cycle-hit · 7 months
thinks of my "kotoko subconsciously cant bring herself to hurt the younger members of milgram" theory again and throws up.
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hectorthedoggo · 3 months
i made a litte haruka t3 vd based off of an earlier convo w @kani-miso and @chairhahaha that one time (if you guys remember that)
Broken Wings
*The interrogation starts, and Haruka is breathing heavily, shifting around in his seat. It can be interpreted as a panic attack, or some sort of crying.
*The door opens, and the warden doesn’t speak for a bit.
E: Prisoner Number 1. We cannot begin the interrogation when you’re in such a state.
*Haruka’s voice sounds broken, like he’s cried a lot over the past few minutes.
H: Warden… hey, why did you vote Mu guilty? Even though I promised that…
E: You cannot influence our verdict in such a way. We found it fit to deem her guilty, therefore your opinion is invalid.
H: Huh? I don’t… but, i have to, I have to follow through on my promise. I couldn’t do it earlier, because of the guilty restraints.
E: No.
H: Huh? What do you mean?
E: Milgram won’t permit it, I’m sure. Fights between prisoners are prohibited as long as the warden is awake, so you’ve lost your window of opportunity.
H: I don’t… understand.
E: You aren’t allowed to kill yourself, idiot.
H: Hehe… hihihi! Well, you can’t push me around! I have…
*a rustling sound is heard, and the warden gasps
E: Scissors? Where…
H: The supply closet! I can kill myself, you can’t stop me!
E: No! You’re not allowed!
H: I’ll do it now! You’re too weak to stop me.
*Sounds of a struggle, and E keeps making pained noises. Eventually, a clattering noise is heard, and the sound of the barrier rings out.
*They sound physically in pain, speech occasionally interrupted by small gasps of pain.
E: Ow… hah. Haruka. You can’t take the scissors. We have them now. You’re not getting them back. Hm… I wonder if I could ask Milgram to take the supply closet… it’s such a bother.
*H sounds pained.
H: Warden! You have to understand! I made a promise, I have to follow through! Besides…
E: …
H: Besides, the voices tell me that I don’t deserve to live. That I’m too crazy for society, because I killed all of those animals. I was right, earlier. There’s no way that my true self will ever be forgiven.
I'm so tired of this constant talking, they’re right. And… Mahiru didn't deserve to die.. it should've been me.. i should join her, to fulfill my promise.
E: ! Ma…hiru…
* their voice sounds a little surprised, almost like they’ve been struck.
H: It’s hard, without her. She was so nice. I want to join her, and me being here doesn’t help anything. Everyone would be happier if I died.
E: Don’t… don’t…
H: Are you okay? I… I understand!
*A small rustling is heard
*their breathing is heavy
E: Get off… get off of me. Don’t hug me like that, it won’t work. I’m not going to-
H: It’s not for that! Hugs mean to make everything feel better! It’s a goodbye hug. Mahiru always said-
E: Shut up!
*They hit Haruka, but that’s not enough for them. They tackle him, in what is most definitely not a hug, and starts to pathetically beat him up.
H: Ow! Why are you-
E: I hate people like you! First, it was Shidou, now you, stupidly sacrificial, having no regard for the other’s emotions! Don’t you dare insult Mah- no, we’re not… we’re not supposed to… we just hate you. We, the warden, need no justification for beating up rowdy prisoners.
*Haruka makes little noises of pain, matching E’s.
*Suddenly, the door opens.
Kz: Hey! Hey! What’s going on here. Es, get off.
*A little struggle is heard, but Kazui quickly gets them off of their victim.
E: Kazui… why… no, you’re too much of a coward to go into the room yourself. Who sent you?
Kz: I’m not saying. Es, why were you-
E: It was Kotoko, wasn’t it? Guilty verdict wasn’t enough to get her off her high horse? Heh, i wonder why they decided to vote you innocent, if you keep interfering like this.
K: !
E: You stupid prisoners. Always interfering. What we do is not your business.
Haruka: Es…
E: We aren’t Es. K: ! What?!
H: W… what? Then, who are you?
E: The warden. Of MILGRAM. We don’t need a name, Es is simply a label.
K: like… amane-chan… but worse
E: What was that? (rhetorical)
H : He said you’re like Amane, but worse.
E: Shut up, the both of you ! Milgram is much nobler than a group of cartoon characters with a bunch of philosophies attached to them! What Milgram is doing, is fully, absolutely, right. Of course it would be! Otherwise, well…
It would be…
*they lose their spark
I wouldn’t be…
*awkward silence
No, no. what milgram is doing has to be right. Otherwise, I would…
*their voice breaks at the end. they slap themself.
Stop that. No. Anyways, Kazui, please get out of the room. I apologize for my earlier outburst. I will not resort to such violence, again. Haruka. Do not touch me.
K: As long as you promise to not attack Haruka.
E: As long as Haruka doesn’t touch me again.
H: I… I won’t?
E: Alright. Kazui. Leave.
K: If I hear more struggle-
E: Leave.
K: Okay.
* He leaves.
E: Ah… what are we supposed to do with you… 
*The bell rings
H: Are you alright?
E: Shut up… shut up… you all aren’t supposed to… I thought you-
H: ?
E: Shut up!
* They start to breathe heavily.
H: Is it… the…
E: That’s none of your business! I… we don’t have the same problems as you prisoners- ack!
H: … um… Warden?
E: Shut up!
H: Okay…
E: I- I- get it! Okay!
H: Um, sorry. Who are you talking to?
E: That’s… none of your business. Let’s just get this overwith, I- we can’t be doing this right now.
Now, prisoner number one, sing your sins!
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purgemarchlockdown · 11 months
On Narratives, Victim Dichotomies and Amane’s Voting
(Also Known as: I'm sick of not being opinionated on my blog about opinions, lets talk about narratives)
(CW: Child Abuse, Cults, Child Death)
(Disclaimer: As I can imagine there’s probably going to be a lot of people reacting defensively to this so what I'm stating Right Now is that I Do Not Believe that most people voting Amane Guilty is doing it because they believe her abuse was justified. This is not, at all, designed to be an accusatory post.)
So a few days ago I read the ���MILGRAM” x “Clock over ORQUESTA” interview which you can read right here.
It’s a really interesting interview and I recommend reading the whole thing but the one that caught my attention was this part.
Yamanaka: That's a difficult question... I'm always conscious of emotional control in my work, but in “MILGRAM”, the content has more live feeling to it. So the story progresses realistically based on the presence of the audience. I think I used a different brain than I have been using to create works up until now, I see it as necessary to think very three-dimensionally. I'm currently trying to turn the audience into characters in my work.
This was really interesting to read and made me immediately think of Amane’s voting.
So Amane’s voting situation is currently trending downwards, even with the initial boost from Double she's been going down slowly recently. This is in stark contrast to the large amount of innocent votes she originally got when Purge March released the first time.
Now the reason I connected the two is that I've noted a narrative being formed between the audience and Amane, specifically, an abuse narrative.
The Text
Let's take a step back to the T1 voting landscape, one that I was admittedly was not apart but I do however know what happened. Amane was voted guilty to make her better and to help her realize that the cult was bad and hurting her. Jackalope acknowledges this intent in the T2 and is dismissive about that idea.
Jackalope: It doesn’t matter whether it’s a child or whatever, when you commit a crime… what? Jackalope: ...Why are you making that face? Jackalope: Are you thinking “I want her to realize her sins" Jackalope: No no, no way…
This verdict comes right after Es Restraining her in the T1 VD. Something Physically Violent that causes her an intense amount of Distress. You can hear her struggle during it, with her breathing heavily and her tone of voice becoming panicked and scared.
In this part she's even surprised that Es would be violent like this.
Amane: What is it? Are you resorting to violence?
Now most people in general would become panicked and scared when restrained. But considering Amane most likely has Experience in being restrained to be harmed, something that we have evidence for in Magic due to the punishment sequences. There is a good chance that Amane was Triggered during this moment.
Amane is in a noticeably worse mood after this, wanting to start a fight with Mikoto.
Amane: ………… Mikoto: Oh, welcome back Amane! ……what’s with the grim face? Ah, right, the guard summoned you! How was it? Did you cry? I bet you were so scared you cried, right!? Amane: ……alright then. If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get. Mikoto: Huh? Oooi! Hey, are you listening?? Ooooi!
Now this is a T1 Amane, and no matter how blunt or even "bratty" T1 Amane could get, she is never outright aggressive except for this moment. Even when she feels threatened and patronized by Shidou she doesn't react with aggression but frustration, first trying to explain to him why it feels bad when he does that and when he ignores that, saying she'll find someone else to teach her.
Plus, due to information from T2 we can assume aggression is not approved of in her cult. This is the only moment in T1 we see her be outright aggressive towards someone. Right after being physically restrained by Es, and Mikoto antagonizing her by invalidating her feelings.
When Amane got that guilty verdict she was confirmed something, that Es was Willing and Able to Physically Hurt Her. When the restraints from the T2 Guilty Verdict came it also meant that Es and the other prisoners who were innocent are in a position to harm her with her being unable to fight back.
Not only that but the ideal we were denying when that verdict came down was not her cult...it's her "sin" that sin being her Will To Live.
It's easy to believe that what we deny in T1 and T2 is her cult, that's the most obvious thing after all and that's what Amane brings up in her T1 VD.
Amane: Ah, I am looking forward to it! Seeing whether your judgement will align with that of these higher standards! If that is the case, maybe Milgram would be the right world for us to live in, rather than the outside world! Milgram relies on your judgement, isn’t that right? In that case, you could become the mediator for a far more righteous world!!
And to some extent we are denying her cult by giving her this verdict! However, that isn't the main thing Amane is asking us.
In the T1 VD the main thing Amane is concerned about is the concept of "free will" and how "seriously" her feelings are being taken.
A: I see. Then, are the things that I as a twelve-year-old think irrelevant? Are you going to cast aside the feelings that I know I have in this very moment, purely based on the fact that I have not yet lived for a very long time? Judging these things based on someone’s age will not take you very far. Do I, at age twelve, not have my own will? Does Muu-san, at age 16, have more of a free will than I do? Does Yuno-san, at age 18, have more of a free will? Does Fuuta-san, at age 20, have an entirely free will?
If we're breaking this down to the basic concept, this is the question Amane is asking us.
"Do my wants and feelings matter even if I'm a child?"
Magic gives us one response to this. No.
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Magic treats Amane's pain as "comedic." With Amane being portrayed as childish for reacting so negatively to it. Her wants and feelings Don't Matter. It isn't a big deal. Why are you being so sensitive about it? We're just trying to help you.
This is important to consider when it comes to the questions Amane asks her god, and the Audience.
Dear wise one, Is this ok? Is it ok to be weak sometimes? I promise! A good girl that keeps a promise is like, mwah! I won’t say “I’ve had enough” Will you laugh with me and forgive me?I take an oath! I can only become a better girl!
Is it alright to be weak? Can you forgive me for being weak? Is it alright that I Did This?
Amane never stops singing this, and she never declares herself a "good girl" In Magic and not only that, she rejects the Idea She Could Be One in the Fist Place.
Only if, only if, only if I could be a good girl I hope, I hope everyone can be happy and smile Forever, forever together would be a dream
"Only if" a condition, the requirement being Amane be good. And yet she's treating it like a dream, something unachievable and unreachable.
Now where did I get "will to live" from? It's not something super noticeable in Magic but if we go to the interrogations...
T1 Q12: What is the meaning of life? A: I think it is something you learn for the first time when you look behind yourself when it ends. I do not want to have regrets then, so I live on with all my might.
There it is!
As we know, Amane was been waterboarded
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sleep deprived
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And also has No Medicine or Vaccinations, and is possibly malnourished since her vegetarian diet might not be Planned Properly and thus can't provide her with the nutrients she needs (though that's speculation on my part.)
She most likely has a weak immune system due to the amount of Stress she's been under for most of her life, and lack of sleep can also weaken your immune system. Not to mention she isn't immunized against diseases...like the flu. Which Can Kill You, especially if you have a comprised immune system and No Vaccines.
Not only that, waterboarding, physical beatings and electrocution aren't exactly things your body is designed to survive, especially with no Medical Care. Waterboarding can kill since it's Simulating Drowning and if there's no oxygen in the lungs you Suffocate, Beating...beats you, electrocution sends electricity Through Your Body, and even if the voltage is Low it can and has Killed People.
These are all very dangerous things to go through, especially without any sort of medical care. So when Amane says that, she says that with the knowledge that she could have died, many, many ways, and many, many times.
These we're all done to "save her" to" purify her sinful soul" and Amane has gone on record to describe this as "Love"
T2 Q2: Do you believe you were loved? A: Very much deeply.
And has also gone on to define love as "mercy"
T2 Q9: What does love mean to you? A: To spread mercy with no limits.
To spread mercy with no limits...like being a child perhaps? Even if your a child, you can be granted "mercy" and "salvation?"
(Jackalope: It doesn’t matter whether it’s a child or whatever, when you commit a crime… what?)
These actions were done to "help her" and would have Killed her.
Now, we didn't know about Amane's mother in T1 and admittedly there was not much evidence of her being the victim before T2. However we Do have evidence it was life or death...because Amane was horrifically punished before committing the crime in ways that could have actually killed.
The implication here is clear. If Amane doesn't Do Something she is going to die. It's not a question of If, it's a question of When.
When she asks god if its okay to be weak, when she asks the Audience if its okay to be weak. She is asking if it was alright to Choose Herself over "What is Right." And we said No.
The Audience
Now, you might be feeling some dread now. I am at least and I'm writing this damn thing. The intention of the T1 Guilty Verdict was to "help her" and yet through that it has repeated a pattern of abuse. In our actions we have punished her so she can "learn" and pushed her closer towards a possible death (the death penalty.)
