#Tbh I think it was a tractor beam if not oh well
deliah-clarke · 4 months
Isaac Clarke x Apprentice (Platonic)- Insanity and family
Chapter 1 - Prologue BEFORE New Arrivals So I’m gonna change a few things in the Dead Space Remake storyline to better suit this story (such as Nicole is not gonna be a ‘hallucination’ and much more, it will be told in the perspective of 2nd perspective because the other perspectives didn’t fit her. And yea, I give my 2nd perspective characters not basic personalities.
warning: hallucination, death, gore, violence, normal Dead Space warning things, make us whole, insanity, mania, Yknow insane Unitologists bs (some warnings are for future chapters just so you know what you are getting into.)
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DIAGNOSE AND REPAIR Communications Blackout
ISAAC CLARKE Engineering and Ship System Specialist
KENDRA DANIELS Computer Specialist
ZACH HAMMOND Chief Security Officer
CPL HAILEY JOHNSTON Security Personnel
CPL AIDEN CHEN Security Personnel
DELIAH [UNKNOWN] CEC Engineering Apprentice
“…Isaac….I wish I could talk to you, I’m sorry. I can’t believe what’s happening. Everything’s…falling apart here… It’s strange…such a little thing-” Pause.
“Is that her? Nicole?” One of Isaac Clarke’s crew members ask him, Kendra Danvers. As she walks up to the hologram of Isaac’s girlfriend, Dr. Nicole Brennan.
“Yeah, first I’ve heard from her in weeks.” Isaac says as he slightly turns his head toward Danvers.
“She looks…nice?” You say to Isaac, who was sitting down in front of you.
“That answer was really half-assed but knowing you I’ll take it.” He said in a slightly amused tone.
“Everything I do is half-assed.” You give an eyebrow raise and a smug grin. “That’s concerning considering your an apprentice to an engineer.”
”I’m concerning in general.” You blinked with a straight face.
The Kellion shook slightly as Chen interjected, “I would find your seat before you go flying put the front window, here we go—nice clean re-entry. Welcome to Aegis VII.”
You gave a slight eyeroll as you sat down on a seat next to Isaac’s. Crossing your legs a bit as you do so.
“Imagine six months staring at that chunk of rock.”
“To an independent miner, it’s paradise.”
“Hehehe minor”
Everyone gave a sharp but slightly confused glare at you. You gave a cheeky smile, “I-I don’t know why I found that funny.”
Sigh. “Alright Daniels, where is she?”
Daniels crossed her arms and leaned from one foot to another typing on the holographic screen in front of her, “There confirming visual contact with USG Ishimura.”
The Kellion drifted downward past debris most likely from the planet after the Ishimura had cracked it. To reveal not too far away the massive steely ship known as the infamous USG Ishimura.
“What a beauty, biggest planet cracker in her class y’know-”
You interrupted him with yet another snarky comment, “Hold on. I’m sorry but does he always say random meaningless shit no one really cares about or just when he fanboys over a ship?”
“You’re exhausting you know that?” Hammond glared.
“I’m not the one who can’t shut their mouth for four seconds.”
Chen cleared his throat aggressively to get the attention of the Chief Security Officer. “Sir, we’re in hailing range.” With a tap of his finger on the orangish hued panel he commend the Ishimura, “USG Ishimura, this is the emergency maintenance team of the USG Kellion responding to your distress call. Come in Ishimura.”
“Ishimura? Do you copy, this is the USG Kellion.”
“You ever heard of a full communications blackout on one of these things?”
With a glance toward Daniels he responded with a hint of a somber tone, “Never. Come on someone pick up the damn phone.”
Over comms a grueling guttural noise emerged into the Kellion’s transmission for a brief moment. Mixed with static and an unstable connection it was hard to tell exactly what that was.
“What the hell is that?” Daniels’ voice was quieter now, clearly unnerved about the audio.
