ttimecode · 11 months
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dinoswordsb · 3 years
what is their main beef with each other? is it all out of desperation/loneliness/attempt to stay grounded/not go crazy/Feel Something? is there an (for lack of better phrasing) Agenda somewhere deep in someone's psyche? where did Benjamin zone in? how long's he been about town before meeting Jennifer? how long does he "expect" to be in SH? what're Benjamin's reasons/excuses/logic behind how he treats Jennifer? (which is how, exactly? :o?)
oh boy i waited until i was home to answer this one bc i just knew i was gonna need a read more. so. -claps- lets fucking go
the funny thing about it is that they don't really have beef with each other perse. Not on Ben's end, at least; Jennifer is literally just a jackass lol. Jen acts the way he does, and they meet under terrible, awful circumstances(read: personal hell). ben so desperately wants to see the good in people so he gives him the benefit of the doubt in that its a terrible place, and he's just stressed. everyone's bound to snap in a situation like that and who knows how long he's been there before ben? plus his general rule is to trust people until they give you a reason not to, even though this mantra has inevitably gotten him hurt many, many times. despite that, he still sticks to it.
as for a general timeline that honestly hasnt really? been discussed nor is it solidified bc its not really a set in stone canon story(its mostly just the discord server tossing our guys in silent hill and having fun with it), but i personally imagine that the pacing of bens journey is similar to james' in that he meets everyone pretty early on and they tend to get separated and reconnect as time goes on :]
and then ben is prone to black and white thinking so. first impressions of people tend to stick, whether he wants them to or not.
So maybe you could say there was an agenda for ben, in that he just wants to help people, which goes way deep down into his own personal issues of putting people before himself and just taking bullshit like hes a punching bag when he really shouldn't. but after a point he starts connecting the dots. Bens more observant than people might take him for. he realizes that despite all of his nasty words, jen does not tend to stray away from the group when ben and a couple of other people(other discord ocs) do find each other and stick together for awhile, and really that in itself is kind of the nail on the head for him in that he recognizes that behavior, because when he was younger he coped with his loneliness the exact same way. and that is when he zones in.
also he has a crush on jen the entire time but doesnt realize it(he's been rewritten to be gay rather than bi, and hasnt really discovered it yet by this point) and mistakes his attraction for a general desire to be friends with/get to know him.
Circling back though. Ben realizing theyre so similar does kind of deepen that attraction but it also just. upsets him. because at the point he realizes it, hes already gone through hell(hes farther along in his journey, and has started to spiral about many things). He's got a lot of mixed feelings, but deep down, it just draws him to him more because ben has been very, very lonely his entire life, and has never had an experience of being seen like that, or feeling a connection like that, even if it isnt really there to anyone but himself. so you could say that ben does just want to Feel Something. Its ironic because one would think picking the meanest man he's ever come across would be setting himself up for failure, which is what happened when he rushed into marrying his ex wife, and his entire arc is about breaking the cycles he perpetuates. just a neat little teehee if you will
i guess thats where the beef starts because in a moment of desperation and sliding down a slippery slope to rock bottom, he directly calls jennifer out on lying and putting up a front, and shatters it not only in front of himself but other people. this upsets jen greatly, because he cannot lie his way out of it. And where it goes from there kind of has a few different routes and possibilities.
as a whole ben generally treats jen with kindness. He asks questions about him, he admits to caring about his wellbeing, and makes an effort to try to break through that shell(which is hard for him. he is very bad at approaching people). He talks about himself on the rare occasion jen asks, tries to extend that hand of friendship, and doesnt really take it personally when it isnt received. he isnt pushy, but he doesnt give up, either. his logic for all that is scattered in this^ mess i think but tldr; he is nice to him bc its in his nature and also because he feels something about him he doesn't quite understand yet.
oh! and upon arrival, bens plan was to live in silent hill and start over after his. episode. so he planned to be there for awhile but oops! that didn't work now did it so after he gets stuck he expects to be there as long as it takes him and the others to get out
in conclusion: oh baby you are so ill
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Episode 12 commentary (FINAL!)
Crunchyroll was awesome this time! 
No significant complaints on the subs!
You guys were awesome this time! 
So many people stuck around for the late viewing in the stream and even after just to chat! 
Now on to the actual episode. 
Once again sorry this is so long. But with this being the last one, can you really blame me.....?
