#THE APRON you dont understand
sidemusblogimus · 10 months
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My submission for @slocotion's DYO contest this month. Hegemone, an ancient greek goddess of the garden.
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
I had this guy come in and bitch at me yesterday about no roast beef in the hot bar and he had the nerve to tell me that I didn't seem to know what I was talking about, which was so ridiculous I barely held back an "are you fuckin serious right now buddy" because I will never understand people who complain at you to do your job right while on a rant that indicates they have no idea how your job even works
And the roast beef wasn't in the hot bar because I didn't fuckin feel like putting any in there 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I'd put it in the case the day before and I like to shake it up as much as possible because most of what goes in the hot bar is stuff that got pulled for expiry the day before and is cooked off the day it expires. Roast beef is not one of those things, it's one of the many extras we have to fill in what the cook off doesn't but also so rude!!
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renranram · 5 months
Maid dress
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schlatt jerking off to reader while she's streaming, obvi inspired when j bought wenston some maid outfits and people were calling him his sugar daddy lols
a/n ; 886 words :)
reader flaunts herself at the camera, spinning whilst she tries on the maid outfit schlatt had bought her, " chat, do i look pretty? " she smiles as she assembles the outfit
meanwhile schlatt was on the call with her, eyes immensely focused on her live stream, " jesus fuck, you look worse " he mutters as reader glares at him through the camera
" well, you bought this for me, so maybe it's not me who's the problem " she rolls her eyes at him as schlatt chuckles, not taking his eyes off his screen once
the two had been close friends for over a year now, meeting through, shamefully, the dsmp, the duo are very different ccs on their own, reader being more into makeup and gaming whilst schlatt's varies
ever since they first met on the server the two just sparked a connection, coming off as frenemies for the public, a banter of theirs but exactly off camera, it was a whole different story
schlatt is reader's sugar daddy
at first reader would just joke about being broke, " oh my fucking godd it's so pretty but i dont wanna waste my money ", " that's so fucking expensive ", " okay im broke " until schlatt got tired and actually offered her to be her sugar daddy
at first reader thought it was a joke, a silly new banter for them but nope!, every week, new parcels would arrive on the streamer's doorstep with small notes, but chat doesn't know that, chat doesn't need to know that
" fine, ill get you a new one done " he mumbles, as he scrolls through amazon, " anime french maid apron lolita fancy dress cosplay costume furry cat ear gloves socks set " he reads out the title causing reader to chuckle as they wear the stockings for the uniform
" oh it comes in pink " he added as reader smiles, " i like pink " she replies as schlatt scoffs, " of course you do "
as the girl sits down on her bed to wear the stockings, schlatt's eyes linger down on her bare thighs, enjoying the view as he leans back on his chair
" do you need something else too? " he mutters as reader gasps, " oh my gosh! you should buy me that uhm... blaire doll thing " she smiles as schlatt shakes his head, " blaire doll thing? " he repeats her, " the fuck is that? "
reader tries to wear the collar to complete the look, " it's like a doll! " she states as she grabs her phone to show off the picture
" that's an ugly looking doll " he mutters, as he gulps, looking down at his now hard on, unironically finding reader in a whole cat maid dress... hot
" more uglier than you are " she retorts as he chuckles, " guess no more doll for you then " schlatt replies, shrugging as reader gasps, now pouting
" im kiddingggg pleaseee buy me one? " she pleads looking at the camera as her live chat speeds up, " .. fuck.. " he groans out, not loud enough for his mic to pick up, him slowly sliding in his hand inside his shorts
" please please please " she continues, as she reads off the chat, " please jschlatt senpai " she bursts out laughing, mentally cringing as schlatt chuckles, " ..fine "
" yay! chat! we fucking wonnn! " she celebrates as she jumps around the frame, clasping her hands together, " we're the best at this shit " she shrugs, smug, unaware that the man she's in a call with is already jerking off to her
" reader.., think im gonna mute for a sec, gotta do something " he mumbles as reader nods, understanding, " bet, im gonna talk with chat for a bit " she smiles, as schlatt immediately mutes himself
" fuck.. what a fucking whore.. i didn't actually think she'd do a stream " schlatt chuckles, amused as he palms himself, as reader did what she said, interacting with her audience
" what a pretty slut holy shit " he chuckles, clearly amused as he bites his lip, his rough hand playing with his dick
" chat i look so pretty right? " reader asks, fixing her hair as chat spams yes, " you damn sure are " he mumbles, as he grabs the base of his cock, using his saliva for lube
" ah fuck, fucking.. so fucking pretty " he breathes out, his body shuddering slightly as he jerks himself off, his eyes never leaving her
" fuck.. fuck.. " schlatt throws his head back as he leans back on his chair, fastening his pace, " stupid fucking whore.. "
he moans out, lifting his shirt up, as he continues to palm himself at the sight of her, he's never gonna buy her those stupid costumes again
or maybe he'll rain her with more gifts, then maybe a flight to texas so she can show everything off to him... maybe
his lashes flutter, fastening his already fast pace as he continues to moan, " stupid fucking slut, .. shit... pretty- pretty whore " he stammers
he can feel his precum leaking as reader talks with her chat, innocent yet suggestive, that stupid maid dress, if schlatt can immediately fly to london, he fucking would, he'd immediately bend her over, not caring if she was streaming or not and fuck her like some animal
" ah fuck! " he moans loudly, his semen, spurting on his keyboard making a fucking mess, " shit... " he groans out
maybe instead of ordering her a new costume, maybe he'll fly her out instead
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taifenggg · 1 year
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Things the dateables do because they’re simps for you
CW: none
Characters: GN!Reader(no pronouns specified), Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon
Authors Notes: requests are open atm! dont be afraid to send something my way, just be sure to read the rules first!
[Brothers Here]
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Diavolo [👐💗]
He always thinks about you and acts on impulse because of it
“Barbatos, I saw them eyeing a few things last time I went out with them. I've compiled a list so would you mind procuring everything that you can?" Barbatos nodded, "Yes my lord, but if I may, what's the occasion?" Despite saying this, Barbatos knew full well that there was no special occasion, but decided to humor Diavolo.
"Oh! Nothing in particular, I just felt like it," he chuckled softly, a faint flush on his face. Barbatos shook his head slightly, the edges of his lips threatening to curl upwards into a knowing smile. Diavolo started fiddling with his hands, staring at his phone anxiously. Everytime it would vibrate his head would shoot up and his hand would reach over, only for his head to droop slightly, seeing as how it wasn't a message from you.
"Young Master, seeing as how you can't seem to focus on your paperwork, perhaps it's best that we should continue this later? You seem rather antsy," Barbatos pressed a hand to the top of the stack of papers before Diavolo, a knowing smile on his face. Diavolo's face lit up realizing that Barbatos was releasing him to leave, to be able to see you. "Perhaps we should," he pushes back his seat standing up. "Barbatos, I'm going out for a bit, keep an eye on the castle while I'm away." And without another word, he bolts out of his office.
Barbatos chuckles softly watching him race off, neatly stacking the scattered paperwork into a pile.
Barbatos [⌛🖤]
He’s not afraid to show his most vulnerable sides to you
"Well this is a sight to behold."
Barbatos looks up from the kitchen counter, a soft smile on his face. You find you mouth hanging open slightly as you stare at him. Even while working in the kitchen, Barbatos seems refined as ever, sleeves neatly rolled up showing off his forearms, and an apron tied around his waist. You quickly avert your gaze, suddenly taking interest in the wall, feeling your face grow warm. Barbatos only smiles at you, gesturing for you to come closer. As you approach him, he holds a spoon in his hand, “Here, have a taste and tell me what you think.”
Tentatively taking the spoon from him, you lick it, your eyes lighting up. “This is great! Is this what you’re making?” You look down at what he’s created. “I took some inspiration from the human world and decided to try my hand at making...crème brulée? How is it?” He stares at you, eager to hear your feedback. “It’s perfect,” you grin, shooting him a thumbs up giving him your approval. Your smile soon turns into a slight frown, Barbatos gives you a puzzled glance, “Is something the matter?”
“Your eyes...Barbatos, have you been overworking yourself?” a hand reaches up to cup his face, rubbing his cheek. Barbatos stiffens slightly from your touch, unaccustomed to the feeling of someone touching him so....intimately. Usually, he would have smacked away the hand caressing at him, but instead his eyes soften, and his hand reaches up to hold yours in his. “I will be fine, please do not worry,” he laughs softly, feeling a warm sensation in his chest from your concern over him. You shook your head, pouting at him, “I should talk to Diavolo about lightening the amount of work you’ve taken on recently, he’ll understand.” You pull away from him and Barbatos finds himself craving the warmth of your hands once more. He reaches out to you, pulling you back close to him, “No, that’s quite alright, although, thank you for your concern.” You sigh softly, turning around, “Then you have to promise me that you’ll get some rest. Please?” you give him the best puppy dog eyes that you can muster, and Barbatos’ resolve wavers. 
“Very well, but at the very least, allow me to put the dessert into the fridge before it spoils.”
Solomon [🪄🤍]
He’s always looking out for you and your well-being
“Careful MC, watch your step, the footing here is uneven,” Solomon holds a hand out to you, a smile on his face.
“It’s not that bad,” you scoff, rolling your eyes, but despite what you said you still took his hand holding it in yours. His hands, seem to mold into yours, his fingers wrapping around yours. “Got you,” he chuckled softly, “Now I’m never going to let you go.” You push him lightly, laughing softly as you squeeze his hand in yours. Solomon’s grip on you is firm, and provides you with a sense of comfort as the two of you stroll through the bustling streets of the Devildom. You stare at all of the shops, a grin on your face as you pull Solomon along, pointing out the things that you find of interest. 
Suddenly Solomon tugs you to the side and out of the way of a few demons, racing through the streets. He shields you with his body holding you close. Once they pass by, he looks stares at you affection in his gaze, “Are you alright? They pushed by pretty quickly.” His voice is soft as he continues staring at you. “I’m fine, I just wasn’t expecting you to do that,” you mumbled, feeling your face heat up. "Well there's more where that came from," he smiled, teasing you lightly, leaning in. You laugh softly, pushing him gently. Solomon only laughs, pulling away from you but not before, intertwining his fingers in with yours.
"Stay close to me alright? No harm should befall you as long as you stick by my side."
Simeon [🥞🩵]
He’s always there to lend a shoulder to you
"MC? What’s the matter?” a frown mars his pretty face as he leans over you, concern in his gaze. You turn to look at him from your position on the railing overlooking the vast expanse of the Devildom. You sniffled, wiping your face, trying to make yourself appear more presentable, “Ah Simeon! Sorry, I didn’t hear you come up, I just wanted some fresh air.” Simeon approaches you, worry still written all over his face. His hand reaches up to cup your face which causes you to stiffen from his touch.
“Have you been crying?” he murmurs, his brow creasing as he stared at you. “Huh? I....” you tear your face away from his hand, staring at the floor finding it difficult to hold his gaze. “No I just...like I said, I wanted fresh air,” you let out a shuddering gasp to try and recollect yourself. “MC...look at me,” Simeon lifts your face, fingers gently holding onto your chin. “You can talk to me alright?” To see you on the verge of tears like this, Simeon felt his heart ache, wondering how he could resolve this and console you. 
