#Tad Caruthers
slarxsa · 4 days
Tad Caruthers was 100% in love with Adam idc.
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dykenav · 2 years
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karouvas · 1 month
okay so I have Blue as Lisa, Orla as Taffy, Noah as Creature, Jimmi as step mom, Artemus as Dale, Henry as Michael, T.J. (boy who drew a penis on Blue’s unicorn in BLLB) as Doug (other alternatives for this role are Tad Caruthers and Kavinsky), Ronan as goth girl (also considered Declan because he has more reason to hang around Henry but in context not his scene). — for the background my idea is that Maura has obviously been killed and it’s not confirmed but I’ll imply it could’ve been Greenmantle who killed her. Calla and Persephone don’t exist in this fic because if they did there’s no way any of this could happen, but Blue was raised by Maura and never knew who her father was but soon after she died Artemus gets in touch and Blue starts living with him, then like a month later Gansey who she was dating at the time dies am debating to have this be implied as suicide but I can also come up with another method or scrap the pre canon Bluesey part entirely. But I don’t want to go into great detail about either deaths the way that the movie doesn’t really linger in the details of Lisa’s mom’s death that much (well you get that whole sequence but it’s from Taffy’s pov Lisa’s doesn’t linger in it that much).
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emetoniche · 1 year
Ok, well guys, I’ve reached 100 followers!! 102, actually. In celebration, I’ve decided to do a little face reveal/background for each of my OCs. Hope this is good and gives some real substance to my people.
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Roan (pronounced Rowan) Callahan: Roan is a fitness trainer at a local parkour gym. She never went to college, but it was simply because she never felt the need to. She has always had a knack for athletics, and has taken parkour classes herself since she was very little, so she thought the natural career path for her was to train others. Personality-wise she can tend to be a bit aggressive, but isn’t actually mean, just blunt and a tad sarcastic. However, when it comes to Justin, her boyfriend, she is the exact opposite of her regular self. She would die for that man, and is the sweetest, most caring person towards him. She is very loyal to those she cares for, and isn’t afraid to get in a fight to defend them. Roan grew up in a middle-class neighborhood. Her dad is a chemical engineer and her mom is an elementary school teacher. She is an only child, and she is okay with that. She’s seen how some of her friends’ siblings act and has no regrets about not having a sibling of her own. Roan’s passion for animals led to her having many pets as a child, including a rosy boa named Sherlock and two rats named Fred and George. Now she has a ball python named Reaper and a border collie called Phantom. Roan met Justin through work; he was one of her clients. Originally they were simply trainer and client, but as they got to know each other, Justin eventually got up the courage to ask her out, and now they have been dating for almost two years.
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Justin Caruthers: Justin is a Biology major hoping to go into med school soon. He is a senior in undergraduate college, so he is nearing the point where he can get into med school officially. Justin is something of a big teddy bear. He’s sweet, kind, always tries to stay positive, and hates confrontation. His personality is the perfect ice to Roan’s fire, and he can calm her down if she gets too heated. H be this as it may, he never tries to control her, because he knows that she is an independent woman and respects her. Justin was raised in London, England. His mother is American but his father is English, and his mother moved to England to be with his father. Raised in a British schooling system, American college is a completely new experience. He is enjoying all of the American foods as well, though he has found that he doesn’t like hot dogs very much. He has one brother named Ethan who is four years older than him and is working in a local hospital. Despite wanting to go into medicine, Justin has a naturally weak stomach and gets very easily motion sick. His anxiety also has a tendency to make his stomach turn.
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Edward (Eddie) Harrows: Eddie is a Marine Biology major whose true passion is surfing. He grew up in California, along the coast, where he started surfing at the age of four. Since then he has won many competitions, including three national competitions. His natural competitiveness lends nicely to his chosen sport. He is virtually fearless, and once narrowly escaped a tiger shark along the Australian coast. Eddie I has a very goofy personality. He loves to have fun and makes fun of his friends, playing pranks and joking around, almost ceaselessly. However, through his playfulness, he can also be extremely tough, and will stand up for his friends and family without a second thought. Standing at 6’5, he’s quite intimidating when he wants to be. Eddie was raised by his dad after his mom died in childbirth. He never really missed his mom per-say, because he never knew her, but he was sad at times that he didn’t get to have the relationship he saw his friends having. He has no siblings, and his father never remarried.
