#TTC Land
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garvalhaminho · 8 months ago
ok i'm bored so here's some pjo characters as "the land is inhospitable and so are we" lyrics :)
luke: "you believe me like a god/i betray you like i am"
percy: "i don't like my mind, i don't like being left alone in a room/with all its opinions about the things that i've done"
nico: "you're my best friend/now i've now one to tell/how i lost my best friend/the frost, it looks like we've been left in the attic/but you're not here to see/it's just witnessless me"
annabeth: "when memories snow/and cover up the driveway/i shovel all those memories/clear the path to drive to the store"
part 2, part 3
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lilislegacy · 11 months ago
did anyone else ever find it odd how easily zeus offered percy godhood? and how it almost seemed like he secretly wanted percy to accept? well i did, and after thinking long and hard about it…
i don’t think percy understood what turning down godhood really meant
demigods do tasks for the gods because they don’t have to follow any rules. they aren’t controlled by anyone or anything. demigods are a strange hybrid - not god, not human. they are in between the laws of immortal and mortal. they are not supposed to exist. yet they do, which is what makes them so extraordinary.
percy is crazy powerful. of course, there’s the aspect of raw power. he has domain over air (storms/hurricanes), land (earthquakes and volcanic eruptions), and sea (monster waves, tsunamis, floods, basically anything that involves water.) he can control bodily fluids. he has super strength (with one hand, he held up an unconscious annabeth who was being pulled down by both arachne AND the forces of tartarus). he has super speed (he moves faster than bullets in TTC). no matter how badly you hurt him, he automatically heals and regenerates the second he touches water (an ability no other demigod has). he’s an extraordinary swordsman. very skilled in combat and warfare. he’s smart, and thinks of plans quickly. but he also has a great deal of social/poltcial power… i mean, he’s a leader and hero to both the greek and roman camps. if he says “attack,” all demigods, greek or roman, attack. no question. do you have any idea how threatening that is to the olympians? he’s also best friends and has an empathy link with the lord of the wild, which basically means all of nature is by his side too, including all land creatures. he’s also prince of horses, which means pegasi too (both of which are extremely useful in battle). and of course all sea creatures, including the mythical ones like krakens and leviathans. not to mention many of the gods really like him. hermes, hephaestus, athena, aphrodite, and dionysis have all gone out of their way to help him. artemis holds him in high regard, especially since he saved her. apollo literally considers him his friend! and poseidon - his dad, the god who is the biggest threat to zeus - is fiercely protective of him and cares about him a great deal. many minor gods also like him because he demanded them to be given more respect and for their kids to be welcomed at the camps.
percy unknowingly has more power, both physical and social/political, than anyone should ever have. he may have absolutely no idea, but it must scare the living daylights out of zeus. by accepting zeus’s offer to become a god, percy would have submitted himself to the control of zeus. zeus would be his king and ruler. zeus would then have complete control over him.
but percy said no. therefore, percy remains out of zeus’s control.
percy had no idea what he was doing. but thank the gods he made that choice. thank the gods he’s an incredible person. thank the gods percy jackson has no desire for power, because he has more of it than anyone should ever be able to have.
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bikananjarrus · 6 months ago
i have a few thoughts about how the lost hero actually sets up the darker tone for HoO really well and then. well. there was never any follow through.
now some of my hindsight about TLH is probably fueled by nostalgia (i actually am really fond of tlh and also i was 14 when i read. impressionable on my teen brain). i’ve reread it several times, but i have really strong memories of the first time i read the book too, and i just remember it having a very gloomy, dark vibe to it. (the way that TTC is set in winter and definitely feels like a winter book, this is the HoO equivalent for me.)
looking at the actual contents of the book, the book starting off with jason's pov, who has no idea who he is, so immediately the feeling is 'oh shit. something happened to this guy. and it's not good.' and then almost immediately after that, getting sucker punched with the “she's been looking for one of our campers, who’s been missing three days…her boyfriend. A guy named percy jackson.” percy??? thee percy jackson. MISSING???? (look, that put 14 year old me flat on the floor. it still hits. but in 2010 when we had no idea percy was going to even be in these books….you kinda just had to be there okay.)
alongside jason, we have piper, whose dad got kidnapped by a giant and she'd being blackmailed! all before she finds out she's a demigod!! like she's already having a ROUGH time. we find out leo was manipulated by gaea to use his flame powers, which resulted in the fire that killed his mom (genuinely wtf).
their quest starting the lead up to the second great prophecy, which is happening so soon after percy's great prophecy (like they JUST finished fighting a war. give them a chance to breathe dammit. but also implying that some major things stirred with the defeat of kronos. But how could there be something more horrifying than kronos?).
their quest taking them to all these abandoned and/or cold places (the run down wolf house, they're hiding in the sewers at one point, the cyclops lair in that abandoned warehouse, the cave where they shelter from the cold and where the hunters of artemis find them, boreas’s house being in canada, even the mall where they meet medea being empty iirc). jason being abandoned by his mother. piper feeling abandoned by a father who doesn't have enough time for her. leo being alone too (not his mom's fault she died; not his fault for the fire; but he's alone nonetheless). even their primary mode of transportation being flying on festus feels strange and out of the place, bc for so long, we were seeing through percy's eyes and he had to stay on the ground.
and then to end the book with jason dying, however briefly. literally a dead man walking from the very beginning.
the tone was something different and darker, and combined with percy, hazel, and frank going to alaska, the land beyond the gods, in SoN, we were really venturing into unknown territory. it felt like our heroes would be tested. that gaea truly was something to be feared, even more so than kronos, and that it would take the generation's seven greatest demigods to defeat her.
and then it never followed through with that set up.
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the-empress-7 · 12 days ago
Nice to see you back however long you stay. I agree with your response that the Harkles barely break into mainstream news/internet lately. If I wanted to know what was happening, I had to search for it. I've really been glad that William and Catherine have eased Catherine back and prioritized her recovery and their family. Like you said, they have decades of Royal Work ahead of them. I miss watching her Royal appearances but I understand. March is going to be such a sh*tshow in Harkle land.
Hi Janelli! I hope you have been well.
