#Take him to the fresh kill pile funny cat girl
dovewingkinnie · 4 months
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some random ocs i made, cat girl in suit subjects the funny rabbit to torture because she can Also she has googly eyes cause funny
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eunchancorner · 8 months
Ah yes, some fluff ft the biggest MuddyMist shippers in the Clan
“Sandycrow? Can I come in and see Papa?” Lilykit looked up at the medicine cat, her eyes hopeful. Muddyspots had been confined to the medicine den after getting himself sick after eating bad prey, thanks to his own focus on an ongoing investigation about the ‘dark forces’ that were apparently threatening the Clan. It wasn’t too serious; he just had to let his own stomach work out the stale prey and he’d be fine. Besides, it wasn’t like he was contagious, and dammit, how could Sandycrow say no to Lilykit? She wasn’t the only one weak to those bright eyes, after all.
“Sure, come on, I’ll take you to him.” She led the kit into the warm den, over to the nest Muddyspots laid in, having a quiet conversation with Mistscar.
“Papa!” the kit chirped as she ran up to her father, who greeted her with a purr. “Hey, Lilykit, what brings you here?” the deputy said, nuzzling his daughter.
“I wanted to come make sure you’re ok! You’ve been in here for ages!”
“I’ve only been in here since last night,” he corrected her, “and I’ll be fine. It’s just a stomachache. Once it’s all out of my system, I’ll be back out there with the rest of you.”
“Good!” Lilykit said, before looking up at Mistscar. “Why are you in here, Mistscar?”
“Well, someone’s gotta keep your papa company,” he pointed out, which earned an amused huff from Sandycrow.
“Am I not company enough?” she asked.
“Oh, n-no, I never said you weren’t, but, well, I-I just thought he’d, uhm… Listen, I just wanted to spend time with him…” the black tom admitted.
Lilykit purred, “You’re funny, Uncle Mistscar!”
“Uncle Mistscar? Where’d that come from?” Muddyspots asked.
“Because he’s your bestest friend! Papa and Uncle Mistscar! Investigating all the spooky things happening! Papa, are we named SpookyClan because a lot of spooky things happen in the forest?”
“Hm… Y’know, I never thought about like that, but you may be onto something.”
“She really is your kit, isn’t she, Muddyspots?” Sandycrow purred.
“Can’t say I’m surprised when she’s this good at figuring stuff out this early,” Mistscar pointed out.
“Yep, that’s my girl. She’s gonna grow up a real smart warrior, she may even end up as leader someday,” Muddyspots gave Lilykit’s forehead an affectionate lick.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be just like you, Papa! Because you’re deputy, which means some day you’re gonna be leader! And I’m gonna be leader, too, because I’m gonna be the best warrior ever! I’m gonna catch lots of prey and scare away all the big, nasty foxes that wanna hurt us!” Lilykit trilled.
“Don’t forget about badgers, snakes, dogs, owls, eagles, herons, and rogues,” Sandycrow reminded her. The kit’s eyes widened, her tail lowering as she reconsidered.
“Don’t worry, you’ll have a whole Clan by your side to help you, because the first law in the warrior code is loyalty to your clanmates,” Muddyspots reassured her. “And by the looks of it, you’re gonna have some real good ones.”
“Yeah!” she chirped, “Like Pumpkinkit, and Skullkit, and Rosekit! And maybe even Russetpaw, Riverpaw, Dandelionpaw and Spottedpaw! And, well, hopefully everyone else!”
Muddyspots purred softly. “Hopefully.”
“Alright, come on, Lilykit, you need to get something to eat,” Sandycrow stepped over to the kit, who shook her head stubbornly.
“No I don’t, I-I ate before I came in!” she lied shortly before he belly growled a little too loudly to cover up. “... okay, maybe I didn’t…”
“Go on, Lilykit, you have to eat enough if you want to become a big, strong warrior like the rest of us,” Muddyspots gently urged her.
“Awww… okay. Bye Papa, bye Mistscar,” she called to the two before following Sandycrow to the fresh-kill pile.
“Sandycrow?” the kit looked up at the medicine cat as she pulled a thrush out of the pile.
“Do you think Papa and Mistscar might be in love?”
Sandycrow’s eyes widened at the kit. Frankly, she didn’t disagree, but how did Lilykit get that idea?
“What makes you say that?” she asked, crouching down to the kit’s level.
“Well, I heard Lavenderclaw talking about how, sometimes, after a cat has stopped being super sad about their mate dying, they’ll find a new one. And how sometimes, two toms or two she-cats will love each other like how Velvetfur and Sticksnap do. And, well, it’s been three moons since Mama died, and Mistscar and Papa are super close! And I know they care a lot about each other! Plus, sometimes, I see Papa and Mistscar…” she looked around like what she was about to say was forbidden, before leaning in close and whispering, “cuddling!”
This kit is too adorable, Sandycrow thought as she pretended to mull it over.
“Well, do you know what I think?” she finally asked the kit.
“No, what?”
“I think they are in love, but they don’t want to tell anyone, because they’re embarrassed.”
“Why are they embarrassed?”
“Because your Papa and Mistscar get embarrassed really easily, and because your Papa sometimes forgets he’s not bigger than his feelings, even though he acts like he is, just because he’s the deputy. But, if we give them time and let them figure it out, I think they’ll eventually let it happen.”
“How do you know all that?” Lilykit asked, her gaze filled with wonder.
Sandycrow simply winked and said, “Trust me, kit, medicine cats just know these things.”
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avintagekiss24 · 5 years
The Mansion Maid > Ransom Drysdale
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PAIRING; Ransom Drysdale x black!reader
WARNINGS; dub-con, mutual masturbation, hand job, vaginal fingering, Ransom being an asshole, swearing
REQUEST; Meg’s best friend from college needs a job, so she ends up being one of Harlan’s new maids and Ransom takes an interest in her. Face claim Kat Graham.
NOTE; Please heed the warnings, guys. You are responsible for what you consume. I’ve done my part, please do yours. Ransom is a douche in this one, but, what else is new! Hope you enjoy :)
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“Meg, seriously, thank you so much.” You say as you hug her tightly, “This means so much.”
She scoffs, “Don’t worry about it. Granddad has always loved having pretty, young girls around the house. He’s the one that should be thanking me.” She laughs. 
You smile and stare up at the old, beautiful mansion sprawled out before you. You blink slowly as Meg pulls your bags from the car, chatting all the while, but you don’t really hear anything she says. You’ve never seen a house like this - in the movies, yeah - but never in real life. You couldn’t even really quantify just how rich Meg’s family was until this moment as you stand in the driveway. The Thrombey family is filthy, stinkin’ rich.
“Uh, hello? You still with me?” Meg laughs as she slams the door to her Audi. 
You cover your face with your hands, giggling a little as you shake your head, “Sorry. I’m nervous.”
She loops her arm within yours and pulls you into her side, “Don’t be. We don’t bite, promise.”
She starts to pull you towards the front door, passing by an older model BMW. You scrunch your face a little as you pass by it, the age of it taking you by surprise. It looks to be in good shape - sparkling a little in the sunlight - not that you know anything about cars to be honest. Maybe it’s the old mans’, you think to yourself as you take the two steps onto the porch before following Meg into the lavish home.
“Granddad! Marta! We’re here!”
“Will you keep your voice down? Jesus.” A deep voice sounds from the study to your left, causing you both to snap your heads towards it. 
Meg scoffs loudly, rolling her eyes as a tall, dark haired man emerges from the room. Your lips part a little as he moves right up to the two of you, completely invading your personal space. You glance up at him as he towers over you but immediately avert your eyes when you find his intense gaze already on you. You swallow harder than usual, shrinking into yourself a bit, as you feel his eyes roam up and down your body.  
“Fuck off Ransom. Where’s granddad?”
He shrugs, backing up to lean against the door frame. You glance back up at him just as he pops a small, round cookie into his mouth and chews it slowly, his eyes never leaving yours. 
He nods in your direction before skipping his eyes over to Meg’s quickly, “Who’s this?”
“None of your business. Where are Marta and granddad?” She asks again, more stern this time.
“Did you not see me shrug? I don’t fuckin’ know, he’s out with the help I’m sure.”
“Her name is Marta, you prick.” Meg rolls her eyes again and grabs you by the arm, pulling you up the stairs, “You’re such an asshole.”
“I asked you a question, Megan. I expect an answer.” 
You stop at the sound of his voice. You watch as Megan turns slightly and leans against the banister.
“And I answered you, dickwad.” He continues to stare at her, popping another cookie into his mouth. She relents, tossing her hair over her shoulder, “This is my friend from school. She’s gonna be helping around here for the summer for some cash. I didn’t know I had to get your approval as well, you know, since you don’t live here.”
He chuckles as he chews and slides his eyes over to you once again. You swallow hard as he looks you over slowly, taking his time with taking you in, “More help, huh? You speak English?”
Meg groans loudly, grabbing your arm again, “Don’t pay him any mind. Come on.” 
Ransom. You jog up the stairs behind Meg, turning slightly to glance at him over your shoulder. He stares at you as you move, smirking slightly as he pops yet another cookie into his mouth. He lifts his hand and wiggles his fingers at you before pushing away from the door frame to disappear back into the study. 
You follow Meg into her room and close the door behind you before plopping down on the bed beside her, “Who was that?”
She rolls her eyes deeply again, waving you off, “Don’t worry about it, he’s a fucking tool.”
“Who is it? Your brother or?”
“Oh, God no. He’s my cousin. My aunt Linda’s son.”
“Oh,” you answer, not able to get those blue eyes out of your mind, “What um, what does he do?”
She laughs a little as she stands and starts unpacking her bag, “You mean besides being the resident asshole? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. He’s a spoiled ass brat, who lives off my aunt Linda and granddad.”
You nod slowly, “So, he lives here, then?” You swallow again, not really sure if you could deal with this feeling all day, every day for three and a half months. 
Meg picks up on your uneasiness and stops moving around the room. She walks over to you and takes your hand in hers, a bright smile on her face, “Do not let him scare you off. He lives like a half hour away. He comes over long enough to beg for money and then he fucks off again.”
You let out a breath and smile back at her, “Okay. Sorry, he’s just kinda… I don’t know.”
She kisses your cheek and goes back to her dresser, “For the third time, he’s an asshole. Don’t let him intimidate you, okay? You just wait until you meet granddad. He’s going to love you and between him and I, we won’t let Ransom pick on you.”
You nod your head quickly as you tuck some hair behind your ear. You take another breath and push it out quickly before you flash another wide smile, “Cool.”
A few weeks have passed and they’ve been a blur, but you’re settling in quite nicely. Harlan is a delightful old man; funny and smart - and still as sharp as a tack. Marta and Fran are both kind and warm, taking you under their collective wing and showing you the ropes of the routines that flow through the mansion. You’ve met most of the family by now, each one just as opposite as the other, leaving you to wonder how they’ve all existed this long without killing each other. You like them all though, each for a different reason, except for Adolf Jr. aka Jacob, who’s questioned your citizenship more than once because “you look too exotic to be American”, and of course - 
“Ransom,” You sigh loudly as he shoulder checks you in the hallway, knocking you back a few steps, “Jesus.”
“How many times do I have to tell you?” He says, cutting his eyes back towards you, “You call me Hugh. Only my family calls me Ransom.”
You flip him off and roll your eyes as you continue down the hallway in the opposite direction, mumbling a fuck you under your breath. You head up the stairs with a pile of sheets and an assortment of cleaning supplies in your hands and move into the Harlan’s bedroom. You toss the supplies on the bed, before retreating to the hallway closet to fetch some fresh towels. You move back into the room and shut the door behind you before shoving your airpods into your ears, letting Doja Cat distract you as you start to strip the bed. 
You hum as you move around the large mattress, tossing the used sheets to the floor as you sway to and fro to Say So.Your thoughts soon turn back to the brief encounter you had with Hugh just minutes before. Prick. He’s gone out of his way to make you down right uncomfortable since the moment you stepped foot in the house. 
He stops by just to fuck with you it seems. He’ll suck down those disgusting cookies and throw the empty bag to the floor, because he knows you have to pick it up. He’ll knock magazines off the coffee table, track mud through the kitchen, leave random plates and drinking glasses all over the house - only to lean against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, with that stupid smirk on his face as you pick up after him.
That’s another thing he likes to do - watch you. You feel his slimy gaze on you for hours out of each day, just following you around as you move throughout the house. At first it bothered you, but now? You just glare back at him and scrunch your face in disgust before you carry on with your work. Harlan, and recently Walt, have chewed his ass a few times for messing with you. You’re not intimidated anymore, you’ve got back up. 
His gaze has seemed to change over the past few days though. It’s less I’m watching you to make sure you don’t steal anything, to I’m watching you just to watch you - like you’re his prey. You’ve caught him staring at your legs on the days you’ve opted to wear shorts. You narrow your eyes at him as he ogles you, but he doesn’t care. He just keeps right on staring at your long limbs, his breaths deep and steady, sometimes dragging his tongue across his bottom lip or even sinking his teeth into it.
The family has a weekly Sunday dinner, which you’ve been happily invited to each time. It’s a chance for you to wind down, actually be a person around them and not just another one of the staff. At the last one, just a few nights ago, you were exhausted. Meg had you out on the town until after dawn before letting you have only a few hours of sleep before she pulled you off to another adventure. For dinner, you slipped into a tank top, a loose, thin zip up hoodie, and pajama shorts. Your hair was loose, falling into your face as Richard went on and on about politics. Your hoodie kept slipping off of your shoulder, exposing your skin and cleavage. 
You shifted in your seat, swiping at the hair in your face before you randomly threw your eyes at Ransom quickly. You had to do a double take. You squinted at him in disgust as you caught his wandering gaze on your chest, like he was transfixed - hypnotized by the slit of your breasts. He cut his eyes up to yours seconds later and cocked his head in defiance as the two of you stared at each other. You lifted your hand and extended your middle finger again, drawing a quick, low chuckle out of him before he dipped his eyes back to your cleavage. You rolled your eyes and zipped your hoodie all the way up before letting out a huff and focusing back on Richard. 
You had trouble sleeping that night. There was a battle brewing inside of you. You couldn’t stand him, but something in you, dare you say, liked having his attention. Whenever you caught his eyes on you, you’d get all warm - tingly. Sure, you’d flip him off and rush off in a huff but sooner or later, a sly smile would spread on your lips. You liked teasing this disgusting man. It felt… good - but of course, that is what bothered you. You shouldn’t be flustered or flattered by his behavior, you should be outraged, but yet you never say a word to anyone. 
A piece of you likes the fact that you are the one thing that he can’t buy and maybe, that’s why you enjoy this little game so much. He’s a bastard, but he’s a rich bastard who can have whatever his selfish ass wants - except for you. That’s your little contribution to the working class people, denying a rich asshole an unearned pleasure.
You finish making the bed and move into the bathroom where you squirt a healthy amount of Windex onto the large mirror. You wipe it away and move to the sink and counter, then the shower, and finally the toilet. You flush it once you’re finished and stand, wiping your forehead with the back of your gloved hand. You let out a breath and turn to exit, but scream when you’re surprised by someone in the doorway.
“Fuck, Ransom!” You scream as you clutch your chest, slamming your eyes shut. 
He laughs before tilting his head, “Hugh.”
“Fuck you.” You bite back at him, pulling the gloves off your hands and tossing them into the trash before you push past him aggressively.
You grab the pile of dirty sheets from the floor and turn to leave the room when he stops you, grabbing you by your arm. You shrug out of his grasp roughly as your eyes bounce back and forth wildly between his.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asks calmly. 
You rip your airpods out of our ears and shove them into your pocket, “I’m working, okay? I don’t have time for this.”
He chuckles again as his eyes wander around your face and then dip down to your chest, “You’re a little fuckin’ cock tease, aren’t you?”
You scoff and try to move around him but he grabs your arm again and whips you around his body, “What the fuck is your problem? Huh?” You shout, dropping the sheets back to the floor, “Why do you have to fuck with me all the time?”
He shrugs, “I don’t have a problem.”
“Then why won’t you leave me alone?” You ask angrily, your eyes squinted as your chest starts to heave, “I don’t bother you one bit.”
“Oh, you bother me,” He starts slowly, “Like I said, you’re a cock tease baby.”
He takes a step towards you, and then another until he’s towering over you. You stare up at him, your chest bumping into his as you breathe deeply. You keep your jaw tight as he lifts his finger and drops it on your chin. You swallow hard as he starts to drag it down your neck and to your chest. Your lips part as you stare up at him. You blink furiously as his finger slips down to your breasts. 
You snap to your senses within seconds and slap his hand away, but his quick reflexes have you caught in his arms before you know it. You squirm in his grasp, desperately trying to free yourself but with each pull and tug, he seems to grasp you tighter and tighter. You push on his chest with your small hands as you plead for him to let you go.  He drops a hand to your jeans and pulls at the button to pop it open. He unzips them quickly and before you can stop him, he shoves his hand into your panties. 
You tense as you feel the flesh of his fingers against the flesh of your sex. Your eyes go wide as you ball his tattered, white sweater in your hands as his fingers push through your folds to tease your slit. You watch him as he watches you, his eyes searching yours as his lips part. He smirks at you after a moment or two passes, and then chuckles again. 
“Fighting turns you on?” He asks softly, noting the wetness that covers his fingers, “Me too baby girl.”
You grab his wrist with both of your hands and pull his hand from your body but your strength is no match for his. He shoves his large hand back into the front of your jeans, his fingers pushing through your lips, circling your clit before pressing against it. You tense at the pressure. Your eyes flutter as a flash of arousal ripples through you. You tighten your grip on his sweater as your heart beats against your chest. 
He rubs your clit in slow circles at  first, but then quickens them out of nowhere. It starts to feel good - it’s been too long since you’ve been touched like this. You widen your stance, allowing him a little more access to your cunt. Your hips start to roll against his fingers as your throat goes dry. You bite down into your bottom lip as you pump your hips forward, small moans and whimpers falling from your lips. You feel his eyes on you as he fingers you - feel his warm breath on your face. 
You gasp suddenly as he thrusts two fingers into your cunt without so much of a warning. You wrap your fingers around his biceps, squeezing them tightly as he starts to pump his digits in and out of you. Your moans grow louder as he gets rougher, slamming his fingers into you with force as his palm caresses your swollen, tingly clit. 
“Fuck, Ransom,” you hiss as you rock your hips into his palm.
“Hugh,” he says gruffly.
“Hugh,” you breathe, your voice shaking with each thrust of his fingers, “Hugh, Hugh, Hugh.” You repeat in ecstasy. 
“That’s right baby,” he groans, grabbing a handful of your left breast with his free hand, “Say my name girl.”
You throw your head back as you continue to push your hips forward, “Oh, Hugh. Yes.”
You let your head roll forward again as you drop your hands to his pants. You fumble with the button, and then the zipper, but soon push your hands into the front of his boxers to grab his cock. He hisses at the contact and the warmth of your hands, and his fingers falter for just a second. You start to stroke him, teasing his slick slit with the tips of your fingers before you slide them back down his shaft. 
You stand mere inches from each other, fucking one another with your hands while Harlan and Marta are just a few rooms away. You can feel your climax building as Hugh pushes his free hand up into your shirt. He pulls your breast free of your bra and starts to play with your nipple, rolling it between his fingers before he pulls and tweaks it, arousing you further. 
You pump him hard and fast, feeling the warm dribbles of precum on your fingers. Your hips thrash against his hand, desperate for a release. Shivers begin to run up and down your spine as your body begins to jerk and tense. The small grunts and moans from Ransom only add to your arousal and soon, you are overcome with your orgasm. 
