bruitmoderniste · 3 months
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aryomengrande · 2 months
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왜 이런 내 맘을 아직 몰라? happy birthday, shinichiro ! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♡
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Secrets Kept From Him Chapter 8: His Comfort Ran x F!Reader x Draken WC:5600+k Resident: @enchantedforest-network Synopsis: Waking up in a bed you weren't familiar with you in Ran's home. Trying to process all the events of last night, you are forced to stay in his home until the mess is cleared out. Ending up with you both going to his club to get your mind off what had happened you are face to face with the heiress Ms. Yamaguchi and she isn't too keen on you so close to Ran. The confrontation between you and her would escalate quickly causing Ran to remove you from the scene in that private moment of his comfort will it lead to more than just comfort? Will a certain pair of eyes send chills down your spine of someone from the club? TW: cussing, drinking, smoking, mentions of stalking, mentions of weapons, threatening, vaginal sex, masturbation, making out, multiple creampies, shower sex, desk sex, dirty talking, nicknames (pretty girl, baby girl, my queen) Possessive behavior, mentions of cheating.
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“Mommy wake up.” you heard your daughter's voice. Her tiny hands against your face. Your eyes began to adjust to the slightly dark room. You saw your daughter's violet eyes looking back at you. You sat up quickly all you could remember was blacking out last night, realizing you were in a bedroom you hadn’t been in before. Looking around just by the decor and the scent that lingers in the room it was Ran’s room.
You looked at your daughter who was next to you. “You okay sweetie?” She nodded “Mhmm. Where are we?” she asked. She remembers falling asleep at her aunt's home but waking up in a strange bed next to her mom. 
“At your dad's home…” After a few minutes of being in bed, you both got up. Walking out of the room to find Ran and Rindou up. “Good morning you two.”  Ran's voice spoke. 
“Mornin..” You said. “Good morning.” D/n walked towards  Ran who picked her up kissing the side of her temple. 
“How did you sleep?” he asked.
“Okay..” d/n was a bit more quiet than he was used to. Ran had a feeling it could have been due to what happened yesterday. 
“I know it's not a girl's room you slept in but I think we can arrange something in one of the other rooms for you.” giving her a comforting smile. Ran looked at you, the brief look into his eyes quickly averting his eyes away from his. Flashbacks from last night played in your mind. Rindou could sense the awkward tension between you and Ran. “Oi d/n let’s go down the street to get breakfast.”
“What about mommy and daddy?” she asked. “They need to take care of some things. They should be fine by the time we get back.” Your daughter looked over at you. Right now you were a bit on the edge about letting her go due to the incident last night. But you Rindou know he would be able to take care of her. “It -it’s fine, let me just go get her dressed.” After getting her dress and fixing her hair she met her uncle at the door. Ran kneeled down and gave her a hug and a kiss. “Be good for your uncle now okay?” She nodded agreeing you also gave her a big hug. You watch them exit the door and enter the elevator. Ran closed the door wearing a loose-fitted long sleeve, his hand reached for the back of the neck. “Doll…” starting off  “How are you right now?” he asked you bit concerned from your passing out last night. “I’m okay…” softly speaking as you responded.
“Listen… Last night, well yesterday in general was bad… I don’t want to fight with you… that’s the last thing I want to happen between me and you.” Letting out a sigh you rubbed your face. You didn’t want to fight with him either. Apart of you could have been understanding what he may have been feeling just finding out that you slept with Draken. You were feeling that hint of jealousy last night when running into that woman from the club. Just putting a voice to a face still mind-boggled you why Ran wanted you still and not this woman. 
“I know it was just overall not the best day… Look, I don't wanna burden you, me and d/n are going to stay with my aunt for a few days.” Ran shook his head “You can’t do that..” Cocking your brow “why not?” “Because of the person that entered your home…If he was able to get in your home that easily without you knowing he can do it again… That also means he knows your routine and where you go.”  Ran walked to the couch taking a seat. “What do you have Ran. Don’t lie to me.” “There was a deal that went south a few years ago. Some stock supplies went missing that are worth a large chunk of money. They were never able to locate the missing supplies and I figured they would sneak their way to try and get it.” How he made it sound was so simple. “Ran, just give it to them. If you have it so they can leave us alone.” “The supplies are all the way in the Osaka warehouse we have. It will take a few days to get them here..” reaching into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. “In the meantime, you and d/n have to stay here. They know better than to enter my property. I can’t let you both go anywhere unless it is with  me or Rindou.” 
Trying not to roll your eyes, maybe a part of him sounded so nonchalant as he spoke. “How long is a few days?” 
“A week why in a rush to see someone?” Slightly shaking his head exhaling his cigarette. 
 A week in a place with Ran for 24hrs… “don’t go there, Ran.” 
That was a dare to him in his next words of choice. “Fuck it I am. Why try to leave so soon? Is it you dont wanna be bothered by me? Or is it because of someone you fucked recently and think you are falling for them when in reality it was a desperation to be fucked?” He asked not holding back  
“Why are you so concerned about what I do? I’m surprised to not see that girl from last night here with her. She seems more up your alley now…” you were playing with fire.
Ran stood quiet “I’m concerned who you bring around MY daughter. The well-being of her safety along with yours. Just do me the favor and stay here till the shipment comes. When they get their stuff you can go back home.”
“We will head to the house to pick up some more items for you and d/n.” Ran called Rindou letting him know you both would be home for about an hour. That escalated quicker than it needed between you both.
 Rindou on the other hand hung up the phone he was sitting in the diner with d/n. His niece sat on a booster chair in front of her with a cup of juice. “Your mom and dad are going to your house.”
Her eyes widen “But what about the monster? Is he there?” She spoke in a feared tone. Rindou saw the expression on her face. He didn’t want her to be frightened. 
“No no,  he is gone.” He reassured her. “Your dad is with your mom. He will protect her,” 
“Uncle Rin is mommy and daddy mad at each other?” She asked him. She remembered hearing them argue yesterday.
Rindou didn’t know how to respond, “it was a disagreement. But it’s nothing you should worry about. They can’t get mad at each other for so long. They end up making up every single time. Have you ever heard of what a drama queen is?” “When something small happens and someone makes it bigger?” she asked to understand the term. “Yeah something like that but both of your parents are drama queens.” he took a drink of his coffee. “Daddy is a drama queen because he had pigtails before so he is not a drama king?” He slightly choked on his coffee wanting to laugh but he kept his composure. “Yeah, he is a Drama queen.”  The food came for both of them. He was cutting her pancakes up. Rindou looked at his niece once more “Kiddo I have a question.” “Yes?”  she spoke as he placed her food in front of her, placing a fork full of pancakes in her mouth. “Do you remember where the man came from?” he asked She stopped chewing and looked at her uncle. She finished chewing her food before she said “I went to grab my toys from the closet and he was there. He told me to be quiet and ask me to call my mommy. When getting into the car to leave the house….. Mommy took me to Aunty’s home… When it was time for bed I couldn’t sleep. I looked out the window. It was the same black car that followed me and Mommy.” Rindou had a view of the outside window “Do you see the same car right now?” She looked out the window and she was looking at all the cars on the street and the small parking area. “No, I don’t see it.”
Arriving at your home you felt anxious about possibly seeing the man there. Ran entered the home first doing a walk-through before you went in making sure it was safe. “Grab what you need..”  Ran began looking for possible break-in spots that would have let the person in the home. He began to check the locks to see if they were picking the windows throughout the house. When he saw the glass window sliding door lock scratched up. He found the way the person entered the home. Opening the back door he took a step outside just observing if something seemed out of the ordinary. 
In your room, you began to back some items when your phone rang. It was Draken when picking up your phone. “Hey,” you said a happy yet with sadden tone
“Hey you okay?” he noticed your tone was off. “Something happened last night and..” “What did he do?” Draken dropped the wrench in his toolbox adjusting the phone to his ear. “Someone broke in last night and… I can’t stay in my house right now… I can’t go into full detail about it.” “Wait what? Why didn’t you call me? I would have been there?” Draken walked out of the garage. “Is it the same people following you?” “Yeah… apparently they know Ran and I can’t stay at home until whatever they need to recover from him…” Draken let out a sigh. “But you and d/n are alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, we are fine... I have to stay with Ran for a few days until it gets all cleared.”
Hearing this Draken was a little displeased he didn't want you staying over there with someone who just found out you both slept together. “Look why don’t you and d/n just stay with me until it gets cleared. After everything yesterday, do you think it is best to stay with him?” “Draken whoever was in my home threatened me and d/n…Ran told me these people are not a joke” Remembering the man's words from yesterday was making you feel anxious. “I-I don’t want more people involved in this mess. I agreed me and d/n to stay with him. D/n also found out Ran is her father. She doesn’t want to be apart from him…”
He let out a sigh. “_________ if it doesn't work out over there let me know and I will have you and d/n stay with me.” Closing your eyes for a moment “Alright… I will try and meet you sometime this week, okay? I will explain everything more when I get more info.” 
“Okay just call me still if you need something.”
Hanging up the phone you finished packing your items before walking into your daughter's room to pack some items. Ran came back into the home once again he locked the door before going upstairs. He saw you packing some items in the d/n room and putting them in a bag. “They came in through the back door. If you want I can have people come over and install cameras on the outside of the perimeters.” You nodded at him “Yeah I just can’t have something like this happen again. You're calling to have the shipments delivered right?”  
“Yeah I will have to wait for Rin to confirm everything then all we have to do is wait. I promise it will be done.”
When getting back to his home Rin and d/n were there. As the day went on the sun began to set. You could see your daughter looked a bit sad taking a seat with her on the couch while Rin and Ran were in the other room talking. They were trying to figure out a shipment way to get the items back here to Japan. You and Ran didn’t do a lot of talking to one another while being under the same roof. “Everything okay d/n?” 
