#TTTE Bertie
shinygoku · 3 days
Bertie the Bus backed into his berth, while the passengers he had been carrying bumbled about, some of which were heading for Thomas’ train.
They had time before he was scheduled to depart, though Thomas couldn’t help but to notice that Bertie was a little bit behind his usual schedule.
“Hullo Bertie,” he called. “You seem out of puff, your driver didn’t forget that Petrol stuff, did he?”
“Oh no, of course not! It’s my axels, they’re aching!”
Thomas pulled a face, he knew full well how much of a hassle aging axels could be.
Bertie carried on. “It’s that new school, as there’s so many children in the area, they’ve put in traffic controls. But instead of nice, sensible lights (like your Signals, you know), there’s this horrible new thing. So when I drove over the Sleeping Policeman—”
“You what?!” Thomas almost let off steam in his alarm, but he couldn’t see anything untoward under Bertie, tempering his horror a bit.
“Ah, a Sleeping Policeman! It’s a wretched bump in the road, and now I’ve got to drive over one every day!”
Thomas was gazing into the distance, not really seeing the view before him. “It sounds awful! Why on Earth are they sleeping in the middle of a road, they ought to know better!”
“Oh it is, it’s like if you lot had to roll over stones every quarter mile! I–hold on. What did you just say?”
Thomas was having a realisation of his own, and his face went from quite pale to decidedly flushed.
“A Sleeping Policeman is something hard they put on the road, you daft teakettle! A speed bump!” Bertie laughed in a jolly way. “Goodness me, now my axels are aching even more!”
“Well it’s a very silly name for it! Really now!” But he was somewhat relieved.
It was time to go, anyway. He whistled loudly and chuffed off, taking extra enjoyment from the lump-less iron rails under his wheels.
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ohmystarrynight · 7 months
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Better luck next time Bertie! But Thomas, PLEASE be mindful of your poor aunties they don’t like when you race for goodness sake!!!
I think it’s so cute that they race in so many movies and episodes :,)
Also- hey hey! Thomas art! Woah! Been a minute for sure.
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putuponpercy · 1 year
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steam-beasts · 5 months
In a general sense, who was infected via bite/scratch ratter than getting the suspicious coal?
Salty - got attacked by a feral Porter. He actually doesn't mind being a reptile-like beast. It means he can go visit Rusty and crawl up Cranky's support beams to talk to him better, plus, he can swim!
Diesel - got scratched up by a feral Duck. Duck suddenly remembered the beef he had with him and just went up and scratched him, then left. He refused to elaborate.
Mavis and Daisy - got cornered by Thomas, Percy and Toby while trying to escape Ffarqhuarr.
Bertie - Got bitten while trying to keep his passengers safe.
Annie and Clarabelle - couldn't go anywhere and got a bit scratched up.
Henrietta - was attacked by a feral Toby. Tried reasoning with him, but it was too late.
Carolyn - was chased around a bit, but escaped. If she could, she would spray water at them. She now treats them like big kittens whenever they act all adorable, and treats Diesel 10 like a dinosaur if she ever sees him.
Cleo - managed to hide from the infected. She's still secretly afraid of them, and has to have Ruth reassure her that they're still the same engines she got to know before.
Ace - escaped, he still treats the engines and infected road vehicles as his friends, but he also treats them like Australian wildlife, and sometimes just pisses one of them off to see what happens. He tried that with Edward to see if he could get on the old guy's nerves. Spoiler; it worked after the 1000th time.
Paxton - got jumped by the NG engines, all at once. He's pretty unnerved now when he goes to the BM quarry and literally squeaks when an engine just suddenly pops out of one of the tunnels without warning. He also struggles to understand Rusty. That little diesel just sometimes spawns everywhere Paxton looks. Rusty's an definite enigma...
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edwards-exploit · 16 days
My not entirely serious headcanon is that since the 2000s, the Ffarquhar Branch Line (and Mavis!) has a long running dnd game with Henrietta as a dm. Thomas' stoker introduced it to them and they've been hooked ever since. They also do sidequests and their current one is a murder mystery on an express. Hell, even Bertie joins in once in a while.
