solsticat · 3 months
around a year ago I had an incredibly realistic dream where I was hiking and stumbled off a cliff. I managed to grab into a ledge, but I was hyper aware that eventually I would lose hold of it and fall to my death. I just sat there holding the ledge for a while thinking about everything I was never able to do, the conversations I never had, and how badly I wanted to live. Eventually I came to terms with my untimely death and accepted that there was nothing I could change, and it wasn't really okay, but it would have to be okay, and I'd had a good life. If nothing else, I was glad for the life I had been able to have. I wanted my last thoughts to be peaceful. I was about ready to let go when my family came along and rescued me. Some other stuff happened after that. Then I woke up and let me tell you I had a Bad Day. How are you even supposed to act normal after that.
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soranker · 5 months
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tomorrow :)
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thatone-highlighter · 9 months
I love you albums. I love you songs connected by similar themes. I love you listening to songs in a specific order picked by the artist. I love you reoccurring motifs throughout the same album. I love you album covers. I love you albums with extended editions. I love you songs that reference each other.
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nerdpoe · 3 months
Vlad was injured by the GIW, and fled through a random experimental portal they had. He landed outside a smoking warehouse in Ethiopia, next to a dying child.
The kid was beat to hell and back, and worse off than Vlad himself.
There was a clown, ducking into a car, covered in the kids blood.
Vlad, desperate for an outlet for his anger at being stupid enough to be caught by the GIW, immediately turns around and hunts the man down.
By the time he's done with the clown, he's even eaten the man's newly formed ghost, permanently ending the threat.
Which leads to his current predicament; the dying kid is still dying, and he's calmed down enough to know he would feel bad later about letting some random kid die like this.
Luckily, he saw some ninjas while he was killing the clown, and after a short conversation, they agree to take the boy.
Vlad feels accomplished.
After all, what child wouldn't want to be raised by ninjas?
Meanwhile, Jason, delirious from pain and smoke inhalation, thinks he saw Batman murder the Joker and then turn around and sell him to Ra's Al Ghul (Vlad in his ghost form has pointy things on his head, and Jason was so fucked up he thought it was the cowl).
Jason's still fucked up and pissed when he comes back, but for entirely different reasons.
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blueskittlesart · 1 month
in the nicest and most non-confrontational way possible. i feel like some of you think that anything that isn't directly openly spelled out for you within a story is "missed potential" or "unexplored." like. sometimes there are implied narratives. sometimes the point is that you as the reader are supposed to think and draw your own conclusions and participate in the story. the writers not directly spelling every little detail out for you doesn't mean that the story is poorly written or missed its own plot details somehow. PLEASE.
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2aceofspades · 9 months
A Greater Imbalance
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The very beginning | Previous | Next
I hate drawing Leo so quiet oh it gives me the ~chills~ aaughh...
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shywhumpauthor · 11 months
A Whumper with fire powers branding their Whumpee not just with their name or initials, but their handprints.
Two palms scarred against either side of Whumpee’s neck, fingers wrapping around their throat in a collar that can never be removed. Hands on their sides, just below their broken ribs, a touch that will never relent. Fingers wrapped around their wrists in shackles that won’t be unlocked. A handprint against their face, cupping their cheek that had already suffered so many punches. The small of their back. A single hand just between their shoulder blades. Dragging down their thighs.
Just. Branded handprints.
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calista-222 · 1 year
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ok brb gonna play Splatoon 1's story mode for the first time <- has the game but barely played it
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rustedhills · 6 months
Disney, releasing Wish: "so it's all about legacy--the new generation surpassing the old, overcoming the evils perpetuated by them, relinquishing singular power... and there's an old man in a tower, uh... animal sidekick, i guess..., ah... magic...?
