applejuiceaddictyo · 5 months
haha, dick joke. im slappin my knee, wipin a single tear away from my eye. truly some highbrow humor goin on here. color me impressed.
yea, had to be prepared to talk about all the shit i missed. aint a big deal, i like seein yer thoughts so it was just like a marathon run of the usual.
gunna classpect myself fer sure now, aint no way im gonna take this slander. me and poofy pants shouldn't even be in the same sentence. consider us estranged divorcees the way im goin' no contact.
glad yer doin a little better, sorry i aint been around. know that i cant do much, but i woulda tried to help out or whatever if id known. n' i really doubt im the only one who appreciates how much of a dork ya are, bet youre underestimatin your charm at least a little here. in the least 'pity case' way, yer kinda like a wet cat that people just take one look at and gotta go grab a blanket from their car an' take home n shit.
stickin another 'you tried' star to my shades. was talkin 'bout that 'date night two' one cause that wasnt just a 'i love their music' post and i know you know thats my favorite song, ya little shit. but i saw all the other mccafferty shit too, yeah.
dude, seriously. i been watchin a ton of video essays lately 'bout old flop shows to find recommendations. its funny as hell when people try n' make serious shit but it's just... bad.
i think you should wear the poofy pants. thatd be funny as all hell and id take a shit ton of pictures
man am i also getting the wet cat treatment? i thought that was hals thing. then again theres bucketloads of fanart of me in cardboard boxes so i guess that makes sense
so thats actually really funny because i only added the 'date night 2' part because that song came on and i was like huh. hey. thatd make a good addition. besides i only knew that was ONE of your favorites not favorite of all time. hella funny though. good song. wasnt on purpose but now im laughin
you should watch this guy brad taste in music, especially his series where he goes over melanie martinez. its fuckin hilarious how bad it is. starting to think the guy is a masochist with how much music induced pain he puts himself through
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ploppymeep · 3 years
can ppl stop defending crusty racist white men for two minutes
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 5 years
I’m super disappointed with the anon being a rude little shit. All the BTS boys are 21+ for fuck sake. Why does it matter if we are in our late 20s/30+ ?? Listening to their music and appreciating their talents & good looks is something anyone can do at any adult age 🙌
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The really funny thing is the actual concern they seem to be expressing is this: I’m old, so it’s ‘wierd’ I fan over a group made up of younger men... because if I were to date them in real life (!!!) the age difference would be large...which...suggests that they’re....uncomfortable with the idea of me dating someone from one of these bands...which suggests...THEY THINK I COULD DATE SOMEONE FROM ONE OF THESE BANDS?!?! 
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
Could you do headcanons for kiri and bakubabe for going to their gfs dance recital and she does this dope hip hop dance where she does a lot of flips and stuff and then she gets an award for “flipping out” or “when in doubt, flip out!”
Thank you so much!! I really like your writing!!
a/n: love... you smart.... like BIG BIG brain love wow I love this so much omg I used to dance and whenever I did something good I felt so cool ahhh
Pairing: kiri x reader, bakubabe(heh) x reader
Warning: ahem the jealousy from others cause you got yourself a whole ass meal sitting in the front row for you.
Katsuki Bakugou
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So when you first told him about your recital he was confused
Like why was he not told earlier about you finding a place to practice in for real
He knew you could dance but didn’t know you were with a group ya know
you give him the date and tell him all the info and he brushes it off
Ya know the classic ‘ok?’ Attitude
You smiled knowingly cause you knew ain’t gunna miss this
You know he likes watching you dance
You’re not blind
You see him staring at your ass
Bb AINT good at hiding That
Ahem anywayzzz
Skip to ✨the✨ night
He texted you when he got there but you were getting hastled backstage and couldn’t go and say hi
He was chilling on his phone while the audience started filing in
You did look through the side curtain to see him
You smiled at the fact that he actually tried to dress nice
Kiri and denki definitely didn’t help him idk what you mean
He definitely did NOT call his parents to ask what cloths to wear huh???
Anyways your called back as the lights dim and the acts start going up
The little groups and you get classes went up and did their thing
And then the solo section came up
You heard your music start and the lighting that was planned went off and you ran out
Dancing helped hero training and hero training helped dancing dude
Mina taught you this flip that you put into this
You pulled that out and WENT OFF
Bakugous is just sitting there dumb struck
He loves watching you dance but watching you with the lights and everything
Literal Angel from a world other than here to him
For the first time he could NOT stop smiling
tiiiime skip
It’s right at the end now and they were having everyone do their little bows and doing some annual awards the have
You weren’t expecting much but then they call your name
“Y/n L/n wins the ‘Flipped Out’ medal for this year performers!”
You walk out with a smile
Like he’s trying to hide it but you see it and send it a wink
And that’s the story of why you were bright red in your team photo
When you found each other he gave you such a nice hug
Like he’s not the best with giving hugs and they’re normally really awkward cause he’s not good at it
But this one
Melted your heart man
Your teacher literally wen tip to you and said some of the girls recorded it cause it looked like one of those background videos for the Twitter posts or quotes on TikTok
You know what I’m talking about
No denying it
At the end you both walked back to the dorms together and he got you food
You talked about how you learned all those things and he would snip back with his comments TM
still by the end of the night you were fully knocked out on his bed when he came and kissed your cheek
“I’m proud of you babe. You looked like a badass,” he smiled before joining you
Ahhh sorry I’m not the best with writing for him I’m working on it
Kirishima Ejirou
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This one you were doing with two others as a group so be would sit and watch you three as you worked out a routine and met for practices
He brought snacks and drinks
Your teachers know him so well he was basically back stage with you untill he needed to leave
He would have stayed but bb wanted to record
Ugh I’m sorry I I’m such a sump for this mans
Ok so your music starts right and he bolts up ready
You and your friends came out and did your unison sections before the solo sections started
When you were up you ran down stage and did you thing
You had refused to show kiri this so he was excited lol
Mina had taught you somethings and Sero had taught you some hip movements and you were READY
He knew right away that Sero taught you some of those moves
He definitely tackled him when you got back
Time skiiiip
Your name gets called right for the flip medal cause damn
Could’ve gone viral on tik tok
Probably did
Now trending on the couple snap stories
He gave you a rose as you guys walked back to the dorms and helped you put it in a cup before you crashed
“I’m so lucky,” he literally giggled to himself as he spun in his chair before crawling in with you
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thinger-strang · 4 years
heres my Thoughts™ on lost boys
excuse me, mr main character, have my heart?
so everyone? in santa carla? dresses gay?
of fucking course these vamps are a motorcycle gang
the younger brother dresses like a lesbian
these kids in the comic shop are annoyink
star imma propose
michael ur an idiot "just you" shut up
BEJEWELED WINE BOTTLE? "be one of us" michael......sweetie
if michael doesnt bc a vampire and pierce his fucking ear i stg
yes LORD with that piercing
IF YOUR FRIENDS JUMPED OFF A BRIDGE WOULD YOU jesus h youve barely met these people!?!!???
do NOT chomp on your brother michael, ur gunna scare the dog, get a hold of yourself dummy
ndbcknd ur a vampire? im telling mom, classic little brother move
bitch are you floating?
rip moms date lol
"sammy" im having spn flashbacks
oop really rip moms date lol
i gotta admit this busted hotel is dope as FUCK
oh fucking course theyre gunna have sex now 🤮
:( dont be mad at ur mom
woah thorn bro chill out
"kill your brother, you'll feel better"
theres no way this fucking video store dude is the head vamp shut up
oop. maybe he is. bc he aint dead. like i thought.
is there garlic in the parmesan? ITS GARLIC? he likes garlic?
oh hes not a vampire 🤦🏻
bonfire massacre anyone?
"im basically a good kid"
listen star and david are bi i dont make the rules
did they just steal the car?
rip alex winter ig
"burn rubber does not mean warp speed" what a QUOTE
did they? just walk in during a christening
BRO blood coming out of the piping nasTY
shot with an arrow, electrocuted , and exploded, what a way to go
"death by stereo" yeah imma put that shit in a tee shirt
"stop fighting me" bitch ur tryna kill me!
do antlers work as vamp killers? not technically a wooden stake.....
bro is? moms date? is he? IM? HOLY SHIT PLOT TWIST OF MY LIFE
one big happy family my ass
star better be the one to kill him
star or the mom
"one thing i couldnt stomach about living santa carla; all the damn vampires" ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC 20/10 ★★★★★
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dibidibidismol · 5 years
do em all, coward
on the one hand: yay! i get to do the ask game! on the other; @acutest-angle, i’m so sorry for doing this to you. i aint gonna fill nobody’s dash, so the qna is under the break. these are like really undetailed. ill be more specific for individual numbers
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? im pretty happy being 163
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) i love my lil baby so much. i wouldnt trade my pupper for the world
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? i wear a lot of black, and generally dress such that i would be good to go for any job interviews/public speaking events. this is in large part to make up for the fact that my go-to shoes are heelys. like i wear my heelys during professional presentations that count for a large part of my grade. my teachers think im “something else”
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? idk. we didnt do all that media shiz. maybe pvz.
