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intizzies · 1 year ago
just a single horseman..... just one... that i can write lula with 🥲 just an iccle horseman...
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lektricfergus · 2 months ago
boss makes a dollar i make a dime th ats why i think about. diamondback and jesse putting cigarettes out on severen. on company time. it’s enrichment for him. heals up in a matter of days n stings like a bitch while it’s there. quick n dirty thing to do too when he isn’t expecting it and he reallyyyyy likes that he likes that di and jesse r the only people in the world who can catch him off guard. can anyone hear me 🙏
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fromthehouseofgerber · 4 months ago
Since in endoparasitic 2 it’s revealed that cynte has a doomed yaoi ex bf, I’d like to propose t4t Praví x Luce
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sharpstake · 1 year ago
rod makes me so so insane even all these years later. logan who believes the lie that he’s more cutthroat than he is, lying to himself that he’d cut and run when it was time, only to cling to scraps of affection. mona who doesnt carry the same defensiveness about trust that colt and logan do, who refused to let herself be tied down, taking the fall for a pretty girl once more, finally finding someone worth trusting. colt watching his father burn up and wish only that his son escapes a life he never knew any differently from, only for his death to solidify colt’s reclamation of it.
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ratatatastic · 2 months ago
they move in packs they do
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mail-me-a-snail · 2 years ago
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that fifty bucks is worth nine hundred dollars in modern money btw. and you KNOW he's good for it
based off the reddit post under the cut:
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widowshill · 1 year ago
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live liz reaction
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lilacs-stash · 6 months ago
Everything I think my favorite grand slams ship is gonna shift I'm back in the fuckin Nickloon. I'm stuck here forever I think
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strawberrysweater · 1 year ago
kaede and shuichi going out sometimes in the winter to look at shops and walk around the park while kiibo stays at their apartment (?) (i think he likes snow and rain but not being out in the elements) and kaede and shuichi always come back almost too frozen to move fjdhfjfj
shuchi takes an extra coat because he freezes easily and kaede bundles up her hands, and they hold hands and walk close the whole time to stay warm, but when they get back home kiibo always has to like take their scarves and jackets and gloves off and take them in to sit down under their kotatsu and make some nice hot tea and then he wraps all three of them in a blanket and turns on his heater to warm them up <3 and he asks how their errands went or if they saw anything neat and shuichi is too cold to say much and kaede sleepily tells him whatever happened and then they both fall asleep on him. this happens every single time and kiibo wouldn't trade it for anything in the world
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big fan of characters who don't have a chance to die and have to live with the mistakes of their past & loss & grief
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vulpinesaint · 1 year ago
ngl my kneejerk reaction to hearing faedren's a vampire now is just "fuckin finally"
typed out a whole response and then somehow pressed the wrong button while writing in the tags and deleted it all... god doesn't want me to talk about faedren... i'm being silenced...
anyway as i was saying. faedren has actually been turning into a vampire for like. a month in real time now. it's been like four sessions + a couple of weeks where we didn't play i think? so for almost the entirety of the time that i've been regularly posting about him he has been turning into a vampire. but there's So Much Other Stuff to talk about with him that i simply forget 😭 this man's got so much going on that i barely talk at all about the fucked up revenge cult that he grew up in or the vampirism... and you know how much i care about vampirism...
yeah though he's turning into a vampire! :D he got bitten by a party member who was possessed by some kind of vampiric energy and he's been having fucked up blood-filled nightmares since then <3 last night he woke up after dreaming about incredible violence and his party members' blood in his mouth and he was drenched in his own blood and had a wound on his neck that closed as soon as he woke. so. he did not actually know all of what was going on and was INCREDIBLY stressed but two sessions ago when he tried going to a fucking hospital to get some answers he got locked in the psych ward for showing up covered in blood and the hospital staff tried to kill the party and then his party member got fucking Slaughtered by a god so like. idk. again. man's got other things going on. anyway last session after they all had therapy for the holiday special (bc faedren has been extremely fucked up about being attacked by his party member [guy with trust and intimacy issues] and has been messing up the whole party dynamic and refuses to talk honestly about it) someone told him "oh yeah you're turning into a vampire 👍" so he is JUST now starting to deal with that. um.
