mothsantics · 7 months
twitter is so stupid dude i got tagged in a post by a friend which is all cool and good until it DEFAULTS TO when someone interacts with the post it pings EVERYONE TAGGED IN THE POST (THIS INCLUDES SOMEONE SIMPLY LIKING THE POST!)
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kiisuuumii · 2 months
@kiisuuumii's writerly questionnaire !
thank you @lead-to-code for tagging (ily kara <33)
i'd love to see yall's answers (only if you'd like to share of course !) @noahsbong @yearning-rambles @thesorcererpoet
about me:
1. when did you first start writing?
i was maybe between seven and nine ? to be honest, i can't really remember when it was, but i remember the first few things i wrote were story quizzes on a (now gone </3) website called quizilla (it was naruto rp....................)
2. are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
not really, now that i actually think about it ! ive always been the type of writer that only liked writing angst, and even outside of writing (fan) fiction (which tbh i dont do very much of anymore), so much of my poetry either comes from heavy emotion or features it so sdghjksd
3. is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
theres one mutual, actually, who i actually wished i could write more like. in a very self-deprecating way, but ive since become very comfortable, and maybe even happy (!), with my style of writing ! so, no, i'm not really looking to emulate anyone in particular, and no one's ever made a comparison between my work and someone else's so no to that one too :0
4. can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (room, coffee shop, desk, etc)
i usually write on my phone, in the notes app or in my drafts here ! and ill usually only write in a (head) space where i can really think, undisturbed, for at least 30-45 mins. so i'll usually be out in my backyard under one of my calamansi trees ! though, lately, ive been occasionally writing at my desk on desktop tumblr :>
5. what's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
fall in love with someone
once i start thinking about how everything around me is alive, i start remembering that i, too, am apart of nature—a lucky enough set of sequenced mutations, to make me—just a eating, breathing, shitting animal. how lucky this set of mutations is to take it all in, the emeralds in the trees, and the beat of a chipmunk's heart, how scared we all are.
that or love
6. did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
people, no, but places, yes. i grew up for most of my childhood in the desert, and i have /always/ hated summers, because i'm kinda heat sensitive, and i sweat easily, and i hate it i hate i hate it djhks
but, a year ago, i moved back home, and, honestly, since being back home, ive come to appreciate the desert a bit more sgkjds i used to think they were ugly and uninteresting, but there's so much more there if you look a bit harder imo
7. are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
honestly !! i think there are plenty obvious ones, but i really wanna talk about /the lack of/ sexual themes in my work !! i wanna write more sexetry or whatever, but it feels really embarrassing to sdghks i really like writing them too, but again !! it just feels embarrassing !! ;w;
my characters:
1. would you please tell me about your current favourite character? (current wip, post wip, never used, etc)
not to copy of kara dskjfs but i love my first (and my current) d&d chara !! her name is maeve umerie, and shes a drow wild magic sorcerer / (planned artillerist) artificer !! shes so packed full of trauma and self-harming behaviors and addictions that i dont even know where to start <33 (i promise i love her i would actually be so devastated if she died before i could give her a proper happy ending </3)
2. which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
i have this fantasy novel thought that ive floated in my head since maybe september-october of last year, and, in it, i have a character named levin hel, and AUGH hes just a sweetie :^( hes the son of a blacksmith-gunsmith duo who know a thing or two about magic, and is the apprentice to the son of the wizard who saved his life (who's name is nox, and he's an asshole ! but also i love him so much ;v;)
i need go go back to all my notes and stuff on it, bc i invested A LOT of time worldbuilding for it, but yea levin's a very kindhearted person, very much wanting to be like nox's father :'''^) </3
3. which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
i would absolutely hate to meet maeve mother. she's horribly self-serving and emotionally manipulative. she rules the house with an iron fist, and anything less than the best is worthless. she uses everything at her disposal to get what she wants, family or not.
4. tell me about the process of coming up with one, all, or any of your characters.
im ngl most if not all of my characters are just bits and pieces of me and my wants in different aus >_> .................................
5. do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
family and/or religious trauma mhm yep
6. how do you picture them? (as real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc)
for my fantasy wip, i imagine imaginary artwork, but for maeve, i have pieces i've drawn and pieces i've commissioned of her !! id love to someday get pieces of her family and other major characters in her past commissioned :>
my writing:
1. what's your reason for writing?
i will say that it's changed over the years. as a kid, and up until college, i've wanted to always be a story-teller. but, lately, i dont really have a reason for writing, other than to satisfy the thing that lives inside me that wants to write :^)
2. is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particular motivating coming from your readers?
knowing other people's reactions, getting to hear how something made them feel emotionally, or physically, or if there was a particular thought or memory that came to mind. i love knowing what people see, what my work makes people see, if anything.
that or if theres something, a word choice, or a line, that you thought was clever or struck you !!! i always love knowing people's thoughts !!!
3. how do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (for example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented world builder, as a role model, etc)
i want to be thought of just as another person, honestly. someone who had very human emotions, and did the only thing she knew how to do.
4. what do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
uhhhhh im ngl i think this is also my greatest weakness but i have a tedium to my world-building, in that i need history-book-level details of my worlds or i will die (like i drew my own map. i drew a fucking map of an entire contiment)
5. what have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
yk,,,,, no ones given me a whole lot of specifics so im not sure,,,,,
6. how do you feel about your own writing? (answer in whatever way you interpret this question)
i said it before, but im pretty content at the moment with my poetry. though with prose, i think i could probably improve a bit sdgjksg
7. if you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
uh yeah !!!! i write and record voice memos in my journal fully knowing no one will ever read it or listen back right now as it is so !!!!
8. when you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it's a mix of the two, which holds most influence?
i gotta be honest, writing is a selfish act for me. i write because i want to, in ways that tickle my fancy dgkjds
it really is almost like an instinct for me
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meteor752 · 2 years
Total drama traffic series AU
I’m mixing my two obsessions together
The hosts are still Chris and Chef cause I can’t for the life of me imagine anything Total drama without them (This is a callout to the ridonculus race)
So it’s the third life people, simply because I will be following those story beats. Sorry Pearl, Mumbo, and Lizzie.
So we’ve two teams, red’s and green’s.
Theres Grian, Scott, Martyn, Cleo, BigB, Impulse, Joel VS Scar, Jimmy, Ren, Skizz, Tango, Bdubs, Etho
I imagine that the first challenge it was team-less, and so everyone sorta formed their own lil groups. Scar and Grian became buds, Scott and Jimmy, Martyn and Ren, BDubs and Cleo, Etho Tango and Impulse etc. Grian won the challenge, a stay awake challenge, and he gets an immunity totem as a price.
The second challenge is Red Light Green Light, which will determine the teams. The seven people who first loses will be Reds, and the seven people who win will be the greens. Greens will be given the better food, better housing, and an advantage in all future challenges. Very desirable team.
Jimmy falls on his face, so he’s the first red. Grian trips Scar as a joke and accidentally makes him lose, and he feels really bad about it. Bdubs falls on Etho which is how he ends up in red. Tango trips. Skizz does as well. Ren moves on purpose however, later saying in confessional that being on red gives him more of a challenge, plus it’s more dramatic.
Some alliances stay intact though. Grian promises that he’ll get Scar to the final two with him to make up for the “prank”, and if it stood between the two of them Grian will sacrifice himself. Scar has to try and keep him in the game though. They call it the desert alliance, for no real reason.
Martyn is annoyed at Ren for moving on purpose so they’re on different teams, but the man just waves him off, saying that they can still work together, he’s still “The hand of the king” (Whatever that means).
Etho has it out for Bdubs for getting him on the worse team, so Cleo is kinda forced to protect him, mostly cause he’s hiding behind her almost 27/7 (He says he’s not, he’s protecting her back)
Scott laughs a whole lot at Jimmy, but they remain somewhat allies. To be honest Scott just kinda likes the pathetic man, plus he gave him a flower, so there’s that.
I’d say there’s two award challenges before the first elimination challenge.
“Retrieve a piece of paper from a room that slowly fills up with lava, and then get it back without either the paper or you setting on fire. If you touch the lava or burn yourself then you have to go back and tag the next member of your team. First team to get their paper back safely wins immunity”
Team green’s advantage is that they get a turn to try before any reds do, but Joel sorta screws it up immediately.
In the end, Jimmy once again trips when trying to get back from retrieving the paper (giving him some small burns from the lava), and Martyn uses his body as a bridge to avoid walking on the hot floor, giving team green the win.
Jimmy is the one sent home, with a vote from everyone except himself and Etho, who voted Bdubs (Something he will keep on doing)
The next elimination challenge, I have no ideas for. Cleo is the one sent home, but like her deaths give me nothing to work with here. Sadge. Bdubs is now very scared, cause he lost his protection. Tango is his new safe haven, and the guy doesn’t mind it really.
