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half-facedfig · 6 months ago
I just finished my first art project in art class, and we were supposed to do a google doodle except with our names, so it was fun.
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redlettermediathings · 9 months ago
It finally happened! The day that we received a package from Breen was the best day since the pandemic started. The slim package that arrived in our mailbox was like a little slice of heaven sent to us from above. A simple mailer that held the truth of which we sought. Cinema. Kino. Joy. I looked at the package, my brow sweating with anticipation. I pursed my lips as I often do in the delicious moments before sipping an ice cold beer. This was just as good. Maybe better. The mailer was that of a simple man. It wasn’t a fancy mailer. It wasn’t padded nor did it have a design on it. In fact, the mailer the DVD arrived in was a cut up cereal box held together with duct tape. I smiled and whispered to myself, “That’s the cup of a carpenter…”. It was here. We received the new Neil Breen film. Was this a Blu-ray? No. This was a DVD-R burned on a computer. I smelled the disc and the jewel case. It smelled like 2003. I cried at the beauty of the whole embarrassing ordeal. It was like a hug from an old friend who had long since passed. A friend you never wanted to see again or allow to hug you. In my hand I held the new Neil Breen film. I couldn’t wait to show the guys! I called Colin from Canada and told him to run to RLM HQ right quick to watch the film with us. He said, “oh, I’ve already seen it. It’s terrible.” And I called him a poutine-slurping, caesar-sipping canuck fuck and told him to get down here to Wisconsin right quick. He responded by saying, “I’ve got work and I’m watching my elderly neighbors diabetic cats and…” I just cut him off. I said, “Look you fucking prick, I have it. Let’s watch it!" So he did come down, albeit unwillingly. What are Neil Breen films? They are moopies made by a man who is the weirdest man to ever live. He’s the perfect oblivious filmmaker. Never getting better or evolving, only getting worse and more lazy and more old and more grandpa jeans. Neil Breen’s films are always about a loner man that has special skills or knowledge above all other humans. There is often a babe involved in his films, although the sexuality is awkwardly placed and seems forced. The women usually look incredibly uncomfortable at the notion of being in love or even attracted to Neil Breen. Likewise, any romance on his part seems obligatory. I guess the thought is that a movie needs “romance” so he must add “romance” But he’s no James Bond! Since this was Breen, we assumed this was worthy of a Best of the Worst™ Spotlight™ episode. It couldn’t simply be lumped into a regular three movie episode. Boy, were we fucking wrong. This pile of trash couldn’t have been more disappointing. Breen has gone too far this time with the green screens! Who does he think he is!?! Peter Jackson? George Lucas? James Cameron?!? I mean, sure you can use a green screen sometimes… if you’re making a fucking Avengers movie!!! But come on! Literally every background, outdoor location, and room is a stock image. A flat shot without movement. I can say that at the very least in some shots he created a foreground mask to make characters integrated into the frame by putting them behind objects, but really? While the story sucks, the acting is bad, it’s boring and shitty, it’s still a Neil Breen film and we have to love it as if it was our own cross-eyed inbred baby with no limbs. Anyways, while I have you here, I own a timeshare in the Cayman Islands. It’s in a nice part of town, but it’s basically a 1.6 million dollar shack. One of the owners killed himself recently and now I’m stuck with paying his part due to a legal snafu. I don’t quite understand it, but my lawyer Phillip Gorlon (no relation) tells me it’ll cost me more in legal fees to get out of this timeshare than to just keep it. I tells him that I’m strapped for cash at the moment, what with the cost of eggs, covid tests, etc… so my question to you is: Do you think Neil Breen might want to shoot his next film in the Cayman Islands?
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elhombresiniestro · 1 year ago
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New picture of my colorful Whatever Happened To... Robot Jones? OC Proto-X-67.
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1400trippieredd800 · 1 year ago
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edgarwhitmanwilde · 2 years ago
Source: oopsydaisy.com
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🎨 artwork by Katie Daisy {animated by beauty-funny-trippy}
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saturngalore · 7 months ago
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full written list below!
round and around (originally by jo yuri)
lyrics by: 은채 (EUNCHAE), Yejune Synn, deeno, HERO
composed by: 은채 (EUNCHAE), Jejune Synn, deeno
arranged by: Yejune Synn, deeno
pantomime (originally by wjsn)
lyrics by: 연지 (YEONJI), 김진환
composed by: 김진환
arranged by: 김진환
you and i (originally by elris/alice)
lyrics by: 은채 (EUNCHAE), 황현(MonoTree)
composed by: 황현(MonoTree)
arranged by: 황현(MonoTree)
$un palace (stroop effect) (originally by billlie)
lyrics by: 연지 (YEONJI), 리먼 (Le’mon)
composed by: 연지 (YEONJI), 밍지션, 김연서
arranged by: 연지 (YEONJI), 밍지션
party after party (originally by good day)
lyrics by: 연지 (YEONJI), 은채 (EUNCHAE), Le’mon
composed by: 트리피 (TRIPPY), Le’mon
arranged by: 은채 (EUNCHAE), 트리피 (TRIPPY)
night aviation (the interpretation of dreams) (originally by gwsn)
lyrics by: 연지 (YEONJI), 빨간머리앤
composed by: Justin Reinstein, Sophia Pae, 빨간머리앤
arranged by: 연지 (YEONJI), Justin Reinstein
our garden (originally by wjsn)
lyrics by: 정화 (JUNGHWA), 은채 (EUNCHAE), 진리 (Full8loom)
composed by: 영광의얼굴들 (Full8loom), 진리 (Full8loom), HARRY (Full8loom)
arranged by: 영광의얼굴들 (Full8loom), HARRY (Full8loom)
hello, sunset (originally by red velvet)
lyrics by: 정화 (JUNGHWA), 연지 (YEONJI), 은채 (EUNCHAE), 최보라 (153/Joombas)
composed by: Sam Klempner, Noemie Legrand, Dewain Whitmore Jr.
