#TW: Orphans
thiscrimsonsoul · 8 months
The man was honestly surprised that they weren’t asked more questions. This past week, Nat and Bucky had been prepping for every possible question, coming up with the perfect answers. Desperate times call for desperate measures, he supposed, and unclenched his fist.
“Well, I would prefer a daughter. What do you think, lisichka?” Bucky asked, turning to his lover. He brushed a stray strand of her dyed hair behind her ear, cherishing the intimacy of the moment. Since they’d escaped, they hadn’t had much time to focus on their relationships, what with planning to leave for the States and all.
Just then, Bucky noticed Wanda. She’d clearly been watching the entire exchange. She was young, but she didn’t look scared of him - his steely gaze, his single arm - and that was enough to seal the deal. He got down on his knees, beckoning for her.
“Hello, kotyonok,” he greeted, smiling warmly. “Do you speak Russian? It’s okay if you don’t. I can teach you, but I don’t think they speak it very often in the States. Koyuonok means kitten, and lisichka means little fox. I’m Jamie, and this is my wife, Natalie. What’s your name?”
He turned to the social worker for a brief moment. She could tell that she didn’t have any special affection for Wanda from both her expression to the way Wanda looked, and the girl herself seemed sweet and willing to go with him and Nat.
“Can you get us her paperwork?”
He refocused his attention on Wanda. “I speak Sokovian, too, if that’s easier for you, dochen'ka . How would you feel about coming to live with us? The social worker mentioned you like sitcoms - you can watch all the sitcoms you want.” Then, suddenly, he was struck by a memory. He wasn’t sure of anything, but he remembered this detail. “An old friend of mine liked musicals. We can watch some of those, too. What do you say?”
// Dad/Papa Bucky has my whole heart tbh //
{Awww, yeah, it’s sweet. This is a great AU, I’m loving it! ^_^}
“Yeah. I think a daughter would be wonderful,” Nat said, smiling at Bucky. Truthfully she felt like she’d be happy with either, but if Bucky wanted a daughter, then she was inclined to let him run with it. It was something they could decide for themselves, and there hadn’t been too many things like that in their lives lately.
“Oh, very good! Well, we have plenty of sweet, adorable little girls that are available for adoption, if you’ll just-” the social worker began, but when she saw the couple looking over at Wanda, her expression changed. “Oh, um... n-not-” Not that one. She and her brother are problems, she wanted to say, but the couple had already started interacting with her. Sighing, the social worker had no choice but to go along with it, or risk losing the potential adoption altogether.
Watching from a distance, there was something about this couple that Wanda liked. They seemed... nice. But also a little sad. Just below the surface. Somehow? She didn’t know. It was just a feeling she got when she looked at them, that maybe they had gone through some things. She got feelings like that sometimes about how people thought or felt. She got them from Pietro a lot. He was really loud, even when he wasn’t speaking with his mouth.
Some of the people who had come to adopt children had been very cold, or had been very rich. Wanda got the impression that they were more there to buy an object than adopt a child, that was how cold some of them seemed. But these people had nice smiles and good energy, despite that maybe they had some problems. She liked that about them, though, because she had problems too. She and Pietro had so many problems right now...
“Hi,” Wanda said shyly when she was address. She smiled at the man as he spoke to her, even as her little heart began to pound in her chest. Usually it was Pi who talked to people while she was content to let him and hide just behind him. But she knew the social worker would never let Pi talk to any prospective parents because of his bad behavior, so Wanda knew this was something she had to do herself. “Mm, a little,” she replied with some difficulty when asked if she spoke Russian, before giving her name. “Wanda, sir,” she said politely.
The social worker really didn’t want to leave Wanda alone with the couple, afraid of what she might say. Yet, she needed get as many children adopted as possible, and if she could get rid of one of the Maximoff twins... “Right away,” she said graciously, turning to get the paperwork.
“But-!” Wanda said, looking up at her.
“Shh! Be a good girl,” the social worker said, clearly warning the girl to stay quiet.
