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tomhollandish · 5 months ago
Spider-Man Masterlist
hey y’all ! i’ve compiled a full masterlist of all my spider-man writings - the series, the blurbs, all of it - so that it’s easy to find everything ! hope this is helpful ! my recommendation for reading is though there are blurbs that are in chronological order of the series, i would recommend reading the whole series first & then going & reading the blurbs. so maybe read ‘far from you (home)’ first & then the pre & post ‘far from you (home)’ blurbs before reading ‘something sinister’ enjoy ! - marlie b
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SUMMARY: y/n stark is really not here for this european school vacay because in this post-endgame world, she’s mourning the loss of her dad. but one (1) sticky boi peter parker is just trying to be the friend he once was while also trying not to flirt too much because if she rejects him (which she wouldn’t, not that he knows that) while they’re in venice holy hell he’ll just pitch himself off the gondola right then and there. basically, y/n has been distancing herself & peter misses her & this school trip is a great way for him to coax her back into the real world & y/n really loves peter but is super sensitive and scared to lose him & also mysterio shows up at some point ugh  @ nick fury leave ned leeds alone
SUMMARY: y/n stark & peter parker are finally dating & they are all about it. senior year is only barely underway but they are ready to party hard with their friends, sneak around the compound to make out, & enjoy the last year before their future begins with college & more schooling. the future is unknown, but one thing is for sure - y/n & peter just want a freaking break. that field trip was a shit show & things are finally back to normal. but they’re both avengers & powerful ones at that, so they have to make some idiot enemies along the way that are obviously going to try & wreck their lives. villains really have no class anymore; can’t they see that peter just wants to snuggle his girlfriend?
SUMMARY: all peter & y/n want to do is graduate college & get to work in the real world without any distractions. they just want to hang out with their friends, redecorate their apartment, & finally go on the spring break trip they’ve planned now for four (4) years that always ends up not happening. but of course when some weird stuff starts happening & avengers start going missing, the two youngest avengers have to get their shit together & figure out what the hell a beyonder is & where all their teammates are disappearing to. not to mention y/n is really done with the human torch trying to flirt with her boyfriend literally right in front of her like wtf does she have to do shove her tongue down peter’s throat in front of him? maybe. 
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just some pre & post fics blurbs about our fav webby boi peter p & his girl y/n stark living their best lives asked about by our fav readers (they’ve been placed in chronological order, not the order in which they were written just fyi)
Fruit Salad Showers - peter falls asleep on the ceiling, y/n goes out on her first patrol & steve can’t turn down a challenge from tony
Weight of Your Fingertips - peter needs some cuddles & y/n decides her bed isn’t her own anymore because bodies are better than pillows
Spidey Code Sleepover - peter & y/n go on their first mission, tony cannot believe how stubborn his daughter is & cap is tired of babysitting
Five Pizzas & A Secret - tony is on a rampage & y/n saves peter’s ass while kicking steve’s in chess & tony ends up buying dinner
The MJ of it All - y/n realizes for the 1st time that peter might have feelings for mj, & steve rogers goes into true dad mode
Team Stark - peter said hell yeah to fighting for team stark in civil war but he never said which stark he was fighting for
Little Angst Babies - harry osborn is the new kid in town, y/n loves pineapple on her pizza, & peter is a lost baby boy with too many emotions
Busy With Kisses - peter & y/n return from their impromptu monte carlo vacay & tony is such a dad about it good lord
The New Normal - y/n suffers from the chemical effects of mysterio’s attack & peter suffers from being secretly head-over-heels in love
Bedtime Confessions - peter’s nightmares cause y/n to spill some secrets & peter breaks into bruce’s computer just for funsies
Sweaty Palms Season - just some first date jitters, peter steals some rosé from rhodey, & no one can make out in a car in peace anymore
Honey Sunrise Time - y/n is recovering from mysterio being an asshole, peter does therapy & a steamy monte carlo flashback we’re dying over
Senior Year Reveal - peter literally kisses y/n once in the cafeteria & everyone loses their shit & flash starts a group call about it