arranged by: Sam Klempner
rendezvous 18.6y (originally by loona yyxy)
lyrics by: 정화 (JUNGHWA), 연지 (YEONJI), 은채 (EUNCHAE), G-High(MonoTree), 손고은(MonoTree)
composed by: 은채 (EUNCHAE), G-High(MonoTree), 손고은(MonoTree)
arranged by: G-High(MonoTree), 손고은(MonoTree)
mood lamp (originally by girls generation)
lyrics by: 정화 (JUNGHWA), 조윤경
composed by: 정화 (JUNGHWA), Jamie Jones, Jack Kugell, Lamont Neuble, Tim Stewart, Treasure Davis
arranged by: Jamie Jones, Jack Kugell, Lamont Neuble, Tim Stewart
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wonderfulworldofdarklords · 3 months ago
Welcome to Wonderful World of Darklords! In this episode, we're looking at a property that Disney has adapted for both Mickey Mouse and the Muppets: A Christmas Carol. At its heart, A Christmas Carol is a story of redemption--so how do we square that with darklords, who are fundamentally irredeemable? By sending your PCs into a trippy journey through the past, present, and future of a character who isn't the darklord, that's how. Topics discussed include:
Why we didn't choose Scrooge as our darklord, instead opting for another miser whose prison comes with hate;
Concrete examples of past, present, and future visions for Scrooge, a beloved canon NPC, and two PC archetypes;
Ways for your non-Charisma PCs to help Scrooge be a better person (because even the Ghost of Christmas Future had an astronomical Intimidation bonus);
Various levels of dreamscape weirdness, from "we're literally just doing A Christmas Carol" to "we just cited the last two episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion;"
And more!
The full write-up for Scrooge and Marley is available for free on DM's Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/504721/Scrooge-and-Marley-A-Ravenloft-Domain-of-Dread?view_as_pub=1
The Verge Games Christmas Carol adventure that we "borrowed" much of this domain from is available on their website: https://vergegames.org/all-products/p/christmas-carol-adventure-book
The Nightmare Lands, which we "borrowed"...pretty much the rest of this domain from, is available on DM's Guild: The Nightmare Lands (2e) - Wizards of the Coast | Ravenloft | AD&D 2nd Ed. | AD&D 2nd Ed. | Ravenloft | Dungeon Masters Guild You
0:00 Introduction
08:27 The Lord
31:33 The Land
40:36 Dread Possibilities
1:27:42 Parting Thoughts
1:50:51 D’s Parting Thoughts
All music recordings are in the public domain (mark 1.0) and are licensed through https://musopen.org:
Chopin Nocturne in B-Flat Minor, Op. 9 No.1 (main theme), performed by Eduardo Vinuela
Chopin Etude Op. 25, No. 12 in C Minor: “Ocean” (darklord theme), performed by Edward Neeman
Chopin Nocturne in F Minor, Op. 55 No. 1 (land theme), performed by Luke Faulkner
Rachmaninoff Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op. 3 - 2. Prélude in C sharp minor (Dread Possibilities), performed by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Chopin Nocturne in E Minor, Op. 72 No. 1 (parting thoughts), performed by Luke Faulkner
Dialog for Yensid was written by Azalin Rex himself @darklordazalin
The Wonderful World of Darklords logo was designed by Halite Jones, whom you can find @halite-jones or on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/insta_halite
Contact us on:
Facebook: @wonderfulworldofdarklords
Tumblr: @wonderfulworldofdarklords
Patreon: www.patreon.com/WonderfulWorldofDarklords
YouTube: @wonderfulworldofdarklord
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weirdtvland · 2 months ago
Brian jones was a racist, sexist, violent, abusive, child molesting piece of shit and I'm glad he's dead it should've happened sooner before he could hurt so many women and girls
I've never read anywhere that Brian was a racist, actually he was the exact opposite. He never was prejudice, he was spoke up for many different races especially black people. He admired black music and even obsessed over black singers. As far as him being sexist, I've also never read anywhere or heard from anyone that said Brian was sexist. Actually Anita herself always said that Brian never shut her down from speaking her opinions, and treated her like an "equal" which meant she was allowed to have opinions on things and influence several things surrounding the Stones which wasn't popular in those days (considering men didnt even want their women in the studio or on tour and they definitely wasnt allowed to make decisions for the group like Anita did). Brian was very violent and abusive towards several women and men, and not only because of the drugs (for the most part) it's because of his insecurities with himself. Keith Richards said that the early days of living with Brian was fun but he often like playing practical or humiliations rituals on their roommate, Alexis. He often locked him outside without a coat during the "coldest winter" while living in their fucked up apartment, and Brian would go to the bar with him and made him pay for everything even though they barely had money to spare. Brian also bullied Mick for being clean which was weird to me (both him and Keith made him feel like the woman of the house because he liked to shower and wanted to keep the house clean but that obviously didnt work), even laughed at his own baby momma with Anita because she needed money for their baby. Brian was full of different emotions and personalities almost like he didn't know or love himself which often caused him to worsen over time. The drugs didn't help at all either, Brian would be hospitalized for days after taking multiple pills. We would never know what would've happened to Brian if he did live on but I would never wish death upon him even though he needed to rest. I'm very sorry for the women he hurt in the time being, no one deserves to be beat because he was always on one of his trippy highs or nervous breakdowns. Even though he hurt several women, most women blamed Anita for his actions. People like ZouZou, Suki, Linda, Marianne, and most of his baby mommas pointed the blame on Anita for his rampages on drugs. Most said that Brian never acted that way until she arrived on the scene, which I don't fully agree with this because like I said he was always super insecure and rapid from the very beginning. Though Brian had a lot of faults, child molestation wasn't one of them. I know times are very different from what they were back then and what is considered age appropriate today is not the same as yesterday. It's disgusting to hear when a 20 year old is with a 14 year old today (makes me gag) but yesterday it wasn't, most women that was with Brian consented being with him at that time being and came out with stories about how their not victims. Some even had their parents consent for them (which also wasn't far fetch in those days 😵‍💫). Brian was imperfect and human just like everyone else in the band, and in my opinion all of the band members have dirt on their hands too. Brian shouldn't be exempt from history because of his past, if so the band wouldn't exist.
