bloomvalyria · 11 months
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alittledizzy · 7 months
Dan and Phil debate the merits of actually getting an onlyfans for real
"But what if we actually did it?" Dan asks, out of the blue.
Phil flips through his mental rolodex to try and figure out what topic they've discussed recently Dan is circling back around to.
Then he tries to remember if he's ever actually seen a rolodex in his life or if he just remembers them from tv shows his grandma used to have on when he was little.
Then he thinks about his grandma and he kind of misses her, except when she'd ask him if he was going to get a wife.
Finally he says, "Actually did what?"
Dan makes an impatient, annoyed sound. He does that frequently when Phil fails to read his mind. "OnlyFans."
"Oh, right, that," Phil says. "It would be a good financial move."
"Financial move?" Dan gawks at him. "Is money literally all you care about?"
"Yes," Phil says. Then: "No. I also care about sex."
Dan rolls his eyes. "Materialistic and self serving."
Phil is unbothered. "It's not self serving if we're both enjoying it."
"Don't put this on me," Dan says.
"I'll put whatever I want on you." Phil smirks. "And you'll like it."
Dan sighs. "You're impossible to have a serious conversation with."
"I have serious conversations," Phil says. "They're just not the ones you want to have. But if you want to have a serious conversation with me and Gerald from DragonCity, I'll include you in the thread-"
"No," Dan says immediately. "And his name is not fucking Gerald."
"Is too," Phil lies. "Anyway. Should I ask Gerald if he thinks our OnlyFans would be a hit?"
"Leave Gerald out of this," Dan warns, then unfolds his long limbs and gets up from the sofa. "I'm going to get naked and practice poses. Join me if you want."
Phil puts aside the gaming controller. Maybe Dan does have some points to make... and what kind of professional partner would Phil be if he didn't hear them out?
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mama-qwerty · 4 months
a curious question I want to ask you, what do you think of a au where Eclipse was raised alongside Shadow and Maria on the Ark and Eclipse's creation was sort of a power balance between the ultimate lifeform in Project Shadow also what do you think of the sibling dynamic with Maria, Shadow and Eclipse be like?
Oh, that's an interesting question.
I could see Eclipse being the weapon Black Doom wanted Gerald to make in the first place. Maybe the Black Arms scientists don't have an adequate 'imagination' to create a bio-weapon, so BD enlisted the help of Gerald to do so. Gerald used full strength Black Arms DNA to create Eclipse, and the darkling is essentially exactly what BD wanted in Shadow.
Shadow, however, was Gerald's pet project. He snuck a teeny bit of Black Arms DNA and merged it with the DNA from a quill he found on one of his off-world expeditions, and ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom, Shadow was born. He was meant to be Maria's protector, her savior, her emotional support animal. And he performed exactly as Gerald wanted. The unlimited chaos energy and other powers were secondary and a little unexpected, honestly.
Shadow and Maria are thick and thieves, always together and learning and snuggling and sharing an emotional bond stronger than any Gerald had seen before. He's so pleased with himself for Shadow's success.
Eclipse . . . doesn't understand it. Black Arms are not known for their emotional attachments, or their need for connection past the hive mind link that delivers orders. But Eclipse doesn't have a hive mind link. He's separated enough from the Comet that he hasn't connected to it, and thus, is alone. Gerald makes sure to keep him separated from Shadow and the rest of the Ark, because he's a product created specifically for BD. And maybe Gerald's having a little moral dilemma for creating something that could pose a threat to Earth and everything he holds dear.
So Eclipse spends his days alone in the lab. Enduring test after test. He watches the comings and goings, but ultimately doesn't know how to feel regarding all this.
And maybe Maria and Shadow sneak into the lab one night, after everyone else has gone to bed. And they sit before Eclipse's tank. Maybe Shadow can hear Eclipse's thoughts, and tries to reach out to him, let him know he's not alone.
And Eclipse's eyes snap open at the first feel of Shadow's thoughts in his mind. The two stare at each other, sending messages back and forth, while Maria looks on, keeping watch to make sure they're not caught.
Maybe this becomes a nightly ritual for them, and soon the all become closer. Maria and Shadow reach out to Eclipse, trying to include him in games and fun things. As much as they can, anyway.
And Eclipse starts to understand this connection. This need for companionship. This desire to form bonds with others.
And the three become close.
Then Black Doom arrives to retrieve his weapon.
Gerald tries to buy time. "It's not ready," he claims. "I'm still running tests." BD doesn't buy it and orders his warriors to attack, to take that which he deemed created in his name. The Ark is overrun. Maria and Shadow try to get Eclipse out of there, but they can't. Maria is injured, and Shadow drags her to the escape pod. She shoves him in instead, insisting that he's the only one who can stop the Black Arms, should they get to Earth. She sends him away.
Eclipse finds Maria as she's hidden herself in a dark corner. She's fading, and he sits with her as she draws her last breath.
Eclipse looks toward the chute where Shadow's pod was ejected. The warriors are coming. He gently lays Maria down, and leaps through the ejection tube, heading down to Earth to find his brother.
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skaruresonic · 27 days
The double standard gets more annoying when you realize fandom don't ACTUALLY care for canon...if it means abitrarily bringing back chars or reffing stuff
Like, fans are mad Iizuka didn't know what Choco Island from Tails Advejtures was regarding Forces dev. Ignoring that it's NOT a game made by Sonic Team, and very blatantly contradicts Tails having low self esteem and being bullied before he met Sonic (then you have other Aspect Games do dumb shit that contradicts Sonic Team stuff, along with weird rehash of Green Hill). I'm aware Sonic Channel recently reffed it last year, but notably don't mention events of the game. Same for Fang being canonized, Triple Trouble isn't mentioned
People hype up Emerl being in the Shadow short ignoring that the literal diary entries note that Shadow wasn't even awakened yet. At least one can argue that Doom was mem hacking, but people genuinely believe that the memory is legit and don't care cuz "OMG, SHADOW VS EMERL FIGHT"
Same for people treating Neo Metal as a basic Super Form that can kick Sonic's ass, when no, it's just a recepticle to gaining DNA needed to tutn inyo a Perfect Chaos based form
A lot of this really just boils down to "canon be damned, I want char fights, or any game is canon cuz Aaron Webber said so"
It's a mess
People hype up Emerl being in the Shadow short ignoring that the literal diary entries note that Shadow wasn't even awakened yet.
Admittedly I couldn't remember the content of Gerald's Battle diary entries, so I had to look them up. Reading through them, I realized that Shadow fighting Emerl renders Gerald's problems nonsensical in hindsight due to the way establishing Links works, as stated by Battle.
In addition, Gerald says it was the researchers who managed to subdue Emerl and seal him away. For some reason, the researchers kept giving Emerl more and more weapons to absorb:
Journal 5
The higher ups are threatening to shut down this research facility. I had no choice but to hand them the Gizoid to buy more time for my research. I tried to be careful and commanded it to never absorb any dangerous technologies. However, I have heard that other researchers have been making the Gizoid absorb weapons. Apparently, the way to cause the Gizoid to form a new "Link" is to show it power that surpasses that of its former master. While this poses immense danger, I cannot risk losing Maria.
Journal 6
My worst fears have come true. The Gizoid has absorbed enough weaponry and technology that it has started to go out of control. The resulting rampage resulted in the destruction of most of the "Ark." ... I have deciphered the rest of the stone tablet. It says, "When the Gizoid had learned all that it could, it became a god of wrath, and all was destroyed." The researchers somehow managed to subdue the Gizoid and sealed it away. Luckily, it only had one "Chaos Emerald" installed. If it were to have all 7 Emeralds installed, it might destroy the whole planet. The Gizoid is too much of a liability. I tried destroying its core, but nothing I did worked. I understand too little of the technology that built him. My best hope is to try and reprogram its AI into a free-willed, emotions-based AI...
Assuming this fight is indeed real, and that Shadow wins, that raises an entire slew of problems.
If Shadow fights Emerl, and inadvertently establishes a Link with the Gizoid by defeating him, Gerald's dilemma vanishes instantly.
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All Gerald would have to do then is order Emerl to follow Shadow the way Sonic did:
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Therefore, Gerald would have no reason to "try and reprogram its AI into a free-willed, emotions-based AI" in a last-ditch effort to bring the Gizoid to heel. He would have had no reason to install the final program or a soul identical to Maria's into Emerl. The events of Sonic Battle would never happen in the first place. Shadow's interference would have rendered his efforts moot.
tfw the fight is so peak that it threatens to break canon
Now, again, granted, this scenario is predicated on the assumptions that
A.) the fight is real; if it isn't, I just have to question why our time is being wasted on a fake scenario,
and B.) Shadow wins the fight. If he loses and Emerl goes on to destroy the ARK, that'd be another issue - how do the researchers manage to subdue him where Shadow cannot? And wouldn't that kind of feed into Shadow's complex about being unable to protect Maria?
Idk, the implications become weird and untenable the more you think about them. Maybe Black Doom really is sticking Shadow in a scenario where he makes him feel as WEEEEEAK as a certain masked villain, but I must ask once again what the point of that is. I ain't playing SxS Gens just to watch this motherfucker get woobified, you know what I mean?