“I-I’m sorry we’re going in that? Oh heeeeellllllll no.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Tch, yeah cause that tone sounded reassuring.”
“Well, it sounds like their communications array is busted… maybe a broken encoder. Deliah, Daniels and I can handle it in forty eight hours max.” He gave a quick gesture with his head toward Daniels.
“As long as one, I’m not left alone and two, it’s not dark I’ll be fine.” You scoffed.
“Alright Chen, take us in.”
Johnston spoke up, “Gravity tethers engaged, automated docking is a go.”
The Kellion began is descension as it was pulled in by a purplish-blue colored tether. The ship let out a slight creak and parked on the left side with a deafening clang, causing canary yellow sparks to burst out of the wall, causing both Isaac and you two flinch your head away, though his was more subtle. The alarms blared violently, electricity shooting all through the ship, emitting a grotesque, shrill cry. The vessel was rapidly thrusted inward to the Ishimura, pulling it forward at insane speeds. Sparks from the ship flew as metal screeched with a howling roar, splintering metal screeched at high frequencies. The crew was thrown and tossed maliciously in their seats as they attempted to steady themselves.
“Shit—Shit! We’re coming in too hot! It’s gonna smash us into the hull!” Chen exclaimed while veering the ship in a desperate attempt to avoid narrowly crashing into the Ishimura’s hull.
“There aim for the emergency stabilizer! There, that blue light. It might slow us down!” Isaac shouted frantically as he kept jolting in his chair.
“Drop the blast shields everyone brace yourself.” Hammond commanded urgently toward the crew, hoping this would be enough to keep the ship together.
With a deafening rumble the rammed shut, slightly muffling the horrifying outer hull of the ships. The whirring of the Kellion intensifies as the screen showing the outside of the ship only displayed the visible outside for seconds and went static. Leaving you and the crew completely blind. The ship vibrated, causing blurry vision and slight nausea from you.
As quickly as it began, the ship came to a decently quick halt, the ship giving up the last of its energy as it powered down. The lights dimmed until they went out completely.
“Everyone okay?”
”I’m good.”
“I’ll live, Johnston you alright?” Chen asked with a small amount of worry but did well at hiding it. The blast doors clicked and zoomed upward, leaving the glass with a greenish misty light and a worn-down “USG Ishimura” sign. A few of the letters flickered or weren’t even on all together.
“It’s my ankle. I think it’s broke,”
“Could be worse.” You uttered, still shaken.
“What the fuck is going on with flight control? That guidance systems a death trap.” Daniels barked harshly, annoyed and concerned considering they almost died.
“Better add it to the repair list. Chen what’s our damage?”
“Comms are down. Lost the port booster. We’ve got a fire on one of the stabilizers and the singularity cores a mess. Could be worse but not by much.”
“Then let’s get some help. Johnston stay with the Kellion, we’ll send a medic. Everyone else with me.” Hammond motioned a hand.
Daniels and Hammond gave a quick glance toward Isaac as they walked past him. Isaac bent down for his helmet and placed it over the top of his head, being his apprentice you also had the same helmet. Just slightly tweaked to help with the weight of it. As Isaac stepped out of the wirey, sparking mess which was now the Kellion, you followed suit closely. No one, you, your mentor or your crew knew what unspoken nightmares would be waiting for you in the USG Ishimura’s deathly cold embrace.
Depending on how well this does I will write the next chapter. Might not I am not positive honestly. Btw this is the prologue not chapter one, that’s the upcoming chapter.
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coldshrugs · 3 years
thank you for this blessed template, @possumsunshine. this was so fun and cute, i couldn't resist after seeing it on my dash 💗
pulled a couple of answers from oc asks i've done recently because oof this got long.