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1000-year-old-virgin · 1 year ago
203 Best Songs of 2023
Janine - If I Call *FAVE SONG OF THE YEAR*
Kim Petras - Brrr
Sam Smith, Koffee, Jessie Reyez - Gimme
ILIRA - Work of Art
Joseph - Nervous System
Mariah the Scientist ft. 21 Savage - 77 degrees
PinkPantheress & Ice Spice – Boy's a liar Pt. 2
Ryan Destiny - Lie Like That
Latto ft. LU KALA - Lottery
Chrissy Chlapecka - I'm So Hot
Ashnikko - Don't Look at It
serpentwithfeet - Gonna Go
Don Toliver ft. Lil Durk & GloRilla- Leave The Club
Don Toliver ft. James Blake - Let Her Go
Miley Cyrus - Flowers
Miley Cyrus - River
Meghan Trainor - Mother
Ice Spice & Nicki Minaj - Princess Diana (Remix)
Melanie Martinez - DEATH
Natalie Jane - Seeing You With Other Girls
Amelia Moore feat. jxdn - FUMD
Ashnikko - You Make Me Sick!
Flo Milli ft. Lola Brooke & Maiya The Don - Conceited (Remix)
Flo Milli ft. Monaleo & Gloss Up - Bed Time (Remix)
Astrid S - Come First
Ashnikko - Want It All
salem ilese - PainHub
Libianca ft. Ayra Starr & Omah Lay - People (Remix)
Labrinth ft. Billie Eilish - Never Felt So Alone
Katie Belle - The Best You'll Ever Have
Emilie Nicolas - Everyday
Donna Missal - Flicker
Donna Missal - Out of Me
Donna Missal - Move Me
Donna Missal - God Complex
Donna Missal - I Saw God
LØLØ ft. girlfriends- 5,6,7,8
Jackson Wang & Ciara - Slow
Troye Sivan - Can't Go Back, Baby
Baby Tate & Saweetie - Hey, Mickey! (Remix)
Shania Twain - Number One
Shania Twain - Got It Good
Empress Of ft. Rina Sawayama - Kiss Me
NLE Choppa ft. SexyyRed / Sukihana - Slut Me Out (Remix)
Maggie Lindemann, Siiickbrain - deprecating
Ed Sheeran - The Hills of Aberfeldy
Rita Ora ft. Fatboy Slim Praising You (Fatboy Slim Remix)
Tyla & Ayra Starr - Girl Next Door
Kesha - Only Love Can Save Us Now
Ciara ft. Lola Brooke & Lady London - Da Girls (Girls Mix)
Jeremy Zucker - OK
CXLOE - Flight Risk
Josh Levi - See Low
Alex Vaughn & Summer Walker - So Be It (Remix)
Alex Vaughn & Ari Lennox - Demon Time (Remix)
Taylor Swift ft. Ice Spice - Karma (Remix)
Taylor Swift ft. Lana Del Rey - Snow On The Beach (More Lana Del Rey Edit)
Boris The Lucid - BOYFRIEND
Carrie Underwood - Take Me Out
Libianca - Jah
Conan Gray - Never Ending Song
The Aces - Always Get This Way
Madison Beer ft. Timbaland - Home To Another One (Remix)
Äyanna - Girlfriend
Nicki Minaj & Ice Spice ft. Aqua – Barbie World
Rita Ora - That Girl
Rita Ora - Unfeel It
Tanerelle - Feel Good Inc. X Sidetracked (Perfect Lover Mash Up)
Sleater-Kinney - Hell
Saweetie ft. YG & Tyga - BIRTHDAY
Mae Stephens ft. Meghan Trainor - Mr Right
Brooke Candy - FMUATW
Ben Kessler - When I Hate Myself
Eliott ft. Vancouver Sleep Clinic - Happy On My Own
Reneé Rapp - Pretty Girls
Leah Kate - Bored
Chappell Roan - HOT TO GO!
Rina Sawayama ft. Amaarae - Imagining
GAYLE - Leave Me For Dead
Selena Gomez - Single Soon
Äyanna - Change Your Life
Julia Wolf - Wishbone
Cloudy June - Devil Is A Woman
Anne-Marie ft. Shania Twain - UNHEALTHY
Leaf ft. Bandmanrill, DJ Drewski - 2 Freaky
Olivia O'Brien - I should've fucked your brother
SIIICKBRAIN - Psychopath
Adekunle Gold - Do You Mind?
