#Takato tasuku
kibu-me · 1 month
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"If you ever find a moment Spare a thought for me."
Fuyushipweek2024 Day 1 - Tsumugi (Spotlight/Audience)
(yet another poto x a3! drawing this time ft. think of me)
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omirice · 8 months
just two bros chilling
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beansproutsong · 1 month
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[A3 x Jill Stuart]
collaboration campaign starts on 23rd august. You get a postcard and can badges for perfume and make up purchase
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the-himawari · 10 months
A3! Masumi & Tasuku Talk - Xmas PARK CARNIVAL Seasonal Conversation Translation
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
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Masumi: I’m home.
Tasuku: Hey, welcome back. I’m glad it stopped raining in the afternoon.
Masumi: Yeah. …It was really cold and rainy in the morning. I was saved when you gave me a ride to school.
Tasuku: No problem. I incidentally had something to do at Fuyou Uni as well, so don’t worry about it.
Masumi: …By the way, about the canteen near the school that you and Tsumugi told me about before…
Tasuku: You mean the restaurant beside the west gate?
Masumi: Yeah. Apparently, they came out with a new menu item called the Winter Stamina Bowl. There was a flyer posted on the front of the store.
Tasuku: Oh, really? The stamina meal sets at that place tasted great. I liked them. A Winter Stamina Bowl… I’m curious what kind of menu item it is. Maybe I’ll go try it next time. Since I’m gonna go, want to come with me?
Masumi: …Well, I can come along if my schedule matches.
Tasuku: I see. I’ll give you a shout when I go then.
Masumi: Sure.
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imaginesfora3 · 1 year
Furuichi Sakyo
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Sakyo
He definitely thinks you’re a little crazy. What’s so appealing about a worn out, money grubbing yakuza like him? Surely it’s not the late night B movie marathons, and certainly not the way he shed tears at the slightest sentimental moments that let you know he cherishes making memories deeply. He held himself at such a distance for so long that his descent was inevitable, it was hard to be a tough guy when one person always managed to wrangle out your hidden affectionate side. But being brave enough to even search for it earned you brownie points, so Sakyo almost felt like he had no choice but to give in lest he create more trouble for himself.
Hyodo Juza
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Juza
No ones seen him the way you have. Even when he stumbled, or messed up a line, or proved he’s hopelessly awkward when it comes to expressing his feelings, you had never laughed at him. He doesn’t feel deserving of your friendship or admiration let alone your love, not when you had done so much to defend him and more while he simply existed in your world with no clue on how to show you how he felt. He had never understood any of Muku’s romance manga but he was slowly starting to understand what it meant to want to protect someone’s smile.
Sakisaka Muku
Falls First: Muku
Falls Harder: Muku
When a true romantic falls in love an angel gets their wings, as well as there being an extra layer of dedication added into the mix. He’s so specific with courting you right, making handmade crafts or homemade food as presents, wanting to give you everything he could possibly get his hands on. He wanted you to see the best parts of him not realizing that life was not a fairy tale; to truly love a person, you needed to know their flaws as well. Knowing you wanted to love him to the fullest extent possible made his heart stop in his chest, even while he still had plenty of growing to do. He hoped that was an adventure you could make together.
Settsu Banri
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Banri
Hardly one to fall for a traditional romance, Banri was stubborn as a mule when it came to giving his heart away. For all the flirting he did with you there was still a carefully crafted gap, a purposeful distance, a man who was shockingly considerate of what a relationship with him might do to a person. He had never felt loyalty so strongly like he did to you, the complicated dance you partook in all the more invigorating for him. Finding someone who could match his rhythm, meet him step for step without faltering, was a partner that Banri couldn’t simply ignore.
Takato Tasuku
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: You
You are bold to take on the challenge that is Takato Tasuku. Even more single-minded than Tsumugi, you might have to take more drastic measures to draw his attention. It’s almost like he’s unwilling to see what’s right in front of him, but he wasn’t a fool. He’s not afraid of change either but he doesn’t want to partake in a relationship with impossible standards. He can be thoughtful and display his honest feelings, but you had to understand that he’s human above all else. He’s not the charming prince persona he was forced to play countless times in his Godza days; he didn’t always know what to say, and sometimes he might be too blunt, but it didn’t make the love he felt for you any less real.