Next challenge, both teams have to defuse a bomb. Green team’s advantage is two extra minutes on the clock. Skizz ends up cutting the wrong wire that blows up their bomb, so he’s voted off.
Next, the teams have to tame three dogs each to fight, and then pit them against one another. Green’s advantage is that they get three pitbulls, while team red get three chihuahuas. Joel spends all their training time cuddling the dogs though, making them his pals, while Ren has a way with dogs so he can get the little pups properly riled up.
When the two dog squads are pitted against one another, Team Green’s are nothing but friendly while Team Red’s are ready to kill.
Joel gets voted off.
I’m at a loss for Scott’s booting too, sorry lads
Next challenge is a kind of, protect the fort challenge, except it’s a tree instead. Team red must protect a great oak tree, while team green try and cut it down. Their advantage is a chainsaw.
This is where the Desert alliance starts to come into play, as Grian manages to break the chainsaw. Scar, knowing that if team green lost then Grian would get the boot, decides to wait until the rest of team red are off chasing away the greens, then burns the tree down.
Etho manages to catch him in the act and accuses him of helping the other team, but Scar being Scar twists the scenario in his favor, making it seem like Etho was the one who burnt the tree. Since the tree is technically cut down, team green wins and Etho is booted.
(Bdubs also manages to see this happen, but swears not to tell any of the others, but Scar does owe him one)
The challenge after that is a cow herding one. Cows are released into a forest, and the team who manages to get the most into their pen wins. Green’s get the advantage of horses, while Red have to use goats.
Tango has had ranch experience in the past, so he does a really good job herding cows. His one flaw is that he doesn’t bring them back to the red pen, instead riding around with them to flaunt. This makes it easy for the greens to steal them, making the reds loose the challenge. Tango gets the boot.
This is where the merge happens. The remaining players are Ren, Martyn, Impulse, Grian, Scar, BigB, and Bdubs.
Their first merge challenge is a paintball hide and seek one. Chef will hunt the contestants for two hours, and then one with the most paint on them at then end of it has to go home.
Ren ends up sacrificing himself for Martyn, hopping in front of him to protect him from a direct hit. He ends up soaked in paint, and is out. Martyn smooches him as a thank you though, promising to win for both of them.
Next challenge is a cooking one. The remaining are paired up randomly, and are forced to cook the most disgusting meals they can to feed to the other. First to make their opponent throw up is safe from elimination.
Martyn gets paired up with Scar, BigB with Bdubs, and Impulse with Grian. While most of them make pretty awful things (Bdubs and Impulse were the ones who threw up in their respective match ups), Scar ends up actually poisoning Martyn, to the point where he can no longer compete. Tragic end.
Five left.
Next we have a treasure hunt. All five of them are told to find one of four things, the person who doesn’t find their treasure is eliminated.
Scar and Grian team up to find the Llama and banner respectively, landing them in first and second place. BigB finds the sword on his own. Impulse and Bdubs were teamed up, until Bdubs spots the last item (a golden clock), and pushes Impulse out of the way to get it. Impulse comes in last, and goes home.
Four left. Objective, steal a cookie. Sounds easy enough? Well, you have to steal a cookie from chef, who does not like when people steal from his kitchen.
Lucky for Grian, Scar has been stealing cookies during the duration of the entire show, so the two get first and second once more. Bdubs cashes in on his favor here, forcing Scar to tell him how to steal the cookie. BigB looses, because of forces out of his control.
Final three, Scar, Bdubs, and Grian.
Grian thinks that this is a safe way to the finale, since the Desert alliance is still in motion. But in a surprising twist, Scar turns on Grian and teams up with Bdubs.
I don’t know what the challenge is yet, but I do know that Scar wins, Bdubs second, and Grian comes in last. But, to everyone’s surprise, Grian pulls out the immunity totem he’s been saving for all this time, that everyone had forgotten about, including Chris!
So Grian is safe, and Bdubs is off.
The final challenge is similar to the finale in Revenge of the Isle, it being an arena battle with a bunch of misc items being used as weapons.
All previous contestants are Brought back, Bdubs taking extra protection behind Cleo cause now Impulse and BigB are upset with him too, Martyn still feeling a little iffy and leaning heavily on Ren, and Scott and Jimmy having matching poppies in their hair.
When the two finalists goes to fight though, Scar surprises everyone by getting down on his knees and surrendering, stating that he betrayed their alliance and doesn’t deserve to win.
Grian, who was fuming and ready to beat the shit out of Scar for betraying him, softens slightly. The previous contestants boo, mostly cause they want a fight, but Scar refuses.
So Grian bonks him on the head, he falls dramatically to the ground and pretends to die for a solid three minutes, and Grian wins 100 000 dollars.
(That is until the price gets upped for a second season. You bet your ass I’m doing a part two)
(Also gladly taking suggestions for Cleo, Scott, and Bdubs elimination challenges)
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ahonice · 3 months
i’m bored! get to know me
thanks for the tag @lovelyteuvo <3
1. Do you make your bed? every sunday when i clean my room, i don’t really move in my sleep so only my comforter needs to be put back and i LOVE to switch out my stuffed animals every week.
2. Favorite number? SEVEN!!! when i was growing up i showed my first ever pig and we went 7th and won so i’ve loved the number 7 ever since.
3. What’s your job? i don’t have one, over the summer i do work on the family farm but it’s not paid.
4. If you could go back to school, would you? i’m not sure what this means😭 i am in school.
5. Can you parallel park? i cannot regular park, i have other people do it for me.
6. Do you think aliens are real? no, and i don’t believe in ghosts either.
7. Can you drive a manual car? YES!! my poppy’s truck is a manual and he let me drive it when i was growing up. i was like 9 when i learned.
8. Guilty pleasure? GLEE!! i listen to the glee version of most songs.
9. Tatoos? no, i feel like theres nothing i would ever want on my body scarred forever.
10. Favorite color? PINK! all shades of pink.
11. Favorite types of music? pop and alt indie.
12. Do you like puzzles? yes, i recently finished a 5000 piece puzzle of the world map. i’m gonna frame it lol.
13. Any phobias? bugs. i cannot deal with bugs. it’s even worse if they fly.
14. Favorite childhood sport? i played lacrosse my entire life, so definitely that.
15. Do you talk to yourself? yes, i like to pretend i’m a celebrity with my own reality tv show or i’m an influencer and i’m filming a day in my life.
16. Tea or coffee? CHAI TEA LATTES!!!
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up? a princess, i’m still on that journey.
18. What movies do you adore? rocky horror picture show, the grinch (live action), high school musical 2.
no pressure tags: @cherrylita @dylan-duke @lvrhughes @snuggerudsz @sc0tters @flysdaleflyby and anyone else who wants to join!!
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miidnighters · 7 months
roleplay history !
the rules are simple ! post characters you ’ d like to roleplay as , have roleplayed as , and might bring back . then , tag people to do the same . please repost & don’t reblog !
current muse (s) ;
I have my seven muses on here, who I'm not going to list by name bc that seems redundant.
want to write ;
There's no one else that I want to write at this point - I think 7 is a good number for me (though I do sometimes think about evening my guy/girl ratio) but there's no other characters in my brain rn and I worry about being able to handle the additional number of threads that comes w more characters u know.
have written ;
so here on tumblr specifically, i got my start in HP (I was fourteen, forgive me) with James, Lily and one of the Death Eaters (while at school) in a group. I then continued w James and Lily in indie rp, before jumping ship on them entirely and maining Rita Skeeter. I also RP'd Gaila from the 2009 Star Trek movie & Kim Possible (who made it to the previous iteration of miidnighters but didn't stick. For other OC's here on the tumbs I had an acrobat named Wings, a disabled Irish guy named Dom (they were the two big ones - I think Wings was my very first OC rp here) and a few others I tried but didn't go the distance.
would write again ;
honestly theres not really any of them I'd write again. none of the canon's hold my interest anymore (or have the audience - Rita my beloved but Not Anymore - she kind of turned into Hartley anyway) and any OC's probably got dropped for a reason. I'd maybe bring Dom back since he was my other long-term OC (since 2015ish) but he'd need some tweaking, and rn I just don't feel the desire.
tagged by: stole from @vitalphenomena ! tagging: everyone and if you do it tag me I'm so interested
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scullysexual · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 3,718 times in 2022
131 posts created (4%)
3,587 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 607 of my posts in 2022
#encanto - 161 posts
#scullysexualwrites - 43 posts
#txf fic - 36 posts
#the x-files - 36 posts
#the x files - 35 posts
#xfiles fanfiction - 35 posts
#my ao3 stuff - 12 posts
#28 days of fic - 12 posts
#febwhump 22 - 12 posts
#i love you prompts - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#me at work when im trying to put shit away but theres nowhere to put it so i gotta organise the table/organise the understorage when
My Top Posts in 2022:
Scullysexual's 25 Day Ficmas Advent Calendar Event!
