antiquatedsimmer · 1 month
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The Chestnut community buzzed with life, its people staying up late to welcome the new year with laughter and celebration. But up on the ridge, all was quiet, as it had always been.
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There was no tree, no decorations, and no presents—such luxuries were beyond the reach of the family’s strained budget. Yet, Josephine and Lucile, made the best of what they had. As their little bundles of chaos finally surrendered to sleep, they stole away into the cold night, finding a moment of peace beneath the endless tapestry of stars.
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Lucile had finally cleared away most of the dead grass and rubble from their front yard, transforming what had once been an overgrown tangle into a flat expanse of dirt, full of potential.
The blanket they spread out offered little protection from the freezing air and the cold, hard ground. Their breath hung in the air, visible as they shivered, trying to stargaze from their home together for the first time.
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But! despite the chill, they found a way to stay warm.
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With the budget stretched to its limits and the children still so young, they both agreed it was best to forgo the usual festivities this year—save for attending church, of course.
The children would have their time to revel in traditions next year.
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Instead of splurging on toys and treats, the money in their savings went toward allowing Josephine to finally redecorate their bedroom and the children’s nursery. She was pleased to find that their bedroom, once so bleak and cold, took on new life with a splash of color.
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It's hard to believe how quickly time had passed on the ridge, the days slipping by with a surprising lack of events. Lucile left for work each morning, returning home in the evening, while Josephine stayed behind, tending to Aster, Daisy, and Rosemary.
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After the children learned to crawl, it wasn’t long before they took their first wobbly steps. Once they mastered the art of walking, there was no stopping them. They blossomed into energetic toddlers!
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Aster, the quietest of the three, preferred to observe from the sidelines, while Daisy and Rosemary discovered a love for all things loud and musical. Much to Aster’s dismay, his sisters filled the house with off-key singing babble and wild dancing.
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mattypattypinky · 2 months
Um - so I watched DM4 for the first time earlier last night, and I kinda wanna collect my thoughts bc I have not yet, SPOILERS UNDER CUT
Maxime was awesome, I loved him, though I wish we got more screentime of him doing villainous things. I liked the concept of insect-ifying people to work for him, and I love how the baby was mimicking his movements, was really cute. I think his concept as a villain is REALLY cool, and I love how he was animated, I think it's really accurate to roach-proportions and movements (as someone who has lived with a roach infestation for like 4 years of his life... shudders)
I really liked that the baby didn't take up a large portion of the movie. I was really worried that the baby was going to swallow up the movies content and the girls would be neglected on the movie screen, but they still kept the girls, and even had some really sweet scenes with them and Lucy, and Gru. I particularly liked when Margo got glitter-bombed and Gru spilled his coffee on himself and they sort of slightly bonded over having a bad day. I think, personally, Maximes plan was sort of dry, but it was still a classic villain trope of villain get that baby, he got inspiration from Syndrome /J
But like, I also really liked Poppy Prescott, I think she's by far my favorite character of the film besides Maxime. I like how sweet she is with the baby, and the girls, and how sneaky yet cute she is. (I am, also, a bigggg sucker with characters with lisps and pink aesthetics 🤞😍)
I think Grus relationship with his baby was sweet and I do think the writing is a little bit better than DM3, and there is less minions-milking in this film, it seems natural IMO when the minions r on screen which I appreciate.
I also think Maxime and Vector could get along bc they both are petty, and mad at Gru for a common ground. Ex; Maxime's School Show being stollen, Vector's head being frozen and the Shrink-Ray stollen
I think that Vector is still way more warranted to be cruel to Gru though, because he literally got physically assaulted (frozen head) and betrayed by his girl-scout cookie sales-girls he trusted in his fortress just because he wanted to be Gru's friend, whereas Maxime clearly already had a bad or rivalry relationship with Gru before hand, but I digress
Do I enjoy it more than DM3? Not really, I mean I'm very biased bc Bratt is my third fave villain of the franchise, and I barely know / just met Maxime, but yk. Biased!!!
Do I think it's better than DM3? Yeah, it's better written, better paced, I think, and has less jokes and off-track plotting IMO
Also, why was Vector shaking it like that on the chair... He was standing on the chair, he WANTED Gru to see that ass shake 😭🤞 It was so deliberate, had me giggling when I saw it
My man you're still salty after all these years ain't you... Me too. I too am salty at Gru. 😭🤞
I really hope Gru APOLOGIZED to Vector at the prison though bc he deserves like THREE apologies. (Getting his head frozen for NO REASON, the girls betraying and helping Gru steal from him ((even if they didn't know, he was betrayed by them)) and being sent to the moon) -.- Gru u better make up w him.
Anyways this is getting off topic now I'm just talkin abt Vector let me stop 😭
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Sitters 4 hire (Yu-gi-oh)
The sun was just setting in domino city and Yugi Muto, King of games, was all along at the turtle game shop. His grandfather had gone off on a senior's cruise since the shop had come into some money as of later (being the official shop of the king of games DID have it's PR perks) And Joey and Tristen had gone camping for the week. They had of coursed offered to let Yugi come along but since the last time he'd gone with them he'd been chased by a bear, sprayed by a skunk and had gotten a rash on his butt from squatting among poison ivy, he turned them down. Mai was working on the cruise, and Duke was taking advantage of the fact Tristen was out of town to try and woe Serenity. even Anzu was MIA in a way, she had a big competition coming up and was putting in extra hours at the studio and the gym to make sure she was at her best. Now Yugi while disappointed not to have any of his friends to hang out with during the day (since it was summer break) He was maybe slightly OK with them not being around as he'd been making use of a certain service in town. It wasn't the kinda of service that some of the more lewd type might of made use of though. Frankly, if any of his friends ever found out what he was doing the little king of games would die of embarrassment. For it was a babysitting service that he'd been making use of, after working out a deal with the nice ladies who ran it. Because Yugi Muto, the king of games, was a diaper wearing little.
Hina was a 25 year old black haired bombshell, and she was the one who ran the service (Sitters 4 hire) and had met with Yugi when he'd first tried to set up a semi deal during spring break. He'd been adorable with how blushy he got and the stammer that started up, but she'd had to go though everything he was expecting, and of course to make sure he knew there would be no naughtiness so to speak. They had met at the headquarters for sitter's inc, a surprisingly boom business that employed 48 sitters currently. the way the service worked was that they could train you or you could come in and just take a test to prove you could handle the job, then you were free to freelance though most jobs in the city now came though them, and they would select the babysitter who best suited what the parents wanted for a job. She and Yugi had been in her office, giving the poor guy some privacy though lord knows he wasn't the first little guy who had asked for this sorta thing. "So, If I understand you right.. you wish to be treated like a toddler, but one who still needs his big bulky diapers and prefers baby bottles over sippy cups. correct?" She asked. "I..uh..Yes." Yugi said, squirming big time. "and any attempts at potty training?" She asked, typing away n her computer. "N-No." "and will you just be going tinkle, or boom boom as well?" She asked, smirking as Yugi blushed big time and looked like he wanted to curl up in a ball. "I..Using my diaper for everything." Yugi finally managed to say. "Alright. and you understand that this is NOT a sexual service, so any sort of hanky panky you might expect, not happening, though if you wish to er.. you know..yourself.. we ask you wait till our sitter leaves." "U-Understood!" Yugi squeaked out. "alrighty then Little Yugi. I think we can give you all the TLC you need. one last thing though, do you prefer a Male sitter or a female one? and of course. you can count on us to keep it under wraps the bigggg tough King of games is just a widdle guy." Hina giggled and winked at Yugi. "G-Girls only please."