Oliver has been begging to join it ever since he heard about it. He has a character sheet ready. Yes it's just a self insert but he swears he can make it work. Thomas. Thomas please.
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esperfruit · 2 months
Cover for Bertie's Chase
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duskstargazer · 1 month
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After chasing after Edward, Bertie had gone in for repairs. During that time, the bus company had decided to bring in a new fleet of buses. One of these was Algy.
Bertie had quickly taken a dislike to Algy.
“Imagine! Falling into such a sorry state after racing one old steam train!” Algy laughed. “No wonder you lost to that suburban train in that little race of yours!”
“I've beaten Thomas in races since then!” Bertie argued.
“Did you? Or did he let you?”
Bertie glared hotly.
“Doesn't matter. You barely manage against this “Thomas”, you only just caught that train a few weeks ago-”
“I do just fine, thank you. No bus on any of the Ffarquhar routes can match my time and boast the safety I provide.”
“Not yet. Give me a week and I’ll run you out of that old bumpkin backroad.”
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choc-ice-on-wheels · 3 months
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Old train art I’ve posted elsewhere, but now it goes here.
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ilovecharile · 8 months
It is so funny to me how in Berite and Thomas's first race. Both drivers just allow it to happen. I expected them to at least tell them "no" but instead they are just like this:
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hazel-of-sodor · 11 months
Day 27-Thomas and the Rocket Sled
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 27-Record Breaker
Thomas and the Rocket Sled
The Island of Sodor was even busier than usual. It was the 150th anniversary of the Rain Hill Trials and a gala was being held on Sodor to celebrate.
Engines of all types from the mainland and all over the world were coming to visit. 
Thomas arrived at Tidmouth Harbor one morning to collect a unique piece of rolling stock. He had been enjoying the lead-up to the gala immensely. There were so many new and strange engines and cars to meet that at times his head spun. This might have been the strangest one yet. Sitting on a special flatbed was a heavy metal frame with a seat on it. Behind the seat sat something that reminded Thomas of the jet engines on the planes at Tidmouth airport.
"It's a Rocket sled," Nicole explained as the flatbed was coupled behind Thomas. "The Americans use it to test systems for their aircraft."
"It must be very fast then," Thomas said.
Samantha snorted, "Try faster than the speed of sound. "
Thomas gave a mischievous smirk, "No one tell the Gresley's."
The engineers in charge of the rocket sled were ensuring it was properly secured, so Nicole climbed back into the cab to drink her coffee while they waited.
The lead engineer looked dubiously at her coworker. "John prepared it? Are you sure it's okay?"
Her coworker rolled his eyes good-humoredly, "Relax Beth, John knows what he's doing."
Beth glared, "Is that why Jasmine is regrowing half her hair?"
"Everyone makes mistakes every once in a while?" He offered unconvincingly.
She snorted, "Paul, John makes weekly mistakes. If his dad wasn't an admiral..."
"He's not that bad," he protested with a laugh.
Beth rolled her eyes, "Yes he is, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he forgot to drain the fuel."
"He didn't forget to drain the fuel, here watch."
Before Beth could stop him, "Hey Crane!" He yelled up at Cranky.
Cranky was not enjoying the preparation for the Gala. It seemed every day more ships arrived with heavy locomotives and carriages, and he was expected to unload them all. "What is it?" He snapped towards the annoying human beneath him.
"Can you flip that lever with your hook?"
Had Cranky been in a better mood, or had had more sleep, he would have questioned the wisdom of flipping a lever on an unknown machine.
As it was, he gave the equivalent of a shrug. "Sure."
The lever flipped and for a moment everything was quiet.
"See? He didn..."
Thomas was patiently waiting for the engineers to finish when he heard the rocket rumble to life
"Are they testing the rocket?" He asked curiously.
Nicole's head snapped around to see the glow of the rocket's exhaust as it powered on.
"Brakes!"  She shouted, but it was too late.
Thomas began rolling forward as the rocket pushed him, faster and faster.
Samantha slammed on the brakes, but they quickly proved no match for the rocket's power.
Thomas whistled in alarm to the signal mam as he was pushed out of the docks and onto the mainline.
The signal men quickly threw the points and set the signals at danger. He rang control, "Clear the Mainline, we have a runaway."
