#Taemin: god yes. do it
katrinawritesthings · 2 years
Jonghyun/Taemin ; number one fan ; PG
Taemin being famous and Jonghyun being not and they're dating and Jonghyun has a Blog where he pretends to be Taemins boyfriend
Taemin thinks it's the funniest thing in the world and his number one favorite thing about being a celebrity. He figures, right now in the closet, it's just funny and harmless, and if he ever decides to actually come out, it'll be absolutely fucking hilarious when he points everyone to the joke blog and tells them that everything on it is 100% factually accurate.
Taemin wakes up the same way he always does: curled up like a shrimp, legs and arms sprawled in front of him, in a puddle of his own drool, and with Jonghyun's arm heavy over his waist. He breathes in deep, inching his head backwards to a dry patch of the pillow. He doesn't try opening his eyes yet. He knows it'll just hurt.
Instead, he tries to remember what he was dreaming about. Something about an orgy? No, it was supposed to be an orgy/movie night/sleepover, but then him and everyone that was there got too invested in the movies and they wound up forgetting to have sex. And then in the morning they woke up at the lake for some reason. Lizzo was there.
Taemin cannot fathom what the fuck his dreams are ever talking about, but at least they're fun. He swallows, then coughs, clearing his throat of morning gunk. He tries opening his eyes; it hurts, but not so bad that he can't blink them hard and get over it. The curtains are only cracked a little bit so it's not too bright in the room. On his dresser, the clock says it's 7:30. Not bad. He yawns, turning into the pillow, then mumbling and grumbling into the pillow because even though his body thought it was time to wake up, that doesn't mean he has to appreciate it.
"Good morning, starshine," Jonghyun sings gently against the back of his head. His arm tightens around Taemin's waist and soon his whole body is pressing up against Taemin’s back. Taemin deflates a little, half sighing, half laughing into the pillow. Good morning starshine indeed. He mumbles back his own greeting in between Jonghyun kissing the back of his neck. "Can I tell all of your lovely fans that you turbo farted for like 20 seconds in your sleep?" Jonghyun asks him, cute and peppy like he's been wide awake for a while.
"Did I fucking really?" Taemin laughs. He worms around until he's facing Jonghyun, blinking at him with crusty eyes. Jonghyun's eyes are round and bright, just like his smile. His pink hair sticks up at odd angles and Taemin reaches up to pat it down.
"Absolutely you did," he confirms. "You woke me up, dude."
"God," Taemin laughs. He believes it, but still. What the fuck. "Sure,” he says. Jonghyun can put that on his blog.
Taemin wouldn't even call it a blog, honestly. More of a performance art piece. All Jonghyun does on it is pretend to be Taemin's boyfriend. Taemin doesn't want to be out to the general public, and he definitely doesn't want the general public knowing about his boyfriend. More for Jonghyun’s safety than his own. But Jonghyun is the type that likes to show off and brag about his boyfriend, so he started the blog as a joke, pretending to be a fan that was a little too attached to his favorite celebrity.
He takes selfies that Taemin has posted to his instagram or fantaken pictures and very badly edits himself into them like they're couple pictures. Sometimes he even takes pictures of Taemin standing with another celebrity and just pastes his head on top of the other person and pretends like it's a real picture of the two of them. He gives out personal details of Taemin's life, but only things like the time he dropped an entire bowl of cereal onto the floor, or that he has an oviposition kink, or when he turbo farts in his sleep.
Originally it was just supposed to be a fun little thing, an inside joke, but then Jonghyun started getting followers. A lot of followers. Followers that get that it's a joke and think it's funny, followers that understand that it's fake but are ravenously angry at him anyway, followers that can't figure out if it's real or not and keep messaging him to ask for clarification, followers that believe it's real and send in their various opinions about it.
Taemin thinks it's the funniest thing in the world and his number one favorite thing about being a celebrity. He figures, right now in the closet, it's just funny and harmless, and if he ever decides to actually come out, it'll be absolutely fucking hilarious when he points everyone to the joke blog and tells them that everything on it is 100% factually accurate.
Taemin had closed his eyes again while he was thinking, but they're drawn open once more by the sound of his phone vibrating on the headboard. Bluh. He reaches up for it, slapping around until he finds it and checking who's calling him. His manager.
"Yeah? Hi," he answers, not bothering to sound like he didn't just wake up. His manager says hello good morning, tells him that he has a reality show to film for soon, and that he'll be there to pick him up in an hour, what does he want from the coffee place? Taemin asks for a little coffee in his milk, a strawberry frappuccino for Jonghyun, reminds his manager to get something for himself too, and flops his phone back up on the headboard when the call is over.
"Busy bee business?" Jonghyun asks, arching one eyebrow behind his phone. Taemin chuckles, sliding his arm over Jonghyun and pushing his face into his chest.
"Just the one show and then dance practice today, I think," he says. Easy day. Fun day. He'll be back home to get snuggles and smooches before he knows it. "What are you going to do today?" He asks. He always likes knowing what his favorite little strawberry is up to.
"Writing, probably," Jonghyun shrugs. "How come you don't like bugs?"
"What?" Taemin asks, baffled, and then, a second later, "oh." Oh, right, the questions from his adoring fans. "I don't know, they're, like, gross," he mumbles. "Like, they're cool, and interesting, and good for the planet, but they're gross. And they fly at you. What's up with that? Mind your own business." He yawns, rolling over to his back. Bluh. If he has to be out in an hour then he better start stretching. He lurches to a sitting position and straightens his legs out under the covers, reaching for his toes. "I used to eat ants, though," he mumbles, remembering suddenly. "When I was little. They had a weird crunch but after that they had a good mouthfeel."
Jonghyun doesn't reply to that; he just laughs, snorting into his palms, and then goes back to typing on his phone. Taemin smiles to himself as he continues his stretching. He likes making Jonghyun laugh.
He finishes his routine, then sits there in the middle of the bed and grumbles about how he doesn't want to get up until Jonghyun ruffles his hair and smooches his cheeks and tells him that he'll do a good job at work today. Then, feeling sufficiently energized and supported, he slouches out of bed and into the bathroom. He finishes all of that business and returns to flop directly on top of Jonghyun and tickle and kiss and drip his wet hair all over him until his manager texts him that he's at the door.
"Come get your coffee," he tells Jonghyun over his loud laughter, grabbing his wrist and tugging him out of bed. Jonghyun follows, nuzzling his shoulder, touching his butt, and striking up a little conversation with Taemin's manager while Taemin rifles around in the kitchen for something to eat in the car.
Armed with a banana and a homemade blueberry muffin that he’ll never tell Jonghyun is kind of dry, Taemin gets one last smooch on the cheek and heads out with his manager. In the car, he listens to what he’s supposed to do today, bothers and teases his manager a little bit, checks the news on his phone, and is bored within 10 minutes.
"I'm going to do a livestream," he says.
"Kay. Don't tell everyone you're working on a new album or I will steal your vocal cords out of your nostrils.”
"I'm going to sing the entire song," Taemin says, grinning when his manager shakes his head. He won't. But he knows that his manager can never be sure if he's joking or not. Something him and Jonghyun have in common, he guesses.
And speaking of Jonghyun, Taemin sees him in his chat a couple minutes after he starts. Saying things like uwu hi babyyyyyy and I forgive you farting on me <3 and can't wait to see you back home later!!!
Taemin barely suppresses the monumental urge to roll his eyes. Jonghyun is so cute and so funny, all the time. He talks to the rest of his fans, reading and appreciating every message Jonghyun sends but not replying to any of them. If there's one thing he thinks is even funnier than Jonghyun's blog, it's pretending to have absolutely no idea about it no matter how many times people send him links and ask him about it.
Which, usually, isn't a problem, but–when Taemin was little, he ate ants n liked it, Jonghyun types. And usually, his comments get lost in the sea of everyone else's, but this time, everyone seems to latch onto that and before Taemin even realizes what's happening, his chat is filled with ant emojis and lmaos and not a single person saying that they disbelieve it for once.
And for the first time, Taemin is grumpy about the blog. He wants so badly to clarify, to say that he didn't like it, they just had a good mouthfeel, but he can't. And Jonghyun knows that. And Taemin knows that Jonghyun knows that Taemin knows that Jonghyun knows.
fucked up. As soon as they arrive at the recording studio and Taemin ends the stream, he sends Jonghyun a single >:( text message. Immediately, Jonghyun sends a single :3c text back.
Taemin can't stay mad at that. He sends back a heart and slots this phone into his pocket. Whatever. It's not like that's even close to the most embarrassing thing Jonghyun has said about him on that blog anyway.
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
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live footage of Taemin outside of the SM headquarters
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yoohyeon · 2 years
She’s slightly making bread on me for the first time omg 🥺🥹
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mykoreanlove · 9 months
if you do smut, can you please do a dom taemin story? i don't really care what the plot is, i just rarely ever see dom taem on here. if not, then a cute fluff would be alright too, i just want some taemin things~ thank you!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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You paced through your apartment, annoyed because you still haven’t figured out what to wear tonight.
It was almost eight and Taemin would be here any minute.
You grabbed a floral dress and held it in front of you as you gazed at your reflection in the mirror.
Do I want to look cute?
You shook your head and grabbed the next piece of clothing - a leather jumpsuit that even catwoman would be jealous of.
Do I want to look sexy?
You put down the clothes and sighed. You didn’t date for too long and you wanted to take it slow - you knew you had to - but Taemin made it so hard for you.
One look at his face and you were ready to jump his bones. You visited him in the studio once and had to get yourself off in the company toilet right after. He was melting your insides, he was toying with you without even realizing.
You had no idea if he felt the same for you - after all he was always acting funny and cute so you stuck to your decision: you had to take it slow.
The bell rang shortly after. You opened the door and looked into Taemin‘s shiny eyes, already melting.
„Hey y/n“, he looked you up and down, fighting his smirk. „Nice dress.“
The two of you talked for a while. Sat on your couch you flirted, laughed and shared some secrets but you still kept some distance to him.
„How do you like my shirt?“, he asked out of the blue.
His shirt? It was white with blue stripes at the sleeves. There was a red monster printed on it with some letters above.
„Hurt lover?“, you mumbled confused.
Taemin nodded and moved closer to you. He looked at you with longing, with a desire for more.
„You‘re keeping me at a distance love. I’m a hurt lover because of you.“
As the realization had hit you, you climbed on his lap and sat on him, attacking him with endless kisses.
God, finally.
You masturbated so many times to this imaginary scenario - but now it was real.
He was sitting underneath you, hard as a rock. His lips, plush and soft, on yours while his tongue was gliding softly in your mouth. You felt hot. Heat rose all through your body.
Can butterflies survive in such heat? Because you were feeling far from innocent now.
You started grinding your hips while pulling on his long, dark hair. Taemin moaned into your mouth, not breaking the kiss once. His hands discovered your body, caressing your backside firmly.
After minutes he broke the kiss and let his head fall back. Veins popped out on his neck. Only now did you realize how fast his heart was beating.
„Y/N“, he huffed out, „I am dizzy.“
You shot up alarmed, taking his head into your hands. Taemin placed his big hands on yours and smiled: „We‘ve only kissed so far and I’m already on the verge of passing out. What are you doing to me?“
Relief cursed through you - he was okay. In fact, he was more than okay and that made the butterflies in your stomach go wild again.
„I’m sorry“, you mumbled.
Confusion was plastered on his face. „What are you sorry for?“
You fumbled with his shirt.
„It’s just… I find it so hard to hold myself back when I’m around you.“
You looked down, this was embarrassing.
„Then don’t.“
You looked up at him.
„I know I seem all cutesy and stuff but I’m way more than that, y/n. I don’t want to be your friend after all. I want to be yours.“
He looked at you with big eyes, vulnerability shining through them. You wondered how he would look at you doing other stuff.
„Can I touch you?“
You gasped.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
You nodded.
Taemin kissed you again while his hands wandered over your body. He stopped at your boobs and squeezed them. Even though you were wearing clothes you could have sworn your skin was burning from his touch.
He continued exploring and stopped again, squeezing your booty now. He groaned into your mouth.
Oh god, I’m not going to survive this.
You felt your pussy clench, you needed him so bad.
His hands kept wandering, going right under the hem of your dress. He felt the heat that was radiating off you, approaching your core slowly.
You felt his index finger gliding over your thong.
Taemin‘s lips left yours. He was resting in the crook of your neck, restraining himself now.
„Can I?“
You nodded.
„Use me. Please.“
He didn’t hesitate and slid your thong to the side. You heard him suck in his breath as he collected all of your wetness. His index finger circled around your pulsating clit.
You were desperate for him. Every touch of his set you on fire. You needed more.
