#THBU zine
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picnokinesis · 9 months ago
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THE HISTORY BETWEEN US AUDIOBOOK by @77yearsteam IS FINALLY HERE!!! And that means that the soundtrack that I've spent the last several months writing too is ALSO HERE!!
Please go an support the audiobook, you can get it for just a fiver over on BigCartel, and all the money is going to the fantastic charity MicroRainbow - and when you buy the audiobook, you get the digital download of the soundtrack compilation album FOR FREE as well!! But if you'd rather just listen on youtube, the entire OST is also available over on my music channel, and you can find the playlist right here.
I'm genuinely so proud of this piece of work - both the audiobook and everything this team has accomplished together, but also just the music that I've managed to compose. This is the biggest music project by FAR that I've ever composed for - it ended up being over an hour's worth of music, and it taught me so much, and I'm honestly just so grateful that I've been a part of this. All the music (barring two tracks) are written using 'found sounds' - turning sounds recording in the world around me like alarms and squeaking gates into synthesisers. Just like how Delia Derbyshire wrote the original Doctor Who soundtrack, only digital! So this is very much a humble homage to her, and all the other fantastic composers for Doctor Who who've inspired me over the years.
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master-missysversion · 1 year ago
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So much cool stuff!! I can't wait to read this, I've already had a quick peak and it looks amazing :D
I will need to find places to put all the stickers too! The one from the packaging has already made its way into my notebook, it was just too cute to throw away 😆
Thank you to the @77yearsteam for thia awesome zine
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nocaffeineforlevi · 1 year ago
Got my Zine!
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So excited to read this, I got the stickers and bookmark as well but they're not in the photo.
As a side note that's just something I find amusing, I either managed to lose the extra sticker on the packaging, or Customs stole it. I like to imagine it's the latter, even if its probably the former. To the hypothetical person in customs: hope you're enjoying the thoschei sticker
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isuthetimelady · 1 year ago
My copy of @77yearsteam zine arrived yesterday and it's ✨ gorgeous ✨! I love all the merch and immidiately found place for some of it :D
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I'm going through the book slowly but i already fell in love with all the art and the story; it fills my Thoschei-shaped heart with joy <3
Also, not the first time that their beautiful pins ended up on my headwear; i'm wearing my 77 years zine pin on my beloved beanie:
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And i'm gonna wear both with pride 😊
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koscheicore · 1 year ago
AAAA MY THBU ZINE ORDER IS ON ITS WAY!!!! I calculate it'll arrive either by christmas or my bday. SQUEAKS!
That + if I get the moneys I'm probably getting Masterful as well ehehe
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ahintofpanic13 · 1 year ago
@pinkninja236, @theta-whittaker
⭐️ THBU Zine Competition Time! ⭐️
Win a special edition copy of the History Between Us Thoschei Zine + all physical merch
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You know how easy it is to get a free copy of the biggest, best Thoschei zine ever? You only need to do three things:
Like this post
Reblog this post
Tag a friend or multiple (every extra tag is an extra entry!)
If you don’t know what THBU is, give our account a scroll!
What are you waiting for?
You’ve got until 6th October!!
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sodapopsam · 1 year ago
got my 77 Years and THBU zines in today!!
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They’re so gorgeous! The quality and art is really good, and for zines they’re both super long!! I cannot wait to start reading them :)
@77yearsteam thank you!
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reinemichele · 1 year ago
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(2nd one not my pic)
You wanna buy THBU thoschei zine and 77 Years Dhawan!Master zine from @77yearsteam here before they go out of stock on January 28th 2024 soooo badly 🕰️
Oh, and they also have digital editions, and THBU has an audiobook edition! I think these physical copies are worth it because they're huge books (when I got my THBU copy, my brother said "What did you order, a brick???") but if you're unsure about committing or can't afford it, the digital editions run pretty cheap (like, $3 for 77 yrs and $6 for THBU but it depends on currency exchange fluctuations)
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master-missysversion · 1 year ago
The master: the history between us does mean something
Me: woah nice THBU zine reference
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77yearsteam · 1 year ago
THBU Zine 💙💙 Jodie
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It’s an absolutely CRAZY day in zine land today!
Mod Kat, Contributor Nat and some friends of the zine went to see Jodie Whittaker at the premiere of her new series, “Time”.