Miyazaki, just out of frame, sledgehammer raised:
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daily-sifloop · 16 days
Kisses!!! Please!!!!!! They deserve it
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day 11: behind the scenes
#isat#in stars and time#sifloop#isat loop#loop isat#isat siffrin#siffrin isat#desert art#day 11#behind the scenes was such a gay name for a steam achievement#really made it feel like there was a something something going on between these two#please look closely and see where that siffrin knee is going. he's CLIMBING for that kissy! they go mwah!#anyway do you ever think about sifloop during canon? during the loops?#it's always so funny to imagine because I feel like it inevitably goes down the road of#loop being convinced that this relationship they're having isn't going to last (if) after the loops#they are but a side character that will get forgotten once this chapter of siffrin's life story is done#loop feels like a side fling for siffrin despite there being nobody else lmao#loop and their mistress complex (that sounds so funny taken out of context of the tags above)#meanwhile siffrin with their big heart and lots of love to give would inevitably start thinking of asking loop to travel with them#after the loops end#except they wouldn't ask while still in the loops#because that feels like an impossible promise#and then the duel happens#if they meet postgame while having had something during the loops it's also peak comedy because to siffrin it's a lovers' reunion#loop on the other hand thinks the whole thing is off#they would also think that them being the same person is somehow a reason for a break up#as if it wouldn't enhance the experience for them both and make this relationship make more sense to siffrin#listn those bitches loved that cautionary tale. romancing their own clone is a childhood dream that has come true#loop that thinks they're inconsequential#siffrin is living a romcom dream
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elizakai · 6 months
Reminder that Dreamtale Twins are canonically sexless beings who identify with male pronouns.
yk what that means troops~💫
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juniemunie · 14 days
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"Why am I still doing this?"
"Don't you get it?"
"This is all just a show... and we're playing parts~"
#junie art post#utmv#ink sans#swap sans#dream sans#yea that lyric is from the undertale musical... it was fitting#anyways#you know how back then star sanses were 'fight evil (bad sanses) do good!!' i mean... it still is. but back then it was more...innocent?#*looks at the steven universe star sanses cover i saved on my phone*#ultimately tho...how much do u think ink plays along with that as nothing more than a script given to him#because really. ink is more of a stagehand than a stage performer#and for ink that job comes with knowledge that makes it hard to perform#like you guys ever think more about how ink struggles to view the people around him as “real” (like him) and not characters?#i think about it a lot.#especially. in his 'star sanses' era#to me theres always this nonchalance(?) he treats other sanses 'backstory' and maybe the character themself if he interacts with them#because he cant really treat them as 'real' people#you get what i mean???#THAT DOESNT MEAN HE STAYS LIKE THIS FOREVER. HE CAN GET DEVELOPMENT. LOOK AT ZEPHYRTOP RP. PRIME EXAMPLE.#you see i imagine star sanses as like this cute tv show like madoka magica. starts off cute. ends with you in a crisis#dream is easily the protag in my eyes. comes out with no clue how long its been and explores with fresh eyes. meets swap. meets ink#then they fight evil! cool multiverse exploration! undertale shenanigans!!!!#dream and swap go thru their character arcs#and ink stays suspiciously stagnant#until we get THIS reveal and theres that implication that hes been also behind the scenes nudging things along to 'improve the story'#'anything for the entertainment of the Creators!'#ISNT THAT MESSED UP?? ISNT THAT G R E A T#utmv fanart#ink!tale#underswap
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rottengurlz · 22 days
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toxic yuri vampires you will always be famous to me
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in-restless-walks · 3 months
Simon & Garfunkel - Think Too Much
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masked-creator · 1 year
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You wouldn’t think that the introverted skrunkly man and the literal embodiment of a confident girl boss would be such a good ship, but you’d be wrong.  
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netmors · 2 months
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Eleventh Fleet AU - Admiral Karyn Faro
This was supposed to be an art post in honor of the anniversary of the release of the Thrawn Trilogy from Legends, but I'm only on the second book, so my opinion on the story has not yet been fully formed.
It was still the May weekend and after such a good cold I wanted a banal, basic rest.
However, I discovered such a thing as photobashes in concept art… And I decided to make a “sketch” for screenshots from the game. It turned out to be a very strange experiment, but the experience was really interesting…
Disclaimer: such a game does not exist… It is unlikely that it will exist.
Music: The Clone Wars - Unreleased Soundtrack Shattered & Victory and Death
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