#TW: Injury Mention
moonstonexgallery · 8 days
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Some reworks on my designs for Blue Reef Cookie and Staghorn Coral Cookie 🦪🦈⚓
Inspired by @cosmicwhoreo's designs for the Salty Sharks ^^
And some changes on their designs
Blue Reef Cookie's changes
I gave him a ponytail (idk i wanted to, got inspired by a doodle made by @wisteriaaa)
Gave him an anchor pendent
Decided to give him fins
And yes, he is Black Pearl Cookie's distant cousin
Staghorn Coral Cookie's changes
I gave them a fur jacket
decided to go for a tanktop
they have a Salty Shark pin
idk i wanted to give them a necklace too XD
Now let me show you some lore here o3o
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Blue Reef Cookie was a merman once, until Sea Witch Cookie gave him a potion to give him the power to breath on land, and gain some legs, and he experiences the whole land part of Earthbread.
Blue Reef Cookie used to be apart of a different pirate crew in House Barnacle, where he was with a captain named Captain Fishhook Cookie, and he, and his crew is most wanted for many robbery crimes, and Blue Reef Cookie didn't want to commit these robberies, but did them anyway thanks to one of the main rules "Never decline", one day was that he was at the Vanilla Kingdom, and while they were stealing from many markets, Blue Reef Cookie met Strawberry Tart Cookie, and they became friends, that was until some security Wafflebots came to confront the crew, as well as Blue Reef Cookie, who was frustrated, and sad, because he couldn't get to talk to the princess a little more.
One night, he snuck out of House Barnacle, just to see Strawberry Tart Cookie, the talk went well, until Captain Fishhook Cookie came in a ruined the talk by taking him back to House Barnacle, just to scold him, and threaten him later on, after that, thats where Blue Reef Cookie became increasingly quiet...
Before they set sail, Blue Reef Cookie fell into the Duskgloom's waters, causing his whole appearance to change, with a smile, he swam back up, and got back out of the ship with a smile, attacking Captain Fishhook Cookie's crew, as he eliminated each and every one brutally, he got close to the captain with one thing to say...
"You have no idea what you got me into.. Captain.."
After the whole ordeal, he left House Barnacle behind, and decided to head to House Caviar, to be as the Sailor of the Salty Sharks, and an honored first mate of Captain Caviar Cookie.
When they got to the Duskgloom Sea that night, Black Pearl Cookie makes her next encounter with a random ship, after she got rid of those hollow whales, she recognize the sailor she saw in the Duskgloom waters before joining the Salty Sharks, her only thought was..
"My cousin..?"
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Staghorn Coral Cookie was a rebellious teen in an unspecified neighborhood, they would use sharp weapons to throw at wooden planks like a sport, which one of the neighbors were worried about, due to them getting hurt, but since Staghorn Coral Cookie was very much capable of taking care of themselves after getting slight cuts on them, and careful with knives, whether it be for sporting, or cooking, they know how to not aim it at people, they did have good skills after all.
That one night, they were cutting up some fruits for their cake, they heard a noise from the other room, and they went to investigate, they saw a robber in their house that just broke in, and they would NEVER go down without a fight, so they used their knife to fight off the robber, it took a few couple of wounds to stop the robber, until they finally got him on the ground, the robber then took the knife, and left a fresh cut on Staghorn Coral Cookie's eye, and threw it at the wall, then left.
After the incident that happened last night, Staghorn Coral Cookie woke up in their neighbor's house, who was named Lace Coral Cookie, and she patched them up, which they were grateful, then after that, they heard the news that the robber was rightfully arrested for trespassing, and attempted assault, and Lace Coral Cookie would let Staghorn Coral Cookie stay at her house for a while.
One month later...
Lace Coral Cookie, and Staghorn Coral Cookie made it to the Crème Republic, and they made a few friends, and meet Consul Clotted Cream Cookie as well, and lastly, Lace Coral Cookie, and Staghorn Coral Cookie made their way to House Caviar, to meet the almighty Captain Caviar Cookie, where they told them about the incident that happened in the neighborhood they used to live in, and how they fought back, Captain Caviar Cookie felt bad, but also proud of Staghorn Coral Cookie's bravery, so he promoted, not just them, but also Lace Coral Cookie to be apart of the Salty Sharks.
