lover-of-mine · 2 days
On the question of the new viewers. Let me preface with after getting burned bad I made a promise I would never ship Canon straight characters as queer ships ever again. It just comes into play to understand the readers digest version of this. Yes I was always aware of the Buddie ship and the actors but that was it
I accidentally started season 6. It just came on, and I just didnt look away. Here's how it went.
I actually saw the lasagna dinner scene and thought wait they went Canon? That's them right? Then quickly realized. Nope 2 straight besties. Bucks a cool uncle (didn't know about will scene forgive me). And proceeded to not get attached.
Actually easy because they separated them a bit. But then there was the lightening strike and poker date and I was like oh somethings happening. I was wrong they had the dopey ass ending and I was like bless me for not getting invested.
Then.... It was a year wait!!!!!! So it was a boredom tune back in. I was pleased to see Bucks bi story. I thought the first kiss was charming. Then he was just there. I left the season thinking Eddie was tragically in love with his dead wife and Buck was experimenting.
If I didn't go back to binge I would have gone into 8 with these expectations. Eddie either excepting he was a tragic single father forever. Buck, yes probably seeing Tommy, but no I was not a shipper. Firstly because of appearance. I have no problem with age difference but with them I just don't like it. Tommy seems older and rougher. On the flip side personality. That Tommy wasn't what I pictured Bucks end game as like at all. I wanted someone like Spencer Reid if it wasn't Eddie.
But... . I did go back and binge. S1 was a trip. Got to S2. Saw the opening. Went duh I get why they ship them, but you ain't getting me. Until the elf scene. I really was good. But right after the elf scene I remembered hearing how Tim wrote it as a nod and double checked.. Remember, it would be weird to see the scene and know Tim knows after knowing full well yes Buck would come out queer. So it really was a no brainer after that. No way Tim created this in S2 if they weren't end game if there was ever a chance.
Then came the well, tsunami, shooting, will reveal, break ups, co dependant idiots and finally caught back to the lasagna and lightening. Also seeing how much Eddie isn't a reliable narrator about his relationship with Shannon. The version I got at the end of 7 is not what was happening on my screen in 2. I would almost label it a red herring depending on how this plays out in 8. Also after watching the begin episodes I understood anyone's frustration that Tommy was just white washed.
Final conclusion. Not even trying to sound condescending but I don't know why the other side even thinks this is a "ship war". I was late and I never hated Tommy but I would have never shipped them as end game. I couldn't even tell if Tommy actually liked Buck. I was left with the ick of Buck was a consolation prize or second choice and Buck was trying way to hard. Taking scraps and being grateful. Maybe because I binged it was more fresh but it was more of how little self respect Buck had for himself in trying to be in a relationship.
And if anyone finished reading that you deserve an award.
This is an interesting view of things, I think if you only have the s7 context, you will see them differently because the whole Kim thing really messes with the perception of Eddie and love, thank you for coming and telling me this, really.
But this kinda made me talk about my experience with buddie, so I'm gonna do that, because I think it's funny. I didn't know much about the show, but I knew of buddie, I started watching during the hiatus between 5a and 5b and during that time there was some big talk about queerbaiting going around and I know of them next to ships like destiel and stucky and destiel, I had just read an article on queerbaiting that had a section talking about them, so I kinda assumed buddie would be the same as they had enough context to create a ship but not enough for it to have a real chance of going canon, so I was set on not shipping them. Like, I was legit ready to roll my eyes and see that Buck and Eddie with their respective female love interests and be like "okay they are never going anywhere" but then an elf pretty much calls them gay as Eddie justifies sleeping with his wife 10 episodes in and I was like "oh oh" because they have a compelling friendship and I'm a sucker for best friends to lovers, but I was fighting it, until the tsunami, because seriously, I watched Eddie go "there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you" after a situation where no one would blame Eddie if he needed time and I was done for. Then they just kept getting more insane about each other. I remember watching the will reveal and being like "wait, fuck me, are they gonna go there?" because they follow all the basic procedural slowburn tropes, and I started s5 being like 👀 about everything that was happening to them. Now that Buck is bi, I'm seriously 95% sure buddie is happening because all the elements are there. There is something very compelling about Buck and Eddie together when you look at the whole show and s7 really added to that. Settling for Buck in a relationship with someone who's clearly not that into him just because it's a queer relationship doesn't feel right when Eddie is right there.