again though that guy has SO much going on. the last just fucking. day. has been so eventful for him. he thinks his goddess might not love him anymore and his plan as of where we left off is to go back into the bar and continue getting extremely drunk to try and stave off some of the Feelings from all that (if he had less to think about maybe he would be contending with the fact that he uses alcohol as a coping mechanism to an unhealthy extent but for now he is succeeding at the addiction saving throws so there are more important things </3) and then maybe after whatever happens Tomorrow night he will. deal with the fact that his body is rejecting all of his own blood. he's gotta do some more to fuck up his relationship with his boyfriend who he doesn't know he's in love with though first
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teaboot · 4 months ago
Things that I imagine must be really hard about being in a polycule
Remembering everyone's birthday
Scheduling a group date night where everyone's free
A bad breakup where someone leaves and everyone's messed up about it. Like if it was just me I could wallow in solitude but like damn what do you even do. Talk shit?
Related to 3 but if someone breaks up from the polycule and leaves their stuff behind then who gets dibs. Is it like by seniority or do you draw straws or what
Finding a group Halloween costume that everyone is equally hyped for
Sharing a bathroom if you all live in the same place
Idk about this one but what's the sleeping situation in the summer. Like in the winter having a group pile sounds cozy as fuck but in the summer?? When it's sweaty and awful??? Bruh I'm on the couch
I don't trust ANYONE not to eat my Nutella and for every extra person there's an additional threat I must calculate my defense against
How do you tell someone in the 'cule they need to stop eating pretzel sticks in bed without it feeling like an intervention. Is there an assigned emissary that speaks on behalf of the collective. Again, do you just draw straws? Drawing straws seems like a really good solution to a lot of these actually huh
Is there some kind of self-evaluation system that holds yall back from accidentally becoming a cult do yall just see Kim head out for a date in a white robe one morning and roll with it
Does everyone do their own grocery shopping or is it all like one big trip?
Is there enough room in the fridge for everyone's stuff or does the one with the deepfreeze reign eternal like immortan joe
If I was in a polycule and we all collectively stopped being attracted to the person who genuinely enjoys washing dishes then I don't think I'd be able to break it off with them I think I'd have to just handle that with god
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thehutpoint · 2 months ago
Bill's favorite pose:
It's just a jump to the south
And then a step into the snow
With your hands on your hips
You bring your suffering in tight
But it's the polar dash that really drives you insane,
Let's do the Con Trip again!
...Hey, let's make a Toxic Antarctic Polycule musical, Rocky Horror Show style!
