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ratimz · 8 months ago
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goodbye hug
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chouchoudelioncourt · 10 months ago
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the white mesh shirt and the earring, mary???
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neobisexual · 4 months ago
fucked 5 times in 12 hours help my pussy hurts
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yorktaylor · 8 months ago
listening to tiwtdaf rn btw
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cyberobsessed · 7 months ago
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idk maybe someone has already joked like that, but..)
Love TRIII so much❤️
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tumbleweeds-go-by · 3 months ago
Tunner winced in disgust as blood and saliva dripped onto him, but he couldn't stop staring at Simon-... Was this even Simon anymore? At whatever beast this was readying itself to kill him. He felt cold and painfully tense all over, the soft 'click' from his gun alerting Simon that he was about to fire. The moment Simon let go of the walls though, Tunner screamed, uncurled himself, and rolled to the side barely in time, Simon just missing the sheriff by not even half an inch. Tunner screamed and shot up to his feet, stumbling and tripping over himself as he ran towards the steps that led out of the cellar. He aimed his gun and fired blindly into the room in hopes that it would frighten, or distract the beast from following him- at least long enough for him to get out of the basement.
His own hot blood would still be splattered on the floor, leaving a nice little trail behind.
"Well now, ain't you a sight fer sore eyes. Mind tellin' me whats been going on with you, kid?" Tunner hums, keeping his distance from the other. "Been hearin' a whole lot o' ruckuss, but nobody can seem t' give this old soul a straight answer as to what yer up to." ( @tumbleweeds-go-by
[ Simon’s fur stood up on ends as he heard the voice of the ole sheriff, looking like he quite literally robbed a bank ]
[ Which, even if he did, would’ve been a horrible thing to do with law enforcements such as him around !!! ]
[ He was already uncharacteristically on edge, but now thinking of this fake scenario has made him even MORE on edge, and he slowly raised his paws in the air like he was surrendering ]
[ Simon bro… ]
“ it’s true “
“ ok. ok FINE it’s true. i did it tunner. and i’m not proud of it.. i’m so unproud of it, dude “
“ but it was a moment of weakness .. !! “
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codgod · 1 year ago
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y’know generally i try to limit colour palettes to as few colours as possible to make things more cohesive but despite my best efforts only jay ended up being able to stick to that </3
ANYWAYS here’s the as-of-right-now fully updated designs for these dickheads. these will no doubt undergo even more tweaking as i draw them more but this is a start i guess. also pls open the pictures to look at them properly i worked so hard LOL
some random notes under the cut yaaaay
chip —
he jingles when he walks. somehow he’s still stealthy. i do not know how
kept the platinum ring that bonded him to gillion in the block! because hey he doesn’t really have a reason to take it off (and it’s a nice reminder of how much gill cares about him, and how far their friendship has come since that ice arena)
his tattoos shift and flicker like actual flames, and sometimes (harmless, purely aesthetic) sparks fly off them when he’s excited
i just think smoke coming out of his mouth when he’s angry would be cool :]
chipped teeth from biting rocks and coins all the time :/
he has scars from the red lightning, they’re just mostly contained to his back and shoulders. they’re a similar red to his coat even once they’ve healed
gillion —
the tail sleeve thing is so he can rest it on the ground without damaging his scales, he doesn’t usually wear it when he’s just on the ship because the wood is soft enough that it’s usually fine + it can hinder swimming a bit. it’s mostly meant for places where there’s cobblestone or gravel streets and such. i think his armour would probably have a version that looks similar but covers the whole tail minus the fins, maybe with some armour plating of its own. i didn’t draw it because there wasn’t any room lol
his scars from the lightning are pink mostly because red stood out too much tbh. they softly glow in the dark the same as his coral and the pink parts of his fins
also kept his ring! his hands aren’t really made for jewellery, though, because the webbing means it won’t sit very secure on his finger. so he keeps it on the same chain as the necklace he got from aslana to keep it safe
tried to make him look a bit bulkier and more his age than in my original design? i feel like i was leaning too much into the naivety and. shortness. originally lol. he also has thicker eyebrows now and i’m still trying to decide how i feel about them but i think? i like it? i don’t tend to give many character thin eyebrows so it could’ve been a unique thing for him but alas
i think i made the sword too small but like ignore that
