#Tabar Axe
satoshy12 · 10 months
Ra's al Ghul and Boy
He had been Ra's first child before he had any other child of his own blood. Had been a boy he found while on his travels, he and him spoke not the same language. So I just called the boy, Wulid which means Boy. and took him with him. + Danny wasn't sure; it was while on the hunt for a ghost group that traveled in the past to help their past self conquer better. But here he is with that old man, who was the enemy of that ghost alive self too. Danny was happy as he told him he would help him. That led to him getting trained and mentored by the old man who joined him in the fights. + Ra was using a Tabar (axe) during the battle, while the boy stayed back with a dagge, or bow. Or he left to use his powers while fighting against the super-powered one. The boy looked very shocked as he saw how Ra was able to fight the ghosts and hurt them without a ghostly weapon. But if you bathe so much in the pit, you are able to hurt beings that aren't fully in their world or between them. +
After the old man died while fighting against that invasion, Danny too left. He told them he would capture the rest and then leave. Danny had no idea that the old man would be brought back to life by his cult. As Danny never fully meet the full group of it. + As Ra was taken out of the Lazarus Pit, he learned his student had left, thinking he had died. Maybe Ra should have told him about the pit. As he was unable to find him, the island sank, where he had his last battle. + A/N - -Yes, just think before you, Kratos and Atreus, for Ra's al Ghul and Danny. - Tabar is an old Arabic axe. - Ra was much nicer to Respawn, as he made him think of Danny. Respawn is his favorite grandchild.
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cutecuttlefish · 1 year
The sword of the day is the tabar-shishpar.
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The tabar-shishpar is a very rare variation on the Persian and Indian tabar axe I’ve previously featured. The “shishpar” in the name refers to the mace portion of the weapon; the name is a Persian phrase which translates to “six wings,” referring to the (usually) six flanges on the mace head. Like the non-shishpar tabar, this weapon was designed to be used on horseback.
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mahakaalarms · 1 year
These axes are made to order. Customers interested in purchasing axes, we are happy to inform you that we offer custom-made options. Please feel free to reach out via WhatsApp +919878920062 for more information.
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petermorwood · 1 year
In reaction to this post, @irlactualwizard wrote:
This is beautiful. On the note about maces and the like, they're traditionally horseback weaponry. I'm unsure of the usefulness or practicality of a dagger tucked away in a weapon primarily used from 'higher ground' or where CQC wouldn't be common. I mean, fall off the horse, drop the mace and draw the saber or katar. Although, redundancy is what keeps humans alive. It does strike me as odd that they wouldn't have shoved an extra weapon in just for the niche.
That notion of dropping the mace then drawing something else with longer (or for really close quarters, shorter) reach is something which may well have happened, though not just because it was an exclusively cavalry weapon. All the other weapons were also used from horseback, and in one instance its original Indo-Persian name is pretty specific about equestrian origins.
The zaghnal, that wicked pick-axe thing...
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(yup, there's a dagger...)
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...has a European equivalent called a "horseman's pick" and supposedly copied from Ottoman weapons which would have been zaghnal-shaped; this one is Polish or Hungarian...
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The hatchet-knife bhuj was - per Wikipedia, Bygone Blades and Oriental Arms - a popular weapon with the Gujarati and Sindhi cavalry, who also wore a distinctive style of full armour...
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(yup, there's a dagger)
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(This time there's a gun, and probably a dagger too because why not?)
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Most conclusively, the proper name for Indo-Persian battleaxes is tabar / tabarzin, which means "saddle-axe".
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These included some of the few real-life examples of double-headed battleaxes (with daggers, but of course...)
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Though popular in fantasy art, IRL usual practice was to have an axe on one side and something different like a hammer or pick on the other side in case the axe wasn't effective enough against whatever kind of armour the opponent was wearing.
And of course even single-headed axes often had the usual dagger tucked away.
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Here's yet another with a sword-hilt (also possibly a dagger) and a built-in matchlock gun...
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And here's one where some warrior just couldn't make up his mind.
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Here's a mace with a similar (khanda broadsword) hilt:
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I took a close look at various mace-pics I've posted (here and here), something I should have done before, then searched further on-line, and I'm starting to think they had no daggers because mostly their hafts were solid rather than hollow...
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Thanks go to @irlactualwizard for prompting me to track down an answer to my own question - though I'll be waiting for someone who knows far more about Indian weapons to correct me. :-P
Finally, here's a display case showing three more maces, a couple of the double- (here triple-) -bladed daggers called haladie, and a few examples of what Indian weaponsmiths could do with the basic concept of a sword blade...
