#Takao Doi
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thepastisalreadywritten · 3 months ago
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probablyasocialecologist · 8 months ago
Japan plans to launch the world's first wooden satellite this September.  The experimental satellite, called LignoSat, was developed by researchers at Kyoto University and the Japanese logging company Sumitomo Forestry. It is set to launch to the International Space Station (ISS) in September, after which it will be deployed into orbit, according to the Japan Times.   LignoSat is a tiny cube that measures 4 inches (10 centimeters) on a side and weighs just over 2 pounds (0.9 kilograms). It was crafted using a traditional Japanese technique that doesn't require screws or glue and is equipped with external solar panels.
If LignoSat does well, new doors could open for reducing the environmental impact of satellite reentries. Traditional satellites can deposit harmful metal particles in Earth's atmosphere when they fall back to our planet and burn up in our air. "Expanding the potential of wood as a sustainable resource is significant," Takao Doi, an astronaut and professor from Kyoto University, told the Japan Times. "We aim to build human habitats using wood in space, such as on the moon and Mars, in the future."
 June 4, 2024
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head-post · 3 months ago
Japan launched world’s first wooden satellite into space
Japanese engineers launched the world’s first wooden satellite called LignoSat into space on Tuesday.
The miniature object was developed by scientists from Kyoto University and Sumitomo Forestry. It will be delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) and then placed in orbit at an altitude of about 400 kilometres above earth.
The name LignoSat comes from the Latin word lignum, which means “wood.” The palm-sized satellite is made of honoka, a special variety of magnolia wood traditionally used in Japan to create sword sheaths. This wood was chosen for a reason: according to the results of a ten-month experiment on the ISS, honoka wood proved to be the most suitable for space conditions.
The satellite was assembled without glue and screws using traditional Japanese technology. On board the LignoSat are sensors that will record how the wood reacts to space conditions. The satellite will encounter drastic temperature changes from -100 to 100 °C every 45 minutes as it moves from shadow to sunlight. Scientists also want to test wood’s ability to reduce the effects of space radiation on semiconductors, which could open up new prospects for space data centres. The Onglaisat satellite was launched into space on Tuesday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, US, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, Taiwan’s space agency said.
In space, wood proves to be a more reliable material than on Earth. There is no water or oxygen there to cause the material to rot or catch fire. Moreover, wood can be a valuable resource for building bases on other planets.
In addition, satellites made of wood would help reduce the amount of space debris. When a satellite completes its mission, it would simply burn up in the atmosphere, leaving no polluting particles behind, as happens with metal satellites, which produce aluminium oxide on re-entry.
Astronaut and university employee Takao Doi said:
If we can prove that our first wooden satellite works, we will offer it to Ilon Musk’s SpaceX.
Read more HERE
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lonestarflight · 2 years ago
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Endeavour launches into the night on STS-123
"Against a black sky, the Space Shuttle Endeavour and its seven-member STS-123 crew head toward Earth-orbit and a scheduled link-up with the International Space Station (ISS). Liftoff was on time at 2:28 a.m. (EDT). Onboard are NASA astronauts Dominic Gorie, commander; Gregory H. Johnson, pilot; Robert L. Behnken, Mike Foreman, Rick Linnehan, Garrett Reisman and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Takao Doi, all mission specialists. The crew will make a record-breaking 16-day mission to the International Space Station and deliver the first section of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kibo laboratory and the Canadian Space Agency's two-armed robotic system, Dextre. Reisman will join Expedition 16 in progress to serve as a flight engineer aboard the ISS."
Date: March 11, 2008
NASA ID: STS123-S-025
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bikersbrasil2017 · 2 years ago
Matando saudades de Mogi e Guararema
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Matando saudades de Mogi e Guararema - Desta vez resolvemos ir matar saudades de Mogi das Cruzes e Guararema, pois fazia um bom tempo que não íamos. A previsão não era muito animadora, mas fomos assim mesmo.Nos encontramos na Estação da Luz (SP) para irmos até a Estação Luiz Carlos em Mogi das Cruzes. E como sempre a alegria imperava durante a viagem, o que torna mais agradável e a gente nem vê o tempo passar.
