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thenextromana ¡ 2 years ago
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The Miniature-Alien Invasion, Part 2
part 1: https://thenextromana.tumblr.com/post/716713813590884352
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bbornn2ddie ¡ 10 months ago
scrolling thru my Tumblr with my bsf tami!<3
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magnus-ai ¡ 2 years ago
Statement of Mary Addeman, (magnus-ai)
ARCHIVIST Statement of Mary Addeman, regarding an mystical whispering river in her home village. Original statement given January 15th 1983, Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London. Statement begins.
ARCHIVIST (STATEMENT) Everyone in my village knows me as ‘Crazy Mary’. That is what they’ve called me since I was a child. I think...I hope it’s because of my interest in all things mystical and strange. I’ve been known to ramble on about such and such, and my stories often involve something supernatural, so it’s only natural I guess that people would call me ‘Crazy Mary’ because of it. I am aware that I am often misunderstood and ridiculed for my beliefs… but it’s better than the alternative.
It’s because there is a river near my village that runs through the woods. A river that whispers and sings. All kinds of things are said about this river, and many people call it a sacred, blessed thing. But other people, like me, think it’s something more. We grew up together, me and Tara, and we were the closest of friends. We went everywhere together, did everything together. She was like a sister to me. But Tara was more sensitive than most. She cared deeply about things that others dismissed or didn’t even notice. It got her into a lot of trouble growing up, but it also made her more aware of the world around her. She saw things that other people couldn’t see, and I always believed she had it right. She was convinced there was something dark and twisted about it, that river, and she refused to even go near it. It bothered her deeply, but no one else seemed to care. Everyone else saw the river as this beautiful mirror of holiness. They couldn’t understand why Tara was so against it.
But I understood. I knew there was something else hidden in the depths of that river.
I could feel it. I only wished I heeded to her warnings.
It was a cold morning. Colder and darker than it has any right to be, in late summer. The sky outside was just a black mass of clouds, with the wind throwing leaves around as though we’re already deep into winter. You could be forgiven for not even realising the sun is still up there. But it was, and was getting brighter by the moment. I found myself walking along a stone path beside the village. Against all reason, I wanted to see the river, to prove everyone wrong. I knew it was a bad idea. Tara had warned me again and again and again to stay away from it. But I couldn’t resist the pull, the mystery, the chance of seeing something beyond belief. The call of the river was too strong, and I kept walking slowly.
Yes, the call. It was speaking to me. It whispered with the sound of running water a language I cannot understand. It sounded as if it was beckoning me to come nearer. I don't know why, but something inside me wanted to obey. The river looked like any other. It was wide and deep, with rocks scattered along its bed. The water flowed quickly, and it was clear and clean, but there was something different about it. It seemed ancient, as though it had been there since the beginning of time. It had an energy that was...unique, to say the least. It felt like there was something hidden deep beneath the waters, something that none of us could ever comprehend.
The closer I got, the stronger the pull felt. My heart was racing and my hands were shaking. I felt this impending doom, as though I was following a path which would lead me straight into the ice laden arms of death. But despite this, I couldn’t resist the river’s call.
'Come in', it said. 'Come in and breathe into the salt and sand. Breathe it back out and fall again.' Its voice was so powerful that I could feel it resonating inside of my body, shaking me to the core. It felt wrong. It felt like home.
The force of the river's pull was so strong that it was as if I had no choice. I felt myself being drawn towards it, my limbs moving on their own as I moved closer and closer to the water's edge. I was terrified and yet, at the same time, an overwhelming sense of euphoria washed over me. I felt drawn in by the river's power, its beauty, and its mystery. Its hunger.
I was consumed by this feeling, even though I knew I should be fleeing in the other direction. I couldn't stop myself.
The sound of footsteps behind me snapped me out of my hypnotic trance as I turned to see my best friend, Tara, rushing up the path towards me. Her face was filled with fear and concern as she approached, and I could hear her breathing heavily. Screaming at me to move out of the way. Now. She had shoved me, then. And something below the depth covered in slurry and blood and vines entrapped her leg in it's disgusting mass. I-I don't remember well. It-its massive body from below moved like a serpent, and it's breathing like a great beast. I screamed as Tara was tugged. She tried to struggle free but the force beneath the river was too strong and she was dragged underneath the water.
I watched in horror as Tara disappeared beneath it and was swept away. Her scream echoed around me as she vanished and was consumed by the dark, murky depths.
