shook your head, unable to explain what you really wanted. You wanted to cum, with him, him inside of you, and the fastest way to get there was by returning to your normal ways: Fast and rough.
Without a warning Jake paused for a moment, skillfully sitting up and bending you backwards, laying you down against the sheets.
He smiled down at you. "You look so beautiful like this." He beamed, causing a heat to rush to your cheeks.
"You're such a flirt." You giggled, lifting your leg to hook onto his hip, pulling him closer. "Can we finish what we started though?"
He nodded, still grinning like he'd won the lottery. Both hands now had your hips in a death-grip as he began a steady pace, that was without a doubt harder and faster than before.
You reached up, hand grabbing his throat to pull him down. You crashed your lips to his as he pounded into you, now just as desperate for a release as you were.
Your hand stayed on his throat as he removed one of his from your hip, reaching down to press his thumb to your clit, wanting you to cum with him.
He could always tell when you were close, sometimes before you did; It was like a strange sixth sense of his. "Come on baby." He groaned, breaking away from your lips for just a second. "Show me how glad you are that I'm home."
It was like everything was falling into place; The perfect combination for a reaction, him on you and inside of you, his lips, the warmth of him, everything was right.
With one final thrust the coil inside of you snapped, and you gasped, eyes screwing tightly shut. Another few thrusts, now sloppy and desperate, and Jake came too, muffling his moans inside your mouth.
Your chest heaved, lungs burning as his lips stayed on your's, a few more thrusts to ride out your highs, and he groaned, removing his lips from your's.
You sighed in content as he lifted his head, bringing his hand from between your legs, to your face, brushing a few stray hairs from your face.
The room was silent, save for the sounds of your panting breaths as you two came down from your highs.
As your breathing regulated, he shifted himself, slowly leaving the warmth of your inside. You moaned softly, missing the feeling of him.
Jake sat back on his knees, holding a hand out to you. With a sigh, you sat up, leaning forward to press your face into his shoulder.
His arms wrapped around you again, holding you tightly to his chest. The two of you stayed still for a moment, the heat of his skin warming you even further.
After a few minutes Jake laid back, pulling you with him to lay atop his chest, arms still holding you securely.
You closed your eyes in content. He was home.
"Ya know..." He whispered, although nobody else could hear you two. "I meant what I said, about you coming on tour full-time." He paused, hesitant to continue, as if it was a potentially controversial question.
"I know it's not ideal, living out of a suitcase, but we'd be together."
You hummed, turning your head to gaze up at him, adoration overwhelming you. You reached a hand up, finger tracing the perfect cupid's bow of his upper lip, nodding. "As much as I love the welcome-home sex, I love the regular casual sex better- Just no sex on the bus.
Jake's chest heaved with laughter at your light-hearted comment. "It's really not funny Jake, I mean imagine if we got into a fucking wreck in the middle of fucking-"
"Okay, okay!" He laughed still, smiling down at you. "You know I love you so much, right?"
You nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to his chest. "I love you too- Probably even more than you love me."
Jake scoffed in mock-horror. "No way, that's not possible, I love you so fucking much-"
"Alright, fine, we both love each other." You laughed as he squeezed you tighter.
A few moments of silence passed, the two of you relaxing in each other's presence.
"Welcome home Jake."
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soap143 · 6 months
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I had these two similar requests, so I decided to combine them into one. Whoever saw the other post… No you didn’t. Enjoy!
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3 “aww, you’re blushing”
6 “ are you…? oh my god. you are.”
69 “i don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red.”
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Lee!Han, Minho
Ler!Han, Minho
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“We have plenty of pictures on your phone! And plus, digital images are not fun.” Minsung were arguing over something dumb again. What could it be this time…
Han kept on insisting on taking more pictures together, because there is no such thing as too many. Minho, on the other hand, disagreed.
Jisung really wanted to go out that day. Like a mini date. They could grab some food, discover some new photo spots and just spend quality time together. But the main thing on his mind was to buy a camera. One that prints pictures right after taking them, to be specific.
Minho, obviously, wasn’t a big fan of the idea. He just wanted to completely waste his free day by watching TV and eating snacks all day long.
“Come onnn, hyung~ This is our only chance to go out, and you just wanna throw it away just like that?” the quokka bribed the older “I already said no. There is absolutely nothing that would make me change my mind.”
“Please, please, please~ I’ll literally do anything!” the leader of danceracha definetly underestimated his weakness againts whiny Jisung “No.” Minho really tried denying the offer. Even in his mind. But he was already convinced. Han only had to pull his arm up and down and complain childlishly to change the cat lover’s principles.
“So first we’re gonna go to the market and get some beutiful matching bracelets. Then I’m thinking about taking you to this super cute anime-japanese store, where we can buy delicious snacks and lastly we can eat at that fancy restaurant that we saw last week!”
“Hm… Sound like a lot of work…” Lee Know complained “More like a lot of fun! This is gonna be the best date ever!” the squirrel happily smiled, showing his toothy smile.
•• ━━━━━━━ •• ❖ •• ━━━━━━━ ••
“Minho hyung, come look at this!” Han exitedly called the older over “What is it?” “Just look at these necklaces! This one has a little cat, see? This one is going to be yours! And look at this cute quokka! I’ve never seen one on a piece of jewelry…”
Minho, once again, tiredly hummed, murmuring something under his breath. He just wanted to go home…
After paying for their new pendants, Minsung made their way to the anime shop. Jisung was very much looking forward to visiting this place. He had always wanted to go there, but always felt too nervous to go alone.
The whiny cat followed his owner for a while. The all-rounder kept on stopping and checking out different figurines, flipping thru mangas and begging the older to buy him some cute stickers and keychains.
Finally, after what felt like years of wandering around the massive building, the couple reched the exit. Minho was so exited to go buy some snacks and finish off their hang out with some delicious dinner. But one last thing caught the curious boy’s eye.
“Look, hyung. A photo booth! And it’s anime themed. Is this heaven?” the rapper exitedly walked towards the mentioned place “Wait, we’re not actually stopping here, are we?” Lee Know stood there with his mouth wide open.
“Why not? There are no people around. And it’s also an opportunity to get some more pictures together!” Jisung gripped the other boy’s arm and dragged him towards the dreaded place.
“Come on, you go first!” the squirrel like boy pushed his hyung into the tight space. When both them both entered the photo booth, Lee Know noticed how little space there was. He felt like a sardine with how close Han was. They were not just touching shoulders. They were basically sitting on eachother. Jisung was sitting on him to be specific.
“Now smile, hyung!” the maknae of 3racha encouraged the older as he inserted a coin into the machine. A loud clicking noise was heard and the lights set up inside shone bright into the boys eyes. Suddenly, a long piece of paper slid out right into Jisung’s hands.
“Look, it’s us!” the younger shoved the pictures into Minho’s face “Yah, I see them. Can we go now?” Han was about to agree, but then he looked closer into his souvenir.
“Wait… Did you not smile?” the spark in the boy’s eyes dissapeared. Minho almost felt bad “Well, you forced me to come with you, so why should I smile if I’m not happy?” “You little- I’ll make you smile!”
“YAHAHAHAHA DOHOHON’T!” the mischevious bunny was no longer worried about making his friend sad. He was now busy fighting Jisung’s long, tickly fingers off his ticklish sides.
“Aww, you’re blushing!” the quokka teased, only pressing his fingers deeper in “NOHOHOHO SUHUHUHNGIE PLEHEHEASE!” the worst part was that Minho was completely immobile. The tickler’s body weight combined with the tight space made it imposible to move any more than he was able to at the moment. Which wasn’t much.
“FUHUHUHUCK PLEHEHEASE NOHOHO!” Once the rapper reached his armpits, he knew it was over. Tears had started running down his cheeks by now. Lee Know definetly underestimated his sensitivity.
Ji on the other hand was very much enjoying himself. Not only did he get to have the most amazing day, but he also got to wreck the shit out of his hyung.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen your face so red.” the dancer’s toothy smile seemed to be permanently stuck on his beet-red face. But once the ler reached his preciou’s lee’s deathly ticklish thighs, Minho could tell that he was near his limit.
“H-HAHAHAHAN MEHEHEHEECY PLEHEHEHEASE…!” the poor boy was struggling to breathe. But he’d be dead wrong if he denied liking this.
Jisung wanted to check one last thing before finishing off with the older by lighly stroking his neck “are you…? oh my god. you are.” his theory was proven right when his victim elicited some of the sweetest giggles and scrunched up the sensitive body part.
“How many more places are you ticklish on!” Before Lee Know could push the younger off, Han had already dug his fingers into the older’s neck and collarbone area.
“Smilee, hyung~” the all-rounder threw yet another coin into the machine while scratching the cat mom’s neck. This time, he would most definetly be smiling.