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Muitas resenhas e risadas durante a viagem até Mogi das Cruzes Assim que chegamos na Estação Estudantes, nos encontramos com o Marcelo e a Gislaine que já estavam nos aguardando. O Pedal Sem Compromisso sempre se destaca pela inovação trazida por seus membros, e desta vez não foi diferente. Em parceria com o Ciclorio, conseguimos uma squeeze exclusiva para ser sorteada entre os participantes do pedal de Mogi até Guararema.Logo depois do sorteio e o Paulo feliz por ter ganhado partimos para o pedal. Fomos rumo a Sabaúna, para tomar o café da manhã. Mas no caminho avistamos muitas goiabeiras, e não teve como não parar para comer algumas. E estavam uma delicia, docinhas, tirada do pé e comer em seguida. Alguém até mencionou dos bichos da goiaba, mas naquela hora era mastigar e comer tudo hahahaha. Nessa parada o Takao fez amizade com um cachorrinho muito simpatico e carinhoso, foi uma alegria!
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Parada para o café da manhã em Sabaúna. O cachorrinho apareceu do nada. Muito carente e carinhoso. Agora todos alimentados, seguimos para o Distrito de Luiz Carlos. Nesse dia estava tendo um encontro de carros antigos, então estava mais tumultuado que o normal, mas mesmo assim deu para aproveitar meia hora.
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Distrito de Luiz Carlos - Encontro de Carros Antigos Aqui nos despedimos do Marcelo e a Gislaine que precisavam voltar para Mogi das Cruzes. E o restante do grupo seguiu para o Torresmo da Tia Cida. Foi tudo tranquilo, fomos direto sem paradas. Chegando lá sentamos para o tradicional torresmo, mas desta vez com tubaína ao invés de cerveja. Aqui o Toninho Mete Marcha pegou um para comer durante sua viagem para Sorocaba, o que fez com que fosse chamado carinhosamente de "Marmiteiro".
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Torresmo da Tia Cida em Guararema Depois de ter matado saudades do torresmo, seguimos para o Alambique do Décio para degustarmos umas cachaças. Coisa que normalmente fazemos ao contrario, tomar uma cachaca para abrir o apetite e depois o torresmo. Mas acredito que o Crema estava morrendo de fome que passou direto pela entrada do alambique. Mas sem problemas, degustamos algumas mesmo assim. hahahaha
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Depois disso so faltava o famoso pão com ovo lá na Estação de Guararema. Mas antes demos uma parada no Parque da Pedra Montada.
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Parque da Pedra Montada Agora sim partimos atrás do pão com ovo. Novamente seguimos direto bem animados, pois a gente já sai do Parque descendo.Mas chegando lá infelizmente ficamos sem o pão com ovo. Justamente neste dia, a chapa tinha queimado e não tinha como fazer o lanche.Foi então que o Toninho Mete Marcha lembrou de uma padaria que tínhamos parado quando fomos no Natal Iluminado de Guararema. Então fomos até lá.Foi aí que a previsão do tempo acertou, exatamente às 14:00 horas desabou um temporal. Foi então que decidimos voltar pela estrada. E como ninguém havia feito esse trajeto, fomos perguntar para os frequentadores da padaria. Eles nos indicaram o caminho e alertaram sobre a serra, com aquele riso na cara. Aí acendeu aquela luz de alerta de cilada.Como a previsão para a chuva parar era so para as 16:00 horas, nos preparamos para enfrentar a chuva. Depois de prontos começamos a aventura. Aqui não temos fotos pois todos tinham enrolado os celulares em sacos de plástico e enfiado no fundo da mochila. Mas nesse primeiro momento andamos no máximo dois quilômetros a chuva estava muito forte que os pingos doía e nossos corpos.Assim que deu uma acalmada saímos novamente. Agora sim foi direto ate a Estação Estudantes. Foi bem tranquilo, até chegarmos na temida serra. Foram três quilômetros de subida forte que parecia que nunca ia acabar.Mas finalmente chegamos em Mogi das Cruzes. Foi quando o Akio teve câimbras e tivemos que parar por uns quinze minutos, e foi só isso porque o Rodrigo tinha um gel milagroso que acabou com elas em cinco minutos. E quem se interessar em comprar dele, clique no banner abaixo.
