c00kiesart · 3 months
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Lil sweet sneak peek 🧁
Inspo ;
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haruka-norikoyo · 3 months
Monoma x reader who is Mirio’s younger sibling
Okay, ya’ll know how Mirio out-of-pocketly told Eri that Monoma is the bad part of UA? Like bro was being insane but damn— Eri was scared of him for a while cause of that 😭
So like, what if he kept that energy up cause reader, his younger sibling, is dating Monoma? He would be hilarious as a passive aggressively protective older brother. Poor Neito, LMFAO
Part 1/?
Other parts:
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s bedtime for the students of class 1-B. Most of the students in the dorm are sound asleep, or at least, in their rooms getting ready for bed. But for Monoma, this hour is his only opportunity to sneak into the common room window now that everyone lives in dorms to meet with his significant other. Why the secrecy? Well, you so happened to have been put into 1-A after you both graduated middle school.
“I might not be able to bring you back until the dorms, but I could at least walk you halfway, you know?” Monoma says was he rests his arm out the window, his fingers threading against your up-stretched hand. “I wouldn’t want you walking on your own.” “Well, you could always be the one to visit me,” you tease, knowing he would never be caught dead within the premises of your class’ dorm. He scoffs, squeezing your hand as he looks away. “I would if your stupid classmates didn’t have godforsaken sleep schedules…”
Unlike his classmates at 1-B, Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima, Hagakure and Sero wake up in the most random hours, or stay in the common room and play uno until the devil’s hour. Tokoyami is basically nocturnal. Aoyama sometimes goes out of his room for a midnight cheese. Koda has a pet rabbit, so he sometimes wakes up to get food in the kitchen for it. Bakugo sleeps at 8:00pm on the dot, but he, Iida, Midoriya, and YaoMomo are early risers, which too, throws a wrench in your star crossed lovers charade. Technically there is a curfew, but Aizawa himself cherishes his few of hours of sleep, so he doesn’t bother badgering them to go to sleep. If they end up coming to class sleepy, well…
Your only solace is the 1-B dorm, where everyone goes to bed at a reasonable time, with the nigh nocturnal students like Kuroiro at least staying at their rooms. “I guess that’s true…” you smile wryly. “But you know, we could always make our relationship… known..?” You look up at him a little hopefully. The two of you got together near the end of middle school, so you never got the chance to announce it to anyone, especially here at UA with the class rivalry going on. Monoma rests his chin on his hand. “…you know I’d look like the biggest idiot if after all I’ve said, I turned out to be dating someone from 1-A.”
“Yeah, but you’re my idiot,” you smile sweetly, standing on your tiptoes to lean in and peck his cheek. “Mwah.”
“Gee thanks,” He rolls his eyes, pink dusting his cheeks. He pauses a second, moving your hand up to plant a delicate kiss on your knuckles. “…I’ll think about it.”
You smile. “Thank you, Neito.” As you withdrew your hand, his fingers follow yours for another second of your fleeting touch. You squeeze his hand one more time, and let go, using it to wave. “See you again tomorrow.”
Monoma sighs, and smiles. “See you again.” He waves. You retreat back to your dorm, and his hand which was holding yours remained reaching longingly. Maybe the humiliation he imagines would be worthwhile if he gets to spend another moment with you. But, he’ll think about that another time.
He yawns, heading back to his room. The lights are all off, but he manages with the flashlight on his phone. The dorm hallway is nothing eerie. At least, as long as he doesn’t notice the pair of eyes watching him. Monoma reaches his room. He’d already brushed his teeth and changed to his sleepwear previous to meeting with you, so all that’s left to do is go to bed. He reaches for the covers.
“Wh— eahhh!!!” Monoma screams, tripping on his own feet as he drew back from the face within his pillows. Wait a second, where is the body?!
He calms down, taking deep breaths as he stared at the face peeking out. The face stares back. He stays staring.
“What’re your intentions with my younger sibling?”
“Huh?” Monoma blinks. Bitch who the fuck? He doesn’t know anyone in particular who’s a younger sibling that he might’ve wronged. He doesn’t think a villain would get into UA— is this just 1-A messing with him? “Who even are you?”
“My name is Togata Mirio, nice to finally meet you,” he responds, still with only his face peeking out of the pillows. “Togata..? You don’t happen to be… (y/n)’s… older brother..?”
“Ah jeez, you’re already in first name basis?”
Monoma stares at the face poking out of his pillows. (Y/n) did mention having an older brother who’s in the hero course… but they look nothing alike!
“I bet you’re thinking that we don’t look anything alike, huh?”
Can he read my mind?! Monoma shakes his head. This is his first time meeting his partner’s family, he’s gotta pull himself together. Standing up, he dusts himself off. “I assume that you’re here to see if I’m worthy of (y/n).”
Mirio stays silent, his unreadable smile remaining on his face
Monoma takes a deep breath. “I intend to cherish (y/n), and treat them with all the respect they deserve. I’ll continue striving to be a hero by their side so that I may be the one to protect them when they’re too focused of protecting others. I intend to spend the rest of my life with (y/n).” He sweats. Mirio’s expression did not change at all in the time he’d said all that. “I see. Those are very big claims,” Mirio says. “I don’t doubt (y/n)’s judgement. They’re a capable kid. However…”
Monoma gulps.
“To be frank, I do not like you, or anyone with the chance of breaking my little sibling’s heart for that matter. If you ever hurt (y/n), I’ll pummel you till your mama don’t know ya.”
Huh? “Hold on a second, that phrase…” He smiles wryly, his formalities going out the window at this revalation. It’s the phrase he’d been teaching the abroad student, Tsunotori, while Kendo wasn’t looking.
“Yep, that’s right Monoma Neito. I’m in your walls. Haha, literally.”
With one eye twitching as he smiles, he asks, “That’s a breech of privacy, is it not, Onii-san? Why would you tell me this as an aspiring hero?”
“Because no one,” he could see the evil intent in those round blue eyes. “will ever believe you.”
“You evil bastard—”
“Monoma!” yells Awase, who’s in the room beside his. “The walls are thin! Stop talking to yourself! It’s 12:00 am, go to bed!”
He turns. “I’m not talking to myself I— wait…” Monoma turns back to his pillows, and the face is gone. He snaps his head around his room. “Holy crap he’s in my walls…”
“Are you going insane?” Monoma shakes his head after looking around one more time. He shuts off the lights and tucks himself under his bedsheets. He stares at the ceiling, half expectingly to see Mirio’s face appear to stare down at him, but it seems like he’s left. Or did he?
He may never know.
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foreingersgod · 5 months
Can you write a CC x country reader that has a heavy accent, like Texas or smth and how it makes people react to it?
this is such a cute idea, i decided to put my own little twist on it so i hope you like it!
Texas Twang . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: you were born and raised on a texas farm, eventually moving away for college where you met caitlin. here’s a list of 5 times she’s fallen in love with you and your accent
A/N: #5 is a wee bit spicy (trying to feed ya’ll as per request) so please skip it if you’re uncomfortable with that!
also i got these sayings off of google cause i dont know any texas slang or how to convey the reader having an accent so sorry if they’re literally not real 😭
1. when you first met
you were panicked, running around your small room trying to find your stupid fucking phone. you were already running 5 minutes behind, the clock on the wall told you, but you wouldn’t be able to find your first class of the morning regardless if you didn’t find your phone. checking under your heap of blankets, in the drawers of your desk, and even in your laundry basket, you found nothing.
then, after throwing every book out of your backpack as a last resort, you saw it laying below discarded orientation papers and sticky notes. with a sigh of relief, you snatched your phone and sprinted out of your building.
you were running at full speed, which was a little embarrassing considering every one else on campus was just walking normally. but you were extremely behind and would be so mad if you were late to your first class at this school. so you continued to weave through people. you dodged campaigners, sped through large groups on the lawns, probably knocking down a few people in the process.
your sprinting seemed to pay off when you noticed the building up ahead. you glanced at the time, seeing you still had a few minutes to make it if you really hurried. your legs ached as you continued to speed walk past bypassers.
then, without notice, you ran right into someone passing by. the force of your impact causing the both of you to fall to the ground in the middle of the quad. if you weren’t late already, you surely would have been now.