Participant Limit: 25.
Fandom: X-Files only.
Premise: For 25 days in December (starting on the 1st and ending on the 25th) I will be dedicating a fic to each participant. The day will be random- you will just be tagged in the fic and sent a DM by me letting you know your fic has been posted.
Instructions: To sign up and show your interest- reblog this post. Sign ups will close 30/09/22 (30th September) so please sign up by then. You will then send me your prompts(s) via the my ask box- all prompts must be in by 10/11/22 (10th November) so I can start writing as soon as. Then you just wait until one of the 25 days in December to receive your fic. It's that easy!
Prompt Rules: You are free to send any many prompts as you wish however, please note, that not all of them may be written as this will all be based on the number of participants so if you are sending multiple prompts please list them by order of which prompt you want me to write the most.
Bit more info: There is a cap of 25 people who can sign up for obvious reasons. Failing to reach 25 participants, you may have to provide multiple prompts to fill all the days, however that's just more fic gifted to you! All that will be decided by the 01/11/22 (when sign ups close and I see how many people are interested)
A reminder: These prompts are of your choosing. There will be no list created by me that you are limited to. There are no rules to what prompts you can send nor where you find them- either by a pre-posted list or an original prompt created by you- doesn't matter. They do not have to be holiday or Christmas themed either. If I have any issues with the prompts you send me I will message you personally.
That's pretty much it! So, if you're interested reblog this post and I will add you onto the list. Send in your prompt(s) and then just sit patiently until December.
Any questions, don't hesitate to message me!
64 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Febwhump 2022: 28 Days of Fic
febwhump 22 | day 4 + 5 | smut prompts | wc; 359 | s7 | ao3 | @today-in-fic |
Today's Prompt: #9: Smut Prompts: "Is that my shirt?"
Today's Season: Season Seven.
Stop Stealing.
You’re laying stomach down on her bed, surrounded by her scent. Slices of her pizza shoved into your mouth- she said you could.
She’s off in the bathroom doing…something you’re not quite sure of but the door is open and you’re talking to her. Life is good right now.
You pick off the mushrooms, shovelling another slice into your mouth.
“…if he wasn’t such an ass I wouldn’t have gotten angry,” you say with your mouth full.
You’re talking about the sheriff who has been nothing but difficult during this entire case and who is one step away from kicking you off said case.
“You need to stop letting people wind you up,” says Scully. She emerges from the bathroom post shower, hair curling at the ends as it dries and skin smelling of lemons from the shower gel.
You liked many Scullies but Post Shower Scully was up there as one of your favourites; freckles on full display, skin soft and warm from the water.
Her appearance catches your attention. You frown at a familiar looking piece of grey fabric.
“It’s not my fault these people are dicks,” you grumble. “Is that my shirt?”
Scully stops dead in the middle of the room, a deer caught in headlights.
“It was in my suitcase,” she offers as explanation.
You grin, moving to sit upright. “It just happened to be in your suitcase, huh?” You weren’t buying it.
“Yes,” Scully answers. She offers up her own frown then. “Why are you eating all my pizza?”
“You said I could!”
“One slice, not the whole thing.”
You look down at the pizza and realise that you’ve eaten almost more than half.
Picking up the rest of the slice you shrug.
“Didn’t want it to go cold.”
Scully joins you on the bed, picking up your discarded mushrooms and dropping them onto the other remaining slices.
“Stop stealing my pizza,” she says, slapping your hand away as you reach for another.
“Stop stealing my shirts.”
You know she won’t, just as you won’t stop stealing her pizza, even if she does order mushrooms on it.
“Sharing is caring,” she says.
“I know.”
79 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Us: Chris, can we have MSR?
Chris: We have MSR at home.
MSR at home:
Tumblr media
92 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Scully: *hears about Mulder*
Scully: Yeah, he sounds Spooky.
Scully: I would probably fuck him, though
129 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tumblr media
They met today!
205 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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moneymasnn · 3 years
i'll come back to you.|chapter 2 |mason mount
so you can get an idea of 18 year old mase❤️
Come back to me.
chapter 2, dealing with heartbreak.
It had been approximately a 4 months since mase left, her mase. Saying she missed him would be a huge understatement, she craved his touch like the need for oxygen. She had hugged all his hoodies and other clothes of his until they no longer smell of him. Watching the odd sad fan edits of the both of them she would come across on twitter. She even went as far as to breaking down when eating her roast dinner at her nana, dropping tears all over her roast potatoes, her nan then giving her some advice about love and heart break. Explaining that if two people are really meant ti be together their souls will adventulalmy find their way back to each other, non the less that doesn't mean millie shouldn't move on with her life, 'he will come find you when your ready' she says. that's what made millie want to move in with the sidemen in the first place. Millie and Masons break up wasn't too public, but Millies fans from YouTube noticed the lack of her smiles in videos and the lack of masons presence. Seeing how mason moved to Amsterdam most fans put it together, but as the pair were so caught up in there drastic change they never thought to have to adress it publicly. Mason had only featured in a few videos, like the 'boyfriend tag' and been in the back of a couple of Millies vlogs saying a few things here and there, he was defiantly a fan favourite though. Millies fans easily noticing his disappearance. Mason personally feeling like the two never need to address the break up, he knew as soon as he was done with his year loan he would be back with the girl. Still, he assumed she has handling the loss of his presence better than him since she was still active on her social medias, he still tracked her socials like a 13 year old fan would, having all of her notifications on, re watching her old YouTube videos of them together and stalking fan pages to see what she was up too. Millie goes for coffee with masons mum every week or so, that's when millie would hear all about how well mason was doing, not that she handed been keeping her own tabs on him. She was still coming to terms with the drastic changes in her life, for example; when jj called mentioning the boys were going to start a sidemen house saying that there was a spare room if she wanted it, and to think about how good the content will be. So that's how it stared, she now lives in a huge mansion in east London with 7 boys. Millie had formed a close bond with the boys when they met a YouTube fest, coming in as a huge fan favourite when the girl would hang out with the boys or would be spotted in the back of videos.
When mason got back from a long day of training mason opened sos laptop in bed to see millie had posted a new video, she didnt post as regular as she used to, so mason loved when she did. She always has the same humour in her videos as she does in real life and he loved that, he felt like he was on FaceTime to her watching her videos. Not even glaring at the total he clicks the video and gets comfy in bed.
"er, well, hello everybody. So todays actually a really exciting one."
Mason was in awe hearing her voice and her little 'erms' and 'res' when she talks.
She had placed the camera on her dressing table all dressed up with her make up done and brown cardboard boxes behind her.
"so im actually packing right now, I haven't been very tactical about it theres shit all over the gaff" she giggles at herself.
Mason giggles at her little sayings, he misses her weird humour and the fact she would giggle at her own jokes.
"yeh im actually moving, as you probably saw in the title. With the sidemen, yeh probs not the best decision ive ever had in my life, I already know that living with seven boys is going to be hell but, it might be fun." she giggles again laughing at her own unsureness.
Masons heart pangs. 'she's moving?' 'with boys, seven of them' 'shit' The thought of her potentially living with 7 males made mason heart pang, he was supposed to be the only male she lives with. He had it all planned out they would have a flat in-between cobham and London, so it was easy for them to travel, and millie could still be close to London, knowing how much the girl loved the city.
"so yeah, im currently just chucking all my stuff in my dads van and then he's going to drive me to the house. I have seen the house, its lovely, really big, im just hoping the boys have kept it clean for when I get there" she pulls a face at the camera stating that the boys are clearly messy.
After that she shows all off her stuff now in the back of the van as she gets in the front with her dad and she chats a little bit when they drive. Mason notices she's wearing his jumper, one of his favourite ones he left it to millie to look after, his heart warm even more when he notices she is still wearing the m initial necklace he got her for the first Christmas the two had celebrated together hen they were only just 16. Laughing at a comment he had made about the necklace.
flashback memory:
A 16 year old Millie, and a 16 year old mason, sat on masons single bed in his dorm room at Chelsea academy. Their legs are crossed as they sit across from each other, both holding over decorated boxes.It was December 20th, mason was going back home to Portsmouth for Christmas, obviously. So the two of you have planned to have your own first Christmas together in his dorm room at cobham.
In front of mason, placed gently on his lap was a small square box, it was red with golden sting wrapped around it to keep it closed. He handed you the box with a huge grin plastered on his face.
