#Tanjiro x Kanao
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strarri · 8 months ago
what we see vs what kaburamaru sees😭😭💔
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magicalbunbun · 1 year ago
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Kokushibo and y/n where the same as tanjiro and kanao
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curiousochako · 6 months ago
List of ships that I love from several anime series ✨
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may have a specific preference when it comes to anime but all of these ships mean so much to me. They all embody the beauty of what love looks like. Of course there are many more that I also love but Tumblr does have a limit on how many tags I can use.
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zukobeloved · 3 months ago
fav demon slayer ships
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🌸 Tanjiro Relationship Hcs 🌸
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• Tanjiro has probably not had a romantic relationship before you.
• So it may or may not take him a while to realize his feelings for you. Just be patient with him. Okay?
• At first, before developing romantic feelings for you, I think he’d see you as one of his younger siblings or family members
• After he realizes his romantic feelings for you, he’d easily get flustered and often tongue tied around you or even the mention of you.
• Once he is one hundred percent certain of his romantic feelings for you, a wave of worry washes over him that he might embarrass himself in front of you or do something that will make you uninterested in him.
• It takes him a while to speak to you about his feelings. Depending how intimidating you are but regarding that, he would eventually muster up the courage to tell you his feelings.
• If you accepted and shared his feelings, he would be overjoyed! He would also promise to treat you like Royalty.
• He'd love to cuddle with you, in fact he just loves being around you in general!
• Your looks, personality, and even your scent fill him with a sense of passion and joy towards you.
• He prefers to be held in your arms while laying against your chest and taking in your scent. It’s calming to him.
• Those small moments also make him fall in love with you all over again.
• But he’d also like to hold you in his arms. Feeling you nuzzle into him, as you slowly drift off to sleep in his arms.
• Tanjiro is pretty inexperienced with romantic relationships. So even things as simple as kissing will fluster him at first before getting used to it.
• Tanjiro would always ask for your permission before kissing you or even cuddling you.
• At least, for the first few weeks of the relationship.
• He’d also ask you for such things as well.
• ‘’S/o I… I love you a lot! Can I have a kiss please?’’
• Nezuko loves you too (in a platonic way)
• I love him so much, he’s so precious 😭😭😭
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midnightwriter21 · 8 months ago
Distant~ (Tanjiro x Reader Angst)
characters: Tanjiro Kamado x reader, zenitsu x reader (platonic), kanao x tanjiro (no kanao hate pls🙏🏻)
warnings: angst, unrequited love
AN: here is the very long overdue part 2 for the Tanjiro angst Open Wound! I've decided to turn this into a short series so there will be another part or two after this! If you haven’t read the original click the link before reading this one!
open wound (part 1)
until now (part 3)
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As you flee the scene, Tanjiro stares at your retreating figure in shock. He’s broken from his trance at the feeling of Kanao’s soft hand covering his.
“Go after her.”
“I… what?” He asks confusedly.
“She’s your best friend and she’s hurt. We hid this from her for too long. Go after her. Explain yourself or you’ll lose her,” she looks at him expectantly.
Tanjiro sighs as he stands and runs in the direction you fled, “Your right. I have to find her.”
After a few minutes of frantically searching for you, Tanjiro finally spots you in the distance. He quickens his pace as he calls out to you. You continue to run, your feet pounding on the ground with each step. Tensions build up as Tanjiro closes the distance between you two. He reaches out to you, calling out your name as you continue to flee in tears.
Finally, he catches up to you and grabs you by the shoulders. "Wait! Please, let me explain!"
You whip around to face him, yelling, “Explain? You have to be kidding, Tanjiro! What could you possibly need to explain? I saw everything!”
“Stop yelling at me and listen!” He exclaims.
“No! I don’t want to listen to you, or talk to you, or see you right now! I want to be alone!” You jerk yourself out of his grasp and begin to walk away from him again.
“Y/n, please just hear me out!” Tanjiro begs.