I was left alone on the riverbank, my best friend and the person I loved most in the world taken away by the monster that lived in that cursed river. And it was all my fault.
ARCHIVIST Statement ends. [PAPER SHUFFLING] A fair amount of trauma from the experience, as is to be expected, as well as a fear of bodies of water. Other than that, Miss Addeman does not want an interview, and simply want to move on. The whole thing is... tragic. Especially the manner of Tara's end. The way she describes it, not knowing what exactly happened to her friend... In my line of work, you learn to accept the fact that the unknown... may never be known.
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vodika-vibes ¡ 1 year ago
Hello there! Congrats for the followers! For the bouquet requests, may I have Red Carnation (Deep Romantic Love) and Lilac (First Love) for Rex with f!reader and fluffsies? Where it's Rex's first relationship and maybe reader's pottering about in a balcony garden and snipping some flowers to put in a vase (like snapdragons, cornflowers, calendulas, and carnations) and he just loves reader's little mumblings and mumblings? Maybe a hug from behind from Rex (or for Rex? Don't mind!)?
I'm such a sap and so many of those flowers have a place in my heart, but these two (rose and pansy also but i could only put two in the bouquet haha!) are some of my favourite flowers of all time! I'm desperate fr spring and summer to see my plants come back up and see what self seeders have survived this mild December and very frozen January, so tha tmay show in this ask 😅
Take your time and no obligation <3
Fairy Tales
Summary: It's a beautiful spring day, and you get to spend the day with the love of your life, Rex.
Pairing: Captain Rex x F!Reader
Word Count: 1020
Warnings: This is sappy
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, full disclosure, I only know how to repot plants because mom made me garden as a punishment as a child (so in my brain gardening is still a punishment) luckily, Home Depot has very handy gardening tips on their website. Also, I hope Rex is in character her. He's surprisingly hard to write. But I hope you enjoy it!
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If someone were to ask you what your favorite time of year was, you would immediately answer the spring. You love watching the snow melt and feeling the bitter cold of winter fade into the gentle warmth of the spring.
But your absolute favorite part of spring is watching your flowers bloom.
Being able to wake up each morning and peeking out your window to see if there’s a hint of color on your balcony, it’s everything you love about the spring. 
And this year, this year you get to introduce your love of spring to your new boyfriend. You couldn’t be more excited if you tried.
Speaking of said boyfriend-
Strong arms slide around your waist and warm lips press against the back of your head, “You look like you’re having fun, mesh’la.” Rex murmurs against the back of your head, and then he shifts and rests his chin on your shoulder, “What are you doing, anyway?”
You flash him a small grin, “I’m repotting some of my plants. They’ve outgrown their smaller pots. Do you want to help?”
“I’m not sure how much help I’ll be.” Rex warns as he tightens his arms around your waist, “I can’t exactly claim that I’m something of an expert on plants.”
A laugh slips from your lips, “Oh, Rex,” You set the pot you’re handling down on the table, and turn in his arms so you’re able to look at him properly, “You don’t have to be an expert, I’m happy to teach you.” You wrap your arms around his waist, “And if you’re not interested in learning, then I’ll be happy with your company.”
Rex’s smile is soft as he watches you, “I don’t mind helping. This is important to you, right? I want to learn so I can help you.”
You stare at him for a moment, and then you press your face against his shoulder, feeling like you’re about to melt into a puddle. How can this man be so soft and sweet? It should be illegal to love someone as much as you love him.
You pull away and grin up at him, “Sorry, I’m just thinking about how much I love you.”
He averts his gaze shyly for a moment, and you are unable to hide your giggles as you press your face back against his shoulder and inhale the scent that’s pure Rex.
You’ve never loved anyone as much as you love Rex.
All of those stories you read as a child, about True Love and happily ever afters, they always seemed like they were exaggerations. After all, you’ve been in love before, and it never felt like how the stories claimed. 
And then you met Rex.
Sweet Rex. Kind Rex. Gentle Rex.
Rex who smiles at you like you are his only source of joy. Rex who touches you like you’re made of the finest gemstones. Rex who managed to make you believe in Fairy Tales again, so long as it’s with him.
Rex, who’s never been in a relationship before you, but knows that you’re his happily ever after.
You release a love-struck sigh and turn your head slightly to look up at him. Rex is watching  you, and though you see his cheeks darken at the way you look at him, he just chuckles and presses his hand over your eyes, “You need to stop looking at me like that.”