Beth, Paul, and Cranky stared as the tank engine and sled raced out of view. 
Paul winced as Beth slowly turned to glare at him.
Thomas shot through Tidmouth Station, whistling as loudly as he could, startling James and Henry who were waiting with their trains.
Samantha released his brakes, realizing they could do nothing against the rocket but wear out.
Nicole hung on desperately as Thomas rocketed around the bend through Lower Tidmouth.
"Ooooooohhhh Lady!" Thomas cried as his speedometer broke 100 miles per hour, suddenly very grateful that Crovan's Gate had fit him with roller bearings. He would have worn through his old ones!
Percy had having a nice quiet morning when he heard Thomas. He had been taking a drink from the water tower when he heard the frantic whistling, and behind it, a dull roar.
"What in the name of..."
Thomas blasted past, the flyers on the station board flying from the force of his passing.
Percy sat there a long moment.
"It's too early for this."
"It's nearly tea time," his driver said.
"It's too early for this."
Several miles down the track Bertie heard Thomas's whistle rapidly approaching in the distance. "Wanna race Thomas?" He called eagerly.
Thomas roared past, whistling furiously.
"Never mind," Bertie said quietly.
Gordon was racing towards Wellsworth with the express when the radio in his cab went off.
Rain answered it.
"There's a runaway on track 3," she called out to Gordon and Amanda, "They'll overtake us soon."
Amanda smirked, "oh will they?" She said as she opened Gordon's regulator.
Gordon chuckled and surged ahead, even since he had been rebuilt back into a 3-cylinder in 72, he had taken every chance he could to test his speed.
As Rain shoveled coal like a woman possessed, Amanda watched the Speedometer creep up, smirking when it broke 100 mph.
Gordon however, frowned as he heard the runaway's whistle in the distance.
"Is that...Thomas?"
Rain snorted, "Don't be silly."
But it was.
Thomas raced up alongside the express coaches, he was going so fast the express seemed to be standing still.
"Hi Gordon, Bye Gordon," he managed to whistle as he shot past.
Amanda and Rain stared in shock.
"There's no way we can catch him," Amanda said in disbelief.
"But we have to try," Gordon called. He forced himself even faster, charging after the runaway No.1.
Finally, mercifully, the rocket ran out of fuel. Every joint and rod on Thomas ached. Even though Crovans Gates were known for over-engineering their rebuilds, Thomas was never meant to break 100, and he had far exceeded that.
To make matters worse, it had run out on Gordon's hill. Thomas wasn't sure he could make it up the hill without further damaging his motion. He rolled to a stop, panting heavily.
"Owwww." He moaned quietly.
"Are you alright?" Samantha asked, carefully setting his brakes and climbing down.
"I can't tell," Thomas winced, "maybe once everything cools down it'll be alright."
A deep whistle was heard as Gordon pulled up behind, curious passengers leaning out the window to look.
"Are any of you hurt?" The Pacific asked with concern.
"Nicole and I are alright. We're not certain about Thomas though."
"Is he well enough for me to push him up the hill?"
Thomas shifted his motion, "Probably better than rolling down."
Gordon gently buffered up and pushed Thomas and the sled up the hill to Maron station at the top, going slowly to keep from aggravating Thomas's motion
Jinx was waiting for them with a flatbed for Thomas. Gordon set off with the express again, as Thomas was loaded onto the flatbed, eager to make up the lost time.
The rocket car was left in the Marom sidings as Jinx set off for the works with Thomas.
The next day Gordon visited Thomas at the works as he was inspected for damage.
"So how's the new record holder?" The pacific teased.
Thomas had been lifted off of his wheels while they were inspected for damage.
He sighed in exasperation, "Not you as well."
Gordon smirked, "I'm afraid it's official."
"The steam speed record is for speed achieved under your own power," Thomas said baffled.
"Which my cousin still officially holds," Gordon agreed, "but you now hold the new record for the fastest a steam engine has traveled by rail."
Thomas stared for a moment, then groaned, "I'll never get your family to stop trying to adopt me now."
Gordon chuckled," You could just accept."
Thomas just sighed despondently.