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: my doggo, my child(useless friend needing guidance) and my tumblr-famous friend. hmu for her url. 6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?absolute weirdo, but like in a socially acceptable way. can and will debate you into submission.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?i support gays.8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] 
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9: Are you ticklish?a bit10: Are you allergic to anything?some cats, all homophobes11: What’s your sexuality?ace, homoromo12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?tea babe. like i have so much. like a cubic yard. its a problem.13: Are you a cat or dog person?im multifandom(not a furry)14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?elf15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?amber liu16: How tall are you?160cm17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?my chinese name18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]102-105 i’m smol.19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?normally no. when im home alone….a lil.20: Do you like space or the ocean more? i have a large fear of the ocean. 21: Are you religious? no22: Pet peeves?poor work ethics/mansplaining/poor hygiene.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?diurnal24: Favorite constellation?orions belt25: Favorite star?shinee26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?not particularly27: Any phobias or fears?germs, the dark, men, large non-pools bodies of water, spiders28: Do you think global warming is real? yea, but “climate change” is more accurate29: Do you believe in reincarnation?no30: Favorite movie?tangled, the lorax, shawshank redemp. , hairspray, legally blond, mulan, mama mia, in that order.31: Do you get scared easily? yea32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?3 fish 3 dog33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] im gunna rate @acutest-angle cuz she did mine. 10/10 would be 11 but she aint stannin shinee.34: What is a color that calms you? purple35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? oregon suits me fine36: Where were you born? oregon37: What is your eye color?brown38: Introvert or extrovert?idek. im really good at people, but idk abt energy gaining or wtv.39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?no40: Hugs or kisses?hugs41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?my doggo.42: Who is someone you love deeply? see above43: Any piercings you want? i already have doubles. might get belly button in the future.44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? hnngg45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? hell no. i take drugs/alcohol v seriously.46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! gorl. so beautiful, so smart, so utterly perfect. also taken.47: What is a sound you really hate? the whit boi in class mansplaining shit to me.48: A sound you really love? pitter pat of paws on hardwood.49: Can you do a backflip? no.50: Can you do the splits? no51: Favorite actor and/or actress?idkrn52: Favorite movie? see 3053: How are you feeling right now?tee hee54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? i really like my hair as is.55: When did you feel happiest? talking in front of many peeps.56: Something that calms you down?tea57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]  none diagnosed. ask me about my brain later for more deets. 58: What does your URL mean?that i smol and i luv shinee59: What three words describe you the most? witty, caring,quick.60: Do you believe in evolution?yes61: What makes you unfollow a blog?too many posts/mediocre content/no longer aligned interests.62: What makes you follow a blog? posts63: Favorite kind of person:girl64: Favorite animal(s):dogs/cats65: Name three of your favorite blogs. @lolfunnykpop @acutest-angle @27-umbrellas66: Favorite emoticon: thumbs up67: Favorite meme: ive connected the dots68: What is your MBTI personality type?pic69: What is your star sign?my wut?70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?yes71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?its black, its formalish, its a pushup bra, dress, and heelys.72: Post a selfie or two?i like dont have any, and im in no statye to be taking them rn.
73: Do you have platform shoes?no?
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?i forgot a wholeass language75: Can you do a front flip?no76: Do you like birds?y77: Do you like to swim?ew78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?no79: Something you wish didn’t exist:homophobia80: Some thing you wish did exist:universal translators81: Piercings you have?double in each ear82: Something you really enjoy doing:read83: Favorite person to talk to:dog84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?no rules here.85: How many followers do you have?all together, a thousand or two?86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? idk87: Do your socks always match?no88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?ill cry89: What are your birthstones? the lite blu one90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?i aint no furry.91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?a rose92: A store you hate? chick fil a93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?  i got addicted, so ive been coffee free for 3 yrs now94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? fly95: Do you like to wear camo? no96: Winter or summer?winter97: How long can you hold your breath for?40sec98: Least favorite person?trump99: Someone you look up to:amber liu100: A store you love?office depot101: Favorite type of shoes? heelys102: Where do you live? oregon103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?vegetarian, environment/animal right, eggs for health.104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? sparkle105: Do you drink milk? yea, calcium.106: Do you like bugs?i respect their existence but stay tf away107: Do you like spiders? no108: Something you get paranoid about?spiders, water, germs109: Can you draw: sure110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?do you shave ur vag?111: A question you hate being asked?whos ur boy friend?112: Ever been bitten by a spider?no113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?yea, from a distance114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?sunny, from a distance115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: doggo116: Favorite cloud type:cotton candy?117: What color do you wish the sky was?this is fine118: Do you have freckles? like two.119: Favorite thing about a person:personality120: Fruits or vegetables?fruit121: Something you want to do right now:crochet122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?sky123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet124: Bright or dim lights?dim, i have oddball vision issues.125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?love126: Something you hate about Tumblr:no dates on anything/ALL THE FREAKING PORNBOTS THAT ARE STILL FOLLOWING ME REGULARLY127: Something you love about Tumblr:shitposts128: What do you think about the least?i feel like this is a paradox129: What would you want written on your tombstone?list of my achievements in life(born:xxxx died:xxxx)130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?ice131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?how my brain occasionally forgets to filter132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?sometimes133: Computer or TV?computer134: Do you like roller coasters?ew, all that sweat and vomit baked into the seats.135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?no136: Are your ears lobed or attached?lobed137: Do you believe in karma?idk, i like to be nice but secretly with passive aggressive motives.138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?7139: What nicknames do you have/have had?dictionary, lee, tumblr girl, dibi, mom, my child, heely girl (i have a reputation at school)140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?yea, i dont remember them, but apparently i invented myself a butler.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?way back in the day142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?good143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?giving144: What makes you angryamerica145: How many languages do you speak fluently? 1146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? girls147: Are you androgynous? no148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: figure/hair149: Favorite thing about your personality:   i think im funny150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. my friend’s mom/my coach, my rolemodel/friend, my past self.151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? all the eras sucked for people like myself152: Do you like BuzzFeed?love/hate153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]sexy free and single154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? o yeah155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yessss156: What embarrasses you?my mouth157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:the internment camps158: Biggest lie you have ever told:so many159: How many people are you following?153160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?10000+161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?1000+162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?how do i find this?163: Last time you cried and why: today. latest superstore episode.164: Do you have long or short hair?long165: Longest your hair has ever been:2.5 ft166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?like the community it provides, dislike a lot of values taught, dislike the exclusivity, dislike the way religion is treated as a default. 167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? only in regards to what we can do to save it.168: Do you like to wear makeup?i like sparkly eyeshadow n mascara. but dont wear regularly.169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? yea sure.
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tatyneedshalp · 5 years
Bout Me Tag
@snakuchan im late but i finally got the energy
-How tall are you?
5,3. my license says so
-What color and style is your hair
Every brown in the spectrum and garbage. I wanna make her light or am idk i wanna look mature 
-What color are your eyes?
As dark as the void in my soul. not kidding you can barely see the brown it just looks like straight up black until u flash a light on em.
-Do you wear glasses?
Yep. #AsianGenetics 
-Do you wear braces?
Never have. Family got good dental history
-What is your fashion style?
Anything that looks good on me. I wanna change it up but idk how yay me.
-Full Name?
Tatiana Hernandez. ikr ewwwwwww
- When were u born?
August 22, 2000. a leo right here fam heck ye gotta represent.
-Where are you from and Where do you live now?
Hialeah Florida and Hialeah Florida :/
-What school do you go to?
-What kind of student are you?
A quiet not really responsive one. I spend more time daydreaming than doing anything. My teachers forget I even exist sometimes and honestly dats a whole mood I live for it. Pretty chill life I had in school tbh. School was never interesting or engaging to me. It was literally the people in the classes that got me going.
- Do you like school
The school system is shit.
-Favorite Subject
Anything Home Ec, music, or artsy related even tho they were all a mess in school they were always entertainin and fun if you go to a good class.
-Fave tv show
The office and parks and rec r my top tier shows
-Favorite Movie
All are trash except bee movie (im lying about the bee movie)
-Favorite Books?
*shrugs* everything everything and in a world just right. Even tho everything everything became a movie it can eat ass cuhz I aint watching it.
-Favorite passtime
Disassociating and looking at stuff i wanna buy cuhz dats all thats getting me thru the weeks
- Do you have any regrets?
Nah. *sips tea* I believe that every choice i made i made for a reason and im not gunna look back and think i couldve done this and wat not. I just going with flow and dats how it gon and will always be.
-Dream Job
Being jungkooks bih... I mean not sure anymore I just feel like i lost all ambition and stuff but you know. We will see
-Would you like to be married?
I am married to Taehyung uwu. Uh well yea i do want a loyal man to go to as my booty call and cuddle boi for life ya know sounds dope
-Would you like to have kids?
Cant wait to make em better than their father
-How many
Not really at the age to think about that. But one sounds good for now.
-Do you like shopping?
Im a whore for shopping. Online? Outside? Let me splurge on me
-What countries have you visited?
Cuba and Punta Cana they both look the same except punta cana looks like a mix of cuba and florida.
-Scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
Dating Jungkook. It was actually seeing my future child in my bedroom and slowly snapping the bones in her body while whispering to me silently to get up. Yea ik
-Any Enemies?
My mind.
- Any significant others?
M-My kpop bois....i been single since day one 
-Do you believe in miracles
I mean...I exist dont I? ;)
-How are you?
im sick right now and i feel hella ded everyday and just recently i was too lazy to grab my water bottle so I drank from the bathroom sink so you know Im a solid 8/10 today. Im lissening to abba :)
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voyeuristicvixen · 3 years
Captains Log 12_ Makin Frwends On The Grid
Bae and  I got invited to our first Bday party this weekends on the grid for SirGhost and it was poppin! It felt really good to be included and like we are growing to be apart of the community on the grid. Since my first times on SL back in the day 10 yrs ago it was a place where you could find people sitting around and talking usually. I realize now how that was a whole other generation of people. Those were usually elders that I would find in hippie communities that would do that. SL is really as vast as RL but smaller in a way. Its quite amazing how many communities exsist in SL that wouldnt otherwise be able to thrive in RL. Like now they have the burner community in SL and they are able to do way more and expand in ways they wouldnt have been able to. Its quite amazing we have a whole other world of our own making. Bae and I are excited to make new friends on the grid.
