#Takiyah Thompson
nappynewz · 5 years
Video Shows Police Telling Black Woman It’s A ‘Crime’ To Play Malcolm X Speeches
Video Shows Police Telling Black Woman It’s A ‘Crime’ To Play Malcolm X Speeches
A neighbor said he didn’t want his family to hear “Islamic-Jihadist type messages.”
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It has been more than 50 years since Malcolm Xtraveled around the globe to bring awareness to human rights violations being made against Black people in America. A quick glance at the world’s affairs suggests that not much has changed in society since then. Just days shy of the iconic activist’s 94th birthday on…
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dr-archeville · 6 years
Aware of the criticisms that have surfaced around the national Women's March, hundreds of participants in Raleigh crowded in the state’s legislative courtyard Saturday preaching a message of intersectional feminism and equality for minorities, immigrants, and the LGTBQ community.
But words can only go so far.
Activist Takiyah Thompson — a black woman who was arrested in 2017 after helping to topple a Confederate monument in downtown Durham — was singled out by police while marching with a sign held up by a stick.  Most everyone in the crowd around her also had one, but police pulled Thompson to the side and began interrogating her, she said.  Some, but not all, of the participants were asked to remove the sticks and other supports from their signs before entering the courtyard.
Encircled by police officers, Thompson began to chant “Freedom! Freedom! All these racist cops, we don’t need ’em.”  The white women around her kept walking.
“You could hear a rat piss on a cotton ball when I started that chant because everyone is afraid to affirm the rights of black women, of black people,” Thompson told the crowd.
Thompson was not arrested and was pulled on stage as the event’s first speaker.
Nationally, the Women’s March came under fire in December after some of its organizers were accused of anti-semitism and homophobia.  Raleigh organizers took those criticisms to heart in crafting a message focused on social justice and racial equality.  Wake County Commissioner Jessica Holmes referenced Martin Luther King Jr. in her speech, emphasizing that the movement cannot succeed unless all boats are lifted by the tide.
"We have not reached the mountaintop when we have glass ceilings that are yet to be broken,” she told a roaring crowd.  “There is but one way to reach the top of that mountain, and that is together.  We are only as strong as our weakest link.  We are only as strong as the sister some of us left behind today.  We can’t do that and make it to the top of the mountain.”
Wearing pink pussy hats and holding handmade signs demonizing President Trump and praising Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the diverse — but majority white — crowd listened to speakers from the Southern Coalition for Justice and the League of Women Voters for Wake County.
Madison Kimrey, a high school student, called on the crowd to support the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, which the Republican-controlled General Assembly has declined to do.
She had a message for those politicians.
“Your time is short.  Our time is long, and we fight from higher ground,” Kimrey said.
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antifainternational · 7 years
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no-chill-at-all · 7 years
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Please boost and support her via this link: http://durhamsolidaritycenter.org/bondfund/
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John Parker for U.S. Senate: Vote for Revolutionary Change
By Lyn Neeley
John Parker, longtime socialist and member of Workers World Party, announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate during a May 4 press conference in Los Angeles. Parker, who is running on the Peace and Freedom ticket, is an anti-imperialist, anti-war activist. He wants to end capitalism and calls for a referendum to convert vital industry from private to public ownership.
Also speaking at the conference were Takiyah Thompson and Kil Sang Yoon of the American National Coordinating Council, who called on people to vote for Parker. Thompson is a freedom fighter and student at North Carolina Central University who climbed a Confederate statue in Durham, N.C., in 2017. She began the act of taking it down two days after white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., attacked anti-racist activists.
Thompson said, “The Parker campaign pushes questions that are relevant to the people. Diane Feinstein, a Democrat running against Parker, talks about gun violence. But as a Black woman, I’m more afraid of being gunned down by the police than by a mass shooter.”
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berniesrevolution · 7 years
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Showing how to be good comrades, hundreds of anti-racist protestors turn themselves in en mass to flood the system in solidarity with Takiyah Thompson who was arrested for assisting in the toppling of this confederate statue:
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frontpagewoman · 7 years
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peach-slush · 7 years
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BREAKING NEWS Takiyah Thompson, 22, has been taken into custody for the removal of the Durham Statue
Call the Durham County Commissioners and Sheriff’s office and demand Takiyah’s release and that NO ONE face any legal consequences and demand an END TO RAIDING the homes of Durham organizers!
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inali · 7 years
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A friend sent this to me. I live in Durham, the city that Takiyah Thompson was arrested in for toppling the confederate statue. This line of people were waiting to turn themselves in for toppling the statue as an act of solidarity towards Takiyah. Apparently the line wrapped around 2 city blocks.
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candy--heart · 7 years
Takiyah Thompson and Catherine Pugh are national treasures.
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femestella · 7 years
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“Deleting my Twitter soon, but before I dip, when are we gonna pull up? And what we got to do to get my new hero Takiyah Thompson free?”
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jadelightning · 7 years
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The Nazi, White Supremacist hatred and violence we saw in #Charlottesville this past weekend is not new. Racism, Capitalism, and Straight/White/Male Privilege woven together are the backbone of this country, and are at the root of the systemic violence inflicted on African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and Native American communities since Columbus arrived. There is no pride in that; Confederate statues can never represent anything but this. To all the White Supremacists who feel threatened and fearful that their history is being erased–your sense of pride and love requires the death and erasure of anyone who doesn’t look like you. You fail to see the humanity of the groups you generalize and hate so deeply. You operate on fear and greed; we operate on love and understanding. You and your leader 45 spread your White Nationalist/Racist/AltRight mission with fear as your fuel. We are not afraid. We see you.
Borrowing words from the art activist Tatyana Fazlalizadeh,
“America is Black
It is native
It wears a hijab
It is a spanish speaking tongue
It is migrant
It is queer
It is a woman
It is here
Has been here
And it’s not going anywhere.”
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thejournalista · 7 years
Activists in Durham, N.C. Unite, Turn Themselves In Over Statue Toppling
Activists in Durham, N.C. Unite, Turn Themselves In Over Statue Toppling
Photo Credit: Katrina Parker On Monday evening during an anti-white supremacy rally, demonstrators in Durham, N.C., toppled a Confederate statue that had been standing in front of the old courthouse in the city’s downtown area. On Tuesday morning, Takiyah Thompson, the black woman who tied the noose around the statue’s neck so it could be pulled down was one of the first to be arrested for her…
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Please boost and support her via this link: http://durhamsolidaritycenter.org/bondfund/
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Struggle Against White Supremacy Claims Victory: CHARGES DROPPED in #DefendDurham case!
On February 20, Durham District Attorney Roger Echols announced that all charges had been dropped against the eight anti-racist freedom fighters stemming from the righteous people’s toppling of the Confederate monument in Durham, N.C., on Aug. 14. This includes not only the five who were to return to court on April 2 – Takiyah Thompson, Elena Everett, Jess Jude, Q Wideman, and Joe Karlik –  but additionally overturns Loan Tran’s earlier plea. On February 19, Raul Jimenez was found not guilty on all charges, and the cases against Dante Strobino and Peter Gilbert were dismissed.
This victory is the result of one thing and one thing alone: the conviction and determination of a mighty movement against white supremacy and the racist system that it upholds
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