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phosphorus-noodles · 2 months
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I wonder what it is about breaking up with someone and starting new that I find so upsetting. I realize that people also find break ups heartbreaking, but I know I take it to an extreme. I've never liked the idea of having different partners throughout my life. The idea of having an ex has always been something I hated. The type of breakup didn't matter to me. That is to say whether we ended on good or bad terms didn't make the idea of ending a relationship better to me. I'm not trying to be pretentious about it, I'm just being fr about a sentiment I've held for as long as I can remember. I've never been the type of person who enjoyed the idea of hook ups or casual dating. For better or worse, I've always held the belief that romantic relationships should be all in and serious from the beginning.
I think this feeling is definitely exacerbated by the fact that I've been passed up for another person before so I know what it's like to have someone "move on" from you, and it genuinely sucks like all fucking hell lmao. So the idea of "moving on" and being with someone else has been incredibly tarnished for me.
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i would like to stop experiencing the full spectrum of human emotions every day please. putting this out into the universe
#had suchhh a good workday. had hot pot with my roommate where we talked about our quarter life crises#and then came home and had a 3 hour screaming match with both of my parents where i said i was cutting them out of my life#it turns out. my dad still does not understand what the word bi means even tho his fucking wife is bi#he was like 'so you marry someone and six months later you see someone else you like and u go marry them instead?'#like genuinely. truly trying to understand#and that shocked me enough to stop crying#do not reblog please#like in hindsight it is SO funny#and that was the point where i was like. wait is this not malice#this is homophobia but i don't think it's malice#anyways we're all Ok now#we've agreed that i'm going to do what i want#and even if they're unhappy they're still gonna have a relationship with me#and they'll figure out how to adjust#my brother periodically came into the room and also screamed at my parents#i feel bad for them a lil bit. like they're not bad people#after he left my mom told me that a week and a half ago#my brother came into her room and told her that when she died he would bury her in a grave instead#of the traditional last rites (cremation rituals etc etc)#if she wouldn't accept me#and my mom said she was on a bunch of meds cause she's sick so she was so out of it it didn't even register what he was going on about#and then today after that convo she was like WAIT A MIN WHAT THE FUCK DID THIS BOY SAY TO ME#funniest 16 year old u could have on your side#truly he kept coming into the room every 5 min and going HEY HAVE YOU BOTH CONSIDERED NOT BEING HOMOPHOBIC. HAVE YOU.#HEY CAN U TELL YOUR DAUGHTER YOU STILL LOVE HER MAYBE??? THINK??? USE YOUR BRAIN???#this is why i would die for this kid#he's the best#he's such an idiot most of the time but when he's not being an idiot he's my favorite person on earth#don't tell him that tho anyone please#he'll hold it against me forever and ever as siblings do
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juney-blues · 2 months
99% of conversations on anarchism about here are hampered by people having no clue what anarchists are talking about when they refer to "the state", including, it seems, the anarchists themselves.
#juney.txt#yeah i'm some sort of ancom because i have the worst takes imaginable in all respects#but wow you guys need to like#learn the basics of what you are even talking about#read some books or hell even watch some fuckin bread tubers#watch some old thought slime videos or whatever#literally anything would be better than the nothing that currently occupies your heads#and also all the cool commies who atleast as a baseline seem to actually have reading required to call yourself one of them#or at the least are better at hiding if their politics are purely vibes-based#would help if you could approach this conversation on the anarchists term's even just a little#rather than seeing them say ''we need to abolish the entity through which the few enforce their will on the many by means of violence''#and replying ''okay but this means all of society would collapse into an unorganized mess where everyone just jacks off all day''#''how would manufacturing happen without a government''#gee you tell me. how is your society gonna run once the state withers away#god that's really what gets me. we have ostensibly incredibly similar goals#a stateless classless moneyless society#but then when anarchists talk about having a stateless classless society half of y'all are like#''wuh?? but how would that work?!?!''#like are you a communist or not.#do you even believe communism is possible?#i could understand criticisms about anarchist methods to achieving those ends. those are honestly pretty fuckin valid in a lot of places#but questioning the ends in and of themselves?!#do you think we will ever achieve communism literally ever#or are we just gonna have a socialist worker state that never completes its transition. forever.#because that would be kinda sad#give the socialist worker state estrogen. she needs it.
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jenniesban · 3 months
Okay, season 3
I found it tiring and repetitive. didn't need 10 episodes. 8 was enough. just like previous seasons.  
Carmen in this maniac episode was almost insufferable to watch. Everybody on here was waiting for him to be down, but the writers could’ve done better, and Christopher Storer could’ve shown us better.
First of all, his relationship with Claire wasn't that deep. I know it's all in Carmy’s head, the way he visualizes her etc, and yes I have a high degree of myopia, but this was not shown in s2. It makes me mad watching this lack of commitment with his partner and sister in an opening business.