So when T2 Amane rolls around she's aggressive, unwilling to listen, has doubled down on methods of self-punishment and her cult's world view, is physically restrained and presumably punished in other ways, hears voices telling her she's wrong, and is Self Isolating.
This is Really Bad. We've put her in a state that resembles how she acted in her abusive environment, and it is Our Fault. Let's not weasel our way out of this, this entire series is built on that idea that the actions of the audience have consequences.
As Barfsunny even pointed out, The T2 Amane Cover art resembles the scene in Magic where she "punishes her Mother."
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And since she's facing the Audience, we are being put in the Role of Her Mother.
The same person who did this to her:
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We are, to her, reminiscent of her abusers.
If we go back to how Amane reacts to Threats, she is notably only aggressive when she's being Threatened and Cornered.
We can see this with Es and how they restrain and have authority over her. We can see this when Mikoto antagonizes her and her feelings, we can see this in Shidou when he patronizes and invalidates her feelings.
22/10/24 (Shidou’s Birthday)
Amane: I warned you. I can no longer turn a blind eye to this wickedness taking place right in front of us. You’re bringing ruin unto yourself. Do you understand? Shidou: No, I don’t understand. It’s my job as an adult to teach you that throwing a temper tantrum isn’t going to make everything go your way. If it’s a test of endurance you want, I’m happy to oblige, Amane.
And we can see this in the Audience in how we voted her guilty and decided that she should Be Hurt.
Now that we've established our connection to her abusers...let's talk about that Dichotomy I mentioned in the title and how Purge March (and Milgram as a whole) purposefully plays into it.
Victim Dichotomies.
So what do I mean by this? Well it's very common in fiction and audience reactions to categorizes victims as either "good" or "bad." With good victims often being appealing, pitiful and a naturally "good person", while bad victims are aggressive, unappealing and tend to do "Bad Things."
Now these are subjective terms, since...morality is subjective. But it is a trend in both fiction and fan spaces to categorize victims using a sense of what's morally justifiable or not. I was in the Steven Universe Fandom, that was/is a Thing There.
Now, let be clear here, there are absolutely destructive, harmful, maladaptive, ways of coping with trauma. However Moral Catagorization of it is neither productive nor constructive, it just makes it easier to demonize people for not "handling" their trauma properly.
This is relevant to Amane because she is repeatedly portrayed as "scary" in her MV.
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Look at the use of lighting and framing, the camera being positioned slightly lower to make the audience feel smaller, a constant shadow on the band members faces that makes them feel...well...cast in shadow. The bright light of the eyes feeling inhuman and unnatural, the dark lighting of the room feeling ominous. With a white figure standing in front of a dead body.
This is what you do when your trying to portray something as "scary" or even "evil."
Amane: Both pain and illness are trials. According to our teachings, those who run from them are the worst evil there is. That’s one of the four great principles. No matter who you are, that cannot be forgiven. Amane: Oh – speaking of which, there is one among the prisoners right now. An evil existence that’s trying to steal people’s trials away from them.
Running away from pain, Amane? Stealing away people's trails for them, Amane? Like choosing to save yourself from being punished again? Like choosing to help a cat?
Not only that but the lyrics of Purge March is this:
The “It can’t be helped”, from the scum who can’t be helped That makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, GUILTY I disavow you, eyes corrupted must be crushed So nary a sound can be uttered a second time, I’ll crush your throat too
This is undeniably a revenge song. This is Amane Momose's Revenge Song. Her fantasies about being able to be the one punishing this time and not having to be in pain again are at full front here. She Wants to hurt her mother.
You are supposed to be Scared of Amane Momose. This is the Expected Audience Reaction.
Shidou is brought up in her VD, both for foreshadowing purposes and to make you Anxious. Amane wants to hurt Shidou, Amane wants to hurt Shidou. A constant reminder of the possible consequences of Letting Her Go Unpunished. If you don't punish her Now she could hurt someone Later.
Once again, we are being put in the position of her abuser. Only this time there really is a few things at stake.
Though I will like to mention, most likely the only reason why Amane was able to kill her mother in the first place is because she had two weapons, the umbrella and the taser.
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Something that was brought to my attention by deerlydreaming is that you can actually hear the Buzzing and crackling of the taser throughout Purge March. Most notably it becomes A Constant Part of the Instrumental at the end. That Taser is most likely what Amane used to prevent her mother from escaping her before continuing to murder her. This makes sense because Amane is probably physically weak and twelve years old.
And while Amane Can catch Shidou off-guard. Shidou not only wants to live because he needs to Help People, the rest of the prisoners are aware of her hostile intentions towards him. He is not Safe by any means, and Mahiru is still being threatened, but he is Not In As Much Danger as you might think at first.
And, Notably, characters like Yuno and Fuuta, who are involved in the medicine, are treated patiently by Amane. Even if she's a bit rude or unwilling to talk, Amane is willing to answer their questions and give them advice. This is not Just About the medicine.
I mentioned that Shidou makes Amane feel threatened already, but the anxiety from Mahiru is probably because she and Shidou parallel her parents. I talk about it a bit more over here but the jist is not only does Mahiru have notable lyrical parallels with Amane and similarities in world view (Love = Pain.) Mahiru has also asked Amane about her parents.
Amane: You want to know about my family……? My father is a truly wonderful person. He’s honest, values fairness and justice above all else, and will work himself to the bone for other people’s sake……. Why do you want to know? Mahiru: Oh, I was just wondering what sort of parents you must have for them to have raised such a good child like you. Fufu, I’ll keep it in mind for the future when I raise my own family. Amane: I see. If it will be of use to you, I’ll tell you more. It’s still a long way off for me, but for someone your age the prospect of finding a partner and having a family must be feeling a lot more real. Now that I think about it, I recall my mother was around your age when she gave birth to me……
Mahiru is both around the age her mother gave birth to Amane And thinks of her as a good child and wants to use them as examples for how to raise "good children."
This is why Amane wants her dead but also wants her to be apart of her family, she's less condescending and hurtful so Amane has some positive feelings towards her but she still reminds her of someone that Hurt Her, badly. Muddying it a bit.
My overall point though is, Amane plays into the good victim/bad victim dichotomy. She's a bad victim, a bad kid, not good enough. She's scary and bad and childish. She's not an "ideal" victim.
This connects back into her cat imagery. Where Amane is portrayed as the Cat.
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(Purge March Cat having Different Injuries gets to me)
Let's all note that the bow and medal are two consistent parts of her costuming and they are her collar, and that she also has a collar in her prison uniform.
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The cat is repeatedly conflated with sin and impurity, both here and in other instances of the cat. There's another cat in Magic and that cat is Collared, implying that cats Need to be collared or else they'll do something "bad" unlike all the other animals who can walk without them.
Cats need to be Restrained and Domesticated.
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Or else they will do "sinful actions."
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(Don't we all love the dehumanization of the vulnerable? Im personally fond of it, please let her become an actual monster in T3 Milgram Im begging you-)
This isn't the first time Milgram has done this! They did this with both Haruka and Muu!
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Haruka is portrayed notably creepier in AKAA than Weakness. While Muu is portrayed so pitiful in After Pain and then In It's Not My Fault...well...
I told you I’m queen, and it’s always the same God gave me everything, everything is as I wish
(Using MV translation for the sake of clarity)
And again, not to say these behaviors aren't destructive, harmful and maladapative. I'd for one say Muu is Very self-destructive in her behavior and shoots good things for herself in the foot. But the point is that these characters Also play with the concept of being a "good victim" and a "bad victim."
And of course, if your not good enough, you will be punished.
I'd say something about voting here but I think its really obvious what I want people to vote Amane as. But more importantly I think its important to consider what narrative the story is trying to tell. What is trying to make you Feel and Why. There is a meta-commentary here about the way society treats vulnerable people. Especially ones who are considered "unappealing." It's...remarkably easier, to punish someone that's been hurt once it's been decided they aren't "good" enough. And I think that's important to consider when voting.
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pufflehuffing · 6 months
I'm Well Acquainted With Villains That Live In My Head. - Sebastian Sallow
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pairing: post-relic Sebastian Sallow  genre: angst, read at your own discretion, this is your only warning!  warnings: HL spoilers ✧ death ✧ poor mental health ✧ mentions of suicide and murder ✧ self-harm ✧ torture ✧ abuse ✧ hypothermia ✧ vulgar language summary: Sebastian is sentenced to live the rest of his days in Azkaban where his mind is slowly corrupted by the darkness and despair surrounding him, the only thing saving him from the Dementors being his obsession with those who left him behind to rot. [part 1] A/N: I wrote this to Mansion and Perception, albums by NF in case you want to set the mood. Thinking of turning this into a Dark!Sebastian series if this fic is received well! I've already written two other chapters.
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If Sebastian couldn't already see Thestrals, he would've been graced by the unfortunate ability to do so now. The last words Anne spoke to him that dreadful day were the only thoughts still swimming in his clouded mind while the bitter cold seeped into his purple fingers and crawled its way towards his neck, finding refuge along his pale skin. 
“You’ve made your choice.” 
Not an exclamation out of blind anger or hurt; not a plea for him to mend his ways. But instead, a verdict. One that was somehow worse than the one placed on him by the Wizengamot. The vivid memory of that cloudy afternoon in Feldcroft still looms over Sebastian. Flashes of green lightning still spark in the corners of his mind. Then, red ones accompanied by the familiar voice of his twin shouting Bombarda. The spellbook of Salazar Slytherin was—Sigh. The spellbook… 
Sebastian remembers crying out a fry scream to her and weakly reaching out a hand as he slumped against the cobblestone wall of the catacomb, but alas, he was too late. It vanished into thin air—Along with the relic. Along with his innocence. Along with Anne, who Apparated away with the forever-sleeping body of their uncle, without even granting Sebastian one final look in his eyes.
Once he managed to get up, his manic state carried him out of the catacomb, his feet moving before he could process his actions. In an act of pure survival, Sebastian conjured his broom and flew back to Hogwarts, too shaken up to Apparate to the Undercroft without risking splinching. When he landed in the Transfiguration courtyard, his classmates were returning from dinner and crowding the now unfamiliar surroundings. Sebastian stumbled off his broom and hurried inside the Defence Against The Dark Arts Tower, feeling like he would both pass out and throw up from the sheer panic he was enduring. He hobbled through the corridor and up the stairs, clutching the railing to ground himself like his life depended on it, avoiding interactions with anyone in the sea of people that was now swallowing him whole.
Before his friends and classmates alike had a chance to clear their shocked expressions and ask him what was wrong, Sebastian had already disappeared. He paced through the Undercroft, biting his fingers and pulling on his hair while his mind raced a hundred miles an hour. Finally, Ominis arrived. Then, she did. The new fifth-year. The Hero of Hogwarts. The girl who had such a prowess as a wielder of Ancient Magic. The girl he had hoped would help him save Anne once he had the relic. He fell to his knees and pleaded. Pleaded with his closest friend and the girl he had grown so fond of to understand. Please understand. “I did it for her,” he lamented over and over again. “I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to—”
What happened after, was a blur to the boy. He was beside himself with remorse and grief. Not only for his uncle, but for his friends too. For Anne. For Ominis. For her. Sebastian did not know who told the Headmaster of his actions, but he was picked up by Professor Sharp and sent to Black's office at the highest point of Hogwarts a few days later, just before his first class of the day. He had begged and begged them not to turn him in, claiming Anne needed him by her side, but unfortunately he wasn’t granted that trust. Was it Ominis who finally had enough? Was it— A tight grasp on his cloaked shoulder led him through the nearly empty corridors before he could process what was going on.
The clutch of the ex-Auror somehow felt familiar, as if Sebastian was being dragged outside by uncle Solomon for coming home with yet another shrivelfig in hopes of curing Anne. Roughly pushed inside the Headmaster's office and onto a chair, Sebastian faced Black and his eyes shifted away in shame. Lowering his head to hide into his shoulder, his tear-filled gaze flickered to see Professor Weasley standing near the window, her face darkened by the light behind her. She… looked so… disappointed. Was that even the right word? No. Heartbroken. Distressed. Sorrowful. A look that Sebastian had grown somewhat accustomed to after getting into trouble so many times before for breaking curfew or pulling pranks, however it was now magnified beyond comprehension.
“Mr. Sallow,” Black began in his typically aloof manner as he paced in front of his desk with his hands behind his back, feigning authority. “We've received word of your…eh, endeavours outside of school grounds and—” He was interrupted by Sharp clearing his throat. Sebastian lifted his face to the front again, like a wounded animal looking for someone to help. He noticed Sharp sending his superior a pointed look, to which he received a nod, granting him permission to speak as Black stepped aside. The former Auror’s voice then resounded through the office as he went to stand in front of Sebastian too, crossing his arms beside the awkward Headmaster. “Mr. Sallow, we'll cut to the chase,” his piercing stare bored into the fifth-year, as if he were interrogating him on the Ministry's behalf. “The Ministry has sent two Aurors on their way to apprehend you. They'll be arriving shortly.”
Sebastian’s ears perked up and he blinked his tears away. Aurors. Ex-colleagues of Sharp. Ex-colleagues of… Solomon. He hoped he’d see Officer Singer, whom he knew from Hogsmeade. Perhaps he could fall into her good graces again and somehow convince her this was somehow all a grave mistake, that the boy who helped defend Hogsmeade against a troll attack at the beginning of the year had merely acted out of self-defence. Unfortunately luck was never on the Sallow family's side. 
Sebastian didn't remember much else from the conversation, he could only stare: at the floor, at the professors’ clothes as he was too ashamed to look them in the eyes. Professor Weasley broke the silence before Sharp’s piercing gaze could take another chance to fire. “Before you go, Sebastian,” she began with her motherly voice, giving him some dignity by calling him by his first name. “Your sister’s owl has delivered a letter to Headmaster Black for you that she wants us to read to you.”
