snallavanta · 6 months
i am losing my MIND. why are they so funny
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corkinavoid · 2 months
DPxDC De-Aged Triplets and Their Tired Single Sister
Jason has seen the four of them a couple of times in Crime Alley now. They looked like a family, what with similar facial features- err, actually, the kids looked like carbon copies of each other, but their mom/sister/aunt/cousin looked similar enough to be related to them by blood.
Normally, Jason didn't care for each and every family that moved into Crime Alley. Sure, he cared about all of them as a whole, but there were a lot of people, and he couldn't possibly get elbow deep in every life story he came across. So all he knew about them were three things: a) they were on the run from someone or something, b) they trusted each other and no one else, and c) apparently, they have made it their life goal to never make any kind of sense.
The list of shit they have gotten into included but was not limited to:
• one of the kids biting a gun. Not the hand of the attacker who was holding it, no, the actual gun. And he bit a piece of it clean off, which earned him - or her, actually, Jason knew one of the triplets was a girl but he couldn't tell them apart - a lecture from their... mom? sister? parental figure. The lecture was about how chewing metal does not help with iron deficiency.
• getting kidnapped and creeping out their kidnapper to the point of him returning the kids back home. A few witnesses said one of the kids was actually driving, sitting on the kidnappers lap behind the steering wheel and cheerfully commanding the man to speed up or brake. Their mom actually apologized to the kidnapper for the incident and offered him homemade cookies for his troubles. He ran away without them.
• driving a lady at the laundromat insane by repeatedly walking inside and climbing into one of the washing machines. They never got out of it, just one kid walking into the laundromat, climbing into washing machine, then another kid, looking exactly like the previous one, walking inside, climbing into the same washing machine, then another kid walking into the laundromat- well, you get the idea. The lady claimed she's seen at least five kids do that in a row, but when she looked into that washing machine, there was no one inside.
• casually falling out of windows. Or, better, walking out of them like they were doors, at any given opportunity. The witness - an old man who was helping their mom with groceries - said the mom did not care in the slightest, and when he asked her about it, obviously concerned, she just said, tired and exasperated, 'they like the feeling of free fall, don't worry, they'll come back in a minute'. Sure enough, they did, not a scratch on them. The family lived on the sixth floor.
• eating insane amounts of food. Jason personally witnesses their mom give them her wallet, telling the kids, 'eat until you're full', and promptly passing out on the table, her head on her arms. The kids then proceeded to eat four whole pizzas, three burgers each, then seven brownies and at least five cups of soda. What was interesting about it was not only the amount of food they ate but the way they never left their mom unattended, one of the kids always staying beside her sleeping figure as the other two went to order.
And now, all four of them were standing in front of him. Not Jason Todd him, but Red Hood him. And he was... confused.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I said, can you watch them for a few hours? Three, maybe four," the mom, Jazz as she introduced herself, was looking at him like it was he who was speaking nonsense, not her. Because asking a crime lord to watch three kids in the middle of the night is not something a sane person would do.
"Why?" He asks, bewildered, because what the fuck else is he supposed to say?
"I need to kill a man, and if they come with me, it will take three times longer," Jazz tells him. Is she saying the kids slow her down or what? Jason can admit he's never been this confused in his entire life.
"You could ask me to kill a man, while you stay with them, no?" He tries to reason, but the girl waves him off:
"No, that will take even longer. Besides, no offense, but you kill people to simply end their life, and I need that man to fucking stop existing forever."
What's the difference he almost wants to ask. But instead of that, he just sighs.
"Why me? I'm sure you could find a babysitter-"
"No babysitter will handle them. The last one told me they have been running laps on the ceiling, which is, actually, not that big of a deal. They are kids. Kids like running around," she huffs, and Jason suspects she is missing the point here, but okay. He gets why babysitters are not an option.
"You do understand what they can witness if they stay here?" He asks, as the last attempt to reason with the girl, but she just nods and leans down, making all the kids turn to her.
"Okay, you menaces, tell me what not to do while you're staying with Mr. Red Hood."
"No eating people," one kid starts.
"No driving people insane," the other one continues.
"No, um, stealing eyeballs," the third one finishes, and what the fuck are those ground rules? Is this girl a mother to eldrith horrors? That would explain some shit.
Jazz turns to him, "See? They're all good."
In what world is that good? Jason debates if he should start running now or when she leaves.
"Do they have names?" He asks instead. The girl nods:
"Danny." His surprise must be evident even through the mask because she sighs and points to each kid, "Diane, Daniel, Dante. Dani, Danny, and Dan. Actually, you know what, let's make this easier," she rummages through her bag and gets a marker out before gesturing to the kids, "Come here."
As they do, she proceeds to draw numbers 1, 2, and 3 on their foreheads. Then she nods to Hood and puts the marker away.
"Okay, that's better. Behave, you monsters, I'll be back soon!"
After she leaves, Jason looks down at the kids. They also look at him, eerie and unblinking.
Finally, one of them - number 2, Dani, if he is not mistaken - asks:
"Do you want teeth? We have a lot."
"She doesn't mean her teeth," number 1 clarifies, "She means other teeth."
...This is going to be some very long three hours.
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rashomonss · 1 year
The brothers and the Human Realm
a/n: so ik ‘jealous much’ won the poll but it’s still not done yet so have this instead!
context: a part of me still finds lessons 40-43 funny because the brothers have never really been to the human world that much, and they don’t really know how certain things work. Take the slow cooker and ice cream truck for example. So these are little headcanons I have for when all of y’all are together in the beginning of their stay in the human realm.
enjoy <3 , also these are in no specific order
you all are hopeless…
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Solomon and MC would so fuck with the brothers while being in the human realm.
For example they’d take Lucifer to the shadiest mexican restaurant possible then after they finished eating they would tell the waiters it was Lucifer’s birthday and watch the Avatar of Pride sit there with a big ass sombrero on his head as they sang happy birthday to him.
MC later took a picture and sent it to Diavolo who then made it his lock screen.
Satan and Belphie tried to electrocute Lucifer by throwing a toaster in the bathroom while he was in the middle of a shower. This happened after the fact you told them not to put water on the toaster because it could electrocute someone. 
Beel ate an entire bottle of ibuprofen liquid gels because he thought they were hard gummies.
Beel also ate the food and cake shaped wax candle melts you had bought for Asmo as a gift
Beel lastly ate your whole brand new container of melatonin and it knocked him out for 15 hours straight. Needless to say Lucifer was very concerned for his wellbeing, and Belphie soon questioned if you had anymore.
Belphie and his brothers were never taught stranger danger, because who in their right mind would be a danger to them in the Devildom?
So after you had explained to him what an ice cream truck was he vowed to go to one with you.
However when a creepy old man in a white van offers him candy he believes it to be the same as the ice cream truck so he gets in the van.
When the brothers relay this information to you, you begin to lose your shit explaining how that was not in fact an ice cream truck he got into but instead a kidnapper van.
The brothers don’t know how to eat certain human world foods.
Such as a banana, watermelon, mango, pineapple, kiwi, avocado, cherry, dragon fruit, papaya, onion, etc.
So when you first buy one from the grocery store and leave it out before cutting it they automatically think it’s some weird shaped human food and bite into it eating the skin or seeds and all.
After they tell you about the weird but delicious taste of it you ask if they cut it or spit out the seeds before eating it, and when they reply with a puzzled look and a no your heart drops.
Thank god they’re demons. You then proceed to buy the same thing again this time cutting it up in front of them so they know what parts to eat of certain things.
Expanding on the cherry part, did y’all’s parents ever tell you not to swallow watermelon or cherry seeds because if you did a cherry tree or whole watermelon would then grow in your stomach??
I know mine and some of my friends parents would tell us that when I was younger to make sure we didn’t swallow any seeds.
If they didn’t then oh well, anyway…
Continuing with Solomon being an ass, he would so tell something like that to the brothers. If he happened to see Beel swallow a cherry whole he would then proceeded to tell Lucifer not to let him do that.
And when the oldest asks why Solomon would then go onto explain that if he swallows cherry pit then a cherry tree will then grow inside his stomach.
Of course this freaked out Lucifer so for the next hour he tried getting Beel to spit out all the cherries he ate.
You would have to organize their fridge and pantry in the new house because they don’t know which human world foods need to be refrigerated or not.
After you arrive at the house you spent a good three hours explaining to them not everything can go in the pantry because some of it will spoil after you open it.
Then you proceed to gag when you pulled out an expired chunky milk container from the pantry.
They find the concept of drive thru or fast food places astonishing. The fact that you can just order wait in a line for a few minutes in your car then get your food is crazy. They do however all panic though when you get to the front and they don’t know what to order off the menu.
Car washes are also something they found themselves favoring. You would turn up the music as you slowly pulled in and joked by telling the brothers you were going on a ride of sorts.
Which in turn shocked you when they did believed you as the car wash stared. Each of them were staring out the windows with starry eyes as different colors of soap were thrown on your car.
You laughed to yourself as they all admired the way the soap blended together, Asmo and Mammon found themselves taking pictures of the whole thing. While Belphie was telling Beel how this looked like a starry sky.
And Levi went on to tell Satan how this reminded him of an anime scene. Lucifer also found himself sitting quietly in the passenger seat enjoying it too. (Lucifer is a certified passenger princess, fight me on that)
Each brother questioned you on how this was possible and you replied with smile. After the car wash was over and you drove through the dryers they all asked if you could do that again, to which you replied smiling “maybe some other time”.
Lucifer watered the fake succulents and plants you put around the house for two weeks straight until you said something.
They love watching true crime documentary’s to the point you’d have to physically pull them away from the tv.
It happened one afternoon while a few of them were relaxing in the living room and you were looking for a channel to watch.
Deciding there was nothing interesting on you put on an old true crime documentary and began watching it. As the brothers heard the story of the crime from the tv they each became immersed in it.
Telling you things such as “how could humans do that to each other?” or “wow humans are more brutal than we thought” or even adding in their own comments on how they could have made the crime worse.
It became a guessing game between all of them to figure out who killed who during each episode you watched.
Much to everyone dismayed Satan was the one who won every time.
Meanwhile while they were all immersed in the tv you noticed Lucifer standing behind you, arms crossed also watching tv. You told him to sit down and watch with all of you but he denied, claiming he wasn’t really interested in stuff like this anyway.
Yet he never moved from that same spot each episode.
Each of the brothers have made something explode in the microwave.
Lucifer stained it red when he went to reheat pasta, but he put it in for to long and it exploded. Mammon overfilled his ramen thus causing it to leak then explode.
Satan and Levi also happened to be reheating takeout at the same time, but both of the containers were styrofoam and exploded. Levi got annoyed and Satan threw the microwave at Lucifer.
Asmo put some skincare product in there because he found something online about a certain hack, and it exploded causing the microwave to smell like burnt strawberries.
Beel put too much food in the microwave causing it to all melt together then explode.
Belphie put a coffee in there to reheat and it exploded, but he was too lazy to clean it up so he just left it. Lucifer was then next to use the microwave and got coffee all over him.
You made all seven of them watch the entire twilight series as a joke but ironically they all actually enjoyed it.
Satan even went out and bought the books, and finished all of them in about 2 hours
Solomon distracted Diavolo for 3 hours straight by making him watch 5 minute craft videos.
Diavolo then proceeded to break things to try these said crafts which caused Barbatos to have a meltdown.
Barbatos destroyed an entire sidewalk because he saw two rats run across it into the sewer.
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okwonyo · 2 months
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PREC𝒾S ⠀⟡​⠀​waiting for the cab with your boyfriend in the night.
( 엔하이픈 제이 ) ୨୧ f .. r 600 mentioned chief!jay au fluff established relationship ── flirting kissing skinship mention of cigarette ⠀ 。。 ⠀ recue𝒾l
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the cool summer air brushes against your skin. goosebumps down your spine, the night’s breeze sends them directly where they are.
you almost regret not wearing a jacket at that hour, until your boyfriend’s coat gets draped on your shoulders, his arms wrapping around your waist soon after, his chest pressing against your back gently. you put your hand on the one who is not covered by the other— your fingertips digs in his skin, massaging it as a silent ‘thank you’.
the wind plays with your hair a little and jay’s nose approaches your neck, the tip of it touches your skin. he softly rubs his cheek against yours, he knows you are wearing makeup and that you don’t like that. but instead of asking with words, he decides to act like a black cat rubbing itself against his owner’s leg: asking for attention.
you catch the glimpse of the cigarette between his lips with your peripheral vision before turning around. jay’s hair moves along with the soft gentle breeze. a smirk wraps around the cigarette he holds so carefully between his teeth, his lips around it makes it look so beautiful and almost delicious.
jay tilts his chin up, towards you— bringing your attention to the cigarette he is holding. you eye his handwriting on it. it reminds you of the first time you met.
you reckon watching him from afar from the restaurant’s table you were eating on. his broad shoulders and toned back facing you as he cooked in the kitchen. his uniform hugged perfectly his waist, as always. his hands holding onto the kitchen towel before yanking it on his shoulder. you stared at him during the entirety of your dinner, as if he was the food you were waiting for.
you met him again when you went out, during his break. he had a cigarette with his number on it— he gave it to you with a charming smile.
his voice is muffled, yet still deep when he talks, he speaks the same words he did during your first discussion, “do you want it?”
as always, you palm it. you hold the tobacco stick between your index finger and your thumb, you turn it a bit to read what is written on it. in your mind, you read, ‘give me a kiss.’
you can’t help but smile at that. your eyes leave the cigarette to stare at jay’s white corvette tucked between his sleeveless suit vest and his black button up. it’s exactly how you like it, you want to wrap your hand around it and pull the man towards you— you let your desires take over.
jay’s lips taste like cigarettes, mint and a bit of liquor. he kisses you so soft compared to the flavor of his lips and his arms tightening around your waist makes you melt.
the mark of your lipstick all over his lips is a proof of the kiss you shared. they linger from his lips to the corner of them, even one of his nose and his chin, showing that you proceeded to land pecks anywhere you could.
the fire in his eyes burns through your skin when you try to wipe the lipstick off. he turns his head slightly, just to put his lips away from your thumb.
one of his hands leaves your waist and comes looking for something in the coat’s pocket he gave to you. your lipstick is found in it and soon enough, it’s cap ends up in jay’s mouth.
he apply the product on your lips as if he was born for it— with a concentration that makes him, if it’s even possible, an hundred times more attractive.
he accidentally overline your lips a bit. you try to wipe it off and open your mouth to tell him to wait. he cuts you before you can even start, “shut up, i got this,”and while locking his eyes with yours, uses his thumb to make it disappear.
you watch him close the lipstick and put it back where he found it. the realization that he has your lipstick with him everywhere, everyday, makes your heart beat louder in your chest.
he gives you a kiss on your cheek, under the light of your eyes shining with lust, “the cab is here.”
a several amount of kisses are shared on the backseat of the said cab.
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𓈒ㅤㅤ𓈒 taglist open !
(..◜ᴗ◝..) my jay obsession is coming back.... he is SOO husband coded 😞
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honeylations · 10 months
Prompt: With you dating nerdy + med student, Kim Minjeong, people think you are in control. But they don’t know your girlfriend’s true self behind closed doors.
Warnings/Notes: g!p Minjeong, secretly dom Minjeong, shy in the streets sexy in the sheets, sub reader, femme reader, shy Minjeong in public
A/N: sorry I disappeared for a month or so, I was swamped with other commitments T^T
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“Hey Y/n” Aeri appears in front of your table in the cafeteria, holding her own tray of lunch.
“Hey Aeri, how was class?”
She sat down in a tired manner and even added a dramatic sigh. You smiled at her.
“I don’t even want to talk about it”
“That bad huh?”
“Bad? It was so boring! I knew I should’ve bought a Red Bull beforehand. Anyways, how about your classes?”
You placed your chopsticks down and shrugged. “Could say the same but I’m getting by smoothly thanks to Minjeong. She helps me once she finishes her stuff”
“I forget you’re dating that nerd sometimes” Aeri rolled her eyes.