Ransom has to clasp his hand over your mouth as you cum around his fingers. You shriek into his palm as the waves of your climax wash over you, each crash stronger than the last. You bite down on the palm over your mouth as your hips continue to work against his other hand and fingers. 
Ransom soon follows at the sight of you cumming before him. You feel the warmth of his spunk in your hand and on your fingers as he spurts over and over again. You hum as you continue to work your hand up and down his throbbing, jumping shaft. In an act of quick weakness, he rests his forehead to yours as his body works through his own release. The two of you stand there, chests heaving, breaths heavy as you recover from your devious deed. 
He pulls his hand out of your pants, leaving you empty and slightly sore. You remove your hands from his cock and take a step back. You watch as he lifts his pruney fingers to his mouth before he licks them clean, humming lightly as your tangy juices excite his taste buds. 
“That cunt might be my new favorite snack.” He offers, before sucking on his digits again. You watch as he moves away from you and heads for the door, “Clean yourself up and get back to work, maid.” He says gruffly again, cutting his eyes back at you.
“Yes Hugh.” You say sweetly, offering a small smile. 
He rewards you with a smile of his own, “Good girl.” He opens the door and takes a step before turning back to you again, “You’re here until when again?”
“End of August.”
He raises his eyebrows as his lips quirk into a smirk, “Lovely. I’ll be back for you.”
“Will you now?” You ask seductively, tilting your head.
He smiles again, “You’re mine now. I take what’s mine.
He slams the door behind him. 
You move into the bathroom and wash your hands slowly, unable to wipe the stupid smile off of your face. You redo your short ponytail and wipe at your forehead with your wet finger tips, ridding your skin of the small beads of sweat. You button and zip your jeans before smoothing your hands down the front of your shirt. You shove your airpods back into your ears as Saweetie fills your head. You move back into the room and collect the dirty sheets in your hands again before getting back to work.
This job ain’t so bad.
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Smelling Sweet
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Word Count: 1,693
Warnings: None
Request: Can you do 8 with Fred Weasley x Reader? (And use someone other than George to make Fred confused?) lol
#8: "Sorry, I thought you were someone else."
A/n: This one was fun to write, feel free to request more!
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The truth was you couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts. You had never been more excited to get to school. You haven't seen your best friend all summer. He had gone to America to see his grandparents, so you were waiting to see him. The two of you had been inseparable since you met 1st year and not being with him for months was quite difficult.
You glanced around platform 9 ¾ anxiously. Where was he? You craned your head to see above the other faces with no luck. You groaned in frustration lugging your suitcase behind you. He had to be here somewhere. You heard your cat hiss behind you.
"Shut it Church." You murmured.trying to catch a glimpse of the boy you missed so dearly. You were about to give up when you caught a glance of his fiery red hair.
You shrieked with glee and ran towards him. When you were about 3 meters behind him you dropped your suitcase and jumped onto the boys back. "I've missed you so much!!" You yelled as you did so.
The first thing you noticed was that he was taller, he also smelled different, less like his usual pine sent and more like sweets and chocolate.
Only when you heard a yell of surprise did you realize, this wasn't Blake.
You quickly removed your arms from their neck and leept off their back stumbling and almost falling before a hand wrapped around your wrist yanking you towards them before you fell.
So now you were face to face with an extremely attractive boy you recognized as one of the Weasley twins.
Your face washed a deep red as he smiled down at you.
"Hello." He said sweetly, god his voice was smooth.
"I-i’m so s-sorry" you managed to stutter out your face growing increasingly red, "Sorry, I thought you were someone else"
"My brother I'm guessing?" He smirked, making you flush impossibly more.
"U-uh no actually my friend." You stuttered out trying to get away from the striking boy a quickly as possible.
"Oh." He seemed surprised, "I'm Fred by the way."
"I'm really sorry Fred," you said trying not to stare at his deep brown eyes. He on the other hand was taking no such courtesy. His eyes were roaming over your body and he still hand grasped in his large one.
"It's no problem, we should do it again some time." He winked still with that intoxicating smirk plastered on his soft pink lips.
"U-u-uh" you felt your heart begin to beat faster as you tried to untangle your tongue.
"Cat got your tongue?" A voice behind you asked.
You spun around to face another Fred Weasley who was of course George.
"Shove off George." The older twin hissed at his reflection.
"What? I can't talk to the pretty girl?" George asked his brother over your head. And you swear you were the replica of a tomato.
Fred sighed and rolled his eyes he was about to open his mouth to say something when you saw your escape. You yelled startling both boys and sprinting towards a different red-headed boy.
"BLAKE!" You screeched as he dropped his trunks and opened his arms to engulf you in a hug. You smiled into his pine sent not seeing the ugly glare thrown your way or more specifically Blake's way, by a certain twin.
"Oh my god you have no idea!" You yelled filling your mouth with jelly slugs. "Stop laughing! It was really embarrassing." You said smiling while slapping his arm lightly.
Blake continued his laughter despite your protests. "You jumped on him!?" He squeaked out before doubling over in a fresh wave of laughter.
"Yeah, yeah i jumped on him." You said rolling your eyes playfully.
"Come on it's funny!" He giggled, snatching a chocolate frog from its case.
"It was so not! I jumped on him hugged him from behind and then he had to catch me because I almost fell jumping off him!" You yelled trying to be mad at him and failing when he spit out his chocolate frog in laughter.
When Blake finally pulled himself together, he asked, "I'm kinda mad you didn't recognize me."
You gasped, "That is not fair! You both have red hair!"
"So!" Blake was now playfully yelling q tooth grin plastered on his face, "he is way taller than me!"
"I thought you grew, but turns out you're still short!" Now you were laughing tears pricking at your eyes.
"How long did it take you to figure out it wasn't me?" He asked searching though your pile of candy.
"Pretty quickly, he smells...," you paused, Blake had stopped looking through the pile of mostly wrappers and was now looking up at you an unreadable expression placed on his face.
"You were going to say better weren't you."
"What! No!" You gasped, "he just smelted different." You shrugged trying to hold back the blush on your face.
"Well what did he smell like?" He asked. You scoffed thinking he was joking but looking up at him he wasn't smiling or joking he was serious.
"Umm I don't know." You were definitely blushing now. Blake raised his eyebrows waiting for you continue.
"I guess he smelt sweet," you finished looking down at your box of Berries Every Flavored Beans placed in your lap. "like chocolate and candy." You finished your face hot.
"And what do I smell like?" He asked. Yous started laughing, then when he didn't join you looked back at him. "I'm serious."
"Oh, umm" you closed your eyes for a second envisioning Blake's scent. "I guess you smell like a forest, pine scent, like sap."
Blake paused for a moment, "Oh." And for the first time in years the two of you rested into an awkward silence.
You looked up at him trying to see what was different or restart the conversation but you were interrupted by a loud knock. Your head snapped to the glass door where you could see a pair of red headed twins standing there. You stood up opening the door.
"Hello?" You said in a questioning voice.
"Hi," the twin you were assuming was Fred smirked.
You waited for him to say more but no such thing happen, instead after a few seconds of Fred just looking at you, his brother stepped forward and explained,
"Sorry but we need a place to sit, we sort of pranked Crabbe and his Gyole so we needed to go somewhere they won't find us. Can we sit here?"
You paused for a second before saying, "I don't see why not."  You moved away from the doorway to see Blake glaring at the twins.
"Ahh, you must be the lucky bloke who she was planning on jumping on." Fred joked, you flashed bright red and Blake's hair began to match his face.
"I'm Blake Summers." He said sticking out his hand.
"Fred Weasley." Fred answered grabbing his hand and shaking it firmly, "and that's my brother George."
With that you all sat down in the cabin, Blake to your right and Fred across from you next to the window.
"So your from Ravenclaw right?" George asked.
"Yeah." Blake answered and with that the conversation went on.
For the rest of the ride the four of you talked of various topics from the new DADA teacher to pranks the twins have constructed. The whole time you could feel Fred's eyes locked on you. It was quite uncomfortable and you squirmed under his gaze.
Finally, the train came to a stop. You had by that time changed into your robes and was ready to leave. You grabbed your trunks and Church, who had been sleeping most of the ride. You all stood up, Blake and George who were in a deep argument about the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, exited while Blake was saying, "Come on, if we were allowed to use magic at any age a six year old would accidentally kill someone."
You were about to continue forward as well when a smooth hand incased your wrist a delicate yet firm hold.
You turned around and were face to face with those big brown eyes you had been trying to avoid for the past 2 hours. Now that they were straight in front of you, your knees went weak and you almost stumbled and fell. You face was washed with crimson and you gulped harshly trying to breath properly.
Fred saw what he did to you immediately, he bit the bottom of his lip to keep from laughing at your flustered form and it sure didn't help, he was unfairly handsome.
"Hi." He said his ginger hair falling in his face as he looked down at you.
"H-hi" you responded tightening the grip you had on your trunk and cat carrier.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to the first Hogsmeade trip with me?" He asked playing with the ends of his robes as he did.
You gasped a bit before nodding, "Sure." You told yourself to keep your cool as you answered the boy in front of you, when you really felt like whooping with joy.
His face lit up at your answer. "Really?!" He smiled.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" You questioned.
"I thought you like that Blake kid for a while and I got real scared"
"Oh no," you blushed, "Blake and I are just friends."
"Great, I'll see you later?" Fred asked.
"Yeah, see ya later." You said smiling. You turned to leave but before you could your wrist was caught again.
"Wait y/n" Fred stopped you whipping him to face him.
"What's up Fred?" You asked.
You were answered by his lips on yours. Your eyes widened in surprise before slipping shut and enjoying the feeling of his soft lips. You dropped your trunk and cat carrier with a protest from Church and brought your hands up to his neck as his found your waist. He tasted how he smelled; sweet.
When you finally broke away you gasped for air.
"Sorry." Fred smiled apologetically, "I just couldn't wait."
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authorlmfletcher · 4 years
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Now that Who’s Who is over, I can finally share one of my favourite stories that I’ve written. <3 
Adrien Agreste wasn’t happy. It wasn’t that he was ungrateful for his life- he knew he lived a privileged life with wealth, fame, and beauty. But it was hollow and lonely. The only woman in the world he wanted to be with had vanished, leaving a gaping hole in his heart that he didn’t think would ever be repaired. She was gone and Adrien was left helpless to find her. A civilian instead of a superhero.
Also on Ao3 and FFnet.
Alarm. Stretch. Shower. Clothes. Coffee. Car.
Adrien shifted in his seat, taking care not to spill his coffee on his jeans. It was the same routine almost every morning - his bodyguard always seeming to know exactly where he had to be. The coffee was too cold, but at least it offered a little warmth to start the day. His body had long since ceased to function on caffeine, but Adrien drank it anyway. Maybe it was the idea that coffee somehow indicated the arrival of adulthood.
The grey sky outside the car window reflected his mood - grey and dismal. He’d better pretend to change that soon or he’d get a stern look of disapproval from his father. A look that still made Adrien’s skin clammy and teeth grit. But maybe that would break up some of the monotony of his life.
Leaving the coffee cup in the car, he stepped out to the location of the day, closing the door behind him with more force than he needed.
Hair. Makeup. Clothing change. Pose. Switch positions. Pose. Try to look happy.
The problem was, Adrien Agreste wasn’t happy. It wasn’t that he was ungrateful for his life- he knew he lived a privileged life with wealth, fame, and beauty. But it was hollow and lonely. Sure, he could practically have any woman he wanted whenever he wanted - but he didn’t. The only woman in the world he wanted to be with had vanished, leaving a gaping hole in his heart that he didn’t think would ever be repaired.
Lunch. Calorie Check. Weights. Lunge. Parry.
Kagami had once tried to push a relationship on him but it had never really worked out. Not while his heart belonged to another. Not even now. Instead, Kagami was the bright spot in the dullness of his day - taking time to fence with him long after competitions were a requirement by either of their parents. Now it was just part of the fitness regime and a personal challenge to best each other. Kagami usually won, despite Adrien’s sincere attempts otherwise, laughing as she found an unguarded spot to press the point of her steel.
Shower. Suit. Office. Emails.
Typically, his afternoons allowed him to complete his required work at Gabriel . Mind numbing things like answering emails about things he didn’t really care about, meeting with his generally disapproving father, and any other tasks on the list. He didn’t want to be there. Didn’t want to be the face and heir to the fashion company that he didn’t even care one whit about. But it was all he had and it was something to fill the time.
Empty time to think was the worst. Memories seeped into any moment he wasn’t busy. Memories of a girl with pigtails and a red-spotted suit. Memories of a woman with blue eyes and macrons. Of a floating cat with a cheese addiction. Memories that left a painful throb in his chest and a catch in his throat. He only allowed himself to rub the emptiness of his finger for a moment before forcing his brain to go numb and answer another stupid email.
Car. Supper. Run.
The only time in the day of his own - truly his own - was when the sun was sinking deep into the horizon and he could run. It wasn’t the same as rooftops but it was as close as he could get, freely racing through the streets of Paris with music blasting in his ears to block out any unwanted thoughts. At least, until the bakery came into view. His legs fumbled to a stall as he stared at the elegant font on black signs, breathing hard. Unwillingly, his feet were at the entrance, hand pushing the door open, the tinkle of the bell startling him to reality.
The petite woman behind the counter looked surprised to see him as well, the smile on her face turning from welcoming to pained as she shook her head in silence. Of course not. Nothing had changed. Nothing at all.
His eyes turned to the door at the back of the shop, the question asked without a word and Sabine nodded, her features so like her daughter’s that for a blurred moment it left him confused. Blinking to clear his vision, he bowed in thanks before slipping through the door.
He climbed the stairs to their apartment, arguing with himself about this choice, knowing he would regret it but unable to stop. It was the same, the warmth of life still smacking him in the face as he pushed the door open. Even with her gone, it felt like home.
They’d left her room untouched as a sign of hope. Pink and soft, even now her scent lingered despite the swirling of dust. Her chair. Her mannequin. Her sewing corner. Her bed. He couldn’t do this. He knew he couldn’t do this - the strength of his legs leaving him as a shaking crumpled pile on the floor of her room.
Her mother found him, arms encircling him in a way that he hadn’t felt in a long time. A mother’s love. She didn’t need to ask questions. She just knew. How could her heart take the emptiness? He might never be as strong as her.
“She’ll be ok, Adrien. We have to believe it.”
His apartment was hollow. Simply an empty shell that served its purpose. It would never feel like home now. Never with her gone.
Desperate for sleep to take him, the pills went down quickly, the promise of nothing ascending as he settled beneath the covers.
It rarely did - twisted dreams of chaotic memories making his sleep fitful.
Freedom. Memories of the past, running over the Paris rooftops in the twilight. The view from the Eiffel Tower. The Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous voluntarily sitting in Ladybug’s hands, delivered anonymously by one last akuma, leaving them both surprised at the sudden and unexpected twist of events. Their reveal to each other - her mask melting away to show him her beautiful face and her look of shock as she discovered his own. Kisses and laughter and a different ring. One that sparkled with diamonds just for her. Sudden and frantic desperation - tears on her face and panic in her voice as she pleaded for his co-operation. The emptiness on his finger that once carried the weight of destruction. Her being gone without a trace.
Waking up with a start, he breathed deeply to try and calm the irrational galloping of his heart while he dug his fingers into his hair. She was gone and he was left helpless to find her. A civilian instead of a superhero.
Not even the slue of private investigators or frantic trips to possible sighting locations found her. She had vanished into thin air along with the miracle box. Her duty as Guardian, she’d whispered through the streams of tears, kissing him goodbye before he had even realized her plans.
He wouldn’t sleep anymore tonight - flopping back to stare at the darkness of the ceiling in aching loneliness.
Rinse. Repeat.
It was easiest to live in mindless monotony. Turn off the brain, go through the motions, be disconnected from everyone and everything as much as possible. So he did. Each day the same basic schedule. Each day an attempt to avoid memories and the questions that dragged at the corners of his brain.
Sometimes, his evenings involved something different than running or mindless television or killing things in a game. Sometimes, he forced himself to get dressed and socialize - whether at an event for Gabriel or to see Nino.
Parties were easy. All he had to do was plaster on the fake smile and make the rounds. A carefully auto-piloted version of himself.
Seeing friends typically left him emotionally drained, especially when Nino brought Alya along. He couldn’t take the questioning or the reports of leads that Alya thought she had on Marinette. Three years and the woman wouldn’t let it go. He supposed that’s why Alya was so successful as a reporter - her unyielding determination. She kept on hoping. But, for him, it was gone.
Sometimes, his father sent him off to the world, ruining his routine and carefully numbed life. His father never seemed to care about Marinette’s mysterious disappearance. Instead, his father had pushed Adrien into the business, keeping him busy. In some way, Adrien supposed, it had been his father’s way of helping.
So, to New York, Toronto, Berlin, London he went.
Walk. Smile. Walk. Pose. Outfit change.
Do his job. Represent the brand. It was easy enough. Mindless enough. Parties and networking to attend, he stared at the bubbling golden liquid in the tall glass between his fingers with a mixture of disgust and desire.
He’d tried that before.
It hadn’t ended well.
The poor young girl he’d chased down in the drunken belief that she was Marinette was likely haunted for life by his screaming and flailing. No amount of apology could make up for that. It had taught him two valuable lessons.
One - stop drinking.
Two - stop looking for her in every face.
So, he held the flute of champagne with casual obligation instead of desperate hollowness.
When the chaos of the fashion work died down for the day, long after the sun had set and the sky was dark, he raced down the streets and let the freshness of the air burn his cheeks and fill his lungs. A new location sometimes helped clear his head because her memory wasn’t around every corner. He ran until he could barely move, dropping himself into bed exhausted - praying for a dreamless night.
Alarm. Stretch. Shower. Clothes. Coffee. Car.
Adrien stared at the coffee in his hand as the car lurched through the streets. Funny how his routines stayed the same even in other countries. His body felt heavier than usual - likely the aftermath of his parties and restless nights. Obligation to complete the tasks here in Shanghai before his late night boarding call home to Paris guided the day.
Hair. Makeup. Clothing change. Pose. Switch positions. Pose. Try to look happy.
More photo shoots. The city’s fashion school, a beautiful and abstract building, lent itself well to the academic attire he wore. God, he was getting tired of fake smiles and trying to pretend he was flirting with the women on his arm for photos. At least the makeup team made him look like he wasn’t the walking zombie he felt like.
On order of the photographer, he loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top of the shirt before the hairstylist ruffled his hair. Keeping his eyes on the camera while the female models posed around him, he tried to look the roguish bit that the designer desired. Everyone seemed pleased with the results, sending him to relax for a bit before the next clothing change.
He needed more coffee. Following the signs on the walls to the cafe, he absently wondered if “Les Petits Temps Cafe” would have any Parisian style treats - like croissants - the thought flaring the constantly dull ache to a quick flame. No treats then. Just coffee. The girl behind the counter smiled shyly when she passed over a steaming cup.
Perched on a stool at a wooden table overlooking a large window to the bustling city of Shanghai, Adrien sipped the coffee with careful mindlessness. The heavy, dark clouds threatened rain.
Only a few more hours. Regretting that his phone remained with his discarded day clothes, he turned his attention to the patrons of the cafe to keep his mind distracted.
People bustled in and out, mostly students with bags thrown over their shoulders and books tucked into their arms as they chatted in various languages about projects and teachers. The girl behind the counter refilled the coffee machine while her co-worker, a single small-framed woman, trailed from table to table, cleaning up dishes and crumbs as people left.
Pushing himself to his feet, he scooped up his mug to bring it to her so she wouldn’t need to add more work to her day. She looked up at him in surprise when he spoke gently to ask where to place the dish.
Wide blue eyes that he knew better than anyone else in the world stared at him in silence. He wondered if he was breathing. If SHE was breathing.