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I told him that the more we spend time and people register our energy the easier it will be. Its like testing the waters right now... he has been approaching people being friendly and kind like he usually is and some folks are just not as receptive to making friends right away. I was explaining the many toxic reasons why people become hardened to friendship on SL. The right people will feel our authentic vibes and be cool with us. We are also on facebook too! He wrote a cute little post the other day being sad he hasnt made friends yet, thinking that men would actually respond and it turned into a thrist trap post lmao! I am never gunna let him live it down... maybe someday....I am such a troll XD
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Bae: I have been here a month and no friends yet!?!
FBThotties: Add me on the grid baaaby Illl be your friiiiiieeeeeennndddddddddd
He even said to them he had a Gf (like it aint plastered on his page lmao) people are savage on SL lmao they use it to unleash their shadow self in a way where they feel comfortable not getting face to face confrontation allows people on the internet to wild out its crazy. Thats one thing you always have to sift through making friends in SL, theres a gauge you must develop about which people are using it as an extension of life and not a replacement. But I am someone who over stands all the reasons for being on SL, ultimately I try not to judge. It is so interesting for me to read profiles and learn about people and their motivations for being here. SL recently for me as been a way to help me through my grieving and through these times of uncertainty has brought me some peace to my anxiety.
Reasons Ive Personally Noticed That Ppl Join SL - People are narcissists who need victims - In RL people feel neglected/unaccepted in some way - People are following their friends from other virtual worlds - There for RP - To date and meet a potential partner - To make six figure money creating - To make friends with ppl around the world so they can have travel plans - Disabilities in RL keep them from certain experiences - To troll and grieve because it is easy for them here - To play DOM or SUB - For Sex and to hire sexworkers - To expand sexwork platform - To learn new things and meet new people - For music - For the fashion - To blog and be seen - To play a celebrity - To gain clout and have a platform - Grieving a loss - Depression or other mental issues that are being repressed - To find their tribe - To join/ build virtual family
 Making friends on SL has always been fun for me but also it can be hard, so many of my old sl friends were elder hippies who have since passed away or left SL. Sometimes people disappear that you spent significant time with on the grid and I feel that could be a reason some folks have a hard time connecting... when you make friends and they go ghost its a strange feeling in SL. I myself have probably been that person and lost friends because I disappeared. I used to try and at least log on to leave messages to the people I really cared about. I still think about old friends Ive lost and where they are now... This next time I want to be a better friend and really cherish the people I meet as the RL people they are. I want to be more vigilant about communicating if I am not going to be around I will not let my next friend be hanging wondering if im dead. The worst. I am sorry to the people I left behind and let down in the past.  I am grateful to have my boo with me now, he is my friend first. We laugh and party and get down!
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I got back into DJing and my bae has got into it too! We both have different styles when it comes to playing music and I am super excited for the opportunities that will come from us sharing music jamming and hosting events! If you are reading this and interested in hearing us spin or hanging out feel free to hit me up!! And invite us to your party!! Add me on facebook and ig!
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collegeauharry · 7 years
17 27 37 47
17) Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet?
I mean, yes, but I think that a physical connection and relationship are so so important to solidify any relationship, romantic or not. It just adds a whole other dimension to it all than if you just fall in love on the www
27) If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
I think… be more confident in myself. I always hold myself back because I don’t think I’m good enough or because I figure it won’t happen anyways, but I really should just go for things and I feel like I’m more in that mindset now!!!
37) What’s more important: Looks or personality?
ngl looks are important, or rather my physical attraction to them personally is important, but if we don’t get along it as people, it aint gunna work out hunni
47) Which “famous couple” is your favourite?
Haylor, for sure xxxxxx
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felidfavs · 7 years
someone on my tl is in a Mood clearly and are going on and on abt polyamoury but like... in the weirdest way? like theyre... retweeting things and talking abt how polyam people force it on other people and how like... its.. bad but not like, directly saying so? being all like “monogamy isnt inherently evil drop the crack pipe” type things or like “people who think polyam is the cure for monogamy r gross” “polyam people cant seem to accept some people are monogamous” and its making me hella uncomfortable not because like, the statements themselves are necessarily offensive its just... the weirdest... way of framing an arguement? like its like.. “the gays are bad for straight people stop hurting me!!!” kind of vibe and its just like... alright.... susan... thats... nice? like....???????
like, i generally consider myself polyam in theory, in a very sort of highly unlikely way? like i also consider myself demirom, like i legit dont.... do... that... much? i never understood crushes, its just not really my Thing. But as much as im aware Im CAPABLE of being interested in a person that way, im also aware, in the absurdly unlikely scenario, i could care abt more than one? 
anyway not the point, point being. like. Im Pretty Fucking Sure “capability” and “necessity” are different? like, im also bi, i am Capable of being interested in whatever sex/gender, but.. i dont.. need all of them? to be with me? at all times? like. just cause someone CAN be poly doesnt... mean they arent COMPATIBLE with exclusivity?
 and like, its also something that at least personally i would clarify like. anyone worth their salt isnt going to be like oh hey we’ve been dating for 2 years bUT SUPRISE NOW IM ALSO DATIN- like nah thats cheating my man, that aint poly. like any healthy relationship theres gotta b consent n shit? Like. u enter a relationship with one person and maybe at some point ur like. ‘hey. buddy. need ur opinion on something. not relevant now, but, if i ever happened to be interested in someone else, as well as you, would you potentially be cool with that’ kind of conversation u kno? and like. obviously its not exactly the most common thing and its gunna get a lot of people to be like ‘fuck no even the thought has me now doubting ur committment n shit bye’ but like, at the same time theres also like. ‘no, im not cool with that’ and ur like aight cool i will not entertain any further interest in other folks while we are in this relationship then because im not a cheating scumbag. u know? obviously everyone’s exact scenario and shit is gunna b different but like. 
Clearly this person on my tl has had a bad experience and is like, scarred by it, which sucks, but then just... dont... enter into a relationship where it has the potential to branch? be clear its somethin u dont ever want? and then? ur fine? why u gotta.... backhandedly harrass peeps? u are aware monogamy is general the presumed norm? ?? u are aware any healthy relationship has articulated boundaries and informed clear consent and communication?? and if someone is “springing” or “enforcing” polyam on you thats not..... thats not polyam thats cheating????? and theyre just ??? not being respectful n shit?????????? thats just a Bad Person?????????? 
anyway this was a long rant abt a very silly thing that has been rubbing me the wrong way all morning. 
also just the way they talk abt shit in general is just. weird. and im not into it. and i dont even remember why i followed them and i want to unfollow but i also dont want to unfollow now immediately after them posting this shit LOL
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tomhollandish · 7 years
Tessellate | Part 3
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Summary: You, Tom and Harrison are in quite the predicament when you unexpectedly meet your best friends other best friend. Sometimes, interests can overlap. Part three of three.
Word count: 4736
Warnings: cursing 
His phone sits on the countertop, the screen lighting up every so often with the picture of you two on the balcony; which felt like two summers ago, yet it had only been days. Time felt different whenever Tom Holland thought about you, which he was doing right now.
Pacing back and forth in the kitchen, Tom’s nails were between his teeth, his old habit resurfacing as he questioned whether or not he should call you. Today was the day you were supposed to come on set with him, but you had only texted him twice, and that was to say that you had a good time on your date.
Date. The word rung in his mind, along with the trouble it had caused. His eyes peered up, looking down the hallway where he could hear Haz showering after their work out. The duo had made up in record time—as soon as Harrison had returned from storming out yesterday afternoon, he apologized.
(Although, Tom thought, Haz only apologized after he did. He wondered if Haz would have done so without being prompted. This made Tom actually bite down on his nail, giving his hand a look of disdain)
There was still the matter of you—the clock ticked on, getting closer and closer to their call time for set, and Tom grunted, grabbing his phone and dialing your number.
There were four rings. He raised his eyebrow at the thought, but suddenly he couldn’t think when he heard your voice. “Tom!” you said with excitement, and he sighed in relief.
“I was just going to call you,” his relief turned to a dreadful anticipation. You sounded out of breath, and the background was not your soft, quiet apartment, but the exterior of New York, hustling and bustling with patrons and commuters. “I’m so, so sorry, but you remember that shoot I was telling you about? It got bumped up to this morning, there’s no way I can reschedule, I’m sorry.” You profusely apologized as Tom sighed with a heavy heart.
“That’s completely out of your control Y/N, I understand. I’ve got reshoots all this week, maybe we can reschedule?” His hopes were high, perhaps too high.
You didn’t speak for a good moment, and before you spoke again Tom could feel the rejection. “Maybe, I’ll have to see. I’ll call you back, Tom.” You said all of this in an uncertain tone, which Tom read as: probably not, don’t expect a call from me, goodbye and good riddance.
He hung up after that, giving a short “yeah,” in response, his entire body deflating. He could feel how avoidant you were being, how you dodged your way around his questions. It didn’t help that he hadn’t properly spoken to you since the date, and now you were cancelling almost every plan he’d made.
He tried to put it out of his head. There was a lot he had to do today, and being in a bad frame of mind was going to pull him out of it. With a heavy breath, Tom leaned onto the counter, head in his hands.
There was shuffling, then the squeak of shoes as Haz stopped, surveying the scene with wary eyes. “Are you alright?” He asked slowly, and Tom looked up at his best friend.