also forgor to include pretzel </3 that’s okay though she can get her own design sheet later. she’s special like that
jay —
i believe in tall jay supremacy
blue magic! i was considering gold but that’d look a bit more like a canary than i wanted for her wings so. blue jay :]
her hair is supposed to look kinda like fire to mimic her dad ! kinda showing that even if she runs from her family and the navy they’ll always be a part of her. and also i just like drawing messy hair
i gave her sturdier gloves just because i feel like it fits her better. also changed up the shirt to more of a button up solely because i don’t like tank tops very much LOL
i did WANT to make her outfit a bit flashier to match the boys better but i couldn’t quite figure out where to Put the flash. maybe that’ll come later, the way the story’s going i might get to design some cool prosthetics for her or something
overall —
because there’s just so many fucking colours i triiied to add at least one or two colours from each of them into the others designs. jay has her necklace with each of their main colours on it, her wings are the same blue as gillions eyes, her jacket and right eye are the same dark blue as destiny’s blade, her hair is the same orange as the lighter part of chips tattoos. chip has a dark green sash under all the belts, the same as the hilt of destiny’s blade. they all use the same shades of black, gold, and brown
the only real exception is gillion doesn’t have anything from the other two because he has Such a specific colour palette and he already had so much going on as-is orz jay was obviously the easiest to do this with because she has both warm and cool colours in her palette by default lol (and i did her design last, so that helps)
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lastmurianwarrior · 4 months ago
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Triiied to render how I imagine Dream Park ^^
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thecynner · 4 months ago
Dont underestimate the power of my silliness featuring a character from the sequel of the city of ashes[my story] annnnddd Triii!!!
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acmeiku-official · 2 years ago
I HAVE AN IDEA!! a PLAN!!!!! maybe,, a SCEME okay so i go up there and bite him and then come back here alive [since i'm an utau] and tell you
Hey, dude, you gotta tell us now that you know. What is i-bite-vocaloids' flavour? Don't keep us in the dark!
Honestly I don't know. Tastes kinda like medium-rare beef I guess???
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ssunspotted · 2 months ago
I ah ...hm.
I triiied. Growing some new coffee for Belle, some fruit from which to peel the beans, even though I never have seen or felt a llive coffee plant before to try copying and its Wrong. Its very much wrong
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f-ngrl · 2 years ago
They’re removing the old editor????? Really, tumblr? WTF?? Maybe make the new one work first?? It’s such a mess.
i will forever hate the “new” editor that has been around for ages it always deletes what i’ve written and acts like i’m leaving when i’m still writing arrrrgggh
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prehnite-soul · 5 months ago
Fae!AU Drabble
hello there :) I just wanted to share a small Drabble about the @valrayne-faeu [by @antlered-knight and @owl-bones] because I have suffered great brain rot by their AU
story is under the cut, please let me know what you think :)
The gala
Soul turned away from the loud gala. To many faes, to loud, to fast. She didn’t look back as she passed Nightmare, instead kept her head down and wings courtly folded behind her to avoid touching others.
Dodging a swallowing tail fae with reindeer like antlers, Souls eyes went to the doors leading outside. 
An exit. A much needed exit. 
There would be less summer fae out there, and she’d have some space to herself rather than the crowded dining hall she was currently walking through.
The hall was lit by flame less lanterns which emitted both warm light, and warmth- something that Soul had ached for when she turned fae. She’d stuffed her room with at least seven of these AND a fireplace running on end until she’d developed her current resistance to cold.
The marble floor made her shoes click quietly when she took a step, and with everyone else in here, that made up a symphony of steps and clicks and taps. 
The high ceiling represented the night sky outside, and the many carpets on the walls made it seem as if said night sky hung down the walls. The carpets were grand, like- gigantic. Soul could probably fit her entire old village onto a single one of them. But they had to be big, and thick, to keep the warmth inside the ball room.
Cooling air rushed over Souls cheeks. Ah- that already felt better. She bowed her head at the peacock butterfly far that held the doors open for her, and folded her hands in her lap.
The woman wore her one of her best outfits for tonight- out of politeness, really. A furry scarf, white as snow, which matched her short hair. A black cloak hid her torso, a blue blouse, and various pockets filled with various trinkets. Of course, Soul wore her gloves, and rings above it. A simple black pair of trousers were tucked into her high boots.