Name: alma greene
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Love interest: mason
Best friend: felix but also nate
Main skill: science/tech
Secondary skill: people/psychology
Main personality trait: tied for impulsive and sarcastic
Secondary personality trait: stubborn
Why did they join the Wayhaven PD?: she’s not a detective, but science skills
Relationship with Rebecca: very close, even with absences, but waning
Relationship with Bobby: college friend, currently hates him
Verda or Tina?: both
Murphy bite?: wrist
Murphy’s fate?: at large, babyyy
Rescue LI or Rescue Sanja?: sanja
Name: alma eloise greene
Nickname: sweetheart/space girl by mason; sweetie by rebecca
Birthday: june 12th
Age: 29
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual (demiromantic??)
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: dark brown, nearly black
Height: 5’1”
Piercings: ears, former nostril piercings
Tattoos: a small snail on her right arm, super cartoony spaceship and tractor beam over the words “i want to believe” on the back of her left calf
Clothing Style: “modern” i guess, according to the game. tbh i usually describe it as “too old to be an e-girl but too cute to care.” bleached denim, dark plaid, graphic crop tops, black vans or converse, thigh-high tights, etc etc
Apartment Style: cozy. did she find it on the side of the road or goodwill or an estate sale? if not, it’s probably not in her apartment.
Charming | Intimidating
Impulsive | Cautious
Sarcastic | Genuine
Friendly | Stoic
Easygoing | Stubborn
Heart | Mind
Optimist | Pessimist
Team Player | Independent
Main Skill: science/tech
Second Skill: people/psychology
By the Book | Bend the Rules
Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: alma is wayhaven’s only forensic analyst because i refuse to let my black oc be a cop
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in-game, she’s 100% there for her scientific prowess.
Murphy bite: Wrist | Neck | None
Murphy’s Fate: Captured | Escaped
Rescued: Love Interest | Sanja
Love Interest: mason
Why them?: on a meta level: oh no he’s hot
but alma’s reasoning is that he’s very upfront about what he wants in the beginning and she’s never been pursued in such a way. It’s a bit of a rush and an ego boost for her at first. but mason’s loyalty very quickly becomes the steadiness alma’s been missing for most of her life and she latches on to that. she’s not had someone so dependable around in… well, ever. and her physical attraction becomes emotional VERY quickly.
Bold, shy, or mixed?: shy until they sleep together, then a mix of bold and genuine afterward.
What were their first impressions of each other?:
alma on mason: thought he was super attractive but that was quickly pushed aside by “holy shit, this guy’s an ass.” she thinks he’s an uncooperative jerk that only cares about himself for quite a while, honestly. she asks him along for things she wants to do alone precisely because she thinks he’ll be the most likely to just stay out of her way. she’s surprised by his attitudes and opinions, and her incorrect assumptions about them, during those times.
mason on alma: would never, ever, ever admit that his first thought upon meeting Alma was simply “cute.” he quickly found parts of her to assess individually. those first few days were mostly spent appraising her physical attributes and watching her back when she needed it. mason did find her funny right away, but he wasn’t willing to trust someone new, regardless of that person being their handler’s daughter or not.
What do they find attractive about each other, mentally or physically?:
alma on mason: his eyes, freckles, and every single version of his smile. his decisiveness, differentially, and willingness to stab as a warning.
mason on alma: her hair tbh, there’s just… a lot of it. her hips, her eyelashes. He also likes her adaptability, sense of humor, and the warmth she gives with no expectation of reciprocation.
What do they do to spend time together?: lots of stargazing, lots of watching tv very quietly and making fun of the storylines they don’t understand until they get bored and make out instead, walking around the quieter parts of wayhaven or taking late-night drives.
What is their favorite memory together?: i like to think mason finds the carnival photo of them after the place has been sacked and gives it to alma sometime later. both the taking of the photo and the giving of it are very fond memories for both of them.
What are their love languages?: touch, quality time.