He knew exactly what you were thinking and proceeded to use his index finger on your entrance now. Slowly, he pushed it in and out of you. This felt good but you needed more.
He looked at you, curiosity and bewilderment in his gaze.
„Need more.“
He smirked at you while adding another finger. This was it - your head fell back as you surrendered to this moment.
Taemin watched you closely. Your boobs bouncing from breathing heavily, your eyes shut from pleasure and your whole body turning towards him, waiting to be devoured.
You felt him curve his fingers inside you and hit the right spot, quicker and more forceful each time.
Moans were escaping your lips. You had no idea he watched you this intensely, as you were too far gone.
The fire in you was taking over. You felt the heat in your core, it was washing all over you.
Taemin‘s other hand stabilized your back as you forcefully came all over him.
Fuck taking things slow.
He pulled you to him, both of your foreheads resting against each other. Your breathing normalized again, but you were too spent to talk. Taemin‘s hand came up between the two of you, his fingers glistening from your juices.
His eyes lit up even more. Seeing you like that was such a turn on but actually making you melt on his fingers? Heavenly.
He brushed your lips with his fingers, smearing all of you on your lips.
„Taste“, he commanded.
You watched him obediently as you licked your lips.
„Like it?“
You nodded, a bit ashamed but also turned on by that.
„That‘s what you get for not holding back, love.“
Hope u liked it. 💕
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temptaetions · 2 years
boys like you 🌷 h.hj (m)
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a/n: the photo above is from hyunjin’s marie claire shoot. i do not own the photo. that being said, this fic was originally posted by me on a different, now defunct blog, i own this fic. it was formerly titled “corre, amor.” i have since deleted it from that blog and am reposting a revised version on this blog. again, i wrote this fic and it is 100% my own. i also feel super self conscious about it. be nice plz.
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synopsis: hwang hyunjin is like a burning fire - dangerous, passionate, and at times, hard to dissipate. you were frozen from within, your exterior only soft to his touch. when you are his polar opposite, it should be easy to melt at his fingertips, shouldn’t it?
genre: established relationship au | breakup au | x fem!reader | smut | angst | fluff
pairing(s): dancer!hwang hyunjin x poet!fem!reader | lee minho x han jisung
word count: 8.5k. lowercase intended.
rating: 18+. minors do not fucking interact.
warnings: swearing, one-sided pining, minimal romantic fluff, some angst, minimal smut [between h.hj x reader: some degradation, heavy petting, heavy make-out session, handjob/semi-oral, nipple play, cum eating / swapping.] hyunjin has body piercings (nipples and belly button.)
what to listen to: advice - taemin | do it for love - thama, george | play with fire - sam tinnesz, yacht money | know me - dpr live, dean | different - woodz
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everyone was convinced that your relationship with hyunjin was one-sided. from the outside looking in, you could understand why. oftentimes, it was him scouring the university in search of you, and yes, he had a photo of you in his phone case and his car dashboard. the boy you’d come to adore was nearly six feet of pure love for you — he even dedicated his showcase stages to you, choosing only the most sensual of love songs to show the student body that he was a burning fire.
and yet, as much as you loved hwang hyunjin, you remained solid. unmelted was your icy form, and as the time went on, people had begun to notice. slipping away from crowds after his showcases and losing hyunjin in them became a regular thing, and the apartment was often empty because neither of you were ever really home. much like your eyes when you looked at him these days, what used to be the world to you now reflected a beautiful blonde man with the prettiest lips this side of the han river. you still loved him, you’d convinced yourself of such. the only question left was, was it in the way he did?
once upon a time, all your poems screamed his name. from long winded monologues to neat, tight haikus, your words were stringed together to recreate the man you woke up next to every day for the past three years. exasperated sighs during your poetry slams showed the way your feelings for this man ate you up inside and god, you just couldn’t believe you’d finally found a good guy. a man that was the healing of the past and the brightening of the future, the man who truly made your days enjoyable. 
“good morning,” hyunjin was stretching in the living room as you allowed your sleep-deprived body to practically float through the apartment. lack of sleep due to the endless thinking and stress over school made you a zombie — one who didn’t have much of a knack for social interaction. nonetheless, you returned the sarcastic greeting, seeing as it was two in the afternoon on a nice sunday. the coffee in the pot was cold as you poured it, and you scowled as you grabbed some ice cubes but you couldn’t complain. had you been up on time, it would’ve been hot, you can hear hyunjin now.
“mm, you look nice,” you murmur as you slide onto the couch, watching your boyfriend’s shirt ride up slightly on his waist, exposing the sliver of skin you ran your fingers down before bed. he simply chuckled at your comment, a faint blush dancing across his cheeks as he continued his hip warm ups. “you’ve got rehearsal tomorrow after class, right?” sipping your coffee quietly, you saw hyunjin nod softly as he laid down on his mat. “yeah, unfortunately. i have to rain check our dinner tomorrow night, m’sorry, doll.” he closes his eyes as he rests his arms on his torso, and you slip off the couch to run your fingers through his soft hair. admiring him, you stroke his cheek gently as he opens his eyes, placing his hand above yours.
“your big showcase is coming up. dinner can wait, i’m always by your side.” you assured him of things you weren’t so sure of yourself, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. his eyes changed as you said that, but he nodded reluctantly as you placed a soft kiss on his forehead. “don’t practice too hard, my love. you know it worries me. i’ll be in the office if you need me.” 
“‘course, honey. don’t type your fingers off,” he’s muttering to himself, and he knows how much it bothers you but even the people who are supposedly perfect have bad days. a nice guy, really. “i heard that, pipsqueak.” you call back, placing your coffee cup on your desk, leaving the door slightly ajar to hear his recital music. as soon as you hear the first notes of the remix changbin made for him, minho and felix, you ease into your desk chair. closing your own eyes, you can see his movements in your mind from hours of watching them practice this routine, specifically two years ago when the dance team uploaded it to youtube. they planned on recreating it to see where it could take them, as a trio — seeing as the fluidity of the boys raked in millions of views, and thousands of dollars in donations to the school and the dance team.
none of which hit the creative writing and poetry department, but hey, the poetry slam videos didn’t do as well. to be fair, the poetry slam club didn’t do much to raise money but turned around to ask mommy and daddy — whereas, you worked for your fifty cents. unfortunately, your major had a huge influx of people who didn’t quite really appreciate the time and effort that it took to make your art — and a lot of them were actually there to please their parents, to say they went to college. as sad as it was, you realized your freshman year that you were surrounded by maybe a third of your class with an actual passion for writing, and even then, you would hear them mouth off about your classes being an easy a.
it sometimes made you wish to have picked a different field, at a different university. maybe even if you had pursued journalism like you had intended...maybe things would be different. you often notice your mind wandering off to these places, and you remind yourself you wouldn’t have met hyunjin. so, maybe things worked out in the end — even if you did watch your old friends travel out of the country on externship to major news companies and even land jobs before graduation. jobs you couldn’t pay to get, and so, you worked part-time at the italian restaurant down the street and hid from any possible peers that may come your way.
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“y/n-ah, you promised me i’d score some free breadsticks if i brought you the coffee!” jisung was whining as you bagged up his order, missing the way you shot your coworker a knowing glance, chuckling to yourself. “yah! did your mother not teach you manners? i know what i said, now keep quiet while minho gets them.” you give him a pointed look, and he scowls as you take the warm bread bag and slip it into his knapsack. “love you, bud. take it easy, i know that ankle is killing you.” you pat his shoulder, and he smiles inwardly as he takes the bag shyly, whirling out of the shop with a soft call of goodbye.
“how’s hyunjin?” minho inquires, pouring some olive oil into his calzone dough mix. you watch as he turns the mixer on, leaning your cheek on the heel of your hand. you gave your friend a sad look, and he sighed as he took in the atmosphere. “i take it you’re feeling detached?”
“and i hate it. hyunjin is literally my best friend, he is the absolute love of my life! i don’t know what’s going on anymore.” you bury your face in your hands, letting out a groan of frustration. only minho knew of your inner turmoil, and that was because you knew he’d understand. he too, was in the same situation. the only difference was that he could give you a hyunjin perspective — because it was jisung that felt the way you did. but if you told jisung, there was a small possibility he would spill the beans — not on purpose, but it would happen eventually. minho was like a steel safe enclosed in another one that was bolted into the ground.
“you need to talk to him before he starts prying. why do you think jisung left without a word to me?” he’s kneading the dough angrily, and you wince at every harsh smack that lands. “do you think i enjoy coming home to an empty bed, while jisung is out late with chan-hyung and changbin? do you think i like opening my hulu account to see he’s watched seven episodes of how i met your mother without me? this is fucking ridiculous,” he was now rolling out the dough, the warm container of fresh marinara sauce nearly being spilt with the vigor in which the table was shaking.
“you seriously need to talk to him, babe.” you turn as the doorbell dings, and you’re met by the prettiest soul this side of the han river — hyunjin. feeling a small smile slip onto your face, you return to the register to see him smiling back at you. “why hello, how may i help you?” 
“hello, miss. i’m looking for a certain y/n, i’ve come to whisk her away for supper.” he’s holding a brown bag, and you just know there’s a steamy bowl of soft tofu stew waiting to be devoured. “i adore you, hwang hyunjin.” you skirt around the counter to kiss his lips softly, hands resting on his cheeks as one of his own comes to your waist, the tips of his fingers settling in your back pocket.
“minnie, i’ll be back in thirty!” you call out, and the boy waves you off with a chuckle. despite the obvious problems that you were skirting around, minho knew that you would always adore hyunjin, boyfriend or not.
physical attraction was also not an issue — he was gorgeous, but you hated reducing him to that, and anyone who did was immediately on your hit-list. hyunjin had talent, skill, and one of the kindest hearts you’d ever had the pleasure of meeting. hyunjin was what you could call an all-rounder — he was efficient in every area of his life, including his relationship. which made you realize that perhaps, it was your lack of experience in relationships, in being treated nicely.
“i love those jeans on you,” hyunjin says as you walk hand-in-hands towards the back parking lot. “you say that because you bought them for me, even after i said i didn’t need them.” you roll your eyes as hyunjin lets go of your hand, instead using it to open the backseat door for you. this was routine, on days that hyunjin didn’t have late practices or managed to leave early — he would buy something you both loved, drive to your workplace, steal you from minho for a bit to grub, and then wait at home for you until you called to be picked up. sometimes you even drove minho home. however, hyunjin’s hand on your knee as he slid in after you, gave you a warm sensation throughout your chest.
you sighed contentedly, letting hyunjin get everything out of the bag. you began slipping your white jumper off, seeing as if any of the stew got on it, you’d regret blowing fifty dollars on it. you soon realized that the jumper was exactly why hyunjin offered to manage your finances. “spoon, napkin,” he was handing you things and you quietly took them, waiting as he began to lower the cup holder to place the stew between you.
“hyunjin, do you remember our first date?” you looked at the sun, hanging low in the sky as the nighttime approached. you had been sitting in this very backseat, your hands tangled in his hair as he showed you a song he loved at the time — and continued to, to this day it blasted through your speakers at home. it’d sort of become your song — but you shared many things with him that night. “you mean how you kissed me after you had texted me earlier that day that there would be no kissing? not saying i didn’t enjoy it,” he snorts as you whack his arm lightly.
“yah, it was a moment of weakness. the timing was perfect, you were perfect.” you lean against the door, leg propped up on the seat as your fingertips tracing the spoon in your hand. you feel a bit of emotion hit your eyes, but hyunjin softly pats your leg. “hwang hyunjin, how did i manage to find a man like you?”
“you didn’t, there’s nothing all that special about me,” you’ve both seemed to forget about the early supper as hyunjin lifts the cup holder up, and scoots closer to you, resting your legs atop his thighs. drumming his fingers along your shins, he smiled at the fond memory of the date. “if anything, i think it was a moment of rose-colored glasses. all i did was slide you a book from the top shelf.” it was true, you’d met hyunjin at the campus library. granted, it was your first time in there, and hyunjin had been a bit of an overachiever his first year — so he was in the right place at the right time as you groaned about the library stacking ten shelves high.
“i still can’t believe we had sex in that bathroom,” you shudder playfully, letting out a laugh as hyunjin gasped. “you suggested it! i just granted your wish!” laughing harder, you notice hyunjin admiring you softly. “yah, you’re making me shy.” 
