wito-chan-bla-bla · 4 months
I think Kakashi, after quitting his job as Hokage, should go to work for the Inuzuka clan. What? There are dogs. There is time to read books. There are (not always) intelligent people. There are also only people around who are as interested in dogs as he is. With his experience, he will become the best employee there!
Live, rejoice, cuddle puppies.
(And that would be so sweet and charming. Simply… you come to the Inuzuka clan to find yourself a dog, and there Kakashi is lying on the floor with puppies and teaching them to roll over on command. And just a thought "And this man was once a Hokage… Why didn't he stay in this place? He was so perfect!")
(And it would also allow him to quietly spend his "retirement", but at the same time not stop being a Shinobi and not turn into something incomprehensible. I am sure that daily tinkering with dogs takes a lot of energy and keeps you in good shape)
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kankuroplease · 5 months
What skills or any traits do Uchiha clan members like from the other clans they know in your AU?
Tajima - absolutely nothing. Uchiha is the best and there is not a single thing he’d ever admit to liking about any other clan
Sumi - she thinks the Hyuga have pretty eyes.
Madara - he’d probably think the red hair and the chakra of the Uzumaki were appealing
Inari - Akimichi women, enough said
Kota - what Tajima said
Tenko - would think the sharp teeth on some of the Hoshigaki and Hozuki are cool.
Izuna - I think he’d be fascinated by all kekkei genkai tbh, even if he doesn’t vocalize it
Ringo - the Inuzuka’s bond with their ninken is very charming to her
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asukaskerian · 9 months
Reread cherry wine recently and I can’t remember what theories I had about the older generations whether it’s senju mother or Yoritomo other then o was at least close to some spoiler lol
But I do remember and really enjoyed not just the court intrigue but also how Tobirama interacts with the young girl Hanazura and recalling that for the end of the last chapter.you built a really big world and even people who are not the protagonist feel really fully fleshed out and their own persons with their own lives, personalities and anxieties. Esp the Uzumaki who are just present in memories, remembered letters or references by the senju brothers. Mito’s siblings esp her twin sound so funny and clever esp the the part where they agree with Hashirama about trusting people but also a joke about using it for your own gains as a trick lol. Very far away from the village but I feel like it gives them this good presence and shows how they’ll fit into the senju clan and the lives everyone has outside of the plot or feud. The senju and Uchiha clans feel very full and real places people (including the protagonists) spend decades living in and being family and fighters in with friendships, rivalries and people they just can’t figure out how to work with even when they want the same things.
Happy new year!
aaaaaahh #._.# thank you so much.
the naruto world is so FULL of background people doing background things, except in this time period! i gotta fill it up so it doesn't feel like the four guys + mito and maybe touka and hikaku are the only real people there. but oh man, the constant "am i introducing too many ocs. they're background filler, why do i know their favorite food and family dynamics" fretting. XD; it's a full capital and two full clans and it'll be a full village eventually...
hanazura should be popping up next chapter! in that scene i'm ... suposed to be writing right now. <_<;;
i kinda felt like accidentally i had gone with a cliche "young teenage girl is cheeky and charming" too often and failed to differentiate several OCs because inuzuka girl that tobi met is like that! and young girl that madara meets at the tea party is like that! and the hagoromo nieces.. yeah, no, THEY are faking it because they think madara is into that. now i'm busy differentiating inuzuka girl and the other one. one of them has significantly better manners to start with. XD
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superbiam · 1 year
another NaruHina fic drabble
Professor! Naruto & Professor! Hinata - Modern Konoha setting
Naruto sat in the teachers lounge as he talked about proposing to his girlfriend over the weekend.
They had only been dating for 3 years, more like 2 years since they weren’t really exclusive for the first year but she insisted on making it count.
in all honestly, even though he sounds like a coward and an asshole, he didn’t want to propose but after constant scrutiny of his soon to be father in law that he wanted his only daughter to be happily married and probably just want an heir to their clan, he gave him the ring his daughter had been gushing over for him to pop the question.
clan shit Naruto couldn’t be bothered with.
Also, his fiancee wanted to get engaged as it seemed her well put together and successful friends were either engaged or recently married, her being the only one without a boyfriend let alone a serious relationship took it upon herself to claim they had been serious since the beginning of them dating. God forbid she was left behind.
She kept nagging him to basically propose to her.
Naruto could’ve easily walked away clean since the hints started to drop but he just ended up convincing himself it was time to settle down and start a family.
The couple got along, for the most part. Naruto got along with his family as he was funny, charming, and very handsome.
He was easy going ... too easy going.
Naruto knew he was attractive to a healthy point, he was far from narcissistic, and he knew he had many admirers at work and anywhere he went he always had some flirtatious interaction with other women without him engaging or indulging them, women were bold.
As the conversation went on the vice principal walked in with three unknown people trailing behind him.
Two women and one man.
Iruka, the vice principal started to introduce them three new employees but all sound drowned out of Naruto’s ears and he hyper focused on his new colleague, a beautiful woman with the softest lavender eyes.
His breath caught on his throat when he noticed her looking at him.
“Naruto are you listening? hello!” Iruka sensei now obstructed his view of the gorgeous ninja.
Naruto snapped out of his trance.
“Gee as the head of administration you’re really not making a good first impression to the new teachers.” Iruka huffed feigning annoyance.
All three greeted Naruto.
“Nice to meet you. My name is Kiba Inuzuka.”
“Hello, my name is Sakura Haruno.”
“Hello, i’m Hinata Hyuga, it’s a pleasure to meet you Naruto-kun”
Hinata Hyuga.
He was indeed fucked.
Lol i suck at writing pt.2
idk what will come of this. i suck at writing but i love drama and drabbles, pointers will be greatly appreciated!
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usagirln12003 · 28 days
Hinata Hyuga: Hogwarts AU
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Hinata Hyuga is a Pureblood witch that was born on the 27th of December 1978 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1990, being sorted into Hufflepuff House.
She has a Willow wand with a Unicorn Hair core.
Her Patronus is a Tiger.
Her favorite subject is Charms and her least favorite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts.
She was one of Hufflepuff's Chasers from her fifth year onward.