“Marinette.” Her name spilled unbidden from his lips. That seemed to wake her up, a blush tearing across her cheeks as she blinked and looked down at the mug he somehow still held on to.
“I’m sorry, Sir. I can take your cup from you.” Her voice nearly doubled him over, even when he realized she spoke fluent Mandarin. Her fingers grazed his hand while reaching for the mug, the spark from the brief touch jump starting his heart that had forgotten to work.
She shuffled away from him as quickly as she could, sliding behind the counter with her back to him.  He didn’t know what to do, torn between the magnetic pull to hold her and being frozen in place. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, desperate for any sign of recognition. Streaked with a light tone, her hair reached nearly to her waist. It wasn’t unpleasant, just - different.
She intentionally faced away from him, chatting quietly with the other girl behind the counter in casual Mandarin before slipping through a doorway off to the side and vanishing.
“Marinette! Wait!” His voice was too loud, too desperate. His feet dragged his disconnected body to the counter, jumping over it like it was nothing. A shocked gasp from the other employee faded into the background as he threw himself through the doorway.
Scanning the kitchen, he panicked for a moment when he couldn’t find her. Had she escaped through another door? He couldn’t lose her again. He couldn’t. A ripple of uncontrolled panic flooded his system, leaving his heart in his throat and limbs quivering.
Then there she was. Hand on the handle of an oversized fridge, partially hidden behind its face.
“Marinette.” The knuckles of her hand grew white as she tightened her grip.
“Sir, you can’t be back here.”
He couldn’t stop himself anymore than rain can avoid gravity, his footsteps bringing him so close that he could feel the warmth of her prickle against his skin. Steeling himself to keep his hands at his side, he just breathed in the smell of the woman he had loved for ten long years, even when she’d disappeared.
She spun to face him, wide-eyed as he drank the sight of her in, memorizing every feature of her face, every freckle on her cheeks, every fleck in the brilliant blue of her eyes. How those eyes haunted his dreams. Eyes that now slammed shut, jaw tensing in a sign he long recognized as one she did before starting a difficult plan. Her hand reached up and clasped onto a necklace hanging under her shirt before she opened her eyes again.
“You need to leave. You cannot be here.”
He couldn’t understand what she meant, the words not settling into his head. He’d found her. After all this time. After all this hopelessness. He couldn’t leave. He simply stood there in front of her, unsure what to do. She was banishing him. Sending him away with no explanation.
Her eyes begged him in silence, making him step back a little.
“Please go.”
Voices called his name, asking him to back away from the cafe girl, trying to get him back to the photoshoot. Hands touched his arm, attempting to pull him away before he broke his arm free from the grasp.
“I can’t lose you again, Marinette. Please. Please!” More hands. Stronger ones. Pulling him backwards out of the room. Away from her. He tried to fight against them, knowing the struggling and shouting her name was drawing unwanted attention. Father would be angry. Adrien didn’t care.
Run. Scream.
Security threw him out, blocking his way back to her, carefully protected in her tower. She made him leave and he couldn’t understand why. The pain of rejection stabbed afresh, leaving his heart bleeding. He couldn’t stop the wave of tears that burnt his cheeks or the sobs that rattled his chest.
He ran through the streets in anger, letting the cold pellets of rain sting against his skin. Running felt like the only way to escape the pain - his brain swirling with memories and questions he didn’t know the answers to. Why? Why had she pretended she didn’t know him? Why had she banished him away?
Collapsing to his knees, he threw back his head and screamed into the storm. Screamed until he couldn’t any longer. Screamed until his voice gave out to nothingness, leaving him empty and raw. Slumping over, he let the rain wash down, focusing on the sensation of the droplets snaking their way down his skin. His hair plastered to his head, the products used in the morning shoot long since washed away. There was nothing left but emptiness.
Willing himself to disconnect again, to numb the feelings and shove them back into the nothing where they needed to be, he stared at the circles rippling from each raindrop as it hit the pavement in front of him.
At least he knew she was alive. She was safe. Maybe that could be enough. Maybe that was all he could ask for, even if every fiber of his being screamed otherwise. She didn’t want him here. Didn’t want him to know where she was. Could he honour that? He didn’t know.
If he’d been Chat just then, his cat ears would have flattened on his head as they twitched and strained to hear more clearly. Instead, he slowly lifted his eyes as he turned his head, not fully believing he’d actually heard her voice over the thundering sound of rainfall.
But there she stood, wrapped in a brilliant red raincoat, under an umbrella.
At first, he thought he was hallucinating - finally tipped over the edge of insanity. Or that, in this dreamscape, a whole new nightmare waited to tear a hole in his already damaged heart.
When she stretched out her hand, he took it, letting her guide him to his feet. Her head tipped back to look at him when she pulled him under the umbrella. They stood there for what might have been hours or moments, he didn't know. He felt himself dragged down into the depths of her eyes, drowning in her soul while rain splattered noisily on the canvas overhead.
“I’m sorry.”
He didn’t know if she meant for today or for vanishing 3 years ago and breaking his heart into a million pieces. Part of him didn’t care. At least she was here now.
There was so much more to say. So many questions he needed to ask. Instead, he just stood there, under the umbrella, lost in her eyes and trying to ground himself into something real. Because this couldn’t be real.
Blindly, he followed her, fingers interlaced with hers, certain that at any moment he would wake up and she would be gone again. He tightened his grip on her hand just in case it would keep her beside him longer.
Wait. Tea. Remember to breathe.
Her apartment was nothing more than a single room divided with a large closet wall between the bed and the one wall kitchen. She shooed him into the small bathroom with quiet orders to take off his dripping clothes, practically shoving her biggest and fluffiest towel into his hands.
The face reflected in the mirror seemed more real than the usual one. Haunted eyes peered back. Shoving the heels of his hands into his eyes, he tried to rub this away - this dream that he knew he had to wake up from before he fell further into darkness. It was too real here. The smell of her, the sounds of her rustling outside the bathroom door to make the promised drink of tea, the goosebumps on his skin that made him shiver slightly from the coldness of the air.
Reality hurt almost as badly as memories.
He stepped from the bathroom with caution, disbelief filling him as his eyes found her waiting.
“I’m sorry, I don’t have any clothes that would fit you. Wrap yourself in the blanket on the bed for now.” She bustled by him, picking up his discarded clothes and throwing them into a dryer hidden behind a closet door. The soft, rhythmic thrum gave him something to focus on over the chaos of his thoughts and emotions.
He didn’t dare to speak, simply watching her move quickly through the small space to bring him tea. She’d changed into oversized comfortable clothes, her hair pulled into a ponytail behind her. Her ever-present earrings glinted as she turned.
Tea in hand, blanket curled around him like a cocoon, he sat on the opposite side of the small table from her and waited.
He knew her. He knew the moment she allowed herself to speak that all the words would come tumbling out and she would tell him everything. A million emotions flew across her face - emotions he could recognize in an instant. He knew her.
Fear.  Panic. Sadness. Worry. Determination.
Finally she jumped to her feet, arms flailing and words rushing out almost faster than he could understand.
Hawkmoth, it seemed, whoever he was, only returned his miraculous because he was afraid. Their celebration had been too soon, although it had given them time together. Time, she explained, she would never trade for anything.
A new threat had appeared. One that scared her to the core. One that Tikki panicked about. One that wanted the miraculous box and the two most powerful beings inside more than Hawkmoth ever had.
Fu had given Marinette the job of Guardian, a title she hated now for what it meant to her life. Fu told her to value the life she had - but what kind of life was this? Torn from the man she loved to protect the Miraculous? To protect him? How could she love life when it had become so hollow?
She’d been on the run, moving from place to place when this new threat found her. Only once had she faced the monster directly - a battle that left her injured and frantic to escape. She always said that she was nothing without her kitty by her side and that proved it. She needed him more than anything else.
Marinette’s voice broke as she explained how she wanted nothing more than to rush back to Paris and throw herself into his arms. How much she had needed him, but couldn’t let the monster find him. She spent 3 long, isolated years doing her job - guarding more than the miracle box. She’d been guarding him too.
Tikki stayed hidden all the time now, afraid to let any sign of her power or existence give away their location. The rest of the miraculous remained carefully protected in the box.
Finally, she collapsed back into the chair, spent of emotion other than the flow of tears that poured down her face.
Adrien just listened, unsure what to say or do that would make sense now. Her muffled sniffs. The drone of laundry. The surprisingly calm beating of his heart.
The tea in the mug between his fingers was still hot, warmth creeping up his arms as he simply stared unseeing. All their years as partners where it had been his job to protect his lady and she ran away to protect him. This was the true cost of life as a superhero - self-sacrifice.
“Where’s Plagg?”
She blinked at him, a small sign of hurt crossing her face at the first words he’d spoken to her since he’d been dragged from the school.
“Safe in the box.”
Adrien nodded, contemplating his next words carefully. His fingers sunk into his hair, still damp from rain.
“We’re supposed to be partners, you know. All those years ago, Fu chose us to be partners. I protect you. You protect me.” Her eyes were wide as she listened to the raspiness of his voice.
“I wanted to be partners in life, too, Marinette. I wanted us to share everything together. Everything. And you took it all from me and disappeared.”
Neither of them spoke for a long time, eyes on the tea that grew cold. The loud chime from the dryer stirred them both from their thoughts. Marinette moved, standing to put her mug on the counter before disappearing behind the wall. Adrien listened to her shuffle through the closet on the other side before she stood beside him again.
Grabbing his hand, she uncurled her fingers to drop something hard and cold into it, pressing her hand overtop.
“I’m sorry.”
Cry .
Plagg’s look of utter disapproval to Marinette followed by loud complaining about the lack of food conjured such an overwhelming sense of emotion that all Adrien could do was burst into tears. Too much, too fast. And yet, everything he desperately needed.
He clutched at her. It would take a long time to repair the wounds and scars, but he could start here.
“I’m sorry.” She wouldn’t stop saying it and he couldn’t stop her if he tried. He needed to hear that from her until it settled into the haunted memories of the last 3 years. “I shouldn’t have left you. I just didn’t want them to find you. If anything happened to you -” She didn’t need to finish that thought. He knew exactly what she meant.
Fear does crazy things to people. He knew that. But she didn’t need to be afraid or alone anymore. No more running and hiding. Time to be partners again.
“You and me against the world, Milady. Remember?”
Alarm. Stretch. Shower. Coffee. Subway.
Paris be damned, he was staying in Singapore. His father’s sharp tone betrayed his anger, especially when Adrien couldn’t fully offer an explanation for his sudden decision nor for how long he would be gone.
Marinette insisted that they keep their distance in public - slipping her hand from his as they approached the train. It made him nervous every time, even when she agreed to let him trail behind and make sure she got to work safely. Even when she half-turned and soft-smiled as she went inside. Even when they walked home. Day after day.
Hide. Transform. Fight.
She was right to be scared, he thought as he wiped the blood from his lips. This…. thing…. was so much more dangerous than any akuma Hawkmoth had thrown at them. It was little more than a shadow, but the wounds torn through his suit claimed otherwise. Evil unlike any power he felt before oozed through the air, pulling the breath from his lungs and plunging his sight into darkness. Even Plagg was quivering under the surface, the feeling of destruction shifting beneath Adrien’s consciousness.
How could you stop something that was there but wasn’t?
Light searing through the dark burned against his retinas, scattering the heaviness from his lungs before his body crunched painfully against a wall. Blinking, he admired Ladybug’s new power.
The light beam tore through the darkness again, blasting from her yo-yo to send it cowering until the light faded. The moment the light disappeared, the thick black fog swirled around her, enveloping the woman in red.
His body screamed in agony even as his mind shouted her name and long before the cry of “LADYBUG” escaped his lips. She needed him.
Cataclysm .
It was all he had. A bubbling hand of annihilation stretching out to touch nothingness only to find it pressed hard against the light she shot from her yo-yo. Destruction and Creation together. The unexpected blast from their combined energy left him with barely a moment to connect eyes with hers before everything exploded around them.
Alarm. Stretch. Breathe.
Turning his head, Adrien looked at the space beside him. Marinette lay curled up tightly in a ball, the covers pulled almost over her head as she refused to let morning in. He couldn’t help but smile.
She was here. Nothing else mattered.
His ring sat with heavy comfort on his finger. The ring he’d given her now rested on her own instead of hidden on a necklace.
Beautiful colours of life replaced the hollow dullness of the apartment they called home. Smells of cookies and cheese combined with the inexplicable scent of her assaulted his nose. It was perfect. It was home.
His days might still be filled with the same photoshoots, fencing, emails, but now they offered promise. Running wasn’t an escape anymore. They did it together, footsteps on rooftops filled with laughter and games. Just like it used to be. Like it was meant to be.
Her smile emblazoned into his memories, every time the nightmare of finding her gone would seep into his dreams. She was here. She was happy. She was safe.
They could never seem to stop touching each other - hands always entwined together as if they could keep each other grounded.
Friends never rolled their eyes or made groans at the constant need for closeness. They understood. Her parents too. Likely because they wanted to hold their daughter and never let her go.
How many meals had been eaten at their house since Adrien personally escorted Marinette back to Paris? How many bone crunching hugs had they survived? How many hours of phone call conversations?
It didn’t matter. Every question, every hug, every phone call, every THING was worth it. Because she was here with him again.
Rolling over, Adrien pulled her close against him, burying his nose deep into her hair. Marinette. His wife. He could finally breathe. No matter what the future held or what monsters they might have to face, they would do it together.  
She was home.
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evolving-kalopsia · 4 years
Chapter one rough
“Medic 17, you’ve code 3 traffic at 2765 N Locus Ave. 37 year-old male complaining of chest pain and anxiety. No further info.”
Drew looks across the cab of the ambulance at his partner and flashes him a grin. “That’s dinner, Junk.”
“Fucking Albert!” Junk yells, putting the rig in drive as Drew hits the lights and sirens. “He’s not due to call for at least two days. Maybe he’s actually dying, for once. Don’t you still owe dinner from Margaret’s last call?”
“Nope. I got Thai for that one.” Drew says proudly.
“Fuck. Yeah.” Junk responds, slamming the shifter into drive.
The ambulance heads out of the parking lot and Junk hits the lights and sirens. Rush hour just ended, traffic is still a bit heavy. The ambulance weaves it’s way slowly through drivers that seem to have never seen an ambulance in their rear-view mirror before.
“Fucking Albert.” Junk repeats, gesturing at the Toyota in front of them. “And this fucking guy! Don’t stop, shit-head! Move the fuck over!”
The car in front slams on it’s brakes, pulling one of the three textbook panicked driver moves: brake slam, pulling to the left or staying the course, crawling at a slow crawl.
“Asian and female.” Drew says, upping the bet, “and I get dessert, too”
“Just because your Asian female can’t drive doesn’t mean they’re all like that.” Junk says as the car finally figures out that the screaming sirens behind it aren’t going around and pulls off to the right, halfway through the crowded intersection of stopped vehicles.
As the rig kicks forward again, they both look out the passenger window, “what the fuck” expressions already loaded on their faces.
The driver waves apologetically, mouthing sorry over and over as they pass.
The ambulance screams ahead, clear roads for a few more blocks. Ten per over the limit is what they’re allowed per company policy. Apparently Junk missed that page in the handbook.
“Well that was a surprise.” Drew says, looking in the side view mirror.
“Cute little white girls ain’t exempt from bad driving” Junk admonishes.
“Very cute.” Drew corrects him.
Junk looked sideways at Drew. “That’s creepy, old man.”
“It’s only creepy if I say it first.” Drew says, putting on his best creep smile.
Junk gives him a disgusted look and says “No, it’s creepy when you have that look on your face when you say it.” 
Drew feigns irritation, “It’s not a look, ok? It’s just my face, I can’t help the way I was born.”
“Exactly. Which is why everything you say is creepy.” Junk turns right onto Farley Ave.  Quicker than he should, jerking the wheel back to the left to avoid a dog in the street.
Drew barely glances up from his electronic chart, already halfway finished with it. He and Junk have been partners for seven years, Drew knows that Junk is all-pro behind the wheel. Seven years of fun and blood and guts, life and death. Buffoonery and bullshit. Seven years of betting meals at the beginning of the week, based on which frequent-flyer is going to call first.  
“Turn the fucking wheel, geezer!” Junk yells at the Buick ahead, the driver stopping halfway into the right lane.
“Shouldn’t assume they’re old. That’s profiling.” Drew says, chuckling.
“S’ a fucking Buick, man. Ain’t nobody under the age of sixty-five driving no Buick.” Junk says, waving out the window at nobody.
“Profiling.” Drew repeats
“Man, I am really not in the mood to smell Albert’s house today. Not at all.” Junk moans, thinking about what lies ahead;
Morbidly obese, 47 year-old diabetic, asthmatic, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, non-bathing rage-inducing EMS system-abusing Albert fucking Piffle.
As they pull up to Albert’s neighborhood, Junk kills the lights and sirens. The less people in this neighborhood that know an ambulance is sitting unguarded in the street, the better.
“Tonight’s the night. I can feel it” Junk says, pulling up in front of Albert’s trash-strewn lawn. “He ‘gon ride the lightning, we’re working him.”
“You keep saying it, and he keeps living. You’re jinxing us one way or another.” Drew grabs the computer off the dash as he gets out of the rig.
“Lock it, I’m not in the mood to go pawn-hopping on my day off.” Junk pushes his door lock down with his finger, the automatic locks long past working in this death-defying death trap of an ambulance.
They pull the gurney out, loaded with equipment they know they won’t need; Drug box, cardiac monitor, airway bag chock full of things they might use if this were a legitimate call. But it’s just Albert. He probably dropped his can of Spaghetti-O’s under the couch again. Or the TV remote is missing, stuck in a roll of back fat from the last time he managed to get moved from the couch and back under his own power. Or Albert’s just feeling extra bored and lonely. They bring the equipment even though they know they’ll be walking out of Albert’s shithole house, reeking of sweat and cat piss so bad they’ll change uniforms in the street before getting back in the rig.
They bring all that heavy, cumbersome equipment in because it’s got less chance of being ripped off in the house than out in the rig.
And the day they don’t lug all that shit in is the day they find Albert face-down in his own puke. Not so dead they can call it a night right there. They’ll find him just dead enough that they’ll have to actually work him. Roll his 400 lb carcass over and start compressions, cut his filthy clothes off and get him hooked up to the cardiac monitor, try to get at least one I.V. started, as well as call for assistance from another crew or two, just to get his ass on to the gurney in the event they actually get his ruined heart to start pumping blood again.
Junk leading the gurney, he doesn’t ring the bell or knock, doesn’t yell “EMS” into the house like he normally would. This is Albert. Junk just walks in, dragging the gurney with him as Drew pushes it from the rear, the wheels rolling across the stained carpet, a shade of some unnamable color distantly related to brown.
“Al!” Drew yells through his paper mask, donned by both of them automatically before reaching the porch. Not out of fear of catching anything, but from a lack of desire to smell the inside of Albert’s house. The masks barely do anything at all. Just enough to keep them from retching.
“Al!” He repeats, catching Junk’s quick glance back at him. It’s not like Albert to not answer.
Avoiding the piles of boxes and junk, they round the corner to the living room where they always find him; on the filthy couch surrounded by empty soda cans and chip bags and crusty food plates. Laptop opened on the snack tray, usually some Sci-Fi on the one large flat-screen tv, xbox or playstation on the other.  He’d always yell “Here guys!” when they’d call for him and it would make them grin, ever since Junk compared him to Sloth from the Goonies.
Junk stops as the room enters his field of view and looks back at Drew with an unamused smirk. Albert is on the couch, Xbox controller in his hands and a brand-new set of expensive-looking headphones over his ears.
Drew stares at him for a moment, a similar smirk on his face.
