sleep-nurse · 5 months
https://youtu.be/XsFmx10B298?si=W2u5ROOHchCew0B4 you I fucking guess
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blenselche · 5 months
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a little quick comic (post Seventeen/pre Come Along With Me) you can't tell me Gumbald didn't make Fern keep tabs on Finn it's canon as far as I'm concerned
their soul buzzes like an old nokia tryna recombine itself when they get within like 10 feet
sorry fern ur stalking is useless u aint sneaky
my handwriting is awful sorry: "I know you're there, Fern. Are those people treating you right? Are your night terrors any better? I put your nutrient mix in a bush out front (of the house)... please come home."
I've decided to write a little additional oneshot for Keep Yourself showing how Finn went from "oml you're alive I'm gonna puke my grief up" to "hey Fern ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ"
he'd definitely have one-sided conversations with Fern stalking him and that'd help process it all/break Fern down a little from frothing rage to an exasperated "pls stop trying to help me bro" mood.
edit: the comic is done!
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batwynn · 2 months
Sooo I’m watching an entire facebook group full of trump and cop dick suckers lose their entire minds right now.
Everyone in my very red area just went from “blue lives matter” circle jerking to “maybe we should not have given the local police 7 billion dollars” veeeery quickly when it came out that one of them just straight up killed a guy everyone liked and almost got away with it. 🤔 Wild how fast the opinion changes when it’s them murdering a likable white guy who didn’t qualify for the “oh he’s just a druggie” apathy special. It sure feels like something.
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snowshinobi · 3 months
nothing gets me like a character with overt flower symbolism ESPECIALLY self-inflicted
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dougielombax · 4 months
“That’s not how tumblr works.”
Is there a manual?
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Like THIS?!
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Or this perhaps? A missile guidance technical manual.
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Or maybe even THIS?! (Maybe the Suez Canal authority could use it)
Am I gonna have to read it?!
How about I go to the nearest store and get one.
The Official Tumblr Manual!
Coming to all good stores near you, NEVER!
Because it doesn’t exist!
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leaffiii · 1 year
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some of my bots take more inspiration from canon ones than others
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arysthaeniru · 4 days
Sometimes, a reading will take me 3 hours when it's only about 15 pages, and it's never really because it's hard, but because I take psychic damage with every other line.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 10 months
Ah. "Animals rights" bullshit okay. Being animals that are not obligate herbivores and eating the flesh of other animals because of it is "oppressing" non-human animals. And they called out my comparing it to anti-choicers because "murder is different than death" okay well anti-choicers think abortion is murder. I don't happen to consider a human killing an animal for food murder any more than I consider an animal killing another animal for food murder, especially when as you pointed out yourself some people can't survive without meat.
Or is it a contract killing/hit on every animal You've ever eaten to survive? Are you just not a murderer because you paid not to get your hands dirty?
Like yeah it's fucking NATURAL. Humans aren't some wondrous ascended beings that don't crawl through the dirt. We fuck and fight and survive and yes, part of that survival for many is KILLING.
And it's good that you don't think people should be forced onto veganism because that would be as bad as the people who want to force all animals to eat synthetic meat and hunt via robots or whatever but my gods can you imagine telling someone who has been a vegetarian by choice for years for animal WELFARE purposes (not rights) who is vegan for disability reasons that they are "justifying the oppression of animals" and "killing animals for food is murder" when you literally can't go vegan for health reasons yourself? Okay murderer. Guess your life matters more than those oppressed animals.
Like sorry I'm going full "you're an asshole and I despise you and I'm genuinely sorry for myself that I thought we could be friends".
Like yeah the anti-choicer metaphor wasn't perfect. But it also got you to cut right to the heart of the matter. You are so divorced from humans as part of the ecosystem and food chain you genuinely believe we have some moral duty to not kill animals (but only animals, not plants or fungi, which are also living and have some measure of sentience) and to hold ourselves separate from the biosphere to the greatest extent possible.