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...including making use of a European hilt, top row second left. Its blade may have been mounted on an Indian khanda or talwar hilt, which happened often enough to create a whole class of "firangi" (Frankish) swords.
There are many more pics on my blog and elsewhere. Once again, for fantasy edged-weapon inspirations, India is a great place to start...
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handfulsofhistory · 1 year
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This style of war axe, or tabar, known as the bullova, is uniquely associated with the Orissa people of India
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sharpeningtheblade · 3 years
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Strong convex-edged head, with traces of damask-type decorations on both faces. Both sides koftgari gold-inlaid at the border with racemes. Chiselled neck with birds in relief among flowers on a darkened background. Chiselled butt with the image of a hare, remains of gold-inlaids on the sides. Iron haft with remains of gilding on the upper part and on the grip; the central segment faceted and chiselled with damask-type decorations. Small stud with festooned border at the back. Hemispheric cap at the bottom
Indopersia, late 18th Century
height 61 cm.
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armthearmour · 5 years
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A beautiful gilt and silvered Tabar, India, ca. early 18th century, housed at the Wallace Collection.
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Mughal Tabar (Axe). 18th century Islamic weapon from India.
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windwardstar · 6 years
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Also they just like stuck daggers in the end because the metal shafts were hollow.
(Top two images are of two saddle axes, Indian Tabars. The third is a Persian Tabar-i-zin, the fourth and fifth are Iranian Persian Tabar-i-zin, all from http://caravanacollection.com/index.html)
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victoriansword · 7 years
Battle Axe (Tabar) of Indo-Persian Origin
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
So may I have a question for you your rifle can turn into a halberd right what made you decide to choose that as a secondary weapon form?
May: *Mecha-shifts her rifle into it's halberd form* It's actually inspired by the Tabar, a type of Vacuoan battle axe. In some parts of ancient Vacuo, when police officers attained the rank of Shurta, think chief of police, they were awarded a tabar that was both their weapon and status symbol.
Today, Vacuan Marshalls gain these as an award upon their promotion, so when my father got his we decided to learn how to fight with battleaxes together as sort of a bonding experience. Therefore I ended up choosing the halberd as my melee weapon.
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learning-persian · 4 years
سخته بفهمی همه عمرت تلف شده
من یه درختم که عاشق تبر شده
با اینکه میدونه زخمیش میکنی میخواد تو رو بغل کنه
“It’s hard to realize all your life’s been wasted
I’m a tree that’s fallen in love with an ax
Even though it knows you’re gonna wound it
It still wants to wrap you in its arms”
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cutecuttlefish · 1 year
The sword of the day is the tabar.
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This axe was designed for use while mounted and found from the Ottoman Empire to India. This particular example is Indian, and includes not only an axe head, but a hammer as well on the reverse of the head. Should that not be sufficient, there is also a stiletto-like dagger designed to be screwed into and concealed in the haft. All of this gives the wielder an impressively diverse set of options for dealing death on the battlefield.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics liveblog pt 7
So after wandering around the desert for a while, beating up random people to prove my mettle, I finally get back to the plot where I beat up random people to prove my mettle.
But I also. Finally. Get to the circle of the suns! And beat up some more people!
Desert Ambush
Windswept Waste
"The heroes are sent on a final task for the elders. They must complete it quickly. A storm brews on the horizon."
I like the final task part. Sounds like I'll get to meet SkekGra and urGoh soon.
Eesh thats a lot of darkened Nurloc.
This looks like a job for Alyadon, Rian, Brea, and Rek'yr. That works out pretty good in terms of people actually involved in this part of the show and also Alyadon is there.
Annnnnd. Died again. Maybe I do need to barfight level grind?
I think my downfall was when I let the baby nurloc summon help instead of immediately beating it to death...
Trying again but with Deet because Deet makes everything better.
And indeed Deet made everything better! By poisoning everything!
Sweet! Alyadon and Rian levelled up. But I also got a Sand-Etched Tabar! A tabar is apparently a saddle axe. And is the axe of the Dousan clan!
I don't really like axes because they increase the time between turns for the character that equips them but its nice to have. I'm starting quite a collection between this and the Crystal Cutter, dagger of the Dousan clan.
And the game pulls me right into the Heretic and the Wanderer's puppet show. Doesn't explain the context of these two at all. Weird priority, game.
You really are expected to already know the story if you have this game. WHICH TO BE FAIR.
Ah, well. At least the Dual Glaive makes more sense in video game logic. Super cool endgame sword. I can dig it.
Did the non-random encounter by Chamberlain's coach.
Fought some spiders. Got some level ups.