“you’re beautiful,” his thumb caresses your cheek, and you glance at his lips before he slowly closes in. the softness of them, something you often envied, had always been enough to make you feel hot. the technique, his hand placement as he kissed you sweetly, always made you feel giddy. hyunjin was like a really good amusement park — you wanted to go on all the rides. without breaking the kiss, you adjusted yourself to sit on his lap, relishing the way his hands snaked to your belt loops to pull you closer. his tongue expertly slides into your mouth, a small gasp escaping your lips as his thumbs rub circles over your covered breasts, the flimsy tank top hiding your sensitive nipples but heightening the sensation.
subconsciously pushing your chest into him, your own hands struggle to find home as you slide them beneath his own shirt, feeling his softly chiseled muscles under your fingertips. the soft whine that emits from his lips as you brush his nipple accidentally, a gentle reminder of the small metal bar that he pierced in on a drunken night. if there was anything you and hyunjin shared, it was sensitivity.
his hands immediately pulled down the straps of your shirt, the material sliding off your breasts as he broke the kiss — lips dragging all over your chest, nipping and biting in all places. “wait, wait. take this off,” you pulled on his own shirt, and he obliged almost furiously, tugging his cardigan and shirt off in one go — pierced nipples and belly button on display. god, he was fucking gorgeous.
“mm, i like these.” your voice was low as you gently stroked them, adoring the soft rutting of hyunjin’s hips against your own. “be nice to me tonight, baby. i’m sore from practice.” he tucks a strand of his hair behind his ear, and you look at his swollen lips. a shy blush coats his cheeks as he looks away, your hand grabbing for his jaw to make him look at you, your eyes boring into his own. “fuck, you’re beautiful. you’ve always been so beautiful.” he whines, his hand at the nape of your neck and pulling you in for another kiss, rougher this time. his free hand circles around your waist, holding you in place as your lips connect again, but briefly because you begin to kiss down his jaw, stopping to nibble at his earlobe. adding to the sensation, you grind your hips down, and you take a small nip near his jugular, a whine of your name leaving his mouth.
“you sound so pretty, so, so pretty baby. do it again.” you suck on the skin softly, and with your hands pressed against his chest, he allows another murmured whine to ring in your ears, his skin hot to the touch. “fuck, y/n.” 
you find yourself tracing his stomach and waist, trailing kisses down his chest — and a welcomed sensation to him when you teasingly flicked your tongue on his hardened nipple. his hips bucked up and you chuckled, his fingers carding through his hair as you swirl your tongue around his nipple, heart beating against his chest insanely fast. “your heart is beating so fast.” whispering, you place a chaste kiss right above it, before trailing down slowly, maneuvering your back and legs to kneel before him, carefully so you’d fit nicely. hyunjin looked at you as you did so, following your every move with glassy eyes.
“take off your pants.” slightly hoarse, but he slipped his hands under the band of his sweats, shoving them down as you’d instructed. you watched like a hawk, the way his thigh muscles flexed deliciously as he shoved them down carefully. springing free, his cock was beautiful — not too thick, maybe two inches above average, leaking precum any time he let you get your hands on him. glancing up at him, you notice the soft love bites blooming across his chest and neck, smiling to yourself as you hover above his cock. running your forefinger along the underside, you relished in the power as hyunjin shivered under your touch. leaning down slightly, you give his tip a kitten lick, gathering a bit of his precum on your tongue — and you rest your hands on his thighs to hoist yourself up towards his lips.
taking your tongue in first, hyunjin kisses you slowly, allowing the taste of himself to marinate in your mouths. you gently drag your nails on his inner thighs, noticing the goosebumps trail along your boyfriend’s skin before you grab his shaft snugly. a surprised gasp disconnects your lips, and you take the opportunity to spit directly on his swollen tip, taking it into your mouth shallowly as you softly spread your saliva with his precum. all is calm as you begin sucking towards the underside of his tip, your tongue running along the thick vein of his length.
practically drooling a river, you push yourself to sink down a bit more, allowing his tip to barely brush the back of your throat — his dull nails are digging into your shoulder as you swallow around him, the pace of your movements excruciatingly slow as you pull off with a pop. a string of spit connected you to him as you pulled away, your lips swollen lightly as you took hold of his thigh, pumping his erection in one hand, kissing his lips chastely as you whispered sweet nothings. “i want you, so bad, baby.” he whines against your lips, and you almost feel bad as you sadistically smirk. “you always do, don’t you?”
you can feel his thigh quivering as he tries to hold back, but the overwhelming feeling of your lips dragging over his upper body and the tight, rhythmic stroking of his cock in your hand was all too much. you can tell because he’s beginning to look away, his eyes fluttering as you continue to murmur filthy words in his ear, his hips swiveling in light circles into your hand. “does the little slut want to cum?” and without warning, hyunjin was orgasming, his cum shooting out in warm spurts all over your chest. his eyes screwed shut as he trembled under your touch, and you simply smiled as he exhaled a breath you were sure he wasn’t aware he was holding in.
“found a new word for you, baby. you did so well for me, my love.” you laugh softly as you begin to wipe your breasts off with your finger, not noticing the way hyunjin’s tired eyes still held a bit of lust in them. taking hold of your hips, hyunjin pulled you up into his lap once more, leveling your chest with his mouth. he slowly dragged his lips over every open part, collecting his cum as he swirled his tongue over your breasts, nipping softly. appalled, you watched him through hooded eyes, an absentminded hand tangled in his hair leading him to your nipples every now and again. “kiss me, baby.”
his hand quickly finds home on your jaw, guiding the slippery kiss full of passion..when you hear a knock on the window. the sudden sound causes you to hit your head on the roof of the car, in turn making you bite down on hyunjin’s lower lip. not that he cared, it was hot.
“what the fuck!” hyunjin throws his shirt over you before tucking himself back into his sweatpants, and you panic-wipe your face and his, realizing just how foggy the windows had gotten. he takes a shaky breath before rolling down the window, only to see minho standing there with his arms crossed. “y/n-ah, you said thirty minutes.” he’s not happy, but hey, it could’ve been worse. you sigh in relief, dropping hyunjin’s shirt, not caring that minho has now seen your boobs as you tug your straps back up. hyunjin’s stomach felt like it fell out of his ass, but minho grimaces as he watches his younger friend wipe his face once more. “in the parking lot? really?”
“listen, sometimes you gotta make do.” you smile, kissing your boyfriend’s cheek apologetically. “i’ll see you at home, baby. promise.” kissing his lips gently one more time, you wave to him as he tries to catch his breath. slipping away with minho, you try to hide the sweat on your face from riling yourself up in a hot ass car just to get your boyfriend off.
“i expected more from you, y/n. you were gone for forty minutes,” minho scoffs as he wipes a tissue across your chest, and you feel your face heat something awful when you realize you still had some of hyunjin’s residue on you. how embarrassing. nonetheless, you scowl at your friend. “that’s barely ten minutes over!” you want to be mad at minho, but your mind can only drift to hyunjin as your empty stomach growls for the last twenty minutes of your shift.
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“yah, hyunjin-ah. i’m home!” you call out as you slide your backpack off, noticing his favorite boots abandoned by the door.  minho had walked you home, so you figured there was no use in calling him anyway. rolling your eyes, you pick them up to place on the somewhat empty rack (it was usually full of shoes stacked upon each other), and it is only then you hear the lo-fi beats coming from your bedroom that you realize he may have fallen asleep. smiling to yourself, you tiptoe into the kitchen, finding the soft tofu stew in the microwave and you grant yourself permission to heat it up while you get ready for bed. popping the lid off, you slide it back in and quietly walk towards your bedroom, seeing your boyfriend bundled in the duvet like a burrito. his eyes were shut, lips parted softly and he was beautiful.
leaning against the doorframe, you admire him quietly, his light breathing drowned out by the music coming from your television. you take in the purple-tinted atmosphere, ignoring the backpack and duffle bag hidden in the corner of the room.
“stop staring at me,” you hear him mumble, and you let out a laugh. “i thought hwang hyunjin was sleeping, sorry hwang hyunjin.” you chuckle, moving to turn on the desk lamp to remove your makeup. he grunts in response, before sitting up and leaning back onto the bed frame. “yah, y/n. i need my beauty rest.”
“yeah? do you? you also need to study, you’ve got a fat ass final coming up in that anthropology class.” you tap your shared calendar, and sure enough, he had a test in two weeks. “honey, i deserve a break.” he groans, and you simply shake your head as you wipe off your lipstick, that had somehow managed to stay intact during your...earlier endeavors.
“yeah, baby. you do.” you smile at him through the mirror, noticing the way he seemed a bit...drained. “ah, i don’t like it when you look like that, hyunnie. what’s nagging you?” you say, slipping off your jumper and tank top, rustling in his drawer for a shirt, which felt surprisingly less full. his silence makes you rush, grabbing a random shirt you were sure belonged to changbin at some point but you shoved your head in anyway.
“i just...i’m feeling a bit cold.” he says quietly, and you freeze. “cold...cold meaning sick, cold meaning temperature, cold meaning—”
“you feel far away, y/n. i feel cold.” he reluctantly turns to face you, his hands in his lap. frowning, you tug off your jeans, grabbing a pair of his shorts to slide on. “baby, i—”
“no, y/n. don’t ‘baby’ me, you always do this. anytime i want to be closer to you and i want to show you off the world, you hide from me. every time i want to go do cliché couple things, like matching sweaters or something, you brush me off. am i a joke, y/n? is this funny to you? do you get off on being cruel to someone who loves you more than anything?”
the outburst is unexpected. you feel your chest heat with embarrassment, and you back away from the bedside where you had been standing. you feel your eyes well up with tears but you know there is no excuse for the way you’d been acting, and that he wasn’t wrong — and you couldn’t brush it off this time. looking down, you fiddle with your rings as you let his words sink in.
“i’m sorry, hyunjin. i wasn’t aware you felt this way,” you feel a lump in your throat and you wonder why — maybe after so long of hoping he would mess up in order to break up, you realized you didn’t want that. you look at him through blurred vision, the purple love bites you left now fully bloomed and an eyesore. “i know you weren’t, y/n. you never ask me how i’m feeling any more, much less have you ever. i understand we get caught up in our lives and i know that all this ‘other half’ stuff is bullshit, but you would make time for me, y/n. you were melting, and now you’re just back in the freezer.” he sighed, throwing the comforter off his legs and standing before you. wiping tears off your cheeks, hyunjin pulls you into a tight hug.
“i just want to know what i’m doing wrong.” and you break. “you’re not doing anything wrong, hyunjin. it’s me, it’s always been me. i’m just this broken piece of ice that’s been floating over the ocean for decades, hoping someday the sun will melt me down and i’ll become one with the water. i’m tired of not being able to give you the benefit of the doubt and realize that you won’t hurt me like everyone else has. it’s been three damn years, hyunjin. what am i doing wrong?”
“maybe you’re not ready for a relationship, y/n.” his voice is calm as he strokes your back, and you feel your heart start racing at the thought of losing him. regardless of what you’d thought before, the panic of being alone has now set in and you can’t imagine your life without him — and that in itself is a toxic mentality. you were not incomplete before you met hyunjin, and you would be fine if and when he ever decided to step out of your life.
“no, no. i am, i am ready. that’s why i’m here, i swear i’ll fix it—” your panicked hands stroked hyunjin’s face shakily, and you noticed tears in his eyes as he grabbed your wrists, cupping your hands in his own as he stood. “y/n, you’re not ready. for the past three years, i’ve felt alone in this apartment, no matter how many times you walked through that door. i felt you try to warm up, i felt your effort but slowly, you just kept pushing me back. ice is meant to melt at some point, my love. maybe you are something far more solid.”
and that is when you notice that he is fully dressed. his jewelry is still in, and he’s in a different jumper and sweatpants. his feet are covered with the cactus socks you snagged at target for him, and you suddenly feel your stomach do a backflip. suddenly, the less-crowded shoe rack, the organized drawer, the bags in the corner...they make sense.
“are you...are you leaving me?” your trepidation is clawing at your throat, and you can feel your nails digging into your palms. “no, y/n. you’re leaving me.” hyunjin wipes a tear from his face, holding one of your poetry books in his hand. he must have hid it under the blankets, and he hands it to you, opening it to a bookmarked page. you now see your world crumbling before you. furrowing your brows, you close it, your hand going limp as you stare at his socks.
“you read my work.” you let the book slip onto the floor, landing on the carpet with a soft thud. “it’s the only way i’ve even made it this far, y/n.” you feel betrayal rip through you, and you hate that the only thing you ever asked him not to do had been done. you didn’t care about hiding anything besides this flimsy book of poems that you hid beneath your bed every single time you wrote something new.
“get out.” you mumble, and hyunjin opens his mouth, only to press it in a tight line. he grabs his bags quickly, and you’ve seen now that he even cleared his own cosmetics off your vanity. you would miss dolling him up for his showcases. “i’ll see you at my showcase. i hope you’re still coming.” he said quietly, before padding silently into the living room, and eventually, you heard the jingle of his keys and the slam of the front door. hearing the lock turn, you felt the tears roll down your face uncontrollably.
and slowly, but surely, you’ve fallen asleep with your face buried in hyunjin’s pillow, the soft tofu stew long forgotten.
