#Takumi FE
monoteal · 3 months
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Takumi, Fire emblem Fates Conquest route
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gzeidraws · 8 months
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Commission for Fly featuring their school AU designs for Takumi, Leo, and Subaki!
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robynmizore · 6 months
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Hello everyone! I am pleased to announce that Redemption has officially expanded to AO3! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a former quotev author for my Fire Emblem Heroes fanfic Redemption. Unfortunately an ex friend of mine who was harassing me got my account disabled, and we don’t know if we’re going to be able to recover it. I made that account back in 2015, so nearly a decade’s worth of progress sadly down the drain over an argument they decided to start. So I figured.. why not try to rebuild the fan base and expand to AO3? If you’re a fan of Fire Emblem (especially Takumi ;3 ) feel free to give it a read! Thank you so much to everyone who has reached out to offer support and help. I’m not going to let this person ruin a story that has touched this many people’s hearts (heck even Takumi’s VA supports my content which is HUGE!) I’ve even had people tell me it helps with their mental health. Writing this story has helped a lot with mine too. So if you have a spare moment.. feel free to give it a read and share with your friends!
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thot-farm · 1 month
Intsys really keeps edging us for duo Leokumi so here is some edits of the meet the hero arts with Leo's correct flipping eye color. They gave him like a mili-shade darker than Takumi's eyes.
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lorilarry · 2 years
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big taco
Support my art: Patreon | Commissions
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novastarfox · 1 month
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Corrin chose Hoshido only for the one thing Nohr didn't allow: Family Game Night™
She be playing le games with Takumi
Picrew cred: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1561026
Edit: This is NOT ship art. They're related, dude.
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oriorchids · 3 months
i'm playing fire emblem fates for the first time (birthright route)
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every character is so silly i love them all (which is why i am playing on casual hard mode)
i am so terrified i'll have to off my nohr siblings
putting more thoughts under a read more
so far i love all my hoshidan siblings! i think i have a slight takumi and sakura bias because i have a soft spot for healers and because takumi is very bullyable.
like. sir. you have like 9 RES
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he made fun of leo for reading books too like i didn't read his supports and learn that takumi was also a total fucking nerd
anyways having a dancer-equivalent from the very beginning is very helpful. azura thank you for existing you make my strategies very fun to complete. and by strategies i mean sending in my strongest unit and watching them wreak havoc, usually corrin or ryoma since takumi can't one-range people.
(i remember playing through awakening. chrobin swept. in three houses i just had lysithea sweep everything with dark magic)
i put off playing fates for a while because i wanted to play it with the unofficial gay fates mod and i wasn't confident with adding mods to my 3ds games yet. safe to say i feel comfortable now!
my current matchmaking pairings are:
corrin + rinkah (i decided on this one in the very beginning i thought it'd be cute)
sakura + hana (princess and retainer!!)
takumi and hinata (prince and retainer!!!)
ryoma and saizo (PRINCE. AND. RETAINER!)
orochi and kagerou (duh)
jakob and silas (i thought it was funny)
felicia and azura (i thought their supports were cute)
kaden and azama (i looked up the UGF support list for this one)
i am dreading my conquest run i don't want to fight the hoshidans. then again i also don't want to fight the nohrians. i do want to get to know my nohr siblings more.
uh. can't wait for revelation!
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hybrix-hijinx · 7 months
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Day 6 - Nostalgia
I think this counts. An alternative title for this entry could probably be "Leo and Takumi are two very different types of older brothers".
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onyxedskies · 5 months
the thing is takumi and felix are the exact same brand of loser in a way that is just undeniably enticing
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eway · 3 months
Smash Bros. Corrin's Supports
Vs. Female Corrin
Male Corrin Version
Corrin: Hold on a moment! Is that…me!? But a girl!?
Ryoma: Yes, that is you from a universe where you were born female.
Corrin: So other than that, we're the same?
Ryoma: No. For she chose a different path. She sided with Nohr.
Corrin: ... I see.
Hinoka: I wonder…brother, what side would you choose, knowing the consequences of choosing to side with us?