Your breathing quickened as you stared at him feeling your body shake and you couldn’t hold it back anymore. Your arms found their way around his torso, clinging to him, your face buried into the crook of his neck for comfort. He emanates warmth, hands gently caressing your back, holding onto you. “It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere,” his voice murmurs from above you, and you can feel the steady rising and falling of his body. 
You continue holding onto him, until you feel that you’re ready to speak. You pull your face away from him, biting your lip. “Sorry...I’m just....I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately so I just wanted some time to myself, and then I couldn’t help myself, I guess I just started crying.” You grimace slightly, turning away from him. “MC...it’s okay to feel these things, there’s nothing to be ashamed about, I mean we can’t always control out emotions and that’s alright.” You feel yourself on the verge of tearing up once more but you force it back, shaking your head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to just suddenly spring this on you.”
Simeon smiles softly, his hands squeezing your sides comfortingly. “My dear MC, there’s nothing you need to apologize for alright? You’re already doing great, and I will ensure that I will always be by your side to give you encouragement should you need it.”
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
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SUMMARY : Johnny usually slaps your ass but this time he doesn’t
WARNING : MINORS DONT INTERACT! p in v, “good girl” , backshots, praise kink, probably some other stuff I’m leaving out
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You could not escape the ass slapping of Johnny Cage. He couldn’t help but smack your ass everywhere the two of you went. Everywhere.
Johnny did not care if you were in private or around people. Johnny always took his opportunity to smack your ass which irritated you to no end. (You liked it in reality though.)
Even as simple as bending down to pick something up. Johnny was right there to smack it. Not only that but get behind you and fake fuck you.
You even tried smacking his own ass. “See! It’s annoying isn’t it?”
Johnny just smirked at you. “Jokes on you. I’m into that.” You groaned and walked away from him, leaving him laughing.
But when he didn’t do it-nothing felt right.
You were in your guy’s home. You finished making spaghetti for dinner and went to tell your boyfriend that was sitting down, reading over a script.
“Dinner is ready, dear. Do you want me to make you a plate now?”
“Yeah, go ahead, babe.”
You were about to walk back in the kitchen when you noticed something on the floor in front of where Johnny was sitting. You walked over and bent down to pick it up. Your ass was facing right in front of Johnny.
You expected an ass smack but did not receive one. You blinked, confused.
Picking the trash up, you turned around to see Johnny was invested in what he was reading. You didn’t understand why it made you mad he didn’t do it. You placed your hands on your hips as you looked down at him. “Excuse you.”
Johnny looked up from his script to look at you. “Yeah, babe?”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Johnny thought long and hard to see what you could possibly be mad about. He then made a face as if he understood. “Oh yeah.” He stood up from the couch. You awaited for your ass to be smacked but instead he placed his right hand on your waist. He then gave you a sweet kiss on the lips. “Thanks for cooking dinner, baby. Damn, you look hot.”
It was always nice when Johnny gave you a compliment especially when you didn’t look the best. I mean, you literally were wearing an apron and tomato sauce was all over you. But that’s not what you wanted.
Before Johnny could sit back down, you grabbed his arm. “No! That’s not it.” You removed your hand from his arm. “I bended down in front of you and you didn’t do anything.”
It clicked in Johnny’s head. He laughed a little. “Aw, babe.” He pulled you by the waist and he gave you a smack on the ass before he pulled you closer to him. “I knew you liked when I did that.”
You suppressed your moan and pushed him off of you. “Yeah, well it’s not the same if I have to ask you. You must be thinking about some other girl’s ass.” You took off your apron and threw it at him.
Walking away from him, Johnny rolled his eyes slightly and knew to follow you or it would be sleeping on the couch for him tonight. “You know your ass is the only one I think about.”
When you walked in the kitchen, you made a hand motion to him as if to mimic his talking. Sometimes you could be more childish than him.
Johnny gave you a look. “Really? That’s the card we’re playing?”
“Go be with the girl who’s ass you’d rather smack.”
Johnny got behind you. He gripped onto your pants and slid his hands so he was also gripping your underwear. In one swift motioned, he made both of them drop to your ankles. He licked his fingers and brought you to his chest. Then stuck his fingers inside your pussy, making you moan. “I’ll show you the girl that I want to be with.”
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You probably should’ve left well enough alone. (Then again, probably not.) Johnny had you bent over the kitchen table as he fucked you from behind.
Johnny watched your ass jiggle with each thrust and he smacked your ass a couple times. You were moaning uncontrollably. “Is this what you wanted? Ah baby all you had to do was ask.”
“Oh my god. Yes. Fuck me just like that.”
He groaned at your talking. His hands felt all over your ass and he gave it some good hard smacks. “Mmm. All this ass is mine.” He gripped your hips harshly. “Shit, you feel so damn good.”
Stuff was getting knocked off the table but the two of you didn’t care about it.
You started to throw your ass back on his dick. Johnny helped you with each thrust. “There you go.” He rubbed your ass soothingly. “Who’s my good girl?”
“I’m your good girl. Oh god. I am Johnny.”
“You better believe it.”
Your release was starting to come close. You threw your ass back at him even harder. Your pussy was so wet that your juices were running down your thigh. “I’m about to cum. Please make me cum.”
Johnny moaned at your words. He rubbed your back as he pounded into you. “Cum on me, baby. Make my dick wet.”
His words made you lose it. “Oh, Johnny. I’m cumming! I’m cumming!”
“That’s it baby. Cum on me. Just like that.”
Johnny felt you come undone on him. He pounced into you until you were completely done. Then he pulled out of you.
He grabbed his pants and pulled them on before buttoning them back closed. “You’re so fucking hot.” Johnny noticed your knees were a little weak. He helped pull your own pants and underwear up.
Johnny gave you a kiss on your cheek. “What about you?” You asked him.
“Eh. You can get me after dinner.” He smacked your ass and gave you a wink before walking away.
You were hot? He was so fucking hot.
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smuthospital · 11 months
Eek just thinking about thomas hewitt x kidnapped reader who gets pregnant after a non con night with him and thomas treating them right- like reader making a meal and thomas coming up behind them and having his big beefy arms absolutely encase reader and one hand completely encasing their belly djfnfnf
Here you go~
⭐️Thomas Hewit/ Leatherface x pregnant reader⭐️
Warning: Nothing but fluff (fem reader)
A feel weeks after you were kidnapped by the giant, Tommy, you woke up feeling sick. Unfortunately, you were chained to a pipe next to the bed, so you threw up all over the floor. Thomas heard your wretching and practically ripped the door off its hinges when he barged in. He immediately got down on all fours to help you up and clean your face with his hands, staring at you like you were dying in his arms. Concered whines escaped his throat as he cradled you. "I.. I dont feel...too good.." You mumble. His mother pears in from the doorway, and her face lights up. "Oh my heavens! A new Hewit! I better get my knitting needles out for a blanket!" She cheered as she walked in. Thomas looked between you and her in shock before looking down at your stomach. He was still for a few seconds before he hugged you...a bit too tightly. "Tommy...too tight!" You wheezed, and he immediately let go before nuzzling into your neck. A few weeks later, your tummy began to expand. Momma Hewit has had you helping around the house, training you to be a proper wife and mother. Thomas treats you like a queen. Washes you, clothes you, feeds you, he'd do anything for you. You're beginning to like him back, as much as it scares you. You're in the kitchen making stew when Thomas spots you from the hallway. He'd just finished chopping wood. You look like an angel. The most beautiful woman he's ever seen. You're wearing an apron that really shows off your cute little baby bump. He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you, surprising you. You jump a bit in shock and almost drop your wooden spoon. He rubs your tummy as a form of apology. You understand what he's trying to tell you more and more. His eyes crinkle in happiness as his hands encase your tummy, rubbing it affectionately. You smile softly and continue mixing the stew.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
PINNIE I WANNA PUT BELO IN AN AMAZON POSITION, is that what it’s called,,,? I DUNNO DONT CARE I WANT THIS ANGEL BOY BENEATH ME—DOMINATE HIM AA!! Also it’s funny imaging a small human bending a large angel :}
[YOU'RE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE OOOOOHHH-💨 Fem reader. You are not Admin in this.]
TW: Reader is slightly pushy at first but it's entirely consensual.
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" I want to try something different. " You muse out loud.
" ... My Lady? "
Sex with Belo is great.
Upon first meeting the angel, you had one or two assumptions in your head that you thought held true. That angels are asexual, incapable of carnal desire. You thought he'd chastise you for expressing attraction to him, that he wouldn't make for a pleasing bedmate anyway.
You couldn't have been more wrong. Belo is none of those things.
In fact, the signs were there from the start. Belo had been struggling with containing his own desires for a torturous amount of time. You simply didn't want to interpret reality for what it was. Didn't want to believe that lingering touches meant more than just a different perception of personal boundaries, that his longing staring wasn't just a tendency of angels to be vigilant... Even as he confessed to finding you the most gorgeous lesser there is, you didn't believe that attraction could hold within itself the selfishness of lust.
Obviously, you know much better by now.
You know Belo craves to please you at any capacity he can, that your approval and ecstasy in bed is something he always seems to put before his own. And you love the sensation of his body atop yours, his sheer size, his warmth, the trembling need barely contained in his limbs when he sinks into you and that unforgettable softness experienced when your hands roam around his furred figure. It's bliss from beginning to end, your own little Eden provided by the angel that somehow proclaimed you his savior.
And yet...
Sometimes, it feels repetitive.
Like Belo is somewhat scared of doing something you would consider inadequate, so he sticks tightly to what he knows. Especially positions and gestures you have initiated in the past. You initially understood this as a sign of Belo's timidity and slight apprehension regarding such intimacies, but as time passes, you're fairly certain he himself is longing to try different things.
And you've been plagued with a certain mental image for a while.
So why not try your hand at it?
The power stares expectantly at your seated form on the couch by the doorway, having previously been in the kitchen, busying himself with chores you didn't assign or request of him- As usual. He dons on his front one of your aprons, the cloth looking ridiculously tiny on him, covered with stains you assume belong to sauces.
He's always wearing that black tight suit, it almost makes you feel bad for preferring to put on loose-fitting and comfortable clothes in your own home.
" I want to try something different, Belo. " You repeat.
There's a humorous pause wherein the angel tries to calculate what you might be talking about, your poker face and neutral tone betraying absolutely nothing. His eyes widen, and the non-human straightens immediately.
" Yes, of course my Lady! I've been looking at those uhm... " Belo gesticulates oddly, searching for words he doesn't necessarily understand. " Those digital cookbooks you have, and I spotted this very good-looking dish- "
Oh. Oh the poor thing.
He thinks you're talking about dinner.
The laugh that erupts from your throat is hearty and genuine, startling your devoted celestial into ashamed silence. Maybe he assumes you're mocking him for trying to use your social media bookmarks to cook. It's a genuinely sweet and loving effort from Belo, one of very many, provided he doesn't require nourishment in the form of actual food like you. You don't want him to feel self-conscious about something so considerate.
Rising from the comforting cushions, you approach the taller monster with a dubious little grin on your lips, hands dipping behind the apron to tug the long open collar of his outfit forward, down, your eyes meeting his two naturally engorged ones. The angel's tilted eyes have always been a touch too intense, but you know that's in his kind's nature, especially since he told you his specific cast specializes in combat and protection. Still, it's ever easy to get lost in those pools.