As a child, Hinata was soft-spoken and polite, always addressing people with proper honourifics. She is kind, always thinking of others more than for herself, caring for their feelings and well-being. She doesn't like being confrontational for any reason. This led to her being meek or timid to others, as her overwhelming kindness can render her unable to respond or act for fear of offending somebody. Her father's constant push to alter this personality trait when she was younger only made it worse, eroding Hinata's self-confidence and making her even more bashful because she gained so little faith in herself and opinions. Despite being disinherited, Hinata loves her family very much, as shown when she "agreed" to marry Toneri in order to rescue Hanabi even though she knew it meant breaking Naruto's heart and the possibility she and Toneri actually would get married.
Hinata's outlook sees a shift after she befriended Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame. Whereas her father and much of the Hyūga family had decided she was a lost cause who would never amount to anything, her friends considers her a valuable person with her special strong points. Originally, she would over-rely on her boys, looking to them in times of difficulty to save her from situations that make her uncomfortable. It is for her friends - among other reasons - that Hinata starts seeking to change herself, as she wishes to help her friends rather than burden them.
Hinata's primary motivation is Naruto Uzumaki, with whom she has been fascinated since meeting him. He initially gained her attention because of his kindness to her and outspoken nature, and then kept her attention because of similarities that Hinata perceived to herself: Naruto had a painful childhood without the love of parents, a fate worse than the mere difficulty she had with her own father, and he craves the attention and acknowledgement of anybody, just as Hinata wants to please her father. But whereas Hinata lost faith in herself, Naruto always believed he can accomplish any given task if he tries hard enough. She admires him deeply for this courage and over time fell deeply in love with him, which manifests as increased shyness and speechlessness when around him, something that became apparent to everyone, apart from ironically Naruto himself. Hinata strives to prove herself to others, but mostly to gain the attention and worthiness of Naruto. She emulates him to this purpose, adopting his life-code of never giving up to improve herself. To that end, she stops running from confrontation, instead doing all that she can to face it, even in the face of failure to keep trying, and willing to risk her life for her loved ones and the Wizarding World. By the end of her fourth year, her families' faith in her is restored and strengthened.
Throughout the years, Naruto remains her primary motivation; she willingly faced Pain to protect Naruto, despite knowing she has no chance of winning. She even defends Naruto from himself when he's in doubt, repeating to him his refusal to never give up. Two years after the war, upon achieving her greatest dream of having her love reciprocated by Naruto to form a deep and committed relationship together, she became more expressive about her feelings. She is even able to laugh openly because of it. After marrying Naruto and he becomes the new Minister of Magic, Hinata remains supportive of him and his increased responsibilities, even though she yearns for him to be home more often. As a mother and wife, she has become a master homemaker, keeping the family well-structured yet well-adjusted and happy. While very loving and supportive of her family, she is equally strict and assertive. Her newfound structured nature made her very intimidating and more easily angered when her family acts up, easily keeping them in line and swiftly punishing them for their misconduct. She is also insightful and wise with her words, realising that her children, particularly Boruto, take after Naruto in the desire to prove themselves to others and that she must believe in them to do things on their own.
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Tsumugi Inuzuka
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Age: 4
Home: Musashino (Sweetness and Lightning)
Likes: Yummy food (especially cherry tomatoes), Magi-Girl
Dislikes: Green peppers, classmates being mean
Most of the kids in this bracket are exceptional in some way. They’re dragons, or magical girls, or robots, or they were ordinary kids until they ran into a magical fairy or an apocalypse or a middle-aged con artist or something. Most truly ordinary children here are children in extraordinary circumstances. Tsumugi is four, and she likes cooking with Daddy.
Tsumugi is, in many ways, a normal preschooler. She wants to be good, within the limits of her understanding and attention span. She wants to do fun stuff, and avoid boring stuff, and eat good food. She doesn’t quite understand where Mommy went. She has a vivid imagination, unhindered by what she doesn’t know about the world and fueled by what she does.
Tsumugi is in this bracket not because of her concept, but because of her execution. If you’ve watched (or read) Sweetness and Lightning, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, I’m not sure what I can tell you to convey the way she’s written, animated, acted. Maybe you’ll get some idea if I show you what Tumblr thinks? (You'd get a better idea if I showed you the gifs, but I'm not doing that. For reasons.)
Props to Sweetness and Lightning for being one of the few anime where the child characters are played by actual children. I feel like if they'd taken the easier route and cast adult seiyuu to do squeaky voices, it'd have a lot less charm and the cute or more emotional moments wouldn't hit as well as they do with child VAs
Fanart of Tsumugi Inuzuka! Her relationship with her father is so wholesome and there is also cooking/food involved in the Anime just chef's kiss man
baby tsumugi has a spell that makes me need to see my neices [sic] or ill die
(Also this post, which I'm not sure anyone would believe was real if I quoted if instead of linking it.)
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jacksgreysays · 2 years
Primadonna Girl (this and that and everything, etc), (2023-03-15)
Primadonna Girl (fills the void up with celluloid)
As head of the Nara clan’s R&D, Takatori has the authority to approve sabbaticals, training trips, and other long term research projects of those nature by himself. Normally, he wouldn’t bother pushing it further up the chain, but this application has one particularly glaring detail he’d rather not deal with.
So now it’s Kinokawa-kun’s problem.
“Ah,” says Kinokawa-kun upon reaching the part of Nara Souichi’s application that also gave Takatori pause. There is a long moment of considering silence before he asks, pointedly, “Is he… motivated?”
The old adage that word references used to be more joke than threat: after all, a focused Inuzuka, an angry Aburame, and a motivated Nara were so rare that it would be more likely to be struck by lightning. Without the use of ninjutsu, that is. But since the professional debut of the generation between Takatori and Kinokawa-kun, that idiom has transformed fully into the warning it always seemed. For the Nara it has also become a precautionary tale.
Nowadays the clan as a whole is motivated, a grim and bitter spite-fueled sort of motivation, but it’s when individual clan members become noticeably motivated that the situation becomes… concerning.
Takatori mentally runs through what he knows about Nara Souichi: Eighteen years old. Chuunin rank as of two years ago. Born out-village, originally from the eastern indigo farm. For the Academy, he was fostered in-village with Shingon Ritsu—one of the Seal Research Group’s more prolific members—it’s from her that Takatori knows the more interesting anecdotes.
Like the time Souichi petitioned the Academy to give boys the option to join the kunoichi lessons. Or how he spent three weeks pestering the various bat summoners of the clan so that he could survey the different species’ calls. Or the way he invented a code based on the Seal Research Group’s founder’s original notes and mostly used it to play word games with his peers.