“Albert!” he yells. It gets Al’s attention and he jumps, risks a glance away from the screen and then he’s back in sniper mode.
“Hey guys.” Albert mutters, focusing on the screen.
Drew walks over as Junk heads back outside, pushing the gurney and cursing the whole way. He pulls the headphones off Albert’s head and sighs loudly.
“What’s the deal, Al?” Drew asks, looming over Albert.
“I kept reading online about how much better it is if you have headphones, you know? Like to hear guys’ footsteps and stuff when they sneak up? So I ordered these, they’re really good, Drew!” Albert says, grinning like a great big man-child with too few teeth and too many comorbidities.
“No, Al,” Drew exhales “why did you call for us? Dispatch said chest pain. I don’t give two shits about your headphones or electronic addiction.”
“Oh yeah sorry. Fucker! Fucking campers.” Albert yells, distracted by Call of Duty again as his character on screen dies.
Drew steps between Al and the T.V. and for a second Al looks like he’s going to object, but Drew’s eyebrow raise squashes his momentary outrage.
“I’m sorry, Drew. I had some chest pain, but I think it was just some anxiety. The internet was out for like an hour and I was starting to lose it a little. I forgot to call back. I’m good now, though.” Albert says, simultaneously giving an apologetic look and trying to see around Drew, who shifts his weight and keeps his vision blocked.
“One of these days, I’m going to come in here and take all your controllers and leave. I’ll show you some anxiety.” Drew says, making hard eye contact for a moment.
Albert’s eyes go a little wide, unsure how serious the threat is. He fidgets and reaches down next to the couch, grabbing a fresh battery off the charger and starts changing batteries on his controller.
Seriously? That’s not even funny, man. I said sorry.” Albert apologizes almost sincerely, putting his controller down on the arm of the filthy couch.
The voice in Drew’s head is telling him to let it alone, to just get on with his shift. But he can’t. No matter how burnt out he is, he has to try every time. Even just a little “Samantha still your case worker?” he asks, knowing full well that she is.
Albert’s eyes light up at the mention of the pretty girl that comes to his house once every other month to dot the I’s and cross the T’s on his paperwork so his handout money keeps coming in.
“Oh yeah, Sam was here last week. She looked hot.” Albert grins like a lovesick child.
“Sure. Right now,” Drew says “her Grandmother is dying on the kitchen floor, just three blocks away. I could be over there helping, but I’m here babysitting you. Maybe I’ll get out of here and catch that call. Have enough time to save her. Or maybe next time you see Sam, she’s a little less bubbly because she’s mourning the death of her beloved Grammy because it took the next available crew twenty minutes to get to her.”
“Her Grandmother’s dying? Right now?” Albert asks, almost panicked.
“Jesus!” Drew yells. He grabs the controller out of Albert’s hands and gets down low, points at his face.
“Stop abusing the fucking system, Albert. I’m not coming next time, I mean it.” Drew exclaims, holding eye contact before turning away and heading towards the door.
“Come on, man! Give me back that controller! Please? I won’t call again!” Albert pleads.
“If I don’t see you for a month, I’ll bring it back.” Drew yells as the door slams behind him.
“Oh C’mon!” Albert yells to the empty house.
He sits for a moment, wondering if Drew was serious about Sam’s Grandmother. He reaches down next to the couch and grabs another controller, mumbling “Whatever, sucker. You’ll be back.”
Junk’s already changed into a fresh uniform and packed the gear back up, taking a drag off his vape and says “Did you kill him? Please tell me you killed him.”
“My name’s not diabetes.” Drew mutters, still irritated  as he kicks off his boots and drops trou on the sidewalk, then pulls off his shirt and grabs his backpack from one of the outside compartments, pulls out clean clothes.
Junk takes another pull and offers it to Drew. “Want some? Helps get the smell out of your nose.”
“No” Drew refuses “ But you do look damn sexy sucking that robot dick. I see a future for you in robo-porn. You could be a pioneer.”
“You’re about to become famous, yourself.” Junk replies, motioning up the street. A group of young clowns two doors down have their phones out and are snapping pics of Drew in his skivvies.
Drew looks back at them and waves. “I’d better not see those on Ebay!” he yells, pulling his pants on.
A combination of laughs and catcalls come back, as well as “Chicken legs.”
Drew mocks surprise, turns to Junk. “Do I have chicken legs?”
Junk blows raspberry-scented vapor at him and laughs. “Yep. Chicken from neck to nuts, too. Speaking of, it’s taco time.”
Junk gets in the rig and starts it up, starts to pull away as Drew jogs to catch up and hop in before he gets left in this shitty neighborhood.
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rosettared · 6 years
Lift Me Up
Summary: After watching Chat Noir almost get himself killed once again, Ladybug strongly considers they tell each other the truth - though not before he tells her his plan to cheer her up. A patrol picnic. Simple enough. What could go wrong? In which Adrien gets sick, they get trapped in an elevator, and Master Fu knows what's really in Marinette's heart. Pairing(s): Ladybug/Chat Noir, Adrien/Marinette (it’s a love square fic, so naturally all four corners are present)
Chapter 1: Enough is Enough Word Count: 4481 Also read on: AO3 Next Chapter >>
Marinette had a lot on her mind right now, and she wasn’t sure which thought she should address first. Recalling everything that unfolded before her very eyes – watching yet another schoolmate upset over what only Chloé found trivial, watching as she succumbed to Hawk Moth’s tempting offer, watching as she reigned fiery terror upon Paris with her fuelled rage, watching as Chat Noir took yet another hit for her – it was all becoming quite overwhelming for her.
It didn’t quite help that she had a bad week to begin with, and it was a wonder how she had not yet been akumatised herself (Tikki once mentioned that bearing the miraculous gave her the protection from Hawk Moth’s akumas, but surely, he’s sensed her negative emotions before). Alya had been horribly ill with high fever, so she sat by herself through all her classes. Her sewing machine had broken the very minute she wanted to start on a project she had been excited for.  Her workload from school was ridiculous, what more with her responsibilities as class president piling up. Marinette had come running into class one morning with a cup of coffee, and it didn’t take long until she tripped over herself on the school steps (well, Adrien lent her his jacket to wear over her stained shirt, if anything good came out of that).
As Lady Luck herself, it was funny how her luck seemed to be running dry.
She wasn’t laughing.
She watched over the city she fought to protect, swinging her legs as they dangled over the ledge of the rooftop. She was forty minutes early for her joint Friday patrol with Chat tonight, but she couldn’t think at home. The confined pink walls of her bedroom, though she loved them, were not what she wanted to associate with the battles in her brain. Her room was her workspace, where she felt creativity flow from her head to her hands, where she put heart into each of her projects. She needed the fresh air and wide-open space she could only get from over the rooftops of Paris. It reminded her that her decisions may bring consequences to her people, including the people she loved, so she had to think about her actions more carefully.
Today’s akuma, Medusa, was Clara, a girl from Marinette’s art class. Before class had started, she had shown Marinette her art project, which was a near-perfect clay sculpture of herself, from the collarbone up. It had taken her every day since they received their assignment, and she was proud. But when it was Clara’s turn to unveil it to the class, she could only look and gape in sheer horror. Someone had defaced it – it was missing both ears, and there were cracks everywhere. It didn’t take a genius to know who was behind it, and the sight of Chloe and Sabrina high-fiving and snickering was all the proof she needed. Marinette had run after her to cheer her up, but she realised that Hawk Moth got to her first. He had given her elongated snake-like locks, which could turn whoever she wished into solid stone (instead of her eyes, like in the stories Marinette read as a child).
Of all the thoughts that ran in her mind, the most profound one – the one that shouted and nagged for her attention – was the memory of Chat pushing her away and taking her place when one of Medusa’s serpents aimed for her. She had had her guard down, trying to think of a plan with her Lucky Charm (a can of hairspray, go figure), and she somehow missed the ear-piercing cry of “Ladybug, watch out!” from her partner, and before she knew it, her breath was knocked out of her and Chat slowly turned into stone, from where the snake had wrapped itself around his waist. When Medusa threatened to knock him over, and shatter him into a million pieces, the scream that left Marinette’s mouth was shrill and deafening, raw with dread and fear.
She hated this feeling.
That was the sixth time this month. Chat had been taking bullets meant for her, time and time again, and Marinette hated it. She was so sick of watching her partner put himself in danger, which often times made him turn against her. She hated fighting one of her best friends over and over again. Other times, Chat would literally take bullets for her, which was much, much worse. She couldn’t count the number of times in their three years together that she’s watched him die in her arms, watched him untangle from her grasp that had only grown tighter as time passed. If it wasn’t for her restoration spell after each battle, she wasn’t sure what she would do.
She was tired of losing him.
The sound of footsteps hitting the ground broke her reverie, and she quickly wiped away the tears with her wrists. After the battle, she hadn’t spoken a word to the cat, hadn’t even looked at him. She remembered throwing him a hushed “see you later” over her shoulder before swinging home. He had called out to her, but she just had her mind set on getting to the bakery as fast as she could. Usually she would make it a priority to check up on him after battles, but there was only so much a girl could take.
She heard the slow steps he took in her direction, probably hesitant to approach. She straightened her position and kept her eyes on the twinkling city lights, still refusing to turn to him. “Hey,” he offered weakly, breaking the heavy silence between them. When she replied with a disinterested ‘hmm’, she saw from her peripheral that he took it upon himself to take a seat on the roof beside her. She could see that he was fidgeting with his miraculous, which he only did when he was nervous. She had half a mind to ease his thoughts, probably agitated to start the conversation, but she stayed stubborn and kept her mouth shut.
She still had a bone to pick with him.
Eventually, he cleared his throat to get her attention (he already had it, but she didn’t want him to know that yet).
“Some akuma today, huh?” he tried again. Nothing. Her eyes stayed on the glittering lights of the Eiffel Tower, not very far from where they sat. He heaved a heavy sigh. “Ladybug, about what happened earlier…” Still nothing from her. She was just going to let him ramble. Another sigh. “Look, I know you’re still mad at me for what I did. I called out your name, but you didn’t hear me, and she almost turned you into a statue! I can’t say I’m sorry for pushing you, but I am sorry I made you worry. I know you would’ve done the same for me. We’re partners, after all, right?” Again, nothing. He was only making things worse. She let him try again. “If there’s anything I could do to make it up to you, just say the word and I’ll do it.”
Marinette closed her eyes and took one deep break in, and held it for four seconds, then slowly let it out for another eight. She repeated the practice one more time, tension calmly leaving her body, before opening her eyes and finally looking his way, offering him a small smile. She noticed how quickly his shoulders dropped and expression softened, ready to hear what she has to say. The anticipation in his eyes almost made her regret not speaking sooner.
“Chat, you’re not just a partner to me. You know you’re one of my best friends, right?” she finally spoke.
Maybe it could’ve been how he took in the word ‘friend’, but he was briefly hesitant. Then he returned her smile. “’Course I do.”
“We’ve been saving Paris for, what, three years? We were only fourteen when we got the job. Crazy, huh?”
His smile grew a little more. “Yeah, we were,” he agreed.  “Time sure flies, doesn’t it? Those three years have been rewarding, I have to say.”
She felt her nerves loosen up a bit, but then they quickly tightened again. “And… and you know I trust you with my life, right?”
“And you, mine.”
“Yeah, it’s that.” Marinette took in another deep breath, then scooted closer to him on the ledge. “What you did for me with Medusa… Chat, I can’t thank you enough. You’re brave, and noble, and so, so selfless. I couldn’t ask for a better partner, but… See, it’s not that I don’t appreciate you always trying to protect me. I do, more than you’ll ever know – heck, I’ll do the same for you. You know that.” She was stalling. She had become a master in the art of rambling, if only to take her time to fight back the tears behind her eyes and the lump in her throat.
Luckily, he couldn’t tell, as he simply chuckled and said, “Yes, I do. That’s what partners do. That’s what friends do, right?”
She nodded, still fighting a losing battle. “Yeah, yeah, friends do that. Chat, listen,” she sighed, putting one gloved hand over the other, softly drumming her fingers. It was best to stop beating about the bush and just tell him like it was, tears be darned. “Okay, I’m just gonna say it. You almost died today. Medusa threatened to topple you over and let you break if I didn’t hand over my miraculous. I had to face her scaly snakes all by myself, and she almost killed you! Do you know how terrified I was? I mean, I know we’re both scared to face akumas to some extent but come on! She could have ended your life like that!” Marinette snapped her fingers for emphasis.
Chat looked away from her gaze, not wanting to see the fury in her eyes, then she calmed down a little. She was lashing out, and that was only unfair to him. He was only doing his duty, after all. She turned his face to look at her, for she wanted to see the sincerity in the tears that trailed down her mask. He almost missed how she let a tiny sob escape, and his jaw dropped.
“I swear, Chat Noir, I’m not mad at you,” she began, her voice controlled, hoping she could get at least this to him. Chat, however, did not look convinced. “I’m just… I’m just tired. I know you mean well, but I’m tired of having to fight you over and over again, or worse. I almost lost you again today, and I hate that I can’t make you promise it won’t happen anymore, because it will. You and I both know that.”
Chat was quiet for quite some time, longer than Marinette liked, and she waited for him to deny her claim, or defend himself. Say something, she thought. When he didn’t, she sighed again and proceeded. “We protect each other, Kitty. I know I’ve taken blows for you before, but it’s obvious that our counts don’t tally.” She brought up one hand to his face to gently rub her thumb against his cheek. He leaned into her touch, and Marinette felt her insides turn to mush and flow through her body.
“You’ve thrown me off a roof.” The dumb cat dared to give her a cheeky grin. She wanted to smack it right off his pretty face.
“When you were mind-controlled! Do you see where I’m going with this?”
Chat lifted his own hand to hers, and he wrapped his fingers around her own. When he placed a soft kiss on her palm, even through the layers of spandex between them, all of Marinette’s nerves caught on fire, the burn spreading from her neck to the tips of her ears. He then pursed his lips in thought. “You’re the only one who can save the akuma victims. We can’t afford for you to get hurt. I can’t let anything happen to you, Bugaboo.” It was rare that he used that particular nickname in such a situation, but she guessed that was how he tried to lighten the mood. By the direction this conversation was going, he didn’t have much luck there. “If they get to you, there’s not much I can do. I find out where the akuma is, break it free, and then what? I don’t have my own ‘Miraculous Ladybug’ like you, I can’t clean up our messes or purify the akumas, and I know you’re more than capable to save Paris without me. You’re way too important for our missions, so I will gladly put your safety before my own.”
“Even if it’ll cost you your life?”
“Especially if it’ll cost me my life! Better me than you, Ladybug,” his voice strained, and she realised he was holding back just as much as she was. “Besides, you always save me in the end, right? I trust that whatever sacrifice I make, you’ll always find a way to make things right.”
“That’s not the point, Chat. I don’t want to have to fight you anymore. I don’t want to have to save Paris without you, I can’t do it without you. I’ve seen you die in so many ways, and I want it to stop. I just…” her voice faltered, and like the weight of all her week’s troubles taking their toll on her, she finally broke the dam behind her eyes, not caring that she looked more vulnerable than ever to her partner. This was the boy she trusted with every fibre of her being. He deserved to see her like this.
“Just because I can purify akumas, that doesn’t make you expendable,” she added in between desperate sobs. “You are not expendable, Chat, do you hear me? You’re just as important as I am, and I want to be by your side, every step of the way. We’re a team, remember? We fight for Paris together.” Marinette took his hands in her own and squeezed, trying to tell him that every word she spoke was 100% fact. “I don’t need you to fight for me, I need you to fight with me. There’s only so much I can take, so I need you to promise that you’ll be more careful, Chat. I… I-I lo-,” Not yet, she thought. She couldn’t bring herself to say it, not right now. She cleared her throat and tried one more time. “I can’t lose you.”
She saw the way his muscles relaxed, and his shoulders dropped again, and she felt the breath he was slowly letting out through his nose. She welcomed the way he released his hands from her hold, so he could wrap them around her waist and pull her closer to him, flushing at how he pressed a lingering kiss on the top of her head. “Alright. I promise.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
Adrien had never been more on edge.
Ever since his talk with Ladybug last week, her words had become his new mantra, playing in his head like a broken radio. ‘Be more careful’, she had said to him. He was bound to find a new akuma victim this week, but by Wednesday, nothing had happened yet. The stillness was unsettling, and Adrien had been on the lookout for any suspicious activity. His enhanced senses as Chat Noir had seeped more into his civilian life as time went on, so that made it all-the-more easy for him. He kept a watchful eye on Chloé, and so far, she hadn’t given anyone more distress than usual, so he supposed that should have eased him a little.
It didn’t.
Something bad was going to happen. He could feel it.
Adrien walked into class that morning, his head reminding him repeatedly to calm down, and was taken aback at the sight of his best friend in the seat next to his own. Nino looked… off. For starters, he was incredibly pallid, his form pale and weak. His eyes drooped behind his thick-framed glasses, and the bags and dark circles underneath were as clear as day. The turn of his body to greet Adrien was sluggish, and his reactions were belated.
Nino was just fine last week, so Adrien tried to recall their past conversations to see what could have made him so sick. He remembered Nino excusing himself from their study sessions to pay Alya a quick visit when she was sick. He and Marinette didn’t think too much of it the first time, awed at how much Nino cared for his girlfriend, to be there in her time of need. Now that he was thinking about it, it baffled him how he didn’t realise that he would leave to see her twice, thrice, several times in that same week. The one time he and Marinette made time to visit Alya themselves, Nino was already there.
He did mention that he was at Alya’s all weekend.
Ah, that explains it, Adrien thought.
“Dude, you look awful,” he told Nino bluntly, skipping their morning handshake routine. Nino didn’t even try to look offended, and instead opted to give him a shrug. “Why did you come? You should be lying on your bed, resting at home.”
Nino sniffled. “No one was at home, and my mom wouldn’t let me stay by myself.”
Adrien knitted his eyebrows. “You’re seventeen.”
“You’ve met my mom.”
That’s true. Touché, Lahiffe. Touché.  
“Go to the nurse’s, then. That’s much better than staying here.”
“No point. I shouldn’t have to miss today’s classes.”
“There’s also no point if you’re gonna be sneezing and coughing in class, either.”
It was astounding how flat and final Nino’s expression was in his sick state, refusing to budge from his spot. There was no talking him out of leaving class.
So be it.
Adrien shook his head, then taking his seat in the front row and placing a hand on Nino’s shoulder. “I’m gonna help you get through this, man. Don’t worry about it. I can reteach everything you might miss, and you can borrow my notes to copy once you get better.” He took out the notebook and pens from his bag, prepared for the day’s lessons. “And I’ll explain the situation to the teachers if they decide to pick on you – if they can’t already tell,” he chuckled quietly.
Nino gave him a reassuring grin, one that barely reached his tired eyes, and plopped his elbow on their desk and opened his palm. There was only one thing that could mean, so Adrien clasped his hand in his and squeezed, telling Nino he was honouring his word (his bro-mise, as he liked to think. Nino left the room when he first told him this). He watched from his peripheral as Nino blew his nose into a tissue, and the class was filling up more, with Mme Bustier walking through the door a sign that she was about to begin today’s lesson (she must have loved their class a whole lot, if teaching them for three years in a row was something to come by).
For the rest of the day, Adrien made sure to give as much aid as he could to his sick best friend. He followed him to the nurse’s office for some much-needed medication, he waited for him all through lunch because Nino was eating more slowly, and he helped him up the stairs because he didn’t exactly have the energy. Nino occasionally insisted that his help wasn’t necessary, but Adrien wasn’t having it.