Rek'yr learned Vault which taught him to do a sweet jump. Hup learned Discipline. Boggi learned Ankle Bite. Brea learned Thorns which turns her into a prickly customer. And Deet learned Blinding Light. Which lets her make a light, to blind.
And I scored some Aged Hides! Gonna slap Alyadon in these so she stops dying as much!
Shattered Reflections: Circle of the Suns
"The heroes' visit at the Circle of the Suns is interrupted by a familiar foe. Luckily, this time they have help."
Okay here I go! Gonna beat up the Hunter for the second time!
WHY DOES HE HAVE SPIDER- oh right the Arathim were working with the Skeksis at this point. Not sure how the Hunter found out and recruited a few but look, he'd look silly being alone.
Especially because I have urVa the Archer WHAAAAAT
I get an urRu!?
Good god, this guy
He's only got two abilities and both have infinite range. Because archer. He can mark targets. And he can shoot them really hard.
And I hope there's a mechanic where him shooting the Hunter hurts himself. You gotta have that. You just gotta.
Not that I WANT bad things for urVa. Its just that thats how things work and it'd be neat to see that in game.
Fittingly, even though he has infinite range, urVa can only move two spaces a turn and doesn't get as many turns as others. Because urRu are slow.
Although with how things are, I wouldn't be surprised if there was an urRu specifically called the Jogger. There's a Swimmer.
So of course I have to go with Rian, Deet, Brea, and Hup. They’re in an elite club I call “actually present for this in the show.” Since I get one more, Boggi. Good fizzgig, best friend.
SkekMal: "I've come for my trophy! There's no place in Thra you can hide from me!"
Rian: "The Hunter is too powerful! The Arathim... Target them first!"
Weirdly aware of game tactics, Rian.
Oh. And the victory condition is just the beat all the Arathim. I guess they didn't beat the Hunter in this part of the story. He just got shot a lot, by himself, while the Gelfling flailed about.
urVa: "Gelfling, my bow is at your command! Mark any target and I shall strike it with my arrows!"
Oh, so that's how this works.
Wait, did I bring anyone that has Mark in their abilities? ... Dernit.
Then urVa just goes ahead and marks the Hunter. So. I guess. He knows what he's doing.
Of course Hunter does his big jump on his first turn.
So I killed most of the Arathim pretty quickly and figured I'd save one and then just start beating on the Hunter to see if anything fun pops out.
He summons more spiders. Why are there so many spiders.
I've been hitting SkekMal for a while and it doesn't seem to affect the Archer. Ah well.
Poor Boggi, a victim of my own hubris. I've been dragging this on so long.
And Brea gets the last hit on the Hunter with firemoss. Try kidnapping her now!
Apparently beating up the Hunter sufficiently is a secret backup win condition because the level ends.
I sure did it.
Ooo and I got the Hunter's Cloak!
Another Skeksis who lost their clothes. Chamberlain is just glad it wasn't him a second time.
Hunter's Cloak. "SkekMal... He is violent. Savage! Handsome, once." - Aughra. I had forgotten about the comment she made in the show.
Simmer down, Aughra.
Rian learned Reckless Blow (decreased accuracy, increased damage), Brea learned Cascade (blows up everything on every diagonal from Brea, goodness gracious).
And we automatically go over to Stone-in-the-wood for a cutscene about the Stonewood being taken by spiders. Maudra Fara is not pleased.
The slightly uncanny art style for Gelflings really works for this. Spider!Tavra is creepy.
Wait, I have a sudden suspicion that this is going to be used to justify why I'm still beating up Gelfling in the latter half of the game.
TACTICS! -shakes fist-
Archer: "Search for the Dual Glaive... where the three brothers dare not shine"
Deet: "The Caves of Grot! Let's go! I can show you all my home!" -map pans over to big obvious cave-
Also, I now have to Unite the Clans
Brea: "We'll need a strong warrior to persuade the Drenchen"
Gurjin: "I know just the one"
Brea: "Exactly! So, Naia, what do you think we should do?"
Hahahah poor Gurjin
Hmm. It seems like sidequests. Uh. More proving my mettle? The available missions are Mistaken Identity where I have to investigate missing Drenchen or Bogged Down where I investigate rumors of a Skeksis Lord.
Iiiiits Chamberlain. Still wandering around after that drubbing I gave him. There's even a little cutscene, fresh material not from the show. Some Drenchen find the Chamberlain and not knowing about the age of resistance, offer to help them. While he's all moohaha mustache twirl, gonna drink these people after they help me back to the castle.
That's our Chamberlain.
There's also the Threaded, where we seek out the Dual Glaive.