After a few more seconds and some posing, the final and most perfect pictures came out “We look so cute! Look, Minho hyung. See, you’re smiling this time~” Han teased.
“Yah! Don’t think you can get away with this!” the bunny used both hands to poke Hannie, succesfully forcing him out of the photo booth.
•• ━━━━━━━ •• ❖ •• ━━━━━━━ ••
Minsung had filled their stomachs up and were sitting comfortably on the couch. Lee Know decided to visit the 3racha and Hyunjin dorm to watch a movie with Han.
They had already chosen the perfect movie to watch. About 30 minutes had passed and both of them were pretty invested. Especially Jisung. Which is exactly what Minho wanted.
“Are you enjoying this movie?” the cat man asked “Shut up, please” oh he was so going to make him regret that. The dancer listened to the younger. He seemed to really like the film, so the second oldest felt obligated to be nice for at least a little while. That was until he got bored.
“Remember what happened at the photo booth today?” this sentence made Han’s face redden up as he shyly nodded “Y-Yeah, of course I do…” Minho smiled hearing his bandmate’s shaky voice.
“You know, I might just want some revenge…” of course, the quokka knew this would happen. He has actually been anticipating it all day long “Um… I think that you might not need that.”
Jisung crossed his arms against his chest, trying to hide how flustered he was, the dark room making it pretty easy. To his disadvantage, the bunny knew him far too well “No need to pretend that you don’t want this, Sungie~” Lee Know teased, sliding closer to his future victim.
“I’m actually not t-ticklish” Han scoffed, turning his head cockily “Oh? Since when? Last time I checked you were the most ticklish person I know” Minho’s eyebrows raised upon hearing the statement “Well, you’ve got the wrong person, ‘cause I am not one bit… Y-You know what I mean” the maknae of 3racha evetually got far too shy to even say the dreaded word “Aww, how cute. You can’t even say it~ Let me help you with that.”
Soon enough, the leader of danceracha was wrestling with the other boy “Get ohohof mehehe! I already told you-ugh, I’m nohohot,- Yah! I tohold you to stop!” Both of them were equally as strong, but Han could be managed much easily when he was in a lee mood.
“Ohohok you win…” the shorter admited. I mean, he had to accept the truth, considering that the older had him completely pinned. He was stuck under his hyung, whom was sitting on hips, crushing his thighs with his. Not to mention that both his arms were also in the hands of the scary ler.
“Hmm… Now, where shall we start…? I have an idea! How about you tell me!” Minho had come with the most amazing idea. This was going to make the younger so shy “W-What do you mean…” “Stuttering already? Just tell me where and how you wanna be tickled! Not that complicated.”
“WHAT?! I cahahan’t do that!” “Sorry, but you mistake me for someone who cares. Now do what I told you or… I’m going to do that thing.” Han’s eyes widened in fear. Just a day or two ago, Minho had found Sung’s ultimate death spot. It was on the inside of his thigh, closer to his knee. When the older sat on his hips, with his back facing Jisung’s face, and vibrated his fingers into the dreaded spot, the rapper felt like he could confess his darkest secrets just so the ler would slow down.
“…” The younger simply did not respond. Both things were equally as flustering, he could’t choose “Well, looks like you prefer the second option”
Without a warning, Minho streched his hand behind his back, searching for the lee’s ticklish thigh “Stop squirming so much, I can’t get anything done like this…” Jisung was really testing his patience with all the movements he did just to avoid the scary fingers that creeped closer to his sensitive body part every second.
When the older finally reached his limit, he decided to turn his body to face Han’s lower half “Just say stop if it gets too much.”
Jisung gulped in fear. Soon enough, he felt Minho’s hand searching for the dreaded spot. Once they did, Han could only pray his ticklishess had gone away over night.
“Look, let’s talk about this like smart, elegant gentle-MEHEHEHEHEN” the wicked bunny wasted no time, digging his fingers in mercilessly into the ticklish flesh “We already did, Hannie.” the olders calmness was getting the quokka really badly.
“PLEHEHEHEASE HYUHUHUHUHNG DOHOHOHOHON’T!” Han whined in ticklish agony, thrashing around like a madman “I didn’t hear a stop~”
The younger’s current state looked rather… concerning. His whole face was a nice, deep cherry-red, with a vein popping out of the ticklish boy’s neck(which was equally as red). His upper body was swinging side to side. Han kept on slapping Minho’s back, but the tickler seemed to be nonchalant about it.
As ler continued the action, tears started streaming down Jisung’s neck, signaling that he was near his limit “P-PLEHEHEASE MIHIHIHINHO S-STOHOhohop…-“ As soon as Sungie’s wild cackling could no longer be heard, Lee Know stopped.
“Are you ok? Do you want to continue?” the concern in his voice was real “Y-Yeheah, j-just maybe not there anymohore…” the worry in the cat’s lover’s face quickly melted away and was replaced by mischeviousness “Then we should switch back to the first option…”
“W-What was the first option…” Jisung stuttered “Oh please, I know you remember~ Now tell me, where and how” Lee Know sweetly smiled down at the shorter “Do what?” Han tried to sound clueless “You’re being annoying. Where. And. How. Tell me this very moment or we’re going back to square one”
The rapper closed his eyes, hoping this was all a dream. He was not about to do a tutorial on how to tickle him “Look, we really don’t have to do this…” Minho gently placed his hand back onto the younger’s thigh “OKAY. Okahahay, I will do whatever you want, hyung…”
The bunny’s mouth extended into a wide grin “Oh no, Sungie! It seems to be that I’ve absolutely forgotten what tickling was! And how to do it! Can you show me? Please”
A sudden wave of heat attacked the lee’s face, rushing blood up into it “Um, so. Fuhuhuck I can’t. Hyung, I cannot do this.” Han covered his red face with his hands “Can’t do what? I don’t understand… Can you please answer my questions?!” Minho teased the younger by placing his skillful fingers onto his victim’s sensitive sides.
“Look, you’re doing great already. Juhuhust squeeze now and you will have t-tickled me” Jisung flusteredly instructed after seeing the older’s hand placement “Oh, like this?” the ler obeyed, pushing his fingers deeper into the flesh “Yehehehes, j-juhuhst like t-that”
“Are you sure, Jisung? Or should do it like this, or that, or maybe-“ Lee Know suddenly started poking, squeezing and wiggling at Han’s sides “NOHOHOHO MIHINHO DOHON’T!” said man just smiled “Where else are you… How do you call a person that very sensitive to tickles anyway, Sungie?” “YOU KNOHOHOW THAHAHAT ALREHEHEDY, STOHOHOP TEHEHEASING!”
“Just tell me~!” Minho whined, squeezing Jisung’s sides even faster “YAHAHAHA I-I WIHIHILL! JUHUHUST STOHOHOP!” with that, the taller slowed down “ticklish” the quokka mumbled under his breath “What? What do you call it?” the cat lover teased, inching his face dangerously quickly to his bandmate’s incredibly sensitive ears “Lee. Minho. Don’t get any closer!” Obviously, the ruthless tickler did not listen. Why would he?
“What did you say, Hannie~ What do you call it~” the way that Minho ticklishly blew air into the poor boy’s ears made him giggle like a maniac “Mihihinnie plehehehehehease stohohop i’ll tehehel you, juhuhuhst stohohop~”
Lee Know absolutely adored how Jisung didn’t even try stop him. He just firmly gripped his shoulders, lighly twitching his head.
He did stop, wanting to hear the “unknown” word “T-ticklish. That’s the word.” Han finally pushed the term out “Wow, that’s so interesting! You’re very ticklish, Jisungie, I wonder where else are you ticklish, you ticklish boy~” the quokka rolled his eyes. Minho was milking the hell out of that new word.
“Well, answer me. Where else are you ticklish?” the younger snapped out of his flustering thoughs after hearing his hyung’s request “W-what. Umm… I-I dohon’t know…” “How about… Here!” the ler’s sneaky fingers found their way to his lee’s soft tummy “Ehehehe thahat’s pretty bahahad…” Han snickered.
A sudden wave of confidence washed over the rapper’s mind. He could ask for any kind of tickles right now. No matter how much he denied it, he could’t hide how much he loved raspberries. And now was the perfect time to ask.
“Uhm, Minnie…” Han asked “What is it?” Minho slowed his movements down to hear the boy “I-I want you to g-give me rasp-raspberries… Can you?” Jisung have the best puppy eyes he could “Sure, we can go to the store to get some later!” the maknae of 3racha rolled his eyes at the second eldest’s obliviousness.
“Not those raspberries. The other ones. You know, the ones that you give me… Blowing them on my sides…” the squirrel like boy tried to guide the cat mom back to his skillful mind “I still don’t understand. You’ll have to explain it step by step~” Ji was getting more and more red by the second. He was so frustrated and fed up with the older’s teasing. Could’t he just give him what he wanted?
