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doctorsiren · 7 months ago
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I’ve been thinking about Miles as Serizawa quite a bit 😁
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aceof-stars · 9 months ago
(Edited to adjust my argument).
I think RTFA confirming that Miles Edgeworth didn't intentionally forge evidence aligns with his established character in the first four cases. It does take away some audience interpretation but personally I'm fine with that.
First of all I don't think the rest of AA1 ever confirmed it one way or the other. There are a few instances where Phoenix thinks of Edgeworth as an evidence forger but it's not like Phoenix would know for sure either. (Do correct me, with specific lines please, if I'm wrong though).
But more importantly, if you only look at the first four cases of AA1 Edgeworth being an evidence forger doesn't make sense with his character. Why would a prosecutor forge evidence? Not including reasons like being blackmailed. 1) If they don't care (enough) about the truth (prioritizing things like success over it), or 2) if they truly believe the defendant is guilty and are desperate for a conviction (aka the reason Adrian Andrews forges evidence in 2-4).
Does Edgeworth care about the truth, before the start of his redemption arc at the end of 1-3?
Yes... kind of. I don't think he prioritizes the truth or consciously cares about it. As the "Demon Prosecutor", Edgeworth cares about justice, and achieving it through punishment. However, convicting the wrong person would not be justice to him. Which is what makes Edgeworth change sides to convict the right person in 1-3. So in that sense, he does care about the truth.
You could argue that Edgeworth had already lost once to Phoenix and thought "screw this, my perfect record is already gone, another loss wouldn't change that fact". But compare him to two characters who are actually obsessed with their perfect records. Manfred, a perfectionist control-freak, getting a penalty (not even losing!) unraveled him so much that he killed Gregory in the heat of the moment. Franziska after losing in 2-2 declares that: "That spirit channeling trial was a sham! I refuse to acknowledge its legitimacy! It did not count!" She doesn't even want to admit that she lost. Edgeworth, on the other hand, doesn't act like someone who truly prioritizes his win record over the truth.
Because Edgeworth didn't just let himself lose in 1-3, he made himself lose. He made Vasquez testify again. She would have gotten away if Edgeworth didn't say anything. And after the trial he tells the judge "Will Powers was innocent. That he should be found so is only natural… not a miracle."
Okay but if Edgeworth does care about the truth (to some extent), and believed that every defendant being guilty was the truth, he could have easily gone down the path of forging evidence to ensure the verdict reflected what he believed to be true. That leads me to my next question:
2. Does Edgeworth truly believe that every defendant he prosecutes is guilty?
Actually no. He says this in Turnabout Sisters: "Innocent"...? How can we know that? The guilty will always lie, to avoid being found out. There's no way to tell who is guilty and who is innocent! All that I can hope to do is get every defendant declared "guilty"! So I make that my policy.
Yeah I think that line speaks for itself.
Miles Edgeworth can't bring himself to consciously care about or prioritize the truth, but the moment it's presented in front of him he also can't bring himself to ignore it. He doesn't think it would be just to knowingly convict an innocent person, but he's so disillusioned and distrusting of people that he's lost faith in finding the truth.
So, he commits himself to getting guilty verdicts because he believes that's the best shot he has at enacting justice, even if he accidentally convicts innocent people from time to time.
And to me that aligns with his reaction to finding out he unknowingly used forged evidence in 1-5. Edgeworth was so disillusioned with finding the truth that he has accepted that some collateral damage would inevitably happen as a result of his mindset. However, because he still can't let go of his dedication to the truth, he wouldn't want to lie or rewrite the facts to achieve his verdicts.
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musashi · 8 months ago
How did the "Phoenix sent Miles letters and then MVK burned them" headcanon belief turned an actual thing people believe happened even come about?? I truly have never seen a fandom so hellbent on making people conform to their headcanons that they literally make up things and pretend they happened in the games. It doesn't even make sense with MVK's character but I guess people are too hellbent on portraying him as comically evil.
ace attorney fans are very bad at playing ace attorney. tons of them will readily admit to not watching playthroughs or playing themselves but instead getting all of their knowledge on the canon through fanfiction and fanworks.
they are quite literally playing telephone. and the fandom is actively hostile to new fans, because we come in and say 'this fanon is directly contradicted by canon?' and IMMEDIATELY get dogpiled en masse by the 6 high school bullies in charge of What Fanon Is Allowed. obviously, that scares new fans off--if a fandom doesn't even respect the canon, then anything goes, and whoever wins is whoever shouts loudest.
no one wants their fandom experience to be shouting. so they move onto fandoms that are more welcoming, and only the nastiest people are left. it sucks, and ace attorney is bar none the worst example i've seen.
and like i said, it all just comes back to the fact that miles edgeworth is the fandom darling, very easy to project onto because fandom is often full of traumatized social outcasts who struggle with immeasurable amounts of self-loathing. miles edgeworth is like crack to them. but to acknowledge that he is a complex person who can make mistakes and hurt others means acknowledging that so can they. they are not brave enough or mature enough to do that, so they make all of miles' choices not his own, but the action of some faceless abuser in the shadows who "made him that way" or forced him to hurt others.
that's also why these same people go CRAZY when they encounter people who identify with and project onto a character like mvk. as someone with OCPD, i find manfred very relatable. i love that he's canonically disabled, i love that he's canonically neurodivergent, and i love that he is easy to project my own OCPD onto. when i bring this up in fan spaces, all respectable debate goes out the window and the naysayers just start reciting quips and memes at me instead. they cannot argue against it because they see the logical contradiction--why is it ok to project onto miles, but not onto manfred? they cannot allow me to expose that hypocrisy.
if only its transparency lead to any productive discussion about it. sadly, these people are just beyond help or debate, and so all i can do is block them and ignore them and pray they stop making sockpuppet accounts to harass me and my friends for liking some made-up collection of pixels.