I'm aware Sonic Channel recently reffed it last year, but notably don't mention events of the game.
Just because ST references things doesn't necessarily make them canon.
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Same for people treating Neo Metal as a basic Super Form that can kick Sonic's ass, when no, it's just a recepticle to gaining DNA needed to tutn inyo a Perfect Chaos based form
A Super form? Why?
Metal couldn't complete his transformation without everyone's data and Chaos' ability to metamorphize. In Charmy's words: "Incomplete freak!"
A lot of this really just boils down to "canon be damned, I want char fights, or any game is canon cuz Aaron Webber said so"
It's a mess
Peak fiction often hinges on the aesthetics of a scene rather than the logistics. Who cares if Shadow fighting Emerl is so acanonical that it has the potential to retcon Sonic Battle as an entire game? It feels right, therefore it must be right.
Personally, I feel like it detracts from both Shadow's backstory and the ARK's unique identity as a research facility somewhat to have all of these disparate elements link (pun not intended) back to Shadow in some way. The ARK needs to be able to stand as a bastion of scientific progress on its own merits, with all the implications that brings to the table, and not just be regarded solely as Shadow's birthplace.
It should be stressed that the ARK developed tools of destruction alongside projects of medicine and healing. That is worth taking into consideration when examining the colony's purpose as a whole.
When people speak about the colony's darker underbelly, they tend to portray its horrors as those of unethical medical experimentation. In actuality, the real horrors reside more in the general territory of the politics of WMD development. "What the fuck did they have to create a planet-destroying cannon for? Who commissioned it? Why? What was its intended use?"
SA2 and Battle both touched upon the dangers of weapons of mass destruction. In particular, the ethical considerations and mindset of those who created them. These themes reflected the cultural anxiety of the early aughts concerning their development and use.
SA2 is more subtle in that it leaves Gerald's motivations in developing such a weapon ambiguous - Eggman raising questions of whether it was Gerald's legacy and intent to destroy mankind. Battle, on the other hand, is so blatantly anti-war that you're practically hearing War Pigs by Sabbath in the background.
The Gizoid counts as a WMD. Nothing can prevent it from going on a rampage and destroying everything, and flexing your power in order to retain control only escalates risk the more you do it. The only real effective countermeasure Gerald could think of was to give it a soul to dissuade it from ever pressing the nuke launch button. Or, in more allegorical terms, temper one's destructive impulses via conscience.
It takes Eggman forcibly overpowering and dehumanizing Emerl in order to reduce him to a WMD again. Except he loses control of Emerl immediately thereafter and winds up having his Final Egg Blaster getting aimed at the Earth without his consent, much like how nuclear bombs cause indiscriminate destruction.
It's such a brilliant and multi-tiered message, artfully delivered by Battle. Which is why it becomes undercut if we can have Shadow solve Gerald's problem in an instant.
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crusherthedoctor · 2 years
Sonic villain tier list?
From top to bottom:
Eggman: Duh.
Hard-Boiled Heavies: All five of them had more personality in a game without dialogue than Sage did with it.
Chaos: The original monster, and still the best, with clever designs for each of his forms, and an interesting backstory. My only regret is that he started The Trend.
Erazor: The best villain that's not Eggman, made by Eggman, or associated with Eggman. He's everything Mephiles wasn't, and he brought out a lot in Sonic through his antagonism and his cruel relationship with Shahra.
Metal Sonic: His robot status and identity crisis give him an edge over other dark rival characters. His design is iconic, and he works not only as Sonic's equal, but also as an extension of Eggman's evil. (OVA Metal is the best, of course.)
Captain Whisker: He's a more compelling Eggman Nega than the actual Eggman Nega. And his boss music is peak 60's Spider-Man.
Infinite: Not sure why everyone likes to single this guy out as one-note when this franchise is utterly stacked with one-note villains, some of whom are praised for it. Infinite may be simple, but at least he's fun.
Gerald: His recorded video was certainly ominous, and he does work as a tragic character, but there's a lot of questions surrounding his story that take me out a bit, and while Chaos may have started The Trend, Gerald - by using Shadow as his posthumous proxy - was the one who established it as a trend.
Black Doom: Not actually a good villain (very controversial, I know), but everything about him is hilarious, and he never gained a disproportionate fandom like certain other villains, so I can't help but enjoy him ironically.
Merlina: She could have been great in practice, but she suffers from Disney Twist VIllain Syndrome, in that once you get past the fanfare involving the twist, there's actually not a lot to her beyond that, and we don't get enough of a feel for her as her true villainous self. There may have been some mild foreshadowing, and we may have gotten a look into her sympathetic motives, but all in all, it was very undercooked, and a major reason why I don't think Black Knight's story is that amazing.
Deadly Six: I defended them for so long, and I'll still defend their original outing (at least Zavok, Zor and Zazz), but ever since IDW turned them into yet another Better Villains Than Eggman... I'm not as dedicated in doing so as I used to.
Void: He exists.
Ix: He also exists.
Eggman Nega: Either he's a redundant presence since there's nothing he does with Eggman that the doctor couldn't do on his own (Rush duology), or he's another usurper and exists only to pose as a so-called better version of the main villain of the franchise (Rivals duology). Take your pick.
Mephiles: Complete dumbass that does not live up to the suave mastermind archetype that the writers intended him to be, and what fans pretend he is. "Eggman makes mistakes too!" Yeah, but never to this level.
The End: He brought back The Trend in the games. And he boasted about being better than all the other threats Sonic has faced, like a textbook bad fancharacter. And he never shuts the fuck up. And he failed to live up to his big talk. And his fight was Perfect Dark Gaia-tier. And he's a purple bollock. I really can't think of anything redeeming about this guy (as much as I hate Mephiles, at least he had Dan Green going for him). As far as personifications of death go, I'll stick with the Dreamworks Wolf.
I didn't bother adding non-game villains since most of them would have fallen into the same "shite, lol" category. Same for the post-Chaos giant monsters.
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notbynary · 2 years
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I posted 2,151 times in 2022
That's 372 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (3%)
2,094 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,989 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#aaaaaart - 554 posts
#rusty quill gaming - 457 posts
#lgbtq - 199 posts
#fav - 171 posts
#video - 171 posts
#hamid saleh haroun al tahan - 136 posts
#trans - 114 posts
#art - 109 posts
#sasha racket - 104 posts
#the mechanisms - 104 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
the saga of figgis et al
See the full post
141 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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[ID: Digital fan art of Sasha, Grizzop and Hamid from Rusty Quill Gaming, in Newton’s office. In the foreground, they are walking across the floorboards, and are minuscule compared to the scale of the room. The floorboards are a flat, mostly featureless plain, with a sunbeam making a square of light. In the distance is an apparently massive table leg, carved in a spiral pattern. The group is walking towards the table leg, with Sasha and Grizzop talking while Hamid walks ahead of them. End ID]
144 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
sometimes i get emotional about how many npcs just immediately take a liking to sasha. barnes, gerald the butler in dover, the jailer, the gargoyles, earhart, the sphinxes, carter, the old wizard at apophis’, clapper the goblin — there are tons of people she encounters that she makes friends with. and she’s awkward and antisocial and low charisma, but she still connects with so many people regardless, there are so many people who care about her
147 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
hamid makes a friend
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[ID: Digital fan art of the scene from Rusty Quill Gaming episode 51 of Hamid and the fire elemental. The fire elemental, a huge humanoid figure made entirely of flames, is crouching inside a large red crystal and looking down at Hamid. Hamid is standing next to the crystal looking up at the elemental, with one hand resting against the surface of the crystal. The elemental has one hand raised to match Hamid’s. Hamid is tiny in comparison, smaller than the elemental’s hand. End ID]
225 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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[ID: Digital fan art of the seven kobolds from Rusty Quill Gaming. They are red and lizard-like, with horns and spikes. There are seven portraits of their heads drawn in profile in various poses. Skraak is medium sized and an intense red color with small spikes. Natun is large and dark brownish red, with multiple scars. Sassraa is medium sized with light and dark stripes, and pure white horns and spikes. Meerk is small, dark red with dark stripes, and has numerous spikes. They are posed with their mouth open, showing small sharp teeth. Draal is small and brownish red, with a light stripe, dark spots, and stubby horns. Driaak is large and lighter red, with long horns and a scar. Tadyka is large and dark grayish red with dark spots. Each is labeled with their name. End ID]
the kobold gang’s all here!! lineart under the cut
See the full post
247 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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writer59january13 · 4 months
Oh Mondseer: the muck cob brie muenster saga...,
crafted when Wallace and Gromit returned from their trip to the moon, which I can prov-olone huck curd (within Trump con feta ration) – as cheesy poem crafted whey back when the following Gouda eye idea occurred while milking the cows.
Yea of course writing ideas unstoppably
burst asunder at the most inconvenient
opportunities such as driving Miss Daisy,
taking a shower, or using the bathroom.
Accursed ambition becoming a prolific
wordsmith (case in point Stephen King)
Woolworth riding, oddly lumbering
lackadaisical shoehorning out this
being from a self made gully. The jury
yet to decree if attempting to extricate
muss elf from tangled web of decades
old setbacks via literary output successful.