“Look, hyung, if you don’t stop teasing I swear I’ll lock in a photobooth with Chan-hyung!” Minho’s smile dropped for a second remembering what had happened just last week. Ever since then, he’s become photoboothphobic(i made that up btw).
To clear things up, he got wrecked really badly in there. He had been in an incredible lee mood all day long, and Chan just wanted to give what he wanted. He did satisfy the younger, but Minho didn’t want to be around the older for the next 48 hours.
“Alright, I’ll get to the point.” Lee Know shrugged. That’s when the real torture started. Minho wasn’t called the most skillful tickler of Stray Kids for nothing.
With one hand on Hannie’s hip and another wrapped around his sensitive thigh, the bunny knew what he was doing “OHOHOHO MAHAHAHA GOHOHOHSH PLEHEHEASE” “Nu-uh, you told me to stop teasing, so I won’t”
The most mischevious member combined all of his tickle knowledge into that one session. He definetly knew that Jisung’s knees were a really bad spot. So, he decided to focus on that.
“NOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEASEE!” Han exclaimed, gripping onto the pillow that was on the couch. Lee Know did not stop. He used both hands, one squeezing the top and one concentrated on the top. This made the quokka absolutely mad.
“M-MIHIHIHNHO HYUHUHUHUHNG JUHUHUST LIHIHSTEN FOR A MIHIHINUTE!” for your information, the dancer didn’t even bat an eye, only switching spots. He went from mercilessly attacking the younger’s kneecaps to… His new invention, if you can call it that.
“Sungie, hide your arms behind your back for me. I have an idea” Although the rapper wasn’t so fond of his hyungs future idea, he decided to trust his next moves.
He learnt a very valueable lesson that day - never trust Lee Minho.
As soon as Jisung trapped his hands under his own torso, Lee Know laid on his exhausted body. The next thing he did made Sung regret everything.
“You ready?” Han innocently nodded. Soon enough, he felt the tickler showing all 10 of his fingers in his armpits, wiggling them around into the sensitive flesh “NAHAHAHAHA WHYYY HYUHHUHUHUHG PLEHEHEHEASE MEHEHERCY” the shorter quickly regreted believing the elder.
The cat man shoved his fingers deeper into the crevice with every. Single. Wiggle. His thumb was also massaging the area above the armpit, making the process much more agonizing.
When Jisung thought it couldn’t get any worse, Minho lowered his head and started nibbling at his neck. Not mention that the dancer’s hairs were also taking part in the ticklish process.
“M-MIHIHIHINHO PLEEHEHEHEASE TH-THIS IS TOHOHOHO MUCH!” the mischevious bunny simply shrugged. Since the younger’s laughter hadn’t gone silent and he also hadn’t used the safeword, he wasn’t worried “Just say the safeword, and it’ll be over, honey~” Han blushed at the nickname. Not like you could tell, because basically every single body part that was visible was completely red.
After some more time, the cat charmer got bored. Since Hannie seemed pretty tired and close to his limit, he wanted to satisfy one last request of his.
“How many ribs do you have?” Jisung knew what this meant. His ribs were about to be counted “Twelve! I-I hahave twelve rihibs…” Minho malevolently smirked, slowly getting off the shorter “That is how many raspberries you’re getting”
The brown-eyed boy’s face dropped. Yes, he wanted some raspberries, but that many.
“Oh? Afraid you can’t handle it? Well, I have this big machine. It’s my newest invention.” Lee Know smiled, doing the infamous finger guns “Oh god, what is it this time…” “The i-dont-care-in-ator! It showcases how I don’t care how ticklish you are. That is your problem.”
With that, Minho lowered his “tool”. He vibrated his finger-guns into Jisung’s ribs. If that wasn’t enough, he also decided to add some of the requested rapberries to the mix.
“One…Two…Three” the leader of danceracha painfully and slowly counted, as he blew one ticklish air bubble after another “I-I LOHOHOHOHOVE YOU HYUHUHUHUNG PLEHEHEHEASE STOHOHOP!”
Just as those words left Sungies mouth, Minho’s i-dont-care-inator lifted up from his body “I love you too, Ji!” Lee Know playfully peppered the younger’s face with kisses. Not directly onto his face, obviously.
“Thahahat was… A lot.” Jisung blushed, covering his face as a very flustered scream left his mouth “Well, did you like it?” Lee Know pondered “…Is it wrong that I did…?” the older jumped onto his favourite lee “That is the cutest thing ever! Please don’t ever change.”
“But please, go take a shower before bed. You’re very sweaty and stinky” the mischevious bunny sheepishly pointed out “Yah! That is your fault!”
“… So can you guys, maybe explain?”
Minsung were too busy having the most insane tickle fight to notice that the rest of the people living in the dorm were watching everything…
•• ━━━━━━━ •• ❖ •• ━━━━━━━ ••
Merry Christmas! Super long one for ya’ll. Took me long enough… At least some of you you got a teaser! Happy holidays, I hope you enjoy this very long fic as a special gift!
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sirtaliesin · 4 months
Hmmm Jason and Etrigan dealing with some no magical tech; either some stuff wayne tech made, batman found or just general everyday tech?
This took me a bit, but the first thing I thought of was Jason shopping for a mobile phone. Thank you for the suggestion!
Phone Shopping
This was absolutely ridiculous.
Jason looked from one display to the next, mood shifting between irritation, disbelief, and bewilderment. He needed a mobile phone not a computer. Placards with an array of photographs and cheerful blurbs sat next to the variety of models on display. Proudly declaring excellent camera quality, recording features, excessive storage, and a number of functions that didn’t seem necessary on a phone.
Most of the models on display seemed to take the actual function of a telephone as secondary at best. If they considered it at all. Looking between the touchscreens and the model numbers, a sense of regret pooled in his belly. He recalled the conversation he’d had not more than a week ago that had necessitated this outing. That he really did need a mobile phone for when he was out, especially since the last model he’d had suffered an unfortunate demise via hellfire more than a year ago.
The lamentation that he hadn’t brought one of his friends with him was short lived. Bruce, while fairly knowledgeable about these things, would have drawn far too much attention. Zatanna might have been a more reasonable choice, but he couldn’t bring himself to bother her about it either.
“Can I help you find something sir?” The salesperson Jason had been studiously avoiding asked.
“Perhaps. Do you have anything less,” Jason gestured to the variety of smart phones with Wayne Tech logos, “Complicated?”
“We have a new model with a very sleek operating system just over here.” The young woman – Jason noted her name tag read Andie – said while she led the way to a different display near the counter.
The newer models were, like the rest, overly complicated smart devices with fragile screens and boasting excellent cameras. Jason felt a headache forming. The young woman was talking to him again, describing the benefits of a telephoto lens and a higher megapixel rate, excellent battery life, and enough storage for his needs. What those must have been by the estimation of whoever designed that handheld computer, Jason couldn’t even imagine. The only thing she’d said thus far that had any appeal was the long battery life.
“Um, I was thinking of something a little more utilitarian.” Jason hazarded, trying to shift away from the sales pitch for the shiny new model.
“Oh? We do have some very basic models as well, Wayne Tech’s older models are perfectly serviceable-“
“Do you have anything that doesn’t have a touch screen?” Jason interrupts.
“Without? Well, we have some flip models-“
“Could I see those please?”
Andie tilts her head and gestures bemusedly to the opposite end of the store. Furthest from the door, Jason notes. Not exactly hidden, but certainly not the bright eye-catching displays of the smart models. They are far more utilitarian and familiar, more akin to his old phone than any of the cameras that also allowed one to make a call.
“I think this will do just fine.” Jason says finally, picking out a simple flip phone. It has a camera still, but at least it has buttons. Easier to use if he couldn’t see, and he was certain he’d be less likely to destroy it.
Andie rings up the purchase for him and helps him change over his number with a smile. Jason contemplates the dark glass panes of the other devices on display as he leaves. The black mirror surfaces that wink to life with glowing colour aren’t terribly appealing.
Three months later, after a particularly complicated trip to New Hampshire, Jason returns home to find an unassuming box on his kitchen table. A note in a familiar hand tucked under it.
‘Just try it out. -Bruce’
Jason ignores the new Wayne Tech smart phone for another month on principle.
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ao719 · 2 years
Best Kept Secrets
Best Kept Secrets - Let Me See Inside Your Heart (Chapter 8)
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Summary: An unforeseen encounter with the past proves that even the best-kept secrets eventually make their way into the light.
Title inspiration: Hunger - Ross Copperman
Pairing: Liam x F!OC
A/N: Thank you to @burnsoslow for prereading. Please excuse any errors.
Rating: M • Warning: This series will contain NSFW material. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18+
Catch up here
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Sitting on the floor inside the penthouse suite of the hotel, Amara flipped through the pages of a book, trying to clear her mind of its muddled thoughts.