An hour into their next class, with Adrien diligently jotting down his notes and Nino coughing in the background, all heads turned to see the classroom door being violently swung open by one tardy Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She stumbled to her seat as rushed as the apology she gave their teacher, who was, with everyone else, all too familiar to Marinette’s notorious track record. She had never really been discreet about it. Adrien assumed she ran all the way to school, given how heavy she was panting behind him.
While their teacher wasn’t looking, he turned to smile at his friend in greeting. “Overslept again?” he whispered, a smirk now replacing his grin.
She shook her head, settling down and getting her own tablet out. “Not this time,” she replied, almost proud that she was late for something else for a change. Her eyes then darted to Nino. “What happened to him?”
“Alya. Too many visits,” he chuckled into his fist. “Speaking of, any word from her?”
She nodded. “That’s why I’m late. I stopped by her place this morning with some treats from the bakery.” She took out a small green box from her backpack, opened the lid and offered some cream puffs (well, whatever was left) to Adrien, who happily popped one into his mouth. Those were Alya’s favourites, and he knew her parents had made them fresh this morning. “She’s getting better, thank goodness. She’s certainly faring better than Sir Snot McSniffles over there,” she snorted. “If she’s well enough, she’ll even come to school tomorrow. After more than a week of sitting by myself, that’s something to look forward to.”
“Excuse me?” he scoffed in disbelief. “What are Nino and I, then? Gargoyles? Have you not been appreciating our company, Mme Dupain-Cheng?"
She punched his shoulder lightly, only to humour him, and he rubbed where she hit him with a pout. “You know what I mean.
“Some friend you are. You’ve broken my heart.”
She giggled. “Aw, does the poor little rich boy want me to patch it up? Shall I fetch you a band-aid, Adrien?”
He couldn’t help the hopeless smile on his face. He loved hearing his name roll off her tongue.
They were both interrupted by their teacher loudly clearing her throat, like she was as sick as Nino right now, and they both faced forward with their hands on their desks. “Excuse me, Adrien and Marinette, would you like to take over my class?” she put her hands on her hips and eyed them menacingly. He imagined that when the day came to finally face Hawk Moth in person, his evil glare would rival hers. “I will gladly sit aside so you can share what you have to say to the rest of class.”
Adrien didn’t dare look up, only hearing faint sniggers from his classmates. He kept his eyes on his hands, and flatly told their teacher, “No, ma’am.”
“We’re sorry, ma’am,” Marinette chimed in, and their teacher resumed to writing on the chalkboard.
Slumping further into his seat and letting out a sigh, Adrien straightened up when he felt a quick, sudden vibration from the pocket of his jeans. He fished out his phone from said pocket to find one new text message: from Marinette, of course.
M: Alya’s been feeling like she’s missing out. She’s just been gone for so long, and I feel bad that I haven’t been visiting her as much as Nino has, so what better than to bring her favourites and fill her in?  
Adrien took no time at all to text her a reply.
A: You’re truly amazing, Marinette. She’s really lucky to have you for a best friend, then.  
She didn’t text back right away, for reasons Adrien couldn’t think of at the top of his head. He wondered if she was just trying to think of the perfect response. He imagined Marinette looking at her phone with such intensity, like if she stared hard enough her text would write itself, and aggressively hitting the keys, her tongue stuck out in that cute little way she did when she was concentrating. That was what he tended to do if he didn’t send a reply in 0.4 seconds. Then his phone lit up.
M: I know, right? Who wouldn’t be? :P
A: lmao can’t argue with that. You gonna see her again after school?
M: Definitely. I asked my parents to save some madeleines when I go visit her again. I might even bring along some video games! You coming with?  
Oh, how tempting that truly was, that Adrien almost said yes.
A: Don’t think so :( You know how it takes my father three business days to pay me any attention.
M: All too well, unfortunately.
A: Don’t you think you’ve fed her enough?
M: Hey, I say that free food and good company are KEY to cheering someone up. You should try it sometime ;)
Something about that last text had him drawn, and he found himself rereading it over and over. Even as the final bell rang, and he and Nino headed straight for the library to study, he was still thinking about it. He couldn’t get it off his mind even as he came home and walked into his bedroom, flopped on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He knew that he would greatly appreciate being surrounded by his closest friends and talk about life with pizzas in hand. He certainly had to try that out the next time one of his friends needed good cheering up. Had any of them been upset lately?
“You made Ladybug pretty mad,” Plagg pointed out, flying out from underneath his overshirt to land on the mattress. He must have said that one out loud. “Would be nice if you did something for her, I don’t know.”
Adrien couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I’m sorry, was that what I thought it was? Good, dare I say helpful, advice?” he raised an eyebrow, doubtful. “Ground-breaking. I didn’t know you had it in you, buddy.”
“Hey, I’m just sayin’,” the kwami stated and gave him an indifferent shrug. “You did say you’d do something for her. Better get to it, boy.”
That wasn’t a bad idea. Perhaps he should.
All sorts of ideas to make Ladybug feel better came flooding his brain, and Adrien got out of bed to hurry to his desk. He must have gone too fast, because he felt a sharp pang to the head, suddenly feeling as if the room was spinning, holding the corner of the desk for support. He couldn’t breathe properly, for his nose was slowly getting congested and he started to sniffle. His throat began to clench a little, and he could taste the phlegm at the back of his mouth. He buckled over and brought his hand to his neck as he started to cough out a lung.
Plagg, the little punk, only laughed heartily at his predicament. “Looks like all that time with Nino the Nauseous finally paid off!”
This was not good. This was not good at all. It seemed his gut feeling was right, that something bad was bound to happen, and that something bad did happen – he just didn’t think it would happen to him.
Ladybug’s gonna kill me.
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kaijuzilla · 6 years
Smash Bros University (Au Idea)
(MOD: I know this is a thing but I would like to do an AU too)
Also if you guys got any other idea for the Smash Students just tell me
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The school is like really big! It has a pool for swimmers and swim team. Huge track field as the field has the fighting stage under it where the tournaments and  event happens but also used to train fight skills. Huge jungle like forest next to the school that full of wildlife and filled with wild Pokemon. 4 Building that is part of the school (reason why it’s big) with other smaller buildings. Next too the school is the Smash Jr building which is for younger smash fighters/challengers. Principles are Crazy and Master Hand, (other recognizable video game characters are like background characters but can be talk to the known characters more. (and NO GOKU! we got Ryu.)). Huge science dome with a telescope to see the stars and far away planets in the astronomy room. 
“Welcome Students and Challengers...to Smash University”
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(The Assist Trophy Characters are in the school but some are students and some are teachers too. The Pokemons will be in the AU but will have Trainers alongside with them as like students.)
Mario - Has brother name Luigi, has job as builder, cleaner, and plumbing too, take health class which are good to get job as doctor, can’t eat mushrooms which mistaken for drug mushroom, Fight Bowser alot, Sonic rival when it comes to Olympic sport events, once got trouble setting the theater on fire by accident, got in trouble again for taking control of Master Hand with Cappy making no class and party one day, Cappy hangs around with him and always change to different hats for some special events, He told everyone that Luigi tells the truth about ghost but no one believes him even though he tells them he got stuck in a painting frame,
Donkey Kong - Leader of the DK Crew, has a coconut gun that can fire in spurt which is gonna hurt if it hits you, bigger, faster, and stronger too, Loves bananas which he has huge piles of bananas back home, protects the crystal coconut, Mario and DK are friends and rivals ever since DK took Pauline long ago, He is one of the best drum players but play drum with his hand no drum sticks, only wears a tie which people think he’s naked but with tie is ok but still think he kind of naked, studying to go to big company business,  
Link - Handsome Hylian and cool dude, also ride motorcycle and ride horse too and some other animals, as a kid he always throws barrels and pots alot, Link protect her from Ganon, Hold onto a sword even though it’s bad to use weapons in building but he use it in battles, He’s a great cook getting fresh food and meat,  silent dude but talk rarely sometimes, can ride any animals and a cool looking motorcycle, Pit jelly at him, has a pet wolf name Twilight, Zelda caught him cross dressing with Kirby which made her happy triggered to get the girls together and bring dresses and clothes for both of them to dress in, He learn to take selfies from Zelda, 2Beat Ganon Bowser King DDD and Everyone with a Stick, He can also see ghost,
Samus (Zero Suit) - Samus Aran,  people thought she was just some guy in her suit but turns out by surprise she was a girl, travel different planets and galaxies, her jet boots kind of made her popular with other girls and guys too, if someone try to kidnap her she will fight and paralyze them also use her plasma whip, She find Little Mac cute, the most flexible person more flexible then Wii Fit Trainer (cause her morph ball), has a Metroid with her as a pet or as like a baby boi which love to cuddle and land on other people head, if Baby (the metroid) land on other head and start sucking on their head he’s punish on a time out in a jar, go to bars to drink, she’s an animal in bed (act like a cat asking to be pet and feed her meme you thinking something else lol), pass Snake easy which is her favorite teacher, Pikachu Trainer are very good friends and Pikachu loves Samus, She also fell in love of Pikachu trainer (male) Pichu cousin which she likes to hug him alot, Reason she here cause Ridely is in the area and she is hunting him down for revenge for her parents but made good allies /friends along the way, She work out at the gym!, she is just like Tony Stark but each suit has different purpose though her old suit is gone and she use a new suit the “Metroid Armor” due to having parasite in the old suit which she will miss but came back becoming a monster, she also fight dark samus too,
Dark Samus - Samus Doppelganger or Evil Samus, Most wanted criminal in the area or whole galaxy, Mistaken alot for Samus by people but they never say any before she kills them, she only want samus to be dead and let phazon out loose,
Yoshi - Genderless multi color dinosaur, Green one is like the alpha, when there is fruit on your tray and was gone for just a second? Yoshi eat it, Loves Fruit, Makes a lot of yarn dolls which are popular, THERE SO MANY YOSHIS! but (green alpha) Yoshi was chosen to enter the university, on April Fools day he goes to everyone swallow them and pop them out to an egg as a prank, Likes to take a nap in the forests,  
Kirby - Loves to eat and sleep, only say “Poyo”, the one thing best about him is that he is huggable, cross dresser, Bayonetta help with make up and all other (smash girls) help him too to look like a girl which is the cutest thing ever, He is pink boi, been taking King DeDeDe cake, mentor is Meta Knight, Jiggilypuff mistake Kirby for another Jiggilypuff, Luma and Kirby best friends, speak tiny english and other language, has 3 other kirby friends, Bandanna Dee are very best friends!, copy everyone attacks when he suck then and gain their powers, ride to school by warp star or dragoon, another thing girls love to hug alot, cross dress making him more cute,
Fox - Fox McCloud, rival and friends with Falco, rides a tank, He now not allow to drive his tank to the parking lot so now he ride his ship to the landing parking, make a joke about what does the fox says, he dropout his academy and take less class to get revenge on his father, he wanted to explore the galaxy which amaze him, Fox finds out Samus is a girl and question how does her arm cannon work,  
Pikachu (Trainer name: Spark & Sparkle) - He may be short but he's energetic, has twin sister name Sparkle, Sparkle loves to cosplay and enters every beauty contests and costume contests, both have little cousin nephew who own a Pichu name Static who lives with them, Spark likes to battle a lot, so he enters the tournaments and ask other trainers in the area to challenge him so he can beat Red,  Sparkle doesn't fight much but she disguise herself and her Pikachu in the Librea costume in every fight with a different name, They are protective to their nephew, Static hate Shade who taunted his little nephew once, Static and Samus are good friends back in the days which his twin sister thought she's her girlfriend but mistaken it and became her friend too, Their Pikachus love Samus,  
Luigi - Mario brother, always get bully, he saying there a ghost behind the person but they think he’s just crazy, he also work with his brother but vacuum the place and vacuum ghost too, He’s an innocent guy and also a funny dude which he got some moves, people think Daisy and Luigi are a couple but they’re just friends (they keep it a secret), his deadly attack is his kick, carries a vacuum cleaner with him all times, He is Prof. E Gadd favorite student who also his friend, Help and beleive with E Gadd with Ghost,
Ness - One of Lucas best friends, became ROB friend and show him around school and taught him everything he need to know, Number 1 Student, he protects Lucas alot, does amazing tricks with a yoyo,  
Captian Falcon -  When he said “show me your moves” it sound like or miss heard saying “show me your boobs” making all girls weird out and staying away from him, has a race jet vehicle, cool dude and felt sorry for killing Olimar pikimins that one time he arrive to school, He's a gym teacher, He also tell stories about his races long time ago questioning how old he is and why he wears the helmet everyday, he wears his helmet everyday and only takes it off at his house, for extra in the class he also tells them safety of driving,  
Jigglypuff (Trainer name: Tiff) - her hair style is just like her Jigglypuff curly hair, both love to sing but Tiff wears fuzzy ear muff to keep her awake when she sings with Jigglypuff which once causes her friends to fall asleep in the karaoke room, her Jigglypuff was mistaken for Kirby with a new haircut according to King DDD who freaked out once, she can be picky eater, pouts a lot,  
Peach - Popular girl in college, from rich family, not a diva or a bitch she’s really kind and nice, She friend with (all smash girls) and nice to Mr. Game and Watch which they became friends when she forgot her umbrella and lost it she met MGW who gave her umbrella, Bowser number one crush but Peach see him as a friend and Mario her crush too, Toads are like guards for her but one Red Toad is a student in the university which study and protect Peach, learn to selfie by Zelda, love to dress up, best cake maker, strong princess, favorite shape is hearts
Daisy - Friends with the Smash Girls, mistake for Luigi girlfriend but they’re just friends (they both keep it a secret), loves sports, tomboish type, even though she wears a dress and crown she like wearing some other clothes other than dresses, she strong princess too, Before she came to the school she worried she didn’t get in till one day she got her invitation and she throw a huge party celebration, favorite flower is daisy, Blue Toad is her bodyguard too,  
Boswer - The bad boy but also nice guy, Mario rival, Koopalings are his kids, Fight Mario a lot but he beat him once but Mario beat him alot, They may be rivals but they kind of friends, he has gangs of Koopas and Goombas, he may be a bad guy but he is kind (he like those character who looks like a bully but deep down he’s a nice dude), He help Bayonetta and Jeanne from time to time when she summon his fists and feet for attack with her costume, #1 Dad,  
Ice Climbers (Popo & Nana) - Twins and nice kids to meet at the junior class, look like they’re hot but inside are ice packs in their jackets, Once froze Junior and the Koopalings from their pranks, Friends with Ness and Lucas, cold doesn’t bother them anyway, Kirby accidently call them Lololo and Lalala which is cute, King DDD love the twins, when it comes to longest stairs it's like jumping and climbing up the mountain and a challenge,  
Zelda - royal princess student like Peach, can do magic and also past class with flying colors, royal family, nerd, love to take pictures and selfie (she taught peach to selfie), really love frogs but tell link to lick it alot even pressing the frog on link cheek like giving a baby it’s food, Sheik is mistaken for Zelda brother which nobody know Sheik is just Zelda as a guy, her outfits or clothing changes sometimes still making her still beautiful, she can do magic and summon a dark knight armor suit, she also have a rapier, There’s actually another student name Zelda but one is a Mii Fighter name from a special man,
Pichu (Trainer name: Static) - He and his Pichu get along very well together, youngest's nephew from another region to the twins, Pichu said to get hurt from its own electricity but for Static he sometimes trips hurting him too, He became friend with the trainers pokemon but also Mewtwo too, The cinammon roll who you want to protect which is too pure for the world, Static became Bowser Jr. friend cause he see Static cool, Static is friends with all the trainers in the school and when he grows up he’s gonna be the strongest trainer,
Falco - rival and friends with Fox, rides a tank, hands off his bread which are his favorite food, help fox revenge his father but is hot tempered, Number 1 Ace Pilot, the cool bird in the flock, Link thought he was an old friend from the past, Link mistaken him for a Rito,  
Marth - Transfer student from another place, royal family, mistaken for a girl alot even mistaken for Lucina, Meta Knight and Ike good friend, speak English and Japanese, Loyal student to the university, He always there to help out some of his classmate 
Lucina - Chrom daughter (Chrom is a teacher), Robin best friend, see Meta Knight cute with the mask, try to take that mask off of Meta Knight but get pile of masks, has a mask using it at every dance if she remove the mask it will make her embarrass since she is in a dress and doesn’t want people recognize her at the dance, like to sing when alone, embarrass that her dad is a teacher here and he can be protective,  
Young Link - Another one of Link cousin, Has a collection of mask, plays alot of instruments, some reason always look up to the moon when it’s full but if anyone touch him he freaks out, Instead of a metal shield he use a wood as a shield which he can still beat anyone with it, love trees, He play some memes on his instruments, Doesn't wield a master sword or a master shield but he still got the wooden shield and a regular sword that still kick butts,  
Ganondorf - He like the one guy who wanted the power of the triforce from Link and Zelda but in school he just learning just some random stuff that none never expect he trying to learn, he can hack, ladies man or player, when he angry he turn into a giant monster boar and pull out his gigantic swords but uses his fist in a fight, he can be a backstabber, when not getting triforce he just hangout with some of the students which is like seeing a different person, has a gigantic sword with him too,  
Mewtwo (Trainer name: Shade) - Probably one of the dangerous trainer from the other trainers making him third place on the trainer ballot, He's a smart intellegent trainer, his Mewtwo (when out of it's pokeball) in battle may look dangerous and deadly but outside of battle it likes to fly around with Extreame Speed and sometimes help others if they're in trouble, Has the mega stone for Y form, Battle Lucario who one day took its place which he swear to return to claim his place stronger than ever, Mewtwo is a nice pokemon but Shade is like not a good player showing no good sportsmanship to challengers,  
Roy - youngest of the fire emblem gang, always late in one minute to class but still make it on time, only speak Japanese but the Fire Emblem gang help translate it back or Cloud, an old friend to everyone that everyone glad to see return and meet at the University (Melee),  
Chrom - Lucina dad and Robin best friend, World Greatest Grandma, Best Dad, Teach some histories, 
Mr. Game & Watch - the one person that you can’t see right in front of you when walking cause how flat he is, only make click clack 8 bit sounds, watch out for his hammer, like Peach umbrella, Pac Man are bros (same year), Great cook,  Nobody understand him except Kirby,
Meta Knight - has a Spanish accent, mysterious dark boi, Kirby mentor, also sexy mysterious man who wears a mask, under his mask...is another mask, if his face is reveal he will disappeared to get another mash that he have over alot of back home, has a huge giant battleship which is like his car or something, gets hug by Lucina but keep mask on when she try to remove his mask alot turning out be another mask, master of the sword, call out Kirby ability names (IT’S META KIRBY), hides in the shadow, he got dark bat wings make him scary but really cool, smart dude, has an amiibo figure of himself
Pit - Captain of Palutena royal guard, getting flirt by Bayonetta alot making him so nervous and embarrass as his face is full red, rival but try be friend with Pito which he call Dark Pit, he know everyone in the school and fight them side by side, was make fun of for not actually flying even thought he need Palutena to make him fly (in game he only jump 4 times which flap his wings making him fly) Palutena is like a mother or big sister even though they aren’t related he loves her, always study and passing his class if he fail test or class he get punishment (from either Palutena or Bayonetta), Jelly of Link, Fan of Megaman and friends with everyone
Dark Pit - mistaken for Pit twin or long-lost twin brother or dark twin brother (have a yin and yang thing), Pit try to hang with Dark Pit but he told him to stay away from him but one class they’re partner till end of school year, Hates being call Pito, Bayonetta does something else with him that she doesn’t do to Pit,