Iiiiii think thats all the lore i can YEET here XD
Anyways, hope ya like it ^^
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starryartist512 · 2 months
Oh, Those Made You Sad? Well, It Gets Worse!
People were allowed to touch the mascots. This was often a problem as some park goers were too rough and/or the mascots would be too anxious or uncomfortable. I wonder why. 
The Mollie, Finley and Salem mascots actually tried to escape multiple times. This led to more and more strict enclosures. 
The Rambley and Salem mascots were nocturnal, and the schedules of the attractions involving the mascots ruined their sleep schedules. 
Other animals, like the squirrels put in for scenery, were either eaten or used as chew toys by the mascots had to be thrown away so people wouldn’t notice they had been killed by the mascots. 
The CEO at the time would lie about the mascots’ behavior, saying they enjoyed their “homes” as much as the characters they were supposed to represent did. 
Some employees tried to end the unethical practices at the park, but were either paid to keep quiet, fired and labeled as “hippies” or something along those lines or even threatened with physical force. These were used as evidence against the corrupted company some time after the evacuation. 
The mascots would sometime bite or chew the clothes of park goers. Strangely enough (or not considering this started with a corrupt corporation, these signs were not taken seriously by the staff at the time. Staff members were also the victims of these small attacks. They were given supplies to deal with these, like stuff to sew injuries or tears, medicine, etc. This is also what kickstarted some certain features in the Critter Cuff. 
New employees were required to sign an NDA. 
Thankfully, unlike the real life incidents these are based off of, employees’ requests for things such as roaches and mold were dealt with swiftly. 
The demoted employees were required to do things that they weren’t qualified to do, such as building cages with a ridiculously short deadline. 
The mascots would have frequent injuries that weren’t taken care of by the staff except for a few, who were chastised by other staff for taking too much time. 
The crew in charge of the live mascots idea had quite the shady past. Remember the group who tried to make a documentary staging wildlife events with actual animal on set that infuriated Isaac? Well, they came back in 2010s as I said before. Another leader also previously opened a small zoo and aquarium in two places, but the animals had a lot of infections and injuries from other animals or unfit living conditions. When these crew members rolled in and set up shop for essentially cruelty and failure, some of the employees just up and left. 
The Finley mascot almost got boiled by problems with the tank. Thankfully, they fixed it quickly before anything tragic could take place. 
After the evacuation, a ton of staff tried to erase evidence of what happened. It ended in them getting arrested, but a ton of files and text messages were gone that day. 
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the-andromeda-effect · 6 months
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TW - abuse mention, violence mention, injury mention, mental trauma, ptsd
Caliban had taken many women to his bed the first night he’d met them, and that was the only night they’d spent together.  Some he’d dated for a while before becoming sexual.  None of those had ever brought about the conflict that he currently felt with Adira as she returned to the bathroom to finish changing.  It was not that there was not the physical desire for her, or that he knew that it would be far more than one night with her, but rather that the physical was so far less important at the moment than making sure that she felt safe and secure mentally and emotionally.  The other could wait, and he would wait, because he knew how wounded she was in all ways. He did not want to add to that in any way; certainly not if there was a chance of losing the way she looked at him by rushing or pushing for anything.  Whenever her eyes and his met, there was something that he could not describe within them, something that awoke a part of him that hadn’t been touched before, and he was finding he liked it.  
When Adira was once more behind a closed door, she leaned against it, holding the PJ pants to her as her heart thudded within her chest.  She had no idea what had made her so bold as to walk over to Caliban like that and just assume he would welcome her touch upon his bare skin and her help in disrobing.  It hadn’t been until she had actually been in the act of doing it that her brain had kicked in.  By then it had been too late and the only thing she felt she could do was continue, and now she was thankful that she had.  Just his initial response of covering her forearms and hands with his own had almost made her knees give way in relief and also a warm and safe sensation that had flooded her whole body.  She craved him in a way that she had never craved Mircea, in a way that she couldn’t even put into words. It wasn't blind lust, it was something deeper. 