It wasn’t working.
Liam showing up at the hotel a few nights prior and asking her to attend the festival in Valtoria had left her a little more than just on edge. She’d taken the following day after his impromptu visit to herself, leaving her phone behind and getting out of the hotel for much-needed quality time; it didn’t help steady her wandering mind. The next day, she’d gotten her ass chewed out by Bradshaw for completely spacing out during a virtual meeting with the King of Auvernal. Not that she cared about pissing him off; she didn’t. She did care that one little invitation could have her so out of sorts that she couldn’t focus.
Amara never gave Liam a definitive answer about whether or not she would attend; she told him she would think about it and left it at that. Truthfully, she was worried about going and what it would do to her already crumbling resolve pertaining to her and Liam’s situation. She was barely holding onto what little self-restraint she had left and she knew what going there would more than likely do to her mindset. He knew, too, and she knew exactly what he was trying to do by extending the invitation.
Two years ago, that very same invitation was the thing that changed everything between them.
Amara glanced up from where she sat inside Liam’s study; the two had been working on plans for a charity gala for one of the foundations he had chosen. He was speaking to his assistant, running through a list of things he had to do tomorrow before he left for the night.
“And I still need your brief statement for the lantern festival next weekend.”
“I’ll get it written up,” Liam replied. “It shouldn’t take me long.” As the two men finished their conversation, Amara’s brows furrowed, curious about the mentioned festival. Liam bid goodnight to the man as he walked him to the door; he shut it behind him and turned back to her with a rueful smile. “Sorry about that.”
“No worries,” Amara smiled.
Liam sat back next to her on the small sofa. “Where were we?”
“What’s the lantern festival?” Amara questioned, earning a curious look from him. “I heard James mention needing your statement to give …”
“It’s a festival held in Valtoria.”
“Another duchy?”
“Yes,” Liam nodded. “An unclaimed one, however. There hasn’t been a Duke or Duchess in years. Luckily, the people of Valtoria are pretty self-sufficient. They hold a festival every year; there are vendors and whatnot throughout the day showcasing local goods, then at night, they take floating lanterns, make a wish, and vow to let go of something in return as they set them off.”
“Sounds magical,” Amara smiled.
“It is,” Liam nodded. “I haven’t been since I was a teenager, but from what I remember …” He stared at her, seeing that familiar sparkle in her eye, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “You’re going to tell me that you think I should go, aren’t you?”
“You’re finally catching on,” Amara teased with a good-natured grin as she nudged his arm with hers. “But really … I think it would mean a lot for the people there if you showed up, especially knowing you haven’t been up there since you were a teenager. I can only assume your father hasn’t been there in quite some time …?” He nodded in response. “It’s a new era … with a new monarch.”
Liam smiled. “I might be able to pull some strings with some of the others from court to get them to show up.”
“Host a ball. They seem to love those,” Amara chuckled.
Liam snorted. “You aren’t kidding. But … that’s actually not a bad idea. It would be pretty last minute, but I think we could pull it off … and we can host it at the Valtorian estate.”
“I thought it was unclaimed?”
“It is,” Liam said. “But the estate itself has been maintained all of this time by the staff of the previous Duchess.” He smiled. “I’ll make the arrangements … but I think you should come, too.”
“I don’t think you need me there to pull it off.”
“You’re right, I don’t,” Liam shook his head. “I want you there, though …”
Amara stared at him, her lips curling into a small smile. “Ok.”
Amara had no idea back then where accepting an innocent offer to attend a festival would have led her. She thought nothing of it at the time when she agreed to go; she knew for certain Liam had no idea either, not then and certainly not now.
Valtoria changed things between them for good, however, setting a myriad of things into motion. It sent her down a path she never expected, one she never would have seen herself on … and one that she was still navigating the consequences of to that day.
Amara knew that going back there would more than likely force her to acknowledge things she had been purposely trying to avoid; she hadn’t been doing a very good job as it was. She hadn’t been fighting, as Liam said in Lythikos, for the reasons he believed. He thought she just didn’t want to venture down that road with him again, but that wasn’t the case.
Amara still loved Liam; she missed him and what they once shared. And knowing how he still felt and that the obstacles that were in the way last time were no longer there left her questioning so many things. With the way things were now, however, and everything she still needed to say, it was just easier for both of them, in the long run, to remain emotionally distant.
An alert on her phone pulled her from her thoughts; she let out a soft breath as she looked at the screen before rising from the floor.
The backdoor of the SUV opened, and Liam slipped out of the vehicle, squinting against the bright morning sun. He smiled and nodded in acknowledgment to the staff that was waiting to greet him upon his arrival.
Liam glanced up at the massive estate in front of him as staff retrieved his bags and carried them inside; he slowly trailed behind them a moment later. He’d been to Valtoria in the two years since that first festival he attended as the new King, and both times he drowned under the wave of nostalgia that he couldn’t escape, the same wave he was feeling crash over him now.
Both years he attended the festival, his wish when releasing his lantern was the same: Bring her back to me.
As Liam stepped inside the master suite of the estate, he nodded in thanks to the staff that had brought up his bags before they exited the room. He stood in the center as he glanced around; this visit brought those same memories back as the ones before, but they were more vivid this time, feeling himself reliving them in extensive detail. He knew it was more than likely due to Amara’s return.
His wish had finally come true … sort of.
Inside the master suite of the estate, Liam finished unpacking his bag. He and Amara had ridden to Valtoria together that late afternoon, a day ahead of the festival; Madeleine had a scheduled engagement in Portavira that day and planned to head up and meet them once she finished there. He and Amara had spent the time after their arrival going over exactly what his focus was going to be at the festival when speaking to the people of Valtoria and also discussing preparations for the ball that would follow. Now, he was biding his time until Madeleine’s arrival and dinner.
All he wanted to do was spend more time with Amara, however.
Ever since that small kiss they shared in Lythikos — one they had acted like didn’t happen — his restraint around her had been shredding at the seams, now to a point where he was barely hanging on by a thread. His curiosity was getting the best of him, and while he was tired of fighting so damn hard against something he wanted so badly, he knew it was probably for the best … for both their sakes.
As he hung his suit for tomorrow evening’s ball in the closet, Liam’s phone rang; he pulled it from his pocket, glancing at the screen before raising it to his ear. “Hey,” he answered.
“Hello,” Madeleine replied. “I know this is last minute, and I’m so sorry, but would you mind terribly if I just came up in the morning?”
“No, not at all,” Liam answered. “Is everything ok?”
“Yes, everything is fine. I just got caught up in Portavira longer than I was expecting today, and I’m running behind, so I just want to take this evening for myself instead of rushing up there.” Liam knew what that meant. “But I’ll be there first thing in the morning.”
“That’s fine,” Liam said. “I’ll see you then.”
Liam ended the call with Madeleine before slipping his phone back into his pocket just as a knock came on his door. He answered it to see the majordomo on the other side; she curtsied before meeting his gaze. “I just wanted to let you know that dinner for you and Her Majesty will be ready in about 10 minutes, sir,” she smiled.
Shit, Liam thought. “Uh …” He paused, glancing over his shoulder as an idea came to mind; he knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself. He looked back at her. “Could you have it brought up here and set up on the balcony?”
“Of course,” she smiled.
“Thank you, Gladys. And once that’s set, you and the others are all dismissed for the evening.”
“Are you sure, sir?”
“Absolutely,” Liam nodded with a smile.
Shaking himself from his reverie, Liam turned toward the bed where his bag was and started to unpack. He wasn’t sure if Amara was going to take him up on his offer to come to Valtoria, knowing it was a long shot when he extended the invitation, but he hoped she would.
Liam knew that he was slowly chipping away at whatever this wall was that she had put up in his presence; he had been since her arrival. Despite her best efforts to hide it, he knew Amara was waging some kind of internal battle with herself. It was against what he didn’t know. He was aware there were things she wanted to tell him, so it was possible that the battle she was having pertained to those secrets she still kept. However, if any part of that battle was her fighting any feelings for him that remained, he wanted to know, and he was determined to figure it out. And her accepting his invitation was his best chance to do that.
Valtoria held the memory of one of the most pivotal moments of their past. It was the place where their relationship took on a life of its own. Sure, in the weeks leading up to the trip there, things between them had already been put into motion, but this is where they truly started.
Liam could see the way the memories of their past affected her, and he was hoping that if Amara chose to come, the nostalgia of being there would be just the thing he needed to knock down the rest of that wall she was hiding behind.
Later that afternoon, Amara looked around when she slipped out of the vehicle, taking in the scene. Various vendors had been stationed on the grounds away from the estate as festival-goers gathered with security stationed along a perimeter.