You sigh as you turn to him, defeated and upset, “Just give me some time, Tanjiro. I just need to process some things, okay?”
Tanjiro frowns but nods in agreement, “Okay… but we have to talk about this.”
You nod back, “We will,” and then you head home for the day.
As you walk the path towards your home, leaving Tanjiro behind, you hear rapid footsteps behind you accompanied by the screeching voice you’ve become so fond of, “Y/N!!! WAIT FOR MEEEE!!”
Laughing slightly under you breath, you turn as the lightening user comes into sight, “Zenitsu…”
He slides to a stop in front of you,expression full of pity, “Hey y/n…”
You smile at him sadly in response before continuing the walk home.
He walks beside you in a rare moment of silence before finally breaking it, “I’m sorry…”
You blink, surprised, “Sorry? why would you be sorry?”
Zenitsu looks at you, eyes wide, “He still hasn’t told you has he?”
Feeling you heart rate begin to pick up you question the blonde, “Who? Tell me what? Zenitsu you better start giving me answers right now. What is going on?”
As the two of you arrive at your home, Zenitsu, uncharacteristically quiet, places his hands on your shoulders and guides you to take a seat.
He starts softly, muttering to himself, “Tanjiro is my friend. But so are you… you deserve to know.”
Heart sinking you ask, “Deserve to know what? Just spit it out please.”
Zenitsu takes a deep breath, “Tanjiro and Kanao have been together for months. They’ve been hiding it from you because they know how you feel about Tanjiro.”
You breathe a humorless laugh, "Of course... It all makes sense."
"Y/n? Are you okay?" The blonde asks hesistantly.
Another laugh, "Yeah, I'm great. All of the pieces are coming together now. He's been acting differently for months. He doesn't eat lunch with me or train with me anymore, we haven't gone on a mission together recently either, and he's been so... distant. I don't know how I didn't see it before."
Furrowing his eyebrows in concern, Zenitsu reaches out to pull you into a hug when you're interrupted by the familiar squawking of your crow.
A soft sigh escapes your mouth accompanied by a sad smile as you stand, "Well, I guess I have to leave."
Zenitsu looks up at you concerned, "Be safe, y/n."
"I'll try." Then you're off.
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slayfics · 2 years ago
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A girls night at Mitsuri’s house. Don’t worry your secrets are safe here.
Warnings: NSFW themes hinted at~
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You arrived at Mitsuri’s doorstep feeling excited for what the night might bring. You couldn’t believe the Hashira found some downtime to plan a girl's night. You wondered what other girls she might have invited to come over. But overall you were excited to take a break from the serious work of hunting demons. 
You knocked on the door and Mitsuri threw it open almost immediately. 
“Yay! I’m so glad you made it!” She exclaimed and pulled you into a hug. “Let me show you who else came!” She said as she grabbed your hand and pulled you into the room. You saw Aoi and Kanao sitting around a table piled with deserts and tea. 
“Hi girls!” You waved.  
“Hello.” Aoi said seriously and Kanao just smiled sweetly at you. 
“Feel free to have as many desserts and tea as you want! I can always make more!” Mitsuri said as she pulled you down to sit on the floor. 
“What is our first task Miss Knaroji?” Kanon asked. 
“Hm?” Mitsuri looked confused.  
“Miss Kocho said this night was so we could all get special training from you.” Kanao explained 
“Oh right!” Mitsuri laughed. “Well actually we're just here to have a girl's night. That can be extremely refreshing for the soul you know! And Miss Kocho thought it would be a great exercise for you to express some of your feelings.”  
Kanao’s face turned white, but she kept a straight face and did not speak again. Training was something she could handle any time of day but expressing her wants and feelings was extremely challenging for her.  
“Sounds ridiculous to me. What are we supposed to be doing here anyway.” Aoi spoke. 
“Oh you know gossiping, talking about boys, the fun stuff! I’ve never had a girl's night before because I've been so busy as a Hashira. It would be nice to just be normal girls for one night. I really wanted Miss Kocho to come too but she said she had to go on a mission.” Mitsuri said. 