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things had always been so neutral with hyunjin. he didn’t like fighting but he was petty as hell, so that canceled out. he didn’t like cooking but he was great at it, which also canceled out. he didn’t particularly care for shower sex, but when you did indulge, it almost made you angry how well it went down.
sex with hyunjin was quite the opposite of neutral — it was filthy, wet, slippery even. it was hot and heated and you loved every moment of whatever was happening — whether he had been pounding you into your mattress, or his face was buried between your thighs, everything was euphoric. and what made you furious was that whilst you had let yourself wallow in your sudden heartbreak, you didn’t realize that you craved the skinship you shoved away.
you missed waking up to his hand literally dangling in your face, his leg thrown over your hip, or his cold ass feet tucked onto the back of your thighs. you missed holding someone’s hand as you walked around campus, being kissed goodbye as he dropped you off for class while he was headed to practice. you hated seeing hyunjin across campus and not being able to call out his name and hand him the milk tea that you’d mistakenly bought for him ten minutes ago, having completely forgotten that you were broken up.
so you felt like an idiot holding two medium wintermelon milk teas as your ex-boyfriend walked closer with his entourage. you looked at minho, and as if sensing your eyes, he glanced up. meeting your gaze, minho’s jaw dropped as you trashed the drink, tossing it in the nearest garbage can — an action not missed by felix and hyunjin. “hey, y/n.” minho tried, and you glared at him as you walked past, nearly slamming into changbin and jeongin as you did so.
you ignored the ache in your throat, your eyes scanning the campus for chan. you had set to meet with him to study for your statistics final, and had been running late by getting boba. only then you realize you could have given him the extra drink, but you shook it off as you see his built form appear a few feet in front of you, his thick legs cozied in warm sweatpants that read 3RACHA down his thigh. “channie! wait up!”
he halts, looking up from his phone to look around. “ah, y/n!! how are you?” turning, he gives u a soft fist bump as you both begin the walk to the library. your hand took his elbow, and he was puzzled as you rushed him down the path. “are you okay? you seem off. did something happen with hyunjin?”
you were inside the library now, and you feel your stomach churn at the sound of his name, simply swiping your student card to get into the study room. you set down your backpack, toying with the zipper before you begin trying to form the words necessary. you tried to hold it in, but you couldn’t help and let a few tears slip out of your eyes as your lips quivered. “we broke up.”
followed by silence, chan seemed to understand as he stood, enveloping your limp form in a hug as you broke down for the third time that week. trying to hide your emotions from your friends was always easy, but you’d never felt defeat like this. you’d never allowed someone to see your heart and learn its ways, so knowing now that you had seen hyunjin’s and ignored it simply showed that you had taken him for granted.
“haven’t you got any faith in yourself, y/n?” he mumbles as he wipes your cheeks with his sleeve, taking hold of both your hands. “being single is the least of your worries, girl. let’s just cool off a bit and focus on this dumbass final that we’ve got to ace tomorrow.” chan began writing up practice equations that your professor had assigned earlier that week, and though you wiped your tears and whipped out your calculator — you regretted renting the study room across the very library you met hyunjin in.
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the boys had wound up dragging you out of the apartment on the night of hyunjin’s showcase, making the coping process much harder and the carpool was just a bit more suffocating as you turned into an unfamiliar neighborhood to pick up the soloist for the night, hwang hyunjin. you looked at the houses on the street as chan cruised forward, only to stop in front of an old townhouse with a nice vegetable garden. you quietly looked out the window to see your ex-boyfriend kissing and older woman’s cheek goodbye.
“hey, scoot.” he opened the door and you reluctantly scooted over, realizing now why the boys asked if you wanted the passenger seat. hyunjin’s freshly dyed black hair would definitely be a show-stopper, and paired with the dance he’d prepared, you knew he’d steal some hearts. “nice hair.” you mutter, and you feel hyunjin sigh softly, pulling out his phone.
a minute later, you feel your phone vibrate in your clutch. a small lump in your throat forms as you see you’ve forgotten to change his contact name.
[4:54PM] baby ♥︎🩰: would you be willing to do my makeup for the showcase..?
glancing up, you grimace as you see hyunjin staring out the window with flaming red cheeks. scowling, you type back a short ‘yes’ and stare at the bouquet in your lap for the rest of the drive.
backstage was crawling with dancers and makeup artists, but hyunjin had managed to convince the stage manager to get him and the boys off in a green room in the concert hall. seeing as the stage manager apparently owed hyunjin for some favor years ago, he’d snuck hyunjin the key as you strolled quietly backstage with the boys. minho and felix just needed to get dressed, they would be waiting in the audience for their turn on stage for the group performances. you feel set up, somehow.
you waited quietly on the sofa, scrolling mindlessly through twitter as you let the boys rustle around getting into their outfits. seeing as hyunjin had a solo and a group dance, his bag was twice as heavy. “okay, i’m heading out. we’ll be up third.” minho was buttoning his shirt as he started walking out, felix trailing behind him as he smoothed on some chapstick. the room felt thick with tension, yet you pushed past it to set up hyunjin’s makeup on the vanity table, your fingers dusted with eye glitter.
“these are for you,” you set the bouquet down on the vanity as you allow him to finish getting dressed. a bouquet of mixed flowers, bold and colorful — daisies, cornflowers, honeysuckles, red tulips and carnations. an eyesore that you adored. you knew you wouldn’t be around after the performance, so you simply slipped your note into the bouquet when he silently clipped in his jewelry.
best of luck, my love. forever yours, y/n <3
“why are you being so quiet?” hyunjin asked as he came up behind you, buttoning his shirt quickly. “yah, i’m not being quiet. i feel awkward, i want to get this done and over with, hyunjin.” you say, moving out of the way so he can sit down, and you sweep his hair off his face, ignoring the temptation to kiss his forehead like you usually would. you know, for someone who had had a hard time melting to form into what hyunjin ‘needed’, you sure had no trouble being what hyunjin craved. he hadn't realized that until his first actual night without you.
he was freezing.
“be gentle with me.” he said as you patted moisturizer under his eyes, listening out for the start of the first performance. “i always am.” you whisper, not allowing the tears building up to escape as you blink them back. hyunjin’s gaze on your face was intensely intimidating as you carefully blended a muted terracotta shade on his eyelid, and you think you imagine the pout on his lips until you go back in with a brown pencil liner. “yah, hwang hyunjin! why are you pouting?”
he looks down at his hands, toying with the loose strands on the holes of his jeans. you frown, dusting on an easy amount of blush before grabbing his lip tint. your hand grasps his jaw, his eyes widening as you do so.
“you’ve gotten so mean,” he mutters as he puckers his lips, and you feel a smile sneak onto your face as you dab the tint on lightly. “you’ve always liked it.” you almost kiss him, out of routine, but the cold air in the room reminds you of what can no longer be. a sad feeling washes over you as you spray his face lightly with a setting spray, and wave your hands around him to dry it.
“you’re going to do great out there, hyunjin. i know it.” holding his arms, you rub them gently one last time before hearing the second song start for the next group, starting your brisk walk out of the room. “wait.” stopping in place, you don’t turn as you hear his feet patter behind you, and you feel his presence on your back as his hand takes hold of your wrist. slowly, he turns you around and your eyes are closed, not wanting to know what the next two minutes may hold. you don’t realize you’re backing up against the door until you’ve hit it, and your eyes open to see his face ghosting over yours. his breathing is shaky, and you can’t help but feel tears fill your eyes as you brush your lips against his.
kissing you back softly, his hand finds home on your waist — and you feel a tear roll down as you wrap your arms around his neck. your lips are burning his skin but he relishes in the warmth he’d been missing for the past two weeks. your skin is hot to the touch and he realizes…
maybe it was him that needed melting.
“good luck, hyunjin. you’re gonna be fine.” you sniff as you push him away, exiting the green room as quickly as you could, hearing the second song coming to an end. you’re sprinting towards the auditorium at this point, nearly crashing into minho as he and felix are rushing towards backstage to set up in the thirty seconds they have. “first row, fourth seat!” felix yells as you open the auditorium door, and you nearly bust a lung trying to catch your breath while sliding into the seat next to jisung.
“hey, sungie.” you take a deep breath and han jisung simply shakes his head — his hand taking hold of yours as the curtain rises with the boys in position. of course, hyunjin is front and center as the spotlight catches him directly, his hands crossed across his face in a gesture you’d memorized from his practices. the music begins, and once more you’re drawn in by the fluid movements of his body, the body control he carried on himself was something many dancers would die for. suddenly, it’s like there’s no one else in the room but you and him. you’re locked on his swiveling hips, the flow of his arms as he melted into the music.
and you fall in love all over again.
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“our last soloist for the night has been well anticipated in many ways. the star of the show, the one and only man of the hour — let’s hear it for our very own hwang hyunjin!” the announcer is far too excited in your opinion, and you roll your eyes as the entire auditorium goes up in screams, joining them in their clapping. the crowd dies down as the curtain rises, and you hold your breath as hyunjin steps into view, a piece of white ribbon in between his teeth as he looks into a gold-framed mirror. he ties his hair back carefully as he stares into the mirror, and as the beat drops in, your jaw locks. his hand wraps around his neck lightly, before looking back with a finger in his mouth.
he rips off the veil-like cape and before you know it, he’s on the ground and you understand now why the entire crowd is entranced as his knees alternate, the way his hand covers his joker-like grin and the way he’s sliding around the floor is simply delicious. fan service, you think reluctantly as you hear a group of individuals screaming in a lust-filled pitch.
the silver details make him glimmer as he releases all his emotions on the stage, and you feel your thighs clench as you catch a glimpse of the belly piercing you adored. your nails are digging into your palm as you realize how high the shirt has come undone, and it is only now that you recognize the song playing in your ears as hyunjin’s performance comes to an end with his hand around his neck once more, the lights dimming as the last line rings in your mind.
i’ve always liked to play with fire.
you feel your heart stop in your chest as hyunjin throws the rose he’d held in his mouth in your general direction, and the crowd screams once more as he leaves the stage, pulling the ribbon out of his hair as he exited. you ignore all the screams as you feel the urge to get up and leave the premises like you have every single time hyunjin had a showcase. you want to push your way out the doors and run home to a pillow that doesn’t smell like him anymore but you pretend it does in hopes of some sort of manifestation that he’d show up in your dreams again.
you can’t help but slip your heels off and bolt for the exit as the dancers come back on stage for their final bow. you see hyunjin in your peripheral view and like always, you ignore it. you ignore the beet red blush on his face as people throw flowers at him and scream his name, and you ignore the way he pushes through the crowd to find you in the parking lot. you ignore the cold on your back as you manage to hail a taxi and slip in, giving the driver your address in a hurried sob as you see hyunjin exit the building behind you. you ask her to step on it as you feel the lump in your throat grow, and she gives you a pitiful look as she steps on the gas. you feel bad. you always do when you run away from what is best for you.
“trouble in paradise, honey?” she asks quietly, and you nod as your phone vibrates repeatedly, surely spam calls from the boys. “he loves me far more than i could have imagined. it is sad that i am simply not enough for him in my own eyes.”
“oh my, dear. you will always be enough. look at you, you’re young! you’re full of life even when you look like you’re having a rough time, you look like what i wish i looked like twenty years ago! you’re the it girl, baby. cherish it.” she sighs as she stops in front of your apartment, and you dig through your clutch for some cash. “don’t worry. this one’s on me, but i think you could make it work.” she looks into your eyes and you feel your soul ache as you nod.
“i will, auntie. thank you.” you exit her cab, scurrying up the stairs to your apartment quietly. you feel winded as you unlock your door, and you throw your heels onto the empty rack. you wander mindlessly about your apartment, standing in front of what once held photos upon photos of you, hyunjin and all your friends. memories that were once stuck to the wall were now stacked up on the dining room table, and you sighed as your fingers touched the thumbtack holes.
“in this maze of memories, where did i lose you?” you whisper to yourself, sighing as you trail towards your bedroom, plopping face first onto your bed, ignoring the sudden whiff of hyunjin’s scent coming off your pillow. “how cruel it is to live in a world where you’re not even in my photo albums anymore.”