Amara then glanced up at the opulent Valtorian estate in front of her; she was immediately flooded with memories of two years ago, but quickly shook them away. She was already feeling uncertain about being there and the last thing she needed her mind to focus on was the past; she needed to focus on getting herself through that evening. She wasn’t sure exactly why she had come, but despite knowing the thoughts and feelings it would more than likely dredge up inside her — thoughts and feelings she had already been fighting against since her arrival weeks ago — she came anyway. It was as if she couldn’t help herself, like a part of her just had to know what would come of it, if anything at all.
“I’ll show you inside, ma’am,” a voice pulled her attention.
“Thank you,” Amara nodded with a forced smile.
Following the staff member inside, Amara glanced around when they stepped through the front doors; other guests that had already arrived were mingling between the two great rooms on either side of the foyer while staff bustled around the estate ensuring everything was prepped and ready for the ball taking place that evening.
Amara turned her head, looking into one of the great rooms; at the same moment, Liam’s eyes shifted in her direction and their gazes met. Keeping his focus on her, he excused himself from the conversation he was in with the Duke of Portavira before heading toward her.
Liam smiled as he approached. “You came.”
“Uh … yeah,” Amara nodded. “I did.”
Without hesitation, Liam leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek; he missed the way she subtly tensed at the gesture. “I’m really glad,” he whispered before drawing back to look at her. Amara let out a soft breath, shifting her eyes away from him. “How was the ride up?”
“Not too bad,” Amara answered. Looking at the other guests that mingled around them, she tried not to seem as on edge as she felt. “Looks like most everyone on your guest list has arrived.”
“Most, yes,” Liam nodded. “Still waiting on a few more.”
“And the festival seems to be going well outside.”
“Yeah,” Liam smiled. “I’ve been stuck in here going over last-minute preparations for tonight, but I’ll be making my way out there shortly.” He looked at her, studying her; he could tell she seemed a little … nervous, evident by her demeanor. “Are you ok?”
Amara glanced up, staring at him for a long moment before nodding. “Yeah,” she lied as she dropped his gaze. “I’m fine.”
Before he could call her bluff, knowing it wasn’t the truth, a throat clearing behind him pulled Liam’s attention. He turned to see Gladys. “I apologize for the interruption, Your Majesty, but you’re needed in the study to take a call.”
“Thank you, Gladys.” Liam turned back to look at Amara, meeting her eyes again. She could see the yearning in his gaze, finding it hard to hold it. “I’m sorry to have to cut this short. But I’ll see you this evening?”
“The ball,” Amara replied. “Yes, I’ll be there.”
Liam nodded. “I really am glad that you decided to come.” Amara could do nothing but nod as she stared up at him. She couldn’t say she felt the same; that was yet to be determined. “I’ll see you later,” he smiled.
As Liam walked away, Amara turned toward the staircase where the staff member was still lingering, waiting to show her to her room. She offered an apologetic smile before following him up the stairs. When they reached the top of the landing, they took a right towards the east wing of the estate, and Amara let out an unsteady breath as she walked the familiar corridor. When the staff member gestured to the open door of her assigned room, she nodded in thanks before he walked away. She lingered just outside the room and turned her head, staring at the closed ornate door at the end of the long hallway.
Sitting on the sofa in the great room with her laptop open in front of her, Amara caught up on emails to pass the time. Liam had already bid her goodnight and left her to her own devices while he prepared for the Queen’s arrival.
“What are you up to?”
Upon hearing him, Amara looked over and smiled at Liam, who was leaning against the entranceway. “Nothing, just catching up on some stuff. What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Liam smiled. “I, um, I was wondering — well, I wanted to ask … have you eaten yet?”
“No,” Amara shook her head. “I told Gladys when she asked that I could raid the kitchen and find something for myself later,” she chuckled.
“Well … Madeleine just called and she decided to come up in the morning instead … but the staff was already in the midst of preparing dinner for us both. So … for the sake of the food not going to waste, I thought that maybe …” Liam let out a breath, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was wondering if perhaps you’d like to join me …?”
Amara stared at him for a moment; there was uncertainty in both their gazes, but despite knowing better, also a longing to just spend more time together. She hesitated only a moment longer before she nodded. “Sure,” she smiled.
Liam perked up at her answer, standing straight. “Great, uh … if you’ll follow me …”
Amara nodded, closing her laptop before rising from the sofa. She fell into step beside Liam, walking with him as they made their way up the stairs and down the long hall; she was a bit confused as to why they weren’t headed in the direction of the dining room, but she didn’t question it.
When Liam entered the room at the end of the hall, Amara paused, clasping her hands in front of her as she lingered just outside of the white and gold ornate door. Her eyes darted around the inside of the master suite, feeling her heart start to race before she caught his gaze when he turned to face her.
“Uh …” Liam cleared his throat, seeing the trepidation in her eyes. “I had them bring the food out to the balcony,” he said, gesturing over his shoulder to the open set of French doors. “If … if you’re comfortable with it, that is.”
“Oh,” Amara smiled nervously, feeling a tad foolish for her minor internal panic. “Sure,” she nodded. “The balcony is fine.” She held his gaze while remaining in the hall, however.
Liam couldn’t help the quiet laugh that escaped him. “You’re going to have to come in here to get out there …”
“Right,” Amara chuckled with a nod before taking a step over the threshold.
Liam stepped out onto the balcony, and Amara followed; he heard a soft gasp escape her and turned with a smile. “This is why I asked them to serve it out here.”
Amara walked to the balustrade, looking across the gorge at the waterfall. “Liam … this is incredible.”
“It’s the best view in the whole estate,” Liam smiled. She turned, offering him a smile in return. “Shall we?” he asked, gesturing toward the table set for two; the wine had already been poured and there were two covered dishes set in place.
Amara nodded and turned to take a step; Liam reached out, pulling her chair out for her. “Thank you.”
Liam took his seat across from her and they both lifted the silver lids from the plates. “It’s nothing fancy. Just a simple homemade tomato pasta,” he grinned sheepishly.
“It’s perfect,” Amara glanced up at him with a smile. “It actually reminds me of home.”
“Us New Yorkers love our pasta,” Amara chuckled.
Liam grinned with relief before grabbing his wine glass and resting his elbow on the table as he leaned it toward her in a salute. “Here’s to … tonight.”
Amara held his gaze for a moment before lifting her glass, gently clinking it against his. Their eyes remained locked over the rims of the glasses as they each took a sip of wine.
Letting out a breath, Amara walked into her room, quickly shutting the door behind her before leaning against it.
You need to pull your damn self together.
Amara could have said no, but she made this decision to come and needed to deal with her choice. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out before pushing herself off the door and running her fingers through her hair. She planned to take the rest of the time from now until the ball to hopefully clear her head and rid it — somehow — of any thoughts of the past.
That evening, as the festival continued outside of the estate, soft music and chatter filled the ballroom inside. Liam stood beside Madeleine and Regina in the receiving line, greeting the members of his court as they entered. He smiled and shook hands and entertained polite yet short conversations, but he couldn’t help his wandering eyes that kept shifting toward the door, looking for her.
Finally, Liam caught a glimpse of her, and she instantly had his undivided attention. Standing at the very end of the line beside Drake and Riley, who had also accepted his offer to attend the festivities, Amara’s hands were clasped together in front of her, holding her clutch. Her hair was loosely pulled back with a few strands falling to frame her face, and she wore a simple dark blue chiffon gown with a deep V neckline and a cinched embellished waist; when she turned to speak to Maxwell, who stood just behind her, Liam saw the same deep V neckline at her back. When she turned back, her eyes met his.
They both subtly smiled.
Liam held her gaze until they made it up to the receiving line; he greeted Drake then Riley, followed by Maxwell, knowing Amara purposely let him go ahead of her. As the others moved to Madeleine and Regina, Amara stepped in front of him. Per public decorum and protocol, she dipped into a curtsy before looking up at him again. “Your Majesty.”
“You look beautiful,” Liam smiled.
“Thank you.” Amara continued to stare up at him, and as Liam surveyed her, he swore he could see some sort of shift in her from earlier. Before he could be too certain or figure out precisely what that shift was, however, she dropped his gaze. “I should …” She trailed off, gesturing as a gap started to form in the line. She moved to Madeleine, dipping into a curtsy before the two women briefly spoke.
Liam then watched Amara approach Regina; it was the first time the Queen Mother had seen her face-to-face since her return. “I heard you were back,” Regina smiled. “It’s lovely to see you, dear.”
“You as well,” Amara nodded. “I was so sorry to hear about the King Father.”
“Thank you,” Regina smiled sadly.