Chicken Curry Soup - peter has a real bad cold but just wants to make out with y/n at a party so life is just real hard you guys
That Kind of Way - peter is ripped in gym class, y/n’s horniness suffers in silence, and senior year is getting sexy baby
Mommy Issues - peter meets an unexpected visitor, everyone goes for a long weekend at the lake post-grad, & you tan so nicely peter might die
Bulletproof Future - the gang is back together freshmen year of college, gwen stacy flirts with peter & flash bestow wisdom on y/n
Homage to Heartbreak - the small breakup peter & y/n go through doesn’t feel too small when gwen stacey tries to swoop in 
Pineapple Pizza Fanatics - mj has a mean roundhouse kick, y/n & peter have a war on ham & harry osborn is just so tired plz give him a break
Weekend Retreat - y/n’s kidnapping her sophomore year of college trends on twitter, peter is a lost puppy with a motorbike
Bagels, Bruises & Broken Thongs - peter almost chooses robotics over sex, y/n blackmails peter with bagels, & gracie calls it like she sees it 
Sexy Sloppy Secrets - the 2 times peter & y/n try to get it on & the one time they do, also peter’s roomie totally knows he’s spider-man oops
Wedding Crashers Ltd. - betty rants, y/n & peter teach their high school friends fun drinking games, flash gets married, & no one likes samantha
Through Peril & Peace - peter visits an old friend, mj teaches morgan the importance of bribery, & peter & y/n finally get married
Little Auntie Morgan - peter almost gives may a heart attack & bucky ruins a perfectly good pregnancy announcement goddamn it
Kids These Days - the teen avengers are doing their best, kids forget to wear seat belts & peter is so done with babysitting
Baby Curls & Sandy Toes - baby benji parker has two grandmas and they are both so in love and obsessed with him
Baby Freckles - benji asks 1000+ questions, there’s a new baby parker in town, & 11 o’clock is a great time for ice cream
Banana Bread & Baby Bargaining - peter knows how to tease his wife, may knows how to bribe her grandkids, & y/n wins best ceo mommy 
The Stark-Parkers - peter & y/n get their happy ending, benji has a crush, tony is smarter than all the parkers combined & stevie just rocks
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Donate: marlie b’s ko-fi (buy me a coffee ?)
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
I hope he knew the impact he had on the lives of countless people around the world. I hope he knew how much he was loved and how many people admired his talent. How many people - little boys, little girls, men, women - looked up to him.
I can’t fight the tears that come stubbornly, I can’t actually believe that that is true but I know I’m finding comfort in knowing that Chadwick Boseman will literally live forever through the legacy he leaves behind, and that he’s already a legend and a symbol of hope and a symbol of power for forever.
Rest In Peace. Rest in Power, King.
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
sometimes after a celebrity passes suicide rates tends to increase and this tweet provides a list of world suicide hotlines + breathing exercises / other methods of reducing anxiety so if this situation is in any way triggering for you or just difficult to deal with emotionally there are ppl you can talk to about how you’re feeling.
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
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Rest In Peace Chadwick Boseman.
Thank you for everything you gave us, from films to smiles.
You can rest easy now.
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
reminder that when asks you to “chip in’ after you’ve signed a petition, that money does NOT go to the petition organizer or any related fundraiser. uses misleading language like this to trick you into paying them. they’re a for-profit corporation. don’t give them your money, send what you can to verified bail funds / gofundme campaigns / etc. instead
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
Breonna Taylor’s petition has still not hit its goal. It takes next to no time at all to sign it. So if you haven’t, please do it and signal boost.
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
i see a lot of my black mutuals in pain and struggling mentally lately so if any of you need it here's a post of mental health resources made by a black woman specifically for black people struggling right now... i love you all so much please take care of yourselves
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
Here is a compilation of places to donate (IF you can, simply reblogging and sharing this can help) and petition to sign. I found these websites and organizations on twitter.
THE MINNESOTA  FREEDOM FUND: Donate to this to collect funds to pay jail bonds for the protesters who get arrested.