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The officers of the Discovery featuring Wilson's favorite pose
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imarson404 · 5 days ago
every so often I go through a phase of being deeply obsessed with the death note jdrama so I thought I’d share a list of stuff that happens that I love in no particular order
-Ryuk dances to Misa’s (only) song for such a long time
-Light tries to kill himself
-Light hides behind a tree at someone’s funeral
-light dips at his job on an extremely busy night in the middle of a shift
-L and Light shower naked together. They glance at each others dicks
-handcuffs come on and very swiftly off again
-Light ‘accidentally’ bumps into Raye Penbar during the busy jacking and EXTREMELY OBVIOUSLY goes through his stuff
-Ryuk falls off a roof
-Light and his evil polycule go to a rooftop to monologue, turns out there’s been cameras there the whole time
-Mello cuts mikami’s brakes
-Light forces Mikami and Misa to share custody of Misa’s death note after Mikami got Misa knocked out with a shovel
-there’s not enough budget for shinigami so they just fuck off in the second half of the series
-rem lives because of this somehow
-Mello tries to flatten Light with planks of wood
-Aizawa and Matsuda bicker constantly
-Light’s wholesome child flashback includes him pretending to shoot someone
-mango juice
-everything about Kamoda
-Mello tries to get Misa run over
-near/Mello beat a man to death
-Light fucking explodes
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fairlyang · 4 months ago
imagine letting your boyfriends convince you to entertain one of their sick fantasies
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w/c: 3K
pairing: ghostfaces!wadewilson&loganhowlett x gf!reader
tags: 18+ smut. a polycule, they’re both perverted AF, ghostface roleplay, hide n seek, predator & prey play, fear play, pain kink x2, knife play, stabbing them (bc they can regen), they asked for it n loveeee it, reallyyy getting into character, murder mention, teasing, dirty talk, stroking, fingering, blowjob, unprotected sex, mirror sex (?), doggy, missionary, two creampies
a/n: it’s october ofc i had to do a ghostface fic 🤞🏼bro it was meant to be a ramble…. and oml i’m so tired
kinktober masterlist | main masterlist
it didn’t come as much of a surprise to you that your boyfriends both had a pain kink, it was something so obvious to anyone eyes. 
what was a surprise to you was the fact that the first time you properly dive into their kink and not just barely grazing them with a knife like you sometimes did, they wanted to do it in ghostface attire.
you instantly assumed it was wade’s idea, because why wouldn’t it be? but apparently after you were all watching the original scream movie recently, they had the brilliant idea at the same time and knew you had to be their sidney prescott. 
wade was so committed, he ended up renting the iconic house for the whole weekend. logan thought that was a bit of an exaggeration but once wade handed you a buck 120 knife, he said it only made sense.
this was going to go as a game of cat and mouse or in simpler terms, hide and seek. you'll all be leaning into the roleplay so there will be a sense of horror but also making sure it's horny. so you'd be their helpless victim that'll pretend to not love the whole ordeal but as soon as their hands are on you, you'll fold.
and since they want to play into their pain kink, you'd have to try to give them a little stab each before getting to the sex.
so now you were hidden beneath the bed in the master bedroom while you heard the loud sounds of them clearing the bottom floor. they had given you a minute to pick a hiding place and you didn't really want it to take long.
you'd be lying if you said this idea didn't turn you on because one check of your panties and there would lay the real answer. there was just something about your boyfriends pretending to hunt you down and knowing damn well they were checking every crevice while having raging boners.
and they say romance is dead.
you held your knife in hand, absolutely ready to use it and feeling your heart start to race. your breathing was as quiet as it could be but with the silence from the room, it felt like they'd be able to hear it so easily. 
you could hear them opening and closing doors fast, sensing that they also didn't have too much patience like they thought they would. 
suddenly you heard their loud footsteps coming up the stairs and you held your breath as they made their way up. your heart was beating faster now, a small feeling of terror creeping up on you as you heard them split up. one of them immediately went up the small staircase to enter the room you were in, which makes sense since it was the first room close to the staircase but it didn't make you feel any less scared.
he walked in slowly, taking a quick scan of the mini living room to the right side of the room and not seeing you so he then made his way around the bed to go to the bathroom. he quickly came out because there was nowhere to hide in there and suddenly his footsteps left the room. you could barely hear him leave through the second door near the bathroom which just led to another living room area with a reading nook.
you let out a breath you were holding and feel your heartbeat become steady as you heard them both on the other side of that floor. there was a quick thought of slipping out of the room to find a new hiding place just for fun but you realized they'd just be even more impatient if they had to double check each floor again since the house was decently big.
you heard their movements become faster, more frantic as if making it more realistic on purpose. then it was just silence. 
the silence only made this more freightening and it was a tiny bit scary. you breathed as quietly as you could, not wanting to alert them whatsoever then coming to the slow realization that that they both have amazing fucking hearing.
uh oh.