Harrison’s brows were quirked, hands by his side, ready to be on set. His blonde hair was perfectly combed, not a hair nor string out of place anywhere, as per usual, but his startlingly blue eyes conveyed something less than concern.
Tom wanted to bite something back, but Haz had given him no reason to be so cruel. There was just something off that Tom couldn’t place, something that had to do with every event after his date with you.
He couldn’t push this feeling back, and he didn’t want to. Tom lifted himself off the counter, then raked his eyes over to Haz, who crossed his arms. “What? I got something on my shirt?”
“No,” Tom said quickly, shaking his head. “It’s nothing. Let’s go.”
Lunch on set was awkward, because nearly everyone was expecting Y/N to be there.
“I thought you said you were bringing a girl?” Laura was the first to bring it up, but Tom couldn’t be mad at her. The slender young woman was eating something messy, but looking as graceful as a greek statue while doing it. Sunlight stretched lazily across her cheek, a band of pure gold resting on both her and Zendaya as they turned to look at Tom.
Zendaya snorted, still in costume as Michelle. “Tom was probably lying,” she giggled, nudging said man with her elbow. “You would have told us if you got a girl, you can’t keep your mouth shut.”
The cast laughed, but it didn’t slip Tom’s attention that Harrison did not. A smug, half smile slid across his lips, but other than that he was silent.
Tony spoke up after the commotion died down. “But in all seriousness, I thought you were bringing Y/N?” He seemed genuinely curious, giving Tom all his attention. As a matter of fact, they were all looking at him for an explanation: Laura and Zendaya curled hair out of their face, Jacob adjusted his glasses, and even Haz stopped averting his eyes for a second. To have his attention seemed like a privilege, which made Tom upset because it wasn’t even him that warranted it, it was your name.
“I thought I was too.” The bitter words left his mouth before he had time to properly understand the implications behind it. The others blinked, squinting and looking away like they had the sun in their eyes. The table grew strangely quiet.
Jacob, always for dramatics, looked between the warring brits. He seemed to take in everything about the situation; both what he could and couldn’t see. Just from their positions at the table alone (Haz sitting next to Tony while Tom sat on Zendaya’s right,) he pieced together what the others couldn’t.
Maybe he was just clever. Or perhaps he’d seen this situation before. Either way, his eyebrows shot up into his snapback, his head turned toward Haz.
“That’s your friend,” Jacob started, garnering all attention to him. “And you don’t know where she is? You aint got nothin to say about any of this?”
Laura, Tony and Zendaya knew this as their cue to look down and act like this wasn’t any of their business. Tom and Harrison still didn’t face each other, instead squinting at Jacob. He continued. “Y/N isn’t here, and neither of you know why? And you both aren’t talking to each other? What kind of best friends,” his voice tapered off, because his job was done and he knew it. Every single word he’d said was a bomb, and it had just exploded all over the table, Harrison and Tom turned to rubble by it. The blonde sighed, taking a sip of water to wet his lips, while Tom just stared at him, waiting to hear what he’d say.
“She told Tom why she couldn’t make it.” Tom knew that voice. It was a double-edged sword, two meanings in one, laced inconspicuously with a shrug and an indifferent expression. Harrison knew something he didn’t, and Tom had a feeling that Haz wasn’t going to tell him anytime soon.
So Tom stabbed his fork into his meal and spoke to his food, “She told me something.” He then kept eating so that he couldn’t say anything more.
Jacob watched all of this with a frown, eyes going back and forth between the two best friends. “You gunna let him talk shit about your friend like that?” Jacob was smart to keep repeating “your friend,” and Tom had figured that out. Haz’s indifference was wavering, something more poking from beneath the exterior he was showing them.
His eyes burned like a blowtorch, hot blue flames threatening to devour whoever he turned them to. “Tom is my friend too, you know.”
Tom resisted the urge to laugh, knowing it would surely make the scene worse. Jacob, however, gave a curt chuckle of disbelief. “You aint actin like it.”
Tom smiled for a moment before it disappeared, his mouth once again purposely too full of food to reply. “You’re not wrong,” he thought, watching with keen eyes as Harrison never said a word of confirmation.
 The sun is not near setting when they wrap for the day, which gives Tom time to think about what he wants to do about you.
His castmates are saying goodbye for the day, Zendaya and Laura going in the same direction, Jacob and Tony making plans, while he and Haz stand an awkward distance away from each other. Haz is furiously texting, who, Tom can’t be sure. His wary brain tells him it’s you, and when his rational brain says it’s not, the wary part replies “piss off.”
He is dizzy and angry and jealous and simmering in all these emotions, so he tells Harrison that he has to go do something before he heads home.
Haz gives him the grace of finally looking up, his brows creasing as Tom sweats, wondering if he’ll catch the lie. For a moment it’s tense, the two of them much farther apart than they should be, and probably have ever been. They don’t fully face one another, and something felt so wrong about this: not trusting his best friend, lying to him, and wondering if he was lying back.
He expected the knit brow Haz was nursing to stay concerned, but it didn’t. He put his hands in his pockets, nodding his head. “Yeah, okay man. I’ll see you back in the apartment.”
All hopes of things being fixed were dashed, and by such a simple sentence. Tom had said something in return, but his mind wondered as he watched Harrison go, turning his back to him. Perhaps some days ago, if Tom had said he was going out, Haz would volunteer to come along to. For safety, for fun, for company, whatever the case, Tom had always said yes.
And now, in the midst of something Tom didn’t know, Harrison had shown all his cards by bluffing. Shoved his hands in his pockets and turned his back.
Tom didn’t know why all this started with you. But he intended to find out.
Your apartment was beautiful, in a similar way that you were; it was simple and it glowed from the inside out.
Old stone carved with intricate grooves, windows flooded with the dimming light of four pm, and the soft matte cream that was reminiscent of old Europe. You would live in a place like this, non-pretentiously, or maybe just a bit pretentiously. It was hard to be mad at you, or in general as he walked in, the brick taking him elsewhere, the elevator empty as it played some sort of soft music.
He imagined himself coming here a million times: both up and down, by himself or with you in tow; surround by friends or by strangers; with Haz—
Haz’s sharp blue eyes and his back turned to him then flooded Tom’s mind, his thoughts so hazy he almost didn’t hear the elevator ring to indicate he had arrived at your floor. Tom heaved a sigh that was even bigger than him, before he stepped onto warm hardwood, occasionally looking up from it to hunt for your door number.
There was light behind your door, he could see that much from underneath. Nothing could be heard from inside, but your neighbors weren’t so gracious. From somewhere, lo-fi beats made a door handle rattle, and dominating another part of the hallway was the obvious bouncing around of dancers. The area was welcoming, so much so that Tom had forgotten that he had knocked on your door, too entranced by everything he heard.
It wasn’t until your head poked out from behind the door did he remember, jumping off your wall before you opened the door, standing in front of it. His eyes landed to your face, which was covered with flawless makeup and a bright smile.
“Hey,” you said, bashfully yet causally, leaning against the frame of the door. Tom felt a grin involuntarily creep to his lips at the sight of you, which made this whole endeavor even worse. The two of you stood, heads cocked as you smiled at one another, before you started a little in realization.
“Oh,” you said, standing to the side to let him in. Tom thought to say thank you, but he was too busy mentally wording a sentence over and over. You seemed to read the apprehension on his face, because from the corner of his eye you crossed your arms and became a step closer, worry etched into your features, more sincerely than Haz had been in some time.
Tom felt the anger bubbling under his skin, eyes squeezing shut to keep himself calm. It all ebbed away when he heard you say, “Are you alright Tom?”
He turned on his heels to meet your eyes, your hand outstretched to touch his shoulder. “Is something wrong?”
Everything was, and he felt like telling you this for a split second, but it was not the job of a girl he’d met a few days ago to know these problems. It was his best friend’s, who was being cryptic and weird and not his best friend lately.
And so he said what he should have, and felt his chest return to normal for a moment. “Are you avoiding me?”
You bristled, Tom could see this much. Your eyes widened while your lips parted, a deer in the headlights look that ended with you crossing your arms again. You sighed, and Tom readied himself. “I’d lie if I said no. And I don’t want to lie to you.”
Despite hearing a less than favorable answer, Tom laughed, a guttural sound from the back of his throat. “Thanks for being honest.”
You hesitantly laughed in return, the ground you both tread on slightly rocky. Tom knows questions are coming up, and so do you, because you sigh again and lean on the door. “Look, I’ve just,” you shuffled your feet, looking at them rather than him. “I’ve been thinking about you. A lot.”
That made butterflies flutter in his stomach, feeling lighter than air and twice as stupid as a modest smile flashed onto his face. “I could say the same thing.”
Your coy back and forth conversation was exciting, his heart pounding faster in his chest. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you for more reason than one, but the main one that had been in his mind was because he wanted this; whatever it was that made him comfortable in your presence, the one that didn’t get mad at your blunt and honest answers. He had thought this ever since he’d got here, ever since he’d met you.
“Tom,” you started, breathlessly, as though he’d stolen the air from your lungs. “I’ve been thinking about a lot of other things, like, like London, and the distance, and us and—“
The name completely derailed you, your voice stopping short, your eyes casting up in sheer shock and panic. A hand gently laid on your chest, as though you were manually trying to stop your heart from popping out of your chest.
Tom had struck a nerve, something to do with Harrison, and he wondered if it had anything to do with the mess of a day he’d had. He very slowly started to put things together, taking a half a step back to collect his thoughts.
“Y/N,” he spoke, a new tone to his voice, one even he couldn’t undertand. “Did something happen with you and Haz?”