Despite the shocking diagnosis and the difficult path to recovery, Catherine has made far more appearances than I could have ever hoped or even wished for. Everything from TTC last year to the Early Years engagements this year, has been above and beyond my expectations. May she continue to heal and recover at her own pace 🙏 We are lucky indeed.
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kastalani123 · 21 days ago
Trials of Ares: TTC
(Mortal Ares in SoM/BotL)
Ares spends the time between SoM and TTC throwing himself into way too much training, trying to compensate for his weak body and newfound limits. Everyone, including those not too fond of him, keeps trying to get him to stop because it just lands him in the infirmary over and over again and they honestly think it's pathetic to see him constantly sporting bandages and bruises (he can't even get ambrosia/nectar-powered super-healing) in an attempt to regain his godly prowess, unattainable by a mortal. He does not comply with doctor's orders, because he has to be able to protect himself and his allies, you know? Or at least be capable of putting up a fight. It doesn't matter how beaten he gets so long as he stands back up until he is physically incapable of moving again.
Annabeth has gotten over her initial inklings of pity and now just feels pissed every time Lee comes to get her because Ares will not stop even though he's about to cause serious permanent damage to himself and she's the only one who can force him to stop without further harming him.
His kids are conflicted. On one hand, they get the need to constantly train and fight, the need to push as far beyond the limits of their bodies as they can manage. On the other... there's a crazed, glazed look in his eyes when blood and sweat pour down his face, as if he's not really seeing what's in front of him, and his battle screams seem tinged with hysteria. It's a little like he's unravelling at the seams, each forgotten memory and unfamiliar softness of his body sending him further and further into a frenzy.
He always seems normal enough when he cheers them on, though. Not any worse with his threats than any of his children. It's odd. They're not sure how to deal with their father, always shaking with rage, seemingly never aiming the brunt of that rage on them.
He goes to Westover Hall because, again, tied to Annabeth. Also, Chiron thinks it's a good idea to get him away from the arena. He doesn't think Ares's young, mortal fingers can handle being split any longer, they need a moment to build up calluses. So, off he goes. Sally worries over him, as moms do. He doesn't know what to do with it, because he wouldn't dare blow up at a mother, but he hardly knows how else to react to concern. He just. Freezes for most of the ride. Annabeth probably told him not to say anything stupid, anyways.
He tries to attack Thorn the moment he realizes he's a monster. He gets in a decent hit, but is quickly tossed aside and breaks a rib or two (and doesn't tell anyone; no revealing weaknesses here!).
His feelings about Annabeth's kidnapping are... odd. Externally he is, obviously, enraged, though seemingly because he lost the fight with Thorn more than anything else. He even laughs a bit, about how no one can boss him around anymore! But he's a bit more jumbled up inside; he's gotten annoyingly attached to the brat, and not being able to piss her off a bit because she's not there grates on him more than he expected.
Artemis's presence is met with mutual insults. Artemis digs at his weakness, probably roughs him up a bit in a small fight, but ultimately pays him little mind; Ares pulls out insults he doesn't particularly mean, just trying to piss her off despite not having his rage-bait-aura because he wants a fight, damn it, he needs to release all his rage despite his body aching, and who better to do it on than a direct connection to their Father? Suffice it to say, the Hunters really don't like him within like. Two minutes.
When Nico realizes that he's the Ares, he bombards him with questions; Ares blows up a bit, essentially telling the kid to back off, then goes to sulk and try and figure out his ribs. Bianca tries to follow him, because his fall really didn't look good, but he blows her off too. Both the Hunters and Percy tell the siblings to try and avoid him because he's not worth the effort. Bianca... decides to take this as a little challenge, later.
Apollo makes fun of Ares, commenting on his appearance and powerlessness and how mortality isn't all that bad, Apollo's gone through this punishment twice before, can Ares really not handle it? He probably also talks about sending Ares on some errands, now that he's mortal and has to listen to him. Thalia's too stressed to care, the Hunters laugh along, Percy feels complicated because it's essentially bullying but also he still doesn't like Ares all that much, and Grover and the di Angelo's feel bad for him because do you really need to beat down a kid who's already bruised and bloodied and fuming enough?
Ares is essentially considered an extension of Annabeth, and therefore brought along on the quest as a sixth at Chiron's request, despite Zoë's hatred of the idea. Maybe there's a mention of him in the prophecy, I'm not sure, but regardless, he's on the quest legitimately because he needs to help his master. On one hand, he despises this, because he hates being told what to do. On the other, it's once again a fight and a chance to regain his divinity. Though, honestly, a major reason for how determined he is about the quest is that his sister got taken and he does not take that well. It only get worse when he gets the same dream Percy did about Artemis holding up the sky because damn it, no one's allowed to touch his family. He has learned that trying to rush the quest doesn't end well for him, but he's definitely on edge, though he won't let anyone know why.
Bianca is very determined to find out, though. She's got that sibling need to dig into others' business, and though she's trying to distance herself from "babysitting" others, it's a bit hard when there's a brooding kid her age around. She decides it's still a form of rebellion, since everyone keeps telling her not to talk to him. She gets snappy at him, because he is uniquely talented at pissing people off, and they're both surprised when she fires back at him. They both like it, though, and start exchanging barbs; Ares likes having someone to fight who doesn't back down or get too annoyed/bored to continue, and Bianca is giddy with glee that she's being mean. Zoë is. Not supportive of this newfound friendship, but Bianca says she's keeping Ares in check and Ares will be damned if he lets go of his newest little sister-kid.
Bianca is kind of the start of Ares's character development. Most others will either refuse to engage with him or make him shut up/walk away before he gets to anything concrete. Bianca, filled with the pent-up rage of a parentified older sister, refuses, because this is something she's choosing to do for herself, in spite of what those around her say; even her joining the Hunt was prompted by others, but this is entirely her own. She drags genuine emotions from Ares's mouth like she's pulling teeth, gets him to admit that he's worried for Artemis, and repays it with her own concerns about Nico. They bond over being the self-designated "protectors" of the family and being determined to be eternally strong. Ares has already signed the gods damned adoption papers.
And then she dies.
