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witchofrvnswood · 4 years ago
awwp rant pt. 2: the characters!
oh boy we’re finally back with part 2! 
so in part 1, i discussed plot points that i found troubling and nonsensical. this time, i’m talking about the characters and how they each pissed me off <3
note: am only doing the ones i have beef with, everyone else is cool
let’s start with sophie:
i’ll be honest, i’ve been conflicted on her character in this book for quite some time. but i think i understand my opinion on her in book 2 much better now that i’ve really thought about it. 
so this is the book where she’s probably at her most vulnerable (book 3 could be a contender too). she just lost her mind, killed many people, and is trying so hard to prove that she is good and deny everything that she had done the previous year. we also see why she behaves the way she does, with losing her mother at a young age and blaming her father for neglecting them. we understand why she goes so far to obtain love and why she ranks true love above everything else.
but her methods with dealing with this is toxic. she sees agatha as a tool for a happy ending, and it seems to come more out of desperation to belong with someone, then wanting agatha herself, as she easily dropped her for rafal and then tedros in book three. she does whatever she can to ensure agatha chooses her and only her much like tedros does in this book.
she sneaks out and follows agatha, makes agatha believe tedros tried to hurt her, comforted her and claimed she had “warned agatha” but also acted super forgiving as if agatha was the one who was in the wrong for doubting her and when the truth comes out, pins it all on agatha for trying to choose someone besides. her. now, agatha is not completely in the right in this situation, but what sophie does is so manipulative and cunning. without knowing her backstory and sympathizing with her, she would easily be soon as a cruel and toxic person.
her time as filip was very humbling for her and she realized what she did was completely wrong and she begans to sympathize with tedros and realize maybe he isn’t the villain of the story like she painted him to be. of course, this goes a bit far and she finds herself attracted to him.... which..... did not need to happen considering how toxic their relationship was in book 1.
at the end, she chose rafal out of desperation to be loved, showing she still hasn’t changed and ended up staying with him as he supposedly was the only person in the world who still loved her. (wrong very wrong he’s awful but we’ll get to that later-)
bro. broooooo. when i tell you i wanted to throw the darn book when i read his scenes in the first half of the book-
when dovey was explaining tedros’ actions after sophie and agatha left, i could not believe it, i thought she had to be joking because no way does an individual overreact to THAT point.
he literally wanted to murder sophie as revenge for taking agatha away from him?? what?? is he mentally okay? i understand seeing her as a barrier between them because, yeah, he’s always been insecure cause his dad’s best friend stole his mom away from him so that must’ve hit a nerve, but agatha willingly went with sophie. why does he need to hurt sophie over this? it’s up to agatha who she chooses, not sophie. and she chose him! she told him right to his face that she chose him and he’s still like “no we have to kill sophie first-” sir-
not to mention how generally messed up this message is? tedros claims that you can’t be in a relationship and have friends at the same time. what?? why is this in the book? why is this even a theme? of course you should be able to have friends and have a relationship, when did that suddenly become impossible?
 “I let her live last time and she took you! I can’t make the same mistake, Agatha. I can’t lose you again!” (Chapter 12). this is basically tedros trying to cut off agatha’s friendship because he knows she’s close with sophie and is worried she’ll choose her over him and he sees his only solution to this to be killing sophie. honestly, if i were agatha, i would be fucking terrified of him, like when i was reading it i was thinking “run from this relationship please-”
which sucks because i’m a huge tagatha fan but they were undeniably toxic in this book for me.
in the second half though, that’s when i started feeling bad for him because he genuinely thought he got betrayed by agatha too and ugh that killed me bc after her, he had no hope for happiness left and that’s why he turned to revenge, but the moment he freed the teachers, he got locked up, starved, beaten, and tortured which is ??
i wouldn’t wish that on anyone (except aric lawl) and god he did not deserve that i felt so horrible for him. everyone turned against him, the entire school hated him, he fully believed his true love betrayed him, and he got beaten by aric every single night. as much as i despised him before this point, he did not deserve any of that and i’m so glad filip came when he? she? did because yeah it’s tophie all over again (yikes) but he REALLY needed a friend then and i’m so happy he got one.
ONLY TO GET BETRAYED BY HIM AGAIN RIP. sorry that was not needed but ahem
i was so so happy when he realized agatha never lied and ended up going home with her, as much as i hated the ending, i was happy for him and only him, boy’s been through too much.
but overall, i’d say i dislike him as a character in this book but i also felt super bad for him?? book 2 is so complicated y’all i have so many mixed feelings about everyone in this book.
okay. so. i keep going back and forth between being fucking annoyed at her and feeling bad for her which i feel is an understandable summary of how she is in this book.
her being scared of sophie - i completely understand that. i’d be surprised if she wasn’t. this is a girl who tried to kill her, tore her down, and went batshit crazy just nine months ago and is now suddenly calm but there’s still a bad vibe to her? and she chose her over someone who finally treated her well, finally saw her as an equal, and showed her that she doesn’t have to bear so much burden just to be loved back.
but i honestly felt kind of annoyed at how she automatically, no hesitation wanted to stay with tedros forever and never look back. um. honey. let’s break this down. we’re talking about a boy she has had no contact with for nine months, wasn’t even in a solid relationship with before she left, and said boy probably has beef with her for leaving him in the first place. and she feels completely fine with sneaking into his school and telling him she wants to be with him forever the SAME day she got back.
what??? is??? this???
this is the same agatha who berated sophie for trying to get with tedros the same day she met him without even knowing him well, right? the same agatha who you’d expect to be smart and think through emotional decisions like these, right? did they replace her personality what???
i get the coven pushed her to meet him immediately but this was just so poorly planned out and so tactless i can’t help but judge her sorry hun.
after that she makes herself believe sophie is good and perfect and maybe this is just her lying to herself because she’s mad at herself for choosing tedros but reading about her talking about how sophie is so amazing and perfect and loves her more than anything compared to being ready to bolt at the sight of her was just so fake. can we talk about how fake their friendship in this book? how fake it is in general? i think wbk.
at the end she finds out sophie lied despite the obvious clues (the scim suit (WHY WOULD BEATRIX USE IT), the spirick marks on sophie’s wrist yada yada yada) and she dumps her ass for tedros and decides they’re staying together forever despite barely knowing him as a person not to mention he just tried to kill her um-
(where is the logic in this book please help me i can’t seem to find it-)
the coven
i’ll be honest: they annoyed the HELL out of me in this book. well, specifically anadil and hester. they pressured agatha to choose tedros and go to him on the first day she got back (BAD PLAN) all so they could return to normal,,, which i guess isn’t out of character for them to do anything to get what they want but it really wasn’t their business? or at least they had no right to be as pushy as they were.
not to mention how HORRIBLE they were to dot. oh my god. the way they treated her in this book was disgusting and the lowest point in their friendship. at first i passed it off as them being hurt that dot replaced them and were lashing out because they had no better way to deal with their problems, which is true but also?? let’s not forget they BULLIED dot so bad in their first year and even kicked her out and replaced her with sophie and as far as we know, they never apologized for it. can we really blame dot for wanting new and kinder friends?
but even then they persisted to isolate her from others, shut down her book club which she used to make friends, and ended up forcing herself to gain weight if she wanted to keep their friendship. y’all i don’t even think anyone realizes how toxic the coven can be at times, the books spend a lot of time solidifying their frienship to the point that it ignores how awful it was at first. and not to mention dot is used to this treatment as she’s been physically and emotionally abused by her father, so as much as she dislikes their treatment of her, she still sees them as her friends and she will do anything to keep them.
i’m glad dot has learned to stand up for herself and gave it back to hester in tlea but god was her and anadil’s treatment of her sickiening.
professor dovey
i did not like her scene in the beginning of this book. she was awful to agatha and sophie and kept tossing blame for how the woods changed on them and yelling at agatha for not choosing tedros - um, she had a split second to decide and her friend literally died and came back to life a minute ago, how was she expected to leave her?
i dunno the way she berated them really got on my nerves because they’re just 15 year olds? they didn’t ask for their story to be told or for their personal relationships to affect the entire world? yes, if it had to be pointed towards anyone, it’s them, but instead of comforting them and trying to help them find a way to fix this, she goes all pointing fingers and straight up saying it would be easier if sophie was dead (not gonna lie i had a good giggle when i read this part but if you think about, that’s actually really sickening).
i’ll be honest, i love professor dovey as a character but she just seemed so cruel in book 2 i mean i get she was super frustrated but these children are confused and distraught enough already? she’s their teacher, she’s supposed to look after them but instead she just insulted them and stressed them out.
as for lady lesso, yes she did the same, but that was pretty in character for her. yes, it was wrong of her, but idk it’s something you would expect from her and she’s known to be the type to be tough on her students, while dovey is just not like that at all. and also, dovey was WAY more mean and short-tempered in this mean, i have to say.
evelyn sader
she was... an interesting villain. super cunning super devious i really admired her except for her doing all of this toxic feminism bullshit (which was honestly already bad enough!) for rafal,  A MAN. WHAT. how does that make ANY sense?
evelyn: #kam2020 make them boys your slaves we got this in the bag girls
also evelyn: omg rafal senpai notice me uwu i did all of this for you *gestures towards girls annihilating boys*
anyways her death was um... shocking. rip. or maybe not.
do- do i have to go into this one? killing yara, torturing tedros, being misogynistic, honestly pick one, i just don’t have the energy to rip him apart for the thousandth time.
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leossmoonn · 4 years ago
One Day at A Time
pairing - lip gallagher x fem!reader
type - angst, fluff
note / request - “Hi, I love your Shameless imagines! And I was wondering if you could write something for Lip Gallagher x Reader having a baby and struggling with their new life ❤️” alright so i named the baby fred bc thats lip’s baby’s name already lol also you and lip live in the house that lip wanted to buy for tammy. enjoy!
summary - you and lip struggle to raise a baby and survive 
warning / includes - language, fighting, alcohol, smoking, but fluffy ending
*gif isn’t mine*
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“Lip!” You shouted. 
Your boyfriend ran into the room frantically. “What’s wrong?” 
“I need you to get me more baby wipes. Freddy took a big shit,” you instructed. 
Lip nodded, going to the table where you kept the baby wipes. He gave you the whole packet only for you to yell at him.
“Hand me them! I have to hold Freddy down so we doesn’t roll off,” you said.
“Sorry, Jesus,” Lip muttered, handing you baby wipes each time you put your hand out. 
You successfully cleaned your baby’s bottom and but on a new, fresh diaper. You picked Freddy and went downstairs with him. You set Freddy down in his high-chair, going over to the cabinet to get Freddy’s baby food. 
“Are you um, are you going into work today?” Lip asked.
“Yeah, are you?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I am,” Lip said. 
You frowned, turning around and putting a hand on your hip. “You can’t. Someone has to watch Freddy.”
“Debbie can watch Freddy,” Lip said. 
You scoffed, “She's never here. And before you say V and Kev, they’ve already helped us enough the past few months. They’re busy with their own kids.”
“Well, I need to go into work. We need the money,” Lip said. 
“Yeah, and I need to go to work or I’m gonna get fired!” You exclaimed. You began feeding Freddy, your mood lightening a little once you saw the little guy’s face. 
“What about working tomorrow? I thought that was our schedule,” Lip asked. 
“It was, but one, I’m well overdue on maternity leave and two, my boss doesn’t care about my personal life. She doesn’t care that we are struggling to raise a child,” you explained. 
Lip opened his mouth to suggest something, but nothing came out. He looked at you helplessly. 
“Here, why don’t you work for a few hours and I’ll watch Freddy in the morning, then you come back home at lunch and I’ll go and work for the afternoon,” you said. 
Lip nodded. “Yeah, that works.”
“Alright, good,” you said. You turned your attention back to the baby, feeding him the rest of his breakfast. Meanwhile, Lip went to shower and get ready to go to work. He came downstairs, coming over to bid you and Freddy goodbye. 
“I’ll see you later. I love you,” Lip said, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
Even though you were mad at him earlier, you melted into his arms immediately. You hugged him back tightly, burying your head in the crook of his neck. 
“Hm, I love you, too,” you said, breathing in his scent. 
Lip couldn’t help but smile at your actions. He pulled away after a few moments, walking over to Freddy. 
“I love you, too, buddy,” Lip cooed, kissing Freddy on the cheek, making the baby giggle. 
You smiled at the scene, enjoying seeing Lip interact with Freddy. 
“Bye,” Lip called out before leaving. 
“Bye!” You exclaimed, watching him leave. 
You let out a long sigh, leaning back against the fridge. You looked at Freddy, who was clapping his hands on his high-chair table. You laughed a little.
“You’re so silly,” you said, going over to him and picking him up. 
“Do you want to go to the store with me?” You talked to Freddy, bouncing him up and down while walking across the room. 
Freddy make a little squeak and you smiled. “Yeah, I know you want go to the store with me. I’m gonna shower and get ready, you stay in the crib, okay? I’ll be out in 10 minutes,” you said, going up to the nursery and setting Freddy down  gently. 
You went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing your teeth. You went back in your room and got dressed into a pair of mom jeans, a dark-purple, buttoned-up shirt and put a grey sweater over it, taking the collar of your shirt and folding it on the collar of your sweater. You then returned to Freddy’s room. You saw him on his back, sucking in his thumb. You smiled and picked him up, quietly going down the stairs. You set him in his high-chair again, getting your coat, purse, and your shoes. You also got Freddy’s little coat and hat to keep him warm in the cold winter of Chicago. 
You went out to your car, buckling Freddy into his carseat. You then went to the supermarket, putting Freddy in the front of the cart. You picked out fruit, vegetables, and salad mix. You got 2 gallons of milk, new coffee creamer, and cereal. You bought a few warm-up dinner packs and hamburger meat, going to the freezer isle and getting ice cream. You then went to the snack isle. 
“What should we get, Freddy?” You asked, looking at the pop tarts. 
Freddy pointed to the birthday cake-flavoured pop tarts. 
“Good choice, baby,” you smiled, grabbing the pop tarts. You then grabbed a few packs of chips and gum, going over to check out.
“Cute baby,” the girl at the register said. 
You looked up from putting the groceries on the table. You looked at her name tag and smiled. 
“Thank you, Stacy,” you said. “How old is he?” Stacy asked. 
“Almost 2 months,” you said. 
“Awe, so cute. I just found out I’m pregnant,” Stacy said. 
“Oh, really. Congrats,” you smiled. “Yeah, my boyfriend and I are happy,” Stacy smiled, putting her hand on her stomach. 
She rang your groceries up. “It’ll be $103.98.”
You nodded and took your card out and a few coupons you and Lip had collected in the past month. 
“Alright, with these coupons, your total is $80.56,” Stacey said.
“Great,” you smiled. You paid with your card, gathering the grocery bags. 
“Have a good day!” Stacy smiled. 
“Thank you, you too. Congrats again with the baby,” you gave her a kind smile. 
She thanked you as you walked out. You loaded the groceries into the car and put Freddy back in his carseat. You then drove back home, putting away the groceries while Freddy watched you in his high-chair. 
“Are you tired, baby? I’m tired,” you yawned. Freddy yawned right after you, making you chuckle. 
“Why don’t you take a nap and let Mommy clean the house, okay? It’s a fucking mess,” you muttered the curse words, looking around the house. Clothes and toys were everywhere. Plates were stacked in the sink and on the coffee table. The house needed to be vacuumed and wiped down very badly
You put Freddy down in his crib, turning on the baby monitor. You changed into a tank top and shorts and put your hair in a ponytail, going back downstairs to clean. 
You started with the dishes, washing and drying them off, putting them back in their cupboards. You then wiped down the kitchen counter, stove top, kitchen table, and coffee table. Next you decided to clean up all of the baby stuff that was on the floor. You put Freddy’s toys in the play bins you and Lip had bought and put Freddy’s clothes in the washing machine. You then vacuumed the living room carpet and swept the kitchen tiles, making yourself another cup of coffee. You were done in an hour and a half, taking a look at your work, smiling in satisfaction. Your house hadn’t been this clean since you and Lip had bought it. 
It was lunch time and you knew Lip would be coming home soon. You decided to make you and him lunch. You made chilli and salad, knowing that it would last you two for a few days. You changed back into your work uniform before grabbing yourself a bowl and sitting down, eating your lunch quickly before you had to go to work. 
15 minutes later, Lip had walked through the door. You got up to greet him. 
“Hey, babe. This smells good, what did you make?” Lip asked.  “Chilli and salad for lunch. You can have some,” you said. 
“Ah, nice,” Lip said. He gave you a kiss on the cheek, going over to the kitchen.  You frowned. He usually wasn’t this detached.
“How was work?” You asked. 
“Good,” Lip said, grabbing himself a bowl of chilli. “How was your day?”
“Good,” you said. “ I um… I cleaned the house and got groceries.”
“Oh, nice,” Lip said, sitting down. 
"Are you okay?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I’m just tired,” Lip said. 
“Um, okay,” you said. “Well, Freddy is upstairs taking a nap. He’s been asleep for about two hours, so he will probably wake up soon. The baby monitor is here. When he wakes up can you give him a bath? He’s a little stinky.”
“Sure,” Lip nodded. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to figure out why he was acting so off. 
“I gotta go to work. I'll see you later, okay?” You said. 
“Okay. Have fun,” Lip said.
You slammed the front door shut and walked to your car, letting out a long sigh. You wanted to ask why Lip was acting so distant, but you knew you had to go to work. You worked as a waitress at a local diner. You had been working there for the past 3 years. You hoped to be moving jobs to what you really wanted to do, which was cosmetics, but having a baby set you back a little. You were so thankful for Freddy, though, you didn’t regret having him one bit. It just sucked a lot. But you were good at your job. you were friendly to customers and co-workers, got the most tips, and never played around. You were your boss’s best waitress, despite you always having to change your shifts. 
You worked from 1 pm to 9, going back home tired, but happy you at least got a shift in. You drove home, looking forward to seeing Lip and Freddy, but once you got in the door, your excitement immediately diminished. 
Freddy was in his play pen and the person who was watching him wasn’t Lip. It was Carl. 
“Um, hey, Carl,” you frowned, setting your coat in the closet. 
Carl turned to you, a nervous smile on his face. “Hey, Y/n. How’re you?”
“Good, thanks. Where is Lip?” You asked, putting your hands on your hips. 
“He went out,” Carl answered. 
“To where?” You asked, your temper rising. “Um…. to the Alibi,” Carl said nervously. 
Your eyes blew wide. “What?! He went to the Alibi and left you to take care of our baby? No offense, Carl.”
“None taken,” Carl shrugged. 
“I…” you started to say. You put your fingers on your temples, rubbing in circles to try and ease the headache you were beginning to have. You were able to calm down a little. 
“Thank you for taking care of Freddy,” you said to Carl. 
“No problem. I love the little guy,” Carl smiled. 
You smiled back, grabbing your purse. “Here, let me pay you for watching him.”
“I would usually say yes to money, but I’ll say no this time. I like spending time with Freddy, he's my nephew, I like watching him,” Carl shrugged.
“Are you sure?” You asked, holding a 20 dollar bill. 
“Yeah, I am,” Carl smiled kindly. 
“Alright. Thank you. I’m going to find Lip. Do you mind staying until I come back?” You asked. 
“Nope. Can I have some of the chilli?” Carl asked. 
“Yeah, of course. Do you know how to change diapers and feed Freddy?” You asked. 
“Yeah, of course. I took care of Liam and Franny for Debbie sometimes,” Carl said. 
“Right, of course,” you chuckled. “Thanks, again. I’ll see you later.”
“See you,” Carl waved. 
You didn’t bother grabbing your coat, rushing out of the house to find Lip. You drove to the Alibi, parking haphazardly. You went in, anger surging through you as you saw Lip smoking and drinking his liver and lungs out. He was talking with Kermit and Tommy. 
“Lip!” You screamed, the whole room turning going quiet. 
“Oh, hey, Y/n!” Kev smiled. 
“Hey, Kev. Can I see Lip for a second?” You asked, clenching your jaw. 
Lip looked at you, his eyes dropping. “Hey, baby.” He walked up to you, a stoned smile on his face. 
You grabbed his hand, yanking him out to the alley behind the Alibi. 
“What's up?” Lip asked.
“You! That’s what’s up!” You exclaimed. 
“What do you mean?” Lip asked. 
“You fucking left Freddy alone!” You shouted. “I left him with Carl. He’s fine,” Lip shrugged. 
“Yeah, but you didn’t call me to say you were going to leave Freddy!” 
Lip glared at you. “I don’t need to call you. He’s my son.”
“He’s my son, too! I’m his mother. I need to know who he is with! What if Carl brought over Kelly and they started having sex on the couch where Freddy could see, huh? I don’t fucking want that!” 
Lip chuckled. “They wouldn’t do that. Carl and Kelly are broken up or whatever.”
You groaned. “That’s not the point! I’m tired and super stressed out. You could have let me know!” 
“I’m tired and stressed out, too!” Lip exclaimed.
“Oh, yeah, I bet you are. Getting fucking drunk and stoned,” you laughed sourly. 