A/N: Did I just adapt Thomas and the Jet Engine for my AU? Yes, yes I did.
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uselessalexis165 · 11 months
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tried making some ttte memes (295)
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putuponpercy · 2 months
I was reading comments on a post about a bus getting stuck earlier on and saw a comment from a bus driver where he said that years ago after his shift instead of driving the bus back to the depot he almost took it home with him because his house was on route.
Anyways new Bertie headcanon
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steam-beasts · 7 months
Here on national geographic, we have a rare Bus Bear. Not too many of these kind of buses are seen nowadays. We've decided to call this one, "Bertie" even though that's already his name.
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edwards-exploit · 1 year
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rivals to friends (who are also still rivals) speedrun any%
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esperfruit · 3 months
TTTE Human AU reference sheets and bios Part 3
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Mavis Stephenson
Age: 23
Height: 175 cm
Mavis is a feisty young woman and full of ideas. Eager to show what she is capable of, yet she still lacked experience when she moved to Sodor. She was placed under Toby’s tutoring, who she did not like very much at the start. She actively went against his advice after she was told by Diesel Toby was a stuck up wanna-be know-it-all, insisting on doing everything her own way much to Toby’s frustration. Tired of Mavis' antics he left her with a difficult task all by her own and when she failed and Toby helped her out, she started to take his advice finally seriously. Mavis gladly became Toby’s student but still liked to put her own spin on things.
Over time she became less naive and open to bad impressions. Mavis matured into a responsible, creative and eager hard worker. Her way of approaching things from different perspectives has also proven to be very helpful at many occasions, having fallen into good graces with many. Having zero patience for mischief, she frequently berates the twins Bill and Ben. The two were intimidated by her unbreakably determined attitude at first but quickly started to find her cool, looking up to her as an older sister, calling her “Big Sis Mavis”.
She loves her work but she also wished to see more of the island and expand her horizons, so she accompanied Thomas and Percy on one of their escapades once, resulting in them becoming friends. Mavis is still very stubborn and when she starts something, she wants to finish it no matter what tries to stop her. The same stubbornness resulted in her collapsing once when she tried to finish a job despite a sprained ankle, leading her to be carried to an infirmary by Diesel, who took a liking in Mavis and her being the first person he was genuinely nice to. 
Diesel’s affection for her grew more and more obvious to Mavis especially when he tried to keep her away from her usual workplace to spend more time with her. While not approving of his antics, she decided to be patient with him as Mavis is able to see past his devious demeanor. When Diesel finally made efforts to better himself, he tried and fumbled to confess to Mavis. Still getting the message, Mavis kindly rejected him as she likes him platonically and offered him her friendship instead, which he happily accepted.
Mavis overall is one of the island’s most enthusiastic and creative people, who strives to always improve herself and find new methods to solve problems unseen by others, carrying an almost infectious confidence and optimism with her. 
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Rosie Hill
Age: 16
Height: 164 cm
Rosie was born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA and moved to Sodor when she was 14 due to her parents’ work. She is lively, sweet, energetic and quick to act. Most of the time she needs something to do in order to not become nervous from understimulation. Rosie is Thomas’ classmate and she quickly began to idolize him, imitating Thomas, which only irritated him. However, they managed to become friends, Rosie stopped imitating him and she is often invited to hang out with Thomas and Percy. Her parents disapprove of her friendship with Thomas but she happily ignores that despite usually being a very obedient daughter.
She was raised very American and still has problems adjusting to Sodor’s culture but she is eager to learn regardless. Even though she is very extroverted, she still struggles with some social cues, very often misunderstanding what others mean and getting into trouble despite only having good intentions. Rosie is easily intimidated by very tall people and gets silent when being yelled at thanks to her very strict parents. She looks up to women like Mavis, Emily and Daisy and after a helpful talk with Mavis managed to grow courage and stand up for herself when her father threatened to make her transfer to a boarding school on the Mainland if she won’t stop being friends with Thomas.
Rosie has shown to be clever, dependable, a good student, free-spirited, humorful and reveals to be quite tomboyish when she’s not with her parents. She likes to have moped races with Thomas or bike races with Percy and she can give great motivational speeches and directly opposes any mistreatment towards others or herself.
