#Tangey Turner
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holmesillustrations · 1 year ago
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Vote for your favourite, the top 9 will proceed in the bracket. Since theyre all different shapes and sizes, make sure to click into the full views!
Paget Eliminations
Other Artist Eliminations
Full captions and details for each illustration below the cut:
All Sidney Paget illustrations are for the Strand Jul 1891 - Dec 1904
"Then he stood before the fire." Scandal in Bohemia Characters: Watson, Holmes
“Lestrade shrugged his shoulders.” Boscombe Valley Characters: Lestrade, Alice Turner, Watson, Holmes
“She went straight to her uncle.” Beryl Coronet Characters: Mr Holder, Mary Holder, Watson
"He burst into convulsive sobbing." Blue Carbuncle Characters: Ryder, Holmes, Watson
"I got one in with my stick." Cardboard Box Characters: Alec Fairbairn, Jim Browner, Mary Browner
"Good heavens! What is the matter?" Reigate Squires Characters: Cunninghams, Watson, Col Hayter, Insp Forrester, Holmes
"Fast asleep in his box." Naval Treaty Characters: Percy Phelps, Commissionaire Tangey
"He scribbled the appointment on his shirt cuff." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Dr Mortimer, Holmes, Watson
"Really, sir, this is a very extraordinary question." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Watson, Laura Lyons
"My first movement, Watson," said he, "must be in the direction of Blackheath." Norwood Builder Characters: Holmes, Watson
"Holmes examined it in his minute way." Black Peter Characters: Hopkins, Holmes, Watson
"Holmes picked up the key and looked at it for an instant." Golden Pince-Nez Characters: Watson, Hopkins, Holmes, Prof. Coram
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fyeahfamousinlove · 7 years ago
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tangey turner in every episode 🎤 2x01 - the players
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keeloves · 6 years ago
My List for Femlash!
This isn’t necessarily going to be a top 10 list but I will make a list of who my femlash ships are feel free to add your own!
Iris x Marlize (Flash)
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Okay these two started out enemies and all but I think if Marlize had stayed around her and Iris would be great friends. Yes I am aware that Iris is committed to Barry but if Iris was a lesbian or bisexual I am totally down for an Iris & Marlize romance. I also love them because in a way they remind me of Lauryssa will make an appearance on this list of course!
Tangey & Paige (Famous in Love)
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Yes this is a picture of just the actresses but their characters have no scenes together so this will have to do! Anyways I ship Paige & Tangey because I feel they have a lot in common a side from being absolutely gorgeous! Both have toxic relationships with people, for example, Tangey’s consist of her emotionally abusive mother Ida and her abusive boyfriend at the time Pablo Money. Paige’s toxic relationship is with Jake Salt! They deserve better. Plus they were my two favorite characters on the show and I wanted to see them interact more! Maybe one day they will be in something together again where their characters interact.
Red Beauty (OUAT)
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It probably won’t come as a shock to some people but I honestly wish this could have been OUAT’s Beauty and the Beast couple. First off Belle and Red are great friends, to start with, there is no kidnapping or weird stolkholm syndrome BS so that is a plus. This would also be a much healthier take than Rumbelle and it would still have the Beauty and the Beast Element because Ruby/Red is a werewolf and Belle is Belle but with a queer twist. Ugh the queer baiting is horrible
Sleeping Warrior
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Ugh I get so mad everytime I think about what Mulan and Auora could have been. Out of all the OUAT queer couples this couple had the best chemistry and they weren’t even canon. This almost relationship felt natural, organic and it would have been good rep for an interracial couple! This should have been a couple and I am sad it was not! I think O have ranted enough times about this. I will forever ship this couple! Oh and Adam and Eddy never let Mulan say she is bisexual or that she had feelings for a woman! Their show is full of queer baiting and it’s awful! Anyways Sleeping Warrior forever!!!!
Paige & Cassie (Famous in Love)
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These two would be so cute together. A side from Cassie being mad at Paige for getting a part in a movie she wanted despite begging Paige to go. They are supportive of each other, I love the way cuddle and they act more couplely like than Paige and Jake! All though on the other hand girls are just more open with their emotions, they are more touchy feely ans just love each other!
Anne & Diana (Anne of Green Gables/Anne)
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Okay yes I know they are two different versions of the same couple but man I adore them! I mean the way Diana tells Anne. “I could never love anyone as much as I love you” the seceret bosom friend scene they sounded more like wedding vows than they did friendship. Anne hates Dianna’s imaginary husband! The way Anne and Diane trust each other is the most beautiful thing ever! When Minnie Mae (Diana’s little sister) got sick Anne is the first person Diana seeks out. Anne and Diana are the epitome of friendship goals. In the Netflix series I thought Diana was going to get the lgbtq story line but sadly that is not the case.