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frickingnerd · 1 month ago
something to believe in
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pairing: miles edgeworth x gn!reader
summary: you get arrested for a crime you didn't commit, refusing to talk to any of the defense attorneys sent to you. but a certain prosecutor refuses to give up on you!
tags: platonic relationship (strangers), angst with an open/happy ending, supportive/caring!miles, framed!reader
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“you're the fourth defense attorney they sent to me today. but before you even sit down, let me tell you this; i'm not talking to you either.”
the moment edgeworth entered the room, he was kindly greeted by you. yet he just huffed amused, shrugging it off and taking a seat on the other side of the glass plate.
“lucky for you, i'm not a defense attorney.” he stated, before introducing himself. “i'm prosecutor miles edgeworth.”
“what's a prosecutor doing here then? aren't you the ones trying to frame me for this murder?” you huffed, leaning forward a little, as you held eye contact with the man in front of you.
“believe it or not, i care more about the truth than winning this case. if you're innocent, then i want to know it.”
there was a moment of silence, where miles and you clearly observed one another, before you leaned back again and shook your head.
“like i'm saying, i'm not talking.”
“pushing me away will not help you.” miles sighed, now mirroring your former pose and leaning forward. “nor will it help you to refuse any of the attorneys sent to you. they're all good people, willing to take on your case and help you.”
“i don't want their help.” you stated. “some people just don't want to be saved.”
miles’ eyes narrowed as he stared at you, watching your face grow more serious. he had met enough liars in his career as a prosecutor to know that you didn't mean what you were saying. you were lying not just to him, but to yourself as well!
“how are you just okay with this?” miles sighed quietly, shaking his head. “you're taking the blame for a crime you clearly didn't commit. yet i don't think you're trying to protect anyone…”
“maybe i did. it'd be easier if you gave up on me, alright? make me the villain in this story. everyone else is already on board with it…”
the moment you said those words, miles noticed you averting your gaze for a moment, swallowing hard. you were trying to act tougher than you were, but he could see that you were just scared, yet too prideful to admit it.
“you believe that no matter what you say or do, you'll be convicted for this crime. is that it?” miles rose from his chair, hands slamming on the table, as he raised his voice. “so you'd rather take the easy way out, play along with everyone's lies and ruin your life, instead of doing what's hard and fighting for your innocence! you're a coward. perhaps you truly aren't worth saving.”
“HEY–!” you yelled back, jumping up from your chair as well and glaring at the prosecutor through the glass front. if it wasn’t there, you likely would've punched him by now…
“what? are you angry?” miles huffed amused, before turning serious again. “i'm not the one you should be angry at. instead, you should direct that anger towards the person who framed you for this! use that anger as your motivation to reveal the truth and take them down, while proving your innocence!”
there was another moment of silence, the tension between the two of you almost unbearable, until you quietly sighed and sat down again. miles waited for a moment, before seating himself as well and continuing the conversation in a more civilized manner.
“i know that you're scared to fight, as it still might be in vain. but i know a good defense attorney, who can help you win this case. you just have to let him help you…”
you lowered your head, still quietly weighing your options. but ultimately, edgeworth was right. you shouldn't just go down without a fight!
“what's that attorney's name?” you eventually gave in, leading to a small smile hushing over miles’ lips.
“phoenix wright.” he stated, as he got up from his chair again. “i can assure you, he's the best in his field. and if he dares to lose this case, i'll make sure to reprimand him for that myself.”
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12-juin-3057 · 2 months ago
Ace Attorney x Dead Plate AU!!
for AA fans who don't know, Dead Plate is a short, free-to-play indie RPG about a lively waiter called Rody. Over the course of a week, he tries to make as much money as he can by working at a fancy bistro. However, the head chef and owner of the restaurant, Vincent, seems to he hiding something...
if you haven't played the game yet, I highly suggest that you check it out! Its parallels with Ace Attorney are so cool to think about :)
this post is spoiler-free for Dead Plate, but I will discuss spoilers for AA1-AA3!
phoenix wright: rody lamorée counterpart
in this AU: phoenix majored in art/theatre before eventually dropping out, and is now struggling to make ends meet (similar to how rody studied hospitality at college). he decides to work at a high-end restaurant owned by famous chef miles edgeworth as a part-time job, and attempts unsuccessfully to win back his ex-girlfriend iris.
parallels: rody & phoenix are both people who care for their loved ones to the point of neglecting themselves. they both idolise their partners to an unhealthy degree and would do anything for them. they are both defined by their interpersonal relationships. also, messy hair
a necklace is an important motif in both relationships (rody & manon, phoenix & iris). without giving away too much, manon's necklace/locket is what allows rody to understand the truth about what happened to her, and AA already has a similar setup with the glass necklace.
miles edgeworth: vincent charbonneau counterpart
in this AU: edgeworth is a famous chef who owns an haute-cuisine, modern restaurant somewhere in the states. while his cooking is objectively delicious, a common criticism is that his food doesn't seem to be "made with love". he has a couple of quirks, such as only hiring one waiter for his restaurant at a time. comes off as a little awkward and strange.