How do they handle being apart from one another?: badly. mason absolutely hates it after a time. if alma’s out of town, he’s in her apartment with the excuse of feeding her cat, but it’s 100% just to sleep in her bed and be around all the things that make her, her. alma does a little better. she’s used to having folks sort of come and go and come again, but she gets almost hyper-insecure?? it’s nothing she’d admit openly, but she’s second-guessing herself in totally unrelated aspects of her life until they’re reunited.
Do they argue? How do they handle arguments and disagreements? How do they make up?: they don’t necessarily argue, but they disagree with the intent to problem solve. alma is pretty flexible and as long as she can understand why someone might feel the way they feel, she’s willing to hear them out or go along with their plan. if an argument does get out of hand, they need space from it for a while. they each have places to retreat for those times, and they wait for the “hey” text to come through to know it’s time to talk about it.
What does their future look like?: alma becomes a vampire two years into their relationship. they move into a quiet, old house on the edge of town until the whole team moves elsewhere. mason has to get used to having a cat because october has several years left in him. they don’t get married, but they’re inseparable.
Anything else you’d like to share: in the time before alma turns, mason learns to perfect making grilled cheese because it’s what alma craves when she’s not feeling well. He makes the grilled cheese then he immediately showers to get the smell off him but he makes it regardless.
Best friend: depending on the playthrough it swaps between felix and nate, but felix feels more in character
Why them?: alma loves felix’s sense of adventure and nosiness. Most of all she loves that he won’t judge her for pulling the same shit every now and then.
What were their first impressions of each other?: alma was super thrown off by that hand kiss. “who the fuck is this mischief-maker?” while nate was very kind and warm, felix (surprisingly) was the UB teammate that really humanized the rest of the team for alma. he’s fun and genuine and wants everyone else to be happy together. felix was incredibly interested to learn more about alma, as a human, as his boss’s daughter, and then as a friend when she readily accepted the supernatural and, by extension, him as a vampire. The fact that she’s easily flustered or surprised really works in his favor because he lives for being the most shocking person in the room.
What do they do to spend time together?: they share music, they dance, and they text A LOT. lots of memes, lots of “what does [x] mean?” “oh nice” “[proceeds to use the thing they just learned incorrectly]”. they also compare and share hair products.
Anything else you’d like to share: they each have a tamagotchi named after the other (baby felix and baby alma) and they compete to see who can keep theirs alive the longest. everyone loses.
OTHER RELATIONSHIPS (Feel free to go in-depth!)
Relationship with Rebecca: oof okay. alma seeks rebecca’s approval and depends on her for a sense of safety and “stability.” in some ways, she wants to be exactly like her mom: strong, independent, unbothered, worldly. but a lot of that shatters the longer alma works professionally with rebecca and with the revelations surrounding rook. alma sees how much rebecca uses her as a crutch, projects her perceived failures onto alma’s life, and over-shelters her.
Relationship with Rook: alma doesn’t remember him and tries not to think of him often or fondly or at all BUT she has so many of his things. his flannels, his detective badge, his ancient comic book collection (which is the only reason she has her own). she has his eyes and his impulsive streak, his care for people of all varieties. she IS rook’s daughter and she ignores that fact so it doesn’t hurt her.
Relationship with Bobby: they used to be very close, slightly flirty friends but there’s no way in hell alma can trust him now. (i originally had bobby as alma’s ex but it was all getting a little too Bella Swan for me. like bobby, douglas, the werewolves, falk, and mason like????? it was a bit much so bobby’s just an old ex-friend)
Relationship with Verda: alma fucking loves verda. that’s her mentor, that’s her dad friend. she feels a sense of Pride and Accomplishment when she can make verda laugh or impress him in the lab, or both. alma’s fond of spending evenings over his place with eric and the kids, making dinner, or just hanging out.
Relationship with Tina: tina was alma’s first friend as a kid. they lost touch in high school because tina was bubbly and cute and popular, while alma was… not. but the summer before they left for college they ran into each other at a house party and since that reconnection, they’ve been thick as thieves. it was like nothing had changed. tina is a light in alma’s life, and alma lets tina lean into the stranger parts of herself without judgment.