From the day that she had met Mircea, she had known that they would be married.  It was why her father had introduced them.  Also from that day, she had alway tried to garner his approval, to please him, to make him proud, to elicit praise.  He had at least pretended in the beginning to be somewhat fond of her and that her efforts were more than enough.  The lack of overt affection understandable due to theirs being an arranged marriage, but it was one he seemed to desire, something that still confused her with how things eventually went.  However, the longer their relationship went, the more it was obvious that she was not who he wanted and that her efforts would never achieve the results that she hoped for.  She had still tried, no matter how many times she failed to live up to standards he seemed to change on a whim.  Up until the day she had been kidnapped, she had relentlessly tried.
Caliban was completely different from Mircea in every conceivable way.  One could say that their marriage was no less arranged than hers with Mircea had been.  It was not built on love, but an agreement to provide for her and keep her safe.  The difference was that even in the beginning of her relationship with Mircea she had not felt as safe and secure with him, nor had she felt as accepted.  Then there was something about the way that she felt when she was held in Caliban’s arms, the way just his voice calmed any fear or anxiety in her, the look in his eyes when he looked at her, his gentle and soothing touch when she was upset or hurting - it was all so new to her;  at the same time, it was like what she had always been looking for in the past, but never found.  
It was in wondering how he had not found a wife previously, with everything he had already shown her of who he was, that Adira came upon the thought that made her stomach turn: what if there were other women he was in a relationship with when he had saved her?  Could she do that again?  Could her heart take other women also being in a relationship from someone other than Mircea?  If there were, could she even do a fake marriage?  Her breath caught and her heart burned at the thought.
By the time that Adira finally opened the door again, Caliban had started to worry if things were okay with her.  The room had been too quiet, and she had seemed to be in there too long.  He had to keep reminding himself not to rush her.  Patience was never one of his virtues, but he knew that if he wanted to unwrap the delicate gift that was the true nature of the woman he now called his wife, he was going to have to learn some.  There was something about her that made him confident that whatever new skills he might have to learn or test he might feel like he was enduring, in the end, it would be worth it.
“Is everything alright?” He finally asked as she silently crossed over to the bed and began to place her jeans in the bag that he had brought up for her.  She hadn’t looked at him when she came out of the bathroom, nor even when he spoke to her, and this concerned him.  Before she’d gone back in, they’d once again been affectionate with one another and she’d seemed to be relaxing.  Had she had another panic attack of sorts?  
Still not looking at him, Adira’s voice came out soft and stuttered, “I hadn’t thought to ask before if…” She paused, gathering the courage to say what had come to her mind as she realized how much she was attracted to Caliban. It was as if the question was stuck in her throat, refusing to come out.  There was a fear of hearing the answer once it did.
“If what, sweetheart?” Calban asked cautiously, as head cantered.  He had heard the hesitation and nerves in her voice.   He pushed off of the dresser he’d been leaning against to walk over to her.  There was definitely something wrong, but he couldn’t figure out what could have changed in just a few minutes.  
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her head still bowed as if looking down into her bag.  “If you had…someone you were with..you know, when you..we...”  As she let her breath out, she steeled herself for the answer.  Her hands had balled to fists around the clothing she was holding, as if that would somehow protect her from the answer hurting her.  She had known many men who would be with multiple women simultaneously.  It wasn’t like she was naive to the way the world of rich and powerful men who looked like him operated.  Even those who were married often had more than one girlfriend on the side besides their wife. This was often the life wives of family heads led.
So that was the issue that had suddenly come to bother her.  The tension Caliban had been feeling waiting to hear what had upset her faded instantly.   He was glad her back was to him because he could not keep the devilish smirk off of his face.  Not that he was laughing at her, far from it; no, he was delighted that the beauty was concerned that she might have competition for his affection.  To him that meant that she too was starting to feel something for him in the same way he was for her.  Otherwise she wouldn’t care if he was in a relationship with someone else while being fake married to her.  Being fake married to Adira seemed to get better every time he turned around, and now he was going to have at least two weeks secluded with her in a mountain cabin.  Who knew what could happen then?