When Madeleine excused herself, Liam turned toward the other two, hoping to steal a moment with Amara so they could actually talk. Regina thwarted those plans, however. She placed a hand on Amara’s elbow, guiding her away. “So, about this work you’re doing with Auvernal, I’d be more than happy to give a few opinions on the matter …”
Liam bowed his head and tensed his jaw as their voices faded. He couldn’t seem to get her in front of him long enough to truly gauge her. They were interrupted earlier when she first arrived, he was too sidetracked and preoccupied with duty at the festival, and now, the first time he felt like he could have a moment with her, she was the one who was pulled away.
With a soft sigh, Liam started toward the bar, in need of a drink. The mere thought that he might possibly be able to finally figure out what exactly Amara was thinking and feeling was putting him on edge, but he knew he needed to calm his eagerness for answers and bide his time. He needed to wait for the right moment … if it were to even come.
Midway through the ball, Amara slipped out onto the balcony for some fresh air. The night hadn’t been going all too terribly so far.
After giving herself a little pep talk following her first encounter with Liam upon her arrival, and having a chat with Riley after she and Drake arrived, Amara managed to recenter herself … to an extent. She was still struggling with the flood of memories but managed to shake them away before she became too consumed.
It also helped that Liam had been kept fairly distracted by other guests throughout the evening so far, giving her mentality the space it needed. He was the one thing that would break that dam open that she was fighting to keep sealed.
“How are you enjoying the evening?”
Hearing his voice, Amara closed her eyes, opening them back up just before he came next to her at the balustrade. She glanced up at him, offering a halfhearted smile. “It’s been fine,” she replied as casually as she could. “How about you?”
“Can’t complain,” Liam shrugged with a smile. “At least now I can’t, now that I’m finally getting a moment for myself,” he quipped. “Regina seemed happy to see you. I assume she had plenty of advice on the alliance options to give?”
“Yeah,” Amara smiled with a nod, thinking back on her conversation with the Queen Mother. “She made her thoughts about Bradshaw and Auvernal very clear.”
“In case you couldn’t tell, she’s not really a fan,” Liam chuckled.
“I gathered.”
As they fell into a momentary silence, a flicker of light against the night sky caught both of their attention; they glanced to the right, seeing the first lanterns being lit by the festival goers across the grounds, and one by one, they were being lifted into the sky.
“We’ll have to get ours sometime soon …”
“What are you going to wish for and let go of?” Amara asked.
“Not sure,” Liam shrugged.
“What have you wished for in the past?”
Liam looked at her, softly smiling; she had no idea that he was staring at the very thing he’d wished for the past two years. Just then, a soft melody of a slow waltz carried out through the balcony doors; he glanced toward the ballroom, watching others file onto the dance floor before looking back at her. “Dance with me?”
Amara let out a breath, subtly shaking her head, not in answer but in hesitation. “Liam …”
“Please?” Liam pleaded quietly as she stared at him, extending his hand in an offer. “It’s just one dance.”
Amara continued to stare at him. And despite knowing one dance was all it was going to take to completely obliterate all of her efforts that night, she placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead her inside. As they made their way to the dance floor, they bypassed Drake and Riley, who shared a look before turning their attention back to their friends.
Liam curled his hand around Amara’s as his other arm wrapped around her waist; he rested their intertwined hands against his chest and pulled her close as they fell into the steps of a slow waltz. He looked down at her as her eyes lifted to meet his, and thinking back to her question just moments before, he smiled. “This. You.”
Amara’s brows furrowed. “What?”
“On the balcony, you asked me what I’ve wished for in the past. I wished for this … for you to come back …”
Hearing the sincerity in his tone and knowing he was telling the truth, Amara dropped his gaze, not wanting him to see the tears that started to fill her eyes. As he guided her around the floor, leading the steps of the dance, she felt him gently press his cheek to her temple, and she closed her eyes, relishing in his embrace and that moment.
And she felt her heart race as that floodgate that she’d been trying to contain burst wide open.
Amara took in the view of the waterfall after dinner; the sun that was starting to set cast shades of amber hues against her bronze skin as a light breeze rustled her hair. “This really is beautiful,” she said before turning to see him looking at her.
“It is,” Liam nodded, but his eyes never left her.
Amara let out a soft breath as she looked down at the wine glass in her hand. “So, what will this ball be like?” she asked, attempting to shift things back to casual.
“Just like any other,” Liam chuckled. “Dinner, waltzing, mingling.”
“Well, I don’t know how to waltz, but the dinner and mingling I’ll be fine with,” Amara smiled before taking a sip of her wine.
Liam stood from his chair with a playful glint in his eyes; he gave an exaggerated bow before holding his hand out to her in an offer. “Let me show you.”
“I don’t think I’ll be doing much dancing at this thing, so I’m not sure that is entirely necessary, Your Majesty,” Amara quipped.
“Well, simply humor me, then,” Liam chuckled. Amara smiled as she set her wine glass down and placed her hand in his offered one. He pulled her to stand and wrapped an arm around her waist; one of her hands rested on his shoulder while he took the other in his. “We’ll do a slow waltz. It’s easy. Just follow my lead.” He guided them in a musicless waltz around the balcony, and she looked down, following his lead while watching her footwork. “You’re doing great, but eyes up here,” he said. She glanced up, meeting his gaze.
Slowly, Liam’s expression softened, and he was staring at her with that familiar look, the one that caused her heart to flutter, and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his. Amara had forgotten about the dance entirely, too lost in his eyes and the way he was looking at her. Liam began to slow their steps little by little until they were at a standstill inside an extended alcove of the balcony. He searched her brilliant blue eyes before his flickered down to her lips for a brief moment.
Amara closed her eyes when he raised his hand, brushing it across her cheek. “Liam …” she whispered.
“Look at me.”
When she opened her eyes and met his gaze again, Liam could see the desire in them, knowing they mirrored his own. His thumb shifted, brushing across her lips, those lips he’d been aching to kiss again, but really kiss; their first was merely a tease. He wanted to lose himself in her lips. He wanted to feel her tongue against his. He wanted to kiss her until they were breathless. But he didn’t think he’d be able to stop at just a kiss.
When she slightly parted her lips in response to his touch, Liam felt any last bit of resolve he was clinging to begin to crumble. Whatever was about to happen between them seemed almost inevitable at that point.
Amara watched him start to lean in, and that voice of reason that had been a constant in the back of her mind was silenced as weeks’ worth of longing and tension finally reached its peak and she tilted her head towards him.
Liam captured her lips, and when she opened to him, he inhaled a deep breath at the first real taste of her. He felt her hand curl around the back of his neck, pulling him closer as he backed her body against the wall of the alcove. Despite the tension they had been bottling inside and the way both of their bodies were thrumming, the kiss was slow, all-consuming, dragging them both into an oblivion they knew they wouldn’t recover from.
Amara breathed in his scent while he continued to guide them across the dance floor as the memory from two years ago came flooding back. When she let out a shuddered breath, Liam slightly tilted his head, bringing his lips near her ear. “Are you alright?” he whispered.
Amara brought their dancing to a stop and drew back, looking up at him, parting her lips to respond, but she couldn’t speak. She searched his eyes before she shook her head. “I … I need … excuse me.”
Without another word, Amara turned and walked off the dance floor, headed for the door. Liam carefully moved through the crowd as he followed her; he was stopped by Bertrand but told him he would find him later before continuing toward the exit, surreptitiously slipping from the room. When he stepped into the anteroom, Amara was already near the door leading into the hall. “Amara,” he called out to her, but she didn’t stop.
Amara took in a few breaths as she walked blindly through the estate corridors; she couldn’t get the images of their first time together to stop playing in her head.
Liam kissed Amara so deep, she swore she was drowning. Everything about him — about that kiss, about the way his tongue felt against hers, the way his hands curled possessively around her waist — overwhelmed every part of her. He was utterly intoxicating.
Without breaking their kiss, Liam lifted her, hoisting her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist before he turned and carried her inside. He laid her back on the bed, bending his body over top of hers. When he breathlessly drew back from her lips, they were both breathing heavily, searching one another’s eyes. Amara knew if she didn’t stop whatever was about to happen at that exact moment, she wasn’t going to be able to stop at all.
But she didn’t want to stop.
The truth was, Amara couldn't stand to let such a moment pass; she wanted to see what was behind this closed door because it was there, because leaving it unopened was driving her mad. She needed to see what was inside.
Still holding his gaze, Amara reached up, tenderly cupping his neck in her hands as she raised her head off the bed; Liam took the cue and leaned down, meeting her lips with renewed fervor.
Liam continued to follow Amara. The chiffon skirt of her gown billowed behind her and her heels clicked against the marble floor as she walked with purpose down the corridor. “Amara,” he called out again, but she still didn’t stop.
Amara could feel the sting in her eyes and her heart thundering as she made her way through the estate, unsure of where exactly she was or where she was even headed. Everything she had been bottling up — every unspoken word, all of her harbored feelings, every lingering secret she was keeping — was pushing its way to the surface as the memory continued to drown her. And that mixed with the tension that had already brewed between her and Liam since her return was doing her no favors.