Relationship with the Mayor: thinks he’s a creep and a bad parent.
Relationship with Capt. Sung: appreciates how he prioritizes the town and its people, but thinks he could loosen up a bit.
Relationship with Haley: haley is a couple of years older than alma but they’ve known each other forever. alma admires haley’s work ethic and cheery attitude.
Relationship with Elidor: oh man, alma is absolutely stunned by elidor. he’s beautiful, kind, and knowledgeable. in those early days, elidor is responsible for quite a bit of her supernatural education. alma grills him while he nurses her back to health. her curiosity is refreshing to him.
Relationship with Tapeesa/Vieno: alma thinks vieno is cute and funny, says hi when she sees them around, but they’re not best friends or anything. she can’t shake the thought that they’re basically a fae version of danny devito.
Relationship with Unit Alpha: absolutely smitten with lesedi. she’s never seen a more beautiful woman. tamiko ends up being a pretty good friend. the twins are on her social periphery but alma’s not close with them.
Relationship with the Maa-alused: alma sincerely wants to help them adjust to life in this world and takes that goal very seriously. at the same time she really really wishes falk hadn’t developed this weird attachment to her.
Do they have any other important relationships, past or present? (Relatives, friends, etc.?): YES. i’ve thrown another oc in wayhaven for the express purpose of being The Detective. His name is javi. alma met him in college and they were fast friends. alma convinced him to try out wayhaven after graduation. They lived together for a while and now they, along with tina, can often be seen in the corner booth of chen’s pub.
she was also very close with her maternal grandmother before she died. she was raised by her while rebecca was absent, but i need to develop this more.
her cat, october, whom she’s had for five years. he’s a sweet, mostly black tortie that can hardly meow. alma adopted him as an adult when she got her own place.
Describe their personality: alma is so open and ready to accept new possibilities. she’s the sort of person that embraces what scares her, finds beauty in it, and loves it intensely. she’s sharp and resourceful. i wouldn’t exactly describe her as hard-working, but she’s knowledgeable about her field and tries to be helpful when she has a goal in mind.
she’s quite tactile. touchy with other people. likes to use her hands for work or hobbies. she doesn’t really mind being alone for long stretches of time but would prefer not to be. she wants others to want to be around her.
she’s also terrible at being honest about her trauma. everything is fine, she’s fine, she doesn’t need to talk about this :) :) :) she will handle the breakdown when it happens and not one second before. also, with quick wit comes uncontrollable sarcasm and it does not always hit well.
Strengths: the only person in unit bravo that knows how to use google
Weaknesses: squishy
Where in the world is their Wayhaven?: super torn here because wayhaven feels inland to me, but i think i’ve finally settled on the north carolina coast but not like the outer banks area. If not there, then maybe virginia, closer to the chesapeake bay.
What is their personal history?: alma is born to rook and rebecca in wayhaven. spends her childhood being raised mostly by her grandmother, idolizes rebecca. academic success comes easily for her; a heavy interest in science leads to a scholarship at a university just far away enough to feel like she’s Leaving The Nest. alma dates a bit in college but she’s the type to end up becoming friends with everyone she sleeps with and romance is difficult for her to cultivate. when she does date, the relationships are short-lived. she returns to wayhaven after school and puts her degree to work in wayhaven’s police department. she wishes she’d applied for a position in the city but craves the comfort (and tbh, the low stakes) of home.
If they weren’t a detective, what would their dream job be?: she’s a forensic analyst and honestly?? it’s a pretty dreamy job for her. she loves being a scientist, loves helping people, and isn’t easily grossed out.
Anything else you’d like to share: has tried to stay overnight in an ikea. did not succeed.