“shit” you heard the other person cuss under their breath. you looked up, still planted on the ground, to the person in front of you.
she was an insanely attractive woman. lean, about 6 foot, muscular, just your type you might add. she was pushing herself off of the concrete side walk, brushing the gravel from her pants. you followed suit, standing up then apologizing profusely for running into her.
“oh my hell, i’m so sorry” you exclaimed “i was goin’ way too fast, i apologize”
she gave you a crooked smile, shaking her head.
“no you’re ok, it happens, i should’ve been paying attention”
“no, really ‘s my bad”
her face twisted ever so slightly as you talked “you’re not from around here are you?” she blurted “sorry, that’s completely irrelevant, i just noticed the accent”
you laughed, this wasn’t the first time someone was confused by the heaviness of your accent “it’s fine, i don’t mind. yea, no i’m from a small town in texas, i moved up here for college recently”
“oh really? that’s cool” she smiled, extending her hand to you “well, i’m caitlin by the way”
“i’m YN” you returned her handshake “ ‘s so nice to meet you, but i’m runnin’ late for class”
“wait” she stopped you before you ran past her “do you think i could grab your number, maybe i could take you out sometime?”
you were all smiles “i’d like that, i’d like that very much”
2. your first argument
you don’t even know how it started. all you knew is that some girl was getting flirty at the bar and, according to your girlfriend, you were letting her seduce you. this was obviously not true. you and caitlin hadn’t been dating that long, but it has going really well and she’s incredibly important to you. important enough that you wouldn’t just be flirting with other women at the bar.
nonetheless, you were being dragged out of the bar. caitlin was oozing jealousy as you headed back to your place for the night.
“she was all over you, YN” caitlin sneered, following you into your apartment and slamming the door.
“oh my god, she wasn’t!” you rolled your eyes “good lord, arguing with you ‘s like tryna piss up a god damn rope”
“what do you mean what?” your accent was thick, rolling off your tongue.
“what the hell does ‘pissing up a rope’ mean?” she looked at you confused, dropping the girl from the bar entirely.
you looked at her equally confused “you don’t say that here?”
“uh no, i think that’s a you thing” she said “your texas slang is distracting me and it’s making it very hard to be mad at you right now”
you chuckled, kissing her cheek “ ‘s just my southern charm, baby”
3. when you sing in the car
caitlin hated country music for the most part. but when you came along, you made it your duty to get her to enjoy it at least a little bit. she had never been subjected to small farm country music and to you, that was a sin.
so you’d play it for her on occasion, if she let you. and surprisingly it was pretty often. she would never tell you, but she only put up with country music just to hear you sing it. she was completely mesmerized by the way your accent mixed with the tune of the songs.
one day you were in the car together, on the way home from a get together with friends. it was a warm summer evening, sun on the brink of setting causing the sky to glow shades of orange and pink. cait was driving, per usual, you being her honorary passenger princess. she rolled down all the windows for you (even the sunroof) just how you liked it. you loved feeling the hot summer breeze blow through your hair with the radio turned all the way up.
“you follow me, and lead me on..” you hummed lightly, ‘all your’n by tyler childers sounding through the car radio.
she snuck glances at you as she drove down the empty street, watching how you let your arms hang out with window and let the wind fan over your face.
“so ill love you till my lungs give out” you closed your eyes, lost in the moment “i ain’t lying’”
caitlin so desperately wanted to pull over and listen to you sing all night long. your voice was like a gift from the gods. the way your accent slurred with each word had her melting in the drivers seat.
“i’m all your’n” you looked over to caitlin, smiling “ ‘n you’re all mine”
she smiled back, reaching across the console and resting her hand on your thigh.
she let you play your music the rest of the way home, just wanting to listen to you sing for a little bit longer.
4. when you met her family
you had waited months to meet caitlin’s family. no really, families were your thing. growing up in texas, it was common to be in or surrounded by a big family. and you knew big families more than anyone else, having 9 siblings, you being the middle child. it was a setting you thrived it and you tended to get along with people pretty well.
caitlin was hesitant to introduce you, she was freshly out of the closet and had never brought a girl home before. but this thanksgiving, she thought it was the perfect time to introduce you.
“so, YN” caitlin’s mother asked from across the table. “i’m sure you’re not used to such a small family, caitlin told me you come from quite the family tree?”
caitlin’s hand found your knee under the table, squeezing it lightly for comfort.
“oh yea,” you chuckled “my mama had a whole litter with 9 ‘a us. it was always crazy around the house, with 5 brothers n 3 sisters. and my daddy wasn’t around to help out off’n, but that’s a whole ‘nutter can a worms”
the way her family reacted to your voice made caitlin laugh under her breath, watching how they slowly dissected your sentence trying to make out the words from beneath the accent. she thought it was cute, lucky to have such a unique and special girl.
even the way you interacted with her younger cousins had her fawning over you, you were just so sweet and gentle.
“hiya, sweetie” you smiled as caitlin’s baby cousin accidentally fell into you “took a bit of a spill there didn’t ‘cha?”
you were the perfect picture of a warm welcome, full of beauty and grace and kindness. caitlin knew, from this moment, you’d be in her life forever.
5. during sex
she’d be lying if she said that damned accent didn’t get her riled up. because truly, it had her wet the second you started talking.
when she would have you pressed up against the wall, one leg wrapped around her torso as she kissed down your collarbone and onto your cleavage. the way you would moan “oh darlin’” oh so sweetly in her ear had her going crazy.
the rare instances in which you would take the lead in bed, watching as you crawled atop of her, stripping her bare. how you would hook your fingers under her underwear, tugging them down her long and toned legs. she was already bucking her hips into nothing. then you’d fasten your arms under her thighs, pulling them apart to place delicate kisses along the insides of her legs.
you’d tease her a bit more before dropping your head low, hot breath fanning against her glistening cunt. she bit her lip, trying to suppress moans of pleasure, and you had hardly touched her yet. you took your time with her, tongue dragging deliciously against her, savoring the taste.
“well you’re just sweeter than cherry pie, aren’t ‘cha baby” you’d praise, having her arching under your touch. with that, she couldn’t hold her moans any longer, completely coming undone as you continued to treasure every inch of her body.
you were going to be the death of her. 
A/N: alright guys i tried to make it a little spicier, so feedback is much appreciated cause i honestly feel like it sucked lol
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violetlunette · 9 months
Part of this
Riddle: So, Yuu, you wanna join the Equestrian club?
Yuu: Yes, I like Equestrians and observing them. Especially silver-haired ones. *Makes lovey-dovey eyes at Silver*
Riddle & Sebek: *annoyed* LEAVE.
Yuu: Wait, wait! Gimmie a chance! Look, I bet can ride any horse here.
Riddle: Alright, try that one then, *Points to the horse of hell, with a black sheen and eyes of brimstone*
Yuu: ...okay.
Silver: *worried* Are you sure you can handle him? That horse is a bit rough.
Horse: *glares with fury of hell*
Yuu: *determined to impress* Of course! Leave it to me.
Sebek: *Scoffs!* I wanna see that.
Yuu: Then watch, you crocodile-simp! I’ll you know I have a way with animals!
Silver: Wow, you did it!
Yuu: *winks* Naturally! Anything for you, I told ya’ll I have a way with animals.
Riddle: I must admit, even I’m impressed you were able to tame that Stallion. How did you do it?
Yuu: Oh, I just gave him a little warning.
Sebek: Warning?
Yuu: I told him I’d hack off his balls if he didn't cooperate.
Sebek: You mean you threatened him?! (And it worked?!)