Weasley took a deep breath and swallowed down her emotions, wanting to grant Sebastian a proper reading of his sister's final words to her brother who never gave up on her. It was the most she could do for him now. The Deputy Headmistress cleared her throat and unfolded the letter as she took in Sebastian's slouched posture. Memories of him asking her about her previous job as a Curse-Breaker and begging her to help him find a cure for Anne's curse flashed before her eyes and she cleared her throat to calm herself again. The motherly woman looked back down at the parchment that was dotted with dried tears and shaky handwriting. She began reading with a strained voice, forcing the words out as clearly as she could without stopping, giving Sebastian his last taste of humanity before he'd be taken away to face the horrors the Wizengamot would make him endure.
“Sebastian, Too much has happened. I needed to get away from here for a while. I miss Uncle Solomon. I need time. I will always love you, but I don't know if I can ever forgive you. Anne”
A deafening silence fell over the four people in the room. Professor Weasley rubbed her lips together as she placed the letter back in its envelope with trembling hands. She mustered the courage to look Sebastian in the eyes again and saw that he was staring at the floor again. Silent tears streamed down the boy’s face as he imagined his sister’s voice telling him he won’t be forgiven. Headmaster Black broke the silence by taking a deep, snotty breath. “Mr. Sallow—”
Before he could continue, his authority was once again pushed aside by banging on the door. Sebastian broke out into a fever and sweat poured out of his skin. The Aurors. His eyes darted around the room, looking for an escape. A way out. The door to the balcony. No. The window. And go where? Perhaps I could just drop dead and— He couldn’t even finish the thought. The lump in his throat travelled up to the back of his mouth while Professor Sharp’s boots boomed across the office. He opened the door and raised an eyebrow before straightening himself again. “Ah. Headmaster Black, a visitor.” Sebastian didn’t dare turn around to see who it was when Sharp stepped aside to show a blond quiff standing in the doorway. Professor Weasley’s heart broke even further when she saw the shaking black wand in his hand and the crust of dried tears on his cheeks.
“Mr. Gaunt,” Black piped up with a head tilt when he recognised the family friend. A Gaunt was always welcome in his office. Sebastian's eyes snapped to the door, turning his head so quickly that his neck cracked like a whip and his muscles tightened and burned. “Come in,” the Headmaster continued. The red light at the tip of the shaking wand carried Ominis inside the office, standing just beside the door while Sharp closed it behind him. Sebastian wanted to call out to him, but he couldn’t find the strength to do so.
“What is it, Mr. Gaunt?” Black cocked his chin to look down at the boy through his lashes. Ominis’ milky eyes lifted and he turned his head. “I… I wanted to see Sebastian before he’s—” His voice sounded like sandpaper scratching against metal. He had been crying. The trembling off his hand expanded to the rest of his body when he choked out another sentence. “I need to tell him something, sir.”
The three adults exchanged a dubious look before flickering their gaze back to the boy on the chair and the boy by the door. Sebastian could only stare at his best friend, he couldn’t believe this was real. “Very well. Spit it out, Mr. Gaunt,” Black nodded with a hum. Ominis was too distressed to focus on his wand telling him where Sebastian was positioned in the room. He squeezed his eyes shut and his fist tightened while he took a deep breath. After a few seconds, he lifted his head in Sebastian’s direction, his voice quiet as a mouse. “Sebastian, it… It was Rookwood who cursed Anne, not the goblins.”
Sebastian couldn’t believe it at first, then he realised it all made sense. The new fifth-year being ambushed in Hogsmeade, the raid on Feldcroft to search the Morganach home, the digging under Rookwood castle... “Children should be seen, not heard.” Why didn’t she tell him? She was chasing Rookwood every chance she got! His anger towards goblins and dark wizards only grew. His anger towards her grew. A guttural gasp escaped Sebastian’s mouth and his breathing grew heavy. She had stood beside Sebastian throughout the entire school year, coddling him with words of comfort and reassurance, all while she knew. She. Knew. That’s why she didn’t want to pressure the Keepers about knowledge of her magical abilities. She knew it wouldn’t matter. She knew and didn’t tell him. 
Blind rage started bubbling inside Sebastian again, just like it had a few days ago, which Professor Sharp noticed. He watched him closely, his hand on his wand, ready to draw if Sebastian made a sudden move. A thick, heavy silence fell over the five people in the room. Sebastian’s fiery eyes bored into the floor, it was a miracle the floorboards didn’t scorch under his burning gaze. Five minutes of silence later, they were startled by two booming knocks on the office door. With a heavy sigh, Headmaster Black opened it. When he recognised the navy uniforms, he nodded solemnly and stepped aside. 
Two Aurors walked into the office with raised wands. Sebastian still sat frozen. Professor Weasley’s eyes flickered to the now infinitely small boy. Seeing him sit in the middle of the room, she almost felt like his trial had already started. The boy who had so much love to give, now reduced to a criminal. A teenage criminal. A child… One of the men spoke, a thick Scottish accent booming through the office. “Mr. Sallow, you are under arrest for the murder of Solomon Sallow,” was all Sebastian heard through the grainy noise in his mind. A sudden grasp on his shoulder shocked him back to the walls that seemed to close in on him. He was dragged up to his feet by the other officer. Sebastian’s instincts kicked. He struggled. Then, he screamed out to Ominis. He screamed. Again. And again. And again… All while the officers did their best to cast the Incarcerous spell on him. Tears started falling out of his eyes like a river, too flooded to see Ominis was weeping too. The blind boy’s trembling hand let go of his wand, and it fell to the ground. Now completely disoriented, he shut his eyes again and clawed at them with his palms as he cried. 
Before Sebastian could reach his hand out to give Ominis a final goodbye, a final touch, the Aurors decided Petrificus Totalis was easier to restrain him. He felt his muscles tighten and spasm until he stood stiff, his arm now beside his body instead. From his hazy eyes, he could still make out the black cloak of the boy in front of him, which was being wrapped in red-coloured limbs. Professor Weasley. The tears that dripped from the brunette’s eyes cleared, and he saw Ominis, who was hugged tightly as he cried while she turned her face away from Sebastian with a pained grimace. Before he could make out the vague shapes of Sharp and Black, he Apparated away with the two men holding his arms. This was it… Gone. All of it. His sister, his uncle, his friends, his… Life. Freedom.
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To be continued.
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linagram · 5 months
linagram t3 designs info!
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hi 👋 so this time we're going without character profiles because it takes. too much time for me to write them and it also just feels kinda awkward to write them now because it's all just "well.. this character sure has changed.. yeah"
so these are the prisoners' t3 designs and i'm going to talk about the changes i've made a little bit.
(also this time i went with drawing everyone's pupil shapes on their restraints because i got tired of drawing the milgram symbols every time. i think it looks cute)
Akio still has bandages on his head because of his injury, but he doesn't have them on his neck anymore, showing that he stopped hurting himself. His hair is still messy and it also got a bit longer on one side. His eyes are still empty as well, showing that he's still not over his season 2 punishment and he's still physically and mentally traumatized. As for his outfit, he's still wearing his school uniform, but at least he got a new jacket. Originally I was going to give him a completely different outfit, but I thought that him still wanting to wear his uniform would fit his character better.
Aimi's design hasn't changed that much. She got a new hairstyle, her hair is much shorter now and she still has the same ice cream hair clip. Her pupils have also changed a bit: her pupils used to be shaped like a broken heart and now they look like complete hearts, but they also look darker, implying that she thinks she got better, but in reality the girl is becoming more and more unstable. Her prison uniform has changed and she doesn't have a few of her restraints anymore, showing that she's getting more freedom thanks to her innocent verdicts.
Shun's hair has grown and his ahoge has changed to show that he didn't take his guilty verdict well. He has those "crazy swirly eyes" going on just like in the second season and he even has that shape on his restraints as well. Oh, he's wearing an eyepatch now as well, just like Kei :) Don't worry about it. He's still wearing the same outfit he wore in season 2.
Naomi's hair is MUCH more messy now, her eyes are empty, her dark circles got worse, she's overall looking more disheveled, we love to see it. At least she still has a smile on her face.
Kei's design has changed a lot. That's what a 100% innocent verdict does to you. His hair is much longer now, and I honestly couldn't decide if he would have it tied in a ponytail or let it down while I was drawing his design, but now I think he would most likely have a ponytail, just a very messy and fluffy one. He's no longer wearing his sunglasses! Yes, he got new ones from Reina, but he decided he doesn't need them anymore. Character development, I guess?.. He got a new eyepatch as well, a much cuter one. He still kept the mask from season 2 and you can interpret it in any way you like, like maybe he simply thought it was cool or maybe he's still insecure about his appearance. He got a completely new outfit and even his prison uniform has changed and it now doesn't have sleeves.
EIKO'S DESIGN IS MY FAVORITE ONE SHE'S SERVING AND NOT ONLY A SENTENCE. She got a haircut, she got the guilty prisoner's empty eyes and dark circles, she got new earrings as well (and they look a lot like Milgram's logo..). Her uniform looks a bit torn and Shun gave her the jacket he used to wear in season 1 so that she can feel more comfortable. The jacket is a bit too big for her, but she doesn't mind. Her prison uniform also doesn't have sleeves anymore, just like Kei's.
Asahi's hair is also a bit longer now and he went back to his ponytail from season 1. He's actually wearing the same hat the cat plushie from his 2023 birthday art had! He got a different shirt and he's also wearing a cute skirt now. I should draw him wearing skirts more often honestly. He looks more nervous here than on his season 2 art.. I wonder what happened..
OH YURIKA. THE GIRL'S UNIFORM IS TORN, SHE'S MISSING MOST OF HER RESTRAINTS AND THE ONES SHE STILL HAS AREN'T EVEN RESTRAINING HER ANYMORE, SHE HAS LIKE THE HALF OF HER PRISON UNIFORM'S SKIRT MISSING AND WORST OF ALL SHE'S STILL WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT SHE WORE IN THE FIRST TWO SEASONS. The worst thing that came out of Yurika getting two guilty verdicts in a row was her never getting a new outfit to wear under her uniform. She also doesn't look that angry anymore, she just looks like she completely lost her mind. She probably did.
Riku's hair is black again and without any highlights. That's what he looks like with only his natural hair color. He's another member of the "my hair got longer! wow!" squad. His uniform looks torn and messy as well and the same goes for the outfit that he's wearing under it and it's the same one that he used to wear in season 2. He's missing some of his accessories and he stopped painting his nails and doing his makeup.
Reina's design is giving me extremely strong nonbinary or transmasc vibes and I feel like Reina isn't 100% cis but she's in a prison and she has another trial to go through so she doesn't have the time for that rn. She got a new hairstyle and her pupils are completely black now. Oh girl, what is going on inside your head.. She's also wearing a different jacket now, this one has a hood. I like to imagine that she misses the feeling of wearing a hat a bit, so she still kinda wants her head to be covered, but she refuses to wear hats because it reminds her of her delinquent era.
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good-beans · 11 months
YES thank you @kyanako5972 for your service 😤👏 (I was actually looping them both for a bit but I keep forgetting to run it lately ah...)
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And hehe I have been ✨enabled ✨Have some Triage thoughts, and feel free to add your own!!
Starting off with my main praise of the song: “I want to be Innocent, I want to live.” I know the point of milgram is that all the characters are going to get worse, but I feel like this video is the first t2 song we’ve seen a prisoner get better. (People have talked about his savior complex being an issue but that’s coming after the inno verdict, in Triage he specifically says he never wanted this to be some kind of hostage situation where he has the power to save/kill people.) This is when we can finally see one of our verdicts go right. The others had an issue, or creeping guilt, or uncertainty, but Shidou gets over any uncertainty right then and there – he wants to live again!! In a series so full of death, in which half of the cast makes some reference to suicidal thoughts, plus two victims who did commit suicide, there’s something extremely profound about seeing one of them change their mind onscreen. We hadn’t gotten a moment of healing like that before, and I doubt we’re ever going to get one again.
The moment itself is shown very accurately and beautifully, in my opinion. His expression when he makes his statement about wanting to live is so unique. It’s not a smile, it’s not a grimace, it’s something in between. His voice is strained, but set. He’s not excited about it – when you’re in that mental place, it isn’t a cheery switch to wanting to live, it’s a grit-your-teeth and pick yourself up and make the tough choice. It’ll be so, so hard but by god you have a job to do. It made sense, given all the previous mentions of him helping Fuuta and Mahiru – he had a lot of complicated feelings about being a doctor, but he remembered that saving others really is his purpose in life.
And then the shock factor. Because of that moment and the family reveal, I think this video had the biggest twist of t2. The others had surprises, sure, but they were hinted at in the voice clips and vds, or they just exaggerated things we already knew about the characters. I was completely blindsided by Triage. Everything leading up to it paralleled Shidou with Mahiru, so I thought it was just a lover he’d lost (and maybe someone he’d just met or something). He had his moments with Amane, but I always assumed it was because of her connection to him, not vice versa. I assumed he was just overdramatic and killing people for some lady he’d fallen for, and then decided to take the easy way out and ask for death. So to find out he had a fully established family, wife and two kids??? To see his main character trait from season one was completely reversed??? (but in a way that wasn’t at all forced???)
Now, it’s much easier to make a character unlikable than it is to redeem them. We saw how quickly the fandom turned on certain characters, we felt pangs of horror for many of them. But it’s very difficult to make someone like a character they’d previously despised. Which is why I’m insanely impressed with the way those three minutes could undo months of my hatred toward Shidou, and bring me literally to tears over him. Suddenly his actions weren’t so selfish, as rash. He’s not taking the coward’s way out. He had incredibly good reason to do what he did, and now he’s taking accountability and choosing to face pain in order to atone. I’ll add more in a sec, but it’s not even that the video shows him as this perfect saint. Without holding back on everything he’d done wrong, it conveyed a real, grieving human that really moved me.