" I said something new. "
This time, there can be no type of misunderstanding. Even if Belo had the thickest skull in all of existence, the way your lids bat coyly and your head cants leaves zero to the imagination. An index flirts idly with neat clumps of fur as his chest begins fluffing in tension. He has no saliva to swallow down, but you wouldn't blame him if he gulped at this moment.
" Ah- I... I see. "
With a gentler smile, you undo the apron's knot, pressing a chaste kiss to the side of Belo's face, hearing him coo a noise out, before carefully removing the garment in a way that causes the least discomfort possible to his smaller pair of wings.
" Did you leave anything on in the kitchen? "
" No, my Lady. "
He doesn't quite know what to do with himself, hands previously twitching by his sides now holding each other at his front, before he decides the pose isn't appropriate and holds them at his back instead, straightening- As if you needed another reminder of how he towers over humans. Three eyes bounce everywhere in the room, avoiding you as he always does when nervous, yet occasionally fleetingly checking for some type of approval in your gaze.
Cruelly, you allow him to remain in that riled up stasis for a few precious moments, standing on the tips of your toes to further crowd him.
" Good. Leave dinner to me tonight. "
When you take that lightly furred pale hand in yours, Belo follows obediently after you like a lost puppy.
" Undress. " You begin as soon as you're inside the bedroom, not even bothered to look the angel's way as you start arranging the sheets and pillows.
You're going to put him in a position that might be a little stressful for a being with wings, so there's a lot of caution to be exercised here. You figure support for his lower back and neck should help. After all, he takes similar measures with you regularly.
The sound of something soft hitting the floor has you finally looking back, faced with your angel now bare, flexing his wings gently. You've always wondered how he doesn't struggle with taking off clothes given his large wings, you'd certainly consider it a chore, just as many demons hate sweaters that get caught on their horns.
Belo presents himself to you, standing straight and spanning his wings a certain distance -Careful not to hit the walls- And spreading his legs the slightest amount in spite of his ever present slight nervousness. You've always liked that little tuft of fur above his slit, the way it feels against your fingers when he neglects to trim it for a while.
" My beautiful angel. " You praise. " Come, undress me. "
And really, if there was one request you could make of the all-powerful beings Belo so frequently raves about, it would be the ability to see the way his furious flush spreads from his face to his already fur-covered neck.
Supremely gentle and dexterous fingers work at your clothes with the same reverence he continues to extend your way no matter how much time passes. You'll never get used to this level of sweetness, this worship, Belo touches you like with a love so profound you can swear you somehow feel it in the tips of his digits. Even in his moments of seemingly greedy pursuit of gratification, Belo doesn't seem to know how to be anything except devoted. Maybe it's because he's angelic, but you can say for certain that you've never been treated this nicely, and you've never longed for anyone's embrace as much as you long for his.
The power doesn't let his fingers roam too much when he follows your command, intent on getting things done dutifully as opposed to demonstrating lack of self-control. His eyes however, swirling windows to the soul of a celestial, reveal everything he refuses to voice or act on out of respect for you. Belo's pupils dilate immensely as soon as your bare breasts are exposed, his digits acquire a slight tremble as he makes to fold your top and set it down on the drawer, until you playfully bat it out of his hand. Belo sinks to his knees in front of you, and the view is so paradoxical -A holy creature kneeling to its gods' mistake- That you nearly burst out cackling. Instead, all that leaves your mouth is a silent gasp when he catches the hem of your sweatpants and drags it down, hooking over your panties as well. The trip down is slow, measured, and you know it's not an intentional tease but you still shimmy to have it fall faster, catching a twitch in his largest eye, while the one beneath it has fixed itself on your naked pussy.
When his task is completed, Belo remains kneeling obediently, palms flat on his thighs.
" Thank you. " You purr. " Sit on the bed. "
He does, albeit on the very edge, quickly correcting himself when you make a "further" motion.
Seeing the way Belo's eyes widen as you move to almost straddle him is as intoxicating as it was the first time. You remember the luxurious roll of your hips over his own, recall his fingers twitching as he tried to grab onto you without bruising frail human skin. Delightful and memorable.
" Lay, my sweet. "
Ever the glutton for obedience, it's not long before the angel is on his back, and you immediately take the opportunity to flatten your palms to his furred chest, fingers threading between that familiar softness like second nature. Your head soon joins, nuzzling yet careful to avoid the extra eye stationed there. You trail a path of lazy kisses upwards, tracing the edges of his built-in halo you can reach and dragging your teeth across the root of his left pair of head wings.
The response is instantaneous and intense, this sudden cooing moan hopelessly erupting from Belo's throat before he seems to pale even further in shame and muffles the noise. Tsk, it seems he'll never learn to sing freely, no matter how many times you reassure the power that his angelic vocalizations are half the fun. Those smaller wings twitch and flap, the ones on his back fanning out humorously.
" You're adorable. " It's said in a mocking tone, followed by laughter as the angel fails to suppress more noises when you offer the remaining wing equal attention.
You love that he's already matting his own fur in slick by the time you reach down to part it and play with his pretty pink slit. It's engorged, his length already brushing against the fingertips that brazenly dip inside. With a gasp, the power spreads his legs slightly and tenses. You can feel his effort to keep still.
As soon as you begin crawling back to settle your head between snowy legs, he gathers enough wit to start babbling the same old drivel.
" M- My Lady, you need not- "
" I don't need to, I want to. "
Belo looks at you like he doesn't quite get the point. And frankly, some concepts seem to have been drilled so hard into his mind that you worry he will never understand other views of the world.
" You want to please me, right? " You start, kissing at his sheath until the very tip of him shows itself.
" More than anything. " The male pants.
" Then you should know that pleasing you pleases me. "
And with that, you take what's available of his rosy length in your mouth, coaxing the rest of him out almost impatiently.
Belo's choked groan of surprise has you smiling around him, amused by the impulsive horse buck of his legs before he garbles and apology and tries to melt back onto the sheets, poorly. He won't hold your head. Not from lack of desire, but that ever-persistent sense of inferiority, fisting his hands on the fabric beneath him instead. When one of his arms does rise, all he does is shakily pet your hair, inhaling sharply at the swipe of your tongue across his head, before dropping it again.
" Lady... "
He moans pitifully, a delicious sound coming from a creature so supposedly holy.
As much as you'd enjoy keeping him between your lips, your goal this time is much more fun, so you pop off him lazily. There's a moment where he twitches and his fur bristles in what anyone can guess is instinctual irritation, but Belo doesn't say a peep.
Seeing his eyes bulge when you grab Belo's thighs and start bending them up is hilarious enough that you giggle openly.
" What- What are we doing, my Lady? "
" Relax, I promise you'll like it. " Or at least you assume he will, what with his desire to always be below yourself. " Now please, hold your legs up for me. "
The title would get repetitive if you didn't enjoy it so much.
The angel does, grabbing the back of his knees and sliding his legs back with the help of your guidance, until they're basically glued to his chest. He's fit, you're not surprised he can easily hold that position. In fact, you get to see the exact moment it clicks in his bird brain, the nature of the position he's in. His cock bobs aimlessly and his wings move almost as if to cover his figure sides in shame. And, admittedly, the view has all sorts of chills taking hold of your limbs, your own womanhood singing.
" My Lady, this is so... So...! "
Eyes roll slowly at his stuttering, though you relish the tremor of his pupils when you move to hover over him, as if your much smaller body could ever constitute as a minimal threat to his.
" Filthy? Lewd? Scandalous? " You kiss directly beneath his eyes. " Yes, just how I like you, my debauched dove. "
With a soft command for him to hold still, you rearrange the pillows beneath his body properly and take a moment to figure your own position correctly. After all, as much as you've thought about doing this before, you never actually got to make that wish come true, so it'll take a bit of experimentation.
Belo continues to be mildly confused. " No- No offense, Lady, but are you sure this is correct? "
You scoot to line Belo's member up with your entrance, rubbing him against you to spread the angel's arousal and facilitate things. He shudders in anticipation, the lowermost eye on his face already rolling in pleasure.
" Why wouldn't it be? "
He's not given a chance to respond before you gradually sink onto his girth, causing such a reaction that he nearly releases his legs before holding them ever tighter.
" Gghn-!! O-Oh... "
Sparing him the smallest mercy, you're slow to rock yourself on him, letting the first shock of heat flow through him before you're flush to his pelvis. It's a wonderful position, he's hitting you deeper than usual already, ripping a soft mewl out of you as your cunt clenches greedily around the intrusion.
" See? " You huff, slightly out of breath when you experimentally bounce a little on him. Belo whines long and low, unsure what else he can do to ground himself. " It works just fine. "
The first few rocks are entirely random as you try to quickly work out a rhythm and motion that works well enough, settling for straightening up and grabbing Belo's ankles for support, careful not to twist the tiny feathers there. Finally, you're able to get into it properly, a sickly delight on your face as you watch Belo's figure shift beneath your thrusts.
Is this... What you look like to him? Not a bad sight at all.
Belo's eyes, previously closing at the first taste of rapture your walls brought him, widen like the dinner plates at the notion that he's being well and truly fucked by his human. There's a pause where it looks as if his mind has truly been fried, one eye fixed on your face, another on the sway of your tits, and the other memorizing the way your pussy swallows him.
You won't lie, the rush of dominance, of having something so much more than human willingly present themself for you, allowing a tiny human to ride them into submission- It has you beside yourself with want, and your smirk crashes into a pleasured "oh" as you join Belo in his stunned marveling.
You'll be doing this a lot more often, for sure.
" Hhn- Oh lords please- I- " Belo melts and shivers, his chest fluffing itself further and his wings twitching sporadically. " Humans have- Developed such odd mating customs... "
He's talking like he isn't throbbing madly inside you right now.
" Mhm, you need to catch up on a lot of stuff, pretty boy. "
Though of course, you'll be personally helping with that.
When your mind starts blanking in bliss and your body gives its first warning signs of an approaching peak, you look down at Belo, whose head has tossed onto the pillow supporting his neck and whose wings fan out in a tense crescendo of pleasure. His legs and feet spasm periodically and he moans the wetter his fur becomes with your slick.
Another reason you like his fur is the surprising amount of friction and texture it can offer your clit when you're intimate. It's the soft brush of a feather almost, but enough to bring you closer to orgasm all that quicker! Honestly, the only downside to Belo's incredibly soft fur is that vacuuming is a little more frequent and pesky.
In moments, you're bending to be flush to his body, batting Belo's hands away so you can hold his legs back yourself. It's an even more intense angle, making you feel even more powerful as you hold the angel down and piston his cock into you as hard as you physically can, sweating and panting in exertion.
You're sure you must look downright beastly right now, but all Belo does is whine and mewl, still gazing at you as if you were the most entrancing thing to ever exist, a wonder of the universe above him. The power gathers enough motor coherence to brush strands of hair out of your face, tucking them behind your ear, before his arms flop uselessly at his sides once more, fingers curling in delight.
All those lavender eyes begin to roll, his hips rising off the bed yet smacked back down viciously by the weight of your body thrusting him down, in the midst of his mindless crooning noises, Belo utters your name like a plea for mercy and wraps his arms around your back, your breasts sliding on his chest and his legs reflexively fighting your grip so he can presumably wrap them around your smaller figure too.