“And it would bother you if I did?”  The shaky inhale of breath after his question gave him his answer, just before his arms wrapped around her from behind.  She couldn't hide the slight tremble in her body from him, a tremble that he hoped his next words would quell.   Placing his chin on her shoulder, he let his warm breath fan across her neck with his next words, “my darling wife, if there had been, the moment I slipped that ring on your finger they no longer existed.”  He gently kissed the crook of her neck and continued, “there is now, and from now on always will be, only you, unless it is you who wants things otherwise between us.”  Caliban was never one to share a woman, nor did he expect a woman to share him.
As much as his words comforted her, she also felt like they were too good to be real. “Are you sure that you can be happy that way?” Adira was afraid to even hope, even if she prayed, to a god she had long since stopped believing in, that it was true.  She was under no illusion that Mircea had ever been faithful in their marriage, even from the beginning.  He’d always blamed her; of course it was her failure as a wife that led him to have to find others.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”  He kept his chin on her shoulder and laced his fingers with hers now that she’d covered his hands with her own.  Every time he thought he’d figured out how much damage that Mircea had done, something more was revealed.  There was no doubt the coming days and weeks would reveal more, and he would try his best never to repeat those wounds.  If he could, he would instead heal them.  
“Well,I…I don’t know.  I just know that no matter what I tried, I was never enough for Mi-” Suddenly Caliban’s hand was over her mouth, cutting her off as she felt herself fully pulled back against him.  Her eyes closed, her breathing stilled, and she waited for the pain.  Pain always came after the wrong things were said.  Hopefully Caliban would not be as brutal as Mircea had been.  She still ached from being dragged by Kondrat and the abuse in that basement.
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banners by: @cafekitsune
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xtinyslip · 3 months
‘  screw consciousness. that’s what i say.  ’
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mark should be taking this little shit straight back to the station to be officially charged. it's what he should be doing but when he slammed the breaks on the car harshly to come to a complete stop. that was when he realised ; that he never had any intention of doing that. at least, not yet. john was down, he was hurt at a time where they couldn't afford for him to be out of action. plus, he mattered a great deal to mark ; even if mark couldn't always accept that. like hell was this going without punishment. mark didn't really care who would disagree with his actions or not. if he did this right, no one was going to find out about them. right now, he was seeing red. besides, when did hoffman not have a plan? an excuse ready to cover up his true intentions. "then i guess you're shit out of luck? because i plan to make sure you're very awake for every single thing i'm going to do to you." @fcdcdmcmories
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Anti, taping a knife onto a Roomba: Be free, my child.
Marvin, entering the room with a small cut on their ankle: Who the f-
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andromedasummer · 1 year
its been months but every time i remember robins injury in mexico i get so mad. guy went to race in a wec race when he recovered and robert kubica, who drives the other car in robins team, was like ''hey hows your hand— HUH thats bad! let me know if you want tips on driving one handed!" like bro kubica thought his hand injury was bad. fucking KUBICA.
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aurelia--johnson · 2 months
location: anchorage regional hospital
time: june 18th
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It had been quite some time since Aurelia Johnson had laid eyes on Andrea Weber. The last time they'd seen their ex-girlfriend--really seen her--was when the witch had impulsively decided to call it quits a little over a year ago. Things had just started to heat up between the two of them, having suddenly gone from friends to lovers almost overnight. And things were really good. At least, they were for a while. See, Relia had always had issues trusting people, they had for their entire lives. And while they'd loved Andrea, it didn't take long for Aurelia to become scared: scared of getting hurt, scared of fucking it up, scared of being too vulnerable, scared of losing Andrea somehow. So instead of talking these fears through, naturally, Relia called it quits. They'd apologized at the time--they said it wasn't working and they 'just weren't ready to be in a serious relationship' but they never told the real truth: that they were scared. Scared shitless. And now it was too late. Ever since their impromptu breakup, Aurelia had childishly been trying to avoid the blonde as much as possible--and not because they didn't want to see her. The witch missed their former companion so much. But they knew they couldn't face her. So they'd kept their head down and they'd been successful avoiding Andrea. Until now.
