#Tanjirou is pleased to see them work well together
cringeyvanillamilk · 2 years
I’m interested can you draw Asta and inosce screaming happy araund like they talk abaut there fights???
(I love you crossover whit asta and demon slayer 🔥)
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I can see them vibe so well with each other! THEY ARE HYPED!
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silverynight · 2 years
Idea because I'm bored lol, your blog really helps me stay entertained😂The Hashira are known assassin's within the districts. They work together, but each also pertain to their only district-so 9 pillars, 9 districts. During a meeting they have once every three months to listen to people's complaints and payments for deaths, they're usually pretty quick, and the complaints are along the lines of 'I want this woman dead because she stole my husband' or 'I want my neighbor killed because he assaulted my daughter " and so on. They don't take every complaint because they shouldn't be resolved with death, but if they're paying enough and the deed can be worthy of death they do the dirty work. Until one day, a boy with a scarf and hood comes in, obviously nervous and shy. But tears are down his cheeks, or from what they can see of his face cause it's covered.
"How may we be of assistance?" Giyu says softly, peering down to try to see the boys face. The others are curious as well.
"I want to be trained." Gasps fill the room. Trained? Instead of the pillars doing the work?
"Why would you want that when we can do it quick for you my boy? Really not worth getting your hands dirty!" Kyojuro says loudly, though you can tell he's worried as well. The boy finally looks up. Some people start whispering. He's gorgeous, and young. But his eyes are puffy. He only repeats himself.
"I want to be trained. My whole family was slaughtered. My younger sisters vocal cords were cut out." He says shakily. Shinobu gasps as Muichiro eyebrows draw together. Sanemi curses under his breath at the vulgarity of it all. But he wasn't finished.
"My name is Tanjirou. And I promise I will pay you. But it will be me who kills that man. Muzan Kibutsuji. I want to kill him." He says darkly, his eyes full of rage. The pillars are even more interested, especially because Muzan is a big enemy of there's as well. But they can tell Tanjirou is a sweet boy, and their hearts ache. Even more when a young girl comes up next to him timidly, taking his hand and signing something. Tanjirou bites the inside of his cheek, eyes softening. "Train both of us. Please!" He begs, bowing.
They agree to train them, of course they do, but they try to persuade them both to let them do the work instead. They also take the opportunity to take care of Tanjirou and his sister, to feed them, to give them a place to live, to try to make him smile and feel better...
And they do make him smile, but they also end up falling head over heels for him, which is why his revenge and anger becomes theirs as well.
They have to find Muzan themselves.
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bluelockednyx · 1 year
Hey!! I loved your Rinsagi metas and posts. FINALLY someone in the fandom who doesn't infantilize Isagi and sees canon him. Yes Isagi is nice but not like.. nanase level friendly and nice. He's polite but a lil withdrawn and appreciates people's talents but absolutely will not let anyone walk over him. Also,exactly what u said, sadist Dom. Yes please.
And Rin, so many people reduce him to this one-dimensional character who's issues people treat like a joke. When that's not the case? Bachira at least knows his prblms, Rin has no idea at all. Like how horrible does your repression and mental state have to be that the guy that is literally suicidal tells you that you're in a worse place than him. Rin gives off high key depressed vibes.
It's a lot like Post WC kunigami which draws...interesting parallels esp when you look at pre WC kunigami and at how Rin seems a lot happier before the fight. I saw someone make that comparison.
What do you think? How do you think Rin would've been like if Sae had actually bothered explaining instead of what we got?
Also, any opinions on the Itoshi parents? We've only seen half their faces and nothing from them abt their kids's relationship. I mean, it kinda bothers me how we've seen the views of Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, even Hiori's parents when he's not a main character, Yet we got no input from the Itoshis. Do they just not notice? Are they a bit neglectful esp since they let a 13 yr old Sae go to another country alone? Do they let their kids do whatever they want including fighting for a year? Who knows? I'll love to know your thoughts tho.
Again, thank you for the lovely metas which made me feel a little less alone in the fandom. Have a great day :)
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Isagi stans, please rise up and help characterise him properly lmao
Stupid long response under the cut, as always.
Rant about my issues with the general fandom characterisation about Isagi. Sorry anon if this isn't what you wanted, I have a lot of Thoughts and Salt where Isagi is concerned, and I am Fandom Old who is growing incredibly sad with how divisive current fandom is over a whole host of things. Skip to Itoshi if you don't wanna read about Isagi + fandom musings. Skip to parents if you wanna read about my thoughts on the family dynamics.
Isagi is, for better or worse, the stock shonen MC. He's enough of a regular guy for the target readers, which are teenage boys, to identify with. As he's the MC, the story overall serves to validate and support him, so long as he fits the themes the author is working on, which for Blue Lock, is the concept of being the best at what you're doing, while also bringing out the best in others, and then working together successfully to achieve goals (i.e. the World Cup).
But, Kaneshiro-sensei's also a strategic writer. Isagi, because he's such a bland self-insert for the most part, combined with how he has a very weird form of Power of Heart, has wound up being an especially attractive character for those who like harem, or reverse-harem series. Which then, for better or worse, brings all the fujoshi fangirls around (the curse of so many attractive characters). But most especially the fujoshi fangirls who are a fan of all x MC ships. I am emphasizing all x MC here, because east Asian/gen Asian fandom, have grown incredibly restrictive and rigid about top x bottom dynamics, which is a whole host of other things and issues to talk about.
Look up any popular shonen jump title, you'll find that these shippers generally have the same tastes, and move around the same fandom circles. You'll usually find them shipping all x MC ships, from Izuku to Tanjirou to Yuuji to Naruto etc. Overall, how they characterise them never deviates all that much. It's the nice, 'innocent', naive, guy who is a bit of a pushover, and who has all the other hot characters wanting to get in their pants. That's where Isagi falls into as well, for these shippers. The more thorny and less 'nice guy' parts of his characterisation gets sanded down, though YMMV whether this is a skill issue by fandom or simply a cultural readership interpretation difference altogether.
On the Itoshi bros:
Yep, Rin has a lot of repression issues. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Rin has no idea at all about his issues (how else would he pick out Bachira's loneliness so quickly lol, also there's some hints from official guidebook), but he definitely lacks self-awareness. I also agree that he and Nagi seem to be on different areas at the spectrum of depression (Nagi being apathetic, Rin being hostile).
If there's anything to parallel Rin and Kunigami, I'd say that it's the 'loss of a dream' and 'loss of companions'. In the manga proper, Rin does seem happier before the fight with Sae, like how Kunigami looked happier pre-WC. However, the light novel shows that Rin was already repressing both himself and his style of football to imitate Sae long before then due to external pressures by his teammates and coach, and even more severely than Isagi, who also didn't have much of a relationship with his own teammates from Ichinan.
If Sae had tried to explain more than that one line about 'the world being vast', they wouldn't have such a strained relationship right now, honestly. While I don't think that Rin would have fully understood what Sae was trying to say because he lacked the experience and perspective, I do think he would have been more supportive, which would have been better overall, for the both of them. They were both idiots that night, lmao, though I do view Sae as having been punished by the narrative when he pushed his dream onto Rin.
About the Itoshi parents:
We know that Rin and Sae presumably used to share a room and a double bed as kids (albeit a fairly spacious one, from the looks of it), which makes me think that they're more likely to be middle class than upper class. Young Rin also accompanied Sae to his soccer practice games, rather than going off for other classes like say, art, which implies that his parents might not have been able to afford it. Sae also walked home with Rin, which further implies that they're parents are busy, though its more of a norm in JP. Possibly a double income household, to fund Sae, and later, Rin's coaching fees and time with the youth football squad. Also a household that seems to have no qualms about Sae, and later, Rin's rudeness and hostility, although they may tone it down around their parents. Sae must have picked his attitude up from somewhere.
I'm reluctant to call the Itoshi parents sending Sae to Madrid at 13 as intentionally neglectful, because there are cultural nuances there. I think the best parallel I can draw is parents from less-developed nations sending their children overseas from an early age to secure eventual permanent residency and establish a life in a more developed nation. Sometimes, home just isn’t good enough. And this is one of Blue Lock’s main story themes: that Japan’s football, as it is, isn’t good enough. They have neither the organizational structure, infrastructure, nor support to get the World Cup that Sae, Anri and possibly Ego, covets.
Sae's dream, and talent, is in football. He's been scouted by perhaps the most successful team in the Blue Lock world, with a world-class program for youths, and has been given the best chance possible, for any kid in his shoes, to fulfill his dream to be the best striker in the world. He's being sponsored, and he also left with a manager who would presumably, help take care of him whilst he was there. Sae isn't going there like say, Ashito from Aoi Ashi, who needed to go through a trial to even be considered for acceptance into the youth squad. He's going there as the equivalent of a golden scholarship student scouted for a potential future work placement, with the likely backing of the JFA.
What alternatives could his parents offer him if he stayed in Japan? His own speech to Sendou pre-blue lock vs U20 match encapsulates what could have been for him (Sendou is very much a foil to Sae, especially now that we know they're both redheads lmao). Being the best in Japan, a middle-of-the-road striker in the world, retiring with an average, albeit decent life. Sae's too egoistic, too talented, too greedy to be content with a life like that. I wouldn't be surprised if Sae had also begged his parents hard to let him go, since it's pretty much all he wanted as a kid.
That's without even taking into account the other problems his parents would face if they immigrated with Sae. How to take care of Rin and his education there, for starters. Rent and housing, finding jobs in Madrid where they likely can't speak the language, and face discrimination.
I think we don't get their parents faces because Rin and Sae's story, and their relationship with their parents, are simply emotionally distant. I don't think they have much parental control over Rin or Sae either.  Sae's been more or less looking after himself/being taken care of by Real Madrid + his manager in Spain since 13, and Rin has been strongly implied to be in much the same shoes since Sae left, to a lesser extent. I doubt they know the more minute details about Rin and Sae’s school life and team experience, both within and out of Japan. I even doubt that they know that Rin and Sae had a fight, honestly, though I can also see them being the kind of parents who will let their kids sort things out between themselves.
Overall: Itoshi parents takes care of them physically (buys them material things, makes sure they have a home to stay in, have a physical caretaker in their place), but emotionally? Rin and Sae seem to be pretty much left on their own. No wonder their relationship with each other broke down, and what little relationships they have with others seem like such a convoluted mess.
Thanks for sending the ask! I love hearing from people what they think about the latest chapters, characters, relationships etc. I hope you have a great day too!
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rubylarkspur22 · 7 months
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Questions and answers below the cut.
1: (🌸) To the Rengoku family, Mitsuri, Obanai, and Kaburamaru; How would you react to the Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu landing in prison.
Kyojurou: Were they simply caught with their swords out in public, or was it something worse?
Mitsuri: Oh, dear! What happened?! Do they need help?!
Shinjurou: Okay. First of all, what did they do? Second of all, where are they? Because I feel like Kamado is gonna bite a chunk out of someone if she's locked up for too long, given her track record.
Senjurou: ... Oh, no.
Obanai: I'd probably get them out. If only so no one loses limbs. It's for the civilian prisoners' safety, above all else, because Kamado alone is likely to kill someone if they tick her off.
Kaburamaru: *hissing in agreement with Obanai*
2: (🌸) To Tanjirou, Genya, Aoi, Muichirou, and Kanao, same question as #1.
Tanjirou: HM?! *distressed demon brother noises*
Aoi: Oh, dear. Can someone please calm Tanjirou down, before he breaks something?! And to answer your question, I'm gonna be wrangling Nezuko's brother so he doesn't burn down the mansion while panicking! This is why we don't ask questions or propose hypotheticals that suggest Nezuko's in danger!
Kanao: I suppose the best course of action would be to get them out. And also assuring Tanjirou that Nezuko's okay...
Genya: How angry was Nezuko? Because that's gonna affect my urgency, after seeing what she did to Upper Four in the Swordsmith Village.
Muichirou: I trust Nezuko can get herself, and her friends, out. If not, then Rengoku needs to train her better.
3: (🔄) Hantengu, how do you feel about the Kamado siblings?
Oh, that demon boy is terrifying. Terrifying! Why a Slayer would let a demon live is both bizarre and terrifying! But, I suppose it's only right to trust Hashira Tsugikuni's judgement.
4: (🔄) Kanae, what is your relationship with Urokodaki, Makomo, and Sabito, and vice versa?
Kanae: Well, after I broke free from Ubuyashiki, I had to seek sanctuary to survive. It took time, but I managed to find Urokodaki. It took some convincing to assure him I wasn't looking for him for Kagaya, but he eventually let me stay. I've been working to help, and earn my place, using my parents' pharmaceutical expertise to help patients. Makomo and I became close rather quickly, but Sabito needed to have some time to trust me. But they're both very sweet!
Urokodaki: Kanae was certainly a shock, but she's also been quite helpful. Both for information, and medical assistance. She's a hard worker, and a kind soul, now that she's free.
Sabito: She's alright, now that we know she's not an agent of Ubuyashiki. Though, she sometimes forgets to mind personal space, and can be excessive in her affection at times. I don't know what causes it.
Makomo: She's lovely. We make flower crowns together, and she's like a big sister!
5: (🎀) To Shizu and Kotoha, are you both aware that you have a squad of feral protective children now? If so, how do you feel about it?
Kotoha: I'm quite aware, yes. I think Kaigaku still has the scar from when Ume bit him after I got beat up for protecting Gyutaro. And Inosuke can also be quite protective, whenever he's nearby. I'm just happy to finally have a family I know I can trust, after everything that's happened.
Shizu: I... didn't know, honestly. I've just been focused on trying to make things up to Sanemi, I think I've not been paying much attention otherwise, outside of work. But hearing that reminds me of Sanemi and Genya. My sweet boys, always trying to stand up to their fa... to him. I hope I can return the favour.
6: (🎀) To the Kamado siblings, what are your Blood Demon Arts, and your thoughts one your fellow Upper Moons as well as Muzan?
Well, my Blood Demon Art is Exploding Blood. I can ignite my blood at will, and I've learned to completely control it and create different fires with different effects over the last several decades.
Mine is a set of spine tendrils. And sometimes, when Nezuko and I synchronize properly, I can launch a fire attack of my own.
As for our feelings about the others, and Lord Muzan?
Upper One is really mysterious, and a little scary. And... Something about him is familiar, but thinking about it too much gives me a headache.
He reminds me of... of someone who's long gone, even before we were demons. Hate Douma?
Hate Douma.
Akaza's nice, in a way. I wish he'd let me challenge him, though.
Maybe one day!
Also not fond of Hantengu. Can't believe he's Upper Four, with how much of a coward he is.
Yeah. All I can pick up is fear from him.
Gyokko and I talk about our art sometimes. Actual art, not his art made from corpses.
He smells like blood and rotting fish, and I don't like it. My nose stings just thinking about it. Lord Muzan has been good to us. He treats us well, and lets us share a rank.
*covers Tanjirou's ears* Between you and me, Lord Muzan and I have a mutual "Go f*** yourself" mentality towards each other. But it never leaves the mind reading. He knows acting out against me gets him in trouble with my brother, and I know he'll hurt either me or Tan... my brother if I act out. So we both behave ourselves for his sake.
7: (💕) To Tanjurou, how did you adopt Kanao and Zenitsu?
Oh, Kie and I weren't the ones to adopt Kanao and Zenitsu. They're close to our kids, and have helped us many times. It's appreciated, and I hope to pay them back somehow.
8: (💕) To Inosuke and Kanao, what is your relationship and how do you feel about each other?
Well, Inosuke is a great medic and trainer. And he's also a really good friend. Plus, it's fun to watch him mess with Aoi from time to time, and she doesn't seem to mind it either.
Kanao's a good Slayer. And she's been reminding me that, even though I had to resign from actually slaying demons, I'm still doing my part. And I've seen the affect she's had on Tanjirou since her first stay. Whatever happened before she left for the Mugen Train left a big impression on him. She's doing some good things, and I hope she keeps doing it.