BLACK LIVES MATTER: An organization fighting for the BLM movement. Donate if you can. 
BLACK VISIONS MN: an organization that is led by Black, Queer and Trans people. Donate if you can.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: Fights for the overall equality fight. Donate if you can.
Willie Simmons has spent 38 years in prison for a $9 robbery. He had two prior convictions similar to robbery that he served time for. He was prosecuted under the Alabama Habitual Offender law and was given a life sentence for his third strike - stealing 9 (NINE) dollars. Sign his petition. 
Breonna Taylor was killed by police who were conducting an UNANNOUNCED drug raid, where they gave no request to enter. They bashed her door and entered, shooting her EIGHT times. They were in the WRONG HOUSE. 
George Floyd was killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck and suffocated him to death, after George pleaded with the officer and told him he couldn’t breathe. The officer had pulled him from where he sat in his car on an alleged FORGERY. You can also text “FLOYD” to 55156
ARREST THE OFFICERS WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD: The main police officer who murdered George is being kept in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. You probably have heard he was arrested, but this is NOT TRUE. He was placed under PROTECTIVE custody because of the riots and “threats” on his life. 
If you know of ANY other organizations or petitions, PLEASE ADD TO THIS LIST. The fight for justice doesn’t end here, it will never end. Especially when the president of the United States calls white supremacists good people and protesters of a mans death THUGS. USE YOUR VOICE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE. FUCK COPS. FUCK “BLUE LIVES”. ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER!
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
boost if able, re: minnesota protests
in case y’all didn’t see, the Minnesota Freedom Fund is actually good on donations after that massive fundraise yesterday and is directing people to donate to other causes, including Black Visions Collective, Reclaim The Block, and Northstar Health Collective.
MFF page for verification.
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
so direct action is not an option available to you. what can you do right now instead?
Be mindful of the content you’re putting on your social media accounts. Stop retweeting/reposting violent images and videos of black people dying. Know that content like this, even with trigger warnings included, can be very emotionally disturbing/distressing and yes, even traumatic, for black people navigating the internet right now.
Report any images and videos you see where protestors’ faces are visible/unblurred, particularly in content surrounding the lootings. Don’t retweet or repost these images and videos. This can be a death sentence. 
• The Minnesota Freedom Fund, a mutual aid group fighting back against the unjust MN bail system, is taking donations. (Twitter)
• The Black Visions Collective, a Minnesota-based freedom fighter organization creating campaigns for justice, is taking donations. (Twitter)
• Reclaim the Block, a coalition to demand that Minneapolis divest from policing, is taking donations. (Twitter)
• Crowdfunding for black trans people in need thread. 
• Comprehensive Minnesota bail fund/support document for May and June.
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
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The king has spoken!
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
happy one year anniversary of tony stark’s death :))
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
Stolen Fanfic on Wattpad
Yes, again. Someone (who doesn’t want to be named) sent me links to works that have been translated into Spanish and posted on Wattpad with and without credit. Some of these are extensive and some I couldn’t figure out due to me not speaking the language. But there are a lot of people on that list that I KNOW don’t give permission for reposting. I’ll link as many people as I could find, please let people that it didn’t link know in case you’re friends with them.
While I have my opinions on the “reblog discourse” on Tumblr that simply developed that way because of algorithms and marketing changing user behaviour, I DO strongly believe that all the comments on those works deserved to be on the original Tumblr & AO3 works. Even if all those people upvoting those Wattpad stories would’ve simply liked and not even reblogged on Tumblr, some of these works would be having 300+ notes.
If you find someone else that I forgot, please let them know. I only wrote down the tumblr names for the most part since I don’t use AO3. If one of you could go through these and write out those and contact the AO3 writers that would be kind.