before you could even think of doing anything, your legs were grabbed and you were dragged out from under the bed while you started kicking and wiggling, "lookie who just remembered we have superpowers." wade's voice teased, making you groan.
you rolled on to your back, now facing them and quickly stabbed the one who wasn't holding on to your legs. you heard a grunt from underneath the mask and you pulled the knife out only for a moan to come out this time. 
you held in a laugh and were about to stab him again when the second one got on top of you and held your arms above your head. he grabbed the knife and handed it to the first one, who just toyed with it in his hands. “you really gotta love the original, don’t ya cupcake? i mean where else would we get such a good idea for murder?” wade said and your heart dropped. 
you knew this was all just a part of it but shit did it sound so fucking real. well you might as well you play their little game. 
“you’re fucking crazy you know that?” you spit and try to get him off. 
but it was to no use, he was much bigger than you and made sure to straddle your lap. nearly looked like he was about to give you the lap dance of a lifetime, which you wouldn’t put past him on doing. 
“don’t call us that baby, it hurts.” wade complains, putting a hand to his heart and you could just tell he was pouting underneath the mask. 
“and you perfectly went on with it, pretty girl.” logan teases, making you turn to look at him. 
you tried to lift your leg up to hit wade in the balls but you didn’t move an inch, you groaned in frustration and continued trying to fight him off, “you sick fucks shouldn’t have watched that fucking movie.” you spit and logan suddenly pulls a fast one and stabs wade in his side. 
he groans and lets your hands go just to start fake crying in his hands while logan says the infamous line, “now, baby, don’t blame the movies. movies don’t create psychos, movies make psychos more creative.”
he pulls the knife out of wade earning himself a moan as the blood seeped through the robe. the wound was a bit deep so it would take a little while to heal itself. “oh you son of a bitch- i knew you would try to be billy!! it’s not fair!!!” he whined and smacked the knife right out of his hands, quickly grabbing it. 
he pointed it at logan’s mask then trailed it down his body while looking down. “on another note, i think we’re gonna have to do this to you tomorrow, hot stuff.” he murmurs, making logan smirk under his mask. 
catching them both off guard, you snatch your knife right back and slice across wade’s chest. he gasped and shook his head, “not nice to do that princess, come on now…” 
you shrugged and now wanting to get to the real fun stuff, you bring your empty hand to his thigh. he looks down at your hand then back up at your face then repeats two more times while you slowly bring your hand up higher each time. your hand landed on his hard on and you hum, "huh.. what's this?" 
he shrugged and lifted the robe up to reveal his pants, "come find out?" 
you eagerly nodded as he got off your lap so fast and even pulled you up before logan picked you up and threw you onto the bed. you quickly laid down on your stomach and got as close to the edge as possible while they both lifted the black robes up and over their bodies. you ogled at both their torsos while they threw them on the floor, now shirtless and with their tight fitting pants begging for an escape.
you licked your lips and weren't sure where to begin but they decided to be kind enough to help you by both taking their pants off. you whistled at the sight, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. "i sure am lucky huh?" you mumbled making logan chuckle, "that you are sweetheart.." 
"i think we're all lucky to be fair.. i mean not everyone is down to be fake hunted for fun…" wade murmurs as he fully slides his pants down. 
"or down to be stabbed…" you joke and he snorts, "thatta girl, see! be grateful you have two immortal boyfriends."
logan rolls his eyes and brings his hand to your head, pulling you close to his cock, "c'mon let's get to it."
"hey patience is key baby.." you mumble and bring your right hand up. making them remember you still had the knife. 
he wasn't nervous, didn't even budge. 
instead he watched you intently and carefully while you brought it up and down his thighs, the tip only barely grazing his skin. you trailed up higher, going around his pubic bone and just going back and forth. you pressed a little more so the tiniest bit of blood came out but the wound quickly disappeared before your eyes. meanwhile his cock was twitching and precum was oozing down. you pulled the knife away and looked over at wade's and his was the exact same, "you guys are kinda sick…" you mumble making them both groan.