“Hey don’t call her that! She’s adorable”
“Hi girlies! Hope you don’t mind us joining” Jimin and Yizhou appear and took their seats.
“What are you guys talking about?” Yizhou asked, looking between you and Aeri.
“About Y/n’s nerdy loser girlfriend”
“I said don’t call her that Aeri!” You whined, whacking your chopsticks at her knuckles.
“Ow hey! It’s basically true!”
You looked at the other two girls for help but by the look of their timid faces, you could tell they were on Aeri’s side. “You don’t know her like I do”
The 3 girls turn their heads to look at where Minjeong was sitting alone. She was munching on an onigiri while flipping through her fat text book, pausing for a second just to push her thick glasses up her nose.
“I’m not against you dating her, Y/n. We’re just surprised that you two even clicked” Jimin simply said, going back to eating her own food.
“I assume you top in the relationship” Yizhou winked, making your face go red.
“Um…yeah. Totally” You smiled awkwardly because they definitely didn’t know what goes down when you and Minjeong are alone.
“A-Ah! Minjeong-ah!” You gasped out a moan when your girlfriend pulled your hair back while blowing your back out.
“Mmm so good, Princess”
It took her a couple more thrusts before she flipped you on your back, letting your head fall onto the pillow, giving you a view of your girlfriend in her white tank top, messy hair, and black framed glasses.
This was the Minjeong you didn’t want the girls to know about which is why you played along with their nerd stereotypes on your girlfriend.
Minjeong was introverted in public, even when you’re by her side holding her hand. Your friends like to believe that you’re in control of the relationship but if they were to walk into your sex moments with Minjeong, they’ll realise that everything they have claimed was actually the other way around.
During sex, Minjeong was a whole different person and you loved her just as much as when she’s shy in public. She will not stop until you’re a drooling mess.
Minjeong leaned down to softly kiss the marks she had left all over your skin before finishing with a soft peck to your lips. She held your legs up by the ankles and proceeded to push her 8.5 inch inside your abused slick covered hole. Your back arched as you fisted the sheets again.
“O-Oh fuck Minjeong baby”
“I wonder what your friends will say when they see you like this, Princess” Minjeong asked rhetorically, enjoying the way you looked at her with hooded eyes and swollen lips.
She leaned down until her lips hovered yours. “I’m in control baby. Your friends can make fun of me as much as they want but when it’s just us, you’re following my orders”
You nodded pathetically, letting her words arouse you even more. “Yes you’re in control, Minjeong-ah”
“Can’t get enough of my cock, can you?”
You shook your head in tears, feeling Minjeong thrust faster that you were slapping against her pelvis. “M-Minjeong ah!”
“Fuck I love you so much, baby. So fucking good for my cock” the taller grunted as she fucked you harder than ever.
You continued to cry her name which made Minjeong wrap your legs around her waist so she could lean down and capture your quivering lips. She was nice enough to slow her thrusts to let your cunt breathe.
“My poor baby. Crying from how good my cock is. You think you deserve to have my cum?” She asked in a baby tone.
You nodded desperately, running your hands underneath the back of her tank top so you could feel her soft skin. “Please Minjeongie. I’ve been good all day”
“You have, haven’t you? Always a good girl for daddy” she kissed your forehead before removing her glasses, and began thrusting again like a maniac.
You clawed onto her back for dear life, feeling so full and destroyed from her monstrous shaft that you could never get tired of. “Fuck yes daddy, fuck me like that!”
“Mmm Y/n-ie” she whimpered in your ear breathlessly.
“Cum in me please daddy, I want it all”
Minjeong grunted in response, biting deep into your shoulder as she rocked herself inside you and releasing an insane amount of cum. The thick liquid triggered your own orgasm, mixing your load with Minjeong’s and feeling it ooze out of you.
You were panting hard as your girlfriend continued to move but at a slower pace, helping her ride out the mind blowing orgasm.
She softly laid on top of you. “Thank you, baby” she mumbled cutely into your shoulder.
The mood change baffles you every time, mostly leaving you in a fit of giggles and hugging your girlfriend closer. “You’re welcome, Minjeongie. Feel better?”
You were talking about her pent up frustrations earlier which had led to the steamy sex. Your poor girl was forced to tutor two other students in her class when all she wanted to spend time with you.
“Yes so much better. Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I? Researchers stated that harsh vaginal penetration can lead to life threatening bleeding”
It wasn’t so bad having an impressively smart girlfriend. But it’s bad when your girlfriend is also a big overthinker. “You’re saying that while still being inside me”
Minjeong looked down and realised you were right. “Oh sorry, baby”
You released a soft sigh as she pulled out her slick covered dick, lowkey admiring the mess you both had made on the sheets. Your girlfriend quickly wore her glasses just to get a better view and you rolled your eyes at her little grin. “You’re proud aren’t you?”
“Did you know sperm can be preserved for decades when the semen is frozen?”
“Ugh shut up and sleep with me. I need my cuddles”
Minjeong was quick to obey. “Did you know that during cuddles with someone you love, your body releases oxytocin that calms you and makes you more likely to deal better with stress?”
“Hey baby, did you know that if you say one more fact, the chances of me chopping your dick off are highly likely?” You fired back.
Minjeong took off her glasses and placed them on the side table before spooning you tightly. “Sorry baby. Goodnight. I love you”
“I love you too, baby”
“….did you know—“
A/N: don’t @ me for them random faxts, I just got them from Google😭
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azzo0 · 4 months
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Happy Mama Day
Summary: Touya and the kids surprise you for Mother's Day.
Contains: soft Touya, fluff, kids n sappy stuff
Pairing: Touya x f!reader
wc: 2.1k
Based on this idea.
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Touya buried his face under a blanket when little hands slapped his cheek. A little girl's voice screamed at him excitedly to wake up. He opened his eyes slightly, sighing into the pillow when both his kids started jumping on the bed, singing, "Wake up! Wake up!"
"Daddy, Daddy, Keiko said it's Mama day today!" His son yelled, pulling the blanket off him.
"It's called Mother's Day, not Mama Day, Takeo." His daughter sassed, crossing her arms as if she knew some great secret her younger brother didn't.
"Stop jumping, Takeo. I'm up." Touya sighed, sitting up and running a hand through his snowy hair, disheveled from sleep. Takeo jumped into Touya's lap, making him let out an 'oomph.'
"Daddy, Keiko told me-" the three-year-old began. Sometimes, Toya was surprised by how fluently the child could speak since most three-year-old's he knew yapped in baby language. He talked to Rei about it, and she told him he used to be the same.
"Keiko-Nee." He corrected, his gaze shifting to his eldest. She excitedly crawled to him and sat on her knees excitedly. He ruffled her bright red hair and looked down at Takeo, "What did she tell you?"
"Keiko-Nee told me that her teacher told her it's Mama Day!" The boy exclaimed.
"Is it?" He hummed.
"Can we do something special for Mama when she gets back from work?" Keiko asked. "My teacher told me you can show your thanks to your mothers today! Let's do something special!"
"How do we show our thanks?" Takeo asked, tilting his head.
"We can make her cards and make her favorite food or buy her gifts!"
Takeo gasped and looked up at Touya with wide eyes, the same colour as yours, "Does that mean we can cook a cake?"
"Bake a cake," Touya threw the child over his shoulder and got off the bed, holding a hand out for Keiko. She took his hand and jumped off the bed, "Sure we can, but first you two need to eat breakfast, clean up your rooms, get ready for the day, do your homework and then we'll bake Mama a cake, okay?"
"It's not fair that I have homework and Takeo doesn't!" Keiko lamented, puffing her cheeks out.
"He does have homework. He has a colouring book to fill. Isn't that right, Taki?"
The three year old nodded his head even though he wasn't sure what 'homework' was. Touya took the kids downstairs and made them sit at the dining table. He went into the kitchen and put on the apron. He took out a few eggs and beat them up with milk and sugar. He dipped slices of bread inside the eggs and then fried them, keeping them a little soft because that's the way his babies liked it.
He took the plates out in the dining room, setting them in front of the kids, "Eat up."
"Thank you," the two chimed.
He sat across from Keiko and Takeo. He sighed when Takeo began breaking the bread into bits without putting them in his mouth. Touya quickly finished his breakfast and helped Takeo with his. After breakfast, the kids followed him upstairs so they could clean their bedrooms. Keiko was six, old enough to make her bed and tidy her room, but Takeo still needed help, given he was only three.
He folded Takeo's blanket and kept it in the crib while Takeo picked up the toys littered on the floor and dumped them in the toybox. Once Touya was done with Takeo's room, he went to Keiko's room, watching his daughter huff and puff as she folded her giant blanket all by herself. She turned to him after she was done, flexing her arms, "I did it by myself!"
"You did great, Keiko." He lowered his back with Takeo on his hip and kissed Keiko's hair. He took her hand and led the kids to the bathroom.
He put Takeo down, took Keiko's unicorn toothbrush, put a small amount of toothpaste on it and handed it to her. He then proceeded to put toothpaste on Takeo's smaller shark toothbrush. He gave him the toothbrush and watched him look up at his sister and try to imitate her. Touya smiled to himself and took his toothbrush hanging beside yours. He brushed his teeth along with his kids and then helped them wash their faces, making them giggle when he patted them dry.
"Cake time!" Keiko squealed, stomping downstairs with Takeo chanting 'cake' behind her.
"Homework first, you two." Touya reminded sternly.
"But I don't have school tomorrow. I can do it later!" Keiko whined, "And Taki's homework isn't even real homework! You just make him sit down and colour a bunch'a pages so you can watch soccer on the TV!"
Toya raised his eyebrows amusedly as Keiko tapped her foot on the floor impatiently. He let out a chuckle and turned to the kitchen, "Alright, alright. Just don't make a mess, okay?"
"Yes!!" She exclaimed, taking Takeo's hand and following after her father.
Touya helped Keiko and Takeo into little aprons and rummaged through the cabinets, looking for the cake mix he bought ages ago. It's not that he didn't know how to bake a cake from scratch, but with two kids involved, the kitchen was bound to get chaotic. He found a vanilla cake mix and took out a bowl and a hand beater, setting everything on the counter. He opened the flaps of the cake mix as the kids watched him excitedly. He took out a white coloured packet and cut it open with a pair of scissors.
"Can I put it in the bowl?" Keiko asked.
"Sure ya can. Come closer." He handed her the packet, and she carefully put the mix into the bowl. Keiko snatched the cake mix box and read the instructions, squinting her eyes as she tried to read the sentences.
"It says to... mix water, oil, 'n eggs with a mixer on... meedum...?"
"Medium," Toya corrected, encouraging her to go on.
"...speed or beat by hand for two minutes." She finished with a grin. Touya patted her hair and measured out the water and oil, which Takeo insisted he wanted to pour. Touya picked up Takeo so he could reach for the cups he had measured. He watched Takeo pick up the cup of oil in his chubby hands and empty it into the cake mix, followed by the water.
"You want to crack the egg?" Toya asked Keiko, smiling when she nodded excitedly. He showed her how to crack an egg and then handed her another one. She managed to crack the egg and let its contents fall into a bowl.
"Do we beat with an electric mixer or hand?" Keiko asked.
"Hand beater," Toya replied. He mixed the ingredients and then let Keiko take over for a little bit. Of course, Takeo didn't want to be left out and had to take a turn whipping the batter.
"And then we pop it in the oven," Touya transferred the batter into a cake pan and put it in the oven that had been preheating for some time.
"Daddy, while we wait, let's make Mama a birthday card!" Keiko exclaimed, pulling on his hand.
"I've got some cleaning up to do, Kei. You make one with your brother-"
"No! Don't you gotta wish Mom Happy Mother's Day too?" Keiko put her foot down and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Yes, let's make a mama card," Takeo added.
"Fine," Touya sighed, "Let's go make a mama card."
He sat on the floor in the living room with the kids. Keiko handed him and Takeo A4-size papers and let them use her sketch pens and colour pencils. She told him how to make a card, speaking as if she was giving away the world's darkest secret, "So, basically, you fold it in half like this, and then you write 'Happy Mother's Day' in fancy handwriting. You can make a drawing if you wanna, and then on the inside, you thank Mama for all she's done. Any questions?"
"No, ma'am, thank you." Dabi picked up a blue sketch pen and nudged Takeo, "Say thanks to your sister, Taki."
Touya had never made cards for anyone before. Sure, he'd received plenty of sweet ones from you, but he never gave you one in return. He folded the paper in half and tried mustering up his fanciest handwriting, which turned out looking like a doctor's note. He picked up a red sketch pen and threw in a couple of hearts and smiley faces.
He moved on to the inside of the card, and that's where he got stuck. The green sketch pen hovered over the paper as he thought of what to put inside. He had so much he wanted to thank you for. Your love, your support and your kindness. The list went on and on. He glanced up from the paper to see Keiko beautifully decorating the card while Takeo went on a scribbling spree. He smiled softly at the kids and looked down at the paper. He knew just what to write.
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You knocked on the door and yawned, bringing a hand to cover your mouth. It had been a long day at work, but you couldn't wait to greet your husband and kids and then spend some time together on the couch after dinner. You heard a few excited cries, and the door was thrown open.
"HAPPY MAMA DAY!!" Takeo screamed, hugging your leg.
"Happy Mother's Day!" Keiko exclaimed with a grin, hopping from foot to foot.
"Oh, my babies." You smiled and stepped inside, pulling them both in a hug. You kissed their cheeks and made them giggle. "Thank you so much."
"No, thank you for all you do, Mama! You're so cool!" Keiko beamed.
"So cool!" Takeo agreed.
"Okay, okay, let ya mama breathe." You looked up when you heard Touya's voice. His lips tugged up on the side in a smirk, "Hey. Happy Mama Day."
"Thank you," you laughed, kissing his cheek.
"We baked you a cake, and Papa made your favorite dinner!" Keiko exclaimed, "We also made you cards!"
"Mhm?" You took the card from Keiko and read through it with a stupid grin. You kissed her nose, "Aww, thank you, Kei. You're so sweet."
"Here is my mama card." Takeo waved his drawing in front of your face. You took it from him and gushed over the stick figures of him and you holding hands.
"It's lovely, thank you, Taki." You squished his cheeks together lovingly.
"Papa, where's your card?" Keiko asked.
"I didn't make any. What are you talking about?" Touya shrugged.
Touya sheepishly revealed the hand in which he held the card. You got up from the floor and took the card, giggling at his messy handwriting adorned with hearts, flowers and smiley faces. It was so unlike him. You flipped it open and read it.
Happy Mama Day, wifey.
There's a lot I wish I could say to you more often, but putting it here feels easier. Thank you for all that you've done for me and our kids. Thank you for being by my side when nobody was and for holding my hand on sleepless nights and shooing away my nightmares. Thanks for dragging me out of my depressive episodes and taking me on ice cream dates. I'll never forget them. The ice cream was delicious, by the way.  
Thank you for birthing our beautiful children. I'm so lucky to have you by my side to raise our kids. You're my definition of a blessing in human form.
With love,
Your handsome husband,
(P.S. You have a nice butt)
Your hands quivered as you read the note. Your eyes blurred with hot tears. They fell onto the card, and he pulled you into him and kissed your temple. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your nose in his chest, feeling his warmth seep into your skin, "Thank you, Touya."
"My words hit ya that deep? Maybe I should be a poet." He chuckled, combing your hair with his fingers.
"There's nothin' poetic about it." You muffled into his chest. You pulled away and pressed a kiss on his lips. His hand went to rest on your lower back as he leaned into you.
You were aware of the kids watching, so you pulled away and glanced back to see Keiko pretending to be very interested in the door handle while Takeo tugged at his sister's sleeve. You chuckled and held an arm open, "Come here, Keiko, Takeo."
You scooped up Takeo while Touya picked up Keiko. You let your head rest against Touya's shoulder, your heart brimming with joy and contentment, "I love my little family."