Duncan Laurence - I Do
Dizzy - Open Up Wide
Leigh-Anne ft. Ayra Starr - My Love
Troye Sivan – Got Me Started
Cate - Girlfriend
NERIAH - Falling 4 Somebody
Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion - Bongos
Amelia Moore - Over My Ex
Johnny Orlando - Boyfriend
Tyla - Water
Tems - Me & U
Mette - Mama's Eyes
Wrabel - Beautiful Day
Chxrry22 - MORE
Norah Jones - Can You Believe
Kanii ft. Trippie Redd - sins (let me in) [Remix]
Niall Horan & Lizzy McAlpine - You Could Start A Cult (Encore Version)
Travis Scott ft. Beyoncé - DELRESTO (ECHOES)
Addison Rae ft. Charli XCX - 2 Die 4
Gyakie - Rent Free
Kim Petras - Hit It From The Back
Kim Petras ft. Banks - Bait
Kim Petras - Dirty Things
K. Michelle - Blame Yourself
Sunnitharapper ft. Salma Slims - Moody
Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls
Lady London ft. Jeremih - Do Something
Zara Larsson, David Guetta - On My Love
cassö, RAYE, D-Block Europe - Prada
Serpentwithfeet- Damn Gloves
Dove Cameron - Still
Kenya Grace - Paris
Dua Lipa - Houdini
Tokischa ft. Sexyy Red - Daddy
Zach Seabaugh - Helium Balloons
COBRAH - 10/10
Clinton Kane - PANIC ATTACK
Megan Thee Stallion - Cobra
Nick Wilson - For You It Was Him
Nick Wilson - Way Back
Ice Spice - Deli
Enchanting - Needy
SZA - Kill Bill
Kylie Minogue - Padam Padam
Summer Walker - Girls Need Love (Girls Mix) ft. Tyla / Victoria Monet / Tink
Tate McRae - exes
Tove Lo - I like u
Kim Petras - Je T'Adore
Doechii - Booty Drop
Kim Petras - Claws
Sam Smith & Madonna - VULGAR
Kim Petras - uhoh
Borgore x Cupcakke x Chase Icon - Abracadabra
Clinton Kane - DISAPPEAR
Nicki Minaj - Big Difference
Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday Girls
Charli XCX ft. Sam Smith - In The City
Reneé Rapp ft. Megan Thee Stallion - Not My Fault
Flo Milli - Never Lose Me
Kim Petras - Thousand Pieces
Kim Petras - Minute
Charli XCX - Speed Drive (jamesjamesjames Remix)
Chrissy Chlapecka - BRAT
The Last Dinner Party - My Lady of Mercy
Shania Twain - Waking Up Dreaming
Nicki Minaj - Fallin 4 U
Jessie Ware ft. Pabllo Vittar -Pearls (Brabo Remix)
Shania Twain - Queen Of Me
Chiké, Oxlade - Spell [Remix]
Anycia - REFUND
Lah Pat ft. Flo Milli - Rodeo (Remix)
Biig Piig - This Is What They Meant
Niall Horan - Save My Life
Bronze Avery - Sex In The Room
Ava Max - Cold As Ice
Peach PRC - F U Goodbye
Suzanne Sheer - Off Limits
Nicki Minaj - FTCU
Madison Rose - Girls Girls Girls
Kaliii ft. GloRilla - Can't Get 'Em
Miley Cyrus - Jaded
Kylie Minogue - You Still Get Me High
Miley Cyrus - Violet Chemistry
Miley Cyrus ft. Sia - Muddy Feet
Bebe Rexha - Visions (Don't Go)
Coi Leray - My Body
Coi Leray ft. Saucy Santana - Spend It
Maiya The Don - Luv U Better
The Last Dinner Party - Nothing Matters
IDK ft. Jucee Froot & Saucy Santana - Pinot Noir
Tinashe - Uh Huh
Nicki Minaj - Beep Beep
Nicki Minaj - Pink Birthday
Bella Poarch - Bad Boy
Nicki Minaj - My Life
Trippie Redd & BANKS - Saint Michael Myers
Tamera - Frozen
Shygirl & CoSha - Thicc
Ari Lennox - Get Close
Flo Milli - Fruit Loop
Mette - For The People
Amaarae - Angels in Tibet
Jamila Woods ft. Saba - Practice
Rachel Chinouriri - Maybe I’m Lonely
Jonah Kagen - Save My Soul
The OMG Girlz - Lover Boy
Karin Ann - A Stranger With My Face
Victoria Monet - Alright
Paige - Aquarian
Jack Harlow - Lovin On Me
KenTheMan - Mean B*tch
2022's List
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sineala · 7 months ago
18+ 616 Steve/Tony Discord Book Club: Captain America #110-113 (1968)
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Over on the You Gave Me A Home comics Steve/Tony server, we rotate between Avengers, Captain America, and Iron Man book clubs, in that order. This week it's Cap week -- and we're having a fun, short, classic read, with Jim Steranko's Cap run! That's Captain America #110-113. It's only three issues, but what a great three issues they were! (You may have noticed that this is four issues, but #112 is a Lee/Kirby fill-in which all you Steve/Tony fans will want to read anyway, I promise. Tony is grieving Steve's death. Well, "death.")