Wanda recoiled a bit, her eyes going a little wide, and she did quiet down, at least until the social worker left. The man asked her about Sokovian, and she nodded. “Yes, please,” she said. Sokovian wasn’t her native language, a Romani dialect was, but she’d been speaking Sokovian for about three years and knew it very well. Much better than she knew Russian.
She smiled at the mention of sitcoms. Oh, they seemed like such nice people! But she couldn’t be selfish and leave Pietro behind, and truthfully, she’d never want to. “I... I would like that very much, sir, but...” Wanda said in Sokovian, looking back to make sure the social worker hadn’t come back yet.
“Go ahead, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” Nat coaxed.
It was now or never. She was going to get into so much trouble for this, but she didn’t have any choice.
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“Um...! Can you take my brother too?! Please?!” Wanda blurted out.
“You have a brother here?” Nat asked, surprised to hear it.
“Yes, ma’am. His name is Pietro. We’re twins. The people here... they don’t like him because he gets mouthy sometimes, but... he just has a lot of energy, it isn’t his fault! He’ll be good, I promise!” Now that was a promise Wanda had no business making, because not even she could get Pietro to behave himself sometimes. But she had to try, and she was practically begging the couple. She fidgeted nervously with her raggedy dress, hoping they would find it in their hearts to take both of them.
Nat cast Bucky a bit of a worried glance. It sounded like these kids were in a bit of a bat situation at this orphanage, but at the same time, they hadn’t planned on adopting two children. But something about the idea of siblings being separated really upset her. She couldn’t remember why, but it made a hard lump rise up into her throat. “Could we...?” she asked Bucky softly, not wanting to get the girl’s hopes up until they had discussed it a little.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Bruce looks like the kind of parents who will hear the children say that they like some food and automatically accept it as the children's favorite meal
And the children will just eat it forever now to make Bruce happy
What food/snacks/fruit they accidentally say "oh this taste good actually" and now are they cursed by it?
Waitress: And what would you like as your side?
8-year-old Dick: French fries!
[19 years later]
Bruce: And here's your dinner, side of fries as always.
Dick, who's been eating fries every day since: Yippee.
12-year-old Jason: *looks at a candy bar*
Bruce: You want it?
Jason: I dunno, it's like three dollars.
Bruce: Hey, don't worry about it, chum.
[11 years later]
Jason: *finds the same candy bar in his belt*
Jason: Well, it's the thought that counts.
14-year-old Tim: Since Alfred's not home I ordered pizza for dinner.
Bruce, working: *grunts*
[3 years later]
*doorbell rings*
Tim: Weird, I wasn't expecting anyone.
Tim: *opens the door*
Bruce, in a Bat-pizza uniform: Delivery for Tim Drake.
15-year-old Steph: *makes waffles*
[3 years later]
Steph: Bruce, why'd you buy so much flour?
Bruce: So you can make waffles.
Bruce: You hungry?
Duke: I dunno, I guess I could go for a smoothie or something.
Duke: What's with the second fridge?
Bruce: To keep your smoothies.
Damian: From now on, I am a vegetarian.
Bruce: Okay, but what about protein?
Damian: There are plenty of options, like tofu.
Damian, faced with a tofu truck: Perhaps I should have listened to Brown's advice.
Bruce: *driving*
Cass: *points to a pumpkin patch*
Bruce: We'll see.
Cass: *goes to her room*
Cass: Dad?
Bruce: Yes, princess?
Cass: Pumpkin patch. In my room.
Bruce: I called in a favor from Ivy.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
The latest big YouTube controversy was some huge vlogger guy had taken in orphaned children then immediately after started doing a giveaway experience to punch a dolphin.
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filmgifs · 5 months
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I'm afraid I… may have made a mistake. I think there could be something wrong with Esther.
ORPHAN (2009) dir. Jaume Collet-Serra
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gothamitee · 5 months
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Headcanon that Steph is always a bit beaten up. She's life stongest soldier and it shows.
Also, head(??)canon that Cass is cool as a cucumber.
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sashacalle · 19 days
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TATIANA MASLANY as HELENA Orphan Black (Season 3, 'Insolvent Phantom of Tomorrow’)
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jupitermelichios · 1 year
Hey, we need to talk about the way Batfamily fans write Cass using ASL, because a lot of it is really fucking ableist
But Cass can't speak, of course she needs to sign!