parallels: vince & edgeworth are both "geniuses" who have little to no personal relationships. workaholics who have a love-hate relationship with their profession due to unhealthy obsessions that they pursue (vincent's desire to taste VS edgeworth's hatred of crime)
i do think vincent & edgeworth have much less in common than rody & phoenix though...
maybe one in-game conversation that phoenix would have with edgeworth could be about alternate career paths, and edgeworth admits that he was thinking of law at some point, to which phoenix says that he thinks edgeworth would've made a great prosecutor (wink wink)
iris fey: marieanne "manon" vacher counterpart
in this AU: iris and phoenix were dating for about a year, before iris breaks up with phoenix as she felt that their relationship was becoming unhealthy for the both of them. iris "disappears" just before the game starts, making her sister dahlia and her ex-boyfriend phoenix worry about her whereabouts.
parallels: we don't know much about manon in-canon, but they're in similar positions as the protagonists' ex-girlfriends. in addition, phoenix never really knew who iris was (because he thought she was dahlia), similar to how rody never saw manon for who she truly was.
the main difference between iris & manon would be that manon had the courage to break off her relationship with rody when she saw that he wasn't ready for love yet, while iris continued loving phoenix even though she knew it could never last...
here's where i'll deviate from the original game a bit!
franziska von karma (no counterpart)
franziska is edgeworth's adoptive sibling and she comes into his restaurant (la gueule de saturne) as a customer occasionally to check up on his business.
very condescending to phoenix on account of his low socio-economic status. often makes fun of him.
when she sees phoenix working there, she begins to suspect that something is amiss, and hints that her brother miles might have ulterior motives in employing him. of course, phoenix doesn't catch on until it's too late...
dahlia hawthorne (no counterpart)
iris' twin sister. the reason she has a different last name as opposed to iris is because she's already married.
her marriage is largely loveless, which is why she cares so much about her sister's relationships: she doesn't want her sister to suffer the same pain that she feels, wedded to a man she doesn't even love
i'm thinking that she randomly visits the bistro for a quick meal with her husband. when she catches sight of phoenix, she lashes out at him, thinking that he's the reason for iris' disappearance. on the other hand, phoenix mistakes her for iris at first, not knowing that she had a twin sister.
general things:
set in the states in the 60s as opposed to france
the AU follows the game very closely with the same four endings (table for one, best served cold, best served hot, abattoir), but with extra scenes added with different characters.
that being said i'm sure there are a few other AU-specific endings that people could think up, i just don't have the creativity for that
that's all I have for now! given the similarities between the two games, i was really surprised at how it seemed like no one had thought of this AU before, so i felt like i had to say something. i don't usually post things like these, mainly being a scanlation account, so i'm sorry if it seems a bit inconsistent.
please make content of this AU, whether it's fanart, fanfiction or something else. vincerody wrightworth or feenris manonrody would be so cool. or just waiter!phoenix and chef!edgeworth in general. if you have any other headcanons or ideas for this AU please let me know them!! i'm starving over here /hj
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its-just-hyper · 1 year ago
Take this song I made guys it’s funny I swear. (Lyrics/id under cut because my mic is very mediocre)
[[ visual is just manfred Von karma’s taser sprite on a black background. Lyrics are sung to Rasputin by Boney M. ]]
There lived a german man
In town quite recently
He was big and armed and he wouldn't let you free.
Most people looked at him
With terror and with awe
And to criminals his words cut them like a saw
He knew law how fishes know the water
Down to letter, dash, and dot,
Trained from birth his terrifying daughter
Not once ever lost.
Va- va- Von Karma, demon like you've never saw,
A nearly perfect streak till the end
Va- va- Von Karma, frozen heart will never thaw
Until there’s nothing left to defend!
In all affairs of court
Its him to not defeat
Even if you could, a dark fate you’d surely meet
Through sickness and in pain
He’d never take a break
But when justice shined, all that effort was in vain.
Edgeworth was a fighter of corruption
Yet the wrong case he had won,
Evil’s petty legacy abduction
Who would raise his son?
Va- Va Von Karma Japaniforna’s demon spawn
A nearly perfect streak till the end
Va- Va- Von Karma, Miles as a vengeance pawn,
Groomed till his wish was not to defend!
But when his lies, and fraudulence, and hunger for perfection became known to just the right lawyer, The pressure and evidence against him was stacking higher and higher
“This lawyer’s gotta go”
Declared one Phoenix Wright
But Edgeworth insisted “you cannot win this fight”
No doubt this Von Karma
Had lots of hidden schemes
Phoenix vowed that saving Miles was all he needs.
Then one night, not christmas– only ‘almost’
Guns were shot Miles was blamed
“Edgeworth fell from grace” Manfred demanded
He was truly framed.
Va- Va- Von Karma Prosecuting Prodigy
Destroying evidence all the time
Va- Va- Von Karma proof was left for nobody
Phoenix was tased but ended up fine!
Va- Va- Von Karma! Plotting, Vile, Murderer
He waited years for his case to close
Va- Va- Von Karma! Evil, chronic perjurer
But couldn’t hide just under Wright’s nose!