She nodded “Mommy, are you still mad at daddy?” “Why do you ask?” “Because you aren’t talking a lot to him anymore…” She observed the minimal talking you and Ran had since being here. “I don’t want you guys mad at each other…”  She wanted to see her parents get along. 
When Rin and Ran came out they could see D/n and you talking. When she saw her dad “Daddy say sorry to mommy.”
Ran was surprised by his daughter's request. “What?”
“Mommy say sorry to daddy.” 
“Hmmm?” you blinked your eyes at her. Then both you and Ran looked at one another. 
“She is saying both of you stop acting like drama queens and say sorry to one another. I mean you will be around one another for a while and it will be awkward for you both not to be talking.” Rin said, making his way to the couch. “Sorry..” you both said at the exact same time. When you both looked at each other d/n looked at her uncle who sat on the other couch he gave her a secret thumbs up.  Maybe Rin had some tricks up his own sleeves on how to get this ball going for you both. “As congrats you both made up have ________ take my spot tonight at the club.” “Wait what?” you looked over at Rin. Ran was a bit confused about his brother's action. “I can’t leave d/n” “I got her, you can’t go out by yourself if they are following you... other than barging in yesterday into the club you didn’t get to experience what it's like to enjoy the atmosphere in there,” Rin said. 
“Yeah, Mommy you should go!” D/n seemed to back Rin up on his suggestion. Squinting your eyes at Rin who seemed careless about the death glare you gave him. “Daddy would want to take you, right daddy?” Ran couldn’t help but smile at his daughter's request. “Of course.” “I don’t have anything to wear for that.” trying to make an excuse. “Actually you do…” Ran walked out of the living room to his room. You saw a white garment rack cover in Rans's hand along with a shoe box. “I held onto it, I don't know why...But it was an anniversary gift years back you never got the chance to open...” Opening the garment rack to find a deep maroon-colored dress with the tag on it and a pair of laced heels to match it…You couldn’t even make an excuse now that you have an outfit… just seeing how he kept this item you felt like you needed to go now. After agreeing it would take both you and Ran some time to get ready. D/n walked towards her uncle taking a seat next to him. “You did good kiddo, told you they would go out.” “It worked! So does it mean it's a real date?” d/n she asked.
“Yeah you can consider it a date for them,” Rin said. A part of Rin wanted to see you both back together because you guys ending up with anyone else didn’t make sense to him when he saw there was still underlying love for one another. He just gave the push and with the help of his niece, it worked.
After finishing getting ready it was about 8:30pm, walking out of the guest room Ran was just leaving his room. ‘She still takes my breath away.’ ran said to himself. “Lovely as alway,” he said out loud walking towards you. He always looked good in a suit you had to admit. “You look good too.” Giving him a small smile. 
Rin didn’t live too far; he had a small backpack ready for d/n. Both of you gave her a hug before seeing them drive off. Getting into Ran's car he made his way to the club.  Ran was hoping tonight would try to ease the tension off of the both of you.
Ran opened your car door for you. The blazing music coming from the club and the line of people trying to get in. The amount of attention locked on you and Ran as you both walked in as a pair into the club. Feeling the girl's eyes burning at your back as you walked in with Ran. You don’t even wanna count the possibility of how many he has already slept with. Trying to continue to follow Ran you didn’t want to get lost in the crowd you held onto his arm slithering through the crowd. Making your way to the VIP area you can see some of the high rollers greeted Ran. Seeing how some of them began to look at you, your outfit making you feel like you were some type of object. The sudden feel of Ran’s arms sliding around your waist. “You're fine. I got you.” he leaned into your ear. 
He took a seat in his favorite area and the waitress took orders for your guy's drinks. Looking around it was a really nice VIP section even the whole atmosphere of when you enter the club. You felt proud of Ran seeing the hard work he and Rin did over the years. 
As the waitress brought the drink and took them both, handing one of them to you. “Well, what do you think?” Ran asked
“When you talk about it in the past every detail I remember you wanted I can see it being done. It’s honestly amazing.” You admitted to him.
“Thank you.” Ran smiled watching you take a drink. Your whole demeanor was seeming to relax more still his eyes wandered as the dress hugged your curves. “I knew that dress would look good on you.” 
You smiled slightly blushing before you could respond and you heard a voice “Ran dear I thought  I wouldn’t see you tonight.” 
Both of your heads turning to the voice that made Ran cringe seeing Ms. Yamaguchi.
“Ms Yamaguchi, what a surprise?” He spoke in a friendly tone. Giving him a side glance it sounded kinda like he didn’t want to be bothered. 
“Oh, it’s your little friend from yesterday I almost didn't recognize you you all dressed up.” the comment it almost took you back as if you looked really bad yesterday, “Sorry what was your name again?” She asked
“Oh it’s _____” giving her a polite smile. 
“______ pretty name.” She responded, “tell me how do you know Ran?”
“We have known each other for a long time. How long have you known Ran?” 
Ran was mentally stressing out on the interaction between you both just how it’s starting off it was going to be not good. 
“For a few weeks but we have gotten very close close.” Ms.  Yamaguchi smiled then looking at Ran giving him a wink. You nodded, then looked at Ran. It was becoming a bit more noticeable why she came over. “Oh darling,” she looked at Ran getting close to him. “I was thinking maybe this coming weekend we can take off.” 
As you close your eyes, rolling them as you open them, you are taking a drink. You turned around slightly looking around the bar avoid what she wanted to hear from him. 
Ran taking a step back. “I actually have to decline.”
“Awww why?” She slightly pouted. “I promise to make it worth your wild.
“I have plans with _____ and our daughter.” She responded. 
You looked over at Ran, who was a bit closer to you now. Ms. Yamaguchi was taken back by his response. His hand trailing down your arm he caused you to blush. The jealousy was fueling her a bit seeing how he was interacting with you. 
“You have child?  since when?” She wanted to hear Ran say it. Even though she already knew. 
“We do have a child.” Not wanting to give her info.
“I’m assuming you both are together?” She asked 
“We are not together yet.” Ran said.
At this point you didn’t know what to say. But you know he was trying to get away from her with all the questioning. Trying to help him out a bit “I mean by the end of the night we might pick up where we left off we will see where tonight takes us.” Taking a step closer towards him, his hand finding your waist once more. 
Ms Yamaguchi spoke  “usually exes are exes for a reason. Since knowing Ran he never brought up a child before till now and I never saw you before till yesterday. Where have you been?” 
“If you must know, I was overseas. I just came back….” You calmly spoke. In that moment she let out a sarcastic laugh. “Sorry, what do you find funny?” 
“You.” Ms Yamaguchi looked at you with a snarky response.
“What about me?”  Placing the drink down on the counter. 
“Seriously, you think for one minute  you can fool me?” Ms. Yamaguchi spoke close to you. “You fooled Ran but not me.” “There is nothing to fool. You don’t know anything about me.” the friendly tone you had disappeared. 
“ It is odd to me that you left then reappeared, with a child. When a woman leaves and becomes pregnant with a child in some cases that means the woman was unfaithful to their boyfriend and instead of them coming clean they disappear. I know more than you think….”
The comment irked you. She didn’t know what she was talking about. She was trying to get a reaction out of you “As I said you don’t know anything about me or my daughter.” More things were gonna come out of her mouth letting you both know how much she does know about you both. “Seemingly she does look like a Haitani from what I saw,” she said it made you question how she saw your daughter. Ran looked over and he knew he never showed a photo of his daughter to her. Before Ran could speak Ms. Yamaguchi finished her sentence “Rin and Ran are brothers now. That could be Rin’s daughter for all we know.”
“Ran, get her out of my face before I do something stupid.” you looked at her. She laughed “Is that a threat? I don’t think you would want to have your daughter visit you behind bars now, what example are you going to show her by doing that?.” In a matter of a flash of a second, the finally thin string came undone. Before you could do anything you felt a pair of hands pull you away quickly. “You need to leave now.” The more assertive voice came from Ran looking at Ms. Yamaguchi.   You wanted to rip her eyes out. The false accusation of sleeping with Rin and that d/n wasn’t Ran's daughter. Ran was pulling you towards the office you needed to clear your mind. He wasn’t going to let you make a fool of yourself because of someone's jealousy. As he opened the door to his office both you and him went in. Ran could see the anger in your eyes, you couldn’t even talk. Feeling so upset your eyes began to water up. “Stay in here.. I will be back.” Ran walking out of his office. He saw Ms. Yamaguchi walk towards him. He had enough of her games. She stuck her nose in too many times and it was the final straw. “I told you to leave.” She raised her brow “Really Ran?” “You insulted the mother of my daughter” his hands were in his pocket. “It shows how ugly of a person you really are..” She was taken aback by the comment made to her “Excuse me?” She felt like that was worse than getting hit. “She would never be half the woman I am.” “That’s where you're wrong, you can’t compare to __________. What can I say you were only there when needed to relieve stress. Freely opening your legs as I came and went.” Ran's voice was cold as ice. “If you thought there was a chance of me being with you, you were sadly mistaken. Beauty only gets you so far…. I don’t wanna see you here anymore. Get out before I have security escort you..” Ran turned and began walking away leaving her almost dumbfounded by his response.
You were leaning against the desk, your foot tapping on the ground. Your arms were crossed when you heard the door opening the music emitting from the outside your eyes saw Ran coming in. Closing the door, he let a low sigh “I know she is my daughter ________. I never doubted it for a moment." His hands rested his pocket as he walked towards you. “Are you okay?” 
“Ran…you know I never did anything with Rin or anyone while we were together.” 
“I know,  I know… I made sure she wasn’t going to come here again. I just wanted to have a good time with you.” Ran felt like any moment he had with you someone fucked it up. His hand reached for your cheeks brushing the tear away. His hand didn’t leave your face. When he saw your face it began to flash back to a specific time where he saw you like this compared to other times you cried. “_____”
His hand was gentle against your face, he was close to you. Something about Ran in this moment made you feel comfortable and so familiar, something you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Just like a strong magnetic, he was closing the gap between you both his hands reaching for the other side of your cheek. Your lips pressed against his, Ran hands still cradling your face before they drifted down to your lower back.  The tip of his tongue lightly brushes against your lip allowing him access to your wet canvas. His lips were so familiar and yet so comforting. They always have been a weakness of yours. His lips were drawing you in for more, Ran could feel your hands reaching for his jacket grasping onto him. 