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ryukogo · 1 year
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『 animal witch - tasuku takato 』
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ashipiko · 2 years
DECIDED TO SHOOT MY SHOT W TASUHOMA 😳 tax hard to draw in my style www hope I did him justice <3
SHOUTOUT TO THE HOMIE I DREW THIS FOR and to TASUHOMA community!!! 10/10 taste <3
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meenatranslates · 2 years
InsteLive 3 - Fuyugumi Etude (Text Version)
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InsteLive 1 - InsteLive 2 - InsteLive 3 (Text ver.)
(Live version here)
Translation and notes under the cut!
Fuyugumi Etude: Popular Host Club
Tsumugi: Hello, everyone. This is Fuyugumi from MANKAI Company.
Comment: Hello!
Comment: I’ve been waiting!
Tasuku: Today’s finally the day to perform our Etude.
Guy: We determine the theme based on the collected suggestions, correct?
Azuma: That’s right. Everyone, thank you for sending us various kinds of themes.
Hisoka: Thank you for the voting too.
Homare: The theme for the Etude has finally been decided!
Tsumugi: Well then, I will announce the final pick.
The theme for Fuyugumi’s Etude is... “Popular Host Club”.
Comment: Ohhh!
Comment: OMG! Fuyugumi as hosts?!
Tasuku: That said, it’s not like we decided on the theme in advance...
Tsumugi: True. What seems to be necessary for a host is...
Guy: I believe the art of conversation is vital for a host to have.
Hisoka: Something like, we should converse with our own flow...?
Homare: I suppose it is that we shouldn’t let the customer to start talking first.
Azuma: Also, bargaining is important. It’s necessary to not only speak but also to listen.
We must entertain the customers and never let them feel bored.
Comment: Azuma-san’s so skilled!
Comment: As expected from Azuma-san!
Tsumugi: Then, let’s keep all that in mind and act it out.
Guy: Casting is to be decided through this lottery.
Azuma: Fufu, I wonder what role will I get?
Hisoka: The roles will be announced at the end of Etude.
Homare: I want everyone to have fun while figuring out what role each of us are playing.
Comment: Interesting!
Comment: So excited!
Guy: There is this custom of using stage names in host clubs. What should we do for that?
Tasuku: I think it would be confusing, so let’s keep our name as it is.
Azuma: Alright.
Hisoka: Got it.
Homare: Let’s get started then, shall we?
Tsumugi: Well then, “Popular Host Club” Etude will begin now!
Azuma: “How are you doing, everyone?”
“Today’s the cut-off day, so let’s keep our spirits up.”
Guy: “Oka~y.”
Hisoka: “.....”
Tasuku: “Pleased to work with you.”
Azuma: “Well then... Haha, seems like I got a reply.” (1)
Homare: “Hello? I’ve been hoping to meet you again, you see...” (1)
Tsumugi: “...Aren’t you going to do some business?”
Tasuku: “I’m...”
Tsumugi: “Must be nice, huh, Tasuku-san?”
Tasuku: “What?”
Tsumugi: “You don’t need to deal with sales since you’re the owner’s favourite, after all.”
“You still get some pay even if you do nothing. That way, you didn’t become a loser.”
Tasuku: “Just so you know, I didn’t even plan to be the owner’s favourite.”
Tsumugi: “Wow, never knew you were troubled with that.”
Tasuku: “Tch... What about you? Aren’t you called the Legend or something?”
Tsumugi: “Hmm, I wonder? Well, this month’s target amount is at least 50 million yen.”
“One day’s enough for me to get all that.”
Tasuku: “Wha- Are you serious...?”
Azuma: “You sure are motivated, Tsumugi-kun.”
Tsumugi: “...You look rather relaxed.”