He's a vision of the sweetest dream like this.
" Gods please don't stop- Please please- I'm sorry I can't- " The angel cries, tears beading in the corner of his three eyes, absolutely helpless and hopeless beneath you.
All of it comes together to send you well over the edge, throwing you into a climax so shockingly strong that you fuck yourself on him one last leg-shaking time before tensing and crying out to the ceiling. He follows instantly, having been holding himself for a while. You relish the sensation of Belo's cum shooting deep into your hole, only to have no choice except to drip back down and stain him, slip between his legs and yours in grossly warm globs.
Seconds of you two catching your breath silently and fondly pass, until you slowly release Belo's legs and rub his thighs in gratitude. He seems content to remain holding you, though avoids your gaze now that the post-orgasm clarity has him bashful again.
" Thank you for humoring me. " You sigh against his neck.
His wings close over the two of you gently. " Always, my love. "
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devourable · 1 year
➶ the butcher
sfw | tags ; nb!yandere butcher x gn reader (only prn used for reader is ‘you’), yandere behavior/tendencies, stalking, butchery (duh), violent imagery/ideation + implied violence
i dont see explicitly nonbinary yanderes much at all so im here to change that bc us offgendered mfs can be are crazy too 😌 sorry if this kinda sucks bc i finished this up while half asleep
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you always felt there was something… off. about the 24 hour deli you always passed by.
it seemed to always be empty, aside from the butcher who was constantly at work inside. chopping meat, severing flesh from bone, every action executed with nearly clinical precision. did they ever do anything else? how were they always so busy with so little customers?
you could never understand. but as much as you were put off by the strange little store, curiosity gnawed at you with equal strength.
because of that, the day you entered the shop for the first time late one night, you left all of your concerns at the door.
unbeknownst to you, the butcher had been watching you long before you ever entered their deli. they always felt your eyes on them when you passed by their store — your gaze just felt so different from others. electrical, almost. they always knew when you were nearby. you must've felt it too, right? the connection you had?
but poor rhodes, they could never just approach you! you never stopped by and you didn't even know their name. they never had an opening to meet you formally. it'd be such a shame to scare you off...
thus, they were content with watching you from a distance. they ensured you never noticed their dark eyes following you, only daring to observe you passing in their peripherals or looking in your direction after you had walked far enough away. how wonderful your appearance was... a lovely sight that always brightened up the monotony of their work days. it was so fun to see you go about your life, it satisfied them enough to not mind your lack of connection.
though, sometimes... they couldn't help but imagine the animals they were tearing apart were the folk they occasionally saw you talking to. to tear their skin off of them, cut them into filets and send them far, far away from you... they ideated about it more times than they'd admit. why did you have to interact with others in front of them?
the day you actually entered their shop was a day they'd never forget. they thought they were dreaming when you walked in, shivering from the cold of the night seeking warmth and food in their establishment for the first time. you'd started a new job, see, and your shift ended well after everything else had closed. you were forced to forgo dinner and you were starved. so rhodes' butchery was the only place nearby you could visit.
you were intimidated by them, admittedly. their hulking frame, blank expression, and rough voice combined with the blood and gore constantly clinging to their apron was enough to put anyone on edge. but they couldn't be that bad, right?
their rampant emotions were hidden behind the unwaveringly neutral expression they always held, and you were none the wiser to their thudding heart and the slight tremble in their hands as they took your order.
the exchange was simple enough — you ordered a sandwich and something warm to drink, they made it for you, and you'd sit in one of the few chairs scattering the deli's entrance to enjoy your food and try to wind down after your shift.
and just like that, a routine was established.
you got to know rhodes as you continued to visit their place of work. they weren't scary, just awkward! or so you told yourself. but they were so easy to talk to — albeit not the best conversationalist, they were a superb listener. they'd devote their full attention to you every time you spoke to them, not daring to breathe a word so they wouldn't interrupt your lovely voice. they'd learn everything they could about you during your conversations. how you were gradually getting used to your new job, how it was a good thing they were open so late, how you were grateful for their work... things that they'd replay in their mind over and over again when you left.
you never really thought much of it when rhodes began giving you food on the house, using various excuses from not wanting to have to reopen the register to having conveniently already made your favorite sandwich earlier that day for a canceled order. you were friends now! of course they'd want to do you favors.
you also never really thought of it when the coworker who you'd complained about to them a few times stopped coming to work, either. they made an enemy out of so many people at your job, maybe they got fired? it wasn't any of your business.
rhodes had no clue how they'd get closer to you just yet. but now that you were seeing them regularly, they didn't mind settling for making your life a bit easier.
in any way they could.
after all, no one was going to question a butcher for having bloodied clothes.
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first-edition · 2 years
Important Night
Hannibal lecter x reader
Sum- you understand how busy hannibal is with work and helping the fbi but sometimes you feel he has no time for you and all you want is hug. But he makes sure you get much more than that. 
Wrote this late so sorry for any errors!
Warning- smut, pinv, sexual content and themes, oral (fem rev), fingering.
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You walk into the kitchen the cold tile floor hitting your bare feet. You see your love cutting meat against the mahogany cutting board. 
“are we having company?” You ask. 
“no just making dinner.” He says. Since the day you met hannibal he’s never let you cook, he lets you bake, but cooking is something he loves to do espesically for someone as important to him as you. He will let you join in every now and then but most of the time he prefers to do it by himself. 
You walk around him wrapping your arms around his waist laying your cheek against his soft shirt. The smell of his cologne fills your nose calling your soul. The flex and release of his back muscles working as he cuts the meat into slices. 
“Would you like to help?” He asks. You shake your head no. 
“I’ve missed you is all.” You say running your fingers along his chest. 
“missed me? What do you mean?” He says always wanting to know what’s on your mind. You sigh your forehead against his back. He places the knife down leaning over washing off his hands and drying them off with the towel i for the of him. All with you still attached to him.
“darling…” he says turning around placing his hands on your cheeks holding your face to look at him.
You burry your face into his chest only making him pull you back again. 
“use your words.” He says keeping your face in his hands. 
“i-i just…I know your busy with work and helping the fbi but…i just miss you.” You reply. 
“becuase im gone all the time?” He asks. You nod. 
“lately…i dont know, works more important that me.” You say he kisses your forehead before looking you in your eyes. 
“nothing. Absolutely nothing is more important than you. Not work, Not the fbi, Nothing” he says. You shy your eyes away. 
“Y/n. Do you understand?” He says waiting for your answer but it never comes. 
“okay.” He huffs and pulls off his apron before picking you up and pulling you over his shoulder. 
“h-hannibal!?” You screech out his name as he walks out of the kitchen past the living room and up the stairs.
Your placed down of then bed. 
“since you dont believe me I need to show you how important you are” He replies his hands traveling up your waist under your shirt gripping your sides. His fingers trace your ribs feeling your curves and grooves of your body. Your cheeks heat up a light blush dusting over your face.
hannibal kisses your neck moving his hands up your chest to your breasts happy that your not wearing a bra and giving them a squeeze before he moves back down and pulls your sweater up and over your head discarding it somewhere in the room. He shifts pulling back from your neck moving down your chest kissing the top of your breasts before pulling back sitting up and taking off his shirt.
You sit up with him wrapping your arms around his neck pulling yourself onto his lap he gladly takes you on him straddling your legs around his waist your chests flush against each other as your you kiss. 
he leans you back agains carefully as if your glass his hands move down your side booking his fingers to the side of your underwear’s before pulling them off and allowing you to undo his belt taking off his pants and underwear as well.
He kisses down your front gripping your thigh as his tongue presses against your clit making you whimper. Covering your mouth with the back of your hand. 
He parts your folds as his tongue dives into your core his hands gripping your thighs keeping your squirming body still. Releasing one he inserts a finger and then another sensually moving them back and forth overstimulating you as he sucks on your clit. Making your moan out pornographic sounds.
You clench around his fingers feeling your release coming only for hannibal to pull away leaving you panting and annoyed. He wants to to cum on his dick not his fingers he wants to to feel good with him. 
He leans back over you kissing your lips transferring the sweet taste of yourself, his cock lines up to you pushing it streatching you. You both gasp at the sensation. No matter how many times you fuck the feeling of each other will never fade.
he thrusts into you as he pins your hands to the side wanting to hear you.
“look at me honey.” He groans feeling you already clenching down around him. 
Your eyes snap to his face obeying him in a millisecond. He watches your face scrunch as you cum around him. Your thighs press against his hips as he drives deeper into you finding his release.
Coming down from the high he peppers you with kisses and touches. 
“when i tell you youre more important than anything i want you to believe it. Understand?” He says you nod smiling.
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wish-i-were-heather · 20 days
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ABOUT: 1685 words, no use of y/n
STORY: xander is assigned to be your lab partner for an assignment that neither of you really understand
WARNINGS: none!!
A/N: this is actually inspired by a real lab i did in my chem class bc my friend reminded me of xander. a lot of the dialogue is actual real dialogue we had lmao. so yeah fair warning that this isn't very well written just something i threw together for fun :) also i dont understand chemistry at all so sorry if anything's incorrect
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“Alright, you may begin.”
You were standing alone in the corner of your science classroom. Your teacher said she was going to randomly assign partners for the lab. But there was an odd number of people, so you were left alone. 
You looked around a bit to make sure there wasn’t anyone else who didn’t have a lab partner before walking to the front of the class.
“Uh, Mrs. Watson?” You asked. She looked up from her computer with a raised eyebrow. 
You cleared your throat. “I don’t have a partner.”
She frowned, standing up from her desk and looking over the classroom. “Oh, that’s my mistake. We’re missing a student today, I marked that in attendance. I didn’t realize that when giving partners. My apologies.” She pointed at a pair working at the table in the back corner. “Can I ask you to go join-”
“I’m here!”
The door slammed open and hit the wall with a loud bang! Everyone’s heads turned, and the class went silent. But they all went back to their work when they saw who it was.
“You’re late, Mr. Hawthorne,” Mrs. Watson sighed. “Again.”
Xander’s backpack was slung hastily over one shoulder. He closed the classroom door and nodded. “Yup! Third time this week. But, in my defense-”
“I don’t want to hear it.” She pointed at you. “Your partner will tell you what we’re doing. Get to work.”
He nodded again, turning to you and offering a wide smile. 
“So… that empty table in the back?”
Five minutes later, you had everything set up. There were strangely colored chemicals in different tubes, and you were both wearing the aprons and goggles that you were required to.
You looked down and frowned. The aprons themselves were ugly, plus the goggles. You weren’t wearing them, and you really didn’t want to. Part of you wondered if getting burned by a chemical was all that bad after all.
But you kept it on.
With a sigh, you slipped on the goggles and looked up at Xander. He was finishing tying the back of his apron too, and for a moment you just watched him.
His dark hair was tousled, like he hadn’t had time to brush it that morning. You could see just beneath the atrocious apron that he was wearing, that the tie of his school uniform was loosely askew. His tongue was poking slightly out of his mouth in focus as he finished tying the back.
When he finished, Xander’s eyes wandered from the supplies on the table before meeting hours. But at first, neither of you said anything.
You decided to break the silence.
“Nice eyebrow.”
“Thanks,” He grinned. “Grew it myself.”
