You always told me you preferred dressing more modestly. I would never assume you would lie about that
With the other angels asking you to do things, back then it looked like you were just friendly with the angels and willing to help them. I taught you to help others so I never found it strange. I did not teach you to be walked on, I taught you to help others if you can.
I apologize if I ever made you feel lesser then, that was never my intention
How is Michael’s care of you going?
-Uriel ( @michaeltheseraphim )
He hasn't left my side. He's as clingy as he was when we were brothers. I don't like the feeling of having a wing around my arm 90% of the time, but it's sweet that he wants to protect me
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Liliana is so smart! She’s able to identify me even when I change what I look like!
Or maybe she just really likes people…
She only tries to grab me when I was in my form that I am mostly in around her and others-
Liliana is so smart!
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Of course I’m not blaming you. I am fully aware what you’ve gone through was not under your control. However it almost seems like you were hiding it from me at times…
And you were never worthless. You were someone very important within the celestial realm, Lucifer. You were important to the angels around you and a leader to many as well. I deeply cared about you too.
With that responsibility, I assumed you would have been stronger and known how to stand up for yourself. I always tried teaching you more peaceful ways to deal with things in the past. I suppose I hoped it would help you open up to me more. Now I just wish it made you realize that what you went through was not normal sooner.
How is Michael’s care of you going?
-Uriel ( @michaeltheseraphim )
He hasn't left my side. He's as clingy as he was when we were brothers. I don't like the feeling of having a wing around my arm 90% of the time, but it's sweet that he wants to protect me
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You know full well that you showed no signs, Lucifer. There wasn’t any. Anytime I asked how you were doing you would never say anything. I would constantly ask how you were feeling and I trusted you to tell me the truth. I trusted you enough due to your rank and your character that I wouldn’t have to keep a constant eye on you so you could have more privacy. I trusted you to tell me if anything was wrong, yet you said nothing.
I checked my memories thousands of times after I found out, and there was absolutely nothing you did to even so much as hint that you were hurting in any way. I even asked the angels close to you and even they saw nothing.
You know full well I would have helped you with it, yet your own pride did not let you tell me
How is Michael’s care of you going?
-Uriel ( @michaeltheseraphim )
He hasn't left my side. He's as clingy as he was when we were brothers. I don't like the feeling of having a wing around my arm 90% of the time, but it's sweet that he wants to protect me
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Premarital marriage
*sleepy noises*
- 🦊
Pardon? Getting married before getting married??? Did you mean to ask me what I thought about sex before marriage?
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You not being able to keep an eye on your children when they hinted they needed help and thus hating you because you ignored the signs is not my fault, Lucifer
How is Michael’s care of you going?
-Uriel ( @michaeltheseraphim )
He hasn't left my side. He's as clingy as he was when we were brothers. I don't like the feeling of having a wing around my arm 90% of the time, but it's sweet that he wants to protect me
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How is lust seen in the celestial realm? Like premarital stuff.
It’s not practiced in the celestial realm considering many angels see each other as siblings
Angels are also not allowed to have children with people from other realms either, nor any romantic affiliations with humans
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Do you whoop children as punishment
Specifically meta
No, I do not whip my children. I would never do that.
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Yep! Well, hiding her work in progress, that is. She was practically done yesterday but I planned on revealing her on a Sunday ^^
Ah! I almost forgot! This is what I’ve been working on for the past two weeks that caused me to ask people not to enter my office unless they tell me a few hours beforehand :D
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This is Liliana moonbeam~
She’s the youngest angel I’ve made so far! Isn’t she cute? ^^
I will personally raise her, of course
(OOC: I tried to draw her, sorry if it’s bad lol. I’m honestly really proud of this one though tbh)
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Niece actually! Her name is Liliana Moonbeam ^^
Ah! I almost forgot! This is what I’ve been working on for the past two weeks that caused me to ask people not to enter my office unless they tell me a few hours beforehand :D
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This is Liliana moonbeam~
She’s the youngest angel I’ve made so far! Isn’t she cute? ^^
I will personally raise her, of course
(OOC: I tried to draw her, sorry if it’s bad lol. I’m honestly really proud of this one though tbh)
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I think they are
They’re blessings, in my opinion ^^
How is Michael’s care of you going?
-Uriel ( @michaeltheseraphim )
He hasn't left my side. He's as clingy as he was when we were brothers. I don't like the feeling of having a wing around my arm 90% of the time, but it's sweet that he wants to protect me
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Well the child is mine, but I’m sure he will love spending time with her once he comes back
How is Michael’s care of you going?
-Uriel ( @michaeltheseraphim )
He hasn't left my side. He's as clingy as he was when we were brothers. I don't like the feeling of having a wing around my arm 90% of the time, but it's sweet that he wants to protect me
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You should check my account then haha
- 🍄
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It’s not what I am doing
It’s what I have done :)
How is Michael’s care of you going?
-Uriel ( @michaeltheseraphim )
He hasn't left my side. He's as clingy as he was when we were brothers. I don't like the feeling of having a wing around my arm 90% of the time, but it's sweet that he wants to protect me
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I hope you get to see her soon! I’m sure she’s looking forward to meeting you ^^
Simeon you should really look at your father’s most recent post
I think you’d find it very interesting
Very interesting
This is definitely not your father trying to inform you about something(OOC: it is)
His most recent post is about him creating a new child.
I am unsure what that has to do with me.. well. I am happy for him and Celestial Realm! I am glad the world is still turning up there with my absence. I do want to see the new child soon. She seems lovely.
And I'm sure Luke would want to hear the news too. He'd be excited not to be the shortest anymore. Hehe.
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Cover your ears every time he checks his phone, you’ll thank me later
Actually it would be more funny if he only found out after he came back, I would be able to see how he reacts first hand
How is Michael’s care of you going?
-Uriel ( @michaeltheseraphim )
He hasn't left my side. He's as clingy as he was when we were brothers. I don't like the feeling of having a wing around my arm 90% of the time, but it's sweet that he wants to protect me
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(OOC: God thinking Metatron learned his lesson and bumped his rank up by like, one(Since his rank now is the lowest one considering what he did) and he starts thinking he’s hot shit lol. Yeah do it I wanna see drama)
Ah! I almost forgot! This is what I’ve been working on for the past two weeks that caused me to ask people not to enter my office unless they tell me a few hours beforehand :D
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This is Liliana moonbeam~
She’s the youngest angel I’ve made so far! Isn’t she cute? ^^
I will personally raise her, of course
(OOC: I tried to draw her, sorry if it’s bad lol. I’m honestly really proud of this one though tbh)
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