The music was still pounding on the outside of the room. He sat you on his desk not breaking from the kiss. His large hands slide up and down your thighs. “I need you” he was trying to catch his breath. His fingers are already brushing underneath your dress. “My queen, let your king take care of you right away.” 
‘Fuck fuck fuck.’  You kept repeating. Your eyes traveled down to the large bulge in his pants. Your own arousal was turning you on and pushing any kind of negative thought was gone. Your hands gravitate to his buckle undoing it.  The hem of your dress is being pushed up. Your thong is being pushed to the side. His cock was throbbing and aching to want to be inside you for so long... You could feel the smile tugging on his lips as he kissed you. Feeding into his ego seeing just the small makeup session got you the moment you. He slowly slid inside of you, the deep grunt coming from him has his shaft filling your warm tight cunt. His lips locked with yours as he began to thrust into you “Ran~~~ Ran~~~” You were panting between each kiss. 
“You don’t know how much I missed you saying my name like that.”  Ran brushing off your straps from your shoulders as he exposed your breast. “I missed all of you ______.” His kisses began to travel from your cheeks to your neck. 
At this point you didn’t know if you were just letting the words slip out due to lust. “I missed you too Ran. Fuck~~~~” you tremble whispered looking up at him. The moment he picked up his speed he saw your eyes rolls back for a moment. 
“God I love you so fucking much.” panting as his mind fills with a pure craving for you.  Just the way you were responding to him was just like he remembered. “tell me you love me ______. Stop denying it.” his fingers trailed to your thighs gripping them  “Say it”
“I-I” you were trying to think clearly and it was hard. “I love you Ran,” Ran in the moment of lust and a sense of relief he kept repeating he loved you. You were wrapped around the three words as you kept repeating them to him back. You were the only woman he fell deeply in love with. The mother of his precious daughter, the woman he still planned to have a future with. 
 “Fuck your so wet”. His eyes glance down to his cock sliding in and out of your sweet pussy. Your cunt kept sucking his cock in. “I missed coming inside what is mine. It feels like you want me to fill that cute little pussy of yours.” 
“Don’t pull out Ran.” You whimpered pleading into your fetish of wanting to be filled up to the brim.
“Is that a request?” He cooed slyly as he looked at you “Beg for me to fill you up, come on tell me, pretty girl.” He slowed down his thrust. 
“Ran~~ please give me your~~ c-cum~~” you cried out. “Attagirl, one more thing…… Tell me who you belong to.” pulling your thighs slightly up causing you to slightly lean back on the couch. His cock inching deeper and deeper inside of your constricting cunt. “ngh~~~”  you were messing up some of the papers on the desk. Knowing he would use this against you. 
“Say it ______.” the possessive behavior came from Ran as he was fucking you. “You Ran”  the rush of heat filling your body shuddering of euphoric bliss. Your vision became foggy that moment when you looked at him you saw him with his long black and blond hair and the tender loving smile each time you both made love. Reaching to pull him down slightly towards you. You kissed him again not wanting to break the kiss.
Ran sunk into the kiss along with thrusting still in you as you held your closer. He is rapidly thrusting into your tight cunt and sending him into a thrusting frenzy trying to chase the familiar rush sensation. Flexing his jaw tightly, the warmth of his cum plunges into you deeply. Letting out a shudder moaned as he began milking his cock in and out of you.
He felt at home his knee was going to give up in a matter of seconds. Taking a few deep breaths “I love you ____.”
“I love you too Ran.” 
Seeing you makeup was slightly smeared; he didn't want you to go out like that and people know what you did. You both began to make yourself look a bit more presentable. He runs his fingers through his hair as he watches you look into the mirror fixing your makeup. There was some form of doubt you both had been thinking right now almost like you couldn’t believe you both had sex a few minutes ago. You saw Ran walking towards you through the mirror.  The comfort of his arms wrapping you from behind his head slightly buried in the crook of your neck he closed his eyes briefly softly whispering between your skin  “I love you more than anything.”
“I know you do Ran… I don’t have a doubt you do.” Just in that brief encounter right now you weren’t over him either. How easily you said I love you back to him without a doubt in your mind.  Still, that part of you didn’t want to say it back because of other situations happening. With the break-in at your home, the woman who envied you from the moment you met her, to Draken…. You criticize women about sleeping with different people but you slept with your closest friend and then the father of your daughter in a short period. You were being a hypocrite and it started to weigh in on you.
Picking his head up slightly he looked at you in the mirror seeing the almost lost look on your face as the pressure was weighing in on you like a ton of bricks. “______.”
“Yeah.” Looking at his violet eyes through the mirror. 
“I know you love me. Just a few minutes ago how you said it was just like before.”
“I’m not denying it Ran I just…there is a lot to take in that is happening…I just want to leave.”
He didn’t argue but agreed to take you back. His arms were removed from your waist. When both of you were ready to leave his office the blasting of the music hit you both. You looked around the club and didn’t see that woman around anymore. Walking out of the VIP section you tried to maneuver out of the way with Ran. A sudden chill went up your spine as if someone’s eyes were piercing through you, looking around but there were so many people. In the back corner of the club near the bar you saw a man with piercing yellow eyes, in his hands was a clear glass inside the glass was a dark liquor thinking it could be bourbon or whiskey. That moment you made eye contact with him almost stopping you. Something about his demeanor was off. By himself in the corner of the club, the distinct hand tattoo you saw that said punishment. When Ran felt you slightly slow down he looked at you, seeing your eyes in a direction. “______.” He called out through the music.
Snapping out of it when you looked at him. “Sorry I don’t know what happened.”
“Are you sure?” 
You looked at the corner of the club once more and he was gone. “Yeah.”
Proceeding to exit the club getting into his car. You got a text from Rindou along with a photo of your daughter starfished out on the large king mattress.
Rindou: She is out, she stole my bed. T-T If she isn’t her father’s daughter.
You couldn’t help but smile. Ran could see the smile tugging on your lip and the glance at your phone of his daughter knocked out. “She is definitely your daughter.”
He smiled “yeah she is.” 
Getting back to Ran’s place. The home was quiet; it made you feel a bit at ease knowing that d/n was secure with Rindou. Ran began taking off his jacket, “I’m going to head into the shower then get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.” Nodding at his response. He wanted nothing more than to ask you to join him. His hand reaching for the back of your head he leaned in pressing his lips against your forehead. He walked off toward his room.
Walking to your room you placed the bag down on the bed. Taking off your make-up, thoughts pondering into your mind. Just the kiss on the forehead made you feel relaxed. Maybe your next action was questionable you felt like you had no control over your own thoughts. Opening the door up you walked toward his room. You could hear the shower on. Entering his room he was already in the shower. Before stepping into the bathroom you began to undress. Standing bare naked in front of the bathroom door you opened it. You could see the foggy glass on the shower glass door. Rans back facing you he mustn’t have heard you come in. When opening the shower door Ran turned around to see you entering the steamed shower. His eyes trailed your naked frame before bringing his eyes back to yours. Both of you take a step closer, your body pressed against one another. The warmth of the water hits you both. Just the silence alone for the both of you was more than enough to know what one another was feeling. Just the taste of him made you hooked
Your fingers grazed his thigh till your fingers reached for his semi-hardened cock. Ran letting out a shallow breath as his eyes still focused on you. Stroking his cock slowly, feeling him twitch in your hand as she began to get harder. Ran leaned in kissing your lips, his hands sliding down your back gripping your ass cheeks firmly in his hands.
“I thought you wouldn’t have wanted more so soon?” lightly panting as you continued to stroke him. Your body pressing against the cold wet tile wall. Ran's hands gripping your thighs effortlessly lifting you off the floor. Your legs wrapped around his waist “I wanna feel your bare body against mine.” he cooed softly. “I would be lying if I said I didn't want to either…. Just don’t drop me.” 
“I wouldn’t do such a thing, you're too valuable to drop.” pressing his lips against yours. The tip of his cock slid in so easily as he held onto you. It would be sometime before you both left the shower. 
On the other side of town, Draken was having drinks with Mikey and a few others. Letting them know what happened. “Do you think Ran could have set this up?” Mikey asked.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he did because of what he found out... But if it’s a way to try and win her back I'm not backing down like that.” Draken took a drink of his beer. “She sounded frustrated on the phone. I even offered to let her and d/n stay at my place but she declined. I don't know all the details but I will see her in a few days. I told her if she needs  something to let me know.” 
“Ran is going to have her on a close scope. Highly doubt he would let her out of his sight for too long… Still, you know what might happen if she is there too long..” Mikey said. “I'm not saying she will but there is always the possibility.” “I know…” Draken kept getting flashbacks of multiple scenes with you “I know there is something there between me and her there always was something now that it is out in the air I’m not letting go.” ~~~~~
“Ran you can’t mmmm no more cum can fit inside of me ~~~~” Your hair was still damp he had to sprawl out on the couch, the incubus inside of Ran couldn’t control himself he couldn’t stop. The cum was dripping onto the sheets, even if he was feeling tired he needed to fill you just one more time. “Come on baby girl just one more time for Daddy.” he held the back of your thighs pushing them to your chest. “Take all my cum.~” he glanced down at your swollen cunt that had both of your juices on it. In the back of his mind, he may have another alternative motive to fill you up this much but he wouldn’t say it out loud. If it happened once it could happen again.
But if it happened would it be the results he wanted or someone else’s results? IF IT HAPPENS
to be continued....
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soubi122 · 11 months
How Long? PT 8 - Finale
All, this was a rollercoaster of emotions - thank you so much for your support and patience with this series.