Because when Aurelia had awoke that morning, they quickly realized how lucky they'd been that they'd decided to stay at Bambi's place the night before and not their own cottage down in Rabbit Creek. They'd had a feeling that something bad was going to happen--just not this. Because along with the news of the fire was the news of who'd gotten caught up in the fire. Looking down at Andrea's name, they knew that had to get to the hospital as soon as possible.
The moment they'd walked into the hospital, they felt uncomfortable. They couldn't fucking do this, they couldn't just go see Andrea... Besides, what if she didn't want to see them? They really couldn't blame her if that were the case. As they were standing outside the door, they took a deep breath, trying to prepare themselves for what they might see (burns could be gnarly), as well as preparing themselves to see Andie after all this time. Don't feel it. Don't feel. Just be there for her. Be polite, exchange niceties, and then get out. Opening the door, Aurelia's eyes met Andrea's and they felt as if all of the air had been sucked out of their lungs. In a soft voice, they gingerly said "Hey... I had to... I had to see if you were okay..." They stayed lingering in the doorway, unsure if the blonde even wanted them there or not. "Are you?... Okay?.."
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callidusdryadalis · 11 months
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All he can taste is ash and dirt, all he can hear is the vigorous pounding of his own heartbeat: but what he can feel is likely the most profound of all, for all Sorros can feel is pain.
The obscenity of the attack had come out of nowhere at an hour close to dusk; shouted threats had quickly paused him in his motions of walking, eyes attempting to search surroundings for the source, when an arrow had sped from the undergrowth and pieces his right shoulder. Immediately, his cry and pain emerged and the herbs he had been gathering betwixt the fingers of one hand were dropped in favour of raising up to the shaft of the arrow.
He scarce had time to do aught more, however, for he was swiftly pushed to the ground from behind and the impact alone not only split and snapped the arrow shaft but sent the hideousness of the head deeper into his upper chest, close to his shoulder.
'Pon the ground, he could only watch on through blurred eyes as his bag was swiped and - to cover their tracks, did the attention of the bandits return to the elf upon the floor and with a fistful of hit ash to his eyes did they run.
Unable to see and in immeasurable pain, Sorros could do naught more than writhe where he lay in the dampness of the ground, rubbing at eyes with one hand while the other lay limp in fear of agitating the arrow further. His shirt was wet where it bled, but not badly enough to be of immediate concern - that much he could feel - but soon enough would the risk of infection set in, if not already. (One never know how another stored their arrows or what they were coated with, after all-)
He needed to move, needed to tuck himself somewhere safe but with no healing supplies with thanks to the theft and currently no sight with thanks to the immensity of hot ash, Sorros was at the utter mercy of the coming night.
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lightningxmagic · 7 months
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@mhaybank sent: “  shit, okay fuck that actually really fucking hurts.  ” @ kiara
“I’m sorry…” kiara whispers as she keeps carefully cleaning the wounds on his chest. “It’s better than an infection, though, okay? Just… stay still. I’ll make it up to you.” She grabs him a beer with her free hand. “This’ll distract you.”
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andreaxweber · 2 months
Andrea was quiet as a mouse before she gave her statement, taking in a deep breath before she spoke. "Well I remember it being my day off, I just wanted to get out of the apartment for the day and I thought that it would be a good idea to go to the winery, since it's been a long time since I was there." She closed her eyes, taking in a shaky breath before speaking once more. "I was about to head home when the fire started, it scared me to my core."
"I wish that I could, but I just remember being in such a panic that I was just,frozen to the spot, I couldn't take my eyes off the flames before I realised I had to run away. I could see somebody running away from where I think it was started, but all I could see was their back, no face."
Andrea winced as she slowly pulled the jacket that she had been wearing, revealing her arms still covered in bandages, however they had been lighter than the ones she had been wearing previously. "I was burned on my arms and legs, second degree burns is what the doctor told me. I had to take time off work, I've gone back but I'm basically in the office because my arms still hurt when I move them too much."
