Graduate & other things.
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Biology Graduate (Masters), M*A*S*H lover, Amateur photographer, Bookworm, Music lover, Geek and other things.
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mashcamper007 · 4 years ago
i’ve talked about it before but this scene from 3x05 “OR” is one of my faves; we love a moment of self-recognition through the other via the intimate gesture of a kiss
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mashcamper007 · 4 years ago
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mashcamper007 · 4 years ago
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mashcamper007 · 4 years ago
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mashcamper007 · 4 years ago
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November Criminals, 2017
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mashcamper007 · 4 years ago
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5.03 & 5.13: the prettiest pair in camp.
“I bet we’re drawing stares from all the other couples.” “I look fabulous, but you look a trifle frumpy in your fatigues.”
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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Because if there's an option always match your mask to your tights 😂 Ps absolutely love @snagtights totally don't now have a rainbow 😬 🌈 #wearamask #mask #clothmask #homemademask #imadethat #dontbeadickwearamask #wearamaskwhenyoucan #protectyourselfandothers #covid #covid19 #tights #snagtights #yellowsnagtights #snag (at Poplar 2000 Lymm Services)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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Planes planes and more planes. A socially distanced visit to @rafmuseum yesterday with the family. Went to meet up and have a walk around, and celebrate @broggles21 birthday and have a picnic afterwards with cake 🍰. Always lovely to visit the museum it's great for the whole family and of all abilities. #plane #raf #rafplanes #planes #germanplanes #luftwaffe #luftwaffeplanes #ww2planes #plane #oldplanes #socialdistancing #museum #rafmuseum #rafmuseumcosford #rafcosford #hanger (at The Royal Air Force Museum, Cosford)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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Amazing night 🎶🎶 @beartoothband were amazing 💛💛💛💛💛 My head and heart would go again in no time. My body not so much. But I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Even though I wasn't in the mosh pit and stood on the balcony my body hates me for it, the pain started in my hips, back and pelvis probably for standing in one place and bouncing up and down. It's just one of those things I deal/cope with like the fatigue and pain in my hips and back afterwards 💛💛💛💛💛 #endo #endowarrior #endometriosis #beartooth #gig #livemusic #amazinglive #amazingband #chronicillness #chronicpain #spoonie #rockcity #nottingham #nottinghamrockcity (at ROCK CITY)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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Because #mirrorselfies are a thing 😂 #nottingham #gignight #gigs #sisters #sistersnottwins #mirrorselfies #mirrorselfie #mirror (at Nottingham, United Kingdom)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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When people around you say they didn't realize it's a fancy dress day 😂🤣 No it's not I just dress like this, kinda mime and French onion seller look crossed with the 40/50s #fancydress #fancydresscostume #notafancydress #notacostume #ikea #ikeamirrorselfie #ikeamirror #mirrorselfie #stripeytop #romper #jumpsuit #beret #vintage #vintageinspired #comments #people #mime #frenchonionseller #40s #50s #vintagerolls #hairrolls #vintageinspiredhair # (at Europe)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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So I may be deemed as plus sized, but I've grown to be come positive about my body and what it does for me. Even though it's pretty crappy sometimes because of my Endometriosis. Be positive about your body it's pretty great and they come in all shapes, sizes and colours. #endowarrior #endo #endometriosis #plussize #bodypositivity #bodiescomeinallshapesandsizes #mirrorselfie #mirrorselfies #plussizefashion #drmarten #drmartens #levisjacket #bodyhappy #dontcarewhatpeoplethink #curve #curvy #confidence (at Worcester, Worcestershire)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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Welsh beaches and @drmartensofficial make for perfect days #welsh #welshbeaches #worndifferent #wornmyway #drmarten #drmartenskindaday #drmartens #perfect #perfectdays #iwmnorth #iwm #iwmbag #rockybeaches #beach (at Beaumaris)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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Throwback to five years ago 🙂🙃 When @jessiebiomed and @djpilapitiya and I went to London ❤️❤️ #throwback #london #fiveyearsago #fiveyears #friends #friendship #threeamigos #greenwich #londongreenwich #greenwichobservatory #londonpark #greenwichpark (at Greenwich Observatory)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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So this is my top nine for the year ❤️❤️ I really don't care that they haven't got thousands of likes and that I haven't got more followers. I'm glad that I don't have fame or stardom from insta because no one should get that. Social media is toxic it lots of people bragging about how perfect their lives are when they're not. It's lots of people saying how great their lives are when they really aren't. It's lots of people bragging about places they've been once or went years ago stay relevant It's people attempting to be travel instas when they can't afford to travel and post the same pictures across several accounts to stay relevant It's people selling their souls for fame and stardom It's people not being true to themselves and others around them It's people trying to stay relevant in a ever growing fake world It's lots of people selling out It's lots of people selling a toxic lifestyle It's lots of people bragging about their toxic lifestyles #top9of2019 #top9 #2019 #2019bye #byebye #peoplesellingoutthemselvesforacheck #followers #peoplesellingout #sellout #toxic #toxicpeople #toxicrelationships #fake #fakepeople #fakefriends #lifestyle #fakelifestyle #stayrelevant #relevent #bragging #toxicbragging #likes #likesandfollows #stardom #fame #sellingsouls #selling #sellingyoursoul (at Europe)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
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Happy Christmas to all. I also totally improved my sister's tree with in new topper the giraffe in a scarf 😂😂 Thinking of all those working today. Doctors, nurses, emergency services and the armed forces and more. Merry Christmas to those OOD and those that are not in @royalairforceuk @royalnavy @royalmarines @britisharmy @royalbritishlegion #christmas #merrychristmas #giraffe #giraffeatthetop #haandmadescarf #christmastree #treetopper #armedforces #emergencyservices #doctorsandnurses #thinking #wishinghappychristmas (at Europe)
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mashcamper007 · 5 years ago
I think Scotland may have stole my heart even with the rain 😍❤️ Had a brilliant first day here definitely have to come back #scotland #heart #stolemyheart #love #scotlandstolemyheart #firsttime #visiting #travel #travelinsta #flag #scottishflag #edinburgh #edinburghcastle (at Edinburgh Castle)
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