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SOFT TANJIRO HEADCANONS PLEASE 🙏 As much as I enjoy Muzan content I love soft headcanons for characters.
soft tanjirou headcanons
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Synopsis: Just some cute and adorable headcanons with the protagonist of demon slayer :D
Pairing: Tanjirou x GN!reader (they/them)
A/N: awww hello Chaos, hehe I shall deliver you your Tanjirou headcanons. I too enjoy soft headcanons a lot too, so enjoy your juice Tanjirou stans <3 (sorry that they are relatively short—)
Oh bestie you’re in good hands
Like— not even joking, Tanjirou is probably one of if not THE NICEST person you’ll ever meet in this demon slaying world
He just seems like he type of person who constantly radiates good vibes
You most likely met him during a mission you both happened to share
And ever since then you’ve been traveling with the redhead!
He constantly checks your health and makes sure you’re okay
A simple “Are you okay? Let me help you,” is enough to for you to just absolutely melt
Did I forget to mention Nezuko absolutely adores you?
Tanjirou’s eyes gleam before him every-time he sees his kid sister play around with you
It makes him feel at ease, y’know?
He’s definitely very protective of you at times
You bet there’s one time where he had to protect you from a pervert and you kept him from beating the crap out of them too lol
It’s cliche but I find it endearing
You both also look out for each other whenever needed, you guys are a power duo in battle
If you’re seriously hurt, he’d drop whatever he’s doing and rush to help you
He just doesn’t want to see one of his friends in pain, if you’re hurt then he’s hurt :(
Now I’m just saying bestie— you should definitely play with his hair
Maybe even put a little braid in it, his hair might be a bit crusty from all the missions but nonetheless it’s mostly soft!
It’s actually quite a nice feeling to work through his hair, and Tanjirou enjoys the feeling too
Also, during the Wisteria house resting time is when you guys started to grow a bit closer
You both would do a lot together during that time, whether it was just idle chatter or playing around with Zenitsu and Inosuke!
You’re all just kids after all, it’s nice to feel young every once in a while when you’re not out demon slaying
But your moments with Tanjirou have been some of the greatest by far, without a doubt
You stood outside of the Wistera crest house, settling under one of the purple-flowered trees and gazed up at the night sky, knowing very well you’re safely guarded by the comforting smell of the beautiful violent flowers before you. You were enjoying your little moment to yourself, until you felt something— or rather, someone, shuffle beside you
You looked to your side to be met face-to-face with a particular sunny red-eyed friend, Tanjirou. You returned his friendly smile and looked back up at the night sky, and he so only followed after you. “The sky is very pretty, isn’t it, Y/N?” The scarred kid stated, making you hum and nod in agreement “Agreed, Tanjirou. It’s very nice to finally get to enjoy the stars without having to worry about crude flesh-eating demons y’know?” You said, slightly joking at the end of the sentence, which made your friend chuckle.
“Hey. Y/N?” Tanjirou spoke up, making you look at him in question. You faced him, only for you give off that signature smile of his. “Thank you, for traveling with me and Nezuko. It means a lot to the both of us.”
Suddenly, your heart started to pound relentlessly and your stomach had butterflies blossoming and fluttering around inside. You don’t know what it was in him that made your heart flutter, but you’re willing to accept this new feeling you’re getting with open arms. You smiled at him in return. “It’s not a problem, I don’t regret coming with you one bit.”
You both were happy in each other’s presence, and the two of you wouldn’t want it any other way
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
Spooky Stories to Hold Them Close
Shinobu Kochou x They/Them Reader Modern AU
A/N:  I’ve got camping on the brain so I wrote a camp AU. There is a manga character mentioned in here but I morph them a bit to fit what I’m going for so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Please enjoy!  Shinobu: If there are any spirits out here tonight tell me, does this sound like Shakira? lolay lolay lo- 
Word Count: 4,821
It was summer again, and (Y/n) groaned as they removed their camp issued baseball cap to swipe at the sweat that had accumulated over their brow. Not even the cheap material could save them from the intense heat of the day. God, they would kill to be back at the counselor’s cabin to enjoy just a smidge of AC but no, instead they were out with the unruly boys of Cabin K, making sure that they carried out their punishment of hard labor after causing a food fight in the mess hall.
“Come on boys, those canoes better be sparkling if you’re going to be taking your sweet time like this.” (Y/n) called, fanning themself with their hat.
“There’s a spider in this one!” Zenitsu cried. “This is so gross, there’s no way anyone’s ever cleaned these before!”
“Don’t worry Zenitsu, I’ll get it.” Tanjirou smiled earnestly.
(Y/n) felt bad for that kid. He was such an enabler though. The others looked up to him and respected him a lot. Who knows how much better it be if he knocked their heads more often. But because of his soft and nurturing demeanor, Tanjirou was always getting caught up in his cabin mates’ shenanigans. Speaking of which...
“Inosuke! If so much as a toe goes in that water you’ll be at the craft table with the junior kids making macaroni art until the only color you know yellow!” (Y/n) warned.
A strangled wail mixed with a roar left the boy’s mouth, the sound didn’t even sound like it could come from a human being. It was like that boy was a feral boar. Given how he’s kept coming back year after year, he may as well be just that.
“It’s hot! I’ll wash the boat in the lake!” He yelled, pulling the canoe closer to the sandy beach.
“Inosuke I’m serious! Macaroni art! That, and I’ll call your mother!” (Y/n) yelled back.
“Damn you and your sick threats!”
“My, still at it are we?”
(Y/n) sighed, turning with a tight smile towards Shinobu as their fellow counselor came up beside them. They tried not to let their eyes wander too long over the expanse of soft looking skin Shinobu’s shorts left exposed.
“Yeah, and as you can see, Tomioka ditched me to go help Sabito with something.” (Y/n) huffed, returning a watchful eye over Inosuke as he dragged the canoe back up to the others.
“Oh, you poor thing.” Shinobu tutted, stepping closer to rub (Y/n)’s back as a sign of sympathy. The proximity brought the scent of sunscreen and damp earth to (Y/n)’s nose. It was an intoxicating scent that (Y/n) had grown to associate with Shinobu always.
“Yeah, are you getting ready for swim lessons right now? Tradesies?” They asked hopefully, mustering up the best puppy dog eyes they could make. They only succeeded in making Shinobu laugh though, which honestly, wasn’t a bad constellation prize.
“Mm, no, sorry. You’re not the only one wanting to get relief from this heatwave.” Shinobu pinched the front of her shirt pulling at it to circulate some airflow. A motion (Y/n) definitely did not follow with their eyes.
“I did grab you and the boys some water though.” Shinobu said, digging into the drawstring bag that was slung over her shoulder and presenting (Y/n) with four bottles of cold water. “And to think I purposfully didn’t get one for Tomioka and he isn’t even here to stare off into the middle distance. Such a waste.”
“You’re such a bully sometimes, you know that?” (Y/n) chuckled, placing all bottles at their feet except for one, “remind me to stay on your good side.”
“You’d really be on my good side if you came to the counselor fire after the kids turn in. The theme is Fright Night, sponsored by yours truly,” Shinobu winked playfully.
Immediately (Y/n) felt a tad ill. “Fright Night?”
“Yes!” Shinobu nodded, a small, yet very excited grin on her face, “it’ll be held at Hangman’s Clearing, of course, a full night of frightening tales and games by the fire... and delicious treats! Provided Mitsuri doesn’t eat them all on the way. You’ll come, right?”
(Y/n) wasn’t particularly fond of the supernatural or chilling tales of murder or other dark themes. In fact, it would be fair to say they loathed them. They hated being scared and this themed get together should have had (Y/n) running in the opposite direction. ‘Should have’ being the key in this situation.
Shinobu looked so hopeful, waiting expectantly for (Y/n)’s reply. It would be impossible to say no to that face. A face that (Y/n) looked forward to seeing every summer and was always desperately looking for an excuse to see as often as possible. It couldn’t be that bad, right? (Y/n) could handle a few spooks in exchange for hanging out with Shinobu all night. Yeah, they could do this.
“It’s not a trick question, (Y/n). A simple yes or no would suffice.” Shinobu teased. “Though if it helps sway your decision at all, it would make me really happy if you would come.”
And with that, (Y/n)’s fate was sealed.
“Okay, sure, yeah, I’ll come.” (Y/n) bashfully agreed, their heartbeat picking up in pace at Shinobu’s delighted giggle.
“Great! I’ll see you at the clearing at ten. Don’t be late or,” she suddenly latched on to (Y/n)’s arm, startling them, “the ghosts will get you!”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” (Y/n) laughed weakly. Their skin tingling from where Shinobu had grabbed them.
“I better get to the beach, the kids are getting antsy.” Shinobu said before proceeding to pull her shirt over her head. She was wearing her swimsuit of course, but still. (Y/n) nearly had an aneurysm because of the casual reveal. “See you later, (Y/n).”
“Sssseee you. Bye. Thanks for the water.” (Y/n) then made themselves busy by taking several sips of said water.
“Anytime,” Shinobu’s eyes traveled past (Y/n)’s body before returning to them with a sympathetic smile, “looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you.”
“Huh?” (Y/n) squinted before their eyes blew wide and they jerked their head back in the direction of the canoes. “Tanjirou, why is there a canoe in that tree! I swear I can’t leave you guys alone for two minutes!” (Y/n) stalked over to the boys and Shinobu watched their back, laughing as (Y/n) ran up to Inosuke and tackled him to the ground before he could scale the tree with another canoe.
Night fell much too quickly after a full day of scheduled activities and once all the campers had retired to their cabins for curfew, (Y/n) knew their time to mentally prepare for the counselor fire had run out. At least they hadn’t had to walk to the clearing themself, as they had bumped into Mitsuri and Iguro at the edge of the forest entrance.
Iguro seemed miffed that his alone time with the bubbly counselor had been interrupted but Mitsuri was all too happy to catch up with (Y/n) about their day as they walked to Hangman’s Clearing.
Soon the light of a fire could be seen between the trees and they met up with the other counselors who had decided to join in. Sitting around the fire, (Y/n) saw Kyoujurou and Tengen talking to each other while poking at the fire. (Y/n) frowned, wondering where Shinobu was.
It took everything in (Y/n)’s power to swallow the scream that threatened to spill from their mouth as arms wrapped around them from behind. Instead it turned into a pitiful and embarrassing squeak. (Y/n) wasn’t sure which would have been better.
“Oh dear, (Y/n). Did I startle you? I’m sorry.” Shinobu released (Y/n) from her hold and patted their shoulder.
“It’s okay!” (Y/n) promised, not wanting Shinobu to feel bad. “Besides, that’s kind of the point of tonight, isn’t it?”
“Right! I’m glad you could come (Y/n). I didn’t know if you liked scary things.” Shinobu said as they followed Mitsuri and Iguro to the fire.
“Yeah...” (Y/n) replied, lying against their better judgment. They just wanted Shinobu to think they were cool, impress her somehow maybe. “Horror is.. great.”
“Is this it?” Tengen asked, leaning his back against a sturdy log.
“Yes. Gyomei is staying behind to keep an ear out for the kids, as are Sabito and Tomioka. Sanemi said the whole thing wasn’t worth his time.” Shinobu explained as she took her own seat at the fire, motioning for (Y/n) to sit next to her.
“Did you even really invite Tomioka?” Tengen snorted.
“Of course I did, but as you all know, Tomioka is a wet blanket so he declined and Sabito decided to stay with him.” Shinobu clapped her hands against her thighs, “Now, enough about them. Let’s get the festivities started, shall we? Mitsuri, you brought the goods?”
“I sure did!” Mitsuri cheered, taking the nearly overflowing backpack she had been toting off of her shoulders. It landed in the dirt with a heavy thud. “I’ve got s’more fixings, jiffy pop, chips, sodas, water, hotdogs...”
“Wow Mitsuri, you really went all out. How did you carry it all?” (Y/n) marveled.
Mitsuri flexed one of her biceps, smacking the muscle with her hand. “Strength, pure will power and an intense love of all things delicious!” She said, her lips curled into an adorable smile.
The counselor fire started out great. For the first hour they all talked and ate, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the twinkle of the stars, laughing with each other as they recalled the memories that they had made over the years.
But like anything else, the conversation dried to a slow trickle and most of the food had been polished off. The once hearty blaze of the fire was now a low flame with glowing embers. Shinobu took it as her cue to begin the main event.
(Y/n) blinked at the sudden brightness that flashed beside them. They squinted against the light and saw that Shinobu was brandishing a flashlight, highlighting her face for a moment before moving the light to cast shadows over the sinister smile growing across her face.
“Anyone have a scary story they’d like to share or are you all content to dive into the main event?” Shinobu asked, placing her free hand confidently over her chest.
“Oo! I got one, Shinobu! Pick me!” Mitsuri called, calling out in her seat beside Iguro.
“Alright, catch!” Shinobu tossed the flashlight to Mitsuri who caught it with an excited squee.
“Okay, so, um.. oh! Once, there was this girl who woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep. She decided that she wanted a midnight snack and remembered that there was still a piece of her favorite raspberry cheesecake left. A perfect creamy treat! She could practically taste it already.”
Mitsuri wiggled on the log, leaning forward in her excitement. Light from the fire illuminated the green tips of her hair making them appear to glow.
“So she got out of her warm and comfy bed and crept into the dark, cold hallway, thump thump thump, and down the squeaky stairs, squeak squawk squeak, until she finally made it to the kitchen.
Mitsuri reached out towards the fire with her free hand and made a motion like grabbing a door, slowly pulling it back.
“She opened the refrigerator door and then—“ Mitsuri slapped her hand down upon her thigh with startling force, “to her absolute horror, she remembered that she had eaten the last piece of cheesecake at lunch the previous day! There was no more cheesecake to be had, and she had to settle for confetti cake ice cream when what she was really craving was the cheesecake!”
Mitsuri shook her head sorrowfully, and Iguro rubbed a soothing hand over her back while she collected herself.
“The end.” Mitsuri finished, clicking the flashlight off.
“Haha! Good one Mitsuri. The emotion behind your tale made it feel so real!” Kyoujirou loudly proclaimed. Shinobu giggled from her seat beside (Y/n) who also couldn’t help but laugh as well.
“It was real!” Mitsuri said seriously. “It happened to me just a couple weeks ago!” she shuddered.
“I don’t know, that was hardly scary Kanroji.” Tengen shrugged.
“I’d like to see you do better!” Mitsuri pouted.
“I could, but I’d rather let Kochou get on with her activities. Her knee is bouncing. Impatient, Kochou?”
“Ha ha! That it is!” Kyoujirou laughed.
“I can wait,” Shinobu countered, her leg ceased its bouncing due to being caught. “Does anyone else want to share a story?”
A chorus of head shakes met Shinobu’s question and she shrugged, a sly smiling curling at her lips.
“Very well then, Mitsuri, the flashlight please.”
“You got it!” Mitsuri cheered, tossing the light back to Shinobu.
Shinobu clicked the light back on, her eyes roamed over her audience one by one.
“Have you all heard of the serial killer Douma the Cannibal?” Shinobu asked.
“Of course,” Iguro spoke up. “He killed at least seventy women throughout the 1910s until well into the 1920s. However, their still connecting cold case murders to him even now. Some experts believe he could have killed well over two hundred. A really despicable monster to say the least.”
“Very true.” Shinobu nodded solemnly, “His parents ran a cult, believing he was some kind of messiah or deity. They let him do whatever he wished. It started with the killings of small animals but quickly escalated once that had lost its appeal. We don’t know much of motivations, but it’s believed he killed simply because he enjoyed it. Famously developing a taste for his victims after he ran out of places to store them.”
(Y/n) shivered, clutching themself in a hug as they waited for Shinobu to continue. This was worse than any old ghost story, the girl beside them was talking about an actual person! Well, at least he was dead right? Right?