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oruzhiyex · 7 months
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@smertzimy asked: [ clean ] sender cleans blood off of receiver's body accepting | from here
The silence after a fight was always more deafening than anything experienced during the fight. After the adrenaline had worn off, Nat was always faced with how much she actually hurt, what was actually broken and bruised. Exhaustion sunk deep into her bones afterwards- but at least Bucky was here.
The bathroom was a mess of gear and bandages, a bright red knife gash sliced deep into her side just below her ribcage. Natasha hissed through her teeth as Bucky brought the alcohol soaked gauze to the wound, wiping the blood away from her skin.
"Ouch," she grumbled.
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allykakamatsu · 9 months
May I have this Dance?
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Aka some very good fanart has made me want these two to interact a lot more
Written companion piece under cut:
"Okay, so far so good." I tell myself as I help myself to some juice. I was worried this party was going to end in disaster, especially because now Kagami knows about my scars so things will likely be awkward for a while, but thankfully the party itself is going pretty well, even if there's.... even more people than I expected.
I'm not particularly socially anxious, or at least that's my default setting so more people coming in doesn't make it worse, but everyone talking and being so packed together is starting to make me feel a tad dizzy.
"Howdy!" Xion shouts as she runs up to me, snapping me out of my thoughts for now.
"Hello Xion, are you having a good night?" I ask my technically sister and she grins in response.
"You know it!," she confirms before getting slightly more serious, "how about you, you and Kagami seemed pretty uncomfortable earlier."
"Oh, right," I reply awkwardly because I really had hoped no one noticed, "don't worry, it's fine, we were just talking about something that happened in Castle Oblivion that's a bit of a touchy subject for both of us. Things will admittedly be awkward between us for a few days but it's nothing to worry about-!!" Ah... my... my throat... why is it feeling tighter...?! Why can't I.... breathe...?!
"Huh?! Ienzo are you alright?! Do you need me to get a healer?!" Xion asks looking concerned.
"I'm... fine....," I struggle to get out as I think I know what to do but I don't want the others seeing it, "I just... need some fresh air.... I'll be right back...!"
With that I run as fast as I can out of the Opera House, and once I'm out I quickly rip off the choker necklace covering my bruises and do my best to take deep breaths instead of hyperventilating. Heh... I was already feeling pretty dizzy, so I suppose thinking about that while having something on my neck mixed into a cocktail of disaster. I suppose that's my life in a nutshell, a lot of bad things just colliding into a disaster.
"Ienzo?" !! Huh? Turning around to see who said that, and it's... Laurium? I'm not complaining, we got along decently back in the Organisation and his Somebody is very nice from the little I've interacted with him during these cases, but I'm a little surprised it's him.
"Hey, are you alright?," he asks snapping me out of my thoughts, "I saw you running out looking panicked, is something wrong?"
"O Oh, it's nothing, just something silly," I assure him as I do my best to cover my bruise with my arm because I'm not ready to put the choker back on yet, "the crowd was just a bit much for me and I needed some fresh air, that's all. Sorry if I was being a bit overdramatic about it."
Laurium doesn't reply, at least not verbally, instead he just looks even more concerned as he comes over to me and gently lowers my arm to reveal the bruise.
"When did you get this?" He asks not looking shocked, horrified or anything like that, just worried.
"Castle Oblivion," I admit with a sigh, "it's.... just a leftover from how I died."
"And combine that with what you were wearing," Laurium states while looking at the now discarded choker, "why are you trying to cover it up when it's clearly stressing you out?"
"U Um, this usually doesn't happen," I assure him while leaving out the 'anymore', "I think it's just because this thing is tighter than my shirt collar which I usually use to cover it."
"If you say so," he says in a tone that has me not convinced he believes me, "but, in that case, why were you trying to cover it with that thing in the first place? With how dark it is in the Opera House I doubt many people would've noticed."
"It... well....," I struggle to say before sighing and admitting to it, "it's less for the crowd and more for the others. They don't know, I've caused them all enough grief, especially recently, I'd rather not add another worry onto the pile by letting them know I still have this...."