And with that Yugi was a client, though getting the freedom to use the service had proven trickier then he thought. Gramps would sleep though almost anything but it was more Joey's annoying habit of showing up unannounced. add in Anzu having called once while he was using it and feeling reallly weird talking to his sorta maybe kinda girlfriend while he was in the middle of a diaper change and well.. He'd only made use of the service three times and outside of distractions like Joey and Anzu, or gramps snoring, he'd been in love with it. Dialing the special services number he'd been given Yugi shifted from foot to foot, looking at his stash of little guy supplies he had out on his bed. it was a male voice who answered, and Yugi almost hung up the phone right then and there, But he had gone SO long being a stupid big boy that he swallowed the urge. "Sitters 4 hire, special service line, how may I help you?" Came the amused voice over the line. "I..Uh..See.." Yugi squeaked. "Take your time little guy." "T-This is Uh.. Account number 45 I.. I um.. have a pre-paid account and er-" Yugi said, closing his eyes. god, this was ALWAYS the hardest part! "Oh Little Yugi~ I see. Is our widdle guy in need of a babysitter again?" if Yugi had been blushing bad before, hearing his name used took it to the next level. "Y-Yes please." "Alrighty little guy. do you wanna set a bed time or leave it up for the babysitter?" Yugi looked at the clock, it was just just going on 7:30 pm. "H-How soon can you er..have a sitter..over here?" Yugi asked. "Hmm..Oh! I have some one right in your area at the moment, and she's cleared for working with cuties like you. I can have her there in 5-10 minutes tops." "T-Then um.,. a 9 pm sharp bed time please and thank you." Yugi said. "Of course little guy. I should warn you though, our girl I'm sending over can be somewhat strict, so a certain little guy better have his huggies on." Teased the operator. "I..I will." "Good boy~ Have fun little guy, and thank you for using Sitters 4 hire."
Rebecca Hawkins had just finished putting a cute little 23 year old sissy baby down to ed for the night, and was in the parking lot of the apartment building the Lil sissy lived in when she got a text from work. Of course she didn't actually need the money she was making doing this job, but well, she enjoyed the power rush she got since she was a strictly special services only sitter. Add into it that as a rule of thumb most of the teen and adult babies she looked after tended to be wayyy more well behaved then actual babies and toddlers and she was in heaven. She had been planning on calling it a day, and honestly could of turned down the job, but once she saw the address her interest peaked. 'No way..my darling Yugi is a..' She thought and a BIG grin filled her face. If she was being honest, the young genius had mostly gotten into the doming little babies scene after meeting Yugi..there was just something about the little guy that screamed 'DIAPER ME!' and now, she knew why. She accepted the job and got the info folder, sent to her, which confirmed it WAS Yugi and he was just a big toddler, and she felt herself almost melting as she gushed over how cute and awesome this was gonna be.
Yugi had been a good boy like he was told to be and was now was dressed in one of his dark magician diapers, which was bulky enough to give the boy a waddle to his step.he hadn't just left it at that though, and as such was in a pair of purple socks that had the dark magician girl on the sides, doing her trademark pose. Moving up from there He was sporting a purple (if you couldn't tell it was the little guys favorite color) diaper shirt, with the diaper itself peeking out around the leg holes. and of course the shirt had a picture of the little guys most favorite monster, The dark magician on it. He'd been setting up a little area in the living room for him and his sitter to play, a nice soft baby blanket on the floor and some plushie and rattles. and of course he had a couple of bottle of milk chilling in the fridge (he wasn't that fond of juice when toddler mode, go figure) and jumped a little when the doorbell rang. Waddling his way over to the door he took a deep breath and opened it, then turned crimson as Rebecca was standing there smirking. "R-R-Re-" He stammered, trying desperately to think of a excuse, never once connecting the slight possibly that THIS was his sitter. "Hiii little guy. Somebody was a good widdle boy and got dressed for me I see~" She said, winking and giving him a head pat. Yugi just stood there, jaw dropping as she strolled past him into the room.
Rebecca was chuckling to herself, the look on Yugi's face really had been just too cute. She took in his set up and nodded in approval before turning to look at him, he was STILL by the door, and seemed frozen. "Little Yugi, unless you want the whole block to see you in all your big baby glory, you might wanna shut the door." She teased. Yugi yelped and nodded, slamming the door fast and waddled over to her. "Now I know this might be a little be weird for you, since we know each other and all, but I promise that I won't tell anyone about what a widdle diaper boy you are~"  Rebecca promised, and then gave Yugi's bum a few pats. the effect was instant and adorable, as the little guy spread his legs and she almost swore his eyes glazed over. "now then, since we have a little while before somebody needs to go night night, does widdle Yugi wanna play with his toys and watch some cartoons?" She asked. Yugi dumbly nodded his head and waddled over to the blanket, plopping down and picking up a stuffie of the dark magician and cuddling it to his chest. '..He's really pushing the no pictures rule.' She thought with a sweat drop, then moved over to the couch to turn on the TV for the little guy.
After the intonation humiliation worn off, Yugi had to admit it was kinda fun having someone who knew him so well babysitting him. She knew to put it on little dueler's for him, and even sat down on the blanket with him after a bit, playing as the Dark magician girl and acting out the plot, with them fighting a Summoned skull who just really needed hugs. He got so into it he actually forgot he was wearing his diapies till she paused the game to stick a finger in the leg band of his onesie and diaper. "oh wow! still dry! is this a new record for you?" She asked and winked. Yugi blushed bad at that, but also nodded his head, though he could feel a bit of a need building up. only problem was it was a backdoor need so to speak and he wasn't sure he wanted to do THAT in front of her. "well, it's almost time for beddy byes, I think I'll feed you a nice big ba-ba first though so you can make a bigggg wet diapie for auntie Rebecca to change before she leaves." She giggled. "T-There's ba-ba's ready in the fridge auntie." Yugi said, and squirmed like crazy as she got up and kissed his forehead. "Good boy!"