“He was apprehended right here in this very clearing actually.” Shinobu said, looking around at the dark forest that surrounded them “The mob hung him, strung him up in one of these trees, hence the name Hangman’s Clearing.”
(Y/n) swallowed thickly. Why here, he couldn’t be dead someplace else? And they made a fucking summer camp here, what the actual fuck? Suddenly the woods seemed much more sinister.
“He deserved it of course,” Shinobu continued with a sigh, “but just think of what we could have learned if they chained him up instead. There are still many bodies unaccounted for. But perhaps,” Shinobu turned to (Y/n), making them jump a little as her hand slid behind them to pick up a box.
“But perhaps tonight, in the field where he gasped for his last breaths, we can learn something from beyond.”
Oh hell to the fucking no. She was holding a goddamn ouija board and matching planchette.
(Y/n) felt the hairs on the back of their neck rise to attention. There was no way, how could they get themself out of this? Calling upon the spirit of a serial killer was not what they had signed up for. Everyone else however, seemed to lean in and stare with excitement at the prospect, even Mitsuri quickly hopped out of her seat to sit on Shinobu’s other side.
“Oo, oo! Shinobu what a good idea!” she cheered.
A good idea? Mitsuri, honey, what is wrong with you, respectfully. (Y/n) held their face in their hand. That girl had been their only chance of escape, but she seemed just as invested as everyone else!
“Thank you, let’s get this set up then, shall we?” Shinobu grinned.
Tengen and Kyoujirou pushed the logs around into a makeshift table and everyone kneeled around it. Shinobu placed the board and planchette neatly in the middle, beckoning everyone to place a finger on the planchette.
(Y/n) jolted to attention as Shinobu placed her hand over theirs, giving them a questioning glance.
“(Y/n), are you still with us?” She teased.
“Yeah, sorry.” They gulped, watching in dismay as Shinobu smiled at them and pulled their hand up to the board, curling all fingers but one and playfully pushing it against the planchette before placing her own over the wood. There was no getting out of this.
Shinobu then went on about how the board worked and what not, (Y/n) didn’t really listen, too busy trying to find their happy place and pretend they weren’t there.
“Are there any spirits with us tonight?” Shinobu asked, pulling (Y/n) out of their head at the most inopportune moment.
At first there was no movement, for which (Y/n) was thankful, but ever so slowly the planchette did move.
“K-Kyou, you aren’t pushing it are you?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but ask.
“Not at all my friend!” Kyoujirou heartily replied as the planchette continued moving in (Y/n)’s direction.
The fact that it was moving in their direction wasn’t the issue, but rather the fact that (Y/n)’s corner of the board had ‘yes’ written on it.
“Ah, a yes! This is so exciting!” Mitsuri wiggled.
“Nice, how flamboyant!” Tengen added, pumping his free fist.
“What is your name spirit?” Shinobu continued.
(Y/n) let out a shaky breath as the planchette moved away from them. Watching with dread as it skimmed across the board.
“Where are the victims you buried in these woods, you worthless, demonic bastard?” Shinobu tensed beside (Y/n), concentrating heavily on the board, her tone was commanding as she demanded an answer.
(Y/n) would have found it extremely attractive if they weren’t already scared out of their mind. The taunting of a serial killer ghost was the last thing they wanted to be a part of. Especially if they were talking demons, (Y/n) was too young to die like this. Well, they’d never be at an age where death by demon possession would seem favorable, but that was not the point!
The planchette moved across several letters and (Y/n) lost track of what was being spelled out. Which was just as well, ignorance is bliss after all, right? They waited for the others to figure it out with bated breath.
“Follow the sounds of the woods and we’ll find the signs, hm?” Iguro muttered. “Sounds like a trap.”
“What does it matter? Not like ghosts exist anyway. This is all a part of the ambiance, right Shinobu?” Tengen laughed, laying back on his forearms.
“I wasn’t pushing the planchette if that’s what you are suggesting, Uzui.” Shinobu answered seriously. “But if anyone else wants to confess to it, by all means don’t waste our time.”
“I didn’t!” Mitsuri denied while Iguro shook his head.
“I didn’t either.” (Y/n) also spoke up, an undetectable tremor pulled at their vocal chords.
“Nor have I!” Kyoujirou boomed.
“Then there is only one way to know for sure that this is all legitimate,” Shinobu said, brandishing the small lantern she had lit to illuminate the board, “we break off and search the surrounding woods.”
“Break off? Like, search in the dark alone?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but ask for clarification. Couldn’t they all just head back to the cabins together and watch a movie on Tengen’s smuggled DVD player and forget this whole mess?
“No, not alone,” Shinobu smiled, looping her free arm through (Y/n)’s, “that would be too dangerous. Pairs would be better.”
“I’m going with Kanroji.” Iguro immediately declared. Mitsuri wiggled and clapped, happy to go with him.
“Guess that leaves you and me,” Tengen grinned, fist bumping Kyoujirou, “let’s kick some ghost ass!”
“Yes!” Kyoujirou enthusiastically replied.
“Great, then it’s decided!” Shinobu nodded, squeezing (Y/n)’s arm closer to her as she stood up, pulling them up with her. “Meet back here in half an hour?”
A range of approvals sounded and once they synced up their watches (since phones weren’t allowed at camp), the three separate pairs went off in different directions into the dark woods.
(Y/n) used to love these woods, coming back summer after summer, it was one of the things they looked forward to every year. It only took about twenty minutes for them to learn to hate it as Shinobu led them through the bramble and roots by lantern light.
“You’re being awfully quiet, something on your mind?” Shinobu asked after an owl hooted in the distance, startling (Y/n) a bit.
“No, I’m just,” (Y/n) made a vague gesture with their hands, “concentrating, I guess.” They finished lamely.
Shinobu hummed in amusement, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. It is all rather exciting isn’t it? I hope we find something.”
“Mhmm.” (Y/n) forced a smile as Shinobu looked over her shoulder at them. It quickly fell from their face once Shinobu turned to face front again, guiding (Y/n) further down the darkened path.
(Y/n) had never been more tense in their life. They didn’t know if they were thankful for Shinobu’s commentary as they kept walking or if they wanted her to be quiet so they could hear any approaching threat. Whatever the case, they kept their mouth shut. Only answering Shinobu with one word responses, affirming or negative noises or just the shake or nod of their head when Shinobu would look back at them. If Shinobu thought it odd, she didn’t comment on her fellow counselor’s behavior.
After awhile, (Y/n) attempted to pretend they were somewhere else again. Still with Shinobu, but somewhere nice like an amusement park or a beach at sunset... maybe sunrise instead. (Y/n) was jostled from their musings when Shinobu stopped suddenly, causing (Y/n) to bump into her.
“Did you hear that?” She whispered, spiking (Y/n) blood pressure through the roof.
“No.” They squeaked.
“Listen.” Shinobu hushed, pulling (Y/n) down to their knees, they both crouched to the ground, listening so hard their ears were buzzing.
A snapping of a branch in the distance, the rustle of leaves.
“What,” (Y/n) swallowed, “what was that?” They whispered.
“Shhh,” Shinobu exhaled, covering (Y/n)’s lips with her fingers as she continued to listen.
It was quiet again, and as Shinobu gave up on listening and removed her fingers from over (Y/n)’s mouth—
A loud scream could be heard far off in the trees, then everything went quiet again for all of three seconds before (Y/n) absolutely lost it.
“Oh my god!” They gasped, clutching Shinobu’s arm tightly to their chest, their eyes wide and unfocused. “Oh my god, that sounded like Mitsuri! Oh god, oh fuck! Shit!”
“(Y/n)?” Shinobu looked at them, a bewildered expression molding her face as she observed their sudden outburst. She quickly moved to comfort them though, setting the lantern down to hug them, rubbing their back as it shuddered with ragged breaths. “Hey, it’s alright. You’re okay.”
“For now!” (Y/n) frantically retorted. “It’s only a matter of time before whatever got Mitsuri and Iguro come for us!”
“(Y/n), wait—“ Shinobu tried to calm them, but they just kept spiraling.
“Why did I agree to this? I should have left the second you took out that ouija board, but no! I stayed just so I could spend more time with you and now we’re gonna be murdered by a demon serial killer ghost before I could finally work up the courage to ask you out!”
“(Y/n)!” Shinobu tried again, speaking a bit sharper this time, forcing (Y/n) to look at her and hoping to calm them with her attentions. “Hey, we’re going to be alright. You’re alright. Listen to me, okay? I set this all up.”
“Huh?” (Y/n) weakly croaked.
“I messed with the ouija board. We weren’t really communicating with anything. I planned for us to split off into groups. We heard Mitsuri scream because—“
“Who’s ready to die!?” A loud maniacal laugh sounded behind them and a chainsaw roared to life.
(Y/n) screamed, otherwise paralyzed in Shinobu’s embrace. Their head tucked under Shinobu’s with their cheek pressed snugly against her chest as they waited for the chainsaw blade to tear through their skin.
“Sanemi, turn that off right now! Stop, damn you!” Shinobu yelled over the noise.
“Okay, okay!” the false murderer, Sanemi, turned off the whirring blade with a tisk. “I was only following your own instructions, Kochou. Why are you looking at me like I was really gonna... oh damn, are they okay?” Sanemi winced, gesturing at (Y/n) quivering in Shinobu’s arms like a leaf.
“Do they look okay to you?” Shinobu huffed, more angry at herself than Sanemi. She continued rubbing at (Y/n)’s back, trying to coax them out of their tight ball while Sanemi stood by awkwardly at the side, rubbing his neck and looking into the woods.
“I’ll uh, gather everybody up and take ‘em back to camp.” Sanemi eventually spoke up. “You have things all under control here?”
“Yes, please go. Thank you Sanemi.” Shinobu shooed him off, not even looking away from (Y/n) as she did so. As Sanemi lumbered back into the forest Shinobu continued to help (Y/n) calm down.
“It’ll be okay, you’ll be alright. I’m so sorry. It’s all over now. It’s just you and me and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.” Shinobu promised. “Can you look at me (Y/n), please?”
Ever so slowly, (Y/n) pulled back. They were still visibly shaken and meek which pulled heavily on Shinobu’s heart.
“I’m sorry.” (Y/n) shuddered, closing in on themself as they looked away from Shinobu, “I ruined your event.”
“Hey, you didn’t ruin anything.” Shinobu spoke in a no-nonsense tone. “I should have noticed you weren’t having a good time.”
“I was having a good time at first. I just really wanted to spend time with you, I thought I could handle it.”
“You can spend time with me whenever you want; all you need to do is ask.” Shinobu smiled softly. “And if anything makes you uncomfortable I want you to tell me right away, okay?”
“Okay,” (Y/n) sniffed.
“I think we’ve spent enough time in the woods tonight.” Shinobu stood, holding her hand out for (Y/n) to take.
“Yeah,” (Y/n) chuckled weakly, accepting the hand and rising to their feet. Shinobu kept her hold on them as she picked up the lantern and guided (Y/n) back to the cabins.
Once they reached the clearing, the other counselors involved in the night’s festivities surrounded them, making sure everything was alright. Mitsuri gave (Y/n) a long, comforting hug while Kyoujirou squeezed their shoulder warmly. Tengen and Iguro shared a few kind sentiments and Sanemi grumbled out a sincere apology for scaring them so badly.
As everyone was turning in to their bunks for the night, Shinobu stopped in front of (Y/n)’s bunk as they were pulling back the covers, waving Tengen’s contraband DVD player in her hand.
“Hey, so, I figured you might have a hard time sleeping tonight. Would you want to watch a movie with me?” She asked.
“Yeah, I think that would help a lot. As long as it’s not horror anyway.” (Y/n) added.
“No, I’ve learned my lesson,” Shinobu shook her head making herself at home in (Y/n)’s bunk as she untangled the ear buds, “a romantic comedy is just about as far from horror as one can get I think.”
(Y/n) tried to give Shinobu her own space, but the small bunk didn’t leave much room for that and Shinobu didn’t seem interested in preserving her personal space anyway. Instead pulling (Y/n) to rest against her side after she set everything up.
“Are you comfortable?” She asked, finger poised over the play button.
“Yeah,” (Y/n) nodded against her shoulder, “thanks.”
“Of course.” Shinobu nodded, pressing play.
As the movie played they quietly made fun of it together and commented on the events as they transpired. Once earning Tengen’s wrath for laughing a little too loud while the rest were trying to sleep.
“You know,” (Y/n) whispered during one of the lulls in the story, “if you wanted to watch a horror movie with me some other time I think I could do it if you stayed by my side like this.” They bashfully admitted.
“Well, there is one coming out that I’d like to see this fall...” Shinobu informed with a teasing smile and (Y/n) scoffed lightly.
“I don’t like how quickly you came up with a plan, but I’ll look forward to it.” They said.
“Hey, it’s still a ways off. I hope to have several tamer dates between now and then.” Shinobu casually dropped.
“You do?” (Y/n)’s face grew warm, “With me?” They added just in case, making Shinobu giggle and nod her head.
“Yes, with you. So think of what you want to do for our next free day.”
(Y/n) grinned and snuggled further into Shinobu’s side.
Eventually they fell asleep while Shinobu’s fingers lightly scratched the back of their neck. She turned off the movie and carefully set the DVD player on the floor below. Then she curled up against (Y/n) and fell asleep as well.
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tataricastro · 3 years
Plots for Bakugou Katsuki/Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou (long/multiple chapters fics)
Obs: I'm writing this in english to see if I can reach more people, but know that I'm not fluent so there must be weird errors worthy of google translator.
Well, I have a lot of fanfic ideas for this ship because it's my otp, but I'm too lazy to write it, but I still really want to read something like that, so please someone write to/for me!
I also accept to be Agatsuma Zenitsu/Hashibira Inosuke/Kamado Tanjirou if you prefer (obviously Inosuke with the role of Bakugou, Tanjirou of Kirishima and Kaminari of Zenitsu).