Zodiac sign: gemini
Hobbies: reading peer-reviewed journals, watching terrible sci-fi, collecting comic books and mugs, thrift shopping
Likes: good hair days, denim jackets, vanilla candles, halloween, unflavored lipbalm, driving at night, that warm “surrounded by love” feeling, snails, fuzzy socks
Dislikes: the lights while driving at night, winter, dry skin, minimalist decor, smudged glasses, being overwhelmed with choices
Drink of choice: white wine usually, white russians if she’s out at chen’s, or shots of jaeger if she’s feeling trashy
Starbucks order: grande flat white with 3 pumps of toffee nut syrup and a sprinkle of cinnamon
Favorite food: a simple, fresh spaghetti pomodoro OR lemon meringue pie
Favorite color: golden mustard yellow
Favorite music: she loves just about everything and it’s heavily dependant on her mood. (this is actually really difficult to think about without feeling like i'm giving her my exact taste in music but here's a little playlist that fits her vibe)
Favorite genre (and favorite movie/book/etc): science fiction or psychological thrillers, but her favorite movie is oliver and company.
Favorite season: fall
Anything else you’d like to share: has a stupid amount of blankets stashed around her apartment. she really does not like being cold.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
October 16: 1x19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday
Today, one of the best, most entertaining, and most fun TOS episodes.
This intro is so strange lol. If I were watching this in 1967, I’d be like “Has Star Trek been preempted by something dumb?” It’s also very short.
That is in fact the definition of a UFO--what’s less identified than the Enterprise?
I can’t wait until a space ship of people from the future shows up. It’s 2020 so anything could happen.
Captain’s Log: This is weird!
I love all the shots of the Enterprise through this ep. How clearly it’s cut and pasted against the sky, the weird and jerky way it moves.
So I was confused by the use of the term “black star”--it is in fact a black hole (Spock’s eternal nemesis lol); that term just wasn’t well known or settled on to describe that particular phenomenon in 1967.
The method of time travel reminds me of The Naked Time (wasn’t that also like snapping a rubber band?) and according to the amazon trivia, this was supposed to be The Naked Time part two--which actually would have been pretty cool.
“If Scotty’s not dead” lol. How dark.
Amazed by how efficient this ship is--they get those reports back to Spock really damn fast.
I love how Kirk is so smart and good at history that he can immediately date when they are based on the news about a moon landing. (Although actually this episode pre-dates the actual moon landing so that was just a guess as to when it would happen, which I find AMAZING tbh.)
The drama of the time travel reveal! Close up on Kirk’s face: WHAT??
Sulu’s eye makeup is great. Bones’s is too, later.
“The craft might have nuclear warheads, which would be rather inconvenient for us.”
Kirk doesn’t know his own lady’s strength. Whoops, we accidentally destroyed your ship.
Why does Christopher beam up standing? Because it would be too funny if he beamed up sitting and then immediately fell on his ass?
Kirk immediately checks him out, and then starts flirting. He is so shameless.
“I’m a Captain too! I’m from Iowa!”
“Woman?” / “Crewman” feminist exchange paired with that horn music that usually accompanies Jessica Rabbit. Well A for effort boys.
The Enterprise is one of only 12 in the fleet. Not that that’s really trustworthy since everything in S1 of TOS is seat of the pants random facts and numbers lol. This episode refers to BOTH Starfleet and UESPA--and possibly the Federation? Already can’t remember. I don’t understand any more than Captain Christopher does.
“We’re a combined service.” Combined from what?
Captain Christopher was one of the best guest characters. Love how he’s on this amazing futuristic ship and the only thing he can say about it is “you guys sure fuck up a lot.”
Spock is having tons of fun with the new Earthman like IMMEDIATELY. “I also don’t believe in little green men--by which I mean don’t call me little.”
Another ep in which Spock is referred to as a Lt. Cmdr. while pretty clearly wearing a Commander’s uniform.
“Don’t touch anything.”
“Anything else on your mind, Mr. Spock? A threesome perhaps?”
“Jim, we cannot not exist.”