Soul reached up her left hand as a ‘triii’ sounded through the cold air. The black and white falcon shed raised and trained darted over the heads of the few fae outside, safely landing on Souls arm, hoping over to her shoulder to nuzzle its head against her cheek.
Soul chuckled. “Hey there, Blizzard. Anything new?”
The bird trilled. Soul smiled. Of course she couldn’t understand the bird- but the falcon would bring her traces of magic in case anything happened. As the bird made no motion to fly off again, and instead began preening its wings, she resumed her walking. 
“… why do I have to attend this gala anyway? I am royal falconer and fancier, yes, but I barely manage any of the important stuff. Maybe it’s etiquette- on second though it probably is to have EVERYONE attend a gala BOTH kings can be found at. But won’t that raise the stakes of an assassination-“
A weight lifted from Souls shoulder as Blizzard darted off into the sky. Then, she felt how another body collided with hers, effectively knocking her down-
“Oh, I’m so sorry!”
… this wasn’t the snow beneath her. Soul blinked her eyes open. The fae she ran into held her up by her shoulders, giving her an apologetic smile.
Soul had never seen a fae like this.
Blond hair covered her eyes, and her skin was only a bit darker then Souls. She wore a cream Lolita winter dress with a shawl and a small black bow on its front. The shawls triangular shape covered the woman’s wing roots, that had yet to break open- a human. Well- half human. Their dress had a wide belt she’d tied into a bow, and fur on the inside to keep her warm.
A singular horn penetrated from her forehead, and her legs were those of a horse by what Soul could tell. She stepped back.
“Oh, it’s- it’s fine.”
Something about this fae struck Soul as… weirdly familiar. Maybe it was just that both were humans turning fae.
The summer fae shifted, reached up to rub at one of her ears. Soul recognized that tick and almost chuckled.
“… what may I call you?” Soul asked the other one, carefully choosing her words as to come off not threatening. 
“… Lei.” “That’s a nice name.”
Lei smiled. She had no fangs, so she couldn’t have been tricked too long ago. “How about you?”
“…” As always, Soul thought of the name she’d give the other one. What if she gave ‘Soul’ to too many of them? Would she get wrapped up in promises she couldn’t get out of- stop. She cleared her throat.
“Please call me Soul.” The other fae smiled.
"Of course I will."
Soul raised an eyebrow. Lei had turned recently, so she didn't know too much about wordplays yet. Well, Soul wouldn't hold it against her.
Something familiar hung over the two. Neither of them knew what it was, but something was there. Soul offered a smile, and soon enough, the two found themselves on a stroll through the garden, chatting loudly about their own experiences of turning.
"And when I found the first white hair, I just thought I was getting old. Can you believe it?" "Actually, I can."
Laughter. "I saw you carrying a... falcon, was it?- earlier. Before we ran into each other, I mean- what was that about?" Lei asked.
"Oh, I'm just-" She was cut short by a high, melodic voice.
"Lei- ah, there you are!"
Soul and Lei turned. Before them stood-
Oh. Before them stood a skeleton with a wide smile, although it seemed a bit strained. His bright wings were stiffly held upwards, unmoving- like Nightmares wings whenever he went into publicity. Only that he didn’t… display them like THAT.
Golden designs were painted on his bones, and he wore a golden and white robe that covered most his body. His wrists and hands were visible, and he wore high boots from what Soul could tell. Despite the positive aura surrounding him, Soul couldn't shake the feeling of unease.
Lei on the other hand was fast to step closer to the skeleton. Her eyes were bright, and her fingers twitched as if she wanted to reach out to the fae.
"Peiscos." She bowed.
Soul felt her ears flatten. Well that wasn't good. She glanced aside, back at the male fae, and then gave a small bow herself. This... wasn't HER king. She was not obligated to pay him the same respect as Nightmare- right? No. Yes. Maybe? She wanted to scream.
With a nervous smile, the falconer looked back up again. The king was first to speak, luckily.
"Lei, why don't you introduce me to your friend?" Ah, good. Soul wouldn't have to fear for her name.
"Oh, yes. Peiscos, this is Miss Soul. Soul, this is the Summer Monarch."
She wanted to say something, but when she considered these words, a small wave of nausea overcame her. Oh, how cruel it was to loose the ability to lie. "It's... an honor to meet you, your majesty."