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shoyudon · 5 months
starring. toji fushiguro x fem! reader
heads up. cursing, toji being soft as hell, let's just say he's not an assassin and he lives a (fairly) good life with you.
note. toji's shown too much of a cold, hard, and stern guy in the few times he's been on screen. i feel like he's privately clingy — and he likes being the small spoon. just a thought.
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"hey, baby," you sighed out in exhaustion — dropping your bag onto the bed where toji was laid on, "i feel like 'm going to pass out soon."
toji grunted, but he sat up straight, eyeing your every move, "your boss is shit. that's why you need to quit and just sit still here at home," he mutters out, stretching his limbs.
"and who's going to pay for my stuff?" you ask, taking off your socks and throwing them inside the laundry basket just by the bathroom door — you unbuttoned your light blue flannel shirt, slipping it off in a rush before throwing the fabric inside the same basket.
"me. i work too." he scoffs.
"i know, i just don't feel great knowing my stuff was bought from the money coming out of my boyfriend's pocket," toji shifted on the bed, kicking the covers off of him.
he blew his bangs in annoyance, "so? 'ts not like 'm complaining, i want to do it."
smiling, you gave him a knowing look, "i know— 'ts just . . . i know i can buy my own stuff, you can save your money, for your own stuff. i don't want everything i have to come from your money, i feel awful," mumbling whilst swiping a wet cotton over the skin of your face, letting the make up seep in.
"your stuff is mine too," he steps behind you, taking a good look at what you're doing, "so stop thinking of shit like that."
"like what?" you nonchalantly asked.
toji rolled his eyes, grabbing your waist and proceeded to toss you onto the bed. with a soft thud, you landed — staring at him oddly, "why did you do that?"
"no reason." he mutters, crawling towards you before placing himself in front of you sideways; your chest pressing onto his back, "quit the damn work. you have a shit boss, shit co-workers, and shit work." small spoon.
slinging an arm around his neck and a leg draped over his torso, you chuckled softly, burying your nose into his hair, "you know i can't do that, right?" big spoon.
his body vibrated, signaling a groan out, "why the hell not?"
"come on, where else am i going to get my money from?" toji laced his fingers with your own, squeezing your hand tightly and then loosening his grip before tightening it back again — on repeat, "i know, baby. but what else am i going to do at home without you, hm?"
"i could care less about my shit work too." he spat out, bringing your hand to his lips.
"and then where are we going to live? pay rent? eat food?" you asked, voice lacing with amusement, "or how are we going to eat in our go-to without money, huh?"
toji huffs out softly, "as long as i'm homeless with you, i guess."
"you're silly, you know?" you squeezed his hand this time, although not as tightly as he did before, "but it all comes back to my first answer, 'm still not quitting my work."
toji shifted a bit, pressing his back onto your chest more, "can't stop ya', can i?"
"nope," he sighs out softly in response to the curt answer — which he expected, by the way.
"you're stubborn."
"right back at you," you murmur out into his hair, patting his chest a few times before consistently rubbing up and down; toji breathing out in content, "toji, can you move now?"
" . . . why?" he asks, voice hoarse and slow like he had just woken up.
"i need to shower. i stink," toji didn't budge at all upon hearing your answer. he was one of those people who believed that showers are a bit pointless — which is extra stupid (you think).
"do it tomorrow," he mutters out lazily.
"i wanna do it now, i feel sweaty," and there he goes pretending nothing was ever said; this always happens, especially when you were coddling him, "toji, move."
"move or you're getting the small spoon ban," toji scoots over a bit in response, letting you move freely as you like; somehow his no talk, action only made you stifle back a laugh, "you're a big baby."
"'m not, the position didn't feel nice or shit." he lies (not so) smoothly.
"right, i'll be back after the shower then we can cuddle again," you stood up, ready to leave when you hear him mumble incoherently under his breath, "what was that?"
"fuck, nevermind."
"right," you narrowed your eyes at him, "i'm going to go then."
just a few steps out of the bedroom door, you turned your heels and peeked your head into the room, "and by the way, yes, you still get to be the small spoon, don't worry."
"i still get to be the small spoon or whatever the fuck you call it, right?" loud and clear.
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© shoyudon 2024 . no copying or reposting allowed !
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enwoso · 4 months
hi! I absolutely love your alessia russo x child!reader posts. your writing is so good! if you’re up for writing some more for this universe could you maybe do something with reader being a menace with the england girls and causing some trouble? it’s okay if not!
DEVIL IN DISGUISE — alessia russo x child!reader
*back with my fave little universe! and don’t worry there are more bits to this little universe i am in the middle of writing them🙃*
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alessia had been on england camp since monday and it was now wednesday, you had accompanied her for the short camp.
but since arriving alessia hadn't had the most smooth couple of days like she usually would and that was because she wasn't able to take her eyes off you for more than a few seconds in fear that you would be up to something you shouldn't be.
on top of that she had noticed that a couple of things weren't here that she needed. like her training socks, which she had to go and ask the kit man for some spares putting it down to her forgetting them when being asked why she didn't have them. brushing it off she forgot about it quite quickly, you taking her focus as you were in your little trouble maker mood at the moment.
as the other day alessia had turned her back for one moment and you had vic pelova looking down into a full water bottle telling the dutch that she was looking at something inside the bottle before you squeezed the bottle into her face. ice cold water dripping down the poor dutches face.
today was travel day, the girls were playing back at wembley and had the day to recover after having a light training session early this morning.
everyone was eating breakfast, you had ate yours probably too fast for your mums liking but nevertheless she couldn’t be mad because at least you had eaten. knowing that you couldn’t play until you had eaten majority of your food.
alessia was sat talking with a few of the girls her gaze looking over to you every so often to check you weren't doing something you shouldn't of been doing — instead seeing you just colouring in content while also watching the cartoon that was playing on your ipad.
"so how is the little munchkin?" mary asked as alessia had turned her attention back to the table after checking on you for the fiftieth time in the past three minutes. alessia eyes going wide, pulling a face that said it all.
"that doesn't sound good" georgia pointed out as alessia hummed.
"she's starting to get a little naughty, like the other day i walked into her bedroom and she had drawn all over her walls and then proceeded to say it wasn't her even though she had the pen in her hand." alessia explained the girls trying to stifle their laughter as the blonde spoke.
"did it come off the walls at least?" beth asked as the blonde shook her head, proceeding to explain how her brother was thankfully going to repaint the walls for her.
"didn't she bite someone at nursery as well? tooney was on about that the other day, weren't she" millie commented looking towards mary for back up, the goal keeper nodding. the blonde groaning as she thought back to the day.
"wait you never told us girls this story"
"yeah i wanna hear it!"
"so i went and picked her up as usual after training, and then the teacher pulled me and began to tell me how she had bitten a little boy but when i asked her why she did it she said that the boy bit her first but the teacher never mentioned that part so i don't know what to think!" alessia explained the girls humming along to show that they were listening.
“are we sure she isn’t the devil in disguise?”
"well if he bit her first then her biting him is totally valid" georgia said shrugging mary agreeing mumbling something about it was good she was sticking up for herself — the other two however not as convinced, "yeah but if you give her that excuse, she'll go around biting everyone" beth said as the other two both hummed.
“that’s is true, she did make him a card to say sorry though so-“ alessia shrugged a chuckle coming from her as the others awed at the thought of you sitting and spending your own time to make a card to apologise.
“was the card made before or after you banned her from using pens?” millie asked but before alessia has a chance to reply you were heard yelling to get your mums attention.
"mummy! mummy!" you called over, alessia still talking with the girls, "look mummy!" you appeared a bright smile on your face as you held onto your top holding out a sticker.
“wow! what did you get that for?” your mum asked as she looked to you holding her hand out for you to high five. “i helped one of the coaches-“ you began but as you carried on your explanation, alessia’s eyes went wide your arms were covered in big bright red drawing and doodles you had done all up your arms
"oh my god" your mum whispered to herself, her hand stroking up your arm to find out if the pen was dry or not. "lovie, why have you done that for?" your mum sighed thinking about how on earth she was going to get the pen off.
you shrugged in response to your mums question, a smile on your face clearly happy about the colour of your arms, glancing over to the girls sat around the table who were trying to keep their smiles and laughter in.
"what have you drawn on your arms with?" your mum asked as your ran back over to your little table to grab the pen. alessia's head falling straight into her hands as a loud groan came from her.
"at least she knows what colour north london is!" leah joked trying to bring light to the situation, her and few others the only ones laughing as alessia brought her head back up shooting a dirty look to the captain.
"not the time leah." alessia mumbled through gritted teeth as she saw you running back over. pen in hand.
"this one mummy!" you held out a red sharpie towards the blonde. of course it couldn't have just been a simple crayola pen, it just had to be a permanent marker that you had somehow found.
mentally alessia was screaming, physically she was trying her best not to scream and stay as calm as possible.
"where did you find that lovie" alessia calmly asked as you explained how you got the pen, that you had found it in the pen pot which you weren't exactly lying you did find it in the pen pot but it wasn't your pen pot.
it was the pot that all the adults used but you didn't think they would mind if you borrowed it. alessia could feel her patience running thinner and thinner as the seconds went by.
since the drawing on walls situation at home incident alessia had made sure to hid each and every single pen possible, instead only allowing you to colour with pencils and even still that was under supervision. this was adding to the reasons of why it would be a while until you were able to retain your pen licence back.
"less have you seen my boot-" ella began holding one boot in her hand as she stopped at the sight of you, "woah that's a nasty sunburn tiny!" the manchurian gasped ruffling your hair as few laughs heard from her teammates as she turned to them not knowing what part of the joke she was missing.
"mate, how's she gonna get a tan never mind sunburn when it's seven degrees outside!" beth deadpanned as ella nodded along realising how silly her comment was.
"silly auntie ella, it's pen!" you giggled as ella's eyes went wide. the pieces fixing together but confusion hitting her as she knew about your redecoration of your room and the fact that alessia has hidden every pen in sight. "i thought you had banned her from using pens?"
"i have!"
“the devil in disguise strikes again!”
after many layers of baby oil and tissues most of the pen had came off your arms much to your protests that your mummy was getting rid of your artwork.
you had managed to make it down to the lobby where the team was beginning to gather for the bus arriving, people swarming around with big camera asking some of the girls questions.
you were sat with your mummy, you sat with a small coffee table in front of you. a picture game you had been playing with spread across the table.
"lovie? what's in the backpack?" you mum asked as you struggled to get it on your back, it looking very full. alessia trying to remember if it looked like that when you both arrived on camp.
“just my things” you huffed, the backpack dropping off your shoulder and onto the floor. “what things?” your mum pushed wondering what on earth you could have in your back to make it so heavy considering she had all your clothes, and your ipad in her bag.
“do you want me to carry it for you?” your mum asked as you shook your head mumbling a no as you lifted the bag up with great difficulty onto the seat. “well how about i help you put it on, yeah?” she smiled as you nodded a little admitting defeat.
you picking your backpack back up and passing it to your mummy who was sat down on the chairs in the hotel lobby. you stood in between her legs waiting for her to help you put it on, slotting one arm through the strap and then the other.
you mummy keeping you still for a moment as she pulled the zip a little, showing a glimpse of what was inside. a confused look taking over the blondes face as the sight of things which definitely were not yours.
opening the bag up a little, alessia discovered where her lost training socks along with her headphones she had thought she had forgotten as well as ella’s lost boot, millie’s t’s shin pads, chloe’s water bottle and beth’s slider.
the blonde laughing to herself as she took each item out placing it on her lap, you turning about once you thought you mum had finished putting it the bag on your back. “mummy it feels light- hey there mine!” you frown turning around and seeing the things that were in your bag on her lap.
“lovie, these are the girls’ things” your mum explained, you backpack falling to the ground as your pout got bigger, “but i found them?” you said hopefully that you would be able to keep them.
“i know, but these still belong to the girls and they might be sad if they don’t have them anymore and we don’t want to upset anyone do we?” your mummy smiled softly, as you looked over to some of the girls who were starting to gather in the lobby before it was time to get on the bus, looking back at your mum you shook your head.
“good, now can i give these back to their rightful owners?” your mum laughed slightly as you pout loosened and you nodded. you mum kissing you on the forehead as she sat you on the chair she was on, picking up the items in her hand as you grabbed your ipad to watch. your mummy telling you she would be a few seconds.
the blonde walking over to the little huddle near the coffee machine where beth, ella and millie were. “are you now the lost property box like?” ella joked watching as alessia walked closer to them, millie and beth laughing as alessia sarcastically laughed along.
“one purple boot, two shin pads and a slider!” the blonde smiled as she handed each of them their stuff back. “where did you find these?” beth asked as she looked at her slider.
“lovie, ‘found’ them and she’d put them in her backpack” alessia explained as the three awed as a few giggles followed.
“the devil strikes again!”
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exhaslo · 1 year
Kinktober Day 11- Miguel x Reader (Size Kink)
        Everyone knows that Miguel was a hard working individual. He did his absolute best to keep everything up and running. As the leader of the Spider Society, Miguel did so much. Almost so that it felt like he never really took care of himself. Miguel always looked exhausted and frustrated. The stress was eating him alive. It was not hard to see why.
        You had wiggled yourself into his life by chance. It took a lot of work, but Miguel opened up to you and started a relationship. You were always there to ease his stress. To calm him down with just a simple hug. Sometimes, you wished for more. You felt like Miguel was afraid of having sex with you. Like he needed to hold himself back. You knew that it was not healthy for him. Hopefully, today you could finally help him break out of that mold.
        You and Miguel had been dating for about three months. You were a smart cookie and figured out that he was Spiderman. The embarrassment on his face when you confronted him was so cute. Hopefully, you will get a new kind of embarrassed face today. You were finally going to try and get Miguel to let loose. You were going to treat Miguel and give him the best sex of his life...and yours. This was a first for you, but it has been long enough.
"Hey, Miggy!" You chirped as he entered your apartment. You embraced him with a kiss, "I made dinner, why don't you wash up first?" You offered. 
        Miguel replied with a soft grunt, wanting to hold you a bit longer. It made you happy every time since he lifted you off your feet, literally. Miguel was huge. You felt so small beside him. You knew it was cliché, but you loved making jokes about his height. Asking about the weather, letting him know that ladders don't exist for him, all the dumb things. Miguel let you since he loved how happy it made you. You hummed happily as you prepped a big portion for Miguel. He was a big boy and worked hard, he needed to eat a lot.
"Huele bien, cariño. ¿Cuál es la ocasión? (Smells good, sweetheart. What's the occasion?)" Miguel asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You shivered at his breathe against the back of your neck,
"Just wanted to treat you. You need a break," You replied, feeling his wet hair drip against your shoulder, "Sit and eat. I'll dry your hair,"
"Se supone que debo tratarte como a una princesa y no al revés. (I'm supposed to treat you like a princess, not the other way around.)" He said with a chuckle.
        You felt your heart skip a beat as he laughed. Why did he have to be so charming? Hiding your face in a fresh towel, you stole glances of your boyfriend. Miguel always treated you right, now you had to return the favor. You took a moment to stare at his broad back. Oh how his shirt defined his muscles. Wiping the drool from your mouth, you wrapped the towel around his head and proceeded to dry him off. You can have your fantasies later.
"How's the food?" 
"Delicious as always." Miguel gave his thanks.
        He looked up at you, wanting a kiss, to which you gave him. You removed the towel, watching as Miguel took his empty plate to the sink. His butt so perfect in those sweatpants. Oh, tonight was defiantly going to be for Miguel...but also for you. Watching your boyfriend return to the couch, you hopped over and landed on his lap. Your legs spread over his legs, attempting to trap him in place while you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Miguel, I'm going to treat you well tonight, okay?" You seemed hesitant now, worried for your performance. Miguel held your hips,
"Are you sure?"
You pressed your crotch against his, grinding your hips through the fabric, "I'm sure." You replied, feeling his bulge already rising. Miguel lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom,
"Sólo voy a advertirte que tengo esta pequeña cosa. (Just going to warn you, I do have this one little thing.)" He warned, towering over you on the bed.
"Nothing about you is little," You teased.