I care about Camy, and it’s so tragic that he can’t get out of this cycle of abuse. but I’m a human, and sometimes I really wanna beat him. I know he's trying, but this man needs to take his head off his ass asap. Showing his situation with one hundred flashbacks was monotonous to watch. 
About Sydney, I’m so mad how they wrote her this season. Are they gonna end this show without showing us a center episode of her??? this season was a perfect moment to develop ONE OF THE LEAD CHARACTER OF THE SHOW!!!
My girl was passing for so much and alone, but the writers were like, nah, let’s show bad comedy with the Faks instead. Put a woman to babysit Carmen and Richie, two grown-up men for the entire season, it’s insane. (she's so much better than me)
I love Sydney so much, and we know she would rather get a shot than talk about her private life with anyone, but I need her to fight. I need her to speak. The panic attack scene breaks my heart, I don't think is all carmy's fault. It was a mix of everything. Fear of the future, insecure about everything, thinking about her found family and the possibility of losing them, starting a new business all over again (when she spoke on s2 that she didn't have in her to try again), fear of failure again. But I wish they had shown it better from her pov. They should have improved this part. 
I ended this season with a bitter feeling. It’s not a good writing job to have ten episodes of preparation to be resolved in the future. 
(And since Christopher Storer likes Taylor Swift so much, he should take all this hate train and enter his reputation era, and give us a better script in s4. #i think the bear is gonna finish in s4, so lets be productive and finish the show in a good way. please, all this with Joana Calo by his side, let her write!)
I loved Tina’s episode (thank god Ayo directed the best one), ice chips were insanely good. Abby Elliott and Jaime Lee Curtis!!!!!111!1 and the first episode was so well edited and directed. i love those actors very much so, they are so talented.
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months
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sparky-is-spiders · 2 months
Pleeeeease tell me about the time travel jonsasha fic. I'm assuming it's jon who goes back in time? From where, end of s5? 👀👀👀 Is it preestablished js, or canon compliant until the time travel? Are they going to try to kill elias......
Alright. So. This answer doesn't need to have context but I'm going to provide anyway, so buckle up for several paragraphs of rambling. Under a cut for length.
Anyway so last year I made this post. It's not required reading but it is relevant. Basically, in my first six months(?) or so in the fandom, when I was big into jm, I read a buncha time travel fix-its. I've sorta moved away from them (heads up this fic will NOT be a fix-it) but at the time I really enjoyed them.
(To clarify, nothing wrong with liking time travel fix-its or not wanting to touch the implications. Time travel identity theft isn't real and we're all here to have a good time. If that's your jam you do you)
Now. The Thing With Time-Travel Fix-Its is that there's going to be a past version and a future version of your intrepid time-travelers and you're going to have to Deal With That, and a common method of Dealing With That is the time travelers waking up in their past bodies. Pretty normal, not unusual, dodges some complicated tangles re: having two versions of certain characters floating around, a perfectly understandable choice that nontheless carries Implications.
Namely: what does it mean to take the place of your past self? For you? For them? For the person they could be? For the people around you (who may as well be interacting with a stranger)? Is that really you? Are you really them? Could overwriting your past self count as murder/identity theft/Bad?
And I thought about it. And I thought about it. And I thought about it. And then I got super into jonsasha dual archivists AUs.
Okay. Context over. We can (finally) talk about the fic.
So, I am a simple creature and Jon is my darling beloved. So I didn't want to just kill him off before the fic even begins (although. hmmm. tempting, actually). But i did need him replaced by s5 Jon. So. What if he was just... displaced? Shoved out of his own body by an imposter? A ghost invisible to all? Alone? Afraid? Watching his friends interacting with an unknown but possibly malicious entity? And thus, the Time Travel Nonsense AU was born!
So there's no outline and it hasn't had a lot of Rotation Time in awhile, but I do have a series of loosely connected Ideas down so you can have those.
Something else is living in S1 Jon's body. He doesn't know what it is, or what's happening to him. He can't really interact with his surroundings, either. Can't be seen, can't speak to anyone, can't do anything but watch. Even the thing puppeting his body doesn't seem to know he's there. And it behaves... strangely. It has some of his mannerisms, and it acts like him, but a little to the left. It's uncanny, watching something that is him-but-not-him like that... and it's lonely.
(S5 Jon is going to be an "it" because S1 Jon is perceiving S5 Jon as a monster/creature (although I do believe in it/its Jon supremacy, to be clear)).
