#TM Book
sol-links · 1 year
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ovisghost · 1 month
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justanotherfanfolks · 11 months
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Unfortunately for everyone, I love Book 1.
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agentpenguinmann · 2 years
Volume 10 extra pages
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look at how cute they all are🥺
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theoutcastrogue · 18 days
So who invented science fiction, anyway?
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Dream blunt rotation, sci-fi edition (dead people only): Lucian of Samosata, Cyrano de Bergerac, Mary Shelley, Jules Verne, Alexander Bogdanov, Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick (if there's only one of those in the rotation, it's fine, just don't get surrounded by them), Ursula Le Guin, Douglas Adams
First of all, that's a dumb question. Literary genres aren't "invented" by single individuals. Nothing exists in a vacuum, there's no virgin birth in art, and culture is a conversation.
Second, there's no single rigid definition of science fiction. That stuff is loose and fluid and in the eye of the beholder. And depending on how you choose to define it, even The Epic of Gilgamesh can be considered a sci-fi story.
Third, for most intents and purposes, it's Mary Shelley. Science fiction as a genre begins with Frankenstein, that's not complicated at all.
Fourth, before Frankenstein, there are TONS of stories with elements we recognise now as belonging or at least adjacent to science fiction, but they're incidental to the narrative so nobody cares. Lucian wrote about inhabited planets and space battles in the 2nd century. But it was a satirical story, and if it took place in a land of magic mountains instead, it wouldn't make a lick of difference. Scores of people wrote utopias and/or adventures set on the moon, the sun, the stars. So what. It could have been on an imaginary island or the Fairy Realm, and nothing would change. All it says is "we set the stage Elsewhere".
Notable exception to the Fourth: Kepler's Somnium. That story is set (via dream) on the moon, and couldn't have been set anywhere else, because the whole point is to explain how the earth would look when viewed from the moon. That was what Kepler (that's the astronomer, not some random dude) wrote first and what he cared about, the rest is just a narrative framework added later. So it's not really science fiction because it's not really fiction in the first place, it's science with frills.
More exceptions to the Fourth: there are tales written in the late 18th / early 19th century that are, by now, recongisably science fiction. But they weren't novels, they were poems and one instance of prose-poetry, and they didn't make a genre. Frankenstein did that.
Fifth, mayhaps the correct word isn't "invent". It's "kickstart".
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saw someone be like “why does nobody ever talk abt black pete when discussing toxic masculinity in ofmd?” and like. it’s bc there’s nothing interesting to say abt it. he was sexist abt doing feminine things. then he had gay sex and it fixed him. the end.
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kawoid · 2 days
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• choosen one •
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l6sadi · 2 months
Something I really like about the original Lupin III manga (1967-1969), and which was unfortunately lost in the later releases like the aizouban volumes and the english translation localization of Tokyopop, is the way Monkey Punch decides to organize the chapters. Although the manga has arcs/stories of one or two parts, the manga is divided into "Series" in which, depending on these, each chapter shares a common topic.
The versions that can currently be read have the chapters out of order, but there is nothing to worry about, since these stand on their own episodically and in some cases, the chapters that were originally two parts were converted into a single chapter, so you can just jump to any chapter of any series that catches your attention here.
Some examples of these are:
(The following chapter names mentioned here are from the Tokyopop edition which can be fully read on Mangadex)
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Rat Clan Series: Set of chapters in which Lupin and his gang face the Rat/Nezumi clan.
•Chapter 69 - “Straight Flush”
•Chapter 31 - “You Dirty Rats”
•Chapter 70 - “The Rat Clan and The Sea”
•Chapter 71 - “To Old Acquaintance Being Shot”
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All Cast Series: Several chapters in which the whole gang (Goemon, Fujiko, Jigen and Lupin) works together.
•Chapter 56 - “Triple Play”
•Chapter 57 - “The World on a String”
•Chapter 58 - “Camera Tricks”
•Chapter 59 - “Medal of Dishonor”
•Chapter 60 - “High Art”
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Young Man series: Series of chapters focused mostly on young adolescents or young adults getting involved in the world of crime. (My favorite).