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Assim finalmente chegamos na Estação Estudantes para pegarmos o trem de volta. Mas desta vez demorou muito, ficamos na plataforma aguardando todos encharcados.Mas finalmente ele chegou. Aí começou outro problema, como todos estavam encharcados da cabeça aos pés quando entramos e o trem fechou as portas para iniciar a viagem, aquele ar condicionado parecia uma geladeira.  Viemos a viagem toda tremendo de frio.Mesmo assim chegamos todos em segurança em casa, e passamos um domingo maravilhoso. E mesmo com tudo isso, já planejando outro pedal.Parabéns a todos pela participação e alegria: Tita, Gislaine,  Takao, Crema, Marcelo, Akio, Marcio, Paulo, Rodrigo e Toninho Mete Marcha.E por fim, queremos agradecer ao Ciclorio pelo apoio fundamental que tem dado aos nossos pedais. Sua parceria tem sido essencial para que possamos continuar promovendo eventos de qualidade e incentivar o ciclismo como uma opção de lazer e transporte. Obrigado, Ciclorio! Read the full article
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truuther · 3 months ago
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months ago
Events 8.7 (after 1950)
1959 – Explorer program: Explorer 6 launches from the Atlantic Missile Range in Cape Canaveral, Florida. 1960 – Ivory Coast becomes independent from France. 1962 – Canadian-born American pharmacologist Frances Oldham Kelsey is awarded the U.S. President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service for her refusal to authorize thalidomide. 1964 – Vietnam War: The U.S. Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution giving U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson broad war powers to deal with North Vietnamese attacks on American forces. 1969 – Richard Nixon appoints Luis R. Bruce, a Mohawk-Oglala Sioux and co-founder of the National Congress of American Indians, as the new commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1970 – California judge Harold Haley is taken hostage in his courtroom and killed during an effort to free George Jackson from police custody. 1974 – Philippe Petit performs a high wire act between the twin towers of the World Trade Center 1,368 feet (417 m) in the air. 1976 – Viking program: Viking 2 enters orbit around Mars. 1978 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter declares a federal emergency at Love Canal due to toxic waste that had been disposed of negligently. 1981 – The Washington Star ceases all operations after 128 years of publication. 1985 – Takao Doi, Mamoru Mohri and Chiaki Mukai are chosen to be Japan's first astronauts. 1987 – Cold War: Lynne Cox becomes the first person to swim from the United States to the Soviet Union, crossing the Bering Strait from Little Diomede Island in Alaska to Big Diomede in the Soviet Union. 1989 – U.S. Congressman Mickey Leland (D-TX) and 15 others die in a plane crash in Ethiopia. 1990 – First American soldiers arrive in Saudi Arabia as part of the Gulf War. 1993 – Ada Deer, a Menominee activist, is sworn in as the head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1995 – The Chilean government declares state of emergency in the southern half of the country in response to an event of intense, cold, wind, rain and snowfall known as the White Earthquake. 1997 – Space Shuttle Program: The Space Shuttle Discovery launches on STS-85 from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. 1997 – Fine Air Flight 101 crashes after takeoff from Miami International Airport, killing five people. 1998 – Bombings at United States embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya kill approximately 212 people. 1999 – The Chechnya-based Islamic International Brigade invades neighboring Dagestan. 2007 – At AT&T Park, Barry Bonds hits his 756th career home run to surpass Hank Aaron's 33-year-old record. 2008 – The start of the Russo-Georgian War over the territory of South Ossetia. 2020 – Air India Express Flight 1344 overshoots the runway at Calicut International Airport in the Malappuram district of Kerala, India, and crashes, killing 21 of the 190 people on board.
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years ago
Assistir Filme O Jardim das Palavras Online fácil
Assistir Filme O Jardim das Palavras Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/o-jardim-das-palavras/
O Jardim das Palavras - Filmes Online Fácil
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Takao, que está treinando para ser sapateiro, matou aula e está desenhando sapatos em um jardim. Ele conhece uma misteriosa mulher, Yukino, que é mais velha do que ele. Então, sem marcar os horários, os dois começam a se ver periodicamente, mas somente em dias chuvosos. Eles aprofundam sua relação e se abrem um para o outro, mas o fim da temporada de chuva logo se aproxima...