        Miguel grumbled lowly. He wanted to warn you, but it might be best for you to find out. You watched as Miguel took his clothes off, following suit. This was the first time you were going to see him naked and visa versa. Your eyes almost boggled out of your head as you saw his cock. He was covering his face with his hand. You could have sworn he was hiding a chuckle. Miguel was totally laughing at you for staring at his monster of a cock.
"Little my ass," You teased once more, approaching him.
        Miguel watched you with a gleam in his eyes. Yes, you were little compared to him. He had been itching to fucking your tiny pussy with his large cock. To hear you cry from overstimulation as he stuffed you full. There was a part of him that wanted to break you, but he loved you too much. Miguel was worried that his cock was not going to fit, that he might hurt you. He hadn't even prepped you yet. Miguel let out a soft groan as your tongue licked his shaft. Your soft lips on his tip,
"Cuidado, cariño, no te hagas daño. (Careful, baby, don't hurt yourself.) He groaned.
        You glanced up at Miguel, your tongue swirling against his tip. You were going to treat him. Miguel was too kind to you. Honestly, you had every right to be worried. His dick was larger than your biggest dildo. Just the thought of him ripping you in half was making you soak. Placing your lips against his cock again, you did a soft sucking motion. Miguel's groans were making your body tremble. Who knew he could make such noises?
        You had to balance yourself and hold onto Miguel as you sucked him. Your other hand fingering yourself. Tears were forming in the corner of your eyes as you tried to take him deeper. His dick was already hitting the back of your throat and you were only half way. You moan as Miguel placed his hand on your head, gently moving you.
"Joder, eso es correcto. Chúpame la polla con esa boquita sucia tuya. (Fuck, that's right. Suck my cock with that dirty little mouth of yours.)" He moaned lowly, sending shivers down you spine, "Mírate siendo una buena chica para mí. ¿Estás disfrutando de mi polla en esa boquita tuya? (Look at you being such a good girl for me. Are you enjoying my cock in that little mouth of yours?)"
        So this was his little issue. Miguel was such a dirty talker, but it made you even more horny. You gasped as Miguel removed you from his dick. The look in his eyes was fierce. Lust nearly consuming him as his pupils dilated. He tossed you on the bed, hovering over you. He took your lips in a rough kiss, his fingers removing yours. You whined in response, but Miguel quickly turned those into moans as he entered one finger. He took your hand in his mouth, licking your juices off your fingers.
"Hah....hah....Mig...Miguel...I'm..." You grinded your hips against his hand, feeling your orgasm arriving. Miguel smirked as he pumped his finger, curling it to draw your orgasm out,
"Impresionante, ¿mi dulce ángel tiene problemas para tomar mi dedo? Tengo que prepararte para la comida principal. Voy a estirar tu bonito coño con mi polla, cariño. (Awe, is my sweet angel having trouble taking my finger? Gotta get you prepared for the main meal. I'm going to stretch your pretty pussy with my dick, sweetheart.)"
        Those words alone made you cum. Miguel's pupils were blown as he watched you drench his hand. He chuckled as he watched your face twist with pleasure as he added another finger. Your moans getting louder as you opened your legs wider. Miguel inhaled at the sounds you were making. Your little cries, your sexy moans and of course your throbbing pussy squishing at his fingers. Oh, you were going to look so pretty taking his cock in full.
"You're doing so good, baby. Cum again for me. Doing so, so good." He whispered in your ear, curling his fingers right at that sweet spot.
        You arched your back once more, crying out his name as he drew another orgasm out of you. So much for treating him. Trying to catch your breathe since you felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest, you gasped at Miguel. He towered over you once more, cock in hand. You had to admit that you were scared, but also excited. Watching Miguel pump his cock with his own hand made you spread your legs out for him.
"Let me know if it hurts," There was your loving boyfriend poking out of his lustful state.
        You could only nod. Miguel positioned himself and started to poke his tip inside you. You gripped the bedsheets below you. He was so big. His fingers were nothing compared to his cock. Biting your lower lip, you tried your best to not cry out. Miguel wrapped his arms around you, whispering in your ear as he kept pressing himself into you. Your hips buckled, shaking as Miguel stopped for a moment. He was letting you adjust before continuing his entry.
"Eso es cierto bebe. Eres tan apretado. Sí, lo estás haciendo muy bien. Joder, te sientes tan bien acogiéndome. (That's right, baby. You're so tight. Yes, you're doing so good. Fuck, you feel so good taking me in.)" He groaned.
        You whimpered, holding onto him as he stopped. He kissed all over your face before looking down at you. You could see the sparkles in his eyes as he watched his dick almost completely engulfed by you. You felt it too. He was hitting you so deep that you were seeing stars. The pain was subsiding and all you wanted was for Miguel to start moving. Your fear had disappeared as you tried to buckle your hips. Miguel gripped your hips,
"Look at how good you're doing," Miguel grunted as he pulled out before slamming inside you.
        You nearly yelled out a moan as you felt him hit you deeper than he just was. Your breathing grew heavy as your vision started to blur. With each rough thrust, you felt Miguel getting deeper and deeper. You heard him grunt, complaining about him being almost fully inside you. How good you felt around his cock. How your tight gummy walls were just sucking him in. Everything he was saying was making you explode with pleasure.
"S-Tan cerca. Lo estás haciendo muy bien. Mira, estoy completamente dentro de ti ahora. Joder, qué bien. Envuelto alrededor de mi polla. (S-So close. You're doing so good. Look, I'm fully inside you now. Fuck, so good. Wrapped around my cock.)" Miguel babbled lowly, feeling himself about to burst.
        You whimpered another moan, cumming once more. Miguel kept asking for more, watching you break from overstimulation. He licked your tears away, enjoying your blissed out face. The cute lil 'o' you made with your mouth every time he hit your cervix made him hard. Tightening his grip against your hips, Miguel grunted once more,
"Fuck, baby. Bebe, cariño. Déjame ver cómo tu lindo y pequeño coño se llena con mi semen. (Drink up, sweeheart. Let me watch your pretty little pussy fill with my cum.)" He moaned.
        You cried out, filling Miguel fill you. The small little bulge your stomach made as he finished filling you made him grunt. As much as he wanted to stay inside you, having you wrapped around his cock, he pulled out. Another groan escaped his lips as he heard a pop from your pussy as he pulled out. His cum dripping out. Miguel picked you up, carrying you to the bathroom,
"Told you it was a small issue," You kissed the top of your head. You muffled a groan, resting your head against his shoulder,
"There is...nothing small about you," You laughed weakly. Miguel stepped into the bathroom with you between his legs, 
"Tienes razón, pero hiciste muy bien al acogerme. No puedo esperar a volver a ser tu más alto. (You're right, but you did so good taking me in. I can't wait to tower over you again.)" Miguel nibbled against your ear.
"Easy, big boy. Let me rest first, then next time...I will try and treat you."
"Haha, can't wait."
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
They find out your hands are rated E for Everyone
Just me on my Goofy Shit-
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Buggy, Mihawk and GNReader!
Support me on Ko-Fi
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Luffy had been in your families restaurant with his crew, all of them eating and enjoying themselves. As a part of the waitstaff you made your rounds- Stopping when a customer was being rather mean to one of your peers.
"Excuse me what seems to be the problem?" You ask sharply, Pulling the crying waitress behind you.
"Problem!? That stupid fucking waitress told me that you can't do the simplest thing of switch out the baked potato with shrimp!?" The man yelled angrily. Your face twitching at his screaming-
"No we don't, Plates come as is- If you got a problem with it you can leave" You say calmly, ready to just have him escorted out till he smacked you across your cheeks.
"Go Get me your Ma UGGHHH!!" You punched hum right in his fat stomach in an instant, watching him crash into the table of food 6ft away with a single blow. The whole Strawhat crew sewing this and was blown away by the force on one punch!
Luffy smiled brightly at this- You were just what he needed on his crew. Those punches he knew could be devastating and needed on a ship. Waving you over with a grin.
"You're a wonderful Fighter! Wanna be apart of my Crew?"
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Sanji had taken one hell of a liking to you- You didn't know if it was because he was a natural flirt or possibly just that you had a charm to you- But quickly it was lime two partners in crime.
As Partners in crime you two would shop together the most and pick out what the menu would be.
"We should do the Curry tonight and the seafood pasta tomorrow since we will be closed to Shrimp Bay tommorow" You argue with Sanji who laughs you off with a wave. Insisting he knew better of what to make.
As you two walked tou saw a women who looked at the two of you in disgust and sneered specifically at you. Ignoring the look you wanted to just walk past. However she intentially shouldered you rather hard and You heard it- as the Snooty women passed you by.
"(Insert Slur)"
Before you whipped around like a rocket and punched her square in the jaw sending her stumbling to the side with a past and shriek. Sanji staring in shock at this as he saw how hard that punch was-
Sanji knew then, He had to either Date you or pray you find his flirting funny cause he could not take that level of ass whooping.
"You know what- We can make that Curry like you want"
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You and Zoro have become rather friendly since you joined the crew- he had warmed up to you faster than others had mainly due to how kind you were and open.
The crew had stopped on a small island to restock supplies, you and Zoro going together to get some toiletries and to keep Zoro from getting lost again-
As you two were walking holding the supplies needed for the ship and talking, when you felt it. A quick and hard slap to your left ass cheek which almost made you drop your supplies, turning around quick you saw a women and her friends laughing as they passed by- Clearly having been the ones who had done so.
"(Y/N)? What was tha-" Zoro tried to ask before his eyes widened as you proceeded to punch the girl square in the nose- Her screaming out loudly as you wooped her ass right there in the Market for all to see. Zoro just watching with what can only be described as a amazed look on his face. When you returned he smirked.
"That was one hell of a punch"
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You and him are sitting at a bar together on a date, You two had been dating for a short time but it was amazing to say the least.
Sharing drinks and nice conversation. Flirting back and forth with each other it had been a lovely time to say the least- That was till a drunk came stumbling towards you two.
"Man what's with the tomato on your nose!! Ha!!"
"Does it glow if you touch it? Is it real? Hahaha"
He started to laugh at his own jokes as Buggy eyes darkened.
Buggy face twist up in anger at hearing this, ready to rip apart the man himself- However his train of thought is stopped as you stood up suddently and gave the hardest right hook he had seen in his life.
You proceeded to quite literally beat the drunkards face black and blue right there in the bar and drag him outside like he was trash- Your face twisted up in anger and blood splashed with blood.
His eyes sparkled at such a sight- He knew right then and there. Not only was he just a tiny bit scared of you.. But he was defiently going to marry you!
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You and Mihawk had been very well acquainted with each other for a long time. He respected you and you him-
Today was similar to all others, He had been called to this Marine Base for an unknown reason- walking together side by side you
"I still can't believe they let monsters in the Marines..." You heard a young cadet hiss to his fellow peers.
You turned sharply at hearing this looking right at the Cadet.
"Care to repeat that Cadet?" You ask sharply, the others quickly shrinking away from your gaze however the stupid cadet stood up and walked straight up towards you two.
"I said- I still can't believe they let monste-" He was cut off by the hard rear uppercut you gave him, Hearing his teeth clatter as you began to beat up the stupid Marine.
Mihawk stared with his eyebrows raised, watching you beat the dog shit out of the Marine who dared to insult him. Typically he would have cut just the ignorant man down himself however this was more amusing to him.
Once you were finished and walking back over to him he pulled out a handkerchief to clean.your hands.
"That is very impressive Darling. Come, Id hate for a mess to be on your precious form"
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eccentricwritingbaby · 6 months
thank you
charles leclerc x reader
summary - reader has been stressed from work, leading charles to give her comfort.
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letting out a deep sigh, you begin your long trek up the stairs to yours and your boyfriends shared apartment. work had been kicking your ass recently, and charles knew it - it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
you had been lightly moody, working later hours than usual, tired, quiet, and so much more. it visibly countered your usual personality of bright and bubbly, passionate about your work, and confident in your ways. 
charles held an understanding and empathetic response to your recent behavior, he too had rough relationships with work - he knew how draining it can get. and everytime he broke, you were there to pick up the pieces - you were his rock and now it was his turn to be yours.
it was the beautiful give and take that prospered in your love, when one of you could only give thirty percent in your ways, the other made up the seventy. your recent loss of effort, not for lack of trying to give your all, had made charles step up to the plate. 
your jingle of keys outside alerted charles of your entrance before your presence even appeared. once inside, charles looked up at your slumped figure leaning against the wall, struggling to remove the heels on your feet.
he slid off the couch, meeting your form at the door, and dropping down to a knee. his left hand slid up your right calf and placed the heel on his knee. his hands began to remove your shoe and once the right heel was discarded, he tapped his leg again and motioned for your other foot. you switched weight to your right and placed your left foot onto his knee as he began to gently remove the other shoe. with the heels safely placed on the ground and off your aching feet, charles brings himself back up to his full height and begins to remove your jacket and purse. with those then hung onto the rack by your door, he reaches behind you and locks up, proceeding to then grab your hand softly and lead you to the bedroom. 
you trail behind him quietly as he opens and shuts the door to your bedroom. once inside, he guides you to sit on the chair of your vanity in the room because according to yourself ‘outside clothes are not allowed on the bed’ which is heavily enforced in your home.
charles begins to disappear into the shared closet and reappears with your favorite loungewear, his tshirt and his sweatpants. once you were fully dressed, you were finally comfortable enough to break the comfortable silence between you two.
“thank you,” you whisper, looking up at your boyfriend through your lashes. he stalks over to you, pulling you closer by your waist, giving you a chaste kiss to your lips. 
“not necessary, amour,” he replies, “what do you need from me, y/n?” sincerity and concern are laced in soft tones throughout your boyfriends voice. you could tell he was yearning to help you, aching to give you comfort, hoping his actions would bring you back with light. you wanted to give it to him, wanted to feel like yourself again - but you couldn’t.
and charles understood that with one look into your eyes. “okay, amour, okay,” he replies to your non-verbal answer. 
“i’m sorry, char,” you fell into his arms fully, him quickly reacting by wrapping his own around you tightly. he presses multiple kisses to the top of your head and drops one hand to run it down your back.
“you have nothing to be sorry for, feeling like this is normal. i just ask that you take care of yourself - that’s all i want,” you reposition your head as he speaks to you in order to look up at his face, he tilts his head down and gives you a small smile, “now how about we get some food into you, huh?” he adds on with an encouraging smile.
“i’m not that hungr-”
“nuh-uh,” he cuts you off, “you’re eating,” he shakes his head as he looks down at you, still holding his smile, “now i don’t care what you eat, but you need to eat, ok?”
and for the first time that entire day, you smiled. a real genuine smile. charles felt as though his heart grew as it rapidly beat in his chest. two and a half years together and you still gave him butterflies, even after a simple smile. 
“okay, i’ll eat,” you answer, “what should we have?”
“anything you want, baby,” charles gave you a light tap and squeeze to the bum as he ushered you out of your bedroom and into the kitchen.
your mood had instantly increased since you walked through the door of your apartment. trading the bright fluorescent lighting in the office to the dim, candle and lamp-lit apartment that your boyfriend had kindly arranged. the little things that he constantly did always left you at ease. even if it were as simple as the lighting.
you both walked into the dimly lit kitchen as charles led you to sit at the stool in front of your kitchen island. walking around the counter, your doting boyfriend began to rummage through the cabinets in search of a proper meal for you both.
“love, i think we have some ramen in the top cabinet,” you offer up, “i am not going to feed you ramen after your tough day, y/n,” he gives back.
“but i like ramen,” you whine lightly. and you did. was it what you preferred after a day of only sneaking bites here and there of your breakfast bagel and stale black coffee? no. but neither of you cook perfectly, and you were not about to leave your apartment after your day. 
“fine, but just know that i protested,” he held his hands up to feign his innocence before he continued, “i like ramen too, but you deserve the good restaurant ramen after the day you had, not the packet that we don’t even dress up well,”
“then let’s dress it up!” you cheer, giving charles what he had been wanting this past week - your sparkle. it’s in your eyes, your smile, and your soul. he can feel the real you, the bright you, coming to the surface - and he would be damned if he didn’t do everything in his power to keep it there. 