“I’m not drunk, I had 2 sips of beer, and I worked!” Lip exclaimed. 
“Yeah? Well I worked, too! I worked until 9 at night. I should be home by then! And I was the one who cleaned the house and did the dishes and got the groceries, which by the way, you are fucking welcome!” You shouted. 
“I never asked you to do that,” Lip said. 
“i know, but I did it because we needed it. All I wanted was a thank you!” “Well I was tired and hungry when I got home,” Lip shrugged. 
You glared at him, tears clouding your vision. “You’re so full of shit, Lip. So full of fucking shit!” You screamed, pushing him back. He stumbled backwards and hit the brick wall gently. 
“What the fuck, Y/n?!” Lip yelled. 
“Don’t do that! You don’t have the right to question me!” You screamed back. 
Lip opened his mouth to yell back, but Veronica and Kevin came out. 
“Hey, you two stop it!” Veronica yelled. 
“Yeah, what’s going on?” Kevin asked. 
“She is yelling at me!” Lip pointed to you. 
“Yeah, cause you’re a fucking asshole!” You screamed, your voice hoarse and tears running down your face. 
“Oh, no,” Veronica muttered. She went over to you, wrapping her arms around you gently. “Let’s go inside and get you some tea, okay?”
You started to sob, leaning in to Veronica. Lip looked at you, his heart breaking at the sight of you so upset.  
“Kev, you take Lip home and get him cleaned up, okay? Make sure Freddy is fed and changed and put to bed, too,” Veronica instructed. 
Kevin nodded, putting his arm around Lip and went to Lip’s car. Veronica walked you inside, taking you to the back of the bar. She got you a beer and a hot cup of tea, placing them in front of you. 
“T-Thanks,” you sniffled. 
“Talk to me, baby,” Veronica said, sitting down next to you. 
“Lip left Freddy home alone with Carl. I’ve been so busy and tired today. I cleaned the whole house, got the groceries. I worked for fucking 8 hours. I just wanted a little ‘thank you’ from Lip. That’s all I wanted,” you cried. “God, I’m such a fucking crybaby.”
Veronica put her hand on your arm comfortingly. “No, honey, you’re not. I understand, don’t worry, and Lip should, too. Maybe you should calm down a little and then go back home and talk to him. Really talk, no shouting and pushing.”
You took a big sip of your beer and nodded. “Yeah, that’s a good plan.”
Veronica smiled. “Do you want anything to eat?”
“No, I’m fine,” you said. 
“You sure? We have some chocolate chip cookies,” Veronica smiled. 
“Hm, okay. I'll have a few,” you smiled. 
“Great!” Veronica squealed. She went away for a few moments, coming back with a container full of cookies. 
You sat and talked with Veronica for two hours. You soon were about to pass out and decided to drive you and Veronica home since Kevin had taken their car. 
“Thanks for the fun night, V,” you smiled at Veronica as you dropped her back to her house. 
“No problem! Drive home safe! Call if you need anything,” Veronica said. 
“Will do,” you said and drove back home, which was thankfully only 5 minutes away. 
You got home, going in and seeing the living room empty. You took off your shoes, groaning in relief as your heels had been aching the whole day. You trudged up the stairs and into your bedroom. You heard the shower going but didn’t bother to go and see Lip. 
You changed out of your work clothes and into a pair of shorts and a tank top. You put your hair in a messy bun, flinging yourself on your bed. 
Lip came into the room with Freddy a few moments later. You noticed his presence.
“What?” You snapped. 
“I just… do you want Freddy and I to lay down with you?” Lip asked. 
You looked to them, seeing Freddy smiling at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure.”
You scooted over, Lip setting Freddy down next to you and climbing into bed with you. You gave Freddy a big kiss. 
“Hi, baby. I’ve missed you,” you cooed. 
Freddy chortled, clapping his hands. You giggled with the baby, ignoring Lip until he spoke. 
“So uh… how was your day?” Lip asked nervously. 
“Fine. How was yours?” You asked, not looking at him. 
“Mine was uh… good,” Lip said. 
“Good,” you said shortly. 
There was an awkward silence between you two before Lip spoke again. 
“I wanted to apologise for my actions today,” Lip started to say. 
This was the first time you felt like looking at him. You stared in his blue eyes, waiting for his apology. 
“I’m sorry about ignoring the work you did around the house and I’m sorry for not letting you know I was having Carl take care of Freddy. And I’m sorry for going to the Alibi and getting stoned. I really appreciate you cleaning the house. It really needed to be cleaned and to keep it clean, I promise to try and not leave dishes out and pick up Freddy’s toys,” Lip said. 
You smiled at his apology, scooting up on the bed so you could put your forehead on his without crushing Freddy. 
“Thank you. And the house being messy isn’t totally your fault. I need to learn to clean up after myself more, too,” you said. 
Lip chuckled, “That’s something we can both work on then.”
“Totally,” you smiled. 
“I’m also sorry for yelling at you at the Alibi. I’ve just been so stressed with work and Freddy. I’ve never had to take care of a baby that was my own before. I’ve always had help from Fiona and Ian,” Lip said. 
You put your hand on his cheek. “I know, baby. This is all new for me, too. And I’m sorry for yelling at you, too, you didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s alright. I kinda did,” Lip chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile “Well anyways, we’ll get through this together, okay? I love you. So, so, so much. And I love Freddy, probably a little too much,” you joked. “Let’s just take this one day at a time okay?”
Lip nodded and pressed his lips against yours softly. You kissed him back before pulling away, making sure Freddy was okay. 
Lip smiled. “I love you, too, you know.”
You looked back up to Lip with a big smile. “Yeah, I know.”
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bonnymori · 3 years ago
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲
Word count: 2760+ (i'll try to keep bigger lengths such as this one!)
Synopsis: You meet a new classmate who's working along Nanami, you think he's fun to be around, it stands the same to him about you. Later, feelings unravel.
Contents/Warnings: (1) Itadori Yuuji x gn!reader (2) FLUFF, TONS OF FLUFF - and some comfort (3) With the small participation of... Ino Takuma!! I really like him too, that's why <33333 (4) This is pretty platonic, but also not? (5) Ending turned sorta cliché... but I liked it u.u
A/N: This boy made me run rampant... to fhe point it's not single attraction anymore I just wish him happiness (smh if only my parents knew...) also next post will be Toji's fic pt. 2! Y'all see the first part is almost reaching 100 kudos????? I'M SO HAPPY EHSODJWKDKSJD- thanks for all the new followers and the support!! <33
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Ever since his fake death, Itadori has been training alone with the help of Gojo - and now, he works along a freshly new face, who belongs to a senior, founds out ex-salaryman named Nanami Kento. He's far a thousand times more strict than Gojo. Itadori doesn't really likes the change, because Nanami is a person he can't get along. This whole guy's appearance scream "work 4 life"; he has proved different, now he screams "work is shit - but I gotta do it because others won't".
They've just finished cleansing the outside of a movie theater off a few curses, when Itadori hears shouting from far behind them. Two figures approach, waving excessively. He quickly picks on Nanami's tired sigh beside him.
"Nanami! We figured out you'd be here! Our mission has been finished and we wanted to catch up to have lunch together!" A male clad in a full black outfit shouts, he has brown hair and a beanie on top of his head, looking quite content.
The other person simply trots next to him in silence, approaching with a friendly smile. They notice Itadori faster than the male, smile widening and quickly waving hello, suddenly eager to reach up to them. The gesture makes the pink haired boy perk up, curious to why the other person looked so joyful. His question is easily answered, when they tug on the man's sleeve and motion to him.
"Ino, we have a third buddy!" The dude looks at him with widened eyes. "So nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N! It's great to see new faces around!"
Itadori smiles at your energy, knowing already he would click with you very well.
"I'm Ino Takuma, sorry for not noticing you before! Your uniform looks cool." Itadori exchanges a few compliments with Ino, before the man turns to talk with Nanami, leaving him and you together.
"Yes! I'm Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuuji-desu! My type of woman is Jenn-"
You turn to him. "So, are you a first year?"
"Geh? Weren't you dead though?!"
"I was!- I am!- Please keep secret."
"Ahem." Nanami coughs, drawing attention. "I requested you two to not come after me today. Itadori here is the reason why."
"That's no problem, we're very capable of keeping secrets." You threw your arm over Itadori's shoulder, him nodding along with you.
"Oh really, then remember to keep quiet about it. I'll let this slide." The group of students nervously at Nanami's intimidating tone. "But, I'll get to have my break alone."
"Gah!" Ino exclaimed, watching Nanami walk away; he also left the responsability of taking care of Itadori for you two, leaving without a word. "It really had to be today, when Nanami would take us to his favorite bakery..."
"Crybaby." You teased. "Itadori here can't go outside where anyone can see him, he's dead. So, we were to order food either way because he shouldn't be left out."
"Augh okay, it would be unfair."
"So, where are you staying Itadori?"
"At Gojo's state!"
"Whoa, I've never been there before." Ino commented, waiting as you sent a message to Ijichi to pick them up.
"He's my teacher, a very cool one!"
"I imagine! Ooookay, once we get there I'll get the food."
Itadori felt as his chest would burst of excitement, finally there was people around him again, he couldn't be less happy about it.
"Sharing is caring!"
Itadori laughed as you wrestled with Takuma for some fries, netflix long forgotten in the background, as watching the banter was way more entertaining. Most of the time, Ino rambled a lot about Nanami, while he rambled a lot about Gojo. The guy even showed him the cool scar under his beanie. He felt kinda upset after explaining the exchange was just temporary, his stay under Nanami's wing wasn't decisive, and therefore, he was more like a classmate than a partner.
Itadori also learned a lot about you. He was surprised to find out that you, although energetic, was the one to speak the lesser in conversations. His surprisement grew even bigger when you told him you're a exchange student from Kyoto, arriving Tokyo about the same month as him - thankfully, you were to say for good.
Conversations flowed easily in the air, until a voice from the doorway barged in.
"Yuuji-kun! Don't forget about your lessons! Hi kids! Bye kids!" Gojo said playfully, throwing the familiar punching bear to Itadori before leaving.
"What's this thing?" Ino asked.
"It's to help me control my cursed energy. So while I watch the movies, if I don't charge it with cursed energy it punches me square in the face. I thought I had mastered this thing already, but he insist I keep training with it." Itadori grumbles.
"At least it's cute." You commented, taking a sip of your drink.
"Until it punches you in your face without warning!" The pink haired boy barks.
The talks died down, the three of you eating quietly when another movie is played on the screen. Itadori didn't bother reading the title, it was a plain one about a zombie apocalypse that got him extremely bored, yet he kept watching still so the plushie didn't punch him in the face again; he's been keeping a record since all his last cursed energy training lessons were a sucess to this day. When his head started nodding and eyelids dropping Itadori can't remember well, about fourty five minutes of movie perhaps? Make it fifty, the second slumber took over his body completely.
When he awoke once again, it was near midnight, the clock on the wall told him so. He also noticed a soft and warm surface supporting his head, figures, it's your shoulder he's resting into, he feels an arm around his own shoulders and your cheek placed upon his hair.
"Hey, it's late." You immediately notices he's awake, calling out softly. "You should sleep on your room, or something, better to your spine."
He chuckles when you poke his side. "But I'm comfortable here."
"I'm surprised, you just met me today, and now is sleeping on my shoulder."
"I'm not, that happens often to me."
"Sleeping on people's shoulders?"
"No! Making friends quickly." Itadori likes your gentle warmth, your hug, everything makes him feel at home. "I met two more people before you for two weeks, but they can't see me, because I'm dead."
"So I'll keep you company, that's my new mission."
His eyes widen at that, a oh so little blush covering the tip of his ears.
"For how many time I slept anyway?" He asks.
"About two- no, three hours. You missed two movies, and this one is about to end."
"And you stayed here the whole time?" He motions to your shoulder.
"Yep. That reminds me I gotta pee."
Itadori grumbles, but quickly lifts himself off you, respecting your needs. That gives him some time to look around, he notices Ino is gone, and the plushie sits quietly at the other side of the couch, unmoving.
"Y/N! How did you manage to make it quiet down?" He's beyond bafflet.
"I said!" You arrive quickly at the doorframe, hands still wet from when you washed them. "I used my innate technique."
"Oh! How is it like?"
"It's kinda funny, gimme a moment." You left to wipe off your hands, coming back in a second. "So, just like Shoko, I produce reverse curse energy, but it's quite different than hers, I can't heal people. That's why we often call it positive energy instead. I can use it to soothe off negative energy, so the bear has no cursed energy right now."
"How does it works on people?" He felt very curious about everything, asking away like a kid.
"Since everyone has negative energy, it just makes you sleepy really. But when it comes to curses it's really practical, I can either weaken it or, if the curse is like grade three or four, I can slap them off existence completely by wiping all their energy." You were naturally proud of having a such versatile power, your own energy swirling with pride around you.
"That sounds amazing! Is it why I fell asleep though?"
"Nah, only if I did it on purpose. I guess you were just tired, hope you don't mind I decided to let you rest today."
"No way, it was a good nap."
You nodded. "By the way, Ino left to attend to a drinking party, he paid for our food."
"Drinking? Is he old?"
"Yeah, he's twenty." You chuckled, already expecting that kind of reaction.
"No way! He looks young just like us!"
"That's totally my reaction after I learned he's twenty!"
After that day, you started visiting Itadori weekly to daily, after exchanging numbers he made a little group with you and Ino, naming it the "Nanami trio". But really, he exchanges more texts with you in private, be them memes, cool images he wish to share, etcetera. Although, Ino wasn't left excluded, he ofter brough his xbox to connect to Itadori's tv room and you all would spend hours playing together; he just didn't spend much time with both of you as much. And that was okay.
For a few days, your connection with Itadori died down when he didn't reply to your texts. They would remain unread for some time, the longest being half a day, until he would spam apologies then move on with the topic. That became a routine until one day when you came over to check on Itadori unnanounced, needin to ease off your worries about the boy, only to find him sobbing in the middle of a hallway, staring ahead and beyond, his back to you.
"Egh!" Startled, he scrambled to wipe his eyes, turning to you. "H-hey, um, hi."
"What happened?"
"I- he-" His eyes didn't met yours, knuckles white in a death grip. You notice he has a few bandages thrown over his face and arms. The way his shoulders are drawn, as if he wants to shrink into himself is something you've experienced before.
"Something hard to talk about?"
He nods almost immediately, head still facing down.
"It's alright, come with me." You reach for his hands, grimacing slightly when his forceful grip is now on your hand, yet you don't comment on it. He follows you through the state wordlessly.
You two stop on the same tv room, sitting down on the couch. You then guide his head to your shoulder, gently massaging his scalp with the free hand.
"It's alright."
Those two words are chanted like a prayer for the next half hour, at some point, Itadori twisted his body towards yours and unknowingly caged you between him and the sofa arm. He embraced you with a force you didn't have in you, like he didn't want to lose one another. Painful or not, not a muscle moved on your body. He needed a shoulder to cry on.
Thirty minutes passed like seconds, you peered down only to find the boy confortably napping against your bosom; at some point you just became the cold side of the pillow to him. That's alright. It brings you joy to be the mom friend anyways. So you decided to join the sleepland aswell, arms still secured around his shoulders and the back of his head.
It feels like the nap hasn't been long, though, because you can feel Itadori's grip loosening and therefore, you're awake.
"Sorry if I broke any bones, in advance."
"Wow, and you only warn me now."
He laughs at your comeback, hands still secured around your waist.
"I'm surprised you let me uh, cuddle you for comfort - and sleep. I don't understand it? You just make me sleepy." He rambled, keeping eye contact with you while his head still rests on your chest.
"That's a piece of cake when you have younger siblings who seek for you every night they get a nightmare."
"Does that mean I can come to you again if I have a nightmare?" There it is, his togepi-kirby cutesy face.
"Are you four?"
"That's mean!" Itadori blushed, squeezing you on his arms. "I like the contact. It puts me at ease."
"Mm, do you want to talk about it?"
He gulped. "No, not really."
Your peach haired friend remained silent, and so did you. It seems he doesn't intend in letting you go soon, or he just really forgot to mention it. It gives them time to think, your younger sisted used to do that sometimes, back in Kyoto.
"Y/N, wanna watch anything?"
"Sure, have you watched Parasyte before?"
"No, let's give it a try then!" Itadori glances at the remote, then back at you - making you confused over his hesitation to move. He notices you noticed it, chuckling nervously. "To be honest, I don't wanna let go."
"It's hurting my back."
"SORRY I'M SORRY!" He jumped away from you like a cat would jolt away from a cucumber, making you snicker.
"It's okay, I just wanted to change positions."
And to tease you, but he didn't need to know that part.
He glared at you with a small pout, typing the initials of Parasyte on the search bar. Outside his line of vision, you were grinning like a idiot, his sweeteness took a tow on you. All the people of Tokyo you met really held a way different spirit from your classmates in Kyoto, Itadori being the nicest of all. It's surprising him being Sukuna's vessel to begin with; being honest, you felt drawn by it.
"Y/N, it's startiiiiing." He cut your daydreaming short, slumping on your side and propping his head on your shoulder.
"This again?" You throw an arm around his shoulders, very much like the first time he cuddled himself on you.
"Don't blame me, you're the one who wanted to change positions. Guess I'll just make some alterations since I'm awake this time!" One of his arms went behind your back and circled your waist, hand resting at your hip.
"It's definely different, since the other time you drooled on me."
"Hhgh, okay okay! Let me enjoy this." For perhaps the actual first time, you're able to watch without exchanging words with one another.
And this time, it's you who's head loll to the side, nose buried on his soft rose perfumed hair. Itadori doesn't comment on it yet, his free hand moves under your legs to lift your whole body up efortlessly when he senses you have fallen asleep.
"I remember you said it's bad for my spine, I wouldn't mind it... yours however."
The boy makes a beeline to the guest room, he sighs when there is no choice but open the door with his foot. Inside, he places you carefully in the soft bed.
Before he could leave, a hand reaches up for his sleeve.
"Itadori," He turned, looking at you. "Make me company?"
He giggles softly - you think it sounds like a highschool girl. "You should start calling me by my first name!" Itadori rambles as he climbs on the bed, arms wrapping around your waist in a motion you're familiar with.
"Yuuji, I'm tired, let me sleep."
"But I wanna talk more..." He pouts. "Also, are we, um, dating?"
You wriggle around, bringing his head down to peck on his forehead, teasing. "Correction, I want to date you."
"Uh, oh." A blush coats his face so quickly, you'd say someone dumped a bucket of red paint on his face.
"Is that a no?"
"So it is a no."
"Christ, will you stop teasing for a second, I'm trying to talk here." He makes an angry version of his togepi-kirby face, you can't help but grin.
"You amuse me, but okay. I'll do it for you."
"Thanks." He blinks, the blush slowly fading away. "You know, I lied, not about the contact, I like the contact nonetheless-"
His hand moves to play with yours, such as tapping his tips against yours, or meassuring the palms.
"-it's you who brings me comfort."
It's also your turn to blush, that line was seriously charming.
"Yes, we're dating now." You respond, a little eagerly. "Can I kiss you?"
This is the best person I could ask for, Itadori thinks, keeping his eyes open as yours shut during the kiss, whom I won't change for anything else in this world.
When you both separate, Itadori feels drowsy and sleepy. His face fits perfectly on your shoulder as always.
"Goodnight, my favorite person."
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come-on-shitty-boys · 5 years ago
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//general dating headcannons//
Characters: Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou/Akaashi Keiji
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 2K (~630 a piece)
Notes: kdhfesdkfje catch me getting carried away on Kuroo’s ope 0-0
Bokuto Koutarou
My literal husband ;-;
He’s such a sweet boyf oml hi yes, where do I order one?
Bokuto 100% dates to marry.  He’s not here for flings or anything like that, so your relationship will turn serious pretty fast.
Bo is a simp and no one can tell me otherwise, so when it comes to PDA? Oh, he’s C L I N G Y
He always wants to hold your hand or sometimes he’ll walk behind you and cling to your waist.  It’s definitely super hard for both of you to walk, but it’s adorable and makes him happy, so you’re not really going to complain.
If you hug onto his arm? He’s going to melt, especially if you trail your fingers up and down his bicep
It’s the same when the two of you are in private.  He likes to have contact with you whenever possible.  He’ll lay your head in his lap if you’re both laying on the couch or he’ll sit you in his lap and place little kisses at the base of your neck, right above the collar of your shirt.
His clothes are your clothes.  At this point, you wear his training jacket more than he does.  Sweatshirts? Flannels? Shorts?  That’s shared territory right there.
And my G O D does he love it.  He already has to buy bigger clothes because he’s got those wide shoulders, so his clothes tend to either fit you perfectly or completely swallow you, there is no in between.
If you’re thicc too? He has 100% stolen your leggings, just to see the appeal of them.  Please hide them, because oH he understands now.