The phrase “I don’t want to lie to you” echoed in his head, and for a second he thought you’d turn back on that promise. Your mouth formed the words but they were stolen from you by a knock at your door, someone’s knuckles rapping urgently. You whirled around, looking back at Tom as his face remained neutral, but his fists clenched.
“Is that Harrison?” Just saying it made the possibility skyrocket to probably, most likely, yes. You cocked your head to side as though you didn’t expect him, shaking your head, but there was an uncertainty to it. You turned to answer to door, but you didn’t do it right away, like you expected a trap.
And a trap was sprung, manifested in the form of a blonde boy with blue eyes that scanned your face before noting Tom in the background. Harrison froze, the two of them staring one another down, with you standing in the middle.
Tom broke the silence. “I’ll see you back at the apartment, huh?”
It was the lower thing to say and Tom knew it, but he had wanted this moment to happen so badly. His question had been answered, his suspicions confirmed, and as much as he wanted to march out and keep his integrity, he knew it wasn’t fair of him to place all the blame on the two of them. He hadn’t even known what happened.
Haz frowned, crossing the threshold and slamming the door like it was his own. “’I’m just going to run some errands.’” He mocked Tom from earlier, eyes on fire as he did so. “You haven’t any right to call me out.”
“I have every right to say something because you’ve been acting like a wanker all day, and now I know why.” It pained him to say it, in a way that hurt him and in a way that felt horribly good. “You know what, no; you’ve been acting like this ever since Y/N and I met.” Their faces were close, expressions ablaze with anger. A hand landed on Tom’s chest, Y/N’s strength more than he anticipated. You had somewhat separated the two, standing between them.
“Hey, cut it out!” your voice had raised to match theirs, and Tom realized for the first time that he’d been shouting at Haz. “You’re not going to yell at each other, especially not over me.” You seemed to understand the situation well enough for Tom to get curious, his deep brown eyes flickering to yours.
“You lied about Haz,” he said candidly, and you placed your hands on your hips. He’d never seen you mad before, but he supposed it could look like this. Tom also got the feeling it could  look a hell of a lot worse.
“I didn’t have time to answer because someone,” you glared pointedly at Harrison, who doesn’t even have the decency to look guilty. “Interrupted me.”
“So something did happen?” It felt like pulling teeth to get any sort of finite answer, but now that everything was going on the table, Tom wants to take it back. It takes a moment for everyone to realize that your hands still rest on both of them, and you pull back immediately, wringing your hands.
“There’s nothing going on between me and Harrison,” you say straightly, nothing in your voice suggesting otherwise. But Haz’s scoff and the roll of his eyes make him think again.
“You’re lying,” he said, and both of your heads whipped to meet his face. Your eyes narrowed in scrutiny, while Tom’s did the same in disbelief.
“I’m not lying,” you told him curtly, waging a finger at him. “And I don’t recall him asking you either!”
“Ashamed to admit it, are you?” he crossed his arms with a look on his face Tom doesn’t think he deserves right now. Sure, he’s biased, but you seem furious with him, something Tom doesn’t understand. But it certainly doesn’t seem his place to point this out. “Ashamed of me?”
“This isn’t about you!” you screamed at him, hands flung in the air to emphasize your point. “You know what,” you backpedaled, a curious air to your words. “I take that back. This is about you.”
Haz’s grin dropped, his brows shooting up. He looked over at Tom, who both couldn’t and didn’t want to help him out of this situation. The brunette flipped his hands up.
“Sorry mate, I don’t know anything about this. I asked the question.”
“Yeah, thanks a lot for that one.” He rolled his eyes, but you poked him in the arm.
“Nuh-uh. You did this to yourself. You came to my apartment twice, and what for?” As if Tom’s interest couldn’t be piqued more. He recalled the fight, Haz storming out, and then returning with a sneaky grin and a half assed apology. He had been here, and now he was back.
The startling blue of his eyes was drowning, looking between his furious best friends, turned against him. “I came here to get answers.”
“Answers to what?” Tom snapped, tired of being left out. “Haz, what did you do?”
“How is this my fault?” his voice is loud and shaky, like he’s being backed into a corner. “Why are you both up against me when you both fucked up, huh? You,” he points a finger at Tom, who stares back at it as though it might kill him. “Went behind my back and dated my best friend. You both did. And you didn’t tell me!”
Tom once thought that was unfair. In fact, he still knew it was. But Y/N was shaking, tears falling from her eyes as Haz kept his finger in her face. She knocked it away, red faced in a way he didn’t know was possible.
“You’re not innocent, don’t play that game! Don’t just keep your deeds in the dark; you kissed me and you know why you did it!”
In retrospect, it could have been worse.
The silence that proceeded your outburst was slightly settling. It gave everyone a moment to calm down and see exactly what damage had been done. The sinking feeling in Tom’s chest resided not just because he was upset with Harrison, but because he was disappointed, he understood, with himself.
Maybe everything was fine the way it had been before, when Haz was keeping you both in the dark. Maybe Haz knew best, making sure you two never met.
Tom remembered the train ride home, back to their apartment the night that felt so long ago. The way you confided that you felt manipulated by Haz, that you felt like a prized possession, to be gazed upon and not touched.
He looked at you now, crying ever so slightly, but your chin raised in defiance. You wiped haphazardly at your face, smudging eye makeup on the back of your hand, yet still keeping an intense gaze level with the others. Tom was suddenly wracked with responsibility to clean this mess, because in reality, it started with him, not you.
“I,” he speaks, not on his own accord, and the two turn to look at him. Both have watery eyes and hard set jaws, looking to him with nothing but empty malice. His hands grow cold and unclench themselves, sighing so heavily he hunches over.
“I don’t think we should lie,” he said finally, clearing his throat as though it would make the situation better, or at least funnier. “I don’t think we should accuse each other either. We all did…something.” He finished, never casting blame. It came out choppy and bored, but it was really the stinging hurt that squeezed his heart.
You blinked, the anger draining from your face, replaced by exhaustion. “You didn’t even do anything wrong,” you said behind your hands, which dragged down the length of your face. Harrison chuckled, but bitterly so.
“That’s Tom for you,” he said, almost kindly. “Always right.”
“Not always,” he muttered, but they both heard. The diffused air was too much to bear, and Tom felt like bolting for the door. But he’d be damned if he didn’t see this thing to the end. Whatever this thing was, and wherever it ended.
You, grown so old in the span of this conversation, swayed back and forth. “Harry,” you called him, a fond nickname Tom could never understand. “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be with you. I’m not sure if I ever did.”
The confession was not what either of them expected, for when they looked at each other for confirmation, they found the same incredulous looks mirrored on each other’s faces.
“That crush, or whatever it was, made me feel so bad for so long and it’s not worth it. I feel like I don’t know what I am to you. And I can’t just be your girlfriend with that feeling.”
“What do you mean?” his eyes narrowed, looking at Y/N like he’d never seen her before. “What do you mean what are you to me? You’re my friend.”
“Am I? I feel so worthless when your friends and your girlfriends and your ex’s look at me like a charity case. It’s so belittling to feel like your side show next to you. I’m my own person Harrison, and when I’m around you, I feel like, like,”
“Like a badge. An accomplishment.” Haz looked over at Tom, mouth parted in shock. Y/N could only nod, the words stolen out of her mouth. “I know how you feel.”
Everything was back where it started, with you and Tom on the same side, and Harrison elsewhere. Tom didn’t like the feeling of blaming his friend, still his best friend, but he felt so at ease finally coming clean about his feelings. The tightness in his chest subsided, and the three took a breath, understanding where they stood with each other.
“You’re still my friend,” Y/N told him, lightly touching her hand to his shoulder. He gave a her a look none could decipher, before saying back, “And you’re mine.”
Tom stood next to them, finishing a triangle he didn’t really like, but knew he might have to deal with for a while longer. At least until Harrison got over you. (And conversely, when you were fully over Haz) For now, he looked at his friend with solemn eyes, an apology twinkling between them. Words couldn’t articulate their inexplicable bond, and he supposed words couldn’t break it either.
Y/N looked to Tom, a jolt going through him. Your presence still sent him reeling, even in your thoroughly trashed makeup and small smile, he couldn’t get over the tingles that pricked his fingers and toes, the thrill that made him want to pull you into a kiss. He knew now wasn’t the time, so settled instead for the brightest smile he could manage.
You detached yourself from the two of them, blowing hair out of your face. “I must admit, that entire ordeal has me beat.” You told them, and Haz and Tom glanced at each other.
“It’s not late,” Harrison said, looking at his phone to avoid their stares. “I could call up the others.”
“Others?” you asked, looking between the two boys. Haz shrugged.
“The rest of the cast still wants to meet you. You want dinner?” Tom could see through the nonchalance, Haz’s hands stuffed in his pocket. He appreciated the inclusion, watching as your face morphed from confusion to appreciation, a certain softness returning to your face.
“As long as Tony picks the place,” you replied, using the back of your hand to wipe off the rest of your ruined makeup off. Haz laughed, adjusting his coat as you ran back for your handbag.
“You better watch out, looks like Tony’s gunna steal her,” Harrison said, looking at Tom with pure amusement, although, the sadness that rested on his face couldn’t be disguised.
Tom didn’t blame him, instead punching him good naturedly, making them both laugh. “You’re not wrong.”
“No, he’s not. You know any better places?” you turned your attention to him, resting between the boys and Tom slung an arm around your shoulder. He looked over your head and to Haz, who said nothing, and whose face also said nothing. And then his blue eyes glimmered and he smiled.