There's a lot of choices right now. Like choosing who gets the cloak.
I'm going to give it to Rian. It won't make up for the dead dad thing but it might help.
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petermorwood · 4 years
Do you know of any information on traditional Kazakh swords and bladed weapons? Beyond just the typical curved sabre common across the continent?
Besides swords, they’d have carried bows, lances and daggers, probably of straight or curved kindjal type...
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...as well as maces and axes (good cavalry weapons).
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The couple of (lightweight) books I have about steppe nomads suggest their swords didn’t have the broad double-edged ‘yelman’ point of the Turkish kilij and were less curved than the Persian shamshir.
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This sounds as if they were an early form of Cossack (Kazakh?) shashka.
I found an image on this website which confirms my guess; the exhibit includes small cavalry axes which the Kazakhs called aybalta; the Indo-Persian word is tabar or tabarzin:
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Here are several more, photographed in 1899...
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...and here’s a Kazakh warrior holding one, with an unstrung bow slung at his back and a matchlock musket propped alongside him. The blade-like thing under the axe-head is indeed a blade, meant to discourage grabby hands.
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However there’s another display case on the same website which shows a sword that’s very like a typical shamshir...
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...and a recent archeological find looks like this...
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...though I think the quoted 7th Cent. BC-4th Cent. AD dating is far too early for that shape of sword and hilt.
IMO it’s a later sword lost or buried in an area now known for earlier artefacts, and someone unaware of how swords changed over centuries has assumed that it belongs to the same time-period as the majority of finds on the site.
As for how swords of the shamshir / kilij style got to Kazakhstan when the local style was noticeably different, I’d guess at “regional variations or war booty” and leave it there.
Here’s another page, originally in Russian (?), which has an overview of Kazakh weapons with some almost-familiar names: semser (shamshir), kylysh (kilij) and gurzi (gurz / spiked mace).
However in some languages “kilij” just means “sword” and “balta” means “axe” rather than a particular type of each. It was the same in the European Middle Ages, where the word for sword was all too often “sword”. All of which is rather a burr under the saddle of those who like their lists of weapons to look neat... :->
Anyway, I hope this helps a bit to answer your question.
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cj-and-cjs-ocs · 4 years
Oh actually I'd love to ask some ab Solaris and Lune... Solaris: 4, 5, 13, 44, 63, 68, 70, 78, 93. I.. guess I'll put Lune's into a separate post.
oooo I don’t have much on Solaris other than he’s angry and mean, so this’ll have some good character building...
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with?
He does have a couple siblings!!  His family was pretty small compared to most others, he has two older sisters and one little sister.  The older ones don’t visit very often but they do enjoy some of the privileges that come with being related to the King.  Solaris was pretty close to his younger sister though, so she often visits and gives him advice and help if he needs it.
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Solaris never really cared much for his parents, and they didn’t care much for him.  It was obvious to them that he wouldn’t get very far in life because of his colour and status, so they became his motivation instead.  Solaris became King just to spite his parents.  He has other relatives but never got to know them very well, nor did he want to meet them.
13. What do they do for fun?
Reading books on History, or fighting practice.  He loves the thrill of winning a fight, even if it’s against a training dummy.  
44. Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars?
Solaris has one very big scar on his thigh/groin from a nearly fatal injury he received in “The Great War” (the same war in which Stella was killed) he got this from an enemy’s axe (it looked like a giant Tabar) that practically made his armor look like tinfoil.  That’s the worst scar he has, there’s lots of smaller, less noticeable ones that he’s gotten from other battles and older fights.
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
not much, the satisfaction of a win will always make him smile, and before The Great War, Stella would always be able to make him smile no matter what.
68. How did their environment growing up affect their personality?
He often tends to ignore or neglect his family because of the way he was treated by his parents, he never really learned how to take care of children or connect with people on a deep level. Solaris was brought up to rely on himself only, and because of that he doesn’t trust anyone.
70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets?
:]  WELL.  He doesn’t have any pets except for a couple creatures that he goes hunting with, but those aren’t really “pets.”  Solaris doesn’t really like animals, but he doesn’t loathe their existence (except for maybe one of them...)
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend?
He used to consider Stella to be his “best friend” until she passed away, now he doesn’t really have anyone who would fit that description.
93. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
ooooof that’s a hard one...
“So. This it it? This scrawny thing? It’ll be fun to kill you.”
“I’ll release it...release it from its pathetic body.”
“I’m just trying to bring justice to those who deserve it.“
Those are all very iconic and represent his motives/character really well, they’re all from an old roleplay because I haven’t written much good dialogue on my own for him yet ‘:D 
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