Ares. Does not take this well. He decimates Talos with a godly power-up, desperate to find her; the others cannot pull him away until he does, crushed in metal and burned with electricity. He begs her to wake up but, of course, she doesn't, so he curses out Zeus and Thanatos: Zeus because he's the reason Ares is mortal and got attached; Thanatos because she should have gotten to be picked up by him and not his sisters, the Keres, and can Thanatos not repay his debt to Ares for the Sisyphus thing by being the one to take Bianca, at least?
This is the first time Percy sees through Ares's rage. He has no idea what to do with this, because he is a child and grieving Bianca himself; he decides to process Ares being an actual, multi-faceted person later, when they're not on a quest to save Annabeth and Artemis.
(Also! In his encounter with Aphrodite, he's caught off-guard by her expressing what seems to be genuine concern and feeling for Ares, especially when she tells him to pass on her love and that she misses him, along with a dog tag and a Polaroid picture of her with four young men. He does not, initially, caught up in the quest and digesting their conversation. He will backtrack and correct this later)
Grover also finally manages to get through the stench of rage constantly surrounding Ares and finds the softer grief and worry. He tries to take Bianca's spot of trying to get Ares to talk things through, but after his teeth are almost knocked out, he decides Ares needs a bit of space first. It can wait at least until they get back to the safety of Camp. He's not letting up after the quest is done, though, he vows.
Hoover Dam calms him a little, when they start exchanging little facts about it. He complains about Annabeth ranting about it so much that even he absorbed the knowledge, but is actually grateful for the distraction. He's pissed in a jealous way that Zeus answers Thalia's prayer, though. He doubts he'd ever get that much attention from their Father, and it's fine, really. He doesn't care. Why would he care about familial validation? He hasn't had it in millennia, there's nothing to it. He's fine.
He absolutely freaks out about Bessie. He's also baffled Percy isn't smitten on the spot. He almost kills Bessie himself, in fear of anyone else getting to him first, but lets him be taken to Camp instead.
He totally has a panic attack about the lightning that strikes their car. Thalia realizes something is off, but they don't have the time to deal with it at the moment, so she brushes it off.
Percy and Thalia have to physically hold Ares back from attacking Atlas when he sees Artemis holding the sky and Annabeth gagged. Atlas orders Annabeth to command Ares to not attack him; he's not too concerned about Ares attacking him, especially as a mortal, but it's always one less pest to deal with. She complies.
So he goes for the sky.
I know Percabeth's shared grey streaks are iconic, but Ares is the one who takes the sky from Artemis here. She tries to refuse, because he's mortal, he will die, and regardless of his hated status, she does not want to watch him die, in the end. Ares yells at her, that just because he's mortal doesn't mean he can't handle this, he's still the god of war and her older brother whether she likes it or not. Begrudgingly, he adds that they both know he can't currently rival Atlas in power, but she can, with her trickery. She defeated the Aloadae when he couldn't, so she better give him the sky right now and go fight.
She does.
It is like the pain of all the soldiers he has ever led to war has decided to explode across his body.
(And yes, he is still dealing with previous injuries he has not gotten treated. It's very fun for him. He totally develops chronic pain and adjacent ailments throughout the books, if he wasn't sent down to Earth already with them)
He collapses almost the moment Atlas takes the sky back. The demigods have to help him get up and over to Artemis and Zoë, and Artemis has a bit of panic over who to be more worried about, but Ares makes her shift her focus to Zoë because he's fine, really.
He's not dying, at least.
She does turn her attention on him after Zoë's turned into stars, and finally someone realizes he's been injured for a bit. She yells at him about knowing his limits and not hiding his weak spots from allies because they need to know about them so they can cover for them, then does what she can to heal him up a bit before heading to Olympus. This is the first time in the story that she calls him "brother" in a genuine way, though. It takes away from the worried rage that's been keeping him from passing out and he just. Deflates and drops from exhaustion and pain.
He sleeps through the winter solstice meeting. Maybe Zeus keeps him as such, to keep the other Olympians from thinking of him too much; he doesn't want him returned yet, and if Ares shows up in front of everyone right then, the others might argue. So, he sleeps; Apollo probably squirrelled him away to his infirmary or something along those lines.
Once they're back at Camp, Ares finally taking a bit of a break to heal up, Percy passes on the message from Aphrodite, and the dog tag and photo. Ares immediately puts the dog tag chain on and tucks it beneath his shirt; it's the most precious one of his collection, with a curly Harmonia engraved on it, atypical as the format is. The photo, he almost crushes in his grip as he stares at it, before pocketing it with a gruff thank you. After this quest, the TLT trio grows a bit more patience with him, and he ever-so-slowly softens his aggression; there's still a long journey ahead of them, but the trio can now admit some fondness for him, and he stops arguing about everything they say and do.
Ares goes with Percy to talk to Nico but it doesn't change much; honestly, it might make it worse, because, mortal as he is, Ares is a god, he is meant to be powerful enough to protect those around him if he wishes to, so clearly he didn't want to save Bianca. Ares is kind of devastated by Nico running away, because he was hoping he could look after him for Bianca, similar to Percy, but Nico wants absolutely nothing to do with him. He swears he will find him, though, and make up for Bianca's death.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years ago
Speaking of their depiction of Will's anxiety- the Stymphalian birds were specifically chosen for him, because in the myths they can only be taken down by archery. But they're saying here that Will had a traumatic experience at the hands of monsters who have historically been defeated by archers. And then he didn't dedicate himself to archery at all? For the 5+ years he's been at camp? Reverse superhero origin story where instead of vowing to fight crime as the result of a loved one's death they just never leave the house ever again
Yeah! Or music/sound (which his satyr is specifically noted to be skilled at - Woodrow teaches the music class at CHB in The Hidden Oracle), which Will also doesn't do anything with besides his sonic whistle or healing hymns (which apparently are actually just his mom's songs and not hymns) at all until that gets retconned in TSATS. Like, we know he has a sonic whistle and healing hymns, but it's kind of a specific thing that he's not as musically or archery inclined as his siblings. So why half-retcon half of that, make these birds that can specifically only be defeated by sound and archery a major part of his backstory, and then... we never get any payoff for it? He faces them again, but it doesn't go any better than it did the first time? There's no building of his character there.
Also, Stymphalian birds are actually sacred to Artemis. Yknow. Apollo's twin.