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pirapopnoticias · 2 years ago
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news-wtf · 3 months ago
LignoSat, developed by Kyoto University and homebuilder Sumitomo Forestry, will be flown to the International Space Station on a SpaceX mission, and later released into orbit about 400 kilometers (250 miles) above the Earth.
Named after the Latin word for “wood,” the palm-sized LignoSat is tasked to demonstrate the cosmic potential of the renewable material as humans explore living in space.
“With timber, a material we can produce by ourselves, we will be able to build houses, live and work in space forever,” said Takao Doi, an astronaut who has flown on the Space Shuttle and studies human space activities at Kyoto University.
With a 50-year plan of planting trees and building timber houses on the moon and Mars, Doi’s team decided to develop a NASA-certified wooden satellite to prove wood is a space-grade material.
“Early 1900s airplanes were made of wood,” said Kyoto University forest science professor Koji Murata. “A wooden satellite should be feasible, too.”
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egyptianastronaut · 5 years ago
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Young Takao Doi doodles
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somaya995-blog · 6 years ago
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Handsome JAXA guy
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almanyalilar · 4 years ago
Japonya'dan uzay çöplüğüne karşı "ahşap uydu projesi"
Japonya’dan uzay çöplüğüne karşı “ahşap uydu projesi”
Japonya’da uzun yıllardır ahşap ve ağaç ürünlerine yönelik çalışmalar yürüten Sumitomo Forestry (SFC) firması ile Kyoto Üniversitesi, dünyanın ilk ahşap uydusunun üretilmesi için el ele verdi. SFC’den yapılan açıklamaya göre, sayıları yıldan yıla artan uzay çöpleri karşısında firma ile Kyoto Üniversitesi, dünyanın ilk ahşap uydusunun üretilerek uzaya gönderilmesi projesinde anlaştı. SFC, anlaşma…
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nippon-com · 3 years ago
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Some of the 14 Japanese astronauts who have traveled to space.
Akiyama Toyohiro (1990)
Mōri Mamoru (1992, 2000)
Mukai Chiaki (1994, 1998)
Wakata Kōichi (1996, 2000, 2009, 2013)
Doi Takao (1997, 2008)
Noguchi Sōichi (2005, 2009, 2020)
Hoshide Akihiko (2008, 2012, 2021)
Yamazaki Naoko (2010)
Furukawa Satoshi (2011)
Yui Kimiya (2015)
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gdwessel · 3 years ago
NOAH, AJPW, STARDOM, Dragon Gate Supercard Results for Emperor’s Birthday Holiday 2/23/2022 With Title Matches & Changes Galore; DDT’s COVID-19 Woes Continue To Wreak Havoc On Ultimate Tag League, DDT/TJPW 2/23/2022 Results
Today is the 62nd birthday for the Reiwa Emperor Naruhito. It is a national holiday in Japan, so there is a bunch of wrestling happening, with a bunch of title defenses across a bunch of promotions.
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Pro Wrestling NOAH
NOAH ran Gain Control 2022 in Nagoya today, live on ABEMA and Wrestle Universe. Two title defenses, and a match to fill a third title, took place on this show.
