rubysunnday · 4 years
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Tuactober 2020 Day 25: Paradox Psychosis
Prompts by @totallyevan​
Bonus +
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kurtsiehummel · 4 years
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tuactober day 30: ben → NUMBER SIX & NUMBER ONE
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raviposting · 4 years
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- April Goff, From the Ashes (The Survivors Will Rise)
The Meta Academy + @totallyevan‘s tuactober prompt 2: s1 vs s2
For this prompt, I wanted to focus on the siblings between both seasons - specifically, their response to Reginald, how they cope with their traumas, and how they interact with one another. 
Looking back on season 1 - we see first hand how much the abuse inflicted by Reginald has seeped into the Hargreeves’ lives. Luther is denying his abuse and clings to his role as Number One, claiming to know what is best for the family. Diego is clinging to it in a different way, but tries to pass it off as active rebellion and is angry - at his father, Cha Cha, his siblings, the world. Allison’s life has been wrecked apart by using her powers on everything, costing her marriage and her daughter. Klaus is an addict, who then suffers from PTSD and is told that he’s a disappointment to his face. Five has been stuck in an apocalypse for decades, Ben is well, dead, and Vanya is repressed both emotionally and with her powers. 
We see a lot of discord within the family here - sometimes, of course, there’s kind and good moments, whether it be Diego helping Klaus get clean for an episode, or Klaus (and Ben) trying to help Luther when he spirals, or Allison’s continuous insistence on helping Vanya. We see that they love each other, we know that they love each other. But we also see that no one reallizes that Klaus is missing for a long time, that Luther decides to lock Vanya up, that Allison needs to ask Diego if he murdered Patch. The love that they have is also marked by the distrust they have, the fact that they haven’t been in the same place together since their father, their abuser, was alive, the fact that they’re still trying to be a family and that they all feel so, incredibly alone in their traumas. That isolation is even shown in the way they go about trying to solve their problems - they all have individual storylines that they try to solve on their own (Diego with Patch, Allison with Vanya, Five with the Handler, etc.) and it just continuously doesn’t work out. It’s when Allison is with Diego that he’s reminded that Patch wouldn’t want this revenge plot to work out, it’s when Klaus and Five work together that they start getting more answers, it’s when all the siblings decide to gather around Vanya and decide that they need to solve this as a family that they avoid impending doom. 
In season 2? They start out apart, of course, but they very quickly come together and continue to stay together.  They freely get happy seeing each other for the first time and there’s such a stark difference in (most of) their reunions - Luther is so close to taking Vanya down until he realizes that she’s okay, that she’s happy and safe and that he doesn’t need to do anything and he apologizes to her and tries to keep her away from everything in their lives because he doesn’t want to disrupt her happiness. Allison says that she knew the rest of her family would find her one day; she shows that trust and willingness. Diego freely embraces his siblings, a stark contrast with him greeting them all with anger in the pilot. He forgives Vanya when she apologizes and tells Luther that he has him by his side, Five trusts Diego in the endgame with Lila, Klaus (who himself said in season 1 that he’s not a fighter and again in season 2 that he’s not someone to fight) runs headfirst into danger to try and save his sisters when he sees Allison in danger at the protest and Vanya in the FBI building. They’re a much more cohesive unit than they were in season one, more free with their affection and support and trust with one another.
This isn’t to say that they’re perfect with it, of course they’re not - they’re still putting those pieces of themselves together and they’re struggling with all their traumas. They’re not going to go from how they were in season 1 to a flawless family unit with perfect communication within the span of a season. And we see that it does fall apart, a bit, after Reginald has the supper with them. We see them backslide into how they were as kids, we see bad habits/coping mechanisms/decisions popping up for them all over again (Ben + possession, Diego feeling angered by his siblings, Allison using her rumoring ability, etc.).