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Their fandom is annoying but Lena and Kara have amazing chemistry together. First off this unlikely pair since Lena is related to to Lex Luther and Kara is related to Clark Kent so there is some strife between the two men. Kara is the only one to believe in Lena when she was being accused of a crime Lena didn’t commit. Then Lena thanked her by flooding her office with flowers. I mean if Lena had been a guy and done that then it would be seen as romantic. The way they smile at each other and all that and the way they cuddle sometimes it’s amazing. They eat lunch and have fun conversations. So yeah I adore this couple very much so! (Yes I know non canon)
Lauryssa (Arrow)
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Out of all the people Laurel that has had amazing chemistry with Nyssa is by far the best! Besides if Sara (Laurel’s sister) can hook up with Oliver than I think it is fair that Laurel and Nyssa hook up. (Sara and Nyssa dated for a while). These two started off enemies, found something to bond over despite it being Sara who was dead at the time. Nyssa trained Laurel in fighting and Laurel helped Nyssa be a regular person. I mean this them walking and finding a place to eat after just beating up a criminal. Does that not sound like what a superhero couple would do? Go out kick some ass, then come home eat snuggle and then do it all over again? Ugh 😑 I feel so queer baited by this ship!
West Park ( The Flash)
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I know Linda is married to Wally in the comics and of course Iris is committed to Barry but I only ship the show version of them. Here is what I picture them doing as a couple, they would be coworkers since both work in the News industry, Iris is a a investigative journalist and Linda is a sports journalist. They both would be doing superhero work! Linda would be Dr. Light, they would work with Team Flash. Then on their off time from doing hero work they would be doing CrossFit training, practicing gun safety and some new fighting techniques. This could have been explored besides them being a couple. This is the type of female friendship I wanted. They would of course eat as healthy as possible and then on a relaxation night they would cuddle. Iris’s would in Linda’s lap and Linda would play with Iris’ hair or vice versa!
Anyways those are my non canon femlash couples! Who are you femlash couples.
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famousinloveseries · 7 years ago
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That is one really good looking group hug. 
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girlpower8900 · 7 years ago
Famous in love
My thoughts:
Yes Jake screwed up, and as the bartender said - anyone who is too busy for someone who went pretty far just for him isn't worth it. And I get he was there for big things and she also was disappointed and insecure, but she crossed the line. Jake had a Moment with Billy but nothing happened. Paige runs into an ex, spends the night flirting, and takes him back to her giant home for what I assume is gonna be sex. Was Jake a lousy boyfriend? Yes. Does that mean she should have cheated on him? Nope. This relationship is a mess
Also kudos to Tangey for shutting down the hate. Even though she's not on good terms with Alexis does not mean she'd throw her under the bus. Showing love by putting others down is horrible, and something that should never be done.
Poor Rainer. Everything's happening and Harper is too busy scheming to be a good girlfriend (what even is her motive with stealing the script from both Nina AND her new bf? I get why she'd want to create distance between Nina and Rainer but why give it to a different company rather than just to the other guy...somethings not adding up). It's no wonder he relapsed...
Also the power going out at the bar - her stalker was there. Might be the bartender, might be creepy dude from the parking lot. Who knows....
And oof on Nina losing her boyfriend over business. Also feel bad for Jordan and all he's going through but at least Tangey is there for him.
P.S. curly haired gossipy Tangey fanboy is annoying as heck
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blondie1128 · 7 years ago
Also I need Tangey to get outta that “relationship” fast! He’s already controlling her and isolating (or trying) her from her friends...I just wanna shake her and say “stop ignoring the signs girl”.
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lyricalafrodsiac · 7 years ago
I cannot be the only one
Angry about how bad tangey on famous in love make up is. They got her out here yellow as hell in the face.
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inspiredoutfits529 · 7 years ago
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fyeahfamousinlove · 7 years ago
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tangey turner in every episode 🎤 1x10 - leaving los angeles 
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paiigetownsen · 7 years ago
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tangeys all like naaaah I'm gonna call the cops real quick until Jordan waltz in like, she's telling the truth babe.
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famousinloveseries · 7 years ago
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No victims here. Tangey’s done playing games. #FamousInLove
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supagirl · 8 years ago
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chases-gerty · 8 years ago
I just finished famous in love!
It was like watching fan fiction come to life. Gotta say I really enjoyed it!!! I recommend giving it a go.
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alexis-glenn · 8 years ago
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Pepi Sonuga and Georgie Flores at DisneyLand 5.9.17
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leandracnaee · 8 years ago
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A ship
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itsdespicablebre · 8 years ago
If Famous In Love gets a second season and I’m able to bing watch it, I’m not. The fact that I can’t skip the awkward parts and that I know what happens is giving me too much anxiety!
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