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I get that TSATS was trying to cameo a lot of monsters we've seen before, but making Stymphalian birds specifically part of Will's backstory feels kind of weird and doesn't make a ton of sense? Because when we see them in SoM it's implied they were specifically sent to CHB, so why would they try to maim the random kid? Especially a son of the sibling of the goddess they're sacred to?
The only explanation I would accept is that the Stymphalian birds that attacked Will in New York were actually the ones from CHB in Sea of Monsters after they flew away, and Will just got really unlucky. But timeline-wise that actually doesn't work, cause SoM and TTC are the same year, and Nico and Will are the same age, so Will should be 10 or 11 in SoM/TTC (depending on if you accept Nico is 13 or 14 in HoO). And TSATS tells us Will arrived to CHB at age eight, which would mean he's been at CHB longer than Percy has and so the birds couldn't be the same ones from SoM. (Yes I'm still mad about the absolutely broken timeline there.) Also if they're dissuaded by noise, there's no way they're going to land in the middle of New York City of all places.
There's just other monsters they could have picked that would have made more sense. Or even mortal animals! We know from previous books that there's a thing about mortal animals sometimes having vendettas against the children of gods associated with their species for curse reasons or etc! Apollo actually has a lot of those! And it can become enough of a problem even to young demigods that it can require them to come to camp early before monsters can begin tracking them (ex.: Annabeth with spiders - monsters seemed to only become a problem after she tried coming back home the first time). Why not have it be Will being attacked consistently by normal mortal crows, because he's a son of Apollo? Or snakes - in the first book Percy even mentions fighting off two snakes when he was a baby because they were sent to kill him. I mean, Will's from Texas! We can absolutely scrounge up some snakes for him to fight. And it would fit more with acknowledging how he's from Texas specifically, just like how much the book tries to emphasize that Nico is from Venice.
It feels like one of many dropped plot points that make me say I wish TSATS had been worked on longer so that these types of things could have been ironed out and maybe turned into something consistent.
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eunchancorner · 2 months ago
Games We Play (TTC)
Uh here. Blurb.
Sven grunted as he hit the thick, cold snow. He shook himself off and stumbled up, looking up at the cockpit he’d just painstakingly made his way down from. He sighed a bit, glad that he’d even survived the fall, before beginning to make his way through the snow. 
Around him, bodies and blood littered the ground, staining the snow in several shades of red. Most of these were guards of the prison that he’d been forced to land in, the Wall if he remembered right. But, a few were Toppats. Toppats he’d have to plan the funerals for. Toppats whose bodies he’d have to send for recovery.
He managed to make his way into an abandoned security office, or at least, to the best of his knowledge it was abandoned. There seemed to be no one inside, save for even more corpses.
He knew he should’ve been on the lookout for more fighting, but he’d be useless anyway. It was best to let the others take care of it themselves, and not get in their way. Besides, they still needed a leader, even if it had to be him.
He picked up and inspected one of the many weapons on the ground, a small pistol, similar to his own, but newer. Taking a look at his own reflection in the still-shiny steel, he sighed.
“If it is games the Government wants to play, then fine, play we shall. After all… No one gambles like a Toppat.”
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houseofbrat · 8 months ago
Day 87737892901 of W’s fans making him the biggest victim of all the royals. And don’t get me start with the press.
Rebecca’s English last article about W, is about portraying him as the biggest victim in his father’s and wife’s illness. W’s fans aren’t different from H’s fans, all of them making those two men the biggest victims in everything, even when they f*cked it up, the press and their fans find a way to twist their mistakes and stupidity and start saying that they are ‘masterminds’, or are ‘victims’, or the ‘husbands of the year’, when they don’t do a damn.
What is wrong with those people? As I’ve said many time, sure, he isn’t having it easy, but some people need to touch some grass in their way they talk and defend those men. And don’t get me start with W&H’s fans only believing their PR bullshit their sell to the tabloids and believing they can’t do wrong because they are ‘handsome’. Tabloids needs to make some money, but they also need to touch some grass in they way they write about the royals, specially about Diana’s boys.
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[this ask is about a month old, post-TTC, from 19 June 2024. sorry, I am behind.]
Becky English is a total fangirl, who gets paid to write for the Daily Mail.
For their father, approaching his 42nd birthday next week, the last year has seen him step up to the plate as the Prince of Wales and heir to the throne, as well as having to deal with first his father's devastating cancer diagnosis and then that of his wife. Throughout, William has dropped off his children at school each day, as well as cheered them on from the sidelines, in an attempt to keep their young lives as normal as possible amid such deep personal turmoil. As anyone who has nursed a loved one through cancer knows, the tumble of emotions it brings can be hard to bear. William will no doubt have found inner reserves of strength and resilience that even he did not know he had.  The Father's Day photograph was taken by Kate, 42, last month on the beach near Anmer Hall, their Norfolk home, during the half-term holidays. Casually dressed in shorts, hoodies and polo shirts – with a cap for William – its sweet simplicity makes it the kind of family picture many of us have in our albums.
Becky never bothers to mention the household staff William has that help out with all the basic functions of living--housekeeper, nanny, cook, etc. William deserves a medal for taking the kids to school "amid such deep personal turmoil"!
BUT a few months ago, Becky was telling us that William couldn't do "full-time duties" because things were so hectic at home:
And William has found himself facing a new battle: one that has struck at the very foundation of everything he holds dear. One can only imagine the weight on his shoulders at seeing both his adored wife and his father facing serious simultaneous health crises, while also trying to protect his three young children from this devastating blow to their little world. And while, fortunately, the King appears to be responding well to treatment and is hopeful of taking up more forward-facing public duties in the near future, recent events will have been a stark reminder of what awaits the Wales’ in the not so distant future. It is why, although his appearances today were both welcome and heartfelt, we should not expect to see a wholesale return to royal duties for the prince. Instead, I understand, he is likely to undertake one or two public engagements each week - often on the same day in order to minimise time away from Kate and the children - as well as continuing with his usual behind-the-scenes work. He will, I am told, almost certainly take some sort of role around the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in June, as well as attending Trooping the Colour and the annual Order of the Garter service and, perhaps, one of the annual summer garden parties for worthy community heroes.
William couldn't manage basic normalcy a few months ago, which is why he barely worked after coming back from the kids end-of-term spring break, but now he has "inner reserves of strength and resilience that even he did not know he had."