Azuma: “It’ll be a loss if you don’t enjoy it. Now, who will be the one to sing Last Song for tonight?” (2)
Homare: “Hm, let me be the one!”
Azuma: “Oh? How confident, even though you usually never reached to be No. 1.” (2)
Homare: “Just leave it to my beautiful voice!”
Azuma: “...Alright, I’ll take up on your words.”
Guy: “Everyone’s in high spirits, huh? Makes me feel motivated here.”
Hisoka: “...Haha, yeah.”
“What? Have I been tending other girls? Come on, you’re the only one for me, okay?”
Guy: “Smells like trouble over there.”
Hisoka: “I’m not being a host just for fun like you do, so shut up.”
Guy: “You should at least entertain one of those big spenders properly if that’s the case.”
Hisoka: “...Tch.”
“One day, I’m gonna defeat you, including that top host too...!”
Guy: “Hahaha! Guess I’ll have to get serious if you’re saying that.”
Tasuku: “Get ready to work. It’s about time to open the store.”
Azuma: “Try to be moderate when competing for sales. Our motto is to enjoy yourself as well as the others.”
Homare: “Good greetings, princess. Welcome to MANKAI WINTER.”
Tasuku: “I’ve been waiting for you, my dearest. Your hand, please.”
Homare: “My princess, will you let me take a look at those beautiful eyes of yours?”
Tsumugi: “I’ve missed you so much. Will you tell me all your stories?”
Hisoka: “You also wanted to see me? I’m happy that we share the same feelings.”
Azuma: “Fufu, what a good girl. Come here now. Let’s have some fun together.”
Guy: “What do you want to do? I’ll do everything you wishes to.”
“Let’s have some sweet moments like a dream tonight...”
Tsumugi: That was “Popular Host Club” Etude. Thank you for watching!
Comment: Clap emoji spam
Comment: It was very heart-throbbing...!
Hisoka: Really? I’m glad.
Homare: I must say, it was quite fun being a host.
Tsumugi: It’s time to announce what our roles were. Let’s start from Azuma-san.
Azuma: My role was to be “The host club’s No. 1”.
Homare: And mine was “The host club’s No. 2”.
Tasuku: “The owner’s favourite” was my role. This was easy to understand.
Tsumugi: I was “A legendary host who becomes No. 1 at every store he goes to”.
Hisoka: For me, it was “A promising rookie host”.
Guy: I played as “A man who works as a host to kill time”. How was it?
Comment: Everyone was really cool!
Comment: I wanna go to this host club...
Tasuku: That’s good to hear.
Tsumugi: That would mean I performed well.
Azuma: Although we’re not hosts, come to MANKAI Theater if you want to see us again.
Guy: We’ll entertain everyone with the best play ever.
Hisoka: ...Seems like it’s almost the time.
Homare: Thank you very much for watching us today.
Tasuku: We might do another livestream, so watch us again when that time comes.
Tsumugi: Once again, thank you for watching us! This was Fuyugumi from MANKAI Company.
"Mail business" is the practice of a host emailing his customer regularly. It is necessary to make efforts to get regular customers to come to the store, such as confirming when they can come to the store next time, contacting customers who have not been for a while, and trying to read and reply to big spenders immediately. A host may also call their customer.
The term "Last Song" is a song sung by the host who sold the most that day as a closing song at the end of business hours. Depending on the store, it may be the host with the highest number of visits. Even if the host is not yet No. 1, they can sing it if they work hard on getting sales on the day.
T/N: I blushed so hard while I was working on this, especially near the end of the etude ///
Sources: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
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strawberry-mermaid · 2 years
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idoltenshi · 2 years
A3 ! ☆ Limited scout Info ☆
❄ ~ Fuyu 9th special ~ ❄
" Florist Diary "
Scout will be delivered on 11/14 ( 00:00 ) jp time 🌼
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SSR - ❄ Tsukioka Tsumugi ❄
SR - ❄ Yukishiro Azuma ❄
R - ❄ Takato Tasuku ❄
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arrakun · 2 years
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translate to EN:
homare: [exhausted after the dance practice]
tasuku: wake up, arisugawa. you’re gonna catch cold!
tasuku: he’s lighter than mikage..