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.....As much I love this episode, this scene was just so painful. Worse than Shine’s show. Worse than that whole last episode combined. 
A lot of my predictions about Part 4 were wrong (will discuss later) but I was absolutely sure of one thing. I knew no matter what happened in Part 4 just one thing was FOR CERTAIN. And that was... I was going to have to see Shin cry. This precious boy who deserves nothing but love is going to suffer. And I tried to prepare myself. I tried. 
But somehow. Even though I knew. EVEN THOUGH I KNEW... It was way worse than I could have ever imagined.
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I always assumed he would cry because he found out about something terrible about the past. But instead HE NEVER KNOWS THE TRUTH and we get him sobbing over something entirely NOT HIS FAULT... in front of everyone.... HOW.... HOW COULD THEY.... DO THIS... TO.... HI...M................ 
This scene upsets me so much I don’t know if I have ever even seen the whole thing. I always end up turning away at some point, or just curling up into a ball.....
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Did anyone else feel like they were watching a totally different anime for a few seconds here? I’m having trouble telling if the style actually changed or if I.... just am not used to seeing Shin make expressions like this............. ba.....by..............
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Leo always cries when anyone else is crying.
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Even though everyone claps for him at the theater at cheering shows, it doesn’t make me feel better. AT ALL. Because Shin never knows the truth. NONE OF THEM DO. Okay we’ll talk about this more later but just..... gah it hurts........................................ So much that it actually hindered my enjoyment of what amazing thing comes next......
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Back in the first movie era, the idea of a full CGI show of the Edel Rose boys with Shin as center was something that I could not imagine coming true even in my wildest dreams. And I love this show. I just wish it wasn’t proceeded by so much suffering. 
Shin being their center was something they decided at the Christmas live (before performing Dramatic Love for the first time) BTW. While it seems obvious to us that Shin would be center, it wouldn’t necessarily be as such in-universe. They had to decide at some point! And I’m glad it was a part of that story. 
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THEYRE PERFECT. The rainbows, the stars, the colors. Everyone looks AMAZING. And I know the rainbows are probably an homage to Over the Rainbow... BUT..
its just so gay
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Prism stone beam???
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This is orange I guess? It looks more yellow to me. A lot of the hand colors are kinda vague and I’m just like... WHO DID YOU TOUCH 
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For anyone who read my I THINK I MARRIED ALL THE EDEL ROSE BOYS. OR THEY MARRIED EACH OTHER. ANYWAY EVERYONE IS MARRIED NOW shitty out of context spoiler I wrote in a comment obviously it was this ahahaha
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I really do love this show, and like with the new Shuffle’s show last week I’m so glad I can finally watch it without the.... suffering. 
The first time I saw this in theaters, this exact frame right here was when I first started feeling any semblance of better after all that had happened. He looks so confident and gallant and his eyes are shining and he just.... Shin............... I love you so much....................................................................
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Also this is a good spot to talk about their feathers I guess. So these are different from the other (male?) wings Shine had. Why? What does that mean? 
*throws hands in the air*
So, some folks may not be aware of this but the feathers from Rainbow Live were a feature of the arcade game. 
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You could unlock them by raising the PairTomos, and even the night dream feathers look like they were available at one time during an event it seems?? I am not entirely sure how it all worked since I never played the game back in the heyday. (You can no longer obtain all the feathers now even if you bring a memory card to a currently running Pretty Rhythm machine since some just aren’t available anymore.)
But anyway, the actual point I was trying to make is that the feathers had a set  structure within Rainbow Live since it was grounded by the arcade game. But in King of Prism...... that just kinda do what they want.... s....o.............
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The first time I went to cheering for this it was the premiere date, and it was also the first time I ever did cheering the same day. In between the morning/midnight showing a whole bunch of people had the idea to go to the 100 yen shop and get glowstick rings just for this scene. I was like daaaamn. 
But then...
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Our first official non-Crunchyroll translation of prism no kirameki? 
Even the Juuouin group worships “the prism”. 
And I can’t help laugh at the irony that Crunchyroll abandoned using “the prism” but also just ignored the translation ALREADY ON SCREEN
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I can’t take his scream here. It’s just like.... HE WAS ALREADY DYING, WHY DID THEY HAVE TO SPEED UP THE PROCESS. 
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Even as late as it is, I am really, really grateful how they took a few seconds to establish for the new audience exactly how much of their shows are powered by prism sparkle. 