Of course the music itself was amazing – Shugo Nakamura sounds incredible. I don’t know too much about actual music structure, but the tone of both Shidou’s songs manages to be so fun and relaxing while simultaneously filling you with that profound sadness. It’s like an embodiment of his peaceful, sad smile. There’s something so human about his voicemail message, and it’s unique hearing different types of speaking parts in a song! But that moment is also foreboding. You wonder why he missed the call, and who’s calling, and you kind of already know, and you hear the three beeps as the line is dead. Then there’s the gut-wrenching return of those sounds, with the added visuals bringing to mind a dying heart?? Insane. 
And lastly, the visuals are gorgeous. Bringing back the flower/pomegranate symbolism in a similar but new way was perfect. The bright scenery and picturesque scenes really emphasized how happy he was. The video is so bright. His family is gorgeous, they’re happy. His neighborhood is sunny and warm. His house is comfortable and light. Which meant the dark scenes contrasted perfectly, driving home how jarring his loss was. And despite all the good things I said about him before, the video isn’t actually trying to paint him in an innocent light. There are literal graveyards behind him, showing how much blood is on his hands. The rotting food is such a disgustingly painful way to show what he was doing to people. He handed the tag directly to his son, showing full accountability: he gave his son his fate, he killed him himself. The images seem beautiful at first, especially compared to AKAA’s dark, bloody rooms, Backdraft’s grim tunnel, and INMF’s monstrous bees. But no matter how lovely it looks, it successfully  conveys a truly horrendous crime. 
In conclusion Shidou my fucking beloved. Go watch Triage again :3
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thenightling · 4 months
The Satanic Panic (the unwelcome 80s throw-back)
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Everything from the 1980s has made a come back. From LP records replacing CDs, to films like Beetlejuice and Ghostbusters. And literature like The Vampire Lestat (published in 1985) and Neil Gaiman's The Sandman (1988). And Broadway musicals based on 80s movies. Even skinny jeans for men made a come back. And late 80 Goth fashion. These are all great, fun, Nostalgic things. But... something else made a come back. The infamous Satanic Panic. If you're unfamiliar with the 80s Satanic Panic it wasn't all about thinking there were Satanists everywhere. It was sort of a blanket term for a rise in anti-semitism, anti-witchcraft, homophobia, and a weird surge in ped0pheila paranoia. When you think of the 80s Satanic Panic you think of the religious zealots burning Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role playing game manuals or thinking they hear Satanic messages in Heavy Metal albums or the extremely ignorant claiming that non-Abrahmic religions (or even Judaism) are actually worshipping Satan. I saw this make a disturbing comeback just yesterday when someone joined my The Sandman Facebook group with the rant that The Star of David is actually a Satanic symbol and has nothing to do with David. If you didn't grow up during The Satanic Panic you may have entirely missed the Ped0phelia aspect of it, which may have been worse than the claims that Satanists were / are secretly everywhere. It was a leap in logic that the Satanists are up to evil, and what is more evil than the sexual abuse and exploitation of children? So people started to imagine there were ped0philes everywhere, running daycare centres, or eccentric ex-boyfriends. Or LGBTQAI+ teenagers who came out of the closet were suddenly suspected of being a ped0 because if the person isn't straight, a very ignorant "friend" or family member might suddenly decide that the gay person is attracted to everyone of their gender, including children. The impact of the 80s Satanic Panic can still be felt. Innocent people, including Day Care Center owners, were convicted and couldn't get their verdicts over turned for decades. A bad breakup and a few whispers in her ear could lead to a mother believing the worst about her ex-husband without any evidence. There were cases of children being coached without the coachers even realizing that's what they were doing because the adults asked the children so many times in so many ways about sexual abuse that they were sure must have happened, that the kids just started saying what they thought their parents or grandparents wanted to hear. This was the era of "Stranger Danger." And it never quite stopped.
The ped0phelia paranoia is particularly strange. Do NOT take this to mean I am claiming Ped0phelia doesn't happen or isn't a real threat or that victims who come forward should be ignored. No. However, Q-anon revived this paranoia with things like "All Democrats are secretly ped0philes." "Hillary Clinton leads a Ped0phile ring." "The ped0philes in Washington and Hollywood are using the blood of children to unnaturally retain their youth. As far fetched as that sounds, people believe it. There was even that one guy who was so convinced that there was a secret dungeon under a pizza parlor that he showed up heavily armed and when he found out there was no basement he surrendered himself to police. Former rock star turned Hollywood composer, Danny Elfman, was recently accused of decades old sexual harassment but because of "catchy" headlines lots of people seemed to think he must have r8ped someone. Some people even dusted off his old Oingo Boingo song, "Little Girls" as proof of his perversion even though the song was actually intended to shame and call out Hollywood executives who would take advantage of underage girls. It wasn't the smoking gun they seemed to think it was. It was an anti-sexual abuse song. Much like how in the 1980s Pat Benatar's "Hell is for Children" (an anti-child abuse anthem) was mistaken as Satanist / pro-child abuse somehow... (Lyric comprehension / media literacy is haaaard). For over thirty-years we have lived in the comfortable myth of "Ha, people were silly in the past!" and then it started to happen again. People saw Satanists and ped0philes everywhere again in a strange spike in social paranoia, perhaps as a subconscious (and very bigoted) rebellion against the social changes happening such as more LGBTQAI+ rights and openness. You might think you're immune because you're a democrat with an open mind and statistically usually the people who fall for these things are... well... Qanon... But you are not immune. Anyone can fall for these sort of things. If you ever decided someone "looks like a pervert" because of how they dress, or you have started to humor the gossip and rumors about your "creepy neighbor"... maybe stop and remember it was "Normal" and "reasonable people" who took part in the Salem witch Hunts.
If you know someone who sees Satanism everywhere that isn't pious Christianity or a smaller non-Abrahamic religion, than know that it's not that big of a leap in logic for them to start making sexual (particularly ped0phile) accusations. I dare say this is even tied to the conservative anti-trans movement sprinkled with accusations of "grooming." This is one 80s fad I wish would die... again.
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fuutaenjoyer · 1 year
watched it’s not my fault again and was compelled to ramble because i am muu’s number one defender. and then i decided that youtube wasn’t enough, and i had to put my ramblings on tumblr, so here they are. if i said anything stupid please don’t make fun of me i am stupid
i’m gonna say it, i’m a muu defender and i think voting her guilty this time was one of the worst decisions we’ve made when it comes to verdicts. yeah, we fucked up a lot in the first trial, but because of the way everything was interlocked it all feels salvageable, and like we actually made the right choices in a couple of places, but i am convinced that voting muu guilty is gonna be awful for us for multiple reasons.
number one, haruka. this boy literally said he’d kill himself if muu got guilty, and though i don’t think he’ll actually kill himself (though i won’t put it past him) i do think it’ll make him super emotionally unstable and someone else may get hurt because of it. also, giving both of them a guilty verdict 100% is just gonna make their codependency get way worse. haruka needed to be voted guilty for obvious reasons (he literally said that he would kill again, or something along those lines) which kinda means that our only other choice would be voting muu innocent, which i stand by we should have done
bringing me onto reason two, i don’t think a guilty verdict will do anything for muu. yes, she is morally grey, and after pain was 100% nor the full story. but, and i am stealing this point from someone else that i cannot remember, is she truly believes herself to be so good, then why does she perceive herself as some sort of insect monster? herself, and everyone around her, aside from the girl she killed (rei? i think her name is rei?) muu speaks to the trope of someone who did something bad, and deep down knows it’s bad, so they just have to commit to it until they stop feeling guilty, because that’s the only way they know how to deal with it. yes, after pain isn’t as cut and dry as it initially appeared, but this isn’t either! like, the vocals when she kills rei(?), she sounds unstable, distraught even, as if she was actually screaming. she doesn’t sound like someone who believes herself to be in the right, she sounds like someone desperately repeating what she thought she believed. and then it goes straight into her questioning ‘hey, what if i’m a bad girl?’ etc. etc. and first off, as someone who doesn’t speak jp i don’t know if this is just the translation, but the wording of it feels very childish, because, news flash, mu is childish. she isn’t some master manipulator, she is someone naive, who’s cultivated toxic relationships her entire life because yeah, she’s spoiled. being spoiled isn’t a crime, and being flawed isn’t unforgivable. yeah, the bullying is really bad, but that doesn’t mean she deserves to be bullied, and notice how pretty much the only thing that is the same in this video as after pain is her desperation when she actually commits the murder? even if we ignore everything in after pain and take everything in this as face value, that desperation is still there. she was still pushed to the brink. muu wants to be innocent, and she wants to be right, because of course she does. she’s a 16 year old who was bullied and killed someone. she was spoiled and doesn’t have any amount of self awareness, and because of it did bad things, but muu is not an evil villain who is solely responsible for all of these bad things. just because she was the ring leader doesn’t mean she has to bear the weight of the bullying that was done, because when she was being bullied, her ‘friends’ were still doing the bullying, aka she was in a really toxic environment. idk i’m kinda just rambling but i have so many thoughts, and this is also something i saw someone else say on tumblr, but i firmly believe that if we continued to vote muu innocent she would eventually break under the pressure of knowing that she wasn’t
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sunnyreblogsthings · 2 years
two fun futa facts from each of his MVs so far!
so, in Bring It On, there’s evidence he most likely didn’t cause the death he is in MILGRAM for. and before you say “but he has to kill someone to be in MILGRAM! it’s the whole thing!!” no, no they don’t. i believe they only have to be somewhat INVOLVED in the death, accidentally or intentionally.
anyway, for the detail. if you check the battle scenes in BIO, he only attacks ONCE in the last fight, but the “hits” go higher than the other times. in EVERY OTHER FIGHT, it’s SHOWN he’s attacking. as for the blood? well, are you really gonna sit there and tell me the Milgram MV’s are real? my theory is that Futa merely made a post about her like usual, and it went viral, making other people attack and kill her. Futa HIMSELF didn’t kill her, but the post DID cause her death. perhaps the claims he made about innocence were true after all?
secondly, this one is from Backdraft. throughout it, we get even MORE evidence to my theory. Futa makes one line on every piece, and then other colors do the rest. he always started it, others finished it for him.
anyway, the important detail here, and what i wanted to focus on. although, for this detail, a MASSIVE trigger warning for suicide/self harm. MILGRAM is full of heavy topics, such as abortion or bullying, so please don’t keep going if you aren’t in the right space for this. <3
back on topic, towards the end of the MV, we see a girl getting spray painted and turning to stone, only for Futa’s hands to also turn to stone. assuming that turning to stone means they are dead, this implies Futa may have tried to slit his own wrists or some other form of suicide out of guilt for his actions. not to mention, our guilty verdict due to the misunderstanding of the situation may have only made it WORSE. imagine having that guilt, only for others to confirm that yes, you SHOULD feel guilty and horrible for a mistake you made. Futa is a good guy at heart, he just made a mistake in his hopes for justice.
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unfortunate--moth · 10 months
Another thing um
This may surprise you, but I'm actually a pretty new fan to Milgram, and as my close anonymous bestie you seem like the type who'd know so.
I figured out how to access the votes today (I overcomplicated it so hard before) so I had a look and uh. I was kind of gobsmacked actually about Haruka's result for the second trial. Everyone I've seen talk about him has considered him innocent, so to see him considered guilty is kind of a shock. Do you know why he was voted that way?
- Milgranon
no worries!!
I can't speak for the entire fandom but for the first trial specifically i think since he was the first one and his mv was full of alot of symbolism and it wasn't even clear who or what he killed so I think unless it showed his murder outright he would've been innocent no matter what.
As for trial 2... I think it's the mix of the voice drama and the content of the music video. Obviously we all know that they're all murderers but actually seeing him strangle that girl (i have my own theories on who she is) cemented it for a lot of people who also watched the voice drama. I think him being voted innocent the first round, like with Muu, made his mental state worse actually. Like either way it would've gone down, but the mix of that + Muu's influence on him sorta made his personality shift a bit. Add in the stuff of him calling Es and then Muu his mother and then threatening sui/cide if Muu is voted guilty and we've got a very complicated case on our hands.
I actually wasn't here for the beginning of season 2, I got into milgram around Shidou's 2nd trial I believe. But it was a very difficult for me to decide my own personal verdict. Because I love this guy alot, and no matter what I think he needs therapy more than being in the super hell jail. He's shown many of signs of being neglected by his mother and possible mentions of a sibling being the favored one. Add that with his tendency to kill animals and you've got a classic case of just a serial killer in the making.
now thats putting it VERY simply, and even though I say that there's no telling if he actually would have killed more people. but with his mental state he could've hurt himself or others, and he still shows that self harm potential.
to me it doesn't matter what he got voted as the second time around because either verdict would've made him spiral more in different ways. I think milgram as a whole is just... dooming him.
But yeah I think the general consensus is that while everyone tends to like him, his voice drama and second mv sorta showed people less of the "cute shy little guy" and more of the actual sort of complexity and scariness that is his mental state. maybe not scariness, but showing the audience just how serious it truly is.
sorry this is VERY rambly and kind of all over the place but as for my own verdict. im actually incredibly on the fence about it. again i feel like either verdict would negatively impact him. i cant say for everyone else but I'm just going to assume it's the way his personality shifted somewhat between trials.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
theneighborhoodtalk TNHT Staff: @therealmeche_
Neighbors, there are some important updates regarding the Tory Lanez trial that might determine how the judge will rule tomorrow during his ruling.
According to Twitter’s favorite law reporter Meghann Cunniff, Tory’s defense had a lot of arguments for the judge and the prosecution. They argued that the original defense by Tory’s first lawyer was “ineffective” in the case. They claim the angle that Tory, Megan Thee Stallion, and Kylie were in an argument before the shooting played into the verdict.