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kibu-me · 1 month
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Let me in.
Fuyushipweek2024 Day 5 - Azuma (Sunrise/Sunset)
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gachagachaart · 2 years
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beansproutsong · 6 months
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[Proxy] A3 7th anniversary plush
Opening proxy / group order for Mankai A3 7th Anniversary plush... Or what I called "they're so ugly I love them so much"
Price: 2280JPY including the proxy fee. Shipping fee from Japan to your country is not included yet
DM me here or at my twitter (angelic1408) to place your order
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the-himawari · 2 years
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A3! Translation - 6th Anniversary Inste Travel Photos [Winter Troupe]
Special thanks to @asteroidtaker​​ for sharing the posts with me! 📸🎊  
Cross-posted to twitter
Notes under the cut~
1. A marimo is a rare type of algae which grows in a ball-shape. They are regarded as good luck in Japan.
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2. Rui-be is a traditional dish of the Ainu people. It consists of seafood (usually salmon) which is frozen and then cut and served like sashimi.
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imaginesfora3 · 1 year
Give and Take [Takato Tasuku]
Tasuku was never one to lie.
You could see the irritation in his face, the way he was to keep a polite yet blank look while he was speaking. Ever the brilliant actor, he feigned politeness with ease but the subtle little twitch of his brow told you all you need to know. You’re tempted to save him but then remember the harsh words you exchanged earlier, the smile dropping from your face so quickly the others around you grew concerned.
‘Maybe we shouldn’t be together.’
He had said it with such conviction, as if the case was closed and you could offer up no counter. And you really couldn’t. His words had shattered the part of your soul that might whip up a snippy retort, instead your lower lip quivered as you tried to ignore the implications behind what he just said. Was he breaking up with you?
Perhaps it was inevitable that he broke your heart. He had warned you from day one that he wasn’t meant for relationships, that everyone he had even bothered having had fallen apart before long. You had willingly taken the plunge with him again because the thought of him not being yours felt unbearable but… wasn’t this worse? Having to feel him slipping through your fingers like sand, the strength of your grip irrelevant? If you never knew what it was to love the real Takato Tasuku, would your heart still be in tact?
You seat yourself at a table as far from others as possible, your social battery drained before the real party had even begun. You’re afraid you might cry unprompted if someone tried to strike up a conversation with you, knowing it would lead to them asking for a reason and you weren’t ready to speak what had happened out loud. So, you sit alone, sipping wine, keeping an eye out for the breaker of your heart.
You get caught up in your thoughts as a slower song comes on, a memory rushing to the forefront of your mind. It reminded you of an older play Tasuku had been practicing for, asking for your help along the way to practice lines. It was always a thrill to watch him transform up close so you couldn’t deny him. The play, the relationship between the two characters you were playing, was never meant to be a romantic one yet there was a certain intensity to the scene that led you to be standing closer than normal. You liked to think a small bit of reality was bleeding into the fantasy you were both enacting, passion too strong to be stopped by any boundary.
He had been the one to make the first move, hands holding either side of your face as he gave you a lip crushing kiss. Tasuku, or his character? You nearly gasped out his name, shattering the immersion, but a tiny voice in your brain told you to hush. If you broke his concentration, he’d snap out of it and move away, and you didn’t really want that, did you?
You can still see his face now, the way he pulled away with an unreadable expression on his face. You kept eye contact with him even as his hands slowly fell from your face to rest at his sides.
“…Do you do that with all your scene partners?”
You had never seen him flustered before but what a beautiful sight it was, color blossoming across his face quicker than he could cover it up. You wanted to ask him then and there- was that you? Were you kissing me? Or was it Sir Leander, too caught up in the moment with his ward, driven to an emotional edge and desperately needing an outlet?
You never did ask. Things just happened, and suddenly he was yours.
‘Was.’ Your brain emphasized.
‘Was.’ Your heart cried.