"Well, I'm not the best expert, but I think if keeping something hidden is causing you pain you shouldn't have to deal with it, and if the others have a problem with it or start being weirdos because of it then they can shut up," he tells me aggressively passionate before sighing and calming down, "sorry, I'm probably sounding like an overly concerned parent right now but, I know that trying to hide an injury from the people who care about you is a bad idea."
"You do?" I ask surprised and Laurium nods to confirm as he sits down on the Opera House stairs and motions for me to do the same, and once I do he rolls up one of his trousers to reveal a leg that has definitely seen better days.
"Got it from a fight with Maleficent before I became a Nobody," he explains before I can ask, "I tried to hide it from my friends because we had bigger problems at the time, but by the time it had gotten so bad I could barely stand and they found out it had set wrong so they had to break it again to attempt to fix it. It's somewhat better now but it barely works and sometimes the pain still flares up. Not a one to one with your situation, yours is more psychological and mine is more physical, but the same principle applies, if you try to keep this to yourself, it's going to keep getting worse until it reaches a point where nothing can fully undo it."
..... He's right, I know he's right, bottling up all of my emotions almost trapped me in a nightmare labyrinth forever, but...
"I know I should tell them but.... I'm scared," I think out loud, "I know I was young and was raised to not know any better, but I still did so many horrible things, it's a miracle that any of them want to spend time with me at all. I'm worried that if I become too much of a burden they'll all leave me behind and get someone new to take my place. It wouldn't be the first time...."
"Well first of all, anyone who would abandon someone as smart and kind as you is an idiot," Laurium tells me and I barely resist the urge to laugh at the bluntness, "secondly, I get it, I still can't believe Naminé somehow forgave me after everything I put her through and a part of me is waiting for the rug to be pulled. But, living in constant fear that things are going to end and doing dumb things that hurt yourself because of it, you shouldn't have to deal with that. So, here's my advice. Don't completely ignore others opinions, but when it comes to things like this, don't care about how other people will think, just do what's best to stop yourself from being hurt."
"..... Heh, easier said than done given my habits, but I'll try." I agree with a light chuckle as I stand up-!! My foot was on my dress going down!
"I got you!," Laurium yelps as he pulls me back to my feet right before I hit the stairs, "heh, I guess being a master mage means you don't have to be as fast on your feet."
"Trust me, I know, I'm working on it," I groan a little in response before I start chuckling as well, "I should probably head back inside, I told Xion I'd be right back and I think she's probably getting worried. But, Laurium, thank you."
"It's the least I could do, don't worry about it," he tells me with a kind smile before getting an idea face, "though, if you're up for it, are you up for a quick dance?"
"!!! Very well, but no promises that I'll be any good at it." I agree before my nerves talk me out of it.
"Ehe, don't worry, you can't be any worse then Elrena dancing in heels at least." Laurium assures me with a chuckle and I can't resist the urge to laugh this time as we walk back inside. I almost put the choker back on out of habit but I stop myself and instead put it in my dress's pocket. No more hiding, I can do this.
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starryartist512 · 3 months
I Watched A Third Of YourEverdayTheorist’s Extinct Disney Iceberg Video. You Know What That Means.
There used to be fairy tale themed rides. 
There was an electrical parade involving animatronics, people in mascot costumes, actors and techno music. These began in 1969. They were also brought back in 1999 after demand. They remained up until the mass evacuation. It eventually involved the “mascots”.  
There used to be a people mover expy sponsored by US Royal. These were installed in 1953. After a ton of injuries and even deaths, Isaac demanded for them to be removed in 1960. They were temporarily brought back in the early 80’s-early 90’s. 
The park used to have the second largest ceramic mosaic mural in the world. 
There was a gold titanium Rambley sign at some point. 
There was a Rambley’s soundsational parade. It was scrapped the year before the evacuation. 
There was a skyway expy built in 1970. Unlike the Disney skyway, they used the newer ticket system that was being implemented at the time. Like the Disney skyway, they built a ride around it. They were eventually closed two years before the evacuation. 
There was a much easier to steer autopopia that was eventually scrapped some time after Isaac’s death. 
