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ts fan since REDcurrent fav album: SPEAK NOW“never be so kind, you forget to be clever. never be so clever, you forget to be kind.”
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
my taylor story
I haven’t been able to meet taylor...yet... but this is my story of getting to know her and how she unknowingly raised me and shaped my life. 
i grew up in the time of music (aka 2008 to 2015). my brother constantly had music videos playing in the living room. as most of us know, one of taylor’s breakthroughs into mainstream music was Love Story. I know this is a running joke between swifties, but that song literally taught me the story of Romeo and Juliet However, unlike my sister, i didn’t have a way of keeping up with taylor, or really even knowing who she was other than the music videos my brother would play on the tv. I would just say “Oh! There’s Juliet!” (i also did this to annoy my sister because she was a huge fan of taylor). 
years went by and i became less of a brat, so my older sister allowed me to listen to her RED cd. I sat in her room, on the floor, listening, soaking in, all of taylor’s lyrics. Peyton, my sister, paid no mind to me. She actually says it was one of the few times she never heard me say anything. It was her “hour of peace”. It hooked me. My brother would watch that week’s newest music videos and i was sitting there, right next to him, waiting for my juliet- er taylor. I Knew You Were Trouble was the first one i saw from RED. my age did not allow me to comprehend what the video was about or what was happening, but i didn’t care. I watched as taylor sang and hurt for the next three minutes. right then, it clicked. for months you could hear hums of WANGBT, IKYWT, and Red all throughout the house. 
1989 came out a couple years later. I’m in fifth grade and my sister is on her way to college. I suppose she got hit with a bit of Never Grow Up from speak now since she took me everywhere with her that summer. her, knowing how much i loved RED, took me to Kroger to get 1989 the day it came out. We rushed over to the stand next to self checkout, grabbed a cd, grabbed some snacks, and checked out. we drove around our city eating the snacks until the album was over, then gave our reviews. same routine followed, I kept watch of youtube and raced to watch the videos when i saw them. I remember trying to learn all the dances in Shake It Off and mimic the gracefulness found in Wildest Dreams. 
Two years later, we all know what happened. I was in the middle of moving to a different state and was not on social media (rather, didn’t know how to use it). I was clueless for those years about what happened to taylor. Until Look What You Made Me Do came out. I heard she released another song!! Peyton, unfortunately, lived miles away and was studying for some big test. So, I climbed on top of a haybale with my close friend and watched the music video. I remember feeling sad when it was over. “What did she mean by the old taylor was dead?” “Will she not be singing those songs i fell in love with anymore?” “Did the songs die with her?” Were my immediate first thoughts. I moved on and continued to look out for new music videos and learned all the lyrics to every song. I started asking my mom for a pet snake for christmas (still working on that).
Lover was next. I stopped keeping up with taylor, but she came right back with the song ME!. I started listening more to “2014 tumblr emo songs” so Lover’s audience didn’t pin me. However, with 2014 emo comes Panic! At The Disco... you know where this is going- yes, i listened to ME! for Bredon Urie and delved into the entire album, which lifted me from my eyeliner and flannels. I fell back into my same routine- this time, arguing with people who didn’t appreciate the songs (seriously guys, you just don’t like happy songs). 
And in the depths of the quarantine born were our friends, our sisters, our sorrows: folklore and evermore. I sat down and listened to every single song to folklore and texted the review to my sister. what ensued were tears and relatability (seriously taylor, how did you perfectly describe what i was feeling at that moment). evermore followed behind closely. i was actually on the phone with my friend Addsion. she wasn’t a huge taylor swift fan, but i sure did make her one that day. we would listen to a song, and then rate it- just as peyton and I did with 1989. her favorite was champagne problems, and mine was tolerate it.
April 9th is soon. 6 days away. I don’t know if I’m more excited for the album, or that I turn 16 (I know, I’m literally a year off- don’t remind me). my sister will be visiting and I am so excited to continue a tradition. our father picks on us, but the whole family knows he is secretly a taylor fan- everyone in the family is. i’m sure by now @taylorswift knows of how much her songs impact all of our lives. i take her words as advice, and scream lyrics of hurt that i have never felt before. taylor has certainly earned her status of a musical legend and i am so excited for what the future holds.
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
I am just so proud of taylor. every little fiber of my being is just like “’re so cool and awesome.” Every time I’m writing I’m like “what would taylor swift say” and boom- masterpiece
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
you guys, i honestly think i am persuading my grade to do a Love Story (taylor’s version) lip sync battle. 
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
when you start looking at my taste in men... you can really tell which taylor swift song i took to subconsciously 
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
is one of the best lines to scream to and if you disagree, you’re wrong. 
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
you know what, even if tumblr isn’t posting my stuff to the tag page- i’m still not gonna shut up
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
STILL not over the god complex i formed after taylor decided to release her first rerecorded album on MY BIRTHDAY
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
i will die on the hill that is every single taylor album is grossly underrated
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
what is your favorite songs and why!? answer in my little ask box thing up there to the right!!
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paperrings-shinythings · 4 years ago
hey y’all, it’s annabelle!! this is my page all about my love for taylor and her music haha! i hope to make friends here and maybe even meet taylor!!
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