WARNINGS: Manipulation, mentions of pregnancy, pregnancy, fear, angst, anxiety, suggestive, mentions of death/murder, cheating, overall toxic behavior, destructive behavior, smut, fluff- if I missed anything in the warnings I'm sorry!
Arriving back home, you began to plan out your revenge. How could you make him hurt as much as he’s hurt you? Could you risk setting up one of his little sidechicks to clash with his pregnant mistress and make everything come crashing down. He had plenty to choose from. Like vultures they came in to see what scraps they could get after your death. It would be risky and you would need to ask Mikey for permission, with you being back in Tokyo - your life was no longer yours. 
The sound of his phone vibrating only made you even more annoyed. You were so close to smashing it against a wall but you stopped yourself, you couldn’t destroy your evidence. Without a moment to spare, you began to print his messages, pictures included. Ugh, it made you sick to your stomach having to read these things again. Seeing all the women he was messing with and worst of all - the bullshit ‘I love yous’ that he would say. I love you. Those words meant nothing to him, he oh so casually threw them around to these women. It was like throwing bread crumbs to pigeons. They were eating that shit up and not even second guessing it.
After about an hour of printing, taping papers to the wall and making a mess out of Mikey's living room - you decided to take a break. Sprawled out on the floor, you remained quiet and stared at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity. Your vision began to get blurry and the throbbing in your chest wouldn't cease. It got worse and worse with each passing second, you ended up curling up on the floor and crying your little heart out. Even though you already made up your mind, it was still hard to get over it. The betrayal, the lies, the pain, everything… It was hitting you all at once. Ran always found a way to break you. The echoes of your cries reached Mikey as he walked through the doorway. Without hesitation he bolted to where you were. “Angel? What hap…pened?” He paused and looked around his living room. The explicit content made him feel sick. Turning to look at you on the floor, he reached over to pick you up and cradled you in his arms. Your sobs and hiccups made a pang in his chest. He hated seeing you like this, you didn't deserve any of this. 
Softly speaking and leaning in to place a kiss on your forehead, Mikey asked you to explain. After spilling your heart out to him, he embraced you tighter and apologized to you. He should have stayed with you last night but already warned you not to leave the house again. “Manjiro…I feel like I never really knew him.” You cry and bury yourself in his chest. All his bullshit ended up swallowing you whole. “I don’t know who I fell in love with….” You say softly into his chest. The poison honied tone could have made Mikey set the world on fire for you. “We’ll figure this out.” He says softly and places a kiss on your forehead. A simple well placed hand on your belly made Manjiro bite the inside of his cheek, this gesture - did you really want…one? Would you want one with him or was this a breaking point for you? 
Ran and the others continued their plans on how to contain the hellfire that was unleashed amongst Bonten. The master of keeping tabs of everyone (Sanzu), was able to track down every single person who the pregnant woman was in touch with. Kokonoi traced all call records and texts between the woman and her contacts - all her information was at their fingertips. “Remember, this needs to be a covert operation.” Kakucho said before they began hunting down all of her contacts. Needless to say, Ran was in charge of silencing his mistress. 
On the way home, Ran’s hands began to tremble - he was letting this get the better of him. The thoughts racing inside his head were making it difficult to focus on the road ahead. His car’s center console alerted him of an incoming phone call. It made his stomach drop, speak of the devil. He thought to himself when he read the caller ID. Picking up the call and answering with a dry Hello, he waited for her squeaky little voice to say babe. It was silent, he got a little irritated and was about to call out again but the sound of someone breathing heavily and sniffles made his ears perk up. “(M/N)? Oi?! Can you hear me?” He yelled and pulled over to the side of the highway. “Ran… come home - now!” Her voice was full of panic and fear. “Shit… I'm almost there.” He said and sped down the highway. Ran couldn’t afford to have her think he didn’t care about her, not when she held so much leverage against him. But what could have her all shaken up?
When he finally made it home, he was surprised to see his pregnant mistress standing by the doorway. She had tears in her eyes and the moment she saw him, she threw herself into his arms, crying and stuttering over her words. “W-who could have d-done this?” She cried and clung to him. Ran’s head turned to look through the doorway and his stomach dropped. His home was a disaster. Broken glass, torn papers, clothes and various items scattered everywhere. Was there really someone stupid enough to try and rob/trash the home of a Bonten executive? To make matters worse, what if your pregnant mistress was there at the time this took place? They would have jeopardized his plan to silence her. “Stay here.” He instructed her and walked inside. Everything was in disarray, there was no place in his home that wasn’t fucked with. Walking inside his bedroom, he saw that all his belongings were either broken or torn. What really set him off was seeing his picture frame shattered - the proposal photo of you and him was shredded. He felt his blood boil. Something caught his eye, his baton was on the floor amongst the destroyed belongings. This was personal, this was done by someone who knew of where his momentous were hidden. There were only three people in the world that knew where he kept that thing. You, Rindou and his pregnant mistress. There was no way it was Rindou as he was with Ran the entire time, it sure as hell couldn’t have been you as you were taken by Mikey and were to remain hidden until all this blows over. The only person was…her. 
To make matters worse, she was always jealous of you and begged him to get rid of your photo - she couldn’t stand the sight of it. Jealousy on a woman was always an ugly thing to him. Even if he was the cause of it. Funny how he finds jealousy appalling and yet he had the gull to come at you like that back home. Ripping up the photo seemed like something she would do. Could it have been possible that she found out about your return? Rumors could have spread the moment Ran departed for Wakkanai. She always kept tabs with the underlings, so hearing that Ran disappeared after a mysterious revelation - it wouldn’t surprise him that she knew. All fingers pointed in her direction. Walking out of his penthouse, he kept a calm demeanor and only consoled his mistress. She was genuinely terrified but all he could see was red. Playing the victim and pretending to be innocent, it suited her. “Ran, could someone be after our baby?”  She cried pathetically, in his eyes. “No, no sweetheart - unless, you told everyone already about it?” He said in a low sweet tone, the number one rule in the underground was to keep your family affairs out of the picture. She stuttered and cried even louder. “I’m so sorry, I told a few friends! I was so excited and happy to become a mother.” She blurts out and pouts. They both knew that she fucked up, it puts not only the baby at risk but it also puts Ran at risk. 
“Let’s go back to the office, you’ll be safe there…” He said and pulled her in close, the fake affections were so perfect that she didn’t suspect the real danger she was in. He was trying his hardest not to choke the life out of her. The poor girl has no idea that the devil has other plans for her. 
Bringing her back to the office, he sat her down and was being sweet to her. Coddling her and comforting her, trying to ease her worries. He felt disgusted with himself. (oh how the tables have turned) Dealing with a pregnant woman was overwhelming for him, especially when it wasn’t someone he loved. With a seductive pout, she asked Ran for a kiss - he gave it to her. It tasted bitter to him as he closed his eyes. The lips he’s kissed often now felt foreign, they felt like sandpaper against his and he compared her to you. Thinking about how your lips were soft and plush, your sweet taste and the sound of your voice. You were everything to him, you controlled his heart and had a hold on him like no other - Ran lost himself in you and ended up deepening the kiss with his mistress. She wrapped her arms around his neck and proceeded to return his misguided affection. He put his hand against her belly and caressed it, remembering you on the airplane holding that child - it made his chest hurt. He wanted nothing more than for you to carry his child. To make him a father and give him a new reason to live. With a breathy moan, Ran spoke without thinking - “Fuck… I love you so much.” This made his mistress elated, “I love you too, Ran.” This continued for several minutes until Rindou walked through his office door, “What the hell happened?” It made Ran snap out of his delusion and realize who was in front of him. He felt his heart drop. He slowly pulled away from her, making it almost seem as if he’s saddened to go. The moment he walked out the door, he made a beeline towards the men’s bathroom and rinsed his mouth. Rindou trailed behind him and tore him a new one. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” He shoved Ran and pinned him against the wall by his collar. For Rindou to go against his elder brother, it was some serious shit. “Get your shit together and make your fucking choice!” He almost snarled at Ran. The younger Haitani couldn’t stand to see Ran in this pathetic state, he could see cracks in his brother's face and only prayed that he wouldn’t crumble. The realization of his actions hit Ran like a truck, he told her he loved her. He shared emotions meant for someone else. Rindou released his brother and told him to take a few minutes to breathe and focus on eliminating the current problem. Ran felt like vomiting, anguish was eating away at him and he couldn't hold it in. Confusion plagued his mind and didn’t know left from right. He proceeded to throw up and wished you were here to assuage him. He was losing his mind.
“Did anyone say anything when I left Tokyo?” Ran asked his brother, he was pensive. He needed to formulate some sort of plan before walking back into the office. The last thing he wanted was for his mistress to catch wind of the real reason as to why she was brought to headquarters. Rindou gave him the rundown of everything that happened while he was gone. Rumors were quick to spread but only the main 8 knew the actual truth of you being alive, Mikey was quick to apprehend those who were linked to the underling that brought Ran your photo. The one thing that they were able to confirm was that the underling was not alone when he came across your photo. Whether or not it was too late to confirm how much information was leaked, no one knew. Ran needed to be on his toes around his mistress.
After about fifteen minutes, he straightened up and headed back to his office. "Baby, is everything ok?" She asked him and was about to stand up but he stuck his hand out and gestured for her to remain seated. “Who did you tell exactly and who knows that you've been staying at my place? We need to know to make sure that you and the baby will be safe.” Ran's words were laced with concern and had a hint of warmth in them. Maybe with enough sweetness she'll fess up about the incident at his apartment. “Please…” Oh how his honeyed tone of voice makes all the women fall. Even you at some point. At first she was hesitant about speaking, she didn’t want him to kill her friends and back ups. She fiddled with her hands and pouted as she remained silent and kept her head down. “Is there something you’re hiding from me?” His tone was a little cold and she immediately raised her head in a panic. The look on her face reflected nothing but fear. Maybe she said something more about the pregnancy, something that he has yet to find out. “You know the type of enemies we have. Do you want them to kill our baby?”  He asked in a low tone. 
