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zorangezest · 7 days ago
Are Roro's butterfly eyes interchangeable? Can she swap them to different themed or colored ones to match different hats?
yes yes yes!
I got inspired and designed a bunch of hats and outfits for her based on spring flowers :)
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hunysckle · 3 months ago
How do you feel about stimulating a girl in her sleep until you can ride her and then when she wakes up and realizes she's about to cum in you she freaks out but you're all gentle with her and soothe her back to sleep?
i love that sooo much <3 i'd love if she was the little spoon so i could hold her tight and reach around to touch her oh so softly. caressing her hips and thighs, inching my tickles closer and closer to her core. eventually dipping my fingers under her waistband and playing with her bush, lightly grazing the base of her shaft, barely feeling how hard she is before i just couldn't wait anymore. i'd pull her onto her back, straddle her thighs so i can pull her cock out and jerk her off, make sure she's ready for me to slooooowly lower myself onto her length. fucking myself on her pretty dick, getting so so so close to cumming when she wakes up and realizes she's about to unload inside me. i know she'd be so worried, so i'd lean over her, press our bodies close together, and caress her cheek. hush her panicked whispers, coo "it's okay baby, don't worry, you're safe with me, i promise everything is okay, just go back to sleep and let me take care of you." i wouldn't start riding her again until i saw her eyes flutter shut, but then i'd waste no time bringing us to the edge again so she can finally flood my womb like we both desperately crave.
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hollie-san · 4 months ago
Bleeding Heart and Lavender?
(F/Ovember Ask Game: Flowers:)
[BLEEDING HEART]: What made you realize you were fond of/in love with S/I?
I dunno! It just kinda happened!
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[LAVENDER]: It’s a calm, lazy day with S/I. None of you have any responsibilities to tend to. So, how would you want to spend that day with them?
We call on the phone a lot, especially in the mornings and evenings... before his brothers wake up.
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fangyymusic · 7 months ago
gives u a banan
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triona-tribblescore · 1 year ago
Hello there, skeleton annon here,
Was reading your pirate au and was wondering, Leo was raised by big mama right? Then how do the others know him? Were they also big mamas kids? Or is it a separated au where they were raised by splinter without him?
Can't wait for the next update!! :D
- 💀
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totally accurate recreation of how they met-
boutta info dump a lil-
OKAY SO! Yes!! Leo was raised by big mama, and the others, by Splinter~ So I suppose I'd consider it a separated AU! :)
Not gonna reveal toooo much on Splinter atm cause I actually have a bit of a whole mini-arc thing for him planned, he may be filling in his role of absent father once more guys im sorry- /lh
The others were told to get some of their own experience out at sea, But obviously, the only knowledge they have of it is through what stories Splinter has shared with them and the minimal training he's taught em. very bare-bones stuff. So they are kinda just out there wandering with no real goal or idea of what to actually do
Until they find leo that is!!
Despite finding him, the uh, the guys... don't actually know that leo..is their brother...YET!! YET!
And vice versa, Leo just saw these guys and was like
"Oh, this lot looks cool~ and i am desperate for a crew and im alone out here and kinda sad and ihavenoideawhatimdoingOHGOD- so uh, join me? :)"
totally unbeknownst to him that they are his bro's/that he even HAS brothers. As IF big mama would ever give him that type of hope yk? ;)
the three already know April too, she joins later on after the ship pulls into a shipping port and finds her trying to pick a fight with a rouge mayhem who stole her boot.
AH- ANYWAY TY FOR THE ASK!!!! Hope that clears it up a lil :))
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thelonelyshore-if · 1 month ago
I’m kinda curious who gets sick very easily and who never gets sick?
Beck: gets sick very rarely, but is absolutely insufferable when they do.
Croft: does everything in their power to avoid getting sick, frequently gets sick anyway.
Jay: consistently gets an awful cold every summer, but otherwise doesn't usually get sick.
Perri: gets sick all the time. an unfortunate consequence of never sleeping.
Ravi: tries not to interact with other people so pretty much never gets sick.
Yasmin: works with children so her immune system is off the charts. rarely sick.
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 5 months ago
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Read the latest chapter,,,, hang in there Wisp,,,
"Im gonna answer asks in order" I told myself- and then out of the corner of my eye just JASHSKDLAD
His little clawed hands oh so gently cradling his best friend, the mask to the side- little tools and just his FACE G O D
This?? This is perfect. Im in shock and awe, and you captured the whole atmosphere so so perfectly. After the blind panic wanes, and instead hes just stuck in an odd productive despair.
Because he needs to fix her, that takes priority over processing his grief losing her like that. No one to comfort him, he wouldnt even bother to change before frantically getting to work.
Just- beautiful
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shoot-i-messed-up · 1 month ago
Clark didn't like Hal??? what dis?