That's just ecofascism 101. Are we gonna do the "any form of hunting or land management, even responsibly by indigenous stewards using traditional practices is bad" next? Or are we gonna avoid that one because you hopefully know better than THAT and simply think that removing humans from ONLY one part of the consumptive chain is ✨different✨?
For reference:
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Also where does "choosing to die" come in to this? I wasn't talking about euthanasia, I was talking about withdrawing the life support provided by a human body if the owner of that body stops consenting to providing it, therefore depriving a fetus dependent on that life support for survival of said survival. I'm pretty sure the fetus doesn't have a choice in the matter. (Whether or not it's "alive" doesn't have much to do with anything since it's been made pretty clear that medical autonomy in terms of mandated use of your body's parts or resources is unethical at ANY point. Even if you ARE killing it, we've determined that's the most ethical option.)
Also if we're going to make bullshit oppression claims why don't we talk about transspecies people who are obligate carnivores?
#literally I'm not a fucking legalist but no I don't believe murder in the sense of nonconsensual killing is always wrong#like self defense. hello.#like maybe my moral system is just built different but to call it oppression and make me out to be some kind of bigot?#come on. that's bullshit and you know it.#we're literally not talking about rights being taken away. also this is why animal welfare is such a better concept than animal rights#stop anthropomorphizing animals!! stop treating them like furry humans that can't speak!!#literally somehow both a veganism centrist and an 'animal rights' person at once#go yell at people for literally having a moral-spiritual belief system that encompasses eating animals as neutral somewhere else#oh and btw don't EVER fucking moralize any kind of food related consumption around me again that goes for everyone#meat is neutral. sugar is neutral. artificial sweeteners are neutral. preservatives are neutral. plants are neutral. fish are neutral. etc#some of these may be unhealthy for a given individual and their production under capitalism may be fucking harmful#but conceptually they are neutral and there are ways of making them physically so by changing the harmful systems#you can keep feeling bad about your oppression of poor animals or w/e. or maybe you don't feel bad idk#I happen to find that far more harmful than humans who want or need to eat meat - doing so - will ever be#thanks for the mask off moment where you decided it was actually okay to moralize food and survival#I'm so happy to say goodbye forever#(note: if you know who this is don't fucking harass them. I have them blocked and am being a bit nasty *bc* they can't see it)#(I don't want them to suffer. I just think they're a monumental asshole. gods know I'm one too.)#(let people be assholes 2k23 lol)
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dailybotany · 5 months
hey quick question: why did I go to a school that is basically just a fun-size graduate program. what was I thinking.
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there-will-be-a-way · 11 months
Bro, my (ex) roommate (who I successfully kicked out) literally pissed in my bed. He pissed. In my bed. In my bed.
And into the bathroom sink too.
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
What's something that makes you happy?
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blackthorn-faerie · 1 year
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More Good Omens doodles bc I’m gay
Did these during my phonology class on my handout
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ardentpoop · 3 months
while I’m on the topic of abuse (when am I not lmfao it feels like it’s all I think abt sometimes)
I know where this urge comes from but it ANNOYS me that ppl can’t talk abt abusive male protagonists like dean without acquiescent qualifiers like “he’s a product of his environment” or “his trauma is responsible for X” bc that’s true of literally everyone lol. like ppl keep reflexively distancing Guy They Like from his harmful actions by doing this. don’t say “it’s not that serious” because it very much is to me <3
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honeyboyfelix · 3 months
my family was doing that whole 'why dont you draw us art :(' thing so i was like 'idk i only draw anime boys' and they were like still tho :((((((( so i told them i was gonna draw a gijinka of our cat and they didnt understand what that was so now im tempted to actually do it
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local-magpie · 8 months
walmart didnt have regular cilantro so. i have. a cilantro plant now. insert [well shit i gotta be responsible for this cilantro plant now] meme
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tvugly · 8 months
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