[au - aged up] Bakugou and Kirishima are two mated alphas who want children and so hire Denki, an omega, as a surrogate and of course the three end up falling in love;
[au - no quirks] Trans Denki gets pregnant, doesn't know if is from Kiri or Bakugou then these 2 (who didn't know each other) take care of Kami together during his pregnancy and all 3 fall in love;
[au - canon divergence] Initially, Kirishima only loves Katsuki romantically, but Bakugou only sees him as a friend and likes Denki, however Kami has a crush on Kiri and never thought of Bakugou that way, so the 3, after discovering each other's feelings, give it a chance to polyamory, and who would have thought it would work so well;
[au - college] Bakugou and Kirishima are a couple who are always taking care of Denki, their best friend, who is unlucky in love. Throughout the rescues that two make, saving Kami from unhealthy dating and toxic partners, they realize that the best boyfriends Denki can find are themselves, who even practically acted that way and also had these feelings;
[au - modern setting] The 3 are best friends at the school where Kirishima and Bakugo dated, but break up in college cause of the distance (Bakugo moves to a university in another city) while Denki and Kirishima stay studying together and they start dating, but at graduation they also break up cause of the jobs that don't give them much time, so the fic would be of he 3 meeting again and getting this ex weird climate with sexual tension that would be a poly at the end;
And my favourites, so I thought more about:
[au - normal high school] The three grow up together being from the same neighborhood and have been best friends as long as they can remember. Throughout their preteen years they share playboys that Denki sets up for them, but the other two never seem as interested as they try to pretend, until finally they both pluck up courage and come out. Kaminari guarantees that it wouldn't change anything between them, but doesn't keep his promise by freaking out as it means that maybe his fantasies weren't so impossible and it just scared him because he believed he didn't have a chance anyway (he was better at dealing with the rejection for lack of compatibility) and the worst part is that it still had the possibility of now being a third wheel. In fact, after discovering that they have the same interest, Bakugou and Kirishima begin to experiment with each other, but admit that they feel wrong to make it more serious without Denki being part of it as well;
[au - proheros] Established relationship in need of couple therapy (slightly inspired by family members of mine, the pandemic screwed up with marriages). Denki is insecure who thinks his boyfriends don't love him equally. Bakugou is terrible with feelings and words which in wrong moments ends up hurting the other 2, who thought that with the years of relationship he would already know how to be more sensitive. And Kirishima always sits on the fence and pretends it's okay even in fights, forcing false positivity, because he thinks he has a duty to be the rock that supports them. This annoys the other 2, because Kiri never takes sides or even says what he really feels and thinks just self-help phrases, but unburdening with Mina he only cry, even so Eijirou insists that he cannot be vulnerable around his boyfriends because otherwise he would only break them, especially in difficult times. To make matters worse they decide to adopt a child thinking that building a family would solve their problems, but it only causes more confusion when Denki decides to stop working indefinitely to take care of their daughter and has been using her as an excuse not to go out on dates or have sex with his boyfriends for months, what makes Bakugou start theorizing/freaking out (paranoia) that Kami is cheating on them and Kiri doesn't know what to do. Meanwhile, Kaminari is just protecting himself because he feels the child is the only who really loves him deeply and could never leave him. With a subplot of the little girl dealing with mean kids at school who bully her for being adopted (orphan), by homosexuals, not having a mother, for women's affairs, and THREE fathers instead. I don't even know how to solve this mess, but I'd still like a happy ending with them without breaking up haha
[au - Kami Villain] Denki goes through several traumas: insecure with his abilities, being called stupid (by his own friends), mocked by the side effect of his quirk by everyone; He manages to date Jiro in the second year, but is cheating by her with Momo and, beside to the broken heart, Mineta still makes fun of it mainly for being exchanged for a woman; He later gets involved with Aizawa in sexual favors out of desperation to get grades and keep up with his classmates; KiriBaku, who have also become a couple since their second year, invite him to participate in orgies with the two, where Kami gets feelings for them, but feels like just a toy to be used; In the third year he gets involved in a dispute with Momona for Hitoshi's affection and ends up winning him as a boyfriend. He is very happy that his life is finally good, until he discovers that Shinso was the traitor and very likely was also another person who didn't love him really. Even so, he was considerate of Shinsou and was unable to save him from the heroes who simply executed him without even listening to his side. Disillusioned with the world, he freaks out and is prevented from committing suicide by the villains who went to get Hitoshi, but ended up taking a new ally instead. The league of villains fills his head that all the heroes and the UA are the assholes who never cared about him, just pretended and lied. With them, Denki would be protected and truly loved, at which Kami becomes a villain covering up his old identity by his hair with the reverse colors. In parallel, everyone thinks that Denki has died and is surprised to discover that one of the villains of the new wave, who was causing a lot of problems for being insane, was Kami. From KiriBaku, back in high school, they really liked Denki more than just a carnal makeout (for that reason it wasn't a just one night stand) but they didn't know what the other felt and were afraid to admit it and take the risk of it ruin the relationship they already had. In the end it was in vain, because after Kami's "death", they started to fight a lot taking their anguish and guilt on each other and breaking up, but when they come across Denki alive they feel that they have one more chance and redemption to do.
[au - celebs] Boku no Hero is a TV show and the characters are actors who have played this series for 5 years, from 15 to 20 years old; Everyone gets to know each other through the show and Kirishima, Kaminari and Bakugo become best friends; The story would take place with them being in their mid-20s, after a few years from the end of the show going after other jobs, with the trio being roommates and having a casual sex relationship; Over the years, no romantic relationship works for the three of them, Kiri has a back and forth with Tetsu, Katsuki an unresolved relationship with Midoriya and then with Todoroki, and Denki also had no luck with Sero much less with Shinso (yeah, they're all gay); And these involvements didn't work out for the same reason: the jealousy that their partners felt for the relationship they have with their best friends, knowing their history (they really even had reason to be worried); A classic fear of taking commitment seriously for fear of ruining the friendship and that others will not feel the same.
[au - another high school] It takes place in the penultimate year of school. Kiri who is bi and Bakugo demi, they know each other at the beginning of high school, they are on the team of some sport and get involved, when the rest find out they start to joke and then the two start hanging out with the group excluded: Trans Yuga, Sero pothead, Todoroki autistic and Denki assumed gay who is super forward about his sexuality and modeler level Jules de Euphoria (the blondie helps them get to know this homosexual world and culture better, making them feel more comfortable being open and proud about it); There is an interest in the future of the three that Kami believes the couple only sees him as a threesome partner and the other two are afraid to tell each other that they are really into Den for fear the other will think he doesn't like it anymore his (interpret as being replaced).
my account if someone does something like this and wants to send me:
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
☕️ fashion in your favorite series (plural)
Hello there, anon!
And oh boy is that a topic!
I think I should start with the fact that I know basically nothing about fashion. I basically only wear jeans, t-shirts, and occasionally blouses day-to-day and my fanciest clothes are Sunday best.
But onto the actual fashion.
I think my favorite series with the best fashion sense would have to be Avatar: the Last Airbender. The clothes come from various Asian cultures and are so aesthetically pleasing. And while not 100% practical, they are not illogical fashion choices.
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(Sorry about the different in quality. Couldn't be helped.)
I mean, look at their fits! Color consistency with characters from the same nation. Blues and grays for the Water Tribe. Warm tones (mostly red but pink in Ty Lee's case) and black for Fire Nation. While Earth Kingdom and Air Nomad both share yellow, at least between Toph and Aang, the saturation/shade is different. Aang's yellow and orange aren't overwhelmingly bright shades and the brown on his outfit provides a neutral shade to bring it all together.
Seriously, Avatar has some amazing fashion!
Another series with good fashion sense, though more for symbolism, is Demon Slayer.
With Demon Slayer 99% of the time, the characters are all in uniform with just haoris or capes to distinguish them. Still, the patterns that they wear on their clothes sets them apart.
This blog post explains a few types of designs/patterns used in Japanese clothing. Nezuko's kimono has a hemp leaf pattern which represents protection from evil spirits, which she both gives to the defenseless and receives from Tanjirou. Tanjirou's checkered haori carries meaning such as "prosperity for descendants" which make sense since the checkered pattern has been with the Kamado family since Sumiyoshi and the siblings do manage to have their own descendants.
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Inosuke may not wear a haori but he wears different types of fur.
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Boars are wild and stubborn. Bears are strong and sturdy. Deer are beautiful and nimble. All those words can be used to describe Inosuke as well.
The clothes in Demon Slayer may not have a lot of variety but the meaning behind what the characters do wear shouldn't be ignored.
My Hero Academia's fashion is fine. I mean, the U.A. uniforms do give an air of sophistication with the button-ups and jackets. Although there are still the unrealistically short skirts. And when the characters are shown in street clothes, the outfits are varied and some are quite pleasing in my opinion.
Personal favorites are Itsuka and Hitoshi's because they're simple with little flares like the collar or stripes. Shows that they don't put too much thought into their outfits but still put effort into it.
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(And yes, I am just using this as an opportunity to show off that I have manga in the original Japanese.)
I won't really talk about the Hero costumes because that's a whole other can of worms that's strongly influenced by the characters' desire to be flashy and marketable. Practicality isn't considered that much from what I can tell. I will say this though: none of the students' costumes are good (aesthetically, practically, or even both) when you take a real close look at them. I think the adults are better, though not perfect.
Black Clover is... One of the servers I'm in has a channel called "fashion police" for a reason. In this medieval fantasy setting, the fantasy is turned up all the way while medieval is low.
Just look at the Black Bulls.
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Lightning round.
-Henry's in his pajamas, enough said. -Gordon is in some military uniform that we don't see anywhere else. -Yami's dressed like a bum. -The pads on Gauche's elbows and knees distract me and the lines on his pants and boots?! -Zora is basically Eijirou's Hero costume but worse (and there are already problems with that). -Finral is fine for the most but I think the boots need adjusting. -Vanessa's issue is that it's so much of one color (yes the hat ribbon and grimoire bag add another color but I personally feel like it isn't enough). -I think I have a shirt exactly like Luck's which isn't a good sign and his grimoire bag's placement also deducts points. -Noelle's outfit is illogical and inappropriate for her age. -Grey's is sensible for the most part (like how the shoe straps match the belt) but I think the divide of blue and white should be lower, maybe at stomach level. -Secre is in a ballet dress and could use shoes and a couple accessories to make her design less barren. -Charmy dresses like a grade schooler and it suits her size but, eh, I think a cute blouse could work too. -And although Nacht isn't pictured above, I have a slight issue with all his belts and that stupid high collar.
I think Magna and Asta (pre-Heart Kingdom training. Post-Heart makes me a sad mama) have the best outfits. They've got simple outfits with little details that prevent them from being completely plain. And honestly, I could see real people wearing those fits.
And it's not just them!
I mean! Why are there holes in Solid and Nozel's pants? Where are Noelle's pants?! Why do all the older siblings have such crusty looking hair?! Why do the fire Vermillions all wearing the same thing (seriously aside from jacket lengths and shoes styles, they are all wearing the same thing)?! Why can't the Golden Dawn have consistent cape colors?! Charlotte's breastplate and helmet make no sense and Sol's outfit is barely existent!
Whew, I think I burned myself out with that one! Didn't think I'd go so hard, especially at the end. I legitimately surprised myself with that.
Hopefully you don't find my ranting too off-putting, anon. I just put all my thoughts out where without much of a filter.
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obanzi · 3 years
Hi sweetie! Thank you so much for doing this!! <3
My name is Amber and one of my nicknames is Bee!! I go by she/her and am bi, but lean towards dudes. I am a Taurus :^)) and ppl say that I definitely have the vibes of one lol. My hobbies include gaming, knitting, roller skating and sewing. I love animals, naps, cold weather and singing. I also love daydreaming and creating fantasy worlds. l don't like crowds, leaving things messy or scary movies. I would like to be matched with a male human please! :)
Do you like PDA ?
-Not really, I am easily embarrassed! Hand holding at most.
What would be your breathing style ?
-Sun breathing! I would like to be radiant.
What’s your love language ?
-Acts of service. I'm a headstrong and otherwise independent person, so it means a lot to me when people go out of their way to help me!
Do you like indoors or outdoors ?
-Bougie outdoor? I don't like bugs. Or mud. I could sit on a pier on the water for hours though. I love being near the sea!
What’s your favorite flower ?
-Daffodils, for sure. I love the white ones!
Top Kins ?
-Kanae Kocho, Bloom from Winx Club, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Ponyo,
What’s your ideal date ?
-Going to a festival! I want to try all the foods with my s/o and browse all the cute little shops :)
For the manga panel, my favorite color is burgundy! Thanks again for doing this! You really put so much effort and love into each match up, it is so cute and heart warming!! ❤❤❤
hellooo ! i hope u like ur match up <33 also it wont let me tag — oh also , he seems a bit oc sorry ..
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Match Up For @emerald-tempest
You Got ..
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— i was also thinking Zenitsu and couldn’t decide so i flipped a coin .. ( kanao ^^ )
Songs Based Off Relationship :
I’ve Got a Huge Crush On You — SNCKPCK
Make You Mine — PUBLIC
Hometown Smile — Bahjat
How You Met :
You met Inosuke in the woods , you were on your way to a mission when you noticed a boar head guy sleeping next to a tree .. he had wounds all over him . You being you .. you took the boy in your home and cared for his needs . When inosuke woke up he saw a girl making some type of food — he screamed , alerting you he woke up !! You tried your best to explain why you took him in but he wouldn’t budge . He ran away with bandages all over his body that were slowly coming off — you thought you would never see him . One raining day , a boy came knocking on your door . You opened it and surprise surprise you saw the boar mask guy again ! He was soaking wet .. and that’s where your relationship started ! He would come visit for some odd reason , giving a lame excuse .. “i come make sure my servant is okay !!!!” You liked how the boy acted , you fell in love with him >:D did he too ? Well , Inosuke doesn’t understand the term “love” but after awhile .. you two would work out c:
Relationship Head-canons :
Inosuke wouldn’t know the term “PDA” but he will show you off to everyone , not necessarily kisses or hugs but a big yell — you’ll have to explain to him what PDA is and that you don’t like it that much , he’ll be okay with it but will sometimes forget — Inosuke will just randomly kiss you in front of Tanjirou or Zenitsu .. he secretly likes it when you get all blushy c:
Your first date with Inosuke will be a big mess , you both were at a food festival .. although in the end he will make up for it ! In the beginning he was yelling at everyone who looked at you , he would also try and pick fights — inosuke will probably only listen to you so you’ll have to handle the situation (゚∀゚) , it was tiring in your opinion . In end however , Inosuke will calm down and cling to you ( kinda , he would think your clinging to him ) . You both would walk together at night enjoying the quiet with all the lights lit up <3
Inosuke takes everything you dislike very seriously ( as he should — ) , you don’t like crowds ? he will yell and tell everyone to make space — you don’t like messy places ? He’ll clean up for you , somewhat .. he’ll put everything in one big pile so the floor is clean — although he’s trying c: you don’t like bugs ? He’ll squash all of them for you >:D you don’t like mud ? He’ll carry you across the mud pile —
I think Inosuke’s love language would be Gift giving and quality time ! He would bring you berries , rocks , flowers or anything he could find in the wild / forest . Along with your always with him ! He likes it better when your in his present ( did i use the right word — ) ! He also sleeps better , behaves better when your with him ! So tanjirou thanks you most of the time —
Inosuke wouldn’t understand “daydreaming” so you’ll have to explain it to him because he’ll think you froze or something — he’ll purposely punch you to make sure your okay .. after you tell him what the term daydreaming means , he’ll try it with you ! Although he will get bored quickly and drag you to the ramen shop afterwards — even so , most of his daydreaming is with you .. either it’s clam peaceful area or a adventure that could harm you — 
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lemongogo · 3 years
I FEEL THE EXACT SAME WAY ABT KNY,, the gotouge handled the relationships and tied them in will with character introspection is so,, melancholic ??? idk how to describe it but smtimes the story feels like a dream sequence and it hits right in ur heart,,, yknow when yuuichiro was like the mu in muichiro is the in in infintiy,, i laid down and cried lmao but anywyas PLEASE continue to share ur thoughts as u re read its really nice to see that im not the only one going crazy over this..
ok hi sry this was the msg where i i had so much written and stuff but by now ive forgotten like 90% of the shit i just talked abt and the thought of typing it out again makes me sad so i think im just gna paraphrase it the best i can im so sry 😭😭
but YEAH.. no exactly , melancholy is suchhh a good descriptor of how the manga feels. that and saudade , for how its almost like . ig nostalgic isnt exactly the right word to use, but bittersweet, maybe, about things u Wish you knew more about / had more time to interact with.
gotouge does such a great job of evoking emotion w their work imo. while single lines & panels collectively amount to big themes and such, i feel like they maintain a lot of influence on their own. lots of these scenes work well as standalone pieces , no matter how small or simple, and its so special to me :-) !!
&& im so happy u brought up muichirou's story bec omfg yeah tht was so sad i cried my eyes outAHAHA. that or genya's "shinazu means immortality" line .wtf......withers away.god . its soo good . but YEAH W MUICHIROU, i feel like his arc perfectly encapsulates how well gotouge utilizes emotion and threads these stories together, bit by bit.