Intelligent? Yes, even amongst the clan. Passionate? Almost frustratingly so. Determined? Undoubtedly.
But… the specific, concerning type of motivated that caused their members to push too hard, too fast and lose themselves?
“No,” Takatori finally answers, “he should be fine.” Glancing at the section of the application specifying location, he continues, “If it were anywhere else, I’d have approved without bothering you, but as it is…”
“Yes, I understand,” Kinokawa-kun says. There is a pause before he adds, “I’ll ask Temari-nee, if she thinks it’s safe enough we can approve him for a short trip at least.”
Takatori nods, accepting the acting clan head’s decision. He is simultaneously relieved that the matter has been taken out of his hands, curious as to what the outcome will be, and worried.
It will be the first time in over a decade that a Nara goes to Sand.
He is not allowed to stop being the Kazekage—his heaviest, least wanted role—but when he goes to the Garden, at least he can also be Kankurou again.
“… it wasn’t the worst performance, but most of the charm is lost when you replace the puppets with actual people,” he says, the kind of incessant chattering that would have once made Temari threaten to suffocate him, or lament not having done so when they were kids.
Now she just rolls her eyes and ignores him, perusing through the files of Suna personnel he brought for her. Is this treason? Maybe. But if he has to be the Kazekage, then he’s going to make it work for him.
Or for his understandably cautious sister as the case may be.
Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
“Why’s this one here?” Temari says, pulling out one file in particular: Kiriue Tomoyo, nineteen years old, special jounin, medic nin.
Kankurou barks out a laugh, he knew she’d go for that one.
“I asked for jounin,” Temari complains even as she goes through the file more thoroughly. None of the other files received more than a cursory glance.
“She’s more than qualified, certainly would have kicked my ass at that age. She’d be a jounin already if she weren’t so misanthropic.” Kankurou says. Then, with another laugh, he adds, “Hell, I’d make her Kazekage if I thought I could get away with it.”
Temari purses her lips. The moment of silence is old, well worn, absent echoes of her retaliation and his frustration.
“… how misanthropic are we talking?” Temari, ever the diplomat, breaks the silence.
Kankurou, more appreciative of such things, jumps to answer. “Above average,” he says, because even he has to admit that the shinobi of Suna are far from friendly. “But not, you know, Sasori levels.”
No murdering people to make human puppets, thank god.
“But she’s a medic nin?” Temari prompts.
“She’s mostly in research since her bed side manner sucks. She thinks people are annoying and stupid.”
“And you think she’s fit to bodyguard a Nara for a month?”
Kankurou shrugs. “If it doesn’t all end in disaster, I can probably use this to promote her to jounin,” he says, and doesn’t bring up the fact that Temari also hasn’t taken a second look at any of the other files. “I’ve got a good feeling about this.”
Seikou Houshi is lucky. Or, at least, that’s what they’ve been told.
From the outside, it’s not a great look that a descendant of one of the excommunicated councilors is in the Poison Corps, but Houshi’s reputation is pretty harmless and more about research than combat. The only reason why they’re in the Poison Corps in the first place is because they’re fascinated by the conservation and maintenance of the most poisonous and venomous creatures in the world rather than any desire to use said poisons or venoms against another human being.
And, also, most other corps and departments have a soft ban on Houshi… for the whole “their grandfather was part of a conspiracy that nearly sent Suna into war with the literal most powerful village in the continent.” So no combat roles for them. That’s fine.
The fact that Houshi could even achieve chuunin rank is testament to that supposed luck, though they would argue that effort definitely went into it. After all, the eclectic mixture of seemingly noncombat skills wouldn’t normally make an effective shinobi, but that’s perhaps the point.
Houshi will likely never be sent out on missions. Houshi will probably never achieve a higher rank. Houshi will never be given any amount of authority in Suna.
But, unlike the rest of the Seikou family, they’re not dead. So Houshi is lucky.
They have a fulfilling job in a lab in the Garden of Life from Death studying the various once-extinct-but-no-longer flora and fauna that live in the oasis. Every so often, when the Academy sends a class on a field trip to the Garden, they’re in charge of teaching the students about lesser known poisons and venoms. And nobody looks too closely at the fact that Houshi has been desperately, heartbreakingly alone since they were six years old and their grandfather risked the entire family line on a stupid political maneuver that failed utterly.
But Houshi is lucky, right? They don’t know enough to think otherwise.
A/N: I had an idea to set up these three for a B-sides outsider POV for the bleak!Primadonna AU--but then I didn't really know what to do with them, I don't know if they would be finding out what happened to Gaara or if they become a support system for Shikadai, Kako, and Kankurou to secretly train in the Gardens or what... But by the time I realized I had no idea what to do with them, I was already two thirds of the way through and I just figured let's finish it, post it, and future me can always come back and use them for whatever.
Also, part of it is that similar to Shikako's genin students in vows under the auspices (only shooting stars) these characters are not entirely OCs in that they are just adapted into the Naruto world. I even made stats for them. Unfortunately, they are real people from a podcast that I listen to and I then got weird about it.
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
Cooler Than Me - Chapter 4
Ao3 | FFN
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First Chapter
Chapter 4: Day One - Hanabi
Hanabi huffs as she stomps through the gates, throwing her glare at anyone who looks at her questioningly.
That damn Konohamaru.
That damn Kiba.
He’s just so annoying. So stupid, so rude. So ridiculous. So cute.
Hanabi has to remind herself she’s mad at him when his face flashes across her mind. He’s just so damn charming. If he wasn’t, he’d have been dead long ago.
She looks over her shoulder to see Tenten sitting on the edge of the railing of the watchtower, swinging her legs. Hanabi’s stomach flips as her gaze lingers for a little too long.
Tenten’s hair is just so perfect, Hanabi thinks. She wonders if it’s transformation jutsu that keeps her buns so perfectly neat and high, even after hours of sparring or combat. And her uniform is just so crisp, her weapons always shiny and dangerous-looking.
Hanabi doesn’t think it’s fair for one person to be so good looking. It makes her want to blind herself so she doesn’t have to be graced with such beauty.
The worst part is that Tenten is nice. So nice, in fact, it is impossible for Hanabi to dislike her, even though she really, really wants to.