“And the other?” You asked.
“I was left unattended.”
Xander motioned towards all the stuff on the table. Tubes, flasks, off-looking liquids. You didn’t know what you were supposed to be doing with any of it. You’d stayed up late writing an entire essay, so you were running on little sleep
Apparently, there was a reason you were given three weeks to write it instead of two hours. 
“So what are we doing?” He asked. 
“Honestly, I have zero idea,” you told him. “I wasn’t paying any attention.”
“Oh, well, I wasn’t here, so I couldn’t have been paying attention. This is kinda all on you.”
You stepped up to the table and picked up the instructions Mrs. Watson passed out that you hadn’t bothered to read. But reading them over, you realized you didn’t understand any of it.
“This is all, like, fancy chemistry stuff,” you said.
Xander took the paper from you. “Let me see that.” He looked it over for a minute, reading fairly quickly for the amount of small text that was on the paper. 
You studied his expression. “Should we ask for help?”
“No-” Xander snapped immediately. “She doesn’t like me.”
“I mean, you are always late.”
“But I am an excellent student!” He insisted as he put down the paper. “She just doesn’t know how to appreciate my gifts.”
“Did you gift her your eyebrow or something?” 
He stuck out his tongue at you. “Do you want me to help you finish this lab or not?”
“Fine, fine,” you said, unable to stop the corner of your lips from turning up. “So what are we supposed to do?”
“It’s simple, really,” Xander said, finally letting his tone drop to more serious as he turned to the table. “We’ve gotta take the pH measurements of each of the four liquids, and then mix them together to see if it’ll raise or lower the pH levels.”
You stared at him. “Huh?”
He sighed. “Just open your notebook. We have to hypothesize.”
You did what he said and opened your notebook. Rereading the instruction paper, it said you had to guess what happened when you mix hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.
“Is that gonna raise or lower the pH, Xander?” You asked without looking up from your paper.
“Raise,” he answered. “More of a base.”
Silence fell between the two of you again as you finished writing your hypotheses. You were pretty sure that yours was absolute nonsense, but at least you had something written. 
“Okay, thanks,” you said. Xander took both your and his papers and set them aside. “I’m not necessarily bad at chemistry. I’m just a bit… scientifically challenged.”
“Is that so? That just means I get to teach you. How exciting”
“That’s only half terrifying coming from you.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He shrugged. “So, let’s start before Mrs. Watson decides to get mad at me again.”
You quickly learned that “scientifically challenged” was actually a lie. You were, in fact, very bad at chemistry. 
pH scales made no sense. Xander had to do all of the measuring, while you just wrote down whatever number and color he gave you. The first was red, the second was a blueish-purple, the third was yellow, and the last was a greenish-blue. You promptly forgot the names of all of them the moment after he’d read them to you, but it was fine. As long as you wrote down the data and got the work done.
Xander smiled at you again, the corners of his eyes wrinkling behind the big goggles. He put his hand up in the air. “High five?”
“We’re not done yet.”
“Okay, but we did the first part. HIgh five me.”
You gave in. 
“Alright,” Xander clapped his hands together. “Next step. Mix them together.”
You practically jumped up. “Oooh, can I pour it in?” 
“The erlenmeyer flask, yeah.”
“Who’s Meyer?”
He sighed and pointed at the empty flask in the middle of the table. “Pour them both in there.”
“Oh, okay, got it.” You reached for the first tube with a white liquid and poured it into the flask. You then did the same for the pink one next to it. “Can I drink this?” You joked as you poured it in.
“No, you may not.”
You poured them in quickly and waited. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on who you asked, there was no big explosion. Xander stepped forward again and measured the pH. 
“Eight,” he explained. “They almost neutralize each other. Key word almost.”
You nodded and the both of you returned to your papers. “So,” you asked. “What do I write in this box?”
He stared at you. “The box that asks for the color?”
“You put the color.”
“So… pink?”
Xander rolled his eyes, but he had a smile on his face. “Are you doing this on purpose?” 
“Perhaps.” You got to write the word pink in the box that asked for the final color of the liquid, and then number seven for the pH number.
“Perhaps,” He teased under his breath, putting on a very bad British accent.
You looked up from your work. “Are you bullying me?”
Xander gasped. “No, of course not. I love British people. My brother is half British.”
“What?” You exclaimed. “Who? Which one?”
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter, we need to finish the lab.”
“I’m trying, but I don’t understand,” you sighed, deciding to ask him about his family lineage later.
“Have you ever seen Breaking Bad?”
You frowned, that was the most random question. “No.”
“Hm. You learn a lot about chemistry from it. I did.”
“I probably wouldn’t retain any of it.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “You’re right.”
You nodded and turned back to both of your papers to work on writing the conclusion, whether or not your hypothesis was correct. Then you realized what he’d just said- that you wouldn’t retain anything. 
“Wait, what?”
The bell rang just as Xander handed you his paper, and you went to turn both of yours into the basket at the front of the class. “Thanks,” he said when you returned, slipping his backpack over his shoulder.
“Thank you, actually. I probably would’ve failed if you weren’t my partner.” You laughed. 
“Maybe this is your sign to actually pay attention.”
“Maybe this is your sign to show up on time.”
He shrugged. “Why would I do that? I kinda liked working with you.”
“Only kinda?” You teased.
“Sorry, I meant to say I’m obsessed with you and we have to do every single lab together for the rest of time or I will pass away,” Xander said, putting his hands on his chest dramatically. 
You rolled your eyes at him, just like he had before. “C’mon, we’re gonna be late for next period.”
“I’m always late,” he shrugged. 
You grabbed his wrist and began to walk towards the door. You were the last ones in the class, even the teacher was in a different teacher’s room talking to them. “Yeah, I’m trying to fix that. Let’s go.”
“We don’t even have the same next period.”
“I don’t care, we’re leaving now,” you insisted. Xander sighed reluctantly.
“Yes ma’am,” he muttered sarcastically.
But that grin never left his face.
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the writing above belongs to me. please do not copy, modify, repost on other sites or claim as your own. © 2024 wish-i-were-heather
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TAGS: (honestly im just gonna keep them down here because it makes the top part look more clean) @littlemissmentallyunstable @gretag13 @lanterns-and-daydreams @whatsamongus @alwaysthefangirl
@emelia07 @f4iry-bell @low-caloriesmonsterultra @that-daughter-of-hephaestus @maybxlle
@xoxo-vee @elysianwayy77 @midiosaamor @sheisntyou - lmk if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist!!
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moongoopy · 4 months
hiii could u write abt fluff language barrier with suguru x reader? Ty
walls that break down
c/w: fluffy :33
a/n: so errmmmm i wanted to put a whole apology list for how crap this scenario was BUT i decided against that, i just hope you atleast enjoy this to some extent (rips hair off)
bold is in english btw!
c: teacher!geto x florist!reader
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jujutsu high needed some renovation especially the flowers. the climate in tokyo had been erratic for a few months now and the poor greens had seen better days. he thought it was best to look for the principal's opinion but decided against it.
why not, seek the help of a florist himself?
hm, he wonders what kind of flowers would make the school more welcoming, a symbolic approach would be much greater or should he worry more about colour? flower arrangements can be completely different too, that might be the main issue to this.
he made some quick calls to the gojo and yaga. saying to yaga that he'll take a quick trip to check out the florist whilst with gojo to take care of the first years which he already was doing a good job at (sarcasm intended with how nobara and itadori was screaming in the background). there was no requests from gojo suprisingly since the flower shop was close to the pastry shop.
he slipped his phone into his pocket and spawned his stingray curse and hopped on, making himself comfortable before they flew right over.
he never really stepped into the flower shop before, it was charming but there was no reason to check it out. the place was aesthetically pleasing and the row of flowers decorating the front of the shop wasn't overwhelming and smelled just right.
"hello, welcome!"
geto smiles to the friendly greeting, greeting them back and stepping to the counter and conversed a bit with you
you caught on to most of his words and it was a bit visible that you looked a bit nervous, he excuses himself, saying that he'll check the flowers first
you were probably a new worker at this shop so he understood, not trying to pressure you too much with questions. he wonders if he was able to tell you what he likes though eventually
meanwhile, you let out a breath you were holding. his japanese was pretty easy to understand up to an extent and your boss wasn't back from her stop at the corner store so you just prayed that his request wasn't that difficult
you did your best to not skimp over the lessons and books you had but you forgot the part where you can get confused and it alarms you when you had stuttered to him. well other than being a newbie at japanese, he was also such a handsome man and quite gentle at that
recognizing the symbol of jujutsu high, he was a sorcerer, you wondered if he was a strong one at that. if so, that added to the list on how attractive he was. you sneaked a few glances at him, he was dissappearing right into the corner of the shop right next to the flower pots
clutching the language book in your hand, you wonder if you should move away from the counter to help him, was that required too? damn, this would've been easier if you asked the boss. you did work behind the shop but never the front!
"excuse me?"
you were immediately snapped out of your thoughts when his soft voice called out for you and you opened the counter board to get to him. oh boy, here goes.
you walked to him with a steady gait and popped right next to him. he was looking between two flowers before he looks at you and smile so prettily that you clutched the side of your apron.
"yes sir?"
his smile reached his eyes as he shifts to one foot to another.
"its okay, dont be nervous."
oh, was it that obvious? you felt your cheeks burn and embarassment flood your system and you try to keep a calm facade. you are so gonna grip your head in your hands after this.
"sorry sir, i'll try my best."
he then waves, hopefully for you to not get too flustered over this and pointed to the flowers and the first thing he asked was which looked better in rows and you nodded, you could do this.
you eased yourself into explaining and was grateful that he understood what you were talking about. you tried to use simpler terms but when it reached the language of these flowers, he chuckled boyishly.
"sorry, i dont understand you.. this part i mean.."
you had him holding his chin and thinking of what to say and you felt another wave of embarassment bubble over. were you too fast? was it too complex, you wanted to scream. you chewed on your bottom lip, looking at him tentatively.
the bell of the shop saved you and it was the sweet old boss that gasped to a face of a customer. she fusses over you a lot, being in a different country from your own is something she understands and it was endearing of her to care.
she had put down her groceries and rushed on over to the man and chirped to him to which he bows politely to her.
you were ushered to take care of the cash register, the old lady winking to you that she could handle it and you sighed.
walking back to the counter, you heard just how talkative your boss was with the man to which he humoured with chatter. inhaling, you swore to yourself to practise more; the book on the counter thrust open and ready for you to read in.
geto was back in his apartment, scrolling through the pictures of the flowers he took today and yawned. he had preferred the blue flowers, the colour and meaning was perfect for the school but the principal preffered the yellow ones more.
he put his phone away, not in the mood to debate flowers right now. he could be lenient and go with yaga's choice but the blue flowers just call out to him.
he drummed his fingers against the table and thought of his day today,
he thought of you.
your sweet smile as he called you over and how you carried yourself. your voice was soothing to his ears and when you started explaining he was hooked onto every word. just how you described these flowers with such adoration is admirable
its just that he felt like the bigger fool when your explanation gets more deeper and he hated to stop you, seeing you pause when he held his hand up made him want to mentally slap himself to stopping you so abrumptly
with the way you bit your lip and scratched the back of your head in embarassment, that makes two of you
he snickered in amusement to himself when he thumbed a book in his hand
the granny had uttered that you would be working at the flower shop daily and in order to communicate with you better, he held an english dictionary
his english had gotten so rusty like a box of nuts and bolts, he remembered shutting away at his dictionaries in his student years for the 'last time' and sighing in exasperation to how he can stop learning such a language
it tickles him how hes now opening a dictionary back up
"what you need that for, you seeing somebody?"
his dictionaries and helping material were all back at his family home in the quiet old village. it was defitenely stored away in the basement, a small box tucked away in a corner
he went and borrowed gojo's one, the one he never stores away just because he doesnt want to clean it up
all gojo got from geto as a response was a grunt as he was waved off
the books were all so clean, that show off probably scanned all the books that he read and called it a day, he was smart after all; annoyingly so.
geto then studied again, feeling the nostalgia of his teen years rushing back to him and spends the night learning the language. his beloved students wondered where geto-sensei was and it was up to gojo and his ridiculous tomfoolery to answer that
the next day, geto went back to the flower shop to see that you weren't near the counter but busy tending with new flower arrivals. he saw you whip your head around as granny greeted him.
he made a beeline towards granny first to idly cht with her first.