Another shocking thing that his defense team argued is the fact that Megan brought up Tory’s video “CAP”, which featured Tory chopping up horse legs, hurt his defense and was irrelevant to the overall trial. They say that the horse in the video wasn’t described as being a “stallion”, despite “HGS” (hot girl sh*t) being in the background of the video.
After everything was laid out during the hearing, the judge decided he would make his decision tomorrow whether to accept the appeal and have a new trial, or sentence Tory to his time. As he left, Tory begged the judge to have mercy on his life.
"Please don't ruin my life. I could be your son. I could be your brother," Lane told the judge, who is Black.
We shall see tomorrow. Thoughts Neighbors?
Tory: please don’t ruin my life, I could be your son, your brother
Well Megan could have been somebody’s mom, somebody’s daughter, somebody sister, somebody’s aunt, grandmother, cousin, siblings, woman in general but you didn’t care about that because for one you shot her and and two even though she didn’t want to turn you into the cops at first and was willing to let it all go you instead traumatized her and made her life hell for two whole years being a bully and a sociopath and convincing those punk arss bloggers and those biiiich made male rappers to bully her too so much that she was mentally and spiritually broken. You know as someone who was once bullied before (thankfully not to the extent of what that Keebler elf did) there’s many things that will make me highly upset and people who are bullied is one of them, and it’s worse than you’re not only being a bully but you’re also the one who causes the trauma and adds more emotional and psychological trauma to the person you caused physical pain to.
Your fans (who are just as bad and ignorant as you are) think that you’re the modern version of Emmett till cause you’re another black man who being screwed over by the American justice system (yeah cause never mind the thousands of innocent black lives who are screwed over by the corruptive system or the many innocent black men women and children who were killed or beaten by the police , all the lives that were cruelly taken, all of those who screamed out for their mothers as they were dying, those who killed for having skittles like Trayvon, or a toy gun like tamir, or two thousand pennies like George, or sleeping like Breonna, or running like Ahmaud, or so on and so on and so on, nope it’s your fave that’s being the one screwed over)
When in reality you’re no different than people like till murderer Carolyn Bryant when it comes to lying and not owning up to your own actions and playing victim,
Lori drew ( the woman who used her MySpace account to bully Megan Meier so much that she committed suicide) when it comes to using your platform on social media to be a bully and have others do the same thing,
and Charles Manson when it comes to influencing your fanbase and other musicians and bloggers to be bullies and manipulating them to think that you’re great as a musician and person when you are not even that close to good as a musician and you most definitely are no where near to a person who worthy of being called good.
And just like those people who I just mentioned you sir, are a sociopath who doesn’t care about anyone who gets hurt by your actions or words because it makes you feel good and it’s okay if your victims emotionally suffer even when they were kind to you
You’re not just another black man who is screwed over by the justice system, you’re a small minded man who is rightfully held accountable because you can’t handle the fact that a successful black woman is doing so much better than you and hate the fact that she said that your music was not that good . Your weren’t lynched, you just gave yourself enough rope to hang yourself and you have the nerve to plead to the judge not to have your life ruined? You ruined your own life the moment you shot Megan and then after she didn’t want to turn you into the cops you bullied her, fuck outta here😒😒
The audacity of him pulling this “but I was the victim too!” Card as if his victim isn’t a whole Black woman.. Gone be sick as hell when he’s sent to prison anyway..
He will never take any accountability for his actions. All of this is because of his own poor actions. Lmao. What a girl. Take your sentence like a real man who going to be turned into a girlfriend in prison
I’m hoping tomorrow Judge Herriford lays it all out for the leprechaun. Especially with all of the stunts & theatrics he has pulled. Playing on social injustices, bringing his child to court, no regard for the victim’s feelings, etc.
I’ll elaborate on him showing no regard for the victim’s (Meg) feelings. Even if in his delusional mind he believes he did nothing wrong. Not once during these court appearances has shown any remorse. Just “me! me!”... There’s nothing indicating he has any care for others.(and considering his history of being violent and trying to blame everyone but himself he has never cared about anyone else)
All of that is literally the perfect way to send his ass off. & Also, just to put an emphasis on his character as a human being.
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You should vote Kazui "unforgiven/guilty" in the 2nd trial, here's why:
( Why I think we should vote Kazui guilty )
I don't think we should vote Kazui guilty because he "deserves" it. In MILGRAM, it's not just about whether a prisoner "deserves" that verdict until it's the final trial. Every vote has had a different motive, i.e, most MILGRAM'ers voted Amane guilty not because she "deserved" that verdict, but because they wanted to help teach her a lesson about life being invaluable.
My actual reason for wanting to vote Kazui guilty for this trial is because I believe the "risks" people are speaking of are out of question. Many innocent voters are claiming that without Kazui, Amane will attack Shidou, and that Kotoko will be unstoppable and potentially kill everyone. I can understand the concern, but I find this to be an unrealistic reason to vote Kazui innocent. MILGRAM cannot predict exactly what we will vote, but at the very least, they would have a character's story written from start to finish. Will a prisoner end up in shambles? Maybe. But for a prisoner to actually die? That's obviously a no-go. Not only is that an abrupt, improvised stop from a storyboarding perspective that would never be approved, but MILGRAM knows far better than to do something that could be so trivial and even stunt further growth of the series. 
With that being said, I believe that voting Kazui guilty, at least in the 2nd trial, will not be as “bad” of an idea as people are making it out to be. In fact, voting him innocent seems to be the worse and less logical option here. Because unlike Shidou and Yuno, who already have innocent verdicts for the 2nd trial, giving Kazui a double-innocent verdict will be inefficient, non-insightful, will overall stunt his character growth, and will likely leave us without the full picture in the 3rd and final trial. While Shidou and Yuno will have obvious reactions stirred from their double-innocent verdicts (Shidou’s internal struggles + savior complex and Yuno’s distaste with how she’s being perceived), Kazui receiving yet another innocent verdict will not be doing us any sort of favor. His feelings of guilt have already been almost completely washed away, and the previous innocent verdict made him feel at least a little validated in his crime, at least enough for him to take off his wedding ring. At the end of Kazui’s voice drama, he tells us himself, in order to understand him, we need to dive deeper into his sins. The only way we can do that is by stirring a possible reaction out of him, which would be to vote guilty. 
Lastly, this is a bit more flimsy than the rest of what I had said, but I also believe that MILGRAM may be hinting at us as to what to vote for Kazui’s 2nd trial, judged by how each character is positioned in their song cover. 
Muu and Haruka are both facing the same way, with their backs towards us, staring into the camera with a sly expression. Innocent -> Guilty. 
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Fuuta and Mahiru are both facing the same way, with their backs fully to the door and looking directly towards the audience, looking at the camera with a panicked expression. Guilty -> Innocent. 
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Shidou and Yuno are both facing the same way, opposite to Muu and Haruka, and with their backs towards us, staring into the camera with a neutral or composed expression. Innocent -> Innocent. 
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Kazui is facing the same way as Muu and Haruka, with his back towards us, and what do you know? Staring into the camera with a sly expression similar to that of Muu and Haruka’s. 
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Again, this might not hold any true weight, but someone has already pointed out that MILGRAM /does/ actually consider the positions of each prisoner, considering all 1st trial innocent verdicts are facing /towards/ their door, while all the 1st trial guilty verdicts are facing /away/ from their door. 
TLDR: Kazui might not actually “deserve” a guilty verdict in the sense of it being a punishment of sorts, but voting him guilty is more likely to be beneficial for us as an audience above all, which, is what should matter more in the long run. 
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gunsli-01 · 2 years
Why I'm not worried about a Mu Innocent verdict and other people shouldn't worry either-
Lol, if she's voted Innocent her chances of living to see trial three drastically decrease. So, like with a bomb I'm either right or it's suddenly not my problem anymore-
TL;DR- Yuno's probably gonna kill Mu if she's voted innocent again anyway. Because she's made it clear that the one thing she hates is being bothered and lectured to. Two things Mu keeps doing to her specifically. Validating Mu again will only exacerbate that issue. Personally, I think the worst thing anyone in Milgram can do is get on Yuno's bad side. Something Haruka and Mu have already done.
Q.11 Which of the other prisoners do you get along with least?
Yuno: I wonder... The ones that are painful just to watch are Haruka and Mu-chan.
At this point I find the prospect of people working towards getting Mu an innocent verdict just for her to get worse and be killed by another innocent prisoner funny as hell. Like in a what goes around comes around sort of way.
Yuno has all the tools at her disposal to do whatever she wants and no qualms with killing if she feels it was necessary. An Innocent/Guilty verdict does not and has never been alluded to securing anyone's personal safety. Hell, even voting Kotoko guilty this trial doesn't guarantee her attacks will stop just that it will be known we don't agree with her actions.
Our votes are only meant to reflect if we agree with the prisoner's actions or not. Affirming or denying their view; what they do with that information after the fact is totally up to the character. So, no one is voting Mu Innocent to keep her or Haruka safe and if they are well pfft. I mean cute you believe that's how this works but um it's probably not.
So, at the end of the day they're just supporting what she's done. That's all the verdict has ever reflected the collective fandom and its beliefs. What it is willing to let slide or finds irredeemable. People understood this when they were politicizing Yuno's second trial and framed voting her innocent or guilty as either being pro or anti-abortion.
It's not like this is some new revelations it was pretty much confirmed through the outcome of the first trial. Which had the opposite effect of everything the fan base wanted to happen. Kotoko instead of making a deal with Es and working under them began to act on her own. Using Es' or our name to justify and claim the right to a position of authority within Milgram and attacked three people. This caused a lot of relationships in Milgram to deteriorate.
Amane firmly stood by the fact that she did nothing wrong and no one could tell her she did.
Since she and Futa were voted Guilty together she expressed this belief to him.
22/04/19 (Futa’s Birthday)x
Futa: Ahh…… I’m not wrong…… I wasn’t doing anything wrong…… Shut up, why are you going on an on about something so minor……It has nothing to do with you…… Aaahhh……
Futa: ……! O-oh, it’s just you. It’s nothing. But well, on that note. Hey. Don’t you have anything happening too? Since being in here, just suddenly getting anxious. Feeling as though loads of people are all there condemning you, telling you you were wrong.
Amane: Oh, were you talking to yourself, Futa-san?
Or maybe there’s something there you’re able to see?
Amane: ……I’m fine. I don’t know what you’ve done or what it is you’re worried about, but I think if there’s something you believe in, you should stay true to it. It’s not something that should waver just because other people said something. I personally don’t plan on changing my own beliefs even if I’m told I’m wrong either. Today is your birthday, correct? I’ll pray for God to keep you under his care.
Causing him to hold his own opinion in higher regard.
The other Mikoto took over because of the amount of mental stress being put on Mikoto and the fact that he is actively a defense mechanism. So, our judgement is solely responsible for his continued presence. Acting like it isn't at this point is just delusional because the guy even warned us about it.
The fact that some people still assume they have power here is fucking amazing like learn to read a room~ We just work here.
Then with Mu there's the whole matter of her deteriorating relationship with Yuno
Yuno: Huh, so you go to that high school. So, you are from a rich family then~! I mean, you already gave off that vibe though. What year are you in?
Mu: First year…… Kashiki… san…… you’re older than me, right?
Yuno: Yeah, I’m in third year but you can just call me Yuno. I don’t really like the stuffy formalities. It doesn’t really matter who’s older and who’s younger. If you squint, we’re basically the same age anyway.
Mu: ……fufu, what’s with that? But ok…… I’ll call you Yuno from now on.
She even calls her Mu-chan when she speaks about her in her second Interrogation despite saying here she doesn't care for such stuffy formalities and to my knowledge not using kun to refer to Haruka. She begins to start referring to her as chan directly after she was voted Innocent in the first trial and her true personality began to reemerge.
21/07/05 (Mu’s Birthday)
Mu: Yuno. Don’t you have something to say to me?
Yuno: Huh? To you? Me? ……ahh, uh? Your birthday, right? Happy birthday~
Mu: How mean…Since it’s my birthday, I really wish you’d said something before I had to come and tell you myself.
Yuno: Right, right, I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful in future~ Later! Haha… things have become even more of a bother. So, was that Mu-chan’s real personality, then? It’s probably because the guard did something, right?
21/09/02  (Yuno’s Birthday)
Haruka: Y-Yuno-san.Good morning! T-today’s your birthday, right……? Ha-happy birthday……!!
Yuno: Oooh…… Thanks? You’ve definitely changed a bit huh, Haruka. You speak a little louder now, and actually look people in the eyes when you talk.
Haruka: Eh, ah, i-is that so…… I wasn’t, aware of it myself, but…… Heh, hehe. Is that so.
Yuno: Ding ding! My sensor is telling me…… this is probably a girl’s influence. Well, everyone here is slowly changing, I guess. Even me.
22/07/05 (Mu’s Birthday)
Mu: Hey~~~ Isn’t everyone a bit gloomy lately? I get that this situation isn’t ideal, but you’re really bringing down the mood for my birthday.
Yuno: Haha, surely even you can tell now’s not really the time for something like that right. Nobody’s really in the mood, or rather nobody has time to deal with something like that.
Mu: Boo, how boring. You seem to be free, you can celebrate for me. Go on, celebrate.
Yuno: Wow, what a pain. I’m reading the atmosphere properly and keeping quiet. Well, you just go and have fun with Haruka. In the corner somewhere. So, you’re out of everyone’s way.
In Trial one and Two Yuno answered some questions that should be alarming and telling for Mu's chances of survival when it comes to dealing with her.
Q.11 Do you think things exist that can’t be bought with money?
Yuno: There’s loads, right? Stuff like a person’s character.
Q.16 Do you have anyone you hate?
Yuno: People who like to lecture you. ("How mean…Since it’s my birthday, I really wish you’d said something before I had to come and tell you myself." "Right, right.") (Really not helped by the fact that Mu's entire trial two song is a lecture on what will happen to a person if they don't listen to her.)