Not true! There is nothing physically wrong with Cass's vocal chords or mouth, there's nothing in her brain stopping her from making sounds, and she is not an elective mute. She actually learns to speak individual words really quickly after she puts herself into an environment where that's a useful skill. Basil teaches her to quote huge chunks of Shakespeare in Nu52, and that's easier for her than forming simple sentences. That would definitely not be the case if she had any physical limitations on her speech.
Cass's disability is that she was not taught any language, and so she is having to grok the entire concept of language from the ground up. Grammar and syntax; tonality; how to combine words to convey more complex ideas; how putting two words next to one another can change their meaning; how to break down a whole idea into the individual parts needed to turn it into words; the fact that people's words might not line up with their tone and body language so you have to pay attention to both; how to tell if someone wants a response or is stating a fact; how to work out meaning from context if a word is new or someone has an unfamiliar accent; how to know if someone is using a new word or if they actually just have an unfamilar accent and all the ways words can be bent and changed before they become something new; the fact that two words can use the same sounds but have the same meaning; the fact that there can be two different words that mean the same thing. This is all stuff she didn't learn as a baby, and not knowing it would be just as much an impediment to learning ASL as learning English (for accent, swap out things like having limited movement in their hands, or having learned slightly different forms of the same sign, using a lot of home-signs etc, it's the same concept in a different medium).
There is no language on earth Cass wouldn't have these problems with. ASL is not any kind of shortcut.
But she reads body language, and ASL is kind of like body language right?
Not true, also pretty abelist! Just as the sounds which make up spoken language are essentially arbitrary (there's no objective reason why the sound "gud" should mean good, English speakers just all agree it does) so most of the signs in ASL are arbitrary! There's no reason for
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to mean good. ASL users just all agree that it does. Cass knowing body language would not help her any more with ASL than it would with English, and if anything, it might make it harder, because sign uses the whole body and therefore changes the way people use body language so unless she saw a lot of ASL users as a child (and there's no particular reason to think she did), she would have to adjust what she knows about body language to account for those differences!
But she signs in the comics!
Nope! She uses hand gestures to communicate sometimes, but that's not signing. Pointing at food and miming eating to convey hunger is not sign. Pretending to punch someone and pulling it at the last second to convey you could hurt them but won't (Cass's actual first communication with Bruce in the comics) isn't signing. I've done the point and mime thing in countries where I didn't speak the language, that does not mean I knew that country's native sign language!
But she learns ballet, that's like a physical language, so sign is the same thing!
Nope! Also low key kinda abelist. Dance is a method of communication, but it isn't a full language. There's almost no grammar or sentence structure, the vocabulary is extremely limited, and also you can just make up new dance moves or use moves from different styles of dance together and still convey your meaning (you cannot just make random gestures or use BSL and expect ASL users to understand you, because they're full complex languages). Cass vibes with dance pretty hard, but that's precisely because it isn't a language, it doesn't require any of the skills she struggles with in order to communicate emotion.
But ASL isn't like a real language, it's not as complex or nuanced as spoken English so it would be easier for her to learn
That is so fucking gross I don't even want to have this conversation with you. Go and sit in the timeout box and think about what you've just said, and then commit to doing better.
But I just think that once she learned it, she'd like using ASL because [it's very expressive/she's used to her world being very quiet/she can use it on stealth missions more easily/etc]
Valid, understandable, have a lovely day
But I'm writing an AU were she uses ASL because her backstory is too comic-book-y to fit in no-capes AUs but I didn't want to erase her communication difficulties so I've written her as having a different disability
Cool. Send me a link when you're done.
But what if I write her using makatong?
(For context, makatong is a form of sign developed for people who have intellectual or phsyical disabilities that affect language use, which uses more descriptive signs which require less precise hand possitioning than other sign languages, and which has very simple grammar, making it easier to learn than ASL). Yes this would be easier for her, because it's intended for people with similar difficulties to hers, but since her difficulties stem purely from a lack of experience which can be (and are, in canon) overcome with practise, it would be kind of needlessly limiting compared to her just starting out with very simple spoken language, and wouldn't give her as many chances to develop those language learning skills. Makatong is also not mutually intelligable with any other sign language, so she couldn't easily transition from that to ASL once she got used to signing, she'd have to start learning it from scratch.