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Callum Ulrich: Callum is a Biology major alongside Justin, his best friend. Instead of medicine like Justin, Callum wants to go on to be an environmentalist, protecting the habitats of animals around the world. He loves planes though, and has a pilot’s license, so his main goal is to fly himself around the world helping whatever animals need him. He has his own biplane that he has named Falcon Eye, due to the paint job on the outside, which portrays a falcon in flight. Callum is Irish, raised on, of all things, a wool farm. He used to run around in the fields with the sheepdogs for hours, just weaving between sheep and warding off predators. He has seven brothers and sisters, three older and four younger. In order of age, their names are Killian, Saoirse, Lorcan, Rourke, Róisín, Faolen, and Caoimhe. Callum has a similar personality to Eddie, his boyfriend, in that he always has a joke on the tip of his tongue. However, unlike Eddie, Callum will do almost anything to avoid a fight. He hates getting in the middle of people’s arguments, and hates having arguments himself.
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Darius Wolff: Darius is a hard-core rocker. Sort of. He acts all hard and cool on the outside, but he secretly loves cuddles with his girlfriend. He does know how to play guitar like a fucking pro, and he plays lead guitarist and singer for his band, Eternal Hardships. Yeah, he knows the name is beyond dramatic, he didn’t choose it. He was outvoted by the rest of the band. Darius was born and raised in Germany, so English is his second language. Mistakes happen on occasion, and he does have an accent, but he is generally fluent in both languages. His dad is an oil tycoon who cycles endlessly through wives, each wife next in line to run the company since Darius has no interest. His passion is actually canids, so he is earning his Zoology degree so that he can run a Canine sanctuary one day. He has a pet fox named Adler.
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Ariadne Sangster: Ariadne grew up in an underprivileged community, often going without one or two meals in a day. She didn’t have very good resources in her school, but she still managed to score a perfect score on her ACT and made it into her college with a full ride. She is now on her senior year of pre-med, going into medical school next year with more money than she ever had growing up due to how she could save any money she earned instead of spend it on college. Ari was raised by just her mother because her father was killed in a car crash when she was five years old. She has three older brothers, one of whom died in the same crash that killed he father. The remaining two work together at their own mechanics shop, which is doing quite well. Their names are Perseus (Percy) and Orpheus (Ori). They were all named after Greek myths because their mother always found those myths inspiring, and she hoped that if her children were named after great heroes they would grow up to do great things. During Ari’s freshman year of college, her mother remarried a very nice man named Richard, who takes very good care of her mother and brought his own daughter, Sasha, into the family. Sasha is twenty five and works as a nurse practitioner. Ari loves animals just as much as her boyfriend, Darius. She owns two cats, who she named after characters in her favorite television show, Supernatural. The white on is named Dean, and the black one is named Sam.
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trcheritageposts · 2 years
hello fellow trc enjoyers !! this is an account where i put my personal favorite trc/tdt posts and posts i feel are culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant in trc fandom. feel free to submit any other posts to me that you feel Deserve To Be Here.
posts im currently on the hunt for
Posts about Tad Caruthers
Ronan turning his hat around backwards
The spreadsheet of the TRC timeline
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unganseylike · 2 years
u know the 5 year aglionby reunion is going to be wild
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winedarkwords · 5 years
The thrift stores of Henrietta must be flipping phenomenal. Here you’ve got a middle-of-nowhere Virginian town with a private academy full of America’s wealthiest most darlingest baby boys. Hadid and Kardashian level wealth. So guess what town has a monopoly for looking Boujie on a Budget?? Boys like Richard Campbell Gansey III are out there stress-shopping for $6,000 computer systems, leather sofas, fluorescent Brooks Brothers polos, and Foosball tables. The Henry Chengs are stocking up on ironic tees that you just know are Off-White, Gucci, Prada or whatever over-priced designer label you can name. The Ronan Lynchs are buying $800 Supreme sharpies just to piss off their older brothers. Think they’re packing everything up to take home for the summer? No way.