THISS sequence is soo good bc i like how tanjirou's compassion is what kickstarts muichirou's backstory. and while thats a common theme for most of the characters, it's always unique in how it affects them/progresses the story. especially in this instance, where tanjirou's encouragement manifests from suppressed memories of mui's father
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like omg . i love the eerie stillness of this page . how the dialogue is obviously referencing some (at the time, unknown) memory, and how that disbelief is visually represented by the way he's suspended in the water. everything slows down around this moment, it's so pretty. so calm and quiet as mui cycles through his final thoughts. i like how his mist breathing ties into his amnesia and how its imagery is specific to these moments (as w the pic below)
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what rly stands out though is that . through all of this, muichirou admonishes his own weakness and sees it as a detriment or character flaw. something to be avoided. but its weakness, kotetsu's weakness specifically, that saves him in the end
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its so small and so like. normal in comparison to the hashira's breath techniques, that its simplicity gives it power.
this panel ^ is one of my favs for that exact reason. its soo.. soo!!!!!!! oifdjjgd i love it so much. like i love how it ties back into kny's theme of like . finding strength in weakness. kotetsu is just a normal character all things considered but its through his willpower that muichirou survived; he didn't need any special technique or trick up his sleeve. it all goes back to what rengoku says abt the quality of human nature
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or the conversations tanjirou shares with genya
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i admire it soo much i love that kny operates on these emotions, and even more so the ones that are typically considered as "less than ideal". love and kindness are motivational, but they're not exclusive. anger, grief, weakness, etc. all have the immense power to bring people together and they hold with them important qualities of their own.
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it just flows so well. i like how the same few panels can lead into many different trains of thought. for i see this and i think about rengoku and the principles he shared. i think about genya, kagaya, muichirou, nezuko, etc. i think about how intertwined all of these stories are. how tanjirou represented the person mui's father was, who muichirou wanted to be, and ultimately tried to become
and i like how they culminate in later parts of the story, especially ch.204
AHH idk i think sometimes i look too deep into it / assign meaning where perhaps there is none but. its not something i really get from other series, so im happy gotouge fills that specific niche. for u and i at least !! and thank u for listening to me as i go through it all again AAA it makes me so excited to talk about in detail, and its even nicer knowing u feel the same way about all of it. im rly happy you liked it and i hope u enjoy the rest of the seasons as they roll out 🥺️
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silverynight · 3 years
Dead end
Tanjirou has come to the conclusion that running away towards the big city was a mistake. He's never seen so many people before; it's overwhelming. Nezuko is grabbing his hand hard, almost painfully, although Tanjirou has learned to endure pain in the two years that he stayed with Urokodaki.
Nezuko pulls, managing to draw his attention away from the bakery and back to her. Almost desperately, she makes a few gestures with her hands, pointing in the direction of the mountain.
He sighs, feeling sad inside; he'd like to hear her voice again, but she has refused to speak a word since their family was killed. He's never pressed her though.
"You know we can't go back," Tanjirou mumbles, feeling bad for causing her sorrow. "I miss him too, but you know they're looking for us so he'll probably be safer alone."
Sighing, Nezuko nods, hugs his brother and keeps walking next to him, trying not to collide with the people around and holding his hand.
She's not the only one wishing they could go back, he's constantly thinking about it. Once he thought they could be happy there, in that small village with Urokodaki, but for some reason the people that killed their family also wanted to kill them both.
Tanjirou doesn't understand; Urokodaki said the man behind it was the leader of a crime syndicate and that his name was Muzan. There were two crime groups in Japan; the one led by Kibutsuji and the other by nine people who were called the hashira.
"The Pillars are skilled swordsmen; you'll never find people more capable than them in combat," Urokodaki explained one night. "But they're also dangerous in their own ways."
Urokodaki taught him how to fight with a katana during those two years; he insisted it was necessary in case Kibutsuji came back for him (and he was right).
However, since the katana was Urokodaki's Tanjirou left it behind, instead he brought an axe and hoped for the best.
Nezuko stops; she's blinking, trying to stay awake. They're both tired and hungry and even though Tanjirou would love to get something to eat, he needs to find a place where they both can spend the night first.
Tomorrow he needs to get a job.
His money is not enough to pay for a night in the first place they find. Tanjirou offers himself for any kind of job, but the owner claims he doesn't need more employees at the moment.
"I know a place where you can get money though," he grins, looking over his shoulder. "If you're willing to let your girl work."
Confused, he looks up at the man, who steps into the light to look closely at him.
"I also know a place for pretty boys like you," he adds, taking Tanjirou's chin. "Someone like you can get more than a few coins for spending a night with–"
Moving away from the man, as Tanjirou starts to blush, he runs away from there as quickly as possible.
"I think this was a mistake," he tells Nezuko.
He definitely doesn't like the city.
The second place they arrive to is even worse, not because of how it looks, but due to what they find out when they get there.
"I'm not sure," the woman mumbles, eyeing at them both. "I haven't seen you around here before. The hashira have strict rules when it comes to people from outside the city."
"The hashira?" Tanjirou shivers, feeling suddenly exposed; he looks around, nervous.
"This city belongs to them."
They need to go back immediately. Grabbing Nezuko's hand, he begins to run in the opposite direction, however in his desperation he ends up in a dark alley with a dead end.
"Alright. We just need to turn around," he mumbles, feeling nervous.
"The boy with the hanafuda earrings!" A voice says, amusement ringing in it. "Finally! My Lord Kibutsuji will be happy when I bring your head to him!"
There's a boy with her as well. He's carrying a couple of daggers while she's bouncing two temari in her hands.
"They're coming after me," he mumbles, almost in relief. "Listen, Nezuko, I want you to hide and wait for the perfect opportunity to run away. I'll try to distract them."
Nezuko narrows her eyes, she's fuming, angry at the thought of leaving him behind. She gestures something about never leaving him.
Even though he appreciates it, Tanjirou would've preferred her to choose running away.
However, there's no time to argue. He turns around with the axe in his hand, but a temari passes right over his shoulder. At first Tanjirou believes the girl missed, but when he hears Nezuko's scream and sees her fall to the ground he almost runs towards her.
He can't, there's no time. He charges at the girl quickly, dodging a temari as he runs, only to realize that the boy plans to stab Nezuko even though she's unconscious on the ground.
Without thinking twice, he throws the axe and cuts the boy's arm off; Tanjirou doesn't really like hurting others, but if Nezuko's life is in danger, he knows he'll do anything to keep her safe.
Even though the boy is bleeding because of the wound, he still tries to attack Tanjirou again.
The girl cackles in such a way before running towards his fallen sister at the same time the other tries to reach him, Tanjirou knows he will only have the time to block her attack.
But then, from the roof of the house next to the alley a shadow jumps in front of the Kamado siblings. The young man doesn't say a word as he moves his katana with such ability that it makes impossible for Tanjirou to follow the attack. In the blink of an eye he cuts their heads without even uttering a word.
They both fall to the ground, making Tanjirou gasp and think how glad he is that Nezuko is unconscious at the moment. Quickly, he gets closer and doesn't think too much before taking her in his arms. He wonders if he could run past the swordsman and back into the noisy streets.
However, the young man turns around and looks back at him. Tanjirou curls over Nezuko, trying to protect her with his own body.
"I'm not gonna hurt you or your sister, Tanjirou," he says, surprising him. The young man has black, long hair and blue eyes that don't let any emotion to be reflected in them. Well, perhaps... irritation. They're shadowed with it at the moment. "You should've stayed with Urokodaki."
"How do you know that? How do you know my name?" Tanjirou asks, flinching away when he sees the man with the mismatched haori moving his katana quickly to clean it up. When it's back into its saya, he allows himself to relax... just a little.
"I'm Tomioka Giyuu," he introduces himself, moving even closer. "I'm the one who saved you that day."
No... That's not possible. Well, Tanjirou only remembers falling on the snow from exhaustion, looking for a place where someone could patch her sister up and then... nothing.
He woke up in Urokodaki's house the next day. He just assumed...
"Come with me."
Before he can say anything, two people arrive to the scene; Tanjirou imagines them screaming and calling the police, but instead of even glancing in the corpses' direction, they bow in front of Tomioka respectfully.
"Clean the area," he mumbles and both man and woman nod, before using bandages to cover the corpses completely.
Tomioka is... He must be...
"I'm afraid you and your girl got in trouble in the wrong city, sweet boy," a young woman with a haori that reminds him of butterfly wings chuckles. Tanjirou notices that she's also carrying a sword, although it looks like a small one. "You're in hashira territory now. And you brought Kibutsuji's assassins here. Now you must face all the Pillars."
"Please... I just need to get my sister to a doctor. I promise we'll go after that and you'll never see us again."
"It's too late now," she grins gently at him at the same time Tomioka walks in the middle of them. "Oh? You've broken a few rules already, Giyuu. Do you want to break more?"
"Shinobu, he's... I'm sure they won't cause us any more trouble if we let them–"
"He needs to be judged by all the hashira, Tomioka," another young swordsman appears out of nowhere, he has a white snake around his neck; his mouth is covered.
Tomioka nods, knowing they don't have a choice now, but he gets closer to Tanjirou as if trying to shield him from the other two.
"Come," he says, as kindly as possible.
"But Nezuko is bleeding..."
"Don't worry," Shinobu smiles, clapping her hands together. "I'll take care of that."
Two people arrive and pry Nezuko away from Tanjirou. He tries to fight them, but Tomioka puts a strong hand over his shoulder to stop him.
"She'll be fine," he assures him.
However, Tanjirou knows that he's completely trapped now; if they have Nezuko he won't have other choice but to do as they say.
The house they walk in is huge. Tanjirou ends up sitting on the floor in a room with dim light and a table in the middle. Tomioka and Shinobu get in the room right next to it.
They don't even tell him to stay; they must know he would never leave without his sister.
He's worried, however, he doesn't get scared until he catches a few sentences of the conversation.
"See? Giyuu is putting his life at risk for them."
"That doesn't mean anything, Tengen! They mean trouble if Kibutsuji is after them."
"We're not afraid of him, Sanemi."
"No, we're not, but we also don't interfere in other people's problems."
"Besides, why do we do with Tomioka? He hid them from us all this time."
"Obanai has a point!"
"I saw the girl! She's so pretty! Is her the one you're doing this for, Giyuu? That's so romantic!"
"It's the boy, Mitsuri," Shinobu is the only voice Tanjirou recognizes because Tomioka hasn't said anything yet. Still, nothing they've been saying makes any sense to him. The only thing he's sure about is that he's in trouble. "He's doing this for Tanjirou."
"Now I'm curious, Kocho."
"Let's see him then!"
The door slides open and Tanjirou doesn't have time to react when nine people walk inside. All of them are carrying katanas.
He looks down, but a huge hand grabs him by the chin to make him look up at them.
"Hey! Be careful!"
"Calm down, Giyuu. You know me, I'd never hurt such a pretty thing like this one," the one speaking has white hair tied up in a ponytail and what it looks like a headband with a couple of gemstones all over it. His eyes are deep pink. He's one of the tallest among them.
"Come on, stand up, my boy. Let us see you!" Another says, putting both arms over his shoulders, lifting him like he weighed nothing to help him stand. His voice is loud, although the thing that surprises him the most about him is his hair and eyes. They're like fire: yellow and red. It's really difficult for Tanjirou to look away from him. "I'm Rengoku Kyojuro!"
"Kamado Tanjirou," he mumbles, after a couple of them introduce themselves.
"I want to keep him," Tokito says after a while. Uzui looks back at him with amusement.
"He's my responsibility now."
"I'm sorry, Giyuu, but you know the rules here. You too, Muichiro," Rengoku grins, cupping Tanjirou's face in his hands. Even though he knows he's in front of one of the leaders of a crime syndicate, he feels safe for a couple of seconds. "If we keep him, he's going to be under everyone's protection."
"What about Nezuko? Is she going to be alright? Will you protect her as well?"
Rengoku nods, stroking Tanjirou's hair. Right next to him, Tomioka's shoulders tense.
"Of course, but you owe us now, Tanjirou."
That's all it takes to remind himself that he's in front of dangerous people.
"I understand, I'll do my best to–"
"I can pay off his debt," Tomioka offers, surprising Tanjirou again.
"You know we don't want money, Giyuu," Shinobu says, waving her hand dismissively.
"And we want nothing from you," Tokito adds, almost bored.
"What do you want?" Tanjirou asks, nervous, even though he notices that a few of them are looking down at him with a fond expression.
Without giving him any warning, Uzui takes him in his arms, prompting Tanjirou to wrap his arms and legs around him out of instinct.
"We want to welcome you to our family," the hashira grins, confusing him.
It's hard to see them as dangerous criminals when they act like that.
"I'll introduce you to my wives..."
"Wait! I want to see Nezuko."
"Of course, my boy!" Rengoku nods, taking him away from Uzui who pouts immediately. Tomioka looks irritated, but he follows them close anyway.
She's not awake yet, but she looks much better now. She has a bandage all around her forehead and new clothes. Two girls are right there taking care of her, as soon as they see the hashira though, they start bowing nervously.
Rengoku puts Tanjirou on the bed and the boy leans to take one if Nezuko's hand in his. Tomioka kneels next to him.
"You'll be safe here, Tanjirou. I'll protect you."
He nods, feeling better despite of knowing his mother would never have approved of something like that. But what other choice does he have? If being with the hashira means Nezuko can be safe, then he'll accept it.
"You selfish, stubborn bastard! Didn't you hear, Giyuu?" Shinazugawa huffs. "We will protect the siblings from now own. Tanjirou owes us now. He's ours."
"I thought you were against this arrangement, Sanemi," Uzui chuckles, prompting the other to growl at him.
"I'm a Pillar. If the majority has decided that he's worth the risk, then he is worth it."
Even though he doesn't like when they don't mention Nezuko, part of him is glad that they consider the debt is only Tanjirou's to pay.
That way she can be free as soon as Kibutsuji stops hunting them or dies.
"No one will hurt you again," Rengoku promises, leaning enough for their foreheads to touch. His eyes are intense. "They're too afraid of us to even try."
Tanjirou is not sure, but something tells him that Muzan is not going to give up that easy.
Next ->
Requested by one of my patrons. Thanks for your support!
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my-dating-academia · 5 years
Dating HC's for Tanjirou, Inosuke, and Zenitsu
Tanjirou Kamado:
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-First off! You’re dating an absolute pure boy! He legit has no bad or tainted intentions. He just wants to make you happy and hold you close... He lost too much to take anything for granted and wants to hold you close. Not to be lewd or anything, but he dreams of cuddling with you next to a fireplace.
-He really is a caring lover. He always puts your needs before him. You’re hungry? Please, take his food! He’s already full! Cold? You can take his haori. He’ll be okay! You’ve been really, really wanting this certain item for a while? He can work a little harder to buy it for you!
-But truth is, he’s scared he’s gonna lose you. He tries to keep you happy, so you won’t because you keep him happy just by being with him. Whenever he’s with you, he feels relaxed. He just wants to crawl up next to you and lay his head down in your lap. Please play with his hair? Stroke his head? If you even gently trace his scar or give it light kisses he’ll blush so hard.
-Favorite thing to do is cuddle! Cuddling when you sleep! He feels so at home when he wraps around you...It makes him secure and easier to sleep.
-You’re most likely his first s/o. He has had crushes before but too busy to ever pursue them. He is a little unsure in his actions on what to do. He just wants to make you feel loved, that’s what he knows for sure. That means you’re also his first kiss! It was probably after a dangerous mission and when he saw you again, he realized how scared he is to never see you again. He gently grabbed the sides of your face to gaze at you before you closed the distance and sweetly kissed him. It was a little awkward trying to figure it out, but it was so gentle and genuine you teared up.
-He wants you to be his first and last. He already imagines a peaceful life with you with you.
-If you’re a demon slayer, he wants to go on missions with you, but he understands if he can’t. He just gets so worried even though he knows you can handle yourself! Expect a hug when you get back from one!
-He also trusts you 100% therefore he does not get jealous. He knows you won’t cheat on him. However, if someone is flirting with you and you are uncomfortable and they won’t stop, he will step in. 
-You have to have a good relationship with Nezuko. He saw you teaching her how to make a flower crown and could of swore he died right at that moment of pure joy. Another time Nezuko fell asleep on your lap and you fell asleep leaning against the wall and Tanjiro’s heart just went <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
-He will be your emotional pillar and hold you whenever you get sad. Whether you just need to have a shoulder to cry on or advice, he’s got you covered. 