“okay, cherie, get the eggs and spring onions out of the fridge for me, please,” he laughs out his request because of your lightened behavior.
you hop off the stool and head to the fridge with a skip. charles admires you as he retrieves the pots and pans for your cooking adventure. he knew you both wouldn’t be able to do the food justice, but the time together was everything he always looked forward to. low music on in the background, dim lighting and candles lit, quiet instructions being passed between the two of you, horrible dance moves being executed, butchered singing and corny jokes. it was his favorite time with you. your work, his work, fan drama, family drama - it was all forgotten. you both had entered your self care bubble and were working on gaining joy back into the commonality of life. 
after the noodles and other ingredients were simmering on the stove, you reached around charles to grab bowls and chopsticks for your dinner and his hands found home to your waist. the bowls and utensils were then set on the counter and you spun in his hold. charles bent down, reaching your lips with his own and you hummed in approval. 
when you broke for air, his forehead stayed connected to your own and you whispered once again, “thank you,”
“always, amour”
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Hi, may I make a hc request on the uppermoons + Muzan reacting to their human s/o getting her period and BAD cramps & how they would comfort her (if they’d even do it lmao😭) yk.. since blood = food, but they still love their s/o
Uppermoons + Muzan reacting to Fem!S/O with bad period cramps
content warnings: fluff, suggestive, manga spoilers, periods, mentions of blood and cramps, cuddles
word count: ~700
a/n: eeeeeeee!!!!! my first proper request! i’m so excited! i hope you don’t mind i only did the first three uppermoons + muzan for now, but i’ll come back to the others another time.
a/n 2: this is a tad bit rushed since i wrote this right before going to sleep
okay but he lowkey has no clue what’s happening
even though he’s had multiple wives in the past, he was never really there. thus, he had no clue what to do
at first he just kinda stood there like 🕴️
but then he realized he should probably do something so he asked you what you needed
“my dear, what do you require?” he’d say. “it hurts…” you whine. your period had recently started and the cramps hurt like hell. “what hurts, did someone bring harm to you? whoever did shall die where they stand!” and you momentarily panic because nobody had hurt you. “no! zannie, nobody hurt me! don’t worry! it’s just my period!” you yelped, worried for the poor soul that narrowly might’ve escaped muzan’s wrath. “your…. period?” it’s rare that muzan appears bewildered, so this is a sight. “yea… basically for about a week every month, women have their periods. basically, it’s a time where we bleed out of our vagina and unfortunately it comes with way. too. many. cramps. there’s also other things like cravings and mood swings.” you explained. you noticed muzan started to get a hungry look in his eye. he had thought he’d smelled blood, but knowing it was from you and not because you were injured, he was resisting the urge to devour it that instant. “are you currently in pain due to cramps?” he asked, ever so politely. you nodded, it hurt like nothing else. “heat usually helps…” you muttered. muzan began to approach you. he snapped, and in just seconds the strum of a biwa was heard and a warm blanket and cup of tea appeared before you. muzan then proceeded to cuddle closer to you in the bed, and before you knew it, he was drinking your menstrual blood as he held your blanket covered waist. thank goodness the tea didn’t spill.
(i sorta got carried away)
since he had a wife and kid (that he cared for) back when he was human, he knows how to handle it.
the second he smells blood he knows what’s happening and he enters your room with ice cream, mochi, tea, etc. and a pack that has been heated by the sun
he can control himself around your blood, especially because i believe the thought of drinking your blood would disgust him
“koku….” you said weakly as you watched him walk in the room. “my dear…” all six of his eyes softened when he laid eyes on you. “how’d you know?” you asked. “i’m a demon and your lover,  i could sense it.” he rested the heated pack on your crotch and gave you the sweets before he cuddled close. soon enough the cramps faded as your eyes dropped and you fell asleep in kokushibo’s arms.
(omg that was so short compared to muzan’s i’m sorry)
knows about periods. this is a fact.
drinks your blood. another fact.
nothing else to say except this:
dōma walked in seeing you curled up in a ball on your bed. he chuckled and said in his will-bending voice: “you poor little thing, you’re on your period aren’t you darling?” and you just laid there in pain and whimpered a ‘yes’. he walked closer to you, before putting a comforting hand to your cheek. “well, baby, did you know that stimulation can help with cramps?” he worded a question, though your answer wouldn’t change his imminent actions. “s-stimulation?” you looked up at him.  “oh, baby, you know what I mean…”
another guy who knows what it is
so respectful and he doesn’t eat women so obviously he doesn’t drink your blood
he just lets you curl up into him as he rubs your tummy 🥹
i’m sorry but akaza got me like 🧎‍♀️
“kaza…” you whimpered as best you could. “‘t hurts” you whined. your boyfriend stepped into the room. wordlessly, he approached you and got under the blankets. the first word he spoke occurred once he latched on as the big spoon with his big hands rubbing your stomach gently. “baby… don’t worry… i’ll always keep you from pain…” you leaned into his touch and stayed like that for the rest of the evening.
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borathae · 7 months
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↳ Index [Snippet #47 - Quiet]
"When you and Jungkook have to be quiet because you are at his parents' house."
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: toothrotting fluff, so much domestic loveliness, they're so married y'all, they're so annoying <3, sharing of his small childhood bed, a very mild fight about how little space they have (it's more marital bickering), naked cuddling, Koo gets horny from it, switch!Kook, switch!reader, he is so hot besties, like he such a safe Dom omfg, also a total cutie once he gets subby, good girl kink, good boy kink, having to stay quiet, making out, needy touches, nipple & breast sucking, nipple play, finger sucking, gentle choking (m.receiving), Koo has sensitive nipples, hair pulling, oral (f.receiving), pussy fingering, tiny spit kink, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), he treats her so well after making her cum with his mouth, the smallest strength kink, cowgirl position where he is sitting, loving dirty talk, he cries cause he loves her so much!, he keeps that he loves her as she rides him <3, creampies, some cute lil mess ups during sex <3, sweet aftercare, this is so wholesome and hot and cute, they're in love :(
Wordcount: 9.2k
a/n: this is inspired by anonie's idea 🧡 i'm so fucking obsessed with this couple and most importantly, with this Kook. you guys have no idea how much FUN i always have when i write for them :8 he is such a cutie and i need my future husband to be like him istfg have fun besties ily 🧡
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You and Jungkook normally book a hotel room close by when you visit his parents. It is easier and more comfortable that way. However, this time around, the visit was quite spontaneous and your go-to-hotel was fully booked. 
“No worries, you can stay with us”, his father assured you on the phone before calling over his wife to talk as well.
“Just tell us what you’ll eat for breakfast and I’ll pop right down to the store to get it”, she instantly said and then proceeded to ask if you and Jungkook were eating enough (you assured her that you were).
And so you agreed. Just a little shy about it, you agreed.
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Jungkook’s childhood home was small yet homely. It was located at the border of where country life meets suburban life. A grocery store, drugstore and hardware store were close by, as well as the hotel you always stay at. The roads were well taken care of, but were never busy enough to be of annoyance volume-wise. The neighbours were also very nice and welcoming. The house had a good garden surrounding it and a shed his father uses as his man cave where he always works on his cars and bikes. There was only one floor and Jungkook’s bedroom was closest to the bathroom and office. His parents’ bedroom was on the opposite side of the hallway two doors down. 
They welcomed you with loud voices and happy smiles, taking their son into their arms as tightly as they could. 
They weren’t good parents when he was young, but you can see that they are really trying these days. You like that. He might not have had parents in his childhood, but at least in his adulthood he can.
They even sat down with him and apologised, which not many parents ever do. You know that it meant the world to Jungkook even if he always pretended that he didn't need his parents. Deep down, everyone needs their parents. So to know that your Jungkookie could hear the apology he needed and witness their growth really means the world to you. He deserves it, your love.
Like always, his mother drags you inside for food after hugging you as well. She chats and babbles excitedly, holding you and Jungkook by your arms. She is walking with a skip in her steps, looking oh so happy to have you with them. His father follows with the suitcases.
You left Bam with your parents for the weekend because the drive would have been too long for him. He will be happy and well taken care of, so you don’t worry too much. 
Not that this stops his parents from asking for all the updates and pictures. For the majority of dinner, you have to tell them everything about Bam with pictures included of course. It meant a lot to you because Bam feels like your baby to you. 
One thing you really like about his parents (and yours) is how they never pressured you to have children. They asked of course and tried to change your minds a few times, but when they finally realised that you and Jungkook truly don’t want to have children, they accepted it without any sort of retaliation. These days, they treat Bam like their grandson, cooing about your little fur baby as if it was your real son. 
The hours after dinner are spent taking walks in the nearby forest and exchanging life stories and laughter. After the walk, Jungkook’s dad kidnaps him to the shed so they could tinker on bikes together, while his mother asks if you wanted to knit. You agreed and so you sat on the back porch in your rocking chairs as you each knitted something for your husbands. 
The sun has already set when Jungkook and his dad join you as well. 
“What are you making?” Jungkook asks, caressing the crown of your head.
“I don’t know. I tried making a bunny, but it looks like roadkill. It’s supposed to be for you, but it’s ugly. Sorry.”
Jungkook laughs, leaning down to peck your cheek.
“It’s not ugly. It’s unique. Thank you, my love”, he says and looks at his mom, “what are you making, eomma?” 
“Just a scarf for appa. He is always cold in winter.” 
“I am. It’s because winter is cold.” 
She laughs. He grins. 
He looks a little like Jungkook when he grins like that. It kind of makes sense that Jungkook is always trying to make you laugh. He must have learned from his father, because that man constantly tries to crack jokes to get his wife to laugh. It works most of the times. 
“Oh jagi, you are too silly”, she says and stands up, “is it time for the bath already?” 
“It is. Do you want wine?” 
“Yes, that would be wonderful.”
They are conversing as they leave for inside. Apparently his parents share baths most nights. 
Jungkook sits down on his mother’s rocking chair, running his eyes over the view. 
“Did you have a good time with your dad?”
“Yeah. I did.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“Did you have a good time with eomma too?” 
Jungkook grew up bilingual. So he told you very early in your relationship and that he is fluent in both languages, just as his parents are. When Jungkook is alone with his parents, he speaks Korean with them. When you are with them as well, they switch into your shared language so you wouldn’t feel left out. Small phrases and words still transcend languages however. You think that it is wonderful. 
“I did have fun yeah. Except for my roadkill bunny.”
Jungkook laughs, “it doesn’t even look that bad. I don’t know what you’re on about.” 
“Yeah, I guess. I don’t know, knitting’s hard.” 
“Yeah, I never figured it out. Stuff’s too complicated”, Jungkook says and sighs deeply, sinking deeper into the chair, “yeah, that’s the good life. Crickets, a chilly night, the smell of hay and my beautiful wifey by my side.” 
“You’re so sweet.” 
“Mhm”, he hums, “wanna have a beer?” 
“No thank you. I’m not in the mood for alcohol.”
“Okay, yeah I’m not taking one either then.”
“You can if you want to. I’m not stopping you.”
“No, no I’m good. I only would have taken one if you did. But it’s good, I’ve got everything I need right now”, he says and stretches his legs out.
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You and Jungkook stay outside until it is time to say goodnight. His parents are in their bedroom watching telly when you and Jungkook officially go back inside.
Jungkook knocks on their doorframe. 
They look at him and you standing in the door.
“We’re gonna go to sleep now. Good night, eomma and appa”, Jungkook says.
“Good night, my son”, his father says.
“Sleep tight, my boy”, his mother says, “and you too, my daughter.”
“Thank you, sleep tight eomma and appa”, you say to which his father tells you to have a good night.
“I’m closing your door already, yeah?” Jungkook says.
“Thank you.”
The door closes with a soft click. Jungkook looks at you and smiles, placing his arm around your waist so he can pull you in for a temple kiss. 
“It means a lot that you call them like this.”
“You’re sweet, my love”, you say and lean into him.
“I’m serious. I don’t have a lot of connection to my parents’ heritage, but it’s the little stuff like calling them eomma and appa or sharing traditional food which means a lot to me. I feel really loved by you when you participate as well.”
You smile, stealing a kiss.
“I love you, you know?” 
“I love you too”, Jungkook says and kisses your cheek, “also, I’m calling dips on the bathroom. Bye”, he says quickly and runs off. 
“Hey, not cool. I wasn’t ready”, you call after him, but he merely snickers and disappears in the bathroom. 
You wait in the living room for him to finish, watching some random show on the telly. It’s a stupid show, but still entertaining. You even find yourself snickering at some parts. 
“Sweetie, the bathroom’s free now”, Jungkook announces himself once he finished his night routine. He is currently walking to the water dispenser on the kitchen counter for a glass of water. 
“Nice. Finally”, you say, turning off the show to hurry to the bathroom as well.
He left the door closed so you would have it toasty. He really loves you, doesn’t he? He hates leaving the door closed because of potential mould, but for you he did. You would marry this man again and again if it was legally possible.
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He isn’t in the living room once you finish your night routine and his closed bedroom door lets you know that he is already cozied up there.
After getting yourself a glass of water as well, you go to the bedroom.
You close the door and lock it. Jungkook is looking at you over the brim of his glasses, cocking his brow up in question.
“I feel better like this. At least we have a little bit of privacy this way”, you explain. 
He nods in acknowledgement and looks back into his phone. 
You love how the bedside lamp illuminates his features. He is such a beautiful person. 
“You’re so handsome, my sweetheart”, you tell him, watching in delight as his face lights up.
“Thanks yeah”, he murmurs, wiggling his feet under the blanket. 
Now feeling good, you make your way to his childhood bed. This weekend is going to be very interesting. Because it is a bed once meant to house a small preteen Jungkook, it is sized accordingly. It is going to be very interesting to share it now that you were both grown adults. You can already feel all his sleep flinching and your sleep twitches annoying the shit out of the other. 
You climb over Jungkook. He lifts his arms and watches you with confusion as you scramble over his lap. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I want the wall side”, you say and grunt as you try to wiggle yourself into the small gap.
Jungkook scoots over a little. Groggily if one may add that little fact.
“Yeah sure, so you can kick me out of bed in your sleep”, he complains.
“I’m not gonna kick you out. I’m a plank once I sleep, you know that.” 
“No you’re not. You twitch and kick your feet.”
“Only sometimes.”
“Still. Hey, stop that. You already have enough space. I only have a third left now. That’s unfair.” 
“Lies. We’re equal”, you throw back and flip to your side so you are facing him. Your back is squished against the wall. It feels cold even through your pyjamas. You don’t mind because his room is very hot and his blanket very thick. 
“Tch, whatever”, Jungkook murmurs and looks back into his phone. He looks a little annoyed, but won’t act on it. 
But because you were feeling like a little shit, you want to annoy him more. You poke your finger into his side.
He writhes away, pressing out a quiet “stop that.”
You do it again.
“Stop”, he whines loudly.
One last time.
Jungkook drops the phone in the blanket and looks at you.
“Stop it”, his voice is raised in pitch, his lips pouty, “it hurts, don’t do that.”
“It hurts, really?” you snicker.
“Yeah, it’s uncomfy”, he mumbles, rubbing the spot you poked.
One more time. 
“Stop it”, he grabs your wrist gently, “why are you being so annoying? Stop it.” 
You break into giggles, gazing up at him.
“No, don’t laugh. You’re not funny right now.”
“Gosh, I’m sorry. You looked pokeable.”
“I’m gonna poke you if you do it again”, he murmurs and picks up his phone. 
You touch his waist.
“___”, he whines, sagging his shoulders in defeat.
“I wasn’t tryna to do something. I just wanted to caress you”, you whine as well and rub his side softly, “like this.” 
“Yeah good. Don’t do the other thing again”, he says and relaxes. 