Q.21  Do you have someone you like?
Yuno: Other than the people I specifically dislike, I like everyone.
Trial 2 Interrogation
Q.09 What do you think about Kotoko’s attacks?
Yuno: Is she an idiot? Nothing’s going to change in the world if you just act out violently where everyone can see.
The fact that her issue isn't the violence but doing it somewhere everyone can see to me implies if Mu suddenly mysteriously dies it was probably Yuno. it wouldn't be difficult to get Mu alone either since she keeps approaching Yuno by herself anyway. So, Haruka wouldn't be able to protect her and no one outside of Haruka would want to.
Yuno basically said if you wanted them dead you shouldn't have done it in a place where anyone could intervene. All that leads me to believe the chances of Yuno ending Mu's life during the next intermission if she's voted Innocent is super high. Which makes either outcome super enticing...So, as always vote however you want. How it turns out is far out of our control anyhow.
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miss-wanna-write · 1 year
I MADE GOOD ON THAT THREAT! it's time for my 2nd trial revisions to the milgram speculations found here!
we're only going to cover the first five prisoners, cause i'm having Thoughts. per usual, @abyssalressentiment has listened to my incoherant ramblings and has my eternal thanks
he strikes me as such a child of divorce
so picture this. as one last attempt to save a failing marriage, haruka is born. but like, that never works. so they divorce anyways. and the artist formerly known as Mrs Sakurai doesn't want their final mistake, so Mr Sakurai gets custody.
so Haruka's mother moves on, Mr Sakurai also resents the kid he doesn't want but raises him anyways, and Haruka suffers all the while.
aside from that, i think Haruka murdered his step (or half) sister. the child from his mothers new, happier, marriage.
and moving forward, i think there's a good chance of Haruka murdering Muu in between rounds 2 & 3. he can only hurt those younger than him, after all.
girlboss gotta girlboss
Yuno being so pissed at how she perceived our judgement is funny to me? she's so straight forward in something that i wouldn't even fight her on?
she's a highschooler who wants to enjoy her youth, having an abortion was the best choice for both her and the theoretical child.
moving forward, i don't think Yuno will understand why she was voted innocent again, especially with such a large margin, because she doesn't want to understand.
tbh, once Yuno is voted 3 streak innocent and leaves MILGRAM (hopefully), give her a few years and I can see her being a part of the drunk girl choir. y'know, the drunk girls in a bar bathroom who tell you not to text your ex and are a modern day greek chorus
to me, Fuuta is someone who must be broken down for him to seek redemption. he cannot be coddled or he will not learn. no patronizing "boys will be boys" justifications, no "he's just a skrunkly" dealings.
i do think that his murder was the result of peer pressue and a snowball effect, and that he has a point in questioning why it seemed like he was the only one punished for it, when others did just as much, but that still doesn't excuse him, just makes it a bigger problem.
also, i think he should've had a 60/40 innocent vote. to keep him humble.
fuuta's been through too much suffering to do a 180 on the personality redemption, so i doubt he'll become a cocky son of a bitch again, but i sure hope he doesn't treat his innocent verdict like it's an internet call out, and give us his monetized youtube apology vid for his 3rd trial song
if he had been voted guilty i think his 3rd trial song would be in a gladiator arena, with him fighting for his life in a bloodbath just like the internet comment sections lol
few things, one Guilty. two, i have a bug phobia so i watched the video once and never again.
Muu is what I believe proves that the theme of 3 & 4 is "Shifting Blame". I have a lot of words I can say about this but none that will sound right, it's such a heavy topic.
So instead I'm going to talk about her songs. Otome Dissection, which I've seen interpreted as a girl faking harm in order to get someone's attention (with romantic intentions), and MDKR about a loveless relationship. I think Muu did like her murder victim, but she's a twisted individual who only knows manipulation and using her power to get what she wants, so she bullies her with the Popular Girls while acting like "you know this will all stop if you just submit"
listen, Muu is a real piece of work and I'm not suprised she's p much confirmed guilty right now. voting her innocent won't do anything good and she's got a terrible personality.
moving forward, i honestly think there is a non-zero chance of her dying in between rounds. and if she does survive to the 3rd trial, she's going to be such a wreck i actually can't wait. you thought amane was bad? i think muu will be worse.
Shidou has such Captain Bobby Nash from 911 fox vibes.
to expand that above thought, both characters had their families die, and you know Shidou may not have extracted the organs of his fam but he sure felt like he did, and both intended to atone for it with their lives. Bobby intended on saving as many lives as he had (unintentionally) taken in that apartment complex fire, before killing himself and joining his family. Shidou feels he cannot atone for what he put all those families whom he asked to donate their braindead kin's organs, and intends to die as punishment for his crimes. Both find a second reason to live, and rebuild their lives without forgetting their pasts.
and another thing (unrelated), i also want to hang with this guys dead wife. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S A DILF. makes the anime crocks & socks he's wearing make more sense. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S A DILF
i dont know if im saying this right, or how realistic this is, but i want his 3rd trial incarnation to move forward. i want him to have a shot in his 3rd song where he's at his wife's favourite place, and sees her ghost, and they wave "see you" at each other with a breeze blowing appropriately themed flower petals by. a sign he still loves her, but he's going to learn to live without her, until they can be together again at the natural end of his life. this is important to me.
Predictions/Desires for the Remaining Five
Mahiru: it will come out that her relationship was mutually abusive. im manifesting it.
Kazui: maybe i will finally have thoughts about him that isn't "lol this guy is a honeypot assassin (basis: nothing)". also i hope he isn't a DILF just for the comedy.
Amane: small child please tell us your crimes or give us an acid trip, both are acceptable.
Mikoto: i want it to be revealed that the thing he and Kotoko share, is revenge driven murders.
Kotoko: i think she might just be the warden at a prison. i think she'll have delusions of grandeur.
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archivalofsins · 1 year
Not to be Mikoto centric but ya'll better treat this man better this time around. The double standards are so tangible they're stabbing me.
Mikoto doesn't wear a shirt while showering oh he knew what he was doing being shirtless so many times in his video- oh but Mu didn't know what she was doing with the socks and stuff. Oh, and Yuno in lingerie for all her second video nothing weird about that nothing to question there she's just being the icon as usual.
This dude was taking a fucking shower in his own home.
Mikoto shows or alludes to the idea he committed murder wow that's fucked up- Mu stabs someone in her first video. Ahn, there's probably a reason here like she said in her voice drama it was probably self-defense we saw a stabbing, but we don't have enough info yet soo...
Mikoto in his fucking first music video-
"“I” will save “me”." - "I will NEVER forgive you if this is happening to me even though I’m right."
Throughout the first trial and now the other guy makes it rather clear he only shows up in order to defend/protect himself or in response to stress.
"Agh! Fuck... Fuck...! Stop pissing me off!"
Mahiru is shown literally forcing food on someone regardless of her intentions or what she believed of the situation. Ah, well, that's clearly a visual metaphor, look at the glitching and warping in the video-
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Nobody better come at me with the man in Milgram have it too easy like ever- One it's only certain men let's get that straight. Two Mikoto is a strikingly good example of the shit men aren't allowed to get away with and women are. Like sexism exists and affects all genders differently yes it affects certain genders more than others but it does impact all genders.
People were fucking this man over specifically. As trial two goes on I'm like people really voted this man guilty over TikTok then had the audacity to make it about his character like it was his fucking fault that his song is good- THEN not even a trial later contradicted themselves. Contradicted themselves so hard that people can look at the results of trial one and say, "Yo, why did all these people who we explicitly see murder people and animals get voted innocent and three who we don't even see do anything guilty? Who the fuck made that call?"
I could at least give you guys the Futa one like at least we saw him do something. Yet, now by the logic some people are using for Mahiru's second trial video right now we can't rightfully say we saw Mikoto do anything. It's kind of up in the air now. Though we definitely didn't see Amane or Mahiru do anything trial one.
It's really just some bullshit. I don't even have to bring up Futa and Kotoko as an example to strengthen my point. Some people just fucked this guy over that hard. For things that were all completely out of either of their control mind you. I abstained that wasn't on me. I wasn't there- I was there, but I did not vote because I was ignoring the guy. I saw that video and went nope I don't got anything to say about that you do you.
Then the next trial voted on Amane and that's the first person I voted on. So, whatever the fuck others were doing the vote for fine and dandy. The reasons I saw though bad at drawing, bad fashion, fuck tiktok, he's such a faker- Like damn it was just all pure hatred look at his fucking verdict in comparison to every other guilty prisoner-
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Mahiru and Futa weren't even guilty by much and their videos were pretty fucked up. Their verdicts were close too at 55 but Mahiru being viewed as a bit more guilty. They had a similar severity to them, but Mahiru's was a tad more graphic. So, I wonder if Amane's will be a bit tamer since she has the smallest Guilty percentage.
However, Haruka and Mu's videos were messed up as well and they were Innocent- So, it really depends on how the person interprets it. Knowing Amane and Mikoto's personalities their mvs will probably be worse than the other's but in a very surprising or subversive way.
Especially considering their trial two voice lines,
"So, I wasn’t forgiven. How cruel, even though I said I didn’t do anything. It’s making me resentful."- " So you decided you don’t forgive me. If you don’t fix your way of thinking, we’ll never forgive you for all eternity."
I'm saying all this not just to point out the blatant hypocrisy- But to go remember this moment and all the nuance being used here when Mikoto comes up, when Kazui comes up, when Amane comes up- Remember it because a lot of people are gonna act brand new when that happens.
Suddenly it's gonna be different when it shouldn't be.
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linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚙𝚛𝚎-𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟸 ] 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕
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IT'S OFFICIAL THE SECOND TRIAL IS HERE BABYYYYY oh god now they're going to suffer even more
(Warnings: mentions of attempted suicide, physical violence (prisoners get injured and beaten up and also Eiji and Kei's relationship gets mentioned), toxic relationship dynamics and heavy implications of self-harm)
Miki: Eiji-san?..
Miki: Eiji-san, can you hear me?
Eiji: .. Ah, sorry.
Eiji: I just.. I was too deep in thought, I guess.
Miki: I-it's okay! I just didn't expect you to be the one getting distracted this time, haha..
Eiji: What was that?
Miki: N-nothing! 
Miki: B-but seriously, a-are you okay? You've been acting a bit weird lately..
Miki: Did something happen? Y-you can tell me!
Eiji: I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
Miki: .. If you say so.
Miki: So.. You know why we're here, right?
Eiji: .. Yeah. Because of the second trial.
Miki: *nods* I.. I thought it would be a good idea to talk about everything that happened after the first trial.
Miki: Would you be okay with that? I-if you're too tired, I completely understand-
Eiji: No, you're right. We do have to talk about it.
Eiji: There's.. a lot of things we have to discuss. 
Miki: Ah, do you want me to do most of the talking? I can do that-
Eiji: NO! 
Miki: *screams*
Eiji: .. Sorry.
Eiji: I will do it. You can just sit here.
Miki: U-um..
Miki: O-okay then..
*sounds of Eiji getting up*
*sounds of Eiji's footsteps*
Eiji: So.. Many of the prisoners feel like completely different people now. 
Eiji: Some of them are acting like the complete opposite of their past selves and some of them are acting like.. if you took their personality traits, even the good ones, and made them much worse.
Eiji: It doesn't even matter if they were voted guilty or innocent. All of them are equally bad. 
Miki: Eiji-san..
Miki: Are you saying our judgement was incorrect?
Eiji: .. I don't know.
Eiji: Maybe. 
Eiji: No, it would definitely be better if we just voted all of them guilty-
Miki: So that they could suffer even more?
Miki: Eiji-san, I respect you a lot.. 
Miki: But I think a lot of prisoners finally got the confidence they needed this way. They feel so much safer now too!
Miki: Who knows what they would do if all of them were voted guilty..
Eiji: I'm not just talking about their personalities, but their relationships too. 
Eiji: Those who were friends are basically enemies now or their relationships are just much more toxic now. 
Eiji: You know who I'm talking about, don't you?
Eiji: I mean, our relationships with the prisoners are different too now. 
Eiji: .. Let's begin.
Eiji: Prisoner 001, Miyagawa Akio.
Eiji: He got the well-deserved guilty verdict last time and his ideas and thoughts were rejected. Serves him right, honestly..
Eiji: I wish I could say that without feeling worried, but.. I can't do that because of what happened. 
Miki: .. So you are worried about him.
Eiji: Because he was voted guilty, I knew that I will have to punish him for his sins. At first I just wanted to beat him up, but..
Eiji: I-I guess I underestimated how passionate I am about that kind of stuff.
Miki: He got a head injury because of you, Eiji-san.
Miki: A really.. bad one.
Eiji: Guard 002, with all respect I have for you, you think it was bad just because there was a lot of blood-
Miki: Miyagawa-san.. He got traumatized both physically and mentally after that.
Miki: If it wasn't for me.. If I didn't manage to stop you before it was too late..
Miki: I think you would have ended up killing him, Eiji-san.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: S-so what? He deserves to die anyway.
Miki: He's only 16 years old-
Eiji: Anyway, about his personality. Akio definitely feels like a different person now, but he still has many personality traits he had before all of this.
Eiji: As I said, his ideas were rejected. Which means we have basically told him.. 
Eiji:"You're not a king nor a god that you think you are".
Eiji: And considering that because of his head injury, it's much more difficult for him to do most things, now he feels like he actually isn't as smart and talented as he thought. 
Eiji: It's hard for him to walk without feeling dizzy and feeling like his head is spinning, so he often needs help when he has to go somewhere. 
Eiji: He's also a bit more quiet now, though he's still very loud whenever we try to talk to him. 
Miki: And for a good reason. You're the reason why he's like this now.
Eiji: Stop blaming me. I wasn't the only person who decided to vote him guilty. 
Eiji: If it really was the wrong decision, then it's our fault, not just mine.