He gets jealous jealous.  As in, he will place himself between you and the guy trying to talk to you and he’ll act all big and tough.  But the minute the other dude backs off?  Baby boy is back, wanting hugs.  He’ll kiss you all over your face and be really pouty, asking if you’re okay and telling you that he loves you ;-;
Bokuto hoots bye i don’t make the rules. Okay yeah i kinda do, but still.
It’s not like HOOOOOT, but like a really soft h o o and he probably kinda wiggles in his spot, real happy
Bo has N O control over how he sleeps.  He’ll always start out really normal, like you’ll be tucked into his side or something, but by the time you guys wake up? S T A R F I S H he is on his face, limbs covering the whole bed, just snoring away
When he’s away for games, he’s always on the phone with you.  Like, the guys will try to hang out or something and he’ll definitely go off to his room with a “Oh, I want to call Y/N before she goes to bed, but I’ll come by later!” 
And then he just doesn’t because he’s the one who fell asleep, not you.
Compliments the shit out of you.  You’re his hype man and he is yours.  He’s constantly telling you that you look beautiful or if you send him a selfie, he’s absolutely sending back the simp emoji, asking how he got so lucky.
He calls you ‘babe’ but usually only when he wants your attention or if he’s in another room and needs something, so expects lots of “Baaaaaaaaaaabe”s to be headed your way.
Other times?  He calls you by name.  Because there’s a million people who get called babe or sweetheart, but your name is yours, so it feels special and kinda intimate to him?  So, if he’s feeling a little extra sentimental, he’s going to bury his face in your neck and just whisper lots of quiet, “I love you, Y/N”s over and over again.
Kuroo Tetsurou
R O O S T E R H E A D A S S that I love very very much
He’s a complete dork and I know the fandom makes him to be some kind of smooth talking God I’m guilty of it too but-
He’s literally not.  He fumbles over his words so much when he’s around you.  You guys can be dating for years and he’ll still have his moments where he’s a stuttering mess in front of you.
Asking you out?  You suffered second-hand embarrassment.  His face was about as red as his jersey and the boy was so nervous, rubbing the back of his neck, refusing to look at you, but then just shyly raising his eyes to look at you and muttering,
“Do you maybe wanna go out sometime?”
“But- but only if you want, of course! Don’t feel like you have to say yes, I can take rejection!  I’m so sorry.  I probably made you really uncomfortable.  You know what?  You don’t have to answer.  I’m just going to go.”
He’s so shook when you say yes, but then immediately puts his cool guy act back on, like “psshh of course you do.”
I don’t see him being super into PDA or physical contact period?  There’s something really special about just being near each other to him.  Just accidentally bumping shoulders or brushing hands while the two of you stroll, talking about anything and everything.
Even in private, there’s not a ton of physical contact.  Maybe tangling legs together as you sit on opposite ends of the couch, but that’s really it.  He likes being in close proximity with you, but he doesn’t need to be touching you at all times.
But he’s down to cuddle if you ask.  He’ll let you lay on top of him and hide your face in his neck or his chest.  Sometimes you guys will talk, but most of the time?  Cuddle time = nap time
He doesn’t get super jealous, but he won’t hesitate to come stand behind you if some guy is trying to hit on you.  Kuroo will probably just play with your hair or make some kind of comment about how that bracelet he bought you looks really nice on you.  Just dropping subtle hints that you’re taken.
Afterwards, though, he just drops it.  It doesn’t really bother him.  He knows well enough that if you didn’t want to be with him, you would’ve broken up with him.  He just wants to be there in case someone tries to make you uncomfortable.
I’m talking like board games.  Hours and hours of just sitting at the kitchen table with a bunch of your guys’ friends, slowly ruining relationships, but overall having a good time.
Kuroo plays Dungeons and Dragons.  I’ve said this SO many times and no one is going to tell me otherwise.  So, if you show any interest in maybe wanting to play, or, better yet, if you already know how to play?  He’s bringing you to A L L of the future sessions.
He’s probably going to write your character into his character’s backstory, so when Dungeon Master!Kenma scolds him for playing reckless in order to protect you, Kuroo can retort with, “Well, actually, if you paid attention when I was telling my backstory, you would know- *insert long-winded backstory of how your characters know each other and how his character vowed to your character’s dying father that he would protect you etc etc*”
Kuroo is super into domestic life with you, so you guys probably moved in together as soon as possible.  As in, if you started dating in high school, you were sharing an apartment your first year of college. 
He just has a lot of fun doing little household things with you, like cooking, cleaning, or just enjoying quiet evenings together after all of the work is done for the day.
Kuroo said “I love you” first, but it took you both forever to say it, because you were both kind of new to this dating thing and you had always been told that it was a really big deal, so you didn’t want to rush that.
;-; please take care of my dorky rooster
Akaashi Keiji
Akaashi is pretty easy-going in relationships, but he’s also super romantic.
As in, he has hand-written you love letters.  He’s got really neat writing too, so that just adds to their appeal.  Akaashi probably has a wax seal that he seals all of the envelopes with? I don’t know why, but he seems like the type of guy to have one.  
You guys have a book club, just the two of you.  Oh, it’s so cute.  It started as the two of you forcing each other to read your favorite books, but then, you guys ran out of books to share?  So, once a month, you guys will go to the local bookstore and just spend a good hour or two trying to decide what book to give the other next.  
Akaashi 100% always recommends classic novels.  Things like Sense & Sensibility, Fahrenheit 451, Lord of the Flies, and Brave New World am i saying that because that’s my favorite book? more likely than you’d think.
He’s a lot more prepared for these shopping escapades that you are.  He usually knows exactly what he wants to get you.  If they don’t have it?  That’s fine.  He has a list.
You on the other hand?  You’re asking the clerks what they recommend, reading the back of every book that seems like something he might enjoy, but you usually resort to dystopian novels (Never Let Me Go, Gone, The Handmaid’s Tale, etc), because he likes analyzing the politics and seeing how they could be metaphors for today’s world.  
Damn this really turned into me just recommending books huh
After you two pick out the selections for the month, you two coffee hop.  So, each month, you try a new cafe and you will spend hours just sipping coffee and reading.
He gave you a first edition copy of the first book that you recommended to him for your anniversary one year.  Akaashi wrote you a letter, telling you how happy he was to have spent so much time with you and that he can’t wait to share more books with you and probably some really poetic stuff, because he’s a good writer, but he hid it in your favorite part, so you don’t get to read it right away.  
Okay, now that I got that out of my head.  Like Kuroo, Akaashi isn’t super into PDA, but he does like to hold your hand.  He also always offers to carry your bag.
Akaashi likes to fidget with your fingers.  The two of you could be out or just hanging at home, but he’s playing with your fingers.  It’s just a habit for him.  He used to fidget with his own hands a lot, but now he’s got yours, so not only does he get to keep his hands busy, he gets to hold onto your hand
He doesn’t get jealous.  Or at least, you don’t think so.  He’s really good at hiding any sense of envy he might feel.  He doesn’t say anything.  He knows that you can take care of yourself, but he’s likely right there next to you, possibly playing with your fingers behind your back.
It’s a really chill relationship dynamic for the most part.  You two could be dating for a week and it’ll already feel like you’ve been together for years.  You guys just vibe really well, so there was never that awkward stage at the beginning of the relationship.  Likely because the two of you started off as friends, so slipping into dating wasn’t a very hard transition.
Akaashi isn’t one to say “I love you” a lot, but he really does love you more than anything.  He likes to take care of you and he tries to give you the best life possible and that says I love you more than any words ever could.
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scarletwinterxx · 5 years ago
to Mark Lee
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All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
“No no no no no” I say repeatedly as I open the oven, smoke coming out when I fully opened the oven door
“How did I mess this up” I mumbled to myself.
This has already been a very long frustrating day. Nothing’s going my way, and it’s suppose to be a happy day. It was Mark’s birthday, I was planning on baking a cake for him but obviously I just ruined that plan. 
I hear my phone ring on the counter making me turn my attention away from the disaster in front of me, already giving up on the burned cake I set it by the sink and turned the oven off before answering the call.
“What?” I asked, annoyance loud and clear in my voice
“Uh you okay?” I hear Mark’s voice asked, oh great now I snapped at the birthday boy
“Oh Hi Mark, sorry I didn’t mean to snap at you” I mumbled
“No worries, are you okay though? You don’t sound good”
I wanted to tell him everything that is going wrong right now but it’s his birthday and all I’ve been doing all day is trying to make this day as special as possible. 
I’m clearly failing at that. 
“Yea just... Yea no I’m fine” I put my phone in between my shoulders and ear then walked back to the sink thinking of trying to bake another cake
“Okay, you’re coming over later right? Hyungs said we’ll have a little dinner party” Mark asked
“Don’t worry Lee, I’ll be there” a smile already making it’s way to my face. He really could make any day better no matter how bad it’s going. That’s just the effect Mark Lee has on people. 
Maybe that’s why people just naturally gravitate towards him, He’s so lovable and adorable without even trying. He may look like the type who doesn’t like being adored or in Yuta’s case smothered, but when there aren’t cameras around he’s really cuddly and cute. 
While listening to his story about how the guys barged into his room at exactly 12 am, I got distracted and forgot the fact that I just took the pan out of the oven. I accidentally touched it, immediately screaming in pain and dropping my phone. 
Quickly putting my injured hand under the running water, while I reach out and grabbed my phone on the floor using the uninjured one
“What was that? Are you okay?” Mark asked, there was no point in saying I was when in reality I’m two seconds away from bursting out in tears
“No, I just burned my self. Can I call you back later?” Saying a quick goodbye to him, I then assessed my hand. Seeing a bright red line across three of my fingers. 
Five minutes ago I didn’t know this day could get worse, I was apparently wrong. 
I grabbed an icepack and rested my hand on it, finally giving up on the idea of baking a cake for Mark. I walked back to the couch and slumped on the seat, some time while scrolling through my phone waiting for my hand to stop hurting I fell asleep. 
The sound of someone knocking on my door woke me up from my accidental nap. Still a bit disoriented, I walked to the door and opened it.
There a Mark Lee stood
“What are you doing here?” I asked, rubbing the sleep off of my eyes
“Came here to see you, what happened to your hand?” he asked back, I let him inside my apartment while he takes the my injured hand in his.
“Sorry I fell asleep, what time is it anyways?” I looked at the clock on the wall to see I have an hour left before I needed to go to their dorm for dinner
I looked back at Mark who was still assessing my hand, a little pout forming on his lips
“Don’t worry about me, it’s your birthday” I say while trying to pull my hand away from his grasp but he just held on tighter
“Doyoung hyung said some aloe will help with the pain, here I got some” I didn’t even the notice the bag he was holding, he set it down on the counter before taking out the medicine
“Come here” 
I don’t know why but those two words made my cheeks burn, good thing his focus was back on tending to my injured hand
“Sorry” I mumbled, this made him look at me for a second before going back to applying the medicine on my hand and then proceed to blow some air on it
“What are you saying sorry for?” 
“I don’t know, for worrying you, for ruining your birthday. I just wanted to bake you a cake” Looking down on my shoes as if it was the most interesting thing to look at, I didn’t notice how Mark stopped his actions to just stare at me.
Only when I looked back at him I noticed his intense stare, a little smile starting to creep on his face
“Is that how you injured your hand? While baking me a cake?” he asked
“Well no, I burned the cake then you called. I got distracted then accidentally touched the pan” I explained
“You didn’t have to make me a cake” he mumbled, now his hand now longer holding mine but instead he put them on my waist and pulled me closer to him
“Just wanted to do something special for you today” I told him, resting my hands on his chest while fiddling with my fingers
“Just being with you in this day makes it extra special”
I rolled my eyes at his statement, trying hard to hide the fact that my heart is about to beat out of my chest because of what he just said. Mark’s not the type to be flashy about his feelings, but when he does I feel like my world does a full 180. 
“No like for real though” he told me again, this time I let out something like a whine making him laugh at me. I just buried my face on his chest trying to hide my burning cheeks
“After all this time you’re still blushing when I say things like that”
“Glad I amuse you”
“You’re too cute, baby”
“Speaking of cute, did you like my gift?” I asked him, lifting my head from his chest to look up at him. 
“Did you really have to get me that?” he asked back
“What? It was cute, and it’s so you. Admit it”
“It was cute, but I still don’t know where to wear it”
“Uh at home? You can definitely wear it to the airport. It’s so comfortable, I might get one for myself” 
The gift was a lion onesie, I’ve been dying to see him in it. I had to stop myself from giving it earlier.
“You know I voted for farm animals for your dance practice video” I told him, I still think about how cute it would have been
“Lion isn’t a farm animal, baby” 
“I- Yea I mean- Whatever. You looked good in those pants anyways so who am I to complain” this time Mark was the one who was blushing, I just laughed at his reaction. 
“Sorry I didn’t get to bake you a cake, I’ll get you one on the way back to your dorm. But happy birthday”
“Thank you” he said with the sweetest smile on, I honestly cannot imagine my world without Mark Lee in it. I thank the heavens, well and his parents, for basically blessing us with this guy right here. He just makes this world a whole lot better.
“No, thank you. Thank you for being you, for being here. Life would suck a little  more if you weren’t here, I honestly cannot think about what it would be like without you bursting into random giggle fits” this made him laugh again
“I’m serious, hearing you that happy makes me happy. I don’t think I have ever met someone who laughs more than you do”
“You make me happy”
“This isn’t a competition, Lee Minhyung. Today is about you okay, let me smother you for today” taking his face in between my hands, I pulled him closer to me
“Happy birthday, baby. I love you” I whispered, a smile appearing on both of our faces. Before we could get any closer, a phone started to ring totally ruining the moment
It was my phone, I answered it quickly 
“Bring Mark back, it’s almost dinner time” Yuta said from the other side of the line
“No, I’m keeping him. Bye” I said then hang up, meanwhile Mark looked confused during the whole exchange through the phone
“We need to go, Yuta might start to haunt me down if we don’t go back. And I’m getting you a cake.”
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okskz · 5 years ago
Elsy + Got7
elsy and jinyoung are out and about when encountering someone who is a bit touchy.
elsy is back! thank you so much for people who have been giving me requests for her. please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated.
tw: sexual harassment
[8th Member of Got7]
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“Don’t know which I like more.” Elsy groaned. She had two different types of heels on, turning in front of a mirror to see which ones she would end up buying. “They both look good on me.”
Jinyoung looked up from his phone. He scoffed at Elsy, “aren’t they literally the same? They’re both black.”
“But different heels.”
“Jiyeon. We have been here for thirty minutes, and you still seem can’t decide on which ones to buy.”
Elsy stared at Jinyoung then back down at her feet. “I’ll take both.”
“Oh my god.”
After paying for both heels, Elsy walked out the shoe store happily with her purchase with Jinyoung by her side.
“Can’t believe we wasted all this time on you deciding which shoes to buy, only for you to buy both.” Jinyoung looked down at Elsy, who had a smile plastered on her face. “Never mind, I do believe it.”
“Ugh, drinks on me then since I put you in torture. Or acting like I put you in some type of torture.”
“You’re too kind.” Jinyoung chuckled as Elsy rolled her eyes.
They entered a nearby cafe, Elsy paying for both of their drinks then quickly walking out. Elsy still wanted to go into stores and shop around some more.
“Don’t you think you’ve spent quite enough?” Jinyoung sighed once entering a clothing store. He stood behind Elsy, shaking his head at the amount of bags she had. “I don’t know how much more bags you can carry.”
Elsy stopped on her tracks, looking down at her bags then turning around to look at Jinyoung. “My arms were meant to carry shopping bags. And to answer your question, no, I don’t think I’ve spent quite enough.”
She began rummaging through the many shirts that were on a rack. “I need to find a cute shirt for my birthday. You know, a little treat for me from me.” Elsy grinned.
“You’ve been treating yourself a whole lot today.”
“You’re no fun.”
Jinyoung could notice Elsy struggling with the many bags in her arms, making it difficult for her to look through the shirts. He shook his head before chuckling. “Let me help, you look like you’re having a hard time.”
He took the bags from her, his arms slightly dropping. “My god, Jiyeon. How can you carry all of these.”
“Stop over exaggerating.” She tsked. “It’s literally five bags.”
“And stop calling me by my real name. It makes it seem like I’m in trouble or something.” She laughed.
“No I’d rather not.”
Elsy gave Jinyoung a small glare before pulling out two blouses. One was a white, off shoulder, long sleeve blouse while the other was a red, strapless crop top.
“Let me guess, you can’t decide?”
“Leave me alone, Jinyoung.”
“Just get both.”
Elsy examined both shirts. She loved both shirts and knew they would look great on her.
“You should get the red if you really only want to get one. Red suites you a lot.”
“You think so?” Elsy smiled.
Jinyoung was about speak before getting an idea. “You know what.” He stopped, dropping the bags on the floor then snatching the shirts from Elsy. He then turned around and hurried his way torwards the register.
Elsy didn’t process what Jinyoung was doing after about a second. She quickly collected all the bags, struggling as she was now carrying hers and Jinyoung’s. “Don’t you dare buy them for me!”
Jinyoung only ignored her, continuing to walk.
She sped walked behind him, trying to make it on time before Jinyoung could pay.
“Just these two, please hurry before she gets here.”
The cashier only giggled a bit, scanning both shirts and telling Jinyoung the total. He snatched out his card right before Elsy had approached him. “Jinyoung, no.”
“Jinyoung, yes.” He happily took his card back and gave Elsy the bag with her shirts. “Happy early birthday.”
Elsy sighed while smiling. “Thank you, you really didn’t have to do this.”
“I know but I wanted to. Ready to go home?”
“Yeah.” Elsy yawned. “I want to take a nap.”
The two walked out, walking slowly since they had no rush. It was barely the afternoon and Elsy loved to look around.
But as they were walking, Elsy noticed a girl walking their way.
“Hi.” She said shyly.
“Hello.” Elsy smiled. “How can I help you?”
“I was just walking out here when I noticed you and Jinyoung walking out the store.” The girl said. Elsy could sense she was a bit nervous. “Sorry, I’m just so nervous, I’m a huge fan of you guys.”
“Aw, thank you. You’re very pretty.” Elsy chuckled. “No need to be nervous.”
The girl grew more shy as she started giggling. “You’re literally the best, Elsy.” She bowed. “I’ve been a fan of you from the moment you joined Got7.”
“Oh my goodness, that’s so great to hear.”
“Is it okay if we take a picture?”
“Oh of course!” Elsy beamed. “Jinyoung, could you please take a picture of us?”
Jinyoung nodded before grabbing the girl’s phone. Elsy stood next to her, smiling big as Jinyoung snapped some photos.
“Thank you, thank you so much.”
“No problem, I hope you have a great day.”
“Same to you, I can’t wait until you guys have a comeback.”
“Soon, my love!”
After the girl had left, a guy then approached them. “Hi, are you an idol?”
“Yes.” Elsy nodded, slightly smiling. “I am.”
“Can we take a picture?”
Jinyoung looked at the guy slightly confused, Elsy tried not to make any face expressions but was still just as confused. “Do you even know me?”
“No, but since you’re an idol, I’m guessing you’re important.”
Elsy only smiled sarcastically at the guy. “Then I must decline on the picture. Sorry, if you knew my name it would be different.”
The guy stayed silent and Jinyoung took that as a cue to leave. “Lets go.”
Both Elsy and Jinyoung walked past the guy silently. That was until footsteps were heard and Elsy practically gasped when feeling a hand grope her butt. “What the hell?!” She quickly turned around along with Jinyoung, only to see the guy running away torwards the other direction.
“That’s for saying no to me!” They heard him shout.
“That asshole! I’m going to find him.”
Elsy grabbed onto Jinyoung’s arm, pulling him back before he could run off. “Jinyoung, he’s long gone and it’s not worth it.
“Jiyeon, he touched you and that’s not right.” He snapped.
“You don’t think I know that? Thanks for always trying to watch out for me, but even if you were to find him it’s not like it will make a differance. He did it and honestly it sucks to say this but there’s nothing we can do.”
Jinyoung let out a frustrated sigh as he ran his hands through his hair.
Elsy gently grabbed on his arm so they could continue walking. “Just calm down a little.”
“Are you okay though?”
“Yes.” Elsy lied. Truth was, she was horrified on what just happened. She felt disgusted even though she didn’t do anything. To know a man had touched her all for telling him no made her a bit overwhelmed.
But since she didn’t want Jinyoung to get worked up, she held her feelings in.
“I just want to quickly get home.”
Jinyoung nodded, the two beginning to walk again until they made it to Elsy’s apartment. Jinyoung had helped her bring all her bags in her room before going back out in the living room.
“Thank you.” She half smiled.
“Would you like for me to stay?”
“It’s okay, you don’t need to.” She said softly. Jinyoung looked into her eyes. Her decline didn’t hurt him because he could tell she wanted to be alone. So without anymore questions, he made his way torwards the door.
“Text me if you need anything.”
“Mhm.” Elsy hummed. “Bye, Jinyoung.”
After Jinyoung told her goodbye, Elsy closed the door softly before placing her back against it and sliding down, hugging her legs.
She became more overwhelmed at the situation and hugged her legs more tightly as she began to sob all alone on the floor.