-Please return his actions. He deserves it. Baby has been through so much he really needs some love and someone to fall against. Polish or sharpen his sword, write him a few encouraging notes, or even buy matching necklaces! He won’t take it off and keep it hidden under his collar to make sure it doesn’t get damaged. Whenever he’ll being feeling down, he’ll look at the necklace and be reminded by you. Same goes if he’s fighting a really powerful demon. It’ll give him a much needed moral boost.
Inosuke Hashibira:
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-Pretty feral boy legit is clueless. He is so confused with everything, but he knows that whenever he’s near you, his face heats up and his chest feels weird and tingly. It’s like you’re doing some weird mind trick on him, like you’re baiting him into a challenge! But, whenever he tries to yell out to tell you to fight him, it turns into a weird pig-like squeal and his words die out. It’s kinda funny and makes you giggle because he gets into a fighting stance then just falters out and squeals. It took a while before you two could get together because of misunderstandings and Inosuke being confused of “love”.
-Inosuke does love you he just has his way to show it. Instead of challenging you every few minutes, he protects you. If you’re not a demon slayer, he always tries to go check up on you and has you in the back of the head. He may even give you some lessons for self defense. However, if you are a demon slayer, he does like to go on missions with you and keep an eye on you. Whenever he sees you fight fiercely in battle he just gets so proud and inside he’s all like “Yeah, that’s my s/o!!!”
-He also loves holding you for some reason. I don’t know why, but I feel like he would just love to carry you? He’ll hold you bridal style or sling you over his shoulder. This also means he’ll do that in front of others, so he just doesn’t care about PDA. He justifies it by “But they’re mine?? The others should know we’re together?? What’s so embarrassing about that???”
-He also gets jealous probably because of the whole “raised around wild animals”. He will glare and challenge Zenitsu if he asks you to marry him....Let’s just say Zenitsu learned his lesson about asking you that.
-If you sleep with him he will wrap you up in his limbs and not let you leave unfil he wakes up. You’ll have to pry him off. He may not the be softest to sleep against but he is warm, so you don’t have to worry about being cold during winter. He’s also the big spoon no matter what.
-He’ll never mention it but Inosuke will be happy if you teach him to read and write. He’s embarrassed by the fact he can’t. 
-If you can cook and he make him food he will be beyond happy!! Or giving him praise!! He loves it and c r a v e s it. He doesn’t hear it very often.
-Make sure he takes care of himself. Simply like brushing his hair or making him take baths. He really prefers it if you take a bath with him, so you can reach his back. He doesn’t care if you’re naked just please get that one spot hE CAN’T SCRUB. Over a while, bathing together just becomes the norm for you two.
-As previously mentioned, he doesn’t handle well with emotions. He will let you cry into his shoulder and if the reason you’re crying is because of someone insulting you, he will go try to tear their ass up. He’s not the great with words, but he’ll take you out into the woods to release your frustration on trees or maybe even some demons.
-He kisses are rougher because he will smoosh his face onto yours and your teeth may clink, but his kisses make you feel so safe and warm. He’ll even press the snout of his mask onto your lips when he has it on. 
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
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-He is honestly so shocked you returned his feelings? He never would imagine you actually would. He honestly could look at you smiling at him and he would tear up slightly because you actually love him? You’re smiling because of him?? 
-He wants to be attached to you every second, but he stops himself because he’s afraid he’ll scare you off? Tell him you don’t mind and although he will be with you constantly, his face will be so blushy and blissful and that makes it worth it.
-He loves PDA and loves to give you hugs and quick kisses. Those kisses become an routine. Kiss in the morning, in the afternoon, before he goes off to a mission, before bedtime, he just loves them! He will get whiny if you don’t. He needs them like he needs air.
-His kisses are so gentle and sweet! He kisses are as soft as if he’s kissing a doll. His kisses are always filled with love. He’s a hopeless romantic okay.
-He just wants to have one night with no demons bothering you and look at the stars. He’ll point out what he sees and may even sneak in an “Those stars look like us kissing! The stars say we should kiss. Let’s kiss now!...Please?”
-Maybe he has a journal that depicts you and him getting married but shush. He may even slip out a few times by referring you to others as “My wife/husband”. He had to stop himself from getting promise rings a week after dating but he will after some months. If he sees you wearing your promise ring, he will be so happy!
-He does get insecure and unsure of himself especially after missions when he thinks his teammates outshone him. He will get teary eyed and fall into your arms. Kiss his head and list all the things that make him special and amazing. Sometimes just listen to him talk about it. Don’t worry, he’ll return the favors if you ever feel down too.
-He is the little spoon most the time because he loves affection, but some nights he just wants to hold onto you since he’s afraid that its all too good to be true.
-He does get jealous and will say something like “That’s my s/o you’re flirting to!” And will get pouty after that because what if you really did want that person? Was he no good enough? He’d cling to your haori and beg you not to leave him.
-Switch with eachother’s haoris! He loves to see you in his and your haori reminds him of you and it feels like you’re wrapped around him. Its great.
-He does try extra harder to protect you but it's still a challenge. It's like, whenever he's about to get attacked, oh well time to run up and tree and cry. But with you? Oh hell no. "Get away from my s/o filthy demon!!" while crying
-But if you saved him?? He'll be a little embarrassed but in his eyes you're his hero.
-Zenitsu really, really loves you. He probably does cheesey stuff like putting your two initials in a heart carved on a tree.
-Please don't break his heart. Poor boy fell super hard for you.
(I really do love Inosuke but he's kinda hard to write for)
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“hey I heard you were a wild one. if I took you home it’d be a home run. show me how you do. I wanna shut the club with you, hey I heard you like the wild ones. ” 
note: so I’m halfway through the season but I’m like dying to write KnY fanfic. in order to get myself through this dilemma, I’ve turned it into an AU. I’m barely dipping my toes into this fandom so don’t slaughter me for my writing.
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you had gotten out of the gym with sweat running down your face and your heart beating at what felt like the speed of sound. Nezuko had offered to come along with you for moral support. 
“hey, did Zenitsu call you at all?” you asked Nezuko looking down at your phone. Nezuko shook her head no, “he called me like ten times and that’s unusual, even for him.” 
you quickly called him back before hearing screams on the other end. you gave Nezuko a look before trying to get the blonds attention, “ZENITSU, WHAT IS GOING ON?” you yelled. 
it took a few more minutes before you heard shuffling, “hey, can you come to our place as soon as possible,” you sighed hearing Tanjirou’s voice, “is everything alright? why do I hear things shattering?” you asked now a bit more nervously, “just get here and prepare yourself.” 
Nezuko remained silent as she scanned the plethora of messages from her brother. your hands gripped the steering wheel wondering what it was that triggered your best friend to go feral. 
Inosuke had been seeing a girl for a few months now and you knew it was such a big step for the emotionally stunted boy. Zenitso and admittedly Tanjirou had been very hesitant on accepting her. 
it wasn’t news. Inosuke underneath his boar mask was very attractive and although he wore it anywhere he went, he was starting to wear it less in public which caused for girls who regularly ignored him to start paying a little more attention to him. 
the few of them noticed that his current girlfriend might’ve gotten with the blue haired boy for that reason. although you hadn’t seen it for yourself, you knew that Zenitsu and especially Tanjirou wouldn’t try to sabotage their best friends relationship just for the hell of it. 
you and Nezuko arrived to their shared apartment to hear Inosuke’s growls from inside. Nezuko had known of the issue so she saved herself the time and waited a bit longer in the car. 
“hey, it’s me,” you whispered as Zenitsu cried of relief, “what is going on?” you asked him as Tanjirou ran into the kitchen, “so, you know of Inosuke’s girlfriend, right?” you nodded, “well, they broke up. she wanted him to stop wearing his mask and he didn’t want too so she broke up with him.”
you sighed knowing this moment was inevitable. you told the two of them to give you a few minutes with him. 
the boys plus Nezuko had hundred percent preferred you with Inosuke instead of some random girl. you were one of the few selective people who knew how to calm the feral boy. you had met him when he wore his boar mask 25/8 and didn’t actually judge him for it. 
“Ino?” you asked as you tiptoed into the now destroyed living room, “Hashibira, are you calm yet?” you asked again as he grabbed a pillow ready to rip it. 
he immediately turned to you as you put your arms out for him. you knew Inosuke wasn’t a man of many words and preferred actions over speaking when it came to his emotions. 
“it’s okay Ino, it’s okay to cry,” you whispered as he shook his head no, “if you don’t feel like crying, you can always talk about it,” you offered as Inosuke shook his head again and stayed silent. 
you moved him to the couch and grabbed his hand softly, “listen, like I said, you don’t have to talk about it but anger is not the best outlet to let your steam blow off,” his boar head mask was covering his face as you slowly took it off, “one day, you’ll find someone who will like you, boar face and all,” you joked as you managed to actually make him laugh. 
feeling your phone go off in your pocket, you read that it was Tanjirou asking if it was safe to come in. you texted him a quick yes as heard the three of them walk in as slow as possible. 
“do you want to go and work out for a while? letting out steam by working out is actually a very healthy thing to do,” you asked Inosuke as he nodded yes, “do any of you want to come?” Tanjirou and Zenitsu let out a flat no as Nezuko reminded you that you had just came from the gym for yourself.
you ignored her comment and waited for Inosuke to come down the stairs to head out. Zenitsu couldn’t help but pout. you were a cute girl. a very cute girl and he hated that you were off limits according to Tanjirou.
Tanjirou was adamant on the fact that you were going to end up with Inosuke once he realized his feelings for you and until then, you were off limits to Zenitsu. 
“be careful!” Tanjirou yelled as you laugh, “I will, I’ll text you and let you know once he’s actually back to being the regular Inosuke,” you joked before shutting their door. 
the two of you drove back to the gym and got greeted excitedly by the receptionist. he knew Inosuke personally and even got a few training tips from him. 
“Inosuke, if I’m working out with you, please be easy, you know I can’t work out as hard as you can,” you begged making him laugh now, “no!” he exclaimed.
there was only a few who could actually work out and keep up with Inosuke. Tanjirou was one of them. the few times you actually tried to work out with him left you sore and bedridden for days on end. 
the two of you started out at the weight stations and slowly progressed to different stations before making your way to the punching bags. you had sweat running down your face and felt like your arms were ready to give out from lack of rest. 
“how much of this do we have to do? I’m going to pass out,” you groaned as Inosuke shook his head, “just enough,” he murmured before hearing you groan again. 
he propped up your arms to give you the right pose to start punching. although you loved to complain about Inosuke’s rigorous workouts, they did actually work and gave you a bit of muscles on your arms. it was nothing compared to Inosuke himself or even Tanjirou or Zenitsu but you took pride in the bit you had. 
once Inosuke realized that you were on the verge of actually passing out, he stopped and told you to chug down the water you brought. you instantly gulped down the two bottles of water and sat on the ground trying to catch your breath. 
“remind me to never ask you to workout again,” you groaned as you felt your body fall limp before feeling Inosuke pick you up with ease and throw you over his shoulder, “hey!” you yelled, “put me down!”
Inosuke shook his head no and continued to carry you out until you got back into your car. he slammed you down into the drivers seat before making his way to the passenger side. 
“eat,” he yelled as he gave you a handful of protein bars, “aw, you do care about me!” you laughed before ripping open a bar and scarfing it down. the two of you remained in the car eating them and listening to music before you received a message from both Tanjirou and Nezuko asking where the two of you were. 
a few months had passed since Inosuke’s ‘break up’. you remained working out together and tried your hardest to get his mind off the girl who broke his poor emotional heart. 
you were over at their apartment trying to help Zenitsu with assembling something he got in the mail. Tanjirou nor Inosuke were home but you knew it was a matter of time before they got here. 
“god Zenitsu, you put the wrong nails in the hole!” you exclaimed as you unscrewed the tiny nails, “hand me the instructions? I don’t want to sit here and build this wrong and have to do it all over again!” you said snatching the instructions from his hand. 
as you read over the instructions, you hadn’t heard Tanjirou or Inosuke come in. they both had quietly walked into the living room to see you and Zenitsu in deep though. 
“hey guys!” Tanjirou said excitedly. you gave him and Inosuke a small wave without giving them a look. 
Tanjirou had dismissed your attitude completely but Inosuke on the other hand didn’t actually like that you were alone with the blond idiot. seeing you alone with him triggered the anger he hadn’t felt since his previous relationship. 
Inosuke sat down to watch the two of you to see if his feelings remained the same and they did. you would laugh at whatever dumbass comment Zenitsu would say and each time, Inosuke would feel his hand clench. 
it was until you and Zenitsu finally finished what the two of you were doing when Inosuke dragged you to the kitchen to eat whatever Tanjirou made. you were caught a bit off guard but didn’t question him. 
“the food is really good,” you told Tanjirou as he gave you a thank you, “would either you or Zenitsu be able to drive me back home? I let Nezuko drive my car today since her car is in the shop and she isn’t out of work yet.” 
before their boys could respond, Inosuke immediately grabbed the keys from the kitchen counter, “I’ll take you,” he told the two boys as they backed off from the offer. 
the rest of dinner remained relatively silent until you told Inosuke you had to head home. he nodded and grabbed the keys once again as he opened the door for you. 
you hopped into the passenger seat and waited for Inosuke get himself situated. you could tell that he was a bit upset about something but you learned that unless something was really bothering him, he wouldn’t tell you. 
once he pulled up into your drive way, you were about to leave when he grabbed your wrist. you were a bit taken back by the action but let him do what he wanted. 
he slowly brought you in for a kiss on the cheek which made your face go warm immediately. you stared at him with in surprise before he muttered a single word into your ear. 
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mintugiyuu · 3 years
If it's not to much trouble may i have a (male) demon slayer matchup please. Im a Capricorn, my mbti type is infj-a/infj-a. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud around people who Im close to. My pronouns are she/her. I think of myself as pretty helpful, if someone asks for help with work i'll try my best to help them with it. I like to read books and also cook and bake food. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan if sports but I love to go roller/ice skating. I also have been playing the violin for 6 years. And I like to garden. I also like to watch nature/animal documentaries. I love animals and in planning on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. Some things I dislike are people who bend/ruin my books and people who talk over me when I try to speak. I hope this is ok, sorry if I spelt anything wrong. I hope im not bothering you :)
> not a bother at all! I’m always happy to see messages and requests in my inbox, it makes me very happy \( *u3u*)/
> I was debating tanjirou with this one too, but I think in the end zenitsu sat better with me for your match! if you want tanjirou instead, don’t hesitate to send an ask! regardless, I hope you enjoy and take care <3
note: so apparently, there’s a 20 draft limit; anything past that and it’ll glitch out your first couple drafts and make them disappear- thankfully I found this one since most of it was typed out when it disappeared!
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➥ tw || astrology
I match you with Agatsuma Zenitsu!
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+ To throw this out of the way first, Capricorn and Virgo’s compatibility levels are HIGH. Very compatible in all areas; communication, affection, trust, just to name a few. And Zenitsu just so happens to be a Virgo.
+ You and Zenitsu have a lot in common! He also doesn’t like sports much at all either, liking the easier, happy-go-lucky things in life.
+ Zenitsu himself can be very loud but has shown to like calmer people (showing distaste for Inosuke and Tengen for how loud and boisterous they can be). So he would appreciate your love for quieter hobbies, things he could calmly appreciate with you. Not to say he wouldn’t like your louder side, with you he finds it easier to let loose and have fun like that.
+ The fact that you play violin really made me lean for Zenitsu because of his hearing! He knows how to play many instruments, both of you could play together.
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Zenitsu has very sensitive hearing, so he’d initially be drawn to your calmer side. It was very refreshing compared to the other people he’s usually around; though he himself can tend to be loud, so once you two got close, he would find your more outgoing side very fun.
He loves your freckles. The blonde would definitely be cheesy and compare them to constellations. If you’d let him, he’d spend hours trying to count them all. Be careful not to move or he’ll have to start over.