But I loved this scene, because at other points in time for them, that supper with Reginald? It would have pushed them further into their own isolations and made them feel like there was no one on their side. And they do, slightly, here, they feel broken down and it’s fair of them to feel that way, it was an emotionally charged moment for all of them. But it doesn’t break them. They face their abuser and sure, it’s not a happy or triumphant “we’re much stronger without you” moment, but they are still together afterwards. They get angry, they get upset, they feel isolated, but then they admit that they need each other, that they want everyone in their lives, and they work together to try and save each other and the rest of the world. And they do. Sure, the timeline is a bit wonky now and like with everything else in their lives, it’s just a little weird and definitely not perfect, but I trust them to work better together next season - even if they slip up from time to time, even with the triggers that experiencing Reginald again will bring up for them - Reginald doesn’t deserve to define their lives anymore, and no matter what they face, they’re going to go through it and trust each other, because they’re survivors through and through. 
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blingbland · 4 years
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tuactober day one: Doomsday
gee Vanya, how come your siblings let you have two doomsdays?
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anglophile-rin · 4 years
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(click for quality, or just enjoy the closeups I posted!)
TUActober Day 1: Doomsday @totallyevan
Day 1, Day 10, time is a construct. Recreated the album art for Green Day's Dookie! Every single building, person, and prop is replaced with something or someone from the TUA universe(s). An insane amount of detail that was amazing amounts of fun to do!!
(If you like it, maybe follow my art insta? wilderchildart)
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violetfolgi · 4 years
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s1 & s2: Klaus Hargreeves
For TUActober, Day 2 - s1 VS s2. prompts by @totallyevan !
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mokolat · 4 years
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| DeviantArt | DeviantCom | Tumblr | Twitter | Furaffinity | The one who talk to the dead II
Happy Halloween Birthday Klaus ♥ I hesitate to post it for Halloween buuut... I cannot wait for share it. So, let say it's my contribution in this 1st October! I have a big midnight-5AM inspiration and wish to see this boy in skull make-up. Klaus wear eyesliner is part of his fancy nature and covered his face in skull is showing his bound with spirits world, but it’s another way to reveled his sad-clown side I imagine.
The one who talk to the dead II © Mokolat (Without make-up version here)
More TUA fanart : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 
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agnatsart · 4 years
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@totallyevan 's tuactober, day 2:
Season 1 VS. Season 2
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upset-hufflepuff · 4 years
Tuactober days 8-9-10:
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Beauty Parlor
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hacash · 4 years
tuactober #1 - doomsday
(AN: definitely won’t be able to do all of these, but I thought I’d make an effort this year! Tagging @celticaurora, @why-this-kolaveri-machi, @totallyevan and anyone else who cares about hargreeves sibling snark)
“So this is it, huh?” Luther squints out into the vastness of the desolation before them. Swirling eddies of dust and radiation churn together over abandoned streets; the charred remains of the human race litters the sidewalk. The end, as some would say, is no longer nigh; it has well and truly nighed.
Beyond the rubble an indifferent sun sets, its dying light coursing over a thinner and far lonelier atmosphere. Five has no idea what day they’ve come to, what year. Time has officially stopped. Every day is Doomsday now.
He wonders if some condescending prick at the Commission has that printed on a motivational poster. With a kitten hanging from a branch, most likely.
“Looks that way.” Five jams his hands in his pockets and wishes, not for the first time in this particular timeline, that he’d brought some sort of hipflask. “Myself, I preferred the Soviet Doomsday myself. Nice and clean, over in an instant – poof! – put the poor old earth out of its misery.”
Luther slides him a cool look. “You always were a sentimentalist, weren’t you?”
“I try my best.”
Without much ado they begin walking down the streets of their wrecked hometown, Luther taking the time to point out sites of their fonder memories as they pass. None still standing, of course. That time Klaus rode his bike down Elm Avenue naked. That little theatre where we all went to hear Vanya’s recital together for the first time. Griddy’s Doughnuts; oh look at that, it’s still on fire.
Five is almost grateful for the big lug’s chattering. It had been his idea to jump timelines, admittedly, but he’s damned if he knows whether this will actually work. Luther’s oblivious, determined cheer, his solid determination to make the best of it is – dare he say it – comforting.
“So you think this is the first one? The one you ended up at in the beginning, I mean.”
“Certainly looks like the same pile of shit I arrived at, yeah. I’m starting to lose count. That one we triggered in the Sparrow timeline – artificial intelligence gone rogue and taking over the planet? – that was just trite, you know?”