"says the one doing it." wade retorts and you shrug. 
you let go of the knife and put it off to the side while grabbing a cock in each hand, them standing right next to each other was a major help. you spit on logan's then do the same to wade's while waiting for the saliva to go down to your knuckles before stroking them at the same time.  
they both moan, making you smile as you look up to watch both their reactions. logan was looking at you through the tiny holes in the mask while wade's head was hung back in bliss. you started stroking them faster, listening to the amazing sounds they were both letting out.
it was music to your ears.
 "just like that baby." logan purred, mesmerized by the view.
"oh fuck- god really is a woman." wade moaned out, making you do a double take before shaking it off. 
you continued your pace for a few minutes before you started to slow down then suddenly kept going again. just to keep them on their toes. 
they were getting grumpy and annoyed, too fast for your liking but they were needy so what can you really do? 
you knew that if you took one in your mouth it would only be a matter of time before you heard complaints from the other one so you had to stick with just your hands. at least that was until they suddenly flipped the switch on you.
wade smacked your hands away from them and before you even got a chance to say anything, logan manhandled you and made you do a 180 then flipped you over, spreading your legs apart in front of them. they both got on their knees, finally taking their masks off to reveal your boyfriends' handsome faces while they ogled at your dripping pussy. 
logan lifted your skirt up and let it drape over your stomach while wade pulled your already soaked panties to the side, "whose the sick fuck now?" wade mocked before taking his gloves off then throwing them behind him. 
you rolled your eyes at him while logan also took his gloves off and then immediately slid a finger inside you with no warning, "fuck!"
he slammed it as deep as he could go while wade watched in awe. the way your walls were just sucking his whole finger up just made him want to fuck you already. he should be excited this was happening at all and really take it in, maybe take his time, relish the moment but he couldn't help it. it was taking so much in him to not just fuck you like he needed. 
he had a feeling logan was on the same boat but knew they had to give you a bit of pleasure before fucking you. it was only a shame because he was so impatient now more than ever.
fortunately for him, he and logan were sharing a brain cell and he pulled his finger out, "sorry baby, we're too impatient.."
wade cheered and quickly got up before taking initiative and manhandling you to flip you onto your stomach then putting you in doggy. he made sure your ass was out and your back perfectly arched before taking his position behind you while logan sat down in front of you.
he looked down at his dick and you grabbed it, taking it into your mouth and going down because there was no point in waiting around. wade slipped inside you, letting you adjust for a solid minute before he started moving.
he started pulling out then thrusting back inside as deeply as he could while you moaned around logan’s cock. he was moaning right along with you while he watched the scene in front of him unfold.
you just looked too good sucking him off while getting fucked and wade looked too good losing his fucking mind fucking you.
“fucking shit baby- you feel so good-“ wade moans and grips onto your hips with his hands, watching your ass bounce and recoil with every thrust.
you whimpered and felt logan twitch in your mouth as you took as much of him as you could without accidentally choking because wade was going hard. he now started smacking your ass, feeling each cheek grow warm fast, “taking it so well sweet pea- so proud of you..” he murmured and you clenched against him.
he moaned and started going faster, having full faith that you’d empty his balls in no time.
you pull away from logan and feel a string of saliva come from your lips to his tip as you took a deep breath, “mmm there you go.. take that cock baby.” he murmurs and cups your jaw, softly rubbing his thumb to your cheek.
your eyes were glossy. so pretty and fucked out already even though it wasn’t that long.
“baby please-“ you pleaded and gripped into logan’s thighs, digging your nails into the skin.
“what do you need, sugar? don’t be shy now.” wade teased with broken breaths.
you didn’t even know what you were begging for, just desperate to cum because all that playing around had you feeling more insatiable than usual. then it popped into your head.