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solsilverpine · 6 months ago
➺ 𝒓𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼: list your ten favorite characters from ten separate fandoms, then tag ten people!
thank you for the tag: @sunatsubu @mayawakening @hayesflints @iftheresaproblem-whatever @benny-the-killer-kangaroo @lost-in-derry and @mxtr3ssquickly 💜🧡✨
Alexander Kallus - Star wars rebels (Hard choice between the boys but Kal wins since a show has to work real hard to make me go from "what a generic annoying antagonist" to "where is he, is he okay")
Kotetsu T Kaburagi - Tiger & Bunny (Truly an incredible show, one I've studied and enjoyed many times over the years, will always recommend.)
Miles Edgeworth - Ace Attorney (The game franchise as a whole is incredible, but his arc is a stand out for me and very close to my heart. If you can't play these games yourself I recommend watching the game grumps playthrough (high Chaos) or one of ProZD's (refined Chaos) like "push buttons and talk". There's also an anime adaption but it rushes the story in a few places and has weird filler arcs.)
Venom - Venom live action films (I adore him. I get such pure joy from this gremlin. Literally will do a little happy dance whenever I see his goofy lil smile.)
Jason Todd - Batman (hard pick between him and nightwing lol. I will take this opportunity to recommend Wayne Family Adventures tho. Its free on Webtoon and batfamily members are treated with the compassion they often don't get in mainstream comics.)
Pitch Black - Rise of the guardians (I watched this film in cinemas when it came out. It gave me a crisis over weather or not the villain really deserved the ending he got and inspired me not to give up on writing things that were different. 15/10 good watch.)
Samurai Jack - Samurai Jack (A beautiful show that is an absolute feast of visual storytelling. I have a lot of sentimental attachment to this one so I might be biased but if you have never seen it I recommend checking it out.)
Arataka Reigen - Mob Psycho 100 (Same as Kallus I went from disliking him to rooting for him and really enjoying how his story played out.)
Wolverine - X-men (I just think he's neat. Also my mother took my interest in wolverine as a sign of my late blooming heterosexuality and brought me a bunch of posters and figures of wolverine, and Hugh jackman in general, during high school. I'm still not heterosexual but I am a monsterfuqqer now so...)
Princess Bubblegum- Adventure time (Also Marcy but one character RIP. Her growth throughout the seasons is lovely to watch and also I met Hayes through this show so it's special.)
Open tag to anyone who hasn't been tagged yet/would like to do it 🧡💜
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acupofteaintheafternoon · 3 days ago
Hiii!! can you do romantic/platonic hc's of Edgeworth venting to his s/o and vice versa?
(You can get as angsty or fluffy as you want here!!)
Miles Edgeworth comforting s/o and vice-versa
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By the way, the type of relationship here is not described, it's up to your perception if you want it to be romantic or platonic
I didin’t study psychology but let’s give it a try
For starters, Miles Edgeworth is a man that considers sadness a thing for the weak and considering for one fact this man doesn’t like to be seen as ‘’weak’’ well…
If you’re like him too and don’t like venting then I guess you found your match
But still, venting takes time, a lot of time, you just wait for the person to get close to you and see if they’re comfortable venting and showing off their emotions.
That is the exact case with Edgeworth. He barely gets close to people and you actually have to do your own decisions to get close to him
He doesn’t like venting, he doesn’t like the analogy and the whole thing of being sad and he mostly doesn’t like expressing his true emotions He keeps bottling them inside.
The only person he has opened up to is literally his childhood friend, Phoenix and that took a lot of time. This shows the type of person he is.
You don’t need a bachelor’s degree in psychology and shit like that to know that this man is ruthless as fuck and will not let his guard down at any times
I can yap here in like 10 pages about how hard is it to get close to this person but I’m leaving it like this.
You, getting close to him is considered winning at the lottery type shit but let’s just say you did.
He won’t vent to you if you just started being friends with him, hell he won’t even mention it or his true emotions.
He keeps that serious facade but not as much as he did before.
But , if something happens, a miracle, a hope or the stars lined up then he will vent to you when he feels comfortable enough
He will tell you everything that happened in his past and how he feels after those events and of course, he won’t cry or anything, he just tells you while seeming half sad and serious at the same time. I don’t know how to put this in better words.
Him opening up to you is very important for both your understanding of him as a person and to your bond. It feels like you got closer to him step by step, until you actually got to see his true side which is truly an accomplishment.
And now, about you, yes you. Even if you vented to Edgeworth at the same time as he did that’s actually nothing, he sees it okay and will actively give you advice.
Think of it like a hug, in which both of the people hug each other. It’s like that but with the hug and the comforting too. You comfort each other and vice-versa.
He doesn’t find it annoying at all, he’s glad that he got to understand you more deeply, just like you did with him
You have your problems, he has his own problems and you’re both there and understand each other, that’s all that matters.
This event will make the bond between you two deeper, thank him and also thank yourself for contributing in it.
i tried doing something new, tell me if i should continue like this
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kijimha · 4 months ago
Simon Keyes lore real
aai2 spoilers duh. dont mind me
alright. So Simon Keyes and Horace Knightley were friends throughout their childhood. Their dads were also friends and were named Gustavia and Dover. Simon's dad, Gustavia, had no sense of taste, so he had his son taste his sweets for him.
Gustavia and Dover partook in a competition where the prize would be something that could cure Gustavia's lack of taste. Dover wanted to win, however, so he told Horace to tie up Simon and threatened him if he didn't comply. While he was out doing this, Gustavia ended up killing Dover and Im pretty sure they caused the incident where the elevator got stuck and Edgeworth's dad died
Knightley tied up Keyes as asked all while crying. He put Simon in his dad's car and went in with him as well, saying Dover would come and get them after the competition. Dover never came. Knightley tried to open the door, but considering the freezing temperatures, it wouldn't budge. The two children almost died, but an assassin by the name of Sirhan Dogen and his dog Anubis came by and saved the two. Because of the trauma, both children's memories of the incident became hazy.