He tries to figure things out on his own. Tries to signal for help. Tries to take his body back. Tries to speak to the new occupant. Nothing.
The fic initially opens with a transcript of his statement regarding the experience. It's technically for everyone but it's addressed to Sasha specifically. I don't know what happens with it after though.
At some point, he does manage to make contact with Elias. It's So Weird how only his boss can see him, but it's something at least. Especially because he's so goddamned lonely.
He's a ghost at his own job and in his own house. He hasn't spoken to anyone in weeks. The others think his replacement is behaving a little oddly but seem to be getting along better with it than they ever did with him. It's revealing things about him as if it was him. It feels horribly invasive, and lonely, and frightening, and awful. His only source of comfort is Elias, and they start a sort of weird situationship sorta thing. It's a good thing Elias is so helpful and trustworthy huh?
Maybe Sasha finds the tape. Maybe she just thinks Jon is acting Weird. Either way, she gets to snooping and is drawn closer to the Eye.
Elias, meanwhile, is trying to get Jon marked, and closer to being the Archivist, and back in his body, AND trying to figure out what it was that replaced Jon. Jon is trying to do the last two. Idk what s5 Jon is doing. Maybe finding ways to break whatever binding will cause Elias' death to hurt other institute employees?
Anyway, after a certain point, Sasha is connected enough to the Eye (and Looking hard enough) that she can see S1 Jon, and they start working together too. Maybe they try to keep it secret from Elias? Idk.
S1 Jon will get his body back, and S5 Jon is eldritch enough to probably not need one.
Ok honestly by this point things are reaaaaally vague if I'm being real. So, lightning round:
The JE situationship breaks off due to Elias'... everything really (I mean, once its revealed that he's evil and sinister and stuff).
Jonsasha's misadventures trying to get Jon's body back result in them racking up marks.
Sooooo much of this is me being enamoured w/ outsider PoV... time travel but from the perspective of someone who ain't travelling. Another important aspect is S5 Jon trying desperately to fix things but failing because the whole project is Doomed and he is being sabotaged from the start by an invisible force (himself).
Also S1 Jon accidentally making things worse for himself because all the information available and his general situation push him to do so.
Sasha survives the Not!Them (obviously) (how? good question!!)
Jon and Sasha have a weird complicated Thing. Their research into S5 Jon sort of separates her from the others and they kinda become drawn into their relationship and stuff. Also from the whole "same master same monster" situation they got going on.
There's going to be a short tape transcript of Jon telling Sasha about his situationship with Elias. Idk if I'llbe able to indicate it over audio transcript but they are both sitting on the floor or cot or whatever and Jon's head is on her lap.
Jonsasha are t4t and autism4autism.
I have a really specific image in my head of them running out the institute's front doors while holding hands, very near the end of the fic.
They do run off somewhere (maybe Scotland still idk) and they do read the 160 statement. Together <3.
And yeah that's everything. Got vague and floaty near the end there but to answer your questions: yes, yes, canon-compliant until time travel, and maybe at some point idk.
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snapbackslide · 18 days
ramen dinner with the girls tonight 🤩❤️‍🔥
#i'm so excited !!#and also nervous bc we haven't hung out in forever 🥹#which means yay lots to catch up on & that's always fun#but also means they might bring up -certain- things that 😭 i do not wanna talk about ever again lol#that's the problem with not seeing each other as often is having to discuss things that happened months ago..#but what are ya gonna do 🤷‍♀️ it's hard to hang out regularly since we all got full time jobs#+ we live and work far away from each other & the weather always sucks & eating out gets expensive 😫#our vacations are on different times too#and now it's getting darker earlier so... yeah#it's getting less and less safe to hang out at night here and even in broad daylight too man 🙃#we gotta find more activities to do lol but usually i'll see one of them for coffee and walks & those are my fav#man i just wish i lived closer to my friends it sucks#cause even if it's easier now than it was years ago bc i can drive to them#there's alwayssssss construction and traffic the city is horrible#like we mostly just hang out in the suburbs now bc of that. sure there's less options here but at least we can drive peacefully and PARK#that's also another major issue in the city ugh#and it's not even like public transit is a solid option there's always problems there too 🙃#get ur shit together montreal !!!! i wanna love you but you're so hard to love sometimes !!!!!!!!#anyway. i do miss the city i can't even lie. i never go downtown anymore 😢#and i miss my friends !!!!!!!! 😭😭#i'm so excited we're hanging out i hope we can do it more and more often#**#update: ok they didn’t ask about any of the things i was worried about so we good 😇
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taeyungie · 1 year