You won’t do it again. Being an annoying little shit is only this fun before it turns into being a bad spouse. You don’t want him to lose trust in you or feel uncomfortable. So you keep rubbing his side as he scrolls on his phone. Soon, you also incorporate his stomach, drawing little circles with your palm and fingertips. 
“What are you looking at?” you ask him. 
Jungkook flips the phone so you could see it.
“Just funny videos. That one’s not funny, but look at that”, he switches to his likes and shows you a video of two cats fighting. There are speech bubbles appearing on screen as if the cats were talking to each other. They contain silly and funny one liners which are exactly Jungkook’s humour.
He is snickering and laughing as he shows you the video, pointing out the funniest parts by going “and now look at this” before following it up with a laugh. 
You have to laugh right with him. Soon you find yourself resting your head on his chest with his arm around you and his fingers scratching your scalp mindlessly as you both look into his phone to watch funny videos. He shows you his likes and together you snicker, laugh at silly stuff or gush over talented people. 
You share quality time like this until you both are starting to get sleepy. 
“I think I’m gonna pass out now”, you tell him, kissing his chest, “sleep tight, baby.”
“I’m gonna pass out too. The drive really fucked with me”, Jungkook says and places his phone and glasses on the bedside table. He turns off the lamp, then rolls to his side so he could spoon you. 
You snuggle back into him, intertwining hands with him. 
“It was really exhausting”, you agree, “this is nice by the way. Really snuggly.”
“Mhm yeah, so snuggly”, Jungkook agrees. 
This is however, when the interesting part starts to happen. The cuddling is so nice and romantic at first. To be so close and cuddle is wonderful, but then your bodies begin heating up to uncomfortable levels and you can’t do your routine of breaking apart for sleep and the cuddling becomes one annoying thing. Bickering begins. You tell him to move back, while he insists that you could scoot closer to the wall. Jungkook is annoyed about his ass feeling the edge of the mattress and you are annoyed about his hot body boiling yours. Your knees are also hurting in the current position and you can’t move them because there is no space. 
“I wanna move. Can you scoot back?” you ask him. 
“I can’t, my love. I told you already. I’m literally hanging off the edge already”, Jungkook answers you with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Let’s just-”, you wiggle until Jungkook has no choice but to scoot back, “do that. That’s better.” 
“No it’s not. I have no space on here”, Jungkook says and scoots closer. His nose is all up in the nape of your neck this way. He is burning you alive. He is so hot, it’s insane. 
“God Kook, you’re literally breathing into my fucking spine. Can you not?” you hiss just a little snappishly.
“Excuse me? I need to breathe. You’re all in my face with your stupid pyjama collar. What should I say?” he throws back and flips it with his fingers 
“Hey, don’t touch it.” 
“Oh my god, I’m not even doing anything”, he says and moves just a little which ends in you accidentally knocking into the wall.
“Kook, stop that.”
“What did I do now?”
“You kicked me into the wall.”
“You wanted the wall side. I’m literally just moving, oh my god, I didn’t kick you.”
“Yeah you did. You went like this.”
“Hey, don’t kick me”, he says and pokes your side.
“Hey! Stop that”, you flip onto your side instantly, facing him this way.
Your breaths intermingle. Your noses brush against the other, ripping both of you back to reality enough that you just kind of freeze. The silence exists while you and Jungkook stare at where the other is hidden in darkness. 
Suddenly you feel his sigh on your face.
“What are we doing? Why are we fighting?” he asks in a soft spoken voice. 
“I don’t know”, you speak softly as well, “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. Let’s not fight anymore.”
“Yeah, let’s not fight”, you say and touch his chest, “sorry again.”
“Sorry too.” 
“I think I’m so irritated because it’s so hot, I’m literally dying.”
“Same. Fuck, the blanket’s grilling me and my clothes are the devil”, he says and sits up to undress.
“Are you getting naked?” 
“Yeah, I can’t do clothes. Seriously.”
“Actually, that’s a good idea. I’m stealing it”, you say and sit up to get naked as well. 
You and he throw your clothes onto the floor, getting under the blanket again once naked.
“I’m keeping my ass out tough”, Jungkook says 
“Really? Aren’t you scared that something’s gonna poke your hole?”
“Why would something poke my hole randomly?” he is snickering.
“I don’t know. You never know, sleep paralysis demons maybe.”
“I’m sure the demon is hot, so they can poke my hole if they want to.”
You slap his chest softly. 
“That’s not funny.”
“Why not?” he is snickering.
“Cause I don’t want you fucking demons.”
“Not even if you could watch? Imagine waking up to me getting railed by a sexy, hot demon.”
“You’re not funny”, you murmur and huff out air.
“Are you jealous?” 
“Aww sweetie, don’t be. It’s just my sleep paralysis demon.”
“God, I regret this stupid joke. Whatever, good night I guess”, you say and turn your back to him.
Jungkook touches your waist instantly, whispering your name.
“Don’t be jealous. You’re the only one I want poking my hole.” 
You snort. He chuckles.
“Yeah good, whatever I guess.”
Jungkook trails soft kisses up your spine until he can kiss your shoulder. His arm is over your waist again.
“You know that you’re the only one, don’t you?” he whispers.
“Yeah, I do. Still, thank you for saying that”, you say. 
Now reassured that you aren’t feeling insecure anymore, Jungkook relaxes into the pillow. His chest is pressed into your back, your butt is snug with his crotch. 
“Can you feel my dick like this?”
“I can yeah.”
“Okay, good to know.”
You chuckle, “you’re a goof.” 
Silence overcomes you and him afterwards. Sharing the small bed doesn’t feel awful anymore. Truly, getting naked took a lot of that heat away. Quite frankly, now you are glad that he is keeping you warm because the room finally feels chilly. 
You could fall asleep like this and you probably would have if Jungkook hadn’t called your attention again.
“Are you still awake?” 
“Yeah, I guess. It’s only been a few.”
“Right yeah. Hey uhm”, he dances his hand over your waist and hip. You know exactly what this touch means, “I’m a little horny.”
“I know, your touch says enough.”
He kneads your thigh.
“Yeah well, you’re naked and soft, so yeah.”
“And we’re in the smallest bed ever.”
“I’ll be careful.”
“Quiet too?” 
Jungkook doesn’t have an answer instantly and so you flip to your other side so you were facing him. You run your fingers up and down his pecs, drawing circles around his pierced nipples.
He shivers and shudders like crazy, sighing the softest moan.
“Mhm? Are you gonna manage to be quiet?” you stress.
“Why shouldn’t I?”
“Because I know you. You’re a whiny baby when my wet, soft pussy fucks your cock just right.”
“___, jesus fuck”, he gets out and squirms, pressing his legs together, “don’t say that, I’m gonna leak on the sheets.”
You chuckle, “I’m just stating the obvious. You’re not gonna be able to be quiet. Sorry Kookie, but because of this I can’t give you what you want.”
You flip to your other side, grinning to yourself when Jungkook grabs your hip desperately. 
“___ baby…please”, he begs in a breathy voice and his thumb drawing swirls on your skin.   
If you were being honest, you had been feeling a little horny yourself before Jungkook confessed. You are very down to mingle, but getting him to beg some more is way too much fun not to do it. He is so delicious when he is desperate. 
“Sorry, the risk is too high.”
Jungkook lets out a dramatic little sob, following it up with a whiney “pleaseee” and his cheek rubbing against your shoulder. He is such a cutie. 
“You can’t sway me. My decision is final”, you coo, grinning to yourself. 
“Please, baby. I’ll be so, so quiet”, he pleads and begins kissing your neck. 
It tingles, sending electricity to your core. You press into him, parting your lips in a silent gasp. 
“Please baby, please I’ll be quiet”, Jungkook begs between kisses, upping the game by cradling your right breast in his strong hand. He kneads and massages it gently, rubbing his thumb over your nipple every chance he gets. 
“Behave, Kook”, you sigh. 
Jungkook purrs quietly, flicking his tongue over the piercings on your ear. He makes sure that it brushes your skin as well so you could feel the tongue he could put to good use. 
“Please? I’ve been such a good boy today.”
A fond smile curls your lips.
“Have you?” 
“Yeah, so good. Such a good boy. I filled up the gas for you when you went to pee, remember?” 
“Mhm, I do remember.”
“And I let you squeeze my butt at the red light.” 
“You did let me, yeah.”
“I was a good boy, please”, he begs and gives your nipple an especially good massage, “please can I have a reward, please?” 
“Fine, fuck you’re too good”, you give up because you can’t deny him when he is hitting you with The Good Boy. He is too powerful and the goodest boy. You couldn’t possibly deny him.
“Thank you, god I’m gonna fuck you so good”, Jungkook says and rolls you to your back as best as the small bed allows. 
His tits are pressing into your arm like this. Fuck, they are so huge. All this working out he is doing really pays off because his tits are gorgeous. 
Jungkook pecks your lips before paying attention to your jawline instead. He runs his tattooed hand all over your torso and legs, reminding your skin why his touch will always be the best. 
You enjoy the attention with closed eyes and your fingers feeling up his tits as best as possible. So squishy and soft when relaxed, but so hard and strong when flexed. Fuck, he could smother you with them and you would thank him. 
“You really want this, don’t you? I’m not forcing you?” he makes sure in a whisper and his gentle fingers caressing your waist.
“Yes Kook, I want this. Just wanted to make you work for it.”
“Wah baby, so mean” he gasps.
You snicker.
“No, don’t laugh. Do you have any idea how awful blue balls are? I was fighting for my life and you were just being a tease? Wah so mean.”
You giggle, hooking your fingers behind his neck.
“I wasn’t being mean.”
“Yeah, you were. God, come here you”, he says and begins nibbling on your jawline, “I’ll eat you up, you tease.” 
You laugh and squeak, scrunching your face in happiness. It tickles, but in a good way. A tingly way. 
Jungkook hums, smiling against your skin. He loves hearing you laugh. 
“Such a tease. My baby’s such a fucking tease”, he purrs, moving his lips to the most sensitive part of your neck while his tattooed, strong hand feels up your waist and hips. 
You sigh, melting in his hands. You are still hot, but it feels nice. He is getting you all heated up and bothered. You love being like this because of him, breathing heavier because it is so exciting. 
“Mhm? You’re a fucking tease. Making me beg and driving me crazy that way. Fuck”, he moans softly, squeezing your thigh. He slides his hand to your inner thigh afterwards, sending electricity through your veins. 
You open your legs further, feeling heat pool where you need him most. 
“I’m gonna eat you up”, he rasps and takes your earlobe between his teeth to tug on it gently.
“Kook, fuck”, you get out breathily, arching your back. 
“And out”, he whispers, “get it? Gonna eat you up and out.”
“That’s not funny”, you whine, but laugh.
“Yeah it is, you’re laughing”, he snickers.
“Cause you’re silly, you goof.”
He smiles and kisses your cheek, pressing himself closer until his semi hard cock rubs against the side of your leg. He humps it slowly, feeling up your inner thighs with more vigor. 
“I need you so bad, babygirl. I need you so fucking bad.” 
“Take me. Please”, you beg in a sigh, feeling excitement leak out of you. You are aching. You need him to act soon or else you are going to be the one not staying quiet. 
Jungkook presses a kiss to your cheek and whispers a needy curse, before finally breaking away from you to disappear under the blanket.
You feel him grab your hips and fix your position, opening your legs willingly. His head is hidden under the blanket, his strong hands hold your hips. His lips kiss down your inner thighs.
“My babygirl, my fucking queen, my everything”, he whispers and finally, fucking finally, you feel his wet, hot tongue against your pussy.
“Kook”, you get out at a normal volume before you remember where you are, “shit, sorry.” 
“Ssh quiet, baby”, he is teasing, smiling against you, “you gotta be quiet.”
“Fuck…” you croak and throw your arm over your eyes, “ah, fuck. God, Kook.”
Jungkook chuckles, burying his mouth back in your pussy again to lap up the sweetness you offer him gladly. He purrs and hums, making it even harder for you to stay quiet. 
But this is his plan. You want to tease him for being loud? You dare to call him a whiny baby? He is going to show you how easily he can make you struggle with your volume. The only whiney baby is going to be you and he is going to fucking make you shake on his tongue. 
“You’ve got the best pussy”, he says and slurps deliciously, “the fucking best. You’re so sweet, so fucking sweet”, he adds between his hungry slurping. He rests two of his fingers against your pussy, wetting them with eager licks as he worships your clit. Once his digits are wet and slickened, he pushes them inside, forcing shakes through your legs. 
“Hmhmn”, you let out, trying so so hard to keep your mouth shut. It’s difficult. His fingers are your ruin.
He has the longest fingers ever. You always forget how long they are until you have them inside you to his knuckles with your body feeling as if it is being consumed by electric flames. 
“Kook”, you croak, arching your back as your fingers close around a bundle of his hair. 
Jungkook purrs against you, flicking his tongue over your clit messily while his long digits fuck your puffy hole. Your walls are throbbing around him, your g-spot is swelling more and more. Jungkook fucks it out of hiding with how good he fingers your pretty pussy. Good. That’s what he wants. He needs you blissed out.
“Like it? You’re shaking”, he lulls against your clit, licking her eagerly afterwards.
“Like it”, you mewl, wiggling on the sheets before deciding to arch your back again.
“Mhhhm baby”, he lets you really feel his purr, taking your clit between his lips to give her a good, long suck. And as he sucks on your bundle of nerves, he drags his slickened tongue over it in languid, long strokes. He is making the slowest love to your clit, while his long fingers fuck your pussy as if anger motivated them. 
The contrast is sending you into a frenzy. Out of all the places he could pick to give you the hottest head ever, he chooses his childhood bed. Where you can’t be loud, where you can’t chant his name and where the biggest torture is how you have to hold back. He is driving you fucking mad. 
You mewl and keen, sounding so obviously pained by how quiet you have to be. 
Jungkook breaks away from your clit with a nasty slurp, reappearing from the blanket as he sits up just a little. He has a plan and he needs to sit for it. He turns his hand palm-way up and begins drilling his digits into you quickly, keeping his fingers curled so they would stroke your sensitive spot every single fucking pump. 
“Koo-” you throw your hand over your mouth, whimpering into it loudly as your legs shake out of control.
Your pussy sounds so wet. The fuck is so rough in the best way. 
“That’s good, isn’t it?” he taunts, staring into the darkness with blown out pupils. He can feel you shake and squirm. He just knows you are covering your own mouth. 
“Mhh mhmh ngmh.” 
“Yeah it’s good. Keep staying quiet, baby”, he teases and spits on your pussy. He slips his other hand to it so he could rub your clit with his spit as sinful lube. Quick and skilled. The shakes course through your entire body, he has you fucking burning up.
“Mhm! Ahmgm!” you scream with a closed mouth, arching off the mattress so aggressively his entire bed croaks in protest. 
You drop in embarrassment, dragging your hand from your mouth.
“Please stop”, you beg squeakily, grasping his wrist to try and stop him. You can’t, destined to tremble uncontrollably as he ruins you with just his fingers.
“No, too hard…stay…quiet pl-please.”
“Who’s the whiny baby now, mhm?” 
Your mind scrambles, your legs shake. Fuck, you’re leaking like a fucking faucet on his fingers. He is so mean. It’s getting you off so well. 
“You’re so mean”, you mewl and throw your hand over your mouth again to muffle your needy moans. 
“The fucking meanest”, Jungkook hisses and lowers his head to your pussy to lick your clit as quickly as his skilled tongue can go. He keeps you spread apart with his fingers so he can reach the best parts. All while he still drills your pussy as if she had a debt to pay. 
You grab his hair and twist. Jungkook growls from the tug, furrowing his brows. 
“Koo-” is all you get out and then you have to press your hand to your mouth. No more arm over your eyes, you need to silence yourself because Jungkook is making you climax as if you never climaxed before and you could fucking scream.
Jungkook moans into your pussy, keeping his fingers deep inside and moving as you cum all over his pretty face. He had a feeling that your hair grab meant he is making you lose control. Now that it’s his sweet reality, he is hellbent on making it the best fucking experience of your life. That most difficult one as well because he knows for a fact that you want to scream his name, but can’t. 