It’s this fic idea I had where I pretend as if there’s some actual friction between early JLA days Clark and Hal—and then explore how that friction might have come to be between those two very agreeable people and how they might come to resolve it. Basically, they get stuck in a place somewhere and have to air out their grievances & bond over having to control such limitless power and what that means for both of them.
It’s kinda been left to collect dust because I had a couple of good pages in my head and then…moved on to greener pastures, I guess. Shrug
But anyway!! Here’s a snippet:
“So,” said Hal, looking expectantly at Clark, “what gives?”
Clark frowned. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Okay, it’s not like I really wanna sit down for a talk about feelings or whatever, but come on. It doesn’t take the world’s greatest detective to see clearly, there’s some sort of reason why you don’t like me.”
Clark looked up at Hal, surprised. “I don’t dislike you,” he said quickly. A little too quickly.
“Yeah right,” Hal said with a visible roll of his eyes behind his mask’s seamless white lenses. “You’re jumping for joy at the prospect of spending an indefinite amount of time with me in an enclosed space.”
“That’s unfair. Anyone would be worried about being imprisoned,” Clark said.
Hal raised an eyebrow. “Okay, so you admit that you don’t like me.”
The thing was, Clark didn’t like Hal.
But he didn’t…not like Hal.
Clark certainly didn’t have any reason to dislike him, not like Bruce, who regarded Hal as the reckless and needlessly flashy antithesis to Batman, or Diana, whose heartbeat tripped in grief everytime Hal said or did something a little too like Steve Trevor, or even J’onn, who carried a justified simmering resentment against the Guardians and, by extension, the Green Lantern Corps for what they did to his people.
For his own part, Hal was actually pretty polite, if distantly so, with Clark. He was, in fact, probably more polite to Clark than he was to any of the other members of the League. Of course, Hal was much closer to his friends, Barry and Oliver and Dinah, but weirdly enough, he deferred to Clark a lot of the time, whether that was following his orders in the field or hushed down at meetings when he was making snarky asides to his seatmates, where with others, he would argue, flirt, or joke.
It was…odd, that Hal singled Clark out like that. Clark grew up in rural Kansas, where Midwest Nice reigned the dominant conduct toward strangers and friends alike, so he shouldn’t have found it strange, but Hal was a Californian bred true and blue. It shone in how he teased and cussed and took up with the most amount of space possible—with everyone else, that was, except for Clark.
It could just be plain old simple respect. But Clark’s journalistic instinct told him it wasn’t—not when he knew that when they thought nobody would notice, Hal and Bruce would do little check-ins with each other after a mission. For the two most antagonistic and argumentative members of the Justice League, they seemed to understand each other on a level that wasn’t deeper than what Clark had with Bruce but was…somehow, different. But Clark knew Hal respected Bruce, and Bruce, begrudgingly, respected Hal; so whatever Hal had for or against Clark, it wasn’t respect. It was simply…distance.
So…yeah. Clark and Hal each held each other at a distance, and it was fine. And he didn’t even mean it in the way that Batman would grunt out after taking a heavy hit that was most definitely not fine, Clark really meant that it was just…fine.
It’s not as if it created any discord within the Justice League, this little disconnect between two out of the nine members. Hal was far from a social pariah, considering how much he got along with the other half of the League.
Clark was content to let sleeping dogs lie, but it seemed Hal wasn’t.
“I don’t dislike you,” Clark repeated, willing his voice to be firmer this time.
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phoenixdaneko · 11 months ago
Oh shit uhhhhhh
I'm going with DCA OCS here but if you wanted something else lemme know
King, Solunis and Sirius by @darthsuki, love those guys sm
Sunbeam and Moonbeam by Shy on discord (I don't know if they have a Tumblr)
All the Gitm boys by @venomous-qwille
Totality by @amberluvsbugs (hope you don't mind the tag Amber!)
The Wild West AU boys by @/overly-dramatic-artist
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violentlydefending · 7 months ago
Wait....the writer of one of my favourite Monster!Majima fics is somebody I already followed (on your art account) and they do art of the weird monster guy?????? Truly a blessed day for me tbh.
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so honoured in fact here's Even More Art of the weird monster guy :]
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miroh4 · 13 days ago
What would you say is the hardest to draw for Bronco and Simeon?
ive honestly thought long and hard about this one and im gonna say its proooobably the consistency and their height difference.
I REALLY dig Knights sharp features and theyre the most fun (and the easiest) for me to draw, but i. do forget HOW i draw em sometimes, so I end up with a lot of different Broncos. and by HOW i mean the specific shape of the nose, head, jawline and eyes
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ive been trying to combat it lately, so i think i'll fix it up whenever i get time to make something of a ref sheet, which ive been planning anyway so yea.
the height difference thing is self-explanatory, god bless the resizing tool.
consistency with SIMEON tho is a whole different beast. just look at my dnd au and the way he looks like a different person in each panel.....its my biggest offender probably.