Rebecca wasn't stupid, and had noticed Yugi squirming as well as heard the tummy gurgles. Maybe he thought he was being all sly and she could see why he might be embarrassed to make presents for her, but as a responsible baby sitter she couldn't let her charge hold it in and get a owie tummy, or worse, unleash it after she had left. Truthfully changing dirty diapers wasn't one of the highlights of her job, and normally with her usual client list she could get away with leaving them smelly. It again helped most of them where naughty little guys who wanted a lot of teasing and shaming. But with Yugi, he was clearly just a big baby, and she willing to put in some free overtime if that's what it took. Selecting a bottle of milk from the fridge, she popped it in the microwave to warm it up, then turned to watch Yugi who was on his knees now. he had the DM stuffie launching wooden building block at a stuffie of the blue eyes even as he was squirming and wiggling about, clearly a toddler who had to go potty. 'I wonder if he's gonna fess up?' She thought, though as the microwave beeped a loud poot escaped Yugi's bottom. getting the ba-ba out and teasing it on her wrist, she wasn't surprised to see Yugi hiding his face in his stuffie as she came back over. "heh, relax Yugi. everyone farts." She said and got on the couch, then patted her lap. "I..uh..I..Otay." Yugi squeaked and crawled over, getting set in her lap and closing his eyes as she guided the nipple of the ba-ba into his mouth. "Drink up so you can grow up to be big and strong~" She coo'ed.
Yugi's tummy was churning big time and he knew any second now he was going to lose the battle and fudge his huggies. it wasn't even a question of making it to the potty anymore, he doubted he'd be able to move much without losing the battle. his only goal at THIS point was to hold it in till the session ended and Rebecca left, not knowing that she had already planned to stay and see it though. the warm milk tasted so good though, and was having it's normal effect of making him super sleepy. It was while all sleepy that he decided letting out a bit of pressure couldn't hurt and went to let out a small fart or two. Rebecca had already said everyone farts right? the small small turned into one big one, with three others following and Yugi's eyes flew open as he realized he'd released the flood gates so to speak. a super gross sounding fart, though muffled by the padding and outfit and Rebecca's poor lap, filled the room and then it was game over. the back of the diaper filled up rapidly as his tiny bladder soaked the front and Yugi was a dark crimson as he looked up at Rebecca who just wrinkled her nose a little, ut smiled and kept the bottle in place. "whew, Smells like somebody really wanted to make a super big present for me!" Yugi, mouth filled with a rubber nipple and diaper full of waste, did a bare nod.
One thing Rebecca hadn't counted on when trying to get Yugi to go uh-oh, was just how TOXIC the little guy was going to be. he was by far the biggest stinker and she made a mental note to hook him up with some pills to cut down on the smell. Still the little guy was clearly mortified he'd lost control, which was funny since he'd likely of been delighted to make presents. her lap was slightly burning from the heat and force of which Yugi had unleashed his uh-oh, and the smell again, was burning her nose. Still, she let him finish his ba-ba before standing him up and smirked as his diaper drooped big time. "oh my, when was the last time widdle Yugi had a poopie?" She asked, and patted his mush tush and cupped the butt. "A-Ah! I..I uh..Fhree day ago." Yugi lisped. "well I think somebody needs a auntie to come by and help keep him regular, don't you?" "I..uh..I dis dun have 'nuff on me's account ta-" Yugi started to say and Rebecca smirked. "Don't worry, I'll work off the clock. though I'll have to keep my freebies to a minimum so we don't get in trouble." he said and winked. She tugged the diaper boy towards his room, gushing at how he had to cowboy walk and spotted his changing pad, with wipes and everything ready to go. "After auntie gets you in a clean diapie, it's bed time little man. I hope you had fun." She said, and guiding him over, kissed his cheek before gently setting him down on the mat. "I..I did. Fank's auntie Rebecca." Yugi coo'ed and popped his paci in his mouth. "You're VERY welcome Yugi." She coo'ed back and then started to open the diaper. 'Maybe I'll get lucky and it won't be so.. bad.. Oh god!' Tears filled the blond's eyes, not out of sadness or fear, but just the smell was making her eyes water. Yeah, Having Yugi as her new little guy was going to be fun and all, but Rebecca was totally gonna have to have him go more often to avoid the nightmare before her. Still it would be a labor of love, and she couldn't see ANZU being willing to do this. 'heh, all that time trying to show her up, and all I needed to do was wipe his butt.' Rebecca thought, though she wondered if maybe the boys fumes were making her lightheaded. Yugi for his part drifted off to sleep 30 or 40 seconds after she started, which didn't make the change any easier. "Kiddo..your lucky your cute." She muttered under her breath. with Yugi changed and redressed, she tucked him into his bed, which had a toddler rail and gave him one last kiss goodnight, before taking off.
The end
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Three six five stories to sleep
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- - - -
“No mum, I want daddy to put me to sleep!”
“Daddy is tired darling, he just got back.”
“But mummy I missed him so much, please please please?”
“Its okay, I will put him to sleep, let's go Pete”
“Daddy, daddy!”
“Yes my Love?”
“Can you read one story of my new book?”
“Sure Little one, where is the book?”
“In the second drower”
“In the second drawer?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“Is it this one? 365 stories to sleep?”
“Yes, grandma gave it to me last week”
“Did she? That’s so nice, did you thank her?”
“Yes, I gave her a bigggg hug”
“That’s great baby, now can I read for you to sleep? Do you already have a favorite one?”
“No, I was waiting for you to read it first, I didn’t let mummy read.”
“I see, so I will read the first one okay?”
Shawn read him the entire story and when he finished he put the book back in the drawer.
“Daddy, this book doesn’t work, should we exange it tomorrow?”
“Exchange it? Do you not like the story I just read?”
“I did, but it didn’t work daddy!”
“What do you mean Pete?”
“It is supposed to be three six five...”
“Three hundred and sixty five”
“Yes yes, Three hundred and sixty five stories to sleep.”
“Yes that’s right.”
“But dad!”
“It doesn’t work! I am still awake!”
- - - - -
General Taglist: @arypesanchez @turtoix @ivegotparticulartaste
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‘Long May She Reign’: How Supergirl Righted the Ship in Season 3
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‘Well?’ I uttered.
My co-worker simply shook her head. ‘It…isn’t the same.’
I frowned. ‘But was it good?’
In context, we were discussing Supergirl. In particularly, the Kara/Mon-El (aka Karamel) relationship. Ever since the Season 2 finale, she had been worried how their relationship would change. Comic buff that I was, I gave hints on what might happened.
Several episodes in…we got our answer. It was also very clear by that point that Supergirl had gotten her groove back. 
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I had been cautiously optimistic about Supergirl.
Back in May, I wrote a blog about my thoughts on the last season of Supergirl (http://someplace-that-is-else.tumblr.com/post/160597303533/welli-guess-thats-your-exit-what-supergirl). It had been a season that was different from Season 1. And it was a very divisive season judging by fan response. In my blog, I had discussed where the season was going wrong and how it could correct that. At the time, villain Queen Rhea was being introduced and helped soothe some of those worries.
However, Rhea was gone. And a new season was upon us.
And…it was good.
The writers clearly heard the complaints from last season…some of which were in my blog…and this season was a beauty to behold.