There was a Lloyd themed film attraction very akin to the Muppet Vision 3D ride. There weren’t as many cheap gags as the latter. 
There was a Mollie themed attraction very similar to the It’s Tough To Be A Bug attraction. Animatronics, 3D glasses, all the stuff. 
There was a walk-through attraction where you could go through the characters’ homes close to their museum. They were partially scrapped/left abandoned in 2000. 
Isaac Indigo and WWF made a ride before similar to how Walt Disney and General Electric made the carousel of progress. It would talk about the importance of being stewards of the Earth, the importance of saving endangered species and the dangers of animal abuse. This is ironic considering… The ride featured animatronics and a timeline of WWF’s history. It was scrapped suspiciously some time before the new mascots were implemented. 
There was a ride made in 1970 that took the rider through a tour of Indigo Park’s history. It showed the land it was built on before and after its creations and explained how Isaac Indigo’s vision had come true in a year. It was unfortunately scrapped in 2010. The film is still in the data files of the park. 
There was a center where Mollie would guide you through the history of the airplane implemented in 2000. It was scrapped in 2011 and changed into a character meet and greet. 
The arcade with the game we all know and want to know more about was established in 1977.
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rcdiostcrs · 10 months
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sheamus is immune to most demigod weapons. due to having no godly heritage, celestial bronze, imperial gold, and adamantine pass right through him. stygian iron and bone steel, however, can affect him. but seeing as how only children of the underworld can wield stygian iron and bone steel is what the norse use, he's pretty safe.
it's a right of passage for new residents to freak out during war games as their blade passes right through sheamus. he just grins as they panic before stabbing his short sword at them.
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xtinyslip · 6 months
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matt hadn't entered the dungeons to gloat. pederson being trapped down here was what needed to happen, it needed to happen for everyone in his life now but it didn't mean he was about to be smug. not when there was a strong possibility that one tiny mistake could lead to him being free again. they all had to be so careful with who knew and who they let down there. plus, behind that glass or not ; the guy still could shoot fear into matt unlike anyone else. as much as he hated that and always would. "they should help with the bleeding and they wont counteract with anything else in your system." matt should know, considering he was the one who came up with the drug that had kept pederson down. hey, he was doing what parker asked him to do. placing the paper cup of water and two tablets into the drop box for pederson's cell. @lcvenderhcze
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394bugle · 1 year
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Front page news:
The wedding reception of Asgardian Prince Thor Odinson and Dr. Jane Foster didn't go as planned last Saturday, as Avengers Tower where the party was located, fell under attack by Hydra insurgents. Sources say that Hydra agents weakened defenses a few days before in what is now being called a 'practice run,' and took advantage of the crowded guest list to sneak in and strike from the inside. Civilians and heroes alike were wounded, several seriously. Asgardian Prince and fellow heir to the throne, Loki Odinson, took a particularly nasty blow and remains in serious condition. Prior to his injury, some witnesses claim they saw the younger god lift the hammer Mjolnir -- a mysterious Asgardian artifact. (See page 3 for a more in-depth article.) Clean up efforts have already commenced at Avengers Tower, and while the mood is tense, for now the danger has passed. Still, this reporter has to wonder how long it will be until the next major attack -- and how something like this can happen in the first place. If heroes can't keep their own houses safe, what hope do the rest of us have? Tell us your thoughts at [email protected]
Page 3:
Mjolnir, mysterious weapon of Thor, was rumored to have been destroyed in Canada earlier this year. Yet eye witnesses from the Reception Attack claim to have seen the hammer reform before their very eyes. This reporter delves deep into the history and myths surrounding this strange hammer, asking what exactly it means to be 'worthy.' Find out more inside.
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The wedding might have been all about Asgardian royalty, but Captain Peggy Carter and Captain Steve Rogers showed us all what old-school romantic couple goals should be. Looking classy arm in arm at the ceremony, and leading efforts to keep civilians safe when the attack broke out.
ft: @asgcrdianprince @drfcstrs @strongestavengerthor @cptcvrter @cptamerica
if you want your characters mentioned in the next bugle post, shoot us a message here. but double check out submission guidelines!
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