Blue Sargent is out here snatching deals, wearing designer and cutting it up not only for the aesthetic, but as a middle-finger to capitalism as a whole. Adam Parrish refuses to buy any of his class-mates second hand stuff because he’s too proud, and more importantly, 6 months ago he saw Tad Carathuthers wearing the wool overcoat he just found in the Goodwill and has been lusting over ever since, but he’ll be damned if he even gives Caruthers a chance to breathe so much as a “hey is that my-“. The Youtubers of Henrietta are living their absolutely best life hauling all these slick outfits as if they were Kylie Jenner, but they refuse to give away the secret.
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snorlaxlovesme · 4 years
how about that adam dude from that thing you like which I haven't read but appreciate your enthusiasm for?
laura i owe you my life
Sexuality Headcanon:
bisexual! adam is confirmed to be sexually attracted to multiple genders and we are proud of him for it
Gender Headcanon:
while it seems like his understanding of gender definitely gets more complex in college since he’s made a nonbinary friend, I don’t think that Adam is the type to examine his OWN gender under a lens like that and probably sticks to seeing himself as rigidly masculine and sticks to those constructs. but i enjoy the fact that despite coming from such a conservative upbringing he becomes friends with Elliott within the first few months of starting school, which means that almost IMMEDIATELY after leaving Henrietta behind he’s already broadening his horizons.
A ship I have with said character:
tbh i ship adam with like everyone in the gang? except maybe noah bc they have very few interactions together. 
obviously ronan is endgame and pynch is very close to my heart and that goes without saying. i genuinely can’t get over that, from adam’s POV at leasy, he’s living the Enemies to Lovers trope in real time. book 1 adam hates ronan so. fucking. much. for the majority of the book. if only you had your tarot cards in TRB, parrish, you coulda foreseen that soon you’d be letting that fucker kiss your knuckles in every other scene of CDTH
adam/gansey is another fan favorite but, like much of the fandom, i see gansey EASILY being head over heels for adam while adam’s feelings back are a lot more complicated. adam loves gansey the person but viscerally hates gansey’s privilege, which, like it or not makes up a large part of who gansey is. so as fun as adansey is for the memes, it would be a hard ship to actually make work because I feel like gansey would spend a lot of mental energy unravelling parts of himself to appease adam and adam would have to unpack a LOT of his bullshit so gansey wouldn’t have to do that.
and i don’t care what anyone thinks, book 1 adam/blue is still adorable to me. i know their relationship went sour (and honestly never fully built itself back up again, something that still grates my nerves bc i woulda liked some closure with those two) but the awkward flirting and sweet puppy love thing they have going on in TRB still makes me smile. like??? the baby’s breath bouquet??? i’ll never be over that. never.
A BROTP I have with said character:
adam and opal! seeing them bond in the TRK Opal special was fantastic and i wish we could have gotten more content of them doing normal every day things. i also want them to team up to torment ronan
A NOTP I have with said character:
uhh. there aren’t many people he’s shipped with outside of ronan and gansey really. 
i guess i’m against the idea of tad caruthers/adam. purely bc if tad annoys adam in canon he annoys me as well.
A random headcanon:
even tho being Deaf in one ear doesn’t exactly necessitate the use of sign language all the time, its helpful for adam to have it as a back-up in crowded, public spaces where its hard to concentrate on one person talking, in areas with a lot of overwhelming background noise, etc. everyone in the gang learns it, but since adam and ronan see each other most often they learn it the fastest/know the most vocab. do they use it for the aformentioned reasons listed above? rarely. mostly they use ASL to talk shit about their friends in front of them and it bothers the SHIT out of gansey and blue that now those fuckers are fluent in TWO languages that they’re not.
General Opinion over said character:
still one of my favorite characters of all time. i was hooked in book one just by how similar our thought processes were on all things re: money and seeing his growth in all aspects of his life is just *chef’s kiss*
he’s cold and he’s observant and he’s clever and he’s harsh and he’s bright and intense and he’s stubborn and he’s self-preserving and he’s TRYING HIS BEST and I’m just so impressed with the level of care his character got and how much he was able to grow! like i know its not a 1:1 ratio bc we’re completely different but sometimes i feel like if i want someone to understand me as aperson they should just. read trc for adam parrish. and they’d Get It.
i’m so glad his character arc was finished to completion even with all the complications maggie faced during the writing of trk. adam parrish is her greatest gift to me personally and in both the times i’ve met her i’ve never been able to articulate that but i hope she knows. 