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There was several times last season that Kara felt more like a supporting character on her own show. No more than when the writers focused on her alien boyfriend Mon-El. It was about Mon-El’s adjusting to life on Earth. It was about Mon-El’s secrets. It was about Mon-El’s pain. Uh…ok?
It was not until the tail end of Season Two that it began to feel like Kara��s show as she went toe-to-toe with Mon-El’s mother Queen Rhea to save the world.
Season Three took Kara in a new direction. A darker direction. Post-Mon-El, Kara had become a bit of a recluse. Okay, not true. She was still saving the world. However, it was all she was doing. She had isolated herself from her friends. Part of it was because she was still dealing with the loss of Mon-El. Part of it was the fear of losing someone else. It was a direction the writers played with in the first third of Season Three, going as far as making Kara a little toooo willing to give her life. It was a trait that was all too relatable to anyone who had been deeply in love with someone. A bonus to that fact? That it was all about KARA.
Even as the season allowed for new elements from Cat-Co dealings with Lena and new villain Morgan Edge to a peek into Kryptonian religion, the focus on Kara never shifted as slowly, but surely she attempted to recover from the loss of Mon-El.
Immediately, worries came up again. Was the show going to shift again? Was it going to be less about Kara like it was in Season Two? Was it Mon-El time?
And….it wasn’t. It was about Kara’s reaction to Mon-El’s presence. It was about her reacting to his experience away from her and what had happened…which was time jumping…not to mention a wife.
Wait…a wife?
And then it was about Kara’s pain. Kara’s ability to overcome that. But the point continued to be made as the seasonal arc about a hidden Kryptonian weapon aka the world-killer Reign started to take shape.
It was about KARA.
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Another thing that has improved this season on Supergirl was the fact that THE ‘BAND’ WAS BACK TOGETHER.
I mentioned in my last Supergirl blog that Team Supergirl was suffering from the Season Two curse of being in separated storylines when most viewers wanted to see the team dynamic together. While it was nice to see characters being developed, something could be said for it occurring within the push-pull of the team. It was possible, but one might assume otherwise if they were watching during Season Two.
Thankfully, that appeared to be a thing of the past. Were characters still having separate storylines? Of course!! Off the top of my head, there was J’onn discovering his father was alive and trying to get him adjusted to Earth. There was Alex dealing with her wedding…or the loss of Maggie over the possibility of children. There was James being a good spar partner for Kara…and Lena, leading to a romance.
Even the newly returned Mon-El had finally found a place within the group dynamic. Mon-El’s introduction in Season Two was very much like how soap operas introduced new characters…shoving them down fans’ throat without much time for character development. Worse his time took away from characters that the audience already loved….a BIGGGG no-no. This season, Mon-El was integrated into the group slowly, ironically how a new character on a soap should be introduced. #douglasmarland. And Mon-El this season was so much better for it, still having his own storyline, but he still was part of the gang now. Best of all, none of it took away from Kara THE MAIN CHARACTER. His return even enriched her own now.
Speaking of story…
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So…who remembers Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Five?
Season Five of Buffy the Vampire Slayer started with Buffy appearing to come into her own as the Slayer. And then it started to throw curveballs. Oh, it’s Dracula! Oh, Buffy has doubts about her potential! Oh, Buffy has a sister! Wait, a sister? How!?!  
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Finally after several standalone episodes, the arc of that season revealed itself when a hot woman in a red dress entered stage left. Her name? Glory? She was…a hellgod. Banished from her home, she was looking for a key to get back to her hell dimension, throwing death and sass along the way. The Key? Buffy’s unheard of younger sister Dawn. It turned out some monks had casted a spell, making said Key into a person and gave Buffy and her friends false memories in order to be sure Buffy would guard it with her life. You see…if Glory used said Key, all of reality would fall apart.
But before we got to the end of the season, there were all kinds of episodes that appeared to not be connected to the seasonal arc at all. Buffy and her vision quest aka ‘Death is Your Gift.’ Spike’s growing love/obsession with Buffy which lead to a character named Warren creating a Buffy robot. Ex-Demon Anya and Willow having a jealous fit over Xander’s time with the other, allowing for the appearance of Olaf and his Troll Hammer. Completely unattached to the seasonal arc of Glory and her Key.
Or…was it?
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In the season finale…the 100th episode at that…all of these loose threads came together. All the things that appeared unrelated just fell into place. The Troll hammer came in handy as Buffy took on Glory. As did the Buffybot and Spike’s growing feelings. Meanwhile ‘Death is Your Gift’ came full circle as Buffy gave her sister the greatest gift of all…the gift of living for another day by sacrificing her own life. Her death.
Supergirl this season appeared to be going in a similar writing direction. There was the second episode that introduced villain Psi. There was another episode having to do with the character of Coville and his embracing of Kryptonian religion. Both stories tapped into Kara’s state of mind post-Mon-El. Meanwhile, there was a crashed ship in the waters of National City. There was nothing that appeared attached to what the seasonal arc was about…naming the coming of supervillain Reign.
And just like Buffy Season Five…everything started to come together. The ship turned out to hold Mon-El and the superhero group the Legion of Super Heroes. Coming from the future, the mission was to stop the WorldKillers…which Reign happened to be ONE of. Coville turned out to align with the people behind the WorldKillers…and how that factored in overall was still a mystery. Meanwhile, Psi had appeared again, helping Supergirl out reluctantly in order to stop the WorldKillers. I was even of a mind that there were still secrets to be had to what happened with Mon-El in the future that have yet to be revealed that will affect Kara. Given that Kara had already been beaten twice by Reign, in order to stop her…them…would Kara have to do what Buffy did in Season Five?
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Would she give her life?
Given how debatably suicidal she was at the start of this season…that could be a REAL possibility.
Overall, Supergirl was on a high in its third season. After a divisive second season, it had come back into its own with a strong seasonal arc with character development, the old school team dynamic that fans knew, and of course, the focus firmly back on the main character.
Long may she reign.
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#supergirl #seasonthree #buffy #buffythevampireslayer #btvs #stronger #kara #losh #legionofsuperheroes #monel #karamel #reign #longmayshereign #glory #seasonfive #deathisyourgift #thegift #onehundred #focus #team #dynamic #seasonal #arc  #soap #douglasmarland #rightingtheship
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clockworkwhiskey · 3 years
Long answer asks
Describe your dream house
Probably three stories with hella big closets, checkered tile floors in the kitchen that is BIGGGG with an overhead stove, nice bathrooms and showers with seats and multiple showerheads, a studio, a movie room, a sex room, 2 guest rooms, a pool, a jacuzzi, probably a performance dock in the backyard so i can pretend im a rock star, an in home gym, shit idk my dream house would have so much
What's your top 5 songs at the moment and why?