“I hope you like it. Jaz helped pick it out by the way, so it has a girls opinion.”
Millie looks up into his beautiful brown eyes noticing the anxious tone laced in his voice, she then looks back down ready to open the present.
Thats until mason pipes up again causing millie sos top pulling the ribbon at a a hault.
“it’s quite basic, but you like basic-“ she snaps her head up, eyebrows furred at the boy.
“no no I mean the necklace, not you, I don’t mean basic I mean more like simple. Yeh it’s simple and I know you don’t like things to flashy or bold. Ugh shit…I’ve just told you what it is”
Millie giggles looking at your child like boyfriend, “mase, whatever it is I’m sure I’ll love it. And even if I don’t, I’ll wear it anyway, its the thought that counts I guess”
Pecking his cheek and finally pulling the string from the bow to opened the box. Millies heart melts as she opens it to see a simple golden chain with a golden M initial pendant on it.
“Awe mason i love it”
“really? Oh thank god”
She watches him release a huge breath she could tell he’s been holding in. Pulling the necklace out and dangleing it in the air, the M placed in her palm.
“Put it on me” she says passing him the necklace. Not moving her hair purposefully knowing he would have to move it for her.
“I can try, I’m not really good with these things i have fat thumbs."
“Don’t ruin the moment mason”
He very gently moved her hair into a makeshift bun her holding it up for him so he could use both hands, small peices of hair grazing her shoulder as he placed the necklace over her neck. Feeling his hot breath on her neck as her hand traces of the M on her chest.
“all done” mason kisses Millies shoulder and moving her hair back.
The girl turns to the boy in absolute awe, a loving grin on her face as she turned around and attacked him with kisses, so he’s laying down her on top of him, straddling him.
As she attacks him with loads of little kisses on his temples, cheeks and nose not missing any part of his face except for his lips. His hands gently hover over her waist as he’s giggling at the attack.
“So” she says finally sitting up.
“Is it a ‘M’ for Millie or a ‘M’ for mason?” questioning the boy as her hand traces the necklace.
“Well, I though it could be for mason, well it is for mason, but if your mum asks you can say it’s for Millie.”
Only being 16 and dating for 6 months she still hadn’t plucked up the courage to tell her mum about her boyfriend. Knowing if she did she would be more protective about when you would go stay with dec and be staying with mason too, also wanting to avoid that convocation about teen pregnancy.
“And if we ever break up, you can still wear it, people will assume it’s your name” he sits up with a smile.
Moment ruined.
“You think we’re gonna break up?” She says looking at mason.
“Well if we EVER do break up, it won’t be me breaking up with you. He looks at you clearly realising he’s said something stupid.
“oh come on the only reason we will ever break up is if you get sick of me.” Mason looks back down with a sheepish smile. A small smile creeping up on your face,
“1. I could never get sick of you or that smile, 2. I love the necklace mase, thank you.” she leans back in to kiss him again, but this time on his lips, as both of her hands hold his cheeks, she slips her tongue gently over his bottom lip then into his mouth, letting their tongues swirl together in unison.
Pulling away she looks at her boyfriend in his eyes and giggle “I love you weirdo” he just smiles and pulls her in for a hug.
Mason watched the rest of the YouTube video, a smile plastered on her face thought the video. He could see she was truly happy and that made him happy. Although he was worried she might find enough happiness and forget about him.
6 months later, Mason was doing really well at Vitesse fc, Millie knew this though, not only because his mum would update her regularly, she would illegally stream his matches when she could. It was the same for mason to really, he would watch all her YouTube videos the second they were posted, as well as all the videos she was featured in. He became slightly disheartened when he came across a few edits of her and harry (w2s) I mean he seemed like her type and that worried him. Mason had met harry a couple times when mason went with millie to one of her YouTube con things. Harry had a god sense of humour, an out of pocked one, the kind of stuff millie finds funny, harry constantly had a smile on his face, he was goofy, really awkward and would always seem to be making millie laugh in the back of videos. Mason stared to once again feel like a 13 year old girl as he searched the internet for any evidence the girl was dating harry. Feeling a lot better when he could never find any specific proof, although he couldn't lie to himself and say millie and harry didn't have good chemistry because they defiantly did. He don't know why he did it but he found himself on the phone to dec questioning him about millies relationship with harry, he defiantly hadn't planned on looking like he was still obsessed with his ex girlfriend however the urge to know if his first love had moved on bothered him, he just had to know.
So he called dec.
"maseeeeee, you alright mate" dec slurred his words, mason could hear loud bass music in the background.
"yeh, yeh im fine. Actually I just was erm well-"
"spit it out masey"
"is millie seeing anyone" mason blurted out,
'what does that mean?'
'she defiantly is seeing someone'
'shit' he thought.
"well to be honest mate I don't actually know, I don't see her a lot but erm, I'm sure is she was she would have told me" more of a serious tone kicking in his voice as he try to find a quiet space to try and talk to his mate on the phone.
"I mean she still loves you so" decs emphasis on the 'you'
Declan was clearly drunk and blabbering but mason just wanted to hear him say she loved him still again.
"how do you know that"
"arg mate all she does is go on about you, you know she watches your matches, well she used too."
'used too?' mason though, she's moving on, he still watches her YouTube videos to try and sleep to her voice.
"yeah she had to do it illegally because your in a different county, I did just tell her she could use my sky sports but, you know what she's like, she stubborn, but yeh, she used some dodge website, uno the one that has the porn pop ups," Declan giggle as he repeats the word 'porn', like a child.
"and, yeh, she got a virus, can't say I told you sooooooo"
Mason can't help but smile at the story, it does sound like something she will would do. Mason takes advantage of decs drunk stake knowing he won't remember this in the morning to ask some questions.
"what about this harry bloke"
"harry? harry who? I don't know a har- ohhhhhh, yeah what a sound bloke, yeh he's here tonight actually"
"yeh Millies here too if you want to speak to her"
"nah im alright mate, I just wanted to see how your all getting on, im gonna, yeh, im gonna go mate"
but before mason could finish and say goodbye he heard her voice
"hello?" she laughed into the mic
"dec, what the fuck, who's on the phone" she was drunk too mason could hear her laughing in the back, he loved her laugh.
"its mason, he wanted to talk to you" mason could hear dec faintly say in the back ground. 'shit dec no'
"Oh. Erm, heyyy mase. Is everything alright?" she was clearly confused.
Mason tried not to stutter at the use of his nickname coming out of her name, something he hadn't be called in months.
'erm- hah- hi, I didn't want to speek to you decs just a little pissed" 'no no no why did I say that'
"Not that im not happy to talk to you, its erm been a while"
"yeh it has" her reply were cold and blunt, he could tell she was getting upset.
"im sorry are u okay?"
"yeah, yeah, im fine, im going to go actually im- busy."
"yeah I can hear" Mason lets out an awkward giggle "alright then erm yeah bye mills, have a good night, be safe, yeh?"
"I- yeah. Thanks, bye mase"
And the line goes dead, and with that mason tried with every bone in his body to not cry. He missed her voice just as much as he missed her face, her smile, her laugh, everything about her. He kept thinking about how her high pitched happy tone dropped as soon as she realised she was talking to mason on the phone. Mason cried a little, missing his home.
Millie on the other hand was fuming.
"what the fuck dec" she said throughing the phone back onto his chest.
"he said he wanted to speak to you?" dec asked confused why millie was angry.
"no he didn't! ugh why did you do that?" she was shouting over the music. Mumbling something about how embarrassing that was fir her.
"erm yeah he did, look he misses you too." repeating to the girl what he had just previously said to the boy.
"yeah, was asking if your seeing anyone and that. Asked about harry too," dec laughs, "he's probs stalking you and come across something of you and harry"
And with that Millies eye gloss over 'he still cares'
"but- but on the phone he said he didn't want to talk to me?"
"he's lying, he asks about you more than you ask about him. Fancy another drink?" trying to change the concoction as he was the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"I think i'm gonna need it" is all she replied...
omg so that's cheaper two lol hope you guys liked it, it felt kind rushed I dunno but yeh sorry its so short. love u all, thanks for all the kind messages xxxxx
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
thanks for the tag!!! i luv talking about myself HAHAH @sturkillerbase
1) How many complete fics/one shots do you have that you have not published (yet)?
I have like 5 fics I could post if i edited them i just havent had time fml but I would call them finished
2) How many WIPS do you have right now?
Seven fml HAHAHAH
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both?
Both! I have a lot of ideas but theres a couple of fics that have been inspired by requests, they usually take a little longer for me to write though bc i have no idea where to take them hahahah
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have?
I think I have two?? 
5) How many fandoms do you write for?
Marvel and Star wars r what I know best so 2? tons of charatcers in those worlds i feel like its enough
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for?
