krystelovesanime · 11 months
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"their feelings become one"
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cherryblossombombs · 6 months
I have an issue with the "the giga cover is likely fujobait" because I can't help but think:
if it was truly fujobait, why now?
Why try to get their attention if MHA is now in the 100M club? The series now so popular, hori/jump doesn't need queer shippers to increase its popularity.
Why try to get fujos and queer fans, if it's already popular in that group? Wasn't it apparently shown that MHA is more popular with women and LGBTQ+ fans?
Why try to get that audience when hori had the chance to do that back in 2016-2018 when Kr//bk was the popular gay ship? Wasn't there an interview where someone pretty much asked hori if he's for kr//bk, but instead of playing along, hori made it about bkdk (the ship that no one took seriously at the time) and said he saw the hand hold more about bkdk angst. Kr//bk was a popular ship, it had bones making official art of them. The smash parody manga had moments of it. Two heroes was their movie [I believe hori didn't really help in that movie. However, notice how in the second movie, (he was a part of that one), focused on bkdk (again, the ship no one took seriously)]. Hori had the ability to use that ship as bait, but he seemed to be the only one out of everyone else to not go for it. Instead he kept pushing for the ship that was thought to be too toxic to even become a platonic ship.
If horikoshi did not want bkdk to seen as romantic, why isn't he stopping jump for implying it? You really can't say that he has no ability to, the guy went to bones and told them the ending. Now, notice how bones suddenly stopped making iz//ch moments and added a bkdk moment in the recap episodes (something that they would never do 2 seasons prior). The assistant (whom hori is friends with) is a loud speaker of dkbk lol. Hori follows him on twitter, there's no way that hori hasn't seen his dkbk art once. Same for katsuki's JP VA (who is also a friend of Hori).
Why try to bait the audience when the manga is ending?
Idk, maybe there's a chance he is actually queerbaiting and make iz//ch canon, but again, after everything?
After the togachako arc? He had made ochako confess her crush on midoriya, only for seconds later to not only brush it off as unimportant (unimportant in the sense of it was more of way to relate to toga and speak with her, it wasn't really used as a "canon izu//ocha" moment), she tells toga that she could have ochako's blood for the rest of her life (and we know that's toga's love language of returning/accepting her feelings) and she told toga that she had the cutest smile in the whole world. Like, didn't hori say that toga was made for ochako's character? I feel like it wouldn't make sense for hori to do all of this, then have ochako end up with midoriya, it would feel like a middle finger to toga tbh.
After chapters 285, 322, 362, 367, 403, and 404? The apology? The "you're the closest one to midoriya izuku, therefore I need to kill you in order to make him go crazy". The heart shaped black whip after seeing bakugou's dying body? The "their feelings became one" double spread? this bullet point could be spread to about 2-3 document pages, but I'm just going to summarize for this post lol. But overall, these chapters (and a few more), show me (imo) that it the "fujobait" claim isn't really strong to use against bkdk.
Again, maybe this is queerbait, because I know that there are times where other media/anime have done simliar and still had the MC in a heterosexual relationship, and leave everyone dumbfounded lol. Once again, all I say to this is "let's see what happens."
P.S. Isn't this the same author who said that he thought that naruto was going to end at 698 (the implied SNS ending) lol? Idk if it's true, that's just something I've heard.
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evelynquack · 10 days
Only reason Izuocha didn’t become canon is because Horikoshi became a Togachako shipper lol
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lesbianneopolitan · 3 months
Talking about Togachako, I had a dream where Toga died like in canon, so Ochako became a villain to dismantle society and build it again, so no one had to suffer the rejection that Toga did 😭
And it was insane, because of how Toga give Ochako her blood, Toga and Ochako's quirks got mixed creating a new quirk. So Ochako now could take away the blood of everyone she touched, like, making them vomit their blood-
It was insane.
I love it...
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bicheetopuff · 5 months
for the ask game, what're your thoughts on togachako
I’m so sorry for taking so long to respond to this @frausted !!
Ship it
1. What made you ship it?
Idk any other way to word it other than, I admire their devotion to each other. I appreciate that even though Togas a villain, Ochako ignored that to see her for who she actually was underneath her unwarranted villain title.