She began to squirm in her seat and sniffle, bingo… It was her turn to talk. “Ran, I swear I didn’t mean it. I just didn’t want you to deny our baby!” He didn’t flinch, he knew he was right about her and the incident involving his home. “Explain. Now…” His mistress cracked like an egg and began to explain to him about her potential blackmailing. Yes, she found out about his trip to Wakkanai and why. Her jealousy took it too far and she didn’t want her place to be taken again. “I didn’t think that anyone would betray me like this! I was scared you’d leave me. You’d leave me for a woman who looks like (Y/N)...I know you would.” With every word she spewed, Ran was feeling his fingers twitch, how could she be this stupid? The consequences of jeopardizing a Bonten member are dire - death would have been dealt by his own hands. “I’m begging you, please - stay with me. I will do better. I won’t be able to replace her, I know that but please… give our baby a chance.” His mistress was holding her belly and on her knees at this point, begging him to stay with her. It made Ran sick. 
He had no choice but to keep her close to him, though he could not overlook her destroying his home - he needed to pretend that he accepts her and the baby. “I’ll get us a new place to stay for now - you will need to remain there and do not leave that apartment no matter what. You painted a target on your back by announcing your pregnancy. You cannot trust anyone, do you understand?” Ran signed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Making the arrangements should have been simple but he had a lot to try and salvage from his home. 
He cleared this decision with Kokonoi, no one else was to know of her location. By the end of the night, he had already sent his mistress to the new apartment and got some of her things settled there. She was foolish enough to surrender her two phones to Ran in place of a new one that only had Bonten’s contact information on it. She pretty much sent her friends to an early grave - they were being executed for the right and wrong reasons. She had no idea of what Ran was really accusing her of. 
By the end of the next day, Ran had already cleared out his penthouse with the help of a cleanup crew and was still as blind as ever. He didn't notice his extra mobile device missing, either that or he figured that she destroyed it and it got tossed with the rest of his now useless belongings. The plan proceeded in full force, the hunt was on for all her contacts and Ran continued his act. Multiple calls were made to him about the incident at his apartment. Though the rest of the group was against shielding his mistress, they understood that it needed to be done until they eliminated all threats. “I understand, please - just don’t mention any of this to (Y/N).” Ran said over the phone as he stood in his empty penthouse. Memories of his past flooded his head… Seeing you dance across the kitchen as you cooked or when you cleaned, he wanted it back. Your sweet smile was all he used to look forward to when coming home. Now, he can't even look at you without feeling guilty about everything he's done. “I don't know how long you'll be able to keep her in the dark… But she will find out and when he does - you'll lose her.” Takeomi lectured Ran. Though he didn’t need to be reminded, he accepted Takeomi’s advice. 
Several days later, Bonten had already rounded up more than half of the mistress's contacts that knew about her pregnancy. The pile of corpses only made them much more fearsome than the authorities could handle. Under the guise of 'for our baby' excuse, Ran tried to keep her disconnected from the world. He didn't allow her to call anyone, message anyone or even reach out to anyone on social media. All her phone activity was monitored and any attempt to reach out to anyone other than Ran was alerted to Bonten headquarters. His mistress was getting restless from staying in the one bedroom apartment that Ran rarely visited. When he did visit, it was only for an hour or two, it was the obligatory check-in. When he noticed her disappointment, he would bring her flowers or snacks to try and keep her as complacent as possible. His mind was so focused on her that he felt as if he was forgetting something. 
“Ran, can we go out somewhere, please?” She pouted and wrapped her arms around him. Her belly was starting to get in the way of her pressing her whole body against him. “I don’t think it’s a good idea-” He began to respond but was cut off by her pouting even more and burying herself into his chest. “I feel like I’m going insane in this apartment.” Ran knew he had to keep her happy until the final contact was tracked down. With a heavy sigh, he agreed and let her decide where she wanted to go. She wanted something sweet and they decided to visit a crepe shop. That was the only thing she shared with you, your sweet tooth. 
*back at Mikey’s* 
“Angel, he thinks his mistress was the one who trashed his home. You’re kind of off the hook…” Mikey says and gives you a pat on the head as you remain seated on the couch. You smiled softly, but there was emptiness in your eyes. You wanted to go home already, you missed your cozy home, your cafe and the cool ocean air nipping at your cheeks in the morning. “Are you going to tell him that you know?” Mikey asked, snapping you out of your daze. You felt heat creep up your cheeks, you were angry, embarrassed and hurt. Overhearing about Ran hiding his mistress and giving her an apartment, you expected nothing and yet you were still disappointed with him. He hadn’t checked in with you since that day you left the office. Ran completely forgot about you, he didn't even bother using Mikey as a messenger between the two of you. 
The days spent at Mikey’s you either slept on the couch or in his bed. Manjiro would come home and carry you to bed if you were asleep on the couch. He'd take any opportunity to get close to you without making it too obvious. However, your little loungewear had him palming himself at night or locking himself away in another room, quietly relieving his tension. It felt like old times again but he refused to do anything that could make you uncomfortable. Sometimes all you need is a single spark to set plans in motion. If all goes the way it’s supposed to, he might not have a chance to tell you how he really feels. 
With a light kiss on your forehead, Mikey prepared to leave for the office and stood up. Kokonoi needed him to sign off on a few things and also review the ongoing situation with Ran. “Can I count on you to be here before midnight?” You ask and look up at him, your cute little doe eyes made Mikey almost lose his composure. How could an innocent gesture make his member throb and twitch? This angle looked rather lewd in his eyes. He felt his heart rate spike and his mouth was salivating. All he needed was to picture his cock in your mouth and - “Mikey?” You say his name and he comes back to reality. There was an intense look in his eyes. “Hmm? Yes?” He responds with a bit of shyness. “Is there something wrong?” Shaking his head no, he swipes his thumb on your lower lip and begins to head out the door. He left you dumbfounded and your heart skipped a beat. That look in his eyes was similar to that night, only this time you are sober to see through it and understand his hunger. 
A few hours after his leave, you began to get restless and peckish. Mikey didn’t really have a lot of food at home and you haven’t left his place since - you had no choice but to step out. Easily, you can order takeout but with the cloud looming over your head, you wanted to see if a walk could make it go away. Taking precautions as always, you wore Mikey’s baggy clothes, a face mask and a hoodie. The hood was over your head and helped cover your eyes, making it harder for people to see your face. I know I promised to stay inside but I feel like I’m losing my mind. It’s just like the first time. You think to yourself and walk out the door. Taking the longest and most relaxing walk down the streets, your mind started to feel at ease. Stopping by a small crepe shop, you ordered a snack and made your way to a park that had a beautiful pond in the center. It was the Shibuya botanical garden, there was no better place to come and relax, especially by the pond. It’s not the ocean but it’s still a beautiful view. Very few people were here during the weekday, it made it so much easier to just take in the sights and light earthy scent. 
The soft cool breeze had you inhaling deeply and exhaling in bliss. Your head almost felt fuzzy, it was serene and almost quiet. Closing your eyes, you lean back into the bench and just let go of your worries. Soon this would all be over, you could go home and go back to the life you left behind. You wanted nothing more than to sink your teeth into a sandwich and a hot cappuccino, your cafe’s pastries also crossed your mind and you felt homesick. Everything started to look rather clear, that is until - “Ran, look at this! It’s beautiful.” The familiar voice pierced your ears, you opened your eyes and sat up immediately. The voice was distant but close enough for you to hear, your eyes were darting around behind you and your heart began to pound inside your chest. You were praying that it was just your imagination. Soon the voice spoke again, “Look! It’s a family of ducks, they have a baby - just like we will soon.” Her tone was warm and full of love, she was happy. Turning to your left, you saw what you wished you didn’t. It was Ran and his pregnant mistress - they were at a distance but you recognized those purple strands anywhere. They were a few benches away from you. 
You felt your heart drop to your stomach. His right arm was wrapped around her and his left hand was caressing her belly. The sweet smiles on their faces felt like a slap to the face. Their conversation carried on as if the world revolved around them and there was no one else there. Try as you might, you couldn’t hold back the tears that stung your eyes. You were preparing to leave him, yes but you never imagined seeing him with her. Not like this, not like a beautiful loving couple expecting their first child. The fire burning inside your chest only made it hurt even more, it felt like he took a knife and stabbed you with it. You overhear him say, “I’m sure our baby will be just as beautiful.” He says and cups her face, bringing her into a tender kiss, making her back face you. He looked genuinely content and his body language suggested he made his decision. He was going to keep his mistress and the baby at his side. When he pulled away, he said something - something that plunged the knife even further into your chest. I love you. You didn’t have to hear it to know, the way his lips mouthed those words…it was as clear as day. 
Keeping your hood on, you removed the face mask so that your face could be seen. You wanted him to notice you. Standing up to walk in his direction, you looked straight at him and waited for your eyes to connect. Too lost in his own little charade, he didn’t notice you until it was too late, when he looked up - he froze. You just passed them and continued walking, the look in your eyes made him feel fear for the first time in his life. It was intense and it looked like everything was happening in slow motion. He felt a lump in his throat and his pulse quickened. He looked visibly distraught. “Ran? What’s wrong?” His mistress said and cupped his cheek. He felt his world tip on its axis and he felt as if he couldn’t breathe. There was no mending the threads that unraveled. 
His next move made your blood boil even more, he snatched your wrist and yanked it towards him. “Baby, wait!” His mistress was caught off guard with his actions, who the fuck was he calling baby? When she leaned to the side to see who he was talking to, her expression dropped - it’s as if she saw a ghost. “Y-you… you’re alive?” She stuttered and held her belly in a protective manner. Your eyes never left Ran, the fire in them was smoldering him and he had nowhere to hide from it. “T-This isn’t what you think!” The loud sound of a smack made his mistress flinch. “Fuck you Haitani…” You spat and pulled away from him. Twice he’s felt the sting of your hand and it never got any easier. “He’s all yours…congratulations.” You say coldly and turn to leave. Behind you, you could hear him taking a step forward only to stop when his mistress screams his name. 