Gain Control 2022 in Nagoya - 2/23/2022, Aichi Nagoya Congress Center Event Hall (ABEMA, Wrestle Universe)
King Tany & Muhammad Yone [Funky Express] d. Akitoshi Saito & Masao Inoue [Funky Express] (Yone > Inoue, Kinniku Buster, 11:58)
Nio [Kongo] d. Kinya Okada (Stuka Splash, 9:58)
NOSAWA Rongai & Kotaro Suzuki [Perros del Mal de Japon] d. Yoshinari Ogawa [STINGER] & Yasutaka Yano (Suzuki > Yano, Excalibur, 6:42)
Tadasuke, Hajime Ohara & ALEJA [Kongo] d. Hao, Junta Miyawaki & Kai Fujimura (Tadasuke > Fujimura, Fuyuki Special, 14:42)
Masato Tanaka [M’s Alliance] DCO Kendo Kashin [Sugiura-gun] (11:01)
Naomichi Marufuji [M’s Alliance] & Takashi Sugiura [Sugiura-gun] d. Masa Kitamiya & Yoshiki Inamura (Sugiura > Inamura, Olympic Qualifying Slam, 20:22)
GHC Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship Decision Match: Atsushi Kotoge & YO-HEY d. HAYATA & Yuya Susumu [STINGER] (YO-HEY > Susumu, Super Face G, 26:58) - Kotoge/YO-HEY are the 49th champions
GHC Juniorheavyweight Championship: Daisuke Harada © d. Super Crazy [Perros del Mal de Japon] (Hurricanrana, 18:57) - Harada succeeds his 2nd defense
Go Shiozaki, Kaito Kiyomiya & Daiki Inaba d. Kenoh, Masakatsu Funaki & Manabu Soya [Kongo] (Kiyomiya > Soya, Double Armlock, 21:21)
GHC Heavyweight Championship: Kazuyuki Fujita [Sugiura-gun] d. Katsuhiko Nakajima [Kongo] © (Powerbomb, 21:11) - Nakajima fails his 5th defense - Fujita is the 37th champion
Good golly, Miss Molly. Kazuyuki Fujita can now be one of the all-time worst IWGP *and* GHC Heavyweight Champions of all time. What can I say, besides, CyberFight love their 50+ year-old champions. I really don’t know what purpose this serves to NOAH. God I hate Kazuyuki Fujita.
So I guess Hajime Ohara is part of Kongo now. I can’t keep up with the changes in that stable anymore. YO-HEY comes good for Ohara’s old partner Kotoge, as they now fill the vacant junior tag belts. Hope this reign lasts more than a week, given the vacations of the belts the last month. One day BIG TANK Yoshiki Inamura will beat Takashi Sugiura. Super Crazy does not get to hold two promotions’ junior titles in the span of a couple of months. Masao Inoue returned to the ring in an inter-Funky-Express match.
NOAH’s next show is on Friday from Yokohama Radiant Hall.
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All Japan Pro Wrestling
A Triple Crown match highlighted today’s Korakuen Hall rally for AJPW. Three other title matches took place on this one too. Hokuto Omori and Yusuke Kodama were pulled from this show as being close contacts to an undetermined positive COVID-19 case.
Excite Series 2022 Night 5 - 2/23/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (AJPW.tv)
Ryuki Honda [TOTAL ECLIPSE] d. Ryo Inoue (Lariat, 4:00)
Dan Tamura [Evolution] & Ryuji Hijikata d. Takuho Kato & Kazumasa Yoshida (Tamura > Yoshida, 6:49)
Shuji Ishikawa, Takao Omori & Black Menso-re d. Yuma Aoyagi, Atsuki Aoyagi & Rising HAYATO [NEXTREAM] (Ishikawa > HAYATO, Fire Thunder Bomb, 9:02)
KAZMA SAKAMOTO, Takayuki Ueki & Seigo Tachibana d. Yoshitatsu, Izanagi & Devil Murasaki (KAZMA > Yoshitatsu, Schoolboy, 8:22)
GAORA TV Championship: Shigehiro Irie © d. Isami Kodaka (Flying Headbutt, 10:22) - Irie succeeds his 2nd defense
World Juniorheavyweight Championship: Hikaru Sato [Evolution] d. SUGI © (Cross Armbreaker, 9:51) - SUGI fails his 3rd defense - Sato is the 61st champion
World Tag Team Championship: Suwama & Shotaro Ashino [Evolution] © d. Koji Doi & Kuma Arashi [TOTAL ECLIPSE] (Ashino > Doi, T-Bone Suplex, 18:26) - Runaway SUPLEX succeed their 3rd defense
Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship: Kento Miyahara [NEXTREAM] © d. Abdullah Kobayashi [BJW] (German Suplex Hold, 16:06) - Miyahara succeeds his 1st defense
I don’t think there were any surprises here today, including the junior title change. AJPW will not put the Triple Crown on a wrestler contracted to Big Japan. Sato is far superior a wrestler to SUGI. But hey, Shigehiro Irie retained his title, and we like him a lot around these parts.
It would not surprise me to see Shuji Ishikawa challenge Kento coming up either.
The Excite Series wraps up Sunday in Chiba.
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STARDOM held Cinderella Journey in Nagaoka today, live on PPV. I don’t think you can still get it; both links I tried, failed. Four title matches on this one.