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pynches · 5 years
risk it all (for you) ch5
a/n didn’t plan for this story to take this turn but oh well we’re going with it
word count: 1570
Adam stepped out of Ronan’s BMW and headed towards Aglionby’s entrance. Ronan quickly caught up and intertwined their fingers like it was second nature to them. In a way, it was.
It had been a month since they started this fake-relationship and casual affection came easy to them now. Instead of jumping when Ronan touched him, Adam now relished in the familiarity of Ronan’s fingertips against his skin. This made the pretence they put up more believable in the eyes of the student body but Adam wondered nearly every day if they should go on like this.
His feelings for Ronan were unable to contain now, especially with the amount of time they spend together and how much of that time they were touching in one way or another. A casual arm slung across his shoulder or holding his waist in a firm grip, the kisses on his cheeks, his forehead, everywhere Ronan could easily reach in public which wasn’t his lips. Adam enjoyed the appreciative glances that Ronan threw his way and he cherished every single touch he had felt on his skin.
As Adam had expected, there was a danger in it too. It was getting more and more difficult to draw the line between pretending and reality. He wanted this in his life, he wanted Ronan like this in his life and not just when they were at school. Because of their fake-relationship, though, Ronan showed up more than he ever had before so at least there was some positive aspect to all of this.
“See you after class, Babe.”
Ronan had said it so casually, as if he didn’t have to think twice about calling Adam this pet name that made butterflies erupt in his stomach.
Adam kissed Ronan’s cheek back in revenge and shoved him towards the regular Math classroom which was one of the only subjects they didn’t share. Adam could just catch Ronan’s wink before he headed towards the advanced Math class he was enrolled in.
After a long hour of listening to his teacher drone on and on about equations, Adam couldn’t even remember what it was about. His mind had been too occupied with Ronan lately and his actual schoolwork was starting to suffer. He couldn’t keep his attention to anything, he was solely focussed on deciding what to do with this entire situation.
Ronan’s voice saying, “Babe” over and over was still playing in Adam’s head when he bumped into someone. The papers he was holding were flying everywhere and he could just catch his footing before he could fall to the floor.
Of course he had been nearly run over by Preston. If it wasn’t for this prick, he wouldn’t even be in this situation right now.
“Watch where you’re going, fag!” Preston bit out, shoving Adam for good measure. This time Adam did fell to the floor and as he was laying there, Preston’s figure looming over him, he was suddenly brought back to one of the last times his father had beat him.
He did everything to not cower away.
Suddenly, Preston was turned around and pressed into the lockers next to them, his head banging against it with a sickening crack.
“Lay a hand on my boyfriend again and you’re dead, Windsor,” Ronan said threateningly and dropped Preston like it’s nothing. He immediately went over to Adam and helped him up, checking him for injuries without the usual subtlety.
“You okay?” Ronan asked gently, caressing Adam’s face with his soft hands.
Ronan’s hands used to make him feel self-conscious since his own were rough and calloused from years of hard labour, but now he revelled in the feeling of the smooth skin against his own. It was almost delicate but he wasn’t going to say that to Ronan’s face.
“I’m fine, Ro,” a nickname that never failed to make Ronan blush.
“You guys are adorable together,” came from the other side of the hall. Adam and Ronan turned around quickly, both raising one eyebrow and giving Tad Caruthers the dual stare of judgement.
“You,” Tad said, his breath coming quickly as he ran towards them in excitement, “should totally come to my party on Friday!”
Adam and Ronan looked from Tad to each other and back, both thinking the same thing.
“No, thank you,” Adam said, opting to take the reins instead of letting Ronan say whatever came to his mind. It would be a lot less polite.
“I think that’s a great idea.”
The three of them now turned to Gansey who appeared next to them, seemingly out of nowhere. “We can all go!”
Nobody could refuse Gansey and he knew it. Adam and Ronan reluctantly nodded, disappointed in themselves that they couldn’t say no. Again.
“I’ll see you all at my place then,” Tad smiled, “it starts at eight.”
