#TKB Fics
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total-killer-brainrot · 1 year ago
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You felt the cold wrap around your wrists and tug them to your sides. And finally you got a glimpse of who was messing with you. Tendrils of darkness holding your arms tight, just below the tablecloth. And grinning up at you between your legs, a large smile amidst inky shadow.
Amidst one of Charlie's mind numbing lesson plans, you get a big surprise hiding under the dinner table.
i love this stinky swamp man so much and i love the thought of his shadow basically manifesting any and all horny desires and occasionally acting on them despite his best efforts.
i am fully aware that hes canonically aroace, but fuck it im horny i wanna write horny shit
All my fics are also on AO3
Not Beta Read. Rating: Explicit. Length: 1,303. Ship: Alastor x You. Fem!Reader. Tags: Mildly Dubious Consent, Groping, Exhibitionism, Public Humiliation, Public Sex, Restraints, Tentacles, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Embarrassment, Multiple Orgasms
The logic behind today’s lesson plan escaped you. Charlie seemed to think that proper table manners and dining etiquette would surely land each participating sinner a spot in Heaven. Like you, most of the Hotel’s residences were less than enthusiastic. But still, why bother trying to redeem your damned soul if you were going to refuse to get involved with all of Charlie’s ideas.
By now the Hotel boasted over twenty willing sinners. Most of which had no clue how to properly hold a butter knife, let alone know the difference between a fish fork and a salad fork. A handful of the volunteers from Cannibal Town were actually well educated in the practices of fine dining, despite their usual methods of messy eating. And they were more than happy to assist Charlie’s lesson. Including the Hotel’s resident facilities manager, the Radio Demon himself, who sat near the head of the table with Charlie and Vaggie. 
Halfway through the lesson and you were bored out of your mind. Picking at your food while Charlie attempted to instruct a particularly violent demon on how to use the fork without breaking the fine china. Most of the other residents were chatting quietly amongst themselves as they ate. It wasn’t often the whole Hotel got together to eat and talk casually. And most seemed to be enjoying themselves. You continued to pick at your food until you felt something brush your leg.
You frowned and leaned back in your chair to look down, unable to spot anything in the shadow. You assumed one of the people seated next to you, or perhaps even Angel Dust seated across the table, must have nudged your leg accidentally. And then you felt it again. An icy cold slither up the back of your calf. You glared at Angel, sure he was pulling some kind of joke. But he wasn’t laughing, lost in his own conversation with Husk next to him. You glanced at the other sinners near you, but no one seemed to be paying you any mind. 
A shudder ran through you as the thing at your feet touched you again, reaching the hem of your skirt and pushing it up slowly. You leaned back further, but still couldn’t see anything. Just inky darkness below the table cloth. Too dark to simply be the shadow of the table. Quickly sitting up straight and going very still when you felt cold fingers run over your clothed cunt. What the fuck was going on? 
This time the thing below you didn’t pull away. Exploring your pussy and inner thighs. You did your best to not show your reaction on your face. Whatever cruel joke someone was playing on you, they wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing you enjoy it in front of everyone. Though you did draw a few confused glances when a quiet gasp escaped you. Your mystery friend pressing down on your clit repeatedly. Your hands shot down between your legs. Pressing down on the chair below you and blocking the things access to your core. 
You felt the cold wrap around your wrists and tug them to your sides. And finally you got a glimpse of who was messing with you. Tendrils of darkness holding your arms tight, just below the tablecloth. And grinning up at you between your legs, a large smile amidst inky shadow. You’d seen this creature before. Always attached to its master. Your head shot up, looking towards the Radio Demon. He was sitting nearly at the opposite side of the table to you, but even from this distance you could see he was tense. His ever present grin strained as he stared straight ahead, brows furrowed. Not engaging in conversation, just dead focused on, well you knew what. 