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as with bronco tho, i think ive been getting a hang of him as well. his facial features are quite easy for me - the real challenges are his pigtails and moles.
pigtails because i cant decide HOW to draw them bc there are many different ways and they only really depend on my mood. tho sometime ago someone said that simeon would fuck with changing up his hair and now im going with it
and moles? well, those I made the fuck up. and i still sometimes forget or misplace them.
its three on the right and two on the left btw
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and thats me squeezing him
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zurdurer · 8 months ago
Have you drawn Dr. Carmilla??
I just love her SOO MUCH
Yk what I have never drawn her properly, allow me to amend for my sins
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Honestly pretty good practice for Dr Carmilla week..
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hollie-san · 4 months ago
rose and dandelion for f/o vember?
(F/Ovember Ask Game: Flowers:)
[ROSE]: Just tell us your favorite things about S/I~
About Osomatsu-kun?
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[DANDELION]: At the end of the day, what do you want for S/I? Like, what do you hope they gain or accomplish?
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...Before Tea-chan met me again, they were going through a lot, and lost a lot. They're figuring things out right now! That's what I want. For Tea-chan to blossom into a whole new Tea-chan.
...That was so romantic, Osomatsu-kun... (⺣◡⺣)♡
Heh... it was pretty impressive, wasn't it?
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pigeonstab · 5 months ago
I have questions!!
Blue is Cross's roommate right? Or like, dorm-mate, does he know that Cross is a werewolf? Like obviously Cross wouldn't tell him because he's been fighting it his whole life, but does Blue have any sort of idea that something's up with him?
Also, do the likes of Dream and Ink live nearby the college or near Nightmare? Does Dream visit or see Nightmare often? How often do you think we'll see them in the story? :o
Blue doesn't know that Cross is a werewolf, not at all. He's a bit of a skeptic when it comes to the supernatural so that works in Cross's favor. Obviously the 'having to leave campus once every month' is weird but Blue has definitely seen weirder shit than that in the college dorms so he isn't too worried.
I like the idea that maybe some attack in a smaller town made it onto a bigger news channel and locals are talking about it being a werewolf attack and blue's just hearing this going like "pff are they actually believing these guys? C'mon werewolves?really?" and Cross is just like:
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Dream and Ink live.... Somewhere. Not anywhere near the city though that's for sure. Dream does visit though Ink is more elusive. He comes and goes as he pleases and you're never sure to be happy or sorry he showed up.
Dream doesn't visit too often, they do meet up for tea on occasion. There usually needs to be a reason for the two to be together, mostly Nightmare coming to Dream for favors, help and the likes. While Nightmare is more experienced and definitely wiser than Dream, Dream has access to a certain type of knowledge Nightmare doesn't. Meeting ink who's... A bit on the strange side does give Dream insight into all things unexplained.
As a side note I do like to think that Ink also visited Dream while he was stuck as a tree. He didn't actually know Dream was ever alive just thought he was a weird tree lol. Dream became his hangout spot for a while lol.
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thelonelyshore-if · 2 months ago
Just here to say that I replayed as an mc who loved the lake as a kid was A++ work, boss. The nostalgia coming back as an adult, the possessiveness. The way that if you go back to it after drowning, mc still doesn’t really look at it with fear, or at least, the fear is secondary to the almost territorial kind of love that they haven’t grown out of for the lake, despite it being so long. Almost like thinking that the Lake is finally returning the claim they had laid on it as a youth. Like they’ve been waiting for it, for so long, and that there’s no toxicity in the fact that they drowned. It was like mc’s ape brain was afraid, but their mind was almost accepting of the fact that the lake would have it’s own ways of showing love. It gives the distinct vibe of the lake rewarding MC’s love with its secrets.
It’s their Lake, and they are the lake’s.
No wonder Jay was so spooked.
Can’t wait to scare the shit out of them and everyone else with MC’s continued and fervent love of the lake. Gonna go swimming first chance we get, if we get a chance. Trauma who? That’s not our abuser, that’s our confidante, first love, our peace and dreams. Our favorite secret.
The relationship between a person and the (possibly magical) lake they grew up swimming in can be so special, actually.
Hopefully it's exciting to hear that MC will absolutely be able to continue to be Weirdly Comfortable with the lake. Literally there's going to be a scene next chapter where the relationship between MC and the lake can come up a little bit--someone might even comment on it!
Some MCs, of course, are traumatized as hell and want nothing to do with it. But I do love the MCs who are just like...this is my lake it's special to me it almost killed me but like. In a protective way maybe.
Lake my beloved...
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 6 months ago
Probably what was going on in Tim's head at the end of chapter 1
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(featuring Tim (×2), baby Tim, Timothy, Robin, Red Robin, Cardinal, Caroline Hill, Alan Draper, and Damian)
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