@imagine-that-marvel (A LOT of works) / @nerdofthefreeeeandfandoms / @imaginegeekdoms-blog (A LOT of works) / @imagining-marvel / @alloftheimaginesblog / @marvelsupernatural / @littlemisssyreid / @fandomnetwork / @aplaceicanreturnto / @walking-flag / @imagines-4everything / @icanbeyour-blasphemy / @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms (A LOT of works) / @avengerxyou / @bbbarneswrites / @oneshotshield / @lavellenchanted / @kristis-stories / @SamSkyHill / @meester-pigvig / @awkwardlilfanficwriter / @lynyrdwrites / @natashasbanner / @lmaoyougoodbruh / @marvellousimagines / @lysiabeth / @vividimagines / @angelycdevil / @hero-imagines / @geeks-universe / @scarletvisionperfection / @my-avengers-imagines / @mattmurdockimagines / @the-starts-who-gazed / @imaginemarvel / @bellarke / @fanficsallnight / @pleaseletmeshowyou / @theincredibleultron / @imaginesteverogerss / @agentsofshieldimagines / @happyimagines / @kamalas-fanfiction / @allofimaginesblog / @texting-the-avengers / @imaginemarveluniverse / @silver-imagines / @imagine-marvel-12 / @misswinchester221b / @marvelousmarveldreams / @fvckingavengers / @ourotps / @ljb-novels
DemonDeepFried (AO3) / @youdidntseethatcoming-h / @philociraptorsquad / @marveluniverseimagines / @theheadcanonsawakens / @myriadimagines / @simplyonehellofapilot / @unratedcharactersimagine / @imaginesofeveryfandom / @imonomnity
@marvel-nerd-87 (A LOT of stuff) / @peterpparkrr / @ohmaigay / @imaginexmeintheuniverse / @baked-bean-bekah / @onegayastronaut / @avengers-familyimagines / @imaginethisdarling / @infinitefandomimagines
@youlightmeupbucky / @captaine-canada-blog / @imaginesnthings / @wlntrsldler / @hunters-from-stark-tower / @fanfic-shiz / @madamslayyy / @avenge-these-imagines
@vibranium-ass / @sergeantbuckybarncs / @imagines-all-day-everday / @creative-universe / @marvelimaginesyesplease / @see-the-fandom-imagines / @jxmsbuchxn / @lowkeybxrnes / @letsimaginetheavengers or @cheekybarnes / @bovaria / @imaginexsa / @waitingfortherightpartner / @such-fun / @mywinterbuckybear / @tomhollands / @imaginesnthings / @writing-soldiers / @oursisthefvry / @nutmeg208 / @tomhollandish / @pleasecallmecaptain / @brighterlights / @viollettes / @soldatbarnes / @fvckingsteverogers / @writingbarnes / @lenavonschweetz (multiple works) / @chrevastan / @after-avenging-hours / @feelmyskinonyourskin / @buckyywiththegoodhair / @marvelfic / @negasonicteenagemess​ / @redgillan​ (A COMPLETE SERIES & more) / @knittingknerdy​ / @invisibleanonymousmonsters​ (A LOT + multiple series) / @justreadingfics​ / @angelkurenai​ / @moonbeambucky​ / @justsomebucky​ (multiple series) / @serkewen12​ / @sleepypanda27​ / @marvelellie / @barnesrogersvstheworld / @KC_05 (A whole series) / @samingtonwilson​ / @ginatoldmeso / @captainrogerss​ / @probably-not-star-lord​ / @teamcap4bucky / @keepcalmandsosayweall​ / @softlybarnes​ / @wintersoldiers / @sinner-as-saint / @notimetoblog​ (AN ENTIRE SERIES - WTF) / @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ (A whole series + more - this person seems to love Roo) / @revengingbarnes​
THERE IS MORE UNDER THE CUT *cries into the void*
Keep reading
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
the reaction to john boyega being critical of disney/sw vs the reaction to robert pattinson, sebastian stan, harrison ford being critical of their past projects is very telling
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
i do sincerely love how DC made up cities all across the us for their superheroes to protect and fight evil in
and then marvel was just like ‘you know what? fuck new york’
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tomhollandish · 5 years ago
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Beautiful ladies! Which Spidey’s gf you like the most?
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