Note that they did not change out of their costumes though. But my headcanon on this is that Leo just prefers to make the real thing because he can. 
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Singing at cheering shows is also everything I have ever wanted. 
I feel bad though since I pretty much always get tongue tied here every time. It’s hard to just sing acapella to a song you’re not that familiar with. Especially with the sparkely lyrics appearing and disappearing like this. I actually don’t hear that many other people singing in the theater, perhaps for that reason? But I always try my best. 
And now that this is finally out, I can finally practice at home and nail this down with confidence just in time for...... SSS to leave theaters..... um............ ye....ah........
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I also mess this up like every single time ahaha. It’s just slightly too fast for me to read. 
Someday I will succeed in properly marrying all of the Edel Rose boys. Someday. 
(Also I don’t think this was rainbow-colored in the theatrical version.)
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So Edel Rose and all their fans just up and created a prism goddess so we don’t need the prism gods anymore. Can they do that? Can we do that? I guess we can! 
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It’s oddly fitting that Hijiri is kind of an ugly crier. I mean, he’s just so beautiful the rest of the time. It’s only right. 
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So let’s unpack this for a sec. Unbeknownst to them, because the Edel Rose boys all married each other they put a new seal on Shine. But this seal is entirely dependent on their marriage their bond with each other. 
How literal is that I wonder?
Because like.... Edel Rose won’t last forever. Kakeru, Minato, and Yukinojo are gonna be going to college in a year and a half.... ahah ha.....
I just imagine like. A couple of them meeting on the street in the distant future being like “Oh man I haven’t seen you in forever!” “Yeah! We really lost touch! Hey, have you heard from Shin lately?” “No, you?” And behind them is like a TV report of Shin become Shine destroying a city or something. 
.....................Reminder again that this commentary is coming from the place where I am after having a couple months to let this all sink in and get to the point where I am comfortable joking about it.... ahah ha........ 
This is one of my coping mechanisms for dealing with the idea that my favorite character basically has the devil living inside of him trying to take over at any moment.....
Another one is thinking back to older King of Prism media and wondering what Shine was doing at that time. Like, I imagine him floating there inside Shin all bored and pissed off making sarcastic comments at whatever the Edel Rose boys are doing. And I find this hilarious for some reason. I’d make a webcomic about it if I could draw.
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So my understanding of this scene (which may or may not be totally correct) is: The Edel Rose boys’ rings put a seal on Shine which drags him down back into the depths of where Rinne first plunged him. But before he goes, he installs(?) his powers into Shin so that Shin is free to use Shine’s powers on his own now. (Up until now he was just like borrowing them?) 
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If you also briefly wondered how they could have gotten a perfect score after failing a jump, my guess is the Prism System just wasn’t recording at that time due to the lack of prism sparkle ahah ha. 
They absolutely mopped the floor with the new Shuffle, and it did not matter.
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What makes this so nuts to me is that even before I saw Part 4, like way back after I first saw episode 5 I was already comparing Joji to a twisted Hiro. (Elaborated on this in my episode 5 post.) And then this aha. 
So in the theatrical version I swear the crowd here has light blue lights. And I wondered if it was on purpose to be like inverted Hiro (who goes from light blue -> yellow in the Prism King Cup, so Joji went yellow -> light blue?) but nope, I guess somebody just forgot Joji’s theme color is yellow ahaha. In the TV version they just made it multi-colored. 
So to add more context to some things, you may remember I mentioned before that Part 4 premiered in Japanese theaters in the gap between when Taiga and Kakeru’s episodes aired on TV. So by the time Joji’s episode aired on TV... I already knew this was gonna happen. I already knew we were watching the number one prism show. THE CHAMP. The only 2D prism show.... SO MUCH IRONY. 
But you know what. Despite his show being what it was..... After all the time to let it sink in.. After all the dust has settled.... the one solo song which is my clear favorite..... The only one which has gotten stuck in my head WAY MORE than ANY other.... is Joji’s. 
(Well, Ace’s. But still.)
Congrats Prism Champ. 
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Never thought I’d say this but poor Jin. Even when he ACTUALLY TRIES to do something fair for once...... still......
(Goddammit Shine.)
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Poor Joji? Or not. It’s hard to feel bad for him when he’s THE PRISM CHAMP ahaha. Like. He made it. He has everything he ever strived to obtain. On the surface anyway. 