Another shuddering gasp left you. The shadow having pulled your panties to the side and gaining full access to you. You refused to look down again, trying to remain calm, but you could feel a long, cold tongue on your clit as two fingers slipped inside you. You whimpered, as quietly as you could possibly manage. The stretch didn’t hurt, the combination of your own slick, and whatever substance the shadow was made of making its fingers slide in and out of you easily. It was slow, taking its time to explore every inch of you, inside and out.
Your gaze turned back to Alastor, and you were surprised to see his cheeks flushed bright red. You could see his claws digging into the edge of the table as he gripped it. And all of a sudden you weren’t so sure he was doing this on purpose. Did the shadow have a mind of its own?
Before you could stop it, a horribly loud whine escaped your mouth. Drawing everyone’s attention. You blushed dark, the fingers inside you stilling as everyone stared at you. Everyone except Alastor, who remained staring straight again. Embarrassment clawed up your throat and you stammered to explain yourself. 
“Oh yeah! That's what I’m talking about!” Angel Dust moaned across from you, leaning back in his chair as he mimicked your whine, though much louder and far more exaggerated. The table laughed along with him, before returning to their conversations. You frowned at Angel in confusion, but he simply just winked at you and returned to Husk.
You took in a deep breath, right as the shadow curled its fingers inside you. You squeezed your eyes shut and breathed through your nose, focusing on remaining still and quiet as it drew you closer and closer to your orgasm. The coldness of its being a stark contrast to your burning skin. 
Glancing once again at Alastor you could see how he was gritting his teeth. For a brief moment the shadow disappeared, not pulling away, simply fading out of existence. Before returning back full force. Seemingly intent on making you finish before Alastor dragged it away from its work. 
You clenched your fists and bit down on your bottom lip hard as you rolled your hips against the shadows fingers. Eyes fluttering shut as you felt your pleasure nearing its peak. Distantly you hear Angel talking louder, making lewd jokes and making sure the attention was off you as you tipped over the edge. Thighs trembling as your orgasm flowed over you. Each and every nerve on fire. The wonderful sensations quickly turned into overstimulation as the shadow continued its motions. You squirmed in your seat, struggling to get out of the tendril’s grip so you could push it away. It was hopeless. 
You had long since forgotten about keeping quiet. Far too distracted by the fingers and tongue driving you crazy. Right as you were being dragged towards your second orgasm, it all stopped. You whined needily and glanced down, the shadow was gone. Looking up in a daze you noticed so was everyone else. Except for Alastor. 
The tall demon stood from his chair, adjusting his coat and running a hand through his hair. He looked embarrassed almost. Avoiding your eye as he turned towards the door. You sat up slowly, watching him as he walked away from you. Still trembling and a little bit out of breath.
“Alastor. Don’t you dare fucking leave. I was just about to cum.”
He froze. And you grinned as the room around you darkened. The length of the shadow crawling up the wall, grin spreading across its dark face. You felt another tentacle of darkness wrap around your waist and lift you out of the chair. 
The door in front of Alastor opened and Angel Dust stuck his head in.
“Hey I got everyone to leave and- oh! Well I’ll leave you to it.” He laughed, watching you be maneuvered by Alastor’s shadows before leaving the two of you alone once again.
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jhonny · 1 year ago
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"stop talking like that boy you're ruining my tboy swag" - yami bakura, probably
or, when both bakuras are trans but only one of them has perfected the trans voice.
+ bonus thief king (as a treat)
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henfox · 4 months ago
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kissingchambers au | down bad since the start.
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millenniumringg · 3 months ago
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anyone remember these guys

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sesshy380 · 6 months ago
I was going to wait until Friday the 13th to post Chapter 13 of tkb 2nd chance, but well...I got antsy and decided to do it today.
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romanceddawn · 9 months ago
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Treasured Moments by deevotee| Rating: T
“You know, you could at least—” Yugi’s scolding is cut off by the other man pulling him by the waist into a fierce kiss. It takes his breath away just like the first time had and leaves all his thoughts melting into the feeling of being pressed up against his lover. When they part, he’s forgotten what he was going to say—which he suspects was Bakhure’s goal if the sly grin is anything to go by.