“cum inside me please.” you moaned and wade groaned.
he looked straight ahead and was barely able to looking at himself in the mirror fucking you. he chuckled then lowered himself down until his chest was pressed against your back, “whatever you want baby- fuck- gonna take two loads tonight?”
you whimpered and nodded your head yes while his thrusts became sloppier and he felt that knot in his belly tightening. he moved a hand over and down to your neck, wrapping his hand around it and lightly squeezing, “mmm look at yourself in the mirror baby… think i just found the prettiest of them all.”
you grin and look into his eyes through the mirror which was just the thing to push him right over the edge. he spilled his load inside you, letting go of your neck as he made sure you received every earned drop.
you caught your breath and laid your head onto logan’s lap while wade let out his final moans and slowly started to slip of you. right at that moment logan quickly stood up and took wade’s place, sliding inside you before any of his cum slipped out.
he moaned as soon as your walls entrapped him, feeling wade’s load as he thrusted hard, “fuck- oh my fucking god baby-“
you whimpered and now laid your head against wade’s lap. that was until logan flipped you over once against and now you were on your back with your legs spread as much as you could while he began pounding into you mercilessly.
you were a mess, eyes fucked, body warm, legs shaking while logan moaned out for you, gripping the back of your thighs while he watched your tits bounce.
his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he quickly looked back at you just to grope and squeeze your tits. he kept his hard and deep thrusts at an all time high, already feeling that you were getting close.
your legs started to shake and it was like he was able to feel your pussy pulsate against him. it felt amazing feeling you tightening around him like a vice, it was a feeling he could never truly get use to but would love to feel for the rest of his life.
you were letting out sweet moans of his name as he felt his own orgasm build in his stomach, “that’s a good girl- f-fuck yeah baby, cum with me-“
you whimpered and reached down to your tits and entertwine your fingers with his. “cum inside me too baby- need it so bad.” you whined with a little pout.
with one final look at your face, he did so. he groaned as he came inside you and making sure you were filled to the fucking brim because it’s what you deserve. you shut your eyes and feel your body shake when your orgasm hits you hard while he slows down.
with a few slow strokes, you rode out your highs and he slowly started to pull out of you. you didn’t even notice wade had been on standby next to logan with a towel to help clean up the mess.
yeah you were definitely the lucky one in this relationship.
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More thinking about getting assimilated into the retired 141 polycule.
[part one]
Soap opens the door, dragging you out of the bedroom’s soft dimness into semi darkness. The only way you know that you’re walking down a corridor is the light at the other end, coming from down stairs. Gaz is following so closely behind that he’s nearly catching your heels, his hands hovering by your shoulders in case you stumble as Soap leads the way downstairs.
You emerge into a kitchen, filled with the sound of a kettle about to boil. Soap glances back at you, making sure you made it down behind him okay, leaving Gaz free to brush past the pair of you, to greet the man waiting in the kitchen.
‘Morning, John.’ Gaz embraces John from behind, grabbing at his loose shirt to pull it tight around his body. Soap sees you swallow as Gaz shows off the muscles in John’s back, highlighted under the taut material of his sleep shirt.
‘Mornin,’ John grumbles, in the same husky voice as before. Soap pulls you close to him, leaning your heads against each other as you both watch John turn to kiss Gaz, the pair murmuring something between them as the kettle clicks, and steam curls out of the spout.
John is the one to break away from the cuddle, leaving Gaz take over the tea as he turns to face you. ‘This our guest, then?’
‘It is.’ You nod your head, feeling Soap step back as John approaches, his feet scuffing as he drags them on the floor.
John reaches out, gently cupping your wrist before sliding his fingers down to your hand, and lifting it to his lips to press a kiss to your knuckles. ‘A pleasure to finally meet you.’
‘Come off it.’ Soap pulls your hand free, replacing it with his own as he kissed John’s cheek. ‘Why don’t you go down and let Simon in?’