They may have been trying to keep it a secret, but they were so obvious. Kiba and Tenten are seeing each other, and it makes Hanabi want to scream. Some days, she’s tempted to write a letter to her cousin, pretending she’s in danger, to get him to return faster. That way, Tenten will go back to being enamored with his stupid face instead of the stupid face Hanabi’s enamored with.
Ever since she caught them making out outside of an izakaya at the devil’s hour, whenever she sees Kiba, she can only see Tenten’s lips on his, and she wants to cry like some pathetic baby. It’s just not fair. Everyone tells her she’s beautiful, but she just can’t believe it. Not when Kiba Inuzuka of all people hasn’t told her so himself. She wonders why his eyes always glaze over when she’s around.
She’s tried everything. Changing her shampoo from something flowery to something scentless. Showing more skin to the point even Natsu was scolding her. Bringing him his favorite barbeque. But no, Tenten brings him ramen and he’s over the moon.
Hanabi waves at her older sister as she passes the field of the Academy. She flashes as bright a smile as possible despite her headache at the children who look at her. Hinata told her some weeks ago that she scares children with her classic Hyuga stone-cold expression. Hanabi said she’d try harder not to look like such a bitch. Hinata immediately kicked her out of her room.
She groans when she hears Konohamaru’s voice. She rolls her eyes and spins on her heel to face him. “What?”
“Are we going to the Hokage’s tower, or…?” he asks while rubbing at his abdomen.
Hanabi clicks her tongue. “You are. I have to drop off this scroll to Itachi.”
“Gonna leave me to do the report?” Konohamaru’s face falls and she wants to laugh.
“Yep. Better get to it, Honorable Grandson.”
“Hey—I’m sorry, okay?” Konohamaru steps forward, tilting his head down at her.
Hanabi wants to groan, but doesn’t. He’s too kind for her to belittle, at least right now. “It’s fine, Konohamaru.”
“Really, I am,” he tries again, stepping closer. She steps back and shakes her head. Sometimes, she wishes Konohamaru would be better receptive of her feelings. “It just kind of came out.”
“Can you go now?” Hanabi presses, shifting her eyes.
“Are we good?”
“As good as we can be.”
“And that means…?”
“It means what it means. Goodbye.”
Hanabi ignores the crestfallen look on his face and turns around.
Sometimes, she wonders why she even still does this stupid job. When she signed up to be part of the Hokage’s guard, it was to skirt clan duties. But then Konohamaru followed her like the puppy he was, and now she’s with him nearly every day.
Their relationship was complicated. A lot of people liked to pair them up based on their statuses, pushed them together like they did Naruto and Hinata. Heiresses of the Hyuga with the son and grandson of Hokage’s just seemed to be everyone’s jam for some reason. Konohamaru is too much like Naruto, and she sees how Naruto turned out. No thank you.
No, Hanabi had a crush on Konohamaru when they were kids, but it remained there as far as she was concerned.
“I’m here to see Itachi.” Hanabi leans on her right foot in front of two Uchiha guards standing outside of where she knew Itachi would be.
“He’s busy at the moment,” one of them responds, tartly. She rolls her eyes and activates her byakugan. “Hey! You can’t use that here!”
“It’s just him and Shisui in there.” She quickly deactivates it, perking an eyebrow up at the one who told her no. She sucks in a deep breath. “SHISUI!!!”
“Is that my bratty Hyuga I hear?!”
Hanabi lets a smirk tug her lips up as the Uchiha men visibly grimace as the door flies open, Shisui’s grin greeting her. She groans when he charges at her, throwing her over his shoulder and swiftly carrying her inside, slamming the door closed behind him. “Put me down! I’m too big for you to do that now!!!”
“Nahhh—” Shisui chuckles as he tosses her down and she huffs, smoothing out her skirt.
“Or rather, you’re too old,” Hanabi snarks and Shisui bellows out a laugh. “That why you didn’t come to my party last night?”
“I am getting up there, little Hyuga.” He roughly pats her head and she swats at his hand. “Can’t keep up with you babies. I heard it was fun, though.”
“Yeah, until Udon pulled down Moegi’s shirt,” Hanabi growls.
“Yikes.” Shisui grimaces. “Glad I wasn’t there, then. I’ll stick to my beer and books.”
“Hanabi,” Itachi cuts in, looking tired of this conversation. “I’m happy to see you, but what is it you’ve come for?”
“This.” Hanabi fishes into her satchel, pulling out a scroll. Itachi tilts his head curiously as she hands it over. She shrugs. “It’s from father. Dunno what it is.”
“Thank you.” He nods, accepting it.
“Probably making more demands,” Shisui comments loftily, settling next to Hanabi. “Maybe he’s trying to get Hanabi married off to you, huh, Lord Itachi?”
“Gross.” Hanabi sticks out her tongue, then immediately frowns when Itachi perks an eyebrow at her. “Sorry. I just mean, well. You’re old.”
“Good ol’ Hanabi.” Shisui roughs up her hair. “When are you going to come play shogi with me? Itachi’s too easy to beat, I need a challenge.”
Hanabi snickers as Itachi sighs, unraveling the scroll. She looks up at Shisui and shrugs. “Could always ask Shikamaru? I’ve been busy.”
“You’re busy? Have you seen that guy?” Shisui coughs into his fist and shakes his head. “We’re on our 100th dojo. I’m kind of wondering where all the money for this is coming from. Shikamaru seems like the kind of guy who has connections for dirty money.”
“Loaned out from the Hyuga.” Hanabi sets her hands on her hips and puffs out her chest. “With a heavy interest rate.”
“Yikes again.” Shisui tuts. “Using those eyes to find hidden treasure?” He blinks down at her and she watches his eyes flash red. She squints at him and puts her hand over his eyes. He laughs, forcing her hand off. “Man, why are you soooo cool, Hanabi?”
“Why are you suuuuch a jerk, Shisui?” Hanabi retorts, glaring now.
Hanabi whirls around, blinking at the door and the voice screaming from the other side. She looks back at Itachi. “You’re popular today.”
“Just—it’s fine, send them in.” Itachi sighs out, beckoning a hand. Shisui dutifully rips open the door once more, and a blond head of hair comes skipping in.
Ah, yes, another woman who makes Hanabi want to be blind. Ino Yamanaka. Effortlessly (but with much effort) beautiful. The way her hair cascades up and out, her gem-like eyes, her smooth skin.