“That flight suit must be uncomfortable”--so unsubtle in wanting to get him undressed. “Why don’t you slip into something a little more comfortable, Captain?”
“Signet 14 is a planet dominated by women...with a sense of humor.”
“You can’t go home now that you know what the future looks like--damn fine, I mean take a look at us.”
“We’ve no place to go!” Oh Scotty, always coming in to burst some bubbles. They should have just gone on tours everyone’s home towns for fun.
And now Captain Christopher tries to escape. Exactly what Kirk would do in his situation. And yet Kirk is perplexed: “I sent him to his room--and he’s not in his room!”
Bones is so convinced that they have to leave and get back to their own time because they can’t have 435 people just wandering around 20th century Earth changing the timelines and that’s legit--but I think they could have stuck him in 1960s Georgia and he’d do fine. Except for the racism.
“Now you’re sounding like Spock.” Jim! How dare!!
“Could he be reeducated to forget his family” sounds VERY suspicious out of context. Or, really, in context.
Bones identifying that Spock is joking is hilarious and sweet. He pretends he doesn’t know him, but he does.
Kirk’s face when Spock is talking about Christopher Jr. is so MUCH--he looks like he could try.
I love the colors of this episode. I would buy a color tv for this for sure.
“Our tractor beam caught and crushed an Air Force plane.” Well that’s not good. Hard to explain that one.
Sulu gets to go on a one-on-one away mission with the Captain! And he’s obviously having a grand time.
“Look at this cool bulletin board!”
“Look at this primitive computer!” Which Kirk can identify because he likes going to museums because he’s a NERD I rest my case.
I feel like Spock is super alien today. Just giving off a lot of alien vibes. “I am working on my calculations.”
This episode is so hilarious; I love it. This guy’s reactions to Kirk and Sulu and their communicator, and their reactions to him and the whole situation. It’s really pretty cure comedy without much bearing on the plot--just for fun.
“I don’t hear anything.” I mean--you’re officers?? That’s the best you can do?
“Hmmm, you’re not Jim.” “We seem to have another problem.” “An unfortunate accident.” Bones taking the gun and probably keeping it. The absolutely on point score. “Our guest seems quite satisfied to remain where he is.”
Also “A subplot of this episode is that Kirk and Sulu steal government documents from an Air Force base” sounds very fake, but it’s completely true and accurate.
Kirk just straight up LAUNCHING himself at those guys. The ONLY valid fight scenes are in Star Trek TOS and it’s all because of Kirk and his highly choreographed fight moves.
“Three against one? Why don’t you get two more guys and make it a fair fight.”
But then as soon as he’s caught he turns on the charm.
Spock: “Poor photography.” He never knows the right thing to say, does he?
And now the obligatory moment when Bones accuses Spock of not caring about Jim even though he of all people should know better.
This interrogation scene is also hilarious and one of my favorites. How he doesn’t say his middle name is Tiberius. Wincing when they throw the weapon around. “I’m a little green man from Alpha Centuri.” “This little thing? Just something I slipped on.” “Two hundred years? That oughtta be just about right.”
Tbh sometimes I do feel better about the AOS!Kirk characterization because of scenes like this. Like, you could see that mid-20s Kirk turning into this mid-30s Kirk; the sense of humor is similar.
This man in the beret is having a fun time. I think he’d like to stay here. Also, I find the food replicators in the transporter room really random but I guess that was a budget issue.
This is such a good-natured episode. Everyone’s so friendly, so forgiving of light moments of back-stabbery, so generally good-hearted.
You’ve seen the Vulcan nerve pinch, now get ready for the Sulu shoulder chop! And then the Vulcan nerve pinch! And then the  Kirk very-fake-looking punch in the face!
Spock so obviously wants to kiss it better. The camera is away from them for so long, it’s possible there was a lot of hand fondling going on.