These issues came out in 1968 and 1969, and as you can tell by the cover art, Jim Steranko was making Cap cool. There are some pretty trippy moments -- including Rick Jones actually tripping -- and some really amazing art and paneling that was nothing like what Cap comics had been doing before. Steve is as always fighting Hydra, and this run features the first appearance of Madame Hydra, as well as a whole bunch of PTSD about Bucky's death -- and, yes, this is the one with Rick wearing Bucky's costume -- and Steve dealing with his new public identity. So Steve is definitely coping poorly with a whole bunch of things, and he might just have to die. Also the rest of the Avengers might just have to die along with him.
You want to find out more? Come join us on You Gave Me A Home, an 18+ comics Steve/Tony Discord server! We still have the custom invite URL discord.gg/stevetony! We're cool like that!
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lynnedrum · 2 years ago
A tribute to Baltimore and Jersey Club, classic trax deranged and rearranged. Performed LIVE for NORMAL 4 GIRLS 4EVER, Saturday, August 12th, 2023. ~ SETLIST BELOW ~
1.) Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman (Sartana & Finesse Jersey Remix)
2.) MikeQ & DJ Sliink - The Bitch (feat. Miss Jay)
3.) KRS-One - Sound of da Police (Baltimore Club) (*)
4.) Keiska - Lil Frkk
5.) Three6Mafia - Lil Freak (K-Deucez Rmx)
6.) Mariah Lynn - Once Upon A Time (I Was A Hoe) (DJ Taj feat. Panic Remix)
8.) Jen Lasher - I Felt
9.) REPRIISE - TEMPLE [Intense Trip]
10.) C.Z. - STUCK
11.) XTV$ x Narvi - Crazy Frog
12.) JAVASCRIPT - Pinky Ring
13.) Drippy Dolphin - ♡-I Need To Drip-♡ (A Trippy Turtle Remix)
14.) Snap - The Power (Kodat Remix)
15.) Jenn Morel - Ponteme (LUNY "Latin Club" Remix)
16.) Constantine - Pena Aberta
17.) PrepTheProducer - Naughty Girl (Jersey Club Remix)
18.) DJ K. Millz & Tokyo - Earthquake
19.) DJ Smallz 732 & Big Shaq - Mans Not Hot ( Jersey Club )
20.) KANDY - afreakin (Eight40Eight Bootleg)
21.) DJ K. Millz - Get Busy [Sean Paul 2k10 Theme]
22.) @hikeii - BBY (@HIKEII FLIP)
23.) Daft Punk - One More Time (Kodat Remix)
24.) FISHER - Losing It (KAYVIAN Club Remix)
25.) Soulja Boy - Birdwalk (Zora Jones & Sinjin Hawke Bootleg)
26.) Jam City - The Courts
27.) TLC - No Scrubs (BBM REMIX)
28.) Kyle Edwards & DJ Bake - My Back (Jersey Club)
29.) SOPHIE - Immaterial (Gangsigns Bootleg)
30.) UNIIQU3 & Dos Flakos - Shake the Room
31.) Outkast - B.O.B. (Cool Hand Lex, Lemi Vice & Action Jackson Remix)
32.) DJ DEVILLE - Kulikitaka Pica (Deville Latin Jersey Club Fusion Edit)
33.) Linkin Park - Crawling (DJ Hood Remix)
34.) Tre Oh Fie - Pop 2 Da Bass
35.) @hikeii - Panic! At The Disco: I Write Sins Not Tragedies (Hikeii Remix)
36.) Utada Hikaru - Simple And Clean (Jersey Club "Ray of Hope" Remix By KNMN)
(*) denotes a track that entered my life fully untagged and unsourced. if you know the artist of this remix, please let me know immediately!
Assets by MinaSheep
JulianaNRG: https://youtu.be/l5y442f-uq8
MinaSheep: https://youtu.be/H-JKRNqxQA8
SWIMMY: https://youtu.be/AZkC4W-PP6s
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jack-of-crowns · 1 month ago
18+ content on this one... fair warning
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'Basilisk' by @jack-of-crowns
M) Seriously? Nothing? You don't see it?
J) Sorry, Miles. I am so lackin at these puzzles 😟
M) S'all good, man. I didn't see it at first either TBH.
J) So what makes this so awesome AF anyways?
M) Hard to explain. Like some trippy genmoji.
J) That's it? That's all it takes to trend on here? #basilisk is like every third post on my feed 😱
M) Hey look, you're my guy and all but DO NOT be a hater on this. Like I said, took a while for me to be able to see it. Gonna open your eyes when you get it. Gonna change the way you see EVERYTHING.
M) So?
J) So? So what? Look, I have real work to do.
C) C'mon Jack, put the pencils down and really TRY.
J) You know how long it takes me to finish a project, Carol. You know how hard it is for me.
E) How hard IS it, Jackie baby?💋
M) Jesus, Elaine. lmfao. But NJK bro, you are really missing out on this one. Called in today.
C) We all did, actually. Best thing evah!
J) A meme puzzle is so good you all called off? I thought none of you guys had any PTO time left.
J) Guys?
M) Look, mad respect for you every day because of your neurowhateverthingy but you HAVE to be seeing this. I am not even playing here. Called up Jones in HR and quit this morning. #Basilisk4Life
J) You quit your fucking job over some meme?!
C) Jack, calm down. Look, I know it must seem crazy but... I can't think about anything else except Basilisk ever since I saw it. Put everything aside and make an effort to get this. It's that good. Please 🙏🏼
E) Multi-orgasmically good!