Hanabi thinks it’s just wrong that her sister’s entire class of ladies are drop dead gorgeous. How is that fair?
And of course, the beautiful bouquet she’s holding only makes her prettier. Shisui whistles. “That’s a pretty nice arrangement. One of my admirers must have been feeling colorful today, huh?”
“Sorry, not for you.” Ino shakes her head, making her way straight to Itachi. Hanabi giggles as Itachi’s expression turns confused. “For the one and only leader of the Uchiha.”
“What?” Itachi asks, dumbly. “For me?”
“Are you the leader of the Uchiha?” Ino asks sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she shoves them into his chest.
“I-uhm-I’m flattered, Ms. Yamanaka—”
“Oh my GODS,” Ino screeches, a look of disgust coming over her face. Hanabi and Shisui immediately buckle to their knees in laughter. “These are not from me, who in the world do you think you are?!”
Hanabi doesn’t think she’s ever seen Itachi turn such a deep red that it matched the sharingan, but it is thoroughly amusing.
“O-of course—” Itachi clears his throat, still looking confused and embarrassed. Ino tosses her hair over her shoulder effortlessly and flashes one of those dazzling smiles.
“You have a secret admirer, Lord Itachi.” She giggles, looking back at Hanabi to wink at her. Hanabi pales.
“The way you just looked at me makes it seem like they were from me,” Hanabi snaps, squinting her glare at Ino now. Ino cackles.
“Not for me to reveal!”
“Not like it isn’t obvious, anyway,” Hanabi scoffs, folding her arms. Everyone turns to look at her simultaneously and she raises her eyebrows at them.
Is everyone around her stupid? “Darling Hyuga, please indulge us.” Shisui tilts his head at her, blinking his pretty black eyes at her.
Hanabi shakes her head. “Inuzuka. The older one.”
“HANA?!” Shisui gasps and Hanabi thought it would be impossible for Itachi to turn even redder than he already was, but here they are.
“My my,” Ino tuts, folding her arms and tapping her foot, “called her out just like that, huh, baby Hanabi?”
“Can everyone please stop calling me a baby!” Hanabi groans, throwing her head back.
“This is truly a remarkable conversation, Shisui, Ino—” Itachi cuts in again, setting the bouquet to the side. He casts his gaze at Hanabi before continuing, “but if you’ll excuse me, baby Hanabi, I must pen out a reply to your father.”
Now it’s Ino and Shisui falling over each other in laughter as Hanabi’s eyes turn veiny.
Shisui wipes a phantom tear from his cheek, then stumbles over to Hanabi. “Sure thing, boss. Allow me to take out the trash.”
Hanabi’s eyes go wide as Shisui’s sinister grin turns to her. She squeals as she bolts away.
A/N: Hi. Uploads will be erratic at best. I hope you'll be patient with me. Thank you. &lt;3
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eiloveir · 2 months
→﹐naruto hc! <3
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‹𝟹 :: ⭑⭒  🗨 !!   𓏲  what naruto men would be like as boyfriends!
✰ pairing: them x f!reader
✰ warnings: none, except maybe being a bit cringy? it’s rushed too, there might be errors since i didn’t proofread.
i was bored and had nothing to write, so i came up with this idea to occupy someone’s delusional thoughts — though the characters might seem out of their usual paced.
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the sunshine boyfriend
uzumaki naruto, rock lee, inuzuka kiba, akimichi choji
a surge of energy that is consistently buoyant in your life. they make you laugh with their jokes and antics, and their contagious laughter and lively humor makes your day. they are the gregarious person that infuses the group with spontaneity and a sense of joy during social events. they may be that social, but beneath that there’s a side that comes out in the way they treat you. they always make sure you feel supported and loved—paying close attention to your happiness and well-being. they are there for you with effort and loyalty, whether it’s celebrating your victories or providing you with comfort during your most vulnerable times and they constantly bring warmth and positivity into your being—in your life, like a ray of sunshine.
the reserved and protective boyfriend
uchiha itachi, hyuga neji, gaara, aburame shino
prioritizes your happiness above all else, their actions speaking volumes about their commitment to your well-being. they don’t rely on words to show their affection; instead, they express their love through thoughtful gestures that make your heart flutter. their confidence in your bond is reassuring—as they know your heart belongs to them alone. they’re attuned to your every need and desire—noticing the smallest details that make you feel truly understood and loved. your relationship with them resembles as each other’s safety nets—like the archers, both are holding onto one another.
the ideal boyfriend
uchiha obito, hatake kakashi, nara shikamaru
they radiate a sophisticated poise and a playful charisma. they always know how to make you laugh and feel at ease while adeptly balancing a relaxed style with courteous care. their dependability make you feel consistently loved—their protectiveness guarantee that you feel safe and treasured. they are the kind that are good at flirting—the tease one and those who can be called a “playboy”—but they are extremely loyal. they are often perceived as having many women in their lives, but in reality, that is just their aura; they only have one person in mind, and that someone is you. they are the combination of carefree and playful, which makes them an ideal partner in every way.
the black cat boyfriend
uchiha sasuke
someone who, like a feline, keeps a cold exterior, appearing remote and aloof. despite his outward demeanor, his heart races in your presence, and he blushes when he sees you. he may reject inquiries about his thoughts with a flippant “it’s nothing,” but his actions scream louder than words, much like a black cat’s intriguing charm. although expressing feelings vocally is difficult for him, he expresses caring through actions and intimate moments shared only with you (just like with the second one)
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historias-multorum · 1 year
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FULL NAME : Hana Inuzuka
TITLE : Medic, Animal specialist, Field operator 
» bold: applicable » italics: somewhat or conditionally applicable » strikethrough: … goes to great lengths to hide it
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical |cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring| brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | sparring in general | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing
tagged by: @mistdaze​ (This was from a looong time ago najkdsand)​
tagging: @galaxyinfinitum @lunaferrous @apocalypta-secundus @erthlyheavn​ and anyone who wants to give it a go!
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ao3feed-hashimada · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qPnFQVL
by keleaomine
Naruto e Sasuke têm quase tudo e quase nada em comum.
Suas vidas, muito opostas, colecionam coincidências surpreendentes que, apesar de tudo, levaram anos para colocá-los frente a frente.