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hyunjin had started to distance himself more, and last you’d heard, he was offered to study a year abroad in france with minho and felix. good for him, i wish him well, you’d told jisung when he shared the good news. minho and jisung managed to work it out, with jisung having been offered a year abroad as well for music production with the dance team, they realized it was time to figure out who they were to each other. you find out the person hyunjin kissed a few months back before the showcase was his grandmother — she’d recently moved into that old townhouse.
you couldn’t really swallow down the pill that hyunjin wasn’t yours anymore, but the universe didn’t give you much of a choice as it kept turning. you’d lost your passion for poetry, and the dream to be a huge name in journalism in the months after. you’d given your poems to be displayed in the creative writing hall at your university, and you realized that nothing you wrote was ever about anything besides hyunjin. everything was connected back to him, and it seemed the world knew that as you dropped your major entirely, and when your advisor questioned what you would be changing it to, you simply shrugged and told her you didn’t know. i want to see the world, you said. university is tying me down.
seeing as you had officially finished the year, you had no loose strands to burn besides packing up and moving out of your student apartment. you’d sent hyunjin his things via seungmin and jeongin, who were kind enough to help you move out and get a moving van back to seoul. you were going to spend the summer with them, seeing as they simply planned to go all around seoul auditioning for companies. 
you were taping the last box when you heard a soft knock at the door.
looking up, you see hyunjin. back to his blonde hair, glowing in all his glory. you give him a tight lipped smile, and stand up to greet him quietly. “hello. i heard you got offered a year in france. congratulations.” you mumble as you stand in front of him, and he nods silently. the tension is thick as he shifts from side to side, before clearing his throat.
“i saw your poems in the hall.” he whispered, and you scoff, scratching your neck shyly. “yeah, i decided to say goodbye. sort of lost touch with that dream.” he doesn’t say anything, but you look to see his eyes screwed shut as he leans against your doorframe. “i didn’t know you wrote so much about me, y/n.”
“everything i’ve ever written has been about you, hyunjin. you were my lucky star, the moon i talked to every night. you held all my creativity, because you were my only inspiration.” you shrug, and hyunjin simply stretches his arms out. “come, let me hold you.”
and for a moment, this is okay. you’re okay, feeling the warmth of his body against your own and hearing his soft heartbeat. you’re okay, realizing that you will never stop loving hwang hyunjin, no matter how far he is. you’re okay, knowing that he also loves you, and you’re okay with the soft kiss he plants on your scalp.
“i turned it down. i got into a company,” he murmurs, and you gasp. “and even though i’d be under a dating ban, i figured i’d let you know that i miss you and that i’d override that for you, if you’ll have me. i miss waking up with you and i miss walking to class together. i miss you, and i love you. i hope that we can be together someday, again. whether it’s tomorrow or in ten years, just know my heart belongs to you.”
you can’t begin to explain why he should run. so you won’t. you won’t crush him with your fears, or your doubts of what’s to come — because in the end, the love you fear you don’t deserve has already begun. you smile into his chest, breathing in the soft scent of his perfume. “i love you.”
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temptaetions © 2022. no translations, reposting or modifications are allowed. do not claim as your own. viewer discretion is advised. your media consumption is your responsibility.
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oreocakex · 1 month
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(Vampire Taemin x Female Reader y/n)
Story: he invites you over to his castle for dance practice, but little do you know he's going to get you finally where he wants you.
You arrived at his house , the sky is red, the moon is it's natural color, you hear crows as you walks up the steps, you knock on the door, the door creaks open, you walk in, you see taemin dancing, god the way he moves always put you in a trance , he stops and says "you're here" you answered back "yes I'm here for our dance practice" as you follow him inside the dance studio, you feel this chill down your spine, you don't know what is , he keeps making you nervous, taemin turn to you with strong gaze in his eyes and said "shall we start" ,y'all begin the practice, he moves up close and grinds himself against you, he begins uses his power on you, you're moving your hips against his, you look at him in his eyes, he begins to hypnotize with his fire burning red gaze through his red eyes, your mind and soul is gone , you're wrapped in his spell
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He whispers in your ear while grinding against you, "I finally got you where I want you y/n" you moans, he kisses on your neck while squeezing your left boob softly , you're a moaning mess, he lays you down on the by the fireplace, he kisses on your neck all the to your breast , he drags his tongue across your nipple, he rubs your clit through your panties, kisses all the way down to your stomach, he kisses your thighs, he looks up at you while he licks your clit through your panties slowly, you moan softly while squeezing your breast, he pulls your panties off, he whispers "you're mine and mine alone, no one else's understand?" You nods, he begins eating your pussy, you gasp, he twirls his around your clit, he licks your pussy lips, your moans are getting loud, you're gripping his hair softly, he puts your both of your legs on his shoulders, he beings sucking your clit and licking at the same time, you ended cumming on his tongue,
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He comes back by your neck, he kissing your neck again, drags his tongue over your neck , he whispers in your ear and says "let me take you higher, let me take you to the sky" he takes you and him fly in the ceiling, he puts your legs on his hips, he begins fucking you missionary, his hips rocking against your hips, he kisses your neck over and over again, he smells your sweet scent, his eyes turn red with desire and lust, he whispers to you again "I'm going to make you mine... permanently....forever... Eternity" he keeps kissing your neck while moving his hips against yours,he begins to bite you, sinking his vampire fangs into your neck deeper, you moan out loud while holding on to him, he continues fucking you up in the ceiling, you're so lost and wrapped his spell, you ending up coming down from your high, moaning in ecstasy, taemin finally releases from your neck , he flys you back down from the ceiling, he carries upstairs to his room, he puts you in his bed, he gives you aftercare.
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rageprufrock · 1 year
am i going to watch a whole show (mysterious lotus casebook) just so i can read your fic about it? yes. Am I also indefinitely suspended in a state of melancholy yearning for your vaguely-promised addition to Whittled Down by Another War? also yes. May sleep continue to elude you.
You know what? Ask and ye shall receive at least some of it, which I have written so far. Happy reading.
The first guy Porsche ever fools around with is a Korean tourist on vacation who shoots his shot in broken Thai. He's all smooth skin and silver-blond hair, wearing skintight jeans and a billowy pearl shirt; Porsche thinks he looks iridescent in the pink light of Hum Bar, between his light hair and light contacts, and he knows, objectively, that the guy is prettier than half the girls in the room tonight.
Because Porsche is sort of an asshole, he doesn't really catch the guy's name—Taemin? Jimin? something like that?—but he does remember thinking that it might be worth figuring out what the big deal was, and holding up his cigarettes, saying, "My break's in 15 minutes." It's a decision he makes out of pure curiosity without any influence from recent social factors, new acquaintances, members of the Bangkok underworld, or their specific tendencies to walk around with their tits hanging out of their designer shirts.
It's nice, because it's almost never not nice when someone is nice enough to put their mouth on your dick, but Porsche thinks—vague with formless disappointment—that it's only nice. Out of good hookup etiquette, Porsche offers and performs what he hopes is an acceptable handjob before giving his partner some alleyway wet wipes and a cigarette. It's a solid 6/10 experience, and he ends up dropping a few Google Maps pins for the kid for good restaurant recommendations and tells him which tourist traps to avoid if at all possible. It is the most ambivalent he has ever felt about a sexual experience, and it leaves him annoyed in a way Porsche decides not to think about.
"Are you serious?" Tem demands, when Porsche comes back from the alley. "It's not enough for you to Bogart all the hot chicks in his bar, you have to start poaching guys?"
"I'm allowed to try new things," Porsche whines.
Tem narrows his eyes. "Is this about your crush on the mafia guy?"
"This is homophobic," Porsche says, feeling a rising sense of dread, because Tem is one of his best friends, and the worst part of intimacy is being known. "And anyway it was—fine. It was extremely okay. It was no big deal. Turns out I'm still just straight."
"You are a complete fucking clown is what you are," Tem says to him, which turns out to be only the third-meanest thing Tem calls him that night.
The second time Porsche hooks up with a guy, he's actually Thai, which allows for improved communication but provides stunningly little benefit otherwise. King is a solid six inches shorter than Porsche, with glossy black hair and beestung lips, wearing a mesh shirt and cut up shorts. He leans over the bar with a flattering interest and the type of confidence that looks sexy on anybody, hooks one finger into the place where Porsche's shirt button is fighting for its life, and asks if he's interested in going somewhere private after his shift.
Porsche means to say, "Oh, no, thank you, but I'm not interested."
What Porsche actually says is, "Okay. Do you have a place?" and feels Tem's glare searing into his organs from a distance of 10 meters.
The situation isn't improved when, as he's begging off closing, Yok glowers at him like a disapproving parent and asks, "What the hell are you doing?"
"I don't know," Porsche says, honest. "I mean—what the hell am I ever doing?"
"Oh my God," Yok mutters. "Just—don't get pregnant."
Porsche doesn't get pregnant, but he does get pushed backward onto the creaky mattress of a dingy little apartment so that King can mouth at his dick until he's all the way hard and roll on a condom. Porsche likes to think he's polite in bed, so he tries to like, help, or whatever, but King seems to take Porsche's attempts to participate as adorable but misguided, even if he does say, "sure, if you want to try," when Porsche asks to help finger him open. It's shockingly different and shockingly the same, dipping his fingers into the hot clutch of someone's body, so weird if you think about it too much, but so immediate and close in the moment. The warm weight of another person, the smell of King's hair, the little huffs and noises he makes—those are all so good—and Porsche likes making people feel good, likes when he does something right and King says, "oh, yes, there, there." It takes him out of his own head and plunges him back into the moment, back into a stranger's apartment and a stranger's bed, back to the moment at hand where King is perched in his lap, notching the head of Porsche's cock into the slick, hot furl of his hole and sliding down, down, down.
It's good, in a way that's nothing like it's been with all the women he's fucked against alley walls, and Porsche feels sparks behind the eyes when King holds him down, takes what he needs. It's rough and a little raw, and King leaves a mean little brand of dull fingernail bruises on Porsche's thigh, from where he leaned back to get the angle how he liked and rode Porsche into the sunset.
"Not bad for your first time," King says after, just wandering around scrubbing between his legs with a towel in a way Porsche is certain no woman would be caught dead doing. "You want anything? Water? I have some watermelon?"
"Uh," Porsche says, still wearing a t-shirt, no pants and the used condom, lying on top of King's sheets like a fucking idiot. "No, I'm good?"
"Great, well, it was great hanging out tonight," King says, all business, hands Porsche his jeans and tosses him out on his freshly fucked ass.
"What the fuck," Porsche hisses, to himself, to the unfeeling universe, into the visor of his motorcycle helmet as he steers himself home, feeling knock-kneed and akimbo, run through with so much weirdness it's like he's 13 all over again.
"Well you can stop worrying, I'm definitely straight," Porsche reports the next day, when Tem traps him in the newly installed walk-in fridge and threatens him with a muddler.
Tem looks like he's in physical pain. "Please explain."
"Well I had actual butt sex with a guy—"
"Holy shit," Tem whispers.
"—and it was, I mean. It was whatever? It was good, I guess?" Porsche says, struggling, because it was good and bad and weird and near what he wanted but so far away he'd been angry showering that night, scrubbing under his pits and around his groin. It's like biting into a strawberry to find it tasteless after he's wondered for decades, saved for years, and now he feels embarrassed and pissed about it, still hungry.
"You guess?" Tem asks, sounding increasingly hysterical.
"It was just okay!" Porsche yells. "Like extremely, totally just okay! Like what is even the big deal if that's all it was? It was fine! He was super pretty and I couldn't even get into it so what's the point?"
Tem puts down the muddler but only so he can cover his face with both hands. It leaves Porsche standing there feeling humiliated and getting colder and colder for a long time before Tem says through his fingers, "Porsche, do you want me to tell you what I think?"
Porsche met Tem back in kindergarten, because when all their classmates had been comparing who had the fewest teeth, he and Tem had tied. When Porsche was too scared to go to the boy's bathroom because Jom started a rumor that it was haunted, Tem had kept watch when Porsche had gone to go take a shit in the bushes behind the gym. Tem helps Porsche sweep up his parents' graves, helps Chay with his homework; he knows where the junk drawer in Porsche's house is, where to find the extra toilet paper, the batteries, all of Porsche's hidden hopes.
Porsche absolutely does not want to know what Tem thinks.
"No, I'm good," Porsche babbles, shoulderchecks Tem out of the way, and flees into the front of house before throwing himself at every ravening group of drunk women available for the rest of the night, terrified Tem's going to reveal some truth of the universe Porsche isn't ready to hear yet.

The problem—well, one of the problems—is that Porsche still wants to talk about it. It keeps bubbling up under his skin like an itch, always on the tip of his tongue, but Tem's moved on from trying to give him tough love to giving Porsche tender looks, like Porsche has a terminal case of being a fucking moron and only six months to live. So the point is Porsche has this weird impulse, this jitter, and he can't talk to Tem about it, which means he can't talk to Jom about it, because Jom will just text Tem and Tem will come after Porsche like a surface to air missile. There are no circumstances under which Porsche could talk to Chay about it. Porsche briefly hallucinates talking to Kinn about it, the next time Kinn comes to the bar in his tailored trousers to drink too many Old Fashioneds, and it feels like someone threw a molotov cocktail into Porsche's stomach, so that's right out. Anyway, the point is, for lots of reasons, most of them bad, Porsche's go-to friend for questions about gay sex ends up being Big.