On Valentine's Day Diesel, Bill and Ben made fun of how close Rosie and Thomas were, teasing them to be a couple. Irritating Thomas and embarrassing Rosie, led to him avoiding her for most of the day and Rosie felt very hurt. After some inner turmoil on both sides, they decided to set things straight, revealing they both care a lot for each other as friends. Rosie also said she always wanted a sibling and she is delighted that Thomas is like a dear brother to her.
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Bertie Leyland
Age: 31
Height: 181 cm
A joyful and whimsical local bus driver. Bertie always welcomes his passengers with a warm and wide smile and a jolly honk-honk from his buse’s horn and says goodbye with a bright “toodle-peep”, making him very beloved by many people. He has a strong attachment to his red single-deck bus and cleans it everyday after his shift. Loving his work and putting a lot of passion into it, Bertie wants to make sure his passengers always have a pleasant and punctual ride. Bertie is genuinely very nice and is always open for a little chat but he also likes to get cheeky with others from time to time and has a boastful side as well.
Nothing ever seems to break his joyful attitude, only getting upset when he runs late, gets stuck or when something might cause or really does cause damage to his bus. He has a rough relationship with his co-worker Bulgy, who is annoyed by Bertie’s cheerfulness and being kept in line by him.
Bertie is a trusty ally of the kids of Thomas’ school as he daily drives them to school and back home, always stopping when a kid barely misses the bus to let them hop on. His helpful and whimsical nature has brought him into many crazy scenarios with Thomas, who he often calls his “little blue friend”.
With Bertie’s inexhaustible cheerfulness it is hard to believe he used to be very down on his luck in the past. Permanently injuring his shoulder in an accident, ruining his potential career as a rugby player, failing university, inheriting his late father’s debts, getting into many other unpleasant situations and even getting abandoned by everyone around him and ending up homeless for a while. It was when he finally got his job as a bus driver on Sodor when he finally found peace and could be the ray of sunshine he naturally is.
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Daisy Cammell
Age: 40
Height: 172 cm
Daisy is a lady, who describes herself as a “highly sprung and up to date beauty”. She was
troublesome when she moved from France to Sodor and just started working there. Being rather lazy, refusing to do extra work or manipulating others into doing her work for her. She was an irrational, self-obsessed diva, who constantly belittered others and talked them down.
However, her vanity and stubbornness got her in trouble on multiple occasions with people like Toby, Annie and Clarabel. Her misbehavior brought her in so many uncomfortable situations that she decided to better herself for her sake and others’.
Despite changing for the better, she still is highly authoritative, snarky, snobbish and easily irritated but that is now paired with using her strictness to bring order instead, trustworthiness, engagement, benevolence and a good sense of humor.
She lets Ryan live in the apartment complex she runs and looks after him, developing motherly feelings for the young Gresley. Daisy also became friends with Harvey despite Diesel trying to cause discord between them and also made up with Annie and Clarabel.
When Diesel accidentally hospitalized Daisy after playing a prank on her, the guilt became too much for him and he sneaked into her hospital room to apologize to her while she pretended to be asleep and learned that he secretly likes her. Daisy did forgive him in the end but decided to not let him off the hook that easily and invited him to have a serious talk where she taught him that if he really wants to make friends, he seriously had to change his ways just like she did in the past. Diesel took her words to heart, genuinely making an effort to change, and to support the young man, she offered him a spot at her apartment complex and invited him to talks whenever he needed some.
Daisy found a great liking to Emily as she found her strong personality very attractive and the two began to meet up more and more until the two women decided to start a relationship.
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Paxton Doncaster
Age: 21 
Height: 174 cm
Paxton is a gentle, young man, who recently just finished secondary school alongside his best friends Sidney Horwich and Norman Bulleid. The trio applied to jobs on Sodor and were all taken, all three of them moved into Daisy’s apartment complex and started into their work life with much enthusiasm. He struggled at school due to his short attention span but he managed to push through and graduate eventually even if it was close. 