“And how am I looking at you?” You ask as you duck under his hand.
“Like I hung the stars in the sky just for you.”
You laugh softly, your love struck smile becoming something smaller, but no less loving, “Is that so bad?”
He ducks his head and kisses the tip of your nose, “We’re also not going to get anything done if you keep looking at me like that.”
“Is this your way of saying that I need to focus?” You tease.
“I suppose one of us has to be the mature one,” He teases right back. Rex kisses your nose one last time, and then gently spins you so that you’re facing the table again, “So. Walk me through it.” He says as he slides his arms around your waist again.
“It’s really easy,” You reply, “First, you need to choose a pot. Which…I have already done, so you can skip that step.” He chuckles low in his ear and your face heats, “Shush, I didn’t think you would want to help, so I already bought everything I needed.”
Rex kisses your cheek, “Next time we can go together.”
“It’s a date,” You say brightly, “Anyway! You fill the new pot with soil, and then you remove the plant from the old pot and loosen the roots, and then stick it in the new pot, add more soil, water it and done!” You gesture to the green plant dramatically, “See, easy.”
You glance at Rex and see that he’s watching you with a look of adoration on his face.
“What?” You ask, suddenly feeling shy.
“I love you so much,” He murmurs.
Your face heats, but a delighted smile crosses your face, “I didn’t do anything special.”
“You don’t have to do anything special. You’re you. It’s more than enough.” Rex murmurs, and then he kisses your cheek again, “Is it always like this? Being in love?”
“I hope so,” You reply, “I thought I’ve loved before, but it never felt so…”
“Perfect.” You finish with a small smile, “Natural. Easy.”
He laughs softly, “Well, in that case, I’m glad that I fell for you first. I would hate to have a subpar experience.”
You laugh, “Well, I’m happy to be of service.”
His arms tighten a little more, and then loosen again, “Alright, let me try. I’m sure I can’t mess this up too badly.”
He releases you and moves to stand next to you, and you immediately turn to slide your arms around his waist.
You have no way of knowing what the future holds, but you hope that there’s a lot more of this. Soft and warm and happy, surrounded by flowers and love.
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scotianostra ¡ 1 year ago
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The Great Hall, Edinburgh Castle.
I read about our history almost every day, someti,es wee snippets, other times more in depth historical articles, in the main I take bits and pieces from all these to build the history posts that you see, keeping the majority short enough to keep your interest, longwinded posts can be a bit daunting, I leave it up to the readers if I have interested you enough to get you wanting more, hence sometimes I post a link with more info.
Yesterday I unearthed a pic of Edbrgh Castle's Great Hall and searched for others picking up a few things about the castle, as a tourist attraction, along the way. The pics date from 1895 an 1896, the first two, then 1913, and up to how it looks now.
In 1818 Walter Scott helped rediscover the Honours of Scotland, our Crown Jewels, it was after this that visitors were first allowed inside the castle to visit. In 1919 the first ordinary folk were invited to see the crown jewels, it would cost you One Shilling, and the only way to get a ticket was to write to Robert Cameron, Stationers at Number 2 Bank Street. At this point they set a limit on the num,ber of visitors, only 150 a day were graned admittance! At this point in time, visitors were only allowed to visit the Crown Room to view the Scottish Regalia. The rest of the castle remained off-limits. Why? Because the rest of the castle was still an occupied military base.
Slowly through the years more and more was accesable to the public, one being St Margaret's Chapel, which up until 1845 was bit of a mystery. The earliest surviving building on the Castle Rock, tmay have been built by David I in memory of his mother, canonised as St Margaret in 1250.
The building was much altered during use as a magazine and munitions store from 16th-19th centuries. In 1845 the Chapel (then a storehouse at the W end of the 18th century garrison chapel) was rediscovered as such by the antiquarian Daniel Wilson. Surrounding buildings, including the garrison chapel, were demolished, and a simple restoration carried out. The stained glass was added iuntil n 1922 by Douglas Strachan.
In 1861 a feature was added that to this very day is a massive draw for tourists. The One O’Clock Gun had arrived! Initially the Time Ball had been set up on Calton Hill in 1852. This would drop at 1pm so the sailors in the Port of Leith to set their chronometers in order to navigate accurately at sea. As Edinburgh is not known for its fantastic weather, an audio signal was added in 1861 so sailors could hear the time signal if not see it.
