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polysucks · 3 hours ago
do u think jaime is the only one who (outside of wet nurses) picked tyrion up to comfort him? do u think he put tyrion on his shoulders to make him feel tall? did jaime run tyrions legs for him when he was having a bad pain day??? Do you think that, warped by cersei and tywin as he was, loves and cherishes his little brother? He doesn't see a monster that's his little buddy 🥺
Wait no wait wait hold on wait—
they are brothers. They love each other. They are best friends. They are the only ones who care about each other. Tyrion is the ONLY one who doesn’t want anything from Jaime, and Tyrion is the only one who truly loves Jaime. And Jaime doesn’t even know how much he loves Tyrion, as well.
They’re both emotionally crippled because of the trauma of their family. It doesn’t matter if you’re the Golden Child, First Born, Heir to Casterly Rock, or if you’re the monster who killed his mother and failed to uphold the family name. The burden is the same weight, and it’s so heavy that both of them were crushed beneath it.
I’m not crying. I’m fine. I’m fine. 🙂 I’m tot🙂ally 🙂 fin e.
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Also yeah Jaime totally did physical therapy with tyrion sorry that’s canon georhshhe told me so
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crunchymayo · 2 years ago
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ophelieverse · 9 months ago
“Yours truly,
Penelope Bridgerton”
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skywalkr-nberrie · 5 months ago
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The Anidala group chat on Twitter reminded me of this lovely artwork of Kirk Reinert’s masterpiece of Vaderdala/Anidala, titled “Vader’s Dream.” George Lucas himself specifically chose Reinert to participate in the ‘Star Wars Art: Visions’, and he came up with this!
The idea of the art piece as a whole can be summed up to Vader dreaming of himself (as Anakin) and seeing Padmé has come to visit him, seemingly with a purpose and a message for him. And that being that Padmé would safeguard Anakin’s true heart and will be there to return it to him when he comes back to his true self.
"I will safe keep your good heart, Dear One, until you are ready for its return."
It’s amazing that GL seems to agree with Kirk’s very heartbreaking yet enchanting vision on Vader/Anakin and Padmé. It really paints the picture for Padmé’s undying love over Anakin, Padmé’s unshakable faith in Anakin’s goodness, and the transcendent love they both shared.
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princessanneftw · 6 months ago
A message from Catherine, The Princess of Wales.
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girlishwhimsies · 14 days ago
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we raise our cups.
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thegeekyartist · 10 days ago
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butter1knife · 1 year ago
I’m sorry if it’s blurry, y’all don’t get premium access /j
I been wanting to insert the idiots to this sound, especially when they are in every alternative universe together, funny asf if I added Zib haha L !
Got some stuff inaccurate but erm I rushed this cause I knew I was gonna begin procrastinating
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lifblogs · 1 month ago
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calamityannee · 1 year ago
When I think more than I wanna think,
Do things I should never do,
I drink much more than I ought to drink,
Because it brings me back you.
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astarions-wife · 1 year ago
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I. Never realized. That the magic restraining him. Is in the shape of his scar. Cazador. Cazador when I CATCH YOU CAZADOR-
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regulus-smith · 7 months ago
Feminine rage is when the guy friend you practically raised from kindergarten up becomes a bigot and sexist.
Feminine rage is when the mentioned guy friend makes comments about your body, even after telling him it made you uncomfortable.
Feminine rage is when thay guy friend grabs your chest and says 'can I squeeze?'
Feminine delight is when that guy friend kicks another guy in the balls and pushes him away from you because the other guy called you 'mommy' and touches you inappropriately when he was fifteen and you were barely twelve.
Feminine rage is slamming your heavy (full) metal water bottle into the head of a guy who threatened to r@pe your friends SIX YEAR OLD SISTER.
Feminine rage is choking the possible r@pist with his own backpack until you had to be dragged away by one of your guy friends.
Feminine rage is silently crying alone in your room when your guy friend makes the same comments your dad did.
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a-lesbianshadowinthenight · 3 months ago
jesslupe x glass coke bottle edit
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tatumsversion13 · 1 month ago
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tkthrilla-writes · 1 year ago
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
"And the hours, even worse."
This little- You stop yourself from thinking, you need a job, don't snap at the person offering you a job. It's not like you had anything else to do with your day anyway. Having been laid off from your other job just because your boss didn't like you 2 months ago, and nothing was paying the bills.
"I'll take it, where is it?" having asked that question, you did not think you would end up working at a place you actually visited a couple of times when you were a kid? Nah more like a tween. You were no regular, you just visited for a couple of parties your friends/classmates would invite you to for their younger sibling's birthday.
Pizza wasn't anything special, and the place was a mess and dusty. The animatronics were cool though, smelled weird and off but still cool.
Stepping foot in Freddy Fazbear's was... creepy, with how abandoned it was. You make quick work of making your way to the office and turning on the power supply to get a better look around the place. And when you enter the main room with all the arcade games, the stages, the tables and chairs, you realise it had literally not changed one bit. Everything was still the same, as if not touched by time.