•Chapter 36 - “Tough Love”
•Chapter 67 - “To Live and Die in Japan”
•Chapter 73 - “The Think System”
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Psychodelic Series: Chapters focused on, as the title implies, stories with psychedelic elements such as hypnosis or alusinations.
•Chapter 48 - “The Dream Sequence”
•Chapter 51 - “What the Skull Wants”
•Chapter 61 - “Death and Duality”
•Chapter 62 - “Double your Guns”
•Chapter 52 - “The Mind is a Mansion”
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The Confession Series: Chapters totally focused on Lupin's past and his relationship with his fucked up family.
•Chapter 37 - “Lupin The Third Vs. Arsene Lupin”
•Chapter 38 - “Inheritance”
•Chapter 39 - “Prodigy”
•Chapter 40 - “A Chip Off the Gold Block”
If this description or the plot of any of these characters sounds familiar to you, it is It is because these chapters were the total inspiration for the “Lupin Zero” mini-series, also highly recommended.
please share this or i'll die. <\3
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creekfiend · 1 year
I watched like the first two seasons of SPN 10-15 yrs ago and my primary impression was that it was kind of like Scooby-Doo, and tbqh I think SPN would have been better if it had just been kind of like Scooby-Doo. like "Scooby-Doo but it's your family" is a super hilarious concept just inherently. bc ok, the thing about Scooby-Doo is that everyone is there on purpose, for fun. they are having fun with their friends. but if Scooby-Doo was family members who were Scooby-Dooing for like, garbage dynastic reasons, that's SO MUCH FUNNIER. Scooby-Doo but your emotionally neglectful dad is making you Scoob the Doos. Scooby-Doo but everyone has generational resentment.
like the Shadowhunters worldbuilding question of "what if magical cops, but it's hereditary" (well Ms Clare, that sounds terrible) but instead of magical COPS it's MAGICAL INDEPENDENT MYSTERY SOLVING TEAM but it's hereditary. sounds HILARIOUS let's DO IT
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powpowchaos · 1 year
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Little Guys #3 // commission for @dilfsonic​
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zhoras-bitch · 11 months
So in chapter 8, when MC has their flashback of being held in Valax's dungeon, it's your LI who helps them come back to their senses. And if it's one of the main four, they all say something sweet along the lines of, 'It's alright, I'm here for you.' But if it's Aerin, he says, 'I know what you're feeling.' And I mean, obviously, who else can relate to MC's experience more than the man who spent the year locked up in a dungeon himself, but omg. The writers are so real for adding this detail.
Screenshots from Abhiro on Yt @masked-alien-lesbian @ganakoo @lantsov-vanserra (and me lol).
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warblingandwriting · 6 months
I hate when I've read a book that I like enough to buy, but then the cover is terrible. I mean, look at this shit:
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It's not the worst I've seen, but it makes the book look like some kind of romcom, it's completely dissonant with the tone, and I hate it.
Meanwhile, look at the Japanese (original) cover for the same novel:
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Beautiful, stunning, evocative. Also way more representative of what the actual novel is like to read. The conformity of the tower with odd bits popping and poking out of it, straining against it. This is interesting, I would pick this up off the shelf, whereas with the (North American) cover it has I only read the book because I heard a review that I thought sounded interesting (ironically from someone who didn't even like the book).
I just want to come to the end of the era of minimalist and photograph covers and go back to legit cover art... please
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ovisghost · 1 month
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so the karaoke night went good i think
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digitaldoeslmk · 11 months
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hell of a post-party stomach ache lol
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martianbugsbunny · 6 days
mom is bringing me some books I left behind when she visits next weekend and I asked her to bring The Sun And The Star (bc somehow I forgot it and I almost cried when I realized) and she asked which one is that and I said it's the one where Solangelo go on their gay little adventure to Tartarus together and she said
Riordan then?
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rosquinn · 9 months
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this shit is sending me
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