Being there in the place where everything started two years ago was not easy. This was where they flouted any and all boundaries between them. This was where they chose to stop fighting their feelings. Every moment they shared, good and bad, all led back to this place.
Still ignoring him, Amara turned the corner into the first set of random open doors she came across; she stepped inside the library, bringing her hand to her forehead as she took in a few shuddered breaths, trying to compose herself. It wasn’t working. She couldn’t understand how one person could have such a chokehold on her mind and heart.
Just as Amara turned, Liam stepped inside, shutting the double doors behind him; his brows were furrowed in both concern and confusion as they met gazes. As he took a few tentative steps toward her, in the dim library lighting he could see the expression on her face. He took notice of the way her chest was rising and falling rapidly. And he saw that look in her eyes as she stared back at him.
It was the first time since her return that he had not a single doubt that she was feeling everything that he was; she missed him the same way he missed her, she longed for him the way he did her. And then, Amara started toward him, steadily holding his gaze.
They collided, their lips crashing together, kissing as if to consume one another.
Liam drew back from another deep kiss to look at Amara, now laying bare before him. His eyes slowly drank in every part of her as he slid his hand along the contour of her body as if to commit every detail of it to memory. He swallowed thickly as he met her gaze again. “Jesus, you’re beautiful.”
Amara smiled, her eyes unabashedly roaming his bare muscled physique before she reached up, drawing his mouth back to hers; she couldn’t get enough. Their tongues languidly curled together before his lips shifted. He trailed open-mouthed kisses down the column of her neck to her collarbone down to her chest as his hands explored the rest of her.
Every touch and every brush of his lips and tongue was gentle and tender as though he was savoring every moment.
As Liam began to shift lower, Amara watched him intently. His large hands gently gripped her waist as he shifted and his lips and tongue trailed down her concave stomach until he was settled between her legs. He hooked his arms around her and ran his lips along the inside of her thigh, earning a whisper of a moan from her. He glanced up, his eyes turning obsidian with need at hearing that first delicate sound she made before he dipped his head down.
Amara’s moan mingled with a gasp as her back slammed against a bookshelf, causing books to fall as Liam’s lips and teeth pulled at her neck; he felt something ignite inside him that he thought had been snuffed out. Her legs were wrapped around him and her hand fisted his hair; she tugged, tilting his face back to hers to capture his lips again. His hands impatiently pushed the fabric of her gown up until he could feel the bare skin of her thighs against his palms, digging his fingers possessively into her supple skin. She arched into him, trying to quell her ache for some sort of friction. Then, she heard the rip of her lace thong as Liam tore it away from her body.
Nothing about this was like their first time. That was tender, slow, and sensual, fueled by desire and intrigue.
This was rough and torrid, fueled by aching desperation, longing, and need.
Amara drew back breathlessly and glanced down as her usually nimble fingers fumbled against the top half of the buttons of his shirt; once semi-exposed, she leaned forward, grazing her lips down his neck and across the taut muscles of his chest as her hands impatiently tugged at his belt and pants until they were loose enough to free him.
Liam let out a guttural growl when he felt her hand reach down and wrap around him. He grabbed her chin, guiding her mouth back to his before he slipped his hand between them; his groan from how wet she was mixed with her moan as he stroked her.
“Liam, please,” Amara pleaded through a hitched breath.
Amara was still trembling in aftershocks as Liam moved from between her legs and slowly kissed his way up her body before capturing her lips in his again. After a moment, he drew back just enough to meet her gaze, and a soft gasp escaped her when she felt him press against her.
“Please, Liam,” Amara whispered in a plea.
Liam stared at her for a moment. He wasn’t going to stop now; he didn’t want to and they were already past a point of no return. He sat up, gripping her waist as he lined himself up to her entrance. He watched her expression intently as he began to push into her; her mouth fell open with a moan, her face twisting with pleasure as he slowly filled her inch by inch. Once buried inside her, he stilled with a groan at the way she felt.
After a moment of letting her adjust, he slowly pulled out before pushing back into her. “God, Amara,” Liam groaned. “You feel incredible.”
Amara pulled him to her, silencing him with another kiss.
With his hands on her hips with a bruising grip beneath the skirt of her gown, Liam took her right there against the bookshelf; he drove into her with a powerful, uncontrolled thrust, causing a few more books to topple to the floor from the force. Amara’s mouth fell open as a moan ripped from her throat from a mixture of a little pain and a lot of pleasure.
Liam groaned at the feeling of being inside her again after so long. He kissed her again as his hands shifted and pulled at the fabric at the top of her dress, slipping it off her shoulders and letting it pool at her waist, leaving her upper half completely bare. As he drove into her, he dipped his head, circling her pebbled nipple with his tongue before pulling it between his lips.
Amara dug her heels into his lower back as moans and whimpers fell from her lips, each frenzied thrust making her delirious with pleasure. When Liam lifted his head, she kissed him again, clinging to him like an anchor.
Liam and Amara were completely consumed in one another; their trembling bodies were layered in a sheen of sweat, twisting and turning into different positions until he was sitting back on his haunches with her straddling him. His one hand was tangled in her hair as his tongue curled against hers. His other hand slid down, splaying against the small of her back as she rocked her hips against him.
Liam groaned, feeling himself start to throb inside her as she clenched around him, knowing she was teetering on that same edge of release that he was. “I want you to come for me, Amara,” he breathed against her ear before kissing the spot just below it. “I want you to let go.”
With each rock of her hips, Liam pushed deeper inside her, and Amara could feel that coil being wound tighter until it finally snapped. He felt her body quiver uncontrollably against him as her moans became louder. His hands shifted, curling around her shoulders and pressing her down against him as he bucked his hips, letting her ride out her release as he chased his own. A moment later, his body went taut as he let out a gravelly moan and dropped his head onto her shoulder as his grip around her tightened.
After a few moments, Liam lifted his head to look at her. Their bodies still trembled and their breaths were staggered as their eyes met; he reached up, pushing her hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear before drawing her mouth back to his. He kissed her softly, their breaths mingling as they tried to catch them.
When he pulled back again and searched her blue eyes, Liam felt something he never had before. What happened just now wasn’t simply out of curiosity, it didn’t happen only because of the tension that had built between them.
It wasn’t meaningless.
It was so much more than that.
Rules were broken and it was wrong. He knew it was wrong because he knew this wasn’t going to be something he would ever be able to come back from. Liam had already fallen for Amara; he’d been falling for weeks now. Yes, perhaps it was wrong, but it felt more right than anything else he had done in his entire life.
And it only solidified and strengthened those feelings he already had, feelings he was done trying to ignore and contain.
Liam was on the cusp of release, and he could tell Amara was too, feeling her clench around him as his name fell from her lips in a mantra of breathless pleas. Her one hand was gripped around the back of his neck while she slipped the other beneath the opening of his shirt, clinging to the bare skin of his shoulder; her nails dug into him hard enough to break the skin as his movements became more frantic.
“Come for me, Amara,” Liam spoke gruffly in her ear, his tone a mixture between a command and a plea.
When she came undone, Amara’s body arched and trembled in his arms as her moans echoed off the walls of the library. He thrust his hips once, twice, and with one last powerful drive, he followed her over the edge. His entire body tensed and he buried his head into the crook of her neck with a drawn-out throaty moan; he pressed her more firmly against the bookshelf as his nails scraped hard against the skin of her hips when his hands clenched into fists.
The sound of their shuddered pants mingled as they tried to catch their breath. Amara rested her head against Liam’s, both damp with sweat; her elbows were on his chest, cradling his face between her arms as he continued to pulsate inside her. After a moment, Liam tilted his head, forcing hers back, and they met gazes. His eyes were filled with questions, and he searched hers as if he were trying to discover all of her secrets that lay buried just beneath the surface. He was unsure of what exactly this meant to her.
To him … it meant everything.
As Amara stared back at him, still sobering from the high he just gave her, she could feel the emotions start to come back, and a lump formed in her throat. Every part of her was silently screaming; screaming to tell him how she still felt … how much she still loved him; screaming to tell him everything he didn’t know but needed to. But she didn’t say a word. Instead, she leaned forward, capturing his lips in a deep kiss, pouring her whole heart and everything she wasn’t saying into it.
And he kissed her back just the same.
When they drew back, Liam looked at her again, and his brows slightly knitted when he saw a tear slip from the inner corner of her eye.
That’s when he knew for certain how she felt.
Liam knew Amara, and her love language was different than most; silent emotions and intellect. And in those moments when her veil was dropped like it was now, you could see what she wasn’t saying out loud.