“What fucking party starts at eight?” Ronan sneered before Adam or Gansey could stop him. Tad’s smile faltered but it was back to full brightness when Gansey turned to him to talk about whatever nerdy club they were both in now.
Adam gripped Ronan’s hand in support and released a sigh of relief when he felt Ronan squeeze back. This was going to be a nightmare but at least they were in it together.
The disco ball in the middle of Tad’s living room was the most extra thing Adam had ever seen in his life. The ball was huge but the colours it reflected did have a nice effect, he had to admit.
Adam didn’t drink and Ronan held back for once as well after getting a lecture from Adam on how he wasn’t going to carry his drunk ass home.
The party was swelling as more and more people started to arrive. Ronan didn’t want to come at eight so they agreed on ten, instead of not going at all, and people were already starting to get tipsy.
“You made it!” Tad screamed over the loud music that was playing through heavy-looking stereos.
Adam tried for a polite smile and Ronan continued to stare at him, obviously not happy he was here.
Tad made his way back to the dance-floor after a quick “let me know if you need anything,” and got caught up in the throng of people already dancing.
Adam motioned for Ronan to lean forward so he could place his lips near Ronan’s ear and said, “We should try to have some fun.”
Adam had expected that Ronan would brush off the words or give him a sarcastic answer back like he usually did but he held his hand out for Adam to take and lead them to the dance-floor.
“We should,” Ronan said in Adam’s good ear and started to move his hips to the beat of the music. Adam had never known Ronan could dance but as he watched him get into the rhythm he didn’t know why he expected otherwise. Suddenly, he was reminded of Calla calling Ronan “the Snake” and he finally got what she meant.
Ronan’s movements were fluid and looked more natural than any person who was dancing next to them.
Adam couldn’t help but stare. He realised he was standing frozen, just watching Ronan dance but he could not will himself to move or take his eyes off of him.
Ronan smirked, his lips reminding Adam of a knife’s edge. He wouldn’t mind getting cut by them.
“Less staring and more dancing, Parrish,” Ronan yelled, waking Adam out of his trance. He reluctantly moved forward into Ronan’s space not quite knowing what to do.
Ronan finally took pity on him and moved his hands to grip Adam’s waist, pulling him impossibly closer. Adam couldn’t contain the small whimper he really hoped nobody heard.
Adam’s arms moved to circle Ronan’s neck, their bodies touching at every single point now. Adam could feel the heat of Ronan’s body overwhelmingly press against his. Adam could feel the thrum of the beat deep inside his bones.
He started to move with Ronan, unable to pull his eyes away from his. They both moved to the beat now, Ronan guiding him until he didn’t have to anymore.
As they continued to move, their gazes became more heated, the staring more intently than it had before. Their heads moved closer without them noticing until they were almost nose to nose.
The beat started to fall away until the only beat Adam could hear was his heart that was pounding wildly in his chest. He could feel Ronan’s heart do the same through the layering of their shirts.
Ronan glanced at his lips and Adam was done for. He surged up, standing on his tip-toes to meet Ronan’s lips with his own. Ronan stiffened for a second and Adam feared he had crossed a line he shouldn’t have before all thought was drowned away by the feeling of Ronan’s lips moving against his.
Adam pulled on Ronan’s neck, so he was more on Adam’s level and tilted his head to deepen the kiss.
Adam had no idea how long they were standing there, kissing as if their lives depended on it. He felt warm all over and practically groaned when Ronan’s tongue entered his mouth.
They pulled away when they were out of breath and stared at each other with shock etched into their expressions.
They were well and truly fucked now.
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villainanders · 7 years
tad caruthers fan cast: than from mpgis
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windmilltothestars · 8 years
OK this is really stupid, but before I read the Raven Cycle, the only place I’d heard of Glendower was in Shakespeare’s Henry IV, pt. 1, so I had the thought - what if they put on the play?? So here are some silly headcanons:
-Henry Cheng’s the director.  He pretty much runs the Aglionby Theatre department.  He’s one those super-passionate theatre guys trying to run a department almost single-handedly, with occasional help from the rest of the Vancouver crowd.  He decides to put on the play a few weeks after the climax of The Raven King, after he does a cursory bit of Glendower research in honor of his new friendship.