‘Why don’t you?’ Price pulls Soap close and makes him kiss him properly, twisting their bodies so you can see it all, before pointing Soap in the direction of the door.
‘Don’t wanna. Wanna stay here.’ Soap pushes back, reaching towards you.
Gaz chuckles in your ear as you watch the bickering begin to unfold. ‘Come on, you don’t need to see this. Come have a seat.’
Gaz guides you with a hand on your back, steering you out of the kitchen and into the living room. He sets you down on the well loved sofa cushions, hovering over you for a second too long for you to not ask.
‘Want a kiss?’
He doesn’t reply verbally, just taking what was offered, and then another, before the third is interpreted by a smack on someone’s ass, and Soap hurrying past, covering his flushing cheeks.
‘Aww, look at him…’ Gaz chuckles, glancing back as John emerges in Soap’s wake.
‘Aren’t you meant to be making tea?’
‘It’s brewing.’ Gaz grumbles, but slips back towards the kitchen, leaving you alone with John.
‘May I?’ He gestures to the seat next to you.
He sinks down next you you, throwing an arm on the back of the sofa, just behind your shoulders. You tilt your head back, resting it in the crook of his elbow.
He chuckles. ‘You’re something else, aren’t you?’
‘I am.’ You confirm, meeting his eyes when he turns his head to look at you.
‘You know,’ he leans in close, and lowers his voice, ‘you sounded delightful last night.’
You gasp, covering your mouth as you scramble through the blurry memories of last night trying to remember what you had done for him to overhear.
He chuckles again, brushing a finger down the side of your face, about to say something else, when Gaz sets two mugs of tea down on the coffee table.
‘Think you’re mistaken, there. That was all Soap.’ Gaz passes a third cup to you, before sitting on your other side. ‘He gets real high pitched when you fuck him right.’
‘I wasn’t talking about high pitched...’ Price grumbles, reaching down to get his own tea as Gaz opens his arms and lets you lean into them.
‘Is that true?’ You whisper.
‘About soap.’
‘Course it is. We can show you how, if you want.’
‘You’d do that for me?’
‘Of course, for you. And for soap, because he enjoys it like nothing else.’
‘And we like watching him get fucked.’ John chimes in, sliding his arm down to rest on your thigh, gently squeezing.
‘All of you?’
They both nod.
‘We could ask Simon to show you, when he gets up.’
‘It’s…’ you glance around, spying a clock on the wall, reading half seven. ‘Too early for that, surely.’
‘That clocks broken, love.’ John flips his phone screen to you, showing that the time is closer to ten thirty. ‘But, we can always do it later, if you prefer.’
‘If you want to stay, of course.’ Gaz supplies, behind you.
‘You’ve made me curious, of course I’m staying.’ You sip your tea, gently blowing over the rim of the cup to cool it each time.
‘Staying?’ John glances at Gaz over your shoulder. ‘For today, or…’
‘I mean… however long it’s okay for me to stay,’ you hurry out, suddenly embarrassed to have overstepped.
‘No, no, it’s fine, love.’ Gaz hushes you, slowly getting you to sit up. ‘That’s not what he meant.’
‘Oh… okay.’ You settle, glancing between the two men to see who will speak first.
‘You might have worked out that we don’t exactly have a typical relationship.’ Gaz starts.
‘Yeah, I got that.’ You nod. ‘You’re… poly?’
‘Yeah. We’re all together in a polycule.’ John nods, seeming glad that you had already figured out something along the right lines.
‘Fuck, that is not what we’re calling it. We agreed on this, Price.’
‘It’s what it is, Kyle, don’t start this again…’
‘It just sounds so formal and pretentious…’
‘Wait,’ you gasp, ‘your name is Kyle?’
‘Yeah. Something wrong with that?’
You shake your head. ‘Just never saw myself living with a Kyle.’