Keyes and Knightley were given their current names and sent to the Happy Home Family Orphanage, the head director being miss Patricia Roland. You see, there was a conspiracy going on that Roland, the chairman prosecutor Debeste and a body-double were a part of. The president of Zheng Fa was to be murdered and replaced by the body-double. The murder was going to be carried out by Dogen and they planned to have him arrested after. Keyes heard ALL of this and set a big fire, allowing Dogen to escape after the assassination was carried out.
Keyes was interrogated heavily by Roland and most likely Debeste as well, but since they had no way of truly knowing he heard anything, they didn't make him "disappear". After his friend's betrayal left him feeling bitter, Simon ran away from the orphanage without telling someone. It's unclear what happened during the years he grew up, but he was constantly on the run from the likes of Debeste and Roland.
At some point he dyed his hair (probably a disguise) and became an animal tamer at the Berry Big Circus, working under Regina Berry. It was during this time he reunited with Knightley, who had become a bodyguard for the "president" of Zheng Fa (the body-double). They played chess sometimes and Simon devised a plan. Since his memory of the incident before was muddled, he thought that Dover was his father and not Gustavia, also blamimg Horace for "his" father being a murderer.
First, Roland.
Roland became the warden of the prison they were going to be performing at. You see, Dogen had been arrested and was held at the prison Roland worked at and she was an extremely paranoid woman. Knightley had killed his coworker Rooke out of petty enviness and was also held at this prison. Since Horace and Simon played correspondence chess, Simon decided to also play chess with Dogen and, somewhere along the line made Dogen and Horace play against eachother. Both thought they were playing against Simon.
Before their performance, Simon visited Horace and gave him his chess set back. The chess set had a secret compartment where Simon put in a chisel (the kind Dogen used for wood whittling). Roland, finding the correspondence chess and then the chisel, thought Horace was working as Dogen's "dog" and murdered him, stabbing the chisel into his neck to pretend Dogen did it. She eventually was found out by Miles Edgeworth.
Next, Blaise Debeste.
Being a pretty evil chairman prosecutor, he had a lot of enemies. During his conspiring, someone had heard their plans and contacted his girlfriend, Rosie Ringer, to relay the information he heard. Debeste made him (Aldown) "disappear". Simon talked to Ringer and convinced her to take revenge for Debeste's murder of her boyfriend while he also anonymously told Blaise that Ringer was going to try and kill him, to which he decided to retaliate by killing her first.
To make sure Edgeworth would take the case, he put on a red raincoat and kidnapped Faraday, taking her up on a hot air balloon used to advertise the Berry Big Circus. He wanted to leave her at the top of the Bigg Building, but to his surprise Wang and Courtney were talking there. Fearing the worst, Wang shot at the balloon and Keyes' balloon crushed him. Although the body-double's death was welcomed... this would distract Edgeworth from Ringer's case. He took the impostor's gun, hid the body in a film slot and met Wang's son, Shaun Fenn, who accidentally started a fire. He pinned Fenn for the murder.
As expected, Edgeworth took the case. Blaide tried to pin the blame on a now amnesia-ridden Kay Faraday, which backfired after basically everyone retaliated against him, including Justine Courtney and his own son, Sebastian Debeste.
Last, Di-Jun Wang, the body-double.
Originally, Simon heard from Horace that there was going to be a fake assassination attempt on the fake President. He told Horace he could be the hero in the situation. Simon wanted to have the President killed at the hands of Shelly De Killer in a real assassination attempt. De Killer arrived at the scene, broke Horace's neck (which is why he wears that neck brace) but was overpowered by Rooke and was forced to run. Although, Knightley ended up killing Rooke in jealousy, something Keyes didn't expect.
De Killer took Knightley hostage and tried to threaten Wang as well. Surprisingly, the president was a coward and tried to sacrifice his bodyguards, nothing like the real Wang. Confused, De Killer didn't carry out his assassination and became suspicious. Since Simon didn't tell De Killer that the president was a fake, this would make him try to kill Simon later on. More on that later.
Edgeworth got Horace arrested for Rooke's murder as Simon hoped. Horace was put in prison, yada yada, and I already explained what happened with Roland above.
Though, Simon was accused of the murder of Knightley because of the chess board, but thankfully for him Edgeworth had come to defend him from Justine Courtney and Sebastian Debeste.
When Knightley's case came along, he knew that people in power would try to make him guilty, so he kidnapped Fenn and blackmailed the judge. He'd also called Edgeworth via the bug in Kay's Yatagarasu's pin, using a voice changer and taunting him. However, Debeste had *also* been blackmailing Courtney via kidnapping "Fenn", who was actually his own son. Things went down and Edgeworth realized Simon was the mastermind.
During the day of the performance, Simon acted meek at first, before completely switching up after Edgeworth called him out. Simon ended up being found out because of some flowers at the bottom of the hot air balloon from before, however, which proved he killed the fake president.
De Killer had come along and wanted to kill Simon because he lied to him, though Dogen came to his aid, saying that Simon would pay for his crimes in prison and asked De Killer to make an exception just once. De Killer backed off. Dogen invited Simon to "go home", at the prison, to which Simon hesitantly (and rather meekly) agreed to.