"Hey, we're friends," Porsche says. "Can I ask you about doing it with guys?"
"We're not friends," Big says with absolute conviction and a look on his face like he just watched Porsche murder a basket of kittens.
"So like—how did you know?" Porsche goes on, ignoring him. "That you were into dudes?"
Big stares over Porsche's shoulder, at the wall of liquor behind him, and appears to be suffering the worst possible torment and extremis.
"I'm just asking because like, sex feels good in general right?" Porsche barrels on, because Big can't ignore him forever. Kinn had banished him to the bar so that he could have what looks like the most classic I Hate Being Your Older Brother phone call of all time in a booth four feet away, so there's nowhere Big can go and nothing he can do. "Like how do you know if it's good because you're into dudes, or just friction?"
"You're how old?" Big snaps, breaking. "How can you not know this? Also—how do you know I'm even into men?"
"I have eyes," Porsche says. "I use them to watch you staring at Kinn."
"I'm a bodyguard," Big says. "It's literally my job to stare at Khun Kinn."
"You better hang onto that bodyguard job, because you're a shit actor," Porsche says. "Come on, seriously. I need help. Like gay help."
Big turns away from the wall of liquor so that he can stare at Kinn some more. "I wish I could drink on the job," he says, like Porsche is slowly killing him, and then before Porsche can argue his point anymore, Kinn ends his call and ambles back over.
"That was my cue," Kinn says, indicating his phone and glancing at Big.
"I'll call for the car immediately," Big says, and fucking disappears, dust clouds in his wake, as far away from Porsche and his unanswered question as possible, the dick.
Even worse, it leaves Porsche in the harrowing position of being unsupervised and subjected to all of Kinn's concentrated attention: those dark eyes huge and hungry and thoughtful, staring and staring. It makes Porsche's heart hurt; it makes him shy; it makes him duck his head, nervous, and to scrub at the spotless counter with a rag and ask, "Do you have time for one more? For the road?" too softly, too—everything.
"Not tonight," Kinn tells him. His smile looks a little glassy, too brittle and polished and polite; this isn't the Kinn that Porsche likes best, where he's wrinkled and bitchy and rude, entirely present. "But thank you."
"Of course," Porsche says, feeling hot, feeling lost. "Have a good night."
Kinn leaves Porsche a 500% tip. "You too, Porsche."
It's a lot later, and only into the forgiving dark of his bedroom, that Porsche curls up on his side and stares out his window and whispers, "Be safe." Worse than any secret Tem knows, worse than anything Big could say, that he has to grit his teeth against the words every time Kinn walks away is the worst, most exposing truth of all.
Porsche figures that now that he's ticked those two homosexual boxes, he's done with this weird little experiment. This assumption holds true until he finds himself in the alleyway behind Hum Bar again, only this time his knees hurt, bone grinding against the wet cement paving through his polyester work pants as he stares up at some guy who'd followed Porsche out during his break. Kinn's been a no-show at the bar for more than a month: there hasn't been anything in the newspapers, there hasn't been anything in the society pages, there hasn't been anything on the police scanners. Porsche blames this radio silence for the series of poor decisions he makes that night, beginning with taking two fortifying shots three-quarters of the way through his shift, and concluding with getting facefucked less than 10 meters away from a bunch of trash cans.
Long after tonight's random gay interlude disappears, Tem finds Porsche sitting on a stack of palettes in the back, letting his cigarette burn down to the filter.
"What the fuck," Tem says. "What happened to you? Are you okay? Are you crying?"
Porsche scrubs at his face. "No," he lies, because he'd definitely been crying earlier, choking on dick, and his mouth feels bruised, swollen. He's afraid to see what he looks like right now, if he would look as obvious as he feels: used up, if just anybody could see him and know immediately how much he likes how his throat hurts, the way he keeps sweeping his tongue over his teeth, chasing the bitter salt taste of cum in his mouth.
Tem's face goes through all five stages of grief before he swings back to anger, shoves at Porsche until there's enough room on the palette to sit on his right, and steals his cigarette.
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nso-csi · 11 months
231109 MCountdown prerec
Taemin asked if Fs r sorry because he doesn't do a live or send bubble messages often these days, said he sleeps a lot tired w lots of shoot schedules sleeps at lunchtime gets up in evening surprised like 'ah what?!' then back to sleep til next morn Fs: you did well Taemin: you did well 2~
Taemin wore all white outfit with lace and layered cloths highlighting his body line Taemin: isn't my outfit pretty? Fs: yes!!! Taemin: what do i look like? Fs: angel fairy god prince emperor unicorn Taemin: 6v6 go on~ let's see how far u can go Fs: Jesus..! Taemin: 🤣🤣🤣 cr.
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depressedhouseplant · 3 months
🔞 Cops & Robbers 🔞
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Chapter 16
Tags: Threat of violence? I guess?
A/N: Please enjoy the second big reveal of this fic that I wrote literally over 6 months ago & finally found a place where it fit in the story. Full fic is here
Network(s): @newworldnet @tbz-network
Younghoon was silent on the drive over to Felix’s headquarters, a club not far from Juyeon’s own.
”What are you going to do?” Hyunjae couldn’t stand the silence anymore.
”I told you, I’m not going to kill him,” Younghoon replied, not looking at the other man.
”Yes, but we both know there’s a lot you can do that won’t kill someone. You shot out a guy’s knees right in front of me,” Hyunjae pointed out.
”I’m not going to do that this time,” Younghoon said.
”Then why do you have a gun?” Hyunjae asked.
”You noticed that?” Younghoon finally looked at him.
”Of course I noticed that. I’m trained to tell when someone’s armed. Does Juyeon know you took it?” Hyunjae already knew the answer.
”No and you’re not going to tell him,” Younghoon replied.
”He’ll figure it out pretty quickly if that’s his desk piece,” Hyunjae told him.
”By the time he does, we’ll already be back,” Younghoon said.
”Okay,” Hyunjae was unconvinced. He parked the car and looked at Younghoon. “I assume you want me to wait?”
”You assume correctly,” Younghoon agreed as he got out. Hyunjae sighed as he watched Younghoon walk to the back door and disappear inside the club.
Younghoon was surprised when the door opened. Why would Felix leave it unlocked? There were several doors lining the back hallway. The first two were locked, but the third opened.
”Hello Younghoon,” Hongjoong greeted him from behind the desk.
”Where’s Felix?” Younghoon asked before he could register who he was talking to.
”Busy,” Hongjoong replied simply.
”Busy?” Younghoon repeated.
”He’s doing something for me,” the older man elaborated. “Have a seat.”
”So he works for you too?” Younghoon asked as he sat.
”A lot of people work for me,” Hongjoong 
“Who doesn’t work for you?” Younghoon scoffed. 
“You,” the older man replied. 
“I suppose I should be grateful for that,” Younghoon rolled his eyes. He knew he was playing with fire. At this point he didn’t care if he got burned. 
“I neither need nor want your gratitude. I protected you because it was in my best interest,” Hongjoong leaned back in the chair. 
“You let me get kidnapped and tortured! You let Chanhee die! How is that protecting me?” Younghoon demanded. 
“Even God sacrificed his own son for a larger cause,” the older man watched Younghoon intently like he was waiting for something. 
“What does God have to do with this?” Younghoon stared back. 
“Sometimes fathers have to sacrifice their sons,” Hongjoong replied. 
“No…you’re not…you can’t…” Younghoon started to shake. 
“I am,” Hongjoong’s expression remained impassive. 
“My parents are dead,” Younghoon said. 
“Your mother is. I am alive and well,” the older man stated. 
“No, my parents had me when they thought they couldn’t have children,” Younghoon shook his head. 
“Kim Taemin was one of my best employees. He and his wife tried for years, but couldn’t conceive. You were born when I was 27. Obviously I wasn’t in a position to be a parent so I asked if the couple you knew as your parents wanted to adopt you. They were more than happy to take you in. Your biological mother died shortly after you were born from an infection she contracted in the hospital. It’s one of many reasons I don’t trust hospitals,” Hongjoong explained. By the time he finished, tears were streaming down Younghoon’s face. 
“You’re lying,” he whispered. 
“I’m happy to do a paternity test to prove it to you,” Hongjoong told him. “Would someone who was lying offer to do that?”
“You’ll say anything if it’s in your best interest,” Younghoon hissed. 
“Younghoon, I’d hoped you’d figured out by now that just because we break the law doesn’t make us liars,” Hongjoong sighed. 
“We?” Younghoon asked.
“Juyeon and myself,” the older man replied. “I know that you know Juyeon has never lied to you. I haven’t lied to you either. I’ll do what it takes to prove to you I’m not lying.”
“What kind of father lets his son be tortured? You’re not God even if you think you are. Parents protect their children. Parents don’t discard their children because it suits them. If you weren’t ready to be a parent then you should’ve kept it in your goddamn pants!” Younghoon stood up and slammed his hands on the desk. 
“I never said I wasn’t ready to be a parent. I said I wasn’t in a position to be a parent. If your mother had survived then I would’ve kept you. I gave you up so you could have a decent life with parents who loved you like their own. You’ve already seen what being the son of a criminal can do to someone. The man you love showed you that. I wasn’t going to do that to you. However it seems fate had other ideas and you ended up here anyway,” Hongjoong stood up. Younghoon spat on the desk. 
“There’s your DNA sample. Go fuck yourself,” he turned to leave. 
“Not that you’ll care, but I loved your mother very much. Losing her was the worst thing that ever happened to me,” his father told him. Younghoon stopped in the doorway. 
“You’re right. I don’t care,” he growled. Younghoon slammed the door behind him. If Hongjoong really was his father then he had a lot to answer for. 
Hyunjae jumped when the door slammed. 
“Drive,” Younghoon snapped.
”Are you crying?” Hyunjae asked, trying to get a better look at Younghoon’s face.
”I said drive,” Younghoon hid his face in his hands.
”Okay,” Hyunjae agreed, starting the car. He wasn’t particularly in the mood to get shot. 
Juyeon was outside the house when they got back, pacing like a caged predator.
”Where have you been? What’s going on? Why are you crying?” He demanded as he practically pulled Younghoon out of the car. 
“He didn’t tell me anything,” Hyunjae held up his hands. Juyeon nodded and waved Hyunjae off.
”Earlier in the office, was that just an excuse to get a gun?” Juyeon asked.
”No, at least, not entirely,” Younghoon said into Juyeon’s shoulder. “Can we go inside?”
”Of course,” Juyeon agreed. He led Younghoon back into the house and up to their room. Younghoon took the gun out of his pants and put it on the bedside table.
”I knew you wouldn’t give me a gun if I asked so I came up with a plan to get the one from your desk. I knew you wouldn’t turn me down for sex and I know you’re always out of it for a little while after we finish. I waited until you went to change then I snuck back in and got it. I wasn’t going to hurt Felix, but I also wasn’t about to go on enemy ground without a weapon. I didn’t find what I was expecting when we got there,” Younghoon couldn’t bring himself to look at Juyeon.
”What does that mean?” Juyeon asked.
”Hongjoong was there. He didn’t tell me where Felix was. He told me something else though,” Younghoon wiped his face. “He told me that he’s my father.”
”Your what?” Juyeon wasn’t sure he’d heard Younghoon correctly.
”He said he’d even do a paternity test to prove it. Would he do that if he was lying?” Younghoon looked up. His eyes were red and swollen from crying.
”I wouldn’t offer to do a paternity test unless I knew for sure what the result was going to be,” Juyeon replied, placing one of his hands on top of Younghoon’s hand.
”I…I spit on the desk before I left so he has my DNA now. I just don’t know if I’ve somehow screwed us because of it. He was behind it all. He could’ve stopped it and he didn’t. He could’ve saved Chanhee’s life and he didn’t. I hate him,” Younghoon was thinking out loud by this point.
”I know. I hate him too,” Juyeon agreed.
”I thought about killing him, but then any answers he might have would die with him,” Younghoon rested his head on Juyeon’s shoulder.
”Like what?” Juyeon asked, petting Younghoon’s hair.
”Why? Why is he doing all this? Why is everyone so afraid of him? Why hasn’t he convinced you to work for him? Just…why,” Younghoon sighed.
”Do you think he’d actually answer any of those?” Juyeon questioned.