I was a massive one direction fan, but I wouldnt call what I posted actual writing HAHHA thank fuck its all deleted now
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other?
reader inserts mostly, maybe i should expand idk
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for?
I do have a draft for Javi from Narcos is that counts?
9) Do you read fics as well as write them?
omg of course
10) What is your favorite genre to write for?
i want them to fuck. but with proper build up HAHHAH
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)?
hurt/comfort always omfg.
12) What do you do to get motivated to write?
I have no idea, it literally will come to me at random times when im day dreaming and ill just be like holy shit write this down 
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write?
i cant think of any rn, anything i dont write is usually also things i dont read
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested?
hmmm maybe more mcu characters??? 
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction?
nothing serious before a few months ago
16) Did you read fanfiction before you started writing?
omg i literally did nothing else HAHAHA
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well?
yep just here! i might post on ao3 at some point but so far just here
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of “Drabble”, “One shots” and “fics”?
i feel like my standard for myself is different, but for a drabble anything like 500-700 words, one shot would be over 1k and then fic like anything over 5k??? mine are always longer tho idk i cant shut up 
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other?
one shots i think
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why?
nope! my only series is on a lil hiatus but only bc i have no idea what to do next hahah
21) What is one of your main “pet-peeves” as a writer on Tumblr?
hmmmm i feel like the whole reblog/like ratio maybe?? i dont write anything for the likes or reblogs, but fics can reach a ton more people who might like it/give feedback if you reblog instead!!! support ur fave writers!!!
22) Do you write at a particular time of day?
usually at night/late afternoon
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc. to write or do you need silence?
i legit have tv shows on in the background. my mind can never concentrate unless i have like a thousand things happening at once hhaha
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing?
nope we wing it out here
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day?
usually i post right before i go to sleep because thats when i finish, but i dont really keep to a schedule or anything
tagging anyone who wants to do it!!!! tag me in urs i wanna read about all u beautiful ppl <3
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sugarvamgar · 3 years
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you ever make some  Bastards? anfisa and valentine!  also the context of the little labels on valentine’s sheet is to like, number the parts of the story for me and my friend who’s working on this so we know when the hell in the story we’re talking abtsgddfg anyways more info abt them under the cut .. i love these bastards...
these two are in the same world as some of my other ocs - you can find them in my neontok tag under rum’s post for more information about the world nd stuff! if you do not want to look at it tldr its just me putting my more uh. “darker” concepts?? like these two! let’s continue into more info tho: so like, context! in this world, there’s this group of seven assassins who’s existence is.. very speculated. like, they’re a common myth. maybe not among all of society all around the world, but most people have heard folk stories of their existence at some point in their life. this group of assassins has existed for literal hundreds of years, and nobody knows how or why, so they just.. assume it’s a story. a myth. but it’s Not. the “seven” is actually countless people who have been trained throughout their family’s bloodlines as a tradition with every other generation’s first child - or in the case of assassins One and Two, the first two siblings. they’re all basically trained to do the exact same stuff as the original seven did, too. other than One and Two, the children don’t necessarily know each other, especially because usually they’re in completely different countries. anyways so, anfisa here used to be part of this. he was assassin Three, born and raised in russia, pretty much the only assassin of the seven to not be trained to be sneaky and quiet bc most of what he does is loud on purpose. he does know how to blend in among people normally and how to scramble away from people without getting hurt, but man. he is NOT graceful like the other six. he ends up defecting from the assassins (which is just him going. huh. fuck this <3) and leaving to not-america and goes. i will live a normal life now.          he ends up going. oh wait actually i hate how society is and how much of this city is controlled via bribes and crimes - what if i just. actively tried to cement myself in that world. what if i did crimes? i already did them before. he ends up gaining a mild following of people for this and they help him to do this.. the dude who runs the Local Crime Syndicate™ (at least, the largest one), jack, gets. very pissed off about this once anfisa’s group grows large enough scale. he employs this highly revered journalist bc in jack’s mind this goes. “oh, this guy is SO very good at picking people apart and getting into their business, and my stupid police force isn’t doing their fucking job right (lol), i’ll hire this dude. if he dies its barely any loss on my part. the journalist is valentine <3 idk his first name but he’s valentine and he is SO full of anxiety and has so much in common with anfisa about Hating Authority nd shit. this is a mistake on jack’s part who is blind as hell and cannot read valentine’s old articles + thinks he can bribe him with money to do whatever. valentine goes. <:( okay i will try i hate this but also money and also you are pointing guns at me and threatening to kill me if i Dont take the money and do this. valentine ends up joining anfisa and goes from anxious timid british (lol) bastard to mildly terrifying and willing to organize and command a group of people with anfisa who are actively trying to like, overthrow a straight up  crime syndicate organization thing that Also has quite a large hold on a lot of businesses and government related stuff in the city. and SUCCEEDS for the most part. he is very good at this and it scares the group so much esp with the fact that it grows from like 6 or 7 people to like, over 50 or more in like.. a year. shoutout to anfisa he intentionally picks on valentine bc he thinks this guy is cute. when valentine is lowkey stalking getting research on anfisa/the group, anfisa notices and goes. :) im going to make your life so very difficult but in an only slightly annoying way. you got knocked out one day so i stole your tie and then the next time you saw me on the news you saw me wearing it around my arm like a trophy. valentine is so very annoyed and takes all of anfisa’s mild friendly torment as This Little Man Hates Me So Fucking Much. Why Does He Want Me DEAD also shoutout x2 to anfisa for being great at working with machines and learning how to put foot pedals on his motorcycle so he can switch the seat around to like, a pedal control board and ride it like a skateboard. this is dangerous and very, very impractical. he does not care. he’s having fun ps. if you think valentine is similar to a certain someone you’re right. its on purpose. i “steal” canon characters all the time (see: idk, not often actually) with friends bc its very fun to see how you can reinterpret a character without it being basically an au of the original character. TLDr if you can make a connection with the other character; good! just know he’s still his own thing and its on purpose and i love him. ps. x2/bonus i named anfisa after cat no banana <3 also anfisa (анфиса) means flowering/blossoming. i have made anfisa allergic to bananas and have given him plant themed clothingLKJGFDLKJG
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ps. x3 im planning on drawing the rest of this team and talking about them but i want to post them all at once. i honestly wanted to do that here but i havent posted in 9 days so i. went ahead and just posted these two and gave their info since its more than, yknow, nothing? ps. x4 (help i have so many notes) literally i never put any of my stories on earth but then dont make any effort to make the contries non-earth countries bc like. *gestures vaguely* man idk how to do that and dont have the energy to make new cultures nd stuff on my free time??? im not doing this for a professional story??? so like. yeah. anyways so anfisa is Not from russia. he’s russian. valentine is british. britain doesn’t exist. make of that what you will. anyways. that is all. thank you. i kiss you for reading this. if you have questions please ask me them i have so much information all the time and it shows me theres interest in this
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the-replacemints · 3 years
tagged by @westerberg <3!!!
1. what is the first song you remember hearing?
rooster by alice in chains! my dad used to play alice in chains and sound garden when he would pick me and my sisters up from ballet practice when i was little, like maybe 4 or 5 years old. the earliest i can remember is rooster
2. what is the first band you got into?
im going to be honest here, my dad's music taste is my music taste too, so whatever he played or made me listen to is what i listened to, so definitely kiss was the first band i got really Really into lmaooo
thats his favorite band, and he has like all the tapes and cds and some memorabilia stuff, and its what i really mainly grew up with
the first band i got into on my own was the replacements
3. do you collect any physical music?
i am SO glad you asked! i do! i collect cds, ive been collecting them for about 6 years now, and ive got a pretty good one going i think! i get my cds from thrift stores, garage sales, and friends who r getting rid of stuff
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i need to reorganize desperately lmaooo
4. what is your favorite piece of music memorabilia?
my queen poster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a friend got it for me for my 20th birthday
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sorry for the worlds blurriest picture lmaooo
5. whats your favorite concert youve ever been to?
my first and only real concert was king princess in november 2019, and it was one of the best nights of my life!!! i definitely blogged about it for a while after, but god it was one of those really unifying life experiences where its just like, im not alone, theres other lgbtq+ people like me out here and we are all together in this room watching an out lesbian perform on stage right now, its an experience i will never forget and i hold it in my heart
6. if you could see one artist who is no longer alive in concert, who would it be?
queen with freddie mercury, and alice in chains with layne staley
7. have you met any musicians?
haha so funny story, i dont want to doxx myself but my grandpa was neighbors with one of the dudes from wild cherry (play that funky music white boy) and he gave my family a backyard playset that we still have (even tho none of us are kids anymore lmaooo) from what i remember he was a really chill dude, really mellow
8. what is your go to album when youre feeling sad?
at your birthday party by steppenwolf
this album got me through a lot ;-; i wont get into details but yeah
9. what is your go to album when youre feeling happy?
lately its been the evil one by roky erickson, but this changes every few weeks abdhfjjgg
10. what is one music documentary you love?
its more of a mock rockumentary lmaoooo but i HAVE to say this is spinal tap.... do i look like a fool to you? of course its spinal tap!!!!!!!!!!