He was caught between a rock and a hard place. If he leaves now, she will not hesitate to make calls or scream out for help and draw attention. Bonten was also on the line. If he stays, he loses you forever. The pain in his chest only made it harder as you continued to walk away. He never thought…well that’s the thing - he never thinks. He didn’t think he was going to get caught, not after being so close to rounding up all his mistresses contacts. He would have gotten rid of her and had you in his arms. A Haitani always gets what he wants but this time the gods put a stop to their reign of ignorance. Clenching his fists, he turns his back on you. He made the hardest choice in his life, a choice that severed your ties for good.
Immediately heading back to Mikey’s place, you packed up what you could and booked the first flight back home to Wakkanai. There were no second thoughts and you couldn’t take it anymore. You didn’t know if it was heartbreak or disappointment. You thanked the undergods that you were able to book the last flight of the day. The flight leaves in 5 hours, it was enough time to make it to the airport and through check out. You could feel your hands shaking as you made your way out the door and into a cab, the driver looked rather concerned. “Are you alright?” His soft tone made you bite back tears. “Oh, yes. It just feels bittersweet to go home.” You say and smile, trying to hide the maelstrom of emotions bubbling inside you. The ride carried on in silence. Looking out the window, you could only see those images flash in your mind. His arms around her and caressing her belly, you felt nauseous and disgusted with yourself. He made ‘love’ to you - he said he wanted a family with you when he already had started a family with another woman. Your head kept pounding and pounding, trying to massage your temples didn’t help - it felt like your skull was about to crack. “I know I’m not supposed to do this but, here. Please take this.” The driver says and hands you a small paper pouch. It was migraine medicine, the strong stuff too - this man was an angel. Taking the medication from between the slit in the divider - you thanked him and swallowed the pills. 
Once at the airport - you thanked him, paid and left him a hefty tip. What he said next made you pause, “Whatever you’re going through, I wish you the best. Just know you’re not alone.” It made you think about the one person who never failed you. Manjiro. You smiled and thanked him once more before walking away. 
At the counter, you present your ticket and finish the check in process. The moment you passed through airport security, you felt your phone vibrate - it was an unknown number. Ignoring it, you put your phone on airplane mode and sit in the waiting area until it’s time to board. Life really had it out for you, there were a few pregnant women or families with kids. Could it be any more obvious that life with a family would be impossible for you? After this, you didn’t want to open your heart again nor fall in love again. The taste of freedom was bitter.
Nothing echoed louder than the announcer calling out boarding numbers. It spooked you and made you jump, you were so lost in thought, that you weren’t really paying attention to your surroundings as much. You had to drown out the moms, the kids, the infants… it all made your skin crawl. Taking your place, you were grateful that you were placed all the way in the back and away from everyone. It wasn’t a full flight so your row was empty. When all lights dimmed, you laid your head back and felt your ears pop. The attendants would ask you every now and then if you needed anything as you looked dazed and your eyes were glossy. You would smile and respond softly, “Yes, I’m alright - it’s just an emotional homecoming.” It was a half truth but one that allowed you to keep the attendants from prying too much. 
The two hour flight felt like an eternity. While the plane was in taxi, you removed your phone from airplane mode - it stayed quiet for a total of 45 seconds before it kept buzzing non stop. The slew notifications wouldn’t stop, you were getting messages from Mikey and unknown numbers. You didn’t have the heart to open any of the messages, not at least until you got home - breaking down in public was not something you wanted. The cab ride was quick and quiet, the people on this side of the island kept to themselves. Stepping foot inside your home, you threw yourself on the couch and broke down. At this point, you didn’t know what you were crying for anymore. Was it over Ran, was it out of frustration, self pity or just everything all together? It felt like you had no more tears left after a good thirty minutes of crying. You were screaming into the couch pillows and clutching your chest. Nothing you did made sense anymore. Should you have gone to Bonten headquarters to tell Mikey? Should you have just stayed at his place until he came back and then asked for permission to leave? Would Ran have kept you waiting until it was too late? All the questions swirled inside your head and you felt like you were drowning. Your body was having a full blown panic attack when you looked at the messages from Mikey. Words could not describe his responses. His messages were as follows:
Thursday at 1236. From Manjiro: Did you book a flight back home?! The credit card pinged a large transaction with an airline. End.
Thursday at 1246. From Manjiro:  Where the hell are you? End. Thursday at 1301. From Manjiro: (Y/N), I’m begging you - pick up the damn phone. End. Thursday at 1305. From Manjiro: Angel, you need to tell me what’s going on. Please. End. Thursday at 1341. From Manjiro: I told you not to leave the house for a reason. Ran just came into the office with his pathetic heart in his hands. End. Thursday at 1403. From Manjiro: You should have come to me first… End. Thursday at 1459. From Manjiro: I know by the time you open these messages - you will probably already be home. Please, just call me when you can so that I know you’re alright. End.
Laying on that couch staring at the ceiling after your breakdown, your body felt numb. Your vision was coming in and out of focus, your hearing would fade in and out and your limbs felt like lead. Something inside you was screaming that you betrayed Manjiro. He trusted you and yet you didn’t even bother trying to confide in him. Everything was twisted and distorted in your eyes. Before you could even fade into the abyss, you heard your phone ping one more time. It was the unknown number and you didn’t even bother to open the messages - not until you looked closer at the phone number did you realize it was Ran’s phone number. The abyss swallowed you whole and you passed out on the couch - dropping the phone on the floor and could hear nothing more than your heart slowly beating. 
Morning came and the slivers of sunlight slowly crawled their way through your blinds. The sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks at a distance was like a lullaby that you couldn’t help but welcome. No more cars zooming and honking, no sirens and no people. Tokyo couldn’t compare to your little treasure cove. However, the realization of having to abandon this home came crashing down on you. Now that Ran knows where you are - what’s stopping him from coming here again? Hoping into the shower, you washed up and let the hot water cleanse your skin - almost burning away Ran’s touch. When the burn became too much, you stepped out and wrapped yourself in a towel - still dazed and confused. You didn’t know what you were doing anymore. Could you even afford to start over without Manjiro’s help? 
Walking into your bedroom, you stripped your bed of the sullied bedsheets. Ran’s cologne lingered in the sheets - fuck he stained anything he touched. When your bed had fresh sheets, you threw yourself face first into the mattress - his scent was gone. Reaching for your phone, you scroll to find Mikey’s name in your contacts and hesitate to call him. You were afraid of what he might say. You shut your eyes and tapped the call button and waited for him to answer. The lump in your throat was making it hard to swallow and you felt your hands tremble. It didn’t even take one ring before he picked up your call. “Angel?” His voice was as sweet as honey and you couldn’t help but feel tears prick your eyes. “Manjiro…I’m so sorry.” You sniffle and repeat your apology. “I’m sorry, I just-” He cut you off and spoke while keeping a sweet tone. “Can you explain everything to me after you open the door?” Huh? Your mind short circuited for a moment. “W-What?” You stutter your response and sit up. “I said open the door, (Y/N).” He chuckles and knocks on the door. The knock echoed in your ears and you ran to the door, swinging it open rather violently in disbelief.  
Standing on the other side was Manjiro. His soft smile made your knees weak and you dropped down, still in disbelief that he was standing here. You waited for three years for him to come see you and now he’s here. Though the circumstances could be better - he was here for you. Picking you up off the floor, he pulled you in and closed the door behind him. Burying your face into his chest, you sob and clutch his jacket. Between sobs you spoke, “Tell me this isn’t a dream…you’re here.” It felt too good to be true. When he pulled away to cup your face, you could see the pain in his eyes. “You left without saying anything…” He leaned in and brushed his lips against yours. His breath fanned your lips and he dove straight into them when you hiccuped. You began to walk backwards, guiding him towards your bedroom, there was fear inside you. You wanted to make sure that he was as far away from the door as possible, you were scared he’d leave.
He made Ran’s bitter taste go away. Plush lips continued to kiss you and ease your mind. He wasn’t upset nor reprimanding you. “Manjiro, I'm so sorry.” You cry and wipe the tears from your eyes. Admitting that you were out of line was hard, you were so angry that you couldn't see past his concern. In a way he felt that you might take his visit the wrong way and say that he was taking advantage of your damaged state. But you weren’t just damaged goods, you were human, a woman that deserved the world and more. If Ran couldn’t be man enough to tell you the truth about the pregnancy and ended up hurting you more than what he already has - maybe you would close your heart and no longer let anyone in. Mikey decided to risk it at all and depart Tokyo - he didn’t care how it looked to anyone else. Sanzu already knew, there was no hiding it from him anymore. Not when Manjiro asked Kokonoi to find him the next flight to Wakkanai. He gave no explanation when asked why he’s giving chase to someone who was meant to be already dead. However, he did tear Ran a new one before he left. 
You spoke and blurted out all the things that were ringing inside your head. “I flinched…I fucking flinched and he enjoyed every second seeing me squirm.” He let you continue your rant. “You must think I’m pathetic for allowing myself to falter not once, not twice but thrice.” He understood your position and also the risk you were taking when he gave the order to come back to Tokyo. However, he miscalculated Ran’s fuck up. The pregnancy threw everyone for a loop. “Leaving him was the best thing you could have done.” He tries to reassure you. No, Ran left you for a second time. He let you go, all you did was sit and wait patiently for him. “He’s a fool, even I could have told you that.” Mikey’s words rang true. He felt your body tense up and hiccup, you were crying. 