Every morning, noon and night, this chap
blunders, flounders, (like a phish out of water),
yet plod his shipshape reclusive quiet-natured
person along the boulevard of broken dreams.
Oft times, huff hind aye muss elf entering The
Dead Zone (bordering a Pet Sematary). Earlier,
a previous saunter found me surmounting
The Green Mile. Attendant in regard to these
Bag Of Bones, and Desperation to acquire
telephone contact with Cell phone quickens
pace despite Insomnia. No matter unexpected
Sleeping Beauties warrant kisses, my determination,
motivation, and slight trepidation occasionally breeds
(The Dark Half), doomsday facet deftly jackknifing lust.
Occasionally, a feeble goading simply under minds
any corporeal aim to restore endeavor to experience
Joyland. IT (creative juices within) spur meeting Rose
Red and her restorative powers. Onward atheistic
soldier goes this chap. No matter tipping point (vis
a vis hungry fatigued body clamors for Needful Things.
Revival (for food and sleep) frequently appears grim.
Downcast state of body, mind and spirit reinforced
by mirage. The Dark Tower looms ahead! Adjacent
to ominous evil looking structure silhouette casted
of a Black House. The initial ambition to ward off
abysmal results summon forth creative literary juices.
Simultaneously a migraine headache pounding pitted courtesy spluttering, nauseating, and foaming LIX spittle.
They hammer horrifically, ferociously, and diabolically.
Shades of shad rock Under The Dome. Ma noggin
Aches like The Tommyknockers! Every attempt to locate
a royal crowning coeval counterpart jinxed with laborious
ill luck. Hell in a handbasket plight usually generates
nostalgia for destiny to Carrie be back to Old Virginny.
Sage advice from Christine, Delores Claiborne, or The
Colorado Kid, yours truly blithely heeded. As a result
(The Outsider within this paperback writer wannabe)
sports defeat written all over face. Concomitant figurative
futility gussies and kickstarts leaving invisible pockmarks.
Ordinary Dreamcatcher fate invariably finds aptly named
Writer Errs Block. Need to back track arises (figuratively)
along vista. The roads have no name. They command
stubborn respect. Near impossible mission manifested
To transcend mental hindrance. This more difficult than
playing Gerald's Game. Hence sigh embrace The Shining
opportunity to avoid Misery. Doctor Sleep would undoubtedly
encourage braving, challenging self confronting The Eyes
Of The Dragon. Such a risky pursuit could force facing pitbull
Cujo. No matter gamble foisted prospect fraught frightfully
being burned at the stake by a Firestarter. Voluntary action
brings small hairs to tingle. Hunchback, sans severely curved
spine straightens. This (The Stand) ding pose offered supreme
vision as promised by The Talisman. Tidbits by me alias
Mr. Mercedes carefully just in case The Girl Who Loved
Tom Gordon chanced to stumble upon this redoubt versus
her hours spent staring at a blinking cursor. Metaphorical
po' wet tick feet took me where they would into the Shining and happy place called Willoughby located within the outer
limits of the twilight zone.
0 notes
barongsrus1 · 1 year
Let’s explore the remarkable Filipiniana-themed of former Beauty Queen Samantha Bernardo and her groom Scott Moore. Beauty Queen-turned host Samantha Bernardo just recently posted pictures of their prenuptial shoot on her Instagram that took place in the Ruins, in Bacolod City. The lovely couple tied the knot and went with a Filipino-themed prenup shoot.
Miss Grand International 2020 1st Runner-up, Samantha Bernardo chose the Ruins which features a quaint architecture encompassed by vast greenery. On top of that, the couple also looks dashing with their traditional Filipino clothes. Scott Moore, her groom, is clad with the famous Barong Tagalog which absolutely complimented Samantha’s Filipiniana dress.
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Our lovely couple, Scott and Samantha as they happily smiled in front of the camera while clad in their respective elegant traditional Filipino attires. Image source
It’s unclear when their romance began but pictures of their private relationship started circulating online in December 2020. However, last February 20, Samantha posted an announcement about her engagement as she posted a selfie of herself wearing an engagement ring. The Beauty Queen finally said “I Do” and is ready to face a new chapter in life as Mrs. Moore.
The Filipiniana-themed prenuptial shoot symbolizes their true love that continues to blossom in the country. Scott, on other hand, is definitely proud to embrace the heritage and cultural roots of his wife. Nothing feels better than a partner who’s definitely game to delve more about your culture, and his attire says a lot about it.
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The gorgeous bride is posing in front of a dramatic fountain behind. Image source
Negros-based photo studio, Dagway Photos, made sure every glance was worthwhile. The shots were skillfully taken in every angle, making the couple look glamorous than ever. With the Ruins being a top attraction, the setting certainly complimented the photography well. As a result, the photos exude a dramatic ambiance that made love even more apparent.
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Scott Moore, the groom, wearing traditional clothing Barong Tagalog. Image source
Furthermore, the traditional Filipino outfits worn by the couple also promotes the deeper cultural roots of the country. Nowadays, we can see numerous locals wearing Filipiniana wedding dresses with the goal of celebrating ceremonies in a distinct concept. Wearing these outfits provide a unique experience of being closer to your homeland. Moreover, some people also add more details to make the events more traditional.
Based on Samantha’s post on Instagram, the gown comes from the one and only Leonard Geraldes, who’s known to be “mangleycouture” on Instagram. We can see the pretty details of the gown that showcases an old-fashion design with a modern twist. Also, the embroidery is top-notch and possesses a unique character.
Choosing Barongs R Us
Interested in the same gorgeous Filipiniana dresses? Barongs R Us offers a wide selection of traditional outfits made for both men and women. Our products have been carefully designed to cater to a wide array of preferences. On top of that, we also ensure we incorporate quality and art to each product.
Visit our website and explore more of our masterpieces.
0 notes
kawaiijohn · 3 years
A gift for a friend
So @floralflowerpower has been having it rough lately and I wanted to write something wholesome for her as a thanks for being such a damn good friend.
So without further ado, here's some UFS (Danny/Wes) comedic/fluff bullshit :D
College AU kinda, rated T for swearing. If they don't swear then what's the point????
"Can it, Fenton!" Wes threw this other shoe at his boyfriend, and as he suspected, the fucker turned intangible again. "You mean to tell me you've been the damn GHOST KING the entire time we've been together and mentioning it just happened to 'slip your mind'???"
Danny winced. He knew his tendency to lie by omission would bite him in the ass again. Sam was right, he should have brought it up before their one-year anniversary. Maybe if he did, the two wouldn't be in their shared dorm with an Observant watching their lovers' spat. "Hey, you know I have issues remembering stuff! It happens with shit like eating too!"
He turned intangible as a stuffed spaceship joined in the wonderful sport of being thrown at his head- if not for his ghost powers it would have smacked him right in the nose. Danny laughed a little- the one disadvantage to dating a basketball player was his on-point aim.
"Yeah, but I would think being the King of all Ghosts is a bit more pressing to tell your human boyfriend about, and not wait for the oversized Minion to show up and drop the ball while he's in his bunny slippers!!" Wes panted, having thrown several more plushies and his pillow at Danny.
"If I may interject... Lord Phantom's concubine...?"
He chokes a little at the 'title' and Danny laughs. Wes notes to kill him all the way later, after all of this is done. "Wes! I'm Wes! Wes Weston!! Danny's boyfriend- why the fuck would you call me a concubine?????" He sputters and rolls his eyes at the tall know-it-all ghost. Motherfucker made him choke on his cereal when he showed up through a portal out of nowhere. "Jesus, you can't even pretend to be polite! No wonder Danny tells me to avoid you eyeballs."
"We know who you are, Mistborn. Our Order keeps note on all non-humans who may pose a significant threat to the timeline." the Observant scoffs in disgust, as if it were obvious. "We simply did not know how to refer to the King's lover in modern terms. Kings normally do not have 'boyfriends', nor do they normally engage in... activities with those of the opposing plane."
Oh so they wanted to play that game, huh? "Listen, if you don't mind I have to talk to Danny about this, so if you could kindly fuck off out of our dorm before the RA comes and tries to figure out why there's a glowing light coming out from under the door at 7am." He crosses his arms and pouts, appreciating that Danny started chanting 'ooooooh' like he was a high schooler watching someone get called to the principle's office. "Danny you're the King, right? Just tell your weirdo minion advisor to fuck off already."
"Oh yeah I can do that." Danny crosses his arms to copy Wes and grins, fangs bared. "Get the fuck out of here Gerald. I'll be back to the Keep after my classes today, so unless Clockwork personally calls me I'm going to stay here and be normal for a few hours."
"But sire, planning for the Truce is-"
Wes feels a shiver race down his spine as Danny growls. He always loves when his boyfriend gets a little less human. If only he'd realized it before obsessing over revealing his secret to everyone, he could have enjoyed being Phantom's boy much sooner.
"Fine, King Phantom. We will await your return later tonight." Gerald rolls his eye and vanishes through another portal.
Danny's shoulders sag and he laughs. "Oh man! I hate when they do that, but they always run away as soon as I start bossing them around. They're all bark and no bite nowadays!!"