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But, hey, this is why Becky needed to make an article about William helping his mother-in-law when she got her shoe stuck at Ascot.
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Becky must have been low on her monthly quota for articles to publish that hard hitter.
And now William will be on vacation until early September.
What a tough life.
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percabeth4life · 2 years ago
Do you ever think about the other Hunters in TTC once Artemis is back? They just gained a new sister in arms, and had to watch that sister and their Lieutenant go to save their patron Goddess, so they’re already terrified because a war is coming and they’ve just kidnapped Artemis and nobody can find her, and then they get word Artemis is safe and they’re so relieved, but they know at least one person was lost on the quest (since they interpreted Phoebe as the “lost in the land without rain”) and Zoe and Bianca have not gotten back in touch. Eventually Artemis summons them back, but Zoe and Bianca aren’t there and Thalia is now wearing the Lieutenant’s circlet. The Hunt lost their Lieutenant of millennia in that fight in TTC and didn’t even know when she died. Unless they noticed the new constellation and realized what it meant, it’s entirely possibly they only learned Zoe (and Bianca) were dead from a grieving Artemis.
Yeah, it definitely had to be a rough period for them. It wouldn't surprise me if Thalia had to prove herself, a lot.
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glcarissa · 1 year ago
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Today [December 1, 2023] Toronto Transit [TTC] in partnership with Tangled Art & Disability, launched Transit as a Canvas.
The Transit as a Canvas project is an opportunity to use the poster spaces throughout the stations at the TTC to create an artistic intervention. They’re partnering with a number of artists throughout the year.
This is my 'final project for 2023' and I am proud to say that my artwork, [un]SEEN, is part of this amazing and city-wide project. I am hoping that 2024 will have more art opportunities for folks with disabilities and that my cancer journey will allow me to continue making art for years to come.
Thank you all very much.
[un]SEEN - About the Art
This square abstract painting prominently features the silhouette of a Black woman with a big afro hairstyle set to a colourful geometric pattern. The artist used black acrylic paint to craft the striking side-profile, accentuating her eyelashes, nose, and lips. The hair is textured, composed of a blend of black acrylic paint and natural soil, providing a tangible quality. The silhouette of the woman is adorned in a multi-colored top embellished with geometric cross stitching.
The woman stands out against a vibrant background of vertical streaks of yellow, green, teal, blue, red, and black spray paint to situate the silhouette in a dynamic backdrop. To make the clothing and background, the artist employed a technique using spray paint and painters tape to create hard-edge abstract geometric cross-patterns. Tape is first placed on the surface of the canvas before painting and then removed once the paint has dried to create striking geometric shapes, forms, and lines.
Titled [un]SEEN, this artwork is part of the artist’s 'Black Hair' series, centred around its tactile quality. The series delves into the connection between Black hair and untold stories, particularly those of Black women throughout history. The artist's use of soil in the textured hair symbolizes the link between stolen Black women from ancestral land, the forced reproduction of Black bodies, and the enduring struggle against racism and inequality today.
This piece encapsulates the artist's personal journey of self-expression and empowerment, inspired by their experiences with trauma related to race, sex, age, and invisible disabilities.
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thecharacterchronicler · 1 year ago
Snow Lands On Top (Pt. 2) || Coriolanus Snow X Reader || Smut
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Outline: It’s the first round of the presidential elections and Coriolanus Snow’s results aren’t as good as he hoped. Fortunately, you’re there to give him an outlet for his frustration.
Word count: 3’081
Warnings: pregnancy (TTC), marriage of convenience, very explicit ROUGH smut.
Author’s note: I wrote this as a second part to There Will Come A Ruler, since a few people asked for it. I also wanted to thank you all for all the love I received since I started posting on this page a few days ago, it means the world to me! Still blows my mind that so many people bothered reading what I wrote! ♡
(( Part 1 - There Will Come A Ruler )) - (( Part 3 - Insatiable )) - (( Part 4 - The Bitter Taste Of My Fury )) - (( Part 5 - Craving ))
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It only was your second time stepping inside the tall skyscraper that hosted your husband’s office - and headquarters. When the elevator doors opened in front of you, you instantly felt trapped, probably because the lobby was more crowded than what you expected. Even if something inside you was screaming for you to turn around and run the other way instead of losing yourself in this den of vipers, you had no choice but to do what duty required of you. You plastered a smile on your face, the one too bright and too joyful to let how miserable you really felt show, and entered the crowd, recognizing some familiar faces and greeting strangers pretending you also knew who they were. If they had been invited today to Coriolanus’s office, it meant they were important to him so you had to consider them as important to you as well.
“Hippity hoppity, there you are, little dove.” A voice sounded behind you. You heard it as clear as day despite the ambiant noise all around you, and a cold shiver ran down your spine. You turned to face who it belonged too, smiling even brighter to conceal the uneasiness you always felt around such an eccentric character.
“Volumnia Gaul, it’s good to see you again.”
“It’s been too long. But I suppose you’ve been quite busy trying to fulfill your duties.” She said, throwing a knowing glance down to your stomach.
“Of course, there’s never a dull moment since I became Coriolanus’ wife.” You smiled, in yet another attempt to conceal your lies. You had been miserable and bored during most of the year you’ve been married, and although you were good at acting by now, the way Dr Gaul stared at you made you feel like she was seeing right through you.
“You should bring her to the front, people need to see you together.” She said, looking up to someone behind you.
You felt him before seeing him, his hand finding the small of your back and his tall frame appearing next to you, your shoulder brushing against his side. You lifted your gaze up to look at your husband, but he didn’t look down at you, focusing his attention on his mentor instead, the only thing letting you know that he had noticed you was his hand pressed against your lower back.
“Of course.” He agreed, with a nod. Dr Gaul’s eyes landed on you once more, something unsettling in the way she suddenly stared at you.
“My offer to examine her still stands, if you want me to run a few tests on her and figure out why you haven’t conceived yet.”
Your blood went cold. Everybody knew how deranged Volumnia Gaul could sometimes be, she was as cruel as she was extravagant and it only seemed to get worse the older she got. She had left her place as the head gamemaker of the Hunger Games to Coriolanus and had retired from her scientific career, but she still ran bizarre experiments in her lab, for her own enjoyment… And you definitely didn’t want to be one of them.