Ha, take that, weird magic that bound her words. Sometimes, Soul wished she was mute.
His... eyes were unnerving. Why did they bore into her like this? Why did this fae observe her like she observed the distant clouds, scanning for storms-
Soul felt a cold, clawed hand on her shoulder, and she froze up. Oh dear. Why was he here?
She turned her head, and looked up to the one-eyed king behind her. Her stomach dropped at his gaze- that was not a good one. Sure, he might be smiling, but Soul knew better then to fall for that. She swallowed thickly.
"Ah. Nightmare. It has been a while, hasn't it?" Peiscos voice dropped.
That twitch of Nightmares wings was more than enough signal for Soul. With an awkward smile, she broke the silence. "Forgive me, gentlemen, for I need to check up on a few of my carrier birds."
She did. Just not right now- but that information was not be withheld from them.
And unnecessary anyways, as Nightmares grasp on her shoulder tightened. "I don't think so, fancier."
... that wasn't per se a command- "Soul, stay." Okay, that was.
But- she wasn't a dog! It's not like he could actually...
Soul looked up at Nightmare. His cold eye bore into hers, and she swallowed. Alright. If he wanted to play THAT game- sure. Why not. But it was not one Soul enjoyed.
Her own expression darkened.
Nightmare managed a more genuine smile and promptly started a tour through the garden, talking to his brother. In one of the ancient languages Soul had yet to master.
She had once surprised Nightmare by cursing in German—he hadn't expected her to know the language—but besides German, Soul only knew English, and a few bits of Swedish and Latin.
But that wasn’t important now. Important was, that Soul could chat with Lei, who she found quite charming. So, they did, making the best of the situation. Now and then, their quiet chatter was unceremoniously broken by Nightmare just plainly asking Soul a question without caring if Lei or she was talking, or by Peiscos softly laying his hand upon Leis shoulder and waiting for her to talk.
It was… a stark contrast. Soul felt cold at the thought of how this must come off to their guests… but at the same time she didn’t mind. It gave her an excuse to ignore the glances and subtle gestures Nightmare threw her way.
Soul noticed them since a few months now. How Nightmares lower wings would twitch occasionally, but the twitches were mostly visible on the wingtails. How he sat just a bit closer to her rather than in the last corner of his library. How she’d get more invitations to dinner.
Nothing eases her mind. She was constantly wondering just WHAT the winter king was plotting. What did she have that he wanted to coax her into? Was it a punishment for their recent outing after finding that dragon pup? Did he just like to mess with her?-
She was thrown of guard by a shadow sweeping over her. A weight settled on her shoulder, forcing her to stumble. She caught herself by fluttering her wings. When she looked up, the black feathers of Blizzard tickled her cheek.
King Peiscos looked at the bird, mostly, a soft smile on his face. Nightmare eyed Soul up and down as if to say; get that bird under control. Soul smiled apologetically.
She excused herself- Nightmare didn’t stop her that time- and hushed off to her tower, Blizzard trilling warningly at everyone who dared to approach her.
So, Soul reached the tower without interruptions. She went to work quickly. The gala might mean calm and free time for others, but for the royal fancier, this was just tiring sometimes. Sure, her pigeons were only used to communicate within the closer areas around the castle, but that was hard enough, considering the sheer MASSES of fae in the winter palace right now. The rest went through magic, really.
What she didn’t expect was Horror standing in the tower, feeding the pigeons. He grinned as one of them sat on the top of his horn, and another one tried to balance on his hand to pick up the seeds the second they left the bag he held.
Soul paused, looked at Blizzard, who cooed coyly, and fluttered off. That attracted Horrors attention, of course, and he turned to the door.
His one good eye widened as he spotted her. Soul couldn’t blame him- their breakup had been rather sudden. “… Horror. Shouldn’t you… be on the gala?”
“Erm… I thought I could use my break to… feed your birds.” Soul raised an eyebrow.
Horror was a good guy through and through. For a while, the two had just… clicked. But then, it hadn’t anymore. Horror and Soul eventually returned to friends, with the only difference of Soul now and then requesting further distance. It wasn’t to hurt him, she could promise that.
“… thank you. For feeding them. I was just about to do that myself.” Horrors crooked smile made Soul smile. “It’s no issue. You know that.”