Wes turns to absolutely glare daggers at his boyfriend. "You're not off the hook, Mr. King of all Ghosts," he spits "So Danny, tell me about how long you've been neglecting to tell me this secret and why these minion looking motherfuckers know so much about me." He smiled dangerously.
"Well uh, you see," Danny swallows, "I've been king since... the whole 'town getting sucked into the Ghost Zone' business and just didn't know until I was an adult and those assholes showed up with this stupid thing." Wes watches as the air around Danny's head shimmers and a crown made of black metal and ice materializes on his head.
"Duh, since I was like 18. I just said that." The crown vanishes to nothing once again as Danny rolls his eyes. "For someone as observant as you, you can have really selective hearing."
Wes looks for something soft to throw at Danny again, but alas finds nothing. "Fenton you are infuriating, you know that?" He takes a deep breath and centers himself. "But I love you anyways, you cryptid idiot."
Danny smiles and kisses Wes on the cheek. "I can properly explain it if you give me a little time- maybe I can ask Tucker to make a PowerPoint. You seem to like those a lot." Danny teases.
"They're the best way to present information, you can't change my mind." Wes nods proudly.
"Anyways, I can clean up the mess- it's only fair since I kinda lied by omission the entire time we've been a thing. So don't worry about putting all the plushies in their place."
Danny begins picking up the pile of plushies behind him. The two fall into a rhythm of picking up and getting ready for class before Danny still and looks at Wes, worried.
"Gerald said he keeps track of non-humans when talking about you..." Danny starts.
"You're right. He did. Called me Mistborn too."
"I... think I'm gonna ask him what he meant by that tonight. You know, just to see if he was fucking with me. They say some cryptic shit like that sometimes."
Wes could tell Danny was rationalizing, lying to himself. He didn't like the insinuation, but it makes a bit of sense. If one of his brothers is psychic it's not too far to think there's something weird about him too, but he allows himself to ignore the feeling of dread in his stomach.
Class starts soon, after all.
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bamf-jaskier · 3 years
SO. why is Jaskier called the Nightingale Prince? I’ve googled it and it only says he’s called that in q video game and no more explanation are forthcoming. :(
In his wiki there’s a bunch of titles! There’s also ‘the Crimson Avenger’ but I’m pretty sure that’s a book thing, even tho i haven’t read them.
if you’d andswer this, or point me to someone who can, I’d be grateful!
The Wiki is…bad. Basically, it meshes together the games and books and graphic novels and everything without telling you what things are from. So then when you have questions that are not directly related to the show you genuinely have no idea where the information is from and there’s a lot of incorrect information in the wiki too. 
Which makes finding where things are from actually pretty difficult.
The Crimson Avenger is actually from a side quest in TW3 u can watch a play through of it here. Basically Dandelion has Gerald pretend to be the Prince of Thieves so Dandelion can swoop in as the “Crimson Avenger” and save the day. (I did write a DC AU here where Dandelion actually uses that as his superhero name). There’s also a version of the quest where Geralt calls him the Crimson Asshole so that’s gold too.
The Nightingale Prince is a little harder to find. That’s actually from one of the Graphic Novels The Witcher: Flesh and Flame.
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It takes place in Ofir and it’s one side panel where they call Dandelion “The Nightingale Prince” there is no further explanation.
This actually has nothing to do with my in-universe reasoning as to why Jaskier has the name. In the fic, I say:
Julian had heard his epithet being yelled out as he ran out of the camp. It was not a name he would have necessarily chosen for himself but it had stuck. Originally it was the Prince’s Nightingale as he was known as Filvandrel’s, the Prince of the Elves, master assassin. He would pose as a traveling bard and he was said to have the voice of a Nightingale, gorgeous and rich. However, some brilliant soul had taken to saying the Nightingale Prince as it rolled off the tongue just a bit better, and then there was no escaping the name. Luckily, no one had connected him as a Witcher yet. While the golden eyes would normally be a shining beacon as to his identity, no one had ever seen his face and not a single Witcher left would have claimed him.
And in the Nightingale Prince his armor is actually based on the Nightingale Armor from Skyrim.
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I’d like to thank @arse-blathanna for going through graphic novels with me and suffering together 😆
Also I just wanna say that I’m really trying to finish that fic but I have so little motivation. Every time I get a comment or an ask about it though it just really makes me want to keep writing like thank you so much for everyone who is invested in that story. 
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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The Final Fantasy Pixel Shack is over! This was a lot of fun. I will definitely be doing more RPG monsters in the future, but next week will probably be a bit different.
Up top was my first entry, Tiamat. I went into this wanting to redraw the four fiends, but I got a bit carried away with her!
For my second entry, I decided to compensate a bit for having spent too long on Tiamat, and merged two of the 3 other fiends into...
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Krakillith! Bringing together Kraken and Marillith! This one is still using too many color palettes, but its a lot closer to being realistic to NES limitations.
There has been a lot of great entries this week, let’s go over them after the jump:
First up, LandsharkRawr drew a very elegant, dashing take on Lich, so we do have the four fiends present in the end! This is based on an avatar character theyve been drawing a lot, with flowing, flaming green hair.
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They also replaced the player party with adorable NES sprites of various D&D characters they’ve played with, three of which I reckognize. Made me wish I had redrawn the player characters on my entries a bit too. Maybe next time!
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And here is a second entry from Landshark, a masked creature with a terrible winged demon for a lower body. The design gives some SMT vibes. It also seems very close to fitting the NES restrictions, nice work.
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Axolotine also drew a Lich! This one sticks closer to the original. He’s also redrawn the party members, they look super good. The black and red mages are great here.
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Gabriel Harju has drawn an eyeball creature holding bones, called “Itch”, fighting a party of Yani. Who doesnt love a good eyeball monster.
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Jacob J. Ritz  Has drawn Garland as seen in the recent Final Fantasy trailer, as well as a sort of “demake” of that game into an NES style, really cool! I love the colors on Garland’s armor, it reminds me quite a bit of Exdeath from FF5. The flaming sword looks very nice too!
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Lurdiak has drawn a strange ghostly creature, as well as NES styled takes on the FF7 main cast. I understand this is a bit of a joke on some problems he has with the Final Fantasy 7 Remake - but I haven’t finished that yet, so I don’t get it yet! Nobody spoil it for me, aight? I just fought the spooky house boss so far, Barely halfway through! :O
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I believe this mesmerizing entry from Ryan Powser speaks for itself. Please enjoy. If you can summon the inner strength to move your gaze away from Ripper’s eyes, from Ripper’s TRUTH, perhaps we can move on to...
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Long after the last speck of dust falls from the bones humanity has left behind, when the last echo of our will, rippling across time’s ocean, reaches some far-away world, the inhabitants of this world, with sensory organs alien to ours, will perceive our final message to them. They will understand. Crab With Guns, by Scarodactyl.
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A babylonian-inspired entry from Will Olthouse , complete with a ziggurat in the back. Very nice! Don’t think I have heard of Lamashtu before...
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A sinister magician hermit called Gerald, from Will ! Always a fan of creatures with big, flat teeth. He has also submitted this one:
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... that he calls a knight of thorns! Really nice, love that bucket-like helmet with holes, a good striking design. Nice pose, too. This one and the previous might be entirely possible to display as a Final Fantasy enemy too!
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And here is a final one from Mr Taters, a pirate captain with a pair of pirates. I think thats the only entry with a party of multiple enemies, very nice.
That is all for this weeks entries! A LOT of em this time around!
There were also two entries that I missed from last week, one came in a bit late, and the other one I simply forgot about!
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Gabriel Harju made this gnarly skeleton with bony fingers coming out of its face!
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And Will Olthouse also made this robed snake lady vampire! Or she might be a caterpillar or slug? I’m not entirely sure. Either way, shes long.
Have you made an entry and I haven’t added you here? Be sure to reply to this, I’ll put you at the end of next week’s roundup! Thank you to everyone who has participated! Haven’t decided the subject of next week yet, but I’m thinking about a platformer of some kind...
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Up next is one of my newest troops and a firm favorite
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Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Herman “Crash” Nash, USAF. Call Sign: Squeezie. Lt Col Nash is dressed for work as the commander of a bomb wing, ready to take off at a moment’s notice.
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Clothing, specifically jackets, have been a part of aviation almost from the start. You need to keep warm up hundreds of feet, of course. What started with full body flying suits eventually became reduced to a single waist length jacket. Of course the WWII A-2's and B-10's are classics even today. There is a continual race to improve warmth, comfort, weight, cost & so on in these jackets. The last word in current military aviation is the CWU-45/P. Succeeding the MA-1, it is made of fire-retardant Nomex and features special slanted velcro pockets which prevent the contents from falling out. It is this jacket which Lt Col Nash wears, made by Dragon Models Limited. The set also added the helmet bag he carries which naturally holds...
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His helmet! I don't have much provenance as to which model this helmet is supposed to replicate, but white flight helmets were a mainstay of the early air force, where easily recognizing pilots was seen as very important to recovering them.
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When downed in enemy territory, there wasn't much hope past a pilot's pistol. Mainly intended more for killing small game than for holding off the enemy, it was nevertheless issued to many aircrew for survival.