“It won’t be necessary.” Your husband assured her, allowing you to breathe again with relief. “It’s not her fault but mine, I’ve been too busy with the games and my campaign to properly invest time into expanding our family.”
Dr Gaul was about to reply something but was cut off by the sound of the television increasing in the speakers. Coriolanus guided you in front of the large window in his office’s lobby, as everyone seemed to step out of your path.
He was smiling, handsome as ever in his dark red suit and you smiled too, pressing yourself closer to him when you noticed the cameras filming you from across the room. It must have been a perfect picture to showcase to the entire nation, a seemingly loving couple standing in front of the nicest view of the Capitol, surrounded by all their supporters as the reporters on TV were about to announce the winner of this round of the elections.
All eyes were on the television as the results appeared on the screen. You held your breath, waiting for Coriolanus’ percentage to go up but it only did a brief jump and then stopped, largely losing to his opponents. You turned to look at him, waiting for a reaction, and so did everyone else present in the room.
True to himself, he held his head high, standing even straighter as he remained stoic, not a single change of the expression on his face to betray his disappointment. But, even if you couldn’t say that you knew your husband that well, you still knew that he must have been crushed by such a bad result. He had worked so hard for this, put up such a show for the people and so did you, his defeat felt like your own.
It startled you when you felt his fingers digging into the tender flesh of your hip. He was tense, you could feel it , but he was still smiling at the crowd, gracious in defeat. He even spoke a few words, only disturbed for a brief second when he noticed the cameras packing up instead of transmitting his speech, the viewers probably more interested in hearing what the victors of this round had to say rather than listen to your husband.
Coriolanus kept his tight grip on you, as if holding you was the only thing that could keep him from snapping. Some of his supporters came to him to offer him some words of encouragement in replacement of congratulations and he handled each conversation with polite manners.
“At least if you don’t win, we get to keep you as head gamermaker.” One lady said, trying to highlight the good in the situation but Coriolanus only gave her a tight smile in return.
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out but maybe it just shows you’re better at working on the Games, they’ve been delightful to watch ever since you took over.”
“At least if you don’t have to keep campaigning you can focus your efforts on the next Hunger Games and come up with a show even better than last year’s !”
The very reason of his bad ranking at the election kept being thrown to his face, people simply preferred him as a game maker, so that they could be sure to be entertained by Coriolanus’ genius ideas to make the show an annual event rather than see him becoming president and be bored in front of their television once a year. The other thing that didn’t work out for him, as you understood, was the fact that he didn’t seem as relatable to the people since he didn’t have a family to care for and protect while his opponent, Festus Creed, already had three kids with his wife Persephone. Maybe they loved each other…
Once people were done offering their sympathy, you felt Coriolanus’ warm hand leave you, your skin a bit sore from the intensity of his previous grip on you. He rushed through the crowd, even ignoring a man who tried to address him and went to his office, shutting the door behind him.
Nobody seemed to notice, nor care, that your husband had felt the need to isolate himself but you did for some reason. Maybe it was because you knew how hard it was to keep smiling and nodding at everyone when deep down you just wanted to scream and run away. In the crowd, you met Dr Gaul’s gaze who had also noticed, watching you with careful attention, as if she was waiting to judge the way you’d react.
So of course, you smiled. At her. At everyone.
You followed the same path as he did, stopping by the man who had attempted to speak to him so that he could speak to you instead and maybe ease off his vexation at being ignored by your husband. As hard as it may be to keep going once the facade of perfection crumpled, it was necessary - now even more than before - to make sure all his allies continued supporting him.
Once he seemed satisfied by the small talk you shared, you kept moving, trying to seem as relaxed and detached as you could, until you had the opportunity to slip inside the office, mostly unnoticed by the crowd still mingling in the lobby.
“Coriolanus, I…” You started but stopped yourself when you noticed all the files scattered on the ground. Your husband was leaning over his desk, his back turned to you and you could see him breathing deeply and rapidly, his shoulders moving up and down with tension.
Suddenly, he threw the remaining of what was on his desk down, with one long motion. More files flew up in the air before landing on the ground, a glass container of pens and pencils broke on the wooden floor and shattered to pieces, flying off in every direction like a tiny bomb explosion. His desk light also tumbled to the floor, making a noise you were sure others had heard too.
You had the instinct to take a step back, your hand finding the knob again in order to retreat far away from his wrath... But, when he buried his face in his hands, he suddenly felt a lot less threatening and a lot more vulnerable, making you decide to stay.
“You might have lost this time but maybe it’ll work out next time.” You told him, softly. You wanted to comfort him, as had everyone else already, but the way he dropped his hands and looked at you with a dark glare made you question your decision.
“Always so positive.”He stated, bitterly, as if he was disgusted by your hopefulness. It wasn’t often that you got to see him without a charming smile on his face and a confident posture, in fact, it was the very first time you had been able to read him so easily, his emotions on display exactly as he was feeling them.
“It’s just one set back, for now they think you are too young, too good at your job, but maybe you’ll be elected next time. Maybe it’ll be in ten years. Maybe in thirty. But you will be president.” He shook his head, a cynical smirk on his lips.
“What makes you so sure ?”
“… Because Snow lands on top.”
His eyes darkened and he launched himself at you, crossing the path between the two of you in rapid strides so that he could capture your lips in a ferocious kiss. It left you breathless for a moment, the way his mouth was covering yours with feverish kisses, his arms around your waist to pull your body against his.
It was your second real kiss. Only the second one since you considered that your marriage had been sealed not with a kiss but with a signature at the bottom of a contract.
You pressed your forehead to his, trying to create some distance between you so that you could catch your breath and attempt to have a coherent thought about what was happening but he didn’t let you, giving you one last consuming kiss before his fingers tangled with your ponytail and he pulled, hard enough to force you to your knees in front of him.
You kneeled, looking up with expectant eyes. It was his way of showing you what he needed. He wanted to be revered, to get rebels to bend the knee in front of him, to be worshiped and relived from the anger and frustration he always locked up inside himself, with no way of letting them out.