Wario - Works in the cafeteria, stinks like unions and something else rotten, Waluigi Tacos are best in the cafeteria and so is Wario unions, Drives a motorcycle but also some what eat it? People question him alot, Mario old enemy, (they have this Bulk and Skull characteristics), love money, rumor said he has a game show who he goes by as Wario Man and in his game show he makes it difficult for the players without telling them what to do in the game except showing how the game work,  
Snake - Teaches students about self-defense and combats also military work outs, Most intense workout of all workouts that he set out landmine fields and so much intense training like jumping over a huge lava pool to the other side, the most intense hard mode Cruel gym teacher ever, really loves boxes….and Nintendo boxes….make a fortress out of cardboard boxes, loves dogs and animals, He told his life story to Luigi which confuses him,
Ike - Fight for his Friends, Radiant Hero, challenge Cloud alot, hangout with Link and is his wingman to help him to help his crush, gets everyone pump up with a speech before the fight or challenge, The class Vice President, 
Charizard (Trainer name: Blaze) - He is a fierce trainer who likes to fire things up in battle, His Charizard is strong but lose to Mewtwo and Lucario which both Lucario and Charizard became rival, has a tomboy personality too, he loves a good challenge, He use his Charizard to fly to places which he try skydiving tricks a lot with her Charizard, his Charizard is female and not same height as Reds Charizard, He also has Mega stone for X form, 
Pokemon Trainer (Red & Leaf) - Red is the most powerful pokemon trainer in the school, Leaf is the shiny user which all her pokemons are all shiny, Red is always silent, but Leaf know what he's saying with the look on his face, Lucas best friend to Red, Red team are Charizard Ivysaur and Squirtle, His Charizard is the biggest Charizard, 
Ivysaur (Trainer name: Rose) - Has a tomboy personality, shy to dress in girl clothes prefer baggy pants and lose shirts, she likes to sleep and can sometimes be lazy, from her looks she is a smart person and strong trainer, Sheldon once call her his big sister even though not related and live with each other with Blaze she feel so happy being call big sister,
Squirtle (Trainer name: Sheldon) - He doesn’t like being call Squirt due to his height even though he’s a kid, Him and his Squirtle are great friends, Static and Sheldon hangout and train each other to get stronger together, He see Rose as a Big Sister, both love to swim and play in the rain,
Diddy Kong - Member of the DK crew, DK trusty partner, the victim who been leaving banana peels on the floor alot!, has a rocket barrel which he one time accidentally explode in class which also happen to his peanut barrel gun but it explode in class but it explode his face, play a sick guitar, he and Bowser Jr are rivals due to them pranking each other alot,  
Lucas - one kid who depress for family loss and everyone felt really bad so they all became his friends, he loves everyone and hangs out with them alot, Hang with PacMan Luigi and Ness too, Reason Luigi and Pac Man is cause of Ghost and he want to be brave, When Ness protects him he blushes and feels warm with him (*shippers screaming in the background*), has a dog and a friend name Kumatora,  
Sonic - Fastest thing alive in the building, Runs everywhere, break the rule for running in the hallway alot but it has railings installed which make things better and fun for him, the birds and little critters love him since he save them from the past, has Dr. Eggman for a teacher in robotics which made him watch him in case he does something bad,  
King DeDeDe - DeDeDe THAT’S THE NAME YOU SHOULD KNOW, DeDeDe HE’S THE KING OF THE SHOW, YOU’LL HOLLER AND HOOT, HE’LL GIVE KIRBEH THE BOOT, DeDeDe IS THE ONE!,  COMIN’ AT YA!, carry around his hammer, bully kirby but they’re friends but won’t forgive the time he took his piece of cake, Waddle Dee serve him alot, Bandanna Dee is his best man, in art class he pose so everyone can draw him like one of his french king penguins, love to eat, likes Luigi and Ness, hate Wario for hitting him one time but he got revenge by rocket hammering him, Dance king, Triple D, Ice Climbers are best hammer teammates and friends,
Olimar & Alph - Gardens alot of plants and pikimins, Doesn’t talk that much but tells how to garden plants and talks about the wildlife, Has a rocket that can go to space…..kind of?, Everytime he try to launch himself to space the rocket will fail every single time but he’s not giving up, Alph just there with Olimar and can sometimes be forgettable sometimes,  
Lucario (Trainer name: Kenchi) - He and Lucario are aiming to be the best just like Spark and his Pikachu, He defeat Mewtwo and his trainer which he became 3rd place, Loves challenges too, has a mega stone, When out of its pokeball it goes into the woods to train it's aura more in intense training even with other Pokemon,  
R.O.B - the most oldest and rusty robot of the area, founded when Pikachu (trainer) - Ness & Lucas use their electric attacks on it which turn itself on, ROB is everyone friend, birds like him, has a top which is fun to play with, was an old robot that all of it’s brother and sister destroy and diapered and he is last of it’s kind (Like bastion from overwatch), dynamite with a lazer beam that can smash, He like Iron Giant and Bastion together like when someone he know or analyze as a friend and that friend i s hurt by enemy he target lock and try to exterminate or terminate the target with red eyes and intense lazer beam, but calms down when trying to stop him in smash arena, he likes puzzles too, Everyone robot best friend, the university help R.O.B out with giving him spare parts and some upgrades too,
Toon Link - Link distance relative cousin from across the sea, lazy and sleepy green bean boi, he has a boat that’s a dragon and a one hat that’s also a bird, he is an amazing music conductor, silent small boi, likes to play pirates, boi, he’s chick magnet cause of his tininess and cuteness,  
Wolf - A criminal which Fox and Falco keep eye on in Smash but later on cool with each other, Surpass Snake Trials and Challenges, story heard that he use to be a space pirate but that's the past, ride tank and a space ship,  
Villiger - People fear this kid due to his menacing lifeless smile face but he’s actually really nice kid once you know him, rumor said he a mayor is some other town they never heard of?, He take a class like anthropology and communication and also history too, carry around a bug net to catch frogs and bugs and fishing rods and shovel which make him most known for finding an ancient fossil that been lying under the area for millions of years, For a small student he’s actually the class president
Megaman - A student who a running start and transfer student, He goes two schools (cause of Marvel vs Capcom), Ryu old friend, people thought he eat battery or drink oil but he’s just a normal boy, Best engineering student, has a dog but the dog look cybernetic but he’s good dog, has a crush on Samus but they’re just friends but she finds him cute still (*pat Megaman on the back*),  
Wii Fit Trainer - Yoga student, some boys join yoga just to be with her, like boys and girls, knows self-defenses, exercise everyday, they didn’t notice she got an eye like iris and pupils first place but when they see her eyes now they see she’s really cute, both of them dress as slender man and women on Halloween that scare everyone even the principles and teachers too when they are just so silent and sticking to the character,
Rosalina & Luma - Luma is like class huggable pet friend making people cheer up and feel relax when hugging it, Rosalina study in astronomy which she’s top student in astronomy (she might be an astronomy teacher), She hang with Mario Luigi Peach Daisy and Toad, Kirby and Rosalina are good friends since both are from space and Kirby likes Luma, she travel by those star launcher to university, love to see the stars, Love to sleep, She also help kids reading them some stories sometimes use to help them sleep,
Little Mac - One of the greatest fighter and champion in boxing, he even beat DK in the boxing ring, make fun his height and he’ll knock you out the building sending you flying, love chocolate and his coach, His coach is best man, *insert Treasure Planet best quote here for Coach and Little mac*, Coach is also the gym teacher and is kind of like a father to Little Mac,  “HIT EM BABY” SHOW THEM WHAT YOU GOT MAC” “GREAT JOB MAC NOW LETS TRAIN FOR THE NEXT COURSE” *eat chocolate bar*,  
Greninja (Trainer name: Kochi) - A silent and keen trainer which both Greninja and himself master ninja techniques, Greninja stay out of the pokeball so it can train himself with Lucario and other Pokemon when their trainers return from class,  
Mii Fighters - Kat (Swordsman) Brox (Fighter) and Stacy (Gunner) are like known mii fighters at SMASH, Kat here to be the best race driver, Brox wants a challenger to fight and probably go to business in some company, Stacy wants to be a florist selling garden plants and flowers, 3 are like some cartoon or anime main protagonist characters that team up to fight some evil or go school together, They help save a Mii Princess from Dark Emperor, know everyone in the building and area, each fight they change costumes and gears and styles too, Three of them made their own gears and costumes which they also upgrade their gears alot for each fight they enter to prepare themselves, Kat and Brox do have a friendly rivalry to see whose best fighter and Stacy is in it too, Stacy the Tank, Brox the Muscles, Kat is the Speed, Samus is like Stacy favorite person, Stacy does Target Blast training to get her shooting skills up more, Brox likes a good challenger even against Ryu, Kat train this swordsmanship with other sword fighters, They all work out at gym!,  
Palutena - Goddess of Light, support Pit and help him study too, like a mother or big sister to Pit even though they aren’t related but she loves him and Pit love her too, She now everything and everyone at school, she be protective to Pit from Bayonetta when she try flirting him by hugging him and pout at her, dancer on her pole (or staff?), Bayonetta flirt her too~ oh my~,  
PAC-MAN - Loves to eat alot of fruits, Also makes all ghost scare of him except the Ghost gang, Help Luigi with ghost problems, Love To Eat, Has a wife, LOVE TO EAT!?!!?!?!?!?!?
Robin (Male) -  He likes to read books, hangout with Lucina (and everyone else), good grades in chemistry and magic class, loves books, he reads books in a fight which is the most strangest thing everyone seen,
Shulk -  a student from another country or place, He’s Really Feeling It, That so Shulk~ HE CAN GAZE INTO THE FUTURE~, nice cool dude, sometimes slack off but when exam or huge project he go intense,  
Bowser Jr. and The Koopalings - The tiny bad gang but not that bad just annoying kids, Bowser Jr leader of the Koopalings, Jr can turn to fake mario to frame mario for painting the walls and spread paint everywhere, Koopalings are just regular kids with different personality: The leader, the girl, the aggressive, the brawn, the cute and crazy laughign one with a tame chain chomp but wears glasses, cool dude, carzy one,one with big hair like wow Ludwing got big blue hair, Chain Chomp name Chompy is their pet but belong to Iggy,  
Duck Hunt -  kind of like a mascot but also a student and hangout with Yoshi and other Pokemon, rumors or myths is heard that there’s a man that no one can see that has a lock on target on them and that person will shoot them, ke he he he he,  
Ryu - New transfer student, really good fighter like Little Mac, carry a sandbag everywhere some reason, speak English and Japanese, he’s here to take on challengers of SMASH,  
Cloud - Speak Japanese and English but mostly Japanese, Look like anime fan, People said he smell chocobo he thought he smell chocolate but finds out chocobos are some birds, everyone try to pick up his sword but nobody can’t pick it up,  
Corrin (Female) - one student who has a big family which is 2 family becoming 1 family, go to class and places wearing no shoes just barefoot, legos aren’t her weakness, she love her family and friends, she good at negotiating people arguments but if one of them agree but the other disagree then she will change the other person who disagree her some…let say this person change it’s mind quick, Reason she doesn’t wear shoes is jsut she doesn’t like wearing them and doesn’t feel comfortable, 
Bayonetta - Sexy and hot girl in school, (of course) she help in the library, flirt with Pit because he’s a young boy and an angel which she might want to have fun with him, Also wanna have fun with Palutena, has gun on her heels but she not afraid to shoot but give a warning shot not hurting everyone but does scare them, can summon demons making fighting her more intense, Peach Samus & Zelda hang out with her and one time she dress as one of them once which got them falling for her and liking her more, "If you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum.“ good advice to young ones, give good dating advice or get girl or guy advice, loves lollipops, hate cockroaches and crying babies and crying cockroaches babies and tentacles, give Dark Pit bad punishment if he miss behaves~ he been a bad boi~, prefers Pit more since she finds him….good~, Gets along with everyone in the school area, Sometimes bring her friends to Rodin bar to get some drinks with,  
Inklings / Octoling - Always make a mess with paint in the hallways but does look and mad the hallways pop with colors which is good, Mario thought he kill them when using water on them by accident but they respawn all ok, The speak English but to others they speak some squidling language and octoling too, They do have great dance moves, Great gun user and never miss, (girl) love the princess and take selfies with them even hangout with them, both love a challenge, love to sing,  
Ridely - He kill Samus parents and her adopted parents (Chozo), Killer Fighter and very dangerous, dangerous dragon of the area, has criminal records, Samus gonna kick his ass, Almost closely kill Megaman and Mario, (Male) Pikachu trainer beat him when team up with Samus, He always mistaken for an xenomorph with wings, He’s a sneaky killer that also jokes in the fight but he doesn’t hold anything back he goes in and drag his prey to the ground and he drag them and shoot his powerful beam, survive Samus attack but he knock her out (closely killing her) and destroy her suit once but she return to beat him but he run, When he was about to kill Samus all of her friends got her back and beat him making him swear to hunt them too when he recovers, If Samus leave this planet it gives him the advantage to kill everyone, If he die he will still be resurrected as robot or recover in time,
Simon - He teach all students about Mythology and Folklore, Master at Monster hunting and bounty hunter, Eats wall meat which appeared out of nowhere when he destroy walls, have to teach Dracula when he comes back from the dead, Takes them on dangerous missions or quest to hunt monsters along with Monster Hunters and Riders, Whip them if they miss behave, 
Ritcher - Knows how to hunt monsters but is a student at the school, Kirby want his wall meat, He also hunt vampires alot, Simon best student, Kirby new friend, Nice to everyone, 
King K. Rool - Reason why there was once a huge hole in the school and why all the windows shatter from a  huge shockwave, only DK and Diddy can stop him, He also reason why all bananas are all gone in cafeteria except coconuts,
“Club, Classes, Sports, Team, and Events”
Classes: Math/Algebra, English/Other Language, Gym/Athletic, Yoga, Biology/Science/Chemistry, Technology/Construction, History, Anthropology/Communication, Job/Public, Military, Nature/Garden, Smash (Friday class only), Music/Singing, Art./Creativity, Mythology, 
Clubs: Ghost Busting Club, Plumbing Club, Archery Club, Box Fighting Club, Trainer Club, Villain Only Club, Gardening Club, Anime/Video Game Club, Assist Club, Cooking Club, Band Club, Robotics Club, Photograph Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Book/Literature Club, Chess Club, Retro Club, Splat Club, Smash Training Club, Space Club,
Sports: Smash (it’s also a class which all student fighters must attended to), Basketball, Swimming, ACE Tennis, Track Field, Football, Splat, Box Fighting, Golf, Soccer, Racing,
Teams: Swim Team, Basketball Team, Cheerleader Team, Chess Team, Football Team, Track Team, Tennis ACE Team, Smash Team, Splat Team, Box Fighting Team, Golf Team, Soccer Team, Racing Team,
Events: Parties (It’s just like Mario Parties), School Olympics (Sonic or Mario Team), School Festival, Prom/Dances, Halloween Event, Winter Wonderland Week, Movie Night, Smash Tournaments, Sports Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Art Day, Parents Day, Kids Day, Color Splash Day, Field Day, Graduation Day, Spirit Week, 
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yuudetama · 7 years
Malice // Chapter 1
Romance, thriller, Wonderland!BTS. Pairing: Namjoon x Reader Prologue → Chapter 1 → Chapter 2
The funny thing about dreams, you muse to yourself as you walk down the weatherbeaten cobblestone street, is that they’re positively perplexing to think about. A dream about a cat chasing a sparrow, for instance, may suggest to the dreamer a hunt of some sort, or it may indicate absolutely nothing at all. Why a cat? Why a sparrow? What is it that the cat seeks from the sparrow? A thousand symbols are contained in a single dream, and each one carries with it meanings that overturn the next. Simply speaking, they exist as a paradox- contradicting themselves with this and that and taking as many unexpected turns as a rabbit hole might.
A riddle, you conclude, turning the corner into the town plaza. The clock tower reads quarter to eleven but the plaza is strangely empty, with only the odd villager crossing the square to enter the shops that are scattered along the sides. Yes, that’s a good way of putting it. Dreams are like riddles, never quite appearing as what they actually are, and sometimes the dreamer himself may never find the key to truly solving them.
In the centre of the square a marble fountain sits in all of its grand splendor, bursting with water so fresh that it may as well have been squeezed from the clouds themselves. You, however, ignore it, making a beeline instead for the baker’s cart planted next to the King’s statue. A woman is busily sorting out loaves of rye bread, preparing for the mid-morning rush (although you think that it will be more of a mid-morning trickle, there are hardly any shoppers in sight).
“Anything off the cart for you, dear?” the woman calls out when she sees you approaching. Wiping her hands on the front of her apron, she gestures at the array of baked goods displayed on her stand. Buttermilk scones, milk buns, walnut muffins so fresh that you swear you can see little puffs of steam rising from the tops… The aroma of the sweet bread reaches your nose, causing your stomach to squirm uncomfortably with the telltale signs of hunger. “These just came out of the oven, nice and hot. Or my husband will be here soon with a fresh batch of croissants, if that tickles your fancy instead.”
“No, thank you,” you decline, firmly blocking out the signals your stomach pitifully sends. “I just had a question for you, if you wouldn’t mind. Could you point me in the direction of the royal castle? I seem to have lost my way.”
“The royal castle?” The woman peers at you with undisguised curiosity, but all you offer is a mere nod of the head. “I’m afraid you still have a ways to go, love. It’s about half a day’s travel from here, where the Rose City is, and that’s if you’re going by horseback.”
So a full day or longer by foot, you mentally translate to yourself, and glance up at the clock tower again. The time has barely changed from when you last looked at the round face, but you imagine that the sound of the moving hands is ticking endlessly in the distance, taunting you so eagerly that the ticks and tocks ring heavily in your ears. You’re late, you’re late, you’re very very late! it seems to sing gleefully.
The woman continues. “The quickest way is through the forest, but I wouldn’t advise you to go there alone. You are alone, aren’t you? Best thing to do would be to find somebody who’s willing to guide you through it. It isn’t safe in the woods, not after-” she lowers her voice to a scandalous whisper- “you know.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know,” you say politely, but you suspect you have an inkling as to what she’s referring to. The last town you had come from had been full of whisperings, a wariness that people seemed to carry like a shield. You hadn’t caught the reason for it, but the logical side of your brain figured that it must have been something quite terrible, if it’d caused the villagers to scurry around so like a pack of scared mice.
“You mean you haven’t heard?” she asks with a look of surprise. Straightening her spine, she quickly scans the perimeter of the square, as though afraid of being overheard by unwanted eavesdroppers. “There have been dangerous attacks happening in this land. Murders. The first one was a year ago- a blonde girl, they said, found with nearly all of her head chopped off- but nobody knows who could have done it. And she wasn’t the only one; there were more after her. Last winter it was a boy from the neighbouring village, and two months after that, the Duchess, if you can believe that. It was only after she was killed that the Queen began demanding the head of the one responsible. But how can you demand somebody’s head, I wonder, if you don’t even know who it belongs to?
“It’s been bad for us shopkeepers, as well,” she adds, glancing down at her untouched merchandise with a touch of despair. “Not many people like to go out these days. Nobody wants to be the next one, see? The folks around here have become too afraid to even leave their houses. Of course, it’s terrible what happened to that poor girl and the others, just awful. But until the killings are put to an end we won’t be able to put our minds at rest. That’s why I always tell my daughter never to go out alone if she can help it… Anyway, it’s best to be careful, dear. You don’t want to get yourself tangled up in this horrible business.”
You slowly nod. Deaths, unwarranted murders happening in Wonderland… It’s the last thing you expect to encounter on your journey, but then again, you’ve come to realize that in this land you should never expect nor unexpect anything at all.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t like anything?” the woman offers when you thank her for her time. “It’s a long journey through those woods, and you wouldn’t want to get hungry later on…”
Shaking your head, you bid her a good day and turn to leave the square (although not before casting another quick look of longing at the milk bread). As you do you catch a glimpse of something in the corner of your eye- a shadow, quick and fleeting, like the flicker of a cat’s tail. You pause for the briefest of seconds, then continue on your way. It’s nothing, you decide, striding towards the street which you had been directed to. The plaza is empty, save for you and the baker woman, and she hasn’t moved at all from her position behind her heavily laden cart.