He is so painfully hard because of it. His pretty, perfect wife mewling so painfully tortured just because she can’t scream his name. Jungkook wants to change your life with this orgasm. Holy fuck, he is so into you.
“Stop please”, you soon beg, tugging at his hair in a way that lets him know you’ve had enough. 
Jungkook breaks away from your well fucked pussy, kissing his way up your torso. He makes sure to worship every inch of it, using his hands to give you soothing touches. That he spreads your mess this way, neither of you care about. 
He finds his home between your legs naturally. The leaky tip of his hard cock rubs over your pussy and lower tummy, but isn’t of importance for now. 
Jungkook lingers on your chest a little longer, massaging and kissing your breasts with soft moans at the back of his throat. He sucks and licks your nipples, while between your legs his cock is twitching oh so needily against your tummy.
Jungkook only moves on to worshiping your neck once your nipples are pulsating in sensitivity. 
“My good girl”, he whispers, following it up with kisses on each side of your neck. Even your throat he worships, going especially gentle because he knows it’s a vulnerable spot for you. 
“Koo”, you sigh, following it up with an exhausted huff of air. 
He kisses his way up to your face, adoring every inch of it while his fingers run along your hairline and ears. 
“My good, pretty girl”, he whispers sweetly, “how was that, babygirl?”
“Good”, you lull, melting in his safe hands.
“That’s good to hear”, he kisses your heated cheek.
“You were mean.”
He smiles against you, “I was?”
You nod your head, “I wanted to be quiet but you acted like that.”
Jungkook chuckles and kisses your lips mid-smile. He tugs on your lower lip gently, still smiling like a lovedrunk puppy. 
“I didn’t even do anything.”
“Yeah, you did. You acted like that on purpose.”
“Mhm”, another slow, obsessed kiss followed with a suck on your lower lip, “had a point to prove.” 
“Koo, you’re mean.”
“Mhm yeah”, he agrees and tongue kisses you slowly as his fingers caress your temples. He breaks the kiss with his tongue tracing your lips, “I love your pussy so much. You got me obsessed, babygirl.”
“Mhm Koo…” you mewl and squirm under him happily. 
Jungkook’s whispered curse swirls against your lips. You know its origin without needing to ask. His cock is so hard, rubbing against your stomach and your squirming made him aware of how unfucked he still is. 
“Do you want me to return the favour?” 
His cock twitches, his fingers close a little around your face.
“You wanna suck my cock?” his voice trembled as he asked, his lips nib on yours hungrily afterwards. 
“Suck your cock, lick your balls, eat your ass. You name it.”
He smiles against your lips, letting out a raspy chuckle.
“You’re gonna fucking kill me with your words one day. Fuck”, he bites your lower lip gently, “I’m fucking crazy for you. Can I just stick it in? Please?”
“Yeah, stick it in.” 
“I love you, thank you”, he says and reaches over to turn on the light.
You groan in the sudden brightness, squinting your eyes at him. His face is flushed, his pupils dilated, his dark hair messy. You feel yourself falling for him again and again.
“Is that okay for you? Wanna see my beautiful woman when I fuck her.”
“Aww Kook, you’re so sweet. Course it’s okay. Com’ere you.” 
“Okay wait, gotta go slow. The space is small”, Jungkook says and begins his grande adventure of fixing himself atop of you.
He manages after a few bumps against the wall with his elbows.
“Okay, okay I got it. Got it”, he says and places his hands on the pillow above your head. 
He meets your eyes and grins. You retort it.
You nod your head, running your hands down his torso so you could push his cock inside.
“Want you like crazy, babyboy”, you rasp.
“Babyboy?” he is stifling a laugh, tingling like crazy because you are dragging his tip through your wet folds. It feels crazy good. 
“Mh-hm, babyboy. Fits you ‘cause you’re cute.”
“I’m not cute.”
“Right. You’re so cool”, you are teasing him, stealing him of his whiney complaint by sinking his cock into you.
“Holy fuck, ___”, he drops his face into the crook of your neck and groans. Thankfully his lips are pressed to your skin because otherwise his noise would have echoed through the entire house. 
You grab his buttocks, moving his hips this way.
“Fuck, baby”, he moans, slamming his hand onto the headboard just to drag it down in desperation. Another loud groan tickles your neck, his fingers close around the crown of your head. His arms tense.
“Quiet baby, you’re being too loud”, you coo. 
“Quiet, yeah, quiet. Ah fuck, gotta be quiet urgh mhhmhm.” 
“That’s it. Gotta be quiet”, you sigh and do the unthinkable crime of sliding your fingers between his buttocks just to rub his hole. 
“Fu-”, Jungkook stops himself, sucking on your neck instead. He whimpers cutely as he does it, gripping the edge of the pillow. 
“See? Told you, someone gonna poke your hole tonight “
“Fuck, shut up just- why are you so calm? A-ah you have me ahm, ah, fucking ah oh god, can’t talk. Oh god”, he stutters and retorts to whimpering softly and panting for air. 
“You’re cute”, you snicker and sigh just for his hearing pleasure, “such a good boy too. Such a good boy” 
“Fuck, baby…”
He begins chasing you, speeding up because you’ve got him desperate. He thrusts into you harshly.
“Ah, ouchies my head.”
You open your eyes.
“What happened?” you gasp, sliding your hands to his hips.
“I banged my head on this stupid headboard”, he sits back on his heels and hits the headboard softly. He pouts, rubbing his aching head. He slipped out like this, but neither of you mind as his aching head is more important right now. 
“Oh god, are you okay?” you laugh, sitting up to cup his head and rub the spot he hit.
“No, I’m not. Hurts”, he mumbles, “stupid shit, ruined the entire flow. I was picking up such a good rhythm too. Stupid.”
“God, come here you”, you say and tilt his head so you could press a kiss to the sore spot, “did that help?” 
“Yeah, thanks”, he says with a little pout still present. 
You trace it with your thumb, gazing at him.
“I’ve got an idea. Switch with me real quick.”
“Trust me.” 
“I am. Okay fine, teamwork come on.”
You and he make it work. How it happened is a mystery of the universe, but you managed.
“And now?” he asks, sitting where you once sat.
“Now, lean back and relax”, you say and push at his strong chest until his back collides with the headboard.
You climb his lap and sink down on him. 
“Baby, oh god”, he croaks, looking up at you with droopy eyes. He places his hands on your hips, giving them a needy squeeze.
“There we go. Right where you’re supposed to be.”
You begin moving instantly, bouncing up and down on his cock with a swirl in your hips. Jungkook parts his lips in a silent moan, arching his back. You know that if you were in the privacy of your own home, he would be noisy as fuck right now. But the only thing noisy is your wet pussy getting stuffed with his perfect cock and his childhood bed croaking from the movement. 
“How’s that baby?” you ask him, feeling out of breath because it feels so good to ride him. His groin keeps grinding against your clit, his cock hits all the best spots.
“Fucking heaven…ah, god ah, baby don’t stop”, he sighs, parting his lips to let small moans escape. 
“It’s safer too. Can’t have my man bang his head again”, you say as you ruffle his hair with both hands.
He grins goofily, letting his head sort of droop as you completely turn him into puddy under you. 
You giggle and cradle his head against your chest, closing your eyes. He hugs you back, throbbing deep inside you. 
“You feel so good, oh god”, Jungkook moans into you, grasping you tightly.
“You too, my love…so good…you’ve got the best cock. Fucking love it so much.”
“Holy shit, please don’t stop. It’s so intense, ah god.”
“So good, baby. So good.” 
“I love you so much, oh god. Love you, lo-love you s-so much.”
“I love you too, Kookie.”
“I love you, ah ___, I love…love you.” 
“I love you too, baby. So much.” 
Jungkook is a romantic. It has always been that way and will always stay this way. He is a total, soft and proud romantic. You notice it in day to day life in the little things he does or says. And then, when the sex hits the right spot on his heart, it practically bursts out of him. It isn’t rare that your husband ends up chanting the breathiest, neediest confessions of love when you and he are connecting. Tonight seems to hit the right spot for him. He just can’t stop saying it. It spills out of him with each movement, filling your heart with so much love for him.
You hug him closer, slowing down your bounces until you are only rocking back and forth on him. 
Jungkook whimpers into your chest, lifting his head just so he can nuzzle into your neck. 
“I love you so much”, he breathes out, shuddering uncontrollably. 
“I love you too, baby.” 
“Oh god, this feels so good.” 
“Yeah, feels amazing”, you sigh, playing with his soft hair. 
You understand why it is getting to him. You are so close. Your chests are melted together, you can feel the other’s racing pulse, your skins share one warmth and your noses are filled with the other’s scent. You are so close and connected, feeling even more intertwined through the deep, slow movements of your hips.
Jungkook slides his hands under your buttocks and lifts you just enough that he can sit cross legged and deepen the connection even further. He hits his knee on the wall as he tries to change it, mumbling a low “ouch” into your shoulder.
“Did you just hit your knee?” 
“Yeah, there’s no space. Just ignore it, it’s fine”, he jokes, making you snicker just as he makes you moan because he sinks you back onto his cock.  
“Fuck, Kook.”
“We’re so close, it’s insane”, you croak and press him closer, rocking your hips back and forth needily. He is grinding against your clit, it feels so good. No words can describe how good he feels. 
“I know. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, baby.” 
Jungkook cradles you in his strong arms and sobs softly against your neck. 
“I love you…”
“I love you too…”
From what you have learned, Jungkook needs you to say it back every time when he is in that headspace. No matter how often, how many variations, how loud or quiet, you need to say it back otherwise he gets so, so sad. The three most wonderful words are so, so much more important to him when he is in this headspace and they are also, quite frankly, the hottest dirty talk you could give him. No other words, no matter how nasty and dirty, could get his cock as hard and leaky as your confession of love could get him in those moments. 
And oh how hard and leaky he is. How he is throbbing and twitching and filling you up. How his legs are shaking under you. 
You lift your head from his neck to breathe, using the moment to litter his shoulder with kisses. He has such a pretty birthmark on it. You love to kiss it. He is yours, every inch of him, every birthmark and scar, every single inch of him is yours. Yours to love, to cherish, treat well and kiss. You could honestly eat him up. 
Now aware of your changed position, Jungkook lifts his head as well, meeting your eyes. He is making the biggest, sparkliest doe eyes at you, looking so so in love. 
“I love you”, he whispers shakily.
“I love you too”, you whisper back, cradling his cheeks, “mine, you’re all mine.”
“Yours, so yours” he agrees as the galaxies in his big brown eyes practically turn into countless little hearts.
“Mhm, yeah. Mine”, you sigh, swiping your palm down his cheek until you have his throat under it. You close your fingers around his neck without applying pressure. Your other hand still cradles his cheek. 
Jungkook moans. 
“Quiet, baby.”
“Sorry, oh god it’s so hard”, he whispers and parts his lips to gasp repeatedly.
“Mhhm Kook”, you purr, “mine. I love you so much, sweetheart”, you lull and apply just a little pressure. Not enough to make him dizzy, just enough to let him know you’ve got him.
Jungkook bites down on his lower lip, grasping your waist desperately. His cock twitches deep inside you, his thighs tense under you. You are seriously ruining him. You are. 
“Good boy, you’re such a good boy”, you praise, tracing his pierced lip. Not for long because then you already have Jungkook opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue. 
You drag your fingers up his soft muscle, feeling tingles deep inside you. This is so hot. 
Jungkook sighs and closes his mouth around your digits, sucking on them with pouty lips and big doe eyes. You can feel how his neck tenses from the movement and how much faster his pulse becomes. 
“You’re so hot, holy fuck”, you croak, lifting yourself off his cock so you could command him to stretch out his legs.
He follows, getting rewarded with your pussy and your eager hips dancing on his needy cock. You are on your knees for it, using the bounce of his mattress to your advantage to ride him as if it is the last time you ever will. He moans around your fingers, furrowing his brows in utter bliss.
“Quiet baby, be quiet”, you gasp out, feeling breathless from pleasure. His throat under your hand, his mouth on your fingers and his cock deep inside while his strong hands knead your waist and hips. Yeah, it can’t get any better than that. You are fucking obsessed. 
Jungkook mewls and keens. You slip your fingers out, resulting in his spit to cover his chin.
“Quiet, come on.”
“It’s, it’s so ah ha-hard. A-ah.”
“Quiet, baby. Just be quiet, it’s easy’, you order, slamming your hips down on him repeatedly. And to make matters worse, you put your slickened, greedy fingers on his left nipple to massage it eagerly. You abandon his neck to lick your other hand and use it to massage his right nipple as well. You twist and pinch, tug and rub, play with his piercings and trace his very tip. You know exactly what drives your husband crazy and you are hellbent on showing him all your tricks. 
“Stop please”, Jungkook begs, arching his back, “stop please stop”, he pleads.
He shakes his head, “too hard, please.”
“You can do it, baby. Just be quiet, it’s easy.”
“Ah god, ah, aaah” Jungkook mewls and throws his head back, grasping your waist with such desperation he brings it in just a little. He is kicking the sheets as best as possible, curling his tongue in his agape mouth. 
That’s where you want him. That’s his best look. You take his swollen nipples between your fingers and rub them in sideways motions. 
His abs tense, his huge pecs throb and tighten, his arms bulge as well. You are hitting the right fucking spots and his body reacts in the sexiest of ways. 
“Ahng”, Jungkook silences himself by throwing his hand over his own mouth. He scrunches his face, whimpering behind his hand.
“Holy fuck, this is so hot. That’s it, keep quiet. Good boy. Fuck, I love you.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes back and squeezes them shut. He sobs your name. You can feel it before you see it on his face. This was too much for him. You are making him climax. Deep, deep inside you and with days worth of hot, creamy cum he is shooting into you, bruising your waist in the process and biting down on his own palm just to stop himself from screaming your name. Tears run down his cheeks, he is arching his back even more. Yeah, you’ve really got him good. 
You help him ride it out with a fluttering heart, giving him the best kind of afterglow by cupping his face and pulling it in for kisses all while your hips rock back and forth on his still hard cock. 
Jungkook drops into your hands, feeling so far away and yet so, so close to you. His cock is sensitive, but it doesn’t hurt. It is just warm, wet and safe. He is so safe when he is inside you. Your pussy feels so good. Every ridge, hill, crevice and inch. Only you feel this good. Only you. And only you can make him feel this way. 
“I love you”, Jungkook gets out shakily, dripping tears from the tip of his perfect nose. You tilt his head up and kiss the tears away.
“I love you too, Kookie. How is my hubby love doing? Comfy?”
“Yes comfy”, his voice is just a little higher in pitch, “feels so good.” 
“Yeah, feels amazing. You did such a good job filling me up like this. Making me yours and all. I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you too, oh god”, Jungkook opens his eyes, sniffling with shaking shoulders.
He nods his head vigorously, cradling your cheeks.
“I just love you so much”, he squeaks and rolls his hips up slowly, meeting your movements as best as possible.
“Yes love you too”, you sigh, “oh”, your eyes go just a little out of focus, “oh Kook, there.”
“There? Do you like this?” he asks repeating his movements all the way down to flow, speed and angle. 
“Yes, so much. Ah Kookie, you…ah feel…holy fuck, so good. Ah.”
“Quiet, baby”, he whispers, making you chuckle breathlessly.
“Yeah, fuck I get you now. Fuck mhm.”
“It’s hard, isn’t it?” 
You nod your head, giving his cheeks a squeeze. 
“Shit baby. Kookie, I’m close.”
His pupils dilate even more. His breathing speeds up.
“You are?” 
“You feel so good”, you sigh and whimper softly, fluttering your lashes, “is hard.” 
“Don’t hold back, baby. I’ve got you.” 
“No, is hard to, to keep looking at you. Want to look at you as I…ah…I, I cum.” 
“Baby…” Jungkook gets out and squeezes your cheeks, “fuck. I love you so fucking much.”
“I love…you…too...Kookie ah please.”