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Under the jacket, Nash wears a rather tan-colored flight suit, complete with an orange scarf and blue flight cap. The scarf was typically a color in the unit's insignia, though checkered or striped patterns weren't uncommon. Another aviator's predilection, introduced to the Cold War. The flight cap was a little piece I picked up from Cotswold Collectibles and customized to my liking with a small oak leaf badge and a swipe of a silver marker to mark him as an officer.
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Not content with only one gimmick, Hasbro introduced the Talking Action Pilot with metal accessories, of which there was a flare pistol, flashlight, knife with sheath and the pistol. The rather obviously titled map tube rather fails in its task of keeping maps safe, but it stays safe enough in the helmet bag.
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Finally the biggest selling point of the Talking Action Pilot requires some doffing of uniforms to see properly. This mechanism is the logical result of roughly thirty years of voicebox improvement. He now lasts much longer than the “talkers” of the 60′s. The mechanism still works much the same as before, with a string pull activating the phrases. Instead of the old system of marked notches identifying which one he says however, the phrases simply repeat in a short loop. An attempt to evoke the old system with the retracting string mostly fails, which I dealt with by cutting the string as short as I could make it. Unfortunately still the weight and complications the technology poses makes posing the colonel difficult and often results with him looking rather hunched over. Of course under a thick jacket the effect is barely noticeable. It’s been over twenty years since he was manufactured and he still says the commands clear as day.
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masterhandss · 4 years
Hamefura Idol AU!
No one on tumblr really knows it but... I love idols, like idol animes and games are my childhood and has eaten away at my very soul. I like drawing and imagining idol aus for pretty much any show I get into, and sadly hamefura isn’t gonna be an exception to that :P
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(i’ve yet to draw for my dumb au so have a placeholder image from an upcoming anthology by @/relaxmakoto)
Instead of being isekai-ed to a bootleg PS4 otome game, our monkey girl gets reincarnated into “Fortune Lover: Cinderella Idol!”, an idol-production rhythm game (help me i’m bad a choosing names).
(Long post, I’m basically gonna retell the entire game in an idol setting lol. I only wanted to draw for this au, but thinking about plot and gameplay was too fun so I wanted to share it)
The Game
The original game’s story follows Maria Campbell, the main character of the game who applied for a job in Sorcier Productions after seeing a wanted ad online. By some luck, she gets hired as a temp-producer for the famous male idol group “Fortuna”. After a few hours of gameplay involving producing the male idols (Gerald, Keith, Alan and Nicol) through the game’s tutorial (introducing various aspects of the gameplay like “Choosing your Idol”, “Getting Relationship Points”, “Rhythm Game Concert Mode”, “Idol Produce Mode”, “TV Drama Mode” etc), the game reveals the plot twist of the game: Not just the male idols, but you get to also idol-produce yourself!
By the outcome of various events, Maria ends up performing in the stead of another idol during a mini concert that she escorts the boys with, and immediately stole the hearts of the audience by her beauty and hidden talents! M.C. is actually the first idol in the “Self-Produced Idol” project, one that aims to determine and bring out the full talents of an idol by exposing them to all the in outs of the idol world. Maria ends up becoming quite known very quickly, being rumored as a “Cinderella” of the idol world (In sports, the term Cinderella is used to refer to situations in which competitors achieve far greater success than would reasonably have been expected, rather than the typical meaning of Cinderella which means “damsel”). This rumor leads her to the anti-hero rivals for Maria (who ends up joining you in the game as idols you can produce), the perfect idol Mary Hunt and the “rarely appears publicly despite her talents” Sophia Ascart.
They start out as rivals for the game but ends up becoming friends with you and becoming produce-able idols like the 4 boys. You can even form a trio unit with the girls if you have enough relationship points (when your trio unit “Amour” is unlocked, you get more events, songs and outfits for you and the two girls!). But the true antagonist of the game is Katarina Claes, a boastful and prideful newbie idol who joined a few months before Maria, who earned a fan base thanks to her confidence and mature style. She doesn’t have the best voiced or is very skilled at dancing, but her confidence and ideals draws people to love her for her unique character. Katarina lacks self-awareness though, and thinks that she is the jack of all trades when it comes to being an idol, thus leading her to have an unbelievable amount of self confidence when it comes to her popularity and skills. She despises Maria Campbell because of how much the articles praise her for her charm and adorable singing, as she thinks that Maria is nothing more than a wannabe that doesn’t know the harsh reality of the idol world (the irony of that is an important aspect of the game’s story, since Katarina is overly reliant on her producer Anne, and Maria is the one who works both as an idol and as a producer).
Maria doesn’t really play much into the “self-insert” protagonist, more like an involved protagonist like Izumi from A3 that plays an important role into the story. The player does get to choose Maria’s (and everyone else’s) songs, schedules, outfits etc. by the guise that you are Maria, working as both an idol and as a producer.
The game does have a “relationship points” system, which means you can actually date one of the boys form Fortuna (secretly). Even if you don’t intentionally date anyone, the game already does play the “you, the main character, are so important and they wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t here” agenda that most games have, so the game already makes all the love interests seem interested with you regardless of whether you actively target Gerald, Keith, Alan or Nicol.
Katarina’s Bad End
(Rather than the life threatening doom flags of FL) In the game, Katarina Claes constantly sabotages Maria’s events and performances, creating the conflict in the “story mode” and the “events” of the game. Near the end of the game, the character who has the highest relationship points with Maria will reveal Katarina’s awful treatment of Maria in public, ruining Katarina’s reputation and causing her to lose public opinion and fans
Sabotaging fellow idols is actually quite common in idol stories, but the extent that Katarina goes for her bullying is terrible, which shocks the public because that side of the idol world had never been put into the forefront before. While Katarina does have an arrogant and prideful personality, learning that she, who didn’t have the cleanest reputation in the first place, has been harassing the darling of the idol world, meant that shows, programs, radios and events didn’t hire or invite Katarina anymore in fear of loss in sales or public outrage, leading to her eventual downfall.
The final event of the game, the Idol Queen Tournament, Katarina performs despite her ruined reputation, and was met with almost no response from the audience. Realizing that her life as an entertainer is ruined, she quits and vanishes from the public eye.
It is said in the epilogue that she moved into the country side, by a small farming field, shunned by her parents and the public for her embarrassing behavior, in order to repent and look back on her actions, much to her anger and disapproval.
The degree of Katarina appearances and story events differ depending on which male idol love interest Maria has the highest points in. Katarina is most active if you are closer to Gerald, as she is madly inlove with him and only became an idol to be by his side (as Gerald won as the “Idol King” of that year, and Katarina aimed to be his “queen”). Katarina is also frequently present in Keith’s events and interactions, as she makes fun of the both of you for being a disgrace as idols. She also appears on Alan and Nicole, but not as much.
“Fortuna” and “Amour”
Fortuna, the most popular male idol group during that time, and Amour the all-new girls idol unit, are the “produced” characters of the game
(i’m bad at thinking at idol group names so those are placeholders lol)
Gerald Stuart is a child actor known for being a perfectionist. Even as a child, he had a good face, pose, fashion sense, perfect memory, amazing acting talent and charisma to carry himself infront of a crowd. He became an idol in hopes of escaping the endless sea of acting offers he gets, and to just starve off a bit of his boredom and free time. He ends up becoming interest in their new producer Maria, due to her unique circumstance and how hard working and earnest she is. Idols are known for being prohibited from dating, but in the Gerald Ending Epilogue, he proudly announces Maria as the woman of his affections and deeply apologizes to all his rabid fans and supporters, and hopes to gain their support for his feelings for her. The two are crowned the “Prince and Princess” of the idol world for that decade.
Keith Claes is an adopted son of the Claes Household. He was bullied by his sister and mother, making him feel alone and isolated as a child. In his teens, he became a handsome playboy that easily caught the hearts of a female crowd, leading him to be scouted by someone in Sorcier Productions. He accepted, wanting to use the love of a huge fanbase to drown himself with praise and adoration and to fill the hole in his heart from years of trauma and loneliness.
Keith attempted to flirt with his new young producer, but gets constantly rejected due to the idea that idols can’t date (and bc Maria is just so busy), making him crave Maria’s attention even more. He ends up respecting her diligence, intelligence, beauty and honesty, making him slowly fall inlove with her. In the Keith Ending Epilogue, Keith confesses to Maria and wants to date her, but knows that he can’t just let go of the fans that he gained from his playboy persona, so instead he gives her a promise ring, telling Maria that when their whole “idol” thing is over with and pass them, he hopes to be able to date her (and even marry her) for real one day without a fanbase that might attempt to seperate them.
Alan Stuart is the twin brother of Gerald, who is often compared to his twin brother due to his lack of acting and entertainment skills. Alan does however, have a deep love for music. He might not be as good with instruments as his brother, but unlike Gerald, he truly loves composing and performing music and finds solace in the melodies that he can convey. Alan ends up becoming an idol due to his love for music, with the desire to one day use the connections he can make as an idol to become a full-time composer and song writer (as well as to generally learn how to sing bc he secretly likes that too). Alan also wanted to be an idol as a way to compete with his brother in an area that he is more knowledgeable on.