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fairiesherefairiesthere · 5 years ago
Fraxus Anastasia au #2
Second chapter time! If you wanna read it on ao3, here u go: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23144866
Chapter under the cut!
Apparently, being too much of a stubborn bastard is enough for an orphanage to throw you out even though you still own them a lot of money. 'Yuliy', they've dubbed him, 'son of Jupiter', because his character is volatile like the thunderstorms that leave the grey walls of the orphanage shaking.
He's twenty-three and luckily enough, not the sickly little boy he used to be. Finding a job would've been difficult otherwise, but right now Yuliy feels pretty confident about his future. The past has nothing for him, so he has no other choice but to look forward.
Ignoring the yammering of the old caretaker about how he should feel lucky that they let him go even though he cost them so much as a child, he sets a step outside the gate.
The distance he's crossed is close to nothing, he still feels elated. Turning around, he yells "So long, sucker!" at the old lady and waves at the tiny children behind her. The brats can't help their situation. "You can be happy all you want right now, but just you wait until the evening! Until the cold settles in your bones and your stomach turns itself inside out of hunger. You're nothing boy, keep that in mind!"
Scoffing, he walks away, turning his back on all he's ever known. Everything is going to be fine.
Everything's not fine and Yuliy already regrets leaving the orphanage. Sure, it was a shitty place, but at least there was a fireplace to lay beside. Although the food had been sparse and not very good, it had been there. He never imagined that he'd miss the place.
Unfortunately, he's also not been able to find a job. The restaurants tell him to ask the grocery stores, the grocery stores point him towards the butchers and the butchers refer him to the nearest school, before saying that, actually, he doesn't look like an educated person and should probably stay away from there. If he survives the night, he'll try the docks. They probably could use him as some sort of human mule, if his motion sickness allows him to set foot on a boat.
For now, he wanders the streets in search of abandoned buildings, hoping that he can squat in one of them for the night. After a lot of unsuccesful trying, he decides to go find a large public building, in the hope that he can find himself a nook there where no one will look. With that in mind, he enters the first large building he finds.
It's dusty, spacey and completely empty. Exactly what he'd been looking for and still he can't help but be a little bit disgruntled. He'd just given up on finding an empty space and now he has more abandoned space than he nows what to do with. Although he'd like to explore the building, he has more pressing matters to tend to.
Navigating through the building is... surprisingly easy. It's not like him to know his way around places (it really, really isn't his forte), but he manages to find a lounge without too many troubles. Shoving some junk to the side, he finds a fireplace and he thanks his lucky stars. Looking around, he concludes that there's no firewood.
That's not really a problem though, he thinks as he grabs a nearby chair. When the now demolished chair has been chucked into the fireplace, he remembers that he has no way of lighting the damn pile of wood up. After turning the room upside down, he comes to the conclusion that there aren't any matchsticks there. Groaning in frustration, he leaves the room.
Trudging through the halls, he passes various doors and has to suppress the urge to go inside each and every one of them. Now and then, he does indulge in his desire and peeks inside, finding nothing but dust and the remnants of former glory.
When he stumbles upon a set of doors that are so grandiose and tall that he nearly doubts his own eyesight, he knows that he has to look what lays behind them. Filled with curiousity he works them open, only to be stunned into silence when the room behind them is revealed.
It's a ballroom, stately and majestic and he holds his breath for a minute, intimidated by the feeling of veneration and wistfulness that seems to hit him out of nowhere. Getting lightheaded, he sits down on a bench and closes his eyes, slowly breathing in and out. He can feel a headache coming up as shivers run up and down his spine. When he opens his eyes again, he suspects that he's also getting a fever, since what else can the scene before him be except for a fever dream?
Faintly he can hear the band playing a song and the more he tries to convince himself his ears are deceiving him, the more boisterous the music becomes. Right before his eyes, the formerly empty ballroom explodes into a a colourful affair, ladies and gentlemen dressed to the nines. In the light of the candles on the chandelier dangling high above them, he can see their jewelry and the rhinestones on their dresses shimmer and shine.
Besides the music, he can hear their small talk and it's that what haunts him most. The little words about their everyday lives that seem to happen in a reality far outside his own. The glitter, the glamour, the nauseating feeling of approaching danger, it's all too much. He leans his head back against the cold tiles and closes his eyes, but their ghostly whispers remain present.
In the distance, he can hear another group of people arriving and he decides to focus on their conversation, because the disdain in one of the voices sounds genuine, almost like the owner of said voice is actually entering the ballroom.
"They were all godawful! I can't believe we wasted a full day on those monstrosities!" Someone snorts. "You can't talk about those fine and ambitious young men like that baby, they can't help it that they're like that." Yuliy can hear the eyeroll before he sees it and he still thinks he's imagining things, until the young man speaks to him, ice lacing his voice. The otherwordly images shatter and instead he's met by a greenhaired young man.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?"
At first he intends to be polite. Then he remembers that this place belongs to no one and there's absolutely no need for a stranger to be so hostile to him. "They call me Yuliy and I'm gonna take a nap. You got any matches?"
Ignoring his question, the shorter of the two men draws closer, his lips curving into the hint of a smile lacking any sort of genuine warmth. "They call you that? Is that name not truly yours then?" Instead of answering, Yuliy purses his lips and looks away. Truthfully, he doesn't even know to answer that. Not even once he's felt like 'Yuliy', but he doesn't know what the other options are. Who else is he supposed to be? Can he even be anything else?
The short man smiles again, wider this time and there's still not a trace of genuine happiness to see there. His companion, thank the lord, has finally noticed his creepy tick and slaps the man a little too jovially on the back. "Freed, stop whatever your face is doing, it's unsightly. You look like a maniac and let's be honest, the only one of us who looks good with that kind of look is yours truly. Show the man around, why don't ya? I'm gonna pick Ever up. You know how prissy she gets when she hasn't had a hot meal in a few days." With a sloppy kiss on Freed's cheek and a "bye baby!" the eccentric man leaves.
A silence that's less than comfortable follows. "So are you two...involved?" He winces at his clumsy wording and Freed pulls a face. "Bickslow is my overly affectionate older brother."
How does he recover from that blunder? Luckily enough for him, he doesn't have to struggle out of this pit himself. "Well then he-who-they-call-Yuliy, follow me. I'll show you something interesting." Unable to keep the curiousity out of his voice, he asks: "What then?" For the first time since meeting him, there's a sparkle of a genuine feeling in the man's eyes, misschief setting the blues ablaze. "A chance."
The first part of the tour consists of polite smalltalk and Freed showing him some superficial treasures hidden in plain view in the abandoned castle. Although he hates the whole process of talking without saying anything, he feels that there's a reason Freed is doing this. Building up the tension. Yuliy hopes he isn't endlessly disappointed by the eventual result and in the hope to see something spectacular, he nods along and 'ahs' and 'oohs' wherever he thinks it's necessary.
"You know", Freed starts and something about his tone tips Yuliy off that it's probably in his best interest to listen carefully now. "I wasn't born as Freed Justine either. Unlike you, I have chosen this name for myself and have found my identity." He pauses then, looking him over with a reserved gaze, head tilted. "Would you like to find yours?"
The question arrives like a punch to the gut, but there's no way he'll let the man in front of him know how affected he is by it. Freed seems like the type of man to unravel his deepest wishes and dangle them before his nose before whisking them away for eternity. No way that he'll let the stranger in on one of the things his heart longs to know. "I don't need some guy I just met telling me who I am. I think I can do that on my own, thank you very much."
"Really now?" Freed sounds amused, but there's a cruel hint to it that he really dislikes. "My dear Yulik (he scoffs at the godawful nickname), right at this moment I am able to recall your entire family tree up to seven generations back. But since you already know exactly who you are, I guess there's no reason to showcase my academic capabilities. It would be quite obnoxious I think, wouldn't you agree?"
No way. He must be lying and Yuliy doesn't hesitate to tell him so. "You're a liar, a scoundrel and an opportunist. You're making shit up and I'm not here for it. I'll go back to the other room and take that nap, you're not of any use to me."
"Do as you please", the man replies, voice light and airy. Right as he's about to leave the room, he hears the other man humming. The melody is saccharinely sweet and the gentle lilts in the tune leave his heart aching. "Where'd you learn that song?" he asks, unable and unwilling to stop himself. Freed halts his humming and shrugs, clasping his hands behind his back.
"The true question is, where did you learn it? As far as I know there's only five people, excluding myself, who know it. The first being the long dead Tsarina Tatiana, the second one being the current tsar Makarov. The third and fourth are Bickslow and Evergreen, two members of the court that were very intimately related to the final person, the central piece that connects all these dots."
Grinning he takes Yuliy by the arm and drags him towards a grand family portrait and points out a blond kid. "Prince Laxus Dreyar, who has been missing for 10 years. I know where each of the forementioned people currently are, except for the much beloved prince." From underneath his long eyelashes he gives Yuliy a look that he's sure is meant to be meaningful. He utterly rejects it.
"A lullaby? That's what you're basing your grand conclusion on? Some great detective you are", he scoffs and considers giving the man a whack. It certainly couldn't make his mental state any worse than it currently was, considering Freed seriously thought that Yuliy, clumsy, oafish Yuliy, was the missing crown prince.
"I never told you it was a lullaby."
"It was a logical assumption, you piece of shit." Sensing that Yuliy is believing none of it, he shakes his head and sighs. "When did you become an orphan?" Defensively, he crosses his arms in front of his chest. "Maybe I didn't and you're just grasping at straws."
"It was a logical assumption, dear Yulik. Also, you let a lot more slip during our smalltalk than you probably realised." The man raises a brow and starts counting on his fingers. " One. You lost your memory ten years ago, around the time of Ivan's failed coup. Trauma can make you suppress memories as can a strategically placed whack against the head."
Yuliy rolls his eyes, but Freed continues impertubable. "Secondly, the whole lullaby debacle. Thirdly..." Freed looks him directly in the eyes and there's something so striking about the full force of his gaze, that Yuliy barely dares to breathe. "You know, don't you? In your heart you realise that there's a chance I'm not wrong. Even though your mind denies it out of some learned humility, your body takes to it without you even noticing."
Before he can ask what the man means, Freed drapes a heavy cape he's found somewhere over Yuliy's shoulders and presses a scepter into his hand. "Look", he whispers and turns him towards a mirror. "Look at your posture, do you truly believe you're merely a peasant?"
"Future tsar", he continues and the title sends shivers down his spine. "You came here, dirt poor and yet you have not put a single treasure into these pockets of yours." To accentuate his words, the man lets his hands glide over each and every pocket on Yuliy's clothes, an action that makes his blood run hot. "The riches here mean nothing you. You're meant for things better than this, aren't you prince Laxus? Cast away the skin of a peasant you've decided to wear and reunite with your grieving grandfather."
The blue of his eyes is absolutely mesmerising and he can't for the love of him look away. "Laxus", he says and he jolts, truly feeling addressed by the name. "Let's get you home." He doesn't know how or why, but he's got the feeling that Freed could tell him anything and he'd believe it.
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love-loser · 6 years ago
16 or 2 👀 or maybe 16 AND 2? Like younger brat tony who’s breadwinner to his exasperated older hubby,,
16. professor peter x cocky student tony 
SORRY OMG THIS IS SO LONG jkhddh thank you for the ask! i didnt know how to combine 2 and 16 so i just wrote 16, but someone else asked for 2 so fear not, you will be getting it. hope you enjoy
prompts here 
Even though college was a volatile time for many, this whole higher education thing was going pretty well for Peter. Granted, he’s the one teaching the class, but still, pretty good seeing as see he was so young (25) and oh so (very) endearing, both of which helped him get along with his students.
Well, most of his students.
He never knew just how much one person could annoy him but walking into class, seeing that stupid smirk on the younger boy’s smirk, just made his coffee taste that much bitter, the junior never failing to make his day just a bit shitty, somehow. 
Even more- he’d always managed to somehow know the material even though Peter was sure he was either sleeping or on his phone half the time. The Engineering professor could probably count on one hand the number of times he’d seen the brunette actually take notes. And it was already halfway into the semester. It hadn’t even caught Tony off guard when he tried to call on the boy. 
What he hated the most, though, was the way Tony’s stupid, stupid, intense, dusky eyes always seemed to undress him everytime he walked into the room. The way his hands made his excessively big iPhone look tiny when he wrapped his capable fingers around it and- not to mention those same fingers that rubbed against his lips as he blatantly checked his own professor out, in class, no less. Did kids these days have no manners?
Yes, maybe Peter was exaggerating just a tiny bit–– it’s not like Tony tormented him everyday or openly harassed him, but it’s the principle of it, see. In Peter’s mind, he only has one goal when it comes to Tony Stark, aka (surprisingly) straight A student, aka genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist most annoying boy on campus. 
And that goal: To put him in his place.
Peter can’t imagine what it’ll be like for the student when he gets to senior year in just half a semester–– in fact, even the very thought of Tony treating any of his teachers this way (or anyone) sends the assistant professor’s matchbox heart into insistent, restless flames.
(He chalks it up to just pure concern for his student.)Not jealousy.
Peter even writes up a list between inputting scantron grades, of why exactly he hates Tony’s guts.
Eloquently, he titles it, ❌ Tony Stark ❌.
1. Taller than me by an inch 1.5 cm.
2. Somehow knows my favourite breakfast from panera bread.
3. Always borrows notes from other people when he’s absent EVEN THOUGH HE KNOWS I HAVE COPIES BY MY DESK!
4. Wears those stupid glasses all the time.
5. Spends an average of 6 minutes after class just cleaning up, making me WAIT
6. Never pays attention in class but always sets the curves on tests.
7. Always flirts with other people outside the hall before class. (distracting!)
On the eighth, Peter’s mind draws a blank. He’d thought that he could go on and on when given the chance, but maybe now isn’t the time- after all, he does only have 2 braincells left after mindlessly typing in scores.
It’s about 5:43 pm now, which probably means he should go after entering this last girl’s score and-
Done. Rarely do other professors ever stay this late, but Peter isn’t really in the mood to stick around and see. He grabs his trusty bullet journal- the one he proudly spent 2 and a half hours on in the beginning on the year, and also the one he just slandered Tony in, which, speaking of the devil-Shitshitshit, avoid him before he annoys you, Pete. It turns out his stiff, minecraft esque speedwalking in the other direction still isn’t enough to deter Tony, who looks up from his phone and calls out a nonchalant, “Hey, Mr. Parker!” Peteralmost scoffs at the sheer level of disrespect in that one line- how dare he? Who does he think he is?! At least, that’s what he sputters mentally.
Physically, the brunet is ready to embrace a thousand year nap. 
Peter mentally debates whether or not to stop and give Tony the time of day, his aforementioned 2 brain cells bantering back and forth before, eventually, Tony just decides he will have a conversation with Peter, whether he likes it or not. “Hey, earth to Mister,” Tony says, suddenly in front of his face, dangerously close. 
“Hi, Tony. You do know my first name isn’t mister, right? And you should be calling me Professor.” Peter says, voice scolding. “Okay, then, professor,” Tony says, though Peter knows he won’t really listen to him, “What’re you doing so late? Isn’t it past your bedtime? You need sleep to grow taller.”Well- okay, this is getting ridiculous. 
“That’s no way you should be talking to your elders, much less your lecturer, Tony,” Peter reprimands, starting to walk again. Hopefully, he’ll be left alone now.Unsurprisingly, and to Peter’s horror, Tony only starts striding backwards easily, as if he’d grown up learning how to walk that way. “But you’re so young. You barely look like my elder, much less a teacher,” Tony’s eyes flicker down, then drag back up, and Peter tries not to flush at this. “That’s not to say you don’t look good, though, the opposite, really.”
Peter only scoffs at this, round eyes rolling in disbelief, a warm tinge to his cheeks to top it all off. He stops abruptly, ego puffing just a bit when Tony stumbles.
“Actually, why don’t we talk about that, Tony?” He stops just to mentally imprint Tony’s somewhat panicked expression, before continuing with an adamant, “I’ve seen the way you act in class- the way you look at me,” which sounds much more scandalous than it should be.
Peter’s voice lowers to a hush, registering that they’re still in a school building, where anyone could be listening. Trust no one, not even yourself. 
“It’s not appropriate. I’m not some romantic interest for you to try to indulge in, and I’d much rather you put some of that attention to the lecture’s material instead.”
A moment passes by, then two, and Peter is still staring Tony straight in the eyes, his own hard with determination, brows furrowed. 
After a pregnant pause, the student clears his throat. 
“Do you wanna be?”
“Excuse me?”
“I mean, yeah, you’re cute professor,” Tony admits shamelessly, “Why don’t you just give me a bit of a chance? I’m not that bad, I’m actually very great.”“That’s exactly what a bad person would say,” Peter points out.
“Let me prove that I’m not, then,” Tony says. Then, his phone dings, “Well, I have to go. But I mean it, mister! Bye,” And with that, Tony bids him goodbye with a wave and a blown kiss.
Peter shudders.
What is not so yuck, though, is the next morning, is when Peter gets in at approximately 8:30 am. There’s a still toasty croissant on his desk, with a orange post it note.  
Hope you enjoy this. I was late bc i was picking it up so i just decided to skip for the whole day- TS
Peter, infuriatingly, knows exactly who wrote the note, and couldn’t resist the urge to roll his eyes. He’d been doing that alot lately.‘Late picking it up so he just decided to skip the whole day over a croissant, are you kidding me,’ Peter doesn’t bother actually protesting against the innocent pastry, though, instead setting his bag down and taking it out of the pastry bag. He recognises the label- it’s from the campus coffee shop. Tony was late to class picking up food from an establishment on campus. 
The kid’s gotta have a demerit, or something, because that might be going just a little too far, even for him. It’s like being late to a party you’re already at, but leave it to Tony Stark to somehow find a way. 
Well, that’s too bad. There was suddenly going to be a pop quiz today. 
Peter, later, finds that he has to reach deep inside himself to not literally slap the living shit out of Tony’s face when the boy opens the door to his lecture hall as the professor is packing up later that day.
“So you are here,” is what he says instead, eyes narrowed accusingly. He still doesn’t get why Peter doesn’t just come to class if he’s already there- are his lessons really that bad?  
“Indeed I am,” is the answer that comes, infuriatingly nonchalant. “Miss me?” 
“Never,” He huffs, slinging his bag over his shoulder. 
“Did you at least like the breakfast I got you?”
Hell yes.“No. What would be better, Stark, is if you actually attended class while you were on campus.” Then, he adds in without thought, “Especially mine.”There’s a beat of silence, the words not quite sinking in for the professor yet- it’s a different story for Tony, though. “Especially yours?” Tony asks with a grin, and the tone in his voice makes Peter immediately regret whatever he said to induce said piece of shit’s intonation.“Yes. Is there a problem?” One strong brow raises in inquiry. 
“Not at all,” Tony’s stupid smile only widens, “The opposite, really.”
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wannawrite · 7 years ago
Best Of Both Worlds
who?: Wanna One’s Park Woojin
genre: 🌸
type: scenario
word count: 4.3K
TW: coarse language
blog navigator. 
who said love and evil don’t mix? 
love-hate! AU
I have so much to say about this AU
⁃ admin l 
Tumblr media
disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to me and credit goes to their original owners everything that is written here is purely fictional DO NOT READ IF TRIGGERING
“Excuse me? What the hell did you just say? I dare you to repeat that shit again!” Your steely glare bore into the sarcastic hazel orbs of Park Woojin’s.
Aka the most annoying person, you had ever encountered.
Woojin sighed and casually repeated his sentence. “I really like your, yes, your best friend, Clara and yes, you should help us get together.”
The words took your brain too much time to process, too much time functioning around Park Woojin.
“Wow,” you drawled. “I lost brain cells trying to comprehend your words so bye, time for me to leave.”
The most, you managed to amble two steps away from him before e caught your elbow.
“Let me go you idiot! Or I’m going to yell to this whole neighbourhood that you bullied me!” You threatened, beyond angered.
Reluctantly, Woojin released his grip on your arm.
“Why should I even help you? Clara has a heart of a puppy! She can’t even harm a damn fly! Why her?” you groaned, picturing a harmful image of Park Woojin and Clara together.
He was the embodiment of the devil while she was the angel who was in charge of the choir in heaven. As a couple, it would be awful.
Woojin beamed happily. “Because you love your best friend and you want her to be happy,” he explained like he was stating the obvious.
Giving him a once over - just in case he changed in 0.5 seconds, you decided that he was definitely not cut out to be boyfriend material, let alone Clara’s sort of boyfriend material.
You snorted. “She’ll be miserable with you! What kind of guy pours his milk into a bowl before the cereal. Uncultured! Strike one!”
Woojin frowned, teeth gritted. “That was one! time when we were 8 years old!”
Then, as if a light bulb flickered on inside his rather dull head, he smirked. “Don’t you remember when we were 8? And you had this massive crush on Lee Daehwi?”