“Tom only known places in London. Next time you’re in England we’ll take you somewhere Tom Holland approved. Most likely a bar.”
The three shared a laugh at that. Y/N closed the door to her apartment, locking it, and with that, locking away every bad thing they had said and done, and walking away from it.  
taglist: @phasika123r5, @mischeif-managed1987
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laphomesis · 5 years
yo i know only like 1 person other than myself follows this blog but, another rp blog update!! yeah. also the underlines are links to the things im talkin about!
- hey!! i updated laphomets muse info and his ref! ( the image .. the drawing for him )
- made the rules up to date with mikotos blog since he has the most up-to-date set of rules rn; basically i made them more flexible and realized “oh huh people have schedules and are busy but they ARENT actually dead aint that a thing” - i havent had a real bad run in with these rules probably since i’ve only rped with like, what, 4 whole people on tumblr sadly? but i edit them a lot sometimes due to anxiety of really specific bad situations in rp and am bad at updating rp blogs with the most up to date set of rules,,, 
you still don’t have to read most of them to get the theme and there’s a new tl;dr which is basically all u need to know to interact ig ( and you don’t need to read the rules to send anons or follow rlly but yeah )
- removed icon page - i remove it for like every blog i see it on but its bc it isnt really.. needed? it just takes up space and its a pain to update anyways
- soon to be added verses / aus list!! uhhhh to list a few that are probably gunna be there, human au, ruler / future au, paswg au because i drew lapho in its style once and i also like paswg ( his name like mikoto in the paswg au is probably the same but his alias would be fishnet ), persona au ( 4 / 5 mainly ), etc... if you have au / verse requests for any of my rp blogs send them in i run out of ideas for them sometimes!
- please send ask memes this isnt an update but.. yeah.. i might work on icons for laphomet ( or whatever oc rp blog i have that ur on i want more interaction with all of them, even canons kinda ) more frequently if ppl send in or interact with the blog in any way too
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thehiddensemicolon · 7 years
Kacchako fanfic: New Prey Chapter 5
The two teens finally stopped kissing, when they noticed the sun was going down. Both decided it was time to head back to the dorms before it was dark. ~~~Outside the dorms~~~ "Bakugou thank you for taking me out on a date. I really enjoyed myself today." She smiled. "Yeah well fucking get used to it." He said. Her eyes opened wide and smiled. "When I decided to take you out on a date. I told myself that I would force you to go on one date with me. If you liked it then I would ask you on another fucking date. If you didn't like it, will atleast I fucking tried right. But I knew that you would fucking love it, cause who doesn't want to fucking hang out with the number one future hero." He said. "Oh am sure hundreds of girls would be crawling on their knees for a chance to be with you. " she joked. "But I only need one girl by my side. A girl like you. What do you say Angel face? And don't give me a fucking unsure "I'll think about it" answer! I won't have it. Just give it to me straight. Be my girlfriend. " he told her. His red eyes was filled with determination and was serious.  He gulped and the silence was killing him. It was starting to make him lose his confidence and a pounding feeling in his chest was going all crazy. Fucking say something. She began messing with her fingers and her naturally pink cheeks felt red. Her eyes filled with confusion. Like she was in a battle against herself. I do feel something with Bakugou. I know that he is mean to others and has a huge ego. But some part of me doesn't mind it. He acts differently with me than he does with everyone else. She thought. She noticed how he was scrubbing his palms on his clothes. Which was a sign of nervousness. He was glaring a hole through her head and looked like the suspense was killing him. "Yes... yes I would like to date you." She said with a voice filled of innocence. She walked up to him and gave him a hug. He hugged her back. "Fucking finally, the suspense was kicking my ass." He smiled. ~~~the next day~~~ Ring ring ring her phone was vibrating 12pm in the evening Uraraka woke up to her cell phone ringing. She looked to see who was calling and it was Deku. Deku?? Why is he calling me? Did he figure out about Bakugou and I? She thought. "Hello?" -Uraraka "Um hi Uraraka! How was your morning?" -Deku "Uhh let's see I suppose it was great. Haha I just woke up. " -Uraraka "Oh am sorry I didn't mean to wake you up! I was just wondering something." -Deku "What is it?" -Uraraka Silence "I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with Iida and I. We thought we should all hang out and take a break. Before school is back tomorrow." -Deku "Oh ookay well I'll get ready. Meet you outside the dorms?-Uraraka "Yes that would be fine." -Deku "Okkie dokkie! See you then." - Uraraka. Beep! The phone call ended. Deku POV It's so hard to talk to her. Girls in general are. She even made me sweat and am not even around her! I wonder what happened with Bakugou and her on fridays party. They never came back. And yesterday too I didn't see her or him. What happened at that party? Did Kacchan say hurtful words to her? Is she upset. Is that why she didn't come back to the party? I guess I'll ask her about it. I don't like it when she is sad. He thought. Bakugou POV He woke up at 8 am sharp. Did his normal routine until he got a text from Kirishima. "Yo Bakugou do you wanna go to the movies today at 12. The guys and I got tickets. What do you say?" - Kirishima Bakugou read the text and grunted. He responded. "Fuck off redhead. " - Bakugou "Aww come on enjoy life every now and then. I bet you're not even doing anything. Come on dude. You never know you might meet a girl 😎" - Kirishima. "Fuck you I ain't going to hang out with extras." - Bakugou. "Come on you scared to show your face because your worried people will recognize you. You know the 'boy who was attacked by a slime villain'. It cool then." -Kirishima "I AINT FUCKIN SCARED OF NO BITCHES. FUCK YOU FINE ILL GO TO THE FUCKIN MOVIE ASSHOLE. NOW STOP BOTHERING ME BEFORE ILL KILL YOU." - Bakugou "Alrighty then! Meet us at the movies at 12ish 😂" - Kirishima. Man fuck these guys. I ain't no pussy. I wonder how Uraraka is. Fuck these guys are gunna be snooping into my fucking life again. Fuck them. They don't need to know about us for now. He thought ~~~Time skip to 12 pm at the theaters ~~~ "Yo Bakugou glad you could make it." - Kirishima "Shut the fuck up." - Bakugou said. "Whoa Bakugou chill out! Today is going to be awesome!" - Kaminari Uraraka POV I met up with Deku and Iida outside the dorms and we started to walk to the theaters already. "Uraraka how was your evening this weekend. I admit I was worried about what happened to you at the party when Bakugou made you against your will participate with him with his dare. What happened if I may ask?" - Iida "Oh nothing happened. We were just quite the whole time. Then I felt tired and went home to sleep." - she lied. "Are you sure? You have been acting different Uraraka. If Kacchan did anything to you or said anything you can tell us." - Deku "Yes am sure nothing happened. " she remarked "Okay than. Will just for future situations, if he says anything to you don't take it serious okay. That's just how he acts towards people." - Deku "Really am fine Deku don't worry about it. " - Uraraka said. "Well all that matters is that your fine Uraraka and that you-" Iida stopped. His phone rang. "Please excuse me." - Iida. Everyone stopped right in front of the theaters and watched as their friend returned. "My apologies everyone. There seem to be a family matter I must attend to immediately. Go on to the movies without me. Maybe we can come another time together. But please don't let me affect the rest of your day." - he said. Then left the two teens by themselves. "Okay then have a good day Iida." Both of them said. "Well.. the movies doesn't start till about 20 minutes. We can just wait inside. " - Deku "Alright!" She said. Then her phone vibrated suddenly. It was a text from Bakugou. The text read. "Hey." From her new boyfriend. Hey? Haha maybe he isn't used to texting a girl. She giggled. "Hey Katsuki! How was your day?" She texted. "... it sucks. Am out with the guys today. How about you." - Bakugou texted. Deku POV "Um Uraraka do you want to start finding seats already?" He said. But he didn't hear a response. He looked over his shoulder to see his friend texting. This is awkward. Am alone with Uraraka. A girl. Going to watch a movie. Alone. Like a... like a date. He gulped. She is making me nervous. Especially cause she is texting. What am I supposed to do? "Yo Midoriya! Funny seeing you here what's up man." - kaminari said. Uraraka POV I was about to respond to Bakugou's text when I suddenly saw my classmates. Including Bakugou. As kaminari and Kirishima walked their way to talk to Deku. A frowning Bakugou followed. Looking pissed. No ones POV "Hi kaminari and Kirishima. Are you guy going to watch a movie too?" -Deku "Yup were in room 7 at 12:30." -Kirishima "Really same as us. Uraraka and I were going to watch that movie too." -Deku "Just you two? So you're on a date? My man!" - Kirishima From the sidelines a very angry Bakugou hissed and looked like he was trying to contain himself from killing someone. Bakugou looked at Uraraka with a confused and pissed off look. She immediately texted Bakugou. ~~~Text: ~~~ "Am sorry! I was going to tell you I was going to the movies with my friends. Iida left on us on the last minute!" -  Uraraka Bakugou looked at his phone and his face softened up- just a little bit. He texted her back. "Okay but next time fucking tell me sooner. I almost beat up The nerds ass." - Bakugou "Okay I will. Will I'll try my best to not make it obvious we're dating." - Uraraka "Okay good. I don't want those fucking extras know we are dating. Then I'll never hear the end of it. " - Bakugou. ~~~Back to conversation~~~ "No this is not a date! I mean I know it looks like it but it's not. You see there was three of us, but then Iida left and then it was just the two of us and we got here and..." - Deku stumbled. It was clearly obvious he was shy about the dating topic. He was shaking and his face was as red as a tomato. "Okay okay we get it. Will do you wanna sit next to each other in the movie! We can share snacks." - kaminari "S-sure!" - Deku "Uraraka I hope you don't mind watching the movie with the guys." - Deku "I don't mind at all."  Uraraka said. She smiled briefly at Bakugou. The teens went walking to get their seats to watch the movie. The order was Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugou, Deku, and Uraraka. That was until someone changed it. Does Deku fucking believe that I'll let him have angel face to himself! Fuck him! That nerd better back the fuck off. She is my girlfriend. Bakugou thought. "I always fucking sit on the last chair in the row losers. Because if the movie is shitty then it's easier to fucking leave and do something more productive of my time. Got that Deku." Bakugou growled. Bakugou red eyes looked like he was serious and wants to explode someone. He was cracking his knuckles and grinned. "O-okay Kacchan! You can have the last seat." - Deku The order was now Kaminari, Kirishima, Deku, Uraraka, and Bakugou. The movie began and the room went pitch black. The movie they picked was a scary movie. Deku's eyes were wide open looking at the blood. He was nervous but tried his best to contain himself. I don't want Uraraka thinking am a wimp! He thought. Fucking loser. Bakugou thought when he saw Deku. Bakugou wasn't affected by this movie what so ever. He looked at it with a straight face in boredom. So looked at his side to see his girlfriend eyes opened wide. Ha is she a chicken when it comes to scary movies? To looked at her again to see that she wasn't scared. In fact she was actually looking like she was really into the movie. A girl who isn't scared of scary movies? Nice, my girlfriend isn't a sissy. She is full of surprises. He smiled. The movie was at a climax. The whole room was silent but anxious to find of what happens. It was a suspenseful scene of life and death. And he felt a Warm hand grab his. He immediately knew who it was as gripped her hand harder. He moved her hand to his mouth and quickly kissed it and put it back down. He looked to his side and noticed Uraraka's smile. Trying to have a secret relationship is fucking hard. I hope next time it's just us. Better take note to make that happen next time. He thought.