#i haven't addressed yoongi's situation yet because i'm honestly still not hit by it i guess. like it didnt gwt to me yet#i dont think ill ever love anyone the same as i love him you know what i mean#he has been the first reason of my self development. like he literally raised me??? i learned from him how to be the person i am today#and its like im saying goodbye to a family member. the thing is i have never griefed anyone's absence like this#its like a part of my soul will be missing until he comes back#but at the same time i know what he would want for me. to move on and to become my own reason#he would want me to be kind to myself. to focus on myself and not miss him that much.#he would want that for all of us right#but i have a very hard time processing things. do you guys remeber the festa last year? when we found out theyll be going on hiatus#the reality of it snd the fact that it will be happening hit me onky after around 3 months.#thats when i first cried because i realized what it meant. ofc i knew but it didnt occur to the emotional part of my brain at that time#and i feel like im truly gonna fall apart when THIS hits me in 3 months lol#my life has never been worse and thats honestly the time when i need the reassurance the most#when i need the people i love and find comfort in the most.#but its just me and thats technically just my problem. but since i am talking about my view on this then thats okay i guess hahah anyway#i just hope he knows there are milions of ppl who love him as much as i do. and thats like extra love like forever & beyond type of shit#i honestly dont think other people ever truly fully understand how we feel towards them. especially when you really love somebody#because they have their own opinions about themselves. they debate whether they deserve some kind of treatment or not. we all do that right#and i just know he does that too. i just reslly want him to feel completely loved and cherished and appreciated.#i want him to see himself through our eyes. to surround himself with people who see him exactly the way we do.#to fall in love with somebody who will see him like we see him#nobody deserves better life than this man. and i hope that after our reunion he will live that life to the fullest 💓 i can't wait to see it#anyway. if somebody needs to talk about it or wants to get sadness out of your system - im here 💓#please keep your heads up and lets wait for him 💓#we have esch other and we will be okay 💓#sorry for typos i can barely see its 1am 🤓
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txmxkis · 3 months
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idlebug · 1 year
finding a blog that posts cool art music and fashion: 😁
all the other posts are reminiscent of 2014 "pale blogs", full of "ballet aesthetic" adjacent images, very pale thin women's bodies / exploitative model photography, childish anime girls in sexy poses with meme text over them, and text posts from op talking about dieting and skincare: 🙁
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bobzora · 5 months
ren'py is definitely the best choice for this game but i am mourning being able to use rpgm assets for real
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haus-mom · 8 months
AUGHF 🥺 THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS IN THE TAGS MEME. I GOT A BIT EMO OVER THEM you're so sweet, I'm glad you're enjoying my clowning in the tags!!
Also Chibita can bite the Pope for all I care, he has a permit. (The permit is a napkin where I scribbled "Chibita can do whatever he wants — Mar Maraierba")
YEAH OF COURSE!!!! siempre estoy ahí para apoyar a mis compas hispanos 😎💪specially since, as i said, you're super funny and kind!!!
also the reason why i lost it at the chibita-yuuichi accidental comparison because chibita is just. unhinged. he bites people. he commits tax evasion but it's okay, we forgive him, he has a permit!!!
yuuichi on the other hand is a child who killed an entire town minus a few other kids, and planned on killing them too but decided to basically have them fight for their life at a death (? game because why not you know? (his reasoning verbatim) and when the protag was like "oh wow you went through a super fucked up thing but you know what. i can help you. all you need to do is literally just do better and keep living." and he went "haha don't feel like it. i'm killing you instead <3"
he's also the funniest, he would rather explode than take anything seriously and talk about his feelings, he would rather explode SO HARD he split into two different people. he's canonically gay and his first actual appereance has to be seen to be believed. that sassy latin song plays whenever he shows up no matter how serious the situation is. his catchphrase is "vamos cantar!" because he saw it on tv. he got asked why he was doing all those murder and bad stuffs and he replied by quoting an ad. he's literally a fucked up baby. but he's my fucked up baby
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moonsidesong · 1 year
don't think i can fully articulate how bad i hate the freeing 1/4 scale reimu. like literally who is this. not reimu i can tell you that much
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and something i really love about touhou's character design is the fact it's really easy to make major or minor tweaks to the character in several different ways and still have them not even look out of place. like reimu has a different haircut in almost every game and different artists take a lot of liberties in details of her design but they're all so easily believably reimu.
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so. idk. making this figure that contains all the same key elements that make a character recognizable and still somehow making it not look like the character is almost impressive. great(bad) job freeing you made the least reimu-y reimu
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one of my friends and i were talking about life and where we would be in a few years and it made me a lil bit sad
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