On the island, you thought things would have been different, that Ran would have changed - he was desperate enough to come find you. You thought it was out of love, but it wasn’t. He was only trying to convince you to love him again so that he could get even with you. His ego was bruised and he wanted nothing more than to put you in your place. You thought maybe, just maybe, that Ran would have at least lived a better life after your so-called death. Perhaps it would be a wake up call or something. Mikey gave you an update not long after you left for Wakkanai - Ran was distraught and hurting. Your death affected him more than you thought. All updates about Ran stopped after you begged Mikey not to talk about him anymore. Things just never worked in your favor. Stumbling upon his other women, the pregnancy and now his intimate moment with his mistress - you felt disgusting, you felt used and dirty. 
Looking up at him you realized that Manjiro gave you everything you ever wanted - love, affection, loyalty, sincerity and a sense of security. Not once has he ever given you a reason to distrust him or doubt your feelings for him. Even now, knowing that Ran claimed your body, he hasn’t left your side and hasn’t blamed you for being human. 
An overwhelming sense of longing and desire took over, making you guide Mikey to the edge of the bed, pushing him into it and straddling his lap. “A-angel…what are you-” He stuttered and couldn’t even finish asking his question when you cut him off by kissing him. Your tongue darted into his mouth and dominated him. He tried to get you to stop so that he could catch his breath, but you were making his mind go blank. It's as if you latched on to him for dear life and didn't want to let go. When he managed to get some space in between the two of you, you felt pain. Plaguing your very thoughts were images of Ran with other women, the woman who was expecting his child, the very moment he made love to you on Wakkanai… It burned. You wanted to get rid of Ran's touch and his memory, and there was only one way how. “...help me.” You whisper into his lips, breath shaky and heart pounding - your plea broke his heart. You were so desperate, you'd even sell your soul to the devil himself to get rid of Ran's memory. 
How could he deny your cry for help? Without hesitation, he rolled you over and devoured your neck - giving you open mouth kisses, bites and hickeys. No one else mattered at this point in time. If this is what you wanted then he will give it to you. Mikey sat up and looked into your eyes, the light was fading and he couldn't have that. “I’ll take care of you… I’ll love you and give you anything and everything…” He spoke with a bit of worry on his tongue. Your response would either make or break him, it was a confession. Taking in a deep breath and placing your hands over your heart you exhale slowly. “You’re the only one who can fix my heart, Manjiro.” Your words not only gave him the green light, but they also meant that you were giving yourself to him. 
Mikey removed your towel and drank in your nude figure, he ran his calloused hands on your chest relishing in the softness of your skin. Your body was heaven to him, you were beautiful and seeing you so vulnerable - he knew you needed him. His hands roughly rolled your nipple between his fingers, it made you mewl and screw your eyes shut. Your moans made his member throb uncontrollably, three years of waiting - it was too much. Dipping down to place his mouth on your nipple, he trailed his hand lower to your honeypot and into your wet folds. The warmth had him on cloud 9. Sucking and biting your nipple, he roughly massaged your clit and played with the slick that was pooling. Without warning, he thrusted two fingers in your core and made your back arch like a cat. His thick fingers were stretching you out and hitting that spongy spot that had you drooling like a whore in heat. 
“Mhn…Manjiro-fuck fuck!” You moan loudly and grip the back of his head. The silver stands were now tangled between your fingers, he enjoyed having you at his mercy. As your hips rolled into his touch, you felt him bite your nipple, the pain made your mind focus only on him. Your moans echoed in the bedroom and you could have sworn that the neighbors could hear you. The way your walls kept clenching around his digits, it only made him bite harder. Your plea to erase Ran from your skin, Manjiro took it literally. Soon, your chest was riddled in bitemarks. Withdrawing his fingers from your messy hole he turned you over on your stomach - leaning in, he slowly slid himself inside you. As he did, he bit down on your shoulder. The sensation made you moan into the pillows and clench the bed sheets. To feel you again, to have you beneath him, Mikey thought that he was about to blow his load when he bottomed out. 
“Ngh… I’ve missed you so much, angel-oh fuck…” He moans into your shoulder. His shaky breaths and tremble of his lips against your skin had you mesmerized and drowning in a maelstrom of emotions. With his hands on your hips, he raised them higher so that he could get a deeper angle and hit that sweet spot. His hips thrusted slow and deep, he was giving you every ounce of love that you deserved. To feel how passionate he was with you, there was no doubt in your mind that he truly loved and cared for you. More and more you felt your mind at peace, leaving Tokyo was the right thing to do. 
Mikey’s nails were digging into your hips and his feral grunts sounded like a sweet symphony to your ears. Heaven was knocking on your door the moment he thrusted his his cock into your fluttering walls. “Three years… Ngh-three fucking years… ahn…” He was almost whimpering as he spoke. “I've waited and waited-Mmm…” His thrusts were getting rougher and the pressure on your hips had you biting the pillow. Mikey's breath catches in throat as he feels you clench around his length. No one could hold a candle to you, you were everything and Ran gave it all up. “Manjiro!” You yell and moan into the pillow as he keeps hitting your sweet spots over and over again. “Y-you… Oh fuck…fuck…” He tries but he can't even form a sentence without stuttering or even cursing. This was beyond desire, this was love and devotion. His right hand searched for yours, lacing his fingers with yours and resting his forehead against your shoulder. This intimate moment meant more to Mikey than anything else in the world. 
The bed continued to creek non stop with each thrust that Mikey gave you. Your left hand was gripping the headboard, trying to keep it from slamming too hard into the wall and also to help brace yourself. His hips stuttered and he slowed his pace when he felt infinity beginning to claw its way out. When he pulled out, you felt your body shudder - his warmth made you feel alive and now it’s gone. Whimpering, you turn back to look at him and he’s panting. His lips are parted and his silver tresses are a mess, that endless void in his eyes began to show a glimmer of light. Sitting up on his knees Mikey rolled you over onto your back, raised your hips and lifted your leg over his shoulder. He slid his length between your folds teasingly and his hand traced circles on your bundle of nerves. Your body trembled when he put more pressure on your clit, that same hand pushed his cock through your entrance and made you raise your hips even more. Manjiro didn’t even need to tell you what to do next, you moved your hips closer - letting him sink in and gain more friction against your clit. He smirked. “Good girl…you want to cum, yeah?” You nodded and whimpered a yes. He controlled your hip movement and leaned back a little, causing you to lose friction on the part you wanted it the most. 
“M-Mikey…” You mewled and tried to sit up but his hand pressed you down into the mattress. He chuckled when you pouted. The look on your face was desperate, he enjoyed it - you were desperate for him, no one else but him. He tortured you just a little more before rolling over and placing you on top of him. The angle was beautiful, seeing you on top of him had his heart feeling full. “Make me cum too, (Y/N)...” Ohh that tone, it made your pulse race and your walls fluttered. Placing your trembling hands against his chest you began to bounce up and down his length at a slow pace. You could feel your thighs shake as he suddenly thrust upward as you came down, making you moan loudly - he was blurring your vision. Quickening your pace, you threw your head back and dragged his length through your velvet walls. Sounds of slick, moans and skin slapping echoed in that room - if you could make an NSFW ASMR video, this would be it. It all sounded so lewd and perfect. Feeling every vein, every throb and every twitch of his cock dragging inside you, you repeated his name over and over again.
Just when you thought you were going to float off into the abyss, Mikey reached for you - his hand was placed behind your neck and he pulled you in for a sloppy kiss. You paused for just a few seconds to try and catch your breath. He snatched the air out of your lungs when he dug his fingers into your hips and warned you. “I didn’t say stop…” Cupping his face, you lean into him and arch your back, the curved angle had his cock hitting that spongy spot with ease. His stomach was flexing with each move, Mikey was getting close - his raspy grunts were a clear indicator. Breathing him in you felt a high like you’ve never felt before. All you could think about was him. He made your mind go blank and pushed every other thought out of your head. Who were you crying about earlier? Whose lavender orbs were lingering in your thoughts? You couldn’t remember anymore.
Mikey held your body close, your clit was receiving so much friction that your thighs were starting to shake, “F-fuck…oh fuck…” You moan and close your eyes, floating off into the clouds as your orgasm crashes into you. The sensation had you going faster, to the point where he had to hold your hip in place or his cum would drip out. “Ahn, (Y/N)...” He moans and braces for his second - yes…his second orgasm. You were so caught up in Mikey’s scent and voice that you didn’t hear him say he was cumming the first time. It was already too late, your sheets were a complete mess by the time you both stopped moving. A mix of your juices and his thick cum stained the sheets. You were both left breathless and in a daze, this moment felt the closest to heaven than anything in the world.
These feelings were finally set free, he was the person who you wanted to be with, he was the person that made everything right and kept your heart at ease. Resting your head on his shoulder, you feel his heartbeat against yours. It sounded like a lullaby - one that you wouldn’t mind listening to for the rest of your life. This blissful moment came to an end when the sound of Manjiro’s going off made you both flinch. When he tried to move, you pinned him down and tears were beginning to prick your eyes again. You wanted him to just let it ring so that you could savor this just a little longer. Panting and coming down from your high, you leaned in to crash your lips on his, kissing him and devouring him.  “...stay.” You cry between each kiss. “Don’t leave…” For three years you waited for him to walk through that door and now that he’s here, you don’t want him to leave. You had absurd hopes, you are asking the head of Bonten to drop everything for you. Rolling you over so that you both were on your sides, he wrapped his arms around you and exhaled. His gesture told you everything you needed to know, he was leaving the next day - he only came here to see you one last time. 
“I know I can’t ask you to come back to Tokyo and I can’t ask you to wait for me…” He spoke and nuzzled his face against yours. Closing your eyes, you braced yourself - what was he going to say next?