”Probably not, but I wish I knew,” Younghoon replied. They sat there in silence, one plotting revenge and one wishing none of this had ever happened.
Eric tapped his foot anxiously as the phone rang. Right before it went to voicemail, he picked up
”Eric?” Felix asked. “What’s wrong?”
”Has Younghoon been to see you yet?” Eric asked.
”No? I haven’t been to the office yet today,” Felix replied. A beat of silence. “What do you mean ‘been to see me’?”
”Sunwoo wouldn’t agree to help with your office unless I told Juyeon what you did. I told Younghoon and then I saw him leave with Hyunjae and he had a gun,” Eric explained.
”Was he coming to kill me?” Felix asked.
”He said he wasn’t, but then why would he bring a gun?” Eric questioned.
”I wouldn’t go on enemy ground unarmed,” Felix said.
“No, I guess you wouldn’t,” Eric consented. “I think they just got back though so I guess it’s safe for you to go back there.”
”I’ve still got some things to take care of, but thank you for the heads up,” Felix told him. Something was wrong. Eric sensed it.
”Are you okay?” He asked.
”I’m fine. I’ll see you soon,” Felix said then abruptly hung up.
”Fuck,” Eric hissed and threw his phone. 
“You ready?” Jongho asked as he adjusted his mask.
”As I’ll ever be,” Yunho replied. He took a shot from the flask and handed it to Jongho. “To making the worst fucking decision of our lives.”
”To making the worst fucking decision of our lives,” Jongho took a drink and got out of the car.
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gaykey · 1 year
i know shinee is five, but which individual relationships within shinee do you hold closest to your heart and why?
anon, i could literally name every dynamic in shinee here, honestly. their individual relationships is what makes them so strong as a unit. but for example minkey, and their relationship, or jongtae - i've talked about so many times before, so i'm actually gonna leave them out.
lemme start with
taekey - ok yes, i also talk about them a bit, but i feel the need to go into a little more detail because they're sooooo? that's siblings that love each other so much, but they annoy the hell out of each other, but still, it's all love. but there's also that caregiver/receiver thing they have from the early days. like, kibum really played a bit role in taemin's upbringing. he and the members talk about it themselves. whether that's minho moaning 'he learnt that from you!' or kibum himself saying 'i didn't raise you like this!' lmaooo. and idk, it's such a special relationship that they have.
onkey - pls. that's his bammie and that's his yeongnam. like, onkey means a lot to me genuinely. i've seen so many people over the years say that they don't get on and i'm just? they adore each other. how can you not see it? yes, they are totally different personality types, but, they both have incredibly warm hearts and soooo much love in them, whichbis how i think they connect the most. and god, jinki practically gushes over kibum at every opportunity, and is so gentle with him. jinki loves to hug, but he really loves so hug kibum. (and as usual, kibum shows his love via minor bullying and sarcasm, but it's definitely on the softer side when it comes to jinki.)
jongyu - idkkkk man idkkkk, i just think a lot about how it must have felt being the two oldest members when they were barely 18 themselves, thrust into this whole new world, with younger members they had to be in charge of. and how that must have brought them closer, and how they had a realtionship and understanding of each other. like jinki is the leader and definitely took on that presuure, but jonghyun was always there right beside him. and they just had a different relationship. so special.
like i said, i could have spoke about all of them, but these ones do hold a special little place in my heart.
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I think @kennyomegasweave tagged me in this OTP meme like...months ago? And I just found it half-finished in my drafts and decided to actually get it done.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore? 20s, not my teens, but I used to be utterly obsessed with Jack/Kent from Check Please and now, IDEK what happened. I still love them, but I have old fic I saved and never read and can't bring myself to care anymore. IDK it makes me sad.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one? Hmm probably Betsy/Joe from the Betsy Tacy series or Anne/Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables? My first ships when I actually got into fandom were Sawyer/Kate and Sara/Grissom from CSI.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple? Magnus/Alec!!! I never thought I would write fic and then I watched season 1 of Shadowhunters and banged out (lol) 7 fics and almost 30k of porn in less than 2 months in 2016. They all have an insane number of hits (like. the highest has 54,878 hits and the lowest has 15,836 hits.........) and I still get kudos on them almost every day, it's wild.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over? Genuinely no idea, but the first one in my fan art tag is Katniss/Peeta from 2012 <3
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse? My first instinct whenever I see someone talk about something I don't like is to mute/block, so perhaps not actively, but I'm sure I have at some point.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently? LOL. Yes. I still fucking HATE Jack/Kate from Lost and always will. Also Dan/Blair from Gossip Girl. Lately...I'm such a multi-shipper but I gotta say Kate/Anthony from Bridgerton bc I've genuinely had to restrain myself from bitching about how much I hate them SO many times since s3 came out lol.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? I finished a rewatch of Beyond Evil last night so I've been rereading some of my old bookmarks bc I've read almost everything that's out there 😔. Shout out to the masterpiece simple & clean by whir.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs? So many!!! Taemin/Kai is still my #1, but also Juwon/Dongsik from Beyond Evil, PatPran from Bad Buddy (it took me several episodes to actually get into the show but once I did I cried...so much over them and how much they love each other LOL), KunTen from WayV, Louis/Lestat...I feel kinda bad that I don't have a major current f/f OTP but I'm literally checking my kpop tags multiple times a week for rule 63 fic and most of my current WIPs are rule 63 f/f so there's that. (Two KunTen including what hopefully is gonna be a long one, plus a Jigyu I started yesterday for a fest that I'm hoping I'll be able to get done - not because of the length, but because I've never written Seventeen before)
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? So many??? I feel like I have to say Dean/Cas.......Lee/Kara never really got together so them for sure. Sawyer/Kate from Lost even though I 100% choose to believe they got together post-canon pre-flash-sideways. Oh my god I'm looking through my "forever bitter" tag and it's a lot of Cooper/Audrey from Twin Peaks as I expected, but I forgot about Mini/Franky from Skins. and ABSOLUTELY THEM. Everything about series 5 was terrible but that especially.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? IDK I feel like I don't usually change my mind like that. I wouldn't go as far as saying "kind of interesting" but I guess I don't hate Bree/Roger from Outlander AS much on the show as I did in the books lol.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? Hmm...Cesare/Lucrezia maybe? If not them almost definitely Norma/Dylan from Bates Motel LOL.
12. What was your favorite crack ship? I was gonna say I couldn't remember any that truly fit this definition, but then I remembered the Kent Parson/Claude Giroux series #dirtbags and that was great. Actually no my real answer is Syd/Richie from The Bear. Now *I* don't think it's a crackship but they have that vibe.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of? Here's a side by side view of my most bookmarked ships vs the tags I have saved rn on my front page. Unfortunately you can only have 20 but I think it's a pretty good representation. (Other than the ENHA ship, where I legit don't know anything about them or frankly even what they look like, but that tag produces so much incredible unhinged porn that I read canon-blind.)
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common? I feel like I have several different ~types, but: friends to lovers, I LOVE bicker-y couples, age gap relationships, especially when one of them is a mentor-ish figure, and power dynamics in general.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship? Nice Guy characters, whether they're a guy or a girl. The OG example is Xander (duh) and Chloe from Smallville but you also see it with characters like Sol on My Stand In...there's def more things I hate but that's one of most major ones for me.
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squishyo-o · 4 months
Tits, Ass, or Thighs? (Shinee)
This one’s difficult cuz I didn’t know shinee 😭 had my friend help me out <3
- from the looks of him, I thought tits, then I thought thighs
- honestly it’s between those two
- I feel like he loves laying on your chest when you guys cuddle
- he calls them stress balls 😂
- that being said, he definitely likes squishing and sucking your boobs during sex
- small or big, he’ll eat them up
- for the thighs, he will bite the shit out of them.
- loves LOVES when you squeeze your thighs around him while he’s eating you out
- oh and omg..
- he fucking LOVES IT when you ride him cuz he gets to watch your boobs go up and down, AND he’ll hold onto your hips, then slowly slide his hands to your thighs. (Yes he squeezes them)
- "such gorgeous boobs baby.. can’t wait to suck on them.."
- "s’pretty riding me babe.. that’s it.. keep bouncing.."
. . . . . .
- Ass. Oh my god ass.
- like I saw ONE picture of him and I IMMEDIATELY knew he’d like ass.
- he loves eating yours too.
- the skillful tongue just in your hole driving you mad is what gets him off.
- he loves the moans you make whenever he grips your ass or eating your ass out, because he knows he’s doing it right
- and yes… his favorite position is any of them where he gets to see your ass. (Doggy, rev. Cowgirl..)
- he just loves seeing your ass shake on him while your bouncing, or if you’re bent over doggy,
- he loves being able to fuck you from behind.
- "god fuckin’ love your ass.. m’gonna fill it.."
- he’d say that groaning with it too 🌚
. . . . . .
- ok. He was hard to figure out when I looked at him, but I came with a conclusion…
- thighs.
- he loves your thighs. Oh my god.
- like not even in a sexual way (yet), he would see you laying on the bed, and crawl between your legs FROM THE END OF THE BED
- he would spread your legs apart and kiss your inner thighs (or just your thighs in general)
- watch out if he’s horny though..
- he’ll do the same thing but just (with your consent) slowly take off your pants or whatever your wearing below and start eating you out.
- he loves when he’s able to get covered with a blanket too and just be under there, your thighs squeezing around his face cuz he’s eating you out well ;)
- why? Because someone could walk in at any moment 😈
- "keep squeezing love.. let your thighs tell me I know how to eat your pussy out"
. . . . . .
- all of them. no questions.
- he loves all of them. Thighs, Ass, boobs, he doesn’t care. He loves them all. He’ll eat you up.
- best part about that though, is the things he does with them 😈
- he’ll fuck you, right? But juuust as you’re about to orgasm, he’ll slow down and stop.
- "but what does that have to do with it??" NONO HEAR ME OUT
- He’ll make a game out of it
- he’s gonna tie your boobs, just so the nipples pop out, and he’ll spread and tie your legs so you can’t squeeze them together.
- then he’ll just watch you whine in frustration from not being able to cum, while he plays with your nipples, slaps your ass, and sucks on your thighs
- he’s gonna do it just enough until you think he’ll let you cum finally, but then he stops and just chuckles as he watches you get your little hopes up
- "what’s the matter? Can’t wait to cum?"
- "if you wanna cum, you can be patient and maybe I’ll have the courtesy to let you cum"
- "ah ah ah.. hands away. you need to beg"
- Ehehe 🤭
. . . . . .
Firstly, rest in peace to this beautiful angel. I looked him up, and he is absolutely gorgeous and I hope he’s going ok up there. I’m very sorry he had to go through such pain. Fly high 🕊️🤍
- Anyway. for him, just by photos, I’d say boobs
- he seems like the type of guy where he’d poke at your boobs and giggle cuz they’d move or cuz they’re squishy.
- "hehe~ your chest is squishy dear.."
- on the other hand while he has sex with you, he likes missionary cuz he can see your boobs jiggling while he fucks you.
- even better, he likes gripping onto a boob while he does it. And he’ll squeeze
- he likes putting ice on your nipples while they’re hard and of course, he’ll suck on them.
- I feel like he’d be a silly goofy guy and still giggle while fucking. Like he’d squish your boobs and giggle even though he’s pounding into you lol
"Haah.. hehe~ your boobs jiggle.. I love them baby.. fuck.."
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starjxsung · 2 months
hi baby <333 i hope you had the absolute best time at the ateez concert!! i saw some clips on twt and i died, they looked soooo good😭
it’s been a really rough month in every sense tbh. i still haven’t heard back from the practicum but im not even bothering to write anymore. and we’re coping alright now with the doggy passing away but the first few days were really rough. i think we (but especially my bf and his fam) were clinging too much to her when she was clearly too sick </3 but all is well. thank you for the good wishes. i really appreciate them.
my bf literally stole his brother’s record player to play the ateez album for me so i vote for you to do it too😂
and about jisung, like, i literally said the same thing. i was just like “i’d have babies with any of them, they don’t even have to raise them”. (i dont plan on ever having kids either or particularly like those that aren’t part of my family) even my bf said it was understandable😂 the european air really did a number on them bc they looked so so so so good.