-Gansey plays Glendower, of course.  He gets the part for a number of reasons: a) gross favoritism, b) he’s actually a good actor, charismatic, affable, and with lots of experience ‘playing’ the Richard Campbell Gansey III his family and the world at large expects him to be, c) it is abundantly clear that he wants it far more than anyone else who tries out, like seriously no one else really cares that much about this part, d) he actually knows a bit of Welsh (he convinced Gwenllian to help him brush up), and obviously knows the history and trivia of the character backward and forward, e) everyone likes him, and knows his interests, and would consider it inhumanly cruel to deny starry-eyed  Richard “What do you know about Welsh Kings?” Gansey the part of his dreams, f) one of the reasons Henry chose this play in the first place was because he wanted to help Gansey fill the void of time and purpose the unsettling conclusion of his Glendower search left in him, g) everyone seems to agree he has the right air for it - he seems wise, strong, slightly magical, and inherently kingly.
-Pretty much everyone but Gansey knew Gansey would get the part.  Gansey got so nervous on his way to look at the cast list that he practically had to cling on to Adam’s arm to stay upright.  Ronan was a little was a little punk about it, and muttered stuff about “I dunno, SickSteve did a pretty good audition too” or “I just think Koh might get it, so don’t get your hopes too far up” just to mess with him. Adam looks slightly pitying of Gansey but mostly exchanges a knowing smirk with Ronan the whole time.  They both laugh heartily at how genuinely, earnestly overjoyed and honored Gansey is to find out that he got the part.
-Speaking of Ronan - Ronan plays Hotspur.  He stays technically enrolled in school JUST long enough to participate in the play, because he also wants to help Gansey adjust to life post-Glendower search, and show a bit of solidarity, a final tribute for Gansey’s sacrifice and that part of his life.  He’s not really a great actor, but he has just the sort of angry energy, impatience, rigid code of honor, and touch of romantic ideals that the part requires.  Like, the guy is described with “a smile made for war.”  He really loves the stage combat, but can sometimes go overboard with it. He and Gansey thoroughly enjoy their scene together, arguing about the supernatural but trying to fight on the same side.  In actuality, the play version of Glendower kind of reminds him of his father, the braggart poet and musician king, and it’s not disagreeable for him to kind of blend that that with his feelings about Gansey himself.
-Since Aglionby is an all-boys school, the auditions are opened up to the community for female roles.  Gansey begs Blue to try out, which she does because she loves him, and because hey, it could be fun.  Never say Maura Sargent’s daughter doesn’t have an open mind.  She never thought she’d enjoy lots of things before she met the boys. Very few girls tried out, and she gets the role of Kate Percy, Hotspur’s strong-willed wife.  She and Ronan also thoroughly enjoy their scenes together, sniping and squabbling and snarking at each other while still being affectionate. Because he’s ridiculous, Gansey can’t help but be somewhat jealous of Ronan and Blue’s onstage marriage, no matter how often Adam amusedly reminds him that it’s just a play, that Blue loves him and that Ronan’s taken and dedicated and doesn’t actually like girls anyway.  Ronan himself finds it hilarious.  Adam once advised Ronan to ‘tone down’ his onstage passion for Blue, to spare Gansey’s feelings, but he only intensified it, which director Henry agreed improved the scene and their characters.  
-Adam wasn’t originally going to try out, he was too busy with college applications and the like, but it was eventually Ronan who talked him into it, basically just laying it down as “do it for Gansey.”  He gets a small part – Edmund Mortimer, Glendower’s son-in-law, Kate Percy’s brother, and Hotspur’s brother-in-law, and finds it amusingly ironic that it’s him trying to keep the peace between Ronan and Gansey’s characters.  Ronan finds it all-too-easy to imagine himself wanting to start a war on Adam’s (character’s) behalf.  Adam finds it amusing that he refers to Glendower as his ‘father’ (in-law) and he and Ronan (and Blue, let’s be real) have lots of jokes about Gansey being a Dad.