11. what is one concert dvd you love?
ill be honest, i dont own any, BUT but but but i DO watch queen live at the rainbow '74 like every week on youtube
its one of the greatest shows ive watched and i am so jealous every day that i wasnt alive to see it in person
12. do you prefer listening to playlists or albums?
albums all the way!!!!! playlists r good for trips and stuff, but i mainly use playlists as samplers to find new artists! once i find an artist i like i will listen to their entire discography
13. do you prefer to listen to albums in order or on shuffle?
in order................. bestie......... what kind of question...........
14. what is your favorite deep cut song by your favorite artist?
idk if its technically a deep cut, but seven seas of rhye by queen on queen, the bass is 🥵 their first album does NOT get the recognition it deserves and i will stand by that
15. what is your favorite cd/cassette/vinyl you own in terms of packaging?
well you KNOW i have to say led zeppelin II
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its my sister's old cd, and we listened to it so much that the cover broke off lmaooo, led zeppelin II is v well loved and cherished
im going to tag:
@ectomycorrhiza @zero-is-natural @boyoftheyear @ninekings @cynicvsdreamer and @cyaeghas-eye
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gingerest-ale · 3 years
YOUR PUNK AU ART has me on the floor. Absolutely spectacular!!!!! If you want to elaborate on your artistic choices I for one would LOVE to hear it <3
THANK UUUU!!!!!!!! also again i want to give credit to thee lovely castielsweedgarden (tumblr won’t let me tag them) for the original concept, the original post is here and their tag for alt!natural posts is here all their content is SO DAMN GOOD please check it out
OK ARTISTIC CHOICES. So for some background I’m a costume designer so I actually spent a lot of time doing research for these outfits and also I pay way to much attention to detail so get ready for an infodump because im a nerd.
ok so my headcanon for the jacket (and if u read the og post this will make more sense hgafkgsjk) is that Dean stole it from John the night he and Sam ran away and he starts to modify it and make it his own and put patches on it that would piss off John and thats why he keeps wearing it because he took this thing his dad loved and made it his own and that is the ultimate “fuck you” to John.
Dean keeps his hair in a really short crew cut because i really enjoy Dean teasing Sam about their hair being long
Sam and Dean dye their hair in motel bathrooms and Dean changes colour every other month meanwhile Sam just dyes their hair black because “i dont want to damage my hair with bleach Dean”
I had a lot of fun with the patches and most are pretty self explanatory BUT i want to draw attention to: 
the handprint patch on Dean’s shoulder right above where the actual handprint is
the patch that says “i love my non binary child” is the first patch that goes on the jacket because Dean wants to support Sam and it is thee ultimate patch that would piss John off
The bee patch was a gift from Cas <3
Deans shirt is ripped from hunting but he likes the aesthetic of it 
The chain around his neck is silver or iron or some other useful ghosthunting metal
also the tattoo on Dean’s hand is inspired by this one fic its so good please read it
Dean wears a bunch of jewelry and you can’t see it but he also has a bunch of tattoos
Sam wears platform boots and it makes them like 7 feet tall but its ok its what they deserve
I said this in the tags but ill say it again: Sam got the spiked choker because they were tired of getting strangled by monsters all the time and honestly i think a lot of canon!Sam’s problems could be solved if he just wore a spiked choker
Anytime Dean teases Sam about their fashion choices Sam always tells him thats its for practical reasons. The rosary? Its for making holy water in a pinch. The ripped fishnets? they’ll just get ripped anyways. The platform boots? its too intimidate monsters. The spiked choker? Its self defence Dean come on, it’s a purely tactical decision, no aesthetic reason at all.
Sam modified the sweater themself. Spent the long hours in the car embroidering an exorcism onto a cropped sweater (it didn’t use to be cropped, but a werewolf clawed into the bottom part of it and well. here we are) in pink thread and sewing some black lace onto the hem.
why yes, Sam’s skirt does have a blood splatter on it!! you would think this would get Sam some suspicious looks, but their aesthetic is so Like That that people assume its just painted on in an attempt to be edgy. People who assume this are wrong.
Sam likes wearing revealing clothing because it lets other people see how insanely strong and muscled they are and alt!Sam loves being absolutely intimidating to people.
Like. Imagine. This seven foot tall giant shows up, wearing all black and spikes and you can see their insanely muscular thighs under the fishnets and oh god why do they have so many scars you Do Not Want To Mess With Them.
to be clear I think alt!Sam is just as much a sweetheart as canon!Sam is but they dont try to make themself look smaller
The shirt Cas is wearing says “BOB the man, the myth, the legend” and it is very much based on a shirt my lovely gf has.
The reason cas is dressed Like That is because he woke Jimmy up in the middle of the night and the tshirt and sweatpants and the socks are Jimmy’s pyjamas and of course he had to grab his coat and put on his crocs shoes before leaving the house to get possessed by an angel, he’s a sensible man!!!
ok so i need to talk about the crocs because some people seem unhappy about them. Castiel does not care about human fashion standards. He does not care about how he is perceived by others. Crocs are sturdy, comfortable, practical shoes to him and thats all that matters, why are you laughing Dean? They’re waterproof!
I honestly don’t know why i drew Cas with hoop earrings it just felt right but my current headcanon is because he say Beyoncé wearing some or something.
ok trench coat doodles time!!!!! there are many of them and i wont go into all of them but here are a few noteworthy ones
the one on the top right is based off a lil doodle one of writers did for a fan I think??? I can’t remember someone please link the post ;;
dean just doodles lil bees and hearts all over the place because they make Cas happy
theres a badly drawn Leviathan on there. in case you were wondering what that is
so many games of tic tac toe were played on the trench coat. Sam always takes the circles. Sam always wins.
the big heart on the bottom right contains a doodle of the poodle Dean found hot on that one terrible episode. I’m not sorry. 
I did draw an airplane with gun arms. it’s an inside joke i have with my gf. No i will not elaborate. I think that Dean drew that on there because he thought the idea was funny.
bottom left corner has cool sun wearing sunglasses because we are all kindergarteners 
the SW and DW drawn on the coat are because they put their initials on the places they call home. 
Thank u for your ask my apologies for writing ten million words about it please enjoy
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broccgyu · 4 years
Get to know me tag
Thank you for tagging me @happyvitamin ! 💖💖💖💕💕💕
I always enjoy doing these hehe 
Rules: answer the questions and tag ten blogs you'd like to get to know better
(i wont be tagging that many tho lol)
Name: Tek
Pronouns: she/her
Star sign: Aries sun AND rising lmao double aries💀💀... and virgo moon 
Height: 1.64m or 5′4″ (but i tell people im 5′5″ bc i have taller energy✌💫)
Time currently: 17:46GMT
Nationality: British (but my ethnicity is half Ethiopian and half Filipina)
Favourite animal: i have sooo many TT i love manta rays, dogs, goats, pigs, deer, koi, rabbits too!!!
Favourite ice cream flavor: strawberry cheesecake from haagen dazs
Favourite fictional universe: wtv is going on in The Magians tv show 
Average hours of sleep: 7 hours. 8 on a good day :’)
Last song you listened to: heavy by backseat lovers fun lil indie song. i really like this band a lot 
Last movie you watched: Tenet! im such a big fan of Christopher Nolan and i wasnt disappointed (i mean. characterisation and pacing was poor but the concept of the film was incredible). definitely one to rewatch!
Last show you binged: ooo i havent finished them but i started bringing the german show Dark. and schitts creek. both so far so good
Last thing you searched up: what lambanog was made from lol 
Cats or dogs: dogs!! i like cats too but im allergic to them :’(
Dream job: climate data analyst 
When you made this blog: my main blog i made in 2012, this sideblog in 2016
Why you made this blog: i didn’t want to spam seventeen on my main blog lol 
Reason for url:  to clown mingyu 🤡
I'm tagging @hamjjy @of-course-why-not @call-me-horangi @peachpooch @seven-svt17 @verbally-jinted @alltowoo @dofutoesusuki
but theres no pressure to do this what so ever! feel free to ignore it xxxx
thanks for tagging me Tinki!