Must have been a trick of the light. ------- The sun is still high up in the sky by the time late afternoon rolls around. It beats down on you, blasting its golden heat with a vengeance, but you bear it patiently as you tread steadily through the forest. The folds of your traveller’s cloak swish around your body, enveloping you like a curtain of sweltering sunshine. A hot, hot day, as expected from the unforgiving summer season.
Reaching into your bag, you pull out a water canteen and take a sip of its lukewarm contents. The water sloshes halfheartedly against the tin walls, and when you peer inside you notice that there’s only a little bit left pooling at the bottom. A grimace crosses your lips. You should have replenished your supply back in the town, but it’s too late now. You’ve already come this far, too deep in the forest to turn back.
The trees, they sing to lost travellers: your home, your home, where is your home? Is it here with us, with our leaves that shake and our limbs that groan?
The castle… Was the journey always this far? Which way had the woman pointed you towards, again? Slipping the canteen back into your bag, you turn around on the spot to examine your surroundings. It all looks the same, with identical trees, shrubs, and the occasional mossy boulder planted every which way you look. And yet-
It’s not the same, you realize. Something about the woods here is different. You’re not sure what it is, exactly- the answer evades you like a butterfly fluttering through the gaps of your fingers- but suddenly you feel something terrible twisting in your gut, almost like a warning of some sort. Behind you a breeze begins to stir a pile of withered leaves, and, despite the blistering heat of the sun, you find yourself pulling your cloak closer towards your body.
"Curious," a voice suddenly says above you, "And curiouser."
You jerk your head up towards the source of noise. Nestled in the tree in front of you is a man, clothes as black as the approaching night and hair as light as the breaking of dawn. With his back resting comfortably against the trunk he watches you with an expression of great interest. The corners of his mouth are curled up in a lazy smile, and his eyes gleam with something you can’t identify. Amusement? Or perhaps it’s something more wicked than that? You’re not quite sure.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, until at last you break the silence. “How long have you been up there?” you ask, not bothering to dally with the greetings. You wonder how he managed to climb the tree without you noticing- or had he always been there?- but then you remind yourself that it’s a strange world you’re in, and things are often not what they appear to be.
“Long enough to know that you have no idea where you’re going.” The man’s grin stretches wider across his face. “Tell me, what’s a little bird such as yourself doing alone in the woods? It isn’t safe here; haven’t you heard the news?”
Crossing your arms, you give him another look of appraisal. It seems that he’s a local resident of this land, unlike yourself, or at least has been around long enough to learn about the killings that the baker woman warned you of earlier. “Actually, I think it’s much safer to be alone than it is to talk to strangers,” you answer back. “Especially strangers who appear out of nowhere in trees, of all places.”
“Didn’t you know? There’s no better place to be than in a tree. If you haven’t tried it then I suggest you do so before Time becomes impatient waiting for you. He may start beating himself if you don’t beat him round the clock. But on the other hand, I do believe you have a fair point to your words, so…” Hoisting himself onto his feet, the stranger leaps off the branch and lands neatly on the ground in front of you. You automatically take a step back, but he only chuckles at your wary inhibitions.
“My name is Jimin,” the man says, giving you a grand, low bow. “Otherwise known as the Cheshire Cat. Or is it the other way around, I wonder?”
“I wouldn’t know. I’m not you,” you respond dryly. You choose not to return his introduction with one of your own, and if the curious cat notices your evasiveness he doesn’t comment on it.
He shrugs. “Well, either way, you now know who I am, and that means we’re no longer strangers,” he informs you, and leans against the tree from which he had just jumped out of. “So let me ask again: what are you doing by yourself in these woods?”
“... I’m on my way to see the Red Queen,” you tell him. As eccentric as this man is, you don’t think that he’s a threat. He seems more obnoxious than he does dangerous, and anyway, you get the feeling that he’ll keep persisting with his questions if you don’t answer them.
A gust of wind suddenly bursts through the air, skimming over the grass and causing your cloak to billow around you. It bats at the fabric of your collar, pushing back the cloth to reveal your bare neck. Instinctively you reach up to tug the collar back into place, but it appears that the Chesire has quick eyes in addition to quick feet, for you can see them flashing immediately to where your skin has been exposed.
You drop your hand and pretend as though nothing has happened. “So you know where I’m headed off to, then. What about you, Mr. Cheshire? What are you doing in these woods alone?”
If possible, his grin widens even more. If it grows any larger, you muse, he’ll soon be nothing but a smile floating without a body. “I’ll tell you what I’m not doing; I’m not going to see the Red Queen,” he chuckles. You suppress an inward sigh. People in this land are so strange, you think to yourself ruefully. Their way of talking is too odd and roundabout for you to make sense of it, and it makes it near impossible for you to get a straight answer most of the time. You’d struck gold with the baker woman, apparently. At least talking to her hadn’t been like trying to solve a puzzle.
You turn to leave. “In that case, then there’s no reason for us to continue this conversation. Goodbye, Mr. Jimin Cheshire. I hope you enjoy yourself up in those trees.”
“You’re going the wrong way, little bird,” he calls out after you, laughing once again. “There’s only an abandoned mine shaft over there. If you’d like, I could show you the right path. I know a shortcut, and I can guarantee we’ll be out of these woods before nightfall.”
You eye him. In your experience people rarely did any acts of kindness without wanting something in return, but in the past three minutes that you’ve known him, you can’t for the life of you figure out what this man could possibly want. “We’ve only just met. Why should I trust you to lead me anywhere safely?”
“What other choice do you have?” he counters, still grinning from ear-to-ear. The sight of it is becoming positively irksome, but you have to admit that he does have a point. You have no map, no compass, and, as it seems, no sense of direction. You consider your other options, but, as your new acquaintance has pointed out, they’re severely limited- either you could stay where you are and wait for a new rescuer to appear, somebody whose smile doesn’t stretch across his face like a piece of chewy saltwater taffy, or you could wander aimlessly in what you hope is the right direction and perhaps be mauled to death by a gaggle of wild beasts.
As if reading your mind, the Cheshire Cat pushes himself away from the trunk. “Just letting you know, the shroom-capped wolbers like to hunt at this time of day. And they’re quite good at it, too,” he calls over his shoulder, and slinks off between two enormous oak trees.
You stare at his receding backside. It’s only after he’s vanished completely that you begin to move after him. No map, no compass, nothing to navigate you through the forest. Only an abstruse man who calls himself the Cheshire Cat and offers to act as your impromptu guide. It may not be the smartest of moves, but even if he does lead you to something life-threatening you figure it can’t be worse than having to roam through this overgrown garden by yourself.
And, as you follow the lithe man through the woods, you swear you can hear something rustling in the air around you, quiet and urgent and perhaps a wee bit mournful, as well. It’s almost as though the wind is whispering to you, repeating a single word over and over again in a long, senseless rush of breath.
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multiplefandomfics · 5 years
Grimes sisters chapter 6
and the next one and last one for tonight. I’m still betaing the next chapters so bare with me here.
Words: 2483
Warnings: Drama, smut, Rick being overprotective
Pairings: Shane x Fabienne ; Alex x Daryl
Fabienne POV
I was already outside before the sun had risen behind the horizon. My night had been terrible. Over the last few weeks I had a lot of nightmares and the other nights I didn’t sleep much because I was thinking so much. Lately the biggest topic on my mind at night was the beginning of all of this. The panic everywhere people on TV and the radio telling you of military camps we were supposed to  be headed to be safe until every kind of connection completely broke off. The worst part was the not knowing what to do. The adjustment part was hard as hell. I remembered how scared we were of a single walker in the  beginning and how we now didn't even bother to kill a single one because they’re no real threats to us anymore. Nobody would have thought we’d make it this far. I genuinely enjoyed sitting in the fresh morning air. Inside the cell blocks was not too much fresh oxygen. I sat on a stone and watched the sunrise. “G’ mornin’” I heard Daryl say to my left. I smiled to him. He was awake early most of the days to clean or tinker with his bike. Sometimes he even made new arrows for his crossbow. Then he would drive out and hunt something. At some point I wanted to get back inside and Shane came towards me. “Good morning.” he greeted me. After yesterday I had no idea how to behave around him. “Morning.” I responded weakly. He looked around as if to make sure nobody was watching and then he pulled me in for a heated kiss. He pushed me into a corner and caged me completely in with his insanely hot body. My heartbeat raised exponentially. His kisses got more demanding and I kept on flowing with it. I had no idea why. Maybe because the feelings I had for him where finally coming to the surface or because we just had to blow off some steam. “Don’t overthink it darlin’!” he murmurs against my lips. His big warm hands venture under my T-shirt. The contact on my bare skin made me tingly all over. I forgot how much I had needed physical contact.
My hands play with his hair on the nape of his neck while our tongues were fighting for dominance. Suddenly I remembered where we were and pushed him away from me. “If somebody is to see us….” I said and turned red as a tomato. “No ones gonna see us here. Also the others are still sleeping and don’t worry about  Daryl he’s always oblivious to his surroundings.” he sounded so sure and started to kiss me again. We kinda fell back into a trance like state. “The tower.” I mumbled. I thought that to be a good idea. What Maggie and Glenn could… we could too. Nobody was up there now anyways. We got in and locked the door. Upstairs he pushed me against a wall again and we kept on kissing. Exploring each others mouths and bodies with our hands. We only let go of one another to push the shirts out of the way. He started to kiss my neck and suck hickies into it. I knew that my brother would be furious to see that but in this moment I couldn’t care less. I started palming his hard on through his pants and he moaned at the feeling. I noticed him getting harder under my ministrations and it really turned me on. He was still able to snap open my bra and pull it off. It landed on the pile of clothes already occupying the floor. The moment he took my breasts into his big hands I melted away. Me moaning his name seemed to spur him on further and he started to open my jeans and pushed his hand inside to stroke me through my panties. It was a wonderful feeling I hadn’t felt in so long. I closed my eyes “Look at me. I wanna see your eyes when you come.” he said lowly. So I tried to comply. I got more and more impatient and began to open is pants. I was so excited when I heard the sound of the belt buckle hitting the floor. “Someones eager here.” he groaned. The last articles of clothing flew around the room in no time. My hands kept flying over his muscular upper body and down his happy trail but he couldn’t wait any longer. He turned me around abruptly and pushed my hands above my head. He lined himself up with my entrance and slowly pushed in. The stretch was heavenly I had never felt anything like it before. “Oh god.. yes. Shane.” was all I could say. “Faster...” I moaned out and he picked up the pace. I tried to be silent so nobody would hear. I hadn’t had an orgasm in so long I was already so close. “Baby I can’t….hold off.” I moaned between thrusts. “Me too darlin’.” he groaned. I felt it building more and more. Suddenly he pulled my leg up and was able to reach deeper and hit my G-spot dead on. I screamed his name and clenched my channel around him as I rode out my high that brought him over the edge and he came inside me. We were out of breath and he let my leg slip and pulled out of me. In my post orgasm haze I felt his lips on my neck again and I could help it but smile at this. He slowly let go of my hands and I turned around. He was smiling like a dopey idiot as well. I kissed him one last time and we started to find our clothes. “Fabienne?” I suddenly heard my name. Shit, Rick I thought and rolled my eyes. He was always annoying me when it had just gotten funny. I stepped outside and looked down. “What’s up?” I yelled smiling innocently. Suddenly Shane stepped out behind me and I could see the gears in Ricks head shifting. I was sure he had a suspicion what had happened up here. We turned to go downstairs. Shane snickered: “Well looks like we kinda got caught anyways.” I didn’t think this was one bit funny because Shane and I were probably in for a lecture from Rick. Great!! “Ehm I forgot my knife up there yesterday and she helped me get it because my legs still not fully healed but I still didn’t wanna let her go alone.” Shane excused us being up there lamely. Of course I knew that Rick wouldn’t buy that at all. But he did not say a word and we all got over to the others for breakfast.
Rick POV
When I woke up and wanted to look after Alex and Fabienne I only found Alex in their cell. Naturally I was worried about Fabienne and started to look around. Daryl wasn’t there as well but that was normal he was an early bird most of the time. What worried me most was the fact that Shane was missing as well. That couldn’t be good. I took a deep breath and went outside. They had to be here somewhere together. I really didn’t like the whole thing with Fabi and Shane and I hoped it would ebb away after a while but it seemed like it didn’t. I looked around a bit and when I neared the watchtower and called her name I finally got a life sign from her…. And Shane.  
They looked at me like the cat who got the cream. I could think about something they could have been doing up there. I had to keep my rage in check but that wasn’t easy. At the right moment I would take them both to the side and talk to them. Especially Shane. He was my partner and she’s my sister. How could he do this?? My sisters are off limits but he didn’t wanna accept that. The lie they were telling me was laughable so I didn’t buy it. Forgot his knife?? Was he kidding me?!
We all walked over to the common area in silence to get breakfast. Later Carol and my sisters went back to plant veggies. I was sitting next Carl who was feeding our girl. He’s the best big brother a girl could have. Strong and reliable. Despite everything he’s been through. “Dad? I think I have the perfect suggestion for a name.” I looked at him eager to hear his idea. “What do you think about Judith?” I started to smile. That had been the name of an elementary school teacher of his who he really liked. “Judith. I think that’s a fine name.” I agree. Judith it was. Then Shane walked past us and I excused myself to Carl and follow him. “Hey Shane. Hold up.” I stopped him. He turned around and looked at me a little annoyed. He knew what was about to come. “I know exactly what you did up there, I’m not oblivious.” I hissed through my teeth. What really made me angry then was the huge grin he had plastered on his face. “So what? She’s old enough to decide who she wants to sleep with and who not.” “You know exactly that she is off limits to you!” I growled at Shane but he just couldn’t care less. “You are just going to make her unhappy. I know you too well. You’re a playboy always have been. I can’t have you breaking her heart. All your relationships before have gone to hell because you’re an asshole sometimes. It never ended well for the girls.” Yes he didn’t like me talking like that but it was the truth. And it seemed that my sister attracted guys like that even during the apocalypse. His gaze had gone very dark. A sign that he was angry. He pushed me a little against the next wall “I WAS an asshole. But even assholes can change, Rick. But none of this is any of your business, understood?” he whisper yelled at me. “I don’t want you to hurt her.” I repeated myself. At that he angrily punched his fist against the concrete wall next to my head. And exactly that was what I was afraid of. He was a choleric. I couldn’t have that with my sister. “She is damn old enough.” he said again and left. I didn’t wanna get into a fight right then that would have only pulled Fabi and me further apart. The last thing I saw of him was him walking toward the tower because he had watch now with Daryl. If he let his bad mood out on Daryl that could have been fun. Daryl’s not the guy to just take someone insulting him. The only good thing out of this was that Fabi did not know what just happened.
Alex POV
Carol, Fabi and I were again planting food in our new flowerbeds. “How was your day with Daryl yesterday?” Fabi wiggled her eyebrows and I turned just the slightest shade of pink and turned my head away. “It was nice despite the little problem with a bigger herd of walkers everything went fine.” I told them. I changed the topic “By the way what is that on your neck Fabi?” she tried to cover it up but it was definitely to warm for a scarf. “It is nothing. I must have bruised myself somewhere.” she excused her marks. I was very sure they were hickies. “Sure” I said giggling to myself. I wasn’t too positive about her and Shane but maybe she could change him for the better. Everybody deserves a second chance.
Daryl was very clear yesterday that he didn’t wanna take me with him again. Okay yes the thing I did was probably not the best but hey we got what we needed. And I was sure I could convince him to take me again. Especially after our kiss yesterday on the road that seemed to have taken him by surprise but in a positive way I did not wanna leave his side. I caught him after he came from his shift on the watchtower. “Daryl. You wanted to go for another run tomorrow right? Can I come? Pretty please!! I’m not gonna be any trouble to you, I promise.” I ran after him with my biggest puppy dog eyes. “I told you yesterday you were not gonna come again.” “But Daryl please” I said and inched closer again. “You know it was actually quite nice out there.” and with those words I stroked up his arm again and saw him shiver. “Don’t start anything you can’t finish, sweetheart.” he growled that had me turned on in no time. That gravelly voice with the southern drawl combined with the strong arms and the hair in his face was irresistible to me. “No means no” he came back to the topic at hand and walked off. I was sure I would get him somehow to take me with him. And if I had to play out my female charm card.
Shane walked past us he seemed angry and I got slightly startled by Ricks voice from behind me “I may have lectured him this morning...” he excused Shane’s mood. That explained a lot.
Shane POV
Daryl and I didn’t speak much up on the watchtower. After the lecture I got from Rick I wasn’t really in the mood for anything other than staring in the distance. What did Rick think who he was? Fabienne was absolutely old enough to make her own decisions. I was not the monster Rick made me out to be. I thought a big part of who I was that time was because of Fabienne. She made me a better person. Maybe I was an ass before but it always had a reason. Sometimes I may even be choleric but I would never hurt Fabi. Ever!! I stormed angry past the others after my watch “Hey wait up.” called Fabienne after me. I just didn’t wanna let my mood out on her. I took a deep breath and turned toward her. “What’s wrong?” I asked her worriedly. “Your brother just recently informed me that I am an asshole and that you are too good for me.” I told her. She looked over to Rick who had been watching us “and you know what? I don’t give a shit about his opinion.” then she leaned in and kissed me in front of everyone. It was provoking but I didn’t care. Rick looked as if he was about to murder me. But he wasn’t able to do a thing. “See ya later?” she whispered. I nodded. So we went our own ways.
0 notes
itsareactiontosmut · 8 years
Love You Stretch Marks and All. Prompto x Reader ~ Fluff
Inspired by @anotherchocobroheadcanon post about what they say while s/o is asleep. Prompto’s made me go ‘awwww’ and this came to mind. The first Post and the second Post.
“Prompto has been acting differently lately.” Gladio remarked as he was setting up camp, noticing the thin blond was gathering wood instead of taking pictures.
I looked over at where Gladio was looking sure the camera was out but he wasn’t snapping away like normal at everything that caught his interest. My sunshine boyfriend was super adorable when he was running around taking photos of things sometimes it was dangerous during a battle but I generally kept an eye out on him taking out any prey that was after him. I joined up with Prince Noctis and the others when they had just killed off the Behemoth Deadeye I had been taking care of my sick Chocobo, Rex. I wasn’t the greatest hunter around I was waiting for some friends to come and help me take down Deadeye as I knew there would be no way I could do it myself. In the end the Chocobros had taken Deadeye down me joining them after some begging to help Prince Noctis find all the Tombs of his Elders.Prompto had been the one that convinced them to let me go along with them specially since I had a pet Chocobo that Prompto wanted to love up on. The two of us fell in love rather quickly, his sunshine like personality was just so addicting his beautiful blue eyes were enough to drown in staring at all his freckles made him blush like crazy but I loved inspecting them all.
“I think I know why.” Ignis replied as he turned on the burner stove gathering up a few pots and pans.
Shedding off my jacket it covered in some Anak blood and needed to be washed I heard the tell tale click of a camera. A smile on his lips Prompto gave me a small wave as he placed a pile of sticks and branches to start afire.
“Well then explain.” Gladio said as he finished setting up the chairs as Prompto rushed over to help Noctis help set up the tent as he was struggling a little with it.
“Well it’s Miss L/N over here would be the answer. Ever since she joined the group Prompto has slowly been putting more effort in everything he does but if you pay attention it’s to the things that benefit F/N.”
I blushed quickly sneaking a glance at Prompto as he was speaking to Noctis about King’s Knight.