Throughout Alan’s encounters with Maria, he ends up rejecting Maria’s friendship and praises due to his inferiority with his brother. Through time, Maria’s constant praises of Alan’s music and singing ends up resonating with him, leading up to her telling him that he shouldn’t compare himself to his twin brother and there are only things that he is good at, like his music. Maybe a line like “Not even Gerald can recreate the melodies that you write and compose, Alan! These scores are very Alan-like, and there’s nothing I’d rather listen to; nothing that warms my heart more. This is something only you can do, as Alan and no one else” does him in.
In the Alan Ending Epilogue, he admits that his heart isn’t ready for a relationship yet, but declares that he wants to be with Maria forever and that from the moment Maria started to make an impact in his life, she had become the “Aria” of his music, and that he wants her to know that he will always write his music with his love for her in mind. He wants to be able to convey his love for her through song one day, and he hopes that she will continue to love him until he finds the right words to sing.
Mary Hunt is the daughter to a famous businessman and politician, who has connections to the Stuart Family. She met Alan by accident, during the dinner party in her house for his father’s birthday. Mary was hiding in her beloved garden, and had encountered Alan who had done the same, before she could retreat to her safe haven. She was in awe as she watched Alan play and sing a song in his small guitar, almost thinking that the song was for her. They ended up singing in a duet, with Alan complimenting her voice, saying that she should develop it. Mary instantly fell inlove with Alan, and had trained herself in the same musical arts that Alan loved, especially the voiced that he had complimented, in order to one day become worthy of performing by his side. She had originally assumed that Alan wanted to perform for an opera or musical, but when she found out that Alan wanted to become an idol, she auditioned to Sorcier Pro. as fast as she could.
In Alan’s ending, Mary was very heartbroken to know that she could not be the one to stay by her beloved Alan’s side, but silently thanked Maria for breaking Alan free from the inner turmoils that Mary knew was an impossible job for her. Despite her feelings, she still wanted to sing by Maria’s side and congratulates the two with all of her heart.
Nicol Ascart is the son to the esteemed Ascart Family, owner of the Ascart Inc., one of the major sponsors for Sorcier Productions. Nicol has been a child model and was popular since childhood because of his beautiful face. He doesn’t talk much, so when someone has filmed him singing to himself in the hallways in highschool, it immediately went viral, causing various scouts to offer him a role as an idol. Nicol had only accepted his request due to the circumstances of his little sister, Sophia.
Sophia Ascart is born with unique features, leading to her being bullied and made fun of in public due to her stage appearance. Sophia has always loved idols, being envious of their ability to enchant a crowd and sing songs about their feelings out loud. She had a sweet voice and an adorable face, but her hair and eyes caused people to think of her as a freak. She wanted to become one, but knew it would impossible for her. Nicol decided to use his popularity to jump-start Sophia’s possible idol career, by trying to brainwash/persuade his fans to also love Sophia (when she first joined and started as an idol). It didn’t work on everyone, but he was determined to help his sister.
When Maria befriends and even starts a unit with Sophia, Nicol eventually fell for the woman who made both his and Sophia’s wish come true. There’s also the fact that as their producer, Maria became a true friend of Nicol’s, one that didn’t look at him with obsessive desire and only wanted nothing more than to be a friend and an ally.
In the Nicol Ending Epilogue, he quits being an idol due to his desire to eventually join his father in the family business, much to the disappointment of his fans, but promises to always watch Maria from the side lines. He would always send bouquets almost everyday, with small cards giving the declarations of love that he normally wouldn’t be able to vocalize. He thanks her for supporting both him and his little sister, and promises to jump to her side once she is done being an idol.
As usual, Katarina ends up remembering her future as an 8 year old kid, and plans to prepare for her future “banishment” and humiliation. She learns to farm in order to provide for herself once she gets shunned and retreats to the countryside, and (unknowingly) meets all the characters in the game and gains their good favor before the events of the game begins
I’ll write the rest of the plot involving reincarnated!Katarina next time lol :P
This au is obviously heavily influenced by a lot of the Idolmaster console and mobile games, Ensemble Stars, A3, Vocaloid Project Diva games, Aikatsu etc lol. Thanks to anyone who gets to read till the end. Feedback (and name suggestions) are very appreciated! Hamefura is still a small fandom so idk if i’d write for this au, but it’s a good enough excuse to draw the girls in cute idol clothes so i’ll take it XD)
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ardenskyedarcy221b · 5 years
someone eats the last of the beloved cereal and it starts world war three at the breakfast table?? UMMMM hot summer day at the lake house?? Peter being obsessed with fire and almost burning down the lake house when they have a campfire?? anything at all w Peter being allergic to bug ??? ALL OF THE ABOVE lol this is a disaster of a prompt but I hope it gets the muse going!!
You asked for it: here comes the chaos!!!!
read and leave kudos on AO3
“All I want are s’mores!” he cries, following after Tony’s retreating back with all the gusto of tailing a criminal. “Just say yes and I’ll stop asking!”
“That’s not how this works,” drolls Tony, not bothering to crane his neck backward as he speaks. “Between you and the other four year old of the place, I’m strong in the face of unrelenting pleas.”
Peter pouts, pulling out a pitiful, “Please, Tony?” from the depths of his soul. 
A pause. 
Peter doesn’t bother taping back his growing, victorious smirk since Tony’s back is still toward him. But the older man has stopped at the kitchen island, lunch plates forgotten before him, shoulders tensing up just a smidge, and Peter knows the signs of a crumbling empire. 
Then there’s a sigh. 
“A supervised campfire this evening. Morgan can stay up past her bedtime—“” 
“—but only if it’s Pepper approved.”
As much as Pepper Potts-Stark likes to feign the stern parent act, she’s as mushy for Peter and Morgan as her husband. Peter knows exactly what needs to be done in order to get Pepper’s approval. 
He spins on his heel, making for the stairs and shouts out for his little sister, 
“Hey, Momo! D’ya wanna take a selfie with me?”
He immediately garners her attention as he hears Morgan toss down whatever she was using and her thunderous footsteps racing from her bedroom toward the top of the stairs, screeching out a resounding, 
Tony groans from the bottom level. 
Peter grins unabashedly, swinging Morgan up into his arms and cuddles her close. 
“I think we need to send some pictures to Mom, whadda say?”
“Yes yes yes!”
Peter wanders into Morgan’s bedroom and plops down onto her rug, easing his back against her abandoned art table. 
“Dress up or regular selfie?”
Morgan tilts her head, brown eyes flicking toward the ceiling in thought. After a couple beats, she jumps in excitement and declares, “Regular selfies but I wanna wear a tiara!”
Peter nods, “Awesome! Go grab your purple tiara and come back over here, alright?”
She runs off as he pulls out his cell phone. 
Before long, Morgan is situated on his lap and Peter has his camera facing both of them. They take an obscene amount of pictures because Morgan likes to direct them on different poses. She’s rather bossy as she says to go between serious to silly to posing like they are Iron Man but Peter rolls with her assertions. 
“Guess what?” 
“Mmmm, what?!”
“Dad said that we can have a bonfire tonight!”
“AWESOME!” squawks Morgan, jumping from his lap, no longer interested in helping send the perfect picture to her mother and more interested in jumping onto her bed and bouncing. 
Morgan pretends she does not hear her father’s call of her name, bouncing until her tiara sits askew and even then continues showing her exuberance. 
Peter sends Pepper an adorable picture of two massively grinning faces with the message: Tony says we can have a bonfire tonight with your approval. 
Within moments, Pepper sends hearts for the picture and responds with a planning on catching anything on fire again?
Peter replies back with a no along with the angel emoji. 
In the end, Pepper gives her approval. 
Peter sweeps Morgan off her bed mid-jump, both of them squealing and laughing in high pitches, as he runs them back out of her room and races down the stairs. 
Tony hollers, “Lunch is ready, my two monsters!”
At the back of his mind, Peter feels for Tony having to wrangle both him and Morgan around for the remainder of the afternoon. Then again, he isn’t too concerned about it because despite his minor attempts acting indifferent, Tony is just as excited. 
“Let’s go collect wood from behind Gerald’s pin, shall we?” suggests Tony sometime after four, corralling them out of the garage after their latest volcano experiment finished and back into the late afternoon sun. 
“For the campfire?” asks Morgan, skipping behind her father, swinging her arms rather erratically. 
“Yeppers little Pepper.”
Morgan giggles then bolts on ahead to shower the family alpaca with her undivided attention. 
Now with little ears out of shot, Tony rounds on Peter, 
“Turn out your pockets.”
“What? Why!” 
“It’s like house arrest but I gotta make sure you’re not carrying a lighter on you.”
“That’s lame,” but Peter turns out his pockets anyways, knowing that he isn’t carrying anything incriminating on him. “Happy now, Mister Worrywart?”
Tony sniffs, remains silent, then proceeds to dump several logs into Peter’s arms several moments later. “Go on and be helpful, Mister Menace.”
“That’s enough from you, old sport.”
“I still know how to use a repulsor, Mister Gatsby.” 
“Oooh, I’m quivering! I’m gonna be hunted down by Iron Dad himself because of his unsinkable crush of Leo DiCaprio.” 