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caramelstyles · 4 years
heads up seven up tag
thank you @rcsewrites for the tag, here are the last 7 lines i wrote:
The new piece of information left me wondering what the fuck am I going to do? Fuck the butterflies, I have elephants trampling across my stomach. I was just starting to come to terms with Harry ignoring me, but now I’m supposed to act like everything’s fine. I swear people win Oscars for these kinds of performances.
“How many people are going to be at this thing tomorrow?” I asked, running my forefinger along the rim of the martini glass. Damn, I used to love pornstar martinis. The mocktail version just doesn’t hit the same.
and 7 (8 because i cant count even tho theres numbers) people i tag to do this:
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Someone Left to Save (12)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Requested by Anon
Summary: The Mantis crew arrives to the capital of Ulfin, in the planet of Pevera, under siege. They meet the local rebel cell spearheaded by the former Republic admiral, Jax Beneb, who seeks to destroy the Empire’s occupation that was aggressively imposed upon while exploiting the planet of its natural resources. A plan is devised to destroy the Imperial’s main base of operations—as well as their influence—in the planet; however, it was a do-or-die mission that you and Cal had gotten yourselves caught in.
A/N: Editing and formatting this on the mobile app is straight up HORRIBLE. I know it’s an old thing now to know that the mobile app is not recommendable for content creation, but hey I’m making do with what I can. Also, I’ve already posted this chapter yesterday on AO3, it only delayed because like I keep saying, editing on the app is horrible.
Tags: Force-Sensitive! Reader, Inquisitor! Reader, Jedi! Reader, Fake Death, Jedi turned Inquisitor, Seduction to the Dark Side, Turn to the Dark Side, The Dark Side of the Force, Aftermath of Torture, Torture, Psychological Torture, Redemption Arc! Reader, Possible Redemption, Premonitions | Additional tags: Jeddah
Also in AO3
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 | Previous: Part 11 | Next: Part 13 | Masterlist
12 of ?
Cal ran as fast as his legs can carry him until he got to a significant distance away from the bridge.
His next problem was finding his way back to the Mantis, but that’s besides the point. He took shelter in an extension of the temple, to catch his breath, but eventually the toll takes on his body. All of the sudden, the exact wave of emotions when he saw you came back to him. He still couldn’t believe it, he simply can’t, not after believing for so long that you were alive.
Pressing his back against the cold, stone walls, he slides down and reduces into a curled up ball; not even covering his eyes with his hands stopped the tears from overflowing. They spilled through the spaces between his fingers, the edges of his palms, and trickled down on his forearms. His heart ached as he sobbed. Of all things, why did this had to happen to him? And of all people to deliver him the worst of news, why did it have to be you?
“I can’t believe it…” he sobbed, his breath shuddering as he exhaled.
“Bee… Bee, trill, chirp!” BD-1 urged the boy to stand up and find their way out before you find them.
Cal sniffled and struggled to bring himself up to his feet. This was much worse a battle than the duel that he just had with you.
“You’re right, BD,” he concurred. “Come on…”
The boy was awfully quiet during their trek out of the temple cave. If BD chirped, he’d be received with silence, or perhaps the closest the bot can come to a reply is an out-of-the-moment “Huh?” and a weak, indifferent hum. Eventually, he gave up until they found their way out.
End of the road for Cal and BD-1.
Both of them peer on the drop at the edge of Cal’s boots. The sunlight pierced through the cracks on the cave’s walls and ceiling, revealing a body of water. The redhead youngster wagered it would be twenty feet between the rock he’s standing on and the water. He took a deep breath and dived in.
A literal splash of cold water all over him and he’s still having it rough in accepting what you have become. He swam forward, until he could find dry land; when he did, he climbed up and shook off the water from his clothes and boots.
“Cere, do you read?”
“Cal, I read. What’s going on? Are you still in the temple?”
“Yeah, I am, but I’m trying to find another way out.”
“What’s happened?”
“Uh… Um, there was a… a cave in.”
“Are you alright?”
Cere won’t take Cal’s simple “Yeah” for an answer. Even from that single word, she heard how unusually warbly he sounded, his own voice betrayed him and she wanted in on it as to why he sounds odd--but of course, she won’t force the boy. The conversation abruptly ended from Cal’s line as he continued on to find his way out of the cave.
“I think there’s our light at the end of the tunnel,”
His exit was one of many from that temple cave. A different exit could’ve led to another place. In Cal’s case, he ended up in the south end of the mesa; a narrow ridge, wide enough for any species except a Hutt to tread on, wrapped around the wall. Cal hugs the wall, facing the open space, with his arms splayed and pressed against the hot rock baked by the sun, then shimmied until he could find a wider path.
Cal has already come around the corner, he can already spot the city and the Mantis—the dorsal fin poking out of the mesa—so he continued to shimmy the ridge until he could find someplace to safely land. Not long after, he reaches a rockwall where he can make the rocks sticking out of it as handholds. He struggled to scale it, as the heaviness of his body was making it harder for him; despite coming out of the duel unscathed, the manifestations in his mind was affecting his body. He exerted more effort, he worked up a sweat in climbing the remaining height and the Mantis was a sight for his puffy, sore eyes.
“There’s the Mantis!”
The boy comes sprinting towards the vessel, hot air filling his lungs, warming his throat, and the sweltering humidity pelting his skin. He’d love a shower when he gets there.
The entry ramp unfurled when its censors spotted him, he didn’t wait for it to completely fold out, he jumped in the first second he could plant his feet on the ramp. This is the second time he eagerly barged into the Mantis, surprising everyone—except for Cere, who was already expecting an explanation from the young Jedi Knight.
“There’s something you all need to know,”
The entire crew clustered around Cere and Cal. The older female Jedi hardened herself, a way of preparing herself for what she’s about to hear, and she inhaled deeply when Cal opened his mouth.
“[Y/N] is alive… and she’s an Inquisitor now!”
Much like Cal the first time, the Mantis crew couldn’t believe it. BD-1 got Cal’s back when he flashed a data scan of you in the middle of your duel when you were unaware of the little droid. That is when the crew finally took Cal’s word for it. Cere stared at the holographic image of you long and hard, she questions if her eyes are playing a trick on her… but no, they aren’t. It really is you.
Examining your image more intently, she notices the changes in your face even though they were subtle. The shadows under your eyes and the redness along its rims, she asks BD to enlarge the image, when the droid obliged she spotted bruises on your neck and jugular. All of her findings suggest the exact same theory in her head: torture.
“Cal, did you notice that she had bruises and small wounds on her neck and face?”
“W-Well… Not really. I was still kinda overwhelmed back there when I saw her again,” said the boy quite somberly.
“Hmm,” the older woman hummed. “Because there are typical wounds you’d get when you’re kept in an Imperial torture chair. I had the same wounds, except [Y/N]’s are more prominent. It could only mean they’d kept her there longer than they usually would to a prisoner, especially if it were Jedi.”
The thought of you strapped into the torture chair for a much longer period of time pained Cal more. He could only imagine the agonizing screams and cries that would have escaped your throat for every time they pulled the switch to turn the current on. Suddenly, he felt woozy and his footing failed; Merrin and Cere caught him in time.
“Your poor thing, you need to rest,” uttered Merrin.
“Yeah, I… I just need to clean myself up and some time alone.”
He politely shook himself off of the ladies’ collective hold of him and headed for the bath. The water rained on his head and then trickled all over his entire body, bringing the sandy gunk along into the drain; the shower felt like a prison cell, theres’ a gloomy peace in this glass box, but ironically so, that’s what he exactly needed to think it all through.
Cal gently thumped his head against the wall, still letting the water run on him while doing bare minimum scrubbing—droplets fall from his strong jaw, the tip of his nose and lips, he’d blink away the water that clung on his eyelashes. He closes his eyes until the hissy sound of the running water had dulled in his earshot.
How he had wished he would have snuck a single grab of your saber, your hand, or your cheek just to see what you’ve been through. He’d willingly go through the nightmares that reside in your head, playing in every waking second which fueled your anger and hate. Then the words struck his mind.
“You abandoned me, Cal!”
“That sounded like an accusation,” he pondered. His nails cracked as he scratched the glass wall. “But you don’t really mean that, do you?”
Eventually, the tears mixed in with the shower’s water that it’s hard to tell. But Cal’s shoulders shook and then relaxed as he begins to weep again.
“I missed you so much… if only I could’ve told you that, to let you know. Even if it didn’t make you turn back, to come back to me. I just wanted to make sure you don’t forget...”
Even through the fogged glass, BD-1 can see Cal’s silhouette succumbing to the floor and curling up, he can hear the boy sobbing and incoherent muttering altogether. There’s nothing much the little one can do, as well, except to sit by and trill sad chirps. 
Meanwhile, back in the temple cave, you didn’t waste your energy in trying to dislodge the boulder in the archway. Like Cal’s exit, you had your own where you stood. You followed the path and led to a tunnel; you’re let out to what ought to be a canyon, though you have no idea where you exactly are.