“Ah, they don’t make Doomsdays like they used to.”
Five squints suspiciously. Is Luther making a joke, here at the end of all things?
(Well. Maybe not all things. If there’s anything a seasoned time traveller such as himself has learned, it’s that very little actually ends.)
“The super-volcano was an impressive one.”
“I’ll admit, it did cause some impressive sunsets – but the explosion at the biotech lab? Or the pandemic? Being cooped up with Diego learning the ukulele for nine straight months?”
“Not my favourite timeline,” Luther admits. “But if we’re picking ‘worst Doomsday ever’, my vote goes to the invasion.”
“Ah, the incursion of Dad’s people,” Five’s lips curl in a sneer, “his so-called extra-terrestrial brethren. Funny, we would have made it out of that one if Klaus hadn’t accidentally declared war on their planet; Vanya didn’t even have anything to do with it.”
“A Doomsday without Vanya,” Luther says, with feigned solemnity, “is like a day without sunshine. A night without stars.”
“Klaus without inebriation.”
They exchange smiles. They’re small, but they’re there.
After some time they come to rest at the ruins of what had once been the local courthouse, now reduced to dust and rubble. Luther sits; Five nearly collapses. He’d like to think he’s seen a few things, become used to the realities of the world in ways which his infant siblings still seem incapable of – he’s a bit of a cynical bastard, truth be told. But the sight of the world he loves continuously burning to a crisp, and always because of them, over and over…
Silently Luther holds out something. It is, Five is stunned to realise, a flask of coffee.
“No problem.”
They take it in turns to sip silently from the flask.
“You know, I’ve always been on my own when these things go off,” Five says quietly. “Bomb drops, Academy crumbles, freaky four-eyed fish-aliens invade, it’s always been me on my own, fixing the mess. And I told myself it was better that way. After all, if the emotionally stunted idiots were the ones to cause the apocalypse, what the hell were they going to do to end it?”
He sighs. But: What the hell. It’s the end of the world.
“But it’s good to have you at this one, Luther. I’m glad you came.”
Luther’s face splits into one of those rare, blinding, staring-into-the-sun grins. “Thanks, buddy.”
It really is damn good coffee.
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bergiart · 4 years
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My prompt to @totallyevan ‘s  Tuactober! It took me a while to do and to post it, but it’s finally here
Tuactober Day One: Doomsday
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rubysunnday · 4 years
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Tuactober 2020 Day 8: Reunion
Prompts by @totallyevan​
With my husband
*gasps* You’re married? Who is this lunatic?
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literal----trash · 4 years
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Tuactober day 11
For outfits I gave Allison one of Vanya's outfits for like an outfit swap
I'm still a day behind and I have to catch up 😂
Click for better quality
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raviposting · 4 years
Headcanons for @totallyevan‘s TUActober prompt day 5 - The Swedes because you know, why the fuck not: 
With The Commission being out of time I’m sure half the folks are from way in the past and others are way in the future and I’m convinced the Swedes are the latter. They were born in like, 3021 which is why their Swedish is absolutely unrecognizable to everyone else. 
They got recruited into the Commission by Cha Cha, actually. She saw them throwing knives at each other for fun once while on a mission. Otto ended up throwing a knife that completely flew past Axel and into the head of the target Cha Cha was supposed to take out. She recommended them for the Commission that very day. 
Otto was obsessed with the old-timey milkmen he’d read in the super old books and shows that they’d watch together. When they learned they were going back to 1963, he got very excited and immediately found a milkman uniform to dress up in even though Literally Nobody told him to do it. He was really an “outfit first, plan later” type of dude. 
Noneo f them were necessarily smiley but Oscar was always the grouchiest so of course when they discovered what Sesame Street was, they called him Oscar the Grouch constantly. He was not a fan.  
When I googled them bc i totally knew which ones were which I saw that the wiki says Axel is married to someone named Damien??? Who I’m p sure doesn’t actually exist but fuck it, Axel has a husband named Damien now
When Axel got picked up by Destiny’s Children this man named Damien was there. He was also Swedish and extremely confused by Axel’s pronounciations but he found it endearing - even if he could only guess what Axel was saying about 10% of the time. They had their own marriage ceremony within the group about a year later and adopted two cats, which Axel def named after his brothers. 