A hot red seared your cheeks at the mention of that day. The day Park Woojin embarrassed you in front of all your neighbours at the monthly barbecue. Back then, he was the only one who knew you had a crush on Daehwi.
How? Woojin stole your diary in kindergarten, deciphered your illegible handwriting during nap time and discovered your secret crush.
What a gentleman.
“You better shut your mouth before I rip out your vocal cords, sew them back then slowly snip the seams one by one!” You growled threateningly. At least, you hoped to seem more collected than you actually were.
The imagery is really starting to take its toll on me.
“Do you always have to be so graphic?” Woojin rolled his eyes. “All I’m asking is for you to put in a good word for me. What have I done to you?”
Done to me?
A perfectly cut nail jabbed its way into Woojin’s chest accusingly. “You? What have you done to me?”
“I mean, you invaded my privacy when we were kids. Told the whole neighbourhood and the Lee family that I had a crush on their son! Then everyone spent two years thinking I was a slut because you claimed I kissed two people in an hour!”
Woojin took one look at your finger on his chest and flicked it away. “Talk about harassment now.”
You wanted to scream in his face and perhaps tie him upside down to a tree.
Woojin was such a jerk! Helpful next-door neighbour my ass!
You stormed ahead of him, eager to arrive home. Just breathing the same air made your head spin. Slamming the door in his face seemed perfect.
“That was when we were kids! I’ve apologised!” He yelled from behind you before stretching his long legs and catching up with you.
A sigh left Woojin’s lips as he dramatically pinched the bridge of his nose in mock despair. “Fine. I have a proposition anyway.”
“I’m not interested,” you shot back, boredom filling your tone.
“It involves Lee Daehwi,” he hummed casually.
Those three words. Someone’s name. Those were enough to make you freeze, and cause your heart to pound.
You cleared your throat and tried to appear nonchalant in front of Woojin, hoping he would not notice.
“Okay,” you groaned reluctantly. “I’m listening now.”
If only your complete infatuation allowed you to tune out to whatever Woojin would propose.
Hell, who would make a deal with the devil?
“How fickle of you. I’m wondering if Daehwi even deserves someone like you,” Woojin commented, a teasing smirk on his lips.
Annoyed, you kicked an innocent stray pebble on the sidewalk, wishing it was Woojin’s face.
“Get on with the deal or I’m backing out.”
The boy put his hands up in mock surrender, faking shock. “Woah, okay.”
Surprisingly, he obeyed.
“I’ll set you up with Daehwi, if you help me get into Clara’s good books.”
“You make it sound like-“
“You don’t even have to help me until your ship is sailing,” he cut in hurriedly. “Who else would you go to? I’m Daehwi’s best friend and your next door neighbour, so perfect !”
It sounded like the most perfect proposal in the world. But Woojin wasn’t from this world. Far from it. Down under.
However, because of my stupid adoration for Lee Daehwi, I’m going to give Woojin a chance.
And Clara sleep paralysis.
But how bad could it be? It’ll be a win-win situation at the end.
Clara’s a strong woman, she can handle herself. Like this, I can also regulate Woojin’s behaviour around her, maybe even sabotage it.
Thoughts like those filled your mind as you weighed out the pros and cons.
You chuckled quietly to yourself and offered Woojin an outstretched hand.
“I believe you’ve got yourself a deal.”
It was way past visiting hours at your house, after dinner and the time when the whole family was doing their own thing.
For example, you were holed up in your room, watching the latest drama on your laptop and grinning like an idiot.
That was when your father knocked on your door and announced that someone was here to see you.
Eyes narrowed in suspicion, you padded out to the living room to meet your uninvited guest.
Your jaw fell open in disbelief and shock, a finger instinctively pointed accusingly at the person sitting on your sofa.
“What are you doing here?” you hissed, clearly frustrated, mildly annoyed Woojin had to see you in your lazing around outfit.
“Well, hello to you too. I feel so welcome here,” Woojin replied sarcastically.
While you were in your comfiest t-shirt and shorts, Woojin was clearly dressed up for a night out. That fact alone made you worried.
Plopping yourself into space next to him, you asked once more, “What are you doing here?”.
Woojin grinned like the Cheshire cat, wide and proud. “Someone I know is throwing a party tonight and...Daehwi will be there. Facts only.”
“And if you’re lying?”
In all honesty, you wouldn’t put it past him for lying.
He scoffed. “Why would I be? Our pact starts today. The faster I get you and Daehwi together, the faster I can get Clara.”
Woojin stretched out a hand, eyes almost challenging you to grab it. “So, party or no?”
Taking his hand, you shook it. “Give me a while, I need to change and tell my parents. Drinks or whatever are in the fridge.”
Daehwi. Daehwi. Daehwi. He’ll be there.
“Impossible,” you muttered under your breath, scanning the crowd frantically for any sign of Woojin or Daehwi.
Half an hour after losing Woojin, he was still nowhere to be found. Sure, he had instructed you to wait in the kitchen while he fetched Daehwi but he was taking way too long.
Plus, the kitchen began filling up with hungry drunkards and you figured it was time to scram.
Even though this party could be considered ‘small’, you weren’t exactly familiar with any of the faces. 
Who even threw this party? Their snack selection sucked.
Pushing through the crowd, you reached the other side of the house, from where Woojin was calling.
“Damnit! Don’t you know how to pick up a phone?” He flashed his phone screen in your face, the device was calling yours.
“Sorry. But you, you took way too much time to fetch him,” you fired back. “And, I called you twice as well!”
Luckily, Daehwi noticed your presence and decided to break the ice.
“Hey y/n, good to see you. Woojin never mentioned you would be here tonight,” he said with a smile.
“Hi!” You glared in Woojin’s direction to ask for help. “Uh, I love giving surprises so, here I am!”
You swore he facepalmed.
“Uh, I love parties and all!” You added much to Woojin’s horror.
To your relief, Daehwi only chuckled in amusement.
“Oh my god! Guys, it’s MY song! This is MY jam and...it’s time to dance! Come along,” Woojin shouted, dragging you and Daehwi to dance without waiting for replies.
“Oh, I didn’t know you listened to Taylor Swift,” Daehwi murmured. Woojin paid no mind to his accurate comment.
Woojin didn’t. As his next-door neighbour, all you had heard for the past few nights were pop and rap songs with the occasional ballad thrown in.
“Guess he’s trying out something new,” you added, trying to seem casual and composed.
In reality, your heart was going to leap out of your chest.
Quite a graphic scene.
Suddenly, Woojin announced that he needed a drink, or saw someone he knew, whichever excuse came first. He left you and Daehwi in the centre of the dance floor with a wink.
Shit! That prick knows I can’t dance!
Act composed. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.
“I love this song,” you said, attempting to groove but ended up stepping on someone’s toes.
“Um, looks like you and Woojin have similar tastes, haha! Y’all must spend a lot of time together,” Daehwi responded, somewhat unsure of how to react.
“Oh, nah.” You quickly tried to brush off the assumption. “We’re just neighbours. You know that. You’re my neighbour too. Wait, why am I telling you this. You already know this. I-“
Ahh, the rambling.
Inhaling deeply, you calmed down and gathered your words properly.
“Sorry for my rambling. I think the party has me a little woozy,” you explained sheepishly.
People began to jostled you around, so you ended up finding your spot on the sidelines. Daehwi trailed after you.
He shook his head in, disagreeing. “Don’t be.”
Then, his thick brows furrowed with concern, eyes searching for any signs of distress. “Are you okay? Do you want me to call Woojin? You should be heading home if you’re feeling unwell.”
This is why he’s so perfect. He is THE sweetest man on this planet and no one can change my opinion.
“No!” The yell was a little too loud, causing a couple of odd looks to be thrown your way. You hastily made up a believable excuse, trying to smile flirtatiously, “Uh, I just got here. Besides, we just met!”
“I’ll be taking that away from you.”
In one swift motion, Woojin had swooped your cup of ‘whatever it was from the kitchen bar’ and throwing it into the trash.
You blinked twice at him, almost unable to believe what had just happened. “Woojin! Wha-“
Daehwi looked relieved to find Woojin. “Thank god you’re here! Uh, I...oh! Youngmin hyung!”
He looked to you, then to Woojin and back to you. “If you don’t mind...”
Woojin nodded in ‘Youngmin’s’ direction, grabbing a hold of your elbow. “Go ahead.”
Your mutter was incomprehensible.
“I guess, I’ll see you guys around! Nice meeting you here! Drive safely!” Daehwi bid the two of you goodbye with a wave. He disappeared pretty quickly into the crowd.
“Do you want to stay?” Woojin gestured to the most happening place of the party. Sighing, you rubbed your temples and shook your head, kicking the trash bin on the way out.
When you were seated in Woojin’s car and definitely out of earshot, did you begin to spill the short encounter to your friend.
“He asked me if I was okay!”
“He does that all the time.” Was his muted reply. “...But good job, I saw you guys talking.”
Woojin took a left down the lane.
A scoff left your lips. “Of course, until you interrupted us and threw my drink in the trash.”
He remained nonchalant with his answer. “Okay. Whatever that was had reached your brain and you were acting like a malfunctioning Ken doll. I saved your ass from embarrassing yourself in front of Daehwi.”
Reclining into the plush leather seat, you nodded playfully. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
With another turn, Woojin cleared his throat. “So, about our deal...”
“Yeah, yeah, Clara and all.”
Honestly, no bones in your body were excited to introduce Woojin to Clara. Even though she had witnessed your ‘banter’ with him, she never knew who he was. Plus, she was the nicest type of friend who thought of everyone in the best possible light.
Most people.
Woojin? Definitely.
Settling on her contact, your finger hovered directly above the illuminated blue button.
Text or call?
“How about next Saturday, a double date, bbq place next to the library?” You suggested.
“Double date?” Woojin questioned, brow quirked.
“Yeah, you, me, Daehwi, Clara. She loves barbecue by the way. I’ll say you suggested the idea,” you said, throwing in ideas as they came.
A smile broke out on Woojin’s face, so wide it made your heart flutter. You reached over and pinched one of his cheeks.
“You’re blushing,” you sang with delight.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Woojin admitted without hesitation. “Barbecue?”
“Text sent!” You confirmed happily, nearly tossing your phone to the back seat.
“Let’s get it.”
You: hey Clara, caught a fever, not coming to school so help me tell everyone, okay?
Clara: omg :((( i hope you get better soon and I’ll drop by later. Get some rest now💖
Right after you received her reply, you sent a heart back and threw your phone across your room.
The fever had really gotten you all worked up. It was incredibly annoying that your immune system picked and chose the times to malfunction.
Such as a fever two days before you were scheduled for a double date!
The thought of cancelling the date mad you blush hotly with anger and frustration. Maybe you cried once or twice thinking about how the ‘breaking the news’ scenario would play out.
All you could do was to wait for the fever to subside then sweet talk your way into your parent’s approval. They would feel uneasy.
You hissed, retracting a hand away from your forehead that burned like hot coals.
Well, nothing could materialise unless the fever broke.
Sulkily, you slipped under the blankets again and hoped for rest to come.
Somehow, you wondered if Woojin had noticed your absence from school, or whether he noticed you hadn’t left your house that morning.
The fever must have severe impacts on your prefrontal cortex. Who would think of him? Why do I want him to notice? Do I want him to care?
At least, you managed to quietly slip into a serene dream.
“Rise and shine, brat .” A voice rang, echoing off the walls of your brain.
“Get up! You need to wake up! Your forehead’s burning, you have to take your pills!”
Mum? But,,,mum doesn’t swear and she’s meant to be at work. Clara? Clara never swears! Besides, she has tuition today. Neither of them have deep voices...Dad is at work too...
Wait, it could be Daehwi?
Trying to guess the person from voice alone was a seemingly easy task for a person whose brain wasn’t being eaten up by a fire.
Strange, it placed Woojin on the list too.
“What,” you whispered, unamused.
Claps sounded through the atmosphere, and a sarcastic voice followed suit. “Fantastic! Sleeping beauty has awoken! Though, I must say you look much more like the beast when asleep.”
At that comment, your eyes flew open and you leapt up to confront the intruder.
“Park Woojin! What are you doing here?”
Isn’t this the second time in two weeks that he has adventured into my house? First my living room and now my bedroom?
“Woojin! Now, I have to disinfect my whole house because of your germs!”
With a gentle push on your shoulder, you fell back onto your bed. “Relax,” Woojin said. “I come in peace.”
He gestured to his mysterious metal tureen, a teddy bear and a balloon. “The notes are from your friends. Clara got you the balloon and, I bought you the bear.”
Weirdly enough, you felt paper wings of tiny butterflies flap in your stomach and heart begin to thud.
“Oh,” you muttered wordlessly, accepting his teddy bear.
Woojin then proceeded to offer you the container of chicken broth stew, saying how he spent hours broiling it. He also managed to brag about his excellent chef skills.
After which, he presented a folder of all the work you had missed, with a sticky note of instructions. It was neatly organised and even had colourful sticky tabs.
“Clara collected the work and asked me to deliver it,” he clarified.
Clara’s handwriting was a whole lot neater and more cursive than his boxy letters.
Still, you played along, not wanting to put him in a spot.
“Why are you doing all this for me? You really didn’t have to.”
A part of you was reluctant to hear the truth because Park Woojin came up with the most ridiculous reasons ever. But the other half wanted to know if this meant something, at least platonically.
For a minute, Woojin distracted himself by looking anywhere but in your direction.
“You idiot,” he finally snickered. “I still need my favourite wingman for Saturday. Can’t have you bailing on me.”
You sort of knew he was joking and truthfully, it made a whole lot of sense. Yet, why did it somehow hurt?
Sensing the shift in your mood, Woojin grew anxious. He gave your shoulder a pat. “Hey, all that aside. I came here as your next door neighbour and your friend. You can call me anytime.”
His words were so reassuring.
We were friends now.
Maybe you were sick and ignoring his usual stupid, goofy side and tapping into the soppy, emotional perspective but you appreciated this unseen side of your new friend.
“Thank you for caring,” you expressed with gratitude.
He gave a charming boyish nod before enveloping you in a bone-crushing hug.
Woojin looks like the kind of guy to give good hugs
A glance at the clock told you that you were five minutes late to the barbecue place.
The main reason: the cool, calm, playful Park Woojin was having a total breakdown in his bedroom
First, it was about the colour of his shirt. Then, how he did his hair and how many earrings he should wear.
The past hour or so was spent on you trying to encourage and reassure him.
“Cheer up! You always look amazing in everything and you’ll look even better when you show off your cooking skills! I know you can make a mean fried rice!”
“But, what if-“
“No buts! You can do this! You’re Park Woojin! And, you have me! The best wingman in the world!”
Your energetic pep talk seemed to have calmed his nerves for the time being.
Meanwhile, you received text updates of food Daehwi and Clara had ordered.
It seemed like the two of them hit it off well in the short time they had been sitting at the same table. Their casual banter got on your nerves more than it should have.
Yet, your mind was more preoccupied thinking about Woojin.
He had barely uttered a word to Clara.
Deciding that enough was enough, you kicked him in the shin under the table.
“Ouch!” He exclaimed. “What the hell?”
“That’s...not...how you grill meat, Woojin! Let me teach you how. I think food is an essential part of a conversation starter, don’t ruin it,” you warned through gritted teeth.
“Hey! It's not like you do any better in cooking,” Woojin shot back, clearly not getting the message.
Clara smiled sweetly and awed. “These two argue like a married couple! How cute!”
You picked up the scissors and gave a little ‘snip-snip’. “I’ll chop off my ring finger before he ever proposes!”
Clara motioned for you to calm down before whining about your dramatic ways.
“I think they’re funny,” Woojin suddenly defended. “I-I mean...it’s fun to challenge someone.”
Daehwi and Clara exchanged not-so-subtle looks.
Oh no.
They think that this ‘double date’ is for them to wingman us! Plus, they do look like they enjoy each other’s company.
Woojin would be so crushed! I need to warn him.
“Woojin,” you coughed. “I think I left my...wallet in the car. Could you come with me to get it?”
Wordlessly and with shaky hands, he passed you the car keys. You swore you saw him suck in a deep breath when your fingers brushed.
You felt sparks too, you were just better at concealing them, for the sake of Clara and Daehwi.
Woojin couldn’t stay here alone. What if they get the wrong idea and interrogate him until he is forced to reveal our pact? That’ll end his chances with Clara forever!
This pact was so stupid!
But it did give me some of the best moments of my life. Woojin bringing soup over, going to parties together...
“Uh, I forgot where we parked the car.”
Groaning, Woojin got up from his seat, back to his usual self. “Seriously? I suppose it comes with age. Your skin looks a lot more wrinkly than before.”
Yes, he was back to his usual self.
“You’re insufferable! I can’t believe it,” you grumbled, quickly steering both of you out of the shop.
Out of sight, you filled him in on how the current, dire situation. But that didn’t faze him one bit.
“Hello? Woojin! You have to talk to Clara okay? Giving her a yoghurt smoothie every day isn’t going to suffice!”
You continued to talk once the car came into sight.
“Besides, you were so nervous about meeting her! Chill, calm down. Now’s the perfect time to use all your charm on her!”
“I like you.”
You stopped dead in your tracks, jaw dropping open as you locked eyes with Woojin. Surely, he’s kidding.
It has to be his confession for Clara. That’s what he’s so nervous about! He just needed to rehearse with me.
A half-hearted laugh let your lips. “Woojin, don’t play with my feelings.  At least give me a warning before you practice your confession on me.”
He glanced away then looked straight into your eyes.
“Hey, Clara,” he began confidently.
You offered a thumbs up for encouragement.
“Don’t get me wrong, I think you’re an amazing person but, it isn’t working out between us-“
A frowned etched into your face and you reminded that it was love confession, not a breakup scene.
“I like your friend, y/n. So, please help me tell them to stop being so dense!”
I. Like. You.
What the hell.
“You don’t have to tell me anything now, or ever. I just wanted you to know,” he said. “Come on, let’s go back before they finish lunch.”
“Why do you like me?” you blurted out. “I mean, we hated each other from day one, remember?”
He shrugged, his cute shrug. “You are a lot different from the version that I ‘hated’. I think getting to know and understand you made me realise how much I enjoyed being together.”
“As for Clara, I was infatuated, we talked about it on one of our many yogurt smoothie encounters. She...likes someone else anyway, but I’m not hurt or anything.”
Even though your face burned and your head hung low, every single bone in your body was bursting with joy.
“I don’t know what to say,” you finally admitted.
Truthfully, your whole Daehwi crush had died down the more time you spent with Woojin. Daehwi was a good friend and Woojin? Well, you had to work that out.
“Can I get back to you on it? We live next door, we can talk any time,” you suggested shyly.
Woojin burst out laughing. “Woah. You gon’ break my heart just like that? Bold. I like it.”
Ahhh, my favourite side of Park Woojin is back.
Snickering, you fought back. “Can’t wait till I set your hair on fire and you’ll feel what it’s like to be...roasted.”
“Oops, forgot you feel that all the time whenever I’m around.”
Woojin rolled his eyes and smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Funny, but you’re the one always getting clowned. Remember that time I threw slime into your hair, you never realised and your crush had to point it out to you? History can repeat itself today.”
Damn, now I’m going to lie awake tonight thinking about that incident.
“You better take that back before give you all the burnt meat today!” you declared. “God, I can’t stand you!”
Chortling, Woojin wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer. “Watch out for cars. Your blind ass is going to get run over one day.”
He leaned down to whisper in your ear, leaving a shiver running down your spine.
“You know you love me.”
Two fingers gently pinched his cheek in response.
“Please. I love barbecued meat more than you. Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
But secretly, once he was looking away, you grinned, stretching from ear to ear and your heart never felt warmer.