Cinderella Journey 2022 in Nagaoka - 2/23/2022, Niigata Aore Nagaoka (PPV)
Future Of Stardom Next Challenger 3-Way Match: - Rina [Oedo Tai] d. Waka Tsukiyama [Cosmic Angels] & Mai Sakurai [Donna del Mondo] (Rina > Tsukiyama, Gory Bomb, 6:09) - Mai Sakurai [Donna del Mondo] d. Waka Tsukiyama [Cosmic Angels] (8:06)
Future Of Stardom Championship: Hanan [STARS] © d. Momo Kohgo [Queen’s Quest] (Backdrop Hold, 5:20) - Hanan succeeds her 2nd defense
Ruaka & Momo Watanabe [Oedo Tai] d. Utami Hayashishita & Lady C [Queen’s Quest] (Ruaka > C, Freezer Bomb, 7:34)
Mayu Iwatani [STARS] & Tam Nakano [Cosmic Angels] d. Saki Kashima & Fukigen Death [Oedo Tai] (Iwatani > Kashima, Moonsault Press, 10:04)
Syuri, Maika & Himeka [Donna del Mondo] TLD Giulia, MIRAI & Thekla [Donna del Mondo] (20:00)
Goddess Of Stardom Championship: Koguma & Hazuki [STARS] © d. Mina Shirakawa & Unagi Sayaka [Cosmic Angels] (Koguma > Shirakawa, Diving Body Press, 12:28) - Koguma/Hazuki succeed their 2nd defense
High Speed Championship: AZM [Queen’s Quest] d. Starlight Kid [Oedo Tai] © (Numero Uno, 17:03) - Starlight Kid fails her 6th defense - AZM is the 22nd champion
Wonder Of Stardom Championship: Saya Kamitani [Queen’s Quest] © d. Natsupoi [Donna del Mondo] (Phoenix Splash, 21:55) - Kamitani succeeds her 2nd defense
Immediately after retaining her title, Saya Kamitani nominated both her table leader Utami Hayashishita, and Cosmic Angels’ leader Tam Nakano, as challengers to her title for both nights at Ryogoku on 3/26 & 3/27/2022. Momo Watanabe challenged Koguma & Hazuki for their titles, with a special mystery partner to team with her. The crux of the opener is to determine the challengers for Hanan on both nights of Ryogoku, which will now be Rina and Mai Sakurai, both. Seems like an awfully busy time for STARDOM.
STARDOM return this weekend with shows Saturday and Sunday.
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Dragon Gate
DG held Memorial Gate 2022 in Wakayama today, which you can see now on Dragon Gate Network. Featured today was the first defense of the Open The Twin Gate titles for Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka.
Memorial Gate 2022 in Wakayama - 2/23/2022, Wakayama Prefectural Gymnasium (Dragon Gate Network)
Susumu Yokosuka, Big Boss Shimizu & U-T [Natural Vibes] TLD KAI, BxB Hulk & Shun Skywalker [Z-Brats] (15:00)
Takashi Yoshida & Ho Ho Lun d. Strong Machine J & Shachihoko Boy (Yoshida > Boy, Release Powerbomb, 3:49)
SB KENTo & Diamante [Z-Brats] d. Yosuke Santa Maria & Punch Tominaga (KENTo > Yosuke, SB Shooter, 0:34)
YAMATO, Dragon Kid, Ben-K, Keisuke Okuda & Kagetora [HIGH-END] d. Ultimo Dragon, Masaaki Mochizuki, Don Fujii, Yasushi Kanda & Shuji Kondo (Kagetora > Kanda, Kagenui, 12:24)
Open The Brave Gate #1 Contender 5-Way Match: Takuma Fujiwara d. Riki Iihashi, Ishin Iihashi, Takumi Hayakawa & Ryu Fuda (Fujiwara > Ishin, Schoolboy, 7:32)
Naruki Doi, Kota Minoura & Kaito Ishida d. Kzy, Genki Horiguchi & Jacky “Funky” Kamei [Natural Vibes] (Minoura > Horiguchi, Gang, 9:58)
HYO [Z-Brats] d. Eita (Schoolboy with ropes, 7:37)
Open The Twin Gate Championship: Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka © d. Jason Lee & La Estrella (Yoshioka > Estrella, Frog Splash, 17:58) - DiaYoshi succeed their 1st defense
Dragon Dia remains a double-crown champion after he & Yoshioka beat Dia’s former MASQUERADE mates in Lee & Estrella. I don’t know if DiaYoshi is the name, but it sounded good and DG-esque. Dia will now face Takuma Fujiwara to defend the Brave Gate title after Fujiwara beat his dojo class fellows. I was kinda rooting for Ryu Fuda actually. That match will be at Champion Gate in Osaka on 3/5/2022.