“Let go, baby. Let go. I’ve got you, baby.”
“Koo, ah”, you squeak out, falling into him as your high overtakes you. 
You shake and convulse, using his shoulder to muffle your sounds as Jungkook soothes you. He is cradling your head, rubbing your back as he shushes you and whispers the sweetest love to you.
“That’s my girl. I love you cumming on my cock. That’s it. You’re doing so well. I’ve got you, babygirl. You’re such a good girl. Such a good girl, god you’re my good girl.” 
Honestly, you blame him for making this orgasm as hard and intense as it is, because goddamn does it feel good to be talked through this way. Fuck, you’re climaxing just from his words. Honestly. 
Jungkook makes sure to give you the best afterglow as well by squeezing your hips tighter to his body and giving your sensitive clit warm pressure. You love warm pressure after a high. The comedown is so intense but healing. And as you shudder in his arms, he is tracing your spine slowly, enjoying the moments of silence with closed eyes. You have your eyes closed as well, finding solace in his heartbeat against your chest. It is synced with yours, slowing down gradually. 
You are the one to break the silence.
“So uhm, that was intense.”
“Yeah”, he sighs and sighs again, “thank you, I needed this so bad.”
“Me too, baby. Who would have thought that your tiny bed is that good to fuck in.”
Jungkook chuckles, “yeah. The creaking was a little annoying though.”
“I kinda feel like your parents must have heard something.”
“Please don’t say that, I’ll cringe to death.”
You laugh, lifting your head from his shoulder. You press a loving kiss to his lips then wipe his tear-stained cheeks.
“I genuinely tried to be quiet.”
“Me too. You didn’t make it easier. I think I nutted with my nipples, no joke.”
“I can imagine”, you snort and shimmy on his lap, “I’m starting to leak.”
“Not sexy. Wet and gooey.”
“Don’t call it that”, he laughs as he helps you slip off his cock. You leak onto his thighs, hissing in distaste.
“God, such a mess. Sorry.”
“It’s okay, let it happen.”
“Don’t wanna let it happen. It’s so messy and wet.”
“Wait, let me”, Jungkook says and reaches for his bedside table. He takes a handful of tissues, “here you go”, he says and hands them to you. 
You press them to your pussy, climbing off his lap awkwardly. 
“Please ignore the noises, air sometimes has its own mind”, you mumble.
“It’s okay, let it happen baby. You know how I sometimes sound after anal.”
You and he snicker in comradery. Yep, being married and comfortable is definitely amazing. Not even the most embarrassing sex noises are embarrassing when you’re together. 
“You know, creampies are awesome in the moment, but afterwards? A cramp in the anus”, you say, wiping at your pussy with new tissues.
Jungkook laughs, “at least you’ve got tissues. Remember that one time we fucked in a motel only to realise we didn’t have tissues?”
You are putting on your pyjama just in case you meet his parents outside. If you were alone, you wouldn’t bother.
“And I had to use my hand to catch it? Yes baby, you laughed at me. How could I forget?”
“I only laughed because you were cute as you waddled to the bathroom.” 
“Yeah sure”, you say and lean down to peck his cheek, “brb, gonna go piss real quick.”
“Mhm’kay”, Jungkook says with a goofy smile on his lips. 
He is still grinning goofily when you come back, resting on his side with his eyes to the door. He is still naked, opening the blanket for you. 
“Did you steal the wall side?” you ask him as you get naked again.
“I did.”
“Not cool. I claimed it.” 
“And I reclaimed it.” 
You roll your eyes fondly, climbing under the blanket. Jungkook wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him instantly. He drapes his leg over your hips, smooching your cheek before nuzzling into your neck. 
“You feel cold”, he whispers
“The pee cooled me down.” 
“Mhm, is nice”, he kisses your skin, “sleep tight, my sweetie.”
“You too, my love”, you say and turn off the light.
He wiggles and makes a small sound of contentment. He shifts his head a little.
“Psst, sweetie?” 
“Yes, sweetie?” you giggle because he is a goof.
“How was it for you?”
“Amazing. I loved it.” 
“Me too. Was so good”, he breathes and sighs, growing softer, “I really love you. I do. Yeah, you my baby and boo.”
“That rhymed.”
“Mhm, yeah…” he sighs and exhales deeply. He fell asleep. Of course he did. 
You melt into him and drift off in his arms. Maybe sharing a small bed isn’t as terrible as you first thought it would be. 
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
Tall, older, voluptuous reader with Baki Hanma is such a fun dynamic. Poor man is putty in your fingers. So what if I throw in Kozue? @lonelystarsstuff
Also did you know that people in Japan are only physically affectionate after the third date?
Yandere Baki Head Canons: Our Girlfriend
Yandere Baki x Tall Afab Reader x Yandere Kozue
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Now the way this younger man stared at you unnerved you. Sure you were used to the way men would stare at you seeing that you’re the only fighter amongst them, but the way Baki stared at you was different. It was almost as if he wanted to eat you. And it wasn’t just him. It was his girlfriend too.
You’ve tried letting the short man down gently but he was determined to have you. It didn’t matter that you didn’t like him, Baki was sure you’d give in eventually. Between him and Kozue, they both really liked you.
“I’m so jealous of how nice you look in everything.” Kozue complimented you, her dark eyes nervously flitted over to your body. Kozue shifted in her chair with nervousness as she bit her lip. “I wish my body looked like yours.”
“Your body looks just fine, Kozue.” You sighed as you ran a hand through your hair. “We are just two very different body types.”
You went to rise up to take off your judo uniform. Which made Kozue’s cheeks flush a bright shade of red.
Kozue’s eyes shifted to the ground when you rose to stand up. You were so tall… she was a bit jealous. “I could help you-“
Kozue gasped when you grabbed her chin and held her face up to look at you. A smirk on your face. “You and your little boyfriend are both little freaks, aren’t you?”
Kozue gulped when your fiery gaze didn’t leave her eyes once. Your gaze was strong and dominant, a side she has never seen of you before… one that made her tremble with excitement. Kozue really liked this side of you.
Your gaze was unmoving when Kozue leaned more into your touch. How peculiar her and Baki were. Were all the fighters weird in Japan? So far, every single one of them had been rather strange to you. You didn’t know if it was because of your larger portions or because of your monstrous height. But you didn’t like the attention all that much.
“If you insist.” You sat down on the bench in front of Kozue. The women’s locker room was empty save for the two of you. “Knock yourself out.”
Kozue’s cheeks flushed a bright cherry red as she stepped forward to help you disrobe out of your judo uniform. Her breath hitched at how muscular you were. She didn’t know women could look like you…
“Are you going to gawk or are you going to help me take this sweaty thing off?” You turned your head to look at the shy girl who merely nodded. You had to admit there was almost something endearing about the small girl. “Do I make you nervous, Kozue?”
And once you stood before her in merely a sports bra and your underwear, Kozue quickly scrambled to turn the other way. Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest at the pace it beat at. She was almost in tears from how attracted to you she was
“I can handle the rest. Thanks.” You then proceeded to dress into sweats. The poor Japanese woman placed her face in her palms in shame. Was it normal to be attracted to someone other than Baki?
Once you were fully clothed, you turned to see the young woman still as red as a cherry. Good god she was strange.
“Alright. I’m heading out.” You slung your gun bag over your shoulder and gave Kozue one last look. “See ya around.”
As you walked out, you were greeted by Baki who seemed to be waiting for you. Hell, he was probably waiting for both you and Kozue.
“Hey. I was wondering if you’d like to go out to eat with Kozue and I?” Baki asked with cheeks the same shade of red as Kozue. “It’s on me.”
You paused for a moment before you clicked your tongue. It’d be a shame to turn down free food. Hopefully those two didn’t make it weird for you. You’ve been out with them two other times so this shouldn’t be as awkward as before. “Ya, I could do that. Just don’t be weird.”
“I mean, I’ll try not to.” Baki nervously scratched the back of his head. “Kozue seems fond of you so I apologize if she can be a bit awkward. It’s not often you get to meet an Amazon like you.”
You hummed. Most of the people here and Japan believed you to be an Amazonian warrior due to your stature. But you were merely a tall woman from (country’s name). Not an Amazon. You didn’t care what they referred to you as. Whatever helped the people around you sleep better at night.
You reached forward to zip up your sweatshirt when you noticed Baki’s gaze linger on your chest. Perhaps you should be a little more self aware? It seemed that modesty was more approved of in Japan. Which was difficult for you due to your well endowed chest. There wasn’t a single clothing department here with clothes that fit you… maybe you should ask that Jack Hanna guy where he shopped from?
Kozue snatched your hand up in hers while you were lost in thought. Baki then grabbed the other as the couple smiled at you. You towered over the two with ease which made you feel even more out of place
“Shall we?” Baki asked as the two eagerly lead you towards a restaurant. “This place has some really nice food.”
The couple lead you in with big smiles on their face. This was finally the third date… the one where they’d both ask you to be their girlfriend! You’ve been out with them two other times already so why not make it official?
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luizd3ad · 3 months
Late Night | Poly!Jegulus x GN!Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: James Potter x Regulus Black x GN!Reader WC: 1,005 CW: unhealthy sleep schedule, poly relationship, insomnia(??), slight anxiety, mentions of food (cookies), james worrying, no use of Y/N Author's Note: Damn haven’t wrote anything in a few weeks hope this isn’t like terrible 😅 Summary: You and Regulhs are being night owls
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⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹
James shot up when he heard what sounded like something being dropped on the floor. 
He immediately put his glasses on and looked to his side, getting a rush of anxiety when he realized he woke up alone. 
You and Regulus weren't there and it had to be at around two or three in the morning considering it was pitch black outside. 
James immediately got out of bed and walked out of the room as quickly and quietly as he could while he felt his heart beating out of his chest and his mind raced.
What if someone was in their home? What if someone was hurting you and Regulus? 
James cursed at himself when he realized he came out of the room empty handed. How did he manage to forget his bloody wand?
He felt as if it was too late to turn back now.
While James was looking around their home in search of you and Regulus he noticed that there was light coming from the kitchen. 
With furrowed brows he proceeded to the kitchen with caution, his mind still getting the best of him.
He peeked into the kitchen and James felt all his anxieties wash away but his confusion only heightened. 
There you and Regulus were talking in hushed voices while… eating cookies?
Were you and Regulus having cookies?
Without him?
James never felt so offended in his life. There you two were the loves of his life having snacks without him! Especially when the three of you should be asleep.
A true betrayal. 
“What are you two doing?” James asked, making his presence known. 
Regulus and you looked up at James slightly startled and looking like two kids who were about to be scolded. 
Which you and Regulus both knew was a possibility since James often stresses about the importance of a ‘healthy sleep schedule’.
Whatever the hell that means.
You immediately grabbed a cookie holding it out to James giving him the biggest smile you could manage attempting to distract him from the fact that it was the middle of the night. “Cookie?” 
Regulus just dropped his head looking down while shaking it obviously not impressed with your attempt to distract James. 
Apparently James wasn't impressed with your attempt either since he took the cookie you had offered him with a quiet ‘thank you’ but then he decided to repeat his question.
How Rude. Literally not at all.
“What are you two doing?”
“Nothing much, you?” Your response earned a small frown from James and a small smirk and chuckle from Regulus.
Regulus proceeded to wrap an arm around you, kissing your head softly trying to hide his amusement from James. “We've been caught darling. No use trying to get out of it now.”
“Worth a shot.” You muttered while shrugging. 
Regulus just chuckled again thinking to himself that you might be spending a little too much time with Barty.
“Are either of you going to answer my question?” James asked concerned and slightly irritated but you knew his irritation was only coming from a place of worry.
James had a tendency to worry a lot about the people he carried about.
Especially you and Regulus. 
Since you could remember James has worried about yours and Regulus sleep schedules. You two could stay up all hours of the night, sometimes even days and you both could function properly which worried James since sleep is very important in maintaining a healthy body and mind. 
“We couldn't sleep so we decided to make cookies.”
“We tried to stay quiet so as to not wake you but someone dropped the backing sheet.” Regulus looked at you with a teasing look in his eyes as you glared at him while you muttered something about it being an accident.
James continued to look at you with a concerned look in his eyes but he couldn't help but feel his irritation faded since he had always found it hard to stay upset with you two especially when you both were the cutest people he has ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on.
He just couldn't help but worry about your wellbeing. 
“Why didn't you wake me? I could have tried to help you two sleep.” 
“Jamie, it wasn't going to happen for us. It's just one of those nights.” You sent a small smile to James while grabbing his hand, pulling him towards you and Regulus gently. 
Regulus pushes some of James' hair out of his face so he could look in James' eyes; those eyes that Regulus loved with all his heart. “There was no point in all of us being awake mon amour.”
“Plus Jamie you get kinda grumpy when you don't get your beauty sleep.” Regulus nods in agreement while James just scoffs at the both of you but the small smile on his face shows he means nothing by it.
“That's beside the point. You could have still let me try… I just worry about you two sometimes.” 
Regulus pulls James closer so that the three of you are in a hug. “We know mon cerf, and you've done so amazing at helping us but sometimes old habits die hard and that's okay. Just because there's a few setbacks doesn't mean you've failed. We appreciate you so much.”
“We promise that we’re okay. Sleep just doesn't always come easy for us and that's not your fault.”
James sighs and nods, resting his head on you. “You're right, both of you.”
“Yeah. We normally are.” That earns a laugh from both of your boyfriends. 
James goes to give you a kiss on the cheek with a smile on his face while he whispers ‘I love you’. 
James stayed up with you and Regulus for as long as he could, finishing off the rest of the cookie and cuddling on the couch while watching movies.
You and Regulus stood up for most of the night till eventually all three of you were fast asleep on the couch in each other's arms.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹
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bunnob · 2 months
How the brothers react to you scolding them pt2
Part 1 is linked at the bottom
We all know he likes to pull pranks on Lucifer, well this particular time it back fired. Satan put a curse on a stack of student council work intending for Lucifer to pick it up and turn into a cat, unfortunately you were sent to retrieve the papers from the council room and upon picking the papers up you were suddenly a small fur ball. Satan came running into the room with a camera hoping to get a picture to humiliate Lucifer with but instead saw a feline version of MC. Upon realizing the error he made he was much happier and tried to pet you which left him needing several band-aids and a sour expression on his face as Solomon reverted you back to normal.
Asmo is a notorious flirt in the Devildom, he commonly would flirt with others and ghost the leaving them nothing but a broken heart. The latest person he pulled this stunt on came crying to you begging you to ask Asmo why he left, when you got back to the HOL you asked Asmo about what he did and he proceeded to talk about how it was all a game which made you mad. You yelled at him telling him that people's feelings shouldn't be toyed with and how what he was doing was wrong, he stopped playing his "games" after but was a little bitter about the lack entertainment he was having.
You came home one day after a long conference with Lucifer excited to eat your left overs after a day of not having time to eat, you open the fridge and their gone not even a smudge of its existence where you left it, no problem you'll just find something else. Imagine your horror when your grumbling stomach is beginning for food and everything had been cleaned out. There was only one person in all 3 world that could do that and you were ready to fight them, you open the door to see been in his bed eating a bag of chips, you quickly grabbed the bag away from him and started to question him about the missing food and he proceeded to tell you how sorry he was and that he thought he was gonna starve to death. Beel is supper sorry and takes you to Hells Kitchen to make up for it.(he steals that food too, but only a few fries)
He's a blanket snatcher with no shame, you two will be in bed all warm one second and the second Belphie comes you'll be freezing in the middle of the night, when you try to reclaim your blanket he shoves you out of the bed, eventually you give up a d move to the attic but he follows you, he tries to lay down but you kick him out telling him that he can't sleep with you until he fixes his blanket snatching issues. He was displeased with this and as petty revenge he stole all your blankets for a couple weeks.(enjoy sleeping in the cold)
(OH wow, I didn't expect as many likes in part 1 as I did I'm so glad you guys like it, I'll post side characters tomorrow. Please let me know if you want to see other work I'd be happy to obliged. )
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