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judithbutlersdealer · 6 years ago
favorite books of 2018
yes I know we’re halfway through January but time isn’t real
goals: read 30 books
don’t read white men/read everyone but white men
at this point I naturally gravitate towards books that aren’t about or by white men so this wasn’t a big issue for me, plus I didn’t have any strict restrictions about Not Allowing Myself to read white men at all or anything, because if a book is good then it’s good and if an author is good then they’re good! I don’t want to willfully rob myself of a good experience, my main objective was just to broaden my horizons and focus overwhelmingly on people who aren’t white men so GOAL ACCOMPLISHED
data ripped from my Goodreads page because I think it’s fun:
69 books
20,879 pages
shortest book: letters to a young poet (52 pages)
longest books: the unabridged journals of sylvia plath (732 pages)
top 10
I Can’t Believe You Just Said That by Danny Wallace
this book was great. Danny Wallace basically meets a Rude Man and it upsets him so much he just starts investigating the history of rudeness. so fun and smart and tender and amazing. I read this book while continuously failing my driving test because the guy who was doing the test was a notorious sadist and I was really just Going Thru It on all fronts and this book was actually such a breath of fresh air right in that period of my life. like yes some people are very terrible and there’s nothing for you to do about that and some people are very good, and you will probably meet an equal mix of both in your life and that’s pretty fascinating, all things considered. great stuff written by a great man.
white man?: yes but Danny Wallace is one of my all-time favorite writers and also human beings so!!! I can’t believe I have less than a year until I go to the same school he went to and move to the city where he lives!!!! what the fuck (please Danny Wallace if you’re reading this don’t get a restraining order I’m actually a quite normal and stable person I swear)
How to Murder Your Life by Cat Marnell
are you an opium memoir, alcohol memoir, or amphetamine memoir type of person? personally I love them all but I used to be an amphetamine person and now I can’t be an amphetamine person so I’m an amphetamine memoir person. I wish people would take this book (and all books like this) more seriously. I took it seriously and it was painful. very fast read, very fun, very sad. can’t ever watch Catfish ever again.
white man?: no
The Idiot by Elif Batuman
WOWWWWWWW this book. this book right here! this fucking book. it ripped out my heart and then fed it to me again. what is it about seeing your own home described so carefully & tenderly & lovingly & with such surgical precision by someone who’s an outsider there? idk but it makes life worth living for me. I’m still 100% convinced that Elif Batuman wrote this book for me, specifically. you guys get to read it and that’s cool because it’s a great book but it was written for me. thank you Elif!!! so generous.
this book punched me in the mouth then kissed me on the forehead then baked me a cake then got me drunk.
white man?: no
Call Me by Your Name by André Aciman
I still haven’t seen the movie, and that should tell you how much this book hurt my heart. it didn’t even hurt it as much as it moved inside it & lived there & probably will for the rest of my life. I read it while trekking through the Alps and also so deeply in love I felt like it would never go away (and it didn’t) and this book just Got It. it didn’t get me as much as it got the concept of love & desire & knowing yourself vs knowing someone else vs knowing the two of you together. the whole book is one long, breathless sentence. there’s a quote I sometimes use on my blog to tag stuff and it’s “desire is always leaving the door open” and that’s what this book is about.
white man?: yes
Changing My Mind by Zadie Smith
this is the book I’ll always read when I want to remind myself how much smarter I can be.
white man?: no
Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher
perfect book to read on a rocky beach on the Côte d'Azur in late August. equal parts glossy fun & thought-provoking. all in all I’m really thankful that Carrie Fisher found the strength to write as much as she did throughout her life, and I’m thankful that I found her books this year
white man?: no
The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry
perfect Christmas break-read. this book is so different from what I usually read (I pretty much never read historical fiction & whenever I try I just can’t get into it) but something just drew me to it & I needed something to read while sprawled out on the couch post-Christmas dinner, so I bought it on a whim and I’m so glad I did! the prose was great, the characterization fantastic, and the whole premise of the book was just cool as fuck tbh. unnerving & sad & tender & so so so lovely. the ending was strange and perfect just like the whole book. makes you Think and Feel.
white man?: no
Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney
perfect plane-read. perfect read for the end of a week when you’ve visited your extended family back home & you've interacted with so many people & they’re all so complicated in their own way & it’s all been a lot and you just want someone to look inside your head and go, look, I understand, here, have some spiked lemonade. this book did exactly that! everything in it is relatable. it’s like you do all these small things throughout the day, and then it turns out that someone has noticed them all and they have been writing notes on them and one day they finally show you, but in a non-creepy way. very smart book, very entertaining, makes you ponder stuff that you maybe used to think was insignificant.
white man?: no
Reborn by Susan Sontag
reading this while feeling manic and hopped up on like five cups of green tea and black coffee was an Experience. smart. sad. hopeful. intimidating. mostly, what this book did was make me feel a lot less alone. like there was a woman out there whose brain was also going 200 mp/h all the time and she was also constantly in search of intellectual simulation and nothing was enough and she knew she had things to say but she had no one to say it to, and she was afraid of the future just as much as she fetishized it, and she didn’t always feel the right things in the right situations but she somehow managed. and in the end she found ways to fulfill herself and she found ways in which she could excel and she found work that was satisfying (and I say this with zero intent of romanticizing anything about Sontag’s life). so maybe there’s hope for all of us who are constantly bouncing off the walls and always feel like we’re living behind a glass wall.
white man?: no
Secondhand Time by Svetlana Alexievich
definitely the hardest book to read of 2018. it’s so scary to imagine not just how much work Svetlana Alexavitch put into this book, but also how much it must have hurt her, emotionally, and how many times she must have wanted to abandon it all and lie down and just take a really long nap, because it was all so painful (or maybe she’s a much better and more productive person than I am and she never had those thoughts) anyways this was 100% a book where I was like, I hate all of this but I need to know these things so I’ll push through. everything my parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles have ever told me was in this book, except it was all jammed up on steroids. but I know I need to learn about and understand their history better, even if it’s super painful, especially because it’s super painful! and especially because it’s not my history. I’m so glad this book won the Nobel Prize & I’ll never listen to anyone who thinks otherwise.
white man?: no
I’m satisfied with myself, I read more than twice the amount I originally set out to read, I read a wide variety of genres and subjects, I read a lot of books I liked, I read a lot of books that have been sitting on my TBR for a very long time, I didn’t read too many white men!!! I originally made it my goal to read 30 books because I was balls deep in a horrible depressive episode in late 2017/early 2018 and I just fully couldn’t even read a chapter of anything without getting a panic attack, so 30 books was an ambitious but still achievable goal. it’s nothing compared to how much I read when I’m doing better, but I was really struggling back then and frankly I wasn’t even sure I’d accomplish this much, so I’m very happy with my progress. I also pushed myself to read books that were difficult to read for different reasons and powered through many of them, which I’m also proud of. the second half of 2019 is going to be insane, but I still want to set myself the goal of reading 40 books, which I think I can realistically accomplish in the first half of the year, if things really do get so crazy hectic that I won’t have the time to read AT ALL later in the year, which it hopefully won’t. but I think 40 is a nice and realistic goal. we’ll see!!!
ultimately, this was the year I explicitly decided that I wanted to be a well-read person, that reading a lot was an important priority in my life, and it’s important to me that I push myself to continue to read a lot, because 1) it makes me a better person and 2) it makes me happy. so deciding to challenge myself to read as much as possible and actually set myself reading goals and challenges and then invest time and energy in accomplishing them has been an important consequence of this year’s reading challenge and it’s definitely something that’s going to affect how I read in the future. OKAY NERD EPISODE OVER BYE
(big thanks to Muffy @whitegirlblog for the inspiration 🤓)
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 years ago
Us Against the World
Fandom: Star Wars (Childhood Best Friends AU)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Summary: You and Poe have been best friends since preschool. At that young age, Poe made a declaration, a promise. One that he intended on keeping. Based off of this post.
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Age 4
You were nervous entering the preschool. When your mom said she’d be leaving you there for a couple of hours, you were scared. You didn’t want to be alone.
“Don’t wanna go,” you said with a whimper as you clung to your mom’s hand.
She knelt down, “Y/N, it’s gonna be okay. You’re gonna have so much fun! You’ll make friends and you’ll forget you’ve been gone for a while.” You still had a scared look on your face. Your mom sighed, “If you’re good, I’ll take you out for ice cream, okay?”
You smiled softly and nodded. She walked you into the classroom and was instantly greeted to a woman about the same age as your mom, “Hi there. I’m Mrs. Organa. And who might you be?”
“Y/N,” you said shyly.
The woman smiled, “Hi, Y/N. Nice to meet you. Do you wanna go play with some toys?” You nodded and hugged your mom good-bye before heading towards the toy chest. 
You spotted a big fire truck and grabbed for it, but so did another kid. You looked up to see a boy with tan skin, black curly hair, and brown eyes. He picked up the truck and look at you, “Do you wanna play with me?” As if feeling your apprehension, he smiled, “I’m Poe!”
“I’m Y/N,” you said shyly.
“Wanna play, Y/N?”
After that, you and Poe could not be separated. You both always got upset when you weren’t in the same groups for play time. You always wanted to lay next to each other for nap time, and you two always shared your snacks. 
One day in class, Mrs. Organa asked what everyone wanted to do when they grow up. Poe immediately stood up from his chair, “When I grow up, I’m gonna marry Y/N!” he said proudly. You blushed as all the kids laughed and made noises of disgust. Poe immediately got upset, “It’s not funny! Y/N is my best friend and I wanna be with her forever!”
Age 10
You and Poe sat in the principal’s office waiting for your parents to arrive. You and Poe held each other’s hands as Ms. Tanno looked at both of you disappointedly. 
Your dad and Poe’d dad, Kes, walked in frantically, “Is everything okay?”
“What happened?”
“Is anyone hurt?”
Ms. Tanno held up her hand and they all silenced, “The only person who got hurt was Mrs. Organa’s son, Ben Solo.”
“What exactly happened?” Kes asked.
Ms. Tanno gestured to you, “Go ahead, you two.”
You sighed, “Ben was making fun of me. Saying I was ugly and that no one would like me.”
“Then I was defending her and told Ben to buzz off!”
“Then Ben called Poe stupid and knocked him down. Poe looked like he was about to cry and then...”
You looked at Poe’s who’s eyes fell down to his lap and were filled with hurt, “He said ‘What are you gonna do? Cry to your mommy? Oh wait, you don’t have one anymore.” Poe started sniffling and you tightened your hold on his hand.
“So I punched Ben in the face.”
Kes knelt down in front of both of you, “Y/N, I appreciate what you did for Poe, but violence isn’t the answer.”
You looked down in shame, “I know, but after Ben mentioned Aunt Shara, I just..I just couldn’t help it.”
Your dad looked to Ms. Tanno, “So what’s going to happen?”
“Well, since Y/N punched someone, I’ll have to suspend her.”
Poe’s head shot up, “No! Suspend me!”
Ms. Tanno shook her head, “But you didn’t punch Ben, Poe.”
“So? I-It’s my fault that Ben got punched! I interfered! I should get suspended, not Y/N!”
“I’m sorry, Poe. It’s not how that works.”
Poe frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, “Well if Y/N is suspended, then I’m not going to school until she’s back.”
“Poe, stop,” you tried reasoning with him.
He looked at you, “No. Best friends forever, remember? They can’t separate us no matter what.”
Age 16
Poe was anxious. He stood by your locker, waiting for you to get out of math class. He kept muttering to himself, “You can do this. She’s your best friend. You got this, Poe. You got this.” as soon as the bell rang, he tensed. It was now or never. 
He stared at his shoes, his old beaten up Converse, waiting for your arrival. He tried not to let his nerves get the best of him. He’s known you for his whole life. He shouldn’t be afraid, he shouldn’t-”Whatcha starin’ at?” 
His head slowly raised and his brown eyes met your Y/E/C eyes. He smiled, “Nothin’. So, uh, I have something to tell you.”
“What’s up?” you asked as you switched your math book for your English book. You closed your locker and looked at Poe expectantly.
Poe gave a deep breath, “I like you. A-A lot. L-Like more than a best friend kind of like.”
A smile formed on your face, “Really?”
“Well, uh, yeah. I mean, you’re smart, funny, beautiful, fun. What’s not to like?”
You blushed, “I like you too.”
“R-Really? Like how I like you like me?”
You laughed, “Yeah, Poe.” You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, “Now let’s get to class, yeah?” you slipped your hand into his. 
Poe looked down at your intertwined hands with a big smile on his face, “Yeah. Okay.”
Age 18
You had Poe had graduated high school. Despite it being a joyous occasion, both of you were saddened. Poe had be recruited to the Air Force. Within a week, he’ll be shipped off to training. So you two spent as much time as you could together.
He took you out on dates, he slept over your house, you two went on a day trip out of town, and Poe had gotten you a puppy.
“He’ll keep you company while I’m away. Right, Beebs?” the little corgi-shiba inu mix wagged its tail as Poe pet him, “Oh!” Poe pulled out the necklace he always wore: his mother’s ring hanging from a metal chain, “Keep this safe for me, yeah?”
You gave him a sad smile, “Okay,” you said sheepishly.
“I’ll think of you every single day. I’ll try to write as much as I can. But you have to promise me something, sweetheart.”
“Don’t push everyone away. Don’t isolate yourself. This is your summer before you go to college. Don’t waste it crying over me.”
You began to sniffle, trying not to let the tears fall, “I’m gonna miss you so much,” you whimpered.
“I know, baby.” Poe kissed your cheek, “I know.” then he hugged you. He held onto you as long as you needed him to.
Age 21
You were typing away on your computer when you received a Skype call from Poe. You immediately answered it, “Poe?”
The grainy image of him appeared. He waved, “Hello, my love. Whatcha doin’?”
“Working on my novel.”
He nodded, “Ah yes. Our love story.”
“It’s not our love story! It’s Oscar and Angela’s love story!”
“Uh huh, which is based off of our love story, which technically means you’re writing about us. You even used our own descriptions for the characters!”
You looked at him surprised, “You actually read some of it?”
Poe scoffed, “Of course I did, baby! And you’re not subtle at all about the parallels between our story and theirs.”
You chuckled, “There are some differences...”
“Oh yeah, like how Oscar is taller and has more abs? You tryna tell me something, baby?”
You laughed, “No! You’re fine just the way you are.”
“Uh huh. Suuuure.” You both giggled, “Anyway, I got permission to visit next month.”
Your eyes lightened up, “Really?!”
Poe nodded, “Hell yeah! Can’t wait to see you, kiss you, hug you, fu-”
He giggled, “I’m kidding! Maybe...not really. Anyway, let’s see our lil fur baby!”
You called Beebs over to you and lifted him to your camera, “He’s doing well!”
Poe leaned closer to the screen, “He’s gotten fatter!”
“But he always whines when I don’t give him enough food! I feel bad!”
“You’re making our baby fat, Y/N!”
“Okay! I’m sorry! I’ll take him out more to work it off.”
“Yes. Sounds good.”
You sighed, “Well, I better get this chapter finished up. Talk to you later?”
“Of course. Bye, sweetheart. I love you bunches!”
“Bye, babe! I love you bunches more!”
Age 26
You and Poe socialized with your family. It was your dad’s birthday and your mom threw a barbeque for him. You stood next to Poe as you spoke with your neighbor and long-time friend, Rose. Meanwhile, Poe talked to long-time friend and Air Force pal, Finn, while his arm was around your waist. 
It felt so good to have Poe back, even for a little bit. As time passed, you’d gotten used to his temporary stays. Despite that, you two had gotten an apartment together. Something that was your own. It was a big step for the both of you, but it was a long time coming. As was this.
“Everyone! May I have your attention please?” Poe called out. 
You looked at Poe confusedly, “What’s going on?” Everyone circled around you as Poe pulled you closer to him. 
“Y/N, when I was four years old, Mrs. Organa, our preschool teacher, asked us what we wanted to do when he grow up.”
“Oh my God.” you held your hands to your mouth, already knowing what was about to happen.
Poe chuckled, “Don’t get ahead of me here, sweetheart!” He cleared his throat, “My answer to that question was that I wanted to marry you. And this is me keeping my word.” He pulled out a ring and knelt down on one knee, “Y/N L/N, you’re my best friend, my soulmate. In front of our closest friends and family, I’m here declaring my never ending love for you. Will you do me the honors of becoming my wife?”
With teary eyes you nodded, “Yes!” 
Poe took your left hand and slid the ring onto your finger. He then gave you a kissed and picked you up, spinning you around as everyone cheered.
Age 30
You were wringing your hands together as you paced back and forth in the hall. Rose, Phasma, Kaydel, Jess, and Rey watched you.
“Why are you nervous? You’re marrying the love of your life?” Rey asked.
“Oh, I’m not nervous about marrying Poe. Fuck yeah I wanna marry him! I just don’t wanna trip down the aisle or stutter my vows. You know how I am with speaking in public.”
Rose shrugged, “Don’t think of it as talking in front of a couple hundred people. Just think of it as talking to Poe. Making your promise to him and declaring your undying love and all that lovey dovey stuff,” Rose said. The other women agreeing with her. 
Your dad approached you, “You ready?”
You sighed, “Yup. Let’s do this!” 
“Oh God. What if I stutter? I don’t wanna sound stupid!” Poe whispered anxiously to Finn, his best man.
Finn shook his head, “Man, calm down. Whether you stutter or not, Y/N will still love you.” 
The doors to the venue opened and in walked the flower girl, ring bearer, and bridesmaids. They all joined Poe and Finn at the end of the aisle. Then the wedding march began to play and everyone stood. Poe gave a deep breath and then turned towards you. He was floored. 
You looked absolutely stunning in your wedding dress. You looked angelic even! You joined Poe at the end of the aisle. You chuckled as he wiped his eyes.
“Sorry, you’re just so beautiful.”
“Thank you and you look even more handsome.” you nodded to his formal Air Force uniform. You loved when he was in uniform.
Poe chuckled, “Thanks, babe. So, together forever?” he asked, intertwining your fingers with his.
You smiled at him, “Together forever.”
“Us against the world, baby.” he whispered as he faced the officiant.
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sithlordintraining · 7 years ago
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A/N: Because my hair still hasn’t grown back and to be honest I could go off and give detail about everything but I was like I don’t have time for that. 
Summary: Kylo “I got fuxking money” Organa-Solo takes his unapologetically black girl/friend to Beychella VIP status
Warning: cursing.
Kylo’s fingers strummed against the table you were sitting at; your dark eyes were glued to the screen of your Mac. “I’m going to Coachella with Rey, Finn, and Poe.” He said and you just ok’d him unbothered. “And...so are you.” The badge popped up in right hand corner of your screen for an airdrop. The words that he said didn’t process but when you saw the photo of the ticket, you turned to look at him. “Wha-Why, Kylo?” You were confused but were smiling. You watched as his large body shrugged his broad shoulders, looking like an oversized child as a blush filled his cheeks. “I-I just thought you would like to go with m-us. I know you usually go to Panorama, so I thought you would enjoy it.” Kylo said avoiding eye contact. “Thanks, Kylo. I mean I don’t know what to say.” You were in such a shock, your brows were still furrowed. “That you’ll go, please.” He joked. “Yeah, yeah of course. How much do I owe you? I’ll Venmo you right now.” Your fingers moved quickly against the keyboard. “Nothing Y/N, it’s my treat.” Your eyes found his brown irises that you loved to compliment him about. “Don’t give me that look Y/N, I mean it.” You would be lying if you didn’t like him paying for everything, but he was spoiling you and he wasn’t even your boyfriend! “Fine!” You rolled your eyes. “When is it so I can block out my days at work?”
“It’s Saturday, April 14th. I could only afford one day, sorry. But if you want, we can go the whole weekend and I can show you California.” Kylo’s rich voice was soft as he spoke to you. He knew you had never been and he would love to show you, Cali, just like you had helped when Rey visited New York. Plus, if he could just get you alone for a weekend in his element, maybe he would finally be able to tell you how he feels. “I guess,” you teased never really being a fan of the West Coast, besides the rap. “Let’s see this lineup.” Kylo bit his bottom lip knowing that his plan would work. He watched your eyes widen at the screen. “BEYONCE?!” You turned to look at him with a wide smile plastered on your face. He broke out in a giggle. “You look like the meme,” Kylo said. “Shut up!” You punched his arm. “But seriously though, Beyonce? Oh my God, we are going to see you Beyonce!” His lips tugged up because he loved seeing your smile and knowing that he caused it, made him happier. You wouldn’t consider yourself a die-hard Beyhive member, but as a former dancer and performer, you respected the woman and gave credit where credit was due. She was the best living entertainer of this generation and most influential person; not to mention her music has gotten you through a lot and she was Blue Ivy’s mom. “Oh my God, what am I going to wear?!” You screeched as you maniacally hit the keys on the laptop. Kylo just chuckled before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Alright, see you later.” “Bye Ky, thank you so much.” You looked up at him with a happy pout. “Anything for you, kid.” He smiled and was on his way.
All of Friday, Kylo took you to see his California. Everyone could go down Rodeo Drive or see the Hollywood sign, but he wanted to show you a side to California that almost made you want to stay. But Saturday came fairly quick and you were waking up to the smell of pancakes. You strolled downstairs to see Kylo behind the island. “Good Morning,” You said. Kylo turned to see you in your cute little PJs and head scarf. “Good Morning, Y/N.” He plated the bacon. “Where’s Rey and everyone?” You asked. “They left already.” He handed you your plate. “I thought we could just chill and get ready until Beyonce,” Kylo told you. “You act like I’m going to take long.” You rolled your eyes eating the bacon. “Of course not sweetheart. But, I know it’s a time zone difference and you would like to perfect your baby hairs.” He teased. You gave him a death look. “I know you’re joking but the hairs are a serious thing.” You stuck your tongue out. “What time does she perform?” “At 11pm.” Kylo told you. “11? Oh, Bey, I’m going to need a nap, we have like 12 hours to waste.” You wore a silk and lace yellow cami with crystal embellished high-waisted shorts and the big purchase that you had been saving just for the concert: Miu Miu Matelasse leather belt bag. Expensive and trendy? Yes. But you could also wear it as just a belt or a clutch. Your tongue pressed against the back of your teeth as you focused on laying your baby hair down perfectly. Kylo stood at the door just watching you with a small smile on his lips. He knew how he felt about your curls. Looking in the mirror, you saw the weirdest sight. “Are you wearing a-” You turned to see his muscles under the ‘Beyhive Boys’ shirt and his dark hair braided back in a bun. You couldn’t help but laugh at how cute and out of his element he looked. “I don’t want to be out of place.” Kylo sat down on the toilet and held out be stickers. “What is this?” You took it from him. “I’m going to put them on my body.” Kylo was the master of being emotionless, so when you saw his straight face say this and you busted out laughing. “You’re so cute!” Kylo opened his legs as you engulfed him in a hug. His arms wrapped around you tightly, nuzzling into your belly. “Alright, Mr. Knowles lets put these bees on you.”