Never knew love like this - Stephanie Mills (it makes me happy)
Black dog - Arlo Parks (it helps me when im anxious)
Midnight Train to Georgia - Gladys Knight & the Pips (make me feel confident in running away)
Never forget you - Noisettes (makes me happy when i get off work)
Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish (i only know some of it but i love it already)
What's your favourite memory from school?
i liked looking forward to lunch with my friends tbh i miss that feeling, i had no thoughts at all just ‘lunch wif buddies’ in my head over n over again
Whats your least favourite memory frol school?
getting arrested on campus bruh tf was that fuck iya edais she a snitch
Whats your relationship with your parents like?
:( idk
Desribe ONE of your favourite people
they smell good and make me feel really safe. whenever i’m in trouble or hurt or something, they’re the first person i think of running to immediately. i also really like the way their hair has been looking lately. they’re also sometimes funny and don’t realize it. sometimes i envision their face in my head n wanna punch it but i think thats that affection aggression shit idk
Talk about your favourite tv show as a kid
it had dinosaurs n i wish i had that stone they used to go see the dinosaurs
Talk about a band you loved as a teenager
if i heard their music today, i’d still think it was bangers on bangers
Talk about your favourite historical period
precolonialism because everything was better before white people came around with their bullshit. lots of countries were matriarchal and weren’t imperialist or capitalist based and were open to multi-sexual people as well as gender fluid beings and ya all that good stuff
Share a recipe you love
cut up some chicken breasts, marinate them in soy sauce and vinegar 1:1 ratio over night, double batter them in some seasoned flour n eggs, n fry once til light brown- cool it down, and fry again til golden brown. bomb ass fried chicken. goes best with some rice- easy nut
How many children do you want and why?
2 or 3 but idk cause i dont really want kids. but if i did, i’d want 2 at first so they can take care of eachother at school n stuff. n then knowing me, i’d get sad and want a baby again so i’d probably have another one years later
What's your favourite season and why?
summer because it feels less lonely
Write a review for the last book you read
it was billie eilish’s photobook. i loved it, felt like i was right next to her n she was showing me her family albums.
Write a review for the last film you watched?
i don’t even remember the last movie i watched
Write a letter to someone your no longer in contact with
you look really happy and i am so happy for you. even though i know its you in the pictures, i don’t seem to recognize you. i’m sorry that my emotions got in my head and that things ended the way they did, but you were literally such an unpresent person in my life. you were selfish, wishy washy, choosey, and only cared about how others perceive you. you only befriend people for clout and pretend like you genuinely share interests when you don’t. you’re just as selfish as your family. but i applaud you full and well, because you play a decent game. i will always love and care for you, but i had to let you go for my own mental health and well being because i couldn’t keep depending on someone who wouldn’t reciprocate my energy. you made me realize that i have the ability to cut off anybody, regardless of how much they mean to me. you helped me prove to myself that i’m stronger than the love i have for people. and i’ll always be thankful for that, along with everything you did for me before you turned out to be such a train wreck. i wish you the best and i wish you genuine happiness and i wish you the best version of yourself that you could ever imagine.
i love you always.
Talk about your favourite conspiracy theory
can’t really talk about it on here
Whats your favourite city and why?
elk grove because there’s grocery stores everywhere bless up
Describe an essay/story you wrote in school
please god no
Whats sole life advice everyone should know
stop. half. assing. your. friendships. and. relationships. THERE IS NO POINT IN NOT GOING HARD AND ALL IN FOR THE PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT. NO POINT.
If you got $500,000 what would you buy
maybe a hotel on the las vegas strip to make more money
0 notes
yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Date night (Yu-gi-oh story)
Yugi was excited as he sat in the living room, almost bouncing in place as him and joey hung out.  they were playing video games and killing time till Anzu would be off from dance school. it was a little over 2 years since they had graduated from high school, and while Tristen had enlisted in the army and moved away, the three of them had gotten a place together. Anzu was taking lessons to get better at her dancing and had a sometimes spot as a back up dancer for a few local TV shows, Yugi was milking in the money during tours as the king of games and Joey made some modest income as a bodyguard, mostly working for Yugi himself and getting paid via the promoters who booked Yugi.   they're 2 story house was big but not too big. everyone had their own bedroom even though Yugi and Anzu were dating, and they had a nice laundry room set up on the main floor. it was only if you went down into the basement you might be a little shocked. it was a mixture of a porn dungeon and a nursery, and it was all for the king of games himself who happened to be a massive sissy baby masochist. Anzu was of course his mean dommy mommy (well when they played) and Joey got in on it now and then himself, though always as a dom. (the one time he had tried the diapers, they had leaked and soaked the mattress in the crib) "So Yug, bigggg date night tonight huh? you and Anzu gonna nudge nudge wink wink?" Joey teased, blasting away at a alien on the tv screen. "hehehe well I'm hoping so.. you know we've been waiting for the right time to finally.. ehehe.. but i think this is it." Yugi said. part of his sissy baby fantasy involved being a forced virgin for life, though lately Anzu had been hinting (OK, outright saying) that she wanted to move it to the next level with Yugi, and also kinda wanted him to take a break from being her widdle stinky sissy and be her boyfriend for awhile. "So what cha got planned?" "well i pulled a few strings and got us a table at that new gourmet restaurant, silver platter. then we'll head out to see that new dance movie she's so crazy about, then I have a horse and carriage rented to take us out by the river for a moon light stroll.. with some champagne in the carriage.. then I rented us a hotel room which I've paid the staff to go and place rose petals down, candlelight, the works! er.. no offense, didn't wanna bring her back here if we were gonna knock boots.. don't wanna keep you up all night." Yugi said and had a wide grin on his face. "woooow. you went all out for this huh?" "yeahh and then some. I'm gonna have to do 3 tours back to back to back to cover for all of this, but it's gonna be SO worth it." Yugi said. " Anzu puts up with my well..you know." "Stinky sissy loser side." joey said and smirked, as Yugi blushed and squirmed. "Y-yeah..so i figured a night on the town and showing her I can be the man she wants me to be would be great." "Sounds like it. though..heh.." Joey chuckled softly, and paused the game, looking at yugi with a evil smirk on his face. "..Joey no. i know that look." Yugi said quickly and moved to put his fingers in his ears. Joey grabbed the smaller boys arms and held onto them, and  kept grinning. "what if with all of this amazing stuff planned, you pulled the ultimate sissy baby loser move..and asked to be spanked, diapered, and put to bed in your crib in the basement, while I take your girlfriend out for the night..on your dime." Joey suggested. Yugi tried to block the suggestion out but just picturing it had him making a little tent in his pants. "heck, you could even beg her to NEVER sleep with you, to keep you a -" "Joey stoppp!" Yugi whined, but his voice was taking on