2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
As a queer POC, I relate to Toga a lot (I also share her bday btw which is fun). Although my phase of “I’m misunderstood and I’m tired of people telling me I can’t be who I am” wasn’t as violent or morbid as Togas, I grew up in a very conservative county so people telling me who I need to be happened a lot and I would lose friends for not conforming.
Also I love how Toga kinda set the foundation for what love is in the story and Ochako kind of refuted that with her own version of love.
Ochako was basically told since the beginning of the story that she liked Deku and that she’s supposed to like Deku because she’s a girl and he’s a guy and Toga kind of set that idea in stone for Ochako when she asked her “don’t you wanna be just like the people you love?”
I don’t doubt that she did like Deku at the beginning of the story but she tried so hard to live by Togas ideology to try to mimic Deku, because that’s what’s she’s “supposed” to do, but it never worked for her and she became frustrated with it. She’s “kinda weird” cuz she’s not capable of loving the same way everyone else does and she envies Toga for being able to do it so confidently.
Their characters were truly made for each other. Toga was the person that made Ochako genuinely consider what love actually was and Ochako is the first person to love Toga the way she needed to be loved in the language of giving instead of mimicking and I just find the whole thing pretty poetic.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don’t think they’ll be canon. I view them more as a romantic tragedy. While Ochako admires and loves Toga, I don’t think she’s capable of being in love with her. Plus a big part of her character is learning to be your own person so I feel like being single would be the best ending for her.
I don’t think bnha is a manga that’ll be open to the hero x villain trope so I view it as a kinda “right person, wrong time/met too late” kinda thing cuz at the end of the day, Toga has murdered people and even almost killed Ochako. I feel like if Ochako had met Toga before she resorted to killing people, they would’ve been the perfect match honestly. But, this isn’t Naruto. I don’t think people would take kindly to hori bullshitting the villains out of going to prison or at least correctional facilities for the sake of half baked endgame ships. Their relationship isn’t developed enough to get away with that unfortunately. That probably isn’t as unpopular of an opinion as I think it is though…
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marimeeko · 1 year
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I know I don't have dates or anything, and I don't recall if I even posted these before. But, I find immense satisfaction in the fact that I doodled these a couple months ago before we got the latest togachako confrontation chapters, and
I find hilarity in the fact that a floating togachako embrace became canon....and that I went with a Howls Moving Castle inspo for them in the right doodle, while Horikoshi chose a Spirited Away theme for them.
I finally scrounged these up from my doom piles, and had to laugh, and also just appreciate how we Togachakos got pretty much exactly what we wanted 😆
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thoughts on bkdk and or togachako?
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bakudeku are a prime example of two people who absolutely should never date but do need to angrily and impulsivly make-out once bc it's either that or they kill each other. generally I'm far more invested in them as a friendship/rivalry/kinda siblings-esque dynamic but I see logically why the romantic ship is so popular. that being said I think it'd be really fucking funny if it became canon purely bc of how much it would piss off basically every part of the fandom for a variety of different reasons
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togachako makes me fucking insane like how did horikoshi manage to write the most yuri to ever yuri, they should lez out on the battlefield and kiss whilst stabbing each other or something, it would instantly make the world a better place
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gradelstuff · 2 months
You know that things with shonen manga which manage to make non canon gay ship have more poignant moment than the straight predetermined from the first episode ship
The IzuChako moment that happens later isn't that good compared to the earlier TogaChako scenes. Probably because it has Izuku and Hori doesn't give him much character development. It makes me wish TogaChako became canon instead lol
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rikusoma · 2 years
(no hate to the shippers) I think the biggest problem with the "female love interest" in bnha is that anything that went past the first chapters became one sided, empty and sometimes really impersonal.
One sided because the MC barely showed interest aside from pretty superficial things, and their development became very easily platonic very fast.
Empty because the mentions and moments where the "crush" is brought up don't go anywhere, and are acknowledge to bring her down and make her uncomfortable
Impersonal because some things weren't either exclusive to or about each other.
Like, just because she isn't a love interest, don't mean she will suddenly stop being important or that she won't be a close person to the MC anymore. They just aren't going to be romantic.