Walking the festival grounds, you held Kylo’s hand as you took in everything. Never have you ever thought you would be at Coachella or see Beyonce or be with Kylo in this type of setting. Kylo always like it for it to be just you two and you thought it was so sweet that he spent the time and money to think about you like this. “We are meeting them here.” Kylo stopped as he looked around for his cousin and friends. Soon, both were able to make out the sound of laughter from the famous trio. “BEN!” Rey screamed running to him but then quickly shifted to you. “Y/N YOU LOOK SO GOOD!” She ran to hug you. Poe and Finn approached Kylo. “Woah, aren’t you ready for Queen Bey?” Poe said. Kylo just rolled his eyes. “And Miss thing came to slay over here.” Finn's hands moved up and down and in a praising gesture. Y/N laughed at Finn’s ridiculousness. “Come on, let’s get some pictures and fun in before Beyonce stops the world.” Rey grabbed your hand and everyone followed. You had such an amazing time and took so many great pics with your friends. Not to mention Kylo, you thought Kylo was so beautiful, not just on the outside, and you wish he could see that. The group made their way to the main stage. “We are going this way.” Kylo tugged your hand that almost never left his. “Dude, what? We are going to be in the back already, where could we possibly go?!” He could tell you were getting anxious and frustrated. “We’ll catch you guys later,” Kylo told the trio as he led you to a secluded section. It was heavily guarded and made you confused. “Can I see some ID?” The man asked and the pair showed him. Soon he was letting them in and handing them lanyard.
Thanking the man, you read the laminated card. “BEYCHELLA!” You squeaked. “Oh my God Kylo, how the fuck did you do this?” Kylo just shrugged. “I guess it pays to have my mom be a famous Senator,” Kylo told you. Kylo had money, so you weren’t surprised that you both had VIP bands for the festival but this was another level. “This is crazy!” Both of your hands wrapped around his as you beamed up at the tall figure. Kylo looked down to see you glowing and not just your skin, but your whole aura. He loved every moment of you taking him by the hand and leading him to a good spot to see both stages. You stopped in front of the gate and looked at him. “Oh my God, that’s Jourdan Dunn!” You whispered. He turned to see a couple of models that you followed and he grabbed both your hands smiled down at you. “You’re so cute.” Now it was your time to hide your blushing expression, wrapping your arms tightly around him. With other people filling into the little VIP area, you tried your best to keep it cool, but and you and Kylo caught everyone’s attention. Two beautiful Beyonce-themed people, everyone thought you were the cutest couple, Kylo was very surprised when people wanted pictures. Of you, he was not; you were his Naomi Campbell and he loved seeing and watching you take pictures. But him it was different, he wasn’t as photogenic as you. With some hyping and a few of you, he was able to show off his Queen Bey outfit. “Just letting you know, I’m not apologizing for my actions and if you don’t want to be my friend anymore, it’s fine ‘cause baby girl finna turn up!” You told him.
Soon all the lights were dimming and screams filled the air. Kylo heard you gasp as the surrounding phone screens illuminated your face. His dark eyes memorized your childlike expression waiting for the show to start. The spotlight illuminated a female drummer as she began tapping. “Oh, my God.” You whispered. A whistle blew and the beat dropped, the dancers began to move and exposed Beyonce in all her royal garb. Y/N’s mouth hung open as she couldn’t believe what she watches. Her eyes fell to the main stage where she saw the bleachers and the band. “OH MY GOD IT’S A FUCKING HBCU, SHE’S FUCKING TAKING US TO COLLEGE!” Y/N screamed and Kylo chuckled. He knew that when you were little you wanted to go to an HBCU and you wanted to be a line dancer, sometimes you regretted not going and that would make Kylo sad because he met you here in college and he couldn’t even FATHOM you not being in his life. Even if he had only known you for a little less than a year. Kylo’s eyes went from you to the top of the bleachers seeing Beyonce. “That’s from the fucking Wiz, woah okay, bitch take me all the way black!” He heard you say. The beat dropped and Beyonce began to move. “Coachella are you ready?” “YASSS! IT’S FUCKING CRAZY IN LOVE” He heard you say. He just stared in awe as the show commenced. He never really watched for Beyonce until now and he had to admit, the price was worth it and the show just started.
“She’s line dancing, she better not sit-wow, she’s fucking my life up.” Y/N said she could feel the adrenaline rush through her as the performance went on. You stuck your tongue out and began to twerk when they remixed Crazy in Love with Back Dat Ass Up. Kylo looked at you for a brief second before a blush hit his face and continued to watch the dancers do the same thing. It started to slow down as she moved to the next song. Your hands flew to your face. Kylo’s brows furrowed as he gently pulled you to him. “You okay? What happened?” Y/N turned up to look at him with glossy eyes. “She’s singing Lift Every Voice and Sing. That’s the Black national anthem.”  She hadn’t heard that song in years! From pre-school to middle school she went to an all-black and very pro-black school that celebrated the culture. So hearing this definitely invoked some nostalgic emotions for her. But the tears fell away as Formation came on and Kylo knew how much you LOVED that song. “Are we swag surfin’ again?” You began to dance and took Kylo’s arms and did the same. “YASS BEY!” He stood there smiling torn between watching Beyonce perform and the girl he was in love with being so happy and carefree.
“Kylo those are Les Twins!” She shook his shoulders which prompted him to tear his eyes from her to the stage. The beat for Partition dropped and you were living and soon filtered into Yonce which got you hyped because Jourdan, Joan, and Chanel were in your section and if you were living, you know they were living. Check On It started to play and you swore if they weren’t already, your edges were GONE! “Check On It like Pink Panther, bitch throwback to my fucking Disney MP3 Player!” You screamed. You haven’t heard that song in years, but you still knew the lyrics. “Oh, Shit!” They both said in unison as Jay-Z walked on the stage. “If Blue comes out, I’m done, I’ll be done.” Kylo threw his head back laughing because you LOVED that little girl more than you loved her parents. The girls and Beyonce came back with their army fatigue and you felt so stupid for not realizing what this was leading up to when three silhouettes rose from the stage. Hands flew into your hair as you screamed. Kylo jumped definitely not expecting that. But, never in your twenty-two years of life did you think you would get the chance to see this. You remember playing Destiny’s Child and telling people you were Beyonce and they weren’t. Young Y/N was going off; Kelly, Bey, and Michelle were right there looking fine as ever and better than most of the artist that we have now! You haven’t heard good harmonies like that in a minute. “Woah, the boots are falling, somebody’s getting fired.” If that wasn’t enough, Solange came running out. “WHAT?!” You screamed as they danced to Get Me Bodied. “THIS IS AMAZING!”
You don’t know why you underestimated Beyonce by thinking it couldn’t get better than this but when Single Ladies started you were breaking out the dance moves that were in your muscle memory. Kylo couldn’t help admire you dancing with the same energy as the dancers on stage. He knew about Single Ladies so he flipped his hand just like Beyonce which made you laugh. You hugged his side and he wrapped his arms around you, hopefully, you wouldn’t be single any longer once he finally worked up the nerve. Beyonce began to talk and sang Love On Top. With your arms still wrapped around him tightly, you began to sing the song, Kylo’s head rested atop your head. They continued to watch Beyonce snatch wigs and life from everyone at Coachella. Beyonce said her thank yous and left the stage. Everyone began to exit still on a high. Kylo led you out. “You enjoyed yourself?” He asked walking to the meet-up with the trio. You nodded still reveling in what just happened. The ride back to the house you were silently snuggled up with Kylo; Rey, Finn, and Poe didn’t mind as they were drunk and talking about God knows what.
When you entered the house everyone went to bed except you and Kylo, who was chilling in the living room. “That was amazing, I’ve never seen a show like that and it wasn’t even her concert,” Kylo told you. “Yeah,” You said silently with a smile. Kylo observed the small smile on your face as tears filled your eyes. “A-Are you okay?” He moved closer to you. “Yeah, I just,” You wiped your tears as you giggled. “You might think it’s silly, but watching her, watching THAT performance, that was me. It was for me, it was for us.” Kylo didn’t need you to explain what you meant; he remembers all the times you complained about going to see Solange and all the whites being at the front of the stage and not showing her enough love, how it wasn’t fair for them or you, and how she had made you feel as a black woman. “No, I don’t think it’s silly.” Kylo shook his head. “It’s just, that was my culture. Like the bands, the frats, the line, the songs; I wanted to go to Hampton like my Uncle and be a dancer and perform at the shows that we used to go see. And the Nina Simone, Malcolm X excerpts and the anthem-like.” You rolled your eyes as more tears fell. “I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it.” You show him your arms. “She turned the whitest festival black.” Kylo joked and you laughed. “Totally, but I mean she made history, we witnessed history and she infused it with our history. After everything, this was for us by us. Thank you for allowing me to see this.” You turned to him and smiled. Kylo brushed the fallen curls out of your face.
“I’m just happy that you’re happy. You make me so happy Y/N and I couldn’t think of a better way to express how thankful I am for being my friend and just putting up with me.” Kylo said. “So you take me to the most anticipated show since 2017? I must mean a lot to you. I’m forever indebted to you.” You laughed. His fingers combed through his hair as he let out a shaky breath not knowing how to say his next words. “You can be my girlfriend.” He said and you threw your head back in laughter which confused him. “You didn’t have to take me to see Beyonce to be your girl, but I’ll take it.” Hands cradled his face as they nuzzled their noses together. Two pairs of dark eyes held a heavy stare. His large hands softly gripped your waist. His full lips touched yours as he pulled you closer. Kylo couldn’t believe this whole night was real. He felt her soft lips fall into a smile as he continued to leave kisses on her lips. He pulled back to see her blushing expression. Her head fell into the crook of his neck as he pulled her into a bear hug and pulled you on top of him. “Thank you, Beyonce!” Kylo sighed looking down at his favorite person in the whole world.
tagged:  @rebeccamaximoff @hoe-for-kylo
P.S: Y’all better read this lmao
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asuitcaseofmemories · 7 years ago
Shopping is an Art, and I’m an Artist.
I was shaken awake at 8am and when I opened my drowsy eyes I saw my husband’s face staring back at me.
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I knew I’d told him I’d get breakfast with him, but I just wasn’t feeling it. I apologized and asked him to go without me. In the same breath, I rolled over and dozed back off. When my alarm rang I felt it was a breath of fresh air. I told myself that today’s plans were just what I needed after two days of moping around my room in a depressive state, and taking six hour naps. 
I quickly got myself around, checking the weather app to see that it was a “chilly” 68 degrees. I regrettably threw on pants and a hoodie and decided that iced coffee would be my breakfast. I didn’t sleep at all last night hearing the constant dripping of the leak in our closest. Drip. Drip. Drip. It was enough to drive anyone insane. 
I ordered my coffee from the sweet barista and headed to the lobby. I wasn’t looking forward to attempting to discuss our leaking issue for a third time. I could tell from the look on the sorry look on the woman’s face that she was going to insist we move rooms. Indeed, I was correct. As annoying as it was that I’d have to pack up all our belongings again, and move rooms... I decided it wouldn’t ruin my day. 
Soon enough I saw a familiar black car roll up and received a text from Marlene that she’d arrived. I met Marlene a few weeks ago in a drunken Fire Ball induced stupor. After closing down the bar that night, we’ve been inseparable ever since. She’s one of those go with the flow, loves to have fun types of women. I see so much of me in her, and I think that’s why we click so well. 
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We immediately started off with our morning girl talk, chatting and laughing like we’d known each other for ages. It seemed a moment later we’d arrived at the Antique Market. We were meeting up with 5 other women to explore the market. This was my first time and the were going to show me alllll I needed to know. 
This market was like many other Chinese markets. There was an upstairs and a downstairs, and it was a labyrinth of shops, each one much the same and yet completely different. I’m convinced the design is on purpose because if you’re lost long enough you’re bound to buy something just for the pure fun of it. 
I glanced to my right and saw ornate blue and white Chinese style vases towering taller than me. The sun peeking through the clouds illuminated their gorgeous designs. To my left I saw more of the same. Up ahead I saw some familiar faces smiling, waiting to greet us. We said our hellos and talked strategy. 
My friend’s loveee bargaining at markets. They knew which artists you could haggle with, and which ones kick you out before you can even try. For someone with a smart mouth like I have, you’d be surprised to know I would rather die than bargain. Shove me in a casket I’m done. 
A few of the girls needed to get some prints framed, so we headed upstairs to their frame girl. If you live in China long enough you’ll find you have a “girl for that” or a “guy for that” for just about every item you’d want to buy, fix, or make. Everyone seems to specialize in something. 
As we entered the second floor I was amazed at what I saw. There was a shop full of huge pieces of silk that were hand embroidered. The artist used vibrant colors to make koi fish, lotus, Buddha, monkeys, birds, pandas, you name it. I was in awe. The next 30 minutes were spent oohing and ahhing over every single piece. I must touch this, and touch this, and ooh this one too. 
The girls went to get their frames ordered and I went to get lost. I popped in and out of shops “talking” with the artists, aka a whole lot of charades. They were excited to see a foreigner, and their faces lit up with pride watching me admire their hard work. Many of them sat in front of their easels mixing their paint, performing stroke after stroke. Calligraphy artists dipped their long white bristles and meticulously dragged them against the paper. My American brain couldn’t comprehend the characters, but it was easy to tell each piece had great meaning. 
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I found a shop where I watched an artist paint for awhile. She didn’t seem nervous having me watch her every move. My eyes scanned the walls. There had to be hundreds of paintings, and 1000s more hours hanging on them. I flipped through some hand painted items and decided one would make a perfect gift to bring back home.
I asked her “Duo shao chen” (how much)? She delicately pressed the buttons 200 on a calculator ($30USD). I knew she was high-balling me since I was a laowei (foreigner). She could probably sense my fear and anxiety as I more ballsy than usual typed back 150 ($24) on my phone’s calculator. She stared at me silently for a moment, pressed her lips together, and said “okay.” Which is good because one more second and I would’ve bitched out and paid 200. 
I felt we both got a decent deal and she wrapped up my gift. We thanked each other and I went on my way in search of more treasure. Just then I smelled the scent of what I can only assume all food in heaven smells like. A guy squeezed by passing me to go into his shop. He was carrying a giant bowl of noodles that smelled sweet yet spicy. I was determined to find where he got those suckers. 
I continued walking around with my giant eyes wide open, like I’d never seen anyone use a paint brush before. The girls were in a shop putting all their treasures together while Brenda drove a hell of a bargain for them. Brenda is our designated bargainer because she is just the sweetest thing, and no one can say no to the sweetest thing. 
I happened across the restroom because, iced coffee for breakfast, and it was... interesting. And when I say “happened upon” I mean I smelled it a hallway away. I entered and to no surprise, it was a squatty potty (if you’re confused please use Google). I closed the door and began giggling like a child. I also wished I was a child because maybe then that door would have been tall enough. The height of the stall didn’t even cover my boobs. Well ya know what they say, when in China. 
Next we went downstairs which is basically where I lost all my “I’m not buying anything else” senses. I’m extremely frugal, to the point where Corey picks on me... but if there’s anything you can talk me into... it’s jewelry. First I ran around like you’d just lit my ass on fire, looking left, right, up, and down. My first pass through I made it without a purchase. The girls were in a shop haggling so... I had to make another pass through, ya know just to be safe.
A silver and turquoise ring caught my eye and the shop owner knew it. I tried it on and pretended like I wasn’t going to just buy it no matter what price she gave me. At first she said 500 ($78) which admittedly caught me off guard and I unintentionally screamed AHHH ABSOLUTELY NOT! She was clearly testing my foreigner stupidity, then said 50 ($8). I was like, um yes this is my girl. She wanted me to purchase 3 more rings of hers to which I was telling myself “please step awayyyy from the rings.”
Well, negotiations were still happening in the other shop, so it was by pure fate that I found myself shopping again and I found an identical matching beaded necklace. The shop owner convinced me by telling me she’d sell it to me for “cheap.” I got it for next to nothing, but by her enthusiastic hug and complimenting me on being a “nice girl,” I knew she gypped me. This is of no surprise to me. 
Someone else walked by with noodles. Where are these noodles from? I walked around some more, and took about 500 pictures of an orange bird, because I’m crazy and because BIRDS ARE COOL. I also found myself staring at statues that probably were worth double my first car. 
I then accidentally bought two bracelets because they were boho style and I am really an irresponsible person okay? I’d tell you the negotiation story but truthfully I think my eyes glazed over, money was exchanged, and I have new bracelets. See pic below of the good good. 
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The girls had come full circle and were back in the vase store where we began. The were negotiating with the no-negotiating, “I’ll kick you out of my store” woman. I knew it was going to be an uphill battle for them so I decided to go get lost again. I twisted and turned through the labyrinth of stalls. I was lead to a dead end where I was about to call it a day, when a sweet old lady came yelling “pretty girllll” after me. 
Sweet woman took me by my hand and lead me to her table of treasures. She was insisting I purchase a Chinese history book written in Chinese with English translation. Then she tried to sell me a comb and some beads. I was completely uninterested and finally about to escape her grasp. But as I said bye and turned my back I heard the most magnificent sound. 
If you’ve never heard a Tibetan Singing Bowl, watch the video because NEED. I have priced some of these at other markets and they were in the hundreds of dollars. I talked her down to $20 and almost peed my pants with excitement.The universe must’ve been paying attention last night when I was cruising Pinterest looking for inspiration for a “meditation spot” in our new apartment. Thanks Universe for being the ultimate spy. 
Basically after this I had to go find my friends before the Universe told me I had to adopt a puppy or something. Shortly after finding them we separated into groups to head home happy with our purchases. I NEVER DID FIND THOSE NOODLES. The end.
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jungtookthejams-blog · 7 years ago
Jimin Imagine [1]
type : normal !
genre : fluff !
AU : college reader !
word count : 847 !
summary : Imagine just having a shitty day, but your fluff ball of a boyfriend is always there for you to cheer you up.
You couldn’t believe this.
You, at the moment, were sitting on your couch with coffee stained clothes, broken sunglasses, and an F on a large project grade for your Literature college class.
Groaning, you rolled over and trudged to your bedroom, remembering all that had happened earlier that day.
It all started that morning, when you were late for your first period class. Your alarm hadn’t gone off because of a power outage that had taken place the night before (as it is old and has to be powered on again when that happens), making you wake up fifteen minutes later than usual. By rushing a bit, you managed to get out the door in time.
You, however, didn’t have time to make coffee. And you had stayed up until five in the morning working on an essay in your Literature class that you still had to print. That being said, you were immensely sleep deprived after only two hours of sleep. Even worse, you had no coffee to power you through the day.
So, you wobbled your way to campus and ran inside to print your paper before class started, which was in ten minutes. The work room, however, was across the large education building that was your college, a good twenty minute sprint.
You hated to be late, but this was a huge project grade (30% of your overall grade), so it came first.
You quickly got it printed and ran down the hall, making sure to dodge all other students you saw. As you were thirty metres away from the door, someone body slammed you in your side, causing you to fall over, and your papers to fall into the custodian’s soapy water bucket.
After that, your professor chewed you out for not being responsible in front of the entire class. You sat quietly the rest of the day.
Then, on your way home, some asshole spilled coffee all over you. Their hand accidentally slapped your face, making your sunglasses go flying into the street. They were crushed by the feet of Korean on-goers. It really saddened you, because Taehyung had bought them for you (Damn right they were Gucci), and you felt like you had let him down and wasted his money by letting them be destroyed.
With that, you trudged home. And so, here you are, on your bed with your head in your hands. You heard you phone go off, and groaned as you went to pick it up.
“H- Hello?”
“Hi, Jagiya! Are you okay? You don’t sound okay. I wanted to call to tell you that I have to stay over at the dorms tonight to help Yoongi and Namjoon write my solo song and practice the choreography for Blood, Sweat, and Tears.”
You felt your heart break; you really needed Jimin right now. You really needed him. You didn’t want to get in his way, though; you didn’t want to be a burden.
“That’s fine. I know you’re a hard worker, Jimin. You’ll blow the world away with this comeback, I know it.”
“Thanks, (Y/N). You’re always so supportive, the guys and I all love you. I love you most, though,” You could just imagine him grinning cheekily, “But are you all right?”
“I’m fine, just tired. I’m going to take a nap. I’ll see you whenever you come home, okay?”
“Okay, Jagi. As long as you’re okay.”
“I’m fine, I promise.”