Paxton has a very loving and supportive family and his parents always looked out for him. They were worried about their son moving away because despite being very proud he turned out to be such a good-hearted person, they also know he’s very gullible, naive and easily taken advantage of. He used to be tricked by his peers constantly and he never fought back because he did not notice he was tricked or was too scared to do so. He also takes sarcasm literally, confusing others and himself. Paxton is more of a follower than a leader and finds making big decisions very stressful, letting Norman usually call the shots in their group activities. Surprisingly, Paxton is very self-aware, knowing about all his flaws and he also knows, he can’t really change it as this is just how he is.
Wanting to become friends with Diesel because he thought he seemed lonely, he fell right into Devious Diesel’s traps, being taken advantage of on multiple occasions. Like when he unintentionally helped Diesel to accuse Luke murdering the to that time missing Victor but his conscience and good will helped him to make everything right again because Paxton is always willing to do the right thing and is even able to gain unexpected mental strength when he has to help someone.
He never gave up on Diesel and was very happy and proud when the latter actually wanted to change.
There are times where he can show some cunningness and has wisened-up from experience, which are mostly displayed when he helps others when they have to teach someone a lesson. Despite believing himself to not be very smart, he loves solving mysteries, no matter how tricky and his eyes lighten up whenever he finds a clue.
When Paxton, Sidney and others were trapped in a cave because of a landslide, he stepped up and gained the courage to speak up and keep everyone calm until help would arrive, taking on the role of a leader he never thought to be capable of. Paxton supported Sidney, who was having a panic attack when he got injured while trapped in the cave, giving first aid and calming him down. After three hours they were finally freed and Paxton had received some new found respect from many and he and Sidney have grown closer severely thanks to the incident. 
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Nia Kimani
Age: 19
Height: 176 cm
A young, enthusiastic woman from Kenya in East Africa. Nia was pendling from job to job, still trying to find her true calling, having gained a lot of experience already despite her young age. When she was traveling to her next job interview, she saw a boy in blue trying to help someone push a broken down rally car up a hill and offered her help as her motto is “two heads are better than one”. After they were able to help the driver, they took both of them to the next city. The blue boy introduced himself as Thomas Billington from Sodor in the UK and the rally car’s driver as Ace Canley from Australia. According to Ace, the two young men are traveling around the world to find clues about “Gold Dust” and Thomas said he joined in to find his missing parents and to help a friend called “Lady”.
Nia was nothing but confused at first but found the whole objective rather interesting and because she was an orphan without a family to return to, she thought it was a good opportunity to find her place to stay somewhere out there and joined them. Quickly Nia learned Ace was nothing but bad news and that he and Thomas were not friends but Thomas was only following for his own objectives. She and the young boy became friends over their journey through Africa and Brazil and Nia found out Thomas was being manipulated by Ace into doing all of this and he actually wanted to return home despite having fun traveling and wanting to find answers.
After arriving in San Francisco, California in the USA, Nia forced Ace to let Thomas go home before he could get into any more danger. Unable to find any answer for her own goal, Nia thought she had to return home to Kenya but Thomas suggested joining him to Sodor and she gladly agreed. Thanks to Thomas convincing Sir Topham Hatt to hire Nia as a contract worker for the time being until she could become a full-fledged employee, Nia finally found a place to stay.
Nia, who was very protective of Thomas and became like an older sister to him, quickly fell into good graces with his caretakers Edward, Annie and Clarabel, who were very grateful to her for watching out for him while he was dragged into Ace’s mess. She also formed a friendship with the other newbie Rebecca, who was currently struggling with her assigned mentor. She is the one of those, who stayed back at Sodor when an excursion team was formed to go around the world again to find clues about Gold Dust way more effectively. 
She has a positive attitude, is adventurous, always open for new experiences, a good problem solver and has a strong belief in friendship. She is very protective of her younger peers and always looks out for them, particular Thomas, Percy. Rosie and Rebecca. Nia is good-mannered but can become very scary when angered and does not hold back when she seems it appropriate to lash out on troublesome people like Ace. A side of hers she tries is her sensitivity and strong fear of being ignored or abandoned.