You reached for his pants, swiftly undoing them with your eyes never leaving his pale blue ones, staring at you with a silent wrath still setting his gaze ablaze. He tugged on your hair again, forcing your chin up so that he could touch your face with his other hand, forcing a thumb passed your lips. He attentively watched you as you opened up your mouth to take it in, gently sucking before releasing it with a soft bite.
You saw him smile at your compliance, even though it was ended by a bold gesture. You were the perfect mix of obedient and fiery to make him lose his mind, and you both knew it.
He reached down to the pants you had opened for him, pulling his already hard erection. You resisted the urge to look at it, remembering how big it had felt in your hand and inside you, worried that his size might change your mind about giving him what he wanted. Instead, you kept your eyes fixed to his as you opened your mouth wide, ready to welcoming him there.
His tip glided on your tongue, his length not even entirely filling your mouth when you felt it hit the back of your throat. He shuddered with pleasure, a soft curse leaving his lips, followed by the sound of your name.
You felt a jolt of electricity in your body, a strange pride warming you up at the thought of pleasing him. You ran your tongue over his tip, tasting the saltiness that was already dripping from him in anticipation of his release. He cursed again and his hand moved to the back of your head, holding you firmly in place as he began thrusting back and forth.
You tried to relax your jaw and breathe through your nose as his hard length slid on your tongue, but when his movements increased in speed and in strength, you felt him reaching deeper down your throat and you couldn’t help but gag, tears welling in your eyes in consequence. But, even though he was still very carefully looking at you, watching the way he was fucking your mouth without mercy, he didn’t stop or slow down, only attempting to have an even firmer grip on you.
Another curse word fell from his lips, betraying how close he was to finding relief but, instead of shooting his load on your tongue as you were expecting him to, he rapidly pulled himself out of your mouth, heavily panting in front of you.
You used this opportunity to catch your own breath and wipe the mascara stains under your eyes, feeling the soreness of your lips caused by the unforgiving friction he had created.
“Get up.” He demanded, which made you realize he had let go of your hair. You obeyed without hesitation, even taking a step closer to be in his reach again. He immediately took advantage of the proximity, roughly pulling your dress up above your hips and bringing his hand to your center, pulling your panties aside so that he could run a finger across your soaked folds. A satisfied grin appeared on his face, as he removed his hand and brought his finger to his lips, tasting you with a hungry gaze.
You felt your whole body buzzing with excitement, your eyes following the path of his tongue as he licked his lips, seemingly enjoying what he had just tasted. You were so ready for him, you would have begged if he asked you but he didn’t. In fact, he didn’t ask for anything, he just took whatever he wanted, the way he wanted… And at this very moment, you couldn’t have been more okay with it.
His hands came to your bare hips and flipped you over so that your back was turned to him. Then, he pushed on your lower back, silently instructing you to bend over for him, which you did.
“Hold on tight.” He advised, his voice low with lust. You looked for something to do so but only found a tall bookshelf in front of you. You still gripped the sides of it, knowing it wouldn’t help you that much but you could already feel him pulling your panties to the side again.
Without a warning, he shoved himself inside you and you welcomed him, your wetness allowing him to slide all the way in with his first thrust. You bite your lip to avoid letting out a moan, very aware of the noise and chatter still coming from right behind his office door.
He completely pulled out before slamming inside you again, burying himself as deep as he could and you loudly gasped. He adjusted your position with a hand on each of your hips, gripping you so hard it was almost painful but you understood why once he repeated his action, thrusting so hard you would have lost your balance if he wasn’t helping stabilize you.
“Come on, let me hear the lovely sounds you can make.” He requested, mercilessly repeating the same movement.
“I can’t… They’ll all hear us…” You panted, a strangled moan catching in your throat when he hit deep, exactly where you needed him to.
“Good, I want them to know I’m fucking my wife.” He breathed, clearly enjoying himself too. “Show them you are mine.”
You felt dizzy at his words. Or maybe it was from the intense pleasure building up at your core. A few more of his rough thrusts and you came undone, loudly expressing your bliss as he released himself deep inside you. You both stayed connected for a moment to catch your breath until he pulled out, adjusting your panties and pulling your dress back down before taking care of putting his spent erection away.
You turned around to face him, meeting his gaze and noticing how his eyes had softened, like they had been drained of all the emotions he kept hidden behind them at all times, a clean slate to endure the rest of the evening.
To your surprise, he leaned over to kiss you. Not with hunger this time but with a tenderness you didn’t expect, like he was grateful you had been there for him.
“Was I too rough with you ?” He asked you, in a whisper, almost as if he was ashamed to say it out loud.
“Yes.” You nodded, appreciating the concern that immediately appeared on his face but you reassured him with a smile. “And I absolutely loved it.”
He smiled back, looking at you like he was seeing you in a new light. You weren’t strangers anymore and, for the first time, you were both starting to think that your marriage wasn’t such a fatality after all.
♡ - (( Tip Jar )) - ♡
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Previously in this series:
Next in this series:
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mtg-flashback · 2 years ago
This is an experimental cube/set concept where each eligable set in mtg history gets six cards added to this card list, five being a monocolor card of each color (if possible) and one card as a land/colorless/multicolor card (again, if possible).
The rules are as follows:
The card added must be a first printing.
No power nine or other extremely powerful cards (im aiming for a mid power set).
No cards with esoteric card types (ie: conspiracy, plane, scheme, etc) or ante/dex/racist cards. (If its banned in vintage its banned here).
Cost is NOT a factor, this cube will, without doubt, be very expensive and ill be using proxies once this project is completed for budget reasons.
The sets im including (may add more if i forgot any):
All expansion sets, up to and including march of the machines aftermath [582 cards]
Magic 2010 thru 2015, Origins, Core 19 thru 21 (these are the only non alpha core sets that have original printings assuming my search was correct) [60 cards]
Alpha/Beta (as one set, given beta doesnt have enough original printings) [6 cards]
Conspiracy (and TtC bundled with it), Battlebond, Jumpstart, Jumpstart 22, MH1, and MH2 [36 cards]
Commander 11, Commander 13 thru 21, and Baldur's Gate [66 cards]
This adds up to a grand total of 750 Cards (assuming i can fill every slot). I will post semi frequently about which cards i feel like are deserving for their respective slot, focusing on more unique and medium power level cards.