Tony breaks first and snorts out his laughter. His father figure swats at Peter, though the teenager dodges the motion with ease of a pirouetting spider vigilante.
“I’m laughing at you, you goon! And mildly offend my kid keeps calling me old!” 
“So your infatuation with Mister DiCaprio has nothing—”
“Begone, you!” chuckles Tony. 
Peter shuffled away, beaming in triumph all the way to their designated fire pit. He can’t help tossing over his shoulder, “It IS a little weird both you and Pepper have a thing for him—" 
Only Tony doesn’t allow Peter to finish his train of thought all the way: a twig is tossed at his back and Peter finally lets go of their teasing. 
Serves Tony right, though, Peter thinks as logs fall from his arms into the unlit fire pit, see if he teases me about Kristen Bell again. 
However; knowing their relationship, Peter anticipates the new game of teasing each other about passed celebrity crushes will continue on until something new takes hold. It’s just how they are, really.
By the time Colonel Rhodes makes an appearance, bearing graham crackers and marshmallows (both mini AND jumbo sized!) and Hersey’s milk chocolate bars, Tony’s had to send Morgan inside to change clothes seeing as how she somehow ended up with Gerald’s bucket all down her front, and Peter takes the opportunity to greet Rhodey without the prying eyes of their best friend. 
“How’d you get him to agree to a bonfire so soon after last month’s incident?” prefaces Rhodey, raising an inquisitive brow at Peter. 
“Puppy eyes and Pepper.”
“Works like a charm every single time.”
They high five. 
As the sun sinks lower on the horizon, Pepper arrives home and Tony declares the start of their activities. Rhodey grills the burgers as Tony assists Morgan with making hot dogs over the fire. Pepper tugs Peter inside in order to grab paper plates, napkins, and condiments, and Peter obeys because he wants to keep Pepper on his side for as long as possible. 
But the way she keeps glancing over at him makes Peter realize she knows he’s got an ulterior motive up his sleeve. 
Best to ask for forgiveness and all that jazz.
Peter waits for the perfect opportunity. Ideally, it’s after dinner and either right as Pepper takes Morgan in for bed or his little sister is further away from the chaos. No matter what, Peter wants to keep Morgan safe. Tony has loosened up with his own hawk eyes making sure Peter behaves himself, but his wife hasn’t. Rhodey continues to throw encouraging head nudges. 
There’s only so much Peter can take before he gives into the pressure. 
Morgan fell asleep on Pepper ten minutes beforehand and Tony is whispering to his wife who should take the little girl up to bed. His two pseudo parents distracted, finds Rhodey turning to Peter and says, 
“I double dog dare you to throw gasoline into the fire.”
Peter turns to the other man and professes, “Coward. Make it a triple dare and I’ll do it hanging upside down from that branch over there.” and he points to a semi-sturdy looking tree branch. 
Rhodey snorts, shakes his head, and corrects his offer. “I triple dog dare you to throw gasoline into the fire.” 
And then he slips him a small, red bottle. 
Peter has to bite his lip from laughing. He swipes the loot out of Rhodey’s grip and stands up, slowly moseying over toward the tree he now needs to climb. 
Too bad Tony’s got tingling dad senses tonight. Peter doesn’t even make it halfway to the tree before he’s stopped in his tracks. 
“Peter Benjamin, that better not be gasoline in your hands.”
“And you sure as hell better not being thinking about climbing that tree.”
“It’s for the aesthetic?”
Rhodey snorts behind him. 
“Don’t you think the loss of your eyelashes and eyebrows was enough of a lesson for you, hmm?” Tony’s voice comes closer as Peter’s shoulders sag in defeat. 
“But I like the whoosh!” whines Peter. 
Tony snatches the gasoline outta his hands. “And I like my kids in one piece.” 
What a low blow, Peter muses, not bothering to hide his amusement in the dark. All the same he says, as he spins around, “I’m pretty sure I’m flame retardant anyways, being part-spider.” 
Tony sputters. 
And really, Peter just likes to mess with Tony any way he can. 
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mobius-prime · 4 years
166. Sonic the Hedgehog #98
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Sonic Adventure 2
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante Colors: Patrick Spaziante and Nelson Ribeiro
Welcome to Sonic Adventure 2, everyone! Now, you would be excused for thinking that the comic would want to handle such a highly anticipated and ultimately successful game in the same manner as it did the first one, but you would be wrong! I'm going to spoil it for you right now - we only get part of the story in the comics. This one issue used to cover the entirety of the game, and as we'll see this presents some serious problems. But let's dive in, I'll save my rants for after we go over everything.
So our story doesn't actually begin where the previous issue left off. Instead, it begins three months ago, right on the tail end of the previous Sonic Adventure, in fact. The comics never really did address exactly what happened to Eggman in between being chased out of Station Square by Silver Sonic, and returning to Robotropolis. Well, as it turns out, he ended up being chased, somehow, all the way to one Prison Island, where Silver Sonic cornered him and blasted the ground out from under him, causing him to fall down a dark hole. Satisfied that it had killed him, Silver Sonic returned to Station Square to resume its defensive protocol there, but in actuality he had fallen into a secret lab with something very interesting hidden inside…
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Now fast forward to a mere week ago. In the dead of night within Station Square, a mysterious figure broke into a top-security vault to steal the city's last remaining Chaos Emerald. Silver Sonic tried to prevent the theft, but…
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News of the theft soon reached the desk of the city's president, who mistook the figure as the hero who had defended Station Square from Chaos mere months ago, because apparently in every Sonic canon, no one can ever tell Sonic and Shadow apart, not even Sonic's best goddamn friends. Seriously, at least in the anime it's explained as being a deliberate set-up by GUN to cover their own asses regarding the Project Shadow disaster years ago. I know I've joked before about Sonic being an extremely average-looking Mobian hedgehog which is why he's so easily mistaken for other people, but seriously, Shadow and Sonic's profiles and quill style don't even look alike, let alone their fur color.
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That is a very bizarre-looking Rouge. For whatever reason, they decided to draw her a lot in this era with like… claw hands, and I don't even understand where they got that from. In the game itself one of her upgrades is called "Pick Nails" and I guess you could extrapolate that to mean razor-sharp nails under her gloves that don't show up on her low-poly 3D model or something, but all her 2D art depicts her with normal-looking rounded fingertips, so I don't even know. Anyway, the comic goes on about how the president put together an elite task force to track Sonic down and arrest him for his supposed crimes, and now they've finally found him just outside Knothole. Man, if some randos from Station Square could find where Knothole was, how the hell has Eggman not figured it out yet? They pull out actual, deadly rifles and start firing wildly at him, and he dances around cheekily, stealing their guns and taunting them. This ends when they shoot an electrified net onto him, and soon he's handcuffed in the back of their helicopter, being taken to the hidden city. Of course, we know how this goes from here - he breaks free inside the 'copter and bursts out its side, peeling off a strip of metal to use as his makeshift skateboard, because even though this isn't the 90s anymore, it's still the 90s.
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We're then treated to a short montage of Spaz's interpretation of City Escape - landing on the streets, surfing down sloped roads, soaping on walkway rails and leaping over any obstacles in his way. Honestly, the action is a bit hard to follow - Spaz is certainly a talented artist in many respects, but I think his decision here to move on from his somewhat simpler designs from before hurts rather than helps, as the action and lines become so chaotic that you have to really concentrate to follow what's going on. There's just a bit too much happening, so that your eyes are drawn all over the place without really focusing on a specific focal point of each image. But anyway, we all know how City Escape ends - with the iconic GUN truck chase!
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And that's… it! No, seriously, that's all we get for the actual story of SA2. The final text box invites us to play the game itself to see how it all ends, but there's a number of problems with that, the foremost being that the game takes place in an entirely different canon. We've got completely different circumstances that led up to these events. We've got characters missing - Tails still hasn't been returned to Knothole yet, Knuckles is off somewhere else struggling with his newfound powers, and humans aren't even the dominant species on the planet like they are in the game. This would leave any comic fan with a bitter taste in their mouth, as there's no actual resolution provided and no explanation for how the story will play out with so many of the original players out of commission. Many issues from now, Ian Flynn actually addressed this exact problem and gave a condensed version of events to explain exactly what we're missing, so at least we have that to look forward to in the future. There is one more story after this, and I have additional problems with that one, but let's cover the rest of the issue before I give my final opinions.
As the Shadow Awakes!