Eiji: He's more quiet now mostly because it's harder for him to talk now. I also almost never see him reading or studying anymore. 
Eiji: .. I-I guess it really was a fitting punishment for a "genius" like him-
Miki: How can you say that?!
Miki: What if that injury really is serious? You know I can't take proper care of him, right? 
Miki: What if his life will get worse because of it? What if..
Miki: .. What if he will die if he doesn't get any help?
Eiji: All of them are going to be executed by me anyway, so-
Eiji: ...
Miki: .. You wanted to talk about everyone's relationships too, right?
Miki: Do it. Tell me more about them.
Eiji: .. Well, Akio never really had any friends in this place, though he could often be seen with Aimi and Riku. I assume it's because of them being high school students, so they got along well, since they all are almost the same age.
Eiji: But if Akio's verdict was "Guilty", Aimi and Riku, on the other hand, were forgiven. 
Eiji: And that has changed their relationship dynamic a lot. 
Eiji: You see, after being voted guilty, Akio started becoming more and more.. unstable. He claims that he hears someone's voice sometimes and he can even see that person. There was a time when Naomi told me that Akio couldn't sleep because he felt like he was being choked by that person. 
Eiji: Some prisoners also say that they can often hear Akio mumbling to himself and Aimi thinks that he's actually saying someone's name repeatedly. 
Miki: .. I-I think I know what's going on here.
Miki: I'm not sure about that voice he hears and that person who has tried to choke him, but.. What if he's actually saying the name of his accomplice?
Miki: That would also explain.. well, that incident.
Eiji: .. I'll ask Aimi to pay more attention to what he says. That information could be useful for us.
Eiji: Anyway, because Akio's hallucinations have started getting worse and worse, he couldn't take it anymore and ended up having a breakdown in front of all the other prisoners.
Eiji: And he tried to ask Riku for help and grabbed his hand and I don't know what exactly he said, since we arrived when it was too late, but Riku did not like it.
Eiji: I'll talk more about it later, but.. After that, Akio slowly walked back to his cell, even though it was still hard because of his condition and..
Eiji: *sighs*
Eiji: I'm assuming he tried to make his injury even worse by beating his head against the wall. 
Miki: .. You know that he had a reason to do that. And it wasn't just about "trying to make it worse". 
Eiji: Fine, what else do you want me to say? This guy is not doing well. That's it.
Eiji: Now, let's talk about the person who stopped him from doing that to himself when we weren't there. And also, the only person he can trust right now.
Eiji: Prisoner 002, Hanasaki Aimi.
Eiji: Ah, the poor girl who was bullied by her entire class. 
Eiji: She was voted innocent and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: .. I still don't trust her.
Eiji: As I said, her ideas were affirmed, so I assumed that she will try even harder to make friends after this and she won't be so shy anymore..
Eiji: .. But she is actually much more quiet now.
Eiji: She still acts nice and she's still very polite, but now she doesn't really try to become friends with anyone in this prison.. except one person.
Eiji: And that person is Akio.
Eiji: She was the one who stopped him from basically killing himself and she's also the one who takes care of him, holds his hand when he's having trouble walking and I think I also heard her read a book out loud for him once. 
Miki: Isn't she so nice? I still don't understand how such a kind person like her can be a murderer-
Eiji: I wouldn't trust her so easily if I were you. Sure, she's nice to Akio now, but she stopped talking to Riku after she found out what he said to Akio.
Eiji: Just so you understand, she completely ignores Riku now. She doesn't even look at him.
Eiji: She's acting like this with some other prisoners too now: she tries to avoid Yurika and she has also called Asahi out once for his behavior.
Miki: But I think that's understandable?..
Eiji: What I'm trying to say is.. It's kind of interesting, don't you think? Aimi already knew that all prisoners are murderers and she already knew that they are not good people and they obviously have flaws, but when it was the first trial, she still insisted that she likes them all and wants to be friends with them.
Eiji: But now, she doesn't try to become friends with any of them except Akio, who also can't really do anything without her help anymore.
Eiji: .. I feel like I'm starting to see a connection here.
Eiji: Anyway.
Eiji: Prisoner 003, Ishizu Shun.
Eiji: Sadly, he was voted innocent, so his ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: Come on, I know you regret voting him innocent.
Miki: .. W-what else was I supposed to do?..
Miki: If we voted him guilty, who knows what he would do and how he would act! 
Eiji: So you admit it? You admit that this guy is unpredictable? 
Eiji: So you admit that this guy is dangerous?
Miki: .. Ishizu-san is just.. 
Miki: .. He's just very hard to understand..
Eiji: He sure is more confident now thanks to his thoughts being affirmed. It's not a good kind of confidence, it's a very annoying kind.
Eiji: Also, is it just me or he doesn't care about his ex anymore?
Eiji: I mean, he openly flirts with both Kei and Eiko now, even though when Eiko herself said that she's interested in him, he rejected her since he's "taken".
Eiji: He also rarely mentions being in love with his ex and now he doesn't even say stuff like "I did this for her! I just wanted her back! I just loved her so much I had to kill her new boyfriend for her sake!"
Miki: Maybe he just.. forgot about it?
Eiji: I doubt it. Though I can't say that him being in love with her was an act, this guy's video showed that he really did care about her in his own twisted way.
Eiji: Although..
Eiji: We haven't actually seen her face. We've only seen her new boyfriend's face and that's it.
Eiji: Maybe we should make him talk more about that guy this time.
Eiji: And also.. now that he's more confident, he refuses to take no for an answer.
Eiji: .. Especially when it comes to Kei.
Miki: ...
Miki: Eiji-san..
Miki: Are you worried about-
Eiji: I'm not.
Eiji: I just find it disgusting how he started to take more and more advantage of Kei now that the guy can barely move. I don't remember him being so "dominant" before Kei got punished. 
Miki: .. So you are worried-
Eiji: I'M NOT!
Eiji: A-anyway, Shun and Eiko are much closer now since both of them were forgiven unlike Kei.
Eiji: .. And they sure like to remind Kei about them being "superior" to him all the time.
Eiji: .. I don't want to talk about him anymore.
Eiji: Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi.
Eiji: She was forgiven and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: I guess she's mostly fine, but still.. I feel like something is wrong here.
Miki: Why? Chiba-san is so nice and understanding and she always helps me out when I need advice.. 
Eiji: Just like Shun, she's much more confident now. And why would she start acting like that if she's truly sorry for her sins?
Eiji: She wanted us to vote her guilty, remember? I thought that she would ask us to rethink our decision, but no, she just accepted it and moved on. 
Miki: W-well, maybe she just.. you know, started to see her crime differently? Like, maybe she doesn't think it was that bad anymore?
Eiji: If she's not lying, her victim really was a child. Do you think it's okay to just go "Oh, maybe me killing that kid actually wasn't a big deal"?
Miki: But what if she had her reasons-
Eiji: I don't care about her reasons. She's a child murderer and her victim most likely was one of her students. And now she thinks that her crime wasn't even that bad and doesn't try to make us change our mind. 
Eiji: She says that she simply doesn't try to do it because "we're the guards, so we know what we're doing", but I know she's secretly happy that she got voted innocent.
Miki: .. Again, you're saying my decision was wrong?
Eiji: .. Um-
Eiji: I'm just saying that now we can see that Prisoner 004 actually wouldn't try to become a better person and she actually doesn't think that her crime was that serious. Voting her innocent helped us realize it, so.. 
Eiji: Maybe you were right in some way.
Eiji: Ah, and even though she's still acting like everyone's.. uh, mom, basically, her ideas were affirmed, so now she's more strict with the younger prisoners.
Eiji: If she sees someone misbehaving, she will tell them to stop it and if they don't, she might actually get angry at them. 
Eiji: Though she's mostly nice to all prisoners who are still kids.. except one of them. 
Miki: ...
Eiji: .. Yeah, I'm talking about Asahi.
Eiji: And even though I would gladly vote Naomi guilty this time, I support the way she treats Asahi. 
Eiji: Yes, I know that he's most likely your brother, but you have to admit-
Miki: I-I will talk to him about it, okay? I will.
Miki: I'll prove his innocence to you, Eiji-san. I'll prove that he really deserves to be forgiven.
Eiji: The next prisoner is-
Eiji: .. Prisoner 005, Sanada Kei.
Eiji: He was voted guilty and his ideas and thoughts were rejected.
Miki: .. I still have no idea how you just.. can be so cruel to him without feeling anything.
Miki: He's your brother! If I had to vote Yano-san guilty-
Eiji: Are you telling me someone like him deserves forgiveness?..
Eiji: Guard 002, he's the one who turned my life into a living hell. 
Eiji: He.. He always was weird. And I had to protect him from other kids and people in general because of that. 
Eiji: .. I remember him thanking me for that once. 
Eiji: But then something happened and.. He started beating me for no reason every single day after that.
Eiji: He actually almost killed me once, no, twice! Maybe even more times!
Eiji: He's literally the reason why my whole body hurts all the time, why don't you get it, Miki?! Who cares about him when my body will never truly heal and it's all his fault!
Miki: .. *sobs*
Miki: I'm sorry.. I really.. I didn't mean to..
Miki: It's just.. I'm used to trying to see the good in all people and..
Miki: I thought that maybe Kei-san still deserves forgiveness..
Eiji: *sighs* Listen, I can't deny that I kind of admire that trait of yours. 
Eiji: But Kei doesn't deserve any of your forgiveness and kindness. Trust me.
Eiji: .. He refused to believe that all of this was real and that he really is going to be punished until I actually came and.. well, gave him what he deserves.
Miki: I still remember his cries and how loud he screamed from all that pain.
Miki: But that's.. weird. I thought Kei-san was a much more..
Eiji: Same. Remember him saying that he's not afraid of pain and that he can handle it all or something like that?
Eiji: .. It turned out to be another lie of his. 
Eiji: He's so used to being the one who hurts people that he has no idea what to do when someone hurts him.
Eiji: "More pain means more love"? Sure, whatever you say, Kei. You agree with what our mother used to say only when you're the one who's inflicting all that pain.
Eiji: .. Something is bothering- um, I just find something very confusing though.
Miki: Really? What?
Eiji: For some reason, I noticed that Kei already had a lot of scars on his body even before his punishment. 
Miki: Wait, what?? W-were they bad? Why didn't you tell me?
Eiji: If I did, you would never let me punish him. 
Eiji: Even I got scared, but only a little bit.
Miki: .. Don't you feel at least a little worried for your brother?
Eiji: W-why should I care? Maybe someone just got "a bit too rough" with him or something, I don't want to think about it. It's none of my business.
Eiji: Anyway, Kei still hangs out with Shun and Eiko very often, but now it's not because he wants to. He can't even leave his cell without anyone's help because of how much pain he's in, haha..
Eiji: Ahem, so Shun and Eiko are the ones who drag him out of it and they just make him follow them around. Actually, I feel like now they spend even more time together compared to the first trial.
Eiji: But don't you even think that this guy is just a poor victim and we absolutely have to forgive him this time-
Miki: Should I remind you that he almost got beaten up because of Maruyama-san?
Eiji: I have no idea who I should believe, but she told us that he was acting creepy again and she wanted to defend herself.
Eiji: I don't trust her most of the time, but since it's Kei.. I can see him saying something and Yurika getting mad at him for that.
Eiji: If that was the case, I can't blame her.
Eiji: .. I still can't believe that he actually got saved by someone though.
Eiji: Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko.
Eiji: She was voted innocent and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: Well, she did thank us for forgiving her, but I'm sure she didn't actually care about her verdict. She's just not that kind of person.
Miki: She is.. very affectionate with you now because of you agreeing to vote her innocent.
Eiji: Yes, and I hate it.
Miki: "Do you though?.."
Eiji: However, I feel like she actually did change as a person.
Eiji: She openly admits that she likes Kei and Shun only because of their appearance, but still keeps them close because she likes the attention she gets from them. 
Eiji: So it's like.. She said that she knows Kei will never "truly" love her and she also said that it would be easy to forgive her because of her looks, but now she agrees that she and Kei aren't actually that different.
Eiji: Also, even though she was one of those prisoners who refused to accept that all of this is a real thing, she has recently started asking me more questions about Milgram.
Eiji: Like, how it works, who created this place, why we were chosen as the guards, all of that..
Eiji: I have no idea why she's so curious about it now.
Miki: Maybe after the first trial was over, she started to realize that this isn't just a game and our verdicts really do have consequences?..
Eiji: Or maybe she just wants to spend more time with me.
Eiji: I don't get it though. I'm not that, uh.. "attractive" and I never give her any attention, so.. why me? Is it just her trying to make me forgive her again?
Eiji: .. No, she's not like most prisoners here.
Miki: But I think you're very pretty, Eiji-san!
Eiji: Um, thank you?..
Miki: Still not my type though.
Eiji: I wasn't even trying to.. never mind.
Eiji: Prisoner 007, Yano Asahi.
Eiji: He was voted innocent and his ideas and thoughts were affirmed. 
Eiji: And, well, he reacted to it just like a spoiled kid his age would.
Eiji: He thought that it was going to happen anyway and now he's sure that no matter what he does, he will still be forgiven, because.. you know, he's a child.
Miki: But isn't he right-
Eiji: Well, that's not gonna happen.
Eiji: I never judge anyone only based on their age. No matter how young or how old they are, I will make sure they will get the verdict that they deserve.
Eiji: And because all of them are murderers, all of them deserve to be-
Miki: I know, you don't have to say that again.
Eiji: .. Huh?
Eiji: U-um, okay, let's talk about how he acts now. 
Eiji: Prisoner 007 is much more confident now and I rarely see him cry or throw a tantrum, though he still likes to use his.. uh, "cuteness" to get what he wants. 
Eiji: However, he's now surprisingly good at controlling his emotions. I have no idea what happened to him, but he's much more polite now and I almost never hear him swear anymore. 