Your drink desperately needed to be refilled but your legs don’t feel much like working. You were surprised you had even stood and chatted for as long as you did. You stayed seated, staring at the ever dwindling remainder of your drink; you took smalls sips like you were traveling through the desert and didn’t know when you’d get another chance to hydrate. You began wondering how embarrassing it would be if you just dragged yourself across the floor to get to your next cup, taking shelter under the bar for the rest of the party. Your daydreams of peace are interrupted when a shadow loomed over you, blocking out the glittery lights that were covering everyone in the room now that DJ Disco had arrived to the party.
You don’t have to look up to guess who it is.
What did you want him to say?
‘We need to talk.’
No. That would be too much. You couldn’t handle that right now, you couldn’t handle anything from him at all. Gods above, you needed another drink stat.
“Do you need a refill?”
What a considerate bastard he was. Not surprising, to you at least. Others might be surprised at his consideration, he could be direct and rude more often than not, but he knew how to handle you with care. He knew little things about you, noticed habits that you hadn’t even realized yourself, it was almost like he was doing a character study on you. He had said once while under the influence (which you just considered him being even more truthful than normal) that he could simply watch you be for hours on end. He didn’t even seem embarrassed for saying it, the tiny, almost devilish smile on his face making you wonder if he was teasing you.
You hadn’t given him a verbal response but he didn’t need one. By the time you had pulled yourself out of your reverie he had appeared again with a full glass of wine, placing it delicately in front of you before he seated himself beside you. You considered chugging it, downing glass after glass and making him get you a new one each time, not giving him a chance to open up a conversation you didn’t want to have. But you knew with one more glass you’d only make yourself look like a fool, passing out on the table before the party was even halfway over.
Azuma and Tsumugi stood off to the side, enjoying the vibes rather than being directly involved in any of the partying. They had been a trio until Tasuku had noticed an opening, a chance to talk to you smoothly rather than abruptly butting in and demanding your attention.
“I think I said the wrong thing.”
“What could you have said that love can’t repair?” Azuma had asked quite playfully, not necessarily thinking those words were true but still having faith that Tasuku couldn’t possibly be that insensitive. But the look on Tsumugi’s face told Tasuku that his childhood friend still knew him best of all.
When Azuma’s face falls, his mouth set in a hard, thin line, Tasuku knew he was in for it. As the adults at the dorm their conversations were always nuanced; they knew humans had faults, that slights could be seen from a different angle and take on a whole new meaning, there were endless words of wisdom shared when they spent time together. But wrong was wrong. He had said the one thing he knew would hurt you most, he had pulled the rug out from under you and attacked the thing you were most self-conscious about.
Tasuku remembered, as he sat across from you now, a moment that had happened nearly a year ago now; he remembered it as if it happened yesterday. The way you had collapsed into his arms, gripping his shirt like it was the only thing that could anchor you, tears soaking you both. He could hardly make out what you were saying in the moment so rather than come up with some thoughtless response he had held you, hand rubbing your back reminding you that you were here and real and safe.
Later, when he thought about it, he managed to piece your teary mumbled sentences together.
‘You left me.’
He had never done such a thing in reality, so the only conclusion he could come to was that it was a bad dream. It was silly to cry over something that wasn’t real, and he might have even said that if he didn’t see firsthand how it hurt you. How deeply did you feel for him that you’d have a reaction like that? How scared were you that he’d leave with no hesitation? He didn’t know the answer to those questions. He didn’t know how he’d react either.
“Do you think they’ll talk to him?”
“I wouldn’t,” Azuma responded smoothly, the easy smile that remained on his face nearly making Tsumugi let out a nervous laugh, “Personally, I’d let him mull it over a bit longer.”
“…I don’t think he realized how much it would…” Tasuku had hurt Tsumugi once before too, with thoughtless words and actions; it had been shown they both needed to grow in the long run. And he was sure the same was true for you two as well.