"hm, y/n looks like they haven't had that much sleep.."
granny waves her hand before looking back at you who was still so attentive with your work and worries on how you had stayed up to memorize japanese eventhough she herself could help you with that but you had rejected her, telling how you needed to do this yourself.
geto comforts granny that its not out of ill intention, some people are just like that, they dont want to burden people. eventhough that slightly ease the boss of the flowershop, she still couldn't help but be a worrywart for the darling across the flowershop. the brunette then shifted the conversation to the flowers he was supposed to check again and thats where you pop in again.
"granny, geto, may i show you the fresh batches today?" you wiped off some sweat off your brow as you fiddle with the gloves in your hand and glance towards the spot you were working at and they both nodded immediately.
there was a lot of flowers than he presumed and he nodded, tapping his phone to make a few calls. blue it is. he'd mentally prepare himself for an earful from yaga
he'd sign a few papers and in a few days the flowers will soon be arranged at jujutsu high. this was great, the school wont be as bleak as before
granny went to the back to grab a few things and he was now left alone with you, you tried to busy yourself and shoulders so tense from being alone with him
"so why have you decided to work in japan, y/n?"
you look up at him with a sparkle in your eyes and shyly shifting close to him to be polite and chuckle softly. strangely, he was enamoured of your precense and maybe this little interaction blooms into something more than flowers.
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baxndaid · 1 year
hii could i request macaque headcannons tysm
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macaque x reader
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ! the urge to write for this emo is high today
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✧ he’s the literal definition of “you just don’t understand me… 😞”
✧ and yeah like true i don’t understand and i DONT WANT TO 🔥💯💯
✧ just kidding
✧ maybe xoxox it depends on how you treat me today
✧ he doesn’t understand why you defend his arch enemy sometimes, don’t you know what he’s done to him? are you a spy??
✧ in reality, you don’t actually “defend” wukong, all you do is get annoyed whenever he talks about violently killing him like cmon man no evil schemes at the dinner table
✧ so naturally, he sends a shadow to follow you around to make sure your not doing something he thinks is dangerous
✧ probs bc he has major trust issues but he’ll trust you give him a few hundred years
✧ let me live i beg of you
✧ he’s a bit insecure about his looks 😞 kiss his scars pls it’ll make him feel better
✧ he also gives off malewife vibes i can’t lie like just a smidge like he defo owns a cute pink apron ? tell me i’m wrong
✧ unlike wukong he does NOT snore 🙏 you’ve chosen the correct monkey man
✧ him and wukong are pretty much the same person and so they’re both insufferable BASTGARDS sometimes 🥺
✧ you love him tho, he’s just a little guy who’s misunderstood and needs head scratches and a therapist
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lego monkie kid masterlist
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renranram · 3 months
baby making with quackity. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Baby Making!
q. version ヘ⁠(⁠。⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠ヘ
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this is quackity version of my schlatt one!
word count: 1976!
( i made him speak spanish, i apologize please just use google if you're struggling with understanding, also do correct me if im wrong enjoy!! )
the discussion of having children hasn't came up to you and alex’s relationship, both of you are aware of the large responsibilities it came with
but god forbid alex quackity having a tiktok account, his fyp filled with baby videos that he couldn't help but coo to
“ after marriage “ that's two of you agreed to, after marriage then children, but can't the man just dream?
the boy had been giving you subtle hints, during one time, on live, his viewers notices a pair of baby shoes and started spamming about it, “ oh this? “ he picks up the small shoes, beige brown
< ilikemymenlikequack: is (y/n) pregnant??
< quackadoodledoo: ALEXIS FATHER ERA?
< husbandkosialex: WOI OMG??
“ chat, (y/n) isn't pregnant yet, i just found these on amazon and thought it was cute, “ alex shows off the baby shoes, fixing his beanie with a smile, “ id like to be a dad one day tho “
and it continued, “ chat, isn't this cute? “ alex asks, showing off semi realistic baby doll, one that was given to him during twitchcon, “ it looks so fucking cool “ he chuckles
“ id want this baby to be real in the future “ alex adds, chuckling, and it continued, giving you simple hints, such as baby toys, clothes, and sudden talks of marriage
“ so…. when do you think we'd get married? “ alex looks at you, as you cook dinner for the two of you, “ what? you wanna get married? “
“ when you want to of course, “ he spun on your counter's chair, “ i mean i think it's cute just the two of us having a wedding, rings in both of our fingers, then we can show off to everyone that we're so in love “ he rambles, shrugging his shoulder
you chuckle, “ we're not even fiances yet? “ you face him, turning off the stove as you serve up the dish in plates, “ well, we will be in the future “ alex replies
“ well… i think marriage with you would be great, would be happy and satisfied with my life, but aren't we still young? “ you added as alex makes his way on your dining table, “ hm… right… what about babies? “ quackity asks non chalantly
“ what about babies? “ you repeat, wanting him to get straight to the point, deadpanning him, your hand resting on your hip
“ you know… babies…? “ alex awkwardly chuckles as he scratches the back of his head, “ i know what babies are “ you reply
“ lex… is there something you need to tell me? “ you ask, removing the apron from your torso, hanging it somewhere as you approach him
cupping him by his cheeks, you ask, “ is there something wrong that we need to talk about? “ god, that was one of the reasons why he just wants to marry you right there right now
“...i wanna… get you pregnant “ alex confesses, sighing in defeat as he leans more onto your touch, “ i dont think i can wait after marriage… i wanna see you in cute maternal clothes…, feeding our baby, babying them, i know you'd be the perfect mother, fuck, you're the perfect wife id ever ask for even tho we're not even married yet, it's just… i know i sound selfish and desperate but fuck, “ alex returns your affection by cupping your cheek too, “ i love you so much that i think i wanna make babies with you to show off how much i love you “
alex pecks your cheek, “ i love you so much, i just wanna show you off with our baby in your stomach “ he added, “ can we do it? please? “ he pleaded, “ i know if you think it's too much, but let me be selfish for once please? “
you pause, blinking as your eyes flutter, a faint pink tint appearing on your cheeks, “ lex…, babies are big responsibilities “ you added, “ i know, that's why im working hard aren't i? “ alex replies to you, with a soft gentle tone, caressing your cheek with just his thumb, “ my money’s big enough “
“ fuck… i can marry you right now, take a flight to vegas and get married to that stupid elvis chapel you keep joking about “ alex smiles warmly and affectionately
“ please? mami? “ alex pleaded, and dear lord how you folded so fast, now there's the two of you, making out with small giggles and chuckles
it was warm, gentle and comfortable for the both of you as alex gently pressed you against your bedroom’s door, his tongue swirling with you, making out as if it's your first time again, his hands, rests on your waist, holding on you gently on your place
“ mami you're so beautiful “ he whispers between the kisses, fixing your hair out of your face, before pulling you into a kiss again, your hands resting on his chest as you take the kiss, your lips locked with eachother, passionately and warmly
alex slowly slips his hand in your blouse, resting in your midriff, “ vas a ser una gran mamá para nuestros hijos “ he whispers, pecking your cheek as you giggle softly in response, “ baby… is that why you've been ordering baby stuffs off amazon? “ you ask as he chuckles, nodding, “ i was hoping you'd get the hint “
“ im kinda hints-blinded “ you joke as he chuckles, pecking your neck, trailing kisses all over you, “ i should've told you from the start then “ he added, “ would've been a better idea “ you smile, giggling loudly as he picks you up, holding onto you gently yet tightly, securing his grip on your hand as he press kisses all over your face, “ mami, you're the only person i can think of doing this with me “ alex hums, gently setting you down on your bed, his eyes hovering all over your body as he smiles warmly, seeing you all so pretty underneath him
alex removes his shirt, tossing it to the side, and he leans back down with you, “ mami, i want a little girl, she's going to be as beautiful as you, “ he cuts himself off with a kiss to your collarbone, “ as smart as you, “ he kisses your upper chest, gently guiding you to take off your top, before continuing, “ as kind as you “ alex pecks your chest, “ as friendly as you “ he pecks your stomach, his hand resting on the waistband of your shorts, gently tugging it down with your underwear
“ as perfect as you are “ alex lowers, now pecking on pelvis, “ alex… didn't know you're shakespeare “ you joke, giggling, causing him to chuckle in response, “ oh fuck off mami im trying to be romantic here “ he added, smiling warmly, his eyes filled with love and adoration as he fixes your hair
“ im… going to make you feel so loved “ alex replies as he nuzzles his mouth onto your clitoris, liking a strip on your warm organ with smile on his lips, “ you already make me feel so love lex “ you reply as her intertwines his hand with yours, the other holding you up
“ it's not enough “ alex replies as he kisses your clit, sucking it, lapping you, nuzzling his warm tongue, “ it is enough “ you mutters, moaning softly as you squeezes his hand
“ not for me that is, “ as alex eats you out, his finger gently enters you, feeling your wetness and tighness as you moan softly, alex finding a moment as he playfully scolds you, “ can you stop being such a smartass so i can fuck you, querido dios por favor “
you cackle, giggling as he smiles warmly, his finger thrusting into you with his tongue wetting you all up, you toss your head back, moaning softly as your other hand kneads with your breast
alex maintains eye contact, giving you heart eyes with every reaction you could possibly release, god, that man is so in love with you, chuckling softly, seeing how you gasp when he enters another finger in, admiring how you squeezed his hand in response
“ hah… lex “ you whimper out as his fingers skillfully scissors you, “ does it feels good mami? “ he asks, lapping you like a damn dog, enjoying your slickness as you nods, your finger dancing gentle with your nipples, kneading you breast as the other squeezes his hand
after a few minutes of sucking, fingering, you felt a familiar pool in your stomach as you gasp, “ lex.. lex.. im close “ you moan out, louder than the rest as alex nods, kissing your clitoris as he fastens his finger, causing you a few sharp gasps
“ do it mami, make a mess to my face “ alex reassures you, licking a stripe as you groan out in pleasure, seeing your legs shake, and with a squirt of your juices in his face, alex accomplished what he wanted, even tho, that was just the first step
he pecked your clit one last time, before pulling away, you making a mess on his face as he giggles, watching you whine out as he pulls out his finger, “ so pretty, mi linda esposa “
seeing him chuckle and smile, couldn't help but bring a smile on your face too, you just couldn't believe you're making a baby with the man you've loved for years, alex as gently as possible, spreaded your legs, propping himself between it as he pecks the side of your ankle, releasing your intertwined finger as he whistles in amusement seeing you all so flustered and pink
“ i love you “ alex mutters as he slips his pants down with his boxers, “ i love so much mami, you're going to be such a pretty and perfect wife and mamá to our daughter “
as he worships your body, his eyes not letting a single crevice of your body left untouched or unloved, he hums as he gently enters your body, the two of you gasp in unison, “ you alright mami? “ he asks, making sure you felt pleasure instead of pain, his almond shaped brown eye watches you, filled with adoration and love as you bit your lip, nodding
“ im moving, ¿bueno?, tell me if it hurts, ill stop mami “ alex gently warns as his hips roll against you gently, watching you moan out, your eyes fluttering in pleasure, enjoying how your body bounces with every single thrust
you chuckle softly, a warm intimate moment like this was just perfect, he was perfect for you, a pretty, gentle, kind boy who'd do everything, just to make you feel loved, if you were to switch places and had the dick, you'd probably do the same
you moan out, as he leans down, kissing you, his arm wrapped around your torso, flattening you as his thrusts continues, his tongue swirling with yours, feeling the smile on his lips
your lips stayed intact, only pulling away for taking breathes, noticing his thrusts speeding up as he groans, “ te amo mucho, seré la esposa más bonita que jamás haya existido “ he whispers, as you moan back in reply
“ te amaré por siempre y te adoraré como si fueras mi dios, te amo mucho, no puedo creer que seas mía y que estemos haciendo esto “ he added, alex groans out as he holds onto tightly
“ feels so good mami? “ alex mutters, staggering slightly as you nod in response, moaning, as you gasp
“ ah fuck.. fuck… im so close “ alex gasps, “ let me be selfish this time, ¿está bien? “ he added as he tightens his hold onto you, his hips thrusting faster and faster, your moans and gasps giving him more power to just get you pregnant right there
“ fuck fuck fuck fuck “ with every curse his thrusts was speeding up, kissing you all over your face as you receive him, “ será la esposa más bonita que jamás haya existido, ¿eh? “
“ te luciré muy bien en casa, todos se sorprenderán de lo bonita que eres cuando estás embarazada, ¿de acuerdo? “ he groans out, catching his high as he climaxes into you, filling you up with his seed, making you a mother
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Blessed Are The Meek 3
Summary: you are trapped in an awkward circumstance with a widowed commander. (Handmaid AU)
Warning: this series will contain violence, dystopian aspects, rape and noncon, blood, coercion, sterility, and other dark elements. Please read these warnings and beware.