~~ That night ~~
In the tent I was sleeping next to Prompto out like a light, well I would be if it weren’t for Gladio’s snoring. So I did what I normally did meditate until I could finally drown out the snoring. Prompto was snuggled up against me he had me close to him head resting on his stomach. His right hand stroking through my hair free hand running the controls on his camera it was so relaxing listening to the soft breathing. His heart beat was steady and comforting to hear I love snuggling up against him.
“You know it makes no sense why you love me so. You know that Y/N?” Prompto muttered softly under his breath.
Clearly he was just musing aloud to me thinking I was asleep. I didn’t want to interrupt him wanting to hear what was truly on his mind.
“I’m trying so hard to be someone worthy of you. I’m not really good at anything not really funny - well I guess funny looking or do funny things but not legitimately funny. I have zero money I’m always scraping for pennies to pay bills and stuff I’m wearing the same shoes from like high school. My looks…well I’m not gorgeous like Ignis or muscled like Gladio and fuck I’m not royalty like Noct.”
His voice started to waver a little as he spilled his feelings. It made my heart hurt for him to say such things about himself. Sleepily I nuzzled my face against his chest wrapping a arm around him hugging him acting like I was still asleep but comforting him as well.
“Praise the Six you are so cute. All your talent and you hang out with me. Like you practically come out of every battle looking fresh as a daisy beautiful hair flowing behind you picture perfect every time. Even on my best days I look like something the cat dragged in. I have awful stretch marks on my stomach ever since I lost all that weight…you are cute and cuddly all around head to toe. I’m such a social misfit I’m not even sure why the others like me. I’m just so lucky to have you but I get so scared that you will find someone better than me and to be honest anyone is better than me and leave me.”
I felt some thing wet hit my face causing me to shift a little as it startled me. Was he crying? Peeking my right eye open a bit I saw in the dim light of the tent Prompto’s face all red eyes glistening with tears. My sunshine boy…the pang of sorrow hitting my heart as my precious cinnamon roll of a lover was having a rough time.
“I get so scared jealous even when you talk so openly and easily with the others. Dark thoughts swirl in my mind of how they are probably better for you than me or how you leave me like my family left me leaving me alone for something better.”
I had enough there was a small pit of rage that went through me propping myself up I pushed Prompto back a little. His eyes went wide in shock as a few tears fell from his long golden eyelashes. Wrapping my arms around him tightly squeezing him as I did.
“Don’t say things like that Prompto, I love you and I heard all of what you said.” I said muffled with my face buried in the crook of his neck.
“Hah, I didn’t say anything you were asleep Chicky.” He said nervously trying to laugh everything off calling me by one of his pet names for me.
Reaching up my right hand I cupped the side of his face bringing it to mine fingers brushing away the few tears. His handsome face was red from embarrassment and shame his baby blue eyes intense looking from the crying making them look even more beautiful. How could he not see he was beautiful and wonderful?
“Are you blind?” I asked indignantly.
“No…I just…” Prompto said with a heavy sigh leaning into me pulling me onto his lap burying his face in the crook of my neck taking a deep breath placing a soft sensual kiss on my neck.
That sensitive intimate gesture of his made my heart leap in my chest sending a tingling sensation down my spine. Wrapping my arms around him I hugged him tightly. Gladio’s snoring came to a stop and he let out a grunt as he rolled over muttering in his sleep calling out a name, “Wren” then back to snoring. The others still out like lights as if we weren’t having a full blown conversation at one in the morning.
“I feel so worthless, babe.” He admitted softly his voice wavering a little.
“You are not worthless Prompto. Not in the slightest don’t you ever think that okay?” I said adamantly pulling back some looking him directly in the eyes.
“You really think so?” He asked a hopefully lilt in his voice.
“I know so. You are the glue that keeps this group together. Prompto you are my sunshine you shine so brightly sometimes that it’s blinding. I love your humor your smile that hair is so cute when you wake up first thing in the morning and it’s all messy. Cuddling up with you after a long day makes me feel like the most important girl in the world. Your pictures Prompto are excellent I bet you could get those in magazines and such make quite a bit of money off them too. Noct makes a great model.”
“Yeah because  Noct is gorgeous…”
“And you are too I am not bothered by the stretch marks at all Prompto. It’s proof that you survived that struggle leapt over that hurdle in your life. You wanna know a secret?” I asked brushing a few strands of downy feather soft hair out of his eyes.
“What?” He asked curious his eyes on me intense paying strict attention to me as if I was the only person in the world, another thing I loved about him.
“You know how I got a bit grouchy and bitchy when you suggested I wear shorts like Cindy wears?” I said as I brought up a embarrassing conversation we had a month ago.
“Yeah I am sorry about that…”
“Well when I was a teen in high school I was really depressed a lot because no one ever wanted to be friends with me they just wanted answers for the tests. My family life sucked I had a abusive step brother and the only Control I had over the own pain I gave myself. So I ended up cutting myself in my inner and out thighs. They are deep so they look bad if I wear shorts and stuff and why I like to have sex with the lights off I’m ashamed of what I did to myself.”
I had taken off the blanket pulling down the sweatpants showing just below my underwear on my right side several thick knotted scars. With a quivering hand Prompto reached out brushing his fingers over the scars admiring them.
“Don’t be ashamed babe I understand that pain…I love you Y/N so much.”
I leaned forward cupping his face kissing him passionately feeling his hands rubbing up and down my sides, nipping on his lower lip listening to his erotic whine.
“I love you Prompto and please don’t insult me in thinking I would leave you just because someone flirts with me or is somehow magically better than you. For me there is no one better than you, Prompto you are the bees knee, my darling Chocobo lover, my sunshine. I’m not a floozy I am a loyal person to a fault to the person I love I will stay with them until the very end.” I said reaching a hand up under his shirt rubbing the stretch marks feeling his stomach go tense under my touch.
Prompto let out a little whimper as he stared down at me as I place a kiss on his chest right over his heart then moving my lips to his neck placing a few kisses there.The heart beat going like crazy making me smile.
“Thank you so much…you are so wonderful I am so lucky.”
“Feel better birb-boy?” I teased happily looking up at him, reaching my hands up his sides then to his shoulders gently massaging them, planting a kiss on his lips tasting a bit of salt from the tears.
“Yes, snuggle with me until I fall asleep?” He asked nuzzling his nose against mine wrapping his arms around me pulling me close laying back down on the sleeping bag.
“Uhuh.” I giggled, pulling the blanket around us I slid my hand under the tank top rubbing the stretch marks as I snuggled up against his chest humming the Chocobo song. “I want to ride my Chocobro all day.~”
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kitanoko · 8 years
The Popular Belief
Rating: K
Pairing: Todoroki x Yaoyorozu from BNHA
Two Shot
Romance/Angst- the fanfic with angst that I said I’d write a while ago, enjoy! 
Despite popular beliefs, Yaoyorozu never accepted the idea of lasting relationships. As ridiculous as it sounds, Yaoyorozu grew up in an environment where relationships meant business, and in turn, business meant money. Her family was wealthy; everyone knew that of course, but to her, wealth started to become something really dark and twisted. In her world, wealth was what attracted ‘family friends’, if you could even call them that. She was fed with a silver spoon since she was a baby and she donned gold jewellery for every social event for as long as she could remember. She could technically obtain whatever she wanted with a snap of her fingers, but at the same time, she had to work hard to give her parents something to be proud of. At the age of 8, Yaoyorozu noticed that what really was intangible were people who wanted to know her for her. Not because of the Yaoyorozu family name. And so entered Todoroki Shouto.
               Todoroki, Yaoyorozu swore, was the only person who came from a well-known, greatly publicized family, who never seemed to give a damn about the world. He had to uphold his family name but the composure that he instilled on everyone around him came as a surprise to her. Ever since the exam where the two fought against their beloved teacher two years ago, the girl admired him more so than before. From the wires where he was left hanging, he shouted to her a short speech that Yaoyorozu can still hear, placidly repeating in her mind, as if it were on a broken record.  It left her emotional.
               But when it came to confrontation and discussion, Yaoyorozu would have to admit that it wasn’t her strong suit. Her innocence and naivety were like a spring breeze brushing over soft fields; gentle, fresh, and unwavering. And that’s what plagued her. Jirou had consulted her many times, with a smirk of course, over matcha lattes and cinnamon buns, that talking to him about her inadvertent crush was key to ‘success’. What Jirou meant by ‘success’ however was still a mystery to her, but if that could clear her mind and cure the constant anxiety whenever Todoroki was a meter away from her, then maybe Jirou was right.
               One casual morning came, and the black-haired girl, with her signature pony tail, was struggling to carry a pile of “Hero History” workbooks across the UA hallway. Like always, she volunteered for teacher without hesitation, and she was told to bring it to the staff room where he will begin his long treacherous journey of homework marking. She treaded carefully on the clean marble floor, noticing the few scuff marks that periodically became visible as she walked, giving the only evidence of student existence. Quiet echoes of her footsteps disturbed the silence of the hallways, coercing her to move faster. If it weren’t for UA’s strict policy on using one’s quirk on school property, she would have fashioned a pair of skates by now.  
               A short, slight tap was heard somewhere on the left of the girl, and with a few more steps, she noticed two girls, one with vibrant pink hair, and the other dark brown, taking something out of their lockers. Were they even supposed to be in the hallway during class time? Yaoyorozu stood far in a corner, the perfect perspective to see what they were doing. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back…right?
               “I want to give him this, what do you think?” The pink haired girl, spoke quietly, “I made these myself!”
               A heart-shaped box peaked through the girl’s tiny fingers. Valentine’s Day chocolates? But wasn’t Valentine’s Day way past?
               It was the brown-haired girl’s turn to speak. She leaned forward, Yaoyorozu noted, and she took the box out of her friend’s hands. The contents inside the box rattled a little, and the other girl quickly made a ‘shush’ gesture with her finger.
               “This is really sweet,” the brown haired girl spat, her tone like venom from a snake, “I don’t think he will accept it though. Haven’t you heard about the other girl he’s been seeing?”
               Yaoyorozu almost laughed. These first years sounded so immature she couldn’t bear it any longer. The girl continued to balance her books and was about to tiptoe away when the conversation steered itself towards an eerie ending.
               “Todoroki-san? Seeing someone?” The pink haired girl sounded disappointed. She grabbed the box away and carefully packed it neatly into her backpack.
               “Ya, rumour has it, he’s out with the same girl almost every week. You know, sitting in cafes and stuff,” the other girl hissed, “I wouldn’t confess to him now if I were you.”
               A sudden shock resonated through her and Yaoyorozu’s heart began to hammer. As if all her blood rushed toward her tired arms, a workbook started to tilt forward. Haphazardly, Yaoyorozu shifted her weight on her heels, praying to God it wouldn’t fall. But it did anyway, and the loud thump made the two girls jump in surprise with Yaoyorozu’s presence.  Cursing (which was surely forbidden in her unwritten family code of honor), she placed the steady pile on the floor, gaze fixed on the book which was now half opened. She picked it up swiftly, acting as if the other two girls were simply statues,  Yaoyorozu placed it on the stack and continued on her way. In the corner of her eye, she saw the two girls, mouths agape. Whispering, the two girls turned quickly on their heels to leave. Yaoyorozu could only hope they didn’t recognize her.
               Yaoyorozu returned to class with the most neutral expression she could put on, and sat at her seat. Noticing the white and red haired boy resting his chin on his right palm, she felt her mouth turning dry. Lately, he’s been extra quiet. He wasn’t very social to begin with, but it was as if he was always busy thinking about something. Was he really seeing someone? How could anyone in her class not notice that if he were? Or is she just out of the loop because of all the training she’s been having lately? The sound of the lunch bell startled her out of her reverie and she watched as Todoroki follow Deku and Iida out the door. Unknowingly, she let her innate self-deprecating side take over. Her 8-year old impression of the world might be right after all.
               When school ended that day, Yaoyorozu grabbed Jirou’s arm in haste and dragged her somewhere quiet despite her best friend’s protest. That scene in the hallway earlier was still fresh in her mind, and her head was still pounding from all the questions and the confusion that flooded through her. She fiddled with her left hand nervously and looked straight into Jirou’s eyes.
               “What’s going on Yaomomo,” Jirou spoke, watching as Yaoyorozu opened her mouth to speak but closed it again like fish out of the water.
               Face furrowed, the taller girl exhaled.
               “I think Todoroki has a girlfriend. Or something like that.”
               Eyes wide, Jirou stifled a giggle, “What? How can that be?”
               Scents of pine and oak left Yaoyorozu slightly calmer and she spoke carefully this time, enunciating every word.
“He’s seeing someone.”
               Jirou looked surprised, “Is it just a rumour?”
               “Yes well…hearsay and rumours could somewhat be true you know.”
               Jirou shoved both of her hands within her pockets, “Well I honestly don’t think you should be worried at all. I mean look at you!” Jirou’s intonation started to rise, “You excel in class, you’re beautiful inside and out. How can anyone reject you?”
               Jirou smiled, “Look at it this way, this should motivate you to confront him even more.”
               Yaoyorozu bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes, pausing for a few seconds to compose herself.
“Okay, I’ll do it. Maybe I’ll fail but I know I’ll regret if I don’t.”
               Those words prompted her best friend to grin widely again and she felt Jirou’s warm hand patting on her shoulder in reassurance.  Yaoyorozu thanked her for the support. As the two parted ways, Yaoyorozu left, holding onto as much determination as she could muster.
               Crumbled up love letters or whatever they were, sat scattered across her desk. She was an excellent writer at school, for Pete’s sake, why can’t she do this?
Fingers fidgeted with the unused pile of expensive note paper she got for her birthday last year, and she placed a piece in front of her for the twelfth time. She gulped and guided her pen swiftly across the blank canvas. Yet her words became jumbled every time her pen touched the piece of perfumed paper, expressing nothing but gibberish; her writing, blue ink swirled gracefully as if dancing on the surface, was as coherent as a 5-year-old’s daily journal, the ones overworked children had to do for homework. She covered her head in her arms in frustration, releasing a loud groan that was sure to wake up her mother. The clock on her desk blared brightly.
1:11 am.                                                                                              
Oh God, she was supposed to be asleep four hours ago. A funny thought appeared in the girl’s head. People say when the clock hits 11:11 or 1:11, that’s when someone’s wish will come true. If rumours were right, which she really hoped that none of them were, she found herself clasping her palms together and shutting her eyes tight. She mumbled something silly and prayed. Usually she would ask for perfect grades, but this time was different.
The next morning, Yaoyorozu woke up groggily. Her letter finished in a rush the night before, lay comfortably on her desk, not wanting to be taken away. She sighed as she swiped it into her bag and headed out the door.
Jirou made the occasional eye contact throughout that day’s class with Yaoyorozu and the girl weakly smiled back everytime. Her thoughts were packed with imaginary scenarios of her planned encounter with the boy sitting next to her. She accidentally gave her black backpack a light kick, where the neatly folded letter in a white, pristine envelope was.
Labeled and sealed, she made sure.
The only conversation she has had with the boy next to her that day, however, was his brief question about when the legendary hero Shadowstalker’s first debut was. Of course the girl answered within a few seconds. Her head was filled with so much useless details she wished she didn’t have photographic memory. The boy nodded in appreciation and went back to studying, and Yaoyorozu swore his eyes reflected a tinge of dull uncertainty.
Her chance came when Deku invited everyone over to his house for a quick study session before their history test. Yaoyorozu, popular as always, was asked by Kaminari, Jirou and a few others hundreds of times to tutor them at Deku’s place. She hesitated, putting her hands up to refuse, but her soft-heartedness got the better of her and she finally accepted the request. She turned her head and saw Todoroki packing his things too. Grabbing the hem of her skirt, her voice came a little bit louder than she anticipated.
The boy turned to her, and she felt an uneasiness that seemed too familiar.
“Can we talk outside for a minute?”
He let her take the lead and both of them ignored the odd stares directed from their classmates. Every step the girl took felt heavy, and she doubled checked with the feel of her fingers over the thin fabric that the letter was tucked away attentively, folded, in her skirt pocket. They stopped behind the gym building and a dead, unwanted silence embraced them. The girl paced back and forth a little as Todoroki leaned against the concrete wall, wondering what was so urgent. The sun was setting and the light that peeked softly out of the trees settled on the boy’s face, emphasizing every inch of his chiselled features.  She didn’t realize how close they stood, enough to see every detail, from the scar to his perfect heterochromatic irises. Must be great winning the genetic lottery, she thought. Funny enough, she noticed how hard it was to focus given their proximity. Finally, the girl spoke, voice trembling.
“I just wanted to say how much I wanted to thank you, Todoroki. For the past few years.”
The boy cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms, “I see.”
The girl stared at him in anticipation, hoping the next words to be something more meaningful.
“If that is all, then maybe we could go back?” He asked monotonously, “You’re heading to Deku’s too right?”
He looked at her, eager to hear her answer but her heart was beating so loudly she could barely hear her own thoughts. Todoroki straightened his jacket with a slight movement of his hand, and Yaoyorozu swallowed hard. Her chest heaved, and she felt numb.
“Actually,” the knot in her throat wasn’t relieving, “I have something I wanted to give to you.”
Her voice trailed off. Head slightly lowered, she looked up, peeking to see his expression. The boy was clearly taken aback. He let his arms rest on his side and noticed the letter that she took out then. Grasping it tightly, she extended it towards him. She really wanted to push it into his hand and escape, but her legs were rooted. The boy looked at it for a brief moment.
As if his next words were taboo, he analyzed them carefully and slowly. His voice was as rough as burlap, and he released the words quickly, wanting them out of his system.  
“Is it about the arranged marriage?” He said, voice deep.
Was this his sarcastic attempt in comic relief?
She could see regret in the glint of his eyes.
The air turned sour between them. The tension was so thick, the girl found it hard to breath. Both of them, eyes locked onto each other, had nothing but a painful serenity. For a second, she actually wished that words, alone, could kill.
“What?” She managed to say in between hitches of her breath, letter still in hand. She could feel chills, either from Todoroki’s subconscious quirk release, or maybe from her own anxiety.
“After this year’s graduation, our last year, I mean…” He halted, gaging the dangerous path his message was surely headed towards, and continued, “I’m getting married.”
As irony presented itself at her expense, the letter fell out of her hand, making no sound, just like the nonexistent impact it would have on him, she thought. The sun has completely set now, street lights burst into life, creating imaginary fireflies along the trails. It was so dark, where they stood, and Yaoyorozu was thankful for it at the moment, hiding the sorrow that seeded in her heart. He looked at the letter on the ground and back at her.
“Well,” she faked a laugh, “I had no idea!”
Her voice was so, so stiff.
“Congratulations.” Yaoyorozu felt lost as her mockery and laughable desires melted into oblivion.
Thank God for drama classes, right?
“I thought maybe Midoriya had let it slip.”
She turned around, neglecting the letter that seemed to be ensconced into the muddy puddle, but stopped in her tracks when his voice rang through the air again.
“My parents arranged this long ago, and as stupid as it was, I signed it to make my mother happy. In a way, she was forced to support this too, you know?”
Her lips pressed tightly together, feeling as though a thousand needles had just pierced her skin.
“No, I don’t actually.”
She looked away, trying so hard to not show any emotion. But as she shifted underneath the iridescent lights, he made out the wet eyelashes that lined her eyes, batting every time she blinked.  He understood he wasn’t obligated to explain to her anyway, but a sickening feeling inside him urged him to. She persevered and sent him one last smile. He heard the steady ticking of the watch on his wrist and lamented on her expression which penetrated through him like the thorns on beautifully adorned roses.
Author’s end notes: Thank you for reading :) I would love any comments from you guys. Part 2 is coming up really soon! 
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