“Yes.” Silence. Horror cleared her throat, and rubbed the back of his neck. When had this gotten so uncomfortable?
“… so, I saw the summer king.” “Oh! Oh, that… sounds exciting.” “It’s… well, clearly not Nightmare. He’s… louder.”
Horror nodded.
“Well. I’ll, uh… go then. Have a nice festival.” Soul mustered a smile. “I will try.” Horrors crooked smile widened, and he waved her goodbye as he left.
Soul buried her face in her hands- if she could only stop making promises!
altight, there you have it folks. After days of writers block and a few dumb decisions, there’s my Drabble. I hope you enjoy this Drabble, because I put effort into it, and I hope you can forgive if sometimes I wrote Leni, not Lei- the first name I’d picked for the girl was Leni.
alrighty then, I hope you liked it :)
(and yes the dinning hall in the beginning is heavily based on the dining hall in Hogwarts from Harry Potter, and I’m not taking criticism against that thank you :))
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weirdozjunkary · 2 years ago
I made another small fic for the movie version of the MVA AU cause I think its fun. It might evolve into its own thing unrelated to MVA, but I really like this funny au of an au
Wedding crasher
(Another movie MVA AU fic oneshot)
The sun beamed down on the beautiful Hawaiian beachside. It was a beautiful day for a wedding. Beautiful it was. But maybe too much.
Triiiing—Triiiing! Triiiing—Triiiing!
Toms phone began ringing before Rachel and Randal could exchange their vous. “Sorry! Sorry! My bad! I thought it was on silent!” Tom nervously chuckled as he shit off his phone. He revived daggers from the bride who already hated his guts.
Triiiing—Triiiing! Triiiing—Triiiing!
“So help me, Thomas!” Rachel shouted at him.
“Sorry! Sorry! Let me just take this! I’m so sorry!” He said and ran off to the side to take the call as silently as he could. “What?!” He silently shouted at the hedgehog from his phone. “This better be an emergency, or so help me I’ll…. What’s that noise?”
“Oh uh… there is a little bit of an emergency!” Sonic sheepishly said. The wind blowing wildly into the phones receiver.
“What’s going on? Why are you so close to the camera? Did you get into trouble again?”
“You could say that….” He had no idea how to tell him what had happened. I mean, how do you explain that you grew 50-feet in one knight, turned blue, an angry echidna has teamed up with a man that you both thought was dead by now, and now you are again running away from them with an unconscious fox in your palm because they want you dead. Actually, knowing Tom, he wouldn’t really be that surprised by any of this.
“Oh my god. Do I really need to come home, now?
“No no no! You’re good! I just need you to throw the ring I gave you, like right now!”
“What? Why?”
“Listen, I got only one ring on my right now, and it won’t be big enough! I need you to throw it, NOW!”
Big enough? What the hell did he mean by that? Was he bringing a truck through or something? “Okay, just hold on a minute! How do I even do this?!”
“Just picture where you want the ring to go! Now picture this!” Sonic struggled to turn the phone around to face the front of him. There, what Tom saw was the massive snowy mountains of Siberia.
“Why are you in Siberia?!”
At the alter, though trying to enjoy the moment, Rachel noticed Tom, silently yelling to the hedgehog whom she suspected to be at the other side of the phone. She sighed. Of course, that little devil had caused enough destruction to her life, even if it was minor. What was he even doing now? Oh god, was he really bringing that little idiot here? Now of all times?
She watched as Tom threw the ring he had in his pocket and created that familiar golden portal that she had seen Sonic use at least once before. But what she didn’t expect was for it to suddenly double in size. The sight managed to catch everyone’s attention.
Screaming came from it. A booming scream that grew increasingly louder and louder, and Tom grew increasingly more and more shocked. He jumped out of the way just as a giant hedgehog fell through it. The ring disappeared not long after.
“Ugh… ow…” Sonic groaned, slowly sitting up from the now ruined grass.
“S-Sonic?” Tom said warily. “Are…. Are you alright?”
He waved a hand to him. “Hey. Yeah. I’m good.”
“Actually like five minuets.”
“Okay, Tom! You need to calm down!” Maddie said, putting a hand on him. She pointed to the hedgehog. “Now YOU! Talk! Now!”