“I brought you something,” Bakhure tells him, letting him go so he can drop his backpack onto the bed. “Well
A few somethings.”
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Yami Bakura/Mutou Yuugi, Thief King Bakura/Mutou Yuugi, Yami Bakura, Thief King Bakura, Mutou Yuugi, Yami Yuugi | Atem, Post-Canon, Yamis Have Their Own Body, Fluff, Established Relationship, Mentions of Fragileshipping
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bakawitch · 5 months ago
A sentence that I actually wrote for a fic last night:
"In what way would tricking him into cannibalism actually help?"
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resuri-art · 2 years ago
Title: We meet in the middle
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 1/?
Categories: F/F, M/M
Relationships: Thief King Bakura/Marik Ishtar, Bakura Ryou/Yami Marik
Additional Tags: Female Marik Ishtar, Nonbinary lesbian Thief King Bakura, Gender Exploration, menstruation talk, gnc characters, Citronshipping, side deathshipping
The leader of the tombkeepers has to be a man. It can’t be otherwise, but how do you live when all your life you've been told to be someone else than yourself?
Marik doesn't know, but she can't disappoint her father.
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liberationwasboundtohappen · 11 months ago
Platonic modern Boundshipping AU where Egyptian street urchin TKB finds a slaughtered tourist family in an alley. Tourists often have good things that he can sell to get food, and it doesn't look like the police has found them yet. The murder must have been recent. As he's about to search, though, he finds a sleeping baby in the mother's arms, wrapped in a swaddling cloth. He knows enough about English characters to be able to read "Yuugi" on the blanket, and he figures that's what the child's name is. ... And he takes him in as his own. He can't just leave a baby to die, and from experience, orphanages aren't going to do shit. So, to prevent another tragedy like himself, he takes in this baby and raises him alone as a single father.
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micheladee · 4 months ago
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I've had this fic idea where Thief King Bakura sneaks into the royal palace under the guards' noses, finds the noble baths, and takes a moment to relax.
What would happen if a certain noble catches him?
The way Luisa draws TKB and Diabound as a little snake is my favorite ever.
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higuchimon · 1 year ago
AO3 link now.
[fanfic] The Tale of the Sinister Statue
Story: The Tale of the Sinister Statue
Ship: Thief King Bakura x Mai
Chapters: 1-1||Word Count: 10,632
Genre: Supernatural, Drama||Rated: G
Warnings: Magic, parallel worlds, vaguely similar to canon on some levels, and very not on others.
Notes: This was written for the YGO Pairings Challenge, season 11, round 4
Summary: Mai notices a strange statue in the park. That is just the beginning of an adventure she doesn’t want to have.
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total-killer-brainrot · 10 months ago
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Johnny immediately stilled, causing Leland’s eyes to shoot open with a loud whine. Trying to voice his displeasure at the lack of movement. Only able to let out garbled pleas. He was so cute when Johnny got him all desperate like this. You didn’t have the opportunity to dwell on it though. A sharp snap from Johnny’s fingers had your body moving before your brain caught up. He had you trained so well.
Johnny has fun with his little playthings.
This is written for @bisexual-horror-fan 's Multi May! Very fun very hot and I have one other Multi May idea that i might also write!
All my fics are also on AO3
Not Beta Read. Rating: Explicit. Length: 1,141. Ship: Johnny Slaughter x Leland Mckinney x You. Fem!Reader. Tags: Threesome - F/M/M, Toxic Relationships, Biting, Blood, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Fingering, Orgasm Denial, Overstimulation, Creampie, No Aftercare
Looking down at your boyfriend you remembered why you fell in love with him. The delicate part of his lips as he moaned. How his hair covered his eyes when he tilted his head just so. The warm grip of his hands as he clasped yours. How did you get so lucky to get a boy as pretty as Leland? 