Yuu: No, I warned him. This is the threat. *Holds up Hatchet*
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catb1tez · 6 months
🪸A mermaid meets a human🪸
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IT’S FINALLY FINISHED WOOO!!!! I told ya’ll i’d draw Mermaid!Jon, now all that’s left is to write The Little Mermaid au 😈 Which I actually plan to wait till May to do that to celebrate MerMay.
This drawing took me so long and a part of me thinks it looks bad, but i’m still very proud of it. This was my first time ever fully attempting this art style, and also I got to use my brand new device for drawing! (Very happy to admit that the first drawing on it is mermaid au of DamiJon/JonDami hehe)
Speaking of the mermaid au, I’d like to go into details about why I designed Jon’s mermaid tail the way I did. For some mermaid drawings, I find it very fun to base them off of real fish! And Jon’s mermaid is specifically based off of a Blue Gularis Killifish. I’ll leave photos below to show examples of said fish, and some will be the reference photos I used.
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blueshistorysims · 4 months
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Late July 1925, London, England
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“I’d like to go back to Scotland,” Montgomery mused, combing his fingers through Samira’s hair as she laid her head on his bare chest. “Fuckin’ tired of England. I’m ready to go home.”
Samira nodded. “Always wanted to go to Scotland. See the Highlands. That’s where you’re from, right?”
“Aye. North Perthshire, was born near the clan seat before me family moved to Edinburgh when I was ten.” He swallowed. “Would ya like to come with me?”
Samira was quiet. “Leave London society and be a housewife?”
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He frowned, sitting as she slipped behind him. “I’d never force ya to do anything ya dinna want to.”
“I know that. …I don’t mind being your mistress—oh, don’t make that face. It’s what I am. Your mistress.”
“Mistress to who?”
“You’re still in love with Edeline.” It wasn’t an accusation. It was a fact. “And I know you’re in love with Byron—even if he doesn’t realize it… or return it. I know you’re not ready to be married again, but I know you love me as well. And I’m content to be your mistress in the meanwhile.”
Montgomery sighed, closing his eyes. “Sometimes I think I’m the most selfish man in the world. I dinna deserve any of this.”
Samira hugged his body tighter. “You’re speaking nonsense. I don’t fuck selfish people. They always focus on themselves and not their lover. You certainly do not.”
He snorted at her bluntness. “...I feel guilty so often. What’d Edeline think of me?”
“Well, would you have acted on your attraction to Byron if she lived?”
“I wasn’t aware I was attracted to him until we met again. Perhaps I’d ‘ve found him attractive but never acted on it. I dinna ken.”
“Then why should you feel guilty?”
“He’s still me brother-in-law.”
“Men marry their dead brother’s wives all the time.”
“That’s different.”
“Is it?”
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“I miss her so much,” he whispered. That wasn’t a confession you were supposed to tell your lover. “I was… lost when she died. I dinda know what to do, what the point of livin’ was. …On the first anniversary of her death, I was in Greece, had spent the day in the ruins of the Temple of Poseidon in Sounion. Standin’ on the cliffs, overlooking the ocean… considered jumpin’ off. To be with her. End me misery. In the end, I was uh too much of fuckin’ coward to do it, so I walked back to me hotel room and drank ‘til I passed out. It wasn’t the first time I’d considered suicide. Or the last.” He sighed, sniffling. “I’ve never told anyone that. I’m just… so afraid of bein’ alone.”
Samira rubbed his back gently as he bowed his head, near tears. “You’re not alone. You have your family, friends who care about you, patients who rely on you. And of course, you have me. I have you in my claws, you’re not getting away from me anytime soon,” she added, chuckling. 
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Montgomery pulled her into his lap and buried his face in her neck. “I love ya,” he whispered. 
She nodded. “...I’m going to India after Byron and Eleora’s wedding. I think my parents would actually like you considering you hate England, hate the empire, and support the independence of your own nation. You’re everything they would want in a husband for me, except that you’re white and Christian.”
He chuckled.
“I want to show you the real India—you haven’t lived until you’ve tried my Ājī’s Basundi.”
“If ya’ll have me, mo ghràdh.”
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jungle-angel · 2 years
The Weaving Woman (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Bob’s grandma is an integral part of the family and you wouldn’t have it any other way
Bob’s feet clunked down the stairs, still in his heavy boots and his hands running over his face. He was completely exhausted and wanted nothing more than to relax for just a little while before heading to bed. 
“What Bob? Did ya’ll forget something?” chuckled a familiar voice with an equally familiar Midwestern drawl. 
“Forgot what planet I landed on when the UFO dropped me off, Meemaw,” Bob yawned, flopping onto the couch. 
“Bullshit,” Marty chuckled as she made another stitch in her little knitting project. “Last time I spotted a UFO was when your grandfather came back from Korea.” 
Bob groaned, running his hands over his gummy eyes once again. 
“What’s with you anyways?” Marty asked him. “Ya’ll have been like this for the last three weeks.” 
“It’s everything Meemaw,” Bob answered. “(Y/n)’s on bedrest until the baby comes, Auggie and Patrick are all over the place and Dad’s on bedrest for the next six months until his knee heals.” 
Marty nodded knowingly, but hardly saying a word. “Getting under your skin is it?” 
Bob nodded.
“Sweetheart, I understand,” Marty told him. “Your grandfather and I have been married sixty years and every now and again we still get stressed over the little things.” 
“Oh yes,” Marty replied. “When he got called for duty in Korea, we had already had three kids and a fourth on the way. I was stressed about how I’d be able to do this, that and five million other things.” 
“How’d you do it?” 
“Had a little help from Mrs. Chang and her mother up the road,” Marty told him. “We’d bitch about our husbands being away and everything else in between.” 
Bob gave it some more thought. Maybe he didn’t have any right to complain after knowing what his grandparents had gone through. “Now I feel bad.” 
“Don’t feel bad for complaining Bob,” Marty assured him, the click of her needles. “We all do it. The last four months, your grandfather wouldn’t stop bitching about the nerve pain in his feet and it ended with me telling him to stick a cork in it or he’ll wake up with a peg leg.” 
Bob laughed. One wouldn’t know it unless they knew her personally, but Marty had a mouth on her that would’ve put a Navy sailor to shame. “Thanks Meemaw,” he said. “I always feel better after we talk.” 
“Oh no worries sweet pea,” she assured him. “I’m always here if you need it.” 
Bob sat up and hugged his grandmother before she kissed his cheek. “Oh,” she said before his eyes shot up to hers. “Two things. Number one, this is for (y/n), it’s all done and just needs the seal of approval. Secondly don’t worry about your grandfather, I gave him one of those special brownies your dad had in the container on his nightstand. I’m pretty sure the nerve pain’s been nipped in the bud.” 
Bob made a face. “Uh, Meemaw......?” 
“Don’t think I don’t know what that is,” she chuckled. “Your grandfather and I lived through the sixties.” 
Bob thanked her and went straight upstairs, her handwork in his own hands and feeling loads better. 
You sat propped up in bed, reading the book that always sat right on your nightstand. “You good Bob?” 
“Yeah,” Bob sighed. “Just a little tired that’s all.” 
“Well,” you said. “Lucky for you, the boys are in bed and it’s just us.” 
Bob smiled and kissed your lips. “By the way,” he said. “Meemaw finished already. This is for you.” 
You gasped when you nearly saw it, a black and white little knit sweater with the little wooden buttons on it and in the corner a little patch in the shape of Jessie from Toy Story. 
“Oh Bob it’s beautiful,” you remarked happily. 
“She said she couldn’t resist,” Bob told you. “She saw the patch at the craft store and said it’d be perfect for when our little princess comes in two weeks.” 
You were happy beyond words and near to tears at the sight of the little sweater. Already Marty had made several blankets, little hats, socks and even a pair of mittens for your daughter who hadn’t yet entered the world, all of them made from soft yarn and wool, each emblazoned with bunnies, horses or even little Peter Rabbit patches, just as she had done for Auggie and Patrick. 