Referring to your gauntlet, the small screen indicated the signature of your TIE Fighter on the map grid. From where you stand, it’s almost a seven-mile trek and you’re thirsty and hungry. Luckily, your TIE had a function that allows you to “hail” it and let it come to you even without a pilot.
“Maybe a sightseeing trip wouldn’t hurt my objective,” you mused.
Your TIE Fighter comes flying over the canyons until it converged to your signal. 
The ship hovered over your head, sending the coattails of your armor's top flapping like wild in the thrusters' hot wind. You didn't mind, you simply hopped into the cockpit and flew to the nearby Imperial garrison. As the distance shrinks, you ponder if you'll have any luck in this endeavor.
The Imperial scanners have picked up the signature of your ship.
"This is TIE Fighter TZX-2527, requesting permission to dock,"
From the other end, the operators recognize your voice. One of them previewed the flat image of your ship on their screen and turned their heads to the deck commander.
"Sir, this is an Inquisitor's TIE Fighter!"
A sudden chill pelted his arms despite wearing a full-bodied uniform. He gulped the nervous lump lodged in the center of his throat many time before he could swallow smoothly again. He turned to the cadet manning the computers who previewed your TIE Fighter and gave him the go signal to let you through.
"Your ship's been verified, Inquisitor, you may begin your landing phase in Bay 5."
"Excellent. I'll be on my way,"
The transmission ends and you make your way to the Imperial docking bay, you promptly prepped your TIE into its landing cycle and daintily put it on the ground. A pair of Stormtroopers escorted you into the main hold of the fortification. After a ten-minute walk from the landing bay to the command hall, you meet the person in charge peering at the dusty nothingness through the window.
He was an aging man—the lines drawn over his face proved that he had served before the Empire, his lowered brow gave off a permanent scowl over a pair of tired, old eyes. He turns around as he hears the door open.
"Inquisitor," he greets with a curt bow, he doesn't turn away from you.
"Captain Foros," you greet, though the coldness in your tone overpowers the politeness. "I should thank you for letting me stay here."
"Aye, no one would want to stay out there, where it's wretchedly sweltering,"
You joined his side, standing in front of the same window where he observes the land, it later dawned on him that you're so young—and yet you carried yourself in a mature regard in your stride and posture.
Slowly turning your head from the window to his face, you smile at his comment—regardless if he doesn't see it.
"I'm pleased we have something to agree on,"
Getting past the niceties and icebreakers, a minute lapsed before you began asking him. He walked with you to the holotable in the center of the room.
"Has there been any word about a Jedi running around in this planet?"
"As a matter of fact, Inquisitor, we have been receiving relayed reports in the neighboring town northwest of here. That's Sector J8 in the grid."
"I see," you hummed, intrigued. "What kind of reports have you been hearing from the northwestern town?"
The old captain sighed, preparing mental bullet list of Cal's activities in the main town of Jeddah; there's too much to mention and elaborate in detail, so he pressed a button on the holotable to present a series of surveillance images taken in different areas of the town. 
Your eyes wandered from one frame to another. All of the cameras captured a clear picture of the boy—whether he idled in crowded public areas, running, or swinging his saber at Stormtroopers.
Yep, that's him. You tell yourself.
"Well, it started out with sightings which eventually caused some suspicion. When the troops close in on him, he tends to leave a trail of their bodies in his wake, and then he'll bolt away until he's out of sight!"
"Ahh," you purred, smiling again with satisfaction underneath that mask. "Yes. I know this particular Jedi."
You suddenly turned quiet. Captain Foros turned to you, confused after detecting the rather amused tone in your voice, despite the mood of the situation that he just narrated. He angled his head with a thoughtful expression as he tried to read you.
There was something else that you sense about that town. You stand still in front of the holotable, concentrating everything on that town, there was an unspeakable urge within you that prompted you to march back to the window and peer at the quiet, unbothered town.
Looks like your to-do list just got longer.
He stiffens upon the call of his rank.
"I'm going to need a speeder. I think I'll give the quaint town a little field visit."
"Right away, Inquisitor!"
Two snaps of his fingers prompted an officer to scramble from their post and march towards him. He sternly gave the order to prepare an elite-type speeder bike for you. He obediently responded, saluted to the captain before turning away to proceed with the given task. Within half an hour, you were escorted by one of the officers to the hangar.
You hopped on and revved up the engine. The bike sped out of the docking bay, with your eyes set out for that town.
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yujikirifanweek · 5 years
Heres everything you need to know about the Fanweek with all the details and stuff! Though the rules of it are standards like other Fanweeks, its nice to give it a read anyway.
Rule No.1= Theft is not allowed!
I think its self-explanatory that theft in every form of content, not only art, is not allowed nor tolerated. In the end, it makes you look bad anyway, so it’ll be the best to not even try to do this. We do our best to watch out after that. If we notice it, we wont reblog it. But if we accidentally do and you think somethings wrong about it, feel free to contact us and we will investigate it! The result is that we will delete it then if its really true.
Rule No.2= NSFW Content and gore
Not Safe For Work Content is allowed, but please add a warning in the tags. For those who do not like to see content like that, blacktag the tag. If one of your entries might contain blood/gore, keep it at a minimum. Though entires which includes gore are on thin ice...also don’t forget to add warnings as tags!
If you are unsure about it, feel free to contact us!
Rule No.3=No Negative Speeches
Because this event is created to share our works about Yujikiri, we do not want to see any form of negativity such as bashing about a specific character/ship and attcking other people etc. In short-every hate-filled comment/opinion. This shouldn’t be a problem though as long as you have a fun and friendly time shipping Yujikiri.
Rule No.4= Your entries must be centered about Kirito and Eugeo
Whether it be Yujikiri, Kiriyuji, Kiriyujikiri, in a romantic, platonic or even queerplatonic is up to you! Important is, that every entry dedicated to the Fanweek, must be centered about Kirito and Eugeo. Its allowed to add other characters/ships in the background but don’t lose the focus and remind yourself that we want to have Yujikiri for it to have a place in this event and a reason to reblog it.
Rule No.5= Tag your works!
Always tag your works with #yujikiriweek and/or #yujikiriweek2020! Its even better if you put it within your first five tags so its easier for us to find it!
Rule No.6= Post-Time for the Fanweek?
The Fanweek will begin on the 14th March (UTC +0) and will go seven days. Post your entry on the day with its fitting prompt! Late submissions are allowed and still reblogged, as long as they are still posted in a timespan of seven days after its official deadline of the Fanweek!
Rule No.7= Any contribution is allowed!
Fanart, Fanfics, Edits, Fanvideos (such as AMVS or Animatics for ex.), cosplay...and even little headcanons are welcome! Theres no minimum or maximum of length for it. If you also want to mix prompts together, thats great! If you want to make multiple entries for one prompt, thats awesome too!
Still have questions? Contact the blog or @clarenspou (the current mod) and we will answer it right away!
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zombiequincy · 4 years
7 PEOPLE I’D LIKE TO KNOW BETTER. rules:  fill this up and then tag people you’d like to know better !
one / ( alias / name ): hela two / ( date of birth ):  january 31st (peep the birthday i share with a very handsome twin lmao) three / ( zodiac sign ): aquarius  four / ( height ):  last i checked 165cm five / ( hobbies ):  writing, drawing, reading, video editing six / ( favorite color ): purple seven / ( favorite books ): waaah this is hard, i have so many! i’ll narrow it down to my three all time favs. Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion, A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, and Tinder by Sally Gardner. all very dark and macabre and depressing but SO SO good.  eight / ( last song listened to ):  Молчат Дома - Судно  nine / ( last film or show watched ): i’m going to count bon appetit youtube videos cause those are basically just cooking shows, i last watched their video on making fancy mac and cheese ten / ( story behind url ): i originally wanted fulltimebitch but it was taken so i made do with this one, which admittedly is pretty vanilla but it gets right to the point!  eleven / ( inspiration for muse ): i wonder if this is still applicable to me since i didn’t create giselle lmao, but oh boy, my inspiration for her comes from a lot of different places! the main place i go for inspo is my music, like so long as i have a good song to write to i write nonstop. lots of lyrics and songs therefore about eating men, or killing men or being possessed or murdering help pretty good, and theres no shortage of songs about that stuff lol. mainly i just really love her and im never not thinking about how badly she was treated in the manga so i guess my inspiration also just comes out of pure spite for kubo for doing her dirty like that. 
TAGGED BY: i wasnt tagged by i did borrow this from @cheonsaaui i hope thats alright !! TAGGING: @oscuras @fleshpurifies and who ever else comes across this and wants to give it a try! 
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