Since you had both been captured you didn’t often think of how your relationship used to be. You had been happy. It never thought anything had been missing. But now, you couldn’t possibly imagine going back. And despite Leland’s embarrassed denial, you knew he agreed. The two of you had been shown a life you never could have imagined. Yes, it was full of violence and the two of you had the scars, and still open wounds, to prove it. But it was also full of passion and almost unending pleasure.
You traced your fingers over his cheekbone gently. Feeling the light sweat covering his face. He turned his head to press his nose into your thigh. Groaning against your skin. You chuckled gently as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“What’s so funny?” 
You’re head shot up, eyes widening as you met Johnny’s eyes. And for just a moment you forgot all about Leland. You couldn’t help it when Johnny looked so delicious while balls deep inside your boyfriend. The way his muscles tensed with each powerful thrust. He was gorgeous in a totally different way. You realised you were staring at him. He was grinning. Those teeth. You could still feel the sharp sting they would leave on your neck. Thighs. Just about anywhere he could reach. 
” You glanced down at Leland once again, who seemed to be totally out of it, and got an overwhelming rush of fondness and arousal. “I think he’s about to cum.”
Johnny immediately stilled, causing Leland’s eyes to shoot open with a loud whine. Trying to voice his displeasure at the lack of movement. Only able to let out garbled pleas. He was so cute when Johnny got him all desperate like this. You didn’t have the opportunity to dwell on it though. A sharp snap from Johnny’s fingers had your body moving before your brain caught up. He had you trained so well. Gently lifting Leland’s head off your lap and laying it to rest on the pillow below. Moving to Johnny’s side. A pleasant chill running down your spine as he ran his hand up your back to grip your hair. Guiding your head closer into a messy kiss. 
You should have expected the bite. Both you and Leland were covered in messy wounds from Johnny’s wandering mouth. But the pain still made you gasp. And he loved it when he caught you by surprise. Grinning against your lips as his teeth dug down until you tasted coppery blood. A happy grumble rising from the man's chest and making you whimper weakly.
As much as you knew Johnny loved the taste, he seemed to be getting impatient. Shallowly thrusting into Leland once again as he lapped at your split lip. You could sense the forced willpower when he finally pulled away. Lips red with your blood. The sight alone was enough to have you dripping. Along with the show the pair had provided you with you were squeezing your thighs together in search of any friction possible. 
“Desperate?” Johnny cooed. Chuckling when you nodded. “Why don’t we see if his cock still works shall we?” 
He lifted you so easily. One arm around your waist to position you exactly where he wanted, your back to his chest. Guiding Leland’s neglected cock inside you. You were so needy already that it slid in embarrassingly smoothly. Accompanied by yours and Leland’s matching moans. Behind you Johnny laughed. 
“You two are a fuckin’ mess.” He mumbled, wrapping both arms around your waist and holding you close, his shallow thrusts moving you and making you ride the crumbling man below. You felt his teeth once again sink into your skin, this time your shoulder. One of your favourite spots. A long cry of his name sounding from your lips.
Leland’s hips jerked below you. The poor man losing it as he was assaulted by an overwhelming barrage of pleasure. You knew from experience how intense Johnny could be. He could guide the two of you through hell and back and you would both still be on your knees thanking him. 
Blood dripped down your collarbone and you could feel Johnny’s confident thrusts falter. He was also getting close. Though there was no way he would let himself finish first. One hand moving down to your clit as he angled his thrusts to hit deeper. Causing you and Leland to almost scream in unison. It took only moments for Leland to arch his back and cum. Shaking beneath you as his orgasm ripped through him. 
Johnny didn’t stop pounding into him though. And you could see his face twist as overstimulation took over and he tried to squirm away. But with both you and Johnny keeping him in place he just had to take it. You could feel his softening cock twitch inside you right as your own peak hit. Leaning back against your second lover as you rolled your hips, riding out the high. Much to Leland’s displeasure. Though you didn’t even register his whines. Far too focused on Johnny’s fingers skilfully dancing over your clit. 