Mod Kat brought a zine along on the off chance she’d be able to give one to Jodie afterwards (you never know)! But when they got there it was very crowded. After the screening, Mod Kat and Nat went to see if they’d be able to see Jodie leaving the building, not thinking they’d get to see anything because of the big crowds. There was a big crowd of men pushing their way to the front, and when Jodie came out, they tried to shove stuff in front of her. Except as Jodie went by, she walked past the crowd of men and to the very side of the crowd where people were waiting more calmly. Her security guard picked four people out of the crowd to get signatures and MOD KAT WAS ONE OF THEM! She offered to give Jodie a zine, but after hearing about the project, Jodie had a better idea. She would sign the zine and, as soon as Sacha had signed it at the weekend, the mods should put the signed zine up for auction for charity!
Mod Kat was shaking like a leaf, but Nat and some others had managed to get pictures and videos. Thank you to everyone who recorded. We’re blown away and will be putting up more pictures soon, as well as collecting Sacha’s signature at Cardiff Comic Con this weekend 🤞
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77yearsteam · 2 years ago
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THBU Zine 💜💜 Sacha
It’s an exciting day in zine land today- our amazing cover artist @parallaks-art met Sacha Dhawan at their art stall at Long Island’s Doctor Who Con and got to tell him about THBU!!
Apparently he remembers 77 Years and he’s excited for our new project 💜💙
(Two bonus pictures of Sacha trying to figure out which way to hold the cover art)
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77yearsteam · 1 year ago
THBU and 77 Years are back!
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Available NOW, we’ve got: -brand new stock of both zines -heavily discounted lower-grade special editions of THBU (half price or better!) -all THBU merch -leftover 77 Years merch!
All on sale until 5pm on January 28th! 💜💙
Link here 👀
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77yearsteam · 1 year ago
Preorders for THBU Zine and 77 Years Zine go back on pre-order tomorrow!
But what WAS the 77 Years Zine? Well… 🧵
It all started in early 2022, when Mod Kat had the idea to make a zine about the Master’s exile on Earth. This was too big of a project for one, so she found…
Mod Em, famed Thoschei fandom cryptid and Social Media Guy, and—
Mod Dev, literal pug and graphic design whiz. 💜
The three of them found the best and brightest of the Doctor Who fandom’s writers and artists for the project, including the amazing @wykart who designed this stunning cover art!
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Through several months of Intensive Project Wrangling, the intrepid mods and contributors managed to get every fic and piece of art written, drawn, edited, tidied up, and compiled into a gorgeous book, complete with production notes from the Master himself in the special edition!
The zine chronicled the Master’s journey around the Earth- from America to Russia to the UK and back to Russia again, and it was illustrated with fashion magazine-style pictures of the Master in era-accurate styles ✨
There was also an audiobook edition, compiled by Mod Kat- here’s an exclusive behind the scenes look at the editing process for it: 👀
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Then it was time to promote the zine! Throughout the preorder period, Mod Kat braved the wilds of Cardiff to photograph the zine in random places, and Mod Em relentlessly ensured that no one on dwtwt could forget that there was a zine out!
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Mod Kat even made a mini zine, which made it to the BFI, the shelves of Waterstones, and the very proud hands of both Mods Em and Kat 💜💜
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After months of effort, the zines finally shipped, with these gorgeous extras and packaging. They went around the world, with well over a hundred physical copies sold!
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They even got a special thank you from Sacha Dhawan himself, thanks to then-contributor and now-Mod Nat finding him at a con to hand over a copy for him to keep. In the end, they donated £1083.78 to Crohn’s and Colitis UK, a charity supported by Sacha!!
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Shortly after that, they started working on the next zine, and the rest, as they say, is History… 💜💙
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77yearsteam · 1 year ago
The 13th Doctor says hi…
Ori will be playing the 13th Doctor in our THBU Zine audiobook coming out early next year! Wow! 🤩
We’ve now cast the majority of the roles and have sent out acceptance emails to the successful auditionees—we’ll be sending out the rest of the emails tonight so check your inboxes.
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77yearsteam · 1 year ago
Digital zines have arrived!
If you ordered a digital copy of THBU, it should be in your inbox now! Check your emails, and if it’s not there, check your spam folder too- we hope you enjoy reading it 💜💙
Don’t forget to tag us if you feel like liveblogging it! We’re all very nosy and very excited to know what you think 👀
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77yearsteam · 11 months ago
Hi! First of all i wanted to thank you for all the hard work you've put into this, i'm so excited to get my zine
I wanted to ask if there's any chance you could make a little map or list, showing the countries that ordered thbu in phisical format; i'm kinda courious about it. It's totally fine if you don't think it's a good idea, even more so since it means extra work. I just thought it could be cool to know (esp for those of us outside the uk/us. I wanna know if there's another soul in my country who ordered it), so there's that 🌟
Thanks again and hope you're all well!
We’re actually considering this already! We’ll likely put out some fun little statistic infographics after we announce the donation totals in May 💜💙
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