Also by “adopted” cats I mean they got two literal feral cats from off the side of the road. One of them was missing an ear and the two are constantly hissing and scratching everyone who isn’t Axel and Damien. They love those cats. 
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evesbeve · 4 years
Fraud (TUActober 2020)
TUActober Prompts by @totallyevan
This is rushed but also gay, so who’s winning here? Hope you enjoy some Klave fluff!
Summary: Klaus and Dave on watch duty.
(Read on AO3)
"I’m a fraud.”
Dave turned to his left to look at Klaus, who was sitting cross-legged on the bare ground. Had it been anyone else, Dave would have probably complained about them not getting anything done—he hated being on watch on his own, after all.
But this was Klaus; funny, charming, thrilling Klaus, who was very obviously bothered by something.
Dave turned back to the horizon, making sure they were alone. “What was that?”
“I’m a fraud,” Klaus repeated, with the same gloomy expression.
It was then that Dave finally put his gun down, and sat next to him on the ground. He knew, of course, the war wasn’t going to wait for him and Klaus, but he could pretend for one night. They weren’t the only ones on guard duty anyway.
“Where’s this coming from?” Dave asked, bringing one hand to cup Klaus’ cheek, but he waved him off. “Hey,” he said, “we can sort this out. What’s wrong?”
Klaus looked at him hesitantly, a sad smile on his face. Dave hadn’t seen him like this in a very long time.
“How can you—” Klaus began, but then cut himself off. “How can you be okay with this?”
“Us,” Klaus explained, and Dave physically felt his heart drop. “Dave, I… lied to you, about everything.”
So this wasn’t about their relationship, not really. Dave let himself relax for a moment, before being hit by the fact that Klaus wasn’t okay once again. He couldn’t drown himself in worry though; Klaus needed him.
“I lied about how I ended up here, about my home, about my powers—”
“You were trying to protect yourself,” Dave said. “Klaus, you… you know I’m not angry at you, for keeping these things a secret, right?”
Klaus bit his lip. “I know that.”
“Then what’s wrong, love?”
A faint smile appeared on his face then, and Dave couldn’t help but return it. “That’s cheating.”
Dave tried to play dumb. “What’s cheating?”
“You, calling me pet names!” Klaus said. “You know how much it makes me—”
“Smile?” Dave interrupted. “Light up the room, the battlefield, and possibly my heart—”
“Daaaaaaaaaave!” Klaus pouted, but unlike before, he didn’t try to hide his grin back, and Dave was one hundred percent okay with that.
He reached for Klaus’ face again, and this time Klaus let him. They scooted closer to each other, and Dave started stroking soothing circles on Klaus’ cheek while Klaus reached for his other hand.
“You know what I like about you, Hargreeves?” he asked, then quickly added, “well, one of the many things.”
“Cute butt?”
Dave glared at him.
“Oh, come on,” Klaus said, bringing his hand over Dave’s. “I know for a fact that you adore my lovely bottoms.”
“We are not discussing this right now,” Dave said, ignoring the fact that Klaus was entirely right.
“Fine,” Klaus said. “What do you like about me?”
“You’re full of surprises,” Dave responded. “Where there’s chaos, you’re usually in the middle.”
“How is that a good thing?”
“I never said it was good.” Klaus smile faded a bit at the response, but Dave was nowhere near done. “But it’s amusing,” he said, letting go of Klaus’ cheek and turning it around so their hands could connect, “and fascinating,” he brought Klaus’ hand to his lips, pressing a kiss on his fingers, “a bit foolish,” another kiss, “and absolutely intoxicating.”
By the time he was done, Dave could see how watery Klaus’ eyes had become, and his smile hadn’t come back either.
“Was that too much?” he asked. “I’m sorry if—”
“I love you so much.”
Dave felt his heart flicker at the words. “I love you too, sunshine.”
“Even though I lied?”
He let go of Klaus’ hands and cupped his face again. “Full of surprises, remember?”
Klaus kissed him.