it's baby tone. "Loser sissy baby virgin." Joey finished. "ngggh.. you know how mad she would be about that? and I can't just..with everything I paid for all of this.." Yugi huffed, trying to ignore the part of him that wanted to do this idea. "heyyy what if we comprised?" Joey asked. "huh?" "you get spanked, diapered, tied to your crib with a enema in your guts, and I take Anzu out to dinner and the movie, we'll swing back around here, get you cleaned up and you and her can go to the hotel." Joey said. "...you think she'd go for that?" Yugi asked. "welll don't you have a hard time with getting carded at the movies anyways? if the movie is rated anything over G..Plus remember last time you two ate out at a fancy place? they thought you were her son and brought out a booster seat?" Yugi blushed recalling that and fidgeted like crazy. "I mean..i suppose it couldn't HURT to ask her.." Anzu had had a long tiring day, her new dance teacher was a freaking hard ass and nothing anyone did seemed to be right. she was achy and sore but smiled as she thought about the night out Yugi had promised her. Truthfully she was glad he was going all out with this, not that the little sissy loser stuff wasn't fun.. but she was getting a little tired of wiping her boyfriends shitty ass and not even getting plowed in return. 'not that you'd feel Yugi' she reminded herself. Still it was the thought that mattered and worst case she'd picked up a strap-on the little guy could wear. 'at least i won't be spending anther Friday night smelling baby powder and shame, while having to listen to a baby monitor while watching bad movies with joey.' Thinking about hanging out with Joey brought a pang of guilt and a flush to her face, he liked to sit in just his boxers at night and with Anzu on the edge after dealing with Yugi, she couldn't help but stare at Joeys muscles. 'that gym membership me and Yugi got him is SO paying off.' shaking her head she tried to clear those thoughts out of her head. cheating on Yugi would be just sick and wrong. 'though the little pervert would probably thank you and ask for a video.' that nagging voice in her head said. 'shut up you, Yugi is a sweet and cute Lil guy. and he's going to prove that he's more then just some pervert tonight!' Anzu scolded the nagging voice and finally made it back to the house. 'yeah, right.' that lil voice said again, but Anzu pushed it away as she came in. "Hey boys, I'm home!" came Anzu's voice and Yugi gulped nervously. it had been about 15 minutes since Joey had talked him into asking for the diaper humiliation, and to help get Yugi brave enough to ask Joey had poured him two drinks of vodka and orange juice, since he knew OJ went right though Yugi. as Anzu came into the kitchen, Joey polished off his third glass, though he could hold his liquor far better then little Yugi. "..heh..you pre-gaming or something? didn't know we were gonna get smashed before the movie." Anzu said, voice sounding amused but there was a edge to it.. She didn't really like it when Yugi got drunk and mentally groaned seeing the OJ, but tried to keep a bright and chipper face on, as she came over and poured herself a drink. "ehehehe welll seee..er.." Yugi blushed and reached for his drink, as joey smirked and Anzu rolled her eyes. "Do NOT say what I think your going to say Yugi. I'm not spending anther Friday night making you sob in poopie diapers." She said, and slammed her drink back. "welll You'll still get to go out..just er.." Yugi gulped nervously and went to take anther drink, but spilled the last bit out of the cup all down the front of himself. "And dat's why i told ya to use the sippy cup." Joey commented with a smirk, and tossed Yugi a dish towel. "-sigh-  My man.. OK, whats your little idea, and be forewarned, I've had a BAD day so you might wanna think twice about asking for mean mommy mode." Anzu said, narrowing her eyes as Yugi tried to dry himself off, then with a little growl she snagged the towel from him and started to pat him down. "ok soo.. I was thinking.. There's always people who stare when we go out to eat and i always get carded at movies right? sooo I was thinking Joey could take you out to dinner, then the movie, then you swing by here and we tag out. you and me, romantic moonlight carriage ride and then the hotel." Yugi said quickly. 'Uh-huh..and what would you just so happen to be doing while I'm out with joey?" Anzu asked, looking over at joey who had peeled his shirt off and tossed it over, to help. and noticing his 6 pack again, as she tugged Yugi's shirt off and saw basically baby fat. "welll er.. I'm gonna need to sleep this vodka off..and er..the OJ is gonna give me a little bit of the runs.." Yugi said, poking two fingers together and looking nervous. "...So you want me, before going out to eat, on our big date night to diaper you up and tuck you into your crib." anzu said, in a flat tone. "welll yes? and you know..maybe a cute dress.." Yugi said, looking anywhere but at her now. "...I hope you wanted to be spanked first. because even if you didn't your ass is getting spanked." she said then flashed a smile to him., then looked over to joey. "You, go shower, dress nice. not you're take on nice, nice nice." She instructed as Joey smirked and gave a thumbs up. Turning her attention back to Yugi, Anzu grabbed his pants and tugged them down, noticing that Yugi was in a pair of training pants. "...you were of course going to take these off before we went out if i said no right?" she asked, looking at the faded picture of dark magician girl. "and tell me thats the screwdriver soaking them, not.." "Yes and er..no." Yugi said. "...come on little girl, you're in for it." She said and grabbed Yugi by the ear, leading him towards the basement. "Ow! owie owie owie! yesh mommy!' the little twerp whined and whimpered, but the tent in his training undies showed he was in sissy loser heaven. Joey was whistling as he took a quick shower, it was really just too god damn easy sometimes. truthfully, he'd been getting a crush on Anzu for a few months now, and could see just how fed up she was getting with Yugi making her waste weekends changing his shitty diapers. what the little dork needed was a wake up call that Anzu wasn't gonna sit around forever and Joey figured this was the best way to do it (even though Yugi was already taking steps to show he could be more then a big sissy baby, Joey liked his plan better.) besides, she really did deserve someone better then lil Yugi. not that he didn't like him, Yugi was still his best friend..just, it was hard to respect someone who go his rocks off humping teddy bears in pink diapers with a finger of ginger in his ass. What Anzu needed, and Joey was sure she would agree after tonight, was a ride on a real man's dick. heck, she could probably even dump Yugi and just keep babying him and the little freak would thank her. as Joey thought about the look on Yugi's face when/if Anzu dumped him, he had to take a longer shower then he intended to clear out the slices so to speak and not be too eager. While joey was showering upstairs, in the basement Anzu was already switching into her full on mean mommy role. "Your such a little loser Yugi., i can't believe you would rather be spanked and diapered, and shit yourself then go out to a adult restaurant. I bet if we were eating at McDonald's so you could play in the play-area you'd be all for it, though you'd likely still end up crapping yourself." She scolded, leading over to a bench that had soft padding on the top of it, and shackles for the little sissy's ankles and wrists. "Yesh mommy. I'm sorry mommy." Yugi said, breathing fast as he got himself over the bench, belly first, his training pants having been ripped off by Anzu. Anzu came around and secured him to the bench, making sure the shackles were a little tighter then normal and making sissy Yugi whimper softly. "uh mommy, thats a li-" Yugi started to whined and quickly Anzu stuffed his soaked training pants in his mouth. she had rolled them up, but with the pissy/booze soaked side out and that was what pressed on Yugi's tongue as half of it stuck out of his mouth, and the out half gagged him. the Lil sissy mmffh and whined, he was NOT a fan of water sports or gross stuff like that and had made it clear but Anzu just smiled sweetly. "Whats wrong little Yugi? are you not getting what you expected tonight?" she asked, crouching down, stroking his hair. "That's just awful. I wouldn't know anything about getting a unpleasant surprise." she added mockingly, and kissed his forehead. "well if you want that pissy pull up out of your mouth, let mommy know."  