You and Bob kissed again, deeply and lovingly before you laid on your back and he began placing kisses on your large bump. “Hi princess,” he cooed, feeling her tiny little feet kicking from within. “We’re waiting for you. So isn’t great-grandma.” 
You couldn’t wait. Soon there would be a little girl in the family that everyone would be overjoyed to meet and who would be the most loved little girl you had ever met. 
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wildbornsiren · 2 years
Kinktober Day 12: Frottage || Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd/F!Reader
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Frottage Summary: Bob just can’t help himself.  608 words Female/AFAB reader (established relationship) Frottage: no-penetration body grinding done with or without clothes in public or in private Warning: dry humping.  Notes: For #kinktober2022. Reminder that these will not have part twos, or continuations. Please follow @wbslibrary​ since tag lists are gone. (I appreciate ya’ll so much but it was stressing me out, and I was worried I’d miss someone). Comments and sharing let me know you love me, likes are appreciated. Thank you so very much for reading. It’s so appreciated and means the most.
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The phone was balanced on one shoulder, your best friend's voice happily chatting your ear off about her latest date. She was currently telling you about his musical talent and how he had led the bar in a sing along as he played the piano.
"I'd like to meet him; he sounds like he's quite the charmer." You blow Bob a kiss when he walks through the back door. He had been out in the back yard attempting to wrangle the overgrown lawn.
He kisses the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you. He smells like grass and sweat, nuzzling against your neck. You squirm a little bit, feeling the scruff scrape against your skin. He had taken a week's worth of leave, and the two of you had gotten tangled up every chance you got.
"We could grab drinks tomorrow night." You tip your head back to check if Robbie was interested. He nods pressing a kiss to your cheek. Gentle hands rested on your hips, his soft moan rumbling against your shoulder as he kisses your neck softly.
"What's the name of the bar?"
She said something, but all you could focus on was the slow rock of Robbie's hips against yours. He was breathing a little heavier, grinding against your ass. Biting back a breathy moan, you push back against him. He’s so hard, and you can feel the tremor running through him as he thrusts against you. Sparing a glance over your shoulder, a soft noise does escape you. His eyes are closed, lower lip caught between his teeth, head tipped forward, the longer pieces of his hair falling into his face. One hand pressed low on your belly, pulling you closer, the barest touch of his fingertips on a sliver of skin when your shirt rode up. “The Hard Deck? Yeah, I’ve heard of it. Robbie goes there with some of his coworkers.” You ignore her question of whether you’re okay. “How’d you and the boy wonder meet?” It feels good, something you hadn’t expected, Robbie fucking you through your clothes. He presses closer, desperate and needy, his breath panting against the nape of your neck. He groans, gripping you a little tighter, humping against you harder. You chuckle softly, grinding against him. “Oh, Robbie just came in from working in the yard. He took down the jungle. Yeah, by himself since someone won’t let me mow the lawn.” “Got other ways to get your hands dirty.” He murmurs. “No, he’s fine. Just a little winded. It was up to my knees out there.” Your eyes flutter closed when his rhythm stutters. He’s fucking against you now, your body moving from the force of his thrusts. You know he's close from the way his fingers curl against your stomach, grunting when he comes. “I’m going to get him something to eat and go rake up the grass.” You say, your free hand sliding over the hand that’s resting on your stomach. His hand twists and laces his fingers with yours. You say your goodbyes and hang up. “Told you I’ve got other ways to get your hands dirty darlin’.” You turn in his arms, leaning in to kiss him. “I’d much rather get you cleaned up.” You glance down at his jeans, then back up to him, watching the blush spread down his neck, disappearing under the collar of his shirt. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen you do.” Robbie rubs the back of his neck and grins shyly. “You looked so goddamn pretty. Couldn’t help myself.” “Upstairs, needy boy.” You kiss his cheek. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
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xeyedartworks · 1 month
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I’m gonna start doing sneak peeks here :))
Told ya’ll I’d make more Salt art 🕸️🕸️🕷️🕷️
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daddyhausen · 1 year
told ya’ll i’d fuckin’ do it. if anything blame my beloved @wrestlezaynia
• heat of the moment — zowens •
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{ masterlist } | { wwe masterlist } | { sami zayn masterlist } | { kevin owens masterlist }
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }, mlm, friends to lovers handjobs, public sex, multiple orgasms, male orgasms submissive/dominant dynamic, anal sex, rough sex, penetrative sex, internal cumshots, anal creampie, cockwarming
{ word count } — 679
{ pairing } — kevin owens x sami zayn
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
“we can’t…” sami’s breath caught in his throat, his oesophagus tightening as his tried to force his moans back down. mouth running dry as kevin’s large palm pressed against his still-clothed cock. small whimpers left sami’s lips, pursed together in a thin line, still trying to desperately cling onto whatever sanity he had left, still avoiding eye contact with his best friend
“who says we can’t?” kevin’s voice rumbled with such a delicious baritone, one that only made itself known when only sami was present, and one that definitely warmed the younger canadian’s loins. it wasn’t the most secluded of settings, the seemingly empty hallways of an arena, surrounded but sparsely placed crates and boxes, barely large enough to shield the modesty of the two men.
kevin’s hand reached into sami’s sweatpants, softly beginning to stroke his half-hard cock, adoring the way sami’s whimpers bled from his parted lips at the slightest touch. sami was still reserved, afraid someone was catch the two of them, hesitant to succumb to the urges that had plagued him for months. he could not even hold a conversation with kevin without getting hard, poor thing would have to rub one out in the bathrooms afterward.
“w-what if someone sees us…?” sami stuttered his sentence through a choked moan, kevin’s hand now firmly wrapped around the base of sami’s shaft, managing to free it from the restraints of his sweatpants, admiring the sight of sami’s leaking cock, pre-cum dripping down the tip, coating kevin’s knuckles, the appendage so sensitive to his touch.
“then let them stare.” kevin’s lips captured sami’s with feverish kisses, the loose gym shorts kevin had been wearing now felt tight as his own erection pressed up against the thin fabric. he felt sami collapse into his chest, finally letting his guard down and letting those sinful urges take over.
“please…” sami whined, kevin’s grip on sami’s cock released, the red head breathed an exhilarated sigh as kevin pressed him up against the wall, his breath ghosting against the base of sami’s neck. kevin let a glob of spit pool in his palm, slowly beggining to stroke his cock with the makeshift lubricant. the two remained silent, kevin slipped inside sami with ease, feeling the tightness of the red head around his thick cock, instantly burying himself to the hilt with a breathless moan.
“oh fuck-“ kevin gasped through gritted teeth, beginning to move with short quick thrusts, now allowing sami a second to adjust to his size. kevin’s hand reached around once more, resuming its actions beforehand, stroking sami’s length. the sensation was almost too much to bare, sami’s eyes kept darting back and forth between the two ends of the hallway, hoping and praying that no one would dare walk in on the sight, although the thought was arousing he’d rather save himself the embarrassment of explaining.
“kev…you’re so big…” sami hummed, face pressed against the wall by kevin’s large palm, feeling himself about to buckle under the weight of his own orgasm, desperate chasing down his release. kevin gave a silent smirk, simply adoring how sami seemed to collapse completely under his touch.
sami had no need to announce his orgasm, more so he did not have enough time to react as his seed dripped down kevin’s knuckles, an act of which made a heat rise to sami’s already flushed cheeks. kevin merely hummed in response, sending his own orgasm nearing. his movement became rougher, more relentless, burying his size deep inside sami with reckless intent, determined to please the red head even further.