-The rest of the cast is mostly the Vancouver crowd, a few of Gansey’s old teammates from the crew team, and the few Aglionby students who genuinely love theatre.  Tad Caruthers ends up playing Falstaff.  It takes every bit of Ronan’s restraint not to wake up from his onstage death and destroy him for hauling him around and trying to lie about killing him.  He gets a consolation prize, though.  At the last minute, the guy (Cheng2) playing Hal got sick and had to drop out (Henry blamed the Macbeth curse, which he had invoked in mockery, demonstrating again the lack of the sense God gave him), so director Henry himself stepped in to play Hal. Ronan relishes their fight scene, even when he ultimately loses, as director Henry actually wants him to be winning until the last moment.  Ronan has warmed slightly to Henry, but not enough that he doesn’t thoroughly enjoy pretending to beat him up.
-Lady Catrin Mortimer, Mortimer’s wife and Glendower’s daughter, is played by a shy sophomore from Mountain View High School named Jill, who was mostly chosen for her lovely singing voice.  She doesn’t know any Welsh – but no one but Gansey did – but she promises to learn, so Gansey generously offers to help her – himself with Gwenllian’s help. Gwenllian remembered the real Catrin, and half the time remembers her with sisterly affection, and half the time with resentment of her being a legitimate daughter.  But Jill (after Gansey and Blue forwarn her to take Gwenllian with a grain of salt) ends up spending a lot of time at Fox Way, practicing with Gansey, Gwenllian, and Blue, and Gwenllian teaches her Welsh songs that the real Catrin knew, and it comes out that Jill had always really looked up to Blue when she saw her in school and thought she was cool, but was intimidated by her, and Blue is touched and becomes a big-sisterly friend to her, and Gansey is delighted.
-Gansey provides an array of very accurate costumes, armor and weapons artifacts that he uncovered over his years of searching.  Some of them are too fragile to be of use, but most that held up well he thinks really ought to be used and useful again, and has them shipped in from the various museums he donated them to before.  He has a long phone discussion with Professor Malory about the possibility of getting ahold of the flags that became Henry IV’s nightgown so the King Henry in the play can wear them, but they aren’t able to, and Malory thinks they would be too delicate to handle high schoolers anyway. Blue, who’s handy at sewing from years of experience making her clothes, makes a fairly good imitation of the design. Gansey basically becomes the dramaturg and historical design consultant for the whole production as well, and helps the costume, prop, and set designers make everything as historically accurate as possible.  
-Most all the parents and family members come to the performance. Maura, Calla, Jimi, and Orla; Mr. and Mrs. Gansey and Helen; Declan even shows up from DC with Matthew in tow to watch their brother.  Not Adam’s, but he’s mostly grateful for that.  Henry swears he catches a glance of his mother Seondeok; Blue thinks she might have seen Mr. Gray.  (Maura, blushing, later confirms this to her.)  On the final performance, Ronan rigs the speakers to play nothing but the murder squash song for pre-show music.  A lot of Henrietta locals come to the show as well, prepared to laugh at some Aglionby boys’ incompetence, but are actually pleasantly surprised by the quality of the performance and production.  Everyone Gansey had ever passionately told about Glendower is just really happy for him, and impressed by his performance, and some kids actually corner him to ask questions about him and his mystical powers.  Ronan gains a lot of admirers who found his passionate performance extremely hot, and he just sort of smirks at them.  Blue is mobbed by little girls who loved her attitude and her pretty dress.  School officials are impressed by Henry’s quality production.  
-Right after the final performance, Ronan and Helen Gansey band together to get break into Headmaster Child’s office and dispose of the contract he signed with Gansey. Gansey, over the course of the production, slowly made peace with the idea of Ronan not finishing school – realizing that Ronan was doing this last thing for him – and also realized he might not want to part with Monmouth Manufacturing forever, if he’s going to be alive to enjoy it afterwards.  Helen does final negotiations, and uses legalize to make clear to Child that all is null and void.  Ronan leaves a wad of his speeding tickets with a picture of fingers flipping the bird in the place of the papers, and never returns to Aglionby again. They have a cast party and Nino’s, and afterwards Rona, Adam, Gansey, Blue, and Henry go to the Barns, raise a glass for Noah, and eventually pass out on the couch together, happy, together, fulfilled, and alive.
And that just basically became a fic in and of itself.  Hope you enjoyed! :)
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