“Okay, long story short. I got hit by presumably this magic emerald which caused me to be like this. Robotnik came back with this echidna name Knuckles and now they’re trying to kill me! I grabbed Tails and- wait- TAILS!”
“Wait- Tails? Who is Tails?”
Sonic looked around him and lifted up the still unconscious fox from the dirt. He poked him with a finger. “Tails, please! Please wake up! Come on!” He lightly shook his hand.
“Sonic. Give him to me.” Maddie said.
“O-okay. Alright.” Sonic stammered. He gently placed the fox on the ground in front of her. God, he was really banged up. “Please, Maddie! He has to be alr-AH!” Sharp pain stuck into his shoulder. He put a hand over it and looked at what had hit him. Sleeping darts. Hundreds of them. Heavy duty ones too.
“Sonic?” Tom called out in worry.
“Wait! No…. I have… to…” A drowsiness came over him almost instantly and he struggled to keep his eyes open. “No… Tails…” He crashed onto the ground with a shaking thud, his hand falling into the altar beside him. Just after, various men across the crowed had drawn out guns they had kept hidden in the wedding ceremony.
“What the hell?!” Tom cursed.
“Randal, why do all your friends have guns?” Rachel said.
“It’s okay everyone, we’re federal agents.” Said a man holding up a badge. He turned to Tom and Maddie. “You really should have brought me up on that brunch Mister and Misses Wachowski.”
Tom squinted his eyes. “Olive Garden guy?”
“Correct. Though you may call me by my credentials. My name is Commander Walters, and as a federal agent, I’m calling jurisdiction on this site. We knew you still had the hedgehog in custody, Wachowski, but we knew you would never hand him over willingly. So we decided to create ‘operation catfish’.”
“Operation catfish?!” Rachel shouted. “You mean to tell me, that this ENTIRE WEDDING was a SET UP?!”
“Rachel, please. Listen to me.” Randal calmly said.
“IM DONE LISTENING!” Before she could do anything, she was held back by two men.
“I’m so sorry.” Randal said sombrely.
“Hey wait!” Tom shouted as he ran towards the army men who began to pin sonic down with rope, lots of it. “STOP IT! LET HIM GO!” He punched one of them in the face before two more pinned him to the ground. “GET OFF OF ME!”
“What are you doing?!” Maddie exclaimed. “Sonic isn’t a threat! He’s on our side!”
“He’s an uncontrolled extraterrestrial, and right now he is over 15 meters because of some ‘emerald’. He is more of a threat now than he has ever been!” He turned to the men, who now had Sonic, Tom, and the unconscious Tails in their custody. “Secure them here until the copper arrives.”
The rest of the men shooed everyone else away from the scene. Even Maddie and Rachel, who now had to figure out how to save the three of them.
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glitchy-npc · 5 months ago
I triiied to do a DAI replay before DATV but no matter how much I try to give it a chance (maybe this time, for sure!) I just hate the main story. I end up doing 500 side quests in the Hinterlands just to avoid it. I really just want to play the DLC for a recap, maybe I'll dl a save thats at the end even tho I'll be picky if its not my exact world state.
I did pick up my ME3 LE pt tho and it was easy to get into since its still very early in the game and I'm reminded just how much I love Aria. She's got the Asari counsellor on call to easily cut thru any bureaucratic bullshit she might encounter. Like, what kind of blackmail??? Anyway, I love her, if they had made her a romance it would be over for anyone else. Alliance commander and first human specter dating the crime queen of Omega? chefs kiss.
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the-commonplace-book · 8 months ago
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favorite.
tagged by @sasusquatch <3
No Pressure Tags for: @monstroso @djangodurango @runawaymun @eldritchteletubbie @greyjedijaneite @wigglewyrms and anyone else who wants to
I have so many characters who are dearly beloved. This was a struggle. I limited myself to one Genshin character (sorry Jean, Venti, Wanderer, Layla, Traveler, Zhongli, Kazuha, and many others), and triiied to limit myself to only one LotR character but couldn't quite do it (my condolences Gandalf, you would be there otherwise). Almost put Anna from Myst: The Book of Ti'anna on here but figured she was probably too obscure. Ugh this was hard. This really is just "five of my favorites" not my five favorites :3
edit: wheezing I accidentally typed samewise instead of samwise and polls can't be edited
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