But I HC her as deaf
There is 0 comics evidence to support that, but it's a headcanon, so who cares. You do you. Have fun.
But learning sign language would be better than learning to speak anyway because it's a universal language!
That is not even slightly how it work. Go read the wikipedia article on sign languages around the world or something. Do some research.
TL:DR; Cass does not use ASL in the comics, and nothing about her disability or sign languages in general would make learning ASL easier or more convinent for her than spoken English. That does't mean writing her signing is inherently bad, but you should examine your reasons for doing it to ensure you're not just perpetuating ableist stereotypes about the language.
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dollya-robinprotector · 3 months
Yyyyuuuupppppppp! It's the "Lya laid two bird eggs in Robin's bed" scene guys.
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I did it, I finally drew it, I wanna draw more of it too but this is funny enough so let's stop here for today. Full at my Twitter
Honorary tag @leightonfucker for writing it. You have my thanks as a Robin Simp. Looking forward to more from you.
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digenerate-trash · 10 months
School love interests Yan head cannons. I should make more in-depth ones but here are some crumbs (amab.)
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licks your blood off his knuckles every time he gets a swing in. It gets him stupid hard.
when you can get the upper hand in a fight he falls more in love with you
has threatened to kill his friends over you.
only started roaming the residential alleys because they're close to the orphanage.
when he first realized he had a crush on you he considered killing you.
considers you an angel no matter what
wants you pure because the idea of anyone having you makes him physically ill
told Jordan about you and then immediately regretted it because Jordan started warning him about temptation and obsession and all that nonholy jazz
knows that you're constantly being accosted and legitimately believes that praying until their knees are bruised will help
Knows about Kylar's crush on you and taunts him subtly.
very forward with you
marks his territory constantly
big into touching and feeling your hair (I just get this /feeling/ okay???)
not big into violence. But would absolutely fight Kylar or Whitney for you if you asked
he would much rather get them in trouble with the teachers.
any time Kylar or Whitney corners you and then a teacher immediately shows up? Sydney.
manipulative as hell
will absolutely get you sick on purpose so they have to take care of you
has told Baliey that you broke the rules just so you'll come crying to them once you're hurt.
fucked with your birth control.
believes in /consent/ (will never fuck you without permission but still watches you sleep and jerks off beside your bed and touches you while you're asleep)
somno freak. (If you're not awake to see him being creepy it never happened.)
has proposed to you as a "joke"
he's already so yandere so let's just go over my personal head cannons
scent kink
thought he was asexual until he met you know he's a jerk-off addict with a serious problem
will kill for you
Man would totally drink your piss
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fraternum-momentum · 1 year
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based on this scene.
[ uncensored here :) ]
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hakusins · 6 months
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tw // scars, blood, bruises, piercings, cigarettes, a bit of ooc?
man, i love whitney
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thiscrimsonsoul · 9 months
It hadn’t been too long since Bucky and Nat had escaped from Hydra, but it had been long enough that things were starting to seem suspicious. They were going to have to find a cover quickly.
Bucky was the one who’d forged the documents and destroyed his left arm. He didn’t want to chance any trackers, and as painful as the blast might’ve been, he could get used to being one-handed, at least for a time. Nat was the one who’d suggested they adopt the kid. Natalie and Jamie Rushman - Bucky had no idea who he really was, but he’d always felt sort-of attached to that cover.
They had two cats, Alpine and Liho, but that wasn’t believable enough for a couple their age. A child would complete the picture, and Sokovia certainly wasn’t lacking in its orphanages.
“Hello, we’re here to adopt a child.”
With the war escalating and claiming more civilian lives each day, the orphanages of Sokovia were full to the brim. Some children who were merely separated from their parents during the chaos of a bomb or other disturbance were able to be reunited with them, but the vast majority had no living relatives and were now at the mercy of the system.