M) Holy shit, Elaine, you are completely off the hook. No really, my man, drop everything and do this FFS.
C) Seriously, Jack. It's been three days now. We're all starting to get a little worried about you.
J) You're starting to get a little worried about ME?
J) OK guys, I put the portfolio aside last night and really, really tried to concentrate on this thing. Is it like a serpent that opens its coils, and then you slide down levels 'Snakes & Ladders' style? It did look kinda cool, but IDK is it so completely amazing? I mean, the stories I'm hearing on the news and all...
E) I can't even believe you- 'Snakes & Ladders'? Jack, I sold the condo yesterday to get the latest upgrades and I could re-sell those today and move oceanside. Not that I would, but you wouldn't even begin to understand why LSR.
C) Jack, please, maybe you can get some help? It's not fair that you can't get this because you're... slow.
M) Hey, Carol, didn't mean anything by it. We all know things don't come as easy to you, buddy. Man, if there was just some way I could get through to you. If you saw the way it looks at you, after you see it; I mean, I've never really been seen like that...
J) OK guys, we've been friends a long time now. I'm going to let all the stuff you said go; it's been a crazy week, to say the least. Anyone know why corporate hasn't been answering their e-mails, btw?
M) 《Image not received》
C) 《Image not received》
E) 《Image not received》
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datclassicrockfan42 · 1 year ago
Who are the monkees?
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(Sorry I don’t get this question very often)
Anyways, allow me to introduce you to The Monkees
They were a 60s rock band with a TV show(like the Aquabats). Originally created to make money and sell records but after a rebellion from their music producer, they truly(at least in my eyes) became a true band. Unfortunately a lot of factors caused the bands decline in popularity and their dissolvement. They did get back together in the 80’s and 90’s with a little surge in popularity, and thoughout the 2000s and 2010s they continued to tour. Currently the last remaining Monkee(Micky) is doing shows to honor the band these years.(this is definitely a cliff notes version bc(well I kinda lost my Monkee Autism for MCR autism and there’s no way I can fit the entire story into a single post, we can keep talking about this through dm through)
Now for the members. This group consists of four members. Davy, Micky, Peter, and Mike
Here’s a photo
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The first member is Davy Jones.(Bottom Right)Short, British, and babyfaced. He’s basically the ��Paul McCartney” of the group, the one that all the girls love(at least when the show first aired). In the band lineup, he does vocals, tambourine, and maracas(usually has like fifty maracas) In the show, he’s the group’s hopeless romantic. Always going after a girl and falling in love. However that whole “Davy falls in love and now it’s our problem” is much more of a season one plot line than season two(not to say doesn’t happen there too.)
Next is Micky Dolenz.(Top left). The bands…(for really lack of a better term here) wild card. He’s very energetic and comedic. In the band he’s the drummer but also does vocals most of the time. In the show, he’s wild, chaotic, and the jokester of the group.
Next is Peter Tork( bottom right). Sweet, sensitive Peter. Look at him isn’t he cute? In the band, he’s the bassist, but also plays a multitude of instruments. In the show he was the dummy. The butt of the joke all the time. His shy, awkward(auto fill suggested knees here, and I’m questioning everything), personality and lack of social skills was a constant joke during the series. Actual Peter is pretty intellectual.
Last but certainly not least(especially on this blog) is Mike(top right, in the green wool hat) the second Michael in my life(Mikey was the first). Ah Michael Nesmith. Where to start? Stoic, quiet,aloof, but a total goof sometimes.(starting to sound familiar here)He has what this website calls…autism swag. Usually wearing a little hat(okay now that I type this here I’m starting to realize the similarities between the two Michaels in my life), this Texan is the “serious one.” The dad of group basically. In the band he plays guitar and actually wrote a few songs(oh we’re gonna talk about this). In the show, he was basically the voice of reason. Not really focused on that much,but he had his moments. I should mention that he got rid of the hat around season two, but you can still identify him by his massive sideburns.
Look at these
Look at the size of them
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The show: The show aired from 1966-1968 with two seasons. They also had two tv specials and one hella trippy movie. Currently a lot of the episodes have been taken off YT(damn copyright) but we have archive.com and many drive folders containing these episodes. Episode plots can go from “guys Davy’s in love again and now it’s our problem” to “Crap we can’t pay the rent” to “crap we gotta save America from spies”. And season two only gets weirder. Each episode usually contains two “romps” which are basically music videos that showcase songs(like I said made to sell records)
(I do gotta warn you tho. This show was made in the 60s…so some of the content is not actually…politically correct according to today’s standards. So yea just be prepared for that)
Episodes I’d personally recommend for beginners are
Season 1 Ep 8: don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. A simple episode. Displays each of the characters personally traits pretty well. Has good songs.
Season 1 ep 23: Captain Crocodilez a pretty funny episode. Got a lot of that typical Monkee rapid fire random humor(which is kinda Aquabatsish). Some good romps and I find this ep quite enjoyable
Season one ep 12: I’ve got a little song here. This is a Mike focused episode and is a little bit sadder than the majority of eps, but is overall good. It’s got the bands superhero personas, the Monkeemen. Good songs too.
Season two episode 16: fairytale. An iconic episode.(so sometimes the guys would dress up in drag to make their schemes work and there’s lots of that in this episode) it’s a bit more off the walls(which is normal in season two) but still overall a good episode.