“fuckfuckfuck-“ sami panted, cock sensitive and overstimulated from kevin’s hand. kevin have a small, primal growl upon release, filling sami to the brim with his hot seed. remaining inside him for a moment, kevin adored the way sami’s cum leaked down his tattooed knuckles, bringing his fingers up to his lips in order to taste his new-found lover’s seed, shuddering with delight as the sweet taste mingled with his tastebuds. sami peered behind him for a moment, meeting kevin’s gaze, sami’s muscles twitching lightly with exhaustion
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whispering-coffee · 3 months
Hey ya’ll, after a long time of nothing interesting happening (me not pissing myself) I’ve decided to try and change that, so I’d like to hear what yall think I should wear for this
note I will be going outside for a bit to make the challenge more fun ;>
While im doing this im totally open for challenges suggested by others, and yes I remember most of the suggestions ive been told before
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sinnaminttoast · 11 months
I’m back on my bullshit to give you my reactions/thoughts on this video.
First of all I want to establish…HOW MUCH I LOVE PORTER SOLAIRE! Literally argue with someone else cause I refuse to change my mind on him 😍 he’s such a sassy man and I just…omg 🤭
If there’s one thing Porter Solaire will do…he will give his one liners
I haven’t gotten this giddy over a character since Gavin’s second love confession video. (Tbh also Hush…BUT I DONT NEED YA’LL JUDGING MY TASTES ON THIS POST! 😭 tbh I should talk about like my top five or seven characters…?)
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I also never thought I’d hear him say “clout” but here we are.
Tbh, I’m not completely surprised Porter killed Alexander. He had the time to do it. Now my question is…He never told Asher that he was the one to push Sweetheart out of the room but maybe it was him? He also just never explained where tf he got that demon blood.
SO WHAT IF VEGA— *gunshots*
But omg…ya’ll this game is a MESS! All of the houses just do not give a fuck…AND ME TOO! FUCK BOTH OF THOSE BITCHES!
I don’t know if William fully thought this through though. Maybe he did but this kinda leaves a bad look on Vincent and Lovely. He already had no experience in hosting the summit. He was told to host the summit and THEN was told he had to deal with Porter. He was stressed OUT
And even at the summit, he gets treated like the naive kid who knows nothing.
I Can see why Vincent is upset. I’ll give him a slight pass since the only murder he’s ever committed was Adam and that was purely because he had broken vampiric laws? Customs? I forget the word. Anyways, he’s always been the type to just want normalcy. As much of it as he can have ever since he lost his humanity.
So to find out that the people you are around have blood on their hands and that there’s been a game going on unbeknownst to you…oof. My man has also been stressed the fuck out the days following up to the summit AND on the day of the summit…can’t say I blame him.
Why would you say that? PEOPLE ARE CRAZY PORTER! 😭
William has quite the way of….doing things? But just because he ate this one little thing DOESNT MEAN I forgot what Dean wright said in the first video of the summit.
I’m not trusting we’re safe from Quinn and his friends UNTIL I HEAR HE’S DEAD!
Porter I’m so sorry sweetie for what you’ve been through 🙁
But not him just leaving and saying “I love my voice and all but I am tired after committing a bit of murder. Good night 🫶☺️”
He was also just getting tired of repeating shit 😭 like he was about to whack Vincent if he had to repeat “Closeknit and House of Bennett work together. Both bad. Me kill Alexander. Society = safe.”
Anyways…that’s all I have I think?? Oh and Lovely! I’m sure they’re pissed off about Vincent being hurt and how he was treated over all. Like…they just had their business all aired out and now their partner is just…hurt.
Is William a bad guy? Nah, I don’t totally disagree with him killing those two fucks. However, I wonder if he thinks this won’t bite him in the ass?
Idk..hopefully this does start leading to Closeknit’s downfall CAUSE I NEED THEM GONE
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icey--stars · 1 year
Stories To Be Told: PART 29
Series Index
A shadowsinger, a warrior, an Illyrian, that's what she was. Trained by one of the most formidable female warriors. Escaped the Illyrian camps and her clipping when she was barely sixteen and is now the holder of 6 siphons. What happens when she tries to sneak into the City of Starlight? And starts down a whole new road of chaos?
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a/n: warning for like… extremely fluffy things. is that a warning? idk. but like… the author, me, squealed while writing this part. this was combined with the epilogue i planned since it was too short. so that huge time skip? yeah.
BUT, since this is the last chapter… I want to thank everyone who came around while writing this series. Thank you all for your support, whether you were commenting, reblogging or just liking- it means a ton. This story wasn’t originally going to be posted online. It was a rewrite based off of a 115k word fic I wrote. well… not really. That one had extreme inconsistencies, and very limited character development. It was set post-acomaf, where all canon plot ended basically. I much prefer this post-acosf version. 
I'm always very nervous posting online, so getting all the support I got for stbt? It means the world to me. I can’t express how much all the support just made my day. Thank you readers, from the bottom of my heart.
After this, I’ll try to work on either a new series, or some oneshots, but I beg of you, please send requests. I am incapable of coming up with ideas to post 😂 (okay, im not, but it helps)
If you have read all that, here’s a little vote for a new series: Azris fic (or another rare pair/crackship)? or new x Reader/OC fic (probably eris)? Something else? Not guaranteeing I’ll write any of them, but just to gauge what ya’ll might like to see
Now… onto the last chapter of Stories To Be Told :)
WARNING: mentions of nsfw things.
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Azriel and I didn’t come to training the day after either, both of us waking up way too late to even dare try and go. They’d probably be doing the final stretching before we’d even be ready. So we settled for a slow morning, memorizing each other’s lips.
We had, however, arrived for lunch. Nobody had said anything, but I could tell what they were all thinking. We had taken a bath before we left the room, but I knew that the bond could probably be scented quite easily now.
That afternoon, Azriel had to do some paperwork, but I relaxed with him, reading a book, surrounded by his scent. A note arrived sometime.
Family dinner tonight at the River House. See you both there.
Azriel scoffed. I lifted a brow at him in question. “Rhys,” he explained, “wants us to attend a family dinner. Clearly, Cassian told him something, because he said ‘See you both there’ like he knows.”
I chuckled a little. “Does he need to pay for traumatizing you too, my love?”
“By the Cauldron, yes. Him and Feyre, I swear. I have just been suffering. The only thing that did go right was that Cassian was the one brawling with Rhys after their bond. I was saved from some bruises.”
“Oh,” I paused. “I forgot about that part. And they what?!”
“Which part?”
“The part about bonds where the males get really… protective.”
Azriel snorted. “I’ll try my best at this dinner, angel, but do offer me some leniency.”
“As long as you offer me the same leniency, because I am one hundred percent laughing my ass off if you growl at Rhys."
He rolled his eyes. “I won’t growl at him-”
Azriel growled deeply as we walked into the dining room. Rhys’s eyes had been up and looking for us, latching onto me, since I’d been the first to enter.
I snorted, and patted Azriel’s shoulder.
Rhys tipped his head back and laughed. “Alright, Cass, you win,” he chuckled. “You were right about Az being a possessive type.” A gold mark was thrown in the direction of the general, who quickly pocketed it.
I huffed out a breath in amusement and spotted Mor looking quite confused. Oh, this was my chance!
I left Azriel’s side, even as he glared daggers at Cassian, who was sitting near Mor. Mor’s eyes did indeed practically pop out of her skull when I came near enough.
“YOU’RE MATES?!” She squealed.
My face widened into a grin and I nodded.
She let out another happy squealing noise, throwing her arms around me. Azriel growled again and I laughed, backing up a step so that Mor was forced to let me go. She was smiling at me. “Oh! I’m so happy for you!” She squealed again suddenly, startling me slightly. “Welcome to the family!” She said quickly. “I was first!”
I turned my face again slightly in a useless effort to hide my huge smile from those words. Azriel curled a hand around my waist. “This is your family now,” he whispered.
I lifted a hand to rub my smile away, but it didn’t work. So I turned to behold my new family.
Rhys was grinning, with Feyre looking at me warmly. Nyx was obviously happy. “Does that mean I have a new aunt?” He asked Rhys.