Naruto é o vocalista de uma das mais populares bandas de rock da atualidade, um homem que distribui charme e coleciona corações, paixões e relacionamentos - mesmo que isso seja problemático demais, segundo seu melhor amigo, Shikamaru. Definitivamente, o Uzumaki não está em busca de algum romance que ultrapasse a linha da inspiração.
Sasuke é um bailarino clássico em ascensão. Lindo, talentoso, arrogante e boçal (na sincera opinião de Itachi). Ele é membro de uma das famílias mais importantes do país e seu sobrenome carrega peso demais, peso esse que "interferiu" no único relacionamento que viveu. Definitivamente, o Uchiha não pretende se envolver com outro alguém.
Principalmente alguém barulhento, sem vergonha, mal educado e metido.
Numa noite, como noutra qualquer, finalmente suas vidas são conectadas e, por mais que odeiem essa conclusão, nunca mais serão capazes de ficar longe um do outro.
Naruto vai escrever uma porção de músicas sobre Sasuke.
Sasuke vai dançar todas as melodias de Naruto.
Words: 5816, Chapters: 2/?, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Hyuuga Hinata, Hyuuga Neji, Haruno Sakura, Rock Lee, Inuzuka Kiba, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru/Temari, Hyuuga Hinata/Uchiha Itachi, Haruno Sakura/Rock Lee, Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara
Additional Tags: naruto é vocalista, sasuke bailarino, sakura boa amiga, konoha é uma banda de rock, itachi fanboy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qPnFQVL
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kankuroplease · 4 months
can you make a Hc for Elke or Leonie please 🐾🖌🎨?but you don't have to, I mean, do you enjoy doing Hcs, doing Hcs and drawing it's because we like doing it it's a little pleasure. I don't want it to be boring work for you so you don't have to do an Hc 😊🖤
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OC headcons aren’t boring to me, but they’re a lot of work. It’s why I skip some request for them 😆 but I’ll do short versions for both Leonie and Elke
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She’s the eldest of the triplets
She was also the worst of their children in temperament as she would have tantrums over every little thing
Which, thankfully, she grew out of with time
Instead preferring to paint the side of their home, herself, and brothers with mud
She has piebaldism like father, grandmother, and two brothers
Even though she’s not alone in having it, she’s extremely self conscious about it as it’s not just her forelock or one one two patches. It’s all over her body
Which led to some mean comments from other kids
her sense of smell wasn’t heightened at all, so she felt less than her siblings and would cry to her mother about it
Despite feeling left out, her triplet Mika always made sure she was involved
It’s why he became her first muse when she got more seriously into art (he’s so nice compared to their triplet, Sena)
She did not want a ninken, but her parents insisted having one would make her feel more included with the Inuzuka
The compromised and ended up getting her one that’s a bit more self sufficient and also very small (a requirement of hers)
her father noticed she really enjoyed art and he made it his mission to get her an easel and materials to create with. Mika just made it easier to create
Her and Sena always argued. Not because of how he treated her, but because he was mean towards Mika
Asahi did a good job scaring off her bullies for her, but he also told her to use her fist. Their parents are shinobi, don’t let this peaceful little life fool her into thinking she can’t throttle these kids
Kuri tried to dress her up pretty but Leonie wasn’t a fan of frills and bows. She eventually stopped trying let Leonie be the wild child she was
Frederick made the best braids and she always asked (demanded) him to do hers and dance with her
She use to ask Sena why he hated everyone so much, but eventually came to accept that he didn’t hate them. He just wanted something different than what he had.
Her and Elke were always close. She would paint to Elke’s singing and when they were older, Elke did try to introduce her to some guys too
Arashi always knew how to make her smile and laugh. If there is one sibling she was sad to have move out, it was him
By the time she reach young adulthood, she didn’t care what people thought about her and she was gain some notoriety for portraits
With some affluent customers commissioning her (thank you, Elke)
Unlike her sisters, she didn’t have some super pheromones or some Prince Charming willing to sweep her off her feet
She had a love of oddities and a new muse she found to keep her mind busy
Nothing like getting chased by some men through the woods and some blur of a humanoid creature ripping them to shreds
She blacked out and when she woke up she was closer to edge near her town
those blacked out, yet glowing, eyes really stuck with her on her walk back home
She’s not exactly sure what she saw, but her paintings of it worry her parents and she’s heard them murmuring about if it was one of “them”
They even assigned her one of her father’s ninken as a bodyguard
So she got the feeling that creature wasn’t all in her head
And decided to bring her sketches to ask her grandmother about it
Who immediately told her to stay out of the woods because that creature is most likely from a very specific clan, and much too dangerous to risk running into again
She was unsure of how or why this person was somehow here too, but if it is, then everyone should be on high alert
She also gave Leonie a good thump between the eyes as she could see her excitement building
This person was a berserker who’s unpredictable nature was too risky to be around
Much to her grandmother’s dismay, Leonie had washed the set of clothes she could have used to track this person because they were covered in dirt
Even with a sweep of the woods with the Inuzuka’s best and their ninken, nothing came of it
Just dried blood where those men who were chasing her had been slain
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She was the last girl Wolfgang and Ringo had
Their little full moon festival baby (it’s said to be a lucky time to be born)
Such a sweet and happy baby that blended into the family well
She was a quick learner in ninjutsu, polite, and had an angelic little voice she used to sing her favorite songs from a young age. So they really felt lucky!
Ebba told them that full moon births are said to be unfortunate as well, so they better watch Elke
Wolfgang didn’t believe in old wives tales and reassured Ringo their daughter would be fine
And she was! She made lots of friends and found her own ninken
Learned how to play the lute, harp, Kalimba, and Guzheng by age 12. She was truly a musical genius and was getting lots of fame for it
Then, it all got out of hand the spring of her first blood
All of a sudden Elke was extremely popular with members of a genders, as if they were under a spell
Wolfgang was getting tired of his door constantly being knocked and was even more worried at the looks his daughter was getting
He almost had a fight with a young woman over her not letting go of Elke’s hand while promising her the world if she would just be his wife
Turns out she was some duchess and really could, but that’s not the point!