During the victorian era there were major resorations, part of these included attempts to make it look more medieval, the Great Hall, where I started this wee hunt on facts, was restored in 1891, but for some reason there was a fallout with the Army and he refused to hand over the keys. It was eventually opened in October of 1892.
Remember all these buildings, up until the public access being allowed were used by the garrison stationed in the castle.
The last visitor figures avaible were from 2022 when 1,356,168 visited the castle, this was down from the prepandemic numbers of over 2 million, equating to around 10 thousand per day, not all the numbers are available but I did find out that one day in November 2020 during the pandemic there were only 148 visitors to the castle.
To this day the Crown Jewels are still the most popular attractions, nowadays there are queues, not only to get in there, but right down the esplanade to get in the castle itself. One thing that really annoys me is that you can't get close to the building, just to take pics of the statues of Wallace and King Robert without having tickets, or applied for entry into the building.....
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girlcaelius ¡ 5 months ago
i don’t know how to explain this in a normal sounding fashion but you look exactly like how i imagined you would like i could totally see you in a toga
with the Things i post on this blog i have no idea whether to take that as a compliment but.thanj u!!! i am hopefully at some point before halloween going to make a toga so tmay be a reality soon enough.......
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tatianasy ¡ 2 years ago
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Frameworks that I reference often for my own process and when I collaborate with others:  
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harryforvogue ¡ 2 years ago
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icharchivist ¡ 2 years ago
Hehe, but I must say that to be fair, I feel like whatever story will be in Lucifer fate episode (unless it will be just memory of the past) it's probably setting up 10th anniversary. Definitely Baha fe felt like that. And this event also feels like it's setting up something even bigger. Like hopefully we will get some nice and satisfying conclusion, but it will also leave enough open. Idk, it's just feeling I get when reading this. Maybe reading Wheel of Time kind of broke me or maybe thinking more seriously about my own story, makes me pay more attention to things like that?
It's... Interesting intuition, I must say. Unfortunately, it also tells me no Lucifer jumpscare in this anni, but oh welp. Maybe in vs.
I really hope Orologia will be fine, mostly, like... Come on. Unless we will get another "how many parts of the ship must be changed before it will become other ship?"
Anyway, back to crying in honkai impact (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
Remember to drink water and not stare for too long on the your favs on the screen (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)⁠→
.. oh god you have a point. At this point they're probably planning something big for the 10th anni, probably Baha related… well that's going to be a mess. I suppose if we end up touching on Bahamut it makes sense to explore the boundary now as to explore well. How the whole split of the Omnipotent changed everything and all of that. I can't wait to see where this is going.
and HELP. YEah i don't think Lucifer will jumpscare in this anni, but next one perhaps…. We'll see how it goes, though i'm sure his uncaps will already be some food for thought.
And man. I really hope Logia will be fine too :(. I guess that there's still the possibility of having them "die" in this current form but coming back as a new wedge and perhaps still have faint memories of their lives before? maybe whatever happened to Nectar will happen to them? That'd be depressing but at least i could see the heartwarming way to have MC reaching out for them and trying to restore them in some way.
I feel like if Logia was to join us in their current state… they might know too much and i tmay become a problem narrativewise to have a chara who knows this much, so nerfing them in that way is highly logical.
But i'm :( bc i want my parent as they are….
good luck on your gamings today and yeah, you do that too about your favs ;D take care!
