#TRNK is like Randy’s pet
crown-of-roses-thsc · 5 months
Sometimes a family a ghost hippie, his depressed double agent son, and their pet mutant zombie ghost
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flamingredanon · 3 years
I wanna hear your take on Fresh and Wilfilth. Or Kitty and his Terrence. Feel free to dm for my notes
Sir Wilford IV sat in his office, trying to cover his ears from the screaming heard all the way over at the medical ward. Wilford knows he should be at Randy's side, providing support and comfort. But... Randy was changing into... something not of this world. Would that really be Randy after he transforms?
"Listen Wilfy, whatever shot at me didn't hurt that much. I didn't even get a gnarly scar from that! But if it makes you feels better though, I'll swing by med bay tomorrow."
Maybe if Wilford was more stern in taking Randy to get seen by their doctors on the day that strange laser hit Randy, maybe all this could of been averted.
"Hey... could you take me... to med bay. I'm tired... so, so tired... not even an entire... pot of coffee could shake... this tiredness. Wilfy... please..."
Wilford saw how tired Randy was that day. And how once he got into the hospital bed, Randy fell into a deep sleep. Wilford didn't even know how long Randy was out for, he was too busy burying him in Toppat paperwork or organizing things around the Airship, just so he didn't have to be there with Randy. He had already felt so guilty.
"Everything hurts Wilford, everything hurts, everything hurts, EVERYTHING FUCKING HURTS! MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE!"
Wilford saw Randy scream and writhing in pain, he saw Randy's face partially melting into black goop, and he didn't want to see anymore. If Wilford was being honest with himself, he felt ill looking at Randy... if that was Randy at all anymore.
Sure Wilford has seen some shit, hell he has caused some shit himself. But that wasn't normal shit happening to Randy.
Was whatever happening to Randy contagious? Would Randy be another TRNK and run rampant, hurting and killing Toppats in his wake. Those thoughts filled Wilford's mind as tightly covers his ears more, desperate in shutting out Randy's excruciating screams.
And then it hit Wilford, Randy was much like an animal with rabies that needed to be put down. It pained him to think of it that way, especially with someone as close to him as Randy, but it was for the best, especially for the clan and the growing guilt he wants quelled.
Wilford wheeled Randy's hospital bed slowly to the cockpit and to the outside. This was the safest way to dispose of Randy, to make sure he didn't come back. Randy looked up at Wilford and asked what he was doing, his face half dripping and covered with an odd visor now, so unhuman now. Wilford was honest with Randy, he was putting the safety of the clan first.
No matter how many times Randy begged Wilford to stop, his voice having an almost electronic like reverb to it, Wilford did not. Wilford walked the hospital bed outside of the Airship, and briefly hesitated. Was this the right thing to do?
Wilford just looked at the warped body of his friend, and then pushed him off.
It was done, Wilford had put an end to Randy and his suffering. Wilford went inside the cockpit and just sat down on the floor, back against the cold metal wall. It was for the good of the clan, Wilford kept mumbling to himself, trying to find a reason for murdering his suffering friend.
Suddenly the Airship's front windows shatter, throwing glass everywhere and an unholy sound was heard reverberating soon after.
Wilford's blood ran cold, it couldn't be, it just couldn't be! But it was, flying straight towards Wilford at an ungodly speed was Randy Radman himself. Wilford let out a whimper as Randy grabbed his coat and flung him out the front window of the Airship.
Wilford saw the ground getting closer and closer, he was going to die, he was going to die in the same way he tried to kill Randy. The ground was getting so close now, Wilford closed his eyes and braced for impact.
But then felt his coat being grabbed at, jerking him mid air. Wilford looked to see Randy's terrifyingly angry face, that black dripping liquid oozing down his face has he spoke to Wikford.
"So you tried to kill me?! Instead of being there for your suffering friend, you ran and hid like a coward. And then you had the audacity, the nerve, to throw me overboard, to have me killed! Well Filthy Wilfy... actually scratch that name, that sounds like a cute pet name for a fucking raccoon."
Wilford was being still being held on by his coat, in mid air, moments away from falling, while Randy was just casually deep in thought. Randy then got an idea, somehow spawning a glowing lightbulb like those old timey cartoons as he cleared his throat to continue where he left off.
"Well Wilfilth, the time to face the consequences of your actions is now! From now on, I am in charge of the Toppat Clan! And you get to deal with whatever I have in store for you. By the way, since I'm back in a brand new fresh way, you can call me Fresh from now on."
Randy flew back to the Airship, with Wilford still in tow. For the first time in Wilford's life, he feared for the future and what this Fresh had in store for him.
Payback was going to be bitch.
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