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effervescentmind · 5 years
Entry 13: 6/14/19 @3:57 p.m.
I’m once again on the patio at work.
So some things have happened since the last time I wrote. A few days ago, I was at work and greeted a table. The Wife was there first and I guess her husband was parking the car. Anyway, I introduce myself to her and in the middle of getting her drink order, a man puts his arm around my waist and squeezes me against his body from behind. “Hi, how are ya!?” says the smiling man next to me. “Well, that wasnt creepy”, his wife says irritated. I didnt speak, just went to grab the drinks and gave them to a coworker. I asked him to please take my table, that I was uncomfortable with them. He agreed and I continued to care for the rest of my section. I ended up telling my manager and he told me to just get him if anything else happens. Nothing did but later on I was standing in the front, talking with the hostesses and I saw the man walk out the door. His wife was on her way out too and I just felt the need to say something. “ Excuse me ma’am. I think your husband owes me an apology, he made me very uncomfortable’. “I already yelled at him but if you want me to go get him and fucking give you a fucking apology then I’ll fucking do it. Jesus fucking christ!”, she yelled as she rushed out after her husband. I was so angry that I went to the back and refused them when they came inside. She was up there yelling at the hostesses because I refused to come out and demanded that I come up for my apology. I didnt, told the girls to tell her to leave. She did but not after letting everyone know that they were never coming back again. I told my manager what happened and he was more upset that I didnt come get him and started arguing with me about it. He made it about himself because he wanted to yell at them. I hate him, he always wants to be in the middle of drama and hes unprofessional and belittling. I cant believe that I had just been sexual harrassed and he was angry with me because I felt the need to say something. I HAVE A RIGHT TO TALK IF I WANT TO!!! I’M THE FUCKING VICTIM DAMMIT!!!! And didnt I get you from the beginning?? Why didnt you go talk to the table after that?? Smh, I hate him. He also tried to make me feel bad and make a passive-aggressive, half threat about the possibility of corporate recieveing an email from the guests. Like why the fuck is that even a valid argument?? I am the one that was assaulted and we have it on video. Do you honestly think that corporate would fire me for that?? Fuck no! Unless they want a court case on their hands which I would GLADLY go through the trouble of doing. Its just insane that I felt uncomfortable and violated at work and I dont even get any fucking help from management. 
Later on that night, I went home and got ready to hangout with a guy I met and chilled with the night before. He was my lyft driver and really cool but that was short lived. We ended up having sex and he came in me without permission. When I asked him if he had, he said yes and then I got angry with him. I expressed my feelings and how stupid he was and he told me not to worry because he “takes care of all his kids” like???? BITCH I DONT WANT KIDS!!! This wasnt discussed like????? He laughed and argued back a little. “You didn’t even ask me if I was on birth control!”. “ Are you?” I glared at him, “ Don’t fucking ask me now dumbass, buy me a plan b wtf.”. He asked how much, “I don’t know, between 40 and 50 dollars”. “Hell fuck that. Nah. Not doing that sorry.”. I started arguing and he stopped me and said he would do it. Then we laid there in silence. “So you gunna be mad all night cuz I aint tryna be quiet like this all night. Like when you gunna stop being mad”. He was chuckling at me again…I stayed quiet but was cursing him out in my head. I was in disbelief that he was not understanding the level of violation he just put me through and that he had the audacity to tell me to get over it. I was on birth control but he didnt know that and that was a risk that I didnt appreciate. A selfish, stupid risk. Ugh, he made me sick. Such trash. I was going to make him give me 50 for the plan b I didnt need but fuck that. I wanted him out of my bed. I wanted him out of my fucking apartment! “I’m going to get the pill myself”, “ Oh, ok good”. What a piece of shit…he really is a fucking bum. He cant afford to get me a plan b but he can take care of my baby? Smh, such a garbage broke little bitch! “ Yeah, Imma get it and you need to go.” “Oh, for sure” he jumps up, gets dressed and goes to the living room. I put on my clothes, follow and watch him pack. He then angrily asks me if he can have his 20 dollars (I asked him to bring me a little bag of weed and I would pay him for it) and I told him that I had to get the pill and that was the least he could do. With added aggression, “So you keeping the weed or the twenty?”. I wanted to punch him in the face, Man he was a piece of shit. “Take you’re petty ass twenty and leave you broke ass nigga.”. He started arguing about leaving and I told him to get the fuck out that he doesnt get away with violating people and closed the door behind him. 
So, I’ve decided to refrain from boys for a while. I’ve tried to find a fwb but the guys I’ve met have been pathetic and aggrivating, broke bitches and I just don’t have the time or enegry for it. I’ve had two ask me for money like?? Hell nah bye!!!!!!! Ugh, I’m really done. Deleted the dating apps I had and everything. Just going to concentrate on my life, betterment and school. I can’t be living here in Texas longer than I want to and I can’t be stuck at this bullshit ass job that wears me out and doesnt pay enough. I gotta do better and be better. I deserve BETTERRRRRR!!!!
In other news, i paid off my Dade county court fee and turned in all the necessary documents and whatnot. Soon I will have my license back and be able to drive legally and with peace of mind. So, thats something to look forward too :) I also will be starting my one year of classes in September. Things are slowly falling into place and I can only continue to go up from here. 
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survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode #5: “sushi + running isn’t the best combo.” - Mo
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Sad to Linus quit honestly. Hope he’s alright but yeah that sucks.
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So Linus just quit. It’s unfortunate and slightly annoying that we had another’s person quit. Especially since we had players like Jose and Jaylen who actually wanted to play. But then again I’m just trying to get the crown so I can’t really complain when someone else falls. Final 14 so I’m expecting merge to happen in the next 4 tribals.
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Alright so hey I'm a bit late but since we last left off we were heading to tribal, at that point I was actually thinking Jose likely had an idol since you know.. throwing two random names 30 minutes before tribal when you know you can't get the numbers is a very idol-ish thing to do. So me and Tobi decided to vote Mo just in case an idol was played and both of them voted together. But actually at the end of the day Jose voted Mo and Mo well he didn't show up LMAO, which was actually bad because then his self vote would make it a 4-4 tie and while I think voting jose out after that would've been achieavable I would rather not give him the chance to fight. Luckily Mo showed up and voted him so that was it and he prob didn't see it coming but hey the lad was took it well so kudos to him.
So right after that the hosts pulled a sneaky on us and the live challenge was actually a swap (bragging rights I predicted it yay...look at me predicting a swap at f15 I'm so smart....)
And for once luck was on my side since I'm still on mercia alongside Felix David and Mo. With Wes joining us from the other tribe. Now I did vote Mo but maybe he doesn't think it was me? I mean tbf after he didn't show up at tribal I scream_messaged him to vote for Jose so who knows. But either way we have the inmense unit of David with us and Wes who I barely know from another org I'm playing at the same time so there's that
And then ofc Felix the crazy german god bless his soul he saved us this week from going to tribal <3
And as I write this Linus has quit the game so I guess that's 2 out of 2 for wins that I really didn't get to enjoy but oh well. At least this gives Michael and Dani a chance over at that tribe now that it is 2-2. As for Tobi well he carried his own new tribe in that challenge so hopefully he can overcome that 4-1 disadvantage in case they go to tribal.
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So puzzle challenge, okay let’s get on it. Wanna win it cause my og tribe are such an unknown. I want to work with tobi. But he will do what he needs to do to stay in. So my paranoid ass is conviced that my og tribe ain’t talking to me cause they want me out. Idk I’m being stupid but ahhh.