Like I mentioned, Zenitsu is shown not to like physical activity all too much. But roller or ice skating? Now that’s romantic. Holding your hand in the cold of winter as you two skate across the ice? It’s a dream come true for him.
This man is now your personal book protector and defender. Someone tries to bend your books the wrong way? They’ll get bonked on the head by Zenitsu. If you handed him one of your books and asked him to watch it for you for a second, he’d hug that thing to his chest and yell at anyone who got close.
Zenitsu also loves sweets. With the combination of you liking to bake, I imagine you two would spend quite some time in the kitchen, whipping up and trying out different recipes then eating them afterwards.
His favorite thing to do is to sit back and listen to you playing your violin. Zenitsu has an appreciation for music - because of his hearing - so hearing the beautiful melodies you play never fails to relax him to the point of putting him to a light sleep. He’ll always clap for you when you’ve finished.
Gardening was never his thing, but when it’s with you, he suddenly gets a green thumb. He’ll learn and memorize all your favorite flowers and plants - as well as their watering schedule - to help out! He’ll even surprise you with a bouquet that he grew himself since he knows you love it so much.
Another favorite of his is to lay his head onto your lap and listen to you read your book out loud, falling asleep in the process. He’s very at peace in these moments.
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> just an extra thank you for resubmitting, some of this had new information that I took into account as well! please take care and have a nice day!
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
ShinoMitsu Week 2021 Day One: (Music, Seasons, Apologies) Honestly kind of seasons too a little bit.
A/N: WARNING: MANGA SPOILERS AHEAD. Writings without spoilers will begin on day four, come back then! This is probably the saddest thing I’ve ever written. Of course being me though, there is some comfort along with the hurt and a hopeful ending that will be pursued throughout the week. Hope you guys like it! Word Count: 4,280
Seriously, some major manga spoilers. Stop reading if you care! I’d hate to ruin someone’s day.
Shinobu rubbed her eyes against the harsh flash of light, blinking as the light faded into a much more manageable brightness reminiscent to that of a fair weathered day. She put a hand to her chest and took a deep breath, appreciating how easily the air rushed into her lungs without obstruction.
It was over, she had done it. With the help of Kanao and Inosuke, that demon would never eat another woman again. Shinobu was fine with being the bastard’s last meal since he had ended up choking on her in the end. Months of preparation had let up to this moment and she was grateful it hadn’t all been for nothing.
She had taken her time, ignoring the pull on her very soul. She wanted to make sure that the Demon Moon’s demise was certain. Now that he was gone, Shinobu found herself in a field of tall, green grass and wildflowers. Sakura trees were scattered around her in full bloom. Her demon slayer uniform had been replaced by an autumnal kimono that fit snugly over her body. The pattern was certainly a stark contrast to her surroundings, but she hardly minded.
The most prominent thoughts in Shinobu’s mind at the moment were related to why she was here, what was here? She felt like she was waiting for someone in this field. Her heart was heavy and her lungs felt tight. Rather than linger, she assumed it was some phantom pain left over from her final battle. She decided that she would walk to keep her mind off of it.
Each step seemed to make the very ground vibrate with energy that Shinobu could feel crawl up her skin in warm waves. She kept going and as she traveled, the scenery shifted around her.
She watched with parted lips as memories manifested around her, fading back behind her as she walked past, creating new ones beside her. If she stepped back, the older memories would rejuvenate and replay for her but she didn’t dwell long. She didn’t need any reminders of the life she left behind, she had squared away all of her business weeks ago while her body grew steadily more toxic. She had done what any person who knew they were going to die would do and took care to make sure she could pass on with no regrets.
Shinobu paused in front of one memory as muffled laughter caught her attention. It was a mundane memory of cooking with her pupils, joined by the Kamados and company. Something that they had done together several times. The smile that tugged at Shinobu’s lips was bittersweet. Yes, she had no regrets, but there was certainly a feeling of longing that she would have to learn to accept as a part of herself for however long she’d linger here.
Shinobu carried on as memories bad, pleasant and mundane came and went with no rhyme or reason to the order of their appearance. At some point she had allowed her mind to wander and the already muffled sounds devolved into white noise.
She wasn’t sure what she had expected from the afterlife, but it certainly wasn’t this. How long had she been here? Was she really expected to watch eighteen years worth of snippets from her own life? She had already lived it, it was short and painful but admittedly there was light in it too.
She froze.
“Shinobu, doesn’t it look good? I can’t wait to try it, we did such a good job!”
“It does smell nice, doesn’t it?” Shinobu heard herself say.
She slowly turned towards the memory, she couldn’t stop herself even if she wanted to. Gods, she could never give up an opportunity to see that girl again, even if it was all in her mind.
There was Mitsuri in all her glory. The memory was of one of their baking adventures with some western recipe Mitsuri had learned.
Shinobu smiled wistfully, watching herself wipe flour from Mitsuri’s flushed cheeks before walking on, allowing the memory to dissipate.
Not long after the crack of a wooden sword snapped up her attention.
“Why are you making yourself weaker?”
Ah, Shinobu remembered that day all too well. Mitsuri had been neglecting herself and Obanai had asked Shinobu to check up on her. It was hard to see someone gifted with such strength try to throw it all away. She was glad she had been able to help Mitsuri grow to be more comfortable in her own skin and in a way, she helped Shinobu do the same.
Another step, another memory. This one stung a bit actually. She and Mitsuri had been walking through the estate gardens together while the taller girl shared her woes about not finding a man stronger than her to sweep her off her feet and marry her.
“You’re so pretty and mature, Shinobu. I bet you could get a husband—” Mitsuri snapped her fingers, “—like that! Have you ever thought about it, Shinobu?”
“Marriage is something I’ve never given much thought to.” Shinobu had said, focusing her attention on a small, white butterfly floating through the breeze.
“Really? No man has ever made your heart race before? Usually when I meet someone I like, I can’t help but picture what the wedding would be like.” Mitsuri gushed.
“Oh? Have you ever pictured one for us? You like me best, don’t you?” Shinobu teased.
Mitsuri froze for a beat before her skin lit up and her arms started flailing. Her words were tumbling over each other making them unintelligible. Shinobu managed a laugh, allowing the conversation to be pushed elsewhere. The far off look in her eyes seemingly going unnoticed by her companion.
Yes, Shinobu hadn’t put much thought into marriage. She had never really seen the appeal of the men her sister, and then Mitsuri, had occasionally gushed over, but the idea of finding someone you would want to spend the rest of your life with did sound nice.
“That was never an option,” Shinobu sighed to herself, “not for me. I hope you find someone who will treat you right when the fight is won, Mitsuri.”
She continued on, walking a bit faster. She hoped the end would come soon because the novelty of this little trip down memory lane had run dry long ago.
More memories manifested and dissolved only fast enough for Shinobu to see snippets. Kanae and herself moving Himejima-san’s boulder, taking in Kanao and the other girls, feeding her fish with Nezuko, training Tanjirou, Zenitsu and Inosuke, teasing Tomioka, cultivating poison with Tamayo, a moment with her mother and father, telling Kanao about her plan that would ultimately take her life.
It was exhausting. Shinobu just wanted to be done. She did not see reason to dwell on her life. She had no regrets. She had no unfinished business. She just wanted to move on already.
Shinobu stumbled backwards as a fog grew before her, blocking her path. Before now, the visions had only ran parallel to her. The cloud swirled with light painted edges, glowing faintly until the memory surfaced. It couldn’t have been more than a week before and Shinobu’s throat felt dry as she watched herself choke back another dose of powdered wisteria seeds.
The petals would have been a relatively harmless alternative, but the toxic seeds promised a stronger reaction and she could gain more potency from one seed than hundreds of petals worth of tea. Shinobu had been careful with her dosing, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t feel it’s affects on her body.
The image of Shinobu coughed, swallowing water in an attempt to soothe her burning mouth. She groaned softly, sitting back in her chair and gingerly cupping a hand over her stomach. She closed her eyes only for them to snap open at the sound of knocking at her office door.
“Shinobu, are you working hard in there? Can I come in?” Mitsuri had called from the other side.
Shinobu winced as she sat up, wiping sweat from her forehead. She took a deep breath and it scratched her throat unpleasantly but nonetheless, she fixed a smile on her face and called Mitsuri in.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but I saw, uh, Tamayo-san, was it? I was her and her assistant retiring for the day and I thought I’d get the chance to see you then.” Mitsuri said.
“You aren’t interrupting anything, I’m glad to see you,” Shinobu motioned for Mitsuri to make herself at home and she did so with a happy hum, sitting on top of the lab table Shinobu was sitting at. “Can I do something for you?”
“Well, there was one thing,” Mitsuri began sheepishly, lightly swinging her legs as she presented her hand to Shinobu knuckles up, “I grazed my hand during a round of Hashira training and I know I could patch it up myself, but you always do it better.”
Shinobu gingerly brought Mitsuri’s hand to her face to examine the superficial damage and nodded, “I can take care of this. One moment please.”
“Take all the time you need.”
Shinobu stood, hiding her pained expression by turning her head towards the medicine cabinet she kept in her office. She walked over to it, taking an antibacterial spray and some thin bandages before turning back towards Mitsuri, watching her with those bright pastel green eyes that reminded Shinobu of spring.
She stood before Mitsuri scooping up the damaged hand once more.
“This may sting a bit.” Shinobu warned quietly before spraying Mitsuri’s knuckles.
The older girl closed her eyes, the burning, prickly feeling causing her to whine. Shinobu chuckled good-naturedly bringing the hand closer to her face almost close enough to touch her lips. She blew a gentle, cooling breath of air over the knuckles.
“Does that feel better?” She asked.
“Yes, thank you,” Mitsuri blushed, looking down, “I’m sorry, that was childish of me.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Shinobu said seriously.
She finished wrapping Mitsuri’s hand and held it between her own. Shinobu looked up, a tired smile on her face.
“All done.”
“Shinobu, you look so tired. Are you well?” Mitsuri asked, looking concerned.
“I’m fine. The research I’m doing with Tamayo-san is just very involved and intricate.”
“I wish there was something I could do to help,” Mitsuri frowned.
“It refreshes me just to see you.” Shinobu had said without thinking. “Your vibrance warms me like the sun.”
“Really?” Mitsuri squeaked, her hands cupping her own cheeks as they bloomed pink.
Shinobu felt her own skin prickle as blood buzzed through her ears. She held firm though, even if she hadn’t planned to say something so... poetic, she did mean it. In fact, she had more she’d like to say. Ever since she had began her doses, she had become more and more aware of her mortality. The final fight was fast approaching.
“Really.” She replied simply.
“Aw, Shinobu!” Mitsuri launched herself into Shinobu’s arms, making Shinobu have to take several quick steps backwards to keep them both upright. “You’re making my heart go, ‘bwahh woo!’”
“Is that a good thing?” Shinobu giggled.
“Very!” Mitsuri nodded vigorously.
Mitsuri held Shinobu for a few minutes, humming and swaying. She really was like the sun. Shinobu could fall asleep standing up if it was in Mitsuri’s warm embrace.
Unexpectedly, Shinobu was lifted over Mitsuri’s shoulder causing her to release a surprised gasp. The position was uncomfortable for her stomach but it hardly registered in comparison to being carried by the taller girl.
“Mitsuri, what are you doing?”
“Taking you to bed. You’re so tired you almost fell asleep just then.”Mitsuri cooed.
“I can walk...”
“Let me be your legs for a little bit. It’s me paying you back for always helping me.”
Whatever methods Shinobu tried to use to coax Mitsuri to put her down proved futile. She simply strode through the halls humming and waving at any passerby she happened to see. Shinobu was embarrassed, but couldn’t bring herself to be angry. Not when Mitsuri was so genuinely happy.
Before long, they made it to Shinobu’s room. Mitsuri put her down and helped her get ready for bed. There was a part of Shinobu that disliked the treatment. It made her feel small and weak. There was another part of her however, that was desperate to keep Mitsuri close and if the older Hashira wanted to help her pick her sleep ware and brush her hair she would take it.
Before Mitsuri left, she even went as far as to tuck Shinobu in, stopping with her face close enough to Shinobu’s that she feared the Love Pillar could find every insecurity she ever held in her eyes. Mitsuri tucked back a swatch of Shinobu’s hair.
“Shinobu... sleep well, okay?” Mitsuri said after a moment.
“I will, thank you for bringing me here.” Shinobu nodded, her eyelids already drooping.
“Whenever you need.” Mitsuri smiled.
Before Mitsuri could leave Shinobu felt compelled to speak, to share that part of herself that she had been keeping from her friend.
“Mitsuri...” Shinobu paused, her throat clenched and sweat recollected on her brow. She was suddenly frightened.
“... be safe.” Shinobu said instead, her heart ached at the sweet smile Mitsuri flashed her.
“I will. See you soon Shinobu.”
Then she left and the room was bathed in darkness.
Shinobu clutched at her kimono and fell to the otherworldly grass beneath her. Shinobu didn’t have any regrets. She refused to. What was the point of looking back on things she had no power to change? She didn’t want to be here anymore and the white noise of the memories around her only seemed to grow louder and louder until she couldn’t bottle it anymore and clutched her head tightly between her hands and screamed,
“Shut up!”
The sound dissipated.
“Enough!” Shinobu breathed raggedly.
Whatever sounds remained were carried off like whispers on the wind as if spooked by the Hashira’s sharp tone. Shinobu stayed glued to the ground, her hands migrating from her ears to cover her eyes instead as she tried to reign in her emotions. Why, she wasn’t sure. There wasn’t much reason to keep her feelings under wraps anymore, but one simply doesn’t swallow down their boiling blood for years and then stop, even in death apparently.
She fell onto her back, stretching out as best she could in the kimono she was wearing. She noticed for the first time that the sky was blank, just empty, uniform white that looked cold despite its brightness. It hardly matched rich greens of the tall grasses or the colorful wildflowers, the vibrant pink blossoms that fell from the trees.
After laying back for so long, Shinobu was beginning to think that this was it. She was destined to be stuck here forever. She sighed, there could be worse places. She felt a shiver roll through her body as the air changed suddenly, but she simply rolled to her side.
Shinobu blinked, sitting up on her elbows to peer through the tall brush curiously. She thought she had heard something, but it sounded far off whatever it was. She shook her head and laid back down. It was probably just some remnants of her memories.
Still indistinguishable, but louder. Shinobu’s brows creased and she forced herself to stand, looking for the source in earnest now.
A ways off, she thought she could see a figure in the sakura tree grove. She rubbed at her eyes. Her mind had to be playing tricks on her. No one else could possibly be here. Why would there be? Whatever it was, it seemed to turn in Shinobu’s direction and noticed her as well. Much like Shinobu, the entity didn’t seem to know what to think of her but appeared to be cautiously making its way towards her.
Shinobu decided to move forward as well to meet them halfway. She was already dead, what was the worst that could happen? As she got closer it became glaringly obvious who the figure was supposed to be. Even though she was still a ways off, Shinobu would recognize that watermelon toned hair anywhere.
Shinobu stopped moving. Trying to process what this meant. Some other way to torment her perhaps? When she had first arrived, she felt like she was waiting for someone and that feeling was slowly dwindling down the closer they got. It was a feeling that chilled Shinobu’s blood.
The figure must have noticed she had stopped moving because now they appeared to be running, running as best as they could in the flowery kimono they were sporting.
Shinobu felt an urge to run in the opposite direction but her feet stood frozen to the ground as the person got closer and closer until Shinobu could hear her yell,
“Shinobu! Oh my gods, Shinobu!”
Shinobu stared wide-eyed watching Mitsuri run up to her with tears glistening in her eyes, her cheeks wet and flushed from the excursion. Mitsuri was a beautiful vision Shinobu couldn’t take her eyes away from and then, Mitsuri tripped and fell to the ground with an audible, ‘oomph!’, disappearing into the tall grass.