“Boys... you want us to sit here and talk about boys?? That seems like a waste of time. I’ve got injured demon slayers to check up on.” Aoi replied.  
“HEY! You mind your manners when talking to a Hashira! Miss Kanroji risks her life every day to keep us safe! So if on her day off she wants to talk about boys you better believe I’m going to sit here and do it, and I suggest you do too!” You spoke. Aoi seemed to be humbled by this and placed her head down. 
“Oh, it’s ok Aoi I understand. You don’t have to be here if you don’t want to.” Mitsuri said, looking hurt. 
“No I want to be here, I apologize.” Aoi said grabbing some tea off the table. “Please continue.” 
“Well tell me what’s been going on with you girls?” Mitsuri said and sipped some of her tea. 
Everyone was silent. No one knew how to begin or what to talk about. Being in the demon slayer corps robbed the girls of having any real childhood or adolescents, it was daunting to think what normal girls would sit and talk about. 
“Umm... I really want to play with Master Tokito’s hair.” You started bravely hoping to get some conversation started and fulfill Misturi’s dream of having a normal girls night.  
Kanao’s face got even whiter, and she started to sweat. 
“Yes! Me too! He has such beautiful hair I would love to braid it like mine one day!” Mitsuri smiled.  
“Wow that would be so cute, do you think he would let us??” You asked. 
“Hmm I don't know, maybe if we asked nicely or tricked him into thinking it was a training exercise of some sort.” Mitsuri giggled. 
Aoi and Kanao exchanged bewildered glances at each other. 
“Oh come on what boys do you two want to talk about?” You asked, turning to look at them both.
Kanao started to sweat more. 
“Miss Kocho told me a secret about you two, but I won’t share if you don't want me too.” Mitsuri teased. 
“A secret???” What secret could she have said about me?” Aoi exclaimed.  
“Well, we are all girls here and this is a safe place, so I’ll tell everyone. She said you cried SUPER hard when Inosuke got really hurt. Do you like him?” Mitsuri asked.  
 “Ooooooooo!” You said teasing Aoi. 
"WHAT?! Of course I cried I thought he was going to die!” 
“And that would have made you very sad, huh?” You nudged Aoi.  
“Why wouldn't it???” She said defensively.
“Ugh..” You exclaimed giving up. Aoi clearly wasn’t ready to admit any feelings she had for the swordsman, or maybe she hadn’t realized it herself yet.  
“Hmm I have an idea. I think we need help from some more ladies.” Mitsuri said and brought out a pen and paper. She wrote quickly then gave the letter to her crow. “Don’t worry they are trained shinobis so they will be here shortly.” 
“You invited Uzui’s wives??” You exclaimed. 
“Yeah! I think they would enjoy this too! Plus they are experienced ladies so maybe we can get some advice.” 
Before you knew it there was a knock on the door. And the three girls entered. 
“I want to know all the secrets!! What is going on?!” Suma explained bursting through the door and sitting down eagerly.  
"Well, Aoi here likes Inosuke but doesn't want to admit it.” You winked and stuck your tongue out at her. 
“WHATTTTTT? NO THAT IS NOT E-” Aoi started to protest but was cut off.  
“Aweeeeee that’s sooo sweet!” Suma said clasping her hands in front of her. "What do you like about him?” 
“Umm uh I don’t ..” She started to stutter and get flustered. Then attempted to change the subject “What do you three like about Mr. Uzui??” 
“Yeah! What is it like sharing?? No judgment but tell us please.” You asked eagerly letting Aoi off the hook for now.  
“We don’t share! He loves us equally. He always makes sure to take care of each one of us.” Makio said. 
“Awe, how does he take care of you?” Mitsuri asked innocently 
“Well he spends time with all of us, brings us gifts and he-... How old are you girls again?” Makio asked, blushing and smiling, placing her hand on her neck. 