How Nori-kun feels about this though, who knows. Will we ever?
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DOES IT REALLY NOT? Haha I really don’t understand this at all. Like. Was it really political pressure? Did Jin fold since he didn’t win in the way that he wanted to? Did Kakeru pull some strings behind the scenes again?
*throws hands in the air*
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It’s framed to be this super significant scene but
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I have already touched on this in separate posts, and this post is so long already that I’m going to kind of leave it hanging here but I consider Kakeru’s plot in SSS to be a loose end. He was the only boy who did not have a plot with some kind of resolution about himself. Instead Kakeru’s plot was only about other people.....
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FINALLY, the ultimate conclusion to the infamous curry plot of Pride the Hero.
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The official King of Prism Twitter and such were actually pretty good at hiding Dorachi before Alexander’s episode aired. But Torachi was just EVERYWHERE and I was like COME... ON. REALLY.
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So you may have noticed this but he was added to the opening too. For us seeing SSS in the theaters, we only get one OP per showing. So this means Japan actually got this spoiled before episode 10. 
But I didn’t. I didn’t even notice because I just wasn’t thinking to look for it. (Also I guess sitting in a terrible seat to the far right twisting my neck at an angle may have had something to do with it but.) When I first saw the reveal of Torachi in episode 12 it was TOTAL SURPRISE for me......
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But as much as I love Taiga though, Dorachi is my clear favorite. My Dorachi merch collection will start as soon as I can get my hands on ANYTHING
Also I wonder at what point Alexander figured out that DJ COO was Rei, because he sure knows now ahah. 
But anyway, speaking of spoilers....
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I know I said at one point Nikkanen and the twins didn’t have any significant appearances in SSS, but that was before Part 4 and I just decided not to correct that and let you guys be surprised AHAHAH you’ll just have to hate me *BLASTS OFF INTO THE SUNSET*
(I’m so glad they seem to have cleaned up Nikkanen’s face a little. He looked so weird in the theater. Or like.... weirder at least.)
(If you don’t know these boys they are already established characters introduced on the Prism Rush mobile game.)
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And what do THESE feathers mean..... 
By the way I can’t believe the prism sparkle disappearing and Louis becoming the protector of the world WAS FORESHADOWED IN ROAD TO SSS 9. That’s why I reblogged this post the other day.
It’s so funny how much of Road to SSS didn’t matter. Then you get to event 9 and LITERALLY EVERYTHING MATTERS. 
And again.... speaking of spoilers............
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The week before Yu’s episode aired I AGONIZED about whether to put in some kind of vague hint that the Edel Rose boys new unit name was revealed in that episode (as part of Yu’s prism jump). Ultimately I decided not to. Because even though I didn’t figure it out at the time, I think with even a vague hint I probably would have. Because even when I saw it back then I was like.... “...... huh........” 
So you’re just gonna hafta haaaaaaaaate ahahaahah ha sorry
But anyway! Now I can finally stop referring to our seven stars as the “Edel Rose boys” and from now on call them SeptEntrion! Since calling them just the “Edel Rose boys” isn’t really accurate anymore since it would also include the twins and Nikkanen, etc. I’m happy that the main seven finally have a good name to distinguish them. 
(Now I need to learn to remember how to spell SeptEntrion....) 
You guys in the livestream ruined this for me so I’m ruining it for everyone too.
Look at the red letters. 
Then flip over your desk and storm out of the room like I almost did when I noticed. 
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So, a few weeks ago I was in Tokyo and I decided to stop by the Yotsuya station area.
I found the site of the supposed Yotsuya Credit union  (which is actually a lottery ticket stand) and the KPO KFC almost immediately. 
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I also found out there is a Catholic university in the area, and although it doesn’t look anything like Edel Rose that seems like not a coincidence. 
So I started to walk around that area, but try as I might I could not find any little  shopping streets like the one in the anime. The area didn’t look like it would have that sort of place at all. Also it was POURING RAIN, I was just at Aqours 5th live the previous day, I had at least 6 hours to get home, and I was anxious to make it there with plenty of time for the stream of Alexander’s episode which we were doing that night. I decided to give up and head to the KFC to console myself over chicken, coleslaw, and biscuits before beginning the journey home when LOW AND BEHOLD 
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And there is not nearly enough room for SeptEntrion to perform here ahaha. 