And then everything about the rest of the scene--how Spock somehow leaves by one door and comes in by another to get behind Christopher; how he lurks out of focus in the background; the random shots of Sulu’s face; all the opportunities for Kirk to look Fond.
Aw, poor Christopher. Didn’t get into NASA but he still gets to go to space. I wonder if a part of him did remember all this and that’s how he inspired his son to work on the Saturn probe.
Also there is no way for DC Fontana or anyone else to know this but there was a Saturn probe launched in 2004, which is approximately the right timeline to match this ep--if Christopher’s son was born in 1970, he would have been in his mid-30s in 2004.
“You only have 15 years, so you better hurry”--Kirk, hurrying to get his last flirty comment in.
More shaky ship and more people throwing themselves around the set. Never gets old.
Christopher sure learned the ship fast. He’s already pushing buttons to talk to the bridge. Maybe NASA made a mistake.
Scotty is a genius lol--they were SUPER precise in getting both of those guys back to the exact right moment in time.
“Mr. Scott is still with us”--again!
Uhura really likes the lady computer voice.
“The Enterprise is home!”
Amazing ep, as expected. I don’t have deep commentary on it because it wasn’t a deep episode, but it was a rollicking fun time. Next up is Court Martial, primarily memorable for the introduction of Kirk’s ex-girlfriend, The Lawyer.
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roboromantic · 6 years
“Remain Klingon! oh but uuuhhhh also all Klingons have one culture now” im sorry but no matter how much I love that they’re using actual real Klingon on the show I just can’t Stand the writing that’s been going into their plotlines
I mean sure I guess maybe L’Rell sees the hypocrisy in asking the other Houses to assimilate but. yeesh.
Amanda I Wuv you
Eeeyyyyy they’re addressing this finally
did…………………….did they ever explain why they stopped? Not to mention the whole uh. Enterprise explaining the forehead thing only to backtrack
Like I don’t really care much about ~continuity errors~ but this one’s really. In your face lmao
aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I Hate these kinds of plots just TELL someone about her already im Dying
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmmmmmm not sure I like where this is going
Unrelated but could we maybe have just stuck w/2 plots per episode this is a bit much
Uuuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh pwease no more love triangle especially w/l’rell
“the four of us” c’moooooooooooooooooooooon gimme that Sybok content
Did he grow up with his mom maybe? I don’t remember if they ever said in the movie. But pwease I want the five of them to be a family :(
Wow I love the Incredibles
Yeah already bored of this plotline
“I asked first” djhgljkshfjkdfhsjk
THEN JUST GO TO SICKBAY WHY’VE YOU BEEN AVOIDING IT? Because if it was to avoid showing weakness or whatever then ya already done fucked that up
sdfjhfgdgfdgf I mean. Some aliens Cannot cry but I love u anyway Michael
Yeah actually why didn’t she talk to her mentor/superior officer
…….what is what, nothing really appeared until after you said something
Listen I love Tilly but uuuhhhh Saru’s going way too easy on her
Dude if you just straight up asked for help instead of playing these mind games she probably would
Isn’t that the gravity thing? Is he using what’s basically a tractor beam to pull out the spore but somehow not affect anything else??? I mean I don’t really care, goodness knows Trek’s had some dumb-ass science before, but it seems kinda weird
What’s with the 2 lines of pIqaD followed by Absolutely No more subtitles
So Ash and baby are just gonna be hiding out I guess
pppffffffffffffffffttttt w h y
Oh actually NOPE this is not so much funny as it is Deeply Disturbing to me on quite a few levels 😬
I assume this is a Section 31 ship but tbh the interior looks pretty similar to the bridge of a Star Destroyer
Oh not prompted by anything in the show but if they somehow decide this kid is/is related to any Klingons from other serieseseses im gonna Scream
Listen I know the Emperor’s Evil but. Gd shes so cool
Also if we’re supposed to care about L’rell then I think I’m well within my rights to stan Georgiou lmao
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