Character: Tommy Shelby
Note: thank you for following along. I’m sure yall didn’t expect to write Tommy again but here we are. Also feedback and comments if you dont mind. Maybe a reblog. 💕💕💕💕
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You place the Commander’s bag in the trunk. Then, a thermos and a wrapped croissant for the drive. It’s a small consideration, you don’t know why you even thought of it. You just know that the drive will be long and tedious. You do not relish his return after the journey and the presence of similarly willful men.
You kick off your boots before you enter the house again. You shiver and lean a hand on the wall, lifting your foot to untie the laces. The commander’s footsteps come slow and deliberate down the stairs. You put your sole to the floor and face him, dipping your head.
As he approaches, you take his coat from the rack and offer it to him. Before, there would be another, the long blue jacket his wife so treasured, with its big rosette buttons and round collar. All blue had been buried away or burned to ash.
He lets you lift it onto his shoulder, barely acknowledging you as he pulls on a pair of black leather gloves. He slides out a pair of round glasses and puts them on. The sort he wears to read or tend to some smaller detail. He checks his watch.
“Do not dawdle” he girds as he approaches the door.
You furrow your brow and watch him pull it open. What does he mean? He pauses and lets out an exhale.
“Far be it from me to concern myself, but a coat would be in order,” he bids.
You still don’t understand. Surely he can’t mean you’re going with him.
“You will sit in the backseat and keep your head down. A toe out of line and there will be more than enough Eyes to have you shipped out to a colony.”
You push your chapped lips together and nod. You don’t expect it and you are unprepared. He’d spoiled the rare moment of escape that tugged at your mind. A day without him and his temper lurking.
“I will get my coat, commander.”
He carries on and you march away. Your coat is in your room with all else that is allotted to you. Not much, enough to exist. A spare dress and apron, shoes for the summer, stockings, and a second shift. You snatch your coat and pull it on, flapping back through the halls to the front door.
As you come out, the car blows exhaust into the air. You get in the back seat and do as he said. You put your head down and don’t say a word. He has his foot on the pedal before you can even shut the door.
He drives with the radio on. A dour voice recites verses as you stare at the back of the front seat. The grey sky ripples, both dimming and paling to create and ebb and flow of light. 
There is a soft clunk as the commander steers with one hand. The props the thermos in the cupholder and unscrews the cap. You quickly put your eyes to your lap. The smell of breakfast tea pervades the closed space.
You do not close your eyes. You could fall asleep right there but you don’t dare. Sloth is a sin, deadly as they say. You focus on keeping awake as the tires roll on.
The gates of the capital rise before you. You give only a brief peek as the commander stops to give his identity. He’s waved inside with a panicky sort of deference. Inside, you sense the sudden flurry around you but do not look up. You don’t expect many marthas come around here.
He pulls up to a building of stained white brick. You tilt your head slightly and try to figure where you are. He keeps the engine running as he gets out, greeted by another.
“Take my car to the residence,” Shelby demands.
“Sir.” There’s a lull as footsteps click around the hood, “and the martha?”
“You may take her too,” Shelby says flippantly, “she will hang my clothes, as is her duty.”
The guardian doesn’t wait for another order. He gets in the front seat as you huddle lower in your seat. It isn’t unusually to be spoken as nothing more than a thing, but it is humiliating even so. The man fixes the mirror as you sense the tension of his unasked questions. It must be a strange situation, yet he cannot question a commander.
He shifts into drive and eases onto the gas. You clasp your hands tight in the silence. It does not seem as if you will return to the house that night and that worries you.
What could it mean? Hansen’s words echo in your head. Would the commander leave with a new wife at the order of the Committee? If there was to be a new wife, could she survive the widower’s grief?
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ameliawarnerr · 1 year
POV: MC is drunk at Aurora and she texts Jake. 
One-shot (but with two parts. Two-shot? Maybe I'm drunk)
Background story: When Jake could finally get free of the dark-web world, it was too late. MC told him that she'd moved on and it was best for both of them. But she confuses Jake again, texting him after she gets wasted. And Jake is confused and not at all happy about her recklessness. 
I stare at the screen, eyebrows creased in confusion. My mind is debating if her phone got hacked or it's with the likes of Dan. But then I reread the message, using more of my intellect and pausing the emotions at war. 
MC: bringg moneyyy some bitcj stole mine
No, it's definitely her. There's no debate about that. I barely pay any attention to the second message. My mind is still stuck on the first one. It's really unsettling. Despite how I've been upset with her, hardly seen or talked to her the past few weeks, still I want to get there as fast as I can. I cannot bear the image of the otherwise scenario. 
My emotions resume the war. I've never understood her entirely before but this is simply beyond my understanding. She went into heavy details explaining to me how she has gotten over me while I was away and how my barging into her life again isn't good for either of us. While I was on the run, making a new identity for myself, cutting ties with anyone who could pull me back into that long stretch of ruin I've been living in, I considered many outcomes. This is one of the more unlikely ones. Or maybe I didn't want to think about it so I didn't consider it fairly. 
She was already having a hard time telling me all the reasons I didn't want to hear, so I left. Ever since then, I've stayed at Lilly's place and it's a relief that her friends usually hang out at Cleo’s or Jessica’s. I haven't seen her or talked to her since then but I couldn't help asking Lilly how MC was doing every once in a while. Lilly would always tell me that MC felt like a different person and that I should talk to her. I refused. I simply couldn't bring myself to. 
I can't understand if she doesn't want me anymore then why am I the one she's texting when she's wasted at a bar. I guess I’d have to wait until she's sober. I feel a ting of hope and my mind calling me an idiot. 
I stop my car in front of Aurora’s front door. Usually, people are entering and exiting at every hour but as the street gets darkened, no one is seen around. Of course, it's 2 am. Why would anyone be here at 2 am when only a month ago a girl was abducted and another was found dead? And obviously, that anyone has to be MC. 
Sometimes her recklessness throws me over to the edge. 
I rush inside. All lights are shut down, only two of them shine at the counter. One male waiter cleans up the leftovers on the tables while another walks to the kitchen, loosening the knot on his apron. At the counter, MC is seated on one of the high stools, her head resting on the counter while her hands move above her head as she's explaining or complaining about something to…well, to the bar owner. Phil Hawkins. 
He's bent over to the counter, his arms set on the counter as he's nodding while grinning. His eyes fly to me as I near them. I notice that her phone is left unlocked on the counter with our chat opened so Phil isn't surprised to see me here. I have only met him once and let's say that didn't change my dislike for him. 
“We’ve only met once. And it feels like I've known you for years.” He says, straightening. 
I raise my eyebrow at him. “I don't return the sentiment.” 
Then as I stride to the counter, beside MC, I understand what he meant. 
MC is wasted, talking about me while being totally oblivious of my presence. “And I told him, Phil. I told him. You know what I said?” Her hands are moving vaguely, her voice is uneven, getting high randomly. It's sort of cute. “I said,” Her voice becomes a bit stable as she tries to deepen it. “I will know your identity soon.” 
I can't believe she's with a… decent looking guy, somewhat and she's still talking about me. I don't know how to feel about that. But I guess this just reminds me of what we could've had, could've been.
“And you know what he told me then? I remember it as clear as the day as we speak.” She moves her hand hysterically. I bite back a laugh and I look at Phil doing the same. 
Then, he says, “What? What did he say to you?” 
I would not be a part of this if I didn't want to hear her complaining about me. It's surprisingly funny and adorable. I don't use words like ‘adorable’ to describe anything else. I think I can't anymore– she's set the bar too high. 
She clears her throat, raising her head slightly, pointing a finger straight at the wall. “You can't. I am the hacker everyone's after. I'm unbeatable.” She pretends to be me, making her voice rough and deep but fails adorably. I couldn't help it anymore– I broke into a grin.
I decided to intervene. “I certainly didn't say anything of that sort.” 
Her pointed finger freezes at my voice. She slowly turns her head towards me as I try not to smile. But as soon as my eyes meet her, there's an effortless smile on my mouth before I can even begin controlling it. She stares at me for a moment. Her hair is a little messy, eyes squinting at me. Then she brings her hands to her mouth. “Oh my god, Phil, I summoned him.” 
I take a step forward. “Yes, you did.” I take another step forward, sliding into the stool next to her as I sweep her phone from the counter. I hold it up for her to see. “By texting me. With an awful amount of typos.” 
She snatches her phone from my head. “That wasn't me. It might be the owner of the bar– Phil.” She blames as if she doesn't see him standing two feet away from the counter. “But anyways.” She puts her phone on the counter. “You look too hot to be sent back now.” She places a hand on my chest. 