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I can’t help but notice that while they used Prism One performance snapshots for all the other boys, Shin is in his old Over the Sunshine outfit. Well I mean. OF COURSE HE IS. But.....
But I really can’t help but wonder what the boys are thinking nowadays in retrospect about what happened. 
I mean, not that they shouldn’t love and trust Shin. Of course they should. 
But if my friend turned to pure evil for a solid 15 minutes I would be.... CONCERNED for him? ?? To say the least. 
The fact that THEY DONT KNOW AND MAY NEVER KNOW really just eats at me
I suppose Louis or June could tell them. But I don’t think Louis ever will since he just wants to protect Shin, and June..... where would she even start. 
Not to mention what does Yamada-san think about how Shin just BECAME Wataru Hibiki like I.... I just have several questions but......
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The cheering audience for the half second we can see Torachi here: “..............................................................AHHHHH!..................................................”
I wondered for weeks what the TV ED would be for this episode, and as soon as Boy Meets Girl started playing I was like...... OF. COURSE.
Hahah I’m glad though. So far the only SeptEntrion version Boy Meets Girl we’ve had was live (at MRS) and I often thought of ripping the audio from the DVD just to have it, but now I won’t have to. The TV audience never got to hear the theatrical ending 366 Love Diary though, which is kind of a shame. That song is such a big part of SSS to me.
So when we do the livestreams, I often have the live episode playing on my actual TV with the sound off. The stream is delayed by a few minutes so it’s been great for cues to help prepare stuff to type into the chat about things coming up.
While you guys were still in the meat of this episode, I casually glanced over my shoulder and saw THIS on my TV
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Shin in the outfit Leo originally made him for the Prism One.
And just started having a seizure that lasted until the credits ended BECAUSE THEN THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE.
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Playing to the left is the theatrical weekly video we got in the third week of Part 4. 
(It has actual dialogue in the theaters, but here they just muted it and laid it over the credits. I went to the theater yesterday JUST to take notes on this for you guys ahaha. Glad I didn’t need to though.)
But like. When I first saw this in the theaters... 
I was so SO sure this was a joke. I mean Prism 2!?! Seriously!? 
But now I don’t know WHAT to think. 
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But um. Someone tell me the anime references I’m missing here:
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And which of these are newly revealed YMT29 boys ahah:
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And..... that’s it....
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This is Louis’ coded way of telling Shin he’ll love him forever I guess. 
Aw man
you guys
we made it
So Part 4 turned out way differently than I predicted. When the episodes were first announced and episode 12 was “Unknown”, my immediate thought was “it’s gonna be Shine.” Especially since the quote for Shin’s episode was something like “what have I done,” I assumed he would gain some memories of the past in episode 11 and was talking about something he/Shine did in the past. Then I thought Shine would perform in episode 12 and cause a bad end. Even though we knew Edel Rose was scheduled for a unit performance, I was skeptical if it would actually happen or not as I doubted Shin would be in any condition to perform in episode 12. (I also wondered if maybe we already HAD already seen their unit show in the OP and thus wouldn’t be getting a new song.) 
But when the CDs were announced and I saw the last one said “unit song” I was like.... ohhh.... I guess they will perform as a unit after all? That’s good? 
Turns out I was right at least in predicting that Shine would get a show, but not that he would STEAL SHIN’S SHOW, and that Shin’s “what have I done” quote was about THE PRESENT DAY and something that Shin DID NOT DO. AHHH THE PAIN. 
Although it really cuts me deep that Shin never learns the truth, I am grateful we got that unit show and a happy ending. 
says a voice in my head.
Shine’s coming back someday. And we can’t kill him without blanking Shin. Hghkhgkdhlkdh.
If I didn’t know any better I’d say the grand endgame climax of King of Prism would be SeptEntrion teaching Shine to love. But we already know from director spoilers that supposedly the grand climax is about saving Jin. I have a sinking suspicion Shine and Jin may be connected in some way though. 
Who fucking knows where we’re going from now. 
Other than WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON with Jin, another one of my big questions is does the Prism King Cup even matter anymore? Since the Prism One was supposed to replace it, but that didn’t go so well. HAHAH are we REALLY doing the Prism Two come on now..........
But anyway. I suppose there is no point in drawing this out it any further
for now
this is THE END
Thank you all SO MUCH for coming on this journey with me
It’s been such a joy sharing all this with you
And I hope to see you around
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