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Here i am, losing the challenge, feeling a little sorry for myself because i'm like ok it's me i'm going. Then BOOM Linus quits and as much as i wanna be like oh buddy no you should stay it might get more fun i also wanna be like lol bye bye because now instead of getting voted out 3-2 me and Dani can now tie the vote should we go back to tribal which is obviously better than nothing. I'm bad at puzzles but im just gonna try my absolute hardest because i refuse to be Denise Stapley and go to every tribal council.
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uhm so the immunity challenge is puzzles... great loll im legit so trash at puzzles and if we lose again ik it's gonna be bc of me ): i'm gonna try my best and not flop but i cant even enter the puzzles so idk whats gunna happen
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Somehow I obtained 2 idol clues by sheer luck and honestly it's what I deserve in this game. I'm still debating if I even want an idol so I shared my clues with Jones because I wouldn't mind if she had an idol. But anyways there have been 2 quits which sucks but the only benefit is that now I at least will get 14th in this game.
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lol we’re gunna lose again. but i aint going home america.. know that!
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So I’m nervous my time might cost us the challenge but do you know what I’m not nervous about.... going home bc I have Dani loyal to me and me to her and also mr Scott and myself have established a f2 alliance named “crumpets and bagpipes” (name subject to change) so yeah hopefully I’m going nowhere hehe
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SO IDK HOW I DO IT but people just kind of give me clues and answers to their idol puzzles. SURE I asked Scooty how he was doing for his results, but I never even asked Madison about her clues and she's just kind of,,,,giving them to me? and I love it <3 <3 <3 WELL ACTUALLY I TAKE IT BACK. I LOVED IT UNTIL I FOUND OUT THE FUCKING IDOL WAS TAKEN ALREADY. I was searching the playroom today and WHAT DO YOU KNOW "there was something there but it was taken" and I want to actually PERISH LIKE HOLY FUCK I WAS ACTUALLY!! SOOOOOOO CLOSE!!1!11 but yeah hopefully Linus didn't have it and quit with it I'll actually beat his entire ass
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So like... after my amazing comeback last immunity challenge,, WHICH BY THE WAY FUCKIN WAS FOR NOTHING BECAUSE LINUS QUIT LIKE WHY DIDNT HE QUIT BEFORE THE DAMN CHALLENGE AND NOW I OUTED MYSELF AS A CHALLENGE THREAT... stupid..,, we flopped in this one like... madison and jones flopped hard kdjhflksdjfhs like did they even try.. now im in a peculiar situation.. the great thing is that rhys and ryan actually asked me to be a part of a three man alliance (im obv at the bottom) and like im definitely using this to my advantage and hopefully get out of this tribal!! im expecting at least one vote from madison which is natural but like im gonna fight tooth and nail to get out of this!! idc who i have to throw utb to get by but i'll do whatever it takes
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HELL YEAH TO MERCIA FOR WINNING ANOTHER IMMUNITY. It feels so good to have come clutch again, especially after a scare from Mo, who didn't do the right puzzle. -.- ugh that pissed me off so much, especially with so little time left to do it. But Ahrre and I DESTROYED everyone else who did the hard puzzle so I can't complain.
Also, a new development. Ahrre and Felix seem to trust me SO much that they wanna share their idol guesses with me, which is fine with me considering I trust them the most on this new tribe. I feel it, omg I feel like I'm SO close to getting that idol and if I find it, it puts me in a huge power position. So I need to find it before these guys.
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This was probably the most stressful round for me. So let’s go through the series of unfortunate events
1. I misread the post and I was doing the easy puzzle the entire time when I thought I was doing the hard puzzle. I took a picture on my phone with my score and my name in the search bar.
2. I hangout with my friend, we go get sushi and I buy some macaroons and then we chill in a Starbucks while we play Pokemon Go.
3. I submit my photo at 5:45 PM 15 minutes before the dead line only to get told that not only would the photo not of counted because I didn’t have the date and time in the photo. But I was also doing the wrong puzzle.
4. My scrawny out of shape ass sprints home and it was the kind of thing where like I was coughing because I ran too much.
5. Now I have to do the more difficult puzzle in 20 minutes. I didn’t get the chance to practice before hand, I feel like shit, I’m still coughing and I think I’m going to puke because sushi + running isn’t the best combo.
6. I don’t submit on time, and not only that I don’t abstain on time either. So I get a strike. The amount of fucking despair and sadness I felt as I was rushing through the puzzle only to realize I was too late even after getting granted an extension. It was so awful.
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Well, sad linus left but the good news is we won immunity by three minutes! Michaels time was a MESS because we could’ve gotten first if he did better but that’s alright we got second so that’s good. I like my remaining tribe mates so I hope things stay good ❤️
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Aye so we've won another challenge after the swap yay! it's almost as if my shitty luck was detrimental during luck based challenges. wh would've thought...
Now we won even though Mo didn't submit and his time was more than the rest of the tribe combined lol but it's ok cause we won anyways, albeit David got a bit pissy about it and Mo told me about it but eh hopefully it's nothing.
Talking about david I decided not to sit around all day even if we're not going to tribal. Since I'm lucky to stay in the same camp I was before the swap I might as well try and find that damn idol if it hasn't been found already. So I decided to coordinate idol guesses with him and Felix which payed out because when we won the reward today he shared it with me (or at least a part of it unless he's lying) and he made a chat with me and felix so I guess now we're in an alliance, so there's that.
As for the other tribes well I hope Tobi can pull something out of the bag and not die this week, maybe he can get madison who has been pretty lackluster at challenges but either way I'm not gonna be holding my breath.
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so today Rhys n I made an alliance with Tobi so that's a thing... and then later in the day we ended up losing immunity -___- which is ass because someone literally striked and got 45mins for a puzzle we still lost jalfkdjf like wig ok! I hope this alliance sticks but idk i gotta see what the waters feel like tomorrow... thank rihanna i have an idol it makes me feel like i have some security in this game hehe
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Do you hear that? The birds are singing, the sky is blue and the sun is bright because YA BOI FINALLY WON IMMUNITY. Ugh I love winning immunity I’d scream if I had to go back there it’s ugly
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Okay. So here is the tea. We lost.
I have an alliance between me Ryan and tobi. So fingers crossed that’s all good, and Madisin should be an easy boot.
However, I feel uneasy as when I woke up I had no messages from anyone on my tribe about tribal. Which is scary as I thought people would’ve been trying to push for w certain person making sure it wasn’t them. Apparently not, or maybe it’s me?. I know I’m a paranoid mess but I’m like 40% worried.
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Okay this is post swap and this is a kind of sort of bad, I was swapped into a tribe were I believe I am only member of my og tribe, but we seem compontent at challenges (at least the rest of them do). Plus one person (Ahrre) I kind of sorta know so hopefully I can make something work and get past this.
Lewis quitting sucked since I actually knew him from an alias game a long time ago.
Let me know if you need a longer confessional.
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hmm Madison is definitely the obvious choice to vote out from Sweyn rn... she's exuded the bare minimum of activity and i dont think we've had a genuine conversation in pm's or at all thus far; plus she did the worst in the challenge. I know from Scott that Jones got close with Madison on og Sweyn so that is something on my mind, but I think she would be ok letting her go ultimately; not too sure but I'm talking to her now so we'll see. If our tribe loses again it's gonna be ugly because i would hate to vote Jones out, she's a queen
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Hey guys, its me... Hannah Baker. We had a tribe swap last round and I was shook at it being 3-2 with me being in a minority technically if we’re talking number wise. But, Scott said something interesting to me, saying that he thinks its funny that I would go home over Michael which is kind of reassuring. We lost the challenge and Linus decided to quit and I was like ok mood??? We won the challenge after thank god and I won’t be going to yet another fucking tribal. I really like Michael and Scott and I think if we were to lose again, we could vote out Malik. I’m hoping I can make the merge here but I guess we’ll see. Xoxo
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god.. pls vote out madison u fucking fucks LMAOAOAOAOOA. liek im good terms with everyone on that tribe so its rly ugly that theyre going to tribal.. but uhm. hopefully its madison that goes bc i dont want to talk to her or wes at merge loll
like i can be social. dont get me wrong.. but like i cant do it with awkward unsocial people.. communication is a two way street after all
Madison is voted out 4-1.
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tessyinfohub-blog · 6 years
Young Thug's 'Slime Language' Album is Out Now, Go Stream
Young Thug's 'Slime Language' Album is Out Now, Go Stream "Slime Language" is here! Featuring Lil Baby, Lil Uzi Vert, Gunna & many more. Young Thug has taken a rather unique marketing approach to promoting his Slime Language album over these past couple of weeks, which included sending real live snakes to the offices of various media publications. However despite the cool promotion tactic, Thugger remained tight lipped about the project’s release date. We were hopeful that the project was dropping last Friday following hints from Gunna, Alex Tumay and even YSL Records for that matter who teased the words “this week” on social media, but unfortunately that didn't happen. Instead, Thugger shared its featured guests and cover art, before reassuring fans a couple days ago that the project was finally dropping on his birthday (8/16). And now that August 16th is upon us, or was anyways, so is Slime Language finally. The follow up to last year’s Hear No Evil EP contains 12 tracks in total and serves more of a compilation project from his YSL Records, featuring guest appearances from the likes of Lil Baby, Lil Uzi Vert, Gunna, Duke, Tracy T, Jacquees, and even his girlfriend Karlae, who appears on the song "U Aint Slime Enough" with Duke, among others. Meanwhile production is handled by Wheezy, Southside, TM88, & others. As for the cover art, it features 3 sign language hands that spell out "Young Stoner Life," the name of Thugger’s record label under 300. Available now on iTunes, fans can stream the project in its entirety via Apple Music/ Spotify. Take a listen and let us know what you think. Read the full article
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