“OOOOO! Say no more.” You laughed. “Well what about you Mitsuri. You gathered us here. What boy do you want to talk about?”  
“Oh, I don’t know.” She said instantly turning bright red. 
“What about Iguro? From what you said in our previous letters it sounds like he comes over a lot.” 
“Oh no no!” She waved her hand. “He only comes over to help me brush and feed my cats.” 
“You think a boy like that is actually coming over because he is interested in your kitties?” Hinatsuru asked curiously, tilting her head to the side.  
“Oh he’s interested in another kind of kitty alright.” Suma laughed as Makio hit her. Mitsuri turned even brighter red. 
“What do you mean?” Mitsuri asked.
“Oh it's obvious he’s totally simping for you. He’d do anything you’d say! He even gave her these socks everyone.” You spoke while pulling on Mitsuri’s green socks.  
“You really think he likes me??" She asked. 
“I know so. Bring him over right now let's play with him.” You suggested. 
“Oh no I couldn't do that!” 
“Sure you could! He’s a Hashira he can get here fast.” You protested. 
“Is he fast?” Suma asked and laughed. 
“Cut that out, they aren’t ready for that yet!” Makio said, hitting Suma again. 
“I think that poor snake boy would pass out around this many girls.” Hinatsura laughed.  
"That sounds fun I want to see!” Suma said.  
“Oh, another time another time! I really wanted this to just be a girls day!” Mitsuri explained. 
“If you brought us here for advice though, all these demon slayer boys are extremely unnerved by you girls.” Makio said.
“What do you mean?” Aoi asked. 
“Well, most only know the demon slayer corps having joined so young. Girls elude them. So, if you want our advice just walk around knowing you have quite a lot power over them and could probably get most of them to do whatever you say.”  
“I don’t get it. What would we want them to do?” Aoi asked innocently. 
“Come and find me in a few years.” Hinatsuru laughed and blushed. “But if you like one of them just go for it ok. Give them a kiss or something and watch them pass out and get a nose bleed, it'll be funny. We never know how much time we have left in our business anyway.”  
“Wow thank you Hinatsuru!” Mitsuri said still blushing a bit.  
“Hm makes sense. Alight that’s settled I'll go give Tokito a surprise kiss tomorrow. If he slashes my head off, I'll come back and haunt you though.” You said to Hinatsuru laughing.   
“Ok your turn.” Suma said turning to Kanao who was so white and sweaty that it looked like she was on the brink of passing out. 
“You don't have to share if you don’t want to.” Mitsuri said. 
“Miss Kocho thought it would be good for you to speak your mind though. Think of it like a training exercise.” You encouraged her. 
“And this is a safe space we will keep your secrets. Are there any boys you like?” Mitsuri asked.  
Kanao did not speak a word but shook her head no profusely. 
“What a liar.” Aoi said and tilted her head away. 
“WOW! Betrayed by your own sister!” Makio laughed. 
“Tell us! Tell us!” You and Suma chanted. 
Kanao opened her mouth and with the tiniest amount of breath muttered “Tanjiro...” 
“OOOOOOO!” Everyone exclaimed, even Aoi, who had finally lightened up.  
“That is soooo cute you two would make such a cute couple!” Mitsuri said clapping her hands together. 
Kanao went back to her white face and not speaking another word. 
“Aoi you and Inosuke would be super cute too!” Mitsuri said.  
“Wait, Insouke! That’s the other boy that helped Lord Tengen! He is super valiant and has some great qualities... In the tummy area.” Suma said pointing around her stomach area and laughing. Aoi’s face turned red. 
"I suppose I haven’t noticed.” She said turning away. 
“What!” Kanao exclaimed, turning to Aoi.
Everyone froze at Kanao speaking up so loudly for the first time.
“You checked on him every single day multiple times when he was already healed, and I see you eye him while he trains!” 
“WOOOOOAHHAHAHA” The other girls laughed at the feuding sisters. 