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sproutsnews · 3 days ago
₹160 Cr Land Scam: TTC Plot Allocation Faces Legal Backlash.
https://sproutsnews.com/?p=4868&wpwautoposter=1740765695 ₹160 Crore Industrial Land Scam • TTC Plot Allocation Bypasses Tender, Sparks Legal Threat • Sprouts News Team Files Complaint Over ₹160 Cr Industrial Land Deal Unmesh Gujarathi Sprouts News Exclusive A major controversy has erupted over the alleged improper allocation of a 23,116-square-meter industrial plot in the OS-5/K open space of the TTC Industrial Area. A Sprouts News team member has officially filed a complaint, claiming that Messer’s Neva Technocity (1) Private Limited is b https://sproutsnews.com/?p=4868&wpwautoposter=1740765695
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khabar123 · 3 months ago
Yoga TTC In India: A Journey to the Heart of Yoga
India, the birthplace of yoga, is a land steeped in spirituality and ancient wisdom. For aspiring Yoga Teachers and enthusiasts, undertaking a Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) in India is not just an educational experience. it's a transformative journey of self-discovery.
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Why Choose India for Yoga TTC?
Authenticity: Indian yoga schools adhere to the traditional teachings of yoga as laid out in ancient texts like the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita. You'll learn from experienced yoga teachers, often called Yoga gurus, who carry forward the wisdom of generations.
Diverse Settings: From the serene Himalayan foothills in Rishikesh, often called the "Yoga Capital of the World," to the tropical beaches of Goa and the yoga ashrams of Kerala, India offers diverse environments to deepen your yoga practice.
Affordable Options: Compared to Western countries, India provides world-class yoga education at a fraction of the cost. Accommodation, meals, and training packages are often all-inclusive, making them accessible for international students.
Popular Locations for Yoga TTC in India
Rishikesh: Nestled along the banks of the Ganges River, this sacred city is home to numerous famous yoga schools.
Goa: A tropical paradise offering a blend of traditional and modern yoga schools amidst a laid-back atmosphere.
Kerala: Known for its Ayurvedic heritage, Kerala provides a tranquil setting for yoga amidst lush greenery.
Dharamshala: The serene Himalayan backdrop makes it a favourite among those seeking a meditative environment.
Choosing the Right School
When selecting a Yoga TTC, consider:
Certification: Ensure the program is accredited by Yoga Alliance or another reputable organization.
Reviews and Reputation: Research testimonials from previous students.
Focus Areas: Different yoga schools specialize in styles like Yin, Ashtanga, or Laughter Yoga. Choose one that aligns with your interests.
Starting a Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) in India is a life-changing journey. It's an opportunity to deepen your practice, embrace ancient wisdom, and acquire the skills to share yoga's transformative power with others. Whether your goal is personal growth or starting a teaching career, India offers the perfect blend of tradition, authenticity, and spiritual connection.
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thongtinkinhte24h · 3 months ago
Thị trường căn hộ phía Nam: Sức cầu tăng mạnh, nguồn cung duy trì ổn định
Thị trường chung cư TP HCM và các tỉnh lân cận đang có những tín hiệu tích cực với sự cải thiện đáng kể về sức cầu và giá bán, mặc dù nguồn cung giảm nhẹ. Theo DKRA Group, tháng 10 ghi nhận 12.599 căn hộ sơ cấp từ 110 dự án, giảm 1% so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái. TP HCM và Bình Dương chiếm tỷ trọng lớn, lần lượt là 51,8% và 40,7% nguồn cung.
Sức cầu thị trường tăng 93% so với cùng kỳ, tiêu thụ 1.571 căn, chủ yếu từ các dự án mới tại Bình Dương và Long An. Mặt bằng giá sơ cấp tiếp tục duy trì ở mức cao, dao động từ 30 - 493 triệu đồng/m² tại TP HCM, 26 - 59 triệu đồng/m² tại Bình Dương và 21 - 29 triệu đồng/m² tại Long An. Một số dự án giáp ranh TP HCM ghi nhận mức tăng giá từ 3-8% so với các đợt mở bán trước.
Đối với thị trường thứ cấp, giá bán và thanh khoản tiếp tục phục hồi, tập trung vào các dự án đã có sổ hoặc đang trong giai đoạn chuẩn bị bàn giao. DKRA dự báo nguồn cung mới sẽ tăng mạnh vào nửa cuối tháng 11 khi nhiều chủ đầu tư chuẩn bị mở bán. Tuy nhiên, các kế hoạch mở bán hiện nay đều được tính toán kỹ lưỡng, từ việc khảo sát thị trường đến điều chỉnh giỏ hàng phù hợp với nhu cầu thực tế.
Riêng tại TP HCM, các dự án căn hộ trong quý IV có mức giá dự kiến từ 2.000 - 3.300 USD/m². Tiêu biểu như dự án D-Homme của TTC Land với giá trung bình 2.700 USD/m² hay dự án Fiato Uptown của Hưng Phú Invest khoảng 2.250 USD/m². Những diễn biến này cho thấy sự ổn định và triển vọng phục hồi mạnh mẽ của phân khúc căn hộ phía Nam trong thời gian tới.
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destroyingangelneveragod · 5 months ago
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All of the photos I got in Tkarón:to. I had to go up for medical treatments and met with a friend for dinner there. We got Korean food, he treated me to it and I had BBQ Eel. While waiting for him I used some of my previous TTC fare to go to Glad Day Bookshop, which is the oldest queer book store in the world. It has a little cafe too (had to get tea to get through a fatigue crash from my treatement. I complimented a girls Keffiyeh and it turned into a 4 hour hangout/convo about anti-colonial action, Indigenous medicines and her time out in the land, Indigenous cultural ceremonies that she's attended throughout her time in Tkarón:to, seeing culture be revitalized, our favourite books, linguistics, the anarchist scene in the area and more. We also laughed a lot that my treatmebt had partially paralyzed my arm for a few hours so I kept having to pick it up and flop it on the table. I also had a really good chat with a fellow lesbian on the bus back. Was battling an awful migraine in the evening and fatigue crashed really bad the day after but it was worth it. The barriers at the top and the pigeon photos I got to show the love of my life.
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