Corrin: I would still side with Hoshido. Nohr committed too many atrocities for me to side with them, and knowing what she did, well, even though I know what would happen to my Nohr siblings, I would still choose Hoshido, as I cannot in good conscience side with Nohr. I cannot bring myself to harm the land I was born to protect.
Takumi: Well said.
Corrin: There is also another reason.
Sakura: Huh? W-what is it?
Corrin: Well, had I sided with Nohr, I never would have gotten to know you all. My real family.
Takumi: R-really!?
Corrin: You are all important to me. Losing any of you would be devastating.
Sakura: Aw…thank you, big brother.
Corrin: I'm a prince of Hoshido. I have a duty to my land, my people, and my family. Such is my birthright. I would never turn traitor, especially knowing the consequences. I would never harm the land of my birth. I would never stoop as low as her.
Takumi: Show this Nohrian Scum the power of a Hoshidan Prince!
Corrin: Though I would never do what she's done, I am thankful for her existence. Because, at least in one universe, Xander, Camilla, Leo, and Elise all live, and are happy… but a family's happiness is not worth what was supposed to be your home
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for the flower prompts! Could we get orange rose with Takumi pleaseee
Orange Rose - experiencing constant as well as distracting thoughts of the other person
Takumi is sincerely glad no one is around today to watch him practice his archery. Not a single arrow has reached its target. Some have almost completed avoided it all together. The reason for these disastrous shots is why he's glad no one else is around.
If Ryoma or Hinoka saw him miss so much they'd ask what was bothering him, and the thought of having to explain that he can't think properly is embarrassing. He tries to steady his breathing, emptying his mind upon pulling back the drawstring.
"There's no greater comfort then knowing I have someone as skilled as you looking out for me." His breath hitches, your voice echoing loud in his mind. Your warm smile as the words casually fall out of your mouth causes the loud thrum of his own heartbeat to surprise him.
He releases the arrow, it fails to reach the center of the target. He grumbles to himself. 'Get ahold of yourself.' It's not going to work. The several missed shots from the same mental image evidence enough. He sighs. Deciding ultimately to give up on practice for the moment. 'Who even says things like that?' It's a silly thought. He already know who does. You obviously.
You stood by and quietly watched him. He was glad you hadn't made your presence known until after he ran out of arrows to shoot. At times your mere presence makes him miss. "Practicing again?" You asked, moving closer towards him.
"I need to keep my skills sharp."
"I'd say they are already rather sharp given all those bullseyes."
"It's not enough. A target that doesn't move isn't the same as one that does." He paused. "How could anyone rely on an archer that can't shoot a moving enemy?" How could I protect you if I can't do that? Is a question his mind thought of but his mouth left unsaid.
"I think you're quite reliable." He had said nothing, simply staring with doubt. "There's no greater comfort then knowing I have someone as skilled as you looking out for me." He had been stunned by your words, spluttering out something that barely resembled a response.
"I- uh. Well. Hm. I'm glad you feel that way." He was glad.
So glad that days later he's still plagued by the memory of your words. His heart thrumming and mind racing just as fast as they had when you first said it. Still wondering if you even knew what your words had done to him.
Still waiting for the off chance that you'll comeback and watch him, and say something similar to him again.
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illust-sou · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Takumi!! (Fire Emblem Fates/Heroes)
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virtuafairy · 9 months
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2015 fire emblem fates takumi prince of the brilliant winds wild card second prince of Hoshido BIRTHDAY TODAY⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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robynmizore · 1 month
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What is he screaming about?! (Sorry Takumi I still love you dw)
If you want to read a good fire emblem fan fic, feel free to check out my pinned post ;3
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thot-farm · 5 months
Random birthright royal headcanons in honor of Ryoma's birthday that I totally didn't forget about 6 days ago, and happy Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
Positive Ryoma focused post from thot-farm? It truly is a spring miracle! /s
Tw- talks about parental loss and grieving
Ryoma- Hates his birthday because it reminds him of Sumeragi and Ikona. He struggles with trying to celebrate, he feels like he can only mourn, and the war only made it harder for him to get through. Getting up on the morning of his birthday is the roughest for him, Sumeragi and Ikona used to wake him up and give him lots of love, that's one of the things he misses the most.