*2 years later*
The sensation of someone touching your face woke you up from your nap. Dazed and confused, you open your eyes and see the culprit. Blonde tresses and dark eyes, yet their smile felt like the sun. Chubby little fingers were now poking your face and their face was now in your face. “M-ma…” Your one year old son babbles and smiles at you. “Akio…shouldn’t you be napping?” You say to your child as if he could understand you. Sitting up, you check the time and smile when you open the message notification. Picking up your kiddo, you get ready with them - shower and change. Going about your day, you caught up with errands and came home. It was already late afternoon, possibly around 17:30. In the kitchen you prepare to eat and feed the baby, midway into feeding and you hear the front door open. The sound of someone dropping luggage and footsteps coming closer makes your heart skip a beat, and finally… “Angel…I’m home.” The sound of Mikey’s voice echoed, you were just about to respond but baby Akio decided to respond for you by babbling loudly. He recognized the sound of his father’s voice. 
When Mikey walks into the kitchen his eyes soften, seeing the beautiful sight in front of him makes his heart melt. You were sitting with the baby on your lap and when your eyes met his - he came closer to plant a kiss on your lips. You feel the baby being lifted from your lap, Manjiro picks him up and embraces his son - that child is all Manjiro, hardly even looks like you. His first born, his pride and joy that he only gets to visit once every two months. “You better not be keeping your mom up at night kiddo, I’ll kick your little ass if you are.” He whispers loud enough for you to hear him. “Manjiro!” You say and laugh. 
Manjiro’s proposal was to relocate to Okinawa as there were more available flights and you’d still be able to start a new life. That night he came to visit you in Wakkanai - he stayed only for a day but planned your futures together. No, he couldn’t leave Boten and is still head of the organization but gets about 2 weeks of leave every two months. He promised you the world and he gave it to you. Well, the baby was a surprise but still - they were your world. The others kept their same duties and their distance. There was only one other person who checked in with you and that was Sanzu - he couldn’t help but be elated that he was an uncle. Not to mention that it’s his King’s heir… 
The bitter feelings with Ran settled, you no longer held any resentment for him. If anything you felt sympathy, it turned out that his mistress’s child wasn’t his. He went through all that only to find out that it’s another man’s child. The truth came to light 8 months after the child was born. The underlings began to point out the difference in appearance when the baby got a little older. It looked nothing like Ran or even Rindou. Once the paternity test was done and the results confirmed their suspicion - you can say that he had lost his shit and threw them out, baby and all. He was trying his best to be a better person, to do right at least by you - he knew you’d never forgive him for forsaking his blood. Karma had other plans for him. Now he’s much more careful with who he sleeps with. When the rest of Bonten found out about your relationship with Mikey, it broke him. He couldn’t wrap his head around the thought of you being with someone else, even if that person was his boss. He begged to see you, but was only given a single phone call. He broke down and bursted into tears, apologizing to you and he let everything out. From the beginning of your relationship to the bitter end - it was a weight that was lifted off his shoulders. This call put out the fires in each other’s hearts. No, you didn’t forgive him but you both came to terms with everything that happened. Now you were just strangers to each other, nothing more and nothing less. 
Throughout the evening, Manjiro spent time with his son - allowing you to also catch a break from being a mom. Preparing your son for bedtime, Mikey takes him to his room and you can hear Akio coo at Mikey. “P-pa…papapa” Fifteen minutes roll by as you wait in the living room for Mikey to come back. Laying back, you see him tiptoe back, he looks a little worn out - putting a baby to sleep is hard. Collapsing into your chest, he groans and wraps himself around you. “You ok daddy?” You ask playfully and stroke his hair. Nodding and burying himself deeper into your chest, he hums and says yes. “Everyday Akio looks more and more like you. Are you sure he’s my baby? It’s like you gave birth to him or cloned yourself.” You chuckle and continue to stroke his hair. Mikey sits up quickly and stares into your eyes with a serious look. Perhaps this was not the right thing to say knowing what happened to Ran. He leans slowly, you were a little worried until he placed a tender kiss on your lips. “Yeah? Wanna try again?”  He says and wiggles his eyebrows up and down, the mischievous smirk on his face hints at making another baby. ❤️
TAGS: @rinrinfoxy @mor-pheus @no-signal  @namelessnikki2 @gabi-moureira @spookys-s @slvtmeow @jinii-desu @mmmaaannnsssiii @3xchooo @kokotakeomi @no-name-jack @barriesandcrem @reidsmexyconverse @waterfallsdown @1980losersliveinme @gabytodd @simp4ren @fffsksixj @whatsonthemirror @jcrml @reiners-milkbiddies @unr-u-1y @bakugosgf2005  @whoisneth  @bluephoenix908  @asmosslut @laurenzitaa @uniqueeggtoast @arlertsbaby @ilivefortheleague @mytaiyakeylover @niko-ash @anxious-chick
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theoutcastrogue · 4 months
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RIP William Anders, the Apollo 8 astronaut who took the iconic Earthrise photo in 1968.
Here's why I adore this photo, enormous cliché notwithstanding.
1) Oh this is a stupid gorgeous planet that we have. Look at it! Just look at it! This shot is close enough for earth to be immediately recognisable and breathtakingly beautiful, but not too close: it doesn't invite you to zoom in and worry about silly things like borders, it invites you to take a step back (well the camera took a step back for you!) and take it ALL in, with a different perspective – from a different celestial body, a whole other world.
2) It's not really an earthrise, though. There's no such thing as an earthrise from the moon, because it's gravitationally locked to the earth. So from our perspective it rises and sets, wanes and waxes, and we only ever see one side of it (the other one is famously dark), while from the moon's perspective the earth is either always visible, or (if you're on the dark side of the moon) never visible.
The "earthrise" effect came from the trajectory of the Apollo 8 mission: it circled around the moon, without landing, and as it was moving from above the dark side of the moon towards the light one, the earth slowly emerged into view, and appeared to "rise". This is essentially a trick photo – photography is the perfect medium for deceiving without actually lying. And what a deception!
So why does that matter? It matters because this picture is simultaneously a revelation and an illusion, thus combining the two cornerstones of science, and indeed of that basic stance of curiosity we need to maintain towards the world around us: DELIGHT and DOUBT. They don't sabotage each other, they're complementary!
So that's what Earthrise tells me: question everything, be inspired by everything. Also, we only have one home and we need to fucking share it, and not fucking destroy it. But perhaps that's better illustrated with the Pale Blue Dot and similar.
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bonus pic: The dark side of the moon, with earth in the background. Photo captured by China's Chang'e 5 test vehicle in 2014, from just past the halfway point on its lunar-looping test flight. Isn't it amazing?
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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Spitfire Tr.8, Duxford
@ron_eisele via X
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ghettobillgates · 2 years
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humor-y-videojuegos · 11 months
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Zaxxon 🏢 Sega 📅 1982 🖥 Apple II, Arcade, Atari 8-bit, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, DOS, Handheld Electronic LCD, Intellivision... #videogames
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bruitmoderniste · 5 months
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industrial jammin'
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challahbread · 11 months
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snailobituaries · 2 years
That’s it. Bard alum are never allowed to play root again unless they graduated >10 years ago or have a note from their doctor saying they don’t have a inferiority complex or a gear fetish
#back in my day...#YOUR DAY WAS TWO YEARS AGO SHUT UP!!!!!#why do you only have a 1/8 inch to 1/8 inch TRS cable#you need an aux to 1/4 inch#ITS NEVER BEEN A PROBLEM BEFORE STOP SHOWING OFF#It's just always so plainly obvious with these types that they have never secured a gig without a substantial amount of (bard-adjacent)#connections but want to make current bard students THINK that they are some sort of big time hot shot artist#you played THE SCHOOL CAFETERIA last semester hot shot#slow your roll#and I always let it get to me!#every time!#because like them I am also insecure about my place in the imaginary music scene#as a venue manager and a technician#It's like they always go out of their way to not-so-subtly remind me that I am a STUDENT manager for a STUDENT venue and have a STUDENT'S#understanding of music tech#and barely even that#They need me to know my place because they have no idea what there's is#Playing at their former (barely) college venue brings up all these feelings about the trajectory of their professional careers and identity#as a musician and an artist#And they take alllllllll that insecurity#and put it into a big ol slimy bucket#and dump it on my FUCKING HEAD#and oh huh weird coincidence it's always cishet men how TOTALLY BIZARRE#I know the best response would be to shrug it off#oh we don't have the equipment you wanted#sorry we're DIY baby I do not know what you are talking about and I do not care#unfortunately i care A LOT#I CARE WAY TOO MUCH WHICH IS WHY THERE'S NOT GARBAGE PILED SO HIGH IN THE BATHROOM YOU CANT OPEN THE DOOR LIKE HOW IT WAS IN YOUR DAY#WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE GO GET A GIG AT AVALON OR SOMETHING#I think I need to start carrying my clonopin around with me at all times
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sweet-little-dude · 2 years
thoughts on tokyo revengers, chapter eight.
warnings: depictions of suicide
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i want someone to look at me the way akkun does to takemichi
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THEM!!!!!!!! THEY ARE SO !!!!!!!!!!! (im very ill abt them)
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had to be one of the scariest panels ngl, only bcuz of how serious he was
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:( akkun deserved better
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:(((((((((( big fat massive sad
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he deserves the world god please
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arconinternet · 2 years
Dung Beetles/Tumble Bugs/Mega-Bug (Apple II/Atari 8-bit/TRS-80 CoCo, Steven R. Bjork/Bob Bishop/Mark Riley, 1982)
The Pac-Man clone that puts the format under the magnifying glass. Your trail isn't an obstacle like in Snake or Tron - it's your dung, which the beetles you must avoid will happily collect. You can play three versions in your browser here.
Apple II controls: IJKM. Atari 8-bit controls: F1 and numpad 8462 (0 - the fire button - may or may not be required). TRS-80 CoCo controls: space and arrows.
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nicolaspaganini · 2 years
Set live ableton + roland tr8 + nord lead a1
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casuallyceltic · 2 years
Nah but Ryuseii having a fear of dogs is so refreshing!!!
I'm in the same boat and even though it's played for laughs in the manga, it's still a deviation from the norm in my book!
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