Anzu said and smirked, standing up and putting a hand to her ear. she listened to the little loser whimper and mumble around the soaked pull up, knowing it was just making more of the screwdriver and his piss trickle down his throat. "well if your sure." she teased and walked over, wiggling her hips and tapped a finger on her cheek, as she looked over the assortment of paddles on a display shelf, close to the bench. "Hmm what do you think Yugi, something nice and tame, or something that'll have your poor buns begging for mercy?" she asked, running her finger on a plain wooden paddle then over a black leather with small metal studs in it one. It was right about then that Yugi started to see that maybe he should of just gone on the date, and not asked for this. Mommy was acting in a scary way and if Yugi's mouth had been free he'd be saying marshmallow fluff (his safe word) over and over. Sadly all he could do was cry out around the pissy diaper and struggle a little as Anzu picked up the studded paddle. "hmm? whats wrong Yugi? you don't think this will be enough?" She asked, a very evil grin on her face. "Well i could always get the liquid heat and pour it over the paddle. you remember how much that burns and aches for hours~" she said and reached for the bottle. "if you don't want your spanking to burn and ache super bad you better speak up now Princess Yugi." she said and thumbed the cap open and held the paddle out, ready to coat it. Yugi shook his head no and let out muffled screams around his pull up gag, he HATED the liquid heat and it was only suppose to be for when he was in a total pain slut mood! tears dripped down his cheeks and he pleaded with Anzu with his eyes. "Awww, How can I refuse those eyes. I'll make sure to pour lots on for you princess." Anzu chuckled and squirted the bottle over the paddle, coating it nice and thick. With the paddle dripping the liquid heat (which was mixed at a rate of 60 percent water to 40 percent of the stuff, Anzu didn't wanna have to rush Yugi to the ER) Yugi was shaking his head like crazy and she wasn't stupid, she knew he was pleading with her NOT to do this but damn it, maybe the little sissy would think twice before bailing on part of a date with her again. "brace yourself Sissy." She advised and then swung HARD with the paddle, making Yugi's bubble butt almost deform around the force of the blow and the little sissy shrieked in pain. She wasn't anywhere near done yet though, and followed up with a series of rapid blows to the big baby's bubble butt, quickly turning it red as Yugi thrashed and screamed on the bench, and despite it all his little sword was getting stiff even as he suffered. "Hmmm, thats funny..you're cries say 'mommy please stop' while your Lil wiener says 'mommy smack my balls.'" anzu teased and Yugi froze, looking over his shoulder and shaking his head no as much as he could. he had drool leaking down his chin and tears stained his cheeks, and even his nose was running! "awww, who's a scared widdle sissy? you are! yes you are!" she coo'ed and rested the paddle on his buns, coated side down and walked around to the front of the bench, kneeling down and wiping his nose with a rag. "i'm gonna take your gag out, but only if you promise to take it back if i want. do you promise Yugi?" she asked, and yugi whimpered and shut his eyes, nodding his head. "Look at me yugi, open those cute eyes and look mommy in the eyes and nod." she said and tickled his chin. the paddle was burning his poor abused cheeks, but Yugi opened his eyes and nodded, looking at anzu. "OK, then relax your jaw..yup just like that anddd there we go!" She coo'ed, tugging the pull up out and noting the teeth marks in it. "there, i bet that tastes better huh?" she asked. Yugi coughed and gagged a few times, but refrained from spitting then gave out a weak whimpering yes. "now my naughty little sissy loser." anzu coo'ed and stroked his hair. "i have a choice for you. Mommy can spare your cute little balls from a smack from Mr.paddle. but if she does that, then your pissy little pull up goes back in your mouth..or I can dig out a soaking wet diapie out of your diaper pail. " she paused smirked at the face Yugi made at that suggestion. "the diapie will stay in your cute widdle mouth till me and Joey come back by the way. OR.." Yugi gulped, really hoping that he would like the OR option. "Or you can keep your mouth diaper free and take your ball busting like ~snort~ a man."   Yugi groaned, he didn't like either choice but in the end if he had to pick between sucking on a pissy diaper or getting his balls smacked... "Hurry up and chose Lil lady, or mommy will do BOTH." Anzu added, tapping her wrist. "Smack my balls smack my balls smack my balls!" Yugi yelped out, and a spurt of pee hit the cold stone floor of the basement dungeon. (this was exactly why they had refused to put in hardwood or a carpet.) "well if your sure." Anzu teased and kissed Yugi's cheek, licking off the tear trail and got up, grabbing the paddle and making sure to avoid his little puddle. "For the record, you know you're going to be cleaning that up before i put you down for your nap right?" Anzu commented, swinging the paddle a few times and zeroing in her aim. "Y-yesh mommy. I'll get get the mop and be a good widdle maid!" Yugi whimpered, shaking in fear, he KNEW how much this was going to hurt! "Oh, who said anything about a mop.. You'll be LICK it up..unless you want extra smacks on your cute widdle balls." She chuckled, and tapped the paddle on his exposed nuts, the liquid heat mostly off by not but still burning his sensitive little orbs. "No! no no! I'll lick it up mommy!" Yugi wailed and Anzu giggled. "Good girl!" she praised, the drew back and slammed the paddle home. Joey was out of the shower and dried off, in his dress pants and a dress shirt, combing his hair as a ear piercing scream filled the house. "..that..that can't be good." he said to himself but went back to work getting himself ready, praying the neighbors hadn't heard anything.   Yugi came to as finished taping the last of the extra thick, super crinkly pink princess diapers around his hips and smiled sweetly down at the sore sissy. "welcome back to the land of the living. we'll have to start working on your balls more so you build up more of a tolerance." She said and blew Yugi a little kiss. Yugi for his part just groaned but lifted his legs up for Anzu as she grabbed a locking pair of pink plastic panties.  