Yeah, Dave thought as he returned the kiss, full of surprises.
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malecacidd · 4 years
TUActober 2020 (Day 2: S1 vs S2)
Are we already starting to fall behind? M a y b e kfkdkdksk anyways I'm still v excited and I hope you like this 🥺🥺🥺 I still have yet to make an ao3 version but I'm,,,,, working on it?
Prompts by @totallyevan!!
(Also to give like a background before you read this is comparing some of the sibs love interests in s1 to their s2 ones!!)
Patrick was like a building fire. He was like the start of something that would never be finished.
Allison met him at the one year anniversary of her first movie. She married him four years later.
Patrick gave her the most important person in her life. Without him, Claire wouldn't exist. Allison didn't forget that.
She loved him, she really did. She loved him for years, and she thinks that he loved her too.
She doesn't know for sure, though.
Ray was almost like a breath of fresh air.
Allison had been thrown into a new world, a new world that gave her more hate than she thought she would ever experience. When she was with Ray, the hate existed, but it was never at the forefront of her mind.
Ray was like light in the darkness, shining and giving her a way to find happiness in the 60s. Giving her a way to find happiness in general. Showing her the way that she could fight for what was right and still have happy days.
Ray didn't give her Claire, but he gave her love.
Allison loved him, so much.
And this time, she knew that he loved her back.
Dave was something that Klaus never had.
Sure, he had relationships before. Relationships with men, women, all of the above and more.
It was different with Dave. Everything was different with Dave.
It was ten months of the most intense love Klaus had ever felt. And then it was gone.
Well, it wasn't gone, it was just overtaken by the pain replacing all other emotion in his heart. Dave died, and a part of Klaus died with him.
He missed him, so much.
Dave was back. Dave was alive.
Except he wasn't.
Klaus' Dave had died in 1968, died in the Vietnam War. This Dave…
This Dave was a twenty two year old who worked in a store that sold mamie pink paint. This Dave never met Klaus, never spent ten months soldiering with him.
This Dave didn't love him.
And he didn't love this Dave.
He missed his Dave. Missed him so, so much.
Eudora was his first.
Well, that wasn't completely true. He had been with others, but Eudora was the first that he truly loved.
She just understood him. He felt as if she mirrored him completely.
Eudora would take his snappy comments in stride and reply with one of her own. He felt as if they matched perfectly.
He loved her, but then he was kicked from the police academy. They fell out, as some do. He still loved her, though. He knew that he would always love her.
Diego felt almost as if he was starting to get her back just before he found her dead on the floor of a cheap motel.
Lila was fast. A fast love.
He met her in the psych ward. She seemed a bit off, but she was fun to talk to.
It was only a couple months later when he found himself fighting to keep her in the car that he realized, oh, I'm falling again.
Then Diego and Lila were in Elliott's bed, then she disappeared, then he found out that she didn't love him the way he thought she did.
Then he found out, as he was telling her about her shitty mother who gave her a shitty idea of love, that maybe, just maybe, she did love him.
Diego could see in her eyes that he was getting her back just before the Handlers gun went off.
Vanya thought that Leonard was love.
He had asked for her company, actually wanted to be around her, and how could she deny the one thing she had wanted her entire life?
She was desperate to proove her sister wrong, she'll admit.
She thought that it was love, but maybe, maybe she was wrong.
Allison gave her doubts about Leonard, and Vanya stayed with him almost out of pure spite. But then, then she was losing control and slitting Allison's thought and then she stayed with Leonard out of fear because what if someone comes after her? What if her family hates her?
But then Leonard was yelling and slamming his hand and making noise and she just couldn't-
And he was dead on the ground.
That wasn't love, she was sure of it.
Sissy was there for Vanya.
Sissy gave her a place to live, gave her a life that she didn't even know she wanted.
Harlan was just as important to Vanya as Sissy was. She loved them both, so much.
Sissy showed her what love was, how it was supposed to be. Vanya couldn't remember her past, didn't have any memories, but she knew that she wanted her future to be with Sissy. Knew that she wanted to be around her, wanted to be loved by her and love her back.
Sissy gave her a home.
That was love, she was sure of it.
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