‘So you’re in?’ John leans towards you.
‘If you’ll have me.’
‘Course we’ll fucking have you…’ Gaz kisses you, as John snags your tea away to our on the table before it gets spilled. Just in time, as Gaz shoved you back into Price’s lap, your arms thrown over his shoulders as you realise Gaz isn’t going to let you breathe, until John pulls him away, letting your head fall back on his chest as he pulls Gaz up for himself, cradling his face between his hands as he takes kiss after kiss after kiss from Gaz, before they lean down and take kiss after kiss from you, before the door bangs open.
‘We’re back!’ Soap hurries into the room, stopping short when he sees what’s going on. ‘Fuck, Si we interrupted them!’ He calls over his shoulder, before coming over for a kiss of his own, as the as of yet unseen Simon enters the room.
‘I have hunted and gathered.’ Simon holds up a plastic bag, the smell of bacon and chips slowly filling the room.
‘Oh get in.’ Gaz fist pumps the air, pulling you up as Simon comes closer to the couch.
‘Hi.’ He holds is hand out to you.
‘Hi. Nice to meet you.’ You shake hands.
‘It is.’ He smiles, eyes crinkling above the black surgical mask he’s wearing.
‘Come on, Si, I’ll give you a hand.’ John stands up from the sofa, taking Simon into the kitchen, as Soap eagerly takes his place.
‘So, what’s the word?’ He looks expectantly at Gaz.
‘You’re in, aren’t you, love?’ Gaz looks at you, and you suddenly wonder if Soap’s departure was a set up for Gaz and Price to give you that invitation.
‘Yeah. I’m in.’ You nod. Who gives a fuck if it was a set up. You’re in now, and you’re not leaving any time soon.
‘Fuckin beautiful.’ Soap presses a kiss to your shoulder. ‘Knew you would be.’
‘You did?’
‘Course I did. Just sauntered up, bought both of us a drink like it was nothing.’
‘You can’t call tequila love at first sight, Soap.’
‘You’re calling rum love at first sight, what’s the difference?’ Soap snipes back at Gaz over your head, and you break out laughing.
‘If I’d known it was going to lead me here, I would have sat on your dicks right there at the bar.’
‘What at the same time?’ Gaz mocks shock, before pulling you close, burying his face in your shoulder as he squeezes you tight. ‘Fuck I’m glad we met.’
‘Me too.’ Soap wrapped his arms around you too, sighing happily as you sank into them.
‘Oi, love birds. Food’s here.’ Simon breaks you up, setting sauces down on the table as he doles out the sandwiches. ‘Bacon, chips, chips, bacon for price when he’s done wanking in the kitchen, and bacon for me.’
‘You want me to spit in your tea, Simon?’ John calls out from the kitchen.
‘Don’t ask that, you might be surprised.’ Simon returns, before you all open your sandwiches and tuck in.
It’s quiet as you eat. Gaz and Soap on either side of you, Simon only looking away from you when John returns from the kitchen with his tea. Simon lets John sit next to him, the pair leaning on each other as they put away a bacon butty.
John does so quicker than anyone else, so as soon as Gaz and Soap are both left licking sauces from their fingers, he’s standing up. ‘Come on, you two. We’ve got to get a start on cleaning up.’
They grumble but go with him, taking paper wrappers and empty cups with them. You suspect that cleaning didn’t need three people, rather this was an excuse for you to be alone with Simon.
He leans forward, grinning lazily at you, the full expression visible now that he’d ditched the mask. ‘John told me that you’re in.’
‘John told me that you’d fuck soap and let me watch.’ The words spill out of your mouth before you’ve really thought about them, but it makes him smile more.
‘Did he?’
‘Yes, he did.’
‘And do you want me to do that?’
‘Yes. Very much yes.’
He sits back, spreading his legs wide. ‘Then you ditch those borrowed clothes, get on my lap, and earn it.’
[part three]
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