Many letters professing love and poetry that could make a grown woman blush kept pouring in after every performance
Gifts that were to luxurious to expect, flowers, confections, etc.. you name it, Elke was receiving it
Elke decided to not leave the house with a family escort out of fear from this new found attention
It was at point they learned from some elders that Elke’s pheromones were very strong to say the least and appealing in a way that was extremely rare
She basically was emitting them at such a high level, that even non Inuzuka were being effected by it
Ebba and the elders began working on a perfume to help mask her scent and get her back to a level of normalcy with her interactions with other people
It was simi effective; enough to stop the overwhelming reaction
Elke was able to go back to being a performer. Traveling only a little bit with her ninken
choosing to live at home with Leonie and their parents
It took a few more years to figure some things out
But what was once an issue, she quickly learned how to utilize it in her favor. Less perfume, higher pay. More perfume and she can walk around like normal Inuzuka
It was fun to see how she affected others when it came to monetary gain, but with romance, she wanted to be loved for who she was not something as ridiculous as her pheromones
And she was able to find her true loves; two men an enby angel. The other pieces of her heart
It was tricky to navigate their dynamic as she didn’t have a polyam example (because her dad forbid her grandmother from talking about her romantic relationships) to go off of
one is strictly only attracted to her, another is her sweet cuddly asexual partner, and the other has social anxiety but has been her best friend and duet partner for years
She didn’t want to ruin a good thing being reckless
And what would her parents and siblings think?
But her grandmother told her as long as she communicates with them and make sure to respect their needs and boundaries, then things will work out if they’re meant to be
And she was right, like usual
She talked to her parents and their only concern was if Elke felt genuinely happy, loved ,and safe with her partners. If so, they were more than happy for her
Asahi said he was in no posture to judge others with his housemate situation
Kuri almost choked. She was shocked, but she knew all of them and they all were good people, so she can’t complain too much 😭
Frederick was just impressed. He can’t get one to stay, but she got three. Go baby, sis
Leonie felt very similar to Frederick, but added that she didn’t need to worry. They all support them
Mika was excited for her!
Sena was missing during this period (once again)
Arashi fully supports Elke! Especially because one of her girlfriends is an old sail mate of his
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softnaruto · 4 years
Can i request any scenario\drabble(no matter genre,time,18+ or not) with KibaXYuki clan fem SO who is Kiri ANBU. Like they met during mission & tried to kill him by mistake. And under the mask she acts cool and badass, but without depressed & shy bean who thinks that his feelings are either cruel joke or not good as they are from different villages.
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Death’s A Charm
author: hi hi! sorry for the late response! I hope you like it! 
pairing: Kiba x fem! Kiri clan! reader
words: 1949
genre: fluff, action
warnings: blood, wounds, death, and... fighting
this was too long so I cut it! pls keep reading after the cut! 
Kiba’s eyes slowly opened as he looked around, the shade of the forest limiting the sun’s harsh rays. He began to smell something… someone, to be specific. He immediately stood up straight, looking around for Akamaru. His last memory was foggy, and his surroundings did not look like Konoha’s forests either. He looked off to the side, noticing a small creek before cupping a bit of water with his hands.
He needed to find Akamaru and get the hell out of there.
“You’re really going to drink that water?” A strange voice asked, causing him to tense up as he lifted his hands up to his mouth. He let go of the water, looking around him, but finding no one. “God, you really are a dog.”
Kiba’s eyebrows scrunched together as he stood up straight. He took a kunai out of his back pocket, ready to defend himself from any attack. As he stood looking out into the forest, glances of the past came to him.
He was… with Hinata and Shino, on their way to Sato, the Village Hidden In the Mist in order to track and deliver stolen information that had reached the Land of Fire. They had to part ways halfway through as Hinata and Shino finished tracking the culprits and Kiba was left to deliver a scroll that had been found. However, after coming across a certain area in the Land of Water, Kiba had been surrounded by the culprits’ puppets and was outnumbered.
All he could remember was Akamaru standing bravely by his side; nothing else. He could easily be outnumbered now, but his mind kept going back to Akamaru… and the stranger mentioning a dog clearly meant that they had him.
“Where’s Akamaru?!” Kiba yelled, his eyes trying to trace the different scent in the air. All of a sudden, he heard a bark coming in from his left, and a big shape running towards him. He instantly recognized the shape, and a small smile appeared on his face, before remembering that there was an enemy out there.
A shape appeared by Akamaru, hidden in the fog that had accumulated through the forest. Kiba scrunched his eyebrows together, trying to see if it was an illusion or not.
“He missed you,” The figure said, standing in front of Kiba. Akamaru ran towards Kiba, barking and happily wagging his tail as he nuzzled into Kiba’s hand. Kiba ruffled Akamaru’s fur, before looking up at the figure questionably.
“This is definitely Akamaru and he’s not hurt either. Who are you?” His eyes trailed down the mask, and he noticed that the figure was a woman. She carried a sword with her, but nothing else. He recognized the mask as an ANBU from the Hidden Mist and raised his eyebrows. “You’re an ANBU. Why are you here?”
“I saved you, idiot. A thanks would be great.” The figure didn’t say anything after that, but gave him a gesture for him to follow.
“I didn’t need you to save me, whatever that means.” Kiba muttered, rolling his eyes as he cautiously followed the figure down the forest. The ANBU led him to a small clearing, before sitting down on a fallen log.
“You were outnumbered, of course you did.” She said, setting her sword down. “My orders are to help you deliver that scroll. Usually I would just take it, but truthfully… the Hidden Mist wants to show our trust in the Hidden Leaf, whatever that means. We’re waiting until you’re ready to go, since you’re just too weak. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised, you’re from the Leaf. You’re all weak cowards.”
“A coward? Are you talking about me?” Kiba asked, becoming quite annoyed by the stranger. He huffed, sitting down across from her. He noticed the wounds on his body, from the raggedy shirt down to his bruised legs. As he took notice of the wounds, the pain came suddenly. He groaned, softly leaning on himself as he tried to hold it in. “Where did all of these come from? I don’t remember them.” 
“You should wear a dog collar. It would’ve let me know that you were not the enemy. I accidentally—” She was cut off by Kiba, who huffed in anger.
“Now I remember! You tried to kill me.” 
“Yeah,” The figure said, shrugging, “But I barely even sliced you and you passed out. You would’ve died if it hadn’t been for me. Anyway, I gave you some food pills before you passed out, so you should be good to go soon.” The figure answered, before standing up quickly. “There’s someone here.”