“I suppose so,” Rhys chuckled. “But ask Y/N.”
I bit my lip. There was so much joy coming from me right now. Nyx turned to me expectantly.
“If you want me to be…” I replied. “You can call me aunt.”
“Yes!” Nyx threw up a fist in victory. “Auntie Y/N! Now you have to help me steal all the chocolate dad hides in the pantry.”
I snorted in amusement, giggling softly. “Alright Nyx.”
“Don’t conspire in front of me!” Rhys exclaimed.
“Did we just conspire?” I asked Nyx. He shook his head, smiling wide. “See Rhys?” I turned to face the High Lord. “We didn’t conspire anything. You must be hearing things.”
“Welcome to the family,” Cassian hummed, arm thrown over Nesta’s shoulder who sat beside him. “I would come over there and bowl you to the ground in a hug, but you have a possessive shadow death monster attached to you.”
That broke the last of the restraint I had on my laughter. I wheezed loudly, knees going weak from the force of it. My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath, but almost everyone had joined in. Even Az. Nesta stood and came over. Azriel almost growled a warning, but I slapped his shoulder, stepping out from his grip to hug my sister. My first family here.
There weren’t any words shared between us, but as Nes pulled away, she gave me a soft look that said everything.
Amren gave me a little dip of her head, and I deduced that was likely all I was going to get from her. Lucien and Elain, two people who’d I mostly forgotten about, also gave me slight smiles. They seemed… close, but also not as close as any of the mated couples in the room.
I sat beside Azriel at the table, and ate with my new family.
Later in the night, when mostly everyone had gone home, Azriel asked me the question.
“I know I’m traditionally meant to kneel down before you,” he began. “But I haven’t had the chance to buy a ring yet, so I’ll do that a bit later since I’m impatient. Would you marry me Y/N?”
I squealed immediately, turning so that I was sitting in his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. “Yes!” I said loudly, drawing the attention of the remaining people in the room. Rhys, Feyre, Nyx, Cassian, and Nesta.
I kissed him swiftly, which probably gave the others enough of a guess of what had just transpired.
“We are having a wedding,” I told him. “Family only.”
Azriel grinned. “Whatever you want, angel.”
“AUNTIE Y/N!” Nyx exclaimed loudly, like it was a celebration.
I turned, grinning widely. “Officially,” I agreed.
Rhys smiled, his teeth showing. “Congratulations,” he said.
Feyre scoffed. “You’re so dull Rhys,” she admonished, bursting from her seat to wrap me in a hug. “Congratulations. Welcome to the family.”
“I was just trying not to get attacked!” Rhys protested. “Azzie is terrifying.”
I huffed in amusement. “Azzie?” I questioned, turning back to my mate with a smirk.
He snorted. “You are not calling me that,” he chuckled. “Rhys gets to do it only once a month.”
“Azzie…” I cooed, and paired the nickname with a scratch at his scalp. He seemed to be placated, but glared up at me petulantly.
“I’m getting bowled over,” someone said from behind me, and then wrapped two large muscled arms around my shoulders, lifting me up. I squealed at the movement, crushing my wings to my back. Cassian laughed as Azriel got to his feet immediately, eyes darting around like he was trying to deduce the easiest way to free me from Cassian, without hurting me.
I slapped Cassian’s arm. “You idiot!” I yelled happily as he only tightened his grip. “I yield!” I shouted. “I yield!”
Cassian squeezed even tighter for a moment before he let me down. I turned to him with a challenging grin.
“I have another sister,” he reasoned. “I had to make sure she knows I give good hugs.”
“You call that a hug?” I scoffed, grinning. “I prefer Az’s.”
There was a sound behind me that told me Az agreed with me. He took his seat again, the couch dipping.
“Well then,” Cassian said, voice challenging. “I guess I have to try again. Because I always give the best hugs-”
I dodged his next attempt, shooting out my foot as he took a step forward so that he tripped right onto the couch, face planting almost directly into Azriel’s lap. I was surprised when I felt a surge of possessiveness from myself at the sight of Cassian so close to my mate’s lap.
Cassian was laughing and sputtering as he stood back up. “I’m making you pay for that in training,” he growled.
Those words made a bolt of heat travel up my spine. Goddamn, had Azriel really ruined those words for me? Must have.
I tried to keep my scent in check as I coughed. “Sure you will,” I challenged. “I’ll win.”
“You can try,” Cassian scoffed. “I always win.”
“I’ll win because Nesta is on my side,” I chuckled, meeting Cassian’s mate’s eyes across the room, still sitting on the couch with a twinkle of amusement in her eyes.
Cassian turned with a look of betrayal on his face. “How dare you!” He accused dramatically.
I chuckled, and fell back onto the couch beside Azriel. “Love you,” I chuckled, kissing him gently.
His hand fell onto my thigh, just a little too high to be normal. “I felt that through the bond, you know,” he informed me as I pulled away.
I blushed. “Shut up,” I growled. “Or I’ll show them where you’re ticklish.”
He paused, narrowing his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare,” he said playfully.
“Oh I will,” I said.
Azriel trailed his hand up threateningly, and I basically leapt up on top of him, and went for the ticklish spot in his armpit. He wheezed, capturing the attention of everyone.
“That’s where you’re ticklish!?” Cassian exclaimed. “Damn it. I’m exploiting that.”
I grinned as Azriel’s eyes widened even as he struggled to get my hands away from his ticklish spot. “I’ll kill you,” Azriel managed through his laughter.
“Not intimidating,” Cassian chuckled. “You’ve used the line too much.”
I relented after a moment. Azriel heaved for breath, glaring at me. He leaned up to whisper in my ears.
“You’ll pay for that.”
I grinned. I planned on it.
It was the Winter Solstice, and goddamn was it cold outside. I heard a shout as Rhys assumingly got pummeled by snowballs by Cassian. No surprise there. Cassian apparently had been “training” for the annual snowball fight my mate and his brother’s had every year. As I gathered up my own snowballs to launch my attack on Cassian, I smirked in the direction of Azriel’s snow fort.
We weren’t explicitly teaming per say, but we were acting as tentative allies. That little peace treaty would break as soon as Cassian began to complain about his toes freezing off.
Az had mentioned this tradition about a month ago, explaining Cassian’s training, and Rhys’s determination to beat him. Apparently, my mate was by far the most competitive for the fight. He’d won basically every fight leading up to this one. Rhys and Cass had quite a few wins, but Azriel? Azriel definitely had the most.
I offhandedly mentioned that if I were a part of the snowball fight, I’d go straight for Rhys’s face and then pummel Cassian. Then deal with Az.
Azriel, apparently, having taken that internally, offered to let me join. His brother’s mates hadn’t been interested in being out in the cold for hours, but me? Oh I was so for it. No magic. No wings. Just an even playing ground for the Illyrian idiots who just wanted to pummel each other with snowballs.
Rhys immediately let me in on it, even trying to covet an alliance with me throughout the month, but little did he know that Azriel would be getting my “support” through the game. He’d gasped dramatically when I told him I was betraying him right after he’d told me all the strategies he planned to use. Oh, it was so worth it. Now I knew the High Lord was worried, and preparing for that strike that would end him, coming from me.
Cassian shouted as the snowballs hit him from behind his fort. “Y/N!” He shouted angrily. But a playful angry. “I’m going to get you for that!”
“Just try!” I challenged.
For another three hours, we fought. When it was basically just Azriel and I, I turned on him immediately, gaining the element of surprise as I came up behind him and stuffed a whole pile of snowballs right down the back of his leathers.
He screeched and tried to shimmy them out.
“Betrayer!” He shouted, apparently giving up on getting the snow out, and intent on getting revenge. He picked up a pre-made snowball, but I merely smirked and produced one last snowball in my hand, and threw it directly into his forehead.