To grow as a couple, Tasuku would need to be more vulnerable and you…would need to place more trust in him. That might not be easy after tonight but…
Tsumugi had seen firsthand the deep look of concentration on Tasuku’s face after ‘the incident’, something Tasuku had mentioned so casually that Tsumugi nearly fell over from shock. Romance had never been an issue for either one of them, they never gossiped or had late night talks about crushes that had them giggling or kicking their feet but that night Tasuku had talked about you at length.
They had both laid down in their respective beds, staring up at the dark ceiling of the room, sharing a whispered conversation just for them. It had started with memories, new and old, then to how they’d changed yet still stayed the same. Tasuku had paused when they talked about everyone they’d met since joining Mankai, how these new people taught them both something in one way or another. Tsumugi had been the one to bring up your name, very much on purpose, thinking back to the moment Tasuku had dropped on him without expanding on it earlier.
“I think I…” He trailed off, never giving his roommate an answer before nodding off.
Tsumugi couldn’t help but quietly laugh to himself.
“Good for you.”
After explaining what had happened that night there weren’t many solutions they could come up with; Azuma seemed to think giving you space was a bad idea, that even if you looked away at first it was clear you wanted to talk. Tsumugi had to take into account how Tasuku would react, studying his best friends face.
This was something that was weighing on him.
It was proof enough that Tasuku hadn’t meant what he said.
“Take it back,” Tsumugi offered up simply, “Tell them you made a mistake and take back what you said.”
“…This isn’t some schoolyard bullying or something,” Tasuku had grumbled out, but he seemed to think about it. Azuma shared a raised eyebrow look with Tsumugi but before much else could be said, Tasuku had disappeared and then reappeared at the island you had placed yourself on.
Where now it was the two of you, with nowhere else to go.
Man, you wished your legs worked.
“…There’s something I’ve always been curious about.” You want to shut up but you can’t find it in you, the liquid courage (or stupidity) refusing to let you be silent any longer. “That night we first kissed… I know you were in the moment. But was it… was it you that wanted to kiss me? Really you? Or was it just another role taken too far?”
His roles were him. He became the character written on the page, emulated them in every way he could, even taking the mundane way they might live daily life and incorporating it into the exciting events of the actual story the audience would see. There were little parts of him in each character just like each character gave a little part to him, a love letter from screenwriter to actor and from actor to audience. He had never thought about that moment as him just playing a part because he had always been there, present in the moment, so painfully aware of the tension between you.
Was that something his character would have done truly? Or had Tasuku been so overwhelmed by his own passions that he had acted out and taken advantage of a situation that set the two of you so close together?
You’re sorry that you asked, sorry that you have to sit here with your own assumptions as he took far too long to answer what you thought was a simple question. He suddenly reached out to touch you, hand over top of yours, direct eye contact that you couldn’t hold.
“It was me.”
“Are you sure about that? Wouldn’t that just be admitting you weren’t playing the role as thoroughly as you could’ve been?”
He let out an annoyed huff, but his answer didn’t change.
“It was me.”
“…I want to go home, Tasuku. I want to go home and talk some more. But you’re not allowed to break up with me.” He looked a little bewildered at your direct statement, but it began to dawn on you… Had he never even considered it? Despite what he had said to you over a silly little difference in opinion, that maybe you shouldn’t be together, had he not overthought what he said and turned it around in his mind a million times? Had it just been an accidental frustrated slip?
“I don’t plan on it,” He responded coolly, “I should get you home. I don’t think you can walk out of here in one piece.”
“You’re most certainly correct.” You take another sip from your wine. “You’re going to explain to me every single little thought in your head tonight, and you’re gonna make me understand… what that was all about, okay? And we’re going to actually talk and you’re not going to get grumpy and walk away because you don’t know how to explain your emotions.”
Tasuku sighed, glancing over briefly at Azuma and Tsumugi who smoothly turned their heads to pretend they hadn’t been overseeing him like he was their toddler apologizing to a teacher for acting out.
“I’ll do my best,” He finally muttered, “Just let me take you home so we can be alone.”
You supposed you could trust him, truly trust him, even if that little voice in the back of your head was still frightened of what may come.
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