“Ok fine!” Aoi gave in. “He is an above average looking swordsman... and I am fond of him. He makes me smile. HAPPY EVERYONE??”  
“Oh I’m so proud of you!!!! That was so brave admitting your feelings!! Thank you girls, this has already been the best girl's night I could have ever hoped for!” Mitsuri said cheerfully.
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genyakisser · 5 months ago
god i love gentankana
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therantfairysblog · 4 months ago
Headcanon 13: The Aftermath
✍️ notes : Angsty Tuesday :) just because.
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Just after Muzan burn away, Iguro immediately standing up, although he was in a verge of dying and blind, walking, with the help of Kaburamaru to find Kanroji immediately. He was desperately walking fast as he aware his own time was running out. Kanroji died minutes earlier than him, he kiss her forehead and Kaburamaru before collapsed.
In the period of 3 months since the end of the final battles, sanemi suffered from insomnia and severe ptsd. His injury aren't fully heal, and he couldn't take any heavy work anymore. As he aware he losing, again, person who really close to him, his brother that he swear to protect and his best friend, Iguro without saying a proper goodbye, he distancing himself from others for a while. He thought he just bringing bad luck to others. Ubayashiki siblings, tanjiro often visiting him and carefully look after him, with Ubayashiki Kiriya, like his father comforting him with his wise words.
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Kanao and Tanjiro getting a lot closer since then, with Tanjiro regular medical check up, sometimes Tanjiro bringing food he cook himself and having a good conversation under the Sakura tree.
Urara and Iguro's crows often hanging out together to visit Kaburamaru in the butterfly estate. Although both didn't have master anymore, Kanao and others often giving them food when they visit, sitting on the tree.
Tanjiro visiting Genya's grave frequently and everytime he visit, there's always new plate of ohagi offering and a fresh flowers there, indicating that Sanemi always visiting his bro. He meet sanemi there, and getting close over time with the two visiting Genya and others together frequently, and checking each other well being.
Tomioka were taken care of by urokodaki aside from the butterfly sisters when he was in coma after the final battle until he was slowly heal. The two keep in contact along with Tanjiro. In his final moments years after, Tomioka died, sleeping peacefully in the laps of his master, urokodaki.
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Ubayashiki kiriya outlive both of his sisters while the two were also dying of natural causes. He love to eat at mitsuri and obanai's reincarnation restaurant, and visit them once in a while.
It was Aoi that proposing Inosuke. He has no clue at first of the thought of marriage, but as Inosuke growing older, he tend to be mellow a bit and becoming a very protective head of family.
Although zenitsu exaggerated his contribution on the final battle. He didn't lie about about other's sacrifice. Zenitsu even put a nice tribute for the unnamed demon slayers who died as a shield and the slayers who saved his life and treat him in the battle.
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Iguro and Kanroji reincarnation married young at the age of 22 for Iguro and 20 for Kanroji. The age that they never reached in their previous life. Their height difference is still the same.
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ivn-x-ria · 6 months ago
Sharing my kny drawings cause I want to
you can tell who I ship
some itty bitty spoilers
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dreamyeuphoricll · 2 years ago
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Chibi Demon slayer ships ❤️❤️ what's your favorite ship?
(credit to @lovgiyuu )
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strarri · 6 months ago
“gone, but never forgotten”
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OUR boyfriend >:D
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priarity · 2 years ago
no you don’t get it i love straight ships just without the straightness
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katzemii · 10 months ago
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she's strong!!
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bberry005 · 2 months ago
demon slayer x epic the musical except it's just the challenge and suffering because that's all i wanted to sketch
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changed the bow to a nichirin sword because in this hypothetical scenario they still exist and to wield one efficiently you need breath styles so naturally a horde of random suitors wouldn't be able to do it which is what makes it a challenge
(i am obsessed with tanjiro as odysseus and kanao as penelope if you couldn't tell) (kanao as tanjiro remembers her in suffering vs how she really is in the challenge is making me insane and i'm literally the one who drew this)
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