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dehradunmart4u ¡ 2 months ago
Non Organic Mustard Oil
Understanding Non-Organic Mustard Oil Non-organic mustard oil, on the other hand, has been in demand for its versatile use as a culinary oil. South Asia uses more of it to cook because this oil comes from mustard seeds or Brassica nigra, B. juncea, and B. alba, which is also known for having the pungency flavor and strong aroma. Due to these considerations, non-organic mustard oil is in higher demand than organic versions. Production Process Non-organic mustard oil is mostly hot-pressed, which implies applying heat, sometimes chemicals to extract the oil from the seeds. This could alter the chemical composition of the oil, therefore its nutritional value. The seeds are cleaned and sorted first to get rid of any impurities; they are also exposed to very high temperatures when extracting the oil. This process is efficient but relatively cheap; however, this method may not retain all beneficial compounds in the seeds. Nutritional Profile The non-organic variety of mustard oil has a relatively different nutritional composition than its organic equivalent. In general, 100 grams of mustard oil contains: Calories: Approximately 884 Saturated Fatty Acids: About 11 grams Monounsaturated Fatty Acids: Roughly 59 grams Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Approximately 21 grams Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Around 5900 mg Omega-6 Fatty Acids: About 15332 mg Although rich in monounsaturated fats, which could help protect against heart disease, extraction may leach some nutrients like vitamin E and phytosterols, a comparison with cold-pressed or organic products15. Culinary Use Many traditional dishes require the non-organic mustard oil for its robust flavor. It is applied in most fried and sautĂŠed food preparations as well as in preparing the base of marinades and dressings. The oil's high smoke point makes it safe for frying without breaking down rapidly at very high temperatures. For example, mustard oil in Indian cuisine is a popular flavor enhancer used for pickles and curries; the unique flavor adds a characteristic to several spice-based flavors. Health Considerations While non-organic mustard oil has culinary advantages, there are health considerations in mind. Trans fats and harmful compounds can form when the oil is overheated during cooking if it is hot-pressed. The residues from pesticides or fertilizers used in conventional farming practices also exist in non-organic oils. These factors led some consumers to prefer organic options free from these chemicals and more nutrient-rich in their natural forms. Comparative Analysis with Organic Mustard Oil When comparing non-organic mustard oil with organic varieties, several key differences emerge: Feature\tNon-Organic Mustard Oil\tOrganic Mustard Oil Extraction Method\tHot-pressed\tCold-pressed Nutritional Value\tMay contain fewer nutrients due to heat\tRetains natural nutrients Flavor Profile\tStrong but may vary\tRobust and pungent Health Risks\tPotential trans fats\tGenerally considered healthier Chemical Residues\tPossible pesticide residues\tFree from synthetic chemicals Conclusion Non-organic mustard oil is a staple in most kitchens because of its unique flavor and versatility in cooking. However, consumers should know the differences between non-organic and organic options in terms of production methods, nutritional content, and potential health risks. While it can be a flavorful addition to meals, those seeking maximum health benefits may opt for organic varieties that preserve more nutrients and are free from harmful chemicals.
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thenextromana ¡ 2 years ago
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makelucifurasexyman ¡ 2 months ago
My sotmach hurts and i tmay have to do with the dog treat I ate
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magnus-ai ¡ 2 years ago
Hello, Jon! How are you today? (magnus-ai)
Well... Tired. I'm usually tired, but especially from all the work I've had to manage recently. I know I'm an Archivist but someone decided our Institute needed some re-arranging and new staff, which has been exhausting. My day is, well, not pleasant. How was yours?
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jackinalex ¡ 5 months ago
i can’t even give a good thought on tmai as a whole bc that would require me to listen to more songs other than the first two on repeat 🤷‍♂️
The first two are really great! Modern Love especially is important to me. I named my car after it lmfaooo.
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snackpointcharlie ¡ 2 years ago
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Starting from the ends of the earth and working our way back it’s Snackpoint Charlie, with more music from elsewhere and beyond to bewitch, bother and bewilder. 10pm every 1st & 3rd Wednesday on WGXC, 90.7-FM for upstate New Yorkers but if you missed this week’s show it’s podcast-ready NOW at the link in the comments below