Here’s the link for the archive(kinda bad quality but pretty accessible)
Edit: so i checked and something is wrong with the link….so yea
Ummm if yall want I can dm you a link to one of the drives
(Buckle up)
So the group(in the tv show years) released(holy shit) 9 albums.
The Monkees(a classic album of songs from the show) notable tracks include Last train to Clarksville, Saturday’s child, Sweet Young Thing, and Papa Gene’s blues
More of the Monkees(another classic, once again full of songs from the show) notable tracks include Mary,Mary , I’m not your stepping stone, the kind of girl I could love, and(you probably know this one) I’m a believer(yep the song from shrek was a Monkees song)
However, these albums were made with little to no creative control. Opting for studio musicans and writers than the actual guys themselves(who were all pretty good musicans) but after some rebellion, the producer getting fired, and a hole in a hotel wall(before the producer got fired,(guess who did this one lol). The band was able to play their own instruments.
Which brings us to an era which I personally consider the bands finest:
Headquarters: a masterpiece with the group playing almost of all their own instruments. Notable tracks include: Sunny Girlfriend, for Pete’s sake, and Randy Scouse Git
Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones(thats actually all the members zodiac signs, expect Davy’s bc him and Mike are both Capricorns and they actually share a birthday(Dec 30): this is their psychedelic album(hey it’s 1967 everyone’s doing it) Notable tracks here include: Pleasant Valley Sunday, Love is only sleeping, Star Collector and the door into summer.
The Birds, The Bees, and The Monkees: another classic👌. Notable tracks here include: Daydream Believer, Tapioca Tundra, and Dream World.
We then have the HEAD(that trippy movie i was talking about(that’s a little advanced tho, stick to the show for now) soundtrack: notable tracks here include: Porpoise Song, As we go along, circle sky, and daddy’s song.
Now for some mythbustijg bc oh boy
They didn’t play their own instruments: actually a lot of the guys were originally musicians before the show(Mike and Peter were folk singers, and Davy worked in broadway(not an instrument but still cool to know). We kinda already debunked this one though so let’s move on to the next:
They didn’t write their own songs: kinda true. The studio did bring in some studio writers to write songs, but the guys actually wrote some songs themselves(mainly Mike, but the others did too)
Ok well I’ve been typing for quite a while now and my hands tried soo ima leave this here. DM me if you want any more info(I have a master degree in the history of Micheal Nesmith with a minor in the band and show history)
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cynthiaserivo · 1 month ago
tagged by @hutters <3 thank u!!!!
rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the 10 first tracks, then tag 10 friends to do the same
pressurelicious by megan thee stallion, future
all i wanted by paramore
need to know by doja cat
how am i supposed to live without you by michael bolton (pls dont judge me.)
3hunna by chief keef, rick ross
the morning by the weeknd
c'mon c'mon by one direction :/
this aint that by trippie redd, lil mosey
just for fun by beyoncé, willie jones
put on repeat by sabrina claudio
tagging @shaboozey @yonceknowles @oliviairodrigo @carriefisher @forbescaroline @unadulteratedloathings @adrianlyles @radicaloptimisms @brettsgoldstein @manny-jacinto <3
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sandimexicola · 1 year ago
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a close up of a painting of an eye, style of alex grey, hyper - detailed visionary art, visionary art style, highly detailed visionary art, alex grey style, alex grey art, visionary art, patterned visionary art, by Alex Grey, android jones and chris dyer, hyper detailed visionary art, dan mumford and alex grey style, psychedelic trippy visionary art, visionary arts
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rye-in-a-coat · 8 months ago
List of the people who happen to be the youngest one (at the bottom) listed in the "Births" list for the English Wikipedia article of each day of the year and who are also NOT sportspeople. As of 05/07/2024
January 3 2003 – Greta Thunberg, Swedish environmental activist January 7 2004 – Sofia Wylie, American actress, singer, and dancer January 8 2000 – Noah Cyrus, American singer, songwriter, and actress January 9 2004 – Souhardya De, Indian author and columnist January 11 2000 – Chaeyeon, South Korean singer-songwriter January 15 2004 – Grace VanderWaal, American singer-songwriter January 18 2010 - Sophia Reid-Gantzert, Canadian actress and dancer January 24 2012 – Princess Athena of Denmark January 25 2002 – Lil Mosey, American rapper January 26 2009 – The Suleman octuplets January 27 1998 – Devin Druid, American actor January 30 2005 – Prince Hashem, second son of King Abdullah II of Jordan
February 5 2016 – Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, Bhutanese prince February 10 2000 – Yara Shahidi, American actress and model February 13 2002 – Sophia Lillis, American actress February 19 2004 – Millie Bobby Brown, English actress, model and producer February 20 2003 – Olivia Rodrigo, American actress and singer February 21 1999 – Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, Thai actor and singer February 23 2002 – Emilia Jones, English actress February 25 2005 – Noah Jupe, English actor