- He is the type of guy who would stand outside and scare off his friend's crazy ex.
- He would mostly listen to rap, then have a random day where he listens to three days grace type bands/artists.
- He is the sentimental type that will keep anything someone has got for him, write the date on the bottom or tag and why he was given it. He never wants to experience feeling like he has nothing to remember someone by and to keep his memories fresh. He feels that way with Ikona being the only sibling that truly remembers her.
- whenever he eats something Ikona or Sumeragi used to love, or Ikona used to make, he can't help but retreat into his own head and think about his memories with them and try to remember every little detail of them so it never fades. He tries to avoid having those meals/baked goods when in front of his siblings so he can be present with them and not have them worry.
- He was never rude to Mikoto and he acknowledged that she was a good queen for Hoshido when his father married her, but for a long time, he resented Mikoto. After Ikona's death and Sumeragi remarrying, Ryoma wished Mikoto was Ikona. When he was younger he couldn't understand why his father would bring a strange woman and her even stranger child into the castle. Ryoma couldn't find a single quality in Mikoto that she shared with Ikona. All he wanted was his mother back, and for a long time, Mikoto was just another reminder that she was gone.
- anytime that Mikoto would do anything Ikona would do for his birthday, he would gently shut it down, even if it was his father's suggestion. He wanted Mikoto to stay far away from the memories he has of Ikona, even long after he stopped resenting Mikoto he would excuse himself if Mikoto triggered a memory of Ikona.
- the day word got to him that Sumeragi had died, he had to mourn both his parents all over again because he lost the only person who knew Ikona that deeply. Nothing helped him for a while, he would throw himself knee-deep into training till he would tire himself and then he would bathe and sleep and he repeated that without dealing with anything until he got old enough to realize he couldn't keep running away from his sadness or it would eat him alive.
- the day Mikoto died, he didn't feel the loss of a mother as much as he felt the loss of a queen. He did love Mikoto, but her loss never surmounted the feeling when he lost Ikona and Sumeragi, and the feelings of grief he felt for Mikoto were pushed aside so he could focus on his kingdom, but after a while into the war, he noticed he grew to accept her loss without as much emotional strain as losing Sumeragi and Ikona took on him.
- Mikoto had one perfume that was similar to Ikona, and any time he smelt it he would almost feel sick. He would train and stay in his room most of the day to avoid the scent until Mikoto eventually caught on and stopped wearing that perfume.
Hinoka- Azama showed her essential oils and she has been lowkey obsessed. She won't wear perfume but she will wear an orange and clove essential oil.
- the type to talk a lot of shit before going into a haunted house then be the one screaming and trying to run out.
- she spent a month thinking about what to get Ryoma for his birthday and couldn't decide on anything, she ultimately opted to just surprise hug him when he least expected it because she had absolutely nothing.
- she feels like she can never talk to Ryoma about Ikona because they have such different perspectives on their mother. If she does talk about her, she tries to only bring up the positive.
Takumi- has to remind himself not to eat like a wild animal.
- He will chase around his friend's crazy ex with a sword.
- He has a immature humor that he tries very hard to hide.
-Every year he'd get Ryoma a book to read for his birthday, usually something light and joyful.
- he can't remember much about Ikona, but he distinctly remembers her perfumes. Sometimes after he visits the shrine he will go find the box of her old things and smell her perfumes, but he never sprays them so he never runs out.
Sakura- Hinoka taught her hand-to-hand combat. Sakura has used her skill to take down Takumi and put him in a hold when he is being to reckless so they can regroup.
- She found an old recipe in the castle while looking through old boxes, she assumed it was from an old servant, she made it for Ryoma's birthday and left it for him in the morning. She peeked into his room later in the day and saw him looking down at the baked good with a gloomy expression, she snuck away thinking he didn't like them and she was really bummed. She didn't know that it used to be something Ikona would make for Sumeragi on his birthday for them all to share.
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risenmeowmeow · 2 years
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I did one of those expression meme templates for Takumi a little while back, it was a lot of fun drawing this dork!
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