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Rebecca Bulleid
Age: 18
Height: 168 cm
The daughter of the head of the wealthy Bulleid Group. Rebecca was recruited to work for Sir Topham Hatt, mostly for business relationships but also the Fat Controller needed new personnel to make up for many of his best workers leaving for the Great Excursion. She was placed under Gordon’s tutoring, who was at a low point in his life at the time and despised her and Nia at first because he thought they were there to replace Edward and Henry, who were chosen for the Excursion while he stayed back on Sodor. It was a very difficult road to get there but she managed to grow on Gordon in the end after all and he became her proud and caring mentor.
Rebecca has a big heart and is usually happy-go-lucky and cheerful but also has a very insecure side as she fears to be inferior to her seniors, can get anxious whenever she fails to meet expectations and feels that she might be seen as a liability, something that was started by Gordon when he still hated her and constantly insulted her. She is also on the more clumsy side and acts humble whenever she causes a mishap.
Rebecca is always willing to see the good in others and is quite gullible and oblivious in a similar way to Paxton. She often fails to read the room and causes a lot of confusion like when Diesel tried to be rude to her but her unconventional way of thinking just left him puzzled or when she used to anger Gordon due to being unable to understand his hardships.
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Adrean “Diesel 10” Diesel
Age: 51 
Height: 199 cm
Heartless leader of a nations-wide feared crime syndicate, Adrean is the tenth in line as the head of the dangerous Diesel family and goes by Diesel 10 or D10 for that reason. D10 rules his organization with an iron fist and does not hesitate to serve cruel punishments towards those who irritate or disappoint him, including his own nephew Darius, who he raised himself after his parents’ passing. He is ruthless, cold, arrogant and unhinged through and through as he tends to break out in loud cackles out of nowhere. His lack of reason and common sense, made him replace his left arm with a hydraulic claw he named “Pinchy” and even speaks to it from time to time, unironically believing it speaks back to him.
He is really strong and someone to be truly feared in combat and only has some back -up from his two henchmen Splatter and Dodge in the background. His sadism makes him toy with his prey until he gets bored or they “break by accident”. Said sadism is also displayed in other forms of abuse Darius had experienced most of his life in order to get “toughened-up” by his uncle, only making him end up to be terrified by D10.
One day his research team learned about Gold Dust and a mysterious entity called “Lady”. Wanting to gain that power for himself, D10 sent Darius to Sodor for intel. After taking too long, D10 decided to take matters into his own hands. All of this culminates into a large confrontation with some inhabitants of the island and the goddess Lady. D10 managed to land a fatal blow on Lady but he himself ended up falling off a cliff, getting hurt severely in the process. He might be out of commission for the time being but the evil mafia boss plans his dreadful return.
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Age: unknown
Height: 166 cm
The goddess of a hidden world of spirits called Shining Time and the guardian of Gold Dust. Not knowing how she ended up where she is now and what her true purpose is with her role, she wandered around the Island of Sodor and has only been spotted a handful of times but her existence still only remained a mythos. One fateful day, she was fatally injured by D10 and fell down an abyss to her demise. But she was found by Thomas, who carried the Golden Whistle with him at the time. In order to survive in any way, she gave up her body and transferred her soul into the Golden Whistle but lost all of her memories as a result.
Now housed in the Golden Whistle, she can only be seen and heard by Thomas and can barely interact with the world around her. She made the conclusion that to regain her lost memories, to help Thomas find his parents and Hiro to move on into the afterlife, she has to uncover the truth behind the Golden Whistle and the Gold Dust, which she can only do with Thomas by her side. Thomas and Lady did not get along at first, mostly through their clashing personalities and because Thomas blames her on many tragedies that happened that were in correlation with Gold Dust. They managed to become friends in the end and Thomas promised Lady to help her regain her lost memories out of kindness and not only in self-interest.
Lady is gentle, kind and smart. She has a good heart, genuinely wants the best for everyone and hates seeing others get hurt. But her amnesia and position as an otherworldly being makes her oblivious and feel disconnected to humans and their customs and really wishes to understand them regardless if it is useful to her cause or not. Her rational mind also makes it difficult for her to comprehend more complex human emotions, getting into many misunderstandings because of it. Despite her initial struggles to understand them, she truly grew to love the people on the island she wandered for so many years and wants to protect them at all cost from evil forces that are after her.
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lomotunes2008 · 19 days
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Limo Bertie
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