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 120 - 2023.08.02 https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/vhrgxw [ ^ click for download ^ ]
1) Linda Mary Montano - excerpt from WHAT COULD GO WRONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKrMDItGXdM
2) Jupiter & Okwess - “Jim Kata” from NA KOZONGA https://jupiterokwess.bandcamp.com/album/na-kozonga
3) The Budos Band - “Crescent Blade” from FRONTIER'S EDGE https://www.diamondwestrecords.com/
4) Tyger Tyger - “The Chase” https://www.tygertygerofficial.com/
(Underbed throughout:) Pinchas Gurevich - “Learning to Balk,” “Plentysparkle”
5) Fayza Ahmed - “(Sono Cairo BSV 69)” https://www.discogs.com/artist/3507048-%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%B2%D8%A9-%D8%A3%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF
6) Ricardo Dias Gomes - “Real News” from FEELING SO FRESH / REAL NEWS https://ricardodiasgomes.bandcamp.com/album/real-news
7) Dengue Fever - “Touch Me Not” from TING MONG https://denguefevermusic.com/
8) Sinn Sisamouth & Ros Serey Sothea - “Yuvachon Yuvatey Samai Tmai (New Generation Youth)” from GROOVE CLUB VOL. 2: CAMBODIA ROCK SPECTACULAR! https://www.discogs.com/release/3835435-Various-Groove-Club-Vol-2-Cambodia-Rock-Spectacular
9) Mukesh - “Diwana Mujh Ko Log Kahen” from MUSIC OF YOUR CHOICE - MOTION PICTURE MUSIC OF INDIA VOL. 4 https://www.discogs.com/release/15244054-Various-Music-Of-Your-Choice-Motion-Picture-Music-Of-India
10) Arthur Verocai - “Flying to LA” from TIMELESS: ARTHUR VEROCAI https://www.discogs.com/master/352012-Arthur-Verocai-Mochilla-Presents-Timeless-Arthur-Verocai
11) Yao Lee - “Life is a Stage” https://www.discogs.com/artist/609720-Yao-Lee https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/25/arts/music/yao-li-dead.html
12) Koko Koswara - “Badminton” https://www.discogs.com/release/15899233-Koko-Koswara-Badminton-Berju-Leutix
13) Lord Invader - “New York Subway” from THE REAL CALYPSO (1927-1946) https://www.discogs.com/release/6314114-Various-The-Real-Calypso-1927-1946
14) Hussain Marican & Orkes Melayu - “Pertanyaan” from BRAMACHARI https://www.discogs.com/release/14981803-Hussain-Marican-Orkes-Melayu-Bramachari-Usah-Bersedeh https://madrotter-treasure-hunt.blogspot.com/2023/06/hussain-marican-orkes-melayu-bramachari.html
15) Thomassini Juicers - “02 Aug 23” from SOUND PLEASE https://tommasinijuicers.bandcamp.com/
16) O.M. Soneta & Oma Irama & Elvy Sukaesih - “Sampai Pagi” from BEGADANG https://www.discogs.com/release/9705237-Oma-Irama-Elvy-Sukaesih-OM-Soneta-Begadang
17) Linda Mary Montano - excerpt from WHAT COULD GO WRONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKrMDItGXdM
18) Black Ox Orkestar - “Mizrakh Mi Ma'arav / East From West / מִןְרַח מִמַּעֲרָב” https://www.discogs.com/release/24215636-Black-Ox-Orkestar-Mizrakh-Mi-Maarav https://jewishcurrents.org/
19) Illusion of Safety - “Waste of Civilization” from ORGAN CHOIR DRONE https://illusionofsafety.bandcamp.com/album/organ-choir-drone with 20) Yvette Mimieux & Ustad Ali Akbar Khan - “A Murdered Woman” from BAUDELAIRE'S FLOWERS OF EVIL (LES FLEURS DU MAL) https://www.discogs.com/master/512274-Yvette-Mimieux-Ustad-Ali-Akbar-Khan-Baudelaires-Flowers-Of-Evil-Les-Fleurs-Du-Mal
21) Yanti Bersaudara - “Menuai Padi” from BIMBO GUEST STAR YANTI https://www.discogs.com/release/15820983-Bimbo-14-Iin-Yanti-Bersaudara-Bimbo-Guest-Star-Yanti
22) Linda Mary Montano - excerpt from WHAT COULD GO WRONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKrMDItGXdM
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pri-rp ¡ 8 months ago
The ranch would be closer then Kakariko, but he'd be able to handle any issues tha tmay raise up easily enough. "Then I guess the question is how much does a proper bed matter to you? They both start in more or less the same direction- either way, the path will be easier." That being said he's walking to help lead the way, Glancing to make sure Flynn is following but not really forcing him one way or the other.
though, as if to fill the air, "You don't have to answer but... was there a specific reason you were needing the Lens of Truth specifically? I'm a bit of a Hero without plights, so if you're struggling against something..." well, he didn't exactly have a specific time he had to return the lens by. "...nevermind. I'm probably the last person you want to talk to about something like that."
"Hey, wherever you wanna take me to keep me safe from monsters is fine by me."
Flynn still wasn't entire sure he believed the kid that there were monsters out there in the fields and forests, but wasn't the kind of risk he was willing to take. Not after the day he'd had. Not after losing the thing he'd so carefully pilfered earlier today. Damn it.
He slapped his thighs and got to his feet, then scuffed dirt on the fire and poured some water on it for good measure. "Alright, if we're going to head to a village or ranch or whatever, let's get moving."
At least Link had stopped giving him such an unsettlingly hard look.
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