Lifting his hand, Liam gently brushed away the tear before he leaned in, placing a tender, lingering kiss on her lips, letting her know he got the message. “I’ve missed you, Amara,” he whispered against her lips when they parted. “So damn much.”
Amara closed her eyes, letting his words linger for a moment before releasing a sigh. “I missed you too, Liam.”
Upon hearing the admission he’d been waiting for, Liam kissed her again, sliding his hand back to tangle in her tresses. He drew back before slowly lowering her feet back to the floor; Amara still held onto him, and he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he closed his eyes.
After a moment, he looked at her, holding a silent conversation. Amara let out a soft breath as they started to fix their clothing back into place; her mind was racing about what had just happened as she slipped her arms back through the chiffon straps of her gown and tried smoothing out any wrinkles on the skirt. Her eyes flickered up, spotting a mirror above a fireplace and she moved toward it; she stared at her reflection as she tried fixing her tousled hair, her heart beating frantically.
Despite what just took place not being the best thing to have happened considering the circumstances she was already in … Amara didn’t regret it. She couldn’t. It did complicate things even more, however. She didn’t need to ask what this meant to Liam; she knew. How she was going to navigate this now with feelings very much out in the open she didn’t know.
Amara’s eyes shifted up, looking at Liam in the mirror’s reflection as he came up behind her; she closed her eyes when she felt his hands curl around her waist, not even trying to fight her instinct to lean back against his chest. She slightly turned her head toward him when she felt his lips press gently against her temple. “Come on,” he whispered.
Liam slipped his hand into hers before they started toward the doors; he dropped down, picking up the torn lace from the ground and shoving it into the pocket of his suit jacket before they exited the room.
They remained silent as they slowly walked the corridor, and after a few moments, Amara realized they weren’t headed in the same direction they came from. Liam turned a few corners before they found themselves in the east wing. As they started down the hall, she thought they were stopping by her room so she could grab an untorn undergarment before returning to the ball, but when she looked up and met Liam’s gaze, it offered her something else instead. She let out a breath as they bypassed her room and walked to the white and gold ornate door at the end of the hall. He had no intention of returning to the ball or festival.
Liam opened the door, meeting her gaze once more with a soft smile; Amara slipped inside his room, and he followed, shutting and locking the door behind him.
Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know): @zaffrenotes​ @cocomaxley​ @emichelle​ @sweetest-marbear​ @indiacater​ @gibbles82​ @the-soot-sprite​ @ladyangel70​ @esmckenzie​ @dcbbw​ @burnsoslow​ @bbrandy2002​ @txemrn​ @charlotteg234​ @kat-tia801​ @neotericthemis​ @foreverethereal123​ @choiceskatie​ @sirbeepsalot​ @debramcg1106​ @gnatbrain​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @openheart12​ @sincerelyella​ @superharriet​ @queenrileyrose​ @aestheticartsx​ @kingliam2019​ @indiana-jr​ @bascmve01​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @emkay512​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @forallthatitsworth​ @walker7519​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @amandablink​ @mainstreetreader​ @mom2000aggie​ @princessleac1​ @21-wishes​ @appleone​ @tessa-liam​ @pixelatedpassion​ @malblk21​ @lovingchoices14​ @nestledonthaveone​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @nomadics-stuff​ @differenttyphoonwerewolf​
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glass-bottomed-ego · 10 months
Fic recs: five fics i’ve enjoyed recently (in no particular order)
(idea stolen from @alexturne 💜)
(these aren’t all that recent bc most of the ones I have enjoyed recently are the ones @alexturne mentioned in her post, so I’ll also just put some fics that I think deserve some praise 😊).
1. sometime in the future by @blacktrickle
In a world quite similar to this one, Miles Kane is an international supermodel an d Alex Turner is the rockstar who has broken his heart one too many times. Now, two years after their most vicious break up, Alex is asking for one more shot, but this time, Miles won’t make it easy.
(8/10 chaps, 109k)
This fic immediately comes to mind. I’m not even gonna bother playing it cool - I think about this fic a lot. Honestly one of the best milex fics I have ever read and it’s not even over yet (but I know I’ll love it just as much or probably even more by the time it ends anyway). It is so extremely well written it could literally be a novel. Blacktrickle never fails to impress me with each chapter - the way she links together different parts of the stories and the details of this world that she has created. I could literally go on about it forever, but I won’t. I have never recommended so many people a single fic and, like always, I will be checking my bookmarks on ao3 for an update every day until the end (and then I will be patiently waiting for anything else blacktrickle comes up with).
2. never get tired of dancing (with you) by salutdamour on ao3/ @depressedraisin on tumblr.
"The old squirrelcage is getting rusty, I fear. Images and words from the past I could recollect in a jiffy are fading out fast. I can't remember the name of that pub in Liverpool where my cousins and I played that Beatles cover before I went to New York. I can't remember what the sunshine in Hydra felt like on my skin, what the air on the island smelt like. I can't remember the last time I kissed Al.
Even if no one will set eyes upon these papers before long after me, Al and anyone else who has a part to play here are gone, it feels good to have left something to history. The story of Al's life is history and I might have contributed to capturing a small, if not insignificant part of it. If nothing else, I have something to flip through and reminisce on my deathbed. When I breathe my last breath, it is the enormous love I felt towards Alex that I would like to be the last thing I remember."
Miles Kane's Personal Journal, May 2016
OR: the story of rock legend Miles Kane and poet-singer Alex Turner, through Kane's eyes.
(3/5 chaps, 25k)
This fic is just so heart-wrenchingly beautiful. I teared up already within the first few paragraphs of the first chapter. The characterisations of both Miles and Alex are amazing, and their love is so special: so free but all-encompassing. Although I wasn’t alive at the time, I feel like the author encapsulated the zeitgeist of the 70s really well - the whole vibe and atmosphere of this fic just feels like Bowie was around haha. I don’t know whether this fic will be continued as it hasn’t been updated in a while, but I sure hope it will!
3. under these lights you look beautiful by @alexturne
Miles got completely lost in his voice. There was a faraway quality to it, like he belonged somewhere else entirely, but somehow had decided to grace them with his presence and Miles felt blessed to be near him if even for a short while. The subtle elegance hidden in his slender figure, the mannerisms of his fingers wrapped around the corners of his notebook. His words were spoken softly, quietly, but without any hesitation or faltering.
Alex is an elusive poet, who has a way with words and Miles is a bartender, who is completely mesmerized.
(14 chaps, 103k)
Oh, how I wish I could read this fic for the first time again. It is one of my favourite milex fics ever. The first time I read it, I barely put my phone down until I finished it, it is that good. The author is also one of my favs, so ofc this fic and all of her other fics are amazing. The autumn vibes are lovely, humbug alex is just exquisite, their romance is so so pure and innocent (until it isn’t lol), and the pacing of it is perfect. Never has a kiss on the cheek excited me so much before 🤣! I will be rereading this many times to come haha.
4. inhaler by @perfectly-clear-from-here
"I like it, your music, it's... what's the word, unadulterated, got a genuine feel to it, 's good."
Alex smiles back and runs a hand through his hair, ruffling it into his desired style. He looks like he's about to say something, but he holds himself back as Miles seems as though he's about to continue.
"You're good, on stage I mean," Miles takes another drag, sucking another sharp tug into his lung, "You look like you're... like you're somewhere else."
A smirk breaks across Alex's expression, his eyes move from Miles's, to the ground, then back to Miles's again.
"There's nowhere to hide up there y'know," he tugs at the front of his jacket, a deep blue Adidas windbreaker, further shielding himself from the crisp January air, his gaze settles a bit as he sighs, "So I just hide behind the noise."
A fast forming friendship between Alex and Miles takes a turn after a range of sleepless nights, shared cigarettes, loud music and a bar fight.
(3/20 chaps, 22k)
Man, oh, man. With merely 3 chapters this fic already has me in a chokehold. I just love the vibes of this fic so much and I am a sucker for a bit of slow burn friends to lovers. The pacing so far is perfect and the author has really encaptured how I imagine how quickly Miles and Alex bonded when they first met. The song references are so cleverly woven in, like Miles smoking organic cigarettes; I love each one so much. I just know that by the time this fic ends it will be one of my holy grails. I can’t wait for the next chapter!
5. Can’t Help Myself by @yellowloid
Busy with work as Miles has been, finding time to hang out with each other over the past few weeks has been difficult, if not impossible. It's come to a point that stressful meetings and incessant calls have gotten in the way of them spending time with each other, on multiple occasions and in more than one way.
When the nth Zoom meeting gets between him and his boyfriend, Alex finally decides he's had enough.
I love every single one of yellowloid’s fics, and this is no exception. I mean… damn. This fic is so sexy, hot, and ends with milex just being hopelessly in love with each other - basically everything the author is an expert in writing. As I have said before, yellowloid is the queen of milex smut, although there are so many close contenders.
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