Once you came down Johnny pushed you forward and Leland’s cock slipped out of you as you laid on top of him. You and your boyfriend panting heavily, jostled by Johnny’s rough fucking as he finally chased his own peak. You almost started to relax, but the bastard wouldn’t let you rest. His fingers scooping up the cum leaking out of your aching cunt and fingering it back into you. An unexpected sob escaped you as you tried to reach down and push him away, but a harsh slap to your hand reminded you of your place and you just took it. 
Glancing up weakly you saw tears rolling down Leland’s face. He was so out of it. Nonsensical pleas filling the air until Johnny finally stilled. All was quiet for a moment, the only noise being all three of your heavy breaths. Once Johnny had calmed himself down he pulled away from you both. A final synced shudder as you and Leland were suddenly empty. Leland’s eyes were closed, desperately needing rest. You turned your head weakly to watch Johnny as he tugged his shirt back on.
“Clean him up.” Was all he said. You felt the urge to reach out for him. Ask him to stay. To take care of you both. But you knew better. He didn’t even look at you as he left.
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discords-morgan · 6 months ago
I've had this one (1) fic idea turning in my brain like my head's a microwave for like. Six months and I just had a lightning strike of an idea for it and I fear I won't be able to keep writing my novel properly until I get this out first soooooooo
Homies and homos how do we feel about past Atem/TKB........
EDIT: y'all I just realised this is what the casteshipping y'all talk about sometimes is I'm so dumb one day I'll learn all the names
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sitabethel · 11 months ago
Okay, bit listen...
Afterlife Atem x TKB fic where they get married and TKB moves THE ENTIRE VILLAGE into the palace, and the utter chaos which ensues as Kul Elna throws the biggest party the afterlife has ever seen to celebrate
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justapalspal · 3 months ago
Grandpa pal do u have any Atem and tkb stories to tell
Sitting in my comfortable grandpa recliner like well tiny
 son youngster
 I do have the one. The Prison Break But It’s From Heaven Fic. Because who doesn’t need TKB getting into Atem’s afterlife and the two of them teaming up to bust TKB/Yami B out of Heaven.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned everything I have drafted up for that one yet
 did I mention that TKB switches from his Yami B form to his TKB form based on his vulnerability? I think I did
 let me dig a bit deeper, a bit more

I have
 I have
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Atem getting a wheelchair implied!
Because both his feet are broken! Which he believes, once again, is because TKB’s showing up at all in the afterlife.
Don’t you just love when you have to team up with your arch nemesis to patch up the fabric of reality?
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sesshy380 · 3 months ago
Shameless self promo time! A list of all of my Christmas/Holiday focused fics because of the season!
CasteShipping Holiday Prompt: Eggnog
Rating: Teen and Up
Wordcount: 1154
Characters: Atem, Thief King Bakura
Holiday office parties and alcoholic eggnog are the perfect recipe for getting to know your coworkers on a whole new level
DeathShipping Holiday Prompt: Finding the perfect gift
Rating: Teen and up
Wordcount: 2028
Characters: Ryou Bakura, Amir (Yami Marik/Yami Malik)
Amir's attempt at making a gift doesn't go exactly as planned
EuroShipping Holday Prompt: Hot Chocolate
Rating: General
Wordcount: 1311
Characters: Seto Kaiba, Ryou Bakura
The most important man in Domino looks for an excuse to escape the Holiday Extravaganza.
Talking with Myself...'Kiss Miss' Edition
Rating: Teen and up
Wordcount: 718
Characters: Yami Bakura, Author
â™Ș Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day...I've got a jar of dir-rt! I've got a jar of dir-rt!
(note: Talking with Myself is part of crack series where the Author is sleep deprived and tired of arguing with the characters in her head, so she decided to have some fun and throw it into a doc and post it for all to enjoy)
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