The case left a huge impact on Edgeworth, who fully believed Keyes was a victim, too, and would've turned out differently if he had someone to lean on and trust. Because of this, he decided to help and save others like him before it was too late.
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nadiasna7 · 2 months ago
I know everybody loves bringing up the "unnecessary feelings" meme when it comes to the relationship between Edgeworth and Wright, but I really want to talk about the progression of their dynamic.
What starts out as a real battle where they treat each other as enemies of sorts, gradually morphs into something where they work together to uncover the truth as they say. So their battle of wits exists because they counterbalance each other and hold each other accountable for the claims and the evidence that the other presents. They make sure they both stay on track and reach their destination.
This is the realization they both have at some point. Eventually, they come to trust each other and have faith in each other's convictions.
Phoenix: <...> And even though I don't want to admit it, I have to face the fact that it is because of Edgeworth that I now know the real truth. He could've gotten Engarde convicted so many times over, but he never took a single one of those chances. If I take this verdict right now... I'd be betraying his trust. (...His trust...? I never thought about it until now... I... I trust him...?) Mia: ... Yes, you do.
Edgeworth: No matter how desperate the situation... instead of giving up like most people, that man would hold strong with his undying faith. And then, before I knew it... I began to trust in that man as well. von Karma: Wh-What!? You trusted your enemy!? Edgeworth: It doesn't matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses... The truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is to fight with the knowledge we hold and everything we have. Erasing the paradoxes one by one... It's never easy... We claw and scratch for every inch. But we will always eventually reach that one single truth. This I promise you.
More than that, they both encourage each other to grow as people and as professionals. Phoenix influenced Miles' understanding of his role in court, and then Miles returned the favor, so to speak.
Edgeworth: Wright... Only you can decide where to go from here. One year ago... At that time, I didn't truly understand what a "prosecutor" was. And that is why... I had to leave the Prosecutor's Office. I felt that I couldn't stand in a court of law until I knew what a prosecutor really was. And now, Wright... It's your turn. Phoenix: My... turn? Edgeworth: What is this thing called a "lawyer"? What can you do as one? You must find the answer... And you must find it on your own.
Edgeworth: Thanks to you, when you sealed off my path to a perfect win record... I began to realize the error of my ways. I realized that things such as a perfect record were meaningless.
Phoenix: I'm not done yet. To see through witnesses' lies and find the truth... THAT is my job, Your Honor!
All of the quotes are from Farewell, My Turnabout, but the two actually start acting as a unit to uncover the truth earlier (well, technically, this episode was added later, but it's set before AA2, so it counts in my book), but it's more of a subconscious decision. Their dynamic shifts before they even realize it fully.
Lana: You said, "in order to fight crime on my own, I'd need a 'weapon.'" That may be true, but think back to today's trial. You weren't alone. Edgeworth: ...! Lana: You were working together with Mr. Wright. And because of that partnership, you were able to present evidence that otherwise would have gone undiscovered. Isn't that right, Mr. Wright? <...> Phoenix: Our counterattack began with this. You had one half of the evidence list, and I had the other. Apart, we wouldn't have been able to completely restore Ema's picture. Lana: That didn't just happen by "chance," Edgeworth. Edgeworth: ...! Rise from the Ashes - Part 6
If you think about it, all these things are actually connected to the infamous "unnecessary feelings", because that was the first seed of doubt that led Miles to his big realization later.
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adhdvsautismbracket · 2 years ago
ADHD vs Autism Bracket: Summary (Round 1)
Round 1 has officially come to a close, with some outcomes that really surprised me!!
Despite sweeping so many polls before mine, Kris and Susie fucking DIED? Right off the bat. But maybe that just goes to show how iconic Phineas and Ferb are, there is truly nothing neurotypical going on in that show.
Another surprise to me was the Ink!Sans and Error!Sans VS Cuphead and Mugman matchup. Although the former received 20+ nominations and Cuphead less than 10, this ratio flipped the other way when it came to the actual polling!
Many of my personal blorbos have fallen in battle </3 Aja and Krel barely stood a chance, but having them has been a pleasure. I am once again recommending 3Below! I was also surprised by the number of polls in Side B that nearly got 50/50, but all the winning duos managed to scrape by even if it was just by 2-3%
Going forward, Side A and Side B polls will go live at the same time. Round 2 will probably begin on Friday (to give myself time to update the graphics) and will be posted around the same time of day as Round 1.
Under the cut is the updated bracket and the duos that will be going head-to-head in Round 2. The pinned post will also be updated with this information:
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Side A
Matchup 1: BTW Creature & TBH Creature (The Internet) VS Wylan van Eck & Jesper Fahey (Six of Crows)
Matchup 2: Keith Kogane & Lance McClain (Voltron: Legendary Defender) VS Gomez Addams & Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Matchup 3: Aaron Mitchell & Katie Mitchell (The Mitchells vs. the Machines) VS Dewey Duck & Huey Duck (Ducktales)
Matchup 4: Gideon Nav & Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) VS Jay Walker & Zane (Lego Ninjago)
Matchup 5: Luz Noceda & Hunter Noceda (The Owl House) VS Kyan Reki & Hasegawa Langa (SK8 The Infinity)
Matchup 6: Phineas Flynn & Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb) VS Luca Paguro & Alberto Scorfano (Luca)
Matchup 7: Tommy Coolatta & Benrey (Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware) VS Zuko & Sokka (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Matchup 8: Ty Blackthorn & Kit Herondale (The Dark Artifices) VS Reigen Arataka & Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo (Mob Psycho 100)
Side B
Matchup 1: Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase (Heroes of Olympus) VS Mondo Owada & Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa)
Matchup 2: Michelangelo Hamato & Donatello Hamato (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS Sonic the Hedgehog & Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Matchup 3: Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS Sunny & Kel (Omori)
Matchup 4: Dipper Pines & Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) VS Denji & Asa Mitaka (Chainsaw Man)
Matchup 5: Troy Barnes & Abed Nadir (Community) VS Craig Tucker & Tweek Tweak (South Park)
Matchup 6: Brett Hand & Raegan Ridley (Inside Job) VS Usui Nagi & Furesawa "Fret" Tosai (The World Ends With You)
Matchup 7: Sans & Papyrus (Undertale) VS Spock & James T. Kirk (Star Trek)
Matchup 8: Zim & Gir (Invader Zim) VS Cuphead & Mugman (Cuphead)
With some of these matchups, Round 2 promises to be even fiercer than Round 1!! I hope everyone will continue to have fun and enjoy the voting process.