By the curtained stage there was a bright red and obvious button, ofcourse you are going to push that button, it's practically calling to you. So slamming your hand on it against the wall. The stage came to life. Curtains parted ways, lights came on, and right there on stage, the three animatronics that were the stars of every show, rocking what probably was a killer hit song of the 80's.
The animatronic were... well... robotic in their movements, for some strange reason in your head their movements were normal, fluid almost. Almost as if they were life-like...
It was nice to watch them perform for a little while, but reality checked in. You had a job to do. So, looking down at your watch to check the time, to your absolute horror and surprise it had only been 00:15.
Now you had two options, the first being you could attempt to start studying for classes, because being a university student was no cakewalk, or you could catch up on sleep because you had lectures shortly after the night shift. Deciding you didn't want to be caught on the job sleeping in case someone looked through the cameras, and that it was way too early to be studying aside from really not feeling like it. You just waltz off to the janitor's closet and grab a broom and cleaning supplies.
Might as well try to make a good first impression and try to start cleaning up the place. Just because it was abandoned didn't mean it had to be rundown. Shortly cursing yourself for not getting your headphones to listen to music while sweeping up the carpets, you start to hum a little tune, one you easily lose yourself.
It was only when you were wiping down one of the tables that you notice something move out of the corner of your eye. Quickly stopping what you were doing, you turned to look. And what had caught your eye was a cupcake. And not just any cupcake, Chica's cupcake.
"Huh?" you let out, walking over to it. You don't touch it as yet, just inspect it. Till you suddenly got the common sense to look back at Chica, who was still standing still on stage, hand still outstretched holding her tray that was supposed to hold the cupcake that was now on the table. Something strange however, was that her eyes felt like they had locked with you, as if waiting to see what you were going to do next.
Only reason you broke the, what you guessed was, eye-contact, was because in the corner of your eye, the cupcake had started to bounce up and down, as if asking for your attention.
"Huh?" you let out again. Now focusing on the small pink dome, that started to nudge at you. After bumping a couple more times into you, it bounced back on the table, and opened what you guessed was its jaw, revealing some razor-sharp turning gears that definitely made you freeze for a second, then closed and looked at you expectantly.
Just who invented a killer cupcake?!
"I'm sorry, what do you want?" you asked... the cupcake, who just opened its mouth a couple more times before nudging back into you, "my singing?" it finally clicked to you. The cupcake bounced at your response, "You want to hear me sing?" a smile started to tug as the cupcake jumped even more. "Alright then, but I'm going to keep on cleaning while I have an audience," you stated slyly, while the cupcake jumped in excitement. Enjoying the sound of your voice while you kept at the cleaning for the next few hours.
And that was it. That was the start of a few friendships between human and animatronics.
It took a couple of weeks, the beauty of part-time was that you didn't work every night, so actually getting a bit closer to everyone took a bit.
It first started with Chica, who followed around to tag along with her cupcake to hear you sing. Then Bonnie chased after you for your voice and started to help out with sweeping the floors. Next was Freddy, who couldn't take it anymore and just had to sing and duet with you. Foxy was last, he was the one who was the most shy, he would peek behind his curtain then hide back away again when he saw you looking in his direction. But eventually, he came up to you and gestured with his hook if he could join in on the singing.
It was at this point you met Vannessa, a cop who patrolled the area, something which comforted you knowing in case you needed some help on the off chance someone broke in or needed help. She showed you around a bit more of the establishment (since you mostly stay by the main stage) and actually showed you where the first aid kit was, which was very nice.
It was going all well, till you had to reduce some hours because your university workload was starting to get heavy just for a couple of weeks.
So colour you surprised when you walk in a bit late to your shift and see the animatronics stacking tables on top of each other, with 2 adults talking - one of them being Vannessa, and a kid.
The other adult was wearing the signature security uniform, the same you were wearing, and the kid who looked 10 was having the time of her life telling the animatronics where to stack the tables.
"Didn't know they hired someone else here?" you started the conversation, later learning that the other security guard was Mike and the kid was his sister Abby. Meanwhile, everyone was helping build a fort.
You found it strange but when Abby had asked you to help out and join in you could not say no to her bright and beaming smile.
There you lay with everyone, human and animatronic alike, under the table fort looking at the pretend stars in the sky. That was until the cupcake came along jumping up and down, nudging at your arm, "ok ok I will," you said getting up slightly to just sit on the floor, the cupcake jumping up onto your lap.
You could see all the animatronics moving their ears and jaws in excitement, which was the most they could do lying down. Vannessa had turned her head to face you, a beaming smile on her face. Mike just looked at you as if suspecting you to do something bad while Abby started to get up and crawl next to you, trying to see what you were going to do.
"Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme."
Abby now nudged your arm, you taking it that she too wanted to be held, so you took her under your arm, so she could hug your side.
"Remember me, to one who lives here, and then she will be a true love of mine."
And that night, all was right, and everyone knew peace for a moment.
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musical-dash-trash · 2 months ago
okay so i’m looking through the les mis songbook i was gifted and i got to i dreamed a dream
in the recording, fantine says “he slept a summer by my side/he filled my days with endless wonder” etc
but in the book it does this????
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(it does this every time, not just these examples) so this part of the song could also refer to cosette? which makes me really emotional for some reason
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