March 1 2001 – Sapnap, American YouTuber March 2 2016 – Prince Oscar, Duke of Skåne March 3 2001 – Jvke, American singer-songwriter March 4 2007 – Miya Cech, American actress March 5 2007 – Roman Griffin Davis, English actor March 6 2003 – Millicent Simmonds, American actres March 8 2004 – Kit Connor, English actor March 12 2008 – Emma Kok, Dutch singer March 14 2008 – Abby Ryder Fortson, American actress March 20 2003 – Cooper Hoffman, American actor March 26 2005 – Ella Anderson, American actress
April 6 2009 – Valentina Tronel, French child singer April 9 2004 – TommyInnit, British YouTuber and Twitch streamer April 10 2001 – Noa Kirel, Israeli singer April 17 2001 – Shin Ryujin, South Korean rapper, singer and dancer April 18 2001 – PinkPantheress, English singer, songwriter, and record producer April 19 2002 – Loren Gray, American singer and internet personality April 21 2007 – Princess Isabella of Denmark, daughter of King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark April 22 2011 – Violet McGraw, American actress April 23 2018 – Prince Louis of Wales April 29 2007 – Infanta Sofía of Spain, Spanish princess April 30 2003 – Jung Yun-seok, South Korean actor
May 2 2015 – Princess Charlotte of Wales, British royal, and third in line to the British throne May 4 1998 – Alexander O'Connor, English musician May 6 2019 – Prince Archie of Sussex May 8 2003 – Moulay Hassan, Crown Prince of Morocco May 15 2002 – Chase Hudson, American internet celebrity, singer, actor May 17 1994 – Julie Anne San Jose, Filipina singer-songwriter May 18 2009 – Hala Finley, American actress May 19 2003 – Jojo Siwa, American dancer, singer, actress, and YouTube personality May 21 2002 – Elena Huelva, Spanish cancer activist and influencer May 22 2004 – Peyton Elizabeth Lee, American actress May 24 2001 – Emily Austin, journalist and social media influencer May 30 2000 – Jared S. Gilmore, American actor
June 1 1999 – Technoblade, American YouTuber and streamer June 4 2021 – Princess Lilibet of Sussex June 10 1999 – Blanche, Belgian singer June 12 1999 – CarryMinati, Indian YouTuber June 16 2003 – Anna Cathcart, Canadian actress June 18 1999 – Trippie Redd, American rapper June 19 2004 – Millie Gibson, English actress June 21 2011 – Lil Bub, American celebrity cat June 22 1999 – Sam Retford, Australian-English actor June 23 2008 – Lilliana Ketchman, American dancer and YouTuber June 26 2005 – Princess Alexia of the Netherlands June 29 2006 – Sam Lavagnino, American child voice actor
July 1 2003 – Storm Reid, American actress July 4 2003 – Polina Bogusevich, Russian singer July 15 2008 – Iain Armitage, American child actor July 16 1996 – Daniel Pearson, English actor and presenter July 20 1999 – Pop Smoke, American rapper and singer July 22 2013 – Prince George of Wales July 24 1998 – Bindi Irwin, Australian conservationist, zookeeper, and actress July 30 1999 – Joey King, American actress
August 12 2001 – Dixie D'Amelio, American social media personality and singer August 13 2000 – Na Jaemin, South Korean rapper, singer, dancer and actor August 14 2004 – Marsai Martin, American actress and producer August 20 2003 – Prince Gabriel of Belgium August 28 2003 – Quvenzhané Wallis, American actress August 31 2004 – Jang Won-young, South Korean singer and model
September 1 2003 – An Yu-jin, South Korean singer and actress September 2 1998 – Choi Ye-bin, South Korean actress September 4 2001 – Talitha Bateman, American actress September 7 2006 – Ian Chen, American actor September 10 2004 – Gabriel Bateman, American actor September 13 1996 – Lili Reinhart, American actress September 14 1999 – Emma Kenney, American actress September 19 2001 – Ghina Raihanah, Indonesian advocate, model, and influencer September 23 1999 – Song Yu-qi, Chinese singer September 24 2003 – Joe Locke, Manx actor September 25 2009 – Leah Jeffries, American actress September 28 2000 – Frankie Jonas, American actor, singer, and songwriter September 30 2002 – Maddie Ziegler, American dancer and actress
October 1 2006 – Priah Ferguson, American actress October 3 2004 – Noah Schnapp, American actor October 4 1997 – Yuju, South Korean singer October 5 2006 – Jacob Tremblay, Canadian actor October 7 2001 – Princess Senate Seeiso, Princess of Lesotho October 4 2001 – Rowan Blanchard, American actress October 15 2005 – Christian, Crown Prince of Denmark October 19 1999 – Carlotta Truman, German singer-songwriter October 20 1999 – Chuu, South Korean singer and television personality October 23 1999 – Yui Kobayashi, Japanese idol October 25 2001 – Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant October 26 2002 – Lee Eunsang, South Korean singer October 27 1999 – Haruka Kudo, Japanese singer and actress October 29 1996 – Astrid S, Norwegian singer and songwriter October 31 2005 – Leonor, Princess of Asturias
November 3 2007 – Ever Anderson, American actress November 7 1997 – Nana Okada, Japanese singer November 8 2000 – Jasmine Thompson, English singer November 10 2009 – Christian Convery, Canadian actor November 20 2002 – Madisyn Shipman, American actress November 21 2000 – Isabel May, American actress November 27 2001 – Zoe Colletti, American actress November 28 2000 – Jackson Yee, Chinese singer, dancer and actor
December 4 1999 – Kim Do-yeon, South Korean singer and actress December 5 1998 – Conan Gray, American singer-songwriter December 14 2001 – Joshua Rush, American actor and activist December 17 1999 – Mirei Sasaki, Japanese singer, model, and actress December 19 1998 – King Princess, American singer-songwriter and musician December 23 2002 – Finn Wolfhard, Canadian actor and musician December 25 1999 – Adut Akech, South Sudanese-Australian fashion model December 30 1995 – V, South Korean singer
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