(no offense to izu/ochas, you keep shipping whatever you want, I will not judge, but keep your opinions on it to yourself off my posts please, if you have a problem, block me and/or just keep scrolling)
Oh absolutely! And even in the first chapters, they didn't know each other well enough to anything To Be mutual. It's always been either nothing or one sided, there's never been a moment where Deku had any feelings toward Ochako.
I honestly think that part of the reason she was even hinted at being a potential love interest is because Hori needed something to keep the people who could pull the series early from realizing what he was doing. He had the formulaic "he was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it anymore obvious" hetero romance starter. Izu/ocha basically became a beard for bkdk.
Now that mha is kind of "too big to fail", Hori can pretty much do what he wants, and the man is chaotic enough to not care if making his two main characters a couple get him blacklisted. He's got a pretty dedicated fan base on his own. He'll be fine.
I will say I wish he was better at writing the women in his story, and he has admitted to being bad at it. But if I'm being honest, he does way better than a lot of mangakas and authors in general with writing women and giving them the spotlight. Is he perfect? No. Does he give them the same attention as the main characters? Of course not, why would he?
Ochako has had some great moments, but that speech when they brought Deku back to UA? It could've been pretty much anyone. I liked that it was her, but Deku would've reacted the same regardless. Bakugou's moment in 322 couldn't have been done by anyone else. And their moments are consistently exactly that. Ochako speaks for everyone and could be replaced by anyone and get the same reaction. Bakugou's moments would not have the same howitzer-level impact (ha, see what I did there?) if someone else took his place.
I still believe that she's going to have some really great moments coming up, completely divorced of Deku at all, save for maybe some teasing from Toga that will be immediately shut down because it just won't be good ammo anymore. She's not the love interest and her character is better for it. She's a hero and is focusing on being a hero. If it were up to me, I'd still have her get together with someone in the future, I personally love IidaChako, and TogaChako is cute, although I'd want to see some development of how Toga shows her love.
Basically, if izu/ochas cared about Ochako's character beyond her being in the same old formulaic main characterxlove interest that typically makes female characters "important" in a story, they'd realize that for her to have an arc that is on par with Deku and Bakugou, she NEEDS to not be paired with Deku. She NEEDS to have her own thing. She NEEDS to not be shoehorned into importance through just being a romantic interest.
TL;DR Hori is doing a great job and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, bkdk canon
Also Bakugou is going to survive, don't @ me.
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justadreamer1 · 4 years
Ten of my bnha otps in no particular order
Bakudeku! I just love this one. They are soulmates. Win to save and save to win and all that :)
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Togachako! I just think they have a lot of chemistry. I'm also a sucker for shipping narrative foils. Also, it's half canon already because toga is canonically interested. Also I hate when two girls are pitted against each other for a guy, so I'd rather they forget about deku and date each other lmao. They have more chemistry together than either of them has with deku lol
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Kamijirou! I love them so much. She's so smart emo and angsty and he's so happy and idiotic. They're perfect for each other. He pushes her to have more confidence and do her best, and she pushes him to be more mature and brave. I love them together.
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Miritama! I love miritama. I think pretty much everyone agrees that they're married and have been in love since childhood, so no need to explain this one.
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Tododeku! One of my first ships. It's so wholesome. A ship about healing and supporting each other
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Momojirou! I just love how they not only gave jirou a boyfriend, but a girlfriend too. Everytime I see them in the background being wives I get happy :)
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Kirimina! I absolutely adore these two. Probably my favorite het pairing of the show. I love how kirishima has been inspired by mina since middle school. I love seeing them interact or get any development.
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Hatsushield! This one is new but quickly became one of my favorites. Check out the light novel chapter 3 if u wanna see them interact. Two machine experts with every different outlooks finding common ground in each other built on mutual respect and friendship :)
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Lidachako! I love them together. They're my favorite pairing for each of the characters. All their interactions are just so funny and wholesome, and they've developed such a natural supportive chemistry. He's square and she's round. Opposite attract 😂
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Todobaku! I do love them together. They're complete opposites, they should be enemies, and yet they're drawn to each other. They have such a fascination with each other, and are genuine friends (even if bakugo won't admit it lol). They're fire and ice soulmates lol
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