Naruki Doi’s Unit With No Name gets a good prelude win over Natural Vibes, as we head for that Open The Triangle Gate match, also on 3/5/2022.
HYO gets another one over on Eita, the man he deposed to turn R.E.D. into Z-Brats. In other Z-Brats goings on, after a week or so of Big Boss Shimizu beating HYO in prelude matches, and getting a direct win over KAI, now Z-Brats is starting to get one over on Shimizu, first with KAI interfering to cause Shimizu’s loss to Jason Lee on Sunday, and now a time limit draw in the opener to add some intrigue to the KAI v. Shimizu Open The Dream Gate title defense that is coming 3/6/2022 in Osaka.
The Truth Gate 2022 tour wraps up Saturday in Tsushima, and on Sunday with another streamed show from Kobe.
DDT / Tokyo Joshi
The COVID-19 issues for DDT continue, as Hideki Okatani has now tested positive as well. Eruption are now effectively out of the tournament – their match that was to take place today v. Yuji Hino & Yukio Naya is a forfeit, and due to Kazuki Hirata being out, the Eruption v. Hirata & Shuji Kondo match for the Final on Saturday will be a double-forfeit. Neither team were in the running at this point as it was. So today’s Ultimate Tag League show had no actual Ultimate Tag League matches on it. Yuji Hino & Yukio Naya end the League with 4 points, not in the running for the Final as that will come down to Burning v. The 37KAMIINA on Sunday for A Block.
DDT Ultimate Tag League 2022 In Fukushima!! - 2/23/2022, Will Fukushima (Wrestle Universe)
Kazusada Higuchi d. Yuki Ishida (Brain Claw, 10:00)
Danshoku Dino & Yuki iino [Pheromones] NC Toru Owashi & Naomi Yoshimura [DISASTER BOX] (13:08)
Chris Brookes d. Yukio Naya (Death By Roll-Up, 12:41)
HARASHIMA [DISASTER BOX] & Antonio Honda d. Yukio Sakaguchi [Eruption] & Gorgeous Matsuno (Honda > Matsuno, Crushed La Magistral Cradle, 13:07)
Daisuke Sasaki & MJ Paul [DAMNATION TA] d. Yuji Hino & Akito (Sasaki > Akito, Crossface, 12:43)
Tetsuya Endo, Jun Akiyama & Yusuke Okada [Burning] d. Yuki Ueno, Shunma Katsumata & MAO [The 37KAMIINA] (Endo > Katsumata, Best Burning Star Press In The Universe, 19:27)
Burning get the win in a prelude match to the Final on Sunday against The 37KAMIINA. Post-main, Endo and Akiyama basically said The 37KAMIINA ain’t shit without Konosuke Takeshita. Endo says he will beat Takeshita at Korakuen Hall Sunday, and for the KO-D Openweight title at Ryogoku. Endo also ripped MAO’s favorite Gorgeous Matsuno shirt, for which MAO swore revenge. Speaking of Gorgeous Matsuno, at age 60, given CyberFight’s proclivities towards titling up older wrestlers, he may like his chances here soon.
Current Ultimate Tag League 2022 Standings:
A Block Akiyama/Endo – 6pts (3W 0D 0L) Takeshita/Ueno – 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Hino/Naya – 4pts (2W 0D 2L) Higuchi/Okatani – 2pts (1W 0D 3L) Kondo/Hirata – 0pts (0W 0D 4L)
B Block HARASHIMA/Yoshimura – 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Sasaki/Paul – 4pts (2W 0D 2L) Iino/Imanari – 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Brookes/Takanashi – 2pts (1W 0D 2L) MAO/Katsumata – 2pts (1W 0D 2L) The Final show is Sunday from Tokyo Korakuen Hall. Block A comes down to Burning v. The 37KAMIINA. Block B is still up for grabs between DISASTER BOX & Pheromones; DAMNATION TA are out, having had 4 matches (One of them was a forfeit win however). The Final will be the Block winners in the main event. Hopefully this card stands.