The staff were spread very thin, and that meant there was a lot of neglect going on. Not all of the children went to school, not all were paid attention to, and some had behavioral problems that were either not addressed, or were addressed in detrimental ways. So when anyone showed up wanting to adopt one of these unfortunate little angels, the staff were less concerned with proper legal procedure and paperwork and more concerned with... getting the children out of the orphanage as quickly as possible.
The woman smiled at what she could only perceive as a nice young couple looking to adopt a child. Usually there would be questions about why they couldn’t have a child through normal means, why they wanted to adopt, and what their home and financial situations were like, but instead of all that, only one question was asked...
“Alright, and were you looking to adopt a girl or a boy?”
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
The phone lines are down. What do they do
Bruce: Damn, the wind's really picking up. Oracle, what's everyone's status?
Barbara: I— *bzzt* —can't reach— *bzzt* —lines down.
Bruce: My kids are smart. They'll find a way to let me know.
*pigeon lands in front of him with a letter*
Bruce: Robin is laying low at the animal shelter.
Bruce: *sees smoke signals*
Bruce: Bluebird's back at her apartment.
Alfred, coming outside: Telegram for you, Batman.
Bruce, reading it: Red Robin's okay too.
Cass: *swings over and taps his shoulder*
Bruce: Four down, four to go.
Cass: *points to the distance*
*entire city's lights are blinking*
Bruce: Okay, Signal's accounted for.
Bruce: *spots a flare*
Bruce: There's Spoiler. Purple means she's alright.
*clicking sounds in the distance*
Bruce: And there's Nightwing. His echolocation is getting better. All that's left is Red Hood. Can you find him?
Cass: *pulls out a ouija board*
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propertyofwhitney67 · 8 months
"whichever requires them to do the least work" This lazy mf 😂
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He's such a lil weirdo and I need to lick him
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YES! I don't care if he makes me pay for it later, I need to be cared for.
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Why is he so cute bro
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Oh Kylar, my sweet baby. He'd cry if you made him choose
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Avery is a whore confirmed
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more lore
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leaflessfae · 8 months
Pairings: Robin (M) and pc (F)
tags, content and trigger warnings! Somnophilia, (some?) gaslighting, noncon so rape, OOC Robin because I said so (especially towards the ending. Or at least, I think. Because what if they're secretly like this, huh?)
Also, I'm fairly new to this. The writing thing, I mean, so I don't know how to tag properly. If there's a tag I probably missed, please inform me! <3
Robin has always loved it when you come back to him after a long day.
He loves your tired lazy smile and limp, soft body as he greets you at the door of his room. You throw yourself at him, to which he giggles and immediately scoops you closer into his arms. He loves it every time; whether he spends the time speaking and beaming at you or with you sprawled on him in some type of way and sleeping while he games on his console.
He's your safespace. He loves it.
But sometimes, like right now, it's so hard to concentrate, so hard to behave. Especially when you're sleeping on top of him with your legs sprawled over each side of his body, crotch directly over his own, and your head resting on his chest.
Robin tries to focus on his game, prepping small kisses to the crown of your head now and then. He almost engages in it again. But then you stir, thigh brushing against the growing hardness in his pants, and he mewls quietly. He presses his lips together, his grip automatically tightening around his console and he squeezes his eyes shut for a moment before slowly opening them again. There's a little chant in the back of his head going 'forget it forget it forget it forget—'
He sets his gaming console aside and wraps his arms around you, taking deep and slow breaths whilst ignoring the painful bulge straining against the fabric. "Baby?" His voice is so quiet when he calls out to you, shaking as if hesitant whether to wake you or not.
You're tired. He shouldn't!
Oh but look at you. So safe, so at peace, so pretty in his arms.
"..b...baby..?" He tries again, and you move again. A whimper leaves his throat, and his hands shoot to keep your hips from moving. A quick glance at your face confirms you're still sleeping.
Hands at your hips now, his fingers start playing with the hem of your miniskirt. He shouldn't, he shouldn't he shouldn't–
You didn't have any panties on.