AND BTW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT JISUNG SUPPOSEDLY HAVING A CHEST TATTOO BC IM DYING. that is the single sexiest thing he could’ve done.
and i did hear about taemin’s tour and im so manifesting having money to be able to go😭😭😭😭 but idk if i’ll skip it to financially recover from skz (in general, they manage all my money. they’re doing a terrible job).
anyways, i love you so much bb i hope all is well. i can’t wait to hear about your ateez concerts. i’m so excited! (alsoooo lolla is in 2 weeks!!! and they have plant based options now, as a person who occasionally eats meat but doesn’t like the taste, i cheered). take care my love <3
hi baby !!!!!!!! Ahhhhh Ateez was insane 😭😭 there were so many sweet atinys around us and I got the cutest freebies <3 we tried to get merch beforehand but it was SO much more crowded this time around so a lot of it was sold out which was such a bummer ☹️ I did manage to get a Seonghwa picket but I’m gonna try to get there a little earlier for tomorrow’s show for a tshirt 🫶 fingers crossed they have them in stock this time ! I did feel super bad bc Seonghwa’s grandfather passed away the day before my show so he was crying during his ments and I just wanted to give him the biggest hug ☹️ I hope he’s doing a little better but I can’t imagine how hard it must be for him 💔 I just landed in LA a few hours ago so I’ll let you know how tomorrow’s show goes !!
Ugh I’m so sorry to hear that you still haven’t heard from your practicum 😞 I don’t even blame you for not reaching out anymore, I’d give up too. I just can’t believe how incompetent they’ve been throughout the whole process. And on top of all the stress with your bf’s dog, and just in the midst of such a busy time. I am so so sorry and I’ll keep manifesting that things start looking up soon 🫶 my sister actually didn’t end up coming to LA and she’s not going to Lolla after all bc she’s just too stressed about her internship and she doesn’t feel like she can fully enjoy anything right now. It really sucks to travel solo after all but I don’t blame her and I’m so frustrated for both of you. Sending you all my love and hoping they get back to you soon :(
PLSSSS the Jisung thing is so real 😭😭 ALSO YES I HEARD ABOUT THE TATTOO I genuinely couldn’t use my phone for a good hour after reading the news bc I was tweaking so hard LIKE RIGHTTT ON THE JITTIES™️ IS INSAAAAANE………. I saw a sketch of what its presumed to look like and I think it’s so sweet that he got it for his family 🥹 Jisung my beloved (he actually got my name tattooed it’s true)
Also manifesting Taemin US dates soooo hard 😔🤞 the first set of dates are all Asia which I’m not surprised about but I hope he comes back to LA at least !!
I love you so so much bby I can’t wait to tell you all about LA !!!! And then Lolla next oh my god it doesn’t feel real 😭 also I did NOT hear about the plant based options and as a vegetarian that’s like…. The next best thing after seeing Jisung in the flesh 💓❣️🙏
Ateez pics ofc also peep my little Ateez pajama shirt I bought for LA 👼🫶💓💓💓
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itstheoneshot · 2 years
Kinktober Day 15
Sex Tape/Cam Boy - Taemin
!sub Taemin
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Taemin sits naked in a chair in the middle of the room, legs spread as he stares directly at the camera set up on a tripod in front of him. He has a seductive look in his eye as you enter the room in a barely-there lingerie set, it is practically just lace strings, leaving nothing to the imagination, but it is what your audience loves.
No time-wasting. Straight to business.
“Taemin-ah,” You coo as you enter the frame, “You look like you need some special attention.”
Taemin nods at you as his gaze travels up and down your body, taking you in before you leave his line of sight to stand behind him. You trace his shoulder and up his neck before tucking his hair behind his ear, and then you lean in to kiss his cheek, leaving a slight pink mark behind from your lipstick.
“Have you been a good boy today?” You ask him, “Should I reward you? Or do you want to be punished?”
You giggle as you see his cock stir at your question, knowing that the camera would catch it too. He ponders his options as your mind plays over the last few videos that you have made together. Taemin loves a good punishment, and you love giving them too, but you worry that your content may get repetitive if you have to think of something else along those lines.
“Reward me,” He murmurs, “I’ve been good, I’ll be good, I’ll do anything you ask me to.”
You smile at him sweetly, glancing up at the camera again as you quickly try to concoct an idea. Sometimes you pre-plan your videos, but you decided to go in blind for this one, certain that it would still be fun.
“Touch yourself,” You order, “Make that pretty cock of yours all nice and hard for me, won’t you?”
He blushes deeply, much the way that he does with every praise that you give him, though of course this is because the praises are mildly condescending, a little bit emasculating, but god, does it turn him on.
Taemin nods again, barely stumbling over a ‘yes’ before he has his hand wrapped around his cock, and you coax him on to get him hardened.
“Feels good, doesn’t it, baby?” You ask, “Look how hard you’ve gotten… don’t be quiet now.”
Taemin lets himself go, moaning louder with each stroke of his hand, knowing that your sales always triple when he does, has him going harder.
“And stop,” You order him, “On your knees. My turn.”
You laugh as Taemin whines, though he does as you ask. He relinquishes the grip he has on his cock, and he moves to kneel on the floor facing you as you take his chair, spreading your legs apart much the same way that he had, giving both him, and the camera a sight to behold.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Taemin purrs, “Please, please let me make you cum.”
It is as if he read your mind, though it was already glaringly obvious that you were going to ask this of him, and you motion him to go ahead, and that he does. He begins by kissing up your inner thighs, biting gently at the flesh before he reaches your core, exposed in the crotchless panties you have on.
He licks a stripe along you, letting his tongue dive into your cunt only momentarily before moving to settle at your clit. The feeling is fucking magical, and your hands race to his hair to hold him there, as if there were any chance he would want to move away.
“Shit,” You moan, feeling his teeth on you has you reeling, “Oh fuck, just like that Taemin, fuck.”
You keep your eyes on the camera, even when your vision goes hazy, as Taemin worships you with his tongue and you feel the knot building in your stomach so quickly. It is never hard for Taemin to finish you, and you make sure to put on the best show, your videos sell so well when the two of you make them with this much passion and desire.
“Please, baby,” He begs, his words garbled as he doesn’t want to break apart for a second, “Cum for me, please, I need it.”
You break eye contact for the first time as you throw your head back, your moans at an almost screaming level as you cum for Taemin, and he holds your shaking thighs still so that you cannot move. You ride out the high until you can’t take it anymore, though Taemin would be willing to keep going, you want to keep the film interesting.
You maneuver yourself to get your foot onto his chest, pushing him hard so that he falls flat onto his back, staring up at you in shock when you follow him down, straddling his waist instead. You feel his cock under you, and you grind down onto it, a quiet moan leaving your lips as you picture it inside of you very soon.
“You said you wanted a reward, right?” You ask, “I’m gonna give that to you now.”
Kinktober Masterlist!
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1. I do agree his FACE performances, especially Studiochoom was a lil subdued. But then we have to understand he filmed everything in a week. During Studiochoom he couldn't even complete the full schedule and had to go to hospital without filming SMF, that's the reason he didn't had behind the scenes either. For music shows he was assuring staff that he can do this one more day. It's so sad that his health is not corporating with his passion, poor thing. But even then his stages were 10x better than JK's stages 🤷
2. Like you said he just debuted with his 1st album, self made album, ever. He is used to work in groups since he was a kid. Even if he used to do solo stages it was under the umbrella of bts. Now that he's all alone, he's basically a rookie who did his album A to Z all by himself. He's meeting new people, he's giving interviews all by himself and we know he's NOT AT ALL comfortable in doing that and he mentioned it in all shows he went. He's nervous, he's shy, he basically became a wallflower after pandemic.
3. Pretty sure, next performance will be God tier given he said he's improving himself. I'm waiting and praying he'll do a MAMA stage and eat everyone up lol. That's the same reason why his dday LC performance was so captivating. One, his health got so much improved than promo times. Two, if he promises he'll improve 101% he's gonna show it on stage next time lol.
4. I like taemin's performance. But for me, Jimin has more charisma and grace than hobi which makes his performances more appealing to wider audience. His songs also contribute largely towards it. BUT that said do I think Jimin can deliver that lolla stage like hobi did ? Nope. But will he do it in 2-3 years ? ABSOLUTELY. Give baby time yall. Let him produce more music, let him be comfortable in his own music sound, let him learn to dominate the stage and audiences all alone.
Hi anon,
This is all valid because you are being objective and giving your opinion on this.
I did notice the Jk shade, though.
Jimin's whole promo was so rushed that it must have been hard for him to catch a break. We even have to take into consideration that he performed with new dancers in Jimmy Fallon's show and his debut stage wasn't in his "homeland". Little things like that matter but once you reach a certain level, you can eat up any stage no matter the circumstances.
I also take into consideration that he was telling a very personal story. It wasn't just a whatever song. But a song that showed his deep feelings during a vulnerable time in his life.
And yes, Jimin has an extra something that other artists don't usually have. On stage charisma is something very unique to Jimin. The eyes follow him even if he is just standing there.
Thank you for sharing.
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wayvsphantom · 1 year
ok hihihi im home from kcon so i wanna write everything i felt n saw before i forget it lmaoooo
nmixx: honestly super cute!! i didnt know the TWO songs they did but they were fun little summertime bops! i was up and moving for their "the feels" twice cover tho and i thought i was sick of that song shout out to the girlies for performing it really well!
ive: ok i dont know if my section is just women hating or women defending but my whole row sat down for their TWO songs and everyone got on their phones (including me!) instead of watching. I was genuinely upset and angry that the stylists for ive put them (actual minors, actual schoolgirls) in slutty schoolgirl uniforms, furthering the sexualization of minors needlessly and im glad people around me were also not supportive of it. anyway i heard them perform kitch (got literally no love from my section) and love dive (slightly more love from my section) but pls can they get some help im tired of seeing them do an overly sexual love dive dance break in slutty outfits when they are actual minors
cravity: they had good energy! i didnt know their TWO songs but they had good vibes and worked really hard!
taeyong: ok i thought i wasnt gonna vibe w his set but he came onstage and i LOST MY FUCKING MIND!!! like he really just has a star energy on stage it cant be stopped like he was my first ever nct bias and hes everyones bias for a reason!!! also shalala was so fun live the bass shook my bones fr ! taeyong you were great !! he should be really proud of that performance (of his TWO songs)
shownu n hyungwon: ok i did not realize how much i loved them until they performed on stage they were both so fucking good ?? like i fully need a mx tour bc i wanna see them so bad now ?? they peformed those TWO songs w such a fun sexy grown man energy that i was deeply missing lmao 10/10 pls come back to LA
wayv <3: OK U KNOW IM SOFT ON THEM BUT OMG THEY WERE SO FUCKING CRAZY GOOD WEISHENV U WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS THEY CAME OUT TO SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAMS I COULDNT BREATHE I WASNT READY AND THEN IT WAS A NEW SONG (that i was not feeling i cant lie) BUT THEN I FOUND OUT IT WAS THE KCON THEME SONG OR WHATEVER so i was able to breathe again.... anyway fake out over they came back later in the night and they WE4RE INSANE!!! LOVE TALK!!! U WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS!!! EVERYONE KN EW EVERY GODDAMN WORD TO THAT FUCKING SONG!! I was getting teary wayv u r not a flop u are the most famous group in the world!!! xiaojun is unreal pretty btw also yangyang and hendery.... omg TEN!!! TEN IS SO TALENTED AND PRETTY!! also i fully understand the winwin hype now i would die to protect that man ok okokokokokokok INCREDIBLE!!! they also gave us eng ver of phantom she was cute too!! the dance break finale gave me chills omg but i was missing kun :/ wish they couldve at least mentioned him but whatever.... WAYV WORLD TOUR ASAP
taemin <3: honestly the greatest performer ive ever seen live like holy shit thats a once in a lifetime talent right in front of me like yes i am very biased that is my ult right there but like he truly cannot ever be replicated. he came out swinging w advice and the boom that was "NEVER GET THE KEYS TO MY LOCK" the crowd was readdyyyyyyy and after advice this man got a 5min standing ovation every single person there recognized his god given gift to serve and it was incredible to see LITERALLY FUCKING CRAZY AND THEN THIS MAN GETS ON THE GROUND AND WE'RE DOING FUCKING CRIMINAL??? THE SONG THAT MADE ME WHO I AM TODAY?? and he even did the slutty little cuff removing w mouth move and i lost my v oice screaming so hard i feel so lucky to have seen that my life cannot get better anywayyyyyy MOVE!!! WE MOVED!!! HE MOVED THEY MOVED I MOVED WE ALL MOVED!!! THE GIRL THE MYTH THE LEGEND THE MOVEEEEEEEEEEE!!! those hips.......... yeasssss......... !!!!! he was swinging that concave ass like his life depended on it! he was also soooo flustered from everyone going insane like ik he wasnt expecting it taemin you will be famouus for a thousand years babygirl and he said big shinee news coming soon so !!! soooo!!! world tour!!!!
ok i think i hit every group i will unpack the wayv m&g too but i just had to get this all out kcon will pay for their crimes of 2 song every artist like i'll never go to kcon again or recommend it to anyone but i had fun!
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