Phil coughs. “Alright. That's my cue to leave.” 
MC’s gaze follows his figure as he leaves. Then, she leans towards me and whispers, “You know, although it was true but I just said that so he'd leave.” 
I lean forward and whisper back, “Excellent plan. Next time, include me as well.” 
She nods several times. “For sure.” 
“Are you ready to leave?” I ask her. 
“Did you bring the money?” She questions. 
“Depends. How much do you need?” I place my elbow on the counter, supporting my head as I look at her panicking. 
“Well, w-well. It's about 300$.” She scratches her neck. And this time I am the one panicking. Not because of the money, of course, but because— 
“You drank 300$ worth of alcohol?” 
She blinks. “No. I broke three bottles. Phil told me he'd go easy on me so I have to pay for just two of them.” She shows two fingers, smiling. 
I try to look stoic. I look at her finger with the same grim expression and she lowers them awkwardly. I straighten, removing my elbow from the counter. I clear my throat, lowering my head, trying not to show her my smile.
I return my gaze to her. She asks, hopefully, “So do you have 300$?” 
I do. But I put my lips into a thin line, shaking my head as she frowns. “I don't have the money. But you know what? I have nothing to worry about since you're one who needs to pay.” I return my elbow on the counter. “All I'm saying is that it's not my problem.” 
Her mouth slightly opens and closes. She looks around, fidgeting a little. Then, she looks back at me. “So, you are going to leave?” Her voice is small and I almost give in. 
I shrug. “I can leave and come back with the money.” I offer and notice the immediate refusal on her face. “Do you want me to come back with the money?” 
She looks down, at her hands. “Don’t do that.” 
It takes me a moment to recover from the vulnerability in her voice. I realise as cute as she looks right now, but I still don't want her to be in his state when someone trusted isn't around her, someone who can protect her. That's when I promise to lecture her about this once she's sober. I don't care if we haven't spoken for weeks or where we stand right now. 
But right now, I'm calm, knowing she texted me and that I am here with her. 
“Why?” I ask. “Weren’t you planning to sleep with the first guy you see here? Once I'm gone, you could do that.” I do my best not to process my own words. 
She's still looking at her hands. “No, I only said that so that you'll come and get me. But it's fine if you don't want to pay for me. You can leave—” 
The last word stretches as I pull her stool closer to mine. Her legs stumble together between mine. Her head turns upwards as her eyes dart to different parts of my face. 
“You think I'm going to leave you here? I am here to get you and I would've come even if you hadn't sent me that threat of a message. Even if you had sent me a made-up word or merely just one letter or just my name, I would've come for you.” I affirm here, speaking very softly but ensuring my words hold the right heaviness for her to believe. 
“Even if you didn't know where I was?” She asks. 
“Even if I didn't know where you were. I'd find you.” I answer. 
“Even if I make you pay a huge debt and ignore you the next day?” 
“I’d be hurt if you ignored me. I don't care about the money.” 
“Even if I hurt you?” 
I hesitate. “Doesn’t matter. I'll get over it.” 
“And even if I make terrible jokes?” 
“Especially when you make jokes. Terrible or not.” 
She eases into a smile. I raise both my hands, fixing her hair with a smile. At last, I rested them on her shoulder. “Let’s go?” 
She nods. I nod back. “Just so you know, I’m not saying anything right now because you're too drunk to remember but once you get sober, I'm giving you a lecture about this stupid thing you did.” I can't help but to think what if I didn't see the message, or she couldn't find her phone. I don't particularly like Phil after tonight but what if he wasn't here or she had gone to some other place. 
“Good luck to her.” She says. And I laugh out loud, grabbing her phone and shoving it in my pocket. I put the money on the counter and turn to her. “Are you cold?” I ask her as I stand. 
“Cold? No. I'm extremely hot and a warm person. You were cold when we first talked.” She points a finger at me, accusingly as she tries to stand. 
“I’m sorry. Forgive me. If it makes you feel any better, I don't know who that person was anymore.” I put a hand around her waist as she leans into me. We walk towards the exit. 
“Really?” She asks, looking at me. 
“Really. He was so reserved and guarded.” I say, matching her accusing tone. 
“I know, right? He would ask me about all my findings on the case and wouldn't tell me anything he'd do all day.” She threw her hand, expressing her annoyance. 
I grin. “Really? He did that to you? That's so unfair. If I were you, I would never work with him.” We reach the door. I hold her with one hand as I opened the door. 
“Well, I wouldn't do that.” She says, unsure. 
“Why not?” I ask as we walk towards my car. It's been a long time since I've talked to her. I can't stop myself. I don't want to waste any second being silent. Turns out, I really don't know who I was before I met her. 
“Well, he would say ‘good job, MC’. I liked that.” She says, mimicking me. 
We reach the door to the passengers' seat. I hold it open for her as she stumbles onto the seat. She wriggles a little until she's comfortable. “Finally.” She eases back into the seat. Then, she looks at me. “I knew texting you was the right thing to do.” 
“Good job, MC.” 
She stares, processes, then she blushes. I close the door, smiling in an idiotic manner. When I enter the car, she removes her shoes. She sits comfortably putting her leg on the seat, looking at me, expectantly. 
“You want something from me?” 
“Say that again.” 
—To be continued—
Part 2
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peachycrisis · 7 months
Human Again
Chapter 3
Charlie watched the man infront of her practically internally fall apart with a matter of seconds, she noticed his breathing beginning to become heavy as he started to chuckle to himself, looking down as he started muttering words she couldn’t quite understand. The former radio demon moved his arms close to his chest, as if he was trying to hide himself from the world- but yet that signature smile was still plastered on his face.
“Al….” She spoke his name softly, with no response from the other.
“Alastor.” She spoke louder, still soft but with a stern underwater that showed that she was being serious. Alastor looked up with teary eyes.
“I’m sorry dear, a little hiccup- that’s all!” the man spoke, stretching out his smile more in an attempt to hide his panic.
“Okay, this looks pretty bad- but I’m going to stitch you up, is that okay?” Charlie asked, Alastor started at her with wide eyes for a moment, before sighing and reluctantly agreeing.
“Alright, I have supplies in the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” She got up from the floor turning her back to the injured radio host, before turning her head back towards him.
“Dont. Move.”
“Don’t. Move.” She spoke again, stern enough to even make the radio demon feel taken back. “Rest, lay back and relax. We both know you need it.” She spoke before walking out the door, closing it behind her leaving the man alone with his thoughts. His terribly human thoughts.”
Alastor hated looking pathetic- and weak. He had built up this whole persona, being one of the strongest and most feared overlords in all of hell, and now all of that power he has acquired over nearly 90 years had gone away within an instant- leaving him as an empty shell of what he once was and what he was once capable of.
And now he’s left in this body- this body he had hated the entirety of his human existence.
Alastor had always been a scrawny kid, even in life he had always been thin- too thin for his liking. He had never been one to have much of an appetite in life. Yes, he was stocky- and had muscles from years of digging holes on his family’s farm- and he had caught the eyes of many girls, and boys throughout the years due to his magnificent looks (not like he would be interested in either, like Rosie said he is an ‘ace in the hole’.)
To others, he was beauty, but to him, he had always been a kid who was skin and bones. A broken skeleton.
He hated this, he hated looking weak, and he especially hated feeling bare and exposed.
“Calm down, Carl. Please.” A woman spoke from the other side of the table, begging her husband to calm down. The man got up abruptly.
“I’m going outside.” the man spoke, kicking his chair, heading out of the dining room- but not without forgetting his bottle. The woman sighed sadly before putting her focus back on her distraught son. She watched him tremble as tears welled in his eyes.
“Bambi- you gotta eat something, you’re skin and bones honey.” The woman spoke softly, gesturing towards the bowl of jambalaya infront of hun. The woman wore a beautiful gown, and sported beautiful brown curly hair that rode its way down her back, close to her waist.
“I’m not hungry.” The boy whimpered, he looked down at his trembling palms, which now resides in his lap.
“Al, honey- look at me” she spoke as she lifted up his chin. The boy was dressed in a white dress shirt, brown dress pants- and a red apron. The boy looked up at his mother with big brown doe eyes and brown curly hair, a couple of strands being stuck behind his round framed glasses.
“In situations like this, we gotta keep our hopes up- okay?” She spoke softly, moving her hand from his chin to his cheek, caressing it softly. “We just gotta think good thoughts and hope that everything passes, a smile is a valuable tool my dear, it assures that through anything that comes our way- we will always be the ones in control”
“now smile for me honey, it will be okay. You’re never fully dressed without one.” She said as she got up from the table, heading outside to chase after her husband- leaving her son at the table, alone.
the boy looked down at his arms- pale, ragety and scarred. He put on his best smile- grabbed the knife he used to make his family’s meal, and headed to the bathroom.
Alastor sighed as he relaxed his arms into his lap, waiting for Charlie to return with the medical supplies. Even though he knew he was technically in his own body, it still felt foreign. He felt powerless. He felt… human.
And that feeling is both a blessing, and a curse. A curse, especially for the radio demon.
He looked down at his bare arms, the formally black claws that faded to grey skin- now a tan, flesh tone, his arms, specifically his lower arms littered in the scars that reminded him both of his physical, and emotional battles. The battles that he had nearly forgotten about, the emotions that he claimed made him weaker. made him prey. And prey is exactly what Alastor, the all mighty radio demon, became.
“Al, I’m back!…Al?” He heard, he looked up and saw Charlie, looking concerned, standing in front of him with a first aid kit. He hadn’t even noticed that she had walked in.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Al spoke softly, his smile on the brink of breaking. He had also nearly forgotten about the big laceration across his chest.
“Honestly dear, I had nearly forgotten about the injury.” he chuckled, glancing down at his chest. Charlie noticed his brown doe eyes, big and glistening with tears threatening to fall. He looked so… innocent? She sighed as she knelt down in front of him, placing the first aid kit next to her- and places her hand on his cheek.
“Alastor, it’s okay to be vulnerable…” she preached quietly, rubbing her finger over his soft cheek, she felt him trembling- he was scared. He was scared, and he still felt the need to keep the mask up. “It’s okay to let it all out, you don’t need to be happy- let alone smile all the time. Not smiling doesn’t make you weak, it makes you strong.”
And for the first time in almost a century, the radio demon let go.
She watched as his smile dropped as his breath hitched… the man’s eyes flooded with tears, which began to leak down his cheeks as he began to sob hysterically- as if he hadn’t cried since he was living on earth. The princess got up from her place on the floor and took a seat next to the hysterical man on her bed. She wrapped her arms around him, being careful of not irritating his injury even more. She felt the radio demon put his weight on her as he cried, gripping onto the arms that are wrapped around him, as if they were keeping him afloat.
he needed this, and she was going to help him through it.
15 minutes later, Alastor, the Radio Demon is laying in the lap of Charlie Morningstar, the Princess of hell. Charlie played with the mans hair, soothing his scalp as sniffles and hiccups echoed throughout the room.
“Al?” She spoke, breaking the silence.
“We still should take care of that wound.” She chuckled, as she ran her rand from her hair to the man’s cheek, wiping away the dried tear stains. The man sat up with a sigh, looking down at himself.
“Yeah, i would assume that would be a rather smart idea.”
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