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doctorsiren · 1 year ago
Bro is forcing me to ask this smh /j/j/j
If Phoenix DID go too far and end up actually committing crimes what would Good Guy Godot (stealing this because the alliteration is silly] do?
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Hey look you said it in our DMs and it was good so
Answer: he would take Trucy away, a billion percent
This is if he *actually* committed a crime, rather than what happened for the first case of AA4. Like this is if he TRULY went too far.
And I’m thinking that Diego wouldn’t defend him in court. Obviously Kristoph wouldn’t, if the crime committed was pertaining to him. Mia’s dead, Apollo wouldn’t be a lawyer yet…the only other living defense attorney I can think of would be Grossberg (and I mean OBVIOUSLY there would be loads more defense attorneys in the city, but I mean of the ones we know of. dude needs to call saul goodman to get him outta this one)
OR Miles comes to defend him, but the issue is that if Phoenix really did commit a crime, then this post-trilogy Edgeworth would want truth and justice to prevail rather than trying to win like he used to do
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ao3feed-narumitsu · 2 years ago
This Petty Game We're Playing
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48768556
by Axolotl_Supremacy
Miles didn’t even know why they played this game, why they danced around what they both so desperately wanted, both refusing to cave in and admit defeat, letting the other win. And truly, neither of them ever admitted defeat, at least not without a fight.
Perhaps it was the thrill of the competition, perhaps it was the satisfaction when they finally had sex, perhaps it was because they were both petty and refused to lose, perhaps it was all three and so much more.
Either way, Miles refused to lose. _______________________________________ Phoenix and Miles have some serious sexual tension, the fic.
Words: 900, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Additional Tags: Horny Miles Edgeworth, Horny Gremlin Phoenix Wright, Horny, Sexual Tension, Sexual Content, Teasing, Ficlet, Smut, Hand & Finger Kink, Implied/Referenced Sex, Post-Gyakuten Saiban 3 | Trials & Tribulations, Established Relationship, Basically Miles and Phoenix being petty bitches about everything, including sex, no beta we die like men, POV Miles Edgeworth, Praise Kink, this is all around rlly horny, no sex tho sorry, Artist Phoenix Wright
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cnHjFv0 This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Miles and Phoenix are the main characters in the story, nor the only ship. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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askaceattorney · 2 years ago
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Dear Ladynoir,
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Imagining that such a thing exists, that would beg the question of how he’d be able to focus on my mind if he could read multiple minds. Surely, my mind wouldn’t be the only one thinking or even the loudest, assuming his Defense Team would be closer to him.
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If anything, I’d take advantage of the faults in reading minds, while also presenting the evidence needed to prove the Defendant’s Guilt. 
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However, let’s say the Defendant somehow can also read one mind at a time, making it easier to focus solely on my mind. In that case, I’d just have to plan out my case, write it on paper, then follow each instruction without thinking about what I’m presenting. It’s all about controlling what you’re thinking.
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The truth will eventually come out and the Defendant is just finding excuse after excuse to run from the inevitable. No amount of mind-reading can prevent the truth from coming out. In fact, most Defendants confess to their crimes because they know I have ample evidence against them. So, I’d say mind-reading wouldn’t be an issue unless I truly believed Guilty verdicts mattered above the truth.
(Even mind-reading wouldn’t guarantee a win in a game of chess.)
- Miles Edgeworth
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aceof-stars · 1 year ago
This!! I do get why slow burn wrightworth is so popular and I personally prefer them getting together right after the events of AA3 (Miles being there for Phoenix during disbarment is a NEED okay?), but I totally get this. Sometimes two less than healthy people getting together will end in ruin but what about hope? What about the fact that you don’t need to be fully healed to be loved? What about communication and trust and working together and finding the truth? They clash but also fit perfectly in court, so why not in their personal lives too?
And gosh, Farewell My Turnabout would hit so much harder if they were together in the trilogy (and by that, OP, I assume you mean all three games). “We aren’t some sort of heroes. We’re only human, you and I”— Love does not “save someone”, it does not fix everything but that doesn’t mean you should stop fighting.
Hell, all of Justice for All would hit so much harder. Now Franziska has more reason to believe Phoenix “killed” Miles. Now Franziska’s deep hurt disguised as a desire for vengeance has a whole new layer of pain: your foolish love killed my little brother, so I cannot show that I love him. I must fight him and I must win and then he will never leave me behind again.