“I believe you. I love you, and I’ll come home as soon as I can. I want to cuddle you!”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you responded, “I love you too, and I am always up for cuddles. See you soon, Jimin.”
“Bye, (Y/N)!”
You cried yourself to sleep.
You woke up at around three o’clock in the afternoon the next day, surprised to find out you slept around sixteen hours. You didn’t do much the whole day but watch KDramas and drown in your own self-pity, until about ten o’clock at night when Jimin walked through the door.
You stopped what you were doing and just about tackled the male, making him laugh, “Miss me, Jagi?” “More than you think,” Your voice wavered.
Jimin set his things down and gave you a worried look, leading you to your couch where the two of you sat down. He broke the silence with a “You’re not okay, are you?”
You shook your head as you started to cry, “Yesterday was horrible, Jimin. Horrible.”
He gently hugged you and whispered sweet nothings in your ear, kissing you on your forehead and your cheeks. You couldn’t help but giggle as he started to kiss you all over your face. He eventually stopped and smiled at you, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear and softly kissed your lips.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, (Y/N). Let’s just cuddle for now so you can forget about it, yeah?”
You smiled softly as you pressed another kiss to his lips, “That sounds great. Thanks, Jimin.”
“Anything for you, Jagiya.”
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thegrandtortoise · 7 years ago
How to completely obliterate your jetlag:
Allright, story time. I’m going to tell you how I totally avoided what should have been a 12 hour time difference jetlag.
So, the thing is, I live in the Pacific NW (GO Seahawks!). Me and my parents were taking a trip to India to see all my relatives, and there aren’t many direct flights from here to India. As a result, we always do a little layover- sometimes in Europe, once in Korea, once in Singapore. This year, we took Emirates, so the layover was in Dubai (beautiful city, hot as an oven. Would 100% recommend). 
Since our layover was in Dubai, we decided to stay for a couple days, as a little mini vacation. 
Now I know some of you little weaklings are all like “OMG, an EIGHT HOUR flight? How am I going to survive? I’ll die!!”
Bitch, this was a 14 hour flight.
So yeah. Our flight from Seattle was at 2:00 pm, so naturally, I woke up at eight am, while my parents were going absolutely hysterical doing last minute packing and cleaning and shit. (Not to mention, the three of us had stayed up until like 12 am packing.) 
After my parents were done yelling at each other and trying to make sure I didn’t look like a total mess, the shuttle guy arrived and we all hauled our asses into the van and collapsed.
We got to the airport, we checked in, got to our gate, I had a delicious cinnamon roll, blah blah blah.
And then we got on the plane. Now mind you, it had been about two years since I had been on a plane, and I really love flying, so I was super pumped. I was doing what all teens do on an airplane- checking out the magazines and the movies, figuring out how the weird headphones worked (mine didn’t, so I stole my dad’s pair), and getting all snuggly with the blanket and pillows they provided. I was ready to go.
A lot of people hate long flights, but I like them. Idk why.
Anyway, we were on the runway in no time, and in the air. Everyone around me was settling in- picking a nice movie to watch, maybe getting in a nap before they served dinner, whatever. I’m not sure exactly what I decided to do, but I think I was probably screwing around with a little tv/computer thing on the seat in front of me.
Fast forward a couple hours. I’d watched half of Boss Baby, and gotten bored just as the villain was introduced. I’d picked at the gross airplane food (I always only eat the fruits and the dessert. The main course usually sucks.)
(oh ew ew ew ew I’m super sick right now, and I just turned to sneeze and a huge glob of snot landed on the arm of my chair)
Anyway, the flight attendants had turned the lights down, and a lot of people were getting pretty sleepy, including my parents. Me? Not so much. Feeling unsatisfied with Boss Baby, I put on Beauty and the Beast, hoping that some Emma Watson would satiate my need for a good airplane movie.
I didn’t work. I became bored pretty quickly, and the most horrible thing was that the dryness of the airplane air was getting to my skin. It was the first time that I really had a problem with the airplane air, and it was really uncomfortable. 
At some point, my mom woke up and told me to go to sleep, and I tried, really I tried, but I couldn’t get over the air. I put in my headphones and tried listening to some nice, lullaby type music, but even that didn’t work. Eventually, I just gave up and started watching The Princess and the Frog.
Bet you can’t guess how long that lasted.
Fifteen minutes. Yep.
Disney was failing me that day.
I spent the rest of the ‘dark/sleepy/or whatever” time just people watching. It’s actually pretty fun to see what other people are watching, especially if they’ve got subtitles on. 
Fast forward again. I made it to the last maybe three hours of the flight, and still no sleep. I’d picked through two more crappy meals (again with the fruit and the dessert). Determined to get at least one good movie into this hell of a flight, I turned to my good friend J.K Rowling, and put on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to watch for the second time (the first time was in the theater, if you were wondering. I actually just watched it for the third time yesterday on DVD). I was not failed.
I got through the whole movie, and my dad was rolling his eyes the whole time (he doesn’t understand!!). Then it was time for landing. Now, usually, I have no problem with the altitude drop/increases. My wonderful mom had always said, when you’re taking off or landing, during the whole time the altitude is changing, swallow your spit. Suck on a hard candy to get the saliva going, but basically swallowing your spit helps your ears adjust to the altitude. It’s sorta hard to explain, but I’m sure there’s science behind it.
For some reason, I decided to NOT follow this advice that day, and I deeply regretted it.
I spent the whole landing time with my head in my mom’s lap, my hands clamped over my ears, whimpering like a five year old.
So we landed, and it was getting pretty late in Dubai when we landed. The combined effort of getting out of the airport and getting to our hotel was one hour, and I was ready to collapse when we got to our room.
But no. One of my dad’s college friends who had settled in Dubai had graciously showed up and offered to take us to dinner. I really had wanted to just go to sleep, but my parents forced me out of the hotel and made me eat something.
(TBH, what I had was really good. Like, heavenly good. We had gone out for Indian food, because my mom was craving some authentic Indian food after the airplane crap, and I had a humongous ghee dosa, and if you don’t know what that is then you haven’t lived yet. Just look it up. I was basically delirious now, and I’m pretty sure my dad’s friend thought I was crazy, because I basically inhaled the whole thing, which was probably about two feet long. Just look at the picture and imagine.)
We finished dinner, and went back to the hotel, where I collapsed on the bed and immediately fell asleep.
Alright. Time for some math, children.
8 am to 2 pm= 6 hours.
A 14 hour flight
 About 2 hours in Dubai before I was allowed to go to sleep.
Add it all together: a grand total of 22 HOURS.
I did not sleep for almost a full day and night. My body was dead by the time we got to Dubai, and this was the key- I was actually sleepy when I was supposed to be sleepy. 
I had no problem with jet lag for the four days we were in Dubai, and the extra two hour time difference in India was a simple adjustment.
I hope that was entertaining. I will stop rambling now. I hope you understand how you can get rid of your jet lag, and if you don’t then ask someone to explain, because my immune system has gone AWOL and I need to find it before I die of snot and chicken soup.
K bye.
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were-cheetah-stiles · 8 years ago
The College Years - Sophomore Year (Chapter 31) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles​
Title: “The Missing Boy”
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Cora Hale, Scott McCall, Deputy Clarke, Noah Stilinski, Melissa McCall & Reader/OFC
Summary: Stiles gets released from the hospital, following his attack, and gets increasingly less patient with his ability to help the Pack crack the case of who summoned the rabisu to Beacon Hills.
Chapter Thirty - Chapter Thirty-One - Chapter Thirty-Two
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After nine days, Stiles had been released from the hospital and was finally allowed to go home. Sheriff Stilinski and Melissa McCall had decided that Stiles would be safer sleeping on the McCall's pull-out couch in Melissa's living room, then going home to a normally empty house with Noah. Sheriff Stilinski had figured that Melissa, Scott, Isaac, and Y/n, all staying at the McCall's with his son would be a better option than Noah occasionally being home to look after Stiles. It was temporary, and once Stiles could get up a flight of stairs by himself, Noah would take him home to his own bed. Stiles hated having to rely on others but he loved being in the center of the action again with most of the Pack coming in and out the McCall house at certain points throughout the day.
Cora and Isaac were on ‘Stiles duty’ the first day he came home since Scott had to go out to lunch with his Dad and Y/n was at her internship at the Mayor's office. They sat around the McCall’s living room watching Stiles sift through a box of stuff, that his Dad had brought over from the evidence locker, which was full of items seized from Sam Wirth's house. Cora was upstairs looking through Isaac's clothes, trying to find a shirt to replace her own after Stiles had accidentally spilled grape gatorade down the back of her shirt as she helped him adjust on the couch.
"So when did the Doctor say you could have sex again?" Isaac asked, garnering Stiles' attention from the box next to him.
"Not until I'm off bedrest.. so like another three weeks?" Stiles tossed a few pictures back into the box and stared blankly at Isaac. Isaac still infuriated Stiles' sometimes but he had grown quite close to him in the past year since he returned from France and began at Berkeley with the rest of them. Besides Scott, Isaac was the werewolf in the group that Stiles trusted the most.
"Sucks." Isaac retorted, telling Stiles what he already knew. "How's Y/n taking it?"
"She's fine. I don't even think she's thinking about it. She has definitely been treating me with kid gloves lately. I think the whole attack really flipped her out." Stiles admitted.
"Have you told her that you think that she's treating you like a fragile little boy?" Isaac said with a smirk.
Stiles narrowed his eyes at Isaac and shook his head. "No... I don't know. I guess now that I'm out of the hospital, I'll say something."
"You should. She probably doesn't even know she's doing it." Cora interjected, startling Stiles and causing him to throw his hand up in the air.
"Pretty much the whole time. You know I bet that she could still give you a blow-" Cora got cut off.
"OKAY. Alright, can we get off the topic of Y/n and I and move back to what's in the box?" Stiles rubbed his pointer finger into his eye in frustration.
"Have you found anything?" Isaac asked, pulling at the shirt that Cora decided to throw on of his. Cora swatted his hand away and sat back in the chair beside him.
"This box is crap. I know that there has to be so much more in evidence lock up at the station and I can't sit here and wait for my Dad to bring me a new box of more crap every day." Stiles said, trying to mask the undertone of irritation.
"What are you even looking for anyway?" Cora asked.
"Malia said that this guy wrote her like a dozen hand written letters and notes, so obviously he isn't going to keep a whole hell of a lot on his computer. I think he probably kept a journal or... actually, even his History of Mesopotamia notebook would be great. If I could compare what Y/n’s notes look like versus what his look like, or if he wrote anything extra. I don't know. I need something... none of which is in this box." Stiles tried to hide the look on his face that showed that the wheels had started rolling in his head.
"Okay, well I can stop by the station later and see if I can get another box of stuff from your Dad and bring it back over." Isaac offered.
"Nah.. no man, it's okay, he'll bring another tomorrow morning anyway." Stiles faked a yawn and stretched his arms above him. "You know, listen guys, I'm actually really tired all the sudden. It just hits me nowadays, you know? I think I'm gonna take a nap, you guys can just take off. Get lunch, enjoy a nice summer day, whatever. Y/n will be over at four to make me dinner so...." Stiles sank into the couch cushions and faked a yawn again.
"Alright, I'll see you later." Isaac said as he got up. Cora waved goodbye and followed Isaac out the door.
"Can we go back to my place so I can change into my own clothes first?" Cora asked as she closed the front door behind her.
Stiles heard the engine turn over on Cora's car outside and he peeked through the blinds. He watched as they drove away and he ripped the blanket that was covering him off and onto the floor. He grabbed his small notepad off the coffee table, next to the evidence box, and scribbled a note onto it. "Y/n, went to the evidence locker at the station. meet me there." He took his one crutch off of the arm of the couch and walked over to his backpack. He pulled his keys out of the front pocket and shoved them into the pocket of his gray sweatpants. Stiles threw his phone and notebook and Gatorade into his backpack, locked the door, and got into his Jeep.
When he pulled up to the Sheriff's station, he checked to see if his Dad's patrol car was gone. It was. Stiles pulled one of his many cloned keycards for the service entrance, and slipped into the station unseen. He punched in the code for the evidence lock up and got to work, throwing his backpack on the floor and resting his crutch against a shelf.
"Shit.. that was maybe a little too heavy..." He grunted to himself as he pulled another box labeled "S. WIRTHS" from a shelf. "Ugh... and I get no service in here. Cool." Stiles continued talking to himself as he sat on the floor surrounded by the boxes of evidence.
You pulled your white Toyota C-HR into Scott's driveway and realized that you had pulled in where Stiles' Jeep should've been. You walked up to the house and used your key to get into the front door.
"Stiles? Stiles, your Jeep isn't out front... Did your Dad come by or Isaac take it or something?" Your shouts were met with silence. "Stiles?" Your heart rate suddenly began to rise.
You noticed that his crutches and backpack were missing as you tore through every room in the house looking for him. "Fuck." You got back into your car and dialed Isaac's number. "Isaac, are you with Stiles?....... He's not taking a nap and his Jeep is gone...... What do you mean you and Cora left him, aren't you two supposed to be able to tell when he's lying? I have to call Scott. Okay, bye."
You pulled out of the driveway and began driving to Stiles' house, hoping that his Jeep would be in the driveway. You called Stiles' number first, only to get his voicemail, then you called Scott. "Hey, Stiles wasn't at your house and Isaac doesn't know where he is. His Jeep is missing and I am officially freaking out. Is he with you?...... Okay, I'm headed over to his house right now to see if he's there instead. Call me if you hear from him..... yea, he's my next call if his Jeep isn't there.... Yea, bye." You pulled up to Stiles' house and didn't see the Jeep.
You threw your car in park and began typing voraciously into the Pack group message. "Has anyone heard from Stiles today? He's not at Scott's or his house, his Jeep, backpack, and crutches are gone, and he's not answering his phone." You waited for the responses. All "no"'s came rolling in. "Shit." You said quietly to yourself, as you closed the texts and opened your phone app. 
You pressed Sheriff Stilinski's number and waited for him to pick up. "Hey Sheriff, have you heard from Stiles today?....... Okay, I think he's missing." You explained all that was wrong again and Sheriff Stilinski told you to go to into his house and wait to see if he'd show up.
Hours passed by and Scott knocked on the door to Stiles' house. It was nearing dark and everyone was out looking for the young Stilinski. He opened the door and saw you pacing the floor and staring at Stiles' murder board.
"Hey, you okay?" Scott asked you, pausing in the doorway to the living room.
"Yea, I just.. I'm really worried. Have any of you caught his scent?" You asked the Alpha.
"Isaac, Cora, Malia, Liam, Hayden, Derek and Ethan are all out looking for him. One of us will find him. I thought you could use a friend though." Scott explained as he stood in front of the murder board with you.
"What's that box?" You nodded your head towards the box that Scott had left in the doorway.
"Oh, Isaac said it was an evidence box that the Sheriff brought for Stiles to sift through. It's all Sam's stuff, but there isn't much in here that's helpful." Scott said, as he grabbed the box and set it on the coffee table in front of him and you instead.
"You're right... there's really nothing in here that's useful.." You echoed Scott's sentiments.
"Holy shit... I think I know where Stiles is." Scott had a eureka moment, grabbed your arm and the evidence box and you both flew out the door.
You pulled your car around the back service alley behind the Sheriff's station and saw Stiles' Jeep parked. You rushed around the front entrance and burst through the check-in lobby. Deputy Clarke ran after you as you headed to the evidence locker. The station was empty since everyone was out looking for Stiles.
"Open it, hurry!" Scott urged Deputy Clarke as she fumbled with the buttons on the keypad.
Scott opened the door and you ran through. You immediately saw Stiles' crutch propped up against a shelf and when you turned a corner you saw him, surrounded by papers and boxes and items from Sam's house. Stiles looked up and smiled. He was holding his good hand against his side and made no effort to get up.
"Hey guys." Stiles said nonchalantly.
"I'm gonna kill you, Stiles." Scott announced as he saw his best friend on the floor. "He's here, Clarke, call his Dad and tell him we found him."
"Stiles, what the fuck. We've all been driving around, frantic, because you were missing. Why didn't you text anyone and tell them you were coming here?" You asked as you dropped to your knees to sit next to Stiles.
"If I texted you that I was coming here, someone would've stopped me, by leaving you a note on the coffee table, I had a few hours to sift through Sam's stuff, and I found the jackpot, you guys." Stiles explained.
"What note?" You questioned him, annoyed.
"I left you a note on the coffee table telling you to meet me here after you got out of the Mayor's office." Stiles' comment was met with bewildered, silent looks. He reached for his backpack and grabbed his notepad. "Oh... I never tore it out and left it. I'm so sorry, babe.... I didn't mean to scare you guys."
"Your Dad is going to flip out on you." Scott reminded Stiles, as he pushed a box over with his foot, making room for him to sit on the floor with his friends. "No one bothered to look here because Clarke is the only one here. Everyone else is out looking for you."
"Well, that's really just poor police work on their part. I feel like you all should've known if I wasn't at your place, or your place, or my place, I'd be here." Stiles made a valid point.
Scott nodded slightly, and moved on, glancing into the boxes around him. "You said you found something?" Scott asked.
"No, hold on, why are you holding your side? What'd you do?" You pulled Stiles' hand from under his hoodie and revealed that blood had soaked through his t-shirt. "Oh my god, Stiles! What happened?"
"I think I may have popped a stitch when I was pulling boxes down but I'm fine." Stiles explained.
"You're not fine, man. You're really bleeding. Come on.." Scott helped Stiles to his feet. "Let's get to the hospital and have my mom check you out."
"Fine, but Y/N, put those two books and those papers in my backpack and bring them with us." Stiles insisted, holding onto a brace on a shelf, refusing to leave until you obliged.
Scott and you and Melissa sat in the small seating area outside of Stiles' room, listening to the Sheriff berate his son over the scare he gave everyone and the wasted resources that he used just to be found at the station, looking at confidential information.
"So what is all of that?" Scott asked, trying to ignore the scene that the Sheriff was making in the exam room.
"Stiles really did find something..." You flipped through the stapled papers, scanning the document quickly. "So we wrote three papers for our Ancient Mesopotamia class, and the final essay was a ten page research paper on the topic of our choosing. He gave us like a month and a half to work on them so that we could get a good amount of research done before submitting them."
"So is that his final paper?" Scott asked, leaning over your shoulder to look at the title on the first page.
"Yea, it is, and he basically wrote it on the rabisu." You answered, not realizing that the yelling had ceased.
"Not only that, but I read through his notebook and his journal and it's basically a timeline of Sam learning about Malia and the Pack, getting spurned by her.. repeatedly.. working on his paper and doing all the research from old books from the university library, figuring out how to summon them,stopping work in his other classes, getting put on academic probation, moving out of his apartment, getting rejected and told off by Malia one last time, and deciding to get his revenge on the supernatural community of Beacon Hills, and of course, Malia." Stiles came out on his crutches and interrupted Scott and Y/N’s conversation. "This kid was insane. He knew that the rabisu could turn on him and he didn't care. He thought that he could summon them and control them solely because he did a lot of research on them. He was trying to kill all of us because we wouldn't let him into the Pack. He basically got exactly what he deserved."
"He belonged in Eichen House, not in the morgue." Scott reminded Stiles of the Pack's code of ethics.
Stiles rolled his eyes. "You don't even know, Scott. He followed you around for weeks. He wrote in his journal that he figured out that vampires were the ones attacking people in Berkeley, so he followed one, hoping it would turn him so that he could become a part of that Pack!" Stiles was speaking a little too loudly to be out in public, talking about the supernatural.
"ENOUGH! Enough! I'm done with this crap for tonight." Sheriff Stilinski was exhausted and frustrated with his son. "Y/n, can you drive Stiles and Scott back to the McCall's please? Stiles' Jeep will be in impound until he gets the okay to drive again from the doctors AND me." You nodded and put all of Sam's stuff back in Stiles' backpack, and the three of them walked out to your car.
30 <- -> 32
Smut to come in the next chapter... like, damn good smut. 
@alexhmak @dontstopxx @iloveteenwolf24 @chivesoup @vampirepinary @parislight @surpeme-bean @snek-shit @mayahart02 @fuxkdean @teenage-dirtbagbaby @sorrynotsorrylovesome @dylrider @iknowisoundcrazy @l4life @ivette29 @5secsxofamnesia @lovelydob @vogue-sweetie @awkwarddly @therealmrshale @twentyone-souls @xmadwonderland @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @inkedaztec @sunshineystilinski @eccentricxem @lightbreaksthrough @ninja-stiles @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @stilinski-stydia-obrien @amethystmerm4id @completebandgeek @rhyxn @teamwolf2411 @acc3ssdenied @girlwiththerubyslippers @theneverendingracetrack @the-vampire-diaries-all-the-way @im-very-odd33 @vmach29 @sokkasbae255 @hirafth @caitsymichelle13 @dailyburritos @lolaversuslipstick @mieczzyslaw @atlas-of-the-world @anonimereader06 @bunnyboo10154 @itsamberh @hypothetical-cynicism @sp00der-m00n @molesandmischief
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