Kiba had already noticed it. The change in scent—someone had arrived to their location. He tried to stand, but his wounds began to create a throbbing sensation throughout his body. The newcomer had begun to make its offense as a series of kunai began to attack the land surrounding them, causing Akamaru to growl in a certain direction. The ANBU began to defend Kiba and herself with her a kunai, deflecting and hitting any coming in their way.
All of a sudden, a second offender came up from behind her, causing Kiba’s eyes to widen.
“Behind you!” He yelled, standing up to his feet, almost losing balance. He drew his kunai out, deflecting the incoming weapons.
The ANBU shinobi turned around, beating the other’s sword away. However, her actions were a bit too late as the attacker’s sword sliced through her mask, letting it fall onto the floor. The ANBU quickly sliced her sword through the man’s skin, letting the man fall to his death.
She then ran to the other attacker’s location, and Kiba wasn’t able to see much of anything, but a loud scream echoed from across the forest. A shinobi walked form a shadow across from him, and Kiba drew his kunai closer to himself.
“Don’t stress out, it’s me.” She said, wiping a few of blood drops off of her face. Kiba’s eyes stared in wonder as he took in the shinobi before him.
She was… the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. Sure, he had his fair number of crushes throughout his life… but this felt different.
She walked over to him, adjusting a bandage around Kiba’s torso that he had failed to notice was there. She straightened up, looking at him before looking away quickly, her strong presence suddenly becoming docile.
“Your… mask,” Kiba mentioned, noticing the distance between them. A small blush appeared on her face, and she quickly stepped back, walking over to her mask before picking it up.
“It’s completely ruined,” She mentioned, her voice much smaller than it was before. “Damn it. Anyway, we need to get out of here.”
It was her sense of self; her safety blanket. She was a completely different person with her mask. Her mask was a persona of herself, a cruel shinobi that was trained to kill without a second thought.
But without it? She was… just her; a kind, soft, and shy individual.
The pair walked down the forest, trying to get away from the battle scene. They were now walking towards the Hidden Mist; there were no other options left. The walk was silent, and Kiba found his eyes lingering to her figure more than usual.
“You know,” Kiba said, looking over her as he tried to walk beside her. His hands lingered on his wound, trying to keep it from bleeding too much. “At first you were kind of an asshole, but then your mask came off and… you’re like beautiful.”
The shinobi next to him froze and her eyes looked over at Kiba, showing this disbelief.
“I—” She started, but no words dared to come out of her mouth. She stared at Kiba for a few seconds before shaking her head and walking forward.
Kiba raised his eyebrows as he saw her walk forward, using the opportunity to look at her figure.
She really was… beautiful. And, well, nice. She had fixed and bandaged his wounds when he had passed out… she could’ve simply just left him there and reported his dead body with a scroll in her hand, but she didn’t. She stayed until he woke up.
The curiosity got the best of him, and he walked faster to catch up to her.
“What’s your name, anyway?” He asked, giving her a charming grin of his.
“I’m… I’m not supposed to answer that.” She replied, her voice wavering a bit. She gripped her sword closer to her, as if to create a barrier between her and the rest of the world. She wanted to leave at that moment—just disappear and go back home. She wanted to get a new mask and report to another mission where no one knew what she looked like.
The couple of hours quickly melted away as the couple continued walking, taking breaks in between walks due to Kiba’s wounds. In their breaks, the mysterious shinobi would fix Kiba’s wounds, dressing them in new bandages. Kiba would take the small opportunities and question her about her life—what is her talent? Was she a leader in the ANBU? How old was she? What was her name?
Every time he asked her something, she would freeze and not say anything. Her cheeks would flare up and she would quickly stand up before walking faster than before. At some point, Kiba found her to be quite cute. Her mannerisms, although done in confidence, were different from her past self, which Kiba found quite interesting.
They soon reached the Village Hidden in the Mist, and as soon as Kiba gave the scroll, he was free to go back home. As he had his wounds checked out in the local hospital, his mind went back to the shinobi that had helped him get to the village. He wondered if he would ever see her again—the cool demeanor under her mask, and the shy, soft side of her.
He walked throughout town one last time after being released from the hospital, trying to see if he could catch a glimpse of the beautiful shinobi that wouldn’t leave his mind. However, he was quickly left with no trace of her whatsoever and decided that maybe she just wasn’t supposed to be in his life. As he walked towards the entrance to the village, he saw a figure standing in the middle of it. She wore a mask and was leaning against one of the doors to the entrance. Kiba looked at her as he began to get closer and recognized her clothing.
“It’s you.” He said, a small smile appearing on his face. “Missed me?”
“Please,” The figure said, almost sounding a little flustered. She quickly straightened up. “I was told to lead you out of the town. This is it. Now, leave.”
Kiba pursed his lips in surprise—what had happened to the soft girl he was talking to earlier? The shinobi that couldn’t even look at him without blushing?
“Actually,” Kiba said, stepping towards her, “I’d like to ask for your name. Yeah, yeah, the ANBU aren’t allowed to say anything about themselves, but I already know what you look like. I was thinking that if I were to ever find myself in the Village Hidden in The Mist… I would like to take you out.”
“You—what?” Her voice wavered and was completely taken aback by his confession. She crossed her arms, silently wishing she wasn’t there. She wished to run away and never talk to him again… but his presence was nice to have. “I—”
“C’mon, you can whisper your name to me. I promise to take you out next time.” Kiba whispered, leaning in towards her.
She leaned back, surprised by Kiba’s sudden movements.
“Uh—well, it’s… Y/N Kiri” She stuttered, trying to hide the surprise in her voice.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Kiba Inuzuka.” Kiba smirked, leaning back and looking at her with a smile. “I’ll take you out next time, Y/N, for sure. Without your mask though, you’re cute without it.”
That Inuzuka charm.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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Haha rip ex-boyfriend guy 
Tsubasa is impossible to compete with <333
(You should know. You’re like 2 seconds away from courting him next LOL) 
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Tsubasa unintentionally breaking up relationships left and right.
From BOTH the girl’s AND the guy’s side 
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His shocked “mE?!” 
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(uhh you want to generate title for thread or...??)
There was a passing nod to Hana as a young, dark-haired boy, features not especially marking him from any particular family or village, walked by her - only for his lips to part in a silent gasp as a low overlying branch of a hashirama tree whacks him in the face.
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 4 years
Me: *sees a character that the creator failed to give more info about*
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