And when Phoenix says “I decided that the Miles Edgeworth I knew had died… At least, that’s what I told myself”, it would hurt even more because the Edgeworth he knew wouldn’t have abandoned him, and the Edgeworth he knew would have been saved by his love.
(Side note, everything I said about JFA I believe to be true for canon as well. It would just be amplified and more heartbreaking if narumitsu were together during the original trilogy)
Also it is so hard to find fanfics with this concept but this is the closest I’ve found, enjoy! (We need more fanfics with this premise please)
I Turn To You (For My Comfort) Phoenix and Miles get together post Turnabout Goodbyes
if i woke up (next to you) Phoenix and Miles get together post Farewell My Turnabout
Turnabout Groceries and it’s sequel Home for (Almost) Christmas (which is not finished currently) AU where Phoenix and Miles adopt Trudy and Kay respectively before the events of the first game and narumitsu get together post Turnabout Samurai
Wow this is such a long reblog but OP you truly inspired me.
I can certainly see why people are obsessed about the slow burn reading of narumitsu, the one where they wait for 7, 9 or even more years before they ever do anything romantic together, but. Their relationship in the trilogy era could be so, so interesting and complicated and yet so. Warm and full of comfort.
Just... Two traumatized and mentally ill men trying their best to figure out this relationship thing. Phoenix remembering what it's like to have a romantic partner again, after being betrayed, after being left behind, and now confronting his abandonment issues. Edgeworth learning how to love somebody, and now trying to express it, perhaps searching for his own ways of doing so.
Yes, they encounter a number of problems. Edgeworth gets this nagging feeling at times that he's too broken for a romantic relationship, that he's a parasite leaching on another person's care and affection, thus at times he acts aloof and withdrawn. Phoenix gets paranoid that he'll end up completely alone again very soon, whenever he notices Edgeworth getting so cold all of a sudden. Edgeworth genuinely thinks at the worst moments that the right thing to do is to just break up right now so he doesn't waste any more of Phoenix' time. Phoenix is anxious that one day Edgeworth can just disappear on him again without saying a word. Edgeworth feels forever indebted for everything Phoenix did to help him, and now when he notices his partner struggling he wants to do the same for him, but he doesn't even know why Phoenix is troubled, and even less about how to help him. Phoenix is less than honest sometimes on how he feels because he really thinks that his problems are nothing compared to Edgeworth's, but he can't help but feel bitter nevertheless that his partner isn't that helping. And then feels like a petty person for that bitterness and knows that he can't be actually cross at Edgeworth for not being a mind-reader. If truth be told, they both think that the other "has it worse", so they both make the same mistake of not opening up fully until something not very good occurs.
"But why didn't you tell me anything??" They both ask each other. Often. But the important thing is, is that they get to ask that eventually. Say sorry to each other. And then move on knowing each other a little bit better, and maybe not repeating the same mistake in the future. At least, the chances are lower now.
Would it be unhealthy for them to be together in that era? Well, depends on your definition of the word 'unhealthy', but I'm a firm believer that it's better to figure out things together, with your loved one, and that's what they are doing. Healing goes much smoother when you have mutual support. And sometimes hurt people can understand and help other hurt people better than any 'healthy' person can. You are in pain, and I'm also in pain, so I understand how you feel and want to help you get through this. It's all about trust and empathy. And isn't it the core of narumitsu and their relationship?
So basically, while it takes a lot of work for them to be together at this point, it is worthwhile. And that is why I prefer the interpretation that they have something going on already in the trilogy. I really want them to struggle, but make it work. I want their relationship to begin not in the best possible moment, perhaps, but to grow more comfortable and mature with years regardless. It is not ideal and far from the perfection, and that is exactly why it's so real and beautiful.
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ask-the-attorneys · 11 months ago
*Cameron then realizes she's falling in love with her enemy.*
*In her thoughts* ‘Seriously?! I'm fallin' in love with the guy who got my brother disbarred 7 years ago who I loathe so much especially during the first time I played Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice?! No, I can't fall in love with him!! I remember making that ridiculous promise I made with Edgeworth back when he and my brother was in grade school prior before the DL-6 incident. But Miles truly wanted to fulfill the promise I made with him.... The promise that we'll get married once I'm of age as he's about the same age as Nick. I wasn't lying but I'm truly in love with Miles. I could tell he truly loves me too, I was able to take notice since when he reunited with me and Nick when they were about 24 and I was 20. He truly didn't insulted me probably because he still love me. I often could tell because he had a habit of denying it, but I could tell he was lying. I am a master liar after all. He was there for me as much as he was for Nick. I know, Nick and our friends knew as they often tease me. Even Franziska kept telling me that I should tell him how I feel. But the problem is if I did truly fall in love with Kristoph.... I feel like I'm betraying my part of the promise I made and I'll ended up hurting Miles in the process... I will never forgive myself, but who should I choose? For now, I'll continue to mess with Kristoph's head.*
*Kristoph on the other hand felt a sweet victory on his part.*
*In his thoughts* ‘I admit she is an incredible dancer.... Maybe she'll be useful in my future plans... But I shouldn't get too attach to her.... But my heart wants more than just that.... I want so much more.... I'll admit she's truly an ideal woman most men would want to be...’
Kristoph sees a strange expression on Cameron's face. One of realization. He sees that he's winning her over but by having her close, he's risking his own plans too.
After a little while they're done dancing. Kristoph bows to her in courtsy.
Is that formal enough for your party, Miss Cameron?
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