His breathing picks up a bit, and he gulps, hips slowly pushing up and pressing his clothed cock onto your pussy. Robin's breath wavers as he slowly exhales, and he repeats his movement, slowly rocking up into you. His arms wrap tighter around you, and he tilts his head back until it's pressing against the headboard.
"Just the tip baby, okay? Okay..." He whispers as he hastens to fish out his cock, thumb rubbing the head and dipping slightly into the slit, smearing pre all over. "Please, I'm so sorry.. the tip should be fine.. I promise, just the tip.."
It slips in so easily. Your lips hug his pretty red tip, almost taunting as it sucks him in. Robin looks at your face; still so snuggled and warm and peaceful on him; still knocked out cold.
He rocks his hips again, trying to not let his cock slip past your folds and into your velvety hot walls. "You feel so good... I don't know if I'll be able to hold back.."
So he starts sinking deeper, biting his lips to stop his moans as he feels your walls squeeze his length, so tight yet so slippery and perfect for him. A breathy chuckle emits his lips, "w..why are you so wet?"
It's only when he's halfway in that his breath hitches in his throat. Big, wide eyes staring back at his, your lips falling open slightly and closing, babbling nothing in disbelief. He can see the confusion flash in your eyes, mingling with disbelief and ending with what he fears the most. He can see it. He can feel it: betrayal.
"m sorry, baby, I can't help it.." his eyes turn glossy, but his cock sinks deeper as he gives you an apologetic smile, "You feel so good around me, I can't stop.." and ends with a strong thrust that buries him to the hilt inside your cunt.
You jolt in surprise at the sudden force, and your hands immediately press against his chest and push, trying to at least sit up. "R-Robin!?" You barely get to say before his arms push you back down on his chest, squeezing you tight and refusing to let go.
"Let me-" he breathes heavily, "let me fin..ah god...let me finish. P..please...yeah?"
You try to shake your head, but his hand cradles the back of your head. He strokes your hair with a shaky hand and buries his fingers between the strands, holding your head firm on his chest. Robin keeps spewing out apologies, his lips right at your ear while he moans and whimpers and apologizes over and over and over, hips snapping unrelentingly up to meet yours.
"Robin– I don't–! mmnh– I don't want this! What happened to you!?" You cry out, fat tears gushing out and wetting his shirt while you squirm and push, "Get a hold of yours-"
He muffles your protests with his lips. He can't take it; he can't handle you yelling at him. He can't and he doesn't want to feel like he betrayed you, even though he did.
He pushes his tongue past your lips, silencing you while he thrusts faster, almost there. He only pulls away to look at your red puffy eyes, "I'm your boyfriend, love. Aren't I? I...I should be allowed to do this."
You don't need his lips to silence you at this point because his words choke you. He doesn't stop there, only continuing to shatter your heart with each word he says next. "I should be allowed to do this to you. Or would you tolerate it from someone else?" His tone shifts, and suddenly you're crying out from the force he uses to push his cock deeper, "you wouldn't be this mad if Sydney were to do this to you? What about Whitney, hm? I saw you."
You sob, and he continues. "Is it because I'm the one using you? Is it- ah, fuck! I'm gonna-"
"You're," he pants, "you were about to cum too, right? I could feel it." He doesn't wait for you to answer, hand already slipping down between your bodies to toy with your clit. He rubs it in quick circles, applying just the right pressure that makes you writhe in no time, gasping out between your cries and clenching down on him.
His hips stutter and his cock twitches inside of you. Seconds later and you feel his cum spill deep into your womb. Robin pushes your hair away from your face gently while still spurting ropes of his seed inside you; he loves to look at your face when he does that. His hand cradles your cheek ever so lovingly, thumb gently wiping at your tears and leans forward a bit to kiss them away.
"There ya go." Robin smiles. His lips press onto your forehead, and his hand strokes your hair more gently now. "Go back to sleep baby, okay? Okay..."
He continues to stroke your hair while you quietly sob, humming a lullaby to 'help' you sleep with a satisfied smile on his face.
Robin doesn't acknowledge what happened again, like it never occurred in the first place.
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gothamitee · 2 years
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DC make stephcass canon in 2023 challenge
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