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Ron Lim Colors: Frank Gagliardo
So this story actually jumps us back fifty years to see Shadow's beginnings. Professor Gerald, Eggman's grandfather on his mother's side, has been working for a long time on his latest project, which he hopes will see the end of disease and untimely death and even be able to cure his granddaughter Maria's unspecified terminal illness. This project is, of course, Shadow the Hedgehog, who, as an excited and astonished Gerald watches, begins to move inside his pod. The inexplicably-brunette Maria suddenly calls him at his lab, telling him that she can see a military spaceship flying toward the ARK, their space station, and Gerald, in a panic, orders her to come to him. He knows that the military is here to take possession of his project, and believing them to be too simple-minded to understand his intentions for the project, wants to evacuate immediately. He's immediately proven right, as the military men who board the station scoff at the idea that an "old scientist and his crippled granddaughter" could pose any trouble to them as they intend to take the professor's project by force. Gerald sends Maria and Shadow, the latter now out of his pod, to evacuate in an escape pod, but of course, we know how this ends…
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I think this is the only Sonic media I can think of that actually directly shows Maria dying. In both the game and the anime, the shot happens offscreen, and Shadow is ejected before Maria actually takes her last breath. I do have a problem with how the scene is portrayed here, however, as a big conflict that Shadow goes through during SA2 is his vast misinterpretation of her last request to him, whereas here she seems to just die immediately without saying another word. The military takes Gerald into custody, and shortly thereafter recovers Shadow from the escape pod, taking them both to Prison Island where they force Gerald to continue his work under their supervision. Gerald, however, is devastated at Maria's death, and thus plans out his revenge in secret under the guise of continuing his work as demanded.
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The military eventually caught on to his nefarious plans, and had Gerald executed and Shadow sealed away in suspended animation on Prison Island, where it remained undisturbed and forgotten for the next fifty years. Of course, this is what Eggman found on the island, and now he's poised to use his grandfather's own work to conquer the world. My biggest problem with this story, ultimately, is that it essentially acts as one huge spoiler for the game. Everyone now, almost twenty years on, probably knows the general gist of the story, but this comic was published when it was still very new, and this entire story basically spoils the biggest twist in the game right off the bat. Furthermore, in this story, Shadow literally wakes up, goes straight to the pod, watches Maria - who he knows nothing about - die, and then gets sealed away in his stasis pod for fifty years. There's literally no time for him to even develop a personality, let alone a relationship with Maria, which is the single most important thing in his backstory. I believe this was later retconned, but this is still a huge thing to overlook in an adaption of this game.
But anyway, yeah, that's it. That's all we get for the time being. A few brief glimpses of Shadow, and one whole cameo from Rouge. It will be a while yet before Shadow gets to make his reappearance, since like in the game, at the end of their adventure he falls from space and is subsequently believed to be dead. Honestly, the entire thing kind of gives off the impression that they felt like they had to make some kind of comic tie-in to the game, but didn't feel like interrupting what they already had going with the whole "Sonic goes to high school" thing, which is clearly far more interesting of a story. So they basically went "yeah, something like this happened, but now let's just get back to the real story." It's honestly very weird, so weird that, again, they needed a later fix-it issue to explain everything, but for now, we'll just have to move on.
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psyched2b · 5 years
💚 I’m a 23 year old grad student studying Veterinary Biomedical Science. I’m a bit awkward and have social anxiety, but once I’m comfortable I am quite the sass bucket. Currently trying to cover myself in tattoos, but being a broke graduate student puts a halt to that. My main love in life is training dogs; including flyball, herding and Search and Rescue. All of my reservations dissipate when I’m training my dogs. 💚
JFC. Finally got this done. I AM SO FUCKING SORRY IT TOOK A YEAR
BUT….I think you’ll like this. Also for anyone else reading this….it’s more like a story, so feel free to enjoy :)
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The first time you meet, you’re an awkward turtle. Sam is the one to introduce you two because Sam has worked/volunteered with you in the past with training exercises for search and rescue. You barely make eye contact with the Winter Soldier and just mumble through your hellos, your chest tight with anxiety, face burning hot in embarrassment. You can’t help yourself. You even stutter when saying your name - YOUR OWN NAMEThough you don’t know, Bucky is intrigued by you. Surely you’re not the same person Sam talks about. The one who is passionate and full of sass. He just assumes that you’re shy and can empathize with that. But it’s also like a breath of fresh air for him. A nice change of scenery. Ever since becoming an official Avenger ( and is Captain America’s best friend) people would do anything - ANYTHING- to get his attention. (He doesn’t even mention it, especially not to Sam, but he’s still traumatized from the time women’s used (!) underwear came in through the mail for him to “enjoy”. He gets a little green thinking about it.)“Well, I have to get going. Have this huge assignment due by midnight that I need to review before submitting,” you say as you gather your things to go. Bucky wasn’t ready for you to leave, wanting to know more about you. “You’re in school? What are you studying?”Your (color) eyes flick to meet his steel blue ones. “Science,” is your cryptic response and Sam lets out a heartfelt laugh. “Guess that’s true,” Sam chortled. You give a small smile and roll your eyes. “Will I be seeing you this Saturday?”Bucky was confused. What was this Saturday?
Sam nodded in affirmation. “Of course,” he replied, slinging a heavier-than-you-would-think arm over the Winter Soldier’s shoulder. “And I’m bringing this beefcake with me.”
“Beefcake!” Bucky was mock-appalled. “I’ll have you know that name belongs to Steve Fucking Rogers. I am… able-bodied…”Sam let out a loud snort. “Hahaha. Says the man missing an arm.”Before Bucky could retort, you let out a peal of giggles that had his heart-stopping and spoke, “I don’t know. I think a more apt term would be Thicc-k-k.” You looked down at your watch and blanched. “Sorry boys, but I really got to get going.”And with that, you were gone. The next time you met was at Central Park. Sam had volunteered both himself and Bucky to help with a Search and Rescue training. Upon their arrival, Bucky was taken-away with your stunning smile. You were crouched low to the ground, petting a handsome Golden Retriever and speaking animatedly to him. Surprisingly, the dog seemed just as invested in your conversation, his dark chocolate eyes on you, tongue rolled out of his mouth and panting happily. “Oh, you’re such a good boy,” you gushed, Bucky finally able to hear you as they walked up, “You’re going to show these boys who’s the greatest seeker! My bets on you!”
You looked up when Bucky and Sam approached and offered them a small(er) smile. “Hey! Great to see y’all contributing to something good for once,” she teased, hugging Sam. She pulled back and looked to Bucky, hesitate, and offered her hand. He couldn’t help but secretly be disappointed. “Just trying to do our Civic Duty, ma’am,” Sam responded pompously with an easy smile. “Mhm,” she hummed,  pursing her lips. “That, or you’re here so you can cozy up to Amber Foster and get her number.” She gave him an unimpressed look. “Are you going to continue to be Mr. Chicken-Shit or are you going to man up and do what needs to be done?”Sam huffed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” and then, “Welp, I’m just going to let you guys get more aquatinted. Duty calls!” He then took off, heading for a beautiful blond woman who was setting up a snack table.“Hmph.” You gave a small smirk, making eye contact with Bucky. “Guess we know where his loyalties lie.” Bucky shoved his hands into his jacket and nodded, a faux solemn look taking over his features. “Good thing I’ve gotten over my abandonment issues, otherwise this would be awkward,” he muttered quietly, not meaning for you to hear…not really. “What?” you ask, giving him a questioning look. Bucky blinked and kept a neutral expression. “What?”You look at him like he’s crazy before shaking your head and bringing back a small smile. “Okay… anyway. Do you know what you’re doing here today?”
The dog at your feet barked, not wanting to be forgotten, and nudge your hand with his snout. “Nope,” Bucky responded, lips popping on the ‘p’. “But I am eager to meet this handsome fella.” He crouched down and held out his right hand for the pup to sniff. Your smile brightened. “This is Gerald. He’s going to be my partner today and his job is to find you.”
Bucky looked up at her puzzled. She continued, kneeling next to Gerald and ran a hand through his thick coat. “This is a Search and Rescue exercise. Today, we play hide and seek. We bring out people who the dogs aren’t familiar with, such as yourself, and it’s their job to find you.”
“You do realize who I am, don’t you?” he asked, unsure if he was going to pose too much of a challenge. He was an ex-deadly assassin after all and he was a master at not being found. Just ask America’s-ass, Steve. “Are you trying to tell me that you think you’re better than Gerald?” you questioned. “Because if that’s what you think, you have another thing coming for ya.”He smirked. “Sounds like the perfect opportunity to place a friendly wager then.”You blinked, unsure. “Erm….what?”Bucky nods. “Yes. I think that if Gerald isn’t able to find me, that you owe me a date.”“A date?” you echoed, slightly dazed by where this conversation is going. You shook your head. “Um…okay…but what if Gerald finds you?”“Then I owe you a date.”“Is….is this your way of asking me out…because… erm… I’m like an awkward turtle and um…. school.”He let out a small laugh, trying not to feel too self-conscious at the situation. He hadn’t asked a woman out since the 1940s and it was slightly terrifying. “You know what,” you say, “Yes. I accept this wager of yours. But know this... Gerald. Will. Win.”“Game on.”You were sworn to take the outcome of that day to your grave… but you were definitely a proud dog-parent. Having seen Bucky become a (willing?) participant in your world put things into a new light. Of course, you knew his back story. Everyone did. And then he became a part of the Avengers, elevating him to what would seem like a ‘god-like’ status in the eyes of the public. He was seen as being above reproach. But you knew better. You knew that he was a wholesome, caring, easy-going, fun (and possibly a little awkward) man. He was super charming and soon, you found yourself falling. 
Though you’re busy with grad school and training, whatever free time you do have, you dedicate it to Bucky Barnes. He became your PersonAnd you his. You could go to him with anything and everything and he was always an excellent listening ear; whether you just need to vent or need help with whatever. It was beautiful.
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