Slowly, Shinobu’s brain started working again and her feet moved on their own accord until she was kneeling beside the other girl. Her hands hovered just above her, afraid to touch.
Mitsuri had no qualms about it however, and made quick work sitting up on her knees to embrace Shinobu tightly while tears continued to smear down her cheeks.
Slowly, Shinobu hugged back. She couldn’t help herself. Even if this was just some hallucination, she felt compelled to comfort her.
“Shinobu, I was so sad! I heard a crow report your death while I was fighting. I thought I’d never see you again and I felt really terrible.” Mitsuri cried, clutching tightly to Shinobu’s kimono. Afraid that if she let go, the younger girl would disappear.
What happened? What was this? Shinobu couldn’t understand. She shook her head, Mitsuri couldn’t truly be here. She was going to live on because she was strong. She was going to find love and get married like she always wanted. She wasn’t supposed to be here with her.
“You weren’t supposed to die.” Shinobu said aloud, her voice wavered slightly.
“And you were?” Mitsuri sniffled, another tear rolling over her cheek. “What happened Shinobu?”
“I... I faced the demon who killed my sister. He devoured me, but at a price. Kanao and Inosuke finished him off.”
“At a price, what do you mean Shinobu?”
Shinobu turned her head away, “I had been dosing my body with poison for months before the battle. It was the best way to assure my victory in the end.”
“You were planning that all this time. I knew something wasn’t right but I didn’t even try find out what was wrong,” Mitsuri wiped her nose with her sleeve.
“I hope you aren’t blaming yourself, I wouldn’t have told you even if you asked what I was up to. You had your own demons to fight.”
“But I wanted to be there for you! I remember how tired you looked the last time I got to see you. I thought we had more time, but then... Oyakata-sama and the explosion. I thought we had more time.” Mitsuri repeated through shaky breaths.
“Mitsuri...” Shinobu frowned. She had convinced herself years ago that she was on borrowed time, but Mitsuri had never seen it like that. Had it been cruel of her not to share her intentions?
“There was so much I wanted to do with you, so much I wanted to say that I didn’t even realize until I knew you were gone,” Mitsuri loudly sniffled again and Shinobu frowned into her shoulder, “I didn’t have time to mourn you properly, I had to keep fighting for everyone. I had to help fight Kibutsuji with everything I had so no one we lost died in vain.”
“You fought against Kibutsuji?” Shinobu asked, feeling a mixture of awe with a sting of, what, envy for making it that far? Sympathy for having to forge forward as comrades fell around her?
“I, uh, ripped his arms off actually.” Mitsuri exhaled a weak laugh at Shinobu’s expression. “It wasn’t enough, obviously, but after that it was... pretty much over for me.” Mitsuri sat back a bit, one hand over her chest while the other cupped her head. The wounds she sustained were gone, but their effects were still faintly felt.
Shinobu gently took hold of the hand Mitsuri held to her head, placing it on her lap with a comforting squeeze.
“You gave your all. You should be proud of yourself, I know I am.”
“Thank you,” Mitsuri wiped her eyes with her free hand. “We did it Shinobu, I was kind of already out of it by then, but Iguro-san told me we won, that Kibutsuji was defeated.”
“That’s... that’s really wonderful to hear. That’s honesty incredible news.” Shinobu smiled warmly whilst tears stung the corners of her eyes.
“I wish we could have seen it together, Shinobu. The world without demons.” Mitsuri kept a brave smile, but it was a watery one. She pulled her hand tentatively back up to her tear stained face, still holding Shinobu’s hand so it was cupped between her own hand and cheek, “I wish we could have done a lot of things together.” She confessed in a cracked whisper.
“Mitsuri?” Shinobu searched her face, trying to understand, but if the tightness in her chest was anything to go by, she already did.
“Shinobu, I love you! I love you a lot and I’m so upset that I didn’t tell you before. I’m so sorry!”
Shinobu simpered and brushed her captive thumb across Mitsuri’s cheek.
“You actually told me quite often how fond you were of me. You needn’t apologize, I always knew you looked upon me favorably.” Shinobu comforted. Mitsuri shook her head.
“I’m in love with you!” Mitsuri spoke with conviction, her pastel green eyes sprung fresh tears like a spring shower.
Shinobu’s lips parted in surprise.
“I wanted to tell you, really tell you, but I was so scared you wouldn’t like me at all anymore if I told you. I thought, the more time we spent together, maybe I’d find the courage to tell you... Oh, Shinobu,” Mitsuri reached her sleeve out to the other girl and gently wiped her face. Shinobu hadn’t realized she was crying.
Once she fully registered it, it was like a damn had burst.
As Shinobu’s breathing become more labored, erratic, Mitsuri pulled her to her chest and Shinobu clung tightly to her kimono. Years worth of anger and pain came in the form of hot tears. She couldn’t help but think of Kanae in her final moments, telling her to find love, to grow old and have a happy life. Even if she had tried to do what her sister had asked of her, it was always meant to end in tragedy.
“I love you too, so much. I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to tell you.”
“If I don’t need to apologize, then you shouldn’t either. It’s alright, it probably would have hurt more, don’t you think?”
“I don’t know, it still hurts pretty damn bad.” Shinobu replied with a shuddering laugh and Mitsuri gave a weak giggle of her own.
They sat quietly for awhile in each other’s embrace, letting the rustling of the grass fill the silence between them. They could feel it, something was pulling at them, exhausting them as they tried to hold onto each other as long as possible. Whatever this supernatural intervention was, it seemed to be coming to an end. Mitsuri spoke up again, sounding quite fatigued as she ran her hand through Shinobu’s hair.
“Shinobu, if we were reborn again in the world without demons, could we try being together the way we only dreamed to be?”
“Of course, I’d love nothing more.” Shinobu whispered, reaching up to cradle Mitsuri’s face once more. Her arms felt heavy like lead.
Mitsuri hadn’t the strength to keep herself upright and slowly sunk in the direction of Shinobu’s body until their foreheads met. Shinobu, unable to keep them both up, fell to her back with Mitsuri flat on top of her.
“I’m really tired,” Mitsuri’s eyes drooped. She snuggled her nose into Shinobu’s neck.
“Yes, it won’t be long now.” Shinobu wasn’t really sure what it was, but it felt familiar.
“Shinobu, could I give you a kiss before I go to sleep?”
“Yes, please.”
With a grunt of effort, Mitsuri rose herself up slightly on wobbly elbows and bumped noses with Shinobu who was fighting to keep her eyes open. With perhaps a bit more force than intended, Mitsuri’s lips met Shinobu’s.
The kiss was ever so soft and a tad salty. It was rather short, but filled with loving intent. Mitsuri’s arms gave out and she came back down over Shinobu with a light grunt, her forehead bumped against Shinobu’s cheek. With a bit of effort, Shinobu turned her head, resting another kiss over Mitsuri’s hair, the other girl could hardly make a sound but Shinobu could tell she was pleased with the small affection.
It could have been a trick of her blurred vision, but Shinobu swore the once blank sky was now bathed in blue, a large, bright sun shining over them.
Shinobu smiled and allowed her eyes to finally fall completely shut, confident that she and Mitsuri would find each other again and enjoy the product of their hard work and sacrifice in another life.
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
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Fight Me
✯ Hashibira Inosuke x Strong! Fem! Reader
✯ genre: crack!!!! kind of strangers-to-friends-to-lovers au? kinda ooc characters but it do be like dat
✯ summary: inosuke likes girls that can put him in his place
✯ wordcount: 2.0k +
note: this was a request by @ahegaoapril sorry if it took me so long to write it!! i had to rewatch some of kny to get the events right but i hope you enjoy!!
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- okay so
- you first met tanjirou when you were making your way to the drum house
- you saw that he was a fellow demon slayer so why not stick with each other yknow
- teamwork makes the dream work
- “hi i’m y/l/n y/n!! what’s your name??”
- “i’m kamado tanjirou!! how old are you??” you tell him your age and luckily you guys were close to each other’s ages
- omg!!
- new bffs
- but then you could sense the presence of a demon coming from the box tanjirou was carrying on his back
- and he’s like
- ruh roh
- o.o
- “aHHhsjd you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to!! feel free to tell me whenever you’re ready!!”
- and he’s just uwuing
- because wow you’re so nice
- he’s gonna l o v e being your friend
- on your way up the mountain you see a blonde simp trying to harass a girl into marrying him
- sigh
- simps
- you notice that he’s wearing the demon slayer uniform
- ‘do they accept just anyone in the demon slayers’
- you and tanjirou make your way over to them and try to pull the simp off of the poor girl
- “hEY gEt off hEr rIghT nOw”
- “please marry me i’m so weak please i need you to protect me you’re so beautifu-“
- you grab the weirdo and fling him away from the girl
- she thanks you and starts being the crap out of him and honestly you couldn’t find the kindness in yourself to stop her
- eh
- it ez what it ez
- he goes on crying about how he was weak and how he needed a wife until
- but before he could go on you shoved him onto the floor making him eat dirt (poor baby)
- time skip becuase zenitsu is too chaotic
- you guys made your way up the mountain
- whew
- you need to work out more
- y/n’s stamina said: no
- after you guys got to the drum house you saw two little kids crying and hugging each other but suddenly a kid fell out the window
- you turned to shield the kids’ eyes so that they wouldn’t be able to see
- you, tanjirou, and zenitsu made your way inside of the house, sensing berko is demons on your way in
- you sadly got seperated from zenitsu and tanjirou
- sigh
- what nOW
- and you suddenly see a fucking guy with a boar mask
- luckily it just breezes past you and goes on a rampage
- ...
- when you got out you saw a beaten up zenitsu shielding tanjirou’s box from the boar mans relentless kicks
- oh no
- you fly into action and kick the shit outta the boar man
- but tanjirou suddenly comes out and yells at you to stop and that demon slayers weren’t allowed to raise their blades against one another
- who said that you were gonna be fighting with swords
- “the hate u give little infants fucks everyone” -2pac
- y/n: *proceeds to beat the shit out of the boar dude and successfully knocks him out with one kick to the back of its head”
- ...
- pending....
- loading....
- after inosuke woke up he threatened to beat the shit out of you but you just ignored him and continued to help tanjirou and zenitsu bring the bodies back outside
- after burying everyone, you guys decided to make your way to the wisteria house to get some rest and heal up
- on the way there and during your stay there inosuke wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone
- “no”
- “wHY NOT”
- “cuz i’m stronger than you, you’ll just hurt yourself. we’re here to rest”
- cue inosuke screaming and lunging at you
- but nah you weren’t bout it
- you simply side stepped and turned to jump inosuke and pin him down
- “give it up pretty boy”
- *boomboom*
- huh
- what was this
- why did inosuke feel his heart beat a little faster
- what was this feeling
- eh
- he’s probably just hungry
- ...
- you, inosuke, and tanjirou are currently battling the spider dad
- both tanjirou and inosuke make a move to slash at spider daddy’s arms but they were too tough, you quickly ran towards them successfully slashing the demons right arm
- “and? life is hard, but you get through it”
- wise words by y/l/n y/n
- life do be hard doe
- anyways
- inosuke felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest,,,what did that mean?? is he tired or something?? but why did seeing you cut spider daddy’s arm make his heart go boom boom
- as the battle goes on, tanjirou was yEETED to the next dimension, leaving only you and inosuke to fight against daddy long legs
- hah as if you’d die without confessing to inosuke
- huh
- wait what
- hehe
- your thoughts are suddenly interrupted when spidaddy suddenly lunges at you but you were luckily able to get out of the way
- :(
- after some time inosuke was able to slice through arachne daddy’s arms but it suddenly ran away
- “oi inosuke lets go”
- boom boom
- there it was AGAIN
- maybe he needed to see a doctor
- you follow the demon only to see it shedding its skin and regaining its arm back
- what the fuck
- you glance at inosuke but he isn’t budging
- you’re suddenly filled with fear when you realize that inosuke was accepting the fact that he was going to be defeated
- you were about to yell at him until
- “no way am i going to lose. i’m hashibira inosuke of the demon slaying corps!”
- whew
- you let inosuke take the lead as you knew that he was filled with new determination to kill this demon and get you two to safety
- but when the demon got its hands on inosuke you were suddenly filled with an immeasurable amount of rage
- you lunged at the demon and stabbed your blades into both of its shoulders
- it let out a piercing scream as you dig your blades even further into its flesh
- but suddenly a flash and inosuke was on the floor with the demons arms
- you turned your head and saw the water pillar, tomioka giyuu
- “gIyUU-SAN thank god!! could you please finish him off? i need to fix inosuke up” and he just nods at you and gets crack-a-lackin
- he defeats spider daddy in a span of 2 seconds while you and inosuke are mesmerized by his skill and technique
- as he makes his way deeper in the woods he is stopped by inosuke calling out to him
- and at that point you were too tired and exhausted to listen to inosuke or to baby sit him
- so you knock him out and smile sheepishly at giyuu
- after giyuu left, all the exhaustion seeps into your bones causing you to pass out right on top of inosuke, making you unconsciously snuggle into his chest
- by the time you wake up you were already at shinobu’s butterfly estate. surprisingly you were the first one up from your friends
- you looked at the bed beside yours and saw that you were in between zenitsu and inosuke
- you slowly slipped out of bed and sat on inosuke’s
- dumbass still had his mask on
- you slowly examine his body to see how his wounds were healing and they were healing pretty well
- you moved your hands to touch his own, feeling how warm and rough they were from long hours of practicing his swordsmanship
- “ehem”
- you quickly drop inosuke’s hand and turn your head to see a short armed zenitsu smirking at you
- “hehe you like him don’t you”
- >:)
- “and if i do? what about it?”
- 0o0
- zenitsu didn’t think that you’d actually admit it
- “hey, there’s nothing wrong with liking him. it’s normal. you guys would be cute together”
- “i-i s-shUT UP,,, but thanks zenitsu,,, do you really think he’d like me back though?”
- “of course he does y/n, you’re strong beautiful, intelligent, and skilled! he’d be stupid to not like you”
- aWH
- zenitsu could be really cute sometimes
- but what you two didn’t know was that inosuke was awake the w h o l e time
- and he was BLUSHING so HARD under his mask omg
- ceo of tomatoes
- this was yours and zenitsu’s little secret
- after all of you had healed up you noticed that inosuke was a little clingier towards you
- whenever you guys ate he would give you a piece of HIS tempura and he never does that???
- and whenever you two are sparring he always has this look in his eye, like he was looking at something so precious to him
- eh maybe it was just the lighting
- he wouldn’t have feelings for you
- was what you thought until you overheard the three musketeers talking
- “kentaro,,, is it normal for my heart to go really fast when i see y/n?? she’s really strong and i really like that. i love fighting with her and i wanna be as strong as her. but whenever we fight i get chest pains and my tummy feels weird. am i sick?”
- and zenitsu and tanjirou are just like
- ‘r u an idiot lol’
- but this is inosuke
- “listen inosuke, i think you like y/n,, maybe even love her,,”
- wHA
- bruh you’re being punkd tell the cameras to come out right now
- this has to be a JOKE
- before you could stop yourself your body already made its way into the room they were in and slid the door open
- *bANG*
- and suddenly the three of them are jumping into the air
- but when they see that it’s you, zenitsu and tanjirou make their way out, leaving you and inosuke by yourselves
- “so i hear-“
- “i think i love you”
- what
- the
- fuck
- did he just say he loved you
- or did you have some sort of brain damage
- “i think you’re really pretty and you’re so strong that you don’t even seem to break a sweat when you kick my ass. i really like fighting with you but when i do,, looking at you makes me feel all weird and tingly”
- 0.0
- you suddenly lunge at inosuke and hug him and he hesitantly puts his arms around you
- “i think i love you too bakanosuke”
- cue tanjirou and zenitsu cheering
- “i still won’t go easy on you when we’re sparring though”
- “good, i don’t want you to”
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