Eiji: Eh, he's probably just trying to manipulate us into voting him innocent again.
Miki: But what if he actually did change? What if he's trying to become a better person?
Eiji: I doubt it. He always has this.. weird smile on his face. Like I want to punch him whenever I see him smile like that.
Eiji: He keeps ordering other prisoners around too, again, he's just more polite about it now and it's harder to tell that he really is just using them.
Eiji: I should mention something about his personality and his relationship with other prisoners. Now that Akio is no longer as narcissistic as he used to be, Kei can't even leave his cell without anyone's help and.. we'll talk about Riku later, Asahi and Shun are basically the most "powerful" male prisoners now. 
Eiji: However, Shun is still disliked by mostly everyone and they don't really like Asahi either, but it's hard to deny that this kid is much better at making everyone believe that he has "changed" and that he really is more nice now.
Eiji: It's like.. this kid has all the power now. 
Eiji: "Andou siblings really rule this prison now, don't they?.."
Miki: W-well, I wouldn't say that.
Miki: True, he is much.. uh, "nicer" now and people are starting to like him a bit more, but he's still just as vulnerable. 
Miki: Like.. For some reason I'm starting to feel like he wants more attention from me now? Like now he requests even more things, but he always asks me to get him something and not you.
Eiji: "I think it's because the prisoners don't like me that much in general."
Miki: But when you don't count all the food, toys, clothes and other things, he just.. wants to spend time with me. Like he actually wants to know more about me and he keeps asking me so many questions..
Miki: .. It's still hard for me to get used to him calling me "Miki-nee" though.
Miki: He doesn't even know that we're most likely related..
Miki: And speaking of him still being one of the most vulnerable prisoners, Kei-san wasn't the only prisoner Maruyama-san has attacked.
Miki: Yano-san was her victim as well.
Eiji: Again, it's kind of justified. Naomi said that she saw everything with her own eyes and I usually don't trust her, but I will do so this time. 
Eiji: Basically, Asahi's been taking full advantage of Yurika's status as a guilty prisoner and her punishment and he eventually got tired of his "good boy" act and he spilled some really hot tea that she made for him on her. He claimed that it was an accident but both Naomi and Yurika could tell that it wasn't one. 
Eiji: Yurika had enough and, well.. decided to take her anger out on him. 
Eiji: I stopped her before she could actually injure him though. He only got a cut on his cheek from her nails and that's all.
Miki: Thank you, I appreciate it. 
Eiji: .. I-It's not because he's your brother. I would do the same thing even if it wasn't Asahi. I can't let those prisoners fight each other like that.
Eiji: *laughs* Though of course they would try to do that. They are murderers after all.
Eiji: Speaking of Yurika..
Eiji: Prisoner 008, Maruyama Yurika.
Eiji: She was voted guilty and her ideas and thoughts were rejected.
Miki: I'm still finding it so hard to believe.. I mean, I thought she seemed like a nice person when I first met her.. 
Eiji: Is it just me or you voted her guilty only because of what she said about you that time?
Miki: .. I really do want to save everyone here.
Miki: And I will do anything to achieve my goal. 
Miki: *gets up* Who does she think she is to go and say that I'm just doing this to make everyone trust me?!
Eiji: Okay, okay, calm down.
Eiji: Fine, let's not talk about it. You have your reasons to vote her guilty and I have mine.
Miki: .. Y-you're right. Sorry.. *sits down*
Eiji: Her punishment was a bit different from Akio and Kei's punishments. It wasn't a physical one, it was more about.. mental pain, I guess? 
Eiji: Since her thoughts were rejected, she lost all the potential freedom she could get and now she's back to doing what she hates the most.
Eiji: She has to act as everyone's maid now.
Eiji: We don't have to bring anything to prisoners personally, we can just ask her or, you know, make her do that. She can also serve them food now.
Eiji: I know, that was very smart of me. Less work for us~
Eiji: .. I wish I could say that, but her temper is.. something.
Eiji: When I first told her about her punishment, she cried. Loudly. She cried like a little baby. 
Eiji: And when I tried to make her stop, she almost punched me, but oh well, she obviously wasn't able to do that.
Eiji: And now, whenever she refuses to listen to my orders, I just remind her that I can make her punishment even worse and she listens to me.
Eiji: But now her relationship with the prisoners is much worse. People either see her only as their maid, they think she's scary or they even find her annoying.
Eiji: She's used to be close with all the female prisoners, but now Aimi is one of the prisoners who thinks she's too dangerous, Eiko just makes her do everything for her and even though Naomi actually tried to be nice to her at first, Yurika wasn't as nice. Her relationship with Reina is.. complicated now.
Eiji: Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku.
Eiji: He was voted innocent and his ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: .. I still have no idea how you could have forgiven someone like him.
Eiji: He obviously just wanted to make us feel bad for him. 
Miki: Even if he did, he still was in pain and he needed help. If we voted him guilty, I think he would start acting even worse.
Miki: Just imagine what he would do if he found out that he was going to be punished!..
Eiji: But guess what? Now that his thoughts were affirmed, Akio almost killed himself because of him, Aimi left him and pretty much all prisoners don't want to do anything with him anymore.
Eiji: Because I remind you, this guy actually wanted his childhood friend to die. 
Eiji: Let's go back to his fight with Akio. Again, I still have no idea what Akio said to him, but I do know what Riku told him and what made Akio.. do what he did.
Eiji: After Akio said something that made Riku angry, Riku, just like a normal boy his age, said this:
Eiji: "Go and die then."
Miki: ...
Eiji: .. We shouldn't find Akio's suicide attempt surprising after this considering his mental state and how much he liked Riku. 
Eiji: So? Are you going to defend him this time too?
Miki: .. I will talk to him about it. Of course, he can't just say things like that, but I want to understand why he did it. 
Eiji: Well, I'm sure he will appreciate you still trying to defend his actions, because I remind you that this happened while all other prisoners were watching.
Eiji: And yeah, Aimi stopped seeing Riku as her friend after this. 
Miki: "She's a victim of bullying, of course she would leave him.."
Eiji: And all other prisoners kinda stopped talking to him after that. Their conversations are just really awkward now, especially because Riku still refuses to apologize for what he said and claims that it's all Akio's fault.
Eiji: He has no one to talk to anymore. Akio and Aimi are doing great without him, Shun is having way too much fun with Kei and Eiko, Naomi and Reina have no idea how to help him, Kei simply can't do anything for him right now, Eiko and Yurika don't care about what happens to him and Asahi says that he's "bad" so he doesn't want to spend time with him, though I'm sure he's doing it just to make him suffer.
Eiji: .. It's kinda interesting, actually. They know that every single prisoner here is a murderer, but they were mostly fine with that fact until now, when one of them has almost killed the other prisoner with his words.
Eiji: And.. he went back to his unhealthy coping mechanisms because of all of this.
Eiji: He's okay with doing literally anything to make people look at him, including hurting himself in different ways.
Eiji: I literally can't even leave him alone with a fork and a knife anymore and I have to watch him while he eats.
Miki: .. Again, I will talk to him about it. 
Miki: I want to save everyone in this prison. Especially Yan- 
Miki: .. I mean, my brother and Riku.
Eiji: And finally, the last one.
Eiji: Prisoner 010, Himura Reina.
Eiji: She was voted innocent and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: Honestly, I think she's one of those prisoners who have changed the most.
Eiji: She's like a completely different person now.
Eiji: She's no longer pretending to be someone she's not. She almost never mentions the whole "I'm actually the most dangerous murderer in this prison" thing anymore. 
Eiji: She's also very.. calm now. To the point of showing almost no emotions.
Eiji: She doesn't make dumb jokes anymore, she doesn't say things like "Oh, I actually have more than 50 victims", she isn't that loud anymore.
Eiji: .. And she also was the one who protected Kei from being attacked by Yurika.
Eiji: If that doesn't prove that she has changed, I don't know what will.
Miki: .. What if she actually always was capable of that? What if she always could protect someone like that and we just didn't know?
Eiji: Well, I can't say anything about that.
Eiji: She and Kei are actually surprisingly close now. She's the only person here who isn't afraid of him and doesn't take advantage of his condition.
Eiji: I was shocked at first, but now that I think about it..
Eiji: It makes sense. Their personalities are actually very similar.
Miki: So that's why she's been asking me to take care of him so often lately.. 
Eiji: .. What surprises me the most is that Kei never flirts with her or tries to impress her. I guess it has an obvious explanation, but if we trust Yurika's words, he's still more than capable of being annoying in that way.
Miki: Well, maybe he just sees her as a friend? Isn't that nice?
Eiji: Don't say that. I can't imagine this guy having friends that actually like him.  
Eiji: She isn't that close with Yurika anymore and when I asked her about it, she sounded like she was.. disappointed in her? I guess she wasn't prepared to see the real Yurika.
Eiji: .. That's all I have to say.
Eiji: *sighs*
Miki: So.. Do you still want to vote all of them guilty?
Eiji: Why are you even asking me that? Of course I do. Actually, I want to punish them even more now that I've seen what kind of people they become after being forgiven.
Miki: But isn't it natural to start acting more calm or confident after being forgiven? 
Miki: Just like you said, their ideas and thoughts were affirmed. Of course, they think that they were the ones in the right now.
Eiji: .. I wanted to talk to you about something.
Eiji: You don't have to think too hard to notice that all, or at least, most prisoners like you much more than me.
Eiji: Most of those who were voted innocent are thankful to you for saving them and they're hoping to be forgiven this time again.
Eiji: And those who were voted guilty are this close to begging you to save them from me and forgive them.
Eiji: It's like..
Eiji: It's like you're a goddess of this place, haha..
Miki: .. Hehe, come on, I-I'm just doing my job..
Eiji: Don't try to forgive all of them this time though. Be more careful. They're obviously going to try and take advantage of your kindness.
Eiji: Now, let's go and interrogate-
Eiji: !
*sounds of Eiji falling on the floor*
Miki: Eiji-san!
Miki: A-are you okay?!
Miki: Are you hurt? What happened?
Eiji: .. W-why..
Eiji: Why is everything so.. blurry now?
Miki: Please, tell me if you're not feeling okay! We can just interrogate everyone tomorrow-
*sounds of Eiji trying to get up*
Eiji: I'm fine. I'm fine, I can do this. 
Eiji: H-huh?..
Eiji: "Why am I feeling so weak?.."
Miki: Eiji-san, your body is shaking. A-are you feeling any pain? Maybe discomfort?..
Eiji: I told you I'm fine! Let's just go and begin the second trial already-
Eiji: Ah-
Eiji: .. T-thank you.
Miki: If it wasn't for me, you would fall again!
Miki:*sobs* Eiji-san.. Please, just tell me what's going on..
Miki: I just want to help you!
Eiji: Guard 002, let me go.
Miki: I can't do that when you look like you're about to-
Eiji: ...
Miki: .. Eiji-san? Eiji-san, can you hear me?
Miki: "I should let him have some rest.."
Miki: "What did he mean by me ruining everything though? Was he talking about everyone's verdicts?"
Miki: "I doubt that he's jealous of me being more respected by the prisoners or something like that.."
Miki: ".. I'm a goddess of this place.. What did he mean by that?"
Miki: "It doesn't sound bad though, hehe.."
Miki: "Trust me, Eiji-san, I will save everyone in this prison. I will forgive them for all their sins and I will guide them."
Miki: "I will save everyone, Eiji-san.."
Miki: ".. Including you."
???: Hm? 
???: What is going on with that screen?.. 
???: Ah, it's you!.. Sorry, I forgot your name again.
Jackalope: .. Maybe we should have chosen someone else. 
???: *laughs* You're right, you're right. 
???: No, seriously, I still don't understand why I was chosen. I mean.. 
???: Look at me. Why would you make someone like me the guard of this prison?
Jackalope: You're asking way too many questions for someone like you. By the way, I left your guard uniform at the door. You can go and get it, I'll open the door just this once.
???: Really? Okay..
*sounds of slow footsteps*
[ ??? opens the door ] 
???: Wow!..
???: .. I-it doesn't look that comfortable. 
[ ??? closes the door ]
???: And why would I even wear it? Didn't you say that I'm not allowed to leave this room?
Jackalope: True, but now you'll actually be able to participate in the trials. 
Jackalope: As always, you'll be able to see everything from here. You don't even have to leave.
???: .. Does that mean I can participate in the voting process too now?
Jackalope: Absolutely! You can even say hi to the other guards if you want. 
Jackalope: That girl is very cute, by the way, so I doubt that you'd want to lose your chance-
Jackalope: Wait, or are you-
???: Hmm, I think it will be too hard for them to accept the fact that there's a third guard hiding somewhere. 
???: .. I think I have an idea. You already did that thing to the first guard, right?
???: I think I know how I can interrogate the prisoners without letting the other guards know anything.
Jackalope: You remember that you still have to vote though, right?
???: I do, I do. Don't worry, I won't disappoint you~
???: *yawns* Sorry, looks like I've spent all my energy for today.
???: Hehe, I wish I had a stuffed animal that looked like you-
Jackalope: Don't even think about it. Cuddling with a guy? No thank you. 
???: Calm down.. You know I can't even be in the same room as you anyway.
???: But before I go to sleep, can you answer my question already?
???: Why was I chosen?
???: I mean, I can't even participate in this trial properly. I just spend all my time in this room. 
???: I'm also not that interested in "saving" or "punishing" those prisoners..
Jackalope: .. Well, let's just say that all guards have their reasons to be here.
Jackalope: That guy wants to see his brother in pain and he wants to get his revenge on him. The girl is harder to figure out, but I'm sure she has her goal too.
Jackalope: You also have a reason to be here. Why don't you think about it yourself?
???: Hm... 
???: Maybe you're right. 
???: Either way, I don't think I'll lose much if I participate in this thing.
???: I have nothing to lose anyway. 
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