the plastic panties and the diapers together was over kill but yugi himself when they had first started this begged for massive thick diapers that would make him crawl, PLUS loved how warm and uncomfortable all that padding under the plastic pants could get. At least he did normally but after what had just happened he wasn't about to argue with mommy. "I'm glad you woke up though, Mommy needs to finish setting up widdle sissy loser Yugi up to suffer for a few hours so she can go get ready for her night on the town with a real man." She said and snapping the lock on the plastic panties into place, she tickled his tummy. "maybe when we come back for you, I'll take you out with you still all dressed up, you can let everyone see what a little sissy baby you are, wouldn't that be fun?" She added, , turning away now to go and pick a dress for her little wuss. Yugi blushed deeply at that. it was a idea that both excited him but he also knew how DUMB it would be, and struggling to sit up on the changing table he shook his head. "Nooo mommy! No outsies. Dem i can't make money n spoil you." yugi whined, going to slid his thumb in his mouth and realizing just now that his hands were in his pink locking mittens, making them useless. "well i suppose thats a fair point. Maybe we'll save it for anther time." anzu said and winked, coming over with a short pink dress,the skirt portion wouldn't even cover HALF of his massive diaper butt, and the top half had puffy shoulders and a little heart on the chest, with 'sissy loser' written in purple cursive in the heart. this along with his pink booties and mittens, and pink diapers had Yugi feeling like Such a little sissy loser and even as he lifted his arms up to help mommy get the dress on him, he was rocking back and forth in his diapies. with the dress tugged down anzu smirked and then lifted yugi up and down to the floor, pointing over to the puddle of urine that had naturally, gotten bigger. you're gonna go and be mommies good little piss drinker right?" she asked sweetly, then looked over at the paddle then back to Yugi. the message was clear and with his fat diapered bottom wiggling back and forth, and crinkling loudly, Yugi crawled over and leaned down. sticking his touge out a little bit, he dipped it into the puddle and made a face, but a impatient sign from mommy told him to hurry up and yugi closed his eyes. 'just pretend it's a soda thats gone bad.' he thought to himself and started to lap the puddle up. watching Yugi actually slurp up his piss, anzu curled a lip in disgust, she hadn't really been gonna beat his ass again if he hadn't, just scolded him since she wouldn't of had time to get ready if she had to re-diaper him. she would of assumed Yugi knew that but there he was, slurping down his puddle and as he finished, he gave her a weak smile. "T-tastes good mommy." he said. "..well then, if you like it so much, you can drink it more often." anzu said, smiling sweetly and laughing mentally at the look of panic on his face. "Now crawl over to mommy so she can tie you down to your crib and leave you to lay here and think about what a total loser you are, that you'd rather suffer down here in a hot stuffy basement in thick diapers and with a gut full of piss instead of going out with your gorgeous girlfriend." she teased. Yugi gulped but crawled over, and stopped at her feet, reaching up with his arms and she smiled and picked him up, sitting him on her hips and headed for the crib, pausing to look in the mirror in the nursery. "Your SUCH a loser yugi." anzu whispered in his ear. "Maybe me and joey will get drunk and just come home and pass out, leaving you down here, still a virgin.. a big, sissy baby loser virgin." she added and smirked as yugi whimpered, but started to hump her side. getting over to the crib she ploped Yugi down in it, hard on his butt, but the little sissy didn't complain. instead he crawled and laid down in position, making sure his arms were above his head and legs spread,while Anzu double checked the hands free phone system they had installed in the crib. (all teasing and tormenting aside, when they DID go out and left Yugi in the crib, Her and joey liked to make sure he could be safe, so the phone would allow him to call them, or even 911 if needed..though the phone calls were logged and using the phone for anything but a emergency was a HUGE no no.) with the phone working right, she then double checked all the restraints, making sure they were good and tight, and would hold the loser before snapping them on his wrists and ankles, "ok yugi, test time. try and get free." she said, leaning on the crib rail. Yugi nodded and struggled, tugging and twisting and just working himself up into a sweat, but there was NO getting free like that. "Good. now since you liked drinking your piss up so much, I have a special treat for you." anzu said, then left the side of the crib and as Yugi watched her though the crib bars, she opened up his diaper pail, and made a face, waving a hard. "whew! I should be mad you didn't clear this out like i told you, but it works out!" she said, reaching down and grabbing out two VERY soiled diapers, and putting them in the crib. they were far enough away that if yugi didn't fuss too much he shouldn't get his face in them, but the poor widdle sissy would be huffing their reek all night. "oh, I slipped some poopie pills up your bum while you were out. they should be taking affect soon. have a good nap loser, Mommy lovers you!" anzu giggled and waved bye bye to the little sissy. "G-Goodnight kiss?" Yugi whimpered, and puckered up his lips. "after you were slurping up piss? no thanks. " anzu said and walked away laughing, leaving yugi to squirm and whimper, and throb in his pampers. After a quick shower and a change into a evening gown, anzu and joey who looked very dashing in his dress clothes headed out, with her telling him all about what she had done to Yugi. "I kinda feel a little guilty." she admitted. "I really went over board with it today and hope he'll forgive me." "ah come on." joey said, taking a sip of champagne as they rode the limo that Yugi had booked.  "Did he say his safe word at ANY time during all of it?" "well no..but I think he was scared too." "well let me ask you this.. when you were beating on his ass, and making him lick that piss up.. did it feel better then when you normally dom him? making him do stuff he actually hates as punishment for being too much of a sissy baby loser to man up for a full night?" As he spoke Joey moved in closer and then kissed and nibbled on anzu's neck. "J-joey! Uhh.. well.." She paused, an drained her own glass of the bubbly. "It.. it felt awesome..and I was so pissed off at him." She admitted. "and when you told him no kisses, I bet your panties were soaked." Joey added,, pausing from the kissing to refill her glass. "God yes! the look on his stupid little face!" she said, then covered her mouth. "hey, it's ok..admit it..you don't just call him a loser and berate him so he can cream his pissy pampers.. You really do think he's just a diaper filling loser. right?" Joey asked and smirked, a hand reaching out and fondling anzu's tits, giving her the attention that that stupid diaper filling sissy never could and making her feel wanted as a woman..not as a mommy. "Ah..oh fuck.. Joey.." "In fact, i don't think we should go back to the house at all.. do you REALLY wanna let that diaper shitting sissy loser fuck you?" Joey asked, setting his glass down and rubbing her breasts with both hands. "F-Fuck..no..I..I wanna fuck a real man.." She moaned, and then pulled Joey in for a deep kiss, mashing her touge with his. There was a clock in the nursery, close to the crib and it was lit by the nightlight that provided the only light source in the stuffy basment. Yugi had already soaked his diapers and added to the stench to the room, filling out the seat of his diapers with a mushy load that had at first been nice and soothing but after a few hours was making his bum and crotch itchy and uncomfortable. he had drifted off into a uneasy sleep only to wake up when he had turned enough to plant his face in the seat of one of the taped up dirty diapers and had noticed that it was after 11. Joey and anzu should of been back by now, but here he was, still stuck in his crib, still a big loser sissy, and now a stinky one at that. he's give it till midnight before he tried calling them though, and hoped that they were ok, even as a nagging little voice in the back of his head whispered to him. "you know they're not coming back for you.. you lost your one and only chance to have sex so you could wiggle around in poopie pampers. you might as well plant your face back in that shitty diaper and hump your diapers, and try to cum because you KNOW your so called best friend is fucking her rotten." Yugi shut his eyes and tried to block out the voice, to ignore the mental images coming to his mind even as he started to wiggle and air hump his stinky poopie diapies, turning his head and planting his face in the other poopie diapers, as he got close to his climax, the last thought yugi would have before conking back out for a few hours.. was he hoped anzu would keep him a diaper humping virgin forever. the end
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