DDT Ultimate Tag League 2022 The Final!! - 2/27/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (Wrestle Universe)
Soma Takao, Yusuke Okada & Yuya Koroku v. Toru Owashi, Toi Kojima & Yuki Ishida
3-Way Match: Danshoku Dino [Pheromones] v. Antonio Honda v. Hiroshi Yamato
Daisuke Sasaki, Minoru Fujita & MJ Paul [DAMNATION TA] v. Yuji Hino, Akito & Yukio Naya
Ultimate Tag League 2022 B Block: Chris Brookes & Masahiro Takanashi v. Shunma Katsumata & MAO [The 37KAMIINA]
Ultimate Tag League 2022 B Block: HARASHIMA & Naomi Yoshimura [DISASTER BOX] v. Yuki Iino & Yumehito Imanari [Pheromones]
Ultimate Tag League 2022 A Block: Tetsuya Endo & Jun Akiyama [Burning] v. Konosuke Takeshita & Yuki Ueno [The 37KAMIINA]
Yukio Sakaguchi & Saki Akai [Eruption] v. Sanshiro Takagi & Maya Yukihi
Ultimate Tag League 2022 Final: WINNER A Block v. WINNER B Block
Tokyo Joshi also ran today, a second show this week from Tokyo Ryogoku KFC Hall. Miyu Yamashita and Maki Itoh are still out due to positive COVID-19 tests.
Tokyo Joshi 2022 Winter - 2/23/2022, Tokyo Ryogoku KFC Hall (Wrestle Universe)
Yuki Kamifuku & Mahiro Kiryu d. Hikari Noa & Kaya Toribami (Kamifuku > Toribami, Famouser, 9:10)
3-Way Match: Suzume d. Haruna Neko & Moka Miyamoto (Suzume > Neko, Jackknife Hold, 9:52)
Hyper Misao d. Marika Kobashi (Hypami Returns, 10:51)
Shoko Nakajima, Nodoka Tenma & Yuki Aino d. Raku, Pom Harajuku & Yuki Arai (Aino > Harajuku, Bakuretsu Bulldog, 14:40)
Rika Tatsumi, Miu Watanabe & Nao Kakuta d. Yuka Sakazaki, Mizuki & Arisu Endo (Tatsumi > Endo, Twist Of Fate, 16:28)
Tatsumi cut a post-match promo about how great it was that she and Yuka Sakazaki joined TJPW as classmates, and how Daydream will beat the Magical Sugar Rabbits at Ryogoku. Nodoka Tenma will have a singles match at Ryogoku as well against her Bakuretsu Sister, Yuki Aino, as we head towards her retirement. Hyper Misao will also face Sanshiro Takagi at Sumo Hall. Misao also protested Marika Kobashi’s “graduation from TJPW” before their match.
BJW, Ice Ribbon and Gatoh Move also held shows today. There may have been even more I don’t know about.
No post tomorrow. I am going to try to do an Upcoming Events post on Saturday, then back to the regularly scheduled posts on Sunday.
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kaireiluv · 4 years ago
<<Feliz aniversário atrasado, Kai.>> Eu não tive tempo para fazer uma carta decente no dia 1 de agosto, mas eu quero expressar o amor que eu tenho por Kai e pela gratidão que tenho por Takao Aoki de desenvolver os dois personagens (Kai e Ray) que me acompanham desde de sempre em tudo, desde da minha infância. Obrigada, Kai, todos os seus fãs sentem um enorme carinho por você e acho que eles sentem o mesmo quando eu digo que você é MUITO especial e será sempre lembrado!!!
<<Happy belated birthday Kai.>> I didn't have time to make a decent letter on August 1st, but I want to express the love I have for Kai and the gratitude I have for Takao Aoki for developing both characters ( Kai and Ray) who have always been with me since my childhood. Thank you Kai, all your fans feel a lot of affection for you and I think they feel the same way when I say that you are VERY special and will always be remembered!!!
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