Azriel groaned, wiping his face. “I’m fucking freezing,” he admitted.
“Do you yield?” I asked him, and subtly packed another pile of snow together with my boots to easily form into a snowball and throw it at him if he didn’t.
“Fine, yes,” he groaned. I grinned.
“I yield!” Cassian yelled back. “My ass is numb.” The second part was quieter, but just loud enough to be heard.
“Never!” Rhys shouted.
I stole some of my mate's snowballs, holding them with one arm and leaped over the fort, running across No Man’s Land. Then I leaped straight into Rhys’s fort and pummeled him with the snow.
He screamed dramatically. I smirked, and then gathered more ammo, and stuffed it down his neck as he tried to clear his vision. “I yield!” he shouted. “Fucking hell! No! Don’t stuff it down my shirt even more-”
I chuckled, and then with one final push of the snow down his shirt, I stood and vaulted over the fort again, hands raised in victory.
“FIRST WIN!” I shouted, laughing hysterically after.
Cassian came out of his fort, shivering. Azriel was still struggling with the snow down his shirt. Rhys basically dragged himself out of his fort.
“Too cold,” Cassian said, “to care.”
I rolled my eyes, scoffing. “Come on then idiot. Your mate can console you for your horrible loss.”
“This is horrible!” Cassian complained.
“Let’s go to the damn birchin before my toes decide to fall off,” Rhys said, shivering as well.
We’d decided before that they’d not go in completely naked, despite tradition. Azriel was way too possessive for that. They’d keep their undershorts and I’d keep on my undergarments.
“Who won?” Nesta asked as we came inside. Her stomach was just slightly starting to get that little bump that told everyone she was having a child. I silently hoped for a little girl.
“I did!” I announced triumphantly. “These males stood no chance.”
Feyre snorted in amusement. Gwyn clasped me on my back. “Better you than them,” she joked. Emerie, who was beside Mor, called out a congratulations.
“You guys should compete next year,” I suggested. “We’d be the height of competition.”
“Freezing in the cold for hours?” Emerie asked. “No thank you. Not even on a good day.”
“Boring,” I teased. “Is Mor making you soft dear sister?”
“Shall I slap her?” Mor asked.
“No, I’ll make her pay for it in training,” Emerie chuckled.
“Just try me,” I challenged. “Just try.”
“Oh I will,” Emerie chuckled. “Now go sweat with the other idiots.”
Azriel chuckled, putting a hand around my waist and leading me in the direction of the birchin. “Come on love, I’m freezing still.”
“Fine…” I would be merciful… today. I pecked Azriel on his cheek gently. “Only for you.”
“Oh yes,” he chuckled. “So merciful towards your mate.”
I scoffed, smiling. “Love you.”
He smiled, and said that little phrase that always left me breathless from the sheer love.
“It’ll always be you.”
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TAGLIST (see post for getting added)
@mis-lil-red, @bunnymallowo, @judig92, @biblophilefox82, @azzydaddy, @thegirlintheshadows101, @whatupmydudes01, @feyres-fireheart, @elizarikaallen, @xenlynn, @panzees-bizarre-adventures, @starswholistenanddreamsanswered, @baebeepeach, @nyctophiliiiiaaa, @brekkershadowsinger, @officiallyunofficialperson, @bookslut420, @margssstuff, @bluephoenix908, @goldentournesol, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @ladylokilaufeyson5, @graciereads, @chanaaaannel, @towhateverend13, @eos-princess, @marina468,
Make sure to ask if you'd like to be tagged in more of my writing! This taglist is soon to be deleted :)
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hesaykise · 6 months
It is real
In an interesting turn of events, my mom is now set on changing her own life through manifesting.
I think that by me getting this job, it sparked something in my mom to try out her own manifestation journey. When I tell y’all I have been trying to get this woman to jump on board for MONTHS. It took me having a major success for her to believe in it and finally get on board.
I mean….why not manifest your life the way you want it? Why not have what you already know is yours? Claim it! That’s exactly what she said to me too. “I’m claiming it.” I told her that’s exactly it and don’t waver from the story. Persist in that story that you have.
I dunno if I’d call this another success but I have been wanting her to change her mindset for a while now. She grew up not having much and had struggled growing up poor and not having much in the early stages of her life. Also, adding in that she had grown up in an abusive environment(won’t go into further detail because that’s not my story to share.) She’s grown into a hard working woman and has pretty much manifested her life into what it is today, without realizing she has done so. BUT, she has done a lot of it with negative thinking/negative conditioning and that has thus far created a world where she has continuously struggled to make it through life smoothly. She can have a much better life and she will.
I’m literally so excited that she decided to do this. Like I said, I’ve been wanting her to change her mindset for a while. I know she’s gonna tell me she manifested something out of thin air and I’m gonna be like ma’am good job. 👏🏽 😂
Yeah, once again this shit is real. I’m not even gonna play around anymore. I know I just started posting about manifestation recently, but I am on this major high right now. It seems like everything has clicked for me and I have realized that I am the one in control of my life. Not some outside source, or anything else. It’s me.
I’ll definitely be posting more updates as life unfolds. I know I’ll be a different person in a few months or even a few weeks from now, but thank you for reading this and my experience through this journey. I’m a lil disappointed that it took me this long to realize my life could change so easily.
Love ya’ll,
Kise out! ♥️🫶🏽♥️
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notstilinski · 1 year
One Last Stop Starters !
Taken from the 2021 novel by Casey McQuinston, One Last Stop Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit!
“(Name), stop telling people about frog ghosts.”
“They’re on (Name)‘s sleep schedule, though. So, a ghost in the night.”
“It gave us nine great years. And carpet can hide a multitude of sins.”
“If they’re gonna kill you, get their DNA under your fingernails.”
“That little twink contains multitudes.”
“They love me as much as they love anyone else.”
“You like jokes. I don’t.”
“Do you realize you just say words in any random order like they’re supposed to mean something?”
“I can’t decide if I’m impressed or horrified?”
“Definitely brought me back from the dead more than once, so, thank you.”
“Really out here smashing pussy, (Name).”
“We get about a hundred hot lesbians through here a week. You’ll find another one.”
“Sorry, like, it’s your life and all, but do you not hear how badass that sounds?”
“That sucks. I’m your mom now. The rules are, no Tarantino movies and bedtime is never.”
“You’re a bullshitter.”
“Because you have, like, the energy of someone who knows things.”
“A frontal lobotomy to forget the night I had?”
“Never thought I’d see a vampire I didn’t want to fuck.”
“We’ve kissed, like, three times, but they have that thing where they’re terrified of being loved and refuses to believe they’ve deserved it. It’s so tedious.”
“Does it ever, like… I don’t know. Make you lonely? To love somebody who can’t meet you there?”
“I hadn’t pegged you for a scammer.”
“I’m mysterious by nature, (Name).”
“Jesus. What did ya’ll do this time?”
“Hey, what’s up with you? Who hurt your feelings?”
“Who do we have to frame for murder?”
“A gift from (Name)? What god have I pleased?”
“Oh, I’m loving this already. What kind of creatures?”
“Cute. Maybe a poltergeist. A cute poltergeist. Can I meet them?”
“So, you’ve gathered us here to tell us you’re boned up for a ghost.”
“What? Pick the lock? What kind of feral child are you? Are you Jessica Jones?”
“You know, I thought you were a little spicy when I met you.”
“I swear to God, if a ghost kills me, I’ll haunt the shower.”
“Your friend is weird.”
“I told you, I think, I’m. Something’s wrong with me.”
“Honestly? The day I met you.”
“Yeah, guess I don’t have the whole magical soulmate bond you have with them.”
“(Name). Can we maybe not treat them like a creature of the week?”
“Like you’re their Pop-Tart angel. Like you shit sunshine. Like you invented love as a concept.”
“I think I should kiss you.”
“I’m repressing it! Let me repress it!”
“You’re so mean to me.”
“So many questions for someone who does not come to work.”
“Yeah, exactly. Forever. As in, it’s the only thing I know how to do.”
“I know logistically how to perform some tasks.“
“Go where? I’m trying to have a nervous breakdown here.”
“Can you turn that brain of yours off for a second and trust?”
“It makes me feel like I’m going to die!”
“You trusted me, right? Now trust yourself.”
“Big dick energy is gender neutral.”
“I mean, it’s as if you like to be emotionally tortured.”
“God, you are the most useless bisexual I’ve ever met in my entire goddam life.”
“I’d disappoint them. They don’t deserve to be disappointed.”
“Loving the sacrilege.”
“Wow, holy shit, you figured it out. You’re gonna win a Peabody Award for reporting.”
“As fun as it is to break your brain, no one at work knows. Tell them and I break your arm.”
“Is your family horny for Jesus too?”
“I’m not cute. I’m-I’m tough. Like a cactus.”
“Where does that disembodied voice keep coming from?”
“They’re always wearing the exact same thing. That’s ghost behavior if you ask me.”
“And I left them. That’s… Fuck. I forgot how that felt. I left them.”
“Yes, thank you. I invite you to eat a dick. Goodbye.”
“Maybe no good timing means there’s no bad timing either.”
“You’re a normal person. Under un-normal circumstances.”
“That’s new for you, huh? Being able to get drunk?”
“Is this a date? Am I on a date right now?”
“(Name). Any way you want to kiss me is the way I wanna be kissed, okay?”
“You’re like—like a fucking painting or something stupid like that, what the fuck. You just walk around like this all the time.”
“Sorry, was I skulking? Sometimes I skulk without realizing.”
“Okay, still, let me be a mom for a second.”
“(Name), we’re adults, just say you got your back blown out.”
“I guess criminal behavior isn’t as much of a turn-on for me.”
“Never go to a second location with someone unless you’ve checked their trunk for weapons first.”
“Let go of me. I deserve to be free.”
“They’re not gonna leave us if they get married, (Name).”
“How did this become a roast of me? (Name) is the one under the table.”
“I’m wearing a shirt and no pants. I’m Winnie the Pooh-ing it.”
“What do you mean? Why would they leave me something? I’m the shameful family secret.”
“No. I hit him. The lip is from when someone else pulled me off of him.”
“It’s like I died. I died, except I have to feel it. And on top of that, I have to feel everything else I’ve ever felt all over again. I have to get the bad news again every day, I have to deal with the choices I made, and I can’t fix it. I can’t even run from it. It’s miserable.”
“No, you didn’t. But you made me realize it. You made me remember. And maybe that’s worse.”
“Just because you can’t run doesn’t mean you can make me do it for you.”
“Uh-huh, and this wouldn’t have anything to do with the way you reflexively ice out anyone who even appears to have rejected or wronged you?”
“Oh, so they… they thought I just left without saying goodbye?”
“It’s not a heist. It’s… an elaborate, planned crime.”
“Okay…hmm… oh, I’ve made friends with a subway rat.”
“Judge all you want, but I’m the only one who will be spared in the inevitable Great Rat Uprising.”
“No, it’s cute! You’re such a nerd. It’s endearing!”
“What can I say? I’m the one that got away.”
“I have to say, I’m impressed. This is definitely the most organized crime I’ve ever been involved in.”
“Sometimes the point is to be sad, (Name). Sometimes you just have to feel it because it deserves to be felt.”
“For what it’s worth, you’ve never disappointed me once since I’ve met you.”
“Is there anything else you want, before tomorrow?”
“I just did it because I thought you were hot.”
“I was really lonely before I met you.”
“I like when you’re in crime boss mode.”
“They have to kill him. It’s the only way.”
“I can think later. Right now I just want to be here, okay?”
“I’m here. I’m not leaving.”
“You’re the most important person I’ve ever met. And I never should have met you at all.”
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cheiyunn · 8 months
Kimisute main story [0部 ] Part 6
Yuuto: Furusawa-san said he’ll be a little late so we’ll need to wait a bit
Banri: Okay~ We’re already cleaned up our stuff so let's just wait in our waiting room then
Wataru: I’m kinda curious what Furusawa-san wanted to discuss…?
Banri: Isn’t it probably about our next live or something?
Rio: I don’t think you can put that out so fast but…
Banri: Well there’s a chance right! Forgive me for dreaming big–!
Wataru: Hey look at this… from the last time we checked there’ more people writing their impressions of us
Ren: Lemme see… you’re right
Yuuto: Even people who didn’t know us were saying we were good!
Banri: Hey that sounds great!
Banri: For a moment I’d thought what’d happen but after our major debut it seems like our future’s a little bright it seems!
Ryuusuke: Woah woah, seems like the little kiddos that just got in the label have started spewing some pretty big words huh?
Rintaro: You’re really that curious about them, Ryuusuke?
Rio: …!  ST//RAYRIDE…
Banri: Woah, Tennoji Ryuusuke-san and Yodogawa Rintaro-san !? Good- Good work out there..!
Rintaro: Hello there
Yuuto: Right after the fes you were taking interview questions right. As expected of sutosuto!
Wataru: Good work today. We were watching your live from the wings but we all thought the power of your live was amazing
Ryuusuke: …ha… what, all they are are goody two shoes huh
Ren: ..eh?
Ryuusuke: Wondering why Unc.Furusawa have to deal with these easygoing folks
Ryuusuke: Ya act like this and you’ll get crushed and disappear just as fast y’know?
Rio: …what does… that mean?
Rintaro: Meaning or whatnot isn’t it, take Ryuusuke’s words at face value
Furusawa: Yoo, my bad my bad! Sorry to keep ya’ll waiting!
Yuuto: Oh, Furusawa-san…!
Furusawa: ? Ryuusuke, you get here fast
Ryuusuke: You called and we came, uncle
Furusawa: Sorry to call on you despite being so busy! It's good that everyone’s together though
Wataru: Everyone’s…together..?
Furusawa: Rather than chatting in the hallway, why don’t we take it to the waiting room
[Waiting room]
Furusawa: So, since I arrived a little later than expected, I’ll make it snappy
Furusawa: I decided to put ST//RAYRIDE in charge of Argonavis’ mentoring program
Argonavis: Eh!?
Yuuto: Mentoring program… us..? With them…?
Ryuusuke: What, you got a bone to pick?
Yuuto: n-Not at all!
Banri: In specifics, what exactly are we going to be learning from them?
Furusawa: Well starting off with something like the daily in-and-outs of artists affiliated with Apollo Records and the scheduling set up
Furusawa: And also because I want to give you guys more exposure
Rio: Exposure…
Furusawa: Yup. Since the duo band between Ryuusuke and Rintaro ST//RAYRIDE are the top earners for this company
Furusawa: They’ve also got alot of eyes on them
Ryuusuke: Basically, you guys just need to be our ‘followers’ and grab attention from the media, is the kind strategy uncle here is suggesting
Wataru: Followers… huh…
Ryuusuke: I mean, since you guys are country boys that hail from Hakodate after all?
Ryuusuke: Even if we keep an eye on you, it’ll be a loss if you run back tail tucked between your legs*
Banri: Wha..! From back then he’s…!
Ren: We won’t run
Ryuusuke: Hah?
Tumblr media
Ren: I… no we, Argonavis won’t run away
Ryuusuke: …oh~?
Rintaro: Hm~?..
Furusawa: Told cha’, I was right to say you’d get along!
Yuuto: Nono, where are you seeing that, Furusawa-san..!
Ryuusuke: Nanahoshi Ren aintcha… well, if you say so
Ryuusuke: Show us how long you can keep up
Ryuusuke: Do your best to show us you don’t bite your tongue then
Rintaro: We’re looking forward to it
